Watch What Crappens - #2298 The Traitors + RHOP Catch Up: Like You’re Weird Like!

Episode Date: January 22, 2024

The Traitors (S02E04) got pretty intense this week when someone decided to try an f with the Real Housewives. Will this power alliance get destroyed before it’s even begun? We chat about Housewives of Potomac’s Mother’s Day Brunch and Robyn/Candiace sit down after the recap, at about 1hr 18 minute-mark. To watch the video version of this recap and for our bonus episodes, go to And grab tickets for the 2024 Golden Crappies Awards Feb 27 at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery's new podcast, Dis and Tell, wades into the glorious mess of celebrity beef. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud and asks, what does our obsession with these feuds say about us? Follow Dis and Tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. ["Crabbit"] Well, hello everybody and welcome to Watch What Crop-Ins! A podcast for all that crap we love to talk about I'm you bro. Thank you so much for being here. I'm Ronnie. That's been over there. Hello, Ben Lou. Hi, Ronnie
Starting point is 00:00:54 How are you good? How's life treating me over there? Um, I am like this is a very fun exciting Monday morning. I have to say life is treating me well I feel like it's rainy and cozy here in LA. We got exciting stuff to talk about. We've got exciting show to recap. So I'm doing really, really well over here. How about you? Good, everybody, go vote.
Starting point is 00:01:14 We just put up preliminary voting round for the Golden Crapy Awards, which is this February 17th and a couple of weeks in Los Angeles at the Palace Theatre. It's going to be a really fun show. It's a big house. Lots of really fun special guests. Never know it's going to come. So you should. You should definitely come. Okay. And get tickets at And you know what? Since today, the voting did officially open. I just, I do want to tell people what the categories are because no one knows what the categories are. So I'm just going to quickly go through the categories, just let everyone know. We have our standards. We've got like best bravo show of the year, best bravo liberty of the year, best bravo moment of the year. We have best fight. We have biggest villain, most memorable scandival moment.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Scandival was so big, we gave it its own category. Most cringe always a favorite. Biggest fail, best newbie, best quote, best supporting character. Here's a new category. Biggest fuckboy. It was a big year for fuckboys, so they got a category. And probably the defining category of the year, best scandal. So if you want to weigh in on any of those things, this is our round one of voting. These votes are going to determine what our final nominees are going to be, so our nominations. So definitely go vote and have fun with it.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And by the way, send it to anyone you know who you think would be interested in this. Send it along, share it. We want to get as wide a pool as possible. So already, by the way, like over 2,000 votes in the first hour. Amazing. So thanks everyone for voting. Yeah, it's gonna be a great time. We're putting the show together now and cracking up. So it's gonna be fine. Join us for that. Also, we are doing Traders today. So welcome to this very special Traders episode. We can't pass the Traders app.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Okay, this is some good shit. We're both in very special traders episode. We can't pass the traders up. Okay, this is some good shit. We're both in love with this show. Unfortunately, it means some other stuff has to go on temporary back burner. Right now it's Potomac, because frankly, it deserves it. Potomac is having a rough time. We are going to talk about Potomac at the end of this episode. Also, Real Housewives of Miami will be back for full recaps this week. But you know, we Miami will be back for full recaps this week.
Starting point is 00:03:25 But you know, we're gonna juggle a couple of things in and out of the schedule as we go along. It's a big schedule change time for Bravo. That's what happens every few months when all the shows change over, Southern Charm is changing over to Vanderpump Rules and then Summer House and then all this other stuff is coming. So just be patient and you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Just like a slew of recaps. Just go listen and have a good time. And go listen to bonuses, all that good stuff. Yeah. If you want to sound off about it, you know what you can do? You can join in for crappy hour tonight, which is happening. But you already, you didn't mention it. You didn't mention it.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Did you mention it? I know, but it is tonight. Crappy hour is our live Instagram. So every other Monday at 5 30 Pacific on Instagram. Okay. So let us get into this. So traders. Wow. I'm so into traders. I looked up, uh, Michelle Collins tweeted something like, uh, we all love traders, but the UK one is even better. I heard it's amazing. And I'm watching that right now. So I started looking that up and then everybody's going crazy talking about the UK one
Starting point is 00:04:26 Which of course would be right up our alley. We love that shit greatest Great British bake-off. We'd love to reckon that we've done, you know, real housewives of Melbourne You know all the we love doing terrible accents. So this would have been perfect for us Unfortunately, not easily strained. How do we live in a global world where you can't just easily stream this shit in America? Isn't it on Peacock? Isn't British traders on Peacock? Not the current season. There's a current season right now.
Starting point is 00:04:53 British season one is not going to do us any good to recap. Yeah. People are losing their mind per season two, which obviously I haven't seen. And season one, I watched the first episode of it. After the last season of US traders ended, I needed my traders fix and I started to watch it, but that was right when we started to tour again and time just sort of, I just didn't have time to watch it.
Starting point is 00:05:16 But I do plan to watch that. And I also plan to watch Aussie traders, which is also supposed to be great, which is also up our wheelhouse for terrible accents. So Yeah, I mean who knows maybe we'll maybe we'll take that on who I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to Obligate us to any recaps because Bravo. You never know what Bravo's gonna throw at us But wow this show is so good. This is the rare show in the year 2024 where when it when it drops I
Starting point is 00:05:46 in the year 2024 where when it when it drops, I watch it immediately. Like I watched this at around like 6 30 p.m. on Thursday. Like I think it dropped at 6 p.m. on the West Coast. Like this was not a I'm going to wait till Saturday. The spoilers come fast and they come hard for the show. And the show, you just don't want anything spoiled, which by the way, spoiler alert, we're going to be talking about spoilers on this episode. But, um, That's not a spoiler. It happens. A recap of a show that happened. It's my, if you're listening to a recap of the show, we're talking about what happened in the show. What are
Starting point is 00:06:16 we going to talk about? Top chef and not say who got eliminated? Stop. Wow. Go watch the show or don't listen to the recap yet. Save it. You can save it. I was honestly blown away by Thursday's show just because it was so good. It's not even that the it's not even that that what happened, like in terms of who was eliminated was such such a bombshell moment. It's just that the way the show is presented, the way they just they built it up and the way like honestly, the final scene, whoew, Phaedra. Wow. Great.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Well, there have been some Phaedra complaints because we have gotten Phaedra back on Mary DeMedicine. We got her on the Real Housewives of Ultimate Girls, Real Housewives, Ultimate Girls, not of Ultimate Girls trip. I'm never going to unlearn that. So we got her on that. She was pretty entertaining on that, but married to medicine so far, she's kind of like, eh, you know. She was on Dubai, which was kind of a nothing appearance.
Starting point is 00:07:14 So people are like, what's Phaedra? Where's, we need the real Phaedra back, you know? Stop hiding. Well, she's back. She is back. Came back tonight and the trailer is wow. So good. This is the perfect vehicle for Phaedra. This is where Phaedra's like her Southern Bell her Southern Bell thing is perfect for the show. I don't think it's perfect for other reality shows
Starting point is 00:07:38 necessarily because she doesn't give anything. But this is a show where she actually benefits from not giving anything. But then also when she drops the mask, it's like, it's like, like, it's like thrilling. Oh my God. I guess, yeah. Well, we're going to get into it because that final scene I've been talking. I've been all weekend long. I've been saying, I don't like that. Everybody hates you.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So let's dive into this episode four of Traders US season two. So where we left off last week, the traders who are Parvati, Dan and Phaedra, they have to get a poison chalice to somebody and slowly kill them off. So they're given this rusty cup and Parvati loves stabbing people in the back. You know, Dan Dan Dan explains everything.
Starting point is 00:08:26 He's like, here's how this game works. And then Phaedra's like, well, I hope we don't kill anybody. I like, but Parvati is like, I will murder people. That's my thing. So let me just betray somebody. You know, people who are just born to be bad on reality TV. She's apparently that person. And I love that for us.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I don't want to, I don't like people like that in real life, obviously, but you need them on shows like this. And especially that she's like a young Annette Benning. I love Annette Benning. She's not in enough things. Yeah. She is like, so she has to give this chalice, this poison chalice to someone.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And the traders had like narrowed it it down to three or four people. There was going to be MJ or John or Shirei. Maybe there was another, maybe like Lars or something. But Parvati was having trouble isolating people and handing them the chalice. So she's looking around and the cliffhanger was that she's like, I in the corner found the perfect victim and so when we come back she's like, she's like really amping it up. She's like the pressure's on. It has to happen now. There's no room for error. I'm looking at this group and I'm like, who in the world can I hand
Starting point is 00:09:40 this cup to and they're going to drink out of it. And then I finally find my target. So then she like walks through the kitchen. And of course it's Ekin Sue because Ekin Sue is just like, you know, I don't even know if Ekin Sue realizes she's playing this game right now. Yeah, she's not the brightest for sure. But also we have to mention that they were going to, uh, Parvati, this is very difficult because you can't just hand the cup to somebody. It's not like you can just leave it somewhere and someone's like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:10:07 this is my cup. It's a very specific cup. They know they didn't pour it themselves and you have to stand there and make them drink it. So it's rough. And so at first she's like, well, maybe I can try charade cause she's right here. And Phadra catches her and gives her a look like a beach. Don't even try it.
Starting point is 00:10:25 So she's already pinging Phaedra, right? So then she decides just go for the dumb person, which, you know, dumb people justice, justice for dumb people. Why are dumb people always targeted? I feel like that's not fair. It isn't fair. And yet some people also are the ones that succeed.
Starting point is 00:10:44 So, so Barfie just goes up to, to like, I can sue It isn't fair and yet some people also are the ones that succeed. So So Parvati just goes up to To like I can sue and she's and they're just like talking, you know She's like, oh, who do you think the traitor is whatever it can seems like but when I leave this show and I find out who the fucking Traitor was that betrayed me. I'm gonna fuck them up Yeah, looking forward to that I can sue So Parvati just gives her a cheers and she goes, oh you can have this drink just go ahead and cheer I'm up. Yeah, looking forward to that. I can see. So Parvati just gives her a cheers and she goes, oh, you can have this drink. Just go ahead and cheer. So she does drink it, you know, to do a cheers and then she hands it back to her.
Starting point is 00:11:13 So that to me was pretty obvious, but, um, not to anybody else on the show. I mean, well, cause like we don't, they have no idea that that's like a murder technique, right? So it just seems like Parvati. Later, I mean, when, when he's like a murder technique, right? So it just seems like Parvizay like. Well, but later, I mean. When he's like. Oh, yeah, later.
Starting point is 00:11:28 One of you has been poisoned. And they're like, oh my God, who could it have been? I was like, the girl was walking around trying to get you all the drink from a glass. But yeah, it's obvious because they show you, you know, it's not obvious when you're actually in the situation. I get it. Yeah, maybe she was really drunk. But yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:11:47 How do you not remember this moment? And that can see us like, oh, I love you. I would never think you would trade. And Parfee is like, I love you, as she's actively eliminating her from the TV show. Yeah. So she's like, I just feel so bad about getting rid of her, about I just had to do it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 That's just what you do on a show like this. So then Ekrem says like, guys, if I'm going to die, I love you all, good night. I want me now, but surely I want me. And Dan's like, let me tell you, I have no clue who got murdered, but this is how the game works. Someone's got to take a cup, and then you give the cup to someone and someone has to be dumb enough to drink.
