Watch What Crappens - #2329 Crappy Hour Live: Housewife and the Hustler 2, Larsa and Marcus, Porsha Returns, Bethenny Wars With Plastic Bags

Episode Date: February 20, 2024

On this week’s Crappy Hour Live, we discuss Larsa and Marcus’ PR breakup stunt, Erika Jayne’s Hulu documentary, breaking up with a real housewife, and Bethenny’s war against Ziplock�...�plus all the latest news on @bravotv. We’re live every other Monday at 5:30 PM on Instagram Live and our YouTube Channel @watchwhatcrappens To watch the video version of this recap and for this week’s Summer House bonus episode, go to And grab tickets for the Netflix is a Joke Fest in LA and our European tour at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Crappy Hour Live. I'm Ronnie. That's Ben over there. Hi, Ben! Hi, Ronnie. How are you? Good. This is our bi-weekly chat about shit that happens on Bravo. What do you think about that, Ben? I think it's great. Very excited about it.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I love Crappy Hour. It's nice to be back. We had a big, long weekend, so it's nice to have like a little bit of a uh you know like a what do you that's not a come down but it's like a denouement right it looks sort of like a post a post show here after the crappies yeah um we had a super fun time i think i'm thinning out my skin too much with all this face product i'm putting on it because see this red on my nose do you see a bit of red dot is it leprosy yeah my nose is falling off this is from pulling my shirt on every day my t-shirt on it's now scraping my nose this is where it hits my nose and I'm scraping it I think that's how sensitive my skin is getting so you know what there is such thing as too much
Starting point is 00:01:41 tretinoin okay that's my advice to start everybody off. Calm down on the Tret. Okay, everybody? Calm down on the Tret. Tret carefully with Tretton Owen. That should be their new slogan. Tretton Owen! Tretton Owen! By the way, over on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:01:57 Essie says, Hey guys, you were amazing on Saturday. Thank you very, very much. You guys were amazing. Everyone who was in the audience and everyone who tuned in online and, you know, to get the best, one of my favorite things is after everything is said and done, you know, we went out to a bar afterwards, we partied, and then I went out and got late night Korean food. I got back to my home around 3.30 in the
Starting point is 00:02:19 morning, you know, and then I got into bed and I like opened up my phone and to see all the really kind all the really kind words that everyone was saying all the really sweet words all the beautiful things everyone posted on social media and all the amazing photos it really is like it's really great it's so cheesy because we do put so much work into it but it really does make it all worth it like it's just it feels great yes that was a very good time okay so what's going on in the bravo world bian what's going on in the bravo world talk about well i was just okay you go no go answer that you answered the question i thought i caught you off guard sorry no i was here to say that i was just watching the housewife and The Hustler Part 2 right before this. And I thought you'd be very proud of me that I was catching up on my Eric H. Jane legal drama.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yes, I am proud of you. How far did you get through it? I got most of the way through it. I had to have, I had like a little call in the middle of it, which delayed me. I was going to finish it right on time. But I got through the part where Erica, the Marco Marco part,
Starting point is 00:03:22 where they were like, I did not realize when you had told me that erica wore a wire and was um like part of like oh ruining some designer's life i thought it was like some random person on like etsy i didn't realize it was marco marco i mean marco marco is like established and famous they're like they, they're noteworthy. I was shocked. Yeah, I was shocked when they first showed up on the documentary. I was like, Oh, I love a messy gay. He's going to come and talk shit about like Erica. I didn't realize it was not a messy gay situation that it was like,
Starting point is 00:03:55 like these this was these were the victims. It was it actually kind of rattled me. I thought it was a really terrible story. Like it's just such a such an awful thing to do to what seemed like two very nice people yeah um that was really really not good and it kind of explains her um sharp turn in the costume department yes very bad and also like i mean there's still a like still a large part of me believes that still this was really mainly Tom Girardi who was like,
Starting point is 00:04:25 need my money back. And I do this thing, Erica, you have to do this for me. I do believe that she was definitely bossing her around. But that being said, if even if that were the case, I really don't like that.
Starting point is 00:04:37 She would use the, the wire in a federal crime case as like a silly answer to two truths and a lie. Yeah, like bragging about it. Like, oh, it's so fun. Yeah, I was a, I used a wire in a federal fraud case. Yeah, like if you were like... Yeah. Yeah, like if it were a situation where she was like, you know, I had to turn on my friends because this is the sort of person I lived with. And I had to do this. And I was led to believe that they had defrauded us and that I thought I was the one being betrayed. If she had come like that, it's like, okay, I have sympathy.
