Watch What Crappens - #2320 The Traitors, Part 1: Saved By the Fire

Episode Date: February 13, 2024

Things start looking bad for a certain player this week on The Traitors, so the producers step in and save them with ye ole cleansing fire. It’s all very Biblical. To watch the video versio...n of this recap and for this week’s Summer House bonus episode, go to And grab both live and streaming tickets for the 2024 Golden Crappies Awards Feb 17 at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously, but hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappings, the podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me is the one, the only, the winner of the Super Bowl. Mr. Ronnie Karam.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Hi Ronnie. How are you? Hi. How are you? Doing so well. Congratulations on your victory last night and over time against the 49ers. You just did a great job out there. Hell yeah. That's why I gave Taylor such a big old smootch at the end of it. Guys, what happened with Taylor and Travis? You guys, why was she yelling?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Why did it look like she was having an uncomfortable conversation with the guy in charge of the NFL? And then why wasn't Travis hugging her hard enough? I need to know everything is Travis respecting Taylor. It doesn't matter why because guess what the whole thing was rigged anyway. I'll tell you this much. Ta-ta-te-nu! Shed like a billionaire! Yeah, it was a big night of Americana yesterday for the Super Bowl. Yeah, so of course anyone who watched the Super Bowl last night, who also listens to this show, probably thought about Ronnie, because Ronnie is the one who introduced me personally to the fact that there was a website out there,
Starting point is 00:02:06 a sketchy website called Temu. We called T-Mu, but it's actually Temu. And then last night, I guess they had their big coming out to America because they booked about 40 million commercials during the telecast. It was like every three minutes, it's like, shop like a bee in it. And I was like this fucking song, please make a stop.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And of course, by the end of the night, I was like, every time I hit the bridge, I was like, shop like a. To do. Now I did not watch the Superbowl not to rain on anyone's parade because I don't believe in cheering on brain damage, which I think that America does. I think America's like, yeah, you know what? We're going to throw people into a ring. We're going to mush their brains and we're going to pay them a few million dollars and
Starting point is 00:02:50 we're going to say it was all worth it. And then we're just going to ignore them once they become abusers or murderers later on in life, which I think is what we do. Shame on us as a country. Shame on you guys for supporting on. Now, that said, of course I'm still American and people were texting me about this Timu ad. I would like to take credit for normalizing Timu before
Starting point is 00:03:11 the Super Bowl, because when I said Timu ever was like, oh my God, Ronnie, murderer, murderer! And you're making me feel like a terrible person for going on this site and supporting identity theft or whatever the hell else you people have been emailing me about. Listen, I support a legit company as you might have seen in the new hit music videos that came out last night
Starting point is 00:03:32 called Tenu. And meanwhile, I was skipping the Brain Damage Fest that you guys are so proud of and taking part in every year. And guess what I did while you were taking part of that? I was cuddling up with the comforter that I brought from Tenu before it was cool. So suck it people. And by that I mean my comforter.
Starting point is 00:03:50 When you say brain damage fest, does that include or not include the stuff that we normally watch? Because one could make an argument. So hi everyone, welcome to the show. We are here, we're actually talking about the traders. And, but before we dive into that, we are now, we're just a few days away.
Starting point is 00:04:08 This is it. We are five days away from the golden crappies. Ronnie and I, we are at a fever pitch of preparations. It's so exciting. You may have already seen on social media the people who are announcing that there are gonna be presenters at it. It's gonna be great.
Starting point is 00:04:22 We're gonna have a wonderful, wonderful time. Please come. If you're here in in Los Angeles and if you still have that Temu song in your head, then come sing it with us. No guarantees that we'll actually sing it. It's February 17th at the Palace Theater downtown LA. If you can't make it, moment is going to be streaming it and all the necessary links are going to be at watchra And all the necessary links are gonna be at Also, by the way, don't forget to vote. Voting is gonna be open through Thursday.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Some of these races are incredibly close, like tiny, tiny margins. It's a real showdown in many of the categories. So if you really want your voice heard in our award show, be sure to vote and we're going to announce the winners on Saturday. So we're excited about that. And then today, by the way, something that's relevant to both the traders and the Super Bowl is this.
Starting point is 00:05:17 There's only one person, I think, in America who thinks that their personal life could actually rival the Super Bowl. And that person is the trader's very own Larissa Pippin. America who thinks that their personal life could actually rival the Super Bowl. And that person is the trader's very own. Larissa Pippin. Larissa Pippin. Larissa Pippin liked dropping hints like that she and Marca said broken up like, can you believe it? Like, like, I'm going to post on my Instagram during the post, the Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:05:39 and be like, so guys, should your friends like delete your ex's number from their phone? Like, let's vote about it. Yeah, like, I said I unfollowed Marcus like because I realized like that maybe like basketball like isn't where it's at. Maybe I should follow Taylor lead and be like football like where the real men are like, I feel like like for both like manly or man. Um, yeah, apparently Larsa and Marcus broke up.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I can't believe it. Whose purse is he gonna hold now? I mean, what's gonna happen with their podcast? What's gonna happen with separation anxiety? Now it's just gonna be called separation. I mean, what, this is America's podcast. I like have like anxiety like, it's like Marcus left. Like my purse is on the ground right now.
Starting point is 00:06:28 That's not too dangerous. Like if you like it, you could like XYZ, you could like stolen. I'm like doing this podcast alone. Like, and it's just like weird. Like it's like this, that and XYZ. But what if there's no Z is just like this, that and XY. Yeah. Really, really terrible time for us.
