Watch What Crappens - #2305 Traitors and RHOP Part 1: MURDER BIRDS!

Episode Date: January 29, 2024

The reality stars continue to run around like chickens with their heads cut off on The Traitors (S02EP05), which is appropriate because it’s all about wacky birds on this week’s episode.&...nbsp;Plus, a familiar face returns to the castle. Then on Potomac Karen attempts to engineer a cast trip to Surrey County. Instead, a few of them do yardwork.   RHOP discussion starts at around 01:36:00To watch the video version of this recap and for our bonus episodes, go to And grab tickets for the 2024 Golden Crappies Awards Feb 17 at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery's new podcast, Dis and Tell, wades into the glorious mess of celebrity beef. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud and asks, what does our obsession with these feuds say about us? Follow Dis and Tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Hello and welcome to watch our crap in the podcast about all that crap we just love to talk about on Ye Olde Bravo TV or even Peacock. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is the one and only Mr. Ronnie Karam. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Well, hello Ben. That have been Nooni Toons. How are you doing today? I'm doing fabulously. I'm here in New York once again, but people who are watching on
Starting point is 00:01:07 crap is on demand. You see a different background because I am back in my childhood bedroom where it is negative three degrees and I have questionable lighting. So apologies to people watching on video for the lower quality undisapp of the screen. Uh, but you know, hold them onto those absolute bottles. Yeah. No, Skybot. Give Skybot your bottles.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah, that's right. Going strong. Yeah. So, yeah, everything's going well. By the way, thank you to everyone who voted in round one for the crappies. We had like just under 20,000 votes, which is amazing. And we will be we will announce the nominations on Monday, this coming Monday, February 5th,
Starting point is 00:01:51 which will be very exciting. That'll be when round two opens up and everyone can vote on the official nominees for the Crappies, which are taking place on February 17th in Los Angeles. Of course, we would love for you to come see it live with us You can get a ticket at, but if you can't make it to the live show We do have a streaming option which is available via moment our friends at moment. So all that information It's on our website. It's also you can use the links in our bios on our social media
Starting point is 00:02:23 So you can use the links in our bios on our social media. So come watch the crappies in some form or another. We'd love to have you and be sure to vote on Monday when the nominations officially open again. Yeah, very well done. Well done, Ben. So this is Traders. We're going to talk a little bit about Potomac at the end of this recap. If you want to know exactly when, just check the time codes in the description for this episode.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Okay, it'll be at the end. We'll spend about 20 minutes on there. Sometimes in life you gotta choose. We chose the traitors. Yeah. But not to say that we've murdered real housewives of Potomac. We've just moved them to the side. Well, murder takes sec, takes the screen. I love this show.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Traitors. I love the traitors. I love it. It's so good. I liked season one. I liked it, okay, but I love this one. I'm into it. I don't even scroll on my phone.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah. This season is, yeah, I agree. I don't scroll on my phone and I watch it right away as soon as I possibly can. And it's amazing because they are so bad at it. It's such a funny reality show concept. Like, normally when you watch Survivor and people are bad at Survivor, you get so mad and you say, this is a terrible season because no one's using real strategy. But on this show, they're all flopping around like fish on a dock. And
Starting point is 00:03:47 they have no idea. And every now and then they get like, I'm talking of course about the faithful. But every now and then they have like a glimmer of an idea of like, oh, this would be a good, a good line of thinking. And then they just full on abandon it. I mean, for crying out loud, they gave Eansu, they made the traders give Ekansu a chalice of poison, and the faithful still couldn't figure anything out. They still couldn't figure out that, like, who poisoned Ekansu. They couldn't even just sit for a moment and run down a list of names. They just were like, oh, Ekansu's like, I just can't remember. They're like, okay, I can just like, I just can't remember.
Starting point is 00:04:25 They're like, okay, well, moving on. I'm hilarious. The worst was Trichelle being like, yeah, you know what's crazy is that I remember someone giving at can see wine, but I don't remember who. Should I jog my memory about it? No. Mel, I'm not gonna. And no one asked her anything about it. When was this?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Where were we? Was anybody around you? Because it was in front of all of you. It was in front of like five of you, you dopes. I know. I guess for a shell it's too busy planning her next break the internet costume change. Which American girl doll is she gonna be? Will she be from Pittsburgh this time?
Starting point is 00:05:06 Or will she be from New England? You know, part of it is, I feel like it's unfair to call everybody on the show stupid because we know the answers. It's not fair. I don't, I usually don't like mysteries where it starts with you knowing who the killer is because a lot of them are like that. Like, I could never really get too into that show poker face where that girl's like, Hey, the girl who talks like Lisa Hoxden is like, Oh yeah, I can solve a murder. My big thing is no one, when people are lying, I really like her Natasha Leon, that show poker face.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Love it. Which is also on this channel, but I can't watch all of them because it starts with you knowing who the killer is. And then you have to see her kind of figuring it out. That's no fun. I like to figure it out with the people, you know? I mean, I like, I like knowing and then seeing them figure it out. I believe that's called, I remember in English class in high school, we learned that that's called dramatic irony. And I like dramatic irony. I think and I agree with you. It is much harder when you're in the thick of it and you have no answers. It is really, really
Starting point is 00:06:11 hard. You are grasping at straws. But that being said, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of strategy. Like there's we see glimpses of it, but no one stops and says, Hey, if I were a trader, how would I be acting? Huh. Now, given how I would be acting, let me see who was acting like that in our group of people. Like sometimes they sort of say that, but they never followed through. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Well, you know, who's what this cast is not guilty of. No one would accuse any of these people of having any kind of legality. There you go. Everybody just sit with that word. That was my kind of legality. There you go. Everybody just sit with that word. That was my word of the day that I got today. Um, for my word of day emails. Um, that is middle French mid 16th century. I mean, uh,
Starting point is 00:06:57 you're right. And it means alert quickness of mind or body. So none of this cast and the picture is a squirrel kind of flying through the air. So thank you word of the day. You're really changing my life. Does the squirrel, does the squirrel, is that like an example of the charity? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Because it has a quickness of the body at least. You're gonna look at this picture. Do you see it? Hold on. Wow. That squirrel really is exhibiting a lot of legality. The legality. Hey, is your name Jerry? Because wow, the Jerry in your left.
