Watch What Crappens - #2294 The Traitors US: Let’s Talk About MURRRRDER

Episode Date: January 16, 2024

Peacock dropped the first three episodes of The Traitors US over the weekend, and we are fully obsessedah.  For this episode we are catching up on what happened, talking about our favori...te moments, and making predictions for the future. Needless to say: spoiler alert.Watch with Crappens on Demand here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery's new podcast, Disantel, wades into the glorious mess of celebrity beef. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, and asks, what does our obsession with these feuds say about us? Follow Disantel, wherever you get your podcast. You can listen to Ad Free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. I've been so much more crap than crap in this world. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo and beyond
Starting point is 00:00:46 that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me here today is the one and only Mr. Ronny Karam. Hi Ronny how are you? Well hello Ben. Doing well how's it going today? I'm extremely, extremely excited about today's episode. I'm bursting at the seams about it because we we're going to talk about the traitors. Before we get into it, go get your tickets for the Golden Crappies, 2024 Golden Crappies.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It's going to be February 17th in downtown Los Angeles. Thanks, everyone who's already bought tickets. A whole bunch of you have. It's great. We have some great guests already lined up. It's going to be a blast. We have a blast every single year. It's a great time to bring the whole community together from listeners, content creators,
Starting point is 00:01:34 and everything in between. So get your tickets. People have been asking us about streaming. We don't have any answers on that front yet, but as soon as we do, we will give a definitive answer on whether or not it will be streamed. But for right now, if you're going to be in town or if you're planning on coming to town, you're planning on just taking a trip, come to the crappies. It'll be so fun.
Starting point is 00:01:51 So that's that. Also we're on Crappies on Demand, which we pretty much are on every single day. So go to slash watch or crappies. You can watch our beautiful faces with the crappies on Demand. So hello everyone. That being said, okay, so this week, we're gonna dive into the traders, US. The news season dropped on Friday, on peacock. We're not doing like full, full, full recap
Starting point is 00:02:19 because there's three episodes. We're not gonna take notes on three episodes, but like, oh my God, this show is so good. What did you think about the first three episodes, Ronnie? So funny. Because their casting is so good. Spoilers are gonna happen. This is your last chance.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yeah, we're recapping the first three episodes. If you haven't watched them, don't listen to this because we're gonna say everything happened in those episodes. Yeah, it's not a spoiler if it's an recap, okay, seconds? Yeah, so go away and come back when you are prepared. What a funny show, my God, really good. I was involved the whole time. I find sometimes when I'm watching stuff outside of work,
Starting point is 00:02:53 I really need to only watch murder shows. It's hard for me to get into another reality show sometimes, but this one is so good. I love season one, I love this one. Great casting. I know, wonderful casting. This is like an all-star reality show grouping. This is just one of the most amazing casts for reality fans of all time. Got like major stars from obviously our world of Bravo, but also in the worlds of the
Starting point is 00:03:21 challenge and Big Brother and Survivor and even some other places. So it's just like it's such a thrill. But you know what I love? I love that now two years in a row, it's been the women of Bravo who have been able to sniff out the traders first. Like no trader has been officially snuck like no one has been banished yet, no traders have been banished. But last season I started watching I rewatched the first three episodes of last season. And it was Brandy and Kate, who were, Brandy especially, was immediately onto Cerey and Cody, I believe, or maybe even Michael,
Starting point is 00:03:54 but like, she snipped it out really quickly. And this season, MJ, MJ, and there I say it, Larsa took a moment, but Larsa, they both are like, mmm, pretty short stand. So like, Bravo ladies, they have an intuition. They do. And there's enough housewives that they can all ban together this year, which I really like too, because they do. And it's nice to see some girl power. Yeah. You know, housewives are kind of known for that, I guess, but they're not really known for the girl power part. they're known for the fighting part.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So maybe we'll get to that later, but right now it's good to see them banding together and just getting these guys out. Now, for those of you who don't know how this show works, basically a bunch of reality people are put into a big mansion without an coming and who dresses crazily. And that's amazing. He just dresses insanely and then talks in a very thick Irish accent. So he's super fine. Scottish.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And they all get in there, Scottish. And they all get in there. And basically he walks around a table and with everybody blindfolded and he decides three people are going to be the traders. And so they have to go around and murder, quote unquote, the rest of the cast and the other cast has to guess who the bad people are. And obviously if they pick a trader, the trader is out. But otherwise they pick someone to murder every night.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It's basically the party game mafia put into reality show form. And like so there's like, there's a section where the traders eliminate someone and then there's a section where the group is trying to sus out who is not one of the faithful, the faithful of the good people, and then they banish someone. And then in between all this, there's usually some sort of challenge.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Probably the the thematically weakest part of the show is trying to how the challenges make sense because it's like They're all trying to raise money for their pot for the pot of money at the end because either the traders are gonna win it Or the faithful are gonna win the money, but like there's no motivation like that Like there's an implication that like oh the traders are gonna undermine the challenge But that's actually not the case whatsoever. There's no there's no motivation for anyone to undermine the challenge, but that's actually not the case whatsoever. There's no motivation for anyone to undermine the challenge. The challenge just sort of happen, just like a thing to do,
Starting point is 00:06:10 but this season they layered in this element that every challenge, there are these three shields that protect you from being murdered by the traders. So you get to see who is going to be working for the group versus who is going to be selfish. So that's cool. I like that element. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So we, they also got a lot of evil people this time. Whereas I feel like before, was it, I mean, at least half, half, well, at least half the cast this time could be traders, you know, they're all kind of villains. But I was surprised that they actually picked villainous people to be the traders because normally it's like, let's pick nice people, you know. But this time they picked someone who's one big brother twice, Dan, and who's kind of evil, and Dan has the, we'll go through the cast basically and tell you who everybody is and what our thoughts are. And hopefully it'll lead us just to talk about everything that happened eventually.
Starting point is 00:07:05 But they make Danna Trader. Dan's thing on these shows, it's always made me crazy. Dan Dan splines everything. And they, you know, on Big Brother, on all the reality shows, you have the confessional in the diary room where you're supposed to be explaining to the audience what's happening, right?