Starting point is 00:06:44 God, speaking of brain damage, it really just keeps coming back to that, doesn't it? Yeah. Well, we'll see. Cause I feel like knowing Larsa, they probably got into a fight and by the end of the week, they're going to be back together. So I'm going to just, we're going to, we'll be in a holding pattern on this one. But yeah, Larsa, Larsa managed to, to try to compete with the Super Bowl. She tried to compete with Taylor Swift. Let's be honest. And I don't think it really worked, but here we are talking about it. So that was the big, that was the hot traders news.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It worked for a lot of people. I saw it all over the internet last night, you know, the, the internet's like the world's biggest TV screens. Yeah. I mean, she was definitely, I saw this, she wasn't necessarily trending on Twitter, which I was, I was sad for her about, but then today she was definitely I saw this she wasn't necessarily trending on Twitter Which I was I was sad for her about but then today she was and she was trending under the word hashtag rigged Which I think is hilarious. I don't know. I like the idea of like rigged and Larsa. I feel like if anyone anything is rigged It's Larsa so
Starting point is 00:07:38 That felt good. Just her entire personality her persona is rigged Larsa's just rigged in general. Yeah. Anything that happens with Lars, that's rigged. That's right. Um, okay. Let's get into the choices.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Speaking of rigged, actually, I like how this was just all kind of blends in together. We got brain damage with everything we talked about before. Um, let's talk about being rigged. Now, this is obviously rigged, right? They pulled some big brother on this shit where they saw that Peter the bachelor was about to get sent home. Deservedly so, what a bozo, by the way,
Starting point is 00:08:18 making himself the big enemy of everybody. Like, what a bozo. So he was deservedly gonna get banished and then there's a magical fire ceremony to come save the whoever is going to get murdered to save fucking Peter are you kidding me you can't do that now people are saying it's not rigged because they are copying everything from Traders UK and Traders UK had this same thing happen on the exact same episode which proves that it was not.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But then I heard that that was not for murder. They messed up the banishment, but not the murder. So, you know, I don't know. I say, listen, listen, if, um, if the powers that be can rig the Superbowl's that way Taylor Swift can advance her agenda. The traders can be rigged too. No, by the way, I do not believe that whatsoever. And I cannot believe there are people who seriously think that. I don't know if you heard that, Ronnie, but that's why the rigged was was. So that was rigged for so Taylor Swift would look better that her boyfriend won or what? No, it's that like Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It was like a, I believe it was viewed as an anti-maga rigging. Like Taylor Swift is like, it was, it sounds like it's so preposterous that it's ridiculous. But on a show like the Traders like- No, I need to be explained. I need it to be explained. Okay, so I think if I remember correctly, because I didn't read it very carefully,
Starting point is 00:09:40 is that I don't think that Taylor Swift is pro Donald Trump. And so I think if I remember that the conspiracy is that that Kansas City was going to win to advance Taylor Swift's anti Donald Trump agenda. So the entire thing is rigged. Okay. Gravity and physics with balls and catching and etc. That was all rigged.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So. Well, listen, I'm a person. That was all rigged. So. Well, listen, I'm a person who thinks everything is rigged. So sounds good to me. Let's get it wrong. In this case, I do actually, I am suspicious that there was rigging here because I thought it was curious timing. So previously on the traitors,
Starting point is 00:10:20 after losing four faithfuls to banishment, a traitor was finally caught by the faithful. The traitors are weakened, but beware, a predator is most dangerous when wounded. Murder, murder, I have a bangs. That's all I hear from Alan coming. Murder! I'm dressed like a tuna caught in a web. In the ocean. Murder!
Starting point is 00:10:46 Murder! I'm the fourth duck sibling. Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Alan. And Murder. And Murder. Huey, Dewey, and Murder. Cause he has the little duck tails thing in the front of it. This hair poking out is very duck tails, right?
Starting point is 00:11:03 You know? Yeah, so where we left off was basically, um, Dum Dum Dan got sent home. Cause in this game. So he's out of here. And now that leaves a poverty and Fedra Fedra alone as the murderers. So they meet up and they, um, start talking and then Alan interrupts him and he's like, you must pick another murderer, but whoever you pick means you can't murder somebody. So they pick Peter because Peter is onto them and Parvati famously is like,
Starting point is 00:11:35 wouldn't it be great to get him together to murder his friends? So that's where we left off and guess what? They tried it. Now you can't just seduce a bachelor. The bachelor is well oiled and well practiced at blowing off seductions. That's literally his job. That's what he did. That is true. And I had a feeling this was going to fail because since Peter led the charge to get out a trader, he is gonna be like riding that high and he's gonna now his like ego is gonna be inflated and he's gonna say, not only did I get out the trader,
Starting point is 00:12:12 now I can get out all the traders and I've got people following me and he's gonna be on some moralistic journey that he is gonna be the one to wrap them all out. So I knew that when Parvati dangled it in front of him, I was like, he's not gonna take it. Now he wants to be the one to wrap them all out. So I knew that when Parvati dangled it in front of him, I was like, he's not gonna take it. He wants to be the one to say, no, I was faithful and I found you guys out.
Starting point is 00:12:32 It was, I think it was in her mind, it was a very fun, exciting move for like a TV show, but it was not a realistic one. And she swung and she missed, which, you know, Phaedra's the one who is suffering from all these big swings. Dan swung and she missed, which, you know, Phaedra is the one who is suffering from all these big swings. Dan swung and missed with Bergey and now poverty swung and missed with Peter. And Phaedra is the one that is, is going to be in the hot seat because of all this bullshit.