Starting point is 00:07:32 You're fantastic. What a fantastic animal. But yeah, I think it's unfair because of course we can guess, but again, you know, I say this every time we talk about this show, there's no real way to start guessing these people until you're like six episodes in because who it's just randomly picked who the murderers are going to be. They don't necessarily have any motive or whatever. So it's not like a regular thing. Now that said, we are getting to the good part because we are five. This is five episode, the fifth episode. We are five
Starting point is 00:08:00 episodes in now. So now they are starting to see little cracks in each other and stuff. And I think it'll start getting a lot more juicy with the man. All right. Well, let's dive into it because I've got a lot of things to say, particularly about that idiot, Kevin. So, um, where we last, where we last left off, um, Phadra had just basically, um, told Parvati. I mean, read Parvati for Phil. The actually wrote.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Everyone hates you. And everyone thinks you're a traitor. No one likes you, Parvati. So we're in the middle of that. And she said, um, for you to go in there and try to throw me under the saying that I'm an actress and I have a click and she's like I never said your name because but you said housewives. Yeah, Parvati. I Never said your name. I just said that all housewives are trash and nobody should believe a fucking thing that those rubber-faced idiots say
Starting point is 00:08:59 Okay, yeah, I mean what I do I was talking about Larsa. She goes, no, you weren't. You said the housewives. That's what you said. And she goes, well, I was doing that because I needed to get Larsa out. She goes, well, don't do it with my name. That pisses me off. And probably the first housewife to ever say this, she goes, I am not an actress. How dare you? This was great, by the way. I felt like we were seeing the real Phaedra Parks. Like, I felt like we were getting a glimpse into how Phaedra talks with her clients. Like, what did you do there on this stand? Why were you saying that? Like, this was, this was real Phaedra coming through, which is why I think she's so exhilarating on this show,
Starting point is 00:09:37 because it's so hard. Oh, yeah, because of Phaedra. They keep saying, where's the real Phaedra? You know, you get her on all these other shows and she's just nice. She won't talk about any of the drama from Atlanta. She won't get into it with anybody. She just will make little sex jokes and be reasonable. And people are like, that's not fair. Why bring back Phaedra when she's kind of neutered, you know? But you just, it turns out all you really need to do is just really piss her off. And that's what happened here. Exactly. So poverty is like, got it. Okay, hold on. Let me just give like a quick eye squint. Okay, got one out. Thanks. She is all that poverty does for most of
Starting point is 00:10:13 the show is look around and squint her eyes. It's like she's constantly looking for a source of light that she can stare into just so she can close her eyes a little bit. Well, she does look at Dan for help because I feel like that's kind of what she would do, of course, is like, can you believe that she's talking to me like this, Dan? You know, she had like a flash. I've got a headband this size with a baby arm. Can you believe someone's talking to me like that?
Starting point is 00:10:40 But she looks at Dan and Dan's just like all bug-eyed, looking to the side like, I'm not stepping into this. You fucking crazy. Like no way. Well, he's also like, he like caused this. I mean, he was the one who told Parvati like, we should take a hit on Phaedra first and then Parvati goes and does it. Now Phaedra's mad at Parvati. So Parvati is like, look, I'm not trying to sabotage you in any way.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And I apologize. And Pedro goes, well, I accept that. I accept your apology. Let's proceed. But you know that she does not accept it whatsoever. And she's got like one eye on poverty now. Yes. Uh, and Dan's got two eyes, um, and they're very big and bulgy and frog-like. Yeah. He's like, Hey, I'm glad you guys are able to clear the air because it's so important that we work together when we're fighting off the house. I don't have any real opinions. I'm waiting till tomorrow. So here's how this game works.
Starting point is 00:11:37 All right. Oh, God damn. So Parvati is like, okay, so everybody, I took the lead last night with that. Can so he's like, you did a great job. And she's like, right, okay, so you know what, Phaedra, you can have the ball in your court tonight. Why don't you do that? How about that, Phaedra?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Since I made you so mad right now, she's like, hmm, okay. Well, luckily I believe in grace. So I believe in grace and cash payments and parking lots. So you've given me one out of the two and we shall proceed. She, so she's decided that she wants to cause confusion. So it's gotta be someone who's skilled at playing the game. So she's thinking first Sandra and poverty is like,
Starting point is 00:12:18 yeah, she's so good at strategy and she doesn't even wear a headband. So at some point, if one of us has suspicion on us and the numbers are dwindling, she'll pull the trigger on any of us. And then Phaedra brings up Tamara's name and Parvati's like, well, that would be like, I think a surprise. I mean, she's kind of a loose cannon and you don't know where she's gonna go. She's a ha, I'm sorry, I don't want to say it. She's a headband, a headband denier. That's what I meant to say. So Phaedra's like, yeah, you don't know where she's going to go. I'm like, she will, I'll tell you where she will go. She will always go down the wrong alley and she'll
Starting point is 00:12:56 do it in a very funny way, but she's always, Tamara has been wrong almost actually every single episode I think there's no, she's so not a threat. Yeah. I don't, I don't, the ones that they assume are threats are the people that came into this being good in other games Like Sandra Sandra's not really good at it. I mean we haven't seen any proof that Sandra's good She hasn't I mean right now. It's just are they good at guessing and nobody's really good at guessing because nobody's guessed anything except MJ guest Dan And we'll see how far that is. So for a second, and then, you know, I mean, the thing is this, they probably should not get rid of Sandra or if they were in get rid of Sandra,
Starting point is 00:13:32 maybe earlier, I don't know when, but like, uh, I think getting, when you kill off Sandra, it puts suspicion on poverty because they're both buying to be queen of survivor. So, um, I don't think the survivor people watch survivor. So, I can't tell what it is. Well, only the survivor people watch Survivor. So that's the other thing. People who watch all of the CBS shows or whatever, of course they know who's good.
Starting point is 00:13:53 These Bravo people don't know who you are and they don't care. I mean, as far as you're concerned, you're people without Botox, that's all they see, you know? Although, you're basically second-class citizens to everybody on Bravo. They're like, why would they let their face grow like that? Yeah. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:14:09 So which one of these causes more confusion? If you murder Sandra, does it cause more confusion? Or if you murder Tamara? Well, you got to make that call. I don't know. But I can tell you this much in this game. In this game, there are no dumpsters, so possums have no use. Let me tell you what causes confusion in this game. Literally anything.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's a bunch of very confused rainbow. Okay. Very, if there's an extra croissant on the table, everybody's confused. Like, wait, there's an extra croissant. MJ did it. Get her. I mean, that's kind of like the croissant. MJ did it. Get her. I mean, that's kind of like the basis of like half the eviction so far. I mean, I personally would keep
Starting point is 00:14:50 Tamara just because Tamara, she does go down the wrong path quite a bit and she's tenacious about it. I think that's someone you want on your side if you are a traitor. Well, she's extremely dangerous, but she's dangerous equally to everybody. You know, it's like keeping a loaded gun with a child in the house. You know it's dangerous, but at least it's as dangerous for mom as it is for the brother. They're like, we're all in danger here, but at least we've got a gun. She's literally like an atomic bomb. I mean, she was like, it's like Oppenheimer when he made the atomic bomb, like when he opened up the lid and was like, there's the bomb.