Starting point is 00:12:29 So, oh my God, just fucking, we get it. Damn. Okay. We get it. Fucking is like, is the dad standing there. It's like, Hey dad, your dad offers to put together an Ikea dresser for you and then stands there reading the directions out loud to you. Like you are the one who's supposed to be putting this together.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Okay, I know. And he does this confessional, he does this like sideways thing where he goes, the ideal victim would be someone like Larsa or MJ, because I was really starting, that's really starting to question me a lot in this game. I'm like, that's the worst victim. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:13:00 If someone's questioning you and then you eliminate them, do you know how guilty that makes you look? But then again, this cast, by the way, we really have not emphasized how dumb all these people are because none of them are using any sort of logic to come to any conclusions. Every single week it's like, hmm, I didn't like the way she looked at me. Like no one is thinking, oh, this person would have acted this way if they were the trader or this person would have voted this way if they were the trader. Like no, literally no one is doing that. They don't look at who looks guilty and then go for that person.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And I feel like there are people who should know better, like anybody with a dog, because I feel like Dan really gives that look like when the dog poops in the house. And then you're like, did you poop in the house? And the dog looks at you like his tails between his legs and he looks scared. Like, oh God, I'm going to get told off. And Dan has that look through this whole game. He looks so guilty. He's not smooth at all. And nobody, well, MJ, I guess, a guest that was Dan, but nobody else will even go
Starting point is 00:14:02 with her once they hear his name. Also, one thing that they should be looking at is voting records. Okay. Right now, I mean, we've definitely seen it in the past that traders will vote out one of their own if one of their own is in trouble. But generally speaking, if the like if if a trader is not in the hot seat, they're not going to vote for each other. So if like the majority of people vote for one person look for who voted for that person and then you can at least start to narrow down your pool because you gotta imagine okay chances are if that was a if that was a faithful. spy or a traitor voted for the faithful, but they don't ever think like that. So they think like Dan, which is like, oh, someone's coming after me.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I've got to eliminate them, which is like the most guilty thing you could possibly do. I almost wish, I almost wish that it happens. That way Dan would get some heat on him. So Alan comes out in a ball gown, like Cinderella's godmother, as he does. And he's like, it's been another fate for a knight in my castle. And swirls around in a pumpkin, you know, comes out.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And he tells us like, Ekenzu has been targeted by the traitor's poison. But will it do his work? Come, let's do a challenge in the middle of the woods. That's creepy for no reason. Also, he also just casually mentions very quickly that Deontay has left the game and then in the interviews. Yeah, Deontay apparently left because it was bringing him too much childhood trauma. Is that what he said?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Yeah, like too much child because it's well probably because he was he participated in one witch hunt and he led another and he cried. He was crying on the couch last week. They're like, are you okay? He's like, I can't do this. I just can't do it. Like you beat people up for a living. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:57 And people were noticing how savage it was that he's crying about sending people home. And it was Phaedra who's like dabbing his teardrops while she's the one who's been framing him or framing these people that he's been sending home. That's our girl. So Dan, Parvati and Peter are the first three to breakfast. What will they have?
Starting point is 00:16:19 A croissant? Let us see. What croissant will be eaten today by the creators. A croissant of murder. So they get, they are there first. And a murderer hunt. Bam. Chocolate.
Starting point is 00:16:36 A murderer. Please enjoy your stack of murdering, and crossing pancakes. So they didn't get to go to their turret, the traitors turret last night. So this is their chance to sort of like touch base. And so Dan's like, so like, do you know, like do we murder anyone? And Parvati's like, I don't know. I mean, did you see like, did you,
Starting point is 00:17:01 did you see who drank it? And she's like, she's like, well, would anyone in this castle drink from, from poverty's poison cup? I don't know because she's not the most liked, but I don't know. This is property saying this actually. Maybe it was Phaedra who's saying this. Phaedra, yeah. But, um, either way, the property comes in next.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I got it all. I got it all. My cup, you know, I'm sorry. I got my notes all mixed up. Sorry. It was Phaedra who was talking all this time, not, not poverty. Now poverty enters and she tells them like it was a consume. Yes. So they tell her and they're like, Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So she was like, well, listen, guys, I had to throw out how Mary, because no one was going to drink out of that rusty old cup. I just had to do it. So, um, Phaedra here is Ekensoo's name and she's like, Oh, Lord, not Ekensoo. Lord, please, please, no, not Ekensoo. No, no. Parvati, which is by the way, what a lot of Ekenzuz castmates often said on Love Island. So Parvati is like, well, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Like she was the only person I could think of. I don't know. What about Trishelle Trashelle was sitting there. Why didn't she take out Trashelle? I mean, I think we all would have enjoyed that. I mean, Trashelle needs to go, you know, not only because of her, you know, behavior in the first episode did not love that, but also her hats.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Like just go. You know what I mean? I feel like she's dressing like an American girl doll and it's just, it's triggering. You know, those dolls were always terrifying. My niece loved them and carried them around every, my niece had one that was on crutches, had glasses. I mean, shit, she would have put braces on it if she could. Like she found any malady to give this American,
Starting point is 00:18:47 like any visible malady to give this poor doll. You know, I was like, this is like, what do you call it when you give your kids, you make up things for your kids or you start giving your kids diseases on purpose? What is that called? Munch, Munchhousings by proxy. She was like a Munchhousings by proxyiproxy mother to an American Girl doll. And it disturbed me. I wanted to
Starting point is 00:19:08 just rescue the doll. And that's kind of how I feel Trichella's being. She's trying to dress like an American Girl doll and it's making me project all of my American Girl doll fear onto her. I like it. It's like the, it's like the union of American girl doll and Gypsy Rose Blanchard or Gypsy Lee Blip, whatever her name was. So I, I mean, I, it's definitely like very Emily in Paris. It's very, I had never thought when I first watched Trishelle gallivanting around the Palms hotel and casino on real world, but Las Vegas that like 20 years later, she would just be like someone in a Scottish castle wearing berets all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It just is not the trajectory I ever saw for her. But I guess that is what makes Trichelle Trichelle is that she always defies expectations. And she kind of sucks now. And she's just like a much lammer version of what she always was. Exactly. I was going to say that's my, she doesn't really defy expectations. She's exactly who you thought she would be 20 years later. She's just in a different location than you could have guessed. Well, I was an invented back then.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So yeah, I was excited when I saw that Trichelle was on the season. And then I was thinking about it. I was like, why was I excited? It's not like Trichelle herself has ever been amazing. She's always been dumb as a rock and ridiculous and awful. And that's what I was like. Oh, that's why I always get excited by the name Trishelle. But I forgot that like Trishelle herself actually brings very little to the table. And this show has really reminded me that.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Krappens commercial. Being an actual royal is never about finding your happy ending, but the worst part is, if they step out of line or fall in love with the wrong person, it changes the course of history. I'm Aresha Skidmore-Williams. And I'm Brooke Sifron.
Starting point is 00:20:58 We've been telling the stories of the rich and famous on the hit Wondery Show Even the Rich, and talking about the latest celebrity news on Rich and Daily, we're going all over the world on our new show Even the Royals. We'll be diving headfirst into the lives of the world's kings, queens, and all the wannabes in their orbit throughout history. Think succession meets the crown meets real life. We're going to pull back the gilded curtain and show how royal status might be bright and shiny, but it comes at the expense of, well, everything else, like your freedom, your privacy, and sometimes
Starting point is 00:21:30 even your head. Follow Even The Royals on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Even The Royals early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. So Dan is like, you know, this is a good thing for me long term. And she's like, sorry guys, I didn't know what else to do. So now people start entering the breakfast room. Well, but also, by the way, uh, Phaedra, the reason why Phaedra is fanning herself so much is because, uh, I guess, Ekinsoo had come for Phaedra just a little bit. Oh, not even that.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It was that the night before Phaedra had voted to get rid of Ekansu. So now Phaedra is paranoid that people are going to think that this was like Phaedra's revenge strike. But that doesn't really even make sense. And again, no one's paying attention to voting records on this show. So it's not even a concern. And if you're a trader and you try to vote out, I can see with the round table, but then you kill her later on at night, that also doesn't quite
Starting point is 00:22:34 make sense. So I kind of think Bajra is in her own head on this one. So people start coming in and just Janelle's like, I didn't even sleep and I hit a shield. So that's basically where I'm at right now. I mean, literally can't even sleep in a stupid fucking house. Everyone's so stupid here. You know, I was kept up with the noise of people's stupidity swimming around my brain.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I just went to bed thinking of all the stupid fucking people in this house. That's basically where I was last night. Yeah, I hate her. I love her to stay in of all these everyone around her. That's like a very classic Janelle thing. She's just always hated all her castmates every single season. She hates everything around her, which I really enjoy because I get it. But also she's not the brightest either. Like she's not guessing a bunch of stuff on the show. She guesses wrong every time something comes out of her mouth.
Starting point is 00:23:22 But still rooting for Janelle. I love Janelle. Always rooting for Janelle. Also love Jenelle always rooting for Jenelle Also, Jenelle is the one who should be most scared once Eken Sue dies She should be scared because she's the one with the biggest beef with Eken Sue. Oh That's true. Yeah So anyway, Trishelle and the show there's so much happens on the show I had to think about it a minute. I was like, oh, yeah I like when they just put their beef aside
Starting point is 00:23:44 They like started fighting about their beef at the roundtable and they're like, who cares about our beef? I know. We'll get to our beef. Like hey, you're making us beef right now. So Dreschel and CJ enter next, not CJ, CT, and Fage. So they're all like, yay. And they're just like getting more and more nervous.
Starting point is 00:24:02 They all become, they all are convinced that MJ is going to get killed next. Which, so here's again, a thing that drives me nuts. They all are like, well, MJ is definitely going to get killed next. So why do they think MJ is going to get killed next? Because she had a really hard line of questioning. And why don't they ever think, who was that questioning towards? Dan, she was questioning Dan and they're all like, well, she's definitely gonna get killed, but no one ever thinks that, but therefore it's
Starting point is 00:24:29 probably Dan who's a traitor. They're just like, no, she'll get killed because she, she, she, she questioned things. Yeah, she questions things too much. So the traitors are gonna come from her. Um, so let's see. So now they're like looking at their little portraits on the wall and everything.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And CT's like, you think it's a woman this time? They gonna switch it up? Like what's going on? Cause there's only like five or six guys left. Like everyone from Bravo's still here. I mean, I'm sensing a little bad in here, all right? Like it'd be nice to see a Bravo housewife murder. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Listen, I've got a very big butt. That's all I, that's really all I heard. And I had to go back and read my notes. I was like, God, I love CT in his butt. I know that's sexual harassment, but we don't technically work together. I'm allowed to sexually harass people I don't work with, right? Yeah, CT never had a butt like this before. And I think that we've both seen him in person, up close and personal. And there never was, there were never were butts and thighs like this on CT. But now he's just basically, he's basically like an ox back there. And I'm like that too.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Whatever CT is saying, it's just like big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
Starting point is 00:25:41 big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, here, but they seem, I wonder if they're not allowed to mention that all the CBS people are on CBS because they're just referred to as gamers. All the gamers are here, but like Bravo gets full brand endorsement on this show. Yeah. Um, so let's see. So other people come in, um, uh, Sherry Tamra and Larsa come in and Kevin and Sandra. And Janelle's like,
Starting point is 00:26:06 um, the Bravo people are definitely working together. They are so clicky, but whatever, it's fine. Cause we've got a click of gamers, CT, Dan, Sandra and Parvati. And then it's the faithful. Well, people that they think are faithful. So like Bergi, Trashel, Peter, John, basically you could also group them together as stupid people.
