Watch What Crappens - #2336 Traitors: Shots Fired

Episode Date: February 26, 2024

Dan’s stink continues to haunt Phaedra with another nail-biting episode of The Traitors (S02E09). Has our girl reached the end of the line?  Or will she squeak by another week?  I...t’s not looking good!  And grab tickets for the Netflix is a Joke Fest in LA and our European tour at Watch this recap as a video and get our bonus episodes on Patreon.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously, but hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch for Crappings, the podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker, broadcasting live from a Scottish castle and joining me also from a separate but also equally creepy Scottish castle.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Mr. Ronnie Karam. Hi Ronnie, how are you? How's your castle? Well, hello Ben. Hi. Is that the sound of Trichelle with a sore throat? I accuse you. No, that's the sound of me on a Monday.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Okay, we're doing great. Everything is great. I'm still waiting for this testosterone to kick in. I got testosterone pellets in my butt. Two weeks ago, I'm waiting to become manlier. They said, oh my God, it's gonna change your life. And then I told Jeff Lewis, I got testosterone in my butt. And he's like, oh my God, it's gonna change your life. Everyone keeps saying it's gonna change my life.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Where's my fucking life changed? It's not changed. My life has not changed, okay? Am I hairy or yes, because I don't even have the energy to shave. So my life has not changed. So there is more testosterone in my butt. What needs to happen? Matt, Matt Marr told me I should be getting boners every five minutes. I'm not getting boners every five minutes. What the hell? You just said you were getting too lazy to shave your hair. You, my friend, are becoming a
Starting point is 00:02:02 straight man. You have your testosterone in you. Congratulations. I've always been that way though. I've always been one of the lazier gays. Me too. We're two lazy gays. I feel like that's why I always love the show, Happy Endings, because Max, the character of Max,
Starting point is 00:02:19 the gay on that show, I was like, finally, finally as a lazy gay, I am represented on this show. You know, we're not all, we don't all have it together. Okay, we're not all Carson Cressley's, you know? Yeah. I don't know if that's the best example, but I know what you mean. You know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Like, you know sometimes. Yeah, Sarah Silverman had a show a long time ago and she was neighbors with like two sloppy gays. They were just dirty, unshaven, gross gays who liked playing video games and stuff. Yeah, that's us. That's nice being kind of a gay. Yeah. I'm in my hoodie sweatshirt, I'm unkempt.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Today we are talking about traitors. Before we get into that, there's still a week left to watch the replay of the Crappies, which was so fun. Go check that out, we had a great time doing that. We also have some shows coming up in May.
Starting point is 00:03:17 At the top of May, we're part of Netflix as a joke. So go check out our website for links to that. That's gonna be at the Cucabarra Lounge in Hollywood, which will be opening very soon. It's beautiful, we got a sneak peek. And then later in May, we are going across the Atlantic and we have shows in London, Dublin and Birmingham. And they're gonna be amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:37 We've already declared that they're gonna be amazing. So if you want to make a vacation out of it or if you are someone who lives in those areas, come join us. The ticket links again are at We are deeply excited for this. And it's going to be wonderful. And, you know, what a time to be alive. As opposed to, for sure.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yes, mad dad. Mad dad. So this week, you know, this show is unfair. It's not. So rude. You can't end on a cliffhanger. They already give us very little information at the end of these shows, you know? It's like they kick someone off, but then you have to wait until the next morning,
Starting point is 00:04:14 which is the next week to find out who gets banished instead of just giving you the double whammy at the end of the show. And this week we didn't even find out who gets banished. Like what the hell, bro? I think that was like, I think, okay, my prediction is that our sweet Phaedra is a goner and they just wanna tease out the prospect of Phaedra
Starting point is 00:04:36 being on the show for one more week since everyone on the internet is obsessed with Phaedra right now. That's my thinking. Well, I hope not. I hope not. I hope not. It's not looking good, but I have to tell you, I love putting baby in a corner. Oh my God, Phaedra just gets so nasty when she's put in the corner and I love it.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yes, rip them any one, grrr. I know, and Trishelle's drive me absolutely nuts. I hate that she's right too. Like it's such a weird place to be in that Trishelle's drive me absolutely nuts. I hate that she's right too. Like it's such a weird place to be in that Trishelle is right, but she drives me nuts. And I don't know about you, Ronnie, but when the episode ended, I spent like the next 12 hours concocting arguments
Starting point is 00:05:15 that Phaedra could have used to save herself. Like I became like her lawyer all of a sudden and I would like wake up in the middle of the night. It's like she should have also pointed out this. Why did she not mention that? She could have done this. I could have destroyed their logic by saying that. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And I, this is how I've always felt watching this show. And maybe I'm just too dumb. You know, maybe it's one of those things where I think I'm so smart, but it's actually just me being more stupid than others. But I don't think there is any logic to it. That's like, people are randomly picked to be the murderers and then you have to guess who it is,
Starting point is 00:05:47 but it's not like they have any real motive, you know what I mean? Or it's not like they actually were at a place, you know? What do you need? Motive opportunity and whatever. They don't have to have opportunity. They don't have to have motive. They don't have to have any of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And as it goes on, they start getting motive or whatever. You can start picking little things here and there But for the most part it's just to me is just an exercise and group think and watching people Immediately turn because they don't want to not be part of the group So if one person says very emphatically Ben, it's you you're a fucking traitor and people don't think it's you then they're afraid of Looking left out because they don't think it's you and then so're afraid of looking left out because they don't think it's you. And then so they just all jump on. It's like the witch burnings, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:28 the big witch burnings in Salem. Remember those times? I mean, what a time to be a dead, okay? It's only talk about a time to not be alive. You know, how many people would have called me a witch? They call me a witch all the time now. They got to burn me back then. It's just a very, very scary time of group think.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Thanks, traders. Yeah, I know, I agree. It is just a very very scary time of group think thanks traders Yeah, I know I agree it is about group think which is what is so fun about it But I guess it's more like it's more like I would I come up with in my mind arguments to poke holes in people's logic so when Trichelle is You know Trichelle has pushed the whole house against Phaedra But the truth is all Trichelle is going off of, even though she happens to be right, but all she is really going off of is a theory
Starting point is 00:07:12 that Dan must have sacrificed another traitor in order to save himself, which is a smart theory. I'm not gonna take that away from her, it's a smart theory, but at the end of the day, it is just a theory, and everything is based's a smart theory, but at the end of the day, it is just a theory, and everything is based off of this theory, and ultimately, what I want Phaedra to do is say, look, you know what, like, I have this,
Starting point is 00:07:33 like, Dan piled on me, and like, all you have is just this suspicion about Dan. Dan threw me under the bus, put his stink on me, and that's all you have, is a stink from Dan, and now you've built a whole case around what Dan said and it's ridiculous and you're gonna railroad me out of this house just the way you railroaded Peppermint, just the way you railroaded Maxon and Larissa. Innocent people get railroaded because they get one piece of stink on them and then everyone just assumes that that's
Starting point is 00:07:59 correct. Now of course it is correct in this case but I would have played that one. And it's also more than one piece of stink because it was also poverty who threw her into the bus. So now Trishala is saying both of the people, both of the traders we've caught have said your name, which is them trying to look good by offering you up. So I think that's what ultimately gets her. And it is that she was betrayed by the other traders. And I, power of Phadra, I would say, well, they're both, I mean, it was,
Starting point is 00:08:23 they're traders, they were working together. They're putting a concerted concerted effort on me and then Peter says things like oh well But like I didn't why would I go after Berge if I know you had the shield and I would say well because you were recruited by Parity that's why I started working together with her like there are all these things that I wanted Phaedra to say and I feel like she She was great, but she's kind of run out of steam a little bit Like she wasn't able to counter all the attacks as well this week. Well, Phadra's never really been good at logical arguments. She's good at tearing people down, like just making them feel like shit. I mean, this is like classic housewives, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:58 It's not about like who's the best lawyer. It's about who makes you cry the most in court. Like the whole Kenya. Well, what I do know about you is that you will be getting spermed from a pizza delivery man because you cannot find a man with a real working penis to impregnate you and have a baby and you're a terrible,
Starting point is 00:09:16 I mean, just like a completely ripped the woman down, you know what I mean? That's the quarterfade dress. So she had that going for her. But I think sometimes, especially when you're not in a housewives, um, low, low-cal set, you're not on a housewives set. The people can actually use that kind of argument against you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:37 Like everybody doesn't want to be read like she read Peter. I mean, Peter was like, wow. And it was great for any housewife fan. But shit, if I was in that house, I'd be like, shit, kick her off just so she doesn't read me for filth. My God. By the way, I'm mad at NBC and Peacock because they included that amazing line.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Like, I don't have to kiss your ass for a rose. They included that line in the trailer for the season. And I feel like they should not have done that because that was such an amazing line. And I wish it had, had for me had been more of a surprise in that moment. Well, I just let them know. What can I tell you? I know to be networked. Okay, you know, I'll have the fucking preview people call you and apologize for putting
Starting point is 00:10:19 the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park previews. Okay, I would like an apology. I would like an apology. I would like an apology. I would like an apology. All right, let's get into it. Previously on the treatise. So basically the big thing was that Phaedra was given the opportunity to recruit someone and if they turn her down, they are going to be mad bad.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So she chose Kate. So now we see Kate going to the dungeon in a very Kate way, where she's like, where am I going? This is like sort of boring and stupid. But at least I'm away from the other people. So I'll take it. This place is disgusting. I've seen more personality in the chilies, not saying something. She's like, just disgusted what she should be. But then Phaedra takes off her hood and Kate's like, wow, you sly fox. Phaedra's like, hello Kate, tonight I have an alternative for you. Join me as a trader or else I will have to murder you. You're smart, you're clever, I think you'll make a crazy cool killer with me. So what is your answer? And Kate's, you know, Kate's looking at her like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:23 you had me at hello. You didn't even have to do that whole paragraph. As a human being, I accept. I accept. So I'm just a girl, a girl in a dungeon. So, standing up for another girl, forcing her to be a traitor. So, Phaedra, who is just like, rallying, this is like, awesome. I don't want to have to leave you to die. We will be a murdering duo. Okay, calm down.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay, let's not. Okay, it's still a game show. You can relax. So, okay, it's like, I mean, she's really not giving me a choice here, but I do love a dramatic cloak and I do love a VIP club and I do love knowing secrets so I guess I'm a traitor now. That'd be fun. So Fager's like come with me we're gonna murder someone.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Okay, alright calm down there tiger. So they go to the toot it and she's huh? So you spent a lot of time up here? Okay, I get it You're terrifying. They just like yes. This is my home away from home my penthouse. Oh, I love it It's I mean, I don't love it as a penthouse. It's kind of dingy. It's actually kind of terrible But like it's cute for you and she's like thanks So it was just you Dan and Parvati the whole time so you're stuck with those sometimes who was recruited just Parvati just no so it
Starting point is 00:12:49 started with you and Dan god I really miss a lot yeah she's like melba toast with no butter no jam no nothing which is why I had to murder okay all right she's like okay so what are we gonna do? I got the vibe that he was dry as hell. So now what do we do? He's dead. Let's just kill dry people. Can't wait.