Starting point is 00:15:22 It was literally Tamra's face because- Betch and Hyma, there's the bomb. It was literally Tamra's face because. That's right. I'm a batch. That's right. I'm. How does bomb there is an Irish county? So boom, you just got destroyed by hotness. Stupid.
Starting point is 00:15:42 By the way, oh, I'm sorry, Ben. What were you going to say? I said, were you in Bass Lake? No, deep but good. From Tamara. I forgot to congratulate my partner, Ben. Okay, so last week we announced it was our 12-year anniversary. It's been a big week, okay? It was our 12-year anniversary.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Also, something huge happened and it involves Tamara Barney. Something huge happened to this podcast. For years, people have been trying to get the word, the term cut fitness, which is our alternative for the C word, which we came up with years and years ago because Tamara has a gym or had a gym called cut fitness and Tamara was the person we probably used the C word for the most back in the day when it was still allowed. Everybody get off my ass. Okay. We stopped
Starting point is 00:16:25 this a long time ago, but our substitute word is cut fitness. It is in urban dictionary. Thank you to Kate the Great or whoever got that in there. I don't think I've ever been prouder, but it says cut fitness a term coined by the watch what crappens podcast. Yeah. Huge honor. History. It's a great way to ring in 12 years of podcasting. It's having a term in the urban dictionary. That's apparently been there for like five years too. But that's, you know... That's it? It's set 2019, right?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Well, that's when they submitted it, but it wasn't accepted back then. I don't know. Maybe they just have a backlog over there. I don't know. Wow. It just shows that, you know, miracles can happen. If someone like Tamra can we put on TV, if cut fitness can make it into the urban dictionary,
Starting point is 00:17:12 then guess what everyone, your dreams can come true. Yeah. And it got in there just in time for the Seaworth to come back and it be, it, it to be okay again in some circles. So there you go. With one thing we're great at timing. Yeah, timing. Done great. Great, great, great work with that word.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So, um, uh, anyway, it's the next morning at murder breakfast. This morning, the players will make their way down the breakfast, but one faithful won't be joining them. They murdered. So, um, CT and Janelle are first and, um, uh, you know, tight jeans, love, loving CT's, loving his haunches. He is his thighs are the breakout star of the season in my mind. Well, I hope they do. Break out.
Starting point is 00:18:10 They will break out soon enough because raw. They will break out. It's no fair, you know, like some people gain weight. Just they gain it in such a lucky way. His is just so cute. Like I want to gain weight like that. I don't gain weight like that. My my butt just stays flat no matter how big the rest of me gets. My butt is just flat and droopy. I want that butt.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Give me that butt. I mean, I've heard, we've all heard of dad bod, but I've never heard of like dad thighs and that's like, it's just, it's like tree trunks down there. Yeah. That's a dad because most dads don't have that, you know, like what do they do? Is what are you squatting for breakfast fucking love it love him okay T. So a C.T. and Janella the first to come back down and they're talking about who they think it is. And he's he's like oh my god I think it never been the first one the breakfast like what is everybody stupid everybody's probably sleeping like cuz they're dumb fucking idiots
Starting point is 00:19:06 Enjoy not having scones bitches So See these like so is that like a good thing like because now the paranoia is set in it's because like with the first ones here like especially last time because the poison I thought was either you or me to be honest I can't be a little even like that was wicked scary or we almost got killed over there before wow and he's just saying that he just doesn't trust anyone in the game and especially those housewives my right those those ladies are scary just like yeah but like the housewives are just like trying to get those together to get someone out of the game like I don't
Starting point is 00:19:40 think there's a strategy do you you know why? Because they're fucking idiots. Okay? Then our skill, then our strategy to be this like mastermind about who to murder. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. It says Janelle who has not shown any strategy this entire season except running for those shields. Or many. I mean, Janelle really, Janelle I think it's a very popular
Starting point is 00:20:01 big brother player because she's fucking hilarious and because she's a shallow little b-word like she's such She's such an asshole to everybody and it's fun to watch You know it really is it's a really is a good quality to have as a TV So not necessarily as a human but as a TV star. It's super fun But I don't think anybody would accuse her of being good at the game, right? I mean, let's look at her past couple of seasons of big brother Oh, I was gonna say I mean, let's look at our past couple of seasons of Big Brother. I was going to say, I mean, I feel like Janelle's
Starting point is 00:20:34 her strategic peak was maybe about 20 years ago, which is wild to say that. But, you know, she made it far on her initial season and she made it far on that first All-Star season, but it's been pretty abysmal since then. So I love me, Janelle, probably one of my favorite reality stars of all time, but even I have to admit, she could be better. She could be better at this kind of stuff. Oh, she could be better. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a crappin's commercial. Being an actual royal is never about finding your happy ending, but the worst part is, if they step out of line or fall in love with the wrong person,
Starting point is 00:21:07 it changes the course of history. I'm Aresha Skidmore-Williams. And I'm Brooke Sifrin. We've been telling the stories of the rich and famous on the hit Wondery Show Even the Rich, and talking about the latest celebrity news on Rich and Daily. We're going all over the world on our new show, Even the Royals.
Starting point is 00:21:25 We'll be diving headfirst into the lives of the world's kings, queens, and all the wannabes in their orbit throughout history. Think succession meets the crown meets real life. We're going to pull back the gilded curtain and show how royal status might be bright and shiny, but it comes at the expense of, well, everything else. Like your freedom, your privacy, and sometimes even your head. Follow Even The Royals on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Even The Royals early and ad-free
Starting point is 00:21:53 right now by joining Wondery Plus. So, uh... Or if I just missed a spot shaving. Sorry, it's neither here nor there. Go ahead, Ben. Well, Peter and John enter and everyone's like very happy. And Peter's like saying that he's like, he's like, this is going to start getting very, very telling, which is hilarious because they've not been able to tell anything. And Janelle's like, yeah, we're getting closer to the trader because there's, there are less fatefuls in the castle.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah. So just, just, logic here. Yeah. Just math. We're getting close cause math. And he's like, this is the exact opposite of the bachelor. Cause in the bachelor, you have to follow your heart, but here you have to follow your heart, but here you have to follow your mind. When I'm at home, I have to follow Peter. It's your mother. I love you, Peter.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Peter and his mother. I know you're not a bachelor watcher, but God, they really need to have Peter's mother on here as a special guest, because she's like in love with her son, and she kept coming in between all of the ladies. It was like Peter's final date, and it's just the mom being like Peter, you can't break up with her. Peter, we love her Peter. They definitely need to cast like a mother child duo for next season. I think that would be great.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Peter's mom, Barbara, I think her name was Barbara. We need some Barbara in our lives. But yeah, Peter's a big dummy and he's, I think he's stunted at whatever age his mother initially fell in love with him. I'm guessing around 14. By the way, I don't mean anything sexual. I just mean that age where the mom's like, you're married to your mother now, Peter. And he just kind of stay stunted at that age. And he just looks like a little boy still kind of looking around like, Stay stunted at that age and he just looks like a little boy still kind of looking around like, guys, I've got it. Someone here's a murderer.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Well done, Peter. You're doing great, kid. I'm going to tell my mom after this that I figured it out. So Peter's like, he's like, yeah, we need to start finding a way to get these traders start going against each other. Like there's got to be like a guy in the group of traders at least one. And I'm very confident it's not one of the three of us. I was like, okay, so you just crammed three sentences together. I just don't make any sense. Okay, so we got to make the trader start going against each other. I mean, sure, but like, what's that?