Starting point is 00:26:28 They're together. Yeah. She's like, Kevin's a faithful, but he's a really, really dumb faithful, which is fair. Also that really says something in this group, if Kevin is the dumb one. So then, so then Peter shows up alone and Peter's like such a whatever. I don't know why he's on this season. And then at Peter's like, oh, you look all tan and rose. He goes, do I?
Starting point is 00:26:51 That's what a good night's sleep will do. If you have a shield, I'm like, sir, do you remember that you're supposed to be having a fake beef with Kevin? Remember that whole thing that you guys were planning on doing? What happened to that? So then Larsa comes in and she's like,
Starting point is 00:27:04 oh my God, like you, we'd like missing guys oh my god, like, who are we missing guys? Like, seriously, there's people like here, right? Guys, guys. I like how Larsa starts kind of yelling when she needs to get her fitting across, but it's like, I'm not Larsa, turn around, she's like, guys, like, who are we missing like? Because I feel like, if you look around,
Starting point is 00:27:21 the people we're missing is like other people who are in my circle Like so that's the only thing they have ever they're coming for me I know I love Larissa makes it all about her like the trip like the traders are some Diabolical for us are like you know what and now we're here to play for 250,000 dollars But first and foremost we should take out Larissa circle one by one That's the biggest priority right now. Everyone's so terrified of Larisa.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I mean, that's like the only link. I was really close with Johnny What's His Face. I mean, I met him that day, but I was really close with him. I was really close with Max like, and that's like my inner circle like. So if somebody murders MJ-like, my inner circle is like all gone like,, like literally like... That doesn't prove anything, Larisa. What does that have to do with anything? Larisa's a dummy. It actually makes her look worse. Now they're trying to get there like, oh my god, is it Ekansu? Is it Ekansu? It can't be her. And Parvati's like, no, it can't be her. And everyone's agreeing like it can't be her. And Phaedra's telling us by no means that I want Ekenzu to die. I hope this doesn't make me look suspicious. And knock, knock, knock. Who is it? Dun dun dun.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And Sandra goes, that was the John's knock. Oh, okay. Sandra. I love Sandra. Sandra's like, there's John. There's Exo. It's just, there's John Thunk. It's just so random. I know that knock anywhere. It's a knock, lady. Someone's hand going up against the door. I know. So ultimately, Ekansu comes in, but then of course the traders are all totally confused because she's supposed to be dead.
Starting point is 00:29:03 And Parvati has this look that she does. She, I don't know why no one is noticing this at the table. It is the most guilty trader look. She squints her eyes and then turns her lower lip down. And this happens all the time. She goes, just like, just makes this face like, I'm a trader who's stymied right now. Just look at her face.
Starting point is 00:29:22 It's all over her face, everyone. Yeah, yeah, she's not very good at the acting part. So everyone's like, what the hell? I thought we killed her. How is she here? So now they're guessing, oh, it has to be John then, because John's not here. But why would you kill John? He's like, not scary at all. And she's like, why would they murder John? I mean, he's not working with anyone. He's like a lone wolf, a dumb one, really stupid wolf who's alone. Like literally who cares? She's like, I'm starting to think are the traders just like really not that good at this game? I'm like, yes, but also sort of the faithful.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So then like John has the biggest knock of all time. It's like boom, boom, boom. And he comes in and then now everyone is, now the traders are really confused. So if no one got murdered, so everyone's like happy. So then Alan walks in, greeting players. As you may have noticed, no one died last night. And if you prick us, do we not bleed?
Starting point is 00:30:21 And if you tick us, do we not laugh? And if you poison us, do we not bleed? And if you take a loss? Do we not laugh? And if you poison us? Do we not die? Well today, one of you will die. We're like, no! The traitors have committed their murder in plain sight under your very noses. Whilst the poisoned player is still... Hold on, costume change. Do it. Do it. New ball gun! Alright, now the traitors.
Starting point is 00:30:53 While the poisoned player is still at this table, we will decide in a very long challenge who the poisoned player really is. By the end of today's mission you will be dead press appropriately to pay your final respects with deeper sympathy and said just goes what the fuck so um i can say oh no i don't like this whatsoever thankfully i know exactly who the traders are and I know I'll be safe." So they're all kind of like processing this information and poverty is like, oh, fuck. Because she's like, I had a moment with that can sue and that was so obvious in plain view of multiple people and I'm realizing, oh my god, the person that I poisoned who I love now is going
Starting point is 00:31:42 to die in front of my face and I pretend like I don't know anything about this. So she's all fucked up because she thought she just poisoned that can sue and she'd be dead. And that's that. But I can sue ever thinks back on her evening and it's like, wait a second. Parvati gave me a cup of wine to drink from. Then Parvati's game is fully exposed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So then Kevin turns to Tamara and he goes, Hey, Tamara, I think you poison me cause you don't want to see me eat. Huh? She's just come on guys. Jerkheads. Just eat with your mouth. I've been like that. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:32:17 They're gonna eat. And then it cuts to him eating. And he really, he does have a Southern charm, Olivia and Austin way of eating and shit. They all eat like that, like close your mouth. What is it with that one city that nobody is taught to eat with their mouth closed? It's disgusting, it's triggering, okay? I've said that word a lot today, but it is a Bravo show.
Starting point is 00:32:39 So it is a Bravo on Peacock show, so I guess it makes sense. But close your fucking mouth, dude. And she even told you was disgusting and you're still sitting there eating like. I know. It's like the croissant is falling out of his mouth and Tamra's like, if I was a traitor, I would definitely poison Kevin.
Starting point is 00:32:54 He's so annoying. Batch. Apparently also Kevin ate like a whole bunch of snacks the night before, which is not good because I think everyone just assumes that now, Kevin's going to be the one that dies because he ate so many snacks. But at Katsuo goes, I'm going to be, I'm going to be less quiet today. I'm very good at sussing people out.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I'm very, very good at catching people that lie. So when we find out who's gone, I shall, and I will catch called them out. I will do that. The only person who's not going to get me, I'm telling you, the only person who's not murderer is Parvati. I mean, she gave me a drink. It was so nice. The nut, it was, you know, if it weren't for that drink, I'm not sure I'd have the energy to think back on who may have been given a drink that was full of poison.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Thank you, Parvati. So, um, they're talking about how Kevin eats with his mouth open still. And then um, we see Larza. Okay. So Larza is in like a library or whatever. She's with Ekinsu and Cheray and Kevin's, you know, kind of behind them with his coffee. And she's like, I'm like, guys, I can like kind of tell you something. Like I feel like kind of like, I feel like it's someone like really strong that who's leading the traders and like people who are being murdered are like strong people. So yeah, they're like strong because like I'm not strong. I'm like better in Destiny's Child.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I'm like not really a Beyonce like. Okay. Yeah. I'm like, better in Destiny's Child. I'm like, not really a Beyonce-like. Okay. Yeah. I'm like trusting my other housewives-like, cause like we're in an industry-like where people are like fake-like. So I feel like like the housewives are good at like
Starting point is 00:34:34 sniffing people out-like cause that's kind of like what we do like. You look like a bowling ball with a sock puppet stretched around it. Who are you calling fake? Also, this is such an insight to the way Larsa works, where she's like, well, all the alphas are getting picked up. So it must be an alpha who feels so insecure about the other alphas that they
Starting point is 00:34:56 want to get rid of them because that is probably how Larsa operates in her life. Whereas the truth is it's probably a beta beta who is probably picking up the alphas because the alphas are more intimidating to him. Like someone like I don't know Dan someone like Dan come on people put this together. Dan is an alpha don't you think he's acting like a but Dan is a dam's like a quiet alpha. I think he's an alpha with scheming. But I think what Laura says trying to say is Laura is alpha in strength,
Starting point is 00:35:30 like in terms of like winning money for challenges. Yeah. So then we see Tamara talking in a different room with Phaedra, Berge and John. And she's like, you know, he's on my radar, Kevin. His sister's not in. That guy's not in. And I'm trying to think like, like why do I know, he's on my radar, Kevin. His is so annoying. Like, how's it annoying? And I'm trying to think, like, like, why do I think that he's a traitor?
Starting point is 00:35:49 Is it because he eats with his mouth open? Is that really why I think that? But that's you. Let's get rid of him just because I eat. Hate that. I loved him rebuilding a case like this. She eats with his mouth open. He's a traitor.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Because some other guy didn't carry it in the Hitler. I love that he's playing a game. I actually am so behind Tamra in this game. I'm like, I fully support her just because I love the idea of like having a weekly witch hunt based off of really, really inconsequential elements. Like he eats with his mouth open batch. He put it on the table. Like the first time I was like, I don't like how he
Starting point is 00:36:28 breathed. And this went, I don't like how he eats. The next one, it's going to be like, he's not need. I don't like that he has his part to the left in his hair. Bitch. So Dan's like, OK, but you know, in this game, like, you know, people like, they're supposed to be handing chocolates or whatever. So like, did anyone say like, here's the chocolate?
Starting point is 00:36:53 You know, like, did anybody see a poisoning? You know, I mean, was there anything weird? Cause in this game, what you're supposed to do is really look at what's supposed to be weird, right? And Trishelle goes, y'all, I'm not kidding you. Someone offered me wine when I walked in and I just cannot remember. Y'all Trishelle, just go through the cat, look at the photos and, uh, see what that does for you.
Starting point is 00:37:20 So funny. Cause then she gave the other person wine right in front of Trishelle. It wasn't Trishelle sitting there when she finally was right there. That's why I was like, she should have given it to Trichelle. I saw that beret bobbing around the bottom of the frame and I was like, please give it to Trichelle. Well, I think she tried to, but then Trichelle didn't take it. Right. Probably.
Starting point is 00:37:39 So she's like, did peppermint touch that? I'm not going to touch it. Um, so Trichelle's like justice for peppermint. Seriously, justice did peppermint touch that? I'm not going to touch it. Um, so Trishelle's like, justice for peppermint. Seriously, justice for peppermint. So Janelle's like, uh, I can see the black widow spider, you guys. And Trishelle's like, well, last night she was all, we need to get the traders. We need to get the traders.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's a tell when someone gets loud. Trishelle, you were literally the loudest person on the first episode going after peppermint. And now I can sue because she said we need to get the traitors as the bad guy. I was like, I literally can't. It's hilarious how bad they are at this. And Jamel agrees with her. She's like, you guys, it's like really bad acting. I mean, if they're acting like they're idiots, then it's good acting. But otherwise, terrible acting. I agree with her. I agree with Trishelle. Trishelle goes, it's overacting. It's overacting. You were crying at the round table after you led the charge against Peppermint. What are you talking about? It's overacting.