Starting point is 00:12:55 But Phaedra is also not swinging. She is putting her herself, she's putting herself in kind of a floater position where she's letting everybody else make these decisions where she can just turn around and blame them in the end, which I don't know that that's her motivation for doing it, but you know, they're making the decisions. Now I think she's doing it because she saw very early on that they're gonna play against her, which they both did not only in the beginning, but then again when Dan tried that shit again with her. So I think she's just patiently waiting for these two
Starting point is 00:13:26 dum-dums to shoot themselves in the front. Which they're doing, they're doing pretty well. And she also knows that Parvati is completely fucked. And if Parvati tries it with her and she swings it back on Parvati, Parvati is gonna be acting guilty because she is, she is guilty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So yeah, so that's a lot. By the way, I just wanna say I read an interview with Parvati this week and she explained the reason why she has so many headbands is because she brought a wardrobe in that was going to be like a callback to Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. And so she's dressing sort of like Blair Waldorf because she wants to be a Blair Waldorf character. So there's that. Well, you know, this podcast loves a headband, and we built a whole character around one girl's justice headband,
Starting point is 00:14:17 because she constantly was striving for justice, and would wear a justice headband. And I feel like it has nothing to do with us, obviously, but I just felt like a little hug when she called it her murder headband. What's she call it? She named it her headband today. I think she called it a murder headband.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Yeah, I appreciate it. This is my murder headband. She said something like that. I love a murder headband. We love a themed headband on this show. We love it. So Alan comes in and is like, guess what? It failed. And so then it cuts back to Peter saying, I'm a faithful to the end.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And I want to be part of winning this the right way. There's no way in the world I could betray my team. Like looking into Berge's eyes, looking into Shell's eyes. I've given them my word. Like I can't, there's no way I could do that. I'm like looking into Trishelle's eyes. You know what I look into when I into, when I look into Michelle's, I mean, Trishelle's eyes,
Starting point is 00:15:08 I am not thinking like this sweet lady who put her trust in me. I just see like someone who's ready to call the manager on me. Girl, you look into Trishelle's eyes, you just like fall into a coma like the people in awakenings, you know? I don't imagine anybody's ever looked into Trishelle's eyes and come out of it.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Okay. Okay. There's nothing in there. It's like looking into such a depth of nothing that you just, your brain bubbles the ball, you know what I mean? Back to football. Is this like Angela's ashes? What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Let's like relax. Okay. You guys are not like poverty stricken, you know, like trying to make it through the day. I've never even read it. Is that what it's about? Is that what Ash is about, Michelle? I just feel like it's a book about like tough times. You know, it's not like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:15:56 It's not like in America. Remember that movie where the guy's like, I just have to throw this, I have to win this carnival game to win money for my family and the kids are like, Daddy, stop it, stop it, daddy. What New York immigrant is it? I'm gonna make it by winning this carnival game.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Daddy, don't go through our money, daddy. And he's like, I've got to. It's like, it's not like that. Yeah, it's not like that. And also you're, you don't win a game of morals. This game is about fucking traitor, traitoring and murdering, okay? You need to do it. And what do you
Starting point is 00:16:26 think's gonna happen when there's only a few of you left? You need these people dead. Nobody wants to trust Trishel and Berge. What are you an idiot? Yeah, Trishel. So probably goes, What a dummy. I guess he doesn't want to win that badly. I rumph. And so I was like, well, things have gone from bad to lot, lot worse for you this evening. There'll be no merder tonight.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And everyone will be turned up at breakfast tomorrow. Unmerdered! I love that Phaedra's giving her such shit. She's like, okay, Parvati. She's like, I know, I know. And she's like, yeah, you suck. And she's like, I know, it's not a good look for me, okay? She goes, this could be your very last meal, Parvati. She's like, I'm gonna eat, Fredra.
Starting point is 00:17:14 The game continues for the traitors, because once again, let me remind everyone, there was no Merder! There has been no Merder. And Fredra's like, I'm sorry, Parvati. She goes, well, it turns out the bachelor is not seducible. And she's like, well, her fault, you know, basically. So she's devastated, but this is what happens
Starting point is 00:17:36 when a traitor's back is against the wall. I will rise from the ashes. She's like, mm-hmm. Okay, Parvati. Yeah, you may rise from the ashes, but the producers are going to just throw in some bullshit ceremony that keeps your ashes down in the ashes. So she is really bad. I will rise from Angela's ashes. Angela's ashes famously was about a family that went on to a reality show where they betrayed each other, right?
Starting point is 00:18:09 One of the most famous lines from Angela's ashes was, oh my god, like what if like my boyfriend is like sent home like. Oh, I did. I do remember there was a movie of Angela's ashes and I remember there was like a really climactic moment where they said, not my burgalicious. This is about Frank McCourt's early life in Limerick, Ireland. Oh, it also includes his struggles with poverty and his father's alcoholism.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's a real joy filled book. Yeah, it was comedy of the year. That was great. I actually really want. I remember my mom read it was like Ben. I read Angela's ashes. It is absolutely wonderful and you should read it. And I've always felt guilt that I never read it because my mom recommended it.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Hold on. I'm going to finish doing first. Back in kindergarten when Ben started doing. I'm on a theme of like reading books about sand and ashes. Back in kindergarten when Ben started Dune. I'm on a theme of like reading books about sand and ashes. If it's a small particle, I'm gonna read it. Okay, I keep hitting the mouse in my notes and it takes me to the previous page.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I'm so sorry. Oh my God, and guess what? I just hit a line of Phaedra saying, oh my God, I'm so sorry. Parvati! It's time. Wonder. From Wondery, this is Black History For Real.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Consciously. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February Black History Mom. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking
Starting point is 00:19:54 about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less in August, the 1492 Columbus a little less in August, and a little bit more. She is a heroine to some as a fighter for black rights. She is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad free on Wondery Plus starting January 29.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. ["Black is Beautiful"] Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries, Myhalla Harald, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her new found eat or be eaten world.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Ava's ambitions take hold and her small town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make the list. Bishop Gray is all coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at the list on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery
Starting point is 00:21:19 app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crap Ince commercial. Okay, so now we go to breakfast and there's no murder. So now is the part where everybody comes in one by one to breakfast and pretends that they're very happy to see each other, which I mean.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah. So Berge and Pedro come in first and he's like, wow, first one's in. And Pedro's like, aw, snap. This is the part where she just sort of says generic things because she doesn't want to be committed to any sort of statement about anything. And Berge is like, yeah, we get to watch everyone else. She's like, yeah, where do you want to sit?
Starting point is 00:22:10 He's like, let's go to the end so we can watch everyone. She's like, oh yeah. And she, she, I'm like, now getting way too excited right now. I need to like calm down. Take a breath, Ben, you were podcasting. Badra, how did you notice that she was making so many faces this episode? Like she was like going through every single emoji in her phone.
Starting point is 00:22:28 She does. Yeah. Right? That was like- She was making a lot of faces. This is what I call this part where Fadra starts looking guilty with food. Fadra, I think Fadra looks the guiltiest whenever there's food around. I mean, obviously there was the-
Starting point is 00:22:42 Boiled egg. Boiled egg. Boiled egg. guiltiest whenever there's food around. I mean, obviously there was the boiled egg, boiled egg, boiled egg, and then there was the, I'm gonna have this, what was it? She's like, I want this hand. I don't know, there was something else that she was talking about. And then today she acted really funny around food too.
Starting point is 00:22:59 But also she kind of, Berge's too much of a dumb dumb to pick up on this, but he's like, whoa, oh, I don't think they're gonna murder Kate. So I'm thinking maybe it's gonna be Peter, Trishelle or John. And she's like, oh so you think they're gonna break up your crew? Cause you are like a gang. And he's like, yeah, we are, I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I wasn't a compliment Berge. Okay. I feel like anybody else that have been like, uh-oh, Fajor wants me out. I'm gonna get her. Yeah, I was actually a little surprised she didn't pick any radars by sort of saying something kind of dismissive about the crew.
