Watch What Crappens - #2291 Southern Charm: Stark Ravenel Mad!

Episode Date: January 12, 2024

The Southern Charm season nine reunion (S09E16) kicks off with Shep confronting his waning value and Taylor outing Olivia’s most shameful secret.  Plus, a lot of movie references from ...JT..Watch with Crappens on Demand here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery's new podcast, Disantel, wades into the glorious mess of celebrity beef. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, and asks, what does our obsession with these feuds say about us? Follow Disantel, wherever you get your podcast. You can listen to Ad Free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. I've been so much more crap than crap. I've been so much more crap than crap.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I've been so much more crap than crap. I've been so much more crap than crap. Hello and welcome to Watch For Crap. It's a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I bed battle curve, joining me today as usual is the resilient and wonderful Mr. Roddy Kera. Hi, Roddy.
Starting point is 00:00:57 How are you? All right. Hello, just over coming one thing at a time, Ben. Yeah. Day at a time. I just Yeah. Day at a time. I just keep getting back up. Yeah, that's what you do. That's what you do. So everyone, welcome to Southern Charm Reunion Day.
Starting point is 00:01:13 It's a big reunion episode. If you didn't hear our announcement earlier this week, tickets for the 2024 Golden Crappies are actively on sale right now. Go to to get your tickets. The show is going to be on February 17th at Palace Theater, downtown Los Angeles. Come, there are a lot of people who actually are flying in.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I'm not saying that you have to do that. I'm just saying, it's gonna be a really exciting time. Everyone's gonna be amped. It's a great time. We always have tons of guests. We celebrate the year of Bravo. We give out awards and all sorts of fun categories. We always have a blast people
Starting point is 00:01:50 People should come it's gonna be so much fun So come join us and also if you're interested in a little peek behind the curtain on the crappies process Are we had a double bonus episode this week where Ronnie and I started whittling down The crappies ballot because there will be some voting obviously this year That's gonna be coming soon. So we're preparing the ballot if you want to hear us try to figure out What are gonna be some good categories for this year or who should be or what should be nominated what shouldn't be We it's literally us talking for like nearly 90 minutes.
Starting point is 00:02:26 It's a really fun two-parter. So go check that out on slash watch what crap ends and you also, if you support on the video level, you can watch us and not just me and Ronnie, you also get to watch Bueller Ronnie's dog who just took a seat on the sofa behind Ronnie. He sure did. Um, okay, let's get into it. Southern charm reunion part one. You know, the first part of this reunion, I thought, oh my God, this is they have, they have nothing. Okay, they have nothing. They're going to try and string this along to just to get, uh, just get to the Taylor fight already. How many episodes is this gonna be just come on? And then when Olivia and Taylor both came in,
Starting point is 00:03:09 Ariana revenge dress red with cutouts. I was like, okay, you know, enough you two. And then they dropped a bomb at the end of this that just, I'm still horrifying. You were really shaken by it. You texted me. That's, you weren't. I, it was, I mean, I was like, oh,
Starting point is 00:03:32 but it was not a, I was not compelled to go to text. I'm gonna lie. Wow. I don't know why. Oh, wow, I was. I was like, I'm shooketh. I cannot believe they just dropped this bomb on Southern Trump. Can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:03:46 And you said, I don't watch it, but I will. And then I didn't hear anything from you. So, wow, you're not only compelled to not text. You're not even compelled to text back about it. Oh, I didn't text back. I thought I texted back. You should at least say like, I'm shooketh too. Wait, did I, I didn't text back?
Starting point is 00:04:01 Okay, I'm like, what the hell? Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I'm sure we were texting later about. It's not like you just left me hanging, but I just mean like when someone else is breathless, you have to be pretend you're breathless. You can't just let someone else scream on a rollercoaster. Oh, I'm sorry, I, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You're that person on the rollercoaster. I'm like this, my arms drop, I'm like, waaah! Freaking out, making funny face, and then just like cross-armed, like looking out the side. Like this rollercoasters are see well to be fair Last week with reality of aunties. That's what was me. I was like, oh my god And you're like yeah, I knew about those two weeks ago. So you know
Starting point is 00:04:33 Everyone has twist that effect of the difference, you know Okay, you know what you're on space mountain and I'm on the matterhorn We have different roller coasters that appeal to our different sensibilities and that's okay That's what makes us a podcast Yeah, okay, well it was I forget Yeah, even though I'm dating someone's sorry so people the the reunion starts with people showing up And we see like backstage stuff people getting ready. We see Craig putting in eye drops
Starting point is 00:05:04 He's like these are like prescription eye drops for like news anchors, which by the way, I can only imagine Craig reading the news. Like, this just in, hey, just coming into town, like, she's like so cute. We're going to try to get married someday. More details later. Craig is the newscaster. Well, the weather's really not cool right now, but like, just so you guys know, you should not talk to your ex. Like when it's over, it's over.
Starting point is 00:05:38 That's when I tell everybody. This just in, the government is working hard to avoid a shutdown if you even believe that the government really truly exists. The government or as I like to call it, a bunch of people not in panda suits yet. NASA, this just in NASA, has just received huge cuts in its budget, which means that there are next movie landing on the moon again has been indefinitely canceled. So JT is trying really hard because he's JT and he's a tryhard.
Starting point is 00:06:21 He's making an effort. Is he an entertaining tryhard? Sure. But he really is trying hard. He comes in his Tom Cruise glasses, his movie, I'll top guard. He's got the aviators. His glasses, and he's like popping his cleavage. Well, he gets his hair done.
Starting point is 00:06:36 He's like, yeah, look at my cleavage, popping off there. Look at that. And he's like, let's just say I was on discipline last night, which means I'll be on him today. I'm like, oh, let's just say I was on discipline last night, which means I'll be unhinged today I'm like as opposed to which days so then then Austin in the other room is still doing his 80s bully thing He's like JT like what a fucking nerd like I'm just not gonna be dragged down by anyone out here today like we're crazy I'm gonna. Hey JT
Starting point is 00:07:02 Meet you at 3 p.m. Sharp. Okay, I'm gonna beat you up. Oh, it's sane right now. He really is that like that. Like, J.T. He's the guy who doesn't get to grow on the guy who gets to grow. I wish he showed up in his homecoming jacket like Cory did on the winter house for you and who literally wore like his high school old gummies. It's ridiculous. I don't know if it was literally that, but it was like that style, yikes. Um, and then shepp and his own dress room was like,
Starting point is 00:07:33 gosh, Austin, it's just like astounding the lack of contriteness. There, you know, there's a quote by Napoleon, never interfere with your opponent when he's making mistakes. It's rude. Ha! That is not the quote, okay? never interfere with your opponent when he's making mistakes. It's rude. Ha-ha-ha! That is not the quote, okay? The quote is never interfere with an enemy
Starting point is 00:07:51 in the process of destroying himself, stupid. And also, if we're gonna quote Napoleon, how about Napoleon Dynamite? That's who you quote, okay? Um, a Liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion, I'm the tiger mixed. Bread for its skills and magic.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Booooosh! Or you can just quote an Napoleon ice cream, which is just, I don't know, actually, I never mind. So, just like, why am I breading? Is Napoleon ice cream breaded? Was it Napoleon? What breaded with Napoleon? What's the number one?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Isn't that the one that's like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry all together? No, that's me, a polytin. Yes, it is. You're correct. Is there a Napoleon does not exist? Now we can't leave people hanging. There's people really put, yes, it there is. It's a cake.
Starting point is 00:08:39 A French Napoleon is pastry sheets and icing. They kind of decorate it. It kind of looks like a tiramisu, but more crunchy, I guess. What does Napoleon dessert? And a puff pastry. And it originated from Russia. So it's basically the tops and the bottoms of something,
Starting point is 00:08:56 but no middle, right? Is the frosting and the crusts. Oh, it's layers. So it's like layers. It's like crust and frosting, frosting and crusts. But there's nothing on the inside. Yeah, crust and frosting. So Bonita shows up and It's like crust and frosting. Frosty crusty crusty. But there's nothing on the inside. Yeah, crust and frosting.
Starting point is 00:09:06 So, Venina shows up and she's very nervous for Taylor. And Taylor is like, wow, Olivia is a very, very bold person. I mean, I'm in the hot seat, but there's other things that need to be discussed. And then Olivia is telling all of the people getting her ready. Who, by the way, they're like cutting off threads and doing all this stuff to the dress, the dress never fits.
Starting point is 00:09:28 They never find a way to make the dress fit, so I'm not really sure what all those people are there for, but sometimes it's important to give a review of people doing bad tailoring and that's you guys. You're doing a terrible job. No, Darryl Sparrow. Now, please, please sing them off for them. Take one, brother. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I'm so secure over from Beverly Hills. So Olivia's like, oh, I'm sorry, but that's like because of your actions, but that's not like the person that I want in my life. So yeah, it's another great observation by Olivia. So now they all go to the stage. This set is gorgeous and sumptuous. Someone on Twitter posted a photo of like the real houses of Orange County, a reunion in the Salt Lake City reunion
Starting point is 00:10:16 and I'm just going to like extend it by posting this one too. And their treat was like, Orange County got like a gorgeous wrap around, I'm act experienced for a set. And Salt Lake City got the set of goonies. And it's so true. Like this set is beautiful and like, I wanted to like live in this set.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And Orange County was gorgeous. And Salt Lake City with its like weird fake snow and like fake permute in the background with netting. Did you see the Lisa Barlow tweet? She said, I did not wear Tom Ford to be in the ship rock. Did you see by the way, I'm sure you saw it by now. Did you see that? Like someone in Congress quoted receipts proof timeline.