Starting point is 00:24:17 How is that going to help you? Because the traders are not going to go against each other right now, because they don't have to, because the faiths are going against each other. So that's not going to work. And then there's got to be a guy in the group of traders. Well, there is a guy, but there doesn't have to be a guy. There's no logic says there has to be a guy in the group of traders. That's just an idea that was put out there by Larsa, I think. And now it's just like, it's like, oh, well, but law of averages, it just happens to be correct, but doesn't have to be correct. And then he goes, and by the way, I'm confident it's not one of us three. Well, how do you know that, Peter?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Like you've been wrong about everything so far. Like they just build the case of all these crazy assumptions. Yeah. And what's, you know, stab in the dark. That's what you got to do on this show. Like who knows? So CT's like, what do you think? Like Kevin or Berge?
Starting point is 00:25:04 He's like, I mean, what do you think? Like Kevin or Berge? He's like, I mean, I don't think it's Kevin. I don't think it's Berge because I've got all my trust in him. Well, that doesn't mean. So what does that mean that Berge would tell you if he was a traitor? Just because he likes you? I mean, even Berge is not that dumb. But then he finally does land on something. He's like, well, my suspicion right now, if there has to be a guy, is that it's Dan.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So I'm like, okay, well, thank you. Thank you for finally landing on something that seems to make sense. And you're correct. And so we'd also both like to hear I'm issuing a joint apology for talking for five solid minutes about how stupid you are and how in love with you, your mother you are. Okay. At least you got this one right, Peter. So there you go. Yeah, but why, like why, like, yeah, he got it right, but also like way too late because MJ was calling out Dan two episodes ago. She called out Dan on
Starting point is 00:25:54 episode three. So now Kevin enters and, you know, he's, Kevin drives me nuts. He's so dumb. He's so dumb and he's actually like arrogant too It's like the worst combination and he contributes so little and the fact that he got to control the narrative at the round table this week Pissed me off Wow, yeah, sorry that really came out that really it really tumbled out I wasn't expecting really big that this was accented It was like it's just like, there's like a certain like dumbness.
Starting point is 00:26:27 You know what it is? He reminds me of every person in a group project who's dragged down the group project. Like we've all been there, right? Like anytime it's like in school, a group project or just in work or anytime you've had to have a group project there's always a Kevin who like you come up with a plan and he's like, wait, but I don't really understand
Starting point is 00:26:45 Why don't we just like why don't we just do like a pie chart? It's like because we're coming up with an arrangement of acapella music You don't put a pie chart and not cappella performance Kevin. Yeah Kevin You've really been tortured in group projects over the years. You don't even know right You brought up group projects a lot. I feel like there's a very dark story there in your group project. I'm still traumatized by a group project I had to do freshman year of college where I had to do a presentation about how a boombox works. That... Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I'm traumatized. I'm still traumatized this day. Was someone just trying to take over the whole project by just being the guy who comes in and lifts it above his head and plays the song for the. I was like, what, you think you could just say anything? Um, now he, he actually didn't know work and I wound up picking up the work because I was like, I did it like passive aggressive, like fine, I'll do it work. How about that?
Starting point is 00:27:39 And then like I was mad at him instead of me saying like, hey, could you do some of your work? I of course didn't. I was non-confrontational and then I took on the work and resented him. But then he comes in with ideas and I was like, you know what? Fuck you. So yeah, it all comes back to the boombox project and Kevin. It's Kevin. He was eating another chocolate croissant from the, from the breakfast.
Starting point is 00:27:59 It's like, and he's like, eating all the breakfast, Kevin. He's like, here's how a boombox works. Okay. You have to have layers of butter and dough and butter and dough. It's like, Kevin, that's how a croissant works. Kevin, why are you eating the boombox, Kevin? It's our group project.
Starting point is 00:28:15 He's like, but there's chocolate inside. No, that's an a pano chocolate, not a boombox. So then Berge comes in, he's alive and a down and charade come in next. And just Berge comes in, he's alive and Dan and Shere come in next and just Janelle's like, I didn't sleep last night. I'm like so stressed out from like thinking about this game, you know, and how many stupid people are here. And Dan's like, yeah, well, you know what? This is how this game works. Every night without the shield, you got to sweat, you know? And like, I don't even
Starting point is 00:28:44 understand why I'm sweating. Like, you guys think it you know? And like, I don't even understand why I'm sweating. Like, you guys think it's what? You think it's like a psychological thing? Yeah, cause you know you're not safe, Dan. How is anybody falling for Dan's act? Dan is the worst actor here, and not saying something. Exactly. So MJ comes in next, and then there's like a big knock,
Starting point is 00:29:02 boom, boom, boom, and Janal says the thing that I don't think many people watching this show say which is Please be Trichelle I'm like, please please don't be like can someone please just stab one of those berets and send it back to America MJ comes in and, um, then don't don't don. Oh, you already said that part. Sorry. Don't don't don.
Starting point is 00:29:30 They start talking about it. And then we cut back to the around the fire moment. What's it called? Where they're, they're, they're in the basically, what did they call that? When they're around the fire deciding who's going to go. The trade has taught. Um, yeah. Basically, basically, what did they call that when they're around the fire deciding who's going to go? The traitor turret. Um, yeah. Yeah, but basically, basically, Phadra and Sandra come in next.
Starting point is 00:29:50 So it's basically Tamara was killed, which I was devastated because I really feel like this show is such a great vehicle for Tamara. Like, it's just, it's just so perfect for her wild conspiracy theories and Impulses towards witch hunts. I mean she does it every season on Orange County But like here is where it she can do it and it actually seems Charming and fun You're right and I was actually said this is the first time Tamra's ever been fired that I've been sad I was like devastated. I was like, how could you get rid of Tamra? We still needed way more episodes of her on this show. She's been good on it.