Starting point is 00:05:16 But the fact that she's like, well, here's a fun story. I once wore a wire in a case. A case where you nearly threw someone that was a friend of yours someone who you a collaborator someone who was like by all accounts seems like a nice person in jail and like potentially destroy his company i was like yeah for those of you for those of you who don't know what we're talking about basically there's this uh sequel to that documentary and one of the things that they revealed is that er Erica was using this famous costume designer to do all of her stuff,
Starting point is 00:05:48 and when she walked in there, she said, money is not an object. We won't be needing invoices or whatever. So she's asking for all this expensive shit. He's making her $10,000 costumes for all of her stuff. It was over a million dollars, you know, millions and millions of dollars worth of stuff. And then Erica and Tom ran out of money,
Starting point is 00:06:05 and because they couldn't pay, they accused this guy of fraud and said that he was overcharging them all of this stuff. They come take this guy, put him, take him to jail, like ruin his life. He was about to adopt a child. The chances for that were ruined. They ruined his company. They ruined this guy's life because they couldn't pay their fucking bills. And then the charges were dropped and it turns out that Tom was friends with the Secret Service who led this arrest and investigation and everything else.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It's really, really bad. So for Erica to just show up bragging about it and laughing about it, I mean. It's wild. I had a former- Are you impressed with how quickly I did that, Ben? You're welcome. Very impressed. I had a roommate who you know,
Starting point is 00:06:52 Ronnie, but I won't say who it is, who used to work for a powerful person here in LA. A very, very wealthy person, but the person was Meshuggah. And he came to believe that all his employees had stolen from him and he sued them all and so my roommate was basically stuck in litigation for
Starting point is 00:07:11 several years uh dealing with it and i think i was younger it was like you know it was like 15 18 years ago so i was like oh you know it'll work out because i know he didn't steal anything this is this is like the most ridiculous suit but like watching marco marco i really kind of reflected on how hard that actually really must have been for my roommate and like that is so scary when you have like these really powerful people who are abusing their power for some either like paranoia or in this case in the case of tom derardi financial gain and then innocent people who don't have a lot of power who are just trying to like make their way in the world wind up you know getting ground down because of it it's really terrible i i really just the whole thing made me really think about my roommate and made me reflect on how i don't think i really
Starting point is 00:08:02 appreciated at the time how difficult it was for him do you see there's the real message this really hurt Ben's roommate at the end guys made me realize my roommate really went through it but it's true I mean they were all it's like these people like these these people who um have a lot of money and power they just you know they don't care who is you know who's whose businesses whose career paths whose families get messed up you know because they just you know they want their money or you know they're out of money yeah don't trust rich people okay yeah don't trust poor people either don't trust people there you go hugs everybody don't trust people i think is a great takeaway that's always been my lesson guys trust no one hugs oh those are going to be my wedding vows um i vow nothing and i trust you not let's get married anyway let's do it and hope you die first with more money
Starting point is 00:08:56 okay so there was a rumor that uh cynthia got married over valentine's day weekend or valentine's day but it was probably an ad for something what do you think Remember that Cynthia got married over Valentine's Day weekend or Valentine's Day. But it was probably an ad for something. What do you think? Cynthia getting married? I don't. Who? Huh.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Okay. Here's the headline. Real Housewives of Atlanta. Cynthia Bailey shocks fans with Valentine's Day wedding video. Every day. I love you more. And it's a music video of her putting on wedding dress, getting it zipped up, putting on a wedding ring,
Starting point is 00:09:29 wedding shoes, and you know, fade out, fade into her taking deep breaths as she sits and gets ready for her wedding. I guarantee you she did not get married. With the amount of times- No, and we see a bald guy, the back of a bald guy's head as he slowly sips some scotch or something. And then we never see his face.
Starting point is 00:09:50 No, no. Here's the thing. With the amount of time that Cynthia spoke to us about 50 Synth and Chihil, she can't keep her mouth shut about if she was in a relationship. There's no way she's having a discreet relationship and not broadcasting it to the right i'm coming up with an acronym okay that was a trick question you're correct it was an ad for a bridal shop ah there it is yeah um let's see what else there's not a whole lot i think the big news that was circulating oh heather gay yes okay well
Starting point is 00:10:25 heather gay uh people asking why heather gay unfollowed us first of all you guys are we housewives that you're checking up on who's following us and who's not following us that's crazy makes me feel very important i know we felt really good because we started getting questions about that and we thought it was funny that anybody anybody gives a crap that Heather Gay unfollowed us. But yes, it is true. Heather Gay did get pissed off at us. And she did unfollow us. Because her skin is as light as it seems to be on television.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And she got very upset that we invited Monica. Well, we did not invite Monica. But we nominated Monica for some crappy awards. And that set Heather off because Monica is like a real criminal. And I tried to explain to her, well, I mean, first of all, like, I'm not going to change my show for you. Like, you're nice and everything, but we're still going to do a show about Bravo, whether you're here or not. Okay, lady? Like, I have been doing this show before you were on Bravo, and I will be doing this show after you are gone from Bravo. And you're not or not. Okay, lady? Like, I have been doing this show before you were on Bravo, and I will be doing this show
Starting point is 00:11:26 after you are gone from Bravo, and you're not going to tell me what to do. Okay? And Monica is an asshole, but she was a very popular, hilarious asshole who gave you guys a very good season. So, back off. Okay?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Let me tell you something. For us to not nominate Monica as best newbie would be such an insincere bullshit. Okay, I love Heather Gay. But if she's upset at us and she's mad at us because we nominated someone who was such an impactful, new, Bravo person, like, you can't make us feel bad about doing that.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It's a TV show. Are you going to now not follow the LA Times that wrote a profile about her? Are you now going to not follow Variety that wrote a profile about Monica? But suddenly we nominate in a gag award show, which, by the way, we are no longer a gag award show because now that we have people unfollowing us