Starting point is 00:07:22 But Dan just has this way of like, he has how it's going in this game. This is what this game's about, you know? Right, he's just always talking to you like you're a fucking idiot. And he talks and granted, he's from Big Brother. Everybody around him is a fucking idiot. And he gets on my goddamn nerves, Dan, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:40 And I feel like a lot of times he wins just because he's surrounded by such stupid people and he tricks them very Easily but that said I've watched his seasons and I got a hand at him. He's great Like he deserved the wins for sure So I don't want to take anything away from him I just wanted to get some damn splining in there because it does go we could take we could take one thing away from him Which is that he actually only won one season and he was the runner-up for the second time around. I thought so, but didn't they say on this show that he's won twice?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Yes. Someone incorrectly said that, but he was the runner-up because remember Ian, his career's way, yeah, the kid won. He's boiler. So there is that, but he is the excellent player and he did have an amazing dance funeral, was an epic thing in Big Brother for people who watch Big Brother, they just know what it is. I don't have to say what it is. So he is a really good game player, but what's funny is that he and several other people, especially the Big Brother and the survivor people are like,
Starting point is 00:08:39 oh well, we play these games. We know what it's like, like the other people are on reality TV, but we're the ones who are used to playing these games. But the funny thing is Dan is evil. So he's a traitor, and he is talking so much about how he knows how to play these games. He is the one that people are suspecting of the traitor, he's the one they're suspecting the most right now.
Starting point is 00:09:00 He's the one that they're like, oh, it's Dan, right? He's really quiet. Even Marcus Jordan is suspicious of Dan. He's like, that they're like, oh, it's Dan, right? He's really quiet. Even Marcus Jordan is suspicious of Dan. He's like, you know Dan, you're the only one who's just like not saying anything. He just looks sort of weird. And then they go and they kill Marcus. It's like, this is, you don't say
Starting point is 00:09:16 that you're good at these games and then you're gonna do the most obvious thing which has killed the person who questions you. Like it does not make any sense. All right. Well, you know, unfortunately for Dan, people are not as stupid on this game. And this is most, this is like half bravo people. We're saying that, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:34 But they're not as stupid on this game as they are on big brother. Big brother, you just kind of sit back and wait for everybody to create enough drama and turn against each other. And then they go home on this one, you kind of do the same thing. But if you don't have drama and turn against each other and then they go home. On this one, you kind of do the same thing, but if you don't create any drama, they notice that you're, they notice what you're doing. Like it's extremely obvious what you're doing and that is what Dan does.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And every time they ask Dan, like, who do you think it is? He's like, well, you know, I mean, I just choose to not think of it like that because I'm like, quiet. So, you know, what this game is about for me is like, you know, it's what this game is about for me is like, you know, it's what this game is about, right?
Starting point is 00:10:07 So, like, you gotta just like, look around and like, not, and he's not saying anything, and people are like, wait a minute, the rest of us are getting kicked off and nominated because we all have an opinion, and this fucker sitting here with no opinion and getting away with it. Don't, don't, don't.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah, but the best part about, well not the best part, but like the thing that I loved with the show is that they selected Fadra to be the other initial traitor. And like Fadra is like such a great choice because as it stands right now, Fadra doesn't tell us anything on her shows. Fadra, like Fadra is like an impenetrable wall.
Starting point is 00:10:43 She always has been, we like her because she's shady, but like, do we know anything about Fadra? Do we really know anything about Fadra? No, because she will often just be like, mm, mm, you know, like Fadra. But she does. Fadra, tell me about what is growing up. And nods, and just goes, mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yeah, Fadra, tell us what was growing up, and she'll, oh, that is a story. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And that's like all she does. And so she can get away with doing this on this show and it doesn't seem like she's being quiet. It's just like Pedro, she can just,
Starting point is 00:11:18 anytime anything happens, they're like, can you believe, can you believe they killed peppermint and she'd be like, ooh, wow. The killers are out tonight. And you know, and they're like, yes. Well, she also says nothing, but she does everything funny in a funny way. So people laugh and they take it as an opinion,
Starting point is 00:11:39 even if she's not really giving it a opinion. It's very funny, it's actually very smart. And Fadre has been such a traitor on her own seasons. I mean, we just saw Mary D'Medison, she's from Atlanta, but she's currently on Mary D'Medison. And her whole thing on Mary D'Medison was how she was the only one still close to Quad. And then she saw that that was not going to benefit her. That was not going to benefit her because everybody else
Starting point is 00:12:05 on the show was like, we're getting rid of Quad. And she turned on Quad. She fucking betrayed Quad, it stabbed her right in the back with all the other girls right on the show, and then just like nodded and did the squint thing. I'm like, wow. You know, sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And you don't even have to do that. That's not even a show about kicking people off. I mean, she does this for fun. Yeah, they literally had a trader's round table on marriage medicine and that's not part of the show. But yeah, I think Fadra is such a great choice because like there's so many villains but she is such a good choice to be like a trader.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I think she's gonna fly under the radar. I think she's gonna be great. Dan already has some suspicion on him. And once you have any sort of heat on you, it's hard to get rid of it. And part of it, the show kind of did Dan a little dirty because the show, in a challenge, and I think the first challenge,
Starting point is 00:12:58 they had to carry scarecrows all over the estate. And part of carrying the scarecrows was, yeah, there were like survey questionnaires that were like, who do you trust the most? Who is the quietest or who is not speaking enough? And so one of the options was like, Dan or someone else. And so it really put a spotlight
Starting point is 00:13:19 in the fact that Dan's being really quiet. So the show was kind of putting some heat on Dan. I think that was intentional because last season, the traders more or less had an easy job. And I think the show is going to try to kind of like keep it even in terms of like, you know, not letting the traders have as much of a cakewalk, you know? Yeah, they, and they were very good reality producers on the show because they do stir the shit all the time. They're like, oh, look at Dan, the most popular one.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And then they had one like, who's the most popular peppermint or who is the other one? Deonte? What's the boxer's name? Deonte. And peppermint's like, hello, me. First of all, why would anybody choose anybody other than a drag queen? Of course. The first and the first. First of all, why would anybody choose anybody other than a drag queen? Of course. The person from RuPaul's Drag Race is going to be the most popular.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I don't know how anybody thought that she wouldn't be, but they everybody was like, no, it's not her, because the resident Karen of the group, oh my God, which, so let's start there. So, yeah, that's this is the thing. This starts immediately. It's like the blonde lady in the fucking beret, you know? And then the second she's called out starts crying and making a big deal out of it like she's the victim. But they're sitting around kind of joking together
Starting point is 00:14:38 and peppermint goes, well, listen, I don't want to get kicked off because I've brought so many amazing outfits that I want to show you guys and everybody kind of laughs You know because it's funny and she'll show goes oh my god me too And then she goes yeah, so I mean I have a lot of outfits too So if somebody murders to me if somebody murders me tonight I guess we know who it is. Ha ha and peppermint just goes. Oh What girl? Yeah, that's. Peppers like, oh my god,
Starting point is 00:15:06 like it was like a completely normal reaction. That was like, oh my god, that was shady, but it was like, that was it. And first of all, by the way, why would peppermint kill you because peppermint wants to show up her outfits? Like you guys could both show up if you're out of this together. Like that you guys could both show off your outfits together.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Like that made, like, Michelle was joking, being like, you're trying to be the fashion queen, but I'm the fashion queen, so if I get knocked off, I guess it'll be you. Like, I got with, Trishel was saying, but peppermint, her reaction was just like,
Starting point is 00:15:38 was, girl, it was like silly, it wasn't. It was normal, right. It was totally normal, but I guess Trishhell was paranoid about it. Maybe she was like in a heightened state of paranoia of like, oh my god, like anything you say, I'm used against you. So she's like, you know, God, that was weird. Like, oh, I feel like I just, you know, so first she's like saying,
Starting point is 00:15:57 like, that was weird, that was weird that reaction. But then the next day, they all gather up breakfast. And Treshell is like, well, they all gather at breakfast. And Trishel is like, well, I made it to breakfast, so I guess I have to address the elephant in the room, which by the way, there was no elephant in the room. There was nothing even close and elephant.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So she's like, well, there was because she was going around reading Babar to everybody the night before. I fucking Trishel. She was going to everybody going, oh my God, peppermint just came for me because I said something about fashion and then she got so mad you guys, like literally, what's it?