Starting point is 00:30:27 She's been really funny on it. And I feel like they have an anti-housewives bias and I'm pissed at this point. Like I don't think it's fair. And I really, you know, I hope that the housewives finally do band together and get rid of all these CBS assholes because I feel like they have. CBS assholes.
Starting point is 00:30:43 They are, they're so snobby. Like oh we're so smart because we're from like Big Brother Big Brother is known for having the dumbest people on earth, okay? It's a fucking giant carnival game I'm so sick of people acting like they're tough shit from being from Big Brother That game's for losers, everybody knows it and Survivor, oh wow you didn't eat for a few days and you didn't take a bath Oh, you went on a diet Like welcome to my LA life I was about to say like, congratulations, you didn't eat for a few days and you didn't take a bath. You went to the doctor. Like, welcome to my LA life. I was about to say, like, congratulations. Move to LA.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah. It's called intermittent fasting. You fucking losers. I was so pissed that they got rid of Tamara. I think I'm like begrudgingly becoming a Tamara fan late in life. Even last season of Orange County, which I thought was an amazing season. I don't know why more people don't think it's an amazing season. I thought it was like a literally amazing season of Orange County, which I thought was an amazing season, I don't know why more people don't think it's an amazing season. I thought it was like a literally amazing season of Orange County.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And Tamara was so deeply wrong. I was so mad at her, but I think I've grown to become a big Tamara fan. It's so weird. I don't know what to do with myself. Well, I was definitely sad that she was gone from here. And I didn't have more respect for my real housewives, dammit. The same. So next it is, so then we see the toot it.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And Phaedra's like, well, I love my housewife sister, but this is gonna bring confusion. And everyone knows I'm loyal to the housewives. Now, why do you guys keep saying everything's gonna bring confusion? Like, why is that? As if they were like, like really like on track beforehand and now they need to be confused.
Starting point is 00:32:11 But that's the whole thing. Like we need to confuse them. They're already confused. They were confused just by the idea, the concept of Scotland. They're like, wait a second. What is it? Are we, there's someone named Scott who owns this land?
Starting point is 00:32:25 Where are we, bitch? Why does Scott T. the kid who's done fucking land, bitch? Treshele's like, Scott just yelled at me. So yeah, Dan's like, do you feel okay murdering one of your fellow housewives. And, uh, she's like, yeah, it's fine. Now I think that Dan and Parvati think that they've got one up on Phadra here by like, ooh, we got rid of another housewife. Stupid.
Starting point is 00:32:55 But they actually did her a huge favor because I do think that the housewives now are going to be like, oh, or the Bravo people in general are going to be like, oh, the housewife isn't going to get rid of another housewives. They're during a sorority. Everybody has already said that. Like they've already commented. They're not going to be like, oh, the housewife isn't going to get rid of another housewives. They're during a sorority. Everybody has already said that. Like they've already commented. They're not going to go for each other no matter what. So the fact that two are gone now, I think is a testament to the housewives
Starting point is 00:33:14 not working to, you know, or one of them not being a creator. So it's just a favor. Man. I can't, what I can't tell is whether or not they're viewing MJ as a housewife or not. Cause she's not a housewife, but she is Bravo. But it seems like they're not really paying attention to MJ like that anymore. It seems like she's got housewives face still though. She's got like housewives lips and housewives like kind of Botox.
Starting point is 00:33:35 So I think that she's considered a housewife. No, I think she's got Bravo crazy face and she's gonna, she's gonna be considered to be in that boat. No matter. But I think that like, I think where MJ's biggest asset is having to navigate 30 years of Reza. And I think that's really helping her for the traders.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Like she is able to sauce out bullshit. And she seems like she is, you know, she's not great, like she, but she picked up on Dan early and she went off of Dan, which is too bad. But I feel like MJ is, I feel like MJ is sharper than most of them. And I think that's really just comes from years and years and years of putting up with the shots of sunset. So then we see Tamara finding the letter on the chair and they have spelled her name wrong. Can we get some fucking respect in here?
Starting point is 00:34:25 That was really just call her Tamara. Her name is Tamara. There's no A. Is that her mother's fault for being kind of a dope? Yes. Is anybody else spelled that way? No. But are you gonna go tell Barbara Streisand how to spell her fucking name? How dare you? I mean, Barbara. We've been misspelling it all this time. So, Barbara starts, We've been misspelling it all this time. So Tabra starts to be... Tabra starts to be... She starts... she starts fake crying. She's like...
Starting point is 00:34:50 Badge, badge. That's okay. I had the experience. I got to be in this amazing castle. I got to see a little bit of Scottsland. And it's time to go home to be with my kids and my husband. I'm like, stop acting like you have three toddlers at home and you're going back to some sort of LL bean catalog life.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Your kids are grown up. One of them is like a fake cowboy who's recovering from overuse of fitness supplements. And you got Eddie, who's sitting there frowning in a chair. And your mom and the guest house fucking the Costco sample guy, Frank, whatever that in other words, can't wait to see you next season on Orange County. Your biggest fan, that sick. Yeah. I didn't know what the cutthroat.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I just hope that it's not a housewife in there that would see this to me. Spare. Yeah, it is. I'm sorry it is. So now back at the table, they're like, oh my God, you guys, why would they do this to Tamara? Who would do this in patriotism? Because are there any boiled eggs?
Starting point is 00:35:59 Trishel's like, I don't think Tamra's murder says anything about anything. Boiled eggs. But you know what's I say something about something? My beret. Everyone take it in. Take it in. And CT's like, they're just chipping away to chip, you know, the chip in the way, the fatefuls over here, boiled eggs, anybody, and nobody gets it.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Fedra actually drops the mask here. And I, this is another moment where they could easily see somebody being cold and callous and figuring it out. And they just don't. Yeah. So Alan walks in, he says, rise and shine, my paranoid platoon. Tamda is now dead to us.