Starting point is 00:38:35 So Jenelle's like, yeah, you know, I've never really trusted Akinso mostly because she's like a weirdo. She's just a fucking weirdo. Okay. She's just like always like giddy and like excited. You know what? Aikonsu sucks. Like she really does. Yeah. She's always just like happy to see people
Starting point is 00:38:55 and just like giving people hugs and just like nice to people. What a fucking loser. Jamal never been nice to a hostess at Chili's. He just knows. She's like, oh my God. That girl is such a fucking idiot. When she said like, hi, how are you guys today?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Fuck her. Am I right? I would just rather sit at the bar. Yeah, well, at least she didn't eat with her mouth open. Bitch. So then Shirei. Shirei also a hilarious detective on the show. Remember last week when she like she voted just for. Did she vote for like John or something or Peter?
Starting point is 00:39:26 She voted for, she's the only one who voted for some random thing. Like she had no idea what was going on. She refuses to go with the crowd cause she doesn't want to gang up on people which is kind of sweet in a way. But then she yells at everybody for guessing wrong. She's like, how dare you?
Starting point is 00:39:40 I know. She just gets someone a stray bullet and she's like, how dare you? So she goes, so who do you guys think will be poisoned? And Kevin's like, um, anybody drinking alcohol probably got poisoned and heckens you cause I did. I drank alcohol. Like we all like, like guys, like I feel like we all like feel like drink like feel like alcohol. Like Kevin goes, well, I didn't and guys says, yeah, but you ate the food.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I know cause I got half of it all over my face when you were chewing. Kevin's like, I ate way too much yesterday. I had so many hors d'oeuvres. And then I tried the little cheese puff things. And then I tried the shrimp thing. And then I had all of dinner. So there's no way I didn't get poison less than that.
Starting point is 00:40:22 He's the guy who's like, sorry, I've got a body to maintain. I got to eat. So really cheese puffs? God's got a body. Got to eat the puffs. So, um, then they go to a croquette course and, uh, CJ is talking with, uh, Parvati MJ Burge and Sandra. And he's like, so what do we think about that?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Can sew dumb as a brick. Am I right? And MJ is like, Sandra and he's like, so what do we think about? I can sew dumb as a brick. Am I right? And MJ is like, yeah, she's like funny baloney. And Sandra says, yeah, no, us face fools are thirsty for traitor blood and I'm a gamer. So what I do is I observe things when anybody knocks on the door, I record that in my head, I get the cadence down, I get the rhythm down to the tone. And then I just listened for knocks everywhere I go afterwards.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah, I'm trying to figure out who's talking with who, who's clicking with who, who's protecting who. I know it's hard to find evidence. They're not messing up. They're not slipping up. We're running out of days. So, Parvati and Dan meet up and Dan's like, Parv, everybody thinks Ekansu's the traitor. And Parvati's like, the suspicions on Phaedra though because she was like the only one who voted for Ekansu. I'd guarantee literally not a single person has mentioned Phaedra's name. I don't know why they think this. So Dan's like, you know, I don't want to be the first to shoot, but like, we got to give them some blood. You know what I mean? Before they target us, because I think she'll be the last one.
Starting point is 00:42:02 And she's like, well, I mean that click, you know, they're just so insulated. They've got Larza, Sharea, Phaedra, Tamara, I mean, come on. He's like, yeah, I'm not trying to be shady, but also I'm thinking like, what if we get caught and she's not getting caught, you know? So now they're gonna try and already come for a traitor. I don't like that. Because they're playing a worse game.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yeah, I don't like that either. Yeah, they're gonna get caught because they're playing a worse game. Also, the housewives click is no different than the CBS reality show click. There's like nothing. And also, clicks don't really, clicks don't really work in the same. This is not big brother or survivor. I don't think clicks protect you in the same way in this game. So poverty is like, Oh my God, we have to, we have to take a shot, right? And Dan's like, I don't think I can win this game as a trader alone
Starting point is 00:42:46 And it's a little scary to trust the black widow and poverty, but I think that's my choice I don't think I can win this game with Phaedra and the traders conclave What I'm working on is a great plan to use poverty to take a shot at Phaedra when the time presents itself Yeah, I think that they kind of have their old games still in their head. You know, she's used to survive survivor and he's used to big brother. And so they're always thinking of like the votes and like whose team you're on. And it just doesn't that's not how it works. And you're not working with all of the gamers.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Dum-dums. Yeah. Alone. Yeah. Pedro is doing an excellent, excellent job. Even with her stray vote towards Ekin Sue, like that is, first of all, it's not putting any suspicion on her whatsoever. And it shouldn't put suspicion because why would a trade, again, why would a trader make a public vote against someone
Starting point is 00:43:40 and then if it doesn't go their way, then kill them later on? Like that is like the worst way to be a trader. That is the most like, why would you telegraph your actions if you're a trader, you're trying to like fit in and be smooth and be hidden. Like it's a, the faithfuls are the ones who would vote in a way where they have no idea what's going on.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Which if anything, that's what you know, Phaedra's vote looked like. So they are thinking about this so wrong and it's great. But I hate that they are now deciding that they're going to go after Phaedra. Yeah. So now they have to, they go to the cemetery, okay? And the cemetery has three holes dug with crates. What are you calling when you're dead?
Starting point is 00:44:20 Your coffin. Coffins. The coffins are in there and they're open. And so the three people are going to have to go in there and then they're going to answer. Basically, they're going to have to answer questions. One of their creepy ass challenges. If this is showed me a fucking coffin that I have to get in.
Starting point is 00:44:35 No. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not about that. I love to lie down, but still. So that's so that the challenges on the show are always funny because they're so inconsequential and they don't really make sense in terms of the larger gameplay, but they're fun. And this one, I thought this challenge was absolutely amazing just for how, like, it's
Starting point is 00:44:55 the production design. I mean, Alan Cumming is in a big black ball gown, essentially, with an umbrella. And he's walking, has like these black horses it's a funeral procession they they gathered the front of the castle and the plan is well he's like today's mission we'll be like no other unbeknownst to the faithful it is a con su who has fallen victim to the treacherous poison but can they discover her identity to win the mission i'm like already i'm gonna say no they won won't. These people are all professional reality stars and they're not very bright people
Starting point is 00:45:29 and they absolutely will not figure out that at second soon. Yeah, so he's like, let me remind you, the traitors among you know who's been poisoned. So look for some Emmy worthy award acting and not from me today. So Tamar's like, oh my God, this is the way I'm gonna die. There's like a black carriage, horses to eat with your mouth closed. I mean, creepy people on the back. I love it. Yeah, this is like going to any one of Shannon's taco party nights. So Parvati's
Starting point is 00:46:00 like, yeah, I'm always, I'm gonna always gonna keep like thinking strategic to keep the suspicion off. But as this as a funeral, I'm sorry, Pedro saying this as a funeral directorist, I'm feeling right at home because this is my expertise. I love a good funeral. And Pedro really does love a good funeral. I mean, she she already had a pretty epic one on marriage medicine this season. So the fact that she's already in another funeral scene so quickly after that is like, really always just coming up with a new job. I was disappointed when she left Atlanta because she just, I was like, does she still come up with a new job every season, a new industry to enter? Because that, that one is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:46:37 And the fact that she's still a funeral director, probably money laundering, let's be honest. She's got to be doing something fishy with that, right? Cause it's just too good of a business. But then on Mary DeMedicine last night, she is now a Reiki healer as well. So that's her. No, I could not imagine Phaedra as a Reiki healer. Is she still doing donkey booty?
Starting point is 00:46:57 That's what I want to know. I want all these professions to be woven into the trade hurts this season, like next next year, the challenges. So you will have to do a donkey booty video and for everyone who is able to do a squat, you earn $20,000 for your team. So the first question, so they're asking questions basically.
Starting point is 00:47:17 So he's like, okay, so the players that are safe right now are the ones that are born the same year as another person. And they cut to MJ, who's like not about to answer her year. She's like, oh hell no. I'm not telling anybody my year. No, I will leave this reality show before I publicly announce how old I am.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Which is funny, that's like, that was an ongoing thing on Shazda Sunset too, was MJ's age. Um, so four people were born in 1974, Kevin, Dan, Larissa and Sandra. I was surprised that Larissa was open about that. I thought Larissa would be like, yeah, 1983 over here. Yeah, 1983. Um, Sandra was hilarious because she goes, I didn't think Larissa and I were the same age, were the same age because she looks like, I mean, that girl's at least 10 to 12 years older than me, right?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Oh, the way that I died, she said. Oh, so great. So great. So now they're just like continuing to walk. And now the next station they get to, there's like a funeral choir and they're singing and basically their song is like who in the March did Johnny Bananas trust the most? So the answer is C.T. and Trichelle are the people that Johnny Bananas trusted the most. So then they are eliminated from being poisoned. And then I can see it's like oh my god they've got me because the next question is who ran through the scarecrow dressed
Starting point is 00:48:48 in red And I can see it's like, oh my god. I'm dead. They've put thanks guys. Thanks a lot for poisoning me guys Meanwhile, poverty is standing right next to her and she's still like I know Thanks. Thanks to whoever gave me a drink last night. Luckily it wasn't poverty. I can vouch for her. So then of course, Trishelle's like, I just feel like I can sue is being way over the top, almost like overreacting. It just seems a little odd. Could I can sue be a traitor?
Starting point is 00:49:16 Yeah. Yeah, she could. I'm like, Trishelle, I think going forward, just stop talking. I think you just don't talk the rest of the season because I think you're just like blatantly wrong every single time. So everybody thinks it's going to be MJ, right? And Janelle's like, yeah, they're definitely getting killed at MJ. I mean, it wouldn't make sense to get rid of Ekansu because like, she's useless. So why would you get rid of such a messy person? I mean, this is one place where idiots can thrive. I know.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Yeah, Janelle's like, yeah, she's just like, so useless in the competition. And she's just a messy, messy game player. So like, why would you even kill her? Also, again, they're like, oh yeah, Ekansu, she's probably a traitor. And MJ, she's probably gonna get killed. I'm like, but do you remember last night's round table, the only one who was really going hard against Ekansu was Janelle.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Do you guys remember who MJ was going hard against? Use your logic, people, use your logic. So Ekansu is like, I think it's easy to target someone like me because, you know, I'm just so charming, beautiful, intelligent, which I proved by talking about how much I believe in aliens and conspiracy theories. And you know, people can see that I'm a threat. Especially people who are watching through test ovens, which is a thing. I'm telling you that right now, it's a thing. So now we have our last three,
Starting point is 00:50:41 and they have to get into coffins. And everyone has to now decide who is the person who is going to get killed and they're going to drop a black rose on top of them while they're lying in a coffin. Oh my gosh. So everybody basically guesses MJ. They all guess that MJ is going to die and so they all throw flowers on top of her in her grave. And so they all throw flowers on top of her in her grave. And wow, I can't believe they actually closed the, well they didn't on MJ, but then when we find out, he's like, players pay your final respects, ashes to ashes.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Wait, does he announce her? When does he announce her? No, well he just sort of goes, he goes, ashes to ashes, dust to mistrust a sad day. And what makes this day even more, somebody is that you guessed incorrectly. Oh yeah, I guess at this point it's already happened. So they guess, right?
