Watch What Crappens - #2341 RHOBH Part 2: Red Deriding Hood

Episode Date: February 29, 2024

*This is part 2 of a two-part recap*Time for the first part of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion, and Dorit is in the hot seat. Thankfully, her outfit is too hilarious to stay mad for too long. Grab tickets for the Netflix is a Joke Fest in LA and our European tour at Watch this recap as a video and get our bonus episodes at  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everyone, welcome back! This is part 2 of a two-part recap. If you're wondering where part one was, we'll go check in the feed and be sure to subscribe. So, um, she's like, but you have to judge on character and intent. Yeah, your character is to do this shit over and over and your intent is never to learn your fucking lesson and then to argue every time anybody calls you out on it. I mean, what good intent is there in that? You know, DeRita, DeRita is, DeRita is she is so hell bent on being understood by more than just her word, like her poor word choice here. And yet she's completely unwilling to see greater context and nuance from what
Starting point is 00:01:07 Garcella is saying. And that's what drives me nuts about this. So she's like, you know, I would never do anything deliberately to hurt you. Yeah, she said that. She said that she doesn't think you're a racist and you didn't do it deliberately. And she said it was unconscious Karen behavior. You are now making this a whole segment and you're forcing us to even sit here and make it worse than it is for you because you're such a dumbass. Like she's letting you, she's giving you a pass
Starting point is 00:01:32 to just move on and you're refusing to move on. So now it happens all the time on these shows. Instead of just saying sorry, Doreet has to make herself the most offended out of anybody here because no one was racist to her, but they have insinuated that she is a racist, which is the worst thing that could ever happen to a Karen. And she's like, and by the way, and then she keeps saying this, she's like, you know, I would never do anything deliberately to hurt you. And by the way, if I do, by the way,
Starting point is 00:02:04 tell me, I'm'm like what part of this what do you think this all is so then Garcella finally is like okay I'm gonna just destroy her right now and she's like you were attacked by strangers you were robbed you were at gunpoint you were attacked you know the difference you lived the difference okay strangers in the house with guns and your children in their bedrooms, which is horrific, but yet you say to me that I attack you when you know what an attack is. I was like, Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Garcell was like basically like shut up. Well, a couple of things on that is one of them is did they skip something? Because I could have sworn they showed in the preview Dereet saying I had a gun hair to my head after Garcelle said this but they didn't show that. They didn't show that. It went right to commercial. And also the Garcelle thing you know her saying that it's true but it's also like using her trauma or whatever against her. She had to. And I feel like just watching I don't think she had to and I'm not saying it's right or wrong I'm just saying from a tactical standpoint Dari really could have jumped on that and been like oh really?
Starting point is 00:03:09 So now you're pretending that you care about my trauma you literally made jokes about it this season when you said I Haven't been this surprised since Dari showed up with purses that she claims were stolen from her Yeah, so I Was surprised but Dari just kind of stands there blinking from her home or something like that. Well, let's say they're gonna get into that next week. So, I was surprised. But Doree just kind of stands there blinking, but also in that confused way, like... Mm-hmm. She's just bullied me, but I don't know how to say it
Starting point is 00:03:34 without saying the word boolean. So I'm just gonna sit here and blink. Right. Yeah. But I thought it was a great point, because what she's basically saying is When you say that I attack that I attacked you yes, the word attack gets thrown around You know it gets used hyperbolically in conversation But when you say it to me especially in the context of you having already had several microaggressions to
Starting point is 00:04:01 Right, right. Yeah, I get it. I just yeah, no, but I'm just saying for the people who don't get it, it's like, you are establishing, you're just like, you're setting a tone, you're making people think that I'm as dangerous as those people who broke into your house, you know, on a certain level. But to reach the like, but I tend to get it. So we go to commercial break and then we just kind of,
Starting point is 00:04:22 like we've just moved on from this whole, well, actually we haven't moved on. We now go to Ann Marie who's like, I'd like to say something. And she says, I just want to say that when you guys were having this conversation and you said to DeRite, don't call black women angry. You don't call them aggressive.
Starting point is 00:04:38 When we were sitting at a Sutton store and I was, unfortunately, talking about Eurosophagus, Sutton said to me, why are you- I was unfortunately, talking about your esophagus son said to me Unfortunately asking about your esophagus. What a sentence. Wow. No, what a way to set a scene She's like son said to me. Well, why are you yelling at me? Why are you yelling at me when I was clearly not yelling at her and you were right there Garcelle? And you didn't say anything and that does not make sense Well, that's true, but you didn't say anything either.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So she's not coming at you for not standing up for her. She's standing up for herself. So these two things aren't really equal. On the other hand, she's correct. Sutton, that was shitty of Sutton, you know? Yeah, I definitely think that I really are. We call that out. You know, not really loving someone on the show
Starting point is 00:05:22 doesn't mean they're wrong all the time. And she's kind of right on that but to make that Garcell's responsibility You haven't stood up for Garcell at all Garcell standing up for her fucking self, you know, and you're not helping her with that either So I don't know what you're sitting here about Yeah, and Garcell's like well, we all yell at each other and emmer's like no I'm talking She's like I'm a black woman too and this is like somebody weaponizing me as a black woman, trying to make me look aggressive. And Garcelle's like, well, you can stand up for yourself, which is, and you were doing a perfectly fine job
Starting point is 00:05:51 without the entire night. And she's like, but I'm still talking. So like I was being weaponized as a black woman, which I'm not really, I see what she's trying to get. She's trying to just come through for Dorit here. But she says that everything she's saying is just, oh, yes. And Dorit could get it in that moment too, by the way, because they show a clip of that when Dorit's like, she's, but she's not yelling at you sudden, you
Starting point is 00:06:15 know, like Dorit can kind of get it when it's not her, which I guess is human nature in a way, but she's like, Dorit stood up for me and Garcelle just goes, she does her. Okay. Yeah. Garcelle's like, I don't want, Garcelle's basically like, Dorit stood up for me and Garcels just goes, she does her. Okay. Yeah. Garcels like, I don't want, Garcels basically like, I don't like enmer, enmery. I don't want to stand up for her.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So Andy is like, all right, well, I want to get back to Dorit. I want to get back to the cast member who's going to be here next season. So did you and Garcels finish this? And Dorit's like, well, Garcels labeled me. And you know, you made an assumption. She goes, well, we were good. And you labeled me as angry or well attacking, attacking. You labeled me as attacking. So then, yeah, it's just more of this.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Dereet's like, well, and she's like, well, that changes everybody's perception of me when they meet me because now they're seeing me as an attacker. And she's like, why didn't label you as attacking? And she says, you literally said you attacked me, Dorit. She goes, yes, but on this show we use that all the time. Roll the bean footage, the beautiful bean footage. We always see attacks.