Starting point is 00:36:39 A real housewife lost her real house life, sent to eternal slumber as we ponder. The age-old question, is there life after reality competition show death? Carpe diem, indeed! So once you've finished all your squawking, see outside. So now, they're still talking, so now CT puts Dan on now it's like straight guy versus straight guy and CT's like, so Dan, how do you feel? What you think? Give me a theory wicked. Give me a wicked theory. And Dan's like, you know me in this game, I'm trying
Starting point is 00:37:18 to draw the red string between the other string because that's how you figure stuff out in this game. And he's like, yeah, I know. But like, I mean, do you have any red socks? I mean, red string anywhere at all. Any assumptions? Come on now. And I was like, no, no, you know, I'm just not going to throw out a name. He goes, man, listen, I'm not saying throw out a name like maybe an avenue to explore,
Starting point is 00:37:39 maybe a rabbit hole. I mean, at one point or another, I think everyone can say they've all suspected everybody at one point. but you know what? You've never done anything. You've never suspected anything. You haven't said nothing, Dan. Dun dun dun. Yeah, no, but you know, I think, but I'm, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:56 I'm starting to, I'm starting to suspect things. Hold on, I'm pulling out my red string. I'm about to put it on the wall. No, I'm not gonna do it just yet. I don't wanna put that red string out on a line yet. But you know what though, I'm holding to put it on the wall. No, I'm not gonna do it just yet I don't want to put that red string out on a line yet, but you know what though? I'm holding red string so I have a theory coming up soon. See you tomorrow And people are watching this and Dan to me it looks terrified. I mean that's the vibe Dan is definitely giving terrified vibe I do think it was probably smart for him to not just start naming names just because they were pressuring him because that would have looked
Starting point is 00:38:24 Bad to you. But man, he has no chill. I'll say that. I also don't think it's smart to pressure the person that you think as a trader, at least at this point, like pressure them at the round table. But now you've given them, you've given him a full, like a multi hour lead to come up with a story that he can present at the round table. Like you, like if you suspect him, be more sly, be like,
Starting point is 00:38:49 damn, what do you think? What do you think? And he could be like, I don't know. I don't know. And don't be like, come on, give me something, give me something. Cause he's going to realize, whoa, they're onto me. Just be kind of like sly about it. Be chill and be like, okay, let's like, let's like put that in the brain. I'll bring this up as evidence later on that he still has no idea what to, you know, what. Yeah. But it's like when you do one of those real murder district mystery parties, you know, and you're always like, I bet you did it, Ben.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I bet Ben fucking did it. Hey, everybody, I bet Ben did it. Like, no, you know, that's kind of how you play these things. But yeah, I think you're correct. Like, to be fair, to be fair, when I played these games with my board game group like I literally played one a week ago and I was in a situation where like The the game is called Avalon which many I think many people have played it's kind of like a variation on Mafia or whatever but I was definitely in a situation where like
Starting point is 00:39:43 There's like you have to do like a quote-un unquote mission and you need the mission to pass if you're good. But if you're a trader, you make it fail. And so the mission I was on failed and like as soon as it failed, I go, well, Trey is obviously a spy. He just blurted out like that. I was like, everything that I'm saying in this podcast, I do not practice. When I play these games, I just pop off a meeting. Like I cannot control myself. I was like, Oh, well, not practice when I play these games. I just pop off a meeting like I cannot control myself.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I was like, oh, well, trace this by everyone. And he was totally innocent, by the way, he was totally innocent. But I totally turned into Janelle slash everyone on the show. So as much as I say, this is how you act. Like, don't call people out. Me keep them on like make sure that they are like lulled into a sense of complacency. I cannot do it for shit.
Starting point is 00:40:23 That's funny. Commercials, here comes one right now. So Peter, John and Janelle are kind of huddling up and they're like, well, wait, has Dan ever said anything? Like what's going on with Dan? Dan's never accused anybody. And Janelle's like, no no Dan hasn't said shut and Peter says yeah I think the dancer traitor guys you know he'd be doing exactly what I'd be doing if I were a traitor me you know he's been laying low flying under the radar wondering when
Starting point is 00:40:58 it's gonna be legal to marry your mom wondering what she'd wear to your wedding wow do you get to dance with her as your bride and as a mother of the bride? So many dances with my mom. Do we want to hear a professional pilot talk about how he might contemplate flying under a radar? I feel like that's maybe not a good metaphor. Please. I know. Not on Southwest, buddy. Not on Southwest. Is that where he flies? By the way, does he fly for Southwest?
Starting point is 00:41:26 I don't know. He's just, he's just got that vibe, doesn't he? Where he's like, guys, we're about to land in lost wages. By the way, I also want to extend a heartfelt fuck you to the lady who sat directly behind me on my American Airlines flight flying out here to New York, who coughed the entire time she sat down behind me. This is what it was sat down right behind me the entire time from the time she sat down till she got off the off the off the plane going like this.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Your problem is she didn't have enough gravitas in her cough to make it believable. My problem is like put a fucking mask on. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is not a political statement. Everyone this is a put on a mask, a screen mask. So I'm going to do next time.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Just if I'm behind a Ben, just every time they turn around to look at my coffee, it'd be at the screen mask. If she put on a screen mask, I would have been, I'm behind a Ben, I'm just, every time they turn around to look at me, I cough a little bit of the screen mask. If she put on a screen mask, I would have been, I would have been so happy. Cause you're, you're caught. There's a reason why people cover their mouths when they cough. So put on a fucking mask, you're in a plane for crying out loud, the stupid fucking lady. Ben's the traitor. She was the traitor.
Starting point is 00:42:42 She was the traitor to my sanity at that moment. Okay. So later in the castle, Kevin is talking to Dan and CT and he's like, do you know, just give me weird traitor vibes. Like, um, like, I'm going to put my neck out there. I'm going to put her up there because like, like I've been observing her like very closely since day one and it all just leads back to her every banishment. Like her name comes up and then it goes away. Right? I mean that's like a perfect ploy for a trader to loudly guess everybody on the cast wrongly. That's what a trader would do. Get themself in trouble with every single person on the cast
Starting point is 00:43:19 over and over again and more on. Exactly what a trader would do. That's the best that's the best path exactly what a trader would do. That's the best. That's the best path forward for a trader is make themselves public enemy number one. Yeah. So he's like, yeah, Janelle and I were sitting together and everybody was going to vote was going to go for somebody else. And then she said she believes it's Larsa because of this theory. And then, but I told Janelle, if you get this right, it is Larsa. I will believe her to be faithful. But if not, it's going to not look good for you. I was like, you know, shut the fuck up Kevin You have no idea what we're talking about go back to your frickin
Starting point is 00:43:51 Florentine cookies and croissants 14 cookies Go back to your scones and Scottish treats Yeah, because of Kevin snacking so much people couldn't weren't able to figure out if the poison, if you got poisoned or if I can see got poisoned. Also, we're very simple people. I think one of the reasons we might be so sad Tamra left is because she's one of the only ones who would tell Kevin to close his fucking mouth while he eats.