Starting point is 00:23:32 So then Sharae, Kate and MJ are next to come in and Sharae still has no idea what's going on. She's like, well, Macy's looks a little different this morning. It's like, you're not at the mall, Sharae. She's like, yeah, soacy's looks a little different this morning. It's like you're not at the mall. She's like, yeah So we finally got out of traitor. So is now where we spend the Wheel of Fortune? Do I get to buy a vowel now? So Berge is like well that felt really good. You got ease
Starting point is 00:24:02 You got ease. I've got ease in my house. You got ease? You got ease? I've got ease in my house. You got ease? So Bergie is saying how he's like, yeah, we all thought Dan was in our group. Like we all thought Dan in our group, which is not a gang was like, was a traitor. And our number two was poverty. And then after that, we have like no idea. So we're back to square one after that.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And I'm like, why? Like I just, what I expected was gonna happen this episode was for poverty to say, like, I just, what I expected was gonna happen this episode was for a poverty to say, okay, you got Dan, you got Dan out. Why are you guys still suspecting me? Like what, like this is actually so wrong. Is it because I'm a woman or something like that? Like you found a traitor.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Why am I still a traitor? You already got me. You already got me. Why not? This is misogyny. How dare you? Do it. This is misogyny. How dare you? Do it, you know? And if anything, I would have said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:51 You guys are all excited because you, you, no, we are all excited because we ratted out a trader. And the only one who didn't vote for the trader was actually Peter. And he's still pressing on me and he didn't even vote for the trader. So I think that's suspicious. She should have said that.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah. Next thing you know, Peter is going to try and take away women's right to vote. And he's still pressing on me and he didn't even vote for the trader. So I think that's suspicious. She should have said that. Yeah. Next thing you know, Peter's going to try and take away women's right to vote. And I will not stand for it. Use whatever you can do it. Well, don't encourage that. It's terrible. So, um, unless it is really the case, in which case, get in. So then, um, Bergey is trying to talk it all through and Kate's like, in which case, get in. So then Berge is trying to talk it all through.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And Kate's like, oh my God, just want it at a time. Please, we're like literally here forever, okay? Just less of you, okay? Less of you, more pancakes. What I would prefer right now. So, Parvati is really worried about breakfast. And she says, she's, Peter's gonna say that he was, she's worried that Peter's going to say that he was, that the traders tried to recruit him.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Um, and she's worried about what, how he's going to use that information. Yes. And he doesn't, which is kind of shocking. So Peter comes in with John and, um, everyone's like, wow. Cause you know, know that's it that this part does get kind of old we're one by one They walk into breakfast and everybody's like And it's like a good solid 20 minutes it feels like 20 minutes of that so Peter and John come in next and Peter is acting so suspicious but doesn't say anything and
Starting point is 00:26:28 Parvati is also acting suspicious because she's Parvati and I think that's the only way she knows how to act I mean every time they cut to Parvati even if it's just like oh look gang today. We're not gonna play a game We're just gonna go fly a kite and then it cuts to Parvati and she's like game, we're just going to go fly a kite and then it cuts to poverty and she's like, like, tone it down, lady. Yeah, I mean, I know you're trying to be like Blair Waldorf, but you've got to like, you've got Blair Waldorf to not act like this, you got to like reel it in. Okay, you are trying to
Starting point is 00:27:01 not look suspicious. And all you're doing is squinting at everyone as if you're like, trying to not look suspicious and all you're doing is squinting at everyone as if you're like Trying to find out what they were doing at 3 p.m. Yesterday like you just have to like chill chill property So she's not chill, but neither is Peter and Peter like comes in like Like he's I don't know what his deal is he looks like he found a you know dime bag in the back or whatever I know guilty about it. I don't know what his deal is, but like he found a, you know, dime bag in the back or whatever. And just guilty about it. I don't know what his deal is, but he's like sweating, looking around. So, um, he's like, I believe that poverty is a traitor.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And she's the one who gave me that recruitment letter and I've been aggressive on her, but guess what? I'm not letting up on her whatsoever. You know, the truth was that it was Parvati. Because she's been so played the social game so wrong and and she acted so suspicious of everyone. She really wasn't in a place where she could have said, Peter, are you OK? You look like you're squirming.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Because everyone would be like, see, that's Parvati as a trader. Like it would have been up to Phaedra to do that, but Phaedra's never going to do that. So he really got away with it being so nervous because no one else picked up on him, it was just shocking. Yeah. Well, also the other people are always accusing people over the smallest thing. They just don't accuse Peter because they're like,
Starting point is 00:28:17 oh my God, Peter's like the leader of the faithfuls. It really is gross. I love this show that Peter is faithful, but we're acting like he's somehow a traitor. Like how come they didn't suspect him? That's ridiculous. It's like they, it's like they can figure out that he's actually faithful, but why do you trust him so much? He's actually like doing the best job he could possibly be doing as a faithful
Starting point is 00:28:35 and we're mad at him. Kind of, but I don't think so. I just think he's with a bunch of dumb dumbs because he's acting so suspiciously. So I can't believe nobody's not like, Oh my God, Peter's like literally sweating buckets right now at the table. He was, no one was picking up on it. So now they're waiting, now it's down to Trishel or Kevin, which one of them is gonna get murdered.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And Berge thinks it's gonna be Trishel and CT thinks it could be half and half, but then guess what? Kevin and Trishel walk in together, which means that no one was murdered, which means MJ was like, well, everyone came back. So that means that one person, like someone was recruited. That's what that means.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And at this point, I'm hoping they would look at Peter, who's sitting there like, what are shaking in his hand, like Bethany Frankel in that one scene. He really is. But no, of course not. You don't. He really is. So Berger's like, yeah, I'm gonna put a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little
Starting point is 00:29:38 bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little She's like, why isn't he saying anything about the recruitment? What is his game here? I'm gonna do this to I'm gonna do this to take All the heat off myself. I'm gonna say things like Peter. Why do you look like that? I mean she even talks to people like with the Disney villain voice like later when she walks him She's like, oh, I guess so the good people are sitting around talking to each other. And so the bad people can't say anything. Well, aren't you all goody two shoes? Anybody want to loan me their voice for a pair of legs?
Starting point is 00:30:14 I know. Yeah. Could you stop talking like Ursula? That's not going to help your head. You know, how about this? Parvati, could you stop asking if anyone has Dalmatians? That's not going to help you right now, okay? Get me those puppies.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So she says, she says, well, Peter doesn't say a word about the recruitment. So if Peter's gonna try to hold onto this recruitment that he turned down, then I can manipulate him. Like cut to tomorrow, Peter walking in with a headband on. And they're like, guys, what's going on with Peter? He's like, I fell into a trap. Headband trap.