Starting point is 00:13:14 No, just kill dumb people. Can we kill more than one peop- What if we just both start killing? What if we just kill everybody? I have a question. Can we just kill Rachel Riley? I know she's not on the season, but maybe we could just like leave a little envelope on her kitchen counter saying you've been murdered that'd be fun
Starting point is 00:13:28 You know I've wanted to be dead for a long time. Okay. It's a toss-up between George W. Bush and Captain Sandy. I really hate both of them Both for different reasons, but it would be great to kill both of them Do you think we could maybe send a letter to Rocky from season three of Below Deck? Cause she really could be murdered too. And Phaedra's like, what is our strategy? And she's like, what? I'm new here.
Starting point is 00:13:52 You need, I have a strategy, but the hell? Jesus Christ, does no one know what they're doing? No, no one knows what they're doing. There's one trader left. Okay. Yeah, they don't have any plan. I mean, that has been the traders downfall this entire season. their strategy has been
Starting point is 00:14:06 There is no strategy and Pedro really has not offered any strategy every time there's a meeting She's like so what do you guys want to do? So She knows what's a bad idea, but she doesn't know what what's a good idea and listen I believe in that kind of negativity because that's how I live my life, you know Like when people on this show are like, oh my god, Ronnie called this four seasons ago. It's because I believe in nobody. So like, I look very poorly on humanity. So when you call everybody an asshole, you're bound to be correct 80% of the time. So I think, well, I go with that, you know, like how many good ideas are there in the world? Not that many. So if you just say everything's a bad idea, you're bound to be right most of the time. Because that's just how that's just how it works, being alive.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Negativity, guys. Get on it. Yeah. A pessimistic clock is right two times a day, at least. So Phaedra's like, so she's like, well, what do you think? And so, okay, it's like, um, well, maybe Kevin, he's like a little annoying. Sometimes if you ever even seen him eat, it's like literally the most disgusting thing and I've been a chief suit for many years. And this is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. And Vajra is like, hmm, I mean, but it could look a little bit suspicious since he did vote for me tonight and had his brilliant eye twitching argument.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And I was like, yeah, I want to murder him for that. That was really rude, but we're not allowed to twitch now. I mean, what the hell? She's like, well, but he's a follower and he's following a dictator whose name is Peter. He's what I call a Peter Pal. And she's like, oh yeah, I know. That guy really puts the dick in dictator. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Some LOL. That guy really puts the dick in dictator. Hold on. Eh. Some LOL. They are having a very fun time in the turret. Like they are, I mean, the fact that Phaedra already called Parvati and Dan dry as Melbitos without any butter and now they're talking about Peter being a dick and Kevin his stupid argument banished him just for that. Like I could just be happy with Phaedra and Kate just talking shit about the cast and their turret.
Starting point is 00:16:06 They don't even have to murder anyone. Yeah. So Vajra's like, okay, of course it would be great to get rid of Berge, I mean to Peter, but we don't want another Berge on our hands. He might have the shield. So now what? And so Kate suggests Trishelle.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And she's like, I just want to kill her because of bullet points. Like seriously? Like who shows up with bullet points? I hate people like that. That girl probably has like a premium subscription to sheets. Yeah. And there are premium subscription to sheets.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I'm sure. I felt bad about to make a sheets joke because you love sheets and I'm not personally coming for you. Oh, you're talking about Google Sheets. I thought you meant like linens. There is a, well, there would be a subscription to Excel for sure. Oh, there you go. I know that. I had to cheapen it up. I had to cheapen up my own example. You accidentally looked into it. What are you talking about? No, I accidently, not accidentally. When you were Christmas shopping for yourself,
Starting point is 00:17:04 when you were putting your Christmas list together for Santa, you're like, Santa, all I want is a premium Excel membership. Please. No, it's this whole thing where like for the crappies, I had to make a, like basically a PowerPoint, but PowerPoint wasn't working. And the function that I wanted to use, it said it's not available on this type of PowerPoint.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You've got PowerPoint 2016, it's not available for this PowerPoint. So it's like, you know what, fine, I will do this because I need to make sure that this presentation for the crappies looks absolutely perfect. So I upgraded to the newest PowerPoint, which meant I had to get the whole Microsoft suite, which meant there was a subscription.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And now I have an Excel subscription. And guess what? The function still didn't even exist in the new PowerPoint. So I got duped. I got duped into thinking that if I upgraded and spent money on a new PowerPoint, that I would have this feature and I didn't. And at the end of the day, I wound up using Keynote. So it was all for nothing. And now I have an Excel subscription.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So we'll murder PowerPoint. I'd love to murder PowerPoint right now. I nominate PowerPoint. PowerPoint and people who use bullet points, okay? And she's like, oh my God, that little notebook with your funny little hat. She's like, yes, now they're coming for the braids. The paperclip, the Microsoft paperclip is truly the traitor, by the way.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah, they're stupid. I was so happy when Pedro said with your funny little hats. I cracked up, but it actually turns out that a lot of people are wearing berets on this show. I feel like I've really, I've really singled up to the show. Well, Kate started it. You know, Kate started that whole beret look, you know, showing up in like just the snotty beret.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And Tamara copied it and Trishelle copied it. It's like the Traders look. Kate really is a trendsetter, guys. So I mean, look at all those people who started cleaning their house after they watched Below Deck. It was crazy. But I really feel like Trichelle is most proud of her berets. Like, I think it all stems back to that first episode
Starting point is 00:18:57 where she's like, I hope I don't get murdered tonight because I have a lot of looks I want to debut. So I think it's that she really felt like she was going to like be breaking the internet with her fashions and it's just Barre's. That's what drives me nuts. So now we go to the next killer and they've decided in case like they deserve it. And Phaedra's like wow you're a natural born killer. I love it. Bang bang bang murder let's do this it's the best thing I've done in this castle look at this
Starting point is 00:19:29 mom my face okay you're not smiling that is my smile oh huh so um signed sealed delivered your dad I think you're doing great we're gonna be a killing duo because I'm definitely gonna make it past the next round table Yeah, so kids like oh my god. I've only been a traitor five minutes, but already Everybody's dead inside my head. I'm going on break So she's like I'm gonna be good at this. I'm gonna bring the castle to the ground
Starting point is 00:20:00 So Alan's like who now that we have a diabolical duo on to the ground. So Alan's like, oh, now that we have a diabolical duo, they have committed their six murder. This morning, survival players have to deal with Threshel's Baray, because surely she's not gone. Let's see. So now it's breakfast, okay, then Sandra arrived first, and Kate's like, oh, and here I go. Only the Baray-less die young. Sorry, Ben, go ahead. That took me a minute. Barae Heart. Starring Mel Gibson. Famous movie about the Scottish people.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And just like Braveheart, no matter how many times you try to cancel that fucker, they keep showing up. Everybody loves Barae-ment. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a commercial it's time for a crappin's commercial from Wondery this is black history for real I'm Francesco Ramsey and I'm consciously what do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Mom. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:11 There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're gonna hear a little less in August, fourty ninety two Columbus sail the ocean blue and a little bit more. She is a heroine to some as a fighter for black rights.