Starting point is 00:07:16 We always see it. And they're like, Dorit, it's different when you're talking to a black, like they're trying to explain this shit to her. She doesn't get it. And she's like, but what's even worse is you said I live in a bubble. I don't live in a bubble. I'm married to a bubble. That's all. So we see this thing. We see Garcelle saying that she lives in a bubble and Garcelle was like, yeah, and then you went online and you said
Starting point is 00:07:41 happily living in my bubble you double down. It's just like, wow, this girl really is clueless. And we see Doreen in her photo where she's like, happily living in my bubble. And what an idiot. And Doreen's like, but in hindsight, I guess that was a mistake. And she's like, then why didn't you take the post down? And Crystal's like, didn't you do it twice?
Starting point is 00:08:02 Like you posted two times about it. And she's like, no, no, no, no, no. I did it the one time, and then the next time I did it to clarify. Yeah, the second one was like, I live in a love bubble. I'm extremely happy to live in my bubble. Yeah. So they're like, okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I just wanted to make it better. So I said, I live in a love bubble with other white people. Just so nobody could take it the wrong way. Do you really believe that I was doing that to stick up my middle finger? And Grosso was like, well, that's what it was perceived as. And then he's like, yes, everybody's like, yes, to Rie. I mean, it didn't really land. I mean, did you think it landed?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Because it really didn't land. They're just kind of making fun of her now, because like she's just such an idiot. She goes, okay, fine, well, I didn't want to leave it. Like I didn't care. Like I was sticking my middle finger up, which is why my third post said, soak it, everyone who's not white.
Starting point is 00:09:00 This is my fucking bubble, bitches. And gave two middle fingers. Dary, no Dary. So Groschele's like, she's like, well, so then Dary's like, there's a very big accusations, Groschele, very big accusations. And she's like, yeah, well, so is the word you use for me. All right, all right, okay. Listen, two things can be true, right?
Starting point is 00:09:24 And I think one thing I've learned is it's really important to kind of just listen and say the last maybe bullet point size in situations like this, okay? Which is why I've let you go on for 30 minutes about it. Okay, so enjoy that hold you've dug for yourself, Doreet. It's gonna be fun visiting you at the bottom of that well. Okay, what should we talk about next? And Erica's like, for yourself, Doreet, is gonna be fun visiting you at the bottom of that well. Okay! What
Starting point is 00:09:45 should we talk about next? And Erica's like, uh, we need to take a break cuz I need one, okay? This, I need to take a vindication pee. Oh, gotta, still gotta, baby! Boys, boys, I have one last question. Tell me this, riddle me this yourself. Do you like me? Sometimes. Oh, do you have a problem with me? Well, there's something obviously. Obviously, do you want to even try to work through,
Starting point is 00:10:14 do you want to try to have a friendship? I'm not sure. Doreen's so full of shit. Have you called Garcell since filming stopped? Have you gone to lunch? Have you made any kind of effort to have a fucking friendship set up with her? Have you gone on a brisk 10 mile walk with her?
Starting point is 00:10:27 You're no kidding. You've done the equivalent of lie down on the sidewalk as far as this friendship with Garcelle has gone. So please. Well, I want to move on and obviously I work with you two is not done. So let's shift to something not so heavy. If you ever hear someone in this group moaning
Starting point is 00:10:45 with pleasure, it's usually over a Birkin or some diamonds. But when it comes to sex talk with the Beverly Hills women, they are not afraid to let their freak flags fly. Wash this segment that's hilarious and shows just how wacky and sexually open they really are. And they're like, what's scissoring? Have you heard of scissoring before? Oh my God, scissoring. I'm like, wow, look at them cutting edge. You gotta love all these women in Hollywood
Starting point is 00:11:12 acting like they're the most pristine, untouched, little innocents that have ever walked the face of the earth. They're like, what? Homosexuality, whatever is it? Women can't be gay. They don't come up with any jokes for the confessional. I've not heard one from a woman. So, um, and he's like, all right, Garcella Magic Mike, you seem to light up with the dancers and the abs in your
Starting point is 00:11:41 vicinity. What was it that caught your eye? Was it that the abs or was it something else? So they talk about this magic mic stuff and then they start talking, they start trying to get under Crystal and he's like, okay, Felicia from Rashad says, Crystal, what was up when you said Doreed hasn't seen a real body part in 10 years?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Whoa, Doree, what's your reaction to that? And she goes, well, I'd love to see exactly what everyone thinks about me besides my square boobs. It's fake. Anybody? Anybody name one thing? I was like, girl, your eyes are a different size. Your nose is, you know that pictures of you in high school
Starting point is 00:12:20 are on the internet readily available, right? There is no shame in your game. You, whatever you've done, looks fantastic and fairly natural. I think even your boobs, I think people should leave for square boobs alone personally. That's just what they say on the internet. But listen, you paid for it. You should brag about it. Crystal's like, I was just being funny.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Oh, funny. I mean, he's it. He's it. You know what I think is funny? Vans. How do you feel about that, Crystal? Vans? My veins. So Andy is like a sudden while you were on the bull, Erica said, if Sun's a bull, if Sun's bull riding skills or anything like her dick writing skills, it's no wonder she's not getting a second hit.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Ha! Rebuttal. Anyway, it's just more stuff. Sutton's like, no. I like that Sutton doesn't fall for it. She's just like, no, not really. You know what? Riding bulls is hard, but riding the other thing is much easier.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Sutton, if you can't even say dick, it's not much easier. OK? Sutton doesn't ride. You know Sutton doesn't ride, you know, Sutton doesn't ride anything. No, she's definitely. Sutton barely rides in a car. Okay. No. Sutton is a, she's like a, she's like counsel without a W.