Starting point is 00:30:49 You know, the headband trap. He was manipulated by a Parforite. So Alan comes in and he's like, hello my little rogues and maves. So guys, guess what? You can figure it out on your own. What's happened here? But first, I have a philosophical question for you.
Starting point is 00:31:11 What's more annoying? A band on your head or a band that's stuck in your head? Shop like a billionaire. Temu, temu. Anybody? A Bariyaldi star falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it. Do they make a sound? Well, we're about to find out. In the case of Larisa Pippin, the sound is like, like, like, like X, Y, Z. Like Timber like, X, Y, Z, out. Like, like I pull in and I can't cut up like that three almost fell on my head like in our news.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Lots of people fell over in the woods. So very, very tragic. Sandra speaks for us all when she goes, Oh no, this means we're going to be running around in the woods. Sandra just shows up and says the most obvious shit. And then everybody acts like she's the second coming of Einstein. It is hilarious. Later in the episode, stick around everybody because Sandra is going to teach
Starting point is 00:32:21 people what numbers mean. Okay. No, just, well, it's a shame that you haven't really seen Sandra in her prime because she was so excellent. The seasons that she won of Survivor, she was just so excellent and so hilarious. I remember one season she like hid behind a bush and just like Eve's dropped.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And I just, it was just, if you could just, watching Sandra like Eve's drop is like, she's like the most eavesdroppy person. She's literally like my old edition of Clue that I had where it was like, Mrs. White. And I was like, Mrs. White listening in all exaggerated on the card. And that's like what Sandra does. And that's just so good.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I want more classic Sandra in this season. Well, she's she's really good in this, actually. They she hasn't had a lot of screen time, but I think she's going to last a long time. I think she's one of those players that is going to make it to the finals. And you're just going to have to wait until the second half and all the dumb people are done sucking all the air out of the room and gone. That you start seeing more of her because that this episode when she started teaching people what numbers mean with pool balls, I was dying, laughing.
Starting point is 00:33:19 What? Because if you got five here, then you got through there. Five is more than two. They're like, oh. Pew. That being said, Sandra's theories have all been incorrect all season long. So that's fine. That's true.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Although she got one. That was okay. We'll get there. So Parvati's like, so everyone. I'm doing a facial, by the way. I'm gonna do my, I'm gonna do a little red, red light, red light, red light therapy while we do this recap. My skin hurts.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Go ahead, Ben. So everyone who got recruited, who got recruited here, come on, best up everyone who got recruited, not me. I'm definitely not a trader. I'm not a trader whatsoever. I might be squinting at you, but I'm not a trader. And they're like, okay, poverty. Is it you, Peter?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Is it you? Yeah, she is really acting very guilty. And so she goes, Peter, are you the traitor? And he's like, we shall see. Ha ha, ha mean, ha ha. And Kate's like, hey, let's not judge our fates. Well, it's okay. Maybe they actually said no, thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:20 You know, there are such a thing as non-thirsty people in the world. I've never met one. I've never, certainly never seen one on this channel, but they exist, I'm sure. And Rurgie's like, yeah, like maybe someone got a letter last night and they denied it. And they're just like not saying it.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Maybe someone did. So Parv, it's like, okay everyone, raise your hand if you got the letter. Anybody? Hmm, somebody's lying. Hmm, if I were a trader, I'd know exactly who got it, but I'm not a trader whatsoever. I've never been inside that turret, not a trader.
Starting point is 00:34:54 So then Peter's like, well, I mean, I didn't get murdered, so I guess that means I'm not a trader, right Parvati? She's, well, oh, he says, and now that means you're not a trader too. Wait, what did he say? He said, Parvi, I guess this means I'm not a trader if I'm still here. I'm like, actually it means you're more likely to be a trader. Are you dumb? Dumb? Why? Why does that exonerate you? And Parvi goes, well, that's a change of tune. Now you're saying I'm a way to know. Peter said, I got confused on this one. No, no, I think that Peter said
Starting point is 00:35:27 that Parvati was not a traitor. And cause Parvati was like, oh, well that's a change of tune. Now you're saying, I'm not a traitor. What's up with that? Maybe I am a traitor, Peter. It's like Parvati, stop that. And he's like, well, the fact that I'm so,
Starting point is 00:35:41 isn't that, doesn't that mean that you're not a traitor? Cause if you were a traitor, you would have killed me. And she goes, I know you've been gunning for me for a very long time, Peter. That's a big change of heart. That chart is so big. I'm going to put a headband on it, except it'll be called a heart band. And, um, he's just kind of giving her this smug little look, you know, and, um, she's like, Oh my God, I'm done with this smug little smile looking at me
Starting point is 00:36:06 like he's got it all figured out today. Something just fell downstairs. I'm not sure what it is. I'm learning the dog today. It's Parvati. Parvati is in your house, Ronnie. The trader is in your house. Wouldn't be surprised.