Starting point is 00:16:34 You're gonna murder me and then she got so mad at me. I mean, typical Karen shit. It was out to be that peppermint like had this huge reaction, which she absolutely did not. And listen, part of it is the traders, you're supposed to turn people against each other and I get that, but this is typical.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Like, oh my God, take one, this is not a reaction and turn it against somebody when they didn't even mean that it was shitty. It was super, super shitty. And good thing for Max from dancing with the stars who turns out to be an awful player later. Also, he comes to this cast with kind of a, oh yeah boys, he's kind of doing this talk like this.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I don't know if I feel that same way that I feel about her, never one of those stars, I feel like it's kind of a gengopage. I don't know where he's doing this voice from, but anyway, he's the only one who sees that this lady is obviously being a Karen, and this is not cool because immediately everybody starts believing Treselle and being like, let's get her. Yeah, this, it would have been one thing if Treselle was like, hey, I'm gonna just try to like, you know, I'll create suspicion on anyone,
Starting point is 00:17:42 but me because I don't want to be in the middle of this. But this was not, she was not doing this from a strategic point of view. She was, and I bet in interviews later on, whenever she does her interviews for this, she will say that's why she was doing it. But this was purely like, she read rage and she read danger off of peppermint. It was a full on microaggression.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Ever, like you can just see it. It was, I was uncomfortable watching it. I was like, this is crazy. And then she escalates it. She brings it up to the breakfast. Breakfast is where everyone convenes in the morning because Johnny Banana is voted out first. They kick up Johnny Banana's first,
Starting point is 00:18:18 which is a strange choice, I thought, but whatever. And she brings it up to the group. And now the whole group is suspicious of peppermint, and it's based off of literally nothing. And I mean, this is sort of the best part of the show, but also like the set, like the, this is like the, this is the part of the show that is also unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:18:38 like when you see how it applies in real life, how often this happens, it's kind of like a sad commentary, but like, Dr. Shell says she has this moment and then everyone suddenly just doesn't trust peppermint. And I'm like, how does, where did that distrust come from? And why did anyone who was in that conversation not say, I was there, peppermint had no reaction. This is Sherei's fault too, I think, in some ways, because Sherei was there and Sherei
Starting point is 00:19:04 should have said peppermint did not have any sort of reaction, and I don't know what Sheree was talking about. But Sheree kind of was like, well, I didn't see it, it didn't seem that way to me, but whatever, you know, like, where were Peppermint's defenders? Because Shereeel just takes it to this next place, you're like, did I miss something? Did Peppermint really get me?
Starting point is 00:19:18 And it's also, it's not only about, you don't want to miss yourself. It's also a gay thing, because it is a very trans. It is a thing where, you know, when you're in the gay community, where, listen, I do speak like, maaah! That's like my turn. I am sarcastic about everything. But I've been in a lot of situations where people are just jumping all over, like, oh my
Starting point is 00:19:39 god, he was being so bitchy, he was being so mean. And it's like, right. But I wasn't. Like, that was me being nice. I didn't even say anything mean. Not comparing it, but I did think of that with her because I was like, oh God, because some of these people are probably like,
Starting point is 00:19:53 oh, well, she was probably just being really vicious. And it's like, you guys can't have a fucking person from RuPaul's Drag Race. It's not a lot to be sarcastic with you. Like, that's not fair. Exactly. That everybody's just gonna jump all over like the's not allowed to be sarcastic with you. Like that's not fair. Exactly. That everybody's just going to jump all over like the famous drag queen for being sarcastic
Starting point is 00:20:08 and having an attitude. That's the point. You fucking idiots. Yeah, and by the way, also like it's hilarious because people don't, it seemed like a lot of people don't think about like if you were a trader, how would you act? Are you going to act squirrely? Probably not unless someone's onto you. If otherwise you're gonna act actually pretty quiet
Starting point is 00:20:28 and you're gonna be pretty chilly. You're gonna be kind of relaxed because you know where everything is. Not relax. You only get nervous when people start to figure you out. Like Cody last season, once he messed up and then the heat was on, he became like a wreck. But generally speaking, when you play these games, if you're a bad guy and you sort of like understand what heat was on, he became like a wreck. But generally speaking, when you play these games,
Starting point is 00:20:45 if you're a bad guy and you sort of like understand what's going on, there's like a little bit of ease with the way you can move around because you can just push things off onto other people. And so people are like, oh, that person's acting nervous and suspicious. The people who act most nervous, the people who act like the wildest usually
Starting point is 00:21:03 are the ones who are actually the innocent ones. But they don't seem to realize that they don't put that to and choose to like, oh my god, peppermint. Peppermint had a reaction, definitely a traitor. Like what traitor would have, what traitor is going to have a reaction like that and just blow their cover? Like no one thinks about that.