Starting point is 00:13:36 She's just a layer. She's just laid there. You know, I'm the same way. I don't do any riding. I make no effort and I can see that in other people. I see the low effort in other people, you know? Takes one to no one. You're a layer.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Layer. So Andy eventually is like, Kyle, in season 10, we saw you very finicky about the implication that you and Teddy were romantically entangled. But now that you're scissoring, Doree, ha, and you're saying that you would date a woman, what's changed? Well, Andy, like I'm totally different, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:13 because like I was raised in a certain way where it's like, oh, you have to do this and you have to do that. I'm like, you know, whatever. But like that's more trendy to be gay. And also like I met a very popular person who's a lot younger than me and has like better Q ratings than me and who happens to be gay. And also like I met a very popular person who's a lot younger than me and has like better Q ratings than me
Starting point is 00:14:26 and who happens to be gay. So like I'm willing to give it a shot now. Sun's like, and I don't think any of us would be judgmental or care. I know we would be supportive. Sun's basically doing the parent thing where you're trying to say to your kid, we know you're gay, just come out of the closet.
Starting point is 00:14:45 We'll still love you, but I don't want to out choose. So I'll just say whatever path you choose in life, we support you no matter what. And if you'd like to maybe share that path with us, no, not yet, okay, that's fine. But if you choose a path, regardless of what path that might be, we're here for you.
Starting point is 00:15:01 That's cute, I love your path. That's a good path, That was not my path. My path was like, your shrink told us you're gay and if that's the case, enjoy hell. Okay, enjoy not living in this home. Okay, you can enjoy that. You can have fun with that. Are you gay or not?
Starting point is 00:15:18 I was like, fuck yeah I am. Deep for life. Never get out. Maybe that was Big Kathy's approach. So now we go to a commercial break and all right, well, let's talk about the new wife, busy mom and fitness fanatic, Anna Marie was rated 8.5 by her husband, which to be fair is a solid B.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But questions about her job title and sons of sapphic has had Crystal calling her a B Get it cuz it's like one's a B. Yeah, one's a B also But the one B stands for bitch the other B stands for like okay, ha So good you think she was a see when she calls you will be kind of love great talk so then we see the anima re package, which is, you know, extremely tiring.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And, um, this was another time when Kyle denied a friendship with someone because she was pretending to be friends with Anna Marie at the beginning of the season and the reaction to her has been lackluster to say the least. And Kyle has been in interviews like, I barely even knew that woman. Yeah. So that's just how Kyle rolls, you know? Wow. I have to say there's something really weird.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I don't know. I actually almost feel bad for Anna Marie. I feel like she came into the show and she had such a, like she, she flopped so hard in a way that I feel like she's been, I don't know, like somehow I actually feel, I don't know why I've never felt so bad for someone flopping because we've seen flops. I mean, look at what's her face last season, Diana. Like we've seen big people hated her too. I mean, people were, you know, really hateful of her too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And Amarie, it's notice it's like, sure reminds me of that Simpsons episode. Was it like Homer or something where he just keeps on stepping on rakes and they just keep hitting it right in the forehead. And I'm like, I actually am like, I don't know. I have like a weird thing. I feel bad for her, even though she has no problem at all views about things. I don't know. She is the worst.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Her husband is the worst. And she only makes it way worse for herself today, even though she tries the whole crying thing, like, oh my god, you guys being on TV is like so hard, like people have no one prepared me for how mean people are. It's because you said, you came on here and you immediately started bullying somebody because you wanted to be cool with Kyle, who like you considered the lead of the show, and she also considers herself the lead of the show, and you immediately started going after somebody
Starting point is 00:17:47 just to be cool to this other chick. That's not a good person, you know? And then this whole doctor versus nurse thing and trying to make it that everyone's attacking your profession, which is absolutely not true. She's done terrible things. She just says, you just listen. She's a flop.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I just want it to be clear. You just, it's nothing personal. You just suck as a person. You know what I mean? it to be clear. You just, it's nothing personal. You just suck as a person. You know what I mean? That's your issue. You've foisted yourself and your terrible views on everybody else. Like I'm not gonna feel bad for you.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Sorry. I do feel bad for her about her mom thing. That stuff's not cool. Obviously we're not gonna make fun of that. But the rest of it is your own fault. Like I'm not gonna sit here and feel bad for you that people gave you shit all season. You were awful this season. And you continue to be awful in this reunion. And then
Starting point is 00:18:28 you went and you tripled down on awful on your Instagram, which we'll get to in a little while. So I didn't see that. Okay, well maybe maybe you can help me snap out of it because I'm not normally the sympathetic to flops. You like who you like. I feel like it's important to get like sometimes I just will feel bad for someone like I know they pull my they pull my heart string and I'm easily Manipulative manipulative listen to Kyle would one circles around me because I can be manipulated so easily It's time for a commercial. It's time for a crappin's commercial So Marshall. So, um, but this was also classic Andy Cohen.
Starting point is 00:19:07 So, so, you know, some questions about like the 8.5, like, Hey, what'd you write? Why you rank your husband? Well, he's an 8.5. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Okay. Um, I want to express my condolences to you. I know your mom recently passed out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:23 What can you tell us about her? So she is talking about her mom. She's sobbing basically because she lost her mom, which is devastating. Her mom had a tumor. Very, very sad. She was dealing with it actually during the entire show while they were shooting.
Starting point is 00:19:35 She was compartmentalizing. She's sitting here on the sofa crying, tears coming down her cheeks, barely able to get words out. And he's like, yeah. All right, well, I want to make a little bit of a right turn. Okay, bring it back one of the first times we met you on this show. You really wasted no time. Kind of calling things as you saw them.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Remember, remember you were like, I'm going to be in a big minute doobie. So anyway, you seem really confident. Well, I talked about that first dinner party you came into. And she's like, she's like still like, it's like a hard pivot out of like her mom's stuff right into like gossipy shit with the season. I was like, could you like let this lady have a moment? Jesus. Yeah, like maybe come back in a different segment.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You know what I mean? But it's also manipulative, manipulative to the audience in a way. Cause it's like, okay, let's put everything we could, we could, let's must's put everything we could, let's muster up anything we could feel for this person before we go into what an asshole she was for the rest of the season, you know?