Starting point is 00:36:19 It's really windy. It blew down the fence outside. So a lot of things are being blown down. I don't know how that happened inside, but the wind is strong. The Lord is strong is what I'm saying. So anyway, she's pissed at his smug little face and I agree with her. I'm so ready to see his ass get kicked off today and I'm so excited he's going to get kicked off. Surely nothing's going to happen to fuck this up, right? And this is where she says, today, I've got my predatory headband on and I'm coming for that bachelor. So now Peter takes his little crew of five to the bar to talk and he's like,
Starting point is 00:36:53 guys, this has to be quick. Okay. Okay, this is going to be shocking. Please don't doubt me. Please trust. Now look, I'm going to tell the I'm going to tell this to the doll first and practice, so I'm more confident telling you. I'm not a doll, I'm a real person. That's Trishelle, bro. Okay, whatever. Okay, first, before I announce this, I just wanna share with this hat stand
Starting point is 00:37:19 that has a beret on it. That's me, I'm still Trishelle. Sorry, sorry. Okay, anybody, I'm gonna Trishelle. Sorry. Sorry. Okay, anybody, I'm going to practice on this chocolate croissant. Why are you talking to a chocolate croissant? Oh my god, you guys, the doll's talking. The doll is talking. The doll hat stand with the bows on it's talking guys. The
Starting point is 00:37:36 traders all over us. Okay, so he tells them they tried to recruit him. That guys, Okay, so he tells them they tried to recruit him, but guys, I'm gonna be with the Faithfuls until the end. Right, he goes, I promise you, I didn't want to say anything, but like tonight we have to banish poverty, and after we banish poverty, it's gonna be revealed that she's a traitor, so that's two traitors in the room.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And so then Phaedra walks in, and we're gonna say, oh hey, what's going on, Phaedra, what's going on? And he's like, and Phaedra goes, one second, Phaedra, can you we're like, oh, hey, what's going on, Phaedra? What's going on? And he's like, and Phaedra goes, one second, Phaedra, can you give us a minute? Thank you so much. I'm like, oh, fuck yourself, Peter. Yeah, he's the worst. And she just leaves, but she's like,
Starting point is 00:38:14 Peter and his pals, the Peter pals. They have this secret meaning. I love Peter pals. I love her off the cuff naming, and then she just sticks with it the rest of the time. Cause I mean, this is a woman with 90 million businesses and she really just tries to brand that the whole, the rest of the episode, she's like,
Starting point is 00:38:34 hmm, what do we think about the Peter Pals? You know what, I honestly like Peter Pals because I'm so sick of on big brother. Every time people decide to start an alliance, like guys, we gotta name our alliance. How about this? The machine gun carrying total people. And you're like, what?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Murdering Mastiff's motor boats. The Indiana Jones is in the temple of Big Brother Doom. And then they refer to that all season long. Yeah, when, what this buns was on, Big brother doom. And then they refer to that all season long. Yeah. When, uh, when, uh, what's his buns was on, that was the renegades. Oh God, that was the worst. What was the other, I mean, there've been so many all guy alliances on big brother, but, oh, you know, my favorite one was this is a real throwback.
Starting point is 00:39:18 There was a guy named Marvin, I think on season five, who was like, let's call our alliance, the Santa Monica van boys. Cause I think they wrote in a van production move, took them from a hotel in Santa Monica to like the studios. So they're alliance with the Santa Monica van boys. Oh my gosh. It's always stuck with me. So Patrick goes to the affiliate room where the ladies are starting to form their own
Starting point is 00:39:41 alliance. This is the Bravo people mostly. So it's all the Bravo people, I think. So. Did you notice or interrupt? Did you notice that they had put like a pillow by the door? So it's like anytime an outsider came in, it would not go over the pillow.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It was like some sort of like warning pillow. I don't know how it would have, I don't know what sort of advance notice it gave them, but they definitely had some sort of system set up that every time someone came in the door, a little pillow fell over. You're literally in a house where everything makes noise. There is nothing in this house that doesn't make noise.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And you found the pillow? The pillows, you're a warning? You're warning that someone's walking in on you? Leave a book. You're in a library. Take a book, lean it up against the door. It would be pushed down if somebody came in a pillow. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:23 So, this is so the bachelor's idea. I put a pillow there. So Phaedra comes in and she's like, I just walked in and they said, could you not come in? We need to have privacy. So MJ goes, who said that, Peter? I need to go over there. So then MJ, she can get to the bottom of this guys.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Don't you worry. So she's gonna go try. So Trish, back in the other meeting, Trish she was like, okay, this is what I wanted to do. Mike, I think we should keep Harvard-y cause she's a wounded bird, you know? But Phaedra has all those Bravo people, you guys. Phaedra's the one.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Now, she's finally onto something, right? This is like one time she's finally onto it. And nobody's gonna listen to her. I know because she used up all her credibility with Peppermint, so now like, I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, Trichelle, whatever. Trichelle is, you know, her theory is again that like Dan had to give out a name, so he had to give out another trader to save himself
Starting point is 00:41:18 and he did and no one's listening. So then Peter's like, trust me, trust me, here's the plan. Okay, here's the plan. We have to banish poverty tonight. Now as it happens, they're gonna hit success no matter which way they go. But I just, I'm like mad. I'm like really mad that they're like doing so well right now.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Yeah. Come on, here comes one right now. Okay, so Peter's like, trust me guys, it's poverty. So then MJ comes in and she's trying to sneak in and listen. And then she just knocks, she just goes in. She's like, knock, knock. And Peter's like, oh, oh, MJ, MJ, sorry. Can we have a minute?
Starting point is 00:42:03 I mean, what are these, what morons these people are? Who does this? You are not the majority of the house. You guys can't act like this. And MJ goes, give you one minute of privacy because, and MJ's standing there so awkwardly, she's sort of like in the corner all the way across from them and she's just sort of like has this stance
Starting point is 00:42:21 that she's wearing these big jeans that are like flaring out and this like strange shirt. And like I've seen this image of her all over Twitter of her just sort of like has this stance that she's wearing these big jeans that are like flaring out and this like strange shirt. And like, I've seen this image of her all over Twitter of her just sort of standing there. I think she's getting memed at the moment, right? Like, I think she's being used in all these different things. Yeah. Cause she looks so awkward.
Starting point is 00:42:35 My favorite one was when they put her side by side with Monica's mother from real house. So this is all the city when she was like, well, have fun walking walking home mother. She's like, you're gonna make me walk home. She's like, yes. And she just like leaves her standing there all pathetic. Thoughts have been my favorite MJ mean. Oh, so I'm just like, so give you privacy because and bring us you're you're you're gonna love our plan and Kevin's like, yeah, you're gonna love our plan. And Kevin's like, yeah, you're gonna love this because. Don't say it in front of MJ. Don't say it in front of MJ.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This is only a faithful meeting, not an MJ meeting. Peter, you fucking idiot. She's like, but I don't wanna be left out of something. And Peter's like, no, no, no, you won't. I promise you, I promise you. Leaving her out right now, right this very second. So she just kind of backs out all sad. So then she runs down the hallway to report back. She goes, they said to leave guys.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And they're like, Peter, she goes, yeah, dun, dun, dun. So now this makes, I have to say, I thought that Parvati's maneuvering last episode against Peter and his group, I was like, oh, this is never gonna stick. But actually she planted some seeds that really have stuck. So Sandra now is like, I think Peter is the traitor. He causes so much chaos, so much drama,
Starting point is 00:44:00 and he does more harm than good. And he has an alliance of four people and a beret. So it's a numbers game Yes, which of course I anybody who's anti Peter was cheering at this right so she's like, okay guys come over here I'm gonna explain something to you at this. This is a pool table They use balls does any you all know what balls are? So the opposite of squares and people are like, okay, okay. But there's no swimming pool here. It's just a table. No, you don't swim in this. This is a game you roll balls around on top of the. It's a table. The balls, the balls float in water. Are these like beach balls. It's not that kind of fool. Okay
Starting point is 00:44:46 Just forget it. Let's just pretend these are let's just for for example sake. Let's call them balls Okay, but they're really boxes All right, come just come over here just try and pay attention, okay? Okay, so CT goes I really like where this is going Oh, by the way, I'm stupid because I listened to a commenter Who told me incorrectly commenter? How dare you come into my home and tell me incorrect things that then I wander all over the world spreading these things and This thing that you told me that was incorrect was that CT is in fact not a Bostonian So I looked it up and it said that he was from Brooklyn
Starting point is 00:45:23 But it turns out he was born in Brooklyn But grew up in Boston. So Ben go back. We're all we're all right You were correct. I corrected you in the beginning and I was off course. So I apologize everybody I mean, I always thought he was from Bostonian But like you were it's not your fault because it says that he's from Brooklyn But he has a thick Boston accent. He's very Boston-y, although I think he's maybe not even from Boston, but maybe in the Boston region either way. There was a lot of misinformation out there.