Starting point is 00:44:18 You know, I've been waiting for someone on Bravo to say that for years, especially a Southern cast, Southern charm cast member, just tell them to close their mouth, please. And finally, we have somebody and you kick her out. Well, enjoy watching Kevin Chu, everybody. Enjoy. I know this guy is literally the biggest idiot. Everyone knows he's the biggest idiot, but because he's going to be willing to put his
Starting point is 00:44:39 neck out on the line, they're all going to fall in line behind him, which I feel like is a really sad commentary about like how we as humans operate in groups. So the dance dance like I know there's some suspicion on me, so if Janelle's name is going to get called up, I'm fully going to use it to my advantage to win this game as a trader signing up. It's Dan from Big Brother. And he and CT are both kind of agreeing with Kevin like, yeah, we'll put Janelle on the spot later. And then we go to Trichelle talking to Jenelle, L and L, the L's. This is a big L's L scene. Big L scene.
Starting point is 00:45:21 And Trichelle's like, you know what we should do this time? We've got to get a trader guys. That's my plan. It's a great plan. I was thinking that they would just give up and try to find traders and maybe just like share some personal stories instead. So Janelle's like, I feel like there's one that's so obvious. Janelle's like, who? She goes, I mean, you serious? I mean, you seriously don't know seriously. Like there's one that's like, remember, did you were you not a breakfast? It was like really obvious.
Starting point is 00:45:49 She's like, Dan or my beret, my beret is innocent. Don't come from my beret. And she goes, yeah, Dan. I mean, he still hasn't said anything. Like, I mean, he can't just slip by forever. Now, of course she's correct. Um, where she becomes a kind of a bad game player in this is that she just doesn't have any chill, you know, and she goes crazy. And then she doesn't just zero in on one person. She names,
Starting point is 00:46:11 she names like 10 people, you know, you can't do that. Actually was her biggest mistake at the round table. That was such a huge mistake on her part. And that is where she lost it. Oh, I could not believe she did that. Yeah. Um, Berge is saying, uh, oh my God, is he gonna get murdered before he says a name? Like what's with Dan? He needs to name somebody and she's, yeah, well I do suspect that Dan's a traitor
Starting point is 00:46:32 cause I can see all his moves, all of his big brother moves and I know them. Like Dan, in the start, he just plays possum and then he springs into action when the numbers are in his favor and he starts attacking. He's so devious. He is devious So then Dan meets outside with John and Janelle and he's like you two people I feel comfortable with Okay, and then he tells us I really respect Janelle as someone who's dangerous in this game
Starting point is 00:46:59 So I got to make sure I'm right there with her because if the wolves are closer to me They're a little bit easier to stab in the back. I'm like you're gonna stab a wolf in the back Just that doesn't seem like a smart way to operate in life. Oh Just just leave the wolves alone look, you know what don't go out into the wilderness in Alaska Don't try to stab wolves in the back. It's not gonna work out. Yeah And then let's see here. So Dan goes, you know, he's Dan, so he just like talks to the camera a lot. And she knows like, yeah, I know Dan.
Starting point is 00:47:33 He's lied to me before, but follow me once shame on you. Follow me twice. Okay. Fool me nine times. It just keeps going. And you're a bet. Fool me for the third time and you're stupid. Fool me for a fourth time.
Starting point is 00:47:48 You're ugly. Fool me for a fifth time. You smell. In this game, if you fool someone for a sixth time, you're going to be in trouble. That's why I plan to fool her for a fifth time and that's it. So she's like, guys, it's a group. We're totally getting out of trade it tonight. So now's the time for the challenge, which is the where the show kind of falls apart for me.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I don't really understand these or really like them, but you know, you can't just have a bunch of people walking around accusing each other of things. So I get why you have to have them. But this part could use maybe some more thought. Yes, it does. I personally think we could literally have an entire hour of people just pointing fingers and accusing. Like I want the roundtable to go on for 20 minutes. I would be that would be my favorite thing. But I'm like, I'm with you. I think these challenges don't really, they don't really contribute to sussing anything out. But at least this season, they
Starting point is 00:48:46 brought this like concept of the shields into play, which I think is actually an improvement. And the challenges themselves are really good. They just don't make any sense, like as part of the larger game. But this, this one's particularly wacky, you know, this, the challenges have been very wacky this season. I mean, they were running around in a graveyard, um, avoiding like Alcatraz spotlights and then there was a funeral procession where they're trying to grab who amongst them is poisoned. It's all kind of ridiculous. And this one was pretty good because, um, it leads people to actually come up
Starting point is 00:49:22 with some gameplay, which is nice because we haven't seen that a lot yet on this show. So this one, they're, they're gonna have maps and they're gonna have to go find a bunch of birds and the birds will make sounds. And then they have, there's going to be a team on the inside of the mansion who is going to have to hear all these descriptions on a walkie talkie and then go find the birds inside the house. So like the little statues of the birds or whatever. So the trick is whoever plays on the outside also has the chance to say fuck the map and go find shields. And so now they have to decide amongst them who's going to even have the chance to go find shields.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Who's going to be on the outside teams of two. Right. And so a bunch of them want to be outside because they want the shields. You're like, sure, it's like, well, I've never gotten a shield. Never got a shield or baseboards. And Kevin's like, he wants a shield because he's like, I've never gotten a shield and I've been a team player for a long time. Sacrificing shields.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Like, shut the fuck up, Kevin. You're not a hero. Oh, Kevin, you really fucked Ben over on that boom box project. You're never gonna forget. I will never forget. I will never forget the boom box project. Um, let's see who else doesn't, you know, some people want, basically they start splitting up into teams of two.