Starting point is 00:21:19 It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and it's commercial. Being an actual royal is never about finding your happy ending, but the worst part is, if they step out of line or fall in love with the wrong person, it changes the course of history. I'm Aresha Skidmore Williams, and I'm Brooke Sifrin. We've been telling the stories of the rich and famous on the hit Wondery Show, even the rich, and talking about the latest and famous on the hit Wondery Show, even the rich. And talking about the latest celebrity news on Rich and Daily, we're going all over the
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Starting point is 00:22:17 You can listen to Even The Royals early and add free right now by joining Wondering Plus. So they go to the roundtable thing and of course Trishel's like, wow, peppermint gave me all this attitude. No, no, no, no, no. It's peppermint. It's like, no, I didn't. What the hell? And then everyone's, you know, immediately because also the show, if someone else is in trouble, part of that is like,
Starting point is 00:22:45 you just go with it because it's not you, right? And it's better, somebody else, and it happens every week, you know? So that they, they immediately just start going for peppermint and it sucked. So they get rid of, go ahead. I was going to say they get peppermint, but then Trishald and source to cry. I'd be like, oh my God, but what was funny is the alternate to peppermint as a side thing, there's a, there's a British politician on the show, random randomly, like amongst all these reality stars, I don't know if this guy has John Burkow,
Starting point is 00:23:17 I don't know if he's appeared on British reality shows, but there's this older British man on the show. And when the traders were being selected, I guess he's not a trader, but I guess he was breathing weird. And he's sitting next to you, Janelle, from Big Brother. Janelle continues to be my favorite. I've got, I love Janelle. And so Janelle's like, hey, John, I noticed just now that you started to breathe strangely,
Starting point is 00:23:42 why are you breathing strangely? You're like, oh, well, I happened to be a little bit asthmatic. And so, you know, I had a little bit of, I was asthmatic in my youth and I had some trouble breathing or whatever. So then, they do this whole challenge with the scaric roads that we talked about. And they're running around. And John, by the way, the funniest runner, the way he runs was my favorite. But he's running. And so so Tamara, I was like, God, Tamara's so evil, but God, this is such a good showcase for her.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Well, also not fair of them to give Tamara a scarecrow challenge. I mean, it was barking at the wrong tree, but like, God, that was a clever, clever way to get that information out. There's just so silly. They're coming after an older guy for how he breathed. I mean, I was cracking up because they all blindfolds on in that section that they accused him of the funny breathing. And Alan's walking right behind them and like Mrs. Peacock's costume,
Starting point is 00:24:47 scaring the hell out of them, slowing down and everyone's a little freaked out. But you've got this guy's like, oh, I'm like, I can't. You can't. Yeah. So then, so Tamra is like, she feels like she found this smoking gun.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And so they, while peppermint is being interrogated by Trishel, we pivot for a moment and Tamra's like, well, bitch, British bitch, you are breathing, Rich. And I got you with the inhaler thing. And so this guy watching this guy, this British politician trying to do the British politician thing to Tamra and Tamra's having, will have none of it. And she just keeps grilling him. And I was like, Tamra, Tamra's having, we'll have none of it. And she just keeps grilling
Starting point is 00:25:26 him and I was like, Tamra, you're at evil, but oh my god, you are so good at what you do. Like I was like, she's like, I've been a wimp in my face. I'm like, junior high bat, shh, that fuck with me. She was, she was being so, I mean, she was just like handling this guy. And I was like, I am gaining a new level of respect for Tamara in her awfulness. I'm just like, she is, he could not, he could not, he's used to arguing with other politicians, he is not used to arguing with like, reality star villains.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah, I mean, especially Tamara, I mean, Tamara really is a special case. Okay, so there was that and then Max, so the next morning, well, who's the first person to kick off besides Pepperm? Because there was someone. Johnny, Johnny picked up Johnny. Well, this one was Dan, because they'd not
Starting point is 00:26:13 named a third trader yet. So Fadre and Dan find out that they're each traders and they're talking it over. And Dan immediately wants to get rid of the mouth, of course. And Fadre was like, well, we do have to win these challenges to make money. That's kind of the point. Like we do need he's really good at physical challenges, but Dan's like, no, so they get rid of bananas. Then peppermint was next. So after they get rid of peppermint,
Starting point is 00:26:38 Tracelle's like, oh my god, you guys like that's so sad about peppermint and Max goes yeah, but you know that you're the one who caused that right kid You're the one who caused it. She's like oh And then she starts her tears and like runs off like she's the big victim fuck this lady Oh my god fuck for a shell and also what a non-shocker sorry to go back in on Right, but I wanted to do all this max Conve all the time to do that. I really like that Max totally was onto her from the very beginning. And Max, we don't have a ton of great things
Starting point is 00:27:09 to say about Max because otherwise, he's pretty much dummy. I mean, so people go into all these mansion rooms and start having conversations. And of course most of them are whispering about strategy or whatever, but people walk in and then you go, oh hey, Max walks into every room and they go, whoa, whoa, and then start go, oh, hey, Max walks into every room and they go,
Starting point is 00:27:25 whoa, whoa, and then start slowly backing out of the room. And they're like, Max, you can come in. He's like, nope, nope, you guys go ahead. But by the way, it looked ridiculous, especially to these dumb-dums, but the truth is, they're so dumb to think that that's trader behavior because a trader actually wants to sit with people and listen in
Starting point is 00:27:46 and find out what's going on. So the fact that he actually keeps on leaving conversations should actually exonerate him in some way, but they don't think like that. They're just like, look at him acting strange. He must be a trader. Meanwhile. It's hard to know because it's just the beginning of the game.
Starting point is 00:28:01 So it's not like a real murder show where you're like, okay, who has the motive or who has the history or you can't go off anything real. It's just arbitrary, you know. So at first, no one really knows what to go off of. And it is really so funny watching human nature. I mean, the second anybody has anybody, anybody who has the guts to say something against somebody else, it's like they might as well have just murdered them, you know, because they do get everybody. You really see that mob mentality,
Starting point is 00:28:32 everybody coming for the one person that has any kind of suspicion. That's why this show is so good. Like I have some friends over my board game world who don't like the show whatsoever, because they're like, ugh, like the strategy, there's no, people are not using strategy, and like there's no real gameplay here that I'm like,
Starting point is 00:28:52 but that's not the point. The point is like, how do people act in these situations? Like watching Bob mentality take over, like who is gonna be the one who's finally gonna have logic? Who's gonna start like thinking in a different way and start putting pieces together That's where it's like so exciting One thing that a major thing that happened in the season in the beginning is that Alan coming picks two traders
Starting point is 00:29:16 And he walks by he walks they're all blindfolded in the circle he walks by he picks two traders But then the traders learn that they have Dan and Vagra learn that they have to recruit a third trader. So there's a lot of questioning like, who are they gonna pick? So the ones that they are considering are Parvati from Survivor, Sandra from Survivor, who I love, Sandra. Who are the other two that they were thinking about
Starting point is 00:29:39 bringing on board as traders, do you remember? They're like one or two others. I feel like they went. Janelle. Um, Janelle. Did you say her already? No, I think Janelle basically Dan was pushing for all like CBS reality, reality stars, I think.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Like, yeah, pretty much. But I couldn't tell how many people they were just kind of naming because the producers like named this person named that person. Right. But when he was saying Janelle, Janelle, I like Janelle, because she will do anything to win, I think he was also like, I'm killing her. Yeah, I don't know that Dan really does want to team up
Starting point is 00:30:17 with another big brother person. I think that it's really important for him to beat that person, which, listen, it's a game, so more power to him. Yeah, totally. Actually, did they consider, oh, CT, I think they also considered CT. So, what was fun, so they ultimately decide that they're going to bring poverty into their ranks, which is, you know, poverty is really good at this stuff, but I was a little surprised hilarious. I've always thought it was parvati, but poverty is your name. Why would you name your child poverty? Listen, we always tell our listeners, don't name your children, goal names,
Starting point is 00:30:52 like this is my daughter wealth, or this is my daughter hope, because that gives people unfair expectations. But to name your child poverty, like, can we come on? Let's find a middle ground. That may have been my mistake. I think it's actually poverty, but it's still so quite a bit like poverty.