Starting point is 00:45:51 And honestly, I'm surprised that CT is not a traitor at this point, given how slippery his geographical location is. No kidding. So CT's like, oh my God, pool balls? I love what this is going. So Sandra lays out her strategy with the balls. She's like, okay, this ball is gonna be John,
Starting point is 00:46:10 this ball is gonna be Kevin. This is a- I'm sorry, there's a lot of people. Are we balls now? Why do we all look so similar? Can we just wear different T-shirts? All right, we're gonna have to start this from the top because CT just hit the balls with his cue. Okay, we're not actually playing
Starting point is 00:46:29 Pool listen you put a sport in front of me. I'm gonna play it Yeah, but we're not playing billiards or pool right now. I'm trying to do a demonstration with the pool balls I'm gonna play. What can I say? So you know what you don't want me to play don't give me a game. I mean, what the hell? What can I say? So you know what? You don't want me to play? Don't give me a game. I mean, what the hell? Okay. Well, what how about this? Okay? I'm gonna take the balls off the pool table. So they're no longer a game They're just balls in an isolated space. Oh, you just now you're just kicking them. They're not soccer balls You don't have to kick them into the fireplace. Oh, yeah, then how come I just got a point? So, you know, you didn't actually get up. No, you didn't get holding the pillow does not mean just got a point? So, you know, it's the dummy map. You didn't actually get a, no, you didn't get, holding the pillow does not mean you got a point.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Could you put that back against the door, please? All right, just listen, okay? So this is us, right? So here's my theory. So what's the traders is here. Then we're screwed, right? Because listen, there's this many of them. This is more balls than over here.
Starting point is 00:47:23 There's this many balls. See, all balls, do you understand? Do you understand? These are called numbers. Okay. It's like, oh my god, watching people try and understand numbers for the first time in their lives is one of the most fascinating things I've ever seen in my life. Okay. It's like, hmm, this theory doesn't hold water, but it's hilarious. So I'm just gonna say, uh-huh, and go along with it just because I don't really give a fuck. And so I was like, okay. I was laughing so hard.
Starting point is 00:47:49 She literally put like, let's say five balls over here and then three balls over on the other side. She's like, see with these balls, there's more balls here. And they're like, um, but this, by the way, this theory was, was tenuous at best, but she spoke with such conviction that everyone's like, has to be. And of course, Parvati and Phaedra are not going to challenge it. They're like, yes, wow, you're speaking the truth, Sandra. Well, I think what she was saying was very simple. She was saying, listen, we have more people than they have. They think they're in control, but we're actually in control. We have more people than them. So we can do whatever we want. Like they're keeping us out of their room or whatever,
Starting point is 00:48:30 but we can vote them out. And people, they're like, no, we can't. They're faithful. She's like, this is what numbers mean. This is a majority. And they're like, huh? This is why my knowledge of survivor helps me because I'm able to show everyone how the numbers look and they look like pool balls, you know, and that's how I figured it out.
Starting point is 00:48:50 And I'm hoping they're able to see exactly what I show them because the leftovers have to prevail. And that's, that's, that's us. We're the leftovers because we're not part of the most faithful of the faithful. Also where the leftovers because I'm pretty sure that CT has a pancake in his pocket from this morning. So they're basically like, wait, I don't get it. Check this is the more balls wins. So we're the more balls.
Starting point is 00:49:15 So let's kill this other ball. This ball's name is Peter. It's like, yeah, let's kill Peter. It's like, okay, that's all I needed to say in the end. And Kate's like, oh my God, this is the best thing I've ever experienced. And Parvati is like, oh, and by the way, don't forget, Peter came for me at breakfast and said that suddenly I'm not a trader now.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Can you believe he says I'm not a trader? What are you doing? Well, she was, so she was like, see, he's changing his story. Isn't that crazy? Isn't it wild? He should think I'm a trader. It's wild. What is she doing? Okay okay so just remind everybody once again that you're
Starting point is 00:49:50 suspected right so she goes okay but the only way this works is if everybody votes against Peter and Phaedra's like okay you voting for Peter you voting for Peter I shouldn't have to tell you who you, you all should be able to answer this by now. You, who are you voting for? Kate Jackson. No, Kate Jackson. Peter, you're voting for Peter.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I'm gonna vote for this pancake in my pocket. No, no, that's not an eligible vote. If you wanna throw it at Peter. No, it's not a vote in the 80s. For president, you fucking morons. So now John and Peter are sitting there at the bar together and John's like, do you think that poverty is feeling a bit vulnerable?