Starting point is 00:21:33 She is a villain to others. Follow black history for real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th or you can listen early and ad free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus, starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. -♪ Black is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:21:51 -"Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries, Myhalla Harald, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her new found eat or be eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student
Starting point is 00:22:09 to make the list. Bishop Gray is all coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at the list on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success.
Starting point is 00:22:26 If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app
Starting point is 00:22:41 or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad free right now by joining Wondery Plus. So they get this. Okay. And Sandra arrived first and Kate is now, uh, Kate was like very excited to be a trader, but now the reality is singing in that she actually has to, um, she has to like, uh, play the role of a trader. She has to, now she is no longer a faithful,
Starting point is 00:23:08 now she has to play the role of faithful and it's not as easy as it seems. There's a lot of self monitoring. So she's like, huh, well, I've just woken up as a trader and I'm just like not prepared for this. I'm like, not a good liar. Like definitely don't like lying to my friends. Like the only way I'm like, I'm gonna get through this
Starting point is 00:23:22 is just to remain in my truth is that I'm still a faithful. Peter's a trader, still to my friends, like the only way I'm like, I'm gonna get through this is just to remain in my truth, is that I'm still a faithful, Peter's a traitor, still to the faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, he lied, he lied, he's stupid, he's a dick, he's the worst. Ah, ah, it's gonna work out for me, it's gonna work out for me. It's harder because she's just not fake, you know? And she has the part of wanting to kill everybody down, but you have to have more than desire.
Starting point is 00:23:45 You have to have like that talent for just being horrible and being able to lie to people's face without any kind of concern. And she just can't, you know? And I think that's why no one's even suspected her. Cause you would think the new person coming in, it's a new person, it's also Kate who's got like a villainous slant to her anyway.
Starting point is 00:24:01 So you would think that they'd automatically guess her, but no one has brought up Kate's name because she's just so honest. She's like, you know, if I had the power to kill, somebody had killed you because of how you eat, you're disgusting, I hope you die anyway. I hope you die for real. Okay, so what are we gonna do today?
Starting point is 00:24:17 Is it gonna rain? I hope it rains and drowns Kevin. That was just her at the gate agent to get on the plane to Scotland. So, Sam, so, uh, you know what's weird is that we caught the trader, but no one was happy and celebrating. Yeah. You said that. Oh my God. Did I just reveal myself? Oh my God. So, uh, Sandra's Sandra suspicious of Peter. She's like, you know, Peter's cutting deals with traders. Like this is weird, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:40 suspicious of Peter. She's like, you know, Peter's cutting deals with traders. Like this is weird, you know? Yes. And so then CT comes and hugs them. And Sanders like, we're talking about Peter. He's a liar. And he's like, yeah, okay. You called it when you called him out, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:00 You said like, wait, no one, one minute it's 100% poverty. The next many is protecting poverty. I mean, what the fuck's up with that? He's always like, he's that kind of guy who's always sucking in air toothpick. Yeah. You know, a guy is like, they're like, does he have a toothpick? I feel like in my memory, he's always got a toothpick between his back teeth.
Starting point is 00:25:21 That he's just like letting spit build up on and then going. I think it's waiting for a toothpick. I don't know if they have a toothpick accessible to him but I think he's hoping to have one but I agree he is like toothpick ready. I also don't understand that as a trait in people. Like I don't understand the I put a toothpick in my back teeth and now it's just there. I don't understand why people do that and why it's considered cool. I don't know if it's considered cool. I guess maybe because it's just so sharp. You're like, look at me, I've got danger in my mouth. It's like I'm not smoking, but I'm,
Starting point is 00:25:55 there's something in my mouth that looks like a cigarette, but it's not at all. That's cool. Yeah, I don't know. So then Peter arrives and MJ's with him. And he's like, good morning guys. I was not expecting to be here. Oh gosh, this is really getting to me.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Thank God, I'm really not a traitor because I'm so excited that I'm still here, right guys? And then MJ just goes up to Kate and goes, Kate, are you good? Are you good? What's going on? She gets like, pardon, excuse me. Like there's something amiss. Something's like different.
Starting point is 00:26:26 She makes her immediately. Like right away. M.J. Cause Kate is like that. She's like looking down. She's like, oh, look, Peter's here. I'm not guilty of anything. What am I guilty of? Nothing. So what do I care if Peter's here? Why do I want to murder that croissant? Does anybody think I want to murder that croissant? Does anybody think I want to murder that croissant? I really do.
Starting point is 00:26:48 God, does anyone have any boiled eggs? Oh, no, I see why Phatris says that. Yeah, I'm just just like, yeah, like it just seems like the light in Kate's face. It's just not totally there right now. It's almost like you grew an evil mustache and now you're twirling the ends of it with your fingers? Are you still a good person, Kate?
Starting point is 00:27:04 I'm totally good. Totally good, what's wrong? Like I'm a good person. I'm like really I'm like so good God I hate this place so much. See I'm good. Ha ha How dare you I've never been accused of having light in my eyes She's like shut up MJ I'm tired. Give me the coffee. Get off my back. I'm freaking out I've got to get my shit together. I'm a faithful Peter's a traitor This is why I don't smoke marijuana. I get paranoid and then I think everything I say is wrong like past the eggs I'm like, did I say that like a traitor? Did I say that like a faithful if I was still a faithful? Would I be eating this salmon? I don't know. I've literally never seen Kate this rattled and all the years of Lodak. This is hilarious
Starting point is 00:27:42 So charade comes in and she's, I'm feeling so good walking into breakfast because finally I get to show how good I am. And press your luck. Like, oh, Sheree. No way. I can't wait until one of the girls comes out with different suitcases and I have to pick the one with the most money in it.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Sheree. Sheree. Long game, Sheree. Long game, Sheree. Sheree. Long game, Sheree. Long game, Sh'm sorry. Long game, sir. Long game, show good. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:07 So now, Phaedra and John come in, everyone's cheering and, you know, and so they're, now it's coming down to just a few more. And, yeah, they're all just greeting them, but now they're worried it's like gonna be basically Kevin
Starting point is 00:28:24 or Trishelle, but Trishelle but now they're worried it's like gonna be basically Kevin or Trishel But Trishel has the shield so Peters like well, I know that Trishel has a shield right now I'm just praying that both Trishel and Kevin walk in and we've successfully avoided any murders from last night and peter and peter agreed to be nice to each other and So Peters like so We're gonna work together now fate. I wouldn't push it. That I didn't say that, you know, calm down over there. So let's see who it's going to be. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. Trishel has the shield.
Starting point is 00:28:56 So let's hope they didn't pick Trishel. Dun dun dun dun. And who is it? As Trishel walks right in, but I'm like, yes, Trishelle walked in, but like I'm still like, waiting is Kevin gonna walk into what's gonna happen here? It wouldn't be the end of the world if they both came in because it could just, you could weave a narrative
Starting point is 00:29:18 that there was no murder last night and said there was a recruitment. But luckily Kevin was murdered and there was no need for that. And so I was really happy to see Kevin go. I mean, I think it would have been happier if Trishelle went, but Kevin is like probably one of the worst cast members on the season, so I was glad to be rid of him. So we see a flashback of Peter in the tunnels
Starting point is 00:29:41 telling Trishelle and John, keep it a secret who's got that shield. So Trishelle comes in and people are like, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. You're still alive. It's that tone from Reese Witherspoon. You've got a baby in a bar. Trishelle's like, you guys don't seem to be that excited to see me. And they're like, yeah, no, I mean, yay, yay, Trishelle.
Starting point is 00:30:20 You're here. So we know that Kate's guilty because they're like, oh my God, it's Kevin, and she goes, that sucks. So we know that she's a lie. So we see a flashback to the toot it. And she's like, I just can't handle it. Kevin has to die. If I have to watch him eat one more time, I'm gonna kill myself.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And then you're still gonna still be the only traitor here. So let's just kill him. Yeah, it's gonna send Peter for a tailspin. And Peter's like, I love it. I want to spin that tail. Oh, don't say that too loudly, cause that's the show that Shiree literally thinks she's on. Spin that tail.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And Phaedra's like, I wanna see him break like a little toy plane. Wow, okay. She is ready. So Kevin reads it and he's like, oh, oh no, do I get to keep this? So he's gone and our lives are immeasurably better now. So they're like, oh, Kevin and Trishelle's like very relieved
Starting point is 00:31:17 and Sandra, she's like, oh, did you have a shield? She goes, I did, but only two people knew that I had a shield, which is interesting, which I don't know if that proves actually anything at all, but that's fine. Because she's like, every, we all know, listen, I'm Trishelle and my whole life I've lived with the knowledge that 90% of the people around me want me dead. So if I'm not dead, that means someone told someone that I have a shield, right? Like I love not bad. That means someone told someone that I have the shields. Right? Like, I love your logic.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I'm just such a sucky person that the fact that I'm still here means that somebody betrayed me. Yeah. Right. Okay. It's like, well, I can't believe we could have murdered someone with a shield. I haven't had time to process my shift from faithful to traitor.