Starting point is 00:51:31 So they guess and then they're wrong because MJ gets all the flowers thrown on her and then they slam the coffin door shut on a can-sue. And they throw dirt on her coffin. What the hell? I wanna know. Listen, I've only been locked in a bathroom and I freaked the fuck out. I freaked out.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I don't think I would do well on that. I never thought I would be that much of a wuss either. Yeah, no, it's it's scary. I, by the way, I firmly believe that they must have had like some they must have paused and gotten a can sue out of that coffin because they they put the dirt on the coffin and then they just take the coffin and go away with it. And we don't hear or see anything from Eken Sue. And I guarantee Eken Sue would have been screaming at this point.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Like, catch me the fuck out of here. Yeah. So that girl's got like, is that girl's a steel Magnolia? Yeah. So they kill her and, uh, and then everyone is like, oh my God, oh my God. And then Peter immediately is like, oh, it's MJ's a traitor. MJ's a traitor because, you know, it's just a lot going through my mind right now.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I'm just shocked. I'm thinking, is MJ a traitor? Is that what that means? It's gotta be her if she didn't get murdered. Just nothing seems to make sense. So they are now thinking, oh, because MJ didn't get killed, she has to be a traitor because it was so obvious.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Like if she was the obvious kill, so therefore if she didn't get killed, the only way she doesn't get killed is if she's a traitor. But I'm like, she's not the obvious kill because she was the one who was most onto Dan. So if Dan, I can't do this running run. This is just, it's, it's wild. The logic.
Starting point is 00:53:10 It's just group think, you know, they're like, now that they've said M.J. and that they're all agreement that M.J. is somehow either going to die or whatever. They're like, okay, then she's a traitor. We've, we've already said M.J. a lot today. Let's just stick with that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:24 So now they are, now they just fully believe that it's MJ. So then they just like cart out, I can see his coffin. And Dan's like, whoa, this poisoning has really thrown everyone completely off the scent that there's no real reason why I can sue it can be pegged for the murder. So it's probably our best murder so far because it's caused the most confusion. Yeah, it's your best murder. And it's also our best murder so far because it's caused the most confusion.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yeah, it's your best murder and it's also the only murder you guys didn't plan on doing. It was an accidental one basically. So congratulations. Okay. Yeah. Guys, you know who it is? Like I feel like I have to say it's the alpha. Guys, it's like the alpha guys. And Sandra's like, oh my strategy. So all the housewives are basically talking, right? And Sandra's like, oh my strata. So all the housewives are basically talking, right? And Sandra's like, my strategy at this point is to continue to be the housewives best friend, making sure I'm good with everyone. And Larza runs the housewives point blank, but she's got a big mouth. She's very blunt.
Starting point is 00:54:18 She's got to go. Yeah. And Larza's like, what are we going to do? Like, we're just going to like get there. We're just going to get there. Like, we're going to like get to the round table. Like, and justissa's like, what are we gonna do like? We're just gonna like get there. We're just gonna get there like, we're gonna like get to the round table like and just kind of listen. So tonight like, just listen like.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Which you know is not gonna happen. So then in another room, Janelle, Kevin, Parvati and Berge are talking. And Berge is like, oh wow, I was not expecting I can see her go today and she's dead. And now I'm like, oh wow, I don't, I know how to vote, like what do I vote for? wow. I'm like, I know how to vote. Like what do I vote for?
Starting point is 00:54:46 And Jenelle's like, Bergi, what are you saying is going on with you? Like what are you trying to say here? I'm just like, I'm not saying anything at the round table tonight. I'm just gonna listen. I'm gonna listen to everyone tonight. So they're all gonna just plan to listen tonight,
Starting point is 00:54:58 which is funny because you know that literally no one's gonna listen to anything that it says. Yeah. And so Parvati is like, well, another thought I had about performing listen those housewives perform every day on housewives we've got to get them and Kevin's like yeah, I agree Larsa makes more sense from what I've been saying. Let's get her Poverty is like yeah, because you remember Like he said that we ate something or we drank something at breakfast.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Larza stood up at the end of the table and said, cheers, cheers to Marcus. That means she was trying to get somebody to drink. That means Parvati is literally giving away her own strategy and still nobody gets it. Cause that's what she did. She was like, cheers everybody. And that's how she got what's her mother's to drink. Right. Did she start that? Cheers what she did. She was like cheers everybody and that's how she got what's her buzz to drink Right did she start that cheers? She did she did and she just it was just a I could see she was like cheers I can see here you can drink out of this so you could participate in the cheers between the two of us and
Starting point is 00:55:57 Also didn't Alan Cummings say that the poisoning happened last night. I could be wrong, but I think he said last night So now everyone's like, oh, yeah I could be wrong, but I think he said last night. So now everyone's like, oh yeah, Larissa did say cheers. I don't measure in days and nights. I measure by bulk gowns that I was wearing. In stripes, satin, which was it been? Janelle's like, I'm definitely leaning towards voting for Larissa.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I mean, like there are like alarm bells going off for me and Larissa has been manipulating the housewives and the papals Really need to band together instead of listening to what the traders tell them. Also. I'm pretty sure she's 65 So she's lying on that front too. Also. I hate old people. So she's out So then Junelle stands up and so she goes to whisper to To Sandra about thinking it's Larza. Okay, so then they join
Starting point is 00:56:46 up with MJ and Phaedra. So Larza's like, okay guys, like it's an alpha male guys. It's the alpha male like. Are we looking for it's like alpha males? Okay, because like do the numbers you guys don't ask me to please you guys do them I want to see what it's like numbers are like hard like I feel like a man's like easier first like get right now and so Janelle's like I think it's two men and two women so now they're going to look at the board and narrow down their choices but Janelle and Trisha Trichelle stay behind so Cherie is like oh my god Larza what a lady she's so classy but you know she can hold her own against anybody and she's Trishelle stay behind. So, Cheray is like, oh my God, Larisa, what a lady. She's so classy.
Starting point is 00:57:26 But, you know, she can hold her own against anybody and she's coming hot, she's coming and hot. First time I think I've heard Larisa refer to as such a lady and so classy. That's the first. So, Larisa's looking at these photos and she goes, like, look at him, it's not him, Bergi. He's definitely not an alpha.
Starting point is 00:57:44 He's just sort of like a pussy, a stupid pussy who like shouldn't even be here. Oh and Kevin He's not smart enough. I mean it's in his mouth. I've been batch. Yeah, exactly And I've been like questioning Dan, but he's also not alpha So I think it's like CT and I'm telling you CT's the alpha so let's give it of all the big guys He wants to give it the big guys. Okay, cuz guess? He can win challenges on his own. He's an alpha. Like this project does not make sense. No. And Sandra's like, oh gosh, she teamed myself for both gamers. I have to, I have to stop this. I got to put a stop to this. So she passes. She sees Dan and Kevin and she's like, okay, here's what these ladies want. They want CT gone. What are we going to do? But like, why is Sandra having loyalty to gamers?
Starting point is 00:58:27 It's like, there's so many like false assumptions. Like, if anything, all the gamers have been acting like, we're so much better at this game than the housewives. And now suddenly they're like, wait, no, the housewives are better than us. So we gotta stick together. But it's like, no, you guys are the gamers. You guys shouldn't trust each other at all.
Starting point is 00:58:42 So Sandra's like, Larsa and them want CT gone tonight. And it is between you and CT. And like, you know what, she decided to go for CT because he's like a bigger alpha male. So just now it just happened. And I think they want, I think they want Larsa. So if they want Larsa, Larsa wants CT. So she's basically telling Kevin like it's gonna be between Larsa and CT tonight. And Kevin's like, well, I think that I'm going to vote for. She's like, Larsa, you're voting for Larsa. He's like, um, okay. So then Larsa walks past CT in the hallway.
Starting point is 00:59:14 She really is such a dumb dumb. And this just goes to show you whoever the most A type is and the boldest, the most alpha people will just automatically listen to because Larsa is the biggest loudmouth. And so everybody just assumes that she's smart, but she's so dumb. Like she passes CT in the hallway and she's like, I'm worried about you.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I'm really worried about you, CT like, like really worried about you, dude. So I go, what the fuck? Larsa, if you think that's the villain, why are you saying that to his face? Also, I mean, Larsa had a moment where she was playing the game really well, and she was super suspicious of Dan. And then at that point, she was suspicious of Dan because Dan was the quietest, which
Starting point is 00:59:56 I think is like really good logic. But then she went from it's got to be the quietest person who's being unassuming to now it's got to be the alpha, basically the biggest and brashest person. And I don't know why she suddenly had that pivot. Right. But that's very Larissa. Okay. So now it's time for the round table.
Starting point is 01:00:15 And Larissa's like, you know what? I feel like, like I'm like over the lies. I feel like, because like, I don't want to like, dilly-dally anymore. Okay. Larissa's not a Dilly Dallyer. I don't want to point the finger at the person that leaves the trader. Oh, as if Larissa has been holding back all the season.
Starting point is 01:00:34 So Alan's like, good evening players, and welcome to your unsafe space. Today you said goodbye to Ekenzul and you said goodbye to a massive $20,000 as you completely failed in the mission. What a waste. Soon you will all vote on who you want to banish from the game.
Starting point is 01:00:54 The traitors made it personal today by killing one of you publicly. Will you allow that to go unpunished? Over to your players. So Janelle's like, hi, can I have the stupid people stick? Cause I'm going to be talking to them right now. Great. So guys, look, we're looking for someone who is like poisoned.
Starting point is 01:01:14 And yesterday, Larsa stood up and she gave a cheers to Marcus. So basically her. Wow. I can't believe I've talked. Been talked into this stupid fucking theory as I call people stupid the entire show. Lars goes, I cheers to everyone. Cheers to Marcus.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Cheers to everyone. Janelle goes, I think your cheers is weird. Well, you're telling me that's weird? Cheers? I think you're weird. I die. You're weird. Like. I think you're weird. I died. Weird. Like, you know what? I think like how selfish you are. This weird like, like you think I would ever murder my own boyfriend? I'm Peter's like, um, guys, you know what? No one's going to suspect you murdering
Starting point is 01:01:59 Marcus. So it's like brilliant to do. If you're a trader, right? Um, but all the guys that have been murdered are the big guys that we need. So it's like brilliant to do if you're a trader, right? But all the guys that have been murdered are the big guys that we need. Dare I say it? Alpha's like. So who is the person that's doing this? Look at the profile.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Another big guy that's murdering these people is doing it because he doesn't need them like. Oh geez. So now I got to apologize for doing fucking squats. Geez, why is it gotta be a big guy? It's an alpha male like. And like, I feel like you're the biggest alpha male at this table like, he's like, Oh, Jesus. And Peter says, why take out a can see though? And she's like,
Starting point is 01:02:32 because they don't like it either. Like, okay, because like, he's capable of being a trader like 1000%. Like, like, yes, people fooled. But he told me he's an actor like so. It's him. Yeah, so you're good at that like because you had me fooled like, do I think you're the head of the snake like? Yes, like, so CT, because CT doesn't need a can sue, he killed he drops her because he's such an alpha, which means that he doesn't mean need anyone.