Starting point is 00:11:04 As part of their, as part of their like anti-Trump damning case. I thought that was hilarious. Just when you think our government can't get more fucking ridiculous. They're quoting housewives while they're telling someone. Oh God. I was like, who the fuck? Who the fuck is this person? And I clicked on it. It's like mayor of Long Beach. And I was like, oh, yeah, well, okay. Bad exciting. You go Long Beach. Missy Cherry Avenue used to live on you. So
Starting point is 00:11:34 Now everybody comes out. They're being seated and Andy is like, whoa, everybody. I'm here to re-ash so much, but it might cause some people with more Zoom-silent And I would like to also point out that like they show of course a trailer of like what's to come and of course like the the preview of what's The come starts with You don't like women the world guys. You don't like them to finish off like of course it starts with, shabby is it true? You don't like women's orgasms? You don't like them to finish. I was like, of course it starts with that. So shab about that, those new boobs.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Boom. Boom. So I was just like, wow, I've looked the motif of the set this year. He's like, yeah, it's based on your privilege. I mean, family's house in the mountains. No thought privilege. And that Andy says, and the mountains, no thought, privilege. And that Andy says, by the way, he says this season
Starting point is 00:12:29 ended with a big cliffhanger, but we're gonna get to that later. Was there a cliffhanger? I thought it was just, Chef walking out of the party, right? Yeah, I don't remember that at all. So yeah, well, there should I look at the notes from last week.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Sure, but I thought it was just going to watch out of the party. So then, um, Southern Shore, let's see how it ended. Um, it ended because Austin and JT were fighting and Austin pushed JT off the stool. And then we didn't mention that JT had to jump up to try and head, but Austin, which was really funny, like he's playing volleyball with a person's head. Just like, I'm going to get the girl one of these days. And then, Chef was just like, oh, our relationship, me and Austin's relationship,
Starting point is 00:13:14 is very free. So I guess that's the cliffhanger. So we'll Chef and Austin make up. Yeah, I don't think that was a big cliffhanger. So yeah, Chef, Chef is like, oh yeah, I love the motif. The mountain house, that's my happy place, where I could play pigpog and you know, girls. So Andy asked Taylor, he's like,
Starting point is 00:13:37 so did Ariana give you advice about your revenge dress? That's a real original over there, Taylor. And she's, they're both kind of in these dresses, right? Taylor and Olivia. about your revenge dress has a real original over there, Taylor. And she's, they're both kind of in these dresses, right? Taylor and Olivia and Taylor's like, I'm wearing my Scarlett letter. I'm owning up to everything. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:13:56 What'd you do? I haven't read the cards yet. I didn't know you were still on this show. Must not have been too good because you are not in the first share. Okay. And so, also, is Andy sitting in front of prop rhino tusks? Like why did the sets of these shows even have to be problematic?
Starting point is 00:14:15 Like, why does a reunion set have to be problematic? Why do they have a depiction of that dentist holding up Cecil the lion back there? Jimmy John. Was that his name, Jimmy John? The dentist. No, Jimmy John is the one who owns a sandwich shop. Jimmy John's, and he was like a big director. Which by the way, last time I brought him up,
Starting point is 00:14:35 people reminded me, Jimmy John sold that place. So we can eat there now and not feel like we've killed the tiger to deal with it. We're like, or, we're like or... So, hey Olivia, did you introduce Olivia already? No, I don't think you did. Just tell, hey, Olivia, should I also imagine?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Olivia's wearing red today. Yeah, but I don't have a scarlet letter and guess what? I don't even understand what a scarlet letter means. Why would you send a letter in the mail on red paper? Doesn't make sense. He's like, okay. Like he does not care. And so he's loves Madison.
Starting point is 00:15:16 He came into the dressing room before he's like, wow, wow, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, What are you Marilyn Monroe? That is amazing. And now I see Zora Gammon, he's like, oh wow, I have Marilyn Monroe. What Madison Monroe? Wow, very hard. I call it a whirl. I know, he was like, I'm not going to say it. I'm not going to say, I got it.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Well, sorry, it's just inside all of us, Gaze. You just have to hit the right button and it'll come on out. I am literally shaking at Madison Monroe right now. Mother. So, and he's like, hi, the leader. Last year you gave us Barbie Corp. What are you giving this year? She goes waiting to exhale,
Starting point is 00:16:01 and you know that no one on that stage, except for Andy knew what she was referencing. What does that mean waiting to exhale and you know that no one on that stage, except for Andy knew what she was referencing. What does that mean waiting to exhale? Shush, shush, shush. Eh. So he asks JT how he feels and he's like, oh, I think that I'm gonna perform a fuck boy exorcism. This is what you're gonna give for me.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Who you have here? That demon is coming out of the day, boy, today, boy, it's coming out, boy. Nostalgia's like, boy, boy, I'm gonna jerk, what's stupid? Who is this guy? It's the guy. I know, this is like an Uber.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Just give it, yeah. Remember how Uber came in so hot, too? Remember, Uber started reading, like, oh yeah, but Jenna, she's like not even the first that you, she's like fake, Jenna is totally fake. Like okay, we're just saying hello, okay. It's like the first reunion jitter is like this,
Starting point is 00:16:53 but yeah, he's, and he doesn't stop the entire time. He's really trying to make it happen. And it's like, bro, you can't make yourself to be this huge badass. You're kind of a stalker, okay? And we all know it. You just keep rehashing the scene of Taylor dropping him or not dropping him, but rejecting him over and over and then
Starting point is 00:17:12 him just going, okay, I guess I'll just continue to repress this. And he's like, hey, JT, it's minute one of the reunion. And I do appreciate you coming in hot, but we're gonna get there. Don't worry. We're gonna get there. Don't worry, we're gonna get there. Well, hey, grandma, who's watching Republic? Can you access the security cameras on your phone? Because your eyes on that will be more eyes than around your show. Ha!
Starting point is 00:17:38 And last, but certainly not least, Austin Grohl. How are you feeling about being on your day? And he's like, oh, Andy, I'm anxious to get this underway and hopefully move on. Like whether it's a bad direction, a good direction, like today it will be feared out also by the way. JT is a dweeb.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Okay, just wanna say that, thanks. Well, I can tell you miss much Austin. You've aged a pop bar too, congratulations. Okay, serious. Who are your things Panda's are real? And this is when I was like, okay, this reunion is gonna offer us nothing. Okay, this is like the Costco sample people with me.
Starting point is 00:18:16 It's like you're just cut off from anything good at this point, okay? So Craig's like, I think that Panda's are just bears and they look, I mean, people in barricostumes. It's like, okay, well, Captain from Grum says, Craig, what's the point of the tin how? Who are you trying to keep out of grade? Because the people, the voices, Naomi.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's like, I'm still here, Craig, you stupid idiot. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Craig. He's stupid idiot. I just keep Naomi on my speaker phone just to remember, don't talk to your ex. What's wrong with my tinfoil? Andy's asking them, okay, what do you think of it? Tour of Falls, earth is flat? Two or false big footage real. This one's for Austin. True or false.
Starting point is 00:19:08 If you look to the left, you're lying. Am I right? Remember that one everybody? I do not watch his show, but it sounds good. So Austin, were you lying when you look back at that scene with the restaurant? And he's like, uh, you know, I was,, Ben the truth little Andy. I was uh, yeah. Ben and the truth. And he's like, can we all agree that he wasn't bending the truth? He was lying, fuck boy, extricism, the power of fuck boys compels you.
Starting point is 00:19:40 So then, um, everyone, and everyone's like, yeah, I think that everyone saw that. I mean, he set up, bent with the truth. Okay, great, thank you, liar, fuck boy, tall person. Also, by the way, Austin, I mean, Austin's really so terrible when Andy asked about like the, you look down into the right when you lie, Austin's response was, no, I mean, I think I can look in loss of directions and still lie.
Starting point is 00:20:08 That's not, you shouldn't be saying that. Don't say that. That's not something to brag about, you dumbass. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. Being an actual royal is never about finding your happy ending, but the worst part is, if they step out of line or fall in love with the wrong person, it changes the course of history.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I'm Aresha Skidmore Williams, and I'm Brooke Sifrin. We've been telling the stories of the rich and famous on the hit Wondery Show Even the Rich, and talking about the latest celebrity news on Rich and Daily. We're going all over the world, on our new show Even the Rich. And talking about the latest celebrity news on Rich and Daily, we're going all over the world on our new show Even the Royals. We'll be diving headfirst into the lives of the world's kings, queens, and all the wannabes in their orbit throughout history. Think succession meets the crown meets real life.