Starting point is 00:12:19 because of who we nominate means that our awards now mean something. So thank you. Get the fuck out of here, lady. I even bought your book twice and listened to your ass for six hours in a row. So go away, all right? And yeah, someone just said in the comment, keep your energy for Jen, okay? So whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Listen, I always really liked Heather. I thought she was really nice. I think Heather probably does not love the fact that we don't just kiss her ass completely, did not completely buy everything she was hurling at people during that finale. I certainly didn't. And you know what? That's just how it is. And that's why I can't make friends in that world, because I'm going to still show up to work and talk shit. That's what I do. And if you do something stupid on TV or something that I think is bullshit, I'm going to say it. That is literally what I do. I'm not here
Starting point is 00:13:02 for you. I'm here for ben and the listeners so piss off all right and when you're ready to go back to play some poker in vegas give me a call but my advice until then is get the fuck over it okay because i'm still gonna be here tomorrow yeah i mean look i feel like she will get over it she will follow us again you know she's she's in her feelings about it and you know what by the way monica is a fucking asshole and she's a disaster but we have to be first and foremost we have to be authentic to ourselves and our podcast and our freaking award show and we have to do that before we are our award so this is a very serious award how dare you come for the crack yeah well no honestly
Starting point is 00:13:41 could you imagine if we're like oh wow you're right like she she is she is a criminal and we shouldn't we she should be disqualified hell no we have a sandwich by the way we have we nominated a sandwich in a category okay pop it lost pop it in the sandwich split their votes okay so here's heather saying that we're elevating monica So here's Heather saying that we're elevating Monica by giving her nominations on our show. Well, guess what? Monica is just as good as a banh mi sandwich right now. So congratulations. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I like you, Heather. But let's, come on, let's bring it back in. Yeah, you know, just general advice. And also to us. This is anyone involved with Bravo in any way or podcast or entertainment in general. But I think especially the housewives. But I will take my own advice. Don't get too far up your ass and don't take yourself seriously. This is all fucking stupid and you're part of a giant cartoon.
Starting point is 00:14:33 So get the fuck over yourself. Okay? Please. By the way, I just want to say also, someone who did get it and was super cool. Honestly, Sheena. Sheena was great. She came in. She was down for everything.
Starting point is 00:14:49 She was on that stage. She was hilarious. She came in with ideas on how to even up what we were going to do with her. And not only that, she stayed until the very... We came off stage at the end of the show and she was there ready to still hang out. She did not be like, I'm going to do my thing at the top of the show and she was there ready to still hang out like she did not be like i'm gonna do my thing at the top of the show and peace out she was down
Starting point is 00:15:09 i have to say i i really you know what our little shishu our little shishu i was i was really impressed too um you know we know that shishu's nice like we've met her before and she's always been really nice but i think being friends with ari stuff Ariana is a listener she lists she like actually listens to it and so I think she tells people listen to it and then they listen to it and then we're being mean to them or whatever and she chooses a sweet innocent soul in a lot of ways and I think that she's sensitive and I she probably listened to it and thought we were going to be mean to her or whatever and she came despite that and you know we could tell she was a little scared before she came you know just the before the show stuff we could tell she was a
Starting point is 00:15:51 little nervous but um she came and she did a great job and she was a really good sport you know who else did not come but she couldn't because they were shooting but also heather opens up the door for people like angie you know who is a good sport and sent in a whole video mocking herself and her whole i am greek stuff yeah you know and uh so people you know up on that pedestal yeah exactly we really appreciate people who get the joke who understand what it is this is all a big fan celebration because you know what we're all fans of bravo we watch these shows and you like you like I understand why Heather would be like Monica like for sure but like you also have to understand why we watch these shows and be like oh my God like wow Monica what a great addition to that season like that was what a
Starting point is 00:16:37 wild ride we went on you can't deny us as fans our reactions to watching your cartoon right what are we not going to nominate Glenn Close for Fatal Attraction? I mean, sure she was crazy. That was the point. Yeah. I like bunnies, but we also have to nominate Glenn Close. Okay? Right.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You don't get mad at a chef for cooking a bunny. Why would you get mad at Glenn Close? Why is it only okay for some people? Listen, Heather will settle down. She will settle down and she will come back. But will I? For right now. Will I settle down?
Starting point is 00:17:08 That's the thing. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe you and Heather need to have a sit down in an ice maze. Right. It's about me. And cook sausages over flames like some sort of strange fire pit. And then maybe there can be peace.
Starting point is 00:17:23 No, I take my own advice. I don't take this shit too seriously i know it's i know it's so stupid so i'm that's why i'm always shocked when i meet people in bravo who take it seriously because it seems like they would know better than anybody that this is a giant cartoon you know what i mean yeah but people don't okay so let's see what else is happening she she bought a house that was in the news she bought a farmhouse she bought a modern farmhouse okay oh also those blink 187 dudes or whatever were there we saw we saw one of those guys no the 20 the 27 the blink one the 27th yeah that's who she did the the good as gold
Starting point is 00:17:58 remix with which she's like i think she she was releasing um more music very soon she was telling us and we were going to be like oh yeah we're going to ask you about that on stage. And then we didn't. So, you know, keep an eye and an ear out for Shishu's new music. I mean, I'm sure she'll post it everywhere. Yeah, so that was in some news. The big news that was happening was Larza and Marcus's PR breakup stunt, where they broke up with each other. They unfollowed each other on the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:18:24 We didn't talk about that on Crappy Hour, right? When did we talk about that? No, the breakup happened like a week ago because I know I had the in memoriam for the Crappies already. And then I was like, oh my God, it is my duty and obligation to make sure that Larsa and Marcus are included in the in memoriam.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Even though I knew it was, by the way, it was totally fake. And I knew it's just a publicity stunt like there could be no one else who would be more publicity stuntish but yeah it happened during the super bowl we talked about on the show we said of course these two dum-dums no did we talk about the show i don't know where we talked about it wasn't on crappy hour but of course larsa tried to upstage the Super Bowl by announcing her, cryptically, her separation from Marcus during the game. Yes, and, you know, we didn't really believe it. Marcus posted a picture with his dad, and people were like, oh my god, this means it's real.