Starting point is 00:31:59 So I'm just like not thinking with the traitor mind yet. And then we cut to Phaedra saying, is that smoked salmon? Hmm, that'll be good. Once again. Once again, every single week giving yourself away with food love and nobody catches on to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:14 How does nobody catch on to it? It's so obvious to me. And so Kate's like, oh my God, get your shit together. Phaedra, I can't believe she's talking about the smoked salmon like that. Surely everybody noticed. And nobody does. Boiled egg. Boiled egg.
Starting point is 00:32:30 You know what I like? I like eggs that have been dropped in boiling water and murdered so I can chop them open and suck them down. Oh, Phaedra, here's an egg. You can have mine. I think fishy at all about Phaedra. So Alan Loxin, good good morning my Machiavellian Mub, and what's a morning it is? Peter, bring Kevin to me. So Peter brings the wall and Alan
Starting point is 00:32:54 smashes it. And he's like, oh, Kevin, up in heaven. Whenever the lark listened in the moonlight, I will see her face. Whenever the majestic stag bellows in the forest. I will hear your voice Not really now for this of you the show must go on finish your macchiato Meet me in the castle church for your mission and don't be late or I'll be cross get it because it's the church church in cross He's just done trying to come up with witty things. He's just like I'm done I'll see your face glistening in the, no, not really. Like, wow, not even in a rhyme. I mean, the watch what happens live writers try harder than that.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Barely, but sometimes she likes to zero oxen. She likes coffee cups. A lady from the FedEx office and Captain Sandy Yine tonight. It's such a specific use of like such specific sentences that he says here that I wonder if there's some sort of like famous famous Scottish poem or song. I mean, whenever the lark listen to the moonlight, I will see your face. Whenever the majestic stag bellows in Moonlight, I will see your face. Whenever the majestic stag, bellows in the forest, I will hear your voice. It's got a chorus, Ben.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yes, of course it is. It's called As the Deer. Okay. As the Deer. Yeah. As the Deer. I should have known that. As the Deer.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I mean, duh. As the Deer. So, I think, I don't know, it's the first Google result, So I'm sticking with it. So, uh, anyway, uh, they've got to go to the church and, um, CT goes, so John, you got a few words for Kevin and I goes, well, bless him. Like, well, John, suddenly not want to do, you don't want to do your religious anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:43 What's going on with that? God, we asked you one thing Jesus And so Peter's like oh gosh, we just keep taking blow after blow I still love you even if you're not waiting for marriage to take blow after blow Peter love you mom This isn't the bachelor But anyway, you you know, the other side of the house is getting smaller. I just hate losing. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:35:09 He's like, yeah, and today I'm feeling like there's a really, really good chance of getting killed or whatever. So now they're just now walking around and Peter walks down the hall with Cade and CT's with Trichelle. He's like, yeah, I could use some coffee. You want some coffee? Let's go make some coffee.
Starting point is 00:35:26 She goes, can I come in here with you guys? He's like, yeah, of course. And Kate is like, so Peter, do you like this better than the bachelor? He's like, oh, yeah, yeah, I do. Really? This is more fun than having 25 women and your mom beg for your affection. Yeah, it's just much harder because when there's 25 women begging for your affection, but they've all got the face in your mind of your mother,
Starting point is 00:35:49 just makes things a lot more stressful. I don't know whether or not to take that as a compliment, honey. Get out of my head. So Tristelle and C.T. are talking and she's like, okay, well, what do you think that Kevin's murder says? What do you think that? And he's like, well, well, what do you what do you think that Kevin's murder says? What do you think that? And he's like, well, you know, like, uh, Peter looks sus, but it also might mean,
Starting point is 00:36:10 you know, basic table manners are coming back in folk. Isn't that really sure? It also could just mean that someone really wanted a muffin and they just never got it every night. So Phaedra's like, you know, every trader that we found out has had some dealings at the point where they feel compelled to say, can I say, can I say something you're going to talk? So she's saying that like people are asking, like traders have been asking Peter for permission to talk.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah. And she's like, well, my name's not out there. You can't unring a bell. But we need to get rid of Peter because he's the leader. And what's the leaders down the rest of them will slowly be murdered So then CT's like, you know, yeah, Peter's like he's always holding something creating confusion You know, I don't like that, you know, and he's protecting the traitors blatantly. I mean come on
Starting point is 00:37:00 Does that say he's the traitor? I don't really know but what was gonna be that's all I got I mean, come on. Does that say he's the traitor? I don't really know. But who else could it be? That's all I got Andres Shells like well Peter didn't didn't didn't want to get murdered and so that's basically why he he was like doing the thing like picking the fight with Parvati basically, you know, and which is a good point I mean Peter definitely has the fear of someone who doesn't want to be murdered so But then again, you could also say that Peter has So, uh, but then again, you could also say that Peter has, Peter has a record in this game of planting traps and lying or,
Starting point is 00:37:33 or hiding things like shields. So we could also just be acting their part. So I don't think anyone's thinking of that level though. And the reason you should never go out of your way to help Trishelle, even when she's begging for her life and crying and then getting all all upset that no one begged, because this is her, literally five minutes after somebody gave her a shield and saved her ass, which did end up saving her ass. She goes, I love CT, and I really trust him,
Starting point is 00:37:57 but like, who do I trust really? Peter is CT. Mike, the man just saved your ass, and already you're like, fuck that guy. You see? Yeah. Terrible. I know.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Um, and she, she believes that Peter is faithful and she wants to stick to her guns. So now Trashel is talking to John. She goes, John, I really wanted to talk to you. I'm not excited about the round table. And he goes, well, Kevin's out. So our numbers are few, but we are where we are. Nine of us left, five votes. Would suffice to get rid of somebody.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And I don't know, does your beret get a vote because that could change the numbers? Let's hope that the rest of the house has more taste than whoever picked out that headpiece of yours. OK, well, I'm just going to ignore that. But when out that we're down Kevin and they still have four people from the same network that are all voting the same. So do you think that we are doomed? She goes, yes, yes I do.
Starting point is 00:38:55 So then we go over to Phaedra and in the library with Shray and MJ and Sandra. And so Phaedra is coming pretty hard for Peter right now. She's like, I know everybody thinks I'm gunning for Peter, but seriously, I mean, he had to deal with Parvati, he had to deal with Dan. And Sandra's like, that's Shush, that's traitor behavior. And Shray's like, well, I'll tell you this,
Starting point is 00:39:20 when they spun that wheel, they went to skip a turn and nobody skipped a turn sure a Wrong So I was like I like Peter, but you know I Just don't really agree just because he was the last person to make it on his island doesn't mean that he should be in control So Ray that's not even the right game show. Are you paying attention to this show? be in control. Shirei, that's not even the right game show. Are you paying attention to this show?
Starting point is 00:39:46 Here's how I feel about tonight. The emotion I'm feeling, it's something that you feel you're happy, but you're not fully happy. There's a little bit of sadness. Shirei, the word you're looking for is melancholy and we're not on pyramid, okay? You're on a different show. So then John joins the discussion,
Starting point is 00:40:04 or Peter joins the discussion with Trishelle and John. And they're like, so what do you think Phaedra's gonna do? And Trishelle's like, anything to save herself. And he's like, well, Trishelle thinks we are doomed, good sir. And he's like, why? And she goes, well, they're not gonna vote for Phaedra
Starting point is 00:40:20 because they're all from the same network. So it's gonna be one of us. Who's it gonna be? And so, you know, negative Nancy over there but she's probably correct. But the way Trishelle, Trishelle's saying she's probably gonna try to save herself saying that as if like look that's she's such an evil person trying to save herself. Trishelle have you even seen your entire season every single episode? Oh please please please please please can I have her shield?
Starting point is 00:40:41 Please please please I'm gonna get murdered tonight. Please help me. So they start running the numbers and they decide they need to persuade Sandra and CT. So, John's like, well, at roundtable, it's important to construct a majority. So we must go around robbing for support. Much more stressful than parliamentary session. So now Peter goes to speak with CT in the billiards room. He wants to get CT on board. And Peter's like, so did I ask you where you're leaning your vote right now?