Starting point is 00:20:58 We're going to pull back the gilded curtain and show how royal status might be bright and shiny, but it comes at the expense of, well, everything else. Like your freedom, your privacy, and sometimes even your head. Follow Even The Royals on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Even The Royals early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. So, uh, so bad. So, um, Andy's like, all right. Well, when Madison wasn't going ham and Jamaica,
Starting point is 00:21:35 she was, let's face it, Madison really didn't do a lot, but God, I want to fuck your husband. Tell me about him. What's his penis? It does he trim. Yeah. How does your marriage work exactly? Which days is your hot husband away from you?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Does he open to new experiences on those days? Well, I'll tell you this man, here's that what happened to me. I've been cooking, I've been cleaning, I've been getting houses ready for me. You know, I'm just real hard to stew work right at this point. You know, I would love to argue with y'all, but really, I just want to make cookies for my man who I love, if that's where a woman's place is. I can't wait that baby for me. And you know, he's gone for three to four days a week, and like then he's home for the rest, and I don't think anyone could put up with me for 24-7. I'm just a woman, you know, but he says he can. And then he's like,
Starting point is 00:22:25 wow, well Austin, you got a lot of blowback for your comment about Breck that he was not as good looking as Madison Man about to be. Do, uh, care to address the pictures I have within my phone and then reassess. Does the amount of delusion in your brain come in pill form because if so, it would actually sell unlike your stupid stinky smell here? Okay. Whoa, I just coughed. Hey, Keto from diet says, the fact that Austin thinks he looks just as good as Brett shows that his self-awareness is zero.
Starting point is 00:23:03 You know what? I think that's going to get get a ha ha ha for me. Well, we all say this, right, Matt Austin? And this isn't a dig Austin, okay? But he knew there was nothing to worry about. Musonson's a rabbit goes, oh, it's not not a dig. I mean, come on, she goes,
Starting point is 00:23:19 okay, well, let's just say he's confident. We calm baby arm. It's got that kind of confidence. So then they talk about what a great step that he is and blah, blah, and I love Madison, but I'm bored with the normalcy. I really just need Madison coming out here swinging. Like everyone gets a normal season,
Starting point is 00:23:38 I think that Madison was still one of the most entertaining people on this season, even though I'm generally bored by her at home stuff. I'm gonna water plants now, kind of storyline. But yeah, I need you to level somebody. Yeah, to the ground. So, thank you. Andy asks about that scene with Hudson,
Starting point is 00:23:56 that heartbreaking scene where Hudson comes up, comes back and he's been beaten up. And Andy is like, so what happened after that? I just, well, you know, I tried to talk to the mom and the dad, but, you know, they weren't home. So I just spoke into the ring camera and let's just say she took care of it. Whoever these, yeah, here's what I said.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I said, your kid is horrible, but just know this bitch. Austin Crowley, more pathetic. My ride. You know what, I looked at that ring camera, I said, if you ever come for me or my family again, this will cost you a lot By the way, you know those people are horrible because if they had any decency they would have released that phone But they would have released that ring camp footage. No shit. I mean, that's what we mean
Starting point is 00:24:39 Listen here bitch I'm lighty over there the one with the perfect plants that have been watered just the right amount that aren't ground, but also weren't dry. That's right. You can probably smell fresh cookies and perfectly cooked steak coming over from our row house. Yeah, listen here and get ready to die. Cause the next time I see you in the Harris Teder,
Starting point is 00:25:01 your ass is grass. Got it. Yeah. Whoever you are, you awful people, release the footage. So, love a thing that Mass and did it really perfectly. And then Mass is hope, you know, and he asks about what's going on baby two when she says it's, you know, it's God's plan.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And then he asks if there's been a change in Madison, if Anita says that like, it's been really refreshing. She has like, you know, she's like grown up more or whatever, so refreshing new vibe, all that fun stuff. And, and she's like, hey, Shap, I see your, your foot is actually rotating so quickly. It's generating electrical current, good for you, renewable resource.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Do you ever see yourself settling down? What's going on with you? Wow, I just don't know that I'm bailed for it. I mean, it just seems like some sort, so much madade nimi, so much madade nimi, and he's like, you mean monogamy? What's the difference? To Shay, that's how you use that word Olivia. There you go. And she's like quid pro quo, Andy. Quid pro quo. So she's like, quid pro quo, Indy. Quid pro quo.
Starting point is 00:26:05 So, let me just like, Shep, to be honest, when I had my son, I was like, oh my God, mom, I'm never gonna be able to leave again because I have to give the fucking asshole a bath every day. And then I learned to believe it's beautiful to have the man he giving him a bath every day. You could do it too, Shep.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I swear to God, if I hear another, like, children MLM speech from someone, you know, like, oh, here it is, it is a cult like that. Like, look, I fully respect that raising children is probably the most rewarding thing you could do in your life. I get it, but I don't need the speech anymore. Like, how many times have you received the speech? Do you ever want to have a child? Really? Because I didn't want the speech anymore. Like how many times have you received the speech? Do you ever wanna have a child?
Starting point is 00:26:46 Really? Cause I didn't wanna have a child. And then honestly, I wake up every day and I'm like, I'm like so glad I have a child. I'm happy for you. I genuinely am. Don't wanna child. I can barely take care of a plant.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I know it's like CrossFit. It is CrossFit. We get it. It's like people who don't like it. I can time share. ThatFit. It is CrossFit. We get it. It's like people who don't like it. I'm sure that's all they can talk about. Yeah. So Craig is like, yeah, well, let's call it back. The happiest I've ever seen, that is I've ever seen shop is like when he was with Taylor,
Starting point is 00:27:21 that's it. And he goes, yeah, I'm gonna copy. I'm gonna copy that. That was the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. When I had Taylor by my side, what a regret! I'm like, wow, she must already have a new boyfriend. Yeah, because you're really laying it on thick. Any other time you would have been like, oh no, if I say something like that,
Starting point is 00:27:39 she's gonna come running back to me. But now you can be like, oh my gosh, pour me. I'm the victim so you can get laid by more people going, oh poor chef, every minute at the bar you're daddy got me. Oh wait, no, I wasn't talking about Taylor, and I was just saying, going to the Taylor was great. The first time I ever had clothes that fit me properly. So happy.
Starting point is 00:27:59 So, and you should try and leave me out. Love us like, honestly. No offense. I used to never go to the tailor and then I learned that actually the tailor's the greatest thing. So you really should look into it. So you should try to live you out. I get it now.
Starting point is 00:28:15 So Andy's like, sorry to me to interrupt. No, it was funny. I would join my team. You're dropping lots of funny Easter eggs. So Andy is like, well, hey Taylor, you're kind of, I mean, whoa, that was like I possessed by ship for a second there. You're kind of steering that ship right now. What's that all about?
Starting point is 00:28:35 It's almost like you were dating him. And then you cheated on you. And then you guys broke up and you found someone else. And now he's acting like you were the love of his life and he misses you. Why are you sneering? But she wasn't, she wasn't. She wasn't.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Which was so funny. She looked like she was about to cry. I mean, first of all, she came on here blirri-eyed. She looks like she was sobbing right before they started shooting this, which maybe she was. You know, who knows. But her eyes are really watery anyway, but she looks like she's about to start sobbing because when he says that, she gives like a little,
Starting point is 00:29:05 huh? Why are you smearing? But to be fair, she always looks like that. She always looks like she's about to sob. She does. I know, I put, but her face shows nothing.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So who really knows, you know, a smear, a cry? So she's like, well, I'm really happy where we are in our relationship. Broken up. Yeah, friends. All right. Well, Crab Tree from Evelyn says,
Starting point is 00:29:30 why did Austin call Madison a born housewife? Is it because she's boring and when she's doing scenes at home being a housewife? I was just like, in that moment in Jamaica, I was drunk, and like quite literally everything was going south for me, and like that's something to easily cop to and I apologize because Deflection on my part for sure for sure Austin your eyeballs are looking in the dad and to the right are you really apologizing?
Starting point is 00:29:56 I'm absolutely nether up to the left and I'm seeing the same things. So yes, I am being totally sincere right now He's just so full of lies. I mean, so really it just slipped out. You said it twice. You said it in two scenes. That was a totally pre-rehearsed, real housewives' discs that you just held onto and just kept saying to make sure it got in the act. So she's like, oh yeah, well at least,
Starting point is 00:30:18 you gotta find somebody to beat your wife in the first place, steeping. And Andy's like, okay, so I'm obsessed with you, Madison, basically, oh, JT is speaking of obsessed. And JT is like, a couple of weeks ago, he was crying and calling a remaster, and now she's a board housewife. I mean, come on, I mean, this is how we treat women. I mean, she can do no right for him.
Starting point is 00:30:42 He harasses her no matter what. He's the patriarchy in a velvet jacket, Ami. That's what I say. This is how we treat women. I mean, she can do no right for him. He harasses her no matter what. He's the patriarchy in a velvet jacket, Amy. That's what I say. And then he goes, I think, you know what, J.C., you couldn't possibly understand the relationship that Mass and I have. You couldn't possibly.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And J.C. goes, oh, I think she's amazing. And her glow up compared to your glow down is I caught Nick. I was like, oh, now you're just pandering to us. You're just pandering to us, Gays, aren't you? Now, he is always pandering. He's such a tryhard. I can't end a glow down just quite down over there. Fucking Thomas Ravamell pants. So he's in the white. He's even in the southern charm white Capri mean. Well, his are not their like Cap priest they're like skin tight silky
Starting point is 00:31:25 comprens. So I guess he's got his own twist on him that you the Thomas pants. I was like JT you were quite literally obsessed with me. It's so weird. He was a coward. So you are literally cowardice kiss my ring. Cobbid us. Cobbid us your cowardice. Who? Who? The Emperor comedies? He was slain by narcissists. His reign is commonly thought to mark the end of a golden age of peace and prosperity in the history of the Roman Empire.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Okay, nailed it. Why are they all bringing up Emperor's today? Well, Sep did it too before the show. You know, this is a straight guy thing. The Roman Empire, although Napoleon is not part of that, but J.T. is like, yeah, remember? He hates glitter. Remember in the movie Gladiator?