Starting point is 00:50:39 This is, this is another thing with challenges. As far as recapping my eye start crossing, I'm like, I'm reading all the notes being like, why? I will say this while everyone gets into groups of two, I know there are going to be some people out there. They're going to say, wait a second, then why were you doing your presentation on how a boombox works? The answer is I was taking, it was freshman year and I was taking a class on,
Starting point is 00:50:57 as an engineering class, and it was about how everyday objects work. And you learn, you use that to learn about principles of science, et cetera. So if you're wondering why I was doing a presentation on a boombox, no, cause I know I'll get messages like I have to know why we're doing a presentation on a boombox. I will get a million messages. Is this the exact first thing that you meant? I'm going to get messages saying, Ben, what do you mean? How does a boombox works? The answer is obvious. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:51:25 The power of prayer. They were originally called prayer boxes and then decided to call them boom boxes. Cause guess what? You can't have a boom without a prayer. Yeah. My first school was called Jesus chapel. So that would have been my answer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Let's move forward. And shall we maybe that's why, maybe that's why that guy didn't do any work. Cause he just knew the answer along was Jesus. Um, CT and Dan go inside they volunteer to go inside and Peter's like I'm thinking I need a shield today I have a couple of cards still the but I mean, you know one of the golden shields. I already have a human shield my mom God I miss her So this whole challenge is funny because So this whole challenge is funny because essentially like a duo will get to a bird watching stand and they blow like one of those bird calling things that goes. Oh, and what you.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And basically they play like a bird noise back that's like, oh, and then they have to like radio in the bird sounds like this. And then everyone on the inside starts running around this castle going. And they have to play the sound effects on the bird, the stuffed birds to see which one matches. So I mean, it is pretty funny. And Sandra, you know, Sandra doesn't say a whole lot, but this really spoke to me. She goes, I'm totally disappointed that there's no shields in the house. Like there should be shields inside for people that hate to run like me and the Fedra. And justice for the sedentary people. Why are only the people who run everywhere, the ones eligible to win shit on this show? I don't
Starting point is 00:53:01 think that's fair. I think they should split up challenges where some of them are brain challenges, you know, like they do on Survivor, Big Brother, whatever. I 100%. And in fact, Survivor has kind of stepped away from brain challenges. Every Survivor challenge is like, jump into the water and haul a thing to the beach and bring that thing up the beach and untie a thing. And then there's like a million knots. And then you got to like go through a knot, you have to balance over a beam with the thing. And then at very end there's a puzzle so it's like oh there's the we'll throw a bone to the smart people because here's a puzzle at the end but like you have to like literally destroy yourself in the ocean and on the beach before you get to there so I am to actually totally agree with Sandra I think that there need to be more cerebral things and I don't want
Starting point is 00:53:40 because also by the way it's not a thrill for me to watch people running, you know, people who are out of shape running around on TV. Like I don't mind if there's an athlete who's running because that's their job, but like when you watch people that are panting and just like out of breath on TV, like to me that's not exciting. To me that reminds me of times when I've panted
Starting point is 00:53:59 and I've been out of breath. I don't like it whatsoever. You know, Kevin and Shire make it to a bird nesting spot and they have like a little barking dog sounding bird. So basically they have to make these sounds. It's pretty funny. So let's get to some gameplay parts in here. Is it where Peter?
Starting point is 00:54:18 Okay. So Janelle and Peter have, Peter comes up with a strategy basically. He's saying all the six people who are outside, they're split up into teams of two and they're looking for these birds. And he's like, listen, whoever gets the shield in this should not tell them who has a shield.
Starting point is 00:54:37 So we can trick the traders. Whoever the traders are, aren't gonna know who has the shield. Right. Which was, I was like, okay, that's interesting. That's interesting. Even though I thought when they, when they came back, then one of them automatically say, we got the shield, maybe they were telling, maybe it was someone,
Starting point is 00:54:53 maybe it was like Bergie telling Peter or something like that. But they, but they basically were like, we're not going to tell anyone, any information, and we can use this to our advantage. So they're like, okay, not sure how this will work, but like I'm happy to see someone trying to think on like a deeper level of deception. Yeah, exactly. And so he and Janelle run up to one bird
Starting point is 00:55:17 and he presses the record and the sound is this. Peter come back to me, I miss you Peter. My mom's the bird, she's like, no I'm here buying the tree, come back to me. I miss you, Peter. My mom's the bird. She's like, no, I'm here buying the tree. Come here. Give me a hug. The security's just holding her back. Barbara. I was surprised when Kevin pressed the button on a bird and the bird said this, shut your fucking mouth when eating your croissant, bitch. I was like, thank God for that bird.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Oh, okay. Um, so Janelle, uh, so now they come back, right? And Alan's like, where are players? This castle has heard some high pitched streak. Oh, by the best, the best part of this, by the way, was the inside team. CT just running with his hands over his head. Screaming through the house. It was like Brooks Marks doing the snowshoe scene.
Starting point is 00:56:08 It was such pandemonium in that house, and Alan Cumming just had to stand there and just like receive people's guesses. And he looked like he could barely control his laughter because he had to say their basic in his Alan Cumming character. And everyone just flopping around around him. So bizarre. And especially the fact that there was someone from like the house of
Starting point is 00:56:28 commons running around. It was just, it was wild. The person who won the shield, the people who won the shield were actually burgey and, um, who was burgey with? I think sure was burgey was sure. And Oh, Kevin was with sure. Burgey was with. Oh geez.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Is it burgey and Trishelle? No, I don't remember, but Berkey was with. Oh, geez. Is it Berkey and Trashel? No, I don't remember, but it was Berkey and his partner. They won it, right? And so he told Peter and then Peter's like, okay, we shouldn't tell anybody. And then we'll lie to the traders. And then that way the traders are going to think two of whoever we. Okay. If we tell who we suspect of being the trader is Trashel's false
Starting point is 00:57:04 nominations, they won't nominate the correct people and then we'll catch them in a trap. Right. So I got lost here, but I know that Peter basically is like, he decides, he's going to go plant, he's going to tell people secretly, like, hey, I'm going to let you know something, you know, he's gonna let them know. I don't know, go ahead that part yet.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I'm just gonna be quiet now. Yeah. So then Jamel's like, I have something to say in the best interest of the faithfuls, we are not willing to reveal any information about who won shields. So fuck off, idiots. And he's like, oh oh you've all decided that?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Well a tactical decision has been made. So Dan's like whoa in this game not revealing a shield makes it very difficult on us as traders to pick someone to murder but you know Janelle's being selfish and that's gonna help me as a trader in this game because no one likes a selfish faithful and that could get Jenelle in trouble. We'll see news at 10. We'll be back right after this commercial break. So this is where Peter, he pulls first CT Dan and property.
Starting point is 00:58:19 He tells each of them in private. He's like, he's like, Hey, I want you to know I'm only going to tell you this. I'm going to tell anyone else. I got the shield. It was me. I'm not going to tell a single other person. So don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone else.
Starting point is 00:58:32 But he didn't tell Parvati, but he didn't tell them all together. You know, he told them separately. Okay. He went and told, he told Dan separately and I was like, Oh, all right. Cool. Cool. Cool. In this game.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Thank you very much, bro. And then Parvati was like, okay, got all right, cool, cool, cool. In this game. Thank you very much, bro. And then poverty was like, okay, got it. Would you like a headband? Okay. No, that's fine. You don't know. Yeah. He says that he and Janelle have it.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Hello there. This is a two part recap. Okay. This is the end of part one. So thank you so much for listening to this. Uh, just come back a little later for part two. Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alice and King.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Strollin' the park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickle-us. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no last namey. Hava Nagila Weber.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Know your worth with Jason Kurt. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing. Sips some scotch with Jessica Trotch. She's always supplyin', it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches, Betches.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch.
Starting point is 01:00:09 She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite murder, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Chadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible Edible Matthew sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noel.
Starting point is 01:00:26 She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke, Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Cachett. She ain't no shrinking violet kutar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Our Crappings ad-free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today.
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