Starting point is 00:41:17 And he's like, well, honestly, it's going to be you. It's like, wait, oh, you're leaning towards me. But I'm like, I'm America's sweetheart. I'm a nice guy, not me. He's like, yeah, you. He's like, wait, oh, you're leaning towards me. But I'm like, oh, America's sweetheart. I'm a nice guy, not me. He's like, yeah, you. He's like, oh, God. Oh, no. Oh, it's like, well, I just don't believe anything you say,
Starting point is 00:41:31 man. Oh, what do you mean? All the smoke in the mirrors, the politics, the boobie traps, you're not consistent at all. He's like, but we've gotten two traders out. We blocked a shield from this. We got a blocked shield. I mean, come on, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:41:46 I'm not acting like a trader at all. And he's like, you don't have to like how I'm playing. Everyone can play different. He's like, listen, you asked me a question. It's you, guilty. Guilty, you're guilty. He's like, I promise you though. He's like, I don't care, I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:42:00 But he's like, well, I mean, who else is the back to fate? I mean, that's my only thing. At least you're consistent about that. So Peter's now like, oh, today is damn frustrating. Oh my God, it just seems like now instead of trying to win this game, we're just dealing with distraction after distraction. It's like, yeah, that's what happens. It's the traders.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Right. And also you've made such boneheaded moves, Peter. I think you kind of put yourself in this situation. So now he's saying, I'm playing too aggressively and that's the problem. You're playing terribly about the problem, okay? So now it's time to head to the game. So he's like, oh, who can figure out this puzzle in the cathedral? So they all have to head to the church and you know it's a bunch of reality people so it's kind of a scary thought for everybody and Kate's like I mean it is kind of terrifying
Starting point is 00:42:56 I just want sit in the front row you know what I mean? Of course my first day as a trader we're going to church I mean lightning is gonna strike me down not because I'm a whore like Trishelle, just because I'm like a trader. So they go in and there's like all these people in masks, which I think is a callback to last season. I think last season they had a challenge in this church with people in masks and they had to go like find people
Starting point is 00:43:19 and get like gold doubloons from them or something. Anyway, so basically like the long and the short of it is that there's like a grid of window panes and they all have people's names on it and there's a crossbow and the traders have to shoot out the window panes and every time they miss, they lose money from their pot of gold and whoever is the last
Starting point is 00:43:41 window panes, pain standing is going to get a shield. So, you know, a little bit more impactful of a challenge because it's one of those challenges where it shows where people stand with other people. Right, they basically have to choose who they're gonna take the chance away from to be safe. Dun, dun, dun. And let's see, who's the first person
Starting point is 00:44:01 that they all start to pile on? Cause I remember they picked one person Yeah, they're like well John no one's gonna you're safe anyway No one's gonna vote to banish you John and which by the way Why didn't they just pick? Phaedra should have picked John right to be the traitor because no one is ever gonna suspect John at this point I think that she was I feel like she was scared that John would Turn her back to Not do it.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Yeah, that's true. He's a politician though, you know? Yeah, he would do it. They can all be turned. He would be a, he actually would be an amazing trader. So she, she actually, Alan starts with her, which was kind of, you know, that puts a lot of pressure on her, right?
Starting point is 00:44:42 If she has to make the choice instead of just being able to follow the pack. So she starts with John and she misses. And then they basically are all missing over and over and over again because they're not, they haven't quite figured anything out. But then it's actually Phaedra who starts
Starting point is 00:45:00 to kind of like turn the tide because they get really close to some, I forget who it was. I think it was maybe MJ or something like that, but Phaedra comes up with this idea of like, actually, I'm going to go for someone here. I'm just forgetting who it was. Sure. Shireh. Shireh. You're right. Just because we're surprising because it's like, they were so bonded, you know, after Shirei saved
Starting point is 00:45:29 her in that fire ceremony. And now she's like, I'm going to go for Shirei now. Shirei's like, well, that, I guess I'm goose now. Everyone else is duck. I'm like, okay, now you're just in nursery rhymes. Now you're just. So she, yeah. So, but her logic is, look, our thing is so close that I'm just going okay, now you're just in nursery rhymes. Now you're just, so she, yeah, so, but her logic is, look,
Starting point is 00:45:46 our thing is so close that I'm just gonna like move it up a little bit, you know, and in fact, I wonder if, that doesn't even matter. The point is that like, that Phaedra like launches this idea that we don't move this cross by that much. We just sort of keep it in a column. It's easier to go up and down versus left and right. And what was funny is that she shoots out Shirei,
Starting point is 00:46:06 or someone shoots out Shirei, and, or Phaedra does, and then Shirei actually cheers. She's so caught up in the excitement of someone finally hitting a glass pane that she gets up and she goes, yes, I'm like, you know, you just lost your shield. Actually Phaedra misses. Yeah, Phaedra missed that one.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Uh, people get, I can't keep, I can't keep up with who got hit or missed because there's only one significant thing that really happens in this challenge here. I mean, it is very group thinking this whole thing because first they threw out John, so then they all try to hit John. So then Phaedra's like, I'm going to switch to charade. So then they all switched to charade. You know what I mean? Even though they're supposedly a strategy or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:46 But I think they just basically needed to practice because they start getting some. And... It's MJ who breaks charet's pain. Alan, by the way, could not be more bored with the challenge. He's like, calling out the producers, like, why the fuck do you have these people doing this thing that takes three hours for them to take a piece of glass?
Starting point is 00:47:05 I need to be going home. I need a massage. No So they get excited and now they start getting out of role and they start getting pain after pain after pain after pain and at one point Like they're they're going for CT's window pain But it's all the way up in the upper left corner and they keep missing over and over and over and over and over and over again And so they're losing a lot of money. And so Sandra says, you know what? I think the best strategy is to get Trichella out and then we'll do the top
Starting point is 00:47:33 because Trichella's window pane is all the way in the bottom right of this grid, the exact opposite of CT, but she is the only one in the bottom that has not been hit. So Sandra's proposing this, probably thinking let's just take an easy shot and then we'll work on the top again. But it's Phaedra who said,
Starting point is 00:47:51 I think because Phaedra here, Sandra proposed it, Phaedra thinks, okay, this is not on me because Sandra proposed this idea, so I could pretend like I'm just following. So she goes and aims at Trishelle. Yeah. And she's like, oh my God, like at this point I'm really set up to get that shield.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I mean, everything around my name is smashed, you know? And like, we, Phaedra should be doing what we've been doing, which was just trying not to lose money. Just go for the top pain. So why is she coming from my pain? What part about going after the easy shot is about like not trying to lose more money? Like that's of course, like it made full,
Starting point is 00:48:23 it made total sense to do that, just to go after the easy shot, like get what you can get, right? But of course Trichelle plays herself as the ultimate victim. Yeah. So, uh, Phaedra misses anyway. She misses Trichelle's pain. And, um, so Trichelle's like,
Starting point is 00:48:40 red flag, you're a traitor. Well, okay. Everyone else around Trishelle has been, has been, you know, like no one was keeping Trishelle's pain there because everyone was saying, we need to make sure that Trishelle has a shield. No one was saying that. Only Trishelle was saying that.
Starting point is 00:48:55 It just, for whatever reason, Trishelle, Trishelle was not shot out. Yes. So then Kate takes it out finally. She takes out Trishelle's shield. So now there's only CT, John and Kate left. And let's see, my note taking turns to shit here because this is where I'm like, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Just tell me who won. Right. So W who wins the thing. Basically also. This one was more fun because it was fun watching people get so offended that they weren't chosen. I like those. Yeah. But CT is the one who actually wins the shield.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I think it comes down to like John and CT. So CT wins the shield. So he's safe. And so now they're going to get back in the vans. And one van is Sandra and John and Phaedra. And, um, and Sandra's like, John, it's CT wouldn't have hit you. I wasn't going to shoot for you. I was going to shoot for CT and try to get you a shield.
Starting point is 00:49:45 John is like, oh, bless you, Sandra, bless you so much. And think about it, you were the first one, we were targeting and now look at you all the way to the dam and John. He's like, yes, yes, I really don't care, but thank you for this nice little pep talk. And CT thinks that Fedra and Sandra purposely prevented Trishelle from
Starting point is 00:50:06 getting the shield and that's trade of behavior to me. Uh, he's like, so now I got to bring it up to everybody. Um, so I'm sorry. It is not trader behavior to knock out Trishelle's window pain. It's a logical thing. There's a reason why her window pain was the only one in that area that wasn't smashed out. It's because that area was so easy to only one in that area that wasn't smashed out.
Starting point is 00:50:25 It's because that area was so easy to smash out that everything around it was easily smashed out. That's why. So of course, you would go back to the area where it's easy to smash things out and you smashed the last thing out. That's there. In fact, I would say the more trader behavior would be whoever it was that moved it away from Trishel. Yeah. Well, I guess they're just saying because they all agreed to do this tactic, you know, because that's the thing on this show. Everyone's like, oh my god, it's teamwork. But of course, you know, you eventually have to all kill each other to get the money. So it's like, right, it's just teamwork and so I slit you throat at the very end. So let's see. And
Starting point is 00:51:01 the Trishelle van Trishelle's there with with sure and shells like I did feel a certain way when Phaedra decided to take it all the way off of CT and put it on me It deems it did seem like that was a complete opposite way to target and Sharae goes. Yeah. Yeah cuz you got to go diagonal No, well, I mean, yeah, yeah, you had to go diagonal. So that was part of it I mean, yeah, you had to go diagonal. So that was part of it. I mean, yeah, it was more like it was opposite of the grid charade. Yeah, but diagonal, diagonals for traders, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Okay, can we get someone else on this cast, please? I really don't think she understands what's going on here. So they're suspecting now that Phaedra is guilty, guilty, guilty of being a trader. And sure enough, they cut to Phaedra going, Mac and cheese. Hmm. It's just, just reveling in her villainhood.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Stay away from the food, Phaedra. It's an ito. It's so funny to me that that's like her thing. Like, well, we're gonna catch Phaedra being really evil. Loving food. Trishelle walks in and she goes, God, that Mac and cheese looks so good. Do you know how mad I am that I can't have dairy? God, I'm so, you know what?