Starting point is 00:19:15 That means it's really real when you're bringing MJ into it. But then they started following each other again, and then they were seen at a jewelry shop together, buying jewelry, buying a ring, ring shopping, which is, I mean, wow, that's like stealing from Kyle. Cause Kyle, wasn't Kyle just doing the whole like, I'm ring shopping with Morgan Wade. Yeah, that is, that is definitely very Kyle. And I believe that the breaking news from today
Starting point is 00:19:40 is that they were roasted by a comedian to their face, right? They like went to some, it looked like there was like a comedian on like the beach or something. And they were roasted by a comedian to their face right they like went to some it looked like there was like a comedian on like the beach or something and they were walking i don't know if they're walking by or whatever but the comedian was like oh that's like like belarsa pippin wow she fucked up both scotty pippin and michael jordan that's some talent so he said something said something like that to her and she probably was like i don't get it like like why would people be mean to me like i'm just like in love like i don't try to even say his name like yeah like i like no i like new kardashians one time so that's like really mean like it's time for a commercial it's time for a crappin's commercial academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Harold,
Starting point is 00:20:28 a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at the list on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey and I'm Conscious Lee what do most people think about when they hear the words Black History Rosa Parks Reconstruction MLK February Black History Month exactly exactly there are so many stories of Black History that
Starting point is 00:21:43 we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some, as a fighter for black rights. She is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful. There was a post of Morgan. So everybody thought Morgan and Kyle broke up because they unfollowed or they didn't unfollow each other. But they erased each other's pictures from their Instagrams. Ben, it was a huge thing. And everyone's like, oh, my God, is Kyle OK with Morgan? Is Morgan OK with Kyle?
Starting point is 00:22:42 But then on Valentine's Day, they took a picture with Kesha, a picture with Kesha, and Kesha was holding up a cardboard sign that said, Freedom, I've been waiting for you, or something like that. So people were like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:22:56 Kyle's getting a divorce from Maurizio? But of course it was about Kesha. But if a Bravo star posts with, like, Alexander Graham Bell, people would be like, oh my God, did Kyle invent the light bulb? No. They always make it about the Bravo star. No, I think it was about Kesha finding freedom, you know, because she was like with that guy who like cultified her or did whatever to her. Dr. Luke.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Which was so weird because then she was part of that singing competition where it was like trying to bring down a wall. Like you had to break down the wall because like people were like going to get stuck behind the wall or some shit. I don't know. It was like some singing competition. I want to see that. My friend Trisha worked on it. It was really weird. I totally forgot about that. That was like after The Voice when everyone was trying to do strange like music competitions that involved props because The Voice had chairs that would swivel. So like how about a wall? when everyone was trying to do strange music competitions that involved props, because the voice had chairs that would swivel. They had chairs. How about a wall?
Starting point is 00:23:50 They're like, how about a bulldozer that just bulldozes you off the stage if you're bad? I've got a new singing competition where if the judge likes you, Adele's going to slip and slide right past you. Okay, everybody? Wait to see if you get splashed by Adele passing by. I mean, they continue to do this i mean the mass singer i mean that's literally like people dressed in crazy costumes and they have to sing songs uh people like tom sandoval rising star on abc okay well ardiana is um yawning and someone else said focus you guys simon okay so simon is uh god we should have you guys during the show seriously
Starting point is 00:24:26 like focus you idiot okay so Simon this is Portia Simon all this stuff came out this week now of course for those of you who don't know Portia has announced that she is coming back to Real Housewives of Atlanta and actually I announced it two weeks ago here on crappy hour live alive that Porsche and Nini were both returning but then I took it back because I couldn't find proof whatever I had read that day had been erased so does that mean that Nini's coming later I don't know she said today she's not me first okay today it was like not but you never know so I got half of it right at least from whoever I stole that from that day or ever I read it off of. So anyway, Portia is coming back and almost immediately they posted that her husband is
Starting point is 00:25:09 a scammer. He's been deported a bunch of times. He's got bank fraud and all this stuff. He keeps returning with fake names and all of this stuff. A, not shocked because just anyone who's that rich and you can't really explain to me why. I feel like rich people, like truly rich people love explaining why they're that rich you know i was poor my dad had nothing
Starting point is 00:25:31 and then i invented a button you know and it's like then they don't shut the fuck up about a button for five hours that's how rich people are but simon it always seemed kind of fishy every time they tried to explain it and so you know you know, it's like Pete Kandoree, just constantly waiting, just waiting to see when they're going to go to jail. So what do you think? Did you hear about any of this stuff with Simon? No, the only thing I'd seen was that Portia was coming back. I saw her video where she was like,