Starting point is 00:32:04 Thumbs down, anyone? I mean, we're gonna set Voldemort in that big bird costume over there and he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, god, you're naming too many characters. What are you gonna do next? Name someone from 300? Well, this is Sparta and Sparta had a great glow up. That's what I'm gonna say about it.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I like that Ami can't even help kind of mocking JT2. He's like, God, you're an idiot. Geez. It is a lot. And I was like, you can't, you just can't help yourself, can you? Nour. Like, you just, you just talk to yourself, talk. Don't you, Nour. And he's like, I'm just trying to illuminate you for who you are. And I'm going to do it all day long. for who you are and I'm gonna do it all day long. So now there's like a break and Craig is like, dude, I wanted to wear this, I'm in pink. And JT's like, oh, hey, Hi, bro, you're gonna look good in anything. You're a regular Miranda priestly. And now that I've sort of have a crush on you, you know, it's not lost on me.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I got a crush on you in Austin's watching and he's like, oh. Yeah, he's mad. He's like, well, Craig just thinks he's so funny. I like he thinks that guy's so funny. Like, wow, you're just like so, and JT is like just staring up at him like, why are you so high up? And hilarious. So then, let's see. So Andy's like, we're back. So this season, Craig did the impossible. He's a man in Charleston who actually wants to settle down.
Starting point is 00:33:32 But some people thought he made his girlfriend find up be on the same page. Damn it! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa This year Craig did the impossible. He walked by a wall without jamming a butter knife into it. Good job, Craig. So now they're talking about Craig. Does he have sexual fetishes? Because they all hear he's into like SNM.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And he's like, I'm whatever girls are into it. Love goes, yeah, I've heard it from your access. I'm like Naomi, she goes, access, like Naomi. This is why. I mean, it's not really SNM. If Naomi just like put up the things to try and trip crack. It's not SNM. It's not SNM.
Starting point is 00:34:18 If Naomi was literally tying Craig's hands behind his back, so he would stop touching the sewing machine. Naomi's like, I cut his breaks. It's S&M. I got off. Requested in Dreamtree. I got off on it. My thrill comes from the female's joy because it's like not too hard to make a guy happy. It takes three minutes and he's like, wow, so you're now kind of accessing something.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I'm just remembering right now. I definitely have not been championing at the bit to bring this up the entire reunion. Hey, remember that conversation you had on the bus? I think it had something to do with Shep singing. He doesn't let other girls finish, and he doesn't care about it either. So he's like, Taylor, how many times did you come?
Starting point is 00:35:07 And Taylor's like, well, I can count all the time to eye climax on one hand. What's it to the same hand that you needed to use to master make a chef good and make you come? God, I love the segment. And she's like, huh? And, and chef is like, hey, why did you, why did you want to get back together with like, huh? And she's like, hey, why did you, why did you want to get back together with me, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:35:28 A lifetime of unsatisfaction? And she's like, I love he goes, I'm sure it's frustrating for women who have trouble getting there. And I know that there's a lot of them. I just wish it were more easy for you guys as it is for the men. And Craig's like, that's just an excuse they tell you stupid.
Starting point is 00:35:46 If you can't figure out the puzzle and shut your mouth, well, my tongue gets tired, man. It's really hard. I'm not like Austin. OK, I don't have a tongue that looks like the Verizano Nero's bridge. I have to say I'm impressed that Shep gives Oral, or do you think his tongue is tired from wagging with excuses?
Starting point is 00:36:10 I don't know, because I would picture him not being an Oral giver like he said. No, it doesn't. Two selfish for that. So I'm impressed if that's what he means. Yeah, I was, I would not have thought about that. Yeah, I would not have, I should say I would not have expected that from Shep either. Well, okay, so Craig is, I'm sorry, I was looking at my ass.
Starting point is 00:36:32 I was thinking about it for a moment. So they asked Craig about his pillow business. He's like, yeah, we're eight fingers now. So we're in Krugger stores and we have 30 employees. Guess what they have? Health insurance guys. So yeah, it's, it's, yeah, it's been fun.
Starting point is 00:36:49 It's been fun. They all had to sign the contract with the clause that says, if you work for sewing down South, you can't be friend with your exes. And like 90% of this cast who have never been employees with healthcare are like I mean I guess I don't really know what does that what that means do they not have parents are they orphans? Why would they help be working care? What's like isn't that just something that you get from your parents?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah So is that where so their dad just answers the phone and pays the bill? Is that, like, what is, what's an HMO? Is that a, is that a brand? Not in my town. I'll take that much. Not in my town. So Andy's like, okay, um, dying from a loan says, can we just all admit that page is never moving the jargon?
Starting point is 00:37:43 Well, there you go. Who thinks that Paige is actually going to move to this dump? And Austin Madison, Olivia raised her hands, and he looks at Madison, like Marilyn Monroe, don't lie to me. And she's like, well, I mean, I don't think full time, but I think she'll keep coming. And Austin's like, well, maybe when they have kids,
Starting point is 00:38:01 because they can transition where they just have kids, and you can still live a life in New York. I mean, it's so easy. Which, you know, you can't. What is, is that true? You can just have kids and then live part-time in New York. I don't think so. So Andy is, well, look, Craig is ultimately going to sell his company.
Starting point is 00:38:21 That's just the way it goes. And once he sells that company, he doesn't have to be tied to the store. The issue is they are both in different franchises that are geographically tied to locations. So that is going to be, that's the real issue. So Andy, he's like, ship, we were talking about conspiracy theories. We forgot to mention your own personal one. You're not sure the page exists because she's never around, she hates you so much. So, Shep is like, yeah, of course, it's really, really hard, it's really, really hard to have a conversation, a relationship on camera, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:55 that's it, put a lot of strain on me and Taylor. And Andy's like, so you think you got off scotties. So it wasn't that you were an asshole. Yeah, it's not that you were an asshole is that commenters on Instagram were telling Taylor that you were an asshole. Yeah, it's not that you were an asshole is that commenters on Instagram were telling Taylor that you were an asshole. And that's what got you in the hands. It turns out to be the truth.
Starting point is 00:39:11 That is really what he thinks. It is. He's not someone who turns out believes in a lot of personal agency and he gets called out on it. So chef is like, yeah, well, you know, Craig is smart. LOL, he's strategic in that manner. LOL again. You know, and as Napoleon says, Craig is smart. Oh, LOL. He's strategic in that manner. LOL again. You know, and as Napoleon says,
Starting point is 00:39:27 when you're put under a white light and people start picking up loose threads, things can go really sideways. And he's like, so Craig, is that what you're doing is keeping page off camera to not hurt your relationship? And he's like, well, you know, I'm not gonna lie. There have been times when Paige went up to her own bedroom
Starting point is 00:39:46 in my house, which I also have, which was built by people, possibly with insurance, but those were employees too. And, for a couple of years talking about, you guys know I'm rich, right? I don't clean. So, but yeah, Paige hates these people. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:01 And, you know, like, have there been a few times, like, you know, where like pages want to go upstairs and be like, I don't want to like hang out with the group. Like, yeah. So I don't know if he actually, she says that, he says that right now. I got lost. But chef is like saying, like Andy's like, Chef basically says, if it weren't for the show, he and he and Taylor would probably have been married right now, which I don't believe whatsoever. Cameras are no cameras.
Starting point is 00:40:30 It would not have, we all know this. I'm not, this is not breaking news me saying this, breaking news. But like, I, well Craig's like, you guys broke up because of infidelity. So you think that without cameras that wouldn't have happened and he goes, no, we would be married. There would be nobody to tell, that wouldn't have happened and he goes, no, we would be married. There would be nobody to tell her that I cheated on her. Yeah, exactly. I mean, my God, so this fucking guy,
Starting point is 00:40:52 he has not changed at all. He is the worst. And everyone's like, wow. And love goes, um, did you just say that? And he goes, yeah, cause you know, I wouldn't be as distracted. I would be a different person.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I'd be like, this is a person I care about. And I can firmly abuse her and stop on eggs and fields. And that's it. She's mine. Yeah, I was like, think of all the camp games you could play where you could yell at her in the middle of it. So I'm kind of like, yeah, it's just like so tough to be with a person that, you know, is saying they're supposed to be together and they're still love.
Starting point is 00:41:25 It's like, I'd be like, why don't we fix this?" And she was like, all I'll say is that she was right about a lot of things in her analysis of me and I kind of realized a lot of things here recently that we will continue to talk about. That's coming up later on Shepp's life. I just want everybody to know before I go back to a life of hanging on my own bar where people are already flirting with me for drinks. I'm a very sad person who got dumped. So um, Andy's like, so Taylor, you look like you've got, I don't know, can anyone explain what Taylor's face is doing?