Starting point is 00:31:11 It sounds quite a bit like poverty. I think the name is, I don't know, might have some significance. I think it's probably like Hindu or Buddha, or something like that. But definitely in the world of like, sort of like CBS reality shows, it is, it is kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:31:30 So by the way, can I say, first of all, check your text that I just sent you because it has like a little link there. But poverty looks just like a young, and she also talks like her, just like a young and that penny. Does anybody, just like a young and that Benning. Does anybody else see that? Because she's new to me,
Starting point is 00:31:47 so I didn't know really anything about her. But she is like bugsy age in that Benning. It creeps, I'm not creeps me out because I love a not Benning, but I was like, oh my God, she wins. She wins in my mind, I love her. So I was a little surprised that they surprised that they went with poverty only because when they poverty, when they would initially, would poverty get water?
Starting point is 00:32:21 When they were choosing traders, when Alan coming was tapping people, when they put their blindfolds down, Larso was sitting next to Parvati and she goes, so I have like really good hearing like, and I definitely heard like Alan coming. Like supersonic. I've got like supersonic hearing. Guys, like I feel like I've got like supersonic hearing.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Go ahead, Ben, I'm like sorry, like. I can hear like this in that next fuzzy, and like I definitely feel like I heard like Alan touching Parvati's shoulder. And you're like this and that next to IZ. And like, I definitely feel like I heard Alan touching Barbara's shoulder. Barbara's like, what? Yeah, I know, I heard it for sure. Yeah, I was like, I feel like I'm really like,
Starting point is 00:32:57 I'm like, I'm like, I'm really, I feel like known for it. She really does. We tease her for saying like all the time and I feel like all the time. And she does every time they cut to her. She's like, you know what? I feel like, like, we're like really good, but like, I feel like I need to be like with Marcus, like, cause like, I feel like he's like my friend.
Starting point is 00:33:18 You know, like he's like not only my friend, he's like my teammate in my life. Like, yeah, and there's like, you know, at night they all go to bed and they have like a shot of her like clutching Marcus's photo, like, oh, my boyfriend, like, I love my boyfriend, like. Well, it actually hit the biggest shock of the show. And I was like, wow, they really are doing a great job
Starting point is 00:33:37 with the twists and turns because I was literally shocked when they showed Lowe's a reading a book. I almost fell on the ground. Ha, ha, ha, ha. shocked when they soed Liza reading a book. I almost fell on the ground. Larsa, you know, I have to say, like having Larsa and Marcus on there, I think that they were producers were anticipating a whole bunch of, like, interpersonal issues, or I thought one of them was going to be a traitor, one of them wasn't going to be, or there'd be issues of them standing up for each other, but they got rid of Marcus so quickly, so early in the season,
Starting point is 00:34:06 I don't think they ever got to really have fun with that whole dynamic, but that was because Marcus, so Marcus is not bright himself. He suspects Dan, because Dan's not saying anything, so he goes up to Dan and he says, I mean, this is not to throw any shade against you,
Starting point is 00:34:22 but you have been like really quiet, so people have been wondering about you. Well, don't say that to the guy that you think is the traitor, what do you to throw any shade against you, but you happen like really quiet. So people have been wondering about you. Well, don't say that to the guy that you think is the trader. What are you things gonna happen to you? You're gonna get killed right away. Oh my God. And wasn't there someone sitting with Marcus when he said that to Dan?
Starting point is 00:34:38 Like, why didn't anyone say, you know what's strange? Marcus said this to Dan, and then the next day Marcus wound up dead, I think we should be thinking about Dan. No one ever said, like no one, it's like, it is hilarious how they don't really put two and two together.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Well, it's so easy for us to see it because we're shown, but probably from their point of view, everybody's accusing everybody. So it's like, well, who is? That's true. I think when they really get him is when MJ gets on his ass because she, hit, she sends it out loud. I mean, first of all, the women are like, it's a man. The traitor is a man, which the traitor is multiple people. I mean, haven't you seen this before? It's been on before. But they're like, the traitor is a man. That's it. We need to get rid of a man. Who is it? And Lars is like,
Starting point is 00:35:27 guys, like, use like what? Guys, like, I feel like we need a plan. And like, here's the plan. Like, I'm going to like figure out who the trader is. And like, I'm going to get rid of him. I'm serious. Lars is on the case. Lars is a lot of guys. But I mean, they're gonna say, they're their decision that I can have to be a man. It was based off of the fact that the people who had been getting killed, well, there was, were men. It was Johnny bananas, Johnny bananas, and then Marcus.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It's like two sort of like athletic, strong men. So they're like, the only people people who want to get rid of strong men would be a man, right? And I was like, I mean, you know, in life who knows if that makes sense, but I can imagine in this group, yeah, like with a bunch of reality stars, where everyone wants to be an alpha,
Starting point is 00:36:16 all the guys want to be the alpha, that totally makes sense. I mean, I definitely got that impression from Dan in the first round of who to murder. I definitely got that impression from him in the first round of Who to Murder. I definitely got that impression from him. With the Marcus I did, and I thought Marcus, he was just like, he accused me, so kill him. But when MJ gets him, it's so good
Starting point is 00:36:34 because she doesn't let it go. And I feel like a lot of people on this show, they'll accuse somebody, but if that person is stood up for or gets off the hook, then they all stop because they don't wanna look stupid coming coming after and she does not care. She's like, no, it's Dan. It's clearly Dan. Dan tries to stand up for himself.