Starting point is 01:03:02 So that doesn't really, it doesn't really narrow things down. Also CT being an actor It's one thing to say you're an actor It's another to actually be a good actor and based off of CT's IMDB Listings which I have to assume is like negative three. I feel like his acting He's just I don't think acting is what CT is known for personally No, and it's also any person who is a reality star is kind of an actor.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Let me, they will tell you, like I'm really here to do real acting. I thought like, reality's my survival, Doug. So. Yeah. And yeah, exactly. So CT is like, so how do you know I'm the head of the snake? He goes, because I know when you stand over there,
Starting point is 01:03:43 you will say you're a traitor. My friend, you guys will all see, he's gonna be the traitor. He's like, well, I'm a head of the snake." He goes, Because I know when you stand over there, you will say you're a traitor. My friend, you guys will all see he's going to be the traitor. He's like, well, I'm a faithful two and two gopats. So Kevin's like, I really don't like this alpha theory. And MJ goes, yeah, but like it would fit if it were you. And he goes, why? And she goes, because you consider yourself threatened by these alpha men that have been murdered. So like the stronger guys, the louder guys,
Starting point is 01:04:06 you wanna, you know, you would, and he's like, but why would you think I'm so insecure? Then I feel threatened by another man. Like Kevin got really pissed off there. And she's like, I'm just saying if you were, he goes, so if I was a traitor, if I was a traitor, I'd get rid of you first because I find you highly annoying, I'm pretty saying. Yeah, he's like, because I find you highly annoying.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I'm pretty saying. Yeah, he's a, cause I find you highly annoying, which is he's basically using the Tamara logic. Also, this is also, I think, a good vindication for Kevin because that is again, terrible logic to get rid of someone if you're a trader. I'm just gonna get rid of you because you're annoying. So Tamara's like, well, Kevin, today at the burial,
Starting point is 01:04:45 in between your snacking, when you saw who it was, you just like overacted and like, it just didn't look real to me. Also, you left half of your muffin on I Can See This Coffin, which I thought was really disgraceful. So this is when Parvati tries it. She's like, the performance aspect has been on my mind for a while, which is why I was thinking it might be Kevin because
Starting point is 01:05:05 he is an actor, but who has the capacity to perform the part actors and housewives. I think housewives. Now look, you can say a lot about housewives. We've met a lot of real housewives. They are themselves. I've not met one that has been different on the show than they are in real life. They're really that crazy, just accept it. I mean, let's not forget Todd Tucker's, the past starring Drew Sidora. Drew Sidora is an actual actress,
Starting point is 01:05:38 and we saw her act in that. She's not a good actress, okay? Like the Housewives, if the Housewives could be good actresses, they would all be acting, but they can't, so they. Like the housewives, if the housewives could be good actresses, they would all be acting, but they can't. So they're on the housewives. Okay. And for someone to say the housewives are great actresses,
Starting point is 01:05:52 so I can make one guess that I'm sure is 100% correct. And that's more than I can say than for most people in this game, which is that Parvati has not seen Halloween. Okay. He says, wow. I mean, look, I'll allow Alisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson and Agar Salbove.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I will allow that. But, you know, pretty much from the non-Beverly Hills Housewives, I don't think we're not really, we're not seeing Oscar level quality acting from them. Okay, so they are talking about it. And Lars is like, we don't act my friend. We live our life like we live. I feels like our life like feels like we just, we do not act my friend.
Starting point is 01:06:36 What you see is us living our life outing people's cancer, falling in love with our husband's co-workers's son, things like that, like that's not acting like. So, Parpati's like, it's just, it's a performance as well. And Pedro's, so then Pedro's like, don't come for the housewives, honey. We are not a game, Parpati. So, yeah, but it does appear that way to me. I mean, you guys gather together, you walk around the house and CT's like, yeah, there's a suspicion goal going around. You guys are together.
Starting point is 01:07:10 And like, it's more likely that the majority of you is the traitors. It's like, the only person I've worked with in this room, this is Fadre, she's like, it's Shirei, and everyone else is a stranger, and we're not killing anybody. So don't do the housewives thing. Don't do the housewives thing.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Is this really what you want? Yeah, that's actually where she says, don't do that. Parfait tea. I jumped the gun there a little bit because I was so excited when she did that. And Phaedra is basically like, I am pissed. She's like, you're bringing heat my way and I'm not going to tolerate bad behavior at the round table. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:43 So now it's their, but now they have to vote and give their reasons. So Dan votes for Larsa and Larsa is like, oh, you did that because I voted for you first like, wow, how alpha. Whoa, wow alpha, right guys? Because I'm sorry if I'm wrong. And Tamra is like, my vote is for Kevin. There's just something about you, Kevin.
Starting point is 01:08:03 There's like a pool of crumbs right on top of your chalkboard right now. Just look at you, disgusting, annoying trader. And CT is like, listen, I'm not 100% sure. OK, but Larza, if you're going to come for me, then, you know, I got to do something to protect myself. She's like, oh, my God, this is so like, I'm like, a Shirese like, well, I voted for John. I don't think he's a trader. I just need more time. So John, it is. It's like, OK, I voted for John. I don't think he's a traitor.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I just need more time. So John it is. It's like, okay, great. Sure. Right. And plus he breathes funny. So. So the burgy votes for Larsa.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Um, because he, if it's between CT and Larsa, he's, he trusts CT more. So sorry. And she's like, you know what? No worries then. But like, I feel like you're going to like. So sorry. And she's like, you know what? No worries then. But like, I feel like you're going to like it murder next week. I feel like like. And MJ votes for Kevin. Uh, she's like, I voted for you because you got really defensive.
Starting point is 01:08:54 And Pedro is like, well, unfortunately, Kevin, I didn't have a lot of evidence except for you coming up as a great actor. So I voted for you too. And so Sandra voted for Larza. She's like, I refuse to accept your age. So it's you. Plus you displayed trade risk behavior in the way that you cause a lot of chaos
Starting point is 01:09:13 with all the information and everything you say. Chaos, chaos lady, you're out. Plus you've knocked on three different doors and I've never been able to identify you're not. You're dead. Peter's like, my vote's for you MJ. You should have been murdered. And that's what I'm going off of.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I was like, okay, great logic there, Peter. And John is like, Kevin, I've come to the conclusion that you're an immensely capable guy, but you are acting apart. But have you seen like, I'm gonna like say CT like because like white jeans are stupid. And like, there's like dead bodies every place like so. Bye stupid. And Parvati votes for Larsa and Kevin goes,
Starting point is 01:09:57 Kevin also votes for Larsa. He says, I think if anybody could ring lead, that's you. And for that, I have to say, I believe you're a trader. So then Trishelle also votes for her and Liza is banished. So her speech is, guys, like, I hope you're going to like switch directions like cause you're dumb and like, I'm a faithful and guess what? I feel like I already knew that. Bye, stupid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Federico's told you and Shreya's like, oh my gosh, don't act surprised. You guys are killing me. You guys are killing me. How come you all didn't vote with John out of no for no reason? And Trishelle, of course, then Trishelle was like, I didn't even like my vote. I didn't even like my vote. She's something acting like she was like like forced to vote for Larissa. Yeah. So they're all upset, right? And Tamara's like, well, I guess the housewives should stick together then.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Parvati threw something out there about the housewives banding together. And I'm like, huh, you better watch yourself, bitch. So, and Pedro's like, well, I wanted to vote for Parvati, but I didn't want to be like a mean vote. You know what I mean? But I'm like, don't do that. So, Badra is furious.
Starting point is 01:11:09 You can see she's furious because she's actually like a little rattled at the round table. Normally she's like very calm, but here she's like a little, there's a different vibe about Badra that we haven't actually seen in a few years. So, she is furious.
Starting point is 01:11:23 So now, um, the charade is like, you know, the gamers want to break up the housewives. We've got to get them. So then C.T. and Trishelle meet outside and they're talking about it. And he's like, okay, so the housewives have got the focus now. All right. And she's like, yeah, it has to be someone in that Bravo group.
Starting point is 01:11:41 It's got to be a housewife for sure. I mean, but like, you look at the odds, like, yeah, there, probably one of them probably is a housewife, but also odds are there's some that are not housewives. This really doesn't like narrow anything down. So, C.G. Scythe. No, because they're acting like they can all work as one big group.
Starting point is 01:12:00 There's not that many traders. You guys know there's not five traders. You know what I mean? I know. So this just doesn't make any sense. If it is one of the housewives, they're going to be working against the other housewives. Although, I mean, I guess like the clique can't still get rid of people. You know what I mean? So voting power, it does still matter as we just saw because one of the housewives got voted off. So. Right. And so Trishelle talks about how she has a complicated relationship with CT. But like he's changed a lot because he's a dad now and he's got like a huge ass. So, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:31 he's a great guy. And I'm really starting to think that like maybe, maybe he's worthy of wearing a beret also. I think I can trust him. He's the only person I feel comfortable sharing real information with. Okay, so now it's time for the traitors to meet up in their secret space. So Parvati's like, I don't know if Phaedra's mad at me, but like she acted like she was, but I don't know if she's acting like she was or she really was. So let's see, because it would be great if Phaedra was exposed. So they all come to the fire and Phaedra just takes off her hood and goes, that wasn't cool.
Starting point is 01:13:02 come to the fire and Phadra just takes off her hood and goes, that wasn't cool. For you to go in there and try to throw me under the bus. And so Dan's like, wait, what happened? But then you do stuff when you do stuff like that, it brings attention to me. Like, Oh, they work together. They're on the show. I'm like, are you kidding me? No one likes you poverty.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Everyone says you're a traitor. Poverty's face is like. She's looking at Dan like she needs help from Dan, but Dan's just acting stupid, which is Dan's move. And Dan can't act stupid because he was literally there. So he's like, what? What is happening? What are you guys talking about?