Starting point is 00:25:59 people are saying that Portia Williams is coming back and that's not true. But Portia, goodbye to Boobadah. She's in the house. So I was like, I saw that. was like i saw that i didn't know i didn't know i love i love that i will never get sick of that i'm like i'm i'm actually i was like looking here to see if i could find the information real quickly to download because i uh did not i mean by the way am i shocked am i shocked no am surprised? No. I mean, of course this guy is shady. Let's not overlook this entire engagement and marriage and everything.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Everything has been shady about it to me. So not surprised whatsoever. Do you think they're going to bring Phelan back? Come on, you guys. You have to bring Phelan back. They should. I feel like they actually dropped the ball on that like that like as they the fact that the producers missed that entire love triangle entirely it speaks to a failure of atlanta the past few seasons to be honest okay well let me
Starting point is 00:26:56 just say this is from a site called baller alert. And the headline is, Portia Williams' husband, Simon Gabadia, faces citizenship hurdles amid criminal history and immigration controversy. In a significant legal development, the USDC for the Northern District of Georgia Atlanta Division has dismissed the case of Simon against the U.S. Citizenship and Imm. citizenship and immigration services, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Simon, Nigerian citizen, has navigated a tumultuous journey. Credit card fraud got him deported in 1992. Tried to get temporary resident status under a false identity, thereby concealing his criminal history. Fine. This is fine. Makes sense. Well, this is called Atlanta Making an Effort. So congrats.
Starting point is 00:27:53 One hopes. One hopes. I'll tell you who's making an effort right now. Making an effort to stay relevant by shooting her shot with one of the hottest celebrities out there right now, Bethany Frankel. Bethany Frankel is like, how do I get involved in Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift? I know. I go after the mother and I go after Ziploc bags.
Starting point is 00:28:14 That's what I do. So here she is. She had a social media rant where she was upset that Mama Kelsey, Donna, Donna Kelsey, got an endorsement with Ziploc bags, and Bethany did not. I can't imagine why. I can't imagine why the mother of two currently beloved American football-playing celebrities, one of whom is attached to the biggest star on the planet at the moment, I can't imagine why she would get an endorsement. Why someone as warm and lovable and relatable as Bethany Frankel isn't. I don't understand this world and the lack of justice in it. I know.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I can't believe that no one else sees Bethany as being as famous as Travis Kelsey. I mean, Bethany does. The fact that Ronnie knows who Travis Kelsey is, a football player, that's significant, okay? And Bethany is trying to be like, but what about me? What about me? So she says, she said this in a video. She goes, I want to know why Travis Kelsey's mom
Starting point is 00:29:15 is being paid for pictures with Ziploc bags coming out of her purse, okay? Okay, because guess what? Guess what? I was documented at the Real Housewives of New York with my bathing suit stored in Ziploc bags, and there never was a bag, a Ziploc bag, for me at
Starting point is 00:29:29 all times, actually. Look, I got one right here. I got one right here. I got one right here. Here's a Ziploc bag. I got a Ziploc bag. Look, I got a Ziploc bag. It's got some lip stuff in it. That's what I do. I've got Ziploc bags. They're always traveling with me. Always. They're never not there. Never not there. Where is it? Not there. You know what? I call, you know what I call my Ziploc bags? Little Jill Zarens Always. They're never not there. Never not there. Where is it? Not there.
Starting point is 00:29:45 You know what? I call my Ziploc bags little Jill Zarens because they're just always there. Everywhere I look, there's Jill Zaren. There's a Jill Zaren. But in this case, I carry my toiletries, my socks, my air. Sometimes I just put air in a Ziploc. I'm like, this way I have air. This way I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:29:59 If I go to France, I don't like the way the air smells in France. I'll be like, this air sucks in France. I'm going to have some American air. And I just breathe it from my Ziploc. I bring cheetah air wherever I go, you know, in case I don't like the way the air smells in France. I'll be like, this air sucks in France. I'm going to have some American air. And I just breathe it from my Ziploc. I bring cheetah air wherever I go. In case I don't like the local air. I've got cheetah air. It's better. It's from America. So that's why.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, Bethany. You know, and the thing is, Bethany's kidding. But is she? That's what you never really know with Bethany. She's like, look, look, it's a joke. It's a joke. But she's really like sending warning shots to Ziploc. I mean, you just never know with Bethany.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I mean, the truth is there is still an article that has been written about it, which means that chances are she probably had her publicist reach out to, in this case, I'm reading it off of Parade. It went to enough places. It was like, yeah, let everyone know. Let everyone know. I don't have a Ziploc deal. I don't have a Ziploc deal.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I want a Ziploc deal. So she's joking, but she's not joking she's not joking yeah um well maybe she'll make a podcast about it because I noticed what they're doing is they're giving all of these Bravo labs pro like podcast platforms now because Bethany has like her whole network because of course they probably gave her 90 million dollars to do these podcasts on iheart or wherever she does i think she's iheart right um but um she probably got a huge deal and she you know has her like umbrella now like she gave rachel a podcast where rachel literally comes on there every week to talk about the one season that she was on like an important i know she was on more seasons but the one season that she did anything of note on Vanderpump Rules.