Starting point is 00:36:53 She's like, no, Dan, sorry. And I like that she explains to him, like the rest of us are putting ourselves on the line by accusing other people or making an effort and you're just sitting there doing fucking nothing. And that's not fair. Like you shouldn't you're just sitting there doing fucking nothing. And that's not fair. Like you shouldn't get to just sit there and like be at peace with everybody and be Mr. Popular because you refuse to do it.
Starting point is 00:37:11 And then Dan still doesn't do anything. He still doesn't give this whole thing about like, if I wanna make a shot, like, I wanna make sure that shot counts. And MJ is doing a great job. She's very calm. And Larza, by the way, is also with... Larza's also kind of in...
Starting point is 00:37:28 Larza's sort of in Pitball mode where she's like, she decided to stand and now she's just gonna be like, it's you Dan, Dan, it's you. You're lying, I can tell you're lying, it's you. But MJ is like, she's laying it out there, she's very calm. I'm like, I really...
Starting point is 00:37:41 I'm hoping that MJ might be a breakout on this one. Like, I don't know. I feel like I might curse her because, who knows, she could be dead at the top of episode four, but I feel like MJ for sure, like, showed sparks that she could be the one to watch on this season. But what bothered me is that MJ and Larsa,
Starting point is 00:38:02 especially MJ, are like onto Dan, and they're making a very compelling case. And then Deante, who I really enjoyed Deante because it seems like a really good guy, he comes in and he totally derails it. So Deante, after peppermint is voted off unfairly, he's like a motrious. He's like, I was dying laughing laughing because well, the first thing,
Starting point is 00:38:25 when peppermint got kicked off, I think, you know, obviously that was extra sag because it was kind of like Tristell behavior that people should have felt guilty after. So he cried after that, which I thought was kind of sweet. But then he's like, you know, it's just not fair because like, it's this raw mentality and then everyone turns against somebody and I know what it's like to not be like the popular one or whatever. I know what it's like for people to be against you
Starting point is 00:38:52 and I don't like it. And that wasn't cool to me cries. And you're like, oh my God, poor guy. So then the next one, the next round, he's totally after someone to go the whole time. He's like, he was. That was. Well, like he does this thing where he's crying. A second later, Max walks into the kitchen and Max is like,
Starting point is 00:39:10 and he's like not saying anything, but he's, I guess, acting weird in Deontes eyes. And Deontes is like, well, that's all the proof I need. He's a changed me exactly totally differently. As opposed to everyone else who's changing different, who's acting differently. So now, Empti... So then he helps turn everybody against Max and does it to him. And then cries again after the next elimination. He's like, oh, good day.
Starting point is 00:39:32 But also it's like MJ is making a very compelling case. But Deonte is like, no, I know what's right. So he basically then he stops everything because like God forbid like MJ makes a makes a case and he does this whole thing and Max is acting differently and Max at first Max does Max is pretty good about being like well what's going on with Janelle and I can see it so he gets it off of him but that actually in turn makes him look suspicious because he's trying to get attention away from him but then again it's like why is it that when Max tries to get attention off of him that But then again, it's like, why is it that when Max tries
Starting point is 00:40:05 to get attention off of him, that's a sign of being a traitor, but then when Dan tries to do it, it's not a traitor. It drove me nuts. Well, I thought the way that I took it was because Max was acting so suspicious. Like, he really was walking into every room and then backing out slowly.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And when they'd say, Max, are you okay? What's on your mind? He'd be like, wow. Yeah. Hey, Max. What's your opinion? He'd be like, oh, oh, opinion me. Why would anybody ask me?
Starting point is 00:40:36 He was acting so suspicious. And also I have to say, start to go backwards. But peppermint was too. That's for me to be very self-pept. Because once they all turned on peppermint, peppermint's like, well me. For God's help, I'm gonna be nervous. Because once they all turned on peppermint, peppermint's like, well, I can't believe that everybody's accusing me of this. That is not cool.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And listen, just because I'm a traitor and everyone stops and goes, did you just realize that you said I'm a traitor? And she's like, come on, guys. You know, I did not. Not a traitor. Which, by the way, I have made that, when I played social deduction games,
Starting point is 00:41:08 I've definitely had like a sip of the tongue by accident and then you're just like, oh, I'm done. Like because you say one wrong thing, you say something the wrong way, it's like, it's over, no one will ever believe you again. Oh god, when peppermint did that, I was like, why peppermint? So you referenced a thing where Max,
Starting point is 00:41:24 so they're coming after Max now, right? And they're like, why peppermint? So you referenced a thing where Max, so they're coming after Max now, right? And they're like, okay, Max, it's obviously you're acting so suspicious. And he's like, well, I think it was Janelle because Janelle got in a fight with the girl from Love Island at Kansu. Okay, so that was another thing.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So at Kansu, what a dummy. Now, on a watch love island,. My question is so people watch this These people are all supposed to be fuckable like super fuck a highly fuckable people I guess like well everyone's fuckable But I mean are they supposed to be like processed food like highly palatable because it's I'm well, you know what It's so weird being a love Island fan but it's so weird. Being a love island fan, seeing I can see in this environment,
Starting point is 00:42:07 and it's not that she's different, she, I guess she is a little different, but also in the world of love island, she comes in, she's this bombshell, and she, she was like a manipulator, she was drama, and she was just like a lightning rod, and she's like so good on love Island. She comes in, and I think it's because that show,
Starting point is 00:42:29 you have a lot of like very nice British people being like, I just kind of feel like, you know, like we have some good chemistry, but still early days, and I don't know, I wanna put them from a chat, but you know, like if you were interested in talking to Gemma, that's okay too. And then Ekansu comes in like someone from Traders, and it's like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:42:47 but when she is with all these other major reality villains, she does kind of fade into the background, which is just like very rattling for me. But I didn't look shaming anybody, because she's very beautiful. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm just like personality because the other one is burgy. So both of them just come off as like I don't know I wouldn't think like sex bombs both of them like sex bombs, you know, but I don't watch it But she was cracking me out because she's Describing yourself to us. I'm just like on a conceal and
Starting point is 00:43:19 And you know people think I'm just so beauty, but on brains, I've got a lot of brains. For example, I believe in aliens. That's like, that's like, what was her other thing that she, that was like the big one. She's got even conspiracy theories. I don't know if that's what you're gonna use to support that thing. Her background is that she's a soap actress, actually.