Starting point is 00:50:40 And he's like, yeah, yeah, for sure. It's like, Peter, could you stop trembling for one moment and not look at his guilty? So Peter poverty is very happy. She's like, Peter thinks that he is on his high horse and he thinks he's running this show. And I cannot wait to watch that smug headbandless smile fall off his lips when he gets banished.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I am going to be dancing all the way to the turret, which when she said that I was like, something's going to go wrong. You only say that too easy. Is this too easy? Yeah, this is too easy. And it's, it's also too early in the episode to know exactly what's going to go down. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So now it's time for my favorite part, the challenge, which I never understand. So now they go out to the forest and they basically have to get in teams of two and start running all over the place and finding shit, which of course I immediately tune out. I'm sorry. My brain just doesn't work like that.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I see this, all this running around and I just get very tired I'm an empath when it comes to physical things like Emotionally, I don't care But physically if I see somebody else running I get very tired or my knees hurt or if I see somebody lifting something heavy I'm like how am I back and then I sit down for a while This is just as why I don't watch a Super Bowl really at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:52:04 I get brain damage by proxy and when I watch this for a while. This is just why I don't watch a Super Bowl really at the end of the day. I get brain damage by proxy. And when I watch this game, I just get very tired. I get on my phone. Yeah. Um, this one, uh, that just did this challenge, we won't, we won't, we don't have to get too much into it, but basically they have to pair up and Fajron CT pair up, which, you know, the internet loves because they're like, we ship them. Um, and
Starting point is 00:52:25 they have to go through the forest and there's a question they, they, they're going to keep on, um, running into like these junctures where there's questions and you can either go to the left or to the right. And if you get it wrong, you're going to get trapped. And then, um, uh, if both of you get it wrong over the course of the competition, then you're both out and the money that you've collected will not be going towards the prize pot. The thing that was notable for this about me was that the first trap is like you go to get the clue and then you wind up falling into like a mucky puddle of muck.
Starting point is 00:52:55 But then the second, all the subsequent traps were like if you pick up the clue and it's wrong, an enormous net emerges from the ground and captures you with like a whole bunch of leaves and hangs you up into the trees. I was like, that's terrifying. That shit was so funny. Also, it goes to show you what Dicks people are in these situations.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Just socially. They're like, okay, so it's a physical thing. So if some things are worth more than other things, let's make all the losers go for the lower thing. So, John, you're a loser. You go for the thousand dollar bet. I mean, what the hell? It was like a game of kickball team choosing or whatever. But the best was, uh, yeah, both. So Shirei and Berkey were paired up. And so, um, they get it, they get the first question wrong,
Starting point is 00:53:44 but it's Berkey, he goes to pick up the wrong clue. So he winds up falling into the muck and Shirei sees Berkey were paired up. And so they get it. They get the first question wrong, but it's Berkey. He goes to pick up the wrong clue. So he winds up falling into the muck and Shirei sees it and goes, Oh hell no. She's like, I can't believe this would happen when we're going to yogurt land. It's like, you're not going to yogurt land. Oh, okay. So, um, let's see the race.
Starting point is 00:54:04 They're racing around looking for stuff. Peter and Trishelle, um, who were like, we're going for the big, the biggest thing because we're like the strongest. And Peter was the first out, which I liked. I love that. And then, um, yeah, Berge and Cherie, you said, so then Phaedra and the CT get went wrong and she's like, you go get that clue.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And he's like, okay. So he goes to get it and gets caught up in the tree that thing. And she's like, oh, sorry. Bye. And she just walks away. Like extremely slowly. She's like, okay, bye. Don't rush or anything.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Phaedra. Okay. By the way, um, Peter losing first, it should have, that should have been, that should have been material that Fadar could have been. I mean, Parvati could have used to say, look, he allegedly, you know, he allegedly went out first by accident, but he's, I think he's a trader. He did it on purpose. Even though a trader has no motivation to sabotage the challenge, which is stupid.
Starting point is 00:55:09 That's the stupidest part about the show. I like the idea that if the challenge doesn't succeed, that the shields are nullified. But either way, there's a bunch of dum-dums and Phaedra could have, I mean, poverty could have totally used that against Peter and she didn't. Yeah. So then they're now down three teams. Okay. And Shirei has been caught in the tree net thing. So there's not much money left, basically.
Starting point is 00:55:34 And so Phaedra's wandering around terrified of the woods. And then Kate, of course, is jealous of the people in the nets. She's like, it's basically like a hammock. It's basically like the reality show I wanna be in, which is just sit and be relaxed and not around people. Be great. Okay, so then Trishelle's looking around and just trying to figure out these clues.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And one of the clues, I thought this was tricky because there's a Latin phrase that was written in the kitchen, keep your friends close or keep your enemies close, which is the right answer. Well, it sounds like it would be keep your enemies close, right, Doug? Because keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. But if there's only one.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I wasn't sure if the game was, I actually also thought it was gonna be keep your enemies close. Cause I thought the game, I thought they were being tricky, because the phrase is keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So I thought the game was saying like, I thought it was gonna be like keep your enemies close
Starting point is 00:56:33 and your friends far, I don't know, I thought it was just being clever, but it was not. And murder your friends, and your friends, you murder! So either way, like ultimately the the the two teams that win they get all the way at the end are John and Parvati and then Kevin and Sandra and they they get it correct and John's like Parvati you're the triumphant warrior the ultimate survivor the lady of the hadband and now you
Starting point is 00:56:59 shall be the lady of the land I now present to you, the Duchess of Scotland, poverty shallow. Okay, so Kevin and Sandra end up winning this one. And they're faster. Yes, they're faster. They both get shields. And it was very tricky because they made it look like they got there after, you know? Tricky editing telling you.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Every time, every time. I fall for it every time. Okay, so Parvati's like, well, we didn't get the shield, but thankfully Peter didn't get it either. I can't wait to murder him. Which will definitely be happening tonight when he gets murdered,
Starting point is 00:57:41 because he will definitely not be safe. There's nothing that will happen if he doesn't get voted out at the round table, which will definitely be happening too. Yeah. Hello there. This is a two part recap. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:52 This is the end of part one. So thank you so much for listening to this. Uh, just come back a little later for part two. Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alice and King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney! Strolling the park with Caitlyn Clark! She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela!
Starting point is 00:58:12 Itchels! Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickle-less! She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy! Jamie, she has no less namey! Hava-Neggila-Weber! Know your worth with Jason Kurtz! She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing! Jimmy! Hava Nagila Weber! Know your worth with Jason Kurtz! She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing!
Starting point is 00:58:27 Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! She's always supplyin', it's Kelly Ryan! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! Megan Berg! You can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches! Betches!
Starting point is 00:58:43 And our super premium sponsors! Somebody get us 10 CCs of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlyn O'Neill! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall! She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch!
Starting point is 00:59:04 She's a little bit Looney. Junie. My favorite murder, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. It's Kyle Pod Chadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Give him hell, Ms. Noelle. She's the queen bee. It's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's the queen bee. It's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's quite the catch. It's Victoria Cachett. She ain't no shrinking violet koutar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Our Crappings ad free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad free with
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