Starting point is 00:31:28 How many episodes is that going to be, Rachel? Really? Yeah, see, this is what I don't understand. Okay. And so, admittedly, I don't listen to Rachel's podcast. I'm so sorry to everyone. I'm so sorry. I read Vanderpump Recaps.
Starting point is 00:31:37 What? Why listen when you can read it on Vanderpump Recaps on Instagram? Ding! Go ahead, Ben. Sorry. But from what I gather from things like Vanderpump recaps and Vanderpod recaps and from what you say and what everyone says, my understanding is that Rachel is spending a lot of time talking about how Tom is a narcissist and all the toxic and harmful things she went through during this relationship. And it's every week she's releasing another episode that's about this. So my question is this, to Bethany Frankel, who is headlining the reality reckoning,
Starting point is 00:32:30 where people, where she is trying to takeive the trauma of this situation week after week after week is also not exploitation that's what i would like to know because to me it just seems like the same thing okay this is healing this is healing though it's healing though it's healing it's healing it It's healing. It's healing like a Ziploc. Like a Ziploc endorsement will be healing to my soul. And I'm struggling whether or not to say it. I'm going to say it. I mean, who am I kidding? I'm going to say it. But I don't want to say this because I feel like this season of Vanderpump Rules is going
Starting point is 00:32:57 to turn into the Tom is the real victim here season. And I see it happening. I see it happening online. I don't even want to be part of that. I will say, I think it's hypocritical for Rachel to sit here and say that Tom is a narcissist because he makes everything about himself and he's the innocent victim.
Starting point is 00:33:13 When she comes on and makes everything about herself and talks about how she's the innocent victim of literally everything. She does what Tom does, which is I'm taking responsibility, but then she turns around while she's taking responsibility and blames Tom for like manipulating her
Starting point is 00:33:27 into doing all of this stuff. And she didn't know she was with a narcissistic person, which she's right, she was with a narcissistic person. And that was right after James. So I could see how you'd have a little bit of like residue there on your psyche, okay? I'm not denying that. But it comes across as completely
Starting point is 00:33:46 making herself innocent just like tom is doing it's like a a nicer more palatable version of tom and as far as i'm concerned after seeing reading a lot about that podcast i think they're made for each other really yeah they're too like she's she's better than tom but not much okay i'm not yeah i mean my feeling is this okay and by the? I'm not buying that. My feeling is this. And by the way, I'm not on any high horse about Raquel's future or whatever. I'm just on a high horse about Bethany's hypocrisy. And I say this as a hypocrite. But my high horse is this.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I think we all agree that for Rachel, the best thing for her is for her to just sort of leave the entire situation. Go back to the dream of helping special needs kids. Go back to just sort of like leave the entire situation like go back to the the dream of helping special needs kids go back to the dream of really anything but get away from like get away from hollywood get away from bravo get away from reality tv get away from the reality tv cottage industry you like you've been you you've you've went through the meat grinder and everything and if the issue is oh my god i was in this terrible narcissistic relationship and I was taking advantage of it by whatever, get away, start a life fresh, start doing yoga, all those things, get away from it.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And I feel like the fact that Bethany is like, okay, I'm going to produce a podcast where you can talk about every week is literally just dragging her right back into the muck. It's opening her up to all of us. This crappy hour right here, the two of us, everyone here in the comments, it's opening up Rachel for all the same negativity to come her way. And I actually don't think that's healthy for her. And I think that Bethany may be saying,
Starting point is 00:35:18 oh, this is under the guise of healing, but it's under the guise of making Bethany money. And so for as much as she talks about the reality reckoning, how about we talk about the Rachel reckoning? How about that? What's the Rachel reckoning? What's the Rachel reckoning? Rachel reckoning.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Okay. Another couple that's really trying it this week has been Jackson Brittany. Oh, yeah. Trying to spread rumors that they're broken up with Brittany supposedly FaceTiming from a different house and Jax posing with his wedding ring up in the air while he's posing kind of romantically with his publicist
Starting point is 00:35:50 and trying to make that happen. Nobody believes it. First of all, does anybody believe that Jax would cheat on Britney? Of course, every morning. At least a blowjob at the gym every single day. And if anyone was getting a dumpster outside of Republic, it was probably Jax. We all know that it's Jax every day with whoever, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:08 The Uber driver. He does not care. He'll stick it in wherever there's a wormhole. We know it. Do we care? No, because guess what? You read the package before you ate the meal. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:18 I saw you in the store reading the ingredients list, and you still bought that frozen dinner. You are stuck with your own groceries, ma'am. I'm not going to feel bad for you when Jax fucks you over. I don't even care. I can't even believe I'm watching your stupid show. The sign said McDonald's, and now you want filet mignon.
Starting point is 00:36:36 You knew what you were walking into. Yeah, exactly. The entire time. I'm not buying it. I feel like this is just Jax trying to drum up interest in his future failing show he already the thing today is that he's saying that like the reunion is going to be so good it's gonna they're gonna need security i'm like wait who says anything that there even is a reunion for your show about the valley i don't think that's happening anytime soon wait who said their reunion so good?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Jax. Jax, because I just looked right now because I wanted to find more information. And Jax, he says, this is his quote. I'm pulling it up right now. Okay. Well, he says, okay, this was three days ago. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:19 He says, the Valley reunion will need security because there's more drama than Vanderpump Rules. And then look at, by the way, look at this. Look at this. I'm sorry. He's not even trying to be subtle. What is it? What does it say?