Starting point is 00:20:33 It feels kind of, it's like a Lisa Vanderpump on Vanderpump rules kind of move. Like, Tom has gone through so much, everybody. So let's say our favorite thing about Tom. I'm getting that vibe from Andy right now. But, but I did like that he basically makes her start sobbing and then he goes, So let's, I'm so sorry that you're going through that. Let's pivot. America hates you.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I know. Well, I, um, I always do speak my mind and I'm always very honest with like the things that I observe and I say it because I feel like that's like truly the only way to get to know people. Yeah, well guess what? It wasn't all positive feedback. In some viewers' eyes you could do no right. What was the hardest part about the negative feedback? By the way, here's some more tissues since you're still crying because I invoked the
Starting point is 00:21:19 death of your mother. Okay, try to answer both at once. So she's like, you know, I'm an athlete. So I'm used to being criticized. I'm married to Marcellus. I mean, he calls me a bee all day. So, you know, everybody's telling me like you need to do better. Like I get it, but I did internalize this and it really hurts me when people are mean to me. And he's like, yeah, you know, there's really no prepping anybody for the monsters you become. And like people really do. And that's true. You know, there's really no prepping anybody for the monsters you become. And like people really do.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And that's true, you know, people really are hard on these people on these shows, you know, like, hello, me, us. And I get it. So maybe some of it's guilt watching it, but I'm like, don't blame me for this. Of course, I have to project my own feelings. I'm like, oh, really? So now it's all my fault, huh? It was Andy Cohen's fault, didn't you read the lawsuits? So, uh, something is like, so what did you think about Crystal when you first met her? And
Starting point is 00:22:14 she's like, no, Crystal was awesome off, off camera. And then the, when the cameras went up, it was just like, it was just like a different tune. It's like, yeah, well, we all saw, you tell Garcelle when you first met Anne-Marie like she claimed to be a doctor. So by the way, anesthesiologists and anesthesists are two very similar words. Is it possible you misheard her? Crystal's like, no, no, my sister, the one who didn't abandon the family, Jeff. You know, I've got a sister who's an anesthesiologist. So we had the conversation and you said, I'm an anesthesiologist.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And I said, oh, my sister's an anesthesiologist And she said has a private practice at Cedars and you said oh well I'm a nurse anesthesiast and I was like oh well that's interesting well We you know people and you said people don't know the difference. I'm like I Kind of feel like maybe Crystal must heard this one I don't know I actually have a really hard time believing putting everything everything aside, all the bullshit that Anna Marie has said, all the esophagus stuff, which is so like she definitely like missed up there. I just have a hard time believing that she would say she's a doctor when she's... But she continues to, even to this day, even here, she does it again. I mean, she went on her Instagram a few weeks ago when the
Starting point is 00:23:25 the Association of anesthesiologists came for her and posted that thing about her. She's basically well world. She goes into it right now But I totally a hundred percent because of her own words believe that she did because I didn't before I thought crystal must have heard it She wouldn't have said I'm an anesthesiologist. She would have said I'm a nurse anesthetist and Crystal heard it as because they're so similar. Right? Right. She must heard it. But it's what Anne Marie has said after that. And even right now that makes me believe, oh, she totally said that. And she's making it worse for herself by digging her heels in about it. So she's like, look, I'm going to tell everybody now what really happened. So when Crystal and I first met, she said, she said, I'm a housewife. And Chris is like, no one talks like that. I would never be like, hi, I'm a housewife. I mean, who talks like that? She's,
Starting point is 00:24:14 well, the only reason I'm not over talking to you right now is because I'm not going to do that today. So she starts doing that thing or like, I'm right, because you look like a loony tune, cause you're upset and I'm not upset. So suck on that. So Crystal doesn't give a fuck, right? So it doesn't work. And she goes, um, you've been proven to be a liar. So I don't even care.
Starting point is 00:24:34 She's like, oh, I'm sorry. Did, uh, she goes, did you not say that I said that she had an eating disorder twice? You're a liar, Anna Marie. That's it. You're a liar. And she's like, no, I'm not, no, I'm not. We'll get to that. We'll not, we'll get to that. She goes, Anna Marie. That's it, you're a liar. And she's like, no, no, no, no, we'll get to that. We'll get to that. She goes, uh-uh, you've proven to be a liar.
Starting point is 00:24:49 So Doree is like, I think liar is a very, very strong word. I would use aggressive. All of a sudden, Doree is caring about word choices. Doree, Doree has a threshold. But the intention. Yeah reap. He's like, has a threshold. But what was special? Attention. Yeah. So, Andy's like, well, I'm curious, who do you believe?
Starting point is 00:25:10 And Erica's like, well, I knew she was a nurse and that's just, ah, redemption. And Grizzle's like, well, of course, because you're on the show, we're still talking about. And Kyle's like, um, she told me on camera what she did. And I still thought she was a doctor, which is funny because I thought after all those years of performing on hit TV show ER, I would know the difference. But I don't know. I mean, you would think Kyle, Kyle method Kyle over there, you know, story.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And she's like, well, I'm just dumb. So like, I believed it. So I can believe that there would be, you know, that's always Kyle's thing. Like the article is too long. So how am I supposed to get mad at Erica? Who's supposed to read that whole article? You know, it's Kyle. Like we're just dumb.
Starting point is 00:25:50 So I know it's always Kyle's argument. So Crystal's like, no, I think you just intentionally misrepresent because people don't know the difference. So then Anne-Marie does her whole, let me explain why it's a big deal. The American Society of Anesthesiologists and the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology, there's a war going on. There's politically issues that exist there.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And Kyle's like, is it because you guys basically do the same thing? Okay, well, where did Kyle get that? She got that from Anna Marie. Anna Marie told Kyle that. So she's trying to stick up for her with information she gets from Anna Marie, which of course Anna Marie is like, yes So she's trying to stick up for her with information she gets from Anna Marie, which of course Anna Marie is like,
Starting point is 00:26:26 yes, it's the same thing. It's just, well, they can't do the same thing. It's just basically it's for a different price. So she's like, yes, they're paying less to the nurses, but the nurses do the exact same thing. I don't feel like that's true. So I'm just gonna say, but I believe that Ann Marie says this
Starting point is 00:26:45 because Ann Marie is the one filling their heads. And Ann Marie even says right now, we do the exact same thing. It's just we get paid less and there's a war going on. So, listen, I've said it before, you're not a slouch for being a nurse anesthetist. That's an eight year degree, okay? That is something to be proud of. There's no shame in that.