Starting point is 01:13:38 You guys want me to go over the rules of the game again? And Phaedra just lets her have it. And she's like, if you wanna be in this game together, we can be, but if you don't wanna play fair, we don't need to, you little fucking idiot. You'll have more problems with the Faithfuls. What she did tonight was unacceptable and I will not tolerate it at all.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I'm playing very fair with you, so don't do that to me. And then she looks at Dan and goes, both of you. I was like, what? I love it. I love Dan thought of you as, I've Dan thought that this is Parvati who's gonna get all the heat. Cause he basically, by the way, he set up Parvati,
Starting point is 01:14:13 you know, cause like if there's an issue with Phaedra and Parvati, he's the one who actually winds up looking squeaky clean. But the fact that Phaedra knew, and she looked at Dan and said, both of you. Oh, so good. So she's got an uphill battle hill because it's two against one. Yeah. But I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:31 I believe she, I believe she can do it, you know, these people don't know. They don't, they're coming from the place where they think if they insult someone for being a housewives that they win, right? Like that's the most embarrassing thing you can be. It's like a real housewife. That is so stupid. We're like from smart games where you have to use your brain. We're not like housewives. You guys are such fucking morons.
Starting point is 01:14:50 And one thing housewives are not is stupid. You have fucked with the wrong person. If anyone can manipulate everyone around you to get them to turn against you, it's a real housewife. Have you lost your damn minds? Exactly, that is literally what they do every single day. People on Twitter have been really good about pointing out that gamers on CBS or any of these shows,
Starting point is 01:15:14 you know, they've got to do this for like a show just to get through a game. But like the housewives have to do it season after season after season to stay on their show. So they definitely know what they're doing. and it just speaks again to just the general snobbery that goes to help let that like the housewives deal with like whether it's on the traders whether it's at the Emmys whether it's just at a cocktail party. Oh you watch the housewives. I don't know how you could watch that. The
Starting point is 01:15:37 housewives deal with shit all the time and it's time they got their proper respect and if Phaedra winds up going home because of this bullshit I will be so mad because she's playing a great game and Dan and Dan and Parvati did not need to make this strike this early. This is totally unnecessary. But it is one they're going to hang themselves with the needing to be gamers and like showing off that they can play games and make big moves. And this particular game is not about that, you dummies. And it's way too early. And you should know from being in your own seasons
Starting point is 01:16:10 that making big moves this early, those people always go home, you know? So I'm hoping that it works out that they get their asses kicked off because you never know. And also those games, the gamer games, so much of those are based on luck. And people get credit for things like Dan. I will especially give credit because he really was going to get kicked off when
Starting point is 01:16:31 he did that dance funeral thing. Like he really did save his own ass. He made a good play there. I'm not going to say they don't make any moves, but for the most part, Big Brother is a carnival game. I mean, yeah, you wind up, you hold on to a hot dog, you know, longest and you get immunity and you last another, you last another episode. Right. And so there is some skill in the manipulation. And obviously that plays one part of it. But they're acting like, Oh, they're still smiling because you're from Big Brother.
Starting point is 01:16:58 You literally can only be cast on Big Brother if you're fucking moron. They don't cast smart people on Big Brother. That's the point. Yeah, the other thing is I really want Phaedra to persevere just for everyone on Twitter's sake. Because last week after the first three episodes dropped, at the end of episode three, MJ and Larsa were on to Dan. And so everyone on Twitter was like, Dan thinks he's playing such a good job. But Larsa is on to Dan. And so everyone on Twitter was like, Dan thinks he's playing
Starting point is 01:17:25 such a good job. But Larsa is running circles around him. And everyone, people were actually even paying attention to MJ that much. Everyone was like, they're all the memes were like, how Larsa is an idiot on Real Housewives of Miami, but then on the Trader, she's amazing at it. And wow, Larsa is going to like, Dan has no idea what he's going up with Larsa. And then this episode, Larsa is a disaster and gets voted off. So I don't, but now everyone's saying like, oh, they've activated Phaedra. You better watch out, cause you don't even know what an activated Phaedra can do.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Look at what happened with Apollo and the other lady. You know, you don't even know. So I really hope, like, I don't want Twitter to be proven wrong twice. I want us to be right. I want us to be like, yeah, you've activated Phaedra and I want us to be right about that. I don't want Phaedra to go home. Well, I just want, I want to see P right. I want us to be like, yeah, you've activated Phaedra, and I want us to be right about that. I don't want Phaedra to go home.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Well, I just want, I want to see Phaedra get her revenge because Phaedra is tricky. And usually on Housewives, and first of all, Phaedra left, she was fired from Housewives because she failed. Like she really did fail at her trickery there because she was trying to orchestrate this big storyline against Candy and Portia, and it blew up in her face. She got totally called out for it and she has been in a humiliated discarded state of disgrace ever since.
Starting point is 01:18:36 So this is Phaedra coming back. So it's her big redemption arc but also we get to see what she's doing because a lot of times on Housewives, they hide their hands, you know, and here you don't get, you're going to get to see her get her revenge on these people and work her magic. So I'm hoping she at least stays long enough. Also, I voted for her for the win. So, you know, for selfish reasons, I want her here, but I also just want to see her work her manipulation magic against all these idiots. She's she's more fun to watch manipulate than Dan.
Starting point is 01:19:09 It is fun to watch Dan manipulate. Parvati, I think it's fun to watch manipulate, to be honest. But Phaedra, I love watching her manipulate in this situation. And honestly, I've watched her final monologue on this episode so many times. Just it was just such a great dressing down by her, the way she just caught them off guard. And they were speechless, they had nothing to say to her. And she came for them, she came for both of them.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Dan thought he was out of harm's way, and she was like, nope, you also are gonna get it if you try to come for me. I loved it. My only fear is that it's just gonna make them more determined to get rid of her. Yeah. All right, well, let's talk about Potomac a little bit. Oh, yeah, Potomac. Next week, maybe we'll switch these around and do Potomac Full and this one just an update. I don't know. We'll decide later. But let's talk a little bit about
Starting point is 01:19:59 Potomac, shall we? So last night's episode was a Mother's Day episode. Yeah, which basically was just an excuse for Candice to sing. Nobody needed that. Okay. Oh, who has a Mother's Day party and then makes their guest stand around and listen to them sing a song for their album? Are you fucking kidding? And I love that the hotel was like, here's a here's a random piano and lobby. Yeah, we wrote it off and in a semi circle around. Yeah, being played by non-baptists. And so basically they're all there. It's it was a very mothers, mothers and daughters episode.
Starting point is 01:20:35 You know, there was a scene of Karen and her daughter Raven. And Raven was giving advice to Grace before she goes off to college. Raven, by the way, Raven has become very like she's broken the trend of children of Real Housewives who speak like they've had lobotomies. She like every like every child of every Real Housewife of all time is like, hi, how's it going? Which makes sense because their parents are like usually so alpha that there's like no room for them. So they just don't they barely talk but Raven has like a whole like made for TV personality now.
Starting point is 01:21:11 She's like, you know, she's very bubbly. She's like, oh, let me tell you about college. It is so far I'm like like here's the real tea about what happens when you go to school and That was like surprising to me that Raven had so much personality. She's like, I'm an influencer now. So yeah so we saw that and then Candice and her mom, I mean, Candice's mom. Candice! Their whole thing, let's see, what did they do? They were talking about kind of having a baby or whatever. I mean, really the meat of this episode, the Mother's Day thing was, the Mother's
Starting point is 01:21:46 Day thing was cute, I guess, but it was like Candice's showcase and then it was a showcase for perfumes? Yeah, it was like that about was it Karen's? It wasn't Karen's perfume specifically, was it? No, it was like this whole brunch was somehow like, I guess this Candice working with a perfumery or the perfumery was sponsoring this brunch or something like that. But Karen was obviously feeling a little insecure about her. So like at any given moment, she was like, Oh, well, it's so wonderful
Starting point is 01:22:16 that, you know, to have a fellow, a fellow person in the fragrance space, mine's been around for five years. And we've just, we've been in Bloomingdale's and we just got into the last Radio Shack remaining in America. It's in Idaho. So if you go there, you can get a Tandy computer and LaDom fragrance. It's really a quite an accomplishment for us. Yeah. So every time someone talked about fragrance, she was like, well, LaDom, bloom is, no. That whole thing was kind of awkward. And guess what else? When I'm eating brunch, one of the things I specifically don't want is to be surrounded by people
Starting point is 01:22:50 who just sprayed themselves with perfume. Okay, yeah, that's a lot. Can I just eat in peace? So they do that. There's not very much drama. The meat of this episode really came with Robin and Candice finally getting to talk at the end. Oh my gosh, she's too.
Starting point is 01:23:06 So Candice did her typical, well, I would like to give you the opportunity to tell me why you are so mad at me. Have you noticed that Candice is like playing a game show in every diary room she does? She's just trying to come up with words. The whole diary room session for Candice's season is, you have asked me things and I don't, what is she doing?
Starting point is 01:23:42 Why is she looking around trying to come up with things to say the whole time? It's bizarre. I know. So, they, she and Robin meet at this strange little bakery kind of place and she's like, Michael, today is just to listen to what you have to say. So, Rob is like, okay, well, you know, I think that like, if like, I'm not going to throw my husband under the bus for no reason. So if no one brings it up, I'm not going to just like enter that piece of information onto a show. And Candice is like, yeah, but we're filming a TV show about our lives because yeah, but like, really? Where's Chris? Because he's not really around.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Exactly. Notice that he's not filming a TV show. so. I mean, I actually, believe it or not, I actually like this, and this, I actually did, I don't know if I'm contradicting myself in the past, but in this case, when I watched it this time, I was like, you know, Robin has a point. Like, yeah, like, Juan did something stupid and shady and probably cheated on me, but I got over it.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Why should I enter that into evidence if no one's asking about it? And I know what you're gonna say, which is that she came for Yadi, so and so and so and so, which is true, but if people don't bring it up. But why would she, no, I wouldn't say that because I would say, she's, yeah, why the hell would she bring it up?
Starting point is 01:24:57 Yeah, so I mean, it felt hypocritical to us because she was going so hard for other people, like Karen, when she has her own skeletons in the closet, which is probably what I think Candace should have brought up. But I think Robin was justified in saying, I didn't want to bring it up because then I'm over it, I decided to move on, I decided I'm okay with this, but then you bring it up and then everyone else will just come for this for the rest of my life So I was mad that then you went on to social media And you went on like every single platform and you came hard for me and like what friend wouldn't like
Starting point is 01:25:34 I mean, why would I be like chill with that? Well, I like because Candice does this thing where she's like what? Why would you be mad at me? Not anybody else? Why is it always me who gets in trouble? Well? Would you be mad at me? Not anybody else. Why is it always me who gets in trouble? Well, okay. From an audience perspective, of course it looked like Robin was just standing up for you the whole season against Dizelle because she was trying to protect. She wanted somebody on her side when this news possibly came out about one because
Starting point is 01:25:58 she told us, I think at the reunion, she told the audience or Andy or whoever, she's like, well, I assumed Karen was going to bring this up all season and she didn't. So I was just waiting for Karen to bring. So she knew it was coming. So from an audience standpoint, it looks like, oh, okay. Well, she was just kind of using Candace to be there to stand up for her at the end. Okay. So Robin sucks.