Starting point is 00:52:08 Anyone who eats mac and cheese, I think as a trader, because they're doing that to me right now. No, listen, there's a lot of people who can't have dairy. But dairy doesn't do great for my stomach either. I'm not saying that lactose free or anything like that is a fake thing. But you know how sometimes someone comes out with something like that and you're like, of course that's you.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Like of course you're the one who's like, oh my God, I can have mac and cheese. Of course you can't. Of course Trishelle can't. I can't. I feel like Trishelle, like I know that a lot of people have that stuff and I'm not dissing you personally. I just feel like Trishelle is that person who's like,
Starting point is 00:52:44 oh my God, thank you so much for having lunch. Oh wait, hold on, excuse me waiter. None of this is prepared on a counter even close to a counter where there's gluten, right? It's like, of course, of course it's you. It's the way she advertises it, right? It's not that she has it, it's the way that she will, you know, draw,
Starting point is 00:53:02 like draw the conversation to a stop. Like she'll make everything stop to announce, I wish I could have that mac and cheese, but I am lactose intolerant. It is awful. Yes. It's like they say, you know, you're going to know the person who does CrossFit because they'll tell you, you know, they have that saying or like, you know, the person who doesn't watch TV, cause they'll tell you, or you know, the
Starting point is 00:53:22 person who's a vegan, cause they'll tell you. She's just one of those people, you know, who leads with like what a hero they are because they don't have dairy. Yeah, she is unfortunately the very literal extension of Maya Angelou. When someone tells you that they are lactose intolerant, believe them. But that's probably Trishelle.
Starting point is 00:53:44 If I tell you I'm lactose intolerant, believe me. Believe me. So anyway, Peter is like, he's like, okay, I'll say this, believe it or not, I will be put up for murder and I can totally see it. Ever banishment. And I have all the evidence to lay out exactly how I can't be, but it's not gonna matter cause we don't have the numbers anymore. So what are we gonna do? So John's like, well I have no idea. CT is not going to shift. He's going to go with her.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Come what may. And I think Sheree will because she doesn't even realize she's in Scotland. I think she said, wow, I never knew Los Angeles could be this murky, strange. So anyway, you've got to think of who might be persuadable. And I'm minded to think in terms of Sandra and MJ. So Sandra's passing by. So they're like, oh, Sandra, Sandra's here. Sandra's here.
Starting point is 00:54:38 She's like, can I come talk to you? And they're like, uh, sure, Sandra. Sure. Sure. Of course, Sandra. They always seem so guilty to me, even when they're not really doing anything wrong. So he's like, okay, well obviously,
Starting point is 00:54:51 Phadra, my right guys, my right guys, we cannot lose a faithful tonight. And Sandra's like, you know, I'm going to listen to what you say at the round table because I think I'll know when you start talking. All right. Let me, I'm going to go grab my food. Phadra's literally rolling around and Mack and C's on the ground. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. She keeps saying murder over and over
Starting point is 00:55:13 while rubbing Mack and C's into her face. It's the craziest thing. So Trishelle basically tells John, go John, you have to change the interest mind. People listen to you, people listen. So she's, her plan is that they're basically gonna try to convince. And so Peter is gonna distract Phaedra. This was smart.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Peter basically pulls Phaedra for a chat, like a bullshit chat to be like, where's your head at? Like maybe we can work together, just one here. But he's basically separating her away. So that way Trishelle and John can talk to the rest of the gang. So he's like, so, Pedro, what are you thinking? You're covered in your hands are covered in blood. She's like, I was putting ketchup on my mac and cheese.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Delicious. What are you thinking? Possibly about being chewed up and spit out like the little bacon bit I found in my mac and cheese and murder. Oh, wow. Oh, I've got a, do you mind saying that again at the round table? So, um, Shreya, so Kate and Sandra are trying to tiptoe over. Kate's trying to like listen in on this conversation with Peter and Pedro and Shirey is like, Kate, tiptoe, on your, the tip of your toes, Kate. Tip on your toes, getting your tip, tip toes.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Like thank you. Thank you for the seminar, Shirey, on how to tip toe. So Peter's telling Pedro, I don't want it to be you, but I think it is you. And it's probably going to be between us tonight. But there's so much evidence that I'm not a traitor. So then Trishelle is going for her plan. So she's like, guys, can I come in? Can I, our very classy Berets allowed into this random question now.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Are you guys into people being decorated by multiple black ribbons? Are you guys into people being decorated by multiple black ribbons? Can people who are serving a Luke lewk allow it into this room So she comes in and and there's like of course you haven't missed anything We're just sitting here. They're talking over there and she's like, okay guys is between Vatra and Peter we all know it's V Fedra. We know it is, Junie. Okay, so, you know, when she goes all the way from CT, she could have shot CT, but then no one could shoot that, so then she shot my name because it was easier.
Starting point is 00:57:33 That's crazy, she's obviously a murderer. Isn't that the most compelling evidence you've ever seen that she went for the easiest target, which happened to be me? That is traitor behavior, trying to murder her. I literally called the actual literal police. Ha ha ha ha. Do you know, I mean, the police in London
Starting point is 00:57:52 is called Scotland Yard and we're in Scotland. It was so easy, it all made sense. So, let's see, then Kate's like, well, neither one's lying about who the traitor is and telling us not to photo a trader out, you know, if you want to use that logic. And she's like, what? Logic, but I explained the reason and you know what I'm talking about, which is the exact scenario that's happening right now. And Kate's like, I mean, look, she's telling guys, she's like, I know that Peter's not a trader because I'm a trader.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And he's like, definitely not cool enough to hang out with me. So, I know it's not him. So Trishelle's like, Phaedra has four people who will never see evidence. It's like, y'all have blind loyalty to her. So this now MJ is like, uh-uh, uh-uh, because now Trishelle has challenged MJ's ability to be an independent thinker, which I think is unfortunately gonna be the downfall
Starting point is 00:58:44 up for Phaedra. Because MJ's like, that's not true. That's not true. I didn't come to this castle to win a personality test with these ladies. And if any of you do that, we're all going to lose. So I'm going to go in with a very, very open mind. It's interesting that she knew, well, I guess Trishelle didn't know,
Starting point is 00:59:04 but she happened on one of MJ's triggers, which is the blind loyalty thing. Because on Shaw's, that was always a criticism. Like you and Reza, you guys stick by each other no matter what, na na na na na. And so then the second they didn't, they turned into like bitter enemies. And I think they both felt maybe more powerful as people, but then their show went down the tubes and they ended up getting canceled because nobody wants to watch that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:59:30 So it's like an interesting thing because loyalty probably plays really heavily on her mind. So bringing that up, she's like, then I'm voting fader out. Right. Bring it on. I think that like MJ is now, I think that Chachelle planted a seed in MJ's mind that like it's more important to show that she's an independent thinker than someone who follows the flock. Um, so she's basically like, look,
Starting point is 00:59:52 if Fajr was a trader, then I really think that Shrake and Kate and I will be more interested in finding that out and then worry, then worry about what Fajr will think. So, you know, so unfortunately Trishelle has done a pretty good job here. So now CT is sitting alone in the kitchen and he's like, you know, so unfortunately, Trishelle has done a pretty good job here. So now CT is sitting alone in the kitchen and he's like, you know, so while we are at today's mission, I feel like Phaedra and Sandra purposely prevented Trishelle from getting the shield and that's traded behavior for me. And this one might be a little tricky though, you know, because I can sit at Phaedra
Starting point is 01:00:20 friend and I don't know what to do. Oh man, this game is getting tough. Yeah. So then he has a talk with Trishel and he tells her all this stuff and he's like you know but we've got Sandra and Phaedra and I see Phaedra staring at Sandra you know and then I look over and then she's quiet you know he's like long story short you know I don't have any space between my teeth, but I've always got an invisible toothpick in my mouth Yeah, think on that one for a second. It's like so do you actually use the toothpick? No, I just chew it Why? I don't know nobody knows Just need it. Makes me feel better. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:06 this fricking challenge really messed up Phadra's game. Well, Phadra messed up Phadra's game because now CT's not on her side anymore. But I love how like, even though everyone was targeted at some point, John was targeted first in this game. Shirei was the first one who had her glass broken. It's Trashel who's convinced that her pain, and I mean that in both words, pain and pain,
Starting point is 01:01:30 is evidence of traitor behavior. And I'm just like, ugh. Well, I think Phaedra is being pretty obvious here. And I think Phaedra is starting to slip up because she's been confronted too much and she's losing it. I mean, she needs to stay calm, but she needs to like keep her chill, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:01:47 Because she is looking kind of guilty. Like she's bringing Peter up too much. Like they get it. You don't like Peter, you know? And I think it makes sense because Peter's always coming for her, so it makes sense that she wouldn't like Peter, but she's starting to lose a little bit of her like, you know, cool headed.