Starting point is 00:27:06 But to say that being a nurse is the same as a doctor is just not the truth. It's not the truth. It's not the same. I think that Andy puts it best somewhere in here. He says, it seems like you blur the lines. So I don't, I don't feel like she said I'm a doctor, but I think what I, I, what I personally has been mandalic, I would feel more comfortable saying is, yes, it seems like she does blur the lines.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Like we even see in the flashback when she and Crystal are fighting at that party and Crystal says something and Amory goes, oh, did you go to medical school for whatever years? And it's like, okay, so she's almost implying that she went to medical school, which I don't know if nurses and nurses do go to medical school or not.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I mean, quite frankly, I don't care because, you know, it's that's it doesn't detract either way from what they do. But I can see again how statements like that could blur the lines. And either way, it's definitely a full on mess. I love by the way, I love the anesthesiology and anesthesis turf war. Like, I hope that's like the next big HBO drama. Like that's the next game of thrones is like house anesthesiast versus house anesthesiology. It's like Game of Thrones, but everything is represented by 3D like oxycodone. You know, I don't think it'll do well. I think it'll really put the audience to sleep.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Get it, darling. But it won't be as painful to watch. So that's something. Get it, darling. But it won't be as painful to watch. So that's something. So just so people know, an anesthetist, a nurse anesthetist, because this is also very hard for gay people, so I don't appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I would appreciate you both reconsider what you call yourselves. Especially someone like me who has teeth aligners in and now has like a bonus list. I've got gay tongue. How am I supposed to have this conversation? So an anesthetist, a nurse anesthetist is a medical professional who assists physicians
Starting point is 00:28:50 with administering anesthesia to patients. An anesthesiologist is a licensed physician who administers anesthesia to patients before operations. Okay, come on. Come on, I can't, I can't have this argument anymore. Too many essays. I can't, I can't. The argument anymore. Too many essays. I can't. I can't. The point is this, that there's definitely a,
Starting point is 00:29:09 there are definitely blurred lines, but I also feel like there are blurred lines, but I do have a nagging sense that Crystal may have also misremembered something because it was like a year later. I don't know. It's like a little. And Anne-Marie, Anne-Marie is admitting it. She's saying, she's basically saying, we do do the same things. So she's still saying the same thing even now, which is why I think she's purposely blurring the lines. So,
Starting point is 00:29:34 Crystal's point, I think, is valid. She's like, listen, you, you're weaponizing your profession against Sutton. You're saying that you have all this knowledge and that's why Sutton is XYZ You know not to quote Larsa and Amary's like well here we go and she said yeah, it's like when But it's the truth basically so Andy's like well Anna Marie Why did Sutton's story about her esophagus bother you and she goes well? I just like I guess it's like the way they presented to me. Because, you know, like I want to say this, watching it back, watching how I behave, like I just want to apologize to you because I can't even tell you how much I hated watching it.
Starting point is 00:30:11 All of those four hours that I kept trying to tell everybody over and over. And that's the thing, it's not like it was just five minutes. You just kept going for episode after episode after episode. Well, she probably thought like, okay, this is my way in, this is thought like okay this is my this is my way in this is my few this is my storyline and i'm sure that kyle probably was coaching her too let's not let's not overlook that if we want to have a conspiracy theory based off of nothing but also also based off of watching this show for so many years kyle was probably like go after sun for this
Starting point is 00:30:41 she like this is good this will be good tv so. So something's like, well, you know what? I wasn't angry about the esophagus. You know, I was, it was the going behind my back and talking about an esophagus. I don't, here's one of my things I tell my friends, you can say whatever you want to my face, but if you talk about my esophagus behind my back, that's gonna be a deal breaker for me.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I really prefer face to face esophageal wars. That's what I prefer. And so she's like, okay, well, I just wanna say I'm really, really sorry, the end, very sorry. And she's like, mm-hmm, okay, thank you. And we're like, well, that felt so genuine, didn't it? I mean, even Garth says I'm not screaming and yelling about it.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And you know, it's a lesson learned. Genuinely didn't tick. I mean even God says not screaming and yelling about it And you know it's a lesson learned we all make mistakes in this group You know God knows we all make mistakes just like a crystal and her entire storyline this season What a mistake So they go on break and crowds like guys guys guys listen to this listen to this listen to what Vanderpump and This is late. Yep second week in a row, bringing up Vantirpomp. Love her, gotta love her. So she met with Crystal and she was like, oh my God, who are you?
Starting point is 00:31:51 And Crystal's like, I'm a housewife. Which I think is funny, because I just had the argument where Crystal is arguing that she would never introduce herself that way. And it just so happens that she is forced to introduce herself that way. It's Vantirpompant. It's so funny to me.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So, uh, Crystal's like, uh, I had to say I'm on the show and Kyle and Vanderpump said, it's like, Oh my God, you are. Is Kyle still even on that show? I mean, isn't that hilarious? And she is literally like hilarious. I mean, I think that's, it is hilarious. That is some great shade by Lisa Vanderpump, but Kyle's Kyle's presenting it like, Oh my God, she's so bitter. I'm like, no, she's. Shit. That is some great shade by Lisa Vanderpump, but Kyle's, Kyle's presenting it like, oh my God, she's so bitter. I'm like, no, she's, shit, that was good shade.
Starting point is 00:32:29 That was high level shade. And you fell right into it because now you've mentioned it right on TV. Yeah. So for the second week in a row, you're showing how much better Vanderpump was at youth in this, you know? I, my favorite story is when, uh, when Vanderpump saw Kyle and Alex Baskin, the producer, eating lunch and sent them her bill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I think that shit's hilarious. That's one of my favorite. And Kyle got all ruffled and was telling the waiter, we will not pay for this bill. And Vanderpump had really left her credit card there. Cause of course she was kidding, but just that Kyle got all worked up into a snit over it. Oh, I love that you got all worked up into a snit over it. Oh, Kyle. So I love that you're dressed like your personality when it comes to Vanderpump. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So then Kyle's like, yeah, it's not funny. You guys. So Andy's like, welcome back. Kyle is still spinning out of control years after she won. You know, Larry. Yes. Well, a few people in this group have accused Crystal of not speaking up. But when Anne Marie made her blood boil, Crystal found her voice real quick.