Starting point is 00:43:43 She's a Turkish. She's a Turkish soap actress, and then she got cast on LaBio and UK. Berge is on American LaBio and I haven't seen this season, so I can't talk about him. What we were going to talk about with her is that they're doing a challenge and they're finding one of these shield things. The way they made it look is that she, that Janelle found a shield in a coffin and she was getting it. She kind of pushed, what's her bones, Echinsoo goes for it at the same time and Janelle
Starting point is 00:44:20 wrestles it, kind of like smashes it away from her. But it did look like Janelle had it first, right? It did. It definitely did. But I was actually happy for this because I felt like Ecconsu, like I was like, a god. American audiences aren't going to see like the true joy of Ecconsu and I was like, oh good, they're finally going to get to see Glimmer of her because, you know, now Janelle and Ecconsu are both like squabbling over who now Janelle and Ecconsu are both squabbling over
Starting point is 00:44:46 who had it first and Ecconsu's like, I had it in my hand, I should took it out of my hand and Janelle's like, I had it first, bitch. Janelle, by the way, I love that Janelle is still just being Janelle and great. Like every challenge Janelle just goes directly for the shield, she's like, whatever, I want safety first, I don't care about any of you fuckers.
Starting point is 00:45:03 So Janelle is making me so happy, but like, that's fight with Ecconsu and Janelle is also hilarious, because it's so stupid. And I love that they didn't let Max D rail the fight by making it about them. They're like, oh, whatever, that's stupid. We'll take care of that later. Max, you idiot.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Trying to change the subject. You're out. I like that, because I'm feeling like it's reality stars and a lot of them are easily, you know, diverted. It's true. And Max actually got into like a big dust up with CT. I forget why, but like CT was coming out of and Max was CT was like, this is my character you're talking about. And he was getting very feisty. And by the way, I want to give a shout out to CT's very tight jeans. He was crammed in those jeans. Did you notice?
Starting point is 00:45:50 I was like, I never realized CT had such hunches. He was a, he is a, he is a leaky man. He's got some bedonk. He has bedonk. He really does. He looks so different too. I haven't seen him in years and years. He looks very different. He would be a little cap, like a little page boy cap. He's like a little
Starting point is 00:46:10 newsy now. Yeah, like his kind of vibe. He's like, why would you give him a fucking bananas? What do you all stupid? Like him. I don't watch any of his shows, but pretty cute, nice, but. And let's see here. We've art who have we missed talking about? We also have Kevin Kevin and Peter so Peter's from the bachelor. I don't know. I don't know who he is and then Kevin is from Bling empire and Kevin Kevin is not for Hipper right and he doesn't seem to know what's going on or who any of these people are He was like who's he talking? He was talking to Fadron.
Starting point is 00:46:45 He's like, who's Johnny Vanana's or something? And she's like, oh, he's from the challenge. He goes, what's the challenge? He's like, that's him, the show. Like, it's called the challenge. He's like, yes. Yeah. And she's like, that's Marcus Jordan.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And he's like, who? She's like, come on. Oh, no, that was CT actually. Wasn't it CT? He didn't know. He's like, come on. Oh, no, that was CT actually wasn't it CT didn't know was it's like oh maybe and then um so Peter and Kevin decided that they're going to fake a feud because that way the traders will think that if they're
Starting point is 00:47:17 feuding that they will be a shield for them. So they're going to pretend to feud. So then actually in the last vote that we saw where Max was voted off, it was a crazy vote because everyone, there were all these votes everywhere, but Kevin actually wound up with two votes because Parvati actually voted for him too. She's like, I don't know, I just decided to vote on Kevin. So I feel like that's going to have some strange ramification in the fourth episode. I really love that Parvadee's last name is shallow. That's so funny. I love when people have such like clear names.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Okay, so Kevin is kind of a hymn bow, right? And Peter Weber from the Bachelor. Oh my God, well first the Bachelor at, and then he was the Bachelor. He was on JoJo season, and then had his own massive of season. He has the mom Barbara who's in love with him.
Starting point is 00:48:10 She's like, how good this girl do this Peter? Peter, we love her. We love her. She's like sobbing. She's like, please pick her. He's a pilot and he's like a little boy. He gets away with everything by just acting like a little boy. But God, he really is kind of a dumb little boy
Starting point is 00:48:27 because he and Kevin get along and Peter's like, okay, here's what we're gonna do, okay? So I'm gonna pretend I think you're the trader and then you are gonna pretend that I'm the trader and then nobody is gonna think that we're traders. Boom! Boom! He literally does that.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And they're like, okay, okay guys, that's not the worst plan, but you need to wait until you can't do that every week. That doesn't make sense. Everybody is literally after two people in this final scene where they're like, we're either gonna get rid of Max, or we're gonna get rid of, who's the other person I forget. Dan.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Dan. And it's really serious and they're all like, Max, I choose Dan, I choose Max, I choose Dan, I choose Max and Max. Peter, what do you think? He's like, Kevin. I know. I know. I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:49:21 I didn't help, but how? How confused must they have been when Parvati also voted for Kevin? They're like, whoa, okay, whoa, okay. Parvati is smart, though, because she, I'm never gonna stop calling her Parvati, by the way, but Parvati is smart because she acted like she was gonna choose Dan.
Starting point is 00:49:39 She wrote D. She did, I think she crossed it out and she wrote Max. That was really good. Or whoever, Kevin or whoever. That was really good. Or whoever, Kevin or whoever. Very, very smart. So then they had another fun thing where they got a letter, the traders got a letter
Starting point is 00:49:54 and it said that they have to poison someone with a poison chalice. So this means that they have to pass off a glass of wine and have someone drink it and it works as a slow acting poison. This means that they have to pass off a glass of wine and have someone drink it and it works as a slow acting poison. Right, so the first thing is that they've got to find the chalice, which is like hidden inside a book in the library.
Starting point is 00:50:14 So they are like trying to do it in a way that like they don't get caught. So they're sort of holding tougher for each other. And then they get it. And so they decide that like the people that they are thinking about killing our either They want it to be a woman this time. That's gonna be either Shre MJ
Starting point is 00:50:32 But a or maybe John right? I think John was their last the last option the the British guy And so I'm already like don't kill MJ. Don't shoot dare kill MJ because I'm nervous because MJ obviously we love MJ but on top of that MJ's onto them so like I don't want them, don't shoot dare kill MJ. Cause I'm nervous because MJ, obviously we love MJ, but on top of that, MJ's onto them. So like I don't want them to get rid of MJ. And they also know it's dangerous to get rid of MJ because MJ called Dan out, so it'd be very obvious. But so then the thing is they have to like get this chalice to someone.