Starting point is 01:02:07 No, she messed up this challenge big time. I mean, look, the truth is that I think it's okay that like, there's a crack there. People are suspicious of Peter, try to push that open. But I think that she should have, she, what she should be doing is pushing like throwing Peter under the bus, but also trying to court Trishelle. Be like, hey, I know you've been coming for me. You've been totally let us stray.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I get that, don't worry. But like, don't go after, you know that Trishelle is a Trishelle and you know she's gonna act like this and she's coming for you. Don't do anything that's going to really kind of like activate her. So that's where, that's where Phaedra really is not so strong at this game. She doesn't really
Starting point is 01:02:47 understand like how to molify her enemies so well. So then let's see. So they talk about who they're gonna vote out and he's like well I don't want to vote for Phaedra because she's been good to me, but you know like it's a catch 22 I'm damned if I do I'm jammed if I do and such like let's do ahead so Then let's see so now it's round table time don't don't don and Alan's like I'm salivating at the prospect of tonight's round table. It must have been cold air in my shadows To never have sunlight on your face. You're dead now! Beneath my wings too.
Starting point is 01:03:31 You stayed beneath my wings and you'll die beneath my wings. So the two tribes are going to air. So uh, Phadra's saying how, oh well Peter, they're basically sort of like talking each other up. Like Phadra's saying how Peter doesn't like her, but she's like, I am, I just have to defend myself and try to make it out of there, but I will never be intimidated at that round table.
Starting point is 01:03:53 And then MJ is talking about, she's going to go into the round table with an open mind. So she's really like fixated in this idea that like she is not a follower. She's going to think for herself. And Kate's like, well, I mean, it's really been difficult for me to get used to being this, but, and you know, like, if we do vote for Peter, but then it turns out that he's a faithful, then people are going to be like, Oh my God, but then why did you vote for Peter? So I mean, I have to have a really good answer for that.
Starting point is 01:04:16 So I guess I have one because he's down and I hate him and I'm glad he's dead. I hope that works. he's down when I hate him and I'm glad he's dead. I hope that works. So John is like, it is thy tool that we hit the right targets tonight. My view is that Phaedra, she's a traitor and if we don't get rid of her, she will get rid of us. Yeah so Elwin comes in he's like here we go yeah terrible shots I haven't seen that many bad shots in a row since I joined the gay shooting team in high school. Have you ever tried to play horse with a group of gay Irish boys? It didn't end well. The point is this. I'm about 30 years old after having watched
Starting point is 01:05:08 in your stupid challenge earlier today. Sorry. I just have to say I'm sorry to every gay person for projecting my terrible performance at the basketball game horse as a child under every gay out there. I wasn't really fair to you and I get it. But that game really was traumatic.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Not only did you have to make baskets, you had to spell a word. It's just difficult. And we had to play it all the time. I'm still mad about it. Did you ever propose a pig? Well, yeah, if you wanted to play short, you know how to play, right? Cause you can really do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:40 If you want to play a short one. Cause like, I mean, you always do pig instead of horse in my book because I'm like with you. I'm like, oh, we're only at R. When does this ever end? I know, it's like forever. That's such a long story. So, John gives a big long speech. He's like, I'd like to say something.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Who's that so some? Order, order, order, order. It's like putting on a little wig. Yeah, it's like British, British, Crumpets, Crumpets. Yorkshire Poods and Cruddington, Telford, Shropshire, goat cheese, and furthermore, God save the king. Thank you very much, Phaedra the Traitor. Yeah, so he goes on this big long speech
Starting point is 01:06:21 about how he loves Phaedra, and she's a lovely person, but a traitor. And first, two people banished as traitors, both named you as a traitor. And the second point is this is also a game of skill and intuition and calculus and maneuvering, but your approach, Phaedra, is to avoid error. You fly low. I was like, okay, jeez, I don't gotta score eight to them, Lainey. You are non-committal by day and fatal under the cover of darkness. I'm absolutely clear in my mind that if my attempt tonight to banish you is unsuccessful, I won't be here tomorrow. So now is not the time to sit on the fence. You have to confront and defeat the enemy. You are a traitor and you shall be banished
Starting point is 01:07:09 until eternity, Trishelle. Why are you trying to put a beret on my head? I just was so moved. I was so moved, John. So then, I mean, I don't wanna give away my strategy. I'm just trying to make you look as stupid um, stupid as Trishal right now. So no one will believe a thing that you're saying. Cause God, she really looks stupid.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Both of you are putting on braids on my head. I also wanted to see if they would stack. So then, um, Phadra is like, well, I'm glad you're not God. You speak very, and this is on Phadra. I love what Phadra is like. I don't want anyone to know I'm a murderer So then she just gets like a really evil sounding. She's like you speak very eloquently, but you're not in Parliament So you can give that a rest You know
Starting point is 01:07:59 Just get to the point. We really appreciate it to the point, we'd really appreciate it. The case of me, I am a faithful and while you would love to protect Peter, what those two traders who you both so eloquently, not in Parliament said, you banished had in comments that both of them were in collusion with your bromance. Do you know that word in England? Your bromance, Peter. So this is a very good point that she made. I thought this was a very good defense.
Starting point is 01:08:26 She's like, wait a minute, Peter's saying I'm acting so guilty. Like what the hell? Everybody who's gone is in collusion with your lover. So she's like, well, if you're such a traitor hunter, look at you, traitor hunter. I was like, oh God, I love that she says that. Like it's like the devil in movies
Starting point is 01:08:45 where people are possessed and the preacher comes in to do the exorcism and they're like, oh, look at you, Mr. Holy Christian motherfucker. They start talking to him. That's what she gets like, and I love it. She's like, oh, look at you. None of you have any evil eye.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Big traitor, Hunter. Well aren't you a man? Yeah, why aren't you talking about that? And since you so eloquently defended him, he likes me so much, now he wants to work with me, hmmm, answer that. So Peter's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, okay, that's not true, just because I had a conversation with you tonight. She's like, no, you had all those closed door meetings that you say, oh, leave the room. I'll talk to you later. La, la, la. So by the way, at this point,
Starting point is 01:09:28 I'm like, this is good. Phaedra's doing a good job because at this point, I think she's, these are the things she was anticipating. So she is ready to go. And she knows that everybody saw him pull her aside to have a conversation with just her, you know, which is fishy. So he's like, hey, there's nothing wrong in a game of traders to wanna have private discussions. You know? I mean, you never know what's listening. I mean, I think there's a disconnect here. She goes, oh, really?
Starting point is 01:09:52 You think you can play all of these tricks? Well, let me ask you one question. Boiled egg. Boiled egg. You think you can plant this here? Oh, I'm gonna plant this here. I'm a true faithful. Well, what you might have forgot, well, you think you can plant this here? Oh, I'm gonna plant this here. I'm a true faithful. Well, what you might have forgot, Peter,
Starting point is 01:10:08 is that this is not the bachelor. And I don't have to kiss your ass for a rose. Boom, commercial break, and we are back. I don't like how you play the game because it's all about me, me, me, me, me. So I don't have to answer to you when you come to me saying convince me that you're not a traitor.
Starting point is 01:10:25 So that's where you got me messed up. And he's like, okay, well, God, that makes me angry. I mean, that's not that I want you to be a traitor. I just think you are a traitor. I know, I mean, I liked you. And tell those words that you just gave me. I was like, oh no. Oh, Peter.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Peter taking his friendship away. Oh no. I know. All I've done this entire game is do my absolute best to find the traitor. You know I rejected your letter. You probably didn't like it in a heartbeat. I don't know. But this guy, you can tell that this guy has dated a million women because he does not give a fuck. Because if this was me, I would be like, I'm sorry. I know. I'll do whatever you want. What do you need me to do? I'm so sorry. But Peter's like I don't give a shit. You're mean. Yeah. And Peter's like I don't know anything about your letter. Now this was a mistake for Phaedra I think also because Phaedra should have been like what are you talking about a letter? What about like
Starting point is 01:11:23 or maybe she should have said, oh, so now all of a sudden, so you're telling me that you got a letter to be recruited and now you're saying you didn't, you didn't get recruited yet, right after you got that letter, you started telling people not to vote for poverty and now we're supposed to believe you're not a traitor,
Starting point is 01:11:37 even though you admitted that you got a letter. But he told people he got the letter, right? I know, but she should have said that now to remind everyone, isn't it funny? He got this letter and tells everyone he didn't accept it, so that way he can have, like he can take a shred of truth of something, but then immediately after he gets that letter,
Starting point is 01:11:54 he suddenly doesn't want to vote Parvati out of the game. Instead, he wants to put the focus on me, which is also who Parvati was trying to throw under the bus. Isn't that convenient timing? Listen to me, I had a whole day, I had like all of Friday, I was running down these cases. I was going to the Supreme Court. I was going to the Supreme Court. I was ready to argue on Patriots. I think it's so funny how they just like fall into their personalities from their shows, you know, because she tells them all that and he's like, well, sorry, I rejected you.
Starting point is 01:12:22 You're just mad because I rejected you. You know, it's like all it's all going back to like the same bachelor language to get so funny. I know. And he's like, you can critique my gameplay all you want. All I'm saying is don't call me a selfish player because that's the last thing that I am here. So CT is like the evidence we do have is, listen, I'm just going to throw it out there because I'm thinking about it. But here it is, exhibit a. Okay. If we're going, I'm just going to throw it out there because I'm thinking about it, but here it is. Exhibit A. Okay. If we're going, if we're going to look at the knuckleball, what did he say?