Starting point is 00:33:30 So we have Crystal Segment here. And, um, Andy is like, well, you told Rod the reason you're so quiet in group settings is because you occupy with how skinny everyone is. So she talks about that. She talks about how, you know, it's been since she's 11, she's been comparing herself to everyone else's bodies and everything. And it's been really hard. And Andy was like, well, well, we saw a side of you had never seen before. You said, you said, bitch, wow, that's wild. What is it about Anne Marie? That moment that pushed you.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And she's like, listen, it was because she's accusing someone of having an eating disorder. Like that's the worst thing to me because I have an eating disorder, you know? And Anne-Marie's like, oh, I mean, there was like a lot more to that conversation. So it wasn't a side, but there was a lot more. Oh yeah, you were also accusing her.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Well, you did say to be fair that she had an eating disorder or was an alcoholic. So you're right, there was one. Right. But you didn't say that Crystal said it. And she's like, Crystal's like, are you ever going to apologize to me for saying that she had an eating disorder?
Starting point is 00:34:37 And she's like, oh, I didn't say that. For saying that I said she had an eating disorder. I said that she had it. I didn't say that you said that she had an eating disorder. I didn say that you had said that she had an eating disorder. I didn't. I just said that you had verbalized it and words came out of your mouth that said she has an eating disorder. But that's totally different. And you know what, by the way, I didn't say it. You didn't say it. No one said it. I believe that what we saw on TV was a deep fake. And unfortunately, this show has been infiltrated by Russian hackers.
Starting point is 00:35:05 And I'm sorry, I'm sorry to the American people for that. Yeah, right after just her humble apology to Seton, she's like, yeah, no one said it. No one said it. You definitely insinuated. You're not going to gaslight me, ma'am. It was multiple episodes that this went on. So, Seton's like, well, good. Do you didn't say it? Cause I don't have an eating disorder. So, I mean, there, there it is. Okay. And, uh, Andy is like, okay, well, let's go to Spain now. So then, um, Anne-Marie, Anne-Marie claimed that Crystal called everybody on the show
Starting point is 00:35:37 shallow, uneducated, fake socialites. Crystal, you denied it. Well, first of all, is she wrong? She's definitely not wrong. Are we going to get to that part? Yeah. And Kyle's like, yeah, because, and I believe she said that because she, um, intimated things like that by saying like, oh, those are some big words for you.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I'm like, Kyle, you don't read past the headlines. So you literally just said you want to read a headline. And you also just said that even when Anna Marie told you what she did, you still didn't know the difference because you're just a dumb dumb. So. Chris was like, look, the reason why I said is because, you know, we have these, we have dumb ass conversations
Starting point is 00:36:18 all the time. I always say we have dumb ass conversations because there's a bunch of dumbasses in our group. A lot of very, very dumb people who try to wear green The way I do but don't look as good. That's you Kyle. That's you Kyle Now just to be fair here. I a hundred percent believe that crystal said to Anna Marie I'm on this show the Beverly Hills housewives everybody on that shows a goddamn idiot There are a bunch of bimbos who pretend their socialites, but they're really all poor
Starting point is 00:36:42 I believe a hundred percent that Crystal said that. I think, because Crystal snarky, she snarky as fuck. And I know that she was like, oh yeah, I'm on this show. I'm, I mean, I actually can see her saying I'm a housewife, but not like she, I can see her saying it, not like, oh, I'm a housewife who stays at home and like makes beds and stuff. I can see her saying it as like a, yeah, I'm on one of the real housewives. As I'm a real housewife.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah. How stupid is that? You know, because she's one of the, she's got that kind of Carol, stereotypical millennial edge to her where she's like, I'm on the stupidest thing ever, like the most demeaning show ever, the real housewives about, it's like, I'm like on it, like, you know, it's kind of ironic that I'm on it. I do it for the irony. You know, it's, this ironic that I'm on it. I do it for the irony. You know, it's this is what Carol Radswell would, would always say
Starting point is 00:37:28 when she's on Ronie, she's like, I kind of like being at the show. I feel like I'm with like my wacky aunt. It's just like fun to watch, but I'm not like how else why? Yeah, I think so too. So, um, Anna Marie is like, well, um, but also like another thing I want to say is like, there have been like instances where you've been like less than truthful crystal. So like, she gets, you're a liar. So don't throw rocks because you are constantly lying on the show. So I wouldn't do that. She's, yeah, but like, you admitted it. Like you spent two years trying to
Starting point is 00:37:58 insinuate that sudden was racist for saying something was so dark. But then you said, oh, well, I lied about that. It was just a feeling I had. No, no, I never made that up. Yeah, you lie about your fortune friends. And like, no, they lie about me. And I'm like, I don't want to be a part of that. Like, I don't want to be a part of like your system of lies. Crystal goes, well, you're not part of it.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So don't worry about it. So and he's like, all right, cool. Well, Crystal, feisty tonight. Good to see you dad. All right. More than the shallow or fake social eye allegations to read, you seem particularly offended by the slight on your education.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Why is that? Well, I'm one of the only person here with a college degree and they all start cracking up. Like Ann Marie falls over laughing. She's like, hello, you idiot. I'm basically a doctor. Did you not hear me? Yeah, so like.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Well, this was the Anna Marie post on Instagram I was talking about earlier. First of all, I'm gonna do us both a favor and not read the whole thing, because look at this, it's a wall of text. I can't. She even says a key to clear conscience and she puts a key emoji.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So that's how you know it's super important. And it's bullet pointed with little arrows. Bullet points. Little rights. Bullets. So she's like, do not misrepresent the truth about someone else's character, career or integrity. She didn't. You are met.
Starting point is 00:39:15 You admitted to misrepresenting your own career. Do not backstab someone, then admit to them off camera that you lied about them for a storyline. What? She did not admit off camera that she lied about them for a storyline. What? She did not admit off camera that she lied about a story, lied to you about, lied about you for a storyline. Give me a fucking break. Do not, and that's a whole paragraph I won't go into. Do not repeatedly disrespect and diminish the healthcare workers
Starting point is 00:39:36 profit. Oh, so now, now you're hiding behind the whole, I'm a healthcare worker, she can't be mean. You are misrepresenting yourself over and over, even in this post, ma'am. Nurses are imperative. No one said nurses aren't important. Find your voice, but do so by building yourself up, not by having to try to tear down the same person down continuously.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Always be authentically yourself, regardless of who's watching. Don't put on a facade to save your job. Oh, God, I can't. So the point is she doubles and triples down over and over. I can't with her. Commercials, here comes one right now. You know what else I can't with?
Starting point is 00:40:16 I can't with breaking news from Bravo. Oh, well, you know, well, you know, well, you know, well, you know, Peter. Stop know, well, you know, Peter. Stop. Um, that was really loud. I apologize. So when you went on to Instagram to look at Annemarie's thing, I then opened up mine to see what you were talking about.