Starting point is 00:51:00 So there are a bunch of people like hanging around the bar. And so they're gonna, poverty is gonna be the one to hand the child's off. So she's going to like try to give it to Shirei, but Fadre is next to Shirei and Fadre is like, listen, I'll kill anyone, but we're not going to let I'm not going to let Shirei die under my watch. I think she's like, I'm going to let Shirei laugh a little bit longer. So now Parfee has to find someone else. have to find someone else. Yes. And she's kind of being obvious. But in her defense, how can you not be? I mean, everyone standing around talking and you're trying to slip
Starting point is 00:51:29 somebody a glass of wine. So we don't find out who gets that wine, right? But right. But what was so great about it is that she's like, this is like that classic suspense film where some where something's poisoned and you're waiting for someone to drink it And they're gonna drink it So it's like it looks like it's gonna be for John and then he doesn't do it then Shirey But then the page was there so she goes into another room and MJ is sitting there
Starting point is 00:51:52 So she's nice to MJ. I was like no not MJ and then MJ has her own glass of MJ Just drinks her own thing so Parv is just sort of like Wobbling around and she has this vibe that's like very much like I'm gonna kill someone right now I can't wait and then she tells us it's really hard to isolate someone I don't know who it's gonna be I'm looking around and then I see my victim and I just come up them like a little spider and I go in and then it ends and I was like I was like how could you do this to me question mark like how like how could I was like, I was like, how could you do this to me? Question mark.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Like how could they, they drew me in, they sucked me in and I was on the edge of my seat and then they just ended it. And now we have to wait a week to find out. I was beside myself. Yeah, I really sucked because it was really, really fun to watch. And on peacock, you know, they make the show so long
Starting point is 00:52:44 and you really can tell that they're longer. I mean, we definitely notice on girls trip we're like enough, you know, because mostly because we're taking notes. So we're like, why am I fingers hurting, you know? Like our fingers have timers on them. But this one at first I was like, oh, okay, especially when they get to the challenges.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I'm like, not necessarily here for all the challenges, but they're fun. They're so fast and by the time it ended, I was actually upset that I didn't have more to watch. And that's where our reality binge for me. Last season, oh, go ahead. Yeah, I was going to say last season, everyone was like, how could peacock drop these on one day? It's so not fair because they're as well as now, now they're peacock is putting them out
Starting point is 00:53:24 weekly and we're like, why doesn't the weekly pigoccal have them all out right now? But I was doing it like this, because it gives it a chance to build, you know, because people really do give it away in two seconds. I mean, you go on Twitter the morning after this is aired and it's really hard to not be spoils. So.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I was upset because I watched all three episodes so I thought there's no spoilers for me. But there was kind of a spoiler that I guess NBC, I mean I guess it's not a spoiler because NBC is promoting it actively and I basically I'm not gonna say it necessarily here unless like if you're open to it but like oh no I don't want a spoiler. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say. But I'm like, I wanted to be surprised about by that.
Starting point is 00:54:26 I can't believe. That's mine, good, that's mine. I can't, yeah, I mean, I can't believe that NBC was rather than having us all be surprised. I'm like, holy shit, they're using it to get more publicity around this. But I'm like really upset about finding out about that. And it's like, just nowhere safe, nowhere safe.
Starting point is 00:54:45 That sucks. All right, well, let's do something real quick and pick our final three. For who do you think is gonna win this? Because it basically, well, we don't know how it's gonna end. We don't know how many traders are gonna be left and how many people are gonna win.
Starting point is 00:55:03 I'm gonna go, I'm gonna say Fadre is gonna win. I feel, Fadre seems really good at this. I don't know, for some reason I feel like the faithful are gonna win this year. And I feel like the final three are gonna be like a strange combo, would be like, Shirei, Larsa, and like Berge. I think they're actually giving Berge a really good edit. Like, he's
Starting point is 00:55:28 like trying to, like they're giving him the edit of someone who's trying to grow. And so that makes me think that he's going to make it to the end and he might win the whole thing. Okay, I'm going to say my final three are going to be Fadra, CT and the Chick from Survivor, which are named not Parvati, but Sandra. Sandra. And then I'm going to pick Fadra as my winner. And then who do you want as your winner? Berge. Um, I think Berge will win the whole thing. Oh my gosh. That would be crazy. What a dope that guy is. Well, he might know, he would share it. If he's faithful, I think he would share it with, I think he would share it with like,
Starting point is 00:56:09 maybe Berge and CT, actually, maybe, or, or, why would it be three? Well, because the way it would work is that the faithful, if it gets down to more traders and there are faithful at the end, then the traders will win, right? But if it gets down to like, if it gets down to two traders, or two faithful and one trader, like it just always has to be more faithful than traders to win, I think. I don't remember exactly how it ended. I remember that it was two traders at the end last time.
Starting point is 00:56:45 It was a guy from the bachelor and Siri. But then she, I was like, Siri, oh my God, she's done so good. Siri, but then she ended up turning on him at the very last minute. And he was like, I'm not going to do that. Go ahead, just take it. And so he basically left. He just like this. He's like, I'm not gonna do that. Go ahead, just take it. And so he basically left. He was like, quick. I'm already a villain from the bachelor.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I'm not gonna be that here. If that's important to you, have fun. So he just kind of left. And then how did, so how was a winner determined? I don't remember. So Andy and Quentin, it was a whole thing where it was like,
Starting point is 00:57:23 they were the final four and they could either like take the money and proceed or like throw some sort of thing in the fire and that meant that you thought there were still traders. And so then when it came down to the Andy Quentin and Ciri, Alan Cumming was like do you still think that there are traders amongst you? And they said no, we're all, we're all the good. It was just, oh, and they locked it in, right? So I guess, I guess there could, you know what, you're right, there could, I guess there could still be one singular winner,
Starting point is 00:57:59 because if it comes down to like two traders and one faithful and the faithfuls, I guess they'll think there's traders, then they can still point the fingers and I think eliminate a trader. I don't know. I don't remember exactly, but okay, so those are our predictions. Your final three are Sheree, Larsa and Berge, with Berge winning.
Starting point is 00:58:16 My final three are Fadre, CT, and Sandra, with Fadre winning. So time will tell, but this has been fun. Thanks everybody so much for being with us. We'll be back next week with some below deck meds. I don't worry about that. It's going to be the season finale of that one. We also did a Southern hospitality recap this week. So go check that out. And there's also a new dwell hello coming out this week. So one replace people. Check that out. And don't forget to go get tickets for the Golden Crappies,
Starting point is 00:58:44 February 17th. Find ticket links, Patreon links, video links, bonus links, all of that stuff over at Hi. Bye everyone. Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think
Starting point is 00:58:58 it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Hasley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Strong in the park with Caitlin Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-O-L. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-os. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr.
Starting point is 00:59:20 She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wings. Sit some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always wind beneath our Jennifer Wings. Sit some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a Kisarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Juni, my favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We wanna hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Watcher Crappens, Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today.
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