Starting point is 00:42:08 I'm not sure if it's moving or if the shrooms are kicking in Taylor. Someone take her balls, please. This season, Taylor was singled, unfettered, unfiltered, and by all accounts, a huge disaster. disaster. But was this newly independent woman who seemed to really love big yellow yarni turtle next wetters, fought in her voice or losing her matters. And his question to her is all this time it passed since you in like a good chunk of time it passed since you and shutke Up. So why were you all this sudden upset when you saw him? And she's like, well, he was like traveling. So it was like out of sight and out of mind. But then when he came back to Charleston
Starting point is 00:42:56 and cameras turned back on, I started like pretending to cry more, you know? Mm-hmm. I thought I was making good move steps forward, but I had, and then Andy asked about, he goes, the Dildo gift had a lot of viewers talking. I'm like, I guarantee no one was talking about the Dildo gifts, but anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:17 So basically, someone wrote in saying, like, I've heard of champagne flutes, but Dildo's not classy. I love to think of the person who was like, I am so incensed by that Dildo in the very first episode at this party that I am going to have to write in the letter, be like, not classy with that Dildo at the Southern term party. Sussan, Madison's like, well, I mean, maybe if he was my bachelor at her same, but not
Starting point is 00:43:40 my first time being my husband, I mean, he does that, okay? But could we put the Dildo and ship Smath real quick? Because he's already starting to my husband. I mean he test had okay, but could we put a deal down ship smath real quick? Cuz he's already starting to bother me I mean he told me to shut up to everyone here And I didn't talk about it right now, but he did and he was not nice and she's like oh wow I can't believe to you of all people Correcting nice room is I'm gonna shake my ankle at you Has Napoleon Bonaparte said, takes one to no one, Bonjour. So Andy is like, all right,
Starting point is 00:44:08 well, I want to move on to something else that the audience vaguely cares about instead of the still-do thing. And we're obviously going to talk about your relationship with Austin and Olivia later, but first the group is clearly very prone, nude photos and sex thing, but one of the biggest bombshells this season
Starting point is 00:44:24 was a risque photo that Taylor said We still don't have a human resources here, right? Okay, no, okay, let's go on with this Okay, go ahead and answer Taylor. So oh my god. That's such a great question Well, here's what happened. I heard this Shep and Whitney were gallivanting around town and then like they were bringing women back to Patricia's house and then I was petty and I was weak. So I texted Whitney like, so this is what you're looking for. I hope you're having fun and put like two middle fingers up and he's like, oh, so you were doing to spite chef. That's fun. I don't like how you were ashamed about it. I don't like it. Okay. And someone who's basically sent his
Starting point is 00:45:11 dick to many, many people, completely acceptable. Okay. It's not shame Taylor. Um, this, and by the way, during all this JT's like looking at the ceiling, I'm like, Oh, I can't, I can't bear to hear my precious buttercup Taylor being savage like this. I'm not shaming Taylor for her nude photo. I do think it's like, I'm shaming her for her strange use of pettiness.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Like, why are, if they're going out to get to find girls, why are you sending a nude photo to them? Like why? Why, any photo you sending a nude photo to them? Like why? Why? Any photo? Why you get, like don't do this. Like this is just bad, this is bad pettiness. This is just like not,
Starting point is 00:45:51 and if it's like not useful pettiness, it's like you can be pettiness better. It's sad, desperate. You know, sad and desperate. But you know, as we found that later in the season when she was saying, I just texted Austin all that stuff about wanting, or I just texted Austin, you want me to come over or no. So whatever, whenever
Starting point is 00:46:10 she was caught flirting with Austin, she's like, I was just doing that to make Shep Mad, you know. So she's just like begging for the attention and they're just not giving it to her and said they're passing around the picture and laughing at her. And it's just like, I mean, no matter how much you don't like Taylor, which I know a lot of people really hate Taylor. That was gross. The past around to the photo. Those are nudes passed around while everybody's laughing, especially by your boss. Yeah, well, the thing is that Whitney should have had the same reaction of us, which is like, this is just kind of like sad. Like, she's definitely spiraling. This is sad.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Like, how could, like, if someone, if someone sent me a, I'm not gonna show, I'm not gonna show around dudes anyway. But like if someone sends me a need with her clearly spiraling, like could you imagine, like just be like, oh my God, look at this new, she sent me, ooh, no. So Andy's like, the Nina, how do you feel when people shamed your dog Charles
Starting point is 00:47:03 because you and Madison shamed her over the nude photo? Charles really took a beating. We really, people were really need the Charles Vanita. And she's like, I don't remember that. He's like, well, I just wanted to bring up 90% of your storylines with Charles and a sweater. So you're welcome. Well, we weren't shaming her for the nude photo.
Starting point is 00:47:21 We were shaming her for sending a nude photo to another friend in the group. And Matt is like, and I haven't met it, then I've sent nude photos. Okay, if I live in Iraq, I am a slut. I'm a capital S slut. Listen, you don't back A-Rod with Turtle Necks, okay? You gotta show the whole thing, okay? I'm not opposed to a nude. And Craig's like, yeah, well, it opened a new kind of worms because we were dealing like with you
Starting point is 00:47:45 and the Austin thing already. And then there was like a new picture. And Madison's like, but also, that was Whitney's girlfriend that told Patricia. It wasn't, you know, Whitney wasn't showing it around to people. It's just that the girlfriend told Patricia. And he's like, oh, huh? Wait, girlfriend. This is girlfriend living Canada. And is her name George?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Literally never heard that term before. Georgina. And everyone's like, yeah, well, huh, girlfriend. So then like, the end is like, any then asked Taylor if you hooked up with with, if she hooked up with Whitney and she's like, absolutely not. And she's like, you know, way after the fact, Whitney was like, you know, I know you and love you and I have love for Taylor and I think she's in over her head. And this is a byproduct of that.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And I said, yes, that's exactly what it is. Well, I hated when you used to like date and she'd be excited to send you a naked photo and you'd tell her not to bro. My god, this is so this is such a shept thing to say to you. He's like, well, yeah, but it's because I'm weird about that. I don't want my girlfriend or anybody. I'm dating to be, you know, like and and because you hold them to a different standard and he goes, yeah, I kind of like to see him
Starting point is 00:49:05 that way like Caligula said I want to sing the kitchen or in the bedroom and 30 seconds to shoot before I eat my buckshot facet you know yeah um yeah chef is basically like don't worry I will vary politely but clearly sluts shame not shame, nude for this situation. So he's like, you can be a someone, you're not my girlfriend. How about that? And so Madison's like, oh yes, you just like, nude's from Stranger's the event. Okay. And they all laugh, but that is exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Yes. So Craig is saying, like, so JT, why are you having an puff? And JT is literally sitting there like in his little white pants like. Oh my God, even your plugs are shaking dude. I'm like calm down over there. Well I just can't believe that Chef doesn't like receiving news and can't make a girl come as a chef. It's like, oh all right. Well, you just can't believe that Chef doesn't like receiving news and can't make a girl come. And so Chef is like, oh, all right, well, you know what, let me put together a list
Starting point is 00:50:09 of satisfied customers, JT, and repeat customers. And then he's like, okay, well at JT's dinner, why did you go after Madison, by the way, instead of Whitney, considering he's the one who showed everyone Taylor? And she says, no, I was addressing Whitney and the mass and stepped in. Okay, and by the way, you can't even see anything.
Starting point is 00:50:30 It's not even an explicit photo. And that was like, actually, I don't wanna throw you under the bus, but I also saw this photo. And I also showed it to everyone who works at Republic and we all agreed, we can see a lot. We actually had it blown up and put on the lit sign that says like happy batch party.
Starting point is 00:50:54 It was really popular actually. Oh, she tried to have sex with it. And she's like, it's like, well then if you saw, then you know that it was just like a photo with me, and it said come one, come all, and then there was a text, it was like, is this what you're looking for? And that's it.
Starting point is 00:51:07 And she's like, no, you know, I remember because I was bathing my son thinking, God, this is joyful. What a joyful time for me. And I almost dropped my phone in the bathtub as I read the whole thread. It was a lot. Okay. I mean, yikes, guys, even Leva saw it. Nobody talks to Leva.
Starting point is 00:51:28 This is terrible with me. Did you post it on like the fucking community Facebook? Like how did Leva see it? Nobody speaks to Leva. I don't even know why she's here. Yeah, and Leva says, yeah, you were saying things like come fuck me a Nashville. And she was like, what?
Starting point is 00:51:44 When was I ever in Nashville? And he was like, what? When was I ever in Nashville? And he's like, oh, now this was believable because Taylor looked like what? Absolutely not. You know, because when she lies, she's like, well, not, but this one, she's like, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm not. I was one was I in Nashville, but I just need to remind everybody. Taylor is from Asheville.