Starting point is 00:40:35 But I got sidetracked by some very important news coming out of the Perseus County Register. Vanderpump Rules alums, Jack Taylor and Brittany Cartwright announced separation. of the Perseulis Count and Registrar-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er- Yes, um, Jack's has been angry that Vanderpump rules is getting so much attention with this stupid cheating storyline that he has decided to blatantly rip it off for his own stupid show that we will be watching every moment of and not caring about coming soon. Coming soon. Just wanted to put that right out there. Let's talk about real crappy hour. Sorry, everyone, whose ears were blown out by that jingle.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I didn't realize it would be that loud. I didn't sound too loud to me. Okay, you know what? What do I know? I'm a loud person. Listen, this is a big day, a big day of podcasting today. So the point is this, Jackson Britney, Stupid, Anna Marie's posts. Too long.
Starting point is 00:41:39 The needed, the needed bullet points also. Hey, and that was the bullet point. Yeah, you were doing the bullet points. I'm saying it wasn't you, it was her. No, it was me too. It was me too. Because I see, you know what, I'm, and I have to say now, I love you so much, man. You're such a good friend. And I'm really glad that we do this show together because the sound of my own voice, my head would explode if I had to listen to myself that much in a row, you know, when I go on for that long. I like it. My head literally starts pounding.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And it's not only because of self-hatred, I really do love you, you're a good partner. Well, thanks, I love you too. I, no, listen, we are both prone to monologuing. Listen, Lord knows I'm monologue. I, you know, I have my board game podcast off to the side and every now and then I will edit like the episode, I'll put it up and I see the waveforms
Starting point is 00:42:24 and I'm like, what the hell is wrong with me? This waveform of my voice is going up for two minutes straight. That is not allowed. I've had that, that waveform truth, you know, where you just see your own waveform staring back at you, going on for hours and hours. And you see someone else's as like, their waveform is like a, like half an inch. And yours is going on for like five inches on the, cut. It's mortifying. So don't you worry. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Okay. So she is trying to get on Crystal basically for the whole Sutton thing, which was kind of awkward for Crystal that that whole thing ended with Crystal never being able to specify what dark thing Sutton had said and then just backing off. And I'm still not sure what happened with that. If it was that Crystal had called a truce with Sutton and decided not to throw Sutton onto the bus any further, or if she really didn't have anything. I don't know what it was, but I do know it's not really Anne-Marie's to bring up as a newbie on this cast. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:21 Stick to your own stuff. If anything, it kind of lends not credence, but it just sort of supports this idea that Anne Reed did her homework and came on the show, like with marching orders from Kyle to be like, this is what happened. Now go. So anyway, so Dorita has now said that no one has a college degree except for her, which is hilarious. And Garcell is like, by the way, you can still be smart and not have a college degree except for her, which is hilarious. And Garcell is like, by the way, you can still be smart and not have a college degree. And then eventually
Starting point is 00:43:49 turns out there's like three college degrees in the group. And of course, it goes, but you know what though, I'm going to stand by the uneducated comment based on you calling me a child bride, because a rock solid response to this. She actually brings another white lady in as her defense, which I think is hilarious. She's like, how dare you? They called Priscilla Presley a child bride. Priscilla Presley, you know, of's not that, it's the Asian.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Oh my God, see, this is what I'm talking about. Does anybody not see what I'm talking about? It's like, what? See, what's wrong with that? And Crystal's like, well, as an Asian person, child bride is equivalent to male order bride. Do you know that? Do you even know that?
Starting point is 00:44:38 And she's like- Some of my favorite things I get in the mail. That's what's wrong with that. And Crystal's like, well, as an Asian person, child bride is equivalent to male order bride. Do you know that? Do you even know that? And she's like, Some of my favorite things I get in the male. That's what's wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I don't understand. Oh, really? Are we not supposed to let our children's watch the princess bride anymore? I suppose we've got somebody offended about that too. Well, I don't know all the words. Next, you're gonna say that hammockish lemma is offensive because you order things in the mail from it.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Wow, I didn't realize. I can't keep up. She's like, well, I obviously know now, but it was a three-way comment in my bubble, I mean my confessional. And listen, it's not what I was insinuating. It was off the back of calling us intelligent. It's like, well, you're kind of on the nose right now.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah, it was dumb. Well, the other thing is that Dorit was so mad when Crystal said, well, I was just saying something to be funny. And she's like, how could you? But now she's like, oh, it was just a, it was just a throwaway offensive comment. No big deal. And Carol interrupts and she's like, um, but the other part of that, like, you know, like saying that you're 12.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I mean, that's like, you know, it's like something I say to all the time. It's like just a number. It's just like when you, when you're saying someone's young, you're, like saying that you're a 12. I mean, that's like, you know, it's like something I say to all the time. It's like just a number. It's just like when you when you're saying someone's young, you're just like, well, I mean, what are they 12? I mean, because she goes, Kyle would know, you know, dating a 12 year old and all. But I like that, Kyle's like, 12 is the number people say. I'm like, OK, family, if you thank you for answering the survey. Like what give us a number that people say as an age that you are when
Starting point is 00:46:08 you're being your mature 12. That's the number. Survey says. Number one survey says. Yeah. Kyle dating someone younger than her daughters than some of her daughters. I'm sure she's going to love when people are calling Morgan 12. But we'll see. We'll see how that pans out. So Chris also like, yeah, well, you said I got married at 12. But, but we'll see. We'll see how that pants out. So Chris also like, yeah, well, you said I got married at 12. I got married at 24 and I had already gone to college and I have built a company worth over a hundred million dollars and it is like the coconut water.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Yes. I'm not going to name it by name because you don't have to deal with bravo. So I'm not going to say whatever that was. So Doris like, that's amazing. Oh, that is amazing. Wow. And my tie, my Tai at Beverly Beach. So gowns, gown wedding gowns with what's up buns, book at the paper living room.