Starting point is 01:26:21 So I stand by that, that Robin sucks. And I think that she probably was doing that. But from a friend perspective, from a Robin perspective, why would she tell on herself if she didn't have to? That's your all's fault for not solving the mystery. It was right there. And it's Karen's fault for not bringing it up. And why wouldn't she be pissed at you
Starting point is 01:26:39 for going on podcasts and blogs, calling her a fraud? And then we see the tweets pop up of what Candice was saying about her. And they're horrible. You know, Candice really does have a vicious acid tongue when she gets pissed off on social media. We all know that. And they were horrible. Of course, she's going to be mad at you. So why are you acting like you have no idea why she would be mad at you?
Starting point is 01:27:02 And if anything, Candice is like, but you never told me you were pissed. Like that's, so Candice is saying I'm justified because you just didn't tell me you were pissed. And my Candice, you don't have to be told. Also, if someone is not, when you text them and say, are you mad at me and they don't respond, that is the response right there. So you were actually told, you idiot.
Starting point is 01:27:24 So then, but then Robin's like, and furthermore, my second point is that I didn't like that you said that I had some sort of a conspiracy with Giselle and Ashley. And yeah, Candice is like, I just don't believe that you would have like, she feels like that that Robin Robin was, was acting when she was, she, she feels that Robin knew that Giselle and Ashley were going to do this and Robin was acting pretending like she didn't like it. And that's why Candice was mad at her. Yeah, I think they both have kind of points here because of course they of course those girls all work together. We know that they do. So, um, I think those girls standing by Giselle at all is reason enough to be mad at them
Starting point is 01:28:12 because that shit, that was not cool. What Giselle did at all. So, so is can't. So Candace thinks that Robin knew what Giselle was going to do. And then Robin pretended to, uh, like be against Giselle was going to do. And then Robin pretended to be against Giselle and not pretend to be grossed out, not grossed out, but pretend to disagree with Giselle in this situation. What did Candice think Robin's end game was for disagreeing with Giselle publicly? If according to Candice-
Starting point is 01:28:43 I think she could say, A, I don't always agree with Giselle publicly. Like if, according to Candice- I think she could say, A, I don't always agree with Giselle because everyone's always accusing me of just being Giselle's lackey. And I don't always agree with her. On this, I disagree. And also, when the stuff comes out about one, you'll stick up for me because you know what it's like
Starting point is 01:28:58 having your husband attacked because your husband is being attacked. I mean, I think that's the end. Now, why didn't, why wasn't why wasn't can to know just just before I forget to tell you Robin did know this. Well, she didn't know specifically it was going to come up, but she knew about Giselle, what Giselle's accusations were because Giselle had told her after that night, like Rob, he came to my room to talk to me or my dressing room, whatever
Starting point is 01:29:24 it was, my glam team wasn't there. I felt uncomfortable, blah, blah, blah. So she already knew that that was said. And does Giselle ever keep anything off camera? I don't think she ever has. So she knew it was an opportunity. So Candice did not suspect this of Robin. So Candice is saying you were playing me because you knew about this the whole time
Starting point is 01:29:47 and you were acting like you were just screaming with Giselle, so that way you would look good when this would come out. But she was not suspicious of this until the reunion, I guess, right? Then she started to be like, wait a second, Robin's not with me. And it turns out Robin never was with me. And this was all a conspiracy. I think that was, I think that is the trail of logic for how they got here, if I remember correctly.
Starting point is 01:30:08 It's like, for some reason, this specific storyline, I can never keep straight in my head. But also like, are we giving Robin too much credit? Like, is Robin capable of pulling off some sort of conspiratorial scheme like this? I kind of don't think she can. I feel like this is a little too high level for her. I think it's really conspiratorial on Robin's end. I think it's just her being like, well,
Starting point is 01:30:34 Candice is going to be upset because they're coming for her husband this season, and they're going to be coming for my husband too. So if I band together with her, I can have somebody on my side to fight for our husbands. I don't think it was like a huge conspiracy. I just think that she was. Even that, I don't know if Robin can pull off. I don't know, like I just don't think that Robin thinks that far ahead.
Starting point is 01:30:54 I think Robin, if there's anything she loves to do, she loves to point that finger. And if there's like a situation where someone is acting sketchy in a hotel room and she believes it, I feel like Robin's like, yeah, you were doing that. I feel like she cannot resist that. That is like her candy. So there's part of me that I don't know. I feel like Robin just, I don't think that Robin even thinks on a level of like, oh, my shit with Juan is about to come out. So let me get an ally ahead
Starting point is 01:31:21 of time with, through Candice, because she already has an ally with Giselle and Ashley So she doesn't need Candice. So I don't know I don't know if I think there probably can be a little bit of a one that they were going to be coming for her husband that season But also beyond the beyond, you know, heard just wanting an alibi. So she's nice to Candice even if that's untrue I mean the truth is still there, which is she probably just didn't believe what Giselle was saying I mean what she said made sense last year went and they showed a clip of it last night when she was saying look He didn't threaten her. He didn't the door was open He didn't know you know, she she made a case like why Giselle is probably overreacting to the Chris. Yeah
Starting point is 01:32:02 She didn't accuse Chris of doing anything really bad, except this year, she said, he made me go to a hotel. He made me go into the room, which that's when she kind of took it over and took the language into like even creepier territory than it was last year. But yeah. Yeah, I'm with you on this lap on what you're saying here,
Starting point is 01:32:26 because I actually feel like where the WAN stuff does inflict it is that it's not so much, I don't believe like Candace seems like Candace is saying, I don't believe that Robin was doing all this stuff in anticipation of WAN being outed. But I think that Robin had this POV of being against Giselle because I think Robin had to sort of take like, I think that Robin is in like, in a, she's like in an, she's like in an apologist for one.
Starting point is 01:33:01 And so therefore, I think it's easy for her to be an apologist for Chris. And when I say that for Chris, you know, it doesn't sound like Chris did anything really too terrible. He may have made Giselle feel uncomfortable, but, you know, like, I don't think it was anything worse than that, not saying that that's okay. But I think that Robin has been is used to being an apologist for men, perhaps. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. So it's not. Well, all strange to me that she was.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Well, all strange to me that she was. One had the whole sexual harassment thing going on, which wasn't on camera yet. So I don't know when all that stuff started. Like, I don't know how much was going on behind the scenes. Like, had one told Robin that this stuff was going on at the school and that there was trouble with, you know, the school was dealing with this coach and what he was doing to the student. Like, did she know that yet? Because I don't
Starting point is 01:33:48 think it had been filed yet. The court case or whatever hadn't been filed and Juan hadn't lost his job and all that stuff yet. But Robin might have been like, you know, I'm standing up for this. Partically sensitive to like men being or like men being like falsely accused in her life. So we brought up a Candace how Candace acts like she, you know, she does all this stuff and says all this stuff about Robin and then it's like, why would you be mad at me? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Robin is not innocent in that area either. Robin has her own podcast that she goes on and trashes them and Chris and the husband and all of this other stuff. So it's pretty ridiculous. I mean, I like at least Robin's not fake here. She's just like, why would I not be pissed at you? You're an asshole. Yeah, I think that is the crux of a lot of it too,
Starting point is 01:34:34 is that, which was not mentioned here, was that Robin like partakes in everyone else's storylines about infidelity, but hers, she doesn't even bring up on the show, but then she puts it behind a paywall on Patreon and that's like frustrating. And I feel like what Candice is really mad at is that it's frustrating that here, her husband, her relationship with her husband and her husband get like dragged to the mud all season and then some, whereas Robin has the privilege of being quiet. And then when she does want to, when she does address it, she can address it on her terms and make money for it in a way that
Starting point is 01:35:11 Candice wasn't able to. Yeah. And Candice, part of Candice's argument is, you know, anyone who could be friends with Giselle, someone who would do that to another person. I can't be friends with. Okay. That is valid. I think, and you should just stick with that, but you shouldn't have been friends with her last year either because Giselle's. Horrible. And she was still saying she stood against Giselle on that one point, but
Starting point is 01:35:39 she didn't go against Giselle. She was still Giselle's best friend. You know what I mean? So yeah. I don't know. That's all a lot, but it ended with no resolution. And I don't think they can really find a resolution on this. I don't know that there's anything that's going to work out to resolve this cast. I think that they're just going to have to get rid of the cast. Yeah, I, um, yeah, they're going to have to fix something. I will, I will say that we've now had two episodes in a row, um, with significantly
Starting point is 01:36:11 less silliness on screen. There was one moment when there was like a hat that they put on screen when they were talking about, uh, cookie, the cookie contest and the Jack and Joel society. There was like a little hat or a crown. I should say it was a crown on top of Giselle that they just couldn't resist putting on. But there's significantly less. They called her the Queen of Cookies and then she wasn't the Queen of Cookies because she accused Karen of cheating as they took the crown away. Yeah, it was a real throwback reference there. But I am optimistic that they're trying to write the ship. I'm hopeful. Because honestly, that we
Starting point is 01:36:44 knew, we knew right from the trailer for this season, we're like, something is wrong. Something is wrong this season. This is the worst trailer we've ever seen for a Real Housewives. Well, it's Housewives, so it's ups and downs. Everyone has this season to die. They can't all be great, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:37:02 this one they've got some changes, but that was good to see them talk because a lot of what this is missing is the interaction between most of the real housewives. Yeah. Interacting. So this, it was at least good to see those two interact, you know? Yeah, exactly. So that was pretty much it. Oh, we also got like a minor, inconsequential update about Jacqueline via Charise of all people. So there was that too. But Oh, Jacqueline just, Cherise saw Jacqueline at some party and Jacqueline just went off on Mia and talked about it
Starting point is 01:37:33 for two hours straight. To Necca. So that storyline is, is bubbling under the surface. It's two episodes in a row. We've heard about that. So anyway, that I think is all that I can personally, like that would like really jumped out to me about Potomac this week.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Yeah, just an update. So everybody, thanks so much for being with us today. We will be back this week with Belodeck Mediterranean season finale, Salt Lake City, Beverly Hills, Miami, and possibly Southern Hospitality as well. One of those might be a bonus. We just don't know. But we will be here. Go get your tickets for the Golden Crappy Awards February 17th in LA.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Those are available at and go to our Instagram to find the link to vote for the preliminary rounds that's going on right now. And also we'll be doing crappy hour live tonight, Monday, 5 30 Pacific time. Thanks, everyone. We'll catch you in the next one. Bye. Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King, Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Stroll in the park with Caitlin Clark. She's not just a Sheila. she's a Daniela Itchels Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickle-us She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy Jamie, she has no last namey Hava Nagila Weber Know your worth with Jason Kurt She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing
Starting point is 01:39:02 Sits some scotch with Jessica Trotch! She's always supplyin', it's Kelly Ryan! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches, Betches! And our super premium sponsors! Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD!
Starting point is 01:39:23 We're takin' the gold with Brenda Silva Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill don't get salty with Christine Pepper can't have a meal without the Emily sides Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony Junie my favorite murder Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Shadley! Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender! We want to hang with Liz Lang! The incredible Edible Matthews sisters! Give him hell, Miss Noel! She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke! Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony! Let's take off with Tamla Plain! She's quite the catch. It's Victoria Cotchett.
Starting point is 01:40:05 She ain't no shrinking violet couture. We love you guys.

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