Starting point is 00:52:05 So that could have just been a mess. I was thinking that too, that's funny. So because you know, I opened the internet and was like, Taylor and Green in Nashville. Of course, I was like, when was she in Nashville? I'm going to put this date with that date and I'm going to paint some booting some. But then it reminded me that she's from ask So, uh, and it's like so were there multiple DMs that are multiple sessions and she was like I don't remember She's like I deleted every message with Whitney and love it's like well, it was there was a lot of like Whitney going
Starting point is 00:52:37 All the well and him being like is this you and you're like it's a girl who you who your friend used to stick as dick in. By the way, that has a very broad description of many people who've been on the show and probably who have not been on this show. Let's be honest. Also, it just got so much sadder because Whitney didn't even have her name in his phone. He had to ask who it was. She had to like give him clues and she's on his show. He's like, me that, and it is his show. He's like, me that and it is his show. Maybe is the creator and producer of this show. I mean, it's just are you a Russ Myers fan? So Leva is like, she's like, she's like, you know, I asked
Starting point is 00:53:17 him why he was showing the guys and he was like, well, I wasn't trying to, but I was embarrassed. Um, you got it. Listen, you got to, you can't do that with but I was embarrassed. You got it. Listen, you got it. You can't do that with life. And Craig's like, no, he was hammered and he was bragging about it. I mean, yeah, too bad Whitney's not here again because he's the bad guy in the situation.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I mean, except for the fact that he were like texting one of his friends so it wasn't cool either, but. And she's like, okay, Jesus. Hi, hi. I'm JT. Hi, I want to speak up. Okay, I've been divorced. And there are some graces that needs to be given
Starting point is 00:53:52 to pretty ladies to remind you of a fish on a lawn. Okay, so if Taylor, by the way, if you want to send me nudes, don't worry. I will be very discreet about them. So feel free to use my number if you need to. Okay, just gonna put that out there. Put that out there to the world. So I'd just like to be the one to stand for women
Starting point is 00:54:09 because women do not understand picture-sending. And I think we all need to understand that women are just too stupid to really know what they're doing. So can we just give women a grace, some grace already? You know, here's what I say, let women vote. In the great words of Tom Cruise in Magnolia, let the ladies vote. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:54:38 Uh, is that an emperor? Close enough, Andy. Close enough. So Olivia's like, you know what? You cannot put that on shut and what she did. And I'm so tired of you saying that, JT. And she's like, I made a mistake. I would never say I did this because of Shep. I'm very capable of my own actions,
Starting point is 00:54:58 even though I've said the whole season I was doing it to get back at Shep. But still. Yeah, it's like, Shep, Shep, you see that a lot of guilt about Taylor's behavior. Well, I brought her into this crazy world. Yeah, and she has, has she changed? Well, not because the show, but the breakup.
Starting point is 00:55:15 It cranks like you're talking to her, like she's a child. Like to say, you're responsible for it. 30-year-olds actions is kind of conceited. I wish that they'd put an equip of page just being like, cheer for you. for a 30 year old's actions is kind of conceited. I wish that they'd put an equip of page just being like, cheer for you. All right, Craig, you need to have one more bite when you're not leaving the table. Chew-tow.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Craig, that's a shelf or sun, jeez. Chew-tow. Where are your swimmies? So Andy's like, okay, so male from box money says, Chef, taking the blame for Taylor's actions is robbing her of her agency, Snapple, feminism flavored, what say you, Chef? And Chef's like, um, I take great pride in her development. She's God.
Starting point is 00:55:59 She is not, she's not a, she's not an iOS platform. So Andy is like, uh, that's not the point. You actually just made it. It's how much worse you're right now. Oh, okay. Okay, Taylor, do you want to see what the point is? Can you, can you stop scowling for a moment?
Starting point is 00:56:17 And she's like, um, okay, you can take responsibility, you can't take responsibility for how I'm acting. I'm, I'm responsible for how I'm acting. I'm responsible for how I'm acting. Well listen, I'm just empathetic, sympathetic, like Emperor Shoka, to do good is difficult. One who does good first does something hard to do, like making a woman come. I hope I, oh my gosh, I just came. I hope you're done. I'm going to sleep. Good night. Oh my gosh, I just came. I hope you're done. I'm going to sleep.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Good night. Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. All right. Well, it happened. Your news, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:56:53 You have a new boyfriend. Is he real? Yeah, he's great. He is TJ's roommate and his name is Gaston. Wow. I died. He's like, who's CJ from Southern hospitality? What's that?
Starting point is 00:57:07 There's another show on your channel. Not familiar, so is he the first person you've dated to the chef? What's so great about him? I only date cartoonishly show of anistic man, Andy. Yes, no. So chef has met Gaston before. They met for like five minutes and he said,
Starting point is 00:57:24 yeah, well, I met him at Provocon and I said, I wish you all the best. She's the best and she's good for you. And if she goes missing in my castle for a certain number of weeks, just know I'm doing my best to reverse the curse. What am I supposed to do about it? How do really good conversation with him? I said, I wish you well, buddy. And then I walked ten steps and turned around and finger-gunned him to death. So I was like, well, that's not what I heard.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Rod Rigo told me a provocon that you guys were fighting. And she goes, y'all, I did hear that I greatly upset Taylor Bravo Con apparently according to what people say. So Andy's like, did he upset you at Bravo Con and Taylor's like, well, Gaston was upset that Shep came up to me, smacked my ass at the bar and then I didn't know how to react because my ex is meeting my current boyfriend for the first time and
Starting point is 00:58:28 Gaston said listen here a little lady No one slick is Gaston no one's quick is Gaston and no one's neck is incredibly thick as Gaston You better take care of this or Gaston out I don't remember any of this actually It is a did you slap her in the ass? He's like, well, Andy, that's not how I say hello to Taylor. My chosen method is to take her by the shoulders and put her up against the wall and be like, hi! Yeah, I don't want to smack her as to say hello. That's how I say hello to the cleaning lady. What the lady at the bank?
Starting point is 00:59:05 Or that one waitress at Republic? Oh God. So Andy's like, well, where are you drunk, Chef? And he goes, yeah, I was drunk. Well, then how can you even know what you did? I this whole like everybody, this narrative on Bravo that when people drink, they suddenly have an excuse to not remember anything that happened ever is a little much, okay?
Starting point is 00:59:28 Chef is here apologizing and it gets sad later, but at this point in the program, I'm not. At this point in the episode, I'm thinking, you finally got called out by everybody and that's why you're acting so ridiculous. It gets sadder later. But for now, that's what I think. It's actually gets sad right about now,
Starting point is 00:59:50 because Andy goes, hey, shit. Oh, good, okay. You told me at the beginning of the day, there was something on your mind, you wanna see the group, where's there a song you wanted to sing or a poem, or did you wanna bring in a memento of what? You got on a family trip to Montreal.
Starting point is 01:00:03 What do you want for show and bring for show and tell? So then, guys, I'm glad you're all here. This is a meocopa. What's that? Okay, let me rephrase this for Taylor. It's a mama meocopa. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:20 She'll pay attention to that. I love meocopa. I'm gonna see her in concert. Not to Alipa. I'm gonna see you in concert. Not do a leapa me a copa Olivia So I'm gonna cross while I'm in the crossroads because bravo con was sort of the impetus, you know I just I got a I got a a little out of control in Vegas and I really don't remember but I I scared the shit out of me
Starting point is 01:00:45 really scared I had to talk with my close friends back in Charleston about it I was like you know what I'm super super super super scared you know I guess is how most people feel when eight in the morning comes in an alarm clock bell rings and they have to get to get up to go to something called work. Oh, I'm shivering! I'm shivering! All right, all right, let's stop back for a second. You're going a little too fast. Olivia, did you understand the word impetus? No, okay. We'll just deal with that in a minute. Yeah, he can't get it up. Everybody knows that. Sorry for being verbose. So he's like, all right, well, I know the answer to this, unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:01:36 but can you explain what happened to you at Bravo Con? Because this would be a great promotion for next year's Bravo Con for people to come. You see these people be disasters. Okay, go on. He's like, he said, I will say the other thing I saw at BravoCon, he's like, Austin was really trying to make you presentable. And you didn't realize that as he was doing that, you know, he was being a real friend to you as we were when you came to watch what happens live, fall down drunk and we just kept serving you more and more drinks. That's pretty good. Thank you to all the liquor response.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Yeah, he was being a real friend to you. I'm like, why are you trying to give some sort of redemptive quality to Austin? I don't need this right now. So, she's like, yeah, I'm hungry. She's trying to make them all make up and it looks like they're about to break up, right? Because, Shepp that he, well, they all explain that Shep, when they said I had, I talked to all of my good friends in Charleston,
Starting point is 01:02:32 Shep came back and nobody would speak to him after Bravo Con because he made such an ass and was so mean to everybody. And then he tried to have a brunch with all of his friends and Craig and Austin both refused to go because they were like, fuck this guy. Like here's what we've done a million times is, Shep makes an ass out of all of us and then he gets to just like, we get to go to brunch and watch him meet with his mouth open while he, you know, apologizes and then repeats the cycle. It's happened 17 times. This road that you're on ends with a cliff and I can't be in that car anymore. It's like I always say,
Starting point is 01:03:06 don't be in cars with your exes and that's why I didn't go to the meeting because we've all driven Pete with people, reckless drivers who were drunk. We all drive with drunk drivers. Am I right? Everyone? That's universal. And I wear like this guy has nothing to lose and after Bravo Con is dark, but like he was going to ruin his life and hold on. What was the rest of that part, Paige? Oh yeah, I have to be okay with that because we've been here before. Thanks, Paige. So this part really did get to me because they're basically telling him, you're gonna be dead soon. Like you are at rock bottom, you've been at rock bottom. I'm not even, I can only wanna be your friend
Starting point is 01:03:51 because I've accepted that you're just gonna be dead. I mean, they're telling him that. And that's so sad. I mean, to anybody who's dealt with addiction in their family or in themselves, hi, raising my hand, that's scary, you know, and I get it. And it's sad to watch Shepep like a crime do this whole thing. I mean, it's sad, but at the same time, I also know that cycle of the abuse and the addiction
Starting point is 01:04:14 to where it's not up to everybody else to forgive you, you know, like you're still doing nothing to change, really, right? And so sometimes as a friend, you do need to sometimes as the addict, you need to be cut off and sometimes as the friends you need to cut that personal. And I've been in both places, but it's fucking so sad to watch this for me at least. And then fucking JT jumps in. And because Austin's like, come on now, I've been your best friend up here. And JT goes, oh really, you're the best friend. Shut up, dude. Like they're having a serious conversation. Shut the fuck up with your go-want to foster parents. Just be quiet.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It's not about you. So annoying. We'll him away. So, um, chef, it's interesting because chef, chef, they're saying like you're at rock bottom. A chef also seems to have realized this too, to some degree. And chef is like, I just, you know what,
Starting point is 01:05:04 I would love your support and help at any time. and chef is like, I just know what I would love You're supporting help at any time and he's like, I think they're saying they've been supporting you And now they're at the end of their row and he just said chef's like, yeah, well, you know He says I'm in the headspace of needing to make some changes. He goes to music stopped and these boys have their podcasts Craig has his pillows and I just didn't have anything, and I thought, who am I? By the way, this is real shit. This is what we've always been like,
Starting point is 01:05:30 this is what Craig, I've been shepherds jealous. They're all starting to get their lives together. He has, but this is the first time he's really acknowledged it, which I thought was very significant. And he's like, how am I a value to anyone, and you're hurting yourself, bro? And it's physiological. I can't do the things I used to be able to do.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I've been, you know, going hard, peddled the metalful throttle, my body, my mind together, like they're telling me, no, no, no, sir, you have to stop. And I'm losing my body, my mind, and I'm mixing that with fear. And I just, I can't do it the way I used to. And it's a tough build of swallow because,
Starting point is 01:06:01 man, I was Mr. Fun Guy, and I had a reputation for being outrageous. Like this was, I thought this was very compelling. This is someone coming to terms with the fact that like everyone has started to move on. And now he has not been able to and he was always the fun, when he said the music stopped, which is sort of a cliche, but I was like, ooh, this guy is going through it right now.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Yeah, you know, I always have two sides in me that's always arguing because I'm like, Oh, this guy is going through it right now. Yeah. You know, I'm always have two sides in me that's always arguing because I'm like, how manipulative is he being? You know what I mean? Because then they ask him, did you quit drinking? And he's like, well, you quit taking shots. Yeah, that was the funniest part. It's like, okay, after all that.