Starting point is 00:46:56 So for you to say that you were in college and getting all this education, building businesses, while I'm getting married at 12 years old is bullshit. It's a micro aggressive comment Well, I understand whatever my comment could cook french fries faster than a fryer So uh, and he's like crystal you really found your voice this year and you used it so loudly What message do you hope that we heard the loudest? She goes well I'm here and I'm actually loving it. So that's it. Okay, we'll probably devote you to friend up next season,
Starting point is 00:47:30 but that was a nice try. Good job. And it just shows Erica so bored. She goes, I believe it feels like a macro aggression, not really a macro aggression. So he just looks at her like, who's that? Yeah, I'm Erica. So now we have a commercial break and we're back and now it's a Kyle Richards
Starting point is 00:47:47 thing. She's been working out, she's unrecognizable, she's got tattoos, she has fitness, doesn't do booze, whatever. How did this new Kyle fit in with her old friends? Let's take a look. So see, then we talk about her friend who passed away and Kyle talks about, you know, it's sad. And then, um, and he's like, well, you know, um, to read it seems like, uh, all this, it seems like you do. It seems like Kyle, you were disappointed in Dorete because she kind of stuck up for Kathy last year.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And it was at the reunion when Kyle's just blubbering and crying and everything that anybody said, she was just like, you're mean, you're mean. And Doreet said, Kyle, I think she just wants you to take some responsibility in this fight too. I mean, really, I think all of us, even though we all know that Kathy is probably insane in the membrane, even we can see like, Kyle, you're overplaying your hand a little bit, like for Christ's sake, you know.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Um, and that's all she said. I didn't think she was so mean to Kyle. Yeah. She's just like, of course, I think you're trying to help the mend, you know, like you, like, if I want for you guys to move forward, you have to also admit what you did. So Dorit's like, well, this is what I really want to get into because I really want to understand.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Okay. First of all, I had a relationship with Kathy, which was independent of my relationship with you. And I don't want to get in the middle of that. But, you know, I used to go to the gates of Kathy's home and say, Kathy, I'm your new friend, let me in. And she wouldn't let me in. It was a lovely relationship that we had. So it's something I want to preserve. And Carl's like, I mean, but I mean, you didn't know her as well as me. That's what I'm saying. I mean, you barely knew her.
Starting point is 00:49:30 She's like, Kyle, I never spent time with Keithy with you up until she filmed the show. I'd never seen you together. She's like, well, but like what I'm saying is like, you met at my party. So my point is we were closer than you were with Kathy. I mean, we were so close. Okay. Did I just say I wasn't friends with you because you don't exercise? No, I don't even think that's, how are you going to try and argue that you're so close with the DeRite when
Starting point is 00:49:54 you just made a big stink about how you're not close at all with DeRite? Make up your mind. Okay. Only when, so, so Kyle's like, well, you know, you seemed like really disappointed in her behavior like basically Kyle's saying You know off-camera you were like on team Kyle and you were disappointed with Kathy then all of a sudden you weren't And reads like well, but you I would only be disappointed in Kathy when you would tell me stories that I never knew about from the past and obviously I felt bad But those were stories and she's very wealthy and more famous than you are. So I don't know. I think I still am Tim Cathy. I'm just a bit.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah. Um, but also your friend, if you're like, my sister's so mean to me, you're going to be like, Oh my God, I'm so sorry. That's terrible. Like, yeah. What else are you going to say? You know, so then, um, also she's like, yeah, but all the stuff that happened in Aspen,
Starting point is 00:50:45 you mean when you started screaming and yelling at Dereet and having a fucking meltdown at Dereet for an entire episode? You mean that because she's not holding that against you, which I think if anybody's going to hold something against someone from Aspen, she could have held that against you. Totally. totally. So, um, uh, so basically Kyle's just like really, you know, trying to like pin to read down over this whole thing. And to read, it's like, I don't even follow. Cause Kyle says like, you're just following what the audience says. You just, uh, you just do whatever the audience agrees with, which is hilarious
Starting point is 00:51:20 because that is literally Kyle's thing. That's what she's been trying to do for years and years. And Doreet's like, well, I don't even follow what the audience says. Some might say I live in a bubble. Call back everyone. I'm in a bubble, bubble, bubble over here. Bubbley. And she's like, yeah, well, you know, the audience was like,
Starting point is 00:51:40 rah-rah, Kathy. So you were just trying to be on her side. Yeah, except the problem is the reason you yelled at her in Aspen is because she said the same thing. She was like, wow, wow, Kathy. So you were just trying to be on her side. Yeah, except the problem is the reason you yelled at her and asked her is because she said the same thing. She was like, all Kathy is trying to do is tell you her feelings are hurt. And the audience hadn't seen it then. So they didn't know, she didn't know at that point
Starting point is 00:51:54 whose side the audience was gonna be. Kyle, you're failing. And also so is your, I'm a temporary lesbian. So the audience will think I'm cool for five minutes. Okay. So then Dorit's like, well, that's not true. I don't follow the audience. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:52:09 The audience doesn't follow me either. And Kyle's like, well, I mean, she just wants to be like on the side of the audience. She goes, that is the most hysterical thing. Gossel's about to throw a chair over there. Gossel. I mean, Gossel's about to throw a chair over there. He's hysterical. Absolutely hysterical. Funnier than boy George putting a pie in my face in Peter Pan on ice in Britain. So that's the end of the first part of the reunion. We got two more parts coming up. I really enjoyed it personally. I thought there were some really good, there were some moments where I went,
Starting point is 00:52:49 so that's always a good sign for me. And anyway, we still have some major recaps to go. Again, if you want to hear the Miami recap, that's going to be on our Patreon bonus this week. And then we will have on Friday our summer house recap up. So a lot of big stuff. Be sure to tune in for it. Go follow some patreon get tickets to our European shows and Netflix is a joke and you've got about two more days left to watch the crappies on streaming. So that's all the news. We'll catch you the next one everyone. Bye. Bye. Watch what crappies would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King, Ashley Savoni. She don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Strollin' the park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickle-us. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no last namey. Hava-Negila Weber, know your worth with Jason Kurtz. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing
Starting point is 00:53:46 Sits some scotch with Jessica Trotch She's always supplyin', it's Kelly Ryan Kristen the Piston Anderson Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg The Bay Area Betches, Betches And our super premium sponsors Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD They area betches, betches! And our super premium sponsors!
Starting point is 00:54:05 Somebody get us 10 CCs of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall! She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch! She's a little bit loony!
Starting point is 00:54:24 Junie! My favorite murder, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Chadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We wanna hang with Liz Lang. The incredible Edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's quite the catch, it's Sarah Lemke, Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's quite the catch, Victoria Cotchett. She ain't no shrinking violet cutar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Our Crappings, add free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen, add free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at

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