Starting point is 00:37:31 No, I'm just saying, look at that picture, Jax. Wait, let me flip it. I'm talking now like Bethany. I'm like, look at this. I can't even deal with this. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that guy.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Who is that? What's happening? What's happening? What's going on? See what I'm saying about too much Trenton Owen? That's Jax. I'll bet he hurts his nose when he pulls on a t-shirt i'm telling you i can spot it very thin skin very very good he's turning him it's just not right by the way he also got invited to the mission impossible dead reckoning premiere what is happening in this world why do these people say okay so you know what i'm starting to get, I'm understanding Heather Gay's rage. I'm like, why do these people get a platform?
Starting point is 00:38:05 Why? But that's always been the question. That's always been the question, right? With these people. So, there's a rumor that Schwartz and Sandy's is closing. There's a couple weird things going on. So, one was they were closed one day someone tiktok user somebody went by there and the the place was closed and they said they were closed for a special event
Starting point is 00:38:33 but then it turns out they were closed because there was a protest of the scientology celebrity center which is as you know is right across the street um let's talk about tom tom cruise mission impossible i'm sorry i'll let me finish you see that's what brought me into it you said mission impossible i was like oh my god scientology poor leah remini the real victim in skandaval leah remini so or remini is it remini or remini remini so anyway uh the guy who owns that place with them is apparently a big scientologist so he closed because people were, I guess, protesting. Greg is his name.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Thank you, somebody in there, Jana. So apparently Greg's a big Scientologist or whatever. Wow. To which I asked him, why did you need all that money to open it? Aren't you guys unlimited? Don't you take all your money from the non-paid workers that you steal everything from, allegedly? Leave me alone, Scientology.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Seriously, just leave me alone scientology seriously just leave me alone okay aren't you a little surprised that jacks is not a scientologist yet he's probably tried and they probably kicked him down the street to that other weird church i know the first person to be rejected from scientology yeah it's probably mosaic. They're like in the wrong address. Oh my goodness. That's wild. I mean, I don't know. I still don't know how Schwartz and Sandy's is going to stay in business.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I mean, I feel like at a certain point, like, okay, the curiosity about going there, rubbernecking is going to ease off. And then I just don't see it as a bar for that neighborhood that's going to thrive. I really don't see it as a bar for that neighborhood that's gonna thrive i really don't yeah i think what made the other ones work is that they're all close enough to each other to bar hop to you know what i mean like lisa vanderpump owned that whole block really she has sir pump and tom tom where she can just collect your money as you go to each three of the things to try and see celebrities but when the celebrities have to go to the east side well it's not the east east side but comparatively you know you still have to get in the cab and uh go over there yeah i don't know yeah that realm that realm there that's by um stand upright uh citizens brigades that's like a that area there's sort of like
Starting point is 00:40:40 hipster but comedy hipster area and that's just not Schwartz and Sandy's Schwartz and Sandy's needs to just sort of like leech off of sir and so they're just too far away yeah people are reminding us that Stassi and Jax went to uh Scientology when they first got to LA which is hilarious I forgot that but Jax probably went in and they were like I'm sorry sir we're here to clear your brain and your brain is more clear than anybody else's. So we're actually going to have to ask you. Your brain is too clear to be. By the way, the comments on my Instagram live are not updating. So I'm just stuck.
Starting point is 00:41:17 The latest comment has been up there for like 15 minutes saying, talk about Jackson-Brittany separation rumors. So I apologize if i'm ignoring commenters i just i can't see you uh people are asking to talk about um james abuse rumors okay here's the thing there i have read these rumors james abuse rumors from vanderpump rules i'm not really comfortable talking about it yet because i don't know that much about it and that's pretty big and from what I've read it's been veiled allegations from Kristen which she's gonna unveil I guess when it's convenient for you know a show or something like I'm assuming that she's alluding to some kind
Starting point is 00:41:58 of show kind of thing and I don't I don't know I don't doubt. I don't doubt it. I mean, James has shown himself to be kind of violent and a drunk, um, and spit on Kristen's door and did all of that stuff. So, yeah. And then there was the whole Raquel, like my note, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:13 my nose rebroke because James kind of bumped into me or whatever, that whole thing. I mean, there's been a lot of fishy stuff. I don't really have an opinion on it until we hear more from it. What do you think? Cause that's, well,
Starting point is 00:42:23 no, that's, that's a heavy thing. And like, i will joke about siploc bags i will joke about bethany frankel and her react yeah we can't joke about someone get abused you know abuse is like a when you don't have all the information like the last thing that i want you know what i don't want to be part of is when there is like some documentary that comes out and they're like, everyone was laughing at me. And they pull up clips of us being like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:42:48 what's going on with that abuse? And we're like, we're like, you know, those, those documentaries where they always show content creators just being mean to people. And then we're the bullies.