Starting point is 01:06:38 That's also kind of, that's also kind of a typical thing to say, right? What's like, when you're trying, but, you know, people like this are very good at apologizing and they get really, really good at telling people what they want to hear it get. The mea culpa, and the nondoing it on television. And, but it's the cynical part, the first part of me is like crying.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And then the second part of me is like, but wait a minute, is this just more manipulation? And is this also setting him up for the next season where he's like the chef 5.0 saying, you know? So I guess I'm just gonna put all that aside for now and stick with my initial, like, just feeling so much. I think it was real. I think it was, because it was a little too dark.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Probably a mix of both. Yeah, that's fair. I mean, I just think that it's, it was too real. It was like too much, like, I think it's fair. I mean, I just think that it's, it was too real. It was like too much, I think it's fake. I mean, I'm sorry. No, no, no, I'm sorry. I wasn't saying it was fake. No, no, you're not accusing me of saying that,
Starting point is 01:07:32 but I'm not saying it's fake. It's just, I'm not sure if it's just another step on the cycle, you know, where it's just like another apology and then it refers to the same thing. No, I think it's like just too dark. It's like too dark to just be employed. Maybe I'm being naive, but like, I, it just is to admit that you are in a rut
Starting point is 01:07:56 and that like life has moved on without you and your friends have moved on and you're realizing like you're just like it's not the same. That is like that's a tough pill to swallow. I don't know, I don't know if I'm manipulator could even say that. No, but I'm tempted. That's exactly.
Starting point is 01:08:13 But then my favorite is Madison going, because he's like, well, I don't drink liquor and I don't do shots. I drink beer still and man's like, oh, shit. I thought I thought he was going to rehab or something, be like sober. I'm the almost crap. Damn it Like the people on these cells. I mean it's like memories of Vanderpump rules where she was married to an addict and she's like I mean you're not drinking anything at all like come on like oh by the way
Starting point is 01:08:40 Can I have one of each of these prime cocktails? It's great. Thanks. So Craig is like, he actually doesn't drink very much anymore. He's like, you know, I'm an addict. And he just feels like Chef is really sad. He's like, I love you. And I'm sorry. And I hate saying that stuff. But it seems like you're open to it. And then Chef, actually this was shocking when Chef goes,
Starting point is 01:08:59 I'll follow your lead, Craig. I will follow your lead. It's like, damn, that is a first. And by the way, Craig is like, oh, I, you know, a quit drinking liquor, just like you, but then I had to go further. And it's like, yeah, we saw on television, and I hope that's when it was,
Starting point is 01:09:18 when he was on Winterhouse, acting like such a fucking asshole. Oh my God, this guy. You know, Craig is so charming and so cute that you really forget what a piece of shit he can be. And that one was really bad. For those of you who didn't watch, he was just like,
Starting point is 01:09:35 like they all do on that show, spilling shit all over the floor, is making a mess. And then when people are cleaning up, he's like, I refuse to clean up. I mean, I'm rich. Basically, he's like, I'm rich now. I don't have to do this shit.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Like, my parents own a cleaning company. I'm not the one who cleans and he like did all this shit. I'm like, oh, God. I hope that that was the walk back moment. Yeah. Because that was dark. There probably also was a moment I would not be surprised. This is total conjecture.
Starting point is 01:10:04 But with sewing down south starting to do really well, I feel like probably Jerry his partner was like, listen Craig, this is doing well. You can't fuck it up. You got to clean up your act, okay? So Taylor, Craig's like, I was asked if there's anything Chef could do to salvage the friendship. And I said, everything in anything,
Starting point is 01:10:25 if he does one thing, I'm there. I love good Shep. All he has to do is turn off this road, but he's too proud to do it. And Shep's like, I've lost my pride. I'll do it. So Andy S. Wattaylor's reaction is, and she's like, it makes me happy.
Starting point is 01:10:40 And despite popular belief, I know the real Shep and he's an incredible kind smart human being. The sort of thing that people who enable monsters say. And chefs are saying, you know, he really thought he was a rock star. He thought he was. And Vinita gets her, she's asked her opinion and she's like, I mean, it's a big, you know, it's a big step
Starting point is 01:11:02 to admit something like that, but you know, you really have to quit completely. You can't just slow down. And Lee is saying, the secret is you really have to want something more. Like Craig wants more. You can't just drinkings fun and eating a ton of chocolates fun.
Starting point is 01:11:19 But you have to want something more than that to stop doing it. And Andy's like like I said, just looks at shop like, ah, I mean, shop's just looking like, like what? Make one. Could you give me a hint?
Starting point is 01:11:33 Because. What is that word you said? Career? Is that what? I don't know sure I know that. So Andy's, and he's like, well, it may be that this, like you may,
Starting point is 01:11:44 like that this, that like what you want to continue, like, you know, like you may, like that this, that, like what you want to continue, like, you know, like you may be at the precipice where, oh, this is not like a healthy environment. Stay tuned. I think I could do it. I appreciate your support. If you are hinting that you want to fire me, I'll be a good boy.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I'll be a good boy, I swear Andy. So then it's break. And Andy's like, wow, good job. You did good, chef. Okay, take a we're Andy. So then it's break and Andy's like, wow, good job, you did good, Chef. Okay, take it seriously, bye. So then Taylor and Chef are hugging and he's like, I really wanted to say those things privately to you, I guess, and she's like, I guess I'm proud of you.
Starting point is 01:12:18 And he goes, oh yeah, well now tell everyone how bad I am at sex, you bitch. And so they kind of laugh and then we're back to the show. So now it's about Andy, I mean it's about Austin and Shep. And you know, they just had this great trip together in Australia and Shep saying, oh yeah, we could have actually talked on that, but he kept lying to me.
Starting point is 01:12:43 And Andy's like, well, what if on that trip, he admitted to hooking up with Taylor, what would you feel? And he's like, how could have a least processed Andy? Yeah, and Austin is talking about how, yeah, he says, like, yeah, we got a complete blast. It was a great time that we had. And Austin's like, yeah, well, I feel sorry for this,
Starting point is 01:13:07 Chef, I feel sorry I didn't tell you in Australia. And I thought that it was such a non-factor, like I quite literally thought nothing would come from it because nothing did come what had happened. So nothing's going anywhere. So, Chef's like, okay, look, here's the problem with all this. Austin said on the season, on camera, like, Shep wouldn't even plot an tailor
Starting point is 01:13:30 if I had gone to the bar before he met her. And then we see a clip of Craig, you know, them wasted a Whitney's house and Craig saying, yeah, the member Austin, you said at the Commodore, if Shep hadn't taken her home, you would have. So, I took that at the time, is meaning they were all there together when they met Taylor and that Shep took her home first or something. That's how I took it there.
Starting point is 01:13:55 It's not really clarified, but I don't know why it matters. But it's also, it just goes to show what a piece of shit Huston really is even more because the Commodore is Shep's bar, he owns that bar. And Austin is in there drinking for fucking free, probably in a bar that Shep's carrying his alcohol and shit talking shop and saying, what a fucking loser. Yeah. And he's like, yeah, you know how arrogant that is
Starting point is 01:14:20 to be like, if I got to our first bro, you guys never would have fallen in love and spent two and a half years going, do you realize how arrogant that is to be like, if I got to her first bro, you guys never would have fallen in love and spent two and a half years ago. Do you realize how arrogant that is? To say that to someone who's very proud of her development? Gosh, the arrogance. And he's like, well, what are the women think?