Starting point is 01:12:51 He's like, why will we just move over and have a, a, see, start talking about shooting and, and who are we aiming? And he's like, why would you not just keep going in order instead of coming all the way down for Trishelle, you know, and she's been attacking you recently. And Phaedra's like, excuse me. And he's like, you wanted to prevent her from getting a shield? Well, listen, I'm not even in the game and I want to prevent her from getting a shield. I mean, my God, I want to like literally lure her into a crosswalk. And I think that Trishelle, I mean, Phaedra could have said a few things here. I think that her saying you say what or saying,
Starting point is 01:13:26 or I was not preventing you from having a shield. I don't think that Phaedra defended herself on this point very well. I don't think she defended herself at all. I think she could have said what I said before, which was, listen, we were losing a lot of money. And the reason why I went after Trishelle is it was an easy shot.
Starting point is 01:13:40 You saw everything around her was broken, which was further indication that stuff was broken, not so that way we could give Trichelle a shield. It was so that way, because those were easy shots. And then I might have even said, and you know what? Quite frankly, Trichelle is always making a stink all the time that I think there's a good chance she will get murdered by the,
Starting point is 01:14:00 I think there's a good chance that she will get murdered by the traders. And you know what? I prefer her to get murdered instead of me. So her not having the shield is just better for all of us Because she's most likely to get murdered. I don't know something like that So then Trishel jumps in and she's like honey you went out of your way and Frayde was like first of all Trishel she goes no you saw that I might get the shield because all the ones around me were busted and You know is gonna you know is going across that was the plan where you're supposed to go across, but then you went for me.
Starting point is 01:14:30 And she's like, Trish, she goes, let me finish. It's like, oh, yeah. So then she's like, so you, I saw that, I saw that and I was like, who voted for her last night, Peter, me and Kevin. Where's Kevin? No longer here eating a muffin somewhere in probably, I don't know, an airport lounge. You murdered him.
Starting point is 01:14:47 And then today you wouldn't let me get the shield because you wanted to murder me. Me. You know, the good thing is that this game is only a few weeks, but real life is a lot longer. And Trishelle is eventually going to need to go to the courthouse and she's going to need to get a permit for something. And Faithful will have her ass blocked.
Starting point is 01:15:05 You remember when she did that on Real Housewives of Atlanta, allegedly, where Candy couldn't get her permits because she was fighting with Phaedra and she was accusing Phaedra of like literally using political connections to stop Candy from getting her permits. I will never forget that. I mean, Phaed Pedro will make you pay forever. Have some respect, Madame. Well, the thing is this. Trishelle is going to have to live with the fact that she may win this game,
Starting point is 01:15:32 but she's going to emerge from this game knowing she was right about everything except for peppermint, but she was right about a lot of things and that the audience hated her regardless. She's like, but I was right and you guys hate me for being right. And she's going to be fresh out with that for the rest of her regardless. She's like, but I was right. And you guys hate me for being right. And she's going to beat Fresh Road with that for the rest of her life. Okay. So she's like, you know, she's really going for it. So she's like, you saw, you know, you were like, who voted for her last night? Well, Peter, me and Kevin. Well, where's Kevin? He's no longer here. You murdered him. You did it. She goes, I wasn't targeting you, Trishelle.
Starting point is 01:16:02 And she's like, I had no one around me. I was going to win the shield. And you knew that. And you were like, she can't have the shield. She's going to be murdered just like Kevin. Bah, bah. And Phaedra's just like Trishelle. But I think Phaedra is caught off guard by this whole thing.
Starting point is 01:16:17 I don't think that Phaedra realized that there was such frustration around this whole game. And so she doesn't really have a retort, or at least it's not shown on TV. So Sandra, she's like, well, my whole issue comes down to this, Peter, you wanted to save poverty yesterday, but you knew that she was a traitor.
Starting point is 01:16:34 That just sets off alarm bells. And Shrae's like, yeah, I mean, it did not make sense to jump from where we were. I mean, to save poverty, you think that she's gonna give you information, but you know what, she knew the password all along. We're not playing password charade. We're not, oh, okay. And Peter's like, well, at the end,
Starting point is 01:16:55 you have to have a legit chance of winning. You have to get to the end with someone that you actually know for sure is a trader. And no one's ending the game with poverty in the game because they know she's a trader. So, I mean, that's all true. But then wouldn't that give what Phadra said more credence that you were trying to work with her? Right. And so she's like, well, why do you run around with the traders?
Starting point is 01:17:19 Why did the traders always have to get your permission before they could even speak? And she goes, you seriously think I'm a trader? We have evidence in this game. The evidence about Berge and the shield block. Why would I have misfired on a murder to Berge? And then Shari goes, no, yeah. So Shari, it's like September five. Who's Berge?
Starting point is 01:17:39 Spray it off. Bird off, Gribman. You got Berge? I got Berge. Oh, so Peter's like, it proves I'm not a trader. No, it proves that you're acting like you're not a trader. Bird off, bird off, Kroger. You got bird off? I got bird off. So Peter's like, it proves I'm not a trader. No, it proves that you're acting like you're not a trader and having a little gang of goody two shoes
Starting point is 01:17:53 that will keep you safe. Yes, and it's like, that's when you say, you have proven, you even admitted you created this scheme to like lie at a day and to flesh this, you proven that you can lie and it would not be out of the realm of possibilities that you have killed people on your side to make it look like we are all the murderers.
Starting point is 01:18:11 If there's anyone who's capable of doing that, it would be you. And furthermore, even if you did, even if you, like yes, it also wouldn't make sense for you to do a shield block, but also maybe you weren't a, maybe you weren't a traitor at that point, but you've since been recruited. I don't know. I'm like, can you see I'm working myself up already again, Ronnie? I think you need to give me a pep talk after this episode.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I'd be like, man. So MJ is like, she's like, this has got wrenching because like, I don't know if I trust Phadra, but like Peter would get rid of me in two seconds, you know, which is true. And so, dun dun dun, everyone starts voting and now it's like even Stevens, right? And we don't know who's gonna win. And the last vote is MJ. And she starts, she's like really nervous. Did John make the right choice?
Starting point is 01:18:57 And she starts to turn it around and we would see you next week. And we see those fucking credits start to show up as they're voting. I'm like, no, you're not going to do this to me, Peacock. You're not going to do this to me. And they do. But I think Phaedra's, I don't, even if Phaedra makes it through this week,
Starting point is 01:19:16 I cannot see how she makes it through next week. Cause if Peter gets voted out, he'll obviously say I'm a faithful. And so then I don't know how Phaedra gets out of that gym. However, if Phaedra gets, if Phaedra is banished and Kate has to recruit someone, if she's given the same opportunity to recruit or kill, like, basically, or I should say,
Starting point is 01:19:40 if the person is told you either become a traitor or you get murdered, I think she should take on Peter, force Peter to be a traitor. And if he says no, then he's eliminated, which is great. But you make him a traitor and then you immediately expose him. You immediately throw him out there and be like, he's a traitor.
Starting point is 01:20:00 So that way it fully rattles, Grishelle and John, they now no longer have any sort of faith in their own instincts and then watch them scramble from there. Well, let's see. Can you tell us about that? The first season, the first season only had 10 episodes. So this was episode nine of this year and there's still a lot of people laugh. So do you think they're just doing a longer season?
Starting point is 01:20:25 For sure. I think it's probably gonna be, I feel like it'll episode nine of this year and there's still a lot of people left. So do you think they're just doing a longer season? For sure. I don't think it's probably gonna be, I feel like it'll, I was gonna say 13 episodes, but maybe it's going to follow like the other, maybe it'll be like a 15 episode season, probably 13. Really? I guess the time will tell, won't it? Not, not quickly enough. Not quickly enough.
Starting point is 01:20:44 That's the truth, man. All right, everybody. Well, thank you so much for being with us today for the three terms. Just make sure you're kind out there and don't murder anyone. Go get tickets for our European tour. And Netflix is a joke comedy festival. All that stuff is over at watch what guys. If you want a video of this, go to Patreon patreon it's also where our bonus episodes and stuff are
Starting point is 01:21:08 and we sure love you guys we'll talk to you next time bye watch what crappens would like to thank its premium sponsors ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley Savoni she don't take no baloney trolling the park with Caitlin Clark she's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels! Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickle-us. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no less namey. Hava-Negila Weber, know your worth with Jason Kurt. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Sips some scotch with Jessica Trotch. She's always supplyin', it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson, let's give a kiss a Reno. Beneath our Jennifer Wing! Sips some scotch with Jessica Trotch! She's always supplyin', it's Kelly Ryan! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches, Betches! And our super premium sponsors!
Starting point is 01:22:00 Somebody get us 10 CCs of Betsy MD! We're takin' the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Junie. My favorite murder, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. it's Kyle Pod Chadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We wanna hang with Liz Lang. The incredible Edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Cotchett. She ain't no shrinking violet koutar. We love you guys.

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