Starting point is 00:42:58 So thankfully they never show us. But also, but also, yeah, yeah. I don't, we're not going to talk about that i i have a question can we talk very briefly about some traders stuff because traders is you know the
Starting point is 00:43:12 best show yes but can i say one thing real quick absolutely before we do that people are asking about southern hospitality we did watch it we are going to recap that for this week's bonus on patreon not to plug but just so you know we are going to be talking about that we'll probably release it tomorrow at some point we're going to talk about the plan is to record it tomorrow um okay so uh i mean there's not a huge amount of news about the traders but i know like we're all watching it we're all loving it and um i did uh i did there was an interview with uh dr will in entertainment weekly where he basically he doesn't really say much which is annoying but they're kind of like so what's the deal like why like why do you uh why are the big brother people so bad at it and he's basically like he basically says what you say ronnie he's
Starting point is 00:43:57 like honestly i think they went on there to show that they still got it but they just never had it in the first place you know they just were lucky they all were lucky on their seasons but he's basically like they're all just shitty game players so i thought you would like that that you felt backed up by that i do because i like to i love dr will you know i like being backed up by someone like that love you i respect your pastiness i wish i could avoid the sun like you. I wish I had piles of money to hide under like you do. Get my eyes done. I guess I didn't really have much more to say about it. Oh, the producers are also denying that they intervened
Starting point is 00:44:32 to make sure that Peter was saved last week. They're saying that the fire thing was something that was pre-planned and they would not have intervened because the show doesn't need any intervening. Well, no, I don't. And they would not have intervened because the show doesn't need any intervening. Well, no, I don't. But, you know, it's funny that human nature will usually take care of stuff anyway.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Because it's led to a better show, I think, having that. Because they may have saved Peter for one week. But then watching Peter just be such an idiot. I think if they got Peter out last week, Peter would have left kind of a hero in a way, like, oh my God, Peter's such a good person, and he never betrayed the faithfuls. He stayed the whole time, and then he's so smart. And instead, he's there. And so we got to marinate in his stupidity, and now people are saying what a dumbass he is. And he was never smart in the first place, and you all were giving him too much credit from the very beginning. So I'm actually happy that he stayed, now that we're seeing how it's playing out.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I have to say one thing that's really funny about the traitors is that we are now at a state where we are actively rooting against the faithfuls that are playing the game properly. Well, he's not. He's really fucking it up. But every time the faithfuls start to do well, we get so mad at them. Like, fuck them. Hate them. They should die. why are they doing this i hate the faithfuls i want them dead the traders for life of course but it's like in the
Starting point is 00:45:52 beginning of the season you're like you're almost there but i think it's because in the beginning of the season dan was a traitor and i didn't like dan as a traitor and i want them to find dan but now that fate was in danger i want all the faithfuls to mess up. It just keeps, the pendulum swings back and forth. No, I don't want them to find any of the traitors. I love the traitors. Even when it was Dan, I didn't want them to find the traitors. But I mean, I was raised religious,
Starting point is 00:46:15 you know what I mean? So I feel like I'm the traitor. I feel like they were always trying to fucking banish my ass. And so now, of course, I'm just projecting. I'm like, I hope that they get our neighbors down the street who first said I was gay to all the moms on the street. God, everybody hate me. Like, I'm making it all about my childhood. It's not about you, Ronnie, you know?
Starting point is 00:46:36 Well, maybe I'll amend it. How about I amend it to this, which is that for some reason on this show, they seem to get rid of the people that I want to stick around really early. So I would have liked Larsa to have been around longer, and Tamara, well, Tamara got murdered. But why couldn't they have had a witch hunt against Peter and Kevin earlier on? They're so generic and boring. And yet we're stuck with them week after week.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Whereas interesting people like Janelle, Larsa, Peppermint, they're gone. That's not cool. I hate the faithfuls. Yeah, faithfuls suck. Okay, everybody, let's wrap up this part and start doing some calls because, you know, this is to talk to you guys at the end of the day. Okay, so we're going to get off over here on the audio version and on the YouTube version, we're going to sign off. But everybody on Instagram Live, stick around to chat. Everybody, thank you so much for being here we're here every other Monday live on Instagram
Starting point is 00:47:28 live at watch what crap ends I'm at Ronnie Karam Ben is it Ben Mandelker on Instagram follow everybody guys it's going to be great love you guys we'll talk to you next time bye watch what crap ends would like to thank its premium sponsors ain't no thing like Alison King Ashley
Starting point is 00:47:44 Savoni she don't take no baloney. Stroll in the park with Caitlin Clark. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniela. Itchels. Erin McNicholas. She don't miss no trickless. She's never scary.
Starting point is 00:47:55 It's the green fairy. Jamie. She has no last namey. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tric. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. She's always supplying.
Starting point is 00:48:09 It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 cc's of
Starting point is 00:48:25 Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily Sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch.
Starting point is 00:48:41 She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdodo Karen McMurdo we love him madly it's Kyle Pod Chadley let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender we want to hang with Liz Lang the incredible edible Matthew sisters give him hell Miss Noel she's the queen bee it's Sarah Lemke Shannon out of a cannon Anthony let's take off with Tamla Plain she's quite the catch it's sarah lemke shannon out of a cannon anthony let's take off with tamla plane she's quite the catch it's victoria kachet she ain't no shrinking violet kutar we love you guys hey prime members you can listen to watch or crappens ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad-free with
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