Starting point is 01:14:36 And Madison's like, I believe Austin, because if he got into Taylor first, they had been together. That's just how it is. And Olivia goes, yeah, and they should have. Like, that's what I've been saying. Like, they should, like, they should just be together then, like, they caused all this, all this holo believe or whatever. She's doing it. Yeah. Give it a shot now. And tell us like, no, absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:14:57 And by the way, I was also into Shep a million times over and love us. Like, yeah, well, I think like the big thing for this group is like you're not thinking about like what happened in the moment where like you're thinking about like what happened in the moment whereas we're all thinking about like what your friend did was like so messed up and like you continue to lie to these two people the entire time and it makes all of us want to just take a step back from both of you although the truth is we'll still hang out with with Austin but we won't hang out with you, Taylor. Mm. And she said, but I understand the severity of hurting a friend, though. And Craig's like, no, you keep saying you're sorry. It hurt. Okay. But, you know, and Taylor's saying, I'm
Starting point is 01:15:36 just wrong. You know, they're just trying to explain the Taylor for the millionth time, you know, and Olivia's like, you know what? Like you keep trying to make it sound. Like, it's our fault for not just understanding it was a drunken moment, but you've eyes so many times from my face over and over again. Yeah, she's like, you expect me to hop on the forgiveness wagon? And because I didn't, you know, y'all proceeded to say, I'm just so tired of this. You know, oh, you're tired of it. Y'all are in the shit bed that you made. You got to live, you know. So Taylor's like, no, I never said it was the problem. And Taylor's like, yeah, well, you said it made it seem like
Starting point is 01:16:14 it was my fault that this was dragging out, you know. And she's like, well, I'm just saying, forgive. Like the Emperor Jesus Christ said, forgive as you want to be forget, that what Jesus was in an Emperor's Stope, God, Taylor, Jesus. God, what about you want to be, forget, that what Jesus wasn't an Emperor stupid, God, Taylor Jesus. God, what about your device? Sorry, sorry everybody. Your development.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Sorry. I'm sorry that she did that. Sorry, sorry. Sorry, okay. I'll keep better watch over her everybody. Oh, I knew I shouldn't have broken up with her. Look at her quoting members that didn't exist. Go ahead and say it.
Starting point is 01:16:43 I know what you're trying to say. Go ahead and say it. And she's like, well, you know, Andy's like, okay, let me help you because Taylor, I can't tell if Taylor's, did somebody put batteries in Taylor? Okay, Taylor, you're basically saying the implication is, Olivia's done something too. She's just, yeah, to a friend and a confidant and a confidant. Okay. And Craig's like, well, you might as well say it. We're all here. And she goes, you know, the whole Thomas situation.
Starting point is 01:17:11 And Andy goes, uh, Thomas Ravino. Thomas is English. I was like, what? What? And then Olivia just goes, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What the fuck? And then we see, oh, so she says, um, yeah, yeah, yeah. What the fuck? And then we see, oh, so she says, yeah, I was for a rush at a college, 20 years old,
Starting point is 01:17:32 just fresh out of college, like drunk as a skunk. And it was like, one night, I hooked up with T-Rav, and Austin's like, wow, T-Rav, wow, legend. That guy is fucking magical at this point. Like what the hell? Congrats to Olivia, by the way, on finishing her degree at 20. And so she's like, yeah, she's like, yeah, I had to hook up with T-Rav. And I wanted to take it to my grave.
Starting point is 01:17:55 And like, who wouldn't? Who would actually be proud? That's because I was about dating T-Rav. Hooking up with T-Rav. And they all crack up. And then she reminds us that Madison called it out last year. Now maybe that's why this wasn't such a bomb to anybody else, but I don't even remember this.
Starting point is 01:18:11 And then we see the clip of Madison being like, well, I mean, I think Thomas Olivia, right? And she's like me. And then Taylor immediately jumped in and said, oh my God, that's so fucking random. Like, why would you say that? And Olivia's saying, no, no, he's just a family friend. So I think I just blew it off and just blew it.
Starting point is 01:18:28 And Olivia's like, well, right after I sat down, right after that, I sat down with Taylor. And I was like, well, thanks for sticking up for me. But like, it did happen. And now here you are. Here you are. You know, be trained with this information. You're the only person on earth I said it.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And Taylor goes, on earth? It's not a little wide-maybe. So, meaning what? No, I left. When he, oh, sorry. I can't stop now. I'm like, you just go, I'll keep getting lost. I know, you just go, keep getting lost.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I see you're like, wow, don't. No, it's okay, go ahead. So Andy's like, he's like, well, what does she need to be forgiven for hooking up? Why does she need to be forgiven for hooking up? Why does she need to be forgiven for hooking up for T-Rap? And Taylor goes, Taylor's like, it's the same situation. Catherine is a friend, a friend and a confidante. Yeah, you lied about it.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Why didn't she go to Catherine and say, I'm sorry. And JT's kind of nodding proudly at Taylor, like this fucking guy, he's like, yeah, there she goes, there's my girl. And Leva's like, I mean, because she was embarrassed about it. Okay, well Leva, you're the one who's like marching on about accountability this whole time.
Starting point is 01:19:37 So Olivia's saying, well, I didn't know Catherine then. And, but then if you start doing the math, if she was 20, she's 31 now. So that would have if according to her and her timeline, that would have been like what 2012 right during right before or during the show shooting, which is the same time Thomas started hooking up with the other 20 year old on the show Catherine, who Whitney was also hooking up with at that time. So were these guys just going around Charleston,
Starting point is 01:20:07 fucking every 20 year old they could find and dangling the show over their head? Yes. That's really gross. Well, because that's what it comes off to. I believe that maybe Olivia said she was 20. I mean, she probably was 22 or so, but so that probably adds a few years,
Starting point is 01:20:21 because Taylor says it's right after baby number two. Well, that's when it changes, right? Because Olivia says I didn't know Catherine. I met Catherine after after it happened. And Taylor goes, no, you said it was five years ago after baby number two. Well, five years ago, Olivia would have been 26, not 20. So, hmm, who's telling the truth? So hmm who's telling the truth? Oh, well Olivia's either way gross Thomas gross Thomas is such a fucking pig I think and by the way that's like the ultimate here is just like Thomas So Olivia's like well she's been sitting here chomping at the bit to use against me Not only have you proven yourself as a be a shit friend. You're a shit
Starting point is 01:21:04 Him and to me a copa. So they go to a break and then they'll leave you just curses away backstage, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fuck. Now she calls her a fucking scene mode. Oh, yeah. And then stomps back to the back. Whoops. Well, the reunion continues next week,
Starting point is 01:21:25 so we're gonna find out what happens next on the shit show. It's good times. I enjoyed it. I liked it. It's a good reunion so far. Yeah, it was a good reunion. It was overall good. Oh, crazy. I mean, I thought it was a bomb. I was like, wow, everybody. That's why they're all in SkandaValkailles. But obviously it's not bomb. I was like, wow, everybody. That's why they're on a scandal, Carlos.
Starting point is 01:21:47 But obviously, it's not the same thing as what Taylor did because Taylor and Olivia were like best friends. So I don't want anybody to think there was like any slut shaming us in this. My thing is just like, how many people, how many young people were these guys fucking at the beginning of the show? It's just bad and gross.
Starting point is 01:22:04 I guess I'm just not surprised anymore when I find out that someone on the show, it's just bad and gross. I guess I'm just not surprised anymore when I find out that someone on the show slept with Whitney or T-Raff because it's happened so many times. I'm numb to it. Last year, Whitney, Omi and Whitney, like hooked up, I think that was the final thing where I'm like, I don't think I could ever be shocked
Starting point is 01:22:19 by this anymore. It's just this is just the way the show operates. So like, well, there was a thing this year. We didn't talk about it on here because I don't really believe it. But there was this thing where, and I think Olivia even addressed it on her Instagram, but, uh, Whitney, where is a lightning bolts on, uh, he wears a lightning bolt necklace, and then Olivia was photographed or in these scenes wearing a lightning bolt necklace to. So everyone's like, oh my God, is this look literally another scandal?
Starting point is 01:22:47 And the necklace says TCB, which means taking care of business, which is Elvis's, Elvis's necklace, he wore that all the time. That was his part, it was taking care of business. Why? And I don't think he's gonna be able to do this. I'm sorry, I meant to say, I would have added a why to that necklace. So it would be GCB why? And they, I don't know if Olivia said that Whitney had loaned it to her. So
Starting point is 01:23:14 I don't know if it's because he lost his father and she lost her brother. It was like a sign of support or something. But there was that rumor, you know, kind of going on the whole season, which we didn't really bring up. But, you know, it of going on the whole season, which we didn't really bring up, but, you know, it all just becomes more interesting with that revelation, but I just, I don't know. I feel like maybe someone else should be left up to casting for a while, because it gets really cringy. All right, well, everyone, cheer after you. We were at the end of the episode.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Thanks so much for all being here for this wacky, wacky reunion with so many, so many dark sides to it. We still have Real House Wars of Miami, which will be posted sometime after this, so if you're wondering where that is, it's going to be coming up soon. Don't forget to get your tickets to the crappies, And we will catch you in the next one. Bye everyone. Bye. Watch what crappins would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Strong in the park with Caitlin Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-o-s! Aaron McNickless, she don't miss no trickle-s. She's never scary, she's a Daniela. Itch-o-o-o- Anderson. Let's give a Kissarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit
Starting point is 01:25:14 looney. Juni. My favorite Murto. Karen McMurto. We love him madly. It's Kyle Podd Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang! The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett.
Starting point is 01:25:40 She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys! a short survey at slash survey.

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