Watch What Crappens - #2375 Summer House MV: Dress Mess of the Decade

Episode Date: April 2, 2024

Summer House Martha’s Vineyard (S02E02) throws a Decades party where Shanice is dressed down for…dressing down. Can a poor girl catch a break? Grab tickets for the Netflix is a Joke Fest LA and our European tour at Watch this recap as a video and get our bonus episodes at  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What What Crap happens? Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, the podcast for all that crap we love to talk about. On your braves, I'm Ronnie. That's Ben over there. Hello, Benoons. How are you? I'm great, thanks. How are you? Good. Everybody, welcome to Summerhouse Martha's Vineyard Day here at Watch What Crappens. We're super excited. Okay? So excited. To present Martha. Hey, Martha. Martha Stewart's Vineyard. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Where basically people get wasted and try and fuck Martha Stewart all season long. Can't wait. It's a great show. So fun. Guys, check us out on Patreon. That's where you see these videos. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And also where you get our bonus episodes. This week we should be talking about the preview for House of the Dragon, which will be coming back to HBO Max very soon, or Max, whatever we're calling it these days. Yeah. And also get tickets for the Netflix comedy is a joke festival in LA in May,
Starting point is 00:01:20 and for our European tour to London, Birmingham, and Dublin also in May. Tickets at watch what crap Ben, let's get into it. Okay. Let's get into some Martha's Vineyard. I have to say something. I actually said this on our Instagram, but I'm going to use our larger
Starting point is 00:01:37 platform of our podcast. I'm going to try to speak to some kind soul who works at Bravo. And here's what I'm going to say. I really love Summer House, Martha's Vineyard. I think it's got a great cast. I think the cast chemistry is really wonderful. They're very, they're funny. They're bright people that they have, like they have potential to be really wacky and,
Starting point is 00:01:59 you know, have drama. Here is my thing that I want to tell Bravo. drama. Here is my thing that I want to tell Bravo. It's time to stop with these experiments of 15 day shoots. 15 for this is this show, I keep saying day three of 15, etc. or a girl real housewives ultimate girls trip. You have like an eight day shoot or maybe a 10 day shoot or winter house is up to like 21 or something like that. There's just simply not enough drama that's generated in a small amount of time. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you actually do. But so far we've now seen several of these seasons and there's just not enough drama to match the episode count that has clearly been ordered by Bravo. And so what happens is, even with a really good cast, you wind up with some episodes
Starting point is 00:02:47 where nothing happens because the producers just have to use anything they can to fill out the episode. So I say to Bravo either throw more money and do a shoot these people for like two months or for like two months or do an episode order of like six episodes so that way we don't have to have every episode focus on every day and then nothing happens during the day and then we have to sit there and watch it because this episode I'm sorry. It was not cutting it for me it was not and this cast is too good to be giving us dud episodes. So Bravo, figure it out. No, that's still gotta get warmed up. It's only episode two. It is only episode two, but I think that like, like it doesn't, we don't have to have these warmup episodes. Like we could have, you know, like let's do some editing. We don't have to sit through 15 minutes of game nights.
Starting point is 00:03:40 We don't have to sit through 15 minutes of people working out a CrossFit. Like this is just like, it's starting just, I'm only mentioning this because it's starting to become an issue on Bravo with some of their shows. And I think we have to like nip this in the bud, just give us at the best content you can give us and then we'll be very happy. Well, actually I think this cast is doing pretty good with keeping it going because they have a lot happening in just day two. I was like, Oh my God, you guys have only been there day two. We've got tears. We've got someone being confronted about being too handsy. Um, maybe it's that there's two summer houses
Starting point is 00:04:13 on at a time. Maybe I'm not sure, but I like, I definitely was like, like, okay, I had this, I'm like, I can't, I just can't watch them do CrossFit for 10 minutes on other time, I just can't. Well, that's a, that's a summer house classic, you know. Barry's pooping out. We gotta go to Barry's. He's right following them. Who's gonna work out today?
Starting point is 00:04:34 And we're like, I love working out. Yeah, we know. We know I'm here. But it's not just this show. We can see. You know, like when we watched on Girl's Trip and just like an endless episode of, of like guys coming to the villa, like nothing's happening. You're like, come on,
Starting point is 00:04:48 let's, let's tighten it up. Let's tighten this up and, and make it better. Okay. That's my note. So day two of 15 we're at the venue. Let's tear the roof down. Beautiful. It's a, it's a beautiful song and they're still on the boat and they're still dancing on this boat and it's a lot of like, and then they're like twerking and now they're leaving the boat. So like you were saying, I'm sorry, no, this is a perfect example. Like,
Starting point is 00:05:17 do we need to come back exactly where we left off? We didn't have to. Yeah. Nothing was happened. There was no TBC, you know? But you know how you were saying in the last Summer House, like, God, this really feels like watching all my friends. And I was so happy to watch and I felt like I was watching my friends. And then, you know, I felt awkward for you. But then this episode, I was like,
Starting point is 00:05:39 thank God these aren't my friends. You know why? I can't have all my friends twerking. I just can't imagine that happening. Do you know what would happen if I tried to twerk like that? I would break my back first of all. And my butt wouldn't clap like side to side. I feel like it would be clapping with the back of my knees. Well, you know, twerking is a liberal word for some of what was happening because it wasn't this where Bria was like on the cargo net or something of this catamaran and just
Starting point is 00:06:06 with like, it's like doing like a reverse worm or something. I was like, you know, there's a lot of, there's a lot of strange movement happening. Well, there was definitely a reminder, uh, whenever Bria dances, there's definitely a reminder that, um, playboy bunnies don't have to dance. You know, they do have to sling a good cocktail, but they do not have to dance. No, they don't.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So they're heading back home and the plan for tonight is that they're gonna be throwing a decades party. So they're all gonna dress up as a decade. And Jordan tells us that like, Jasmine and I talked about the issues that built up over the year and we just both agreed to disagree, but we also see what we can build from here.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So tonight there's no reason not to just like turn up and turn up some more. So get excited. Yeah. I have a reason that we don't need to turn up, Martha. You're single, poor thing. So then in the car, Nick is rubbing Summer's shoulder, which is so gross.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And he's like, that's me. This hand, that's me. And he's like, that's me. This hand, that's me. And she's like, I know. It's like, okay, just so you know. And so, um, Shanice is like, guys, I'm so pissed I didn't get dick before I came. This is crazy. We should do shots right now. Shots of dick. How long has it been since you guys have had shots or dick? Which would you take first? a shot of dick or a dick of shots? Oh my God, I can't stop thinking about dick! And Summer, actually Summer says this next thing,
Starting point is 00:07:34 it says that she hasn't been without sex since March. And then Alex says, it's been about four weeks, but I'm grown. Like, I don't like to look at it like that because I'm sensitive and I have a music collective. So I write grown. Like, I don't like to look at it like that, because I'm sensitive and I have a music collective. So I write lyrics. So I don't count in weeks. I'm deep. I'm deep. I count in hearts. Etchity's like, I love sex. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. Oh, sex. So then back at the house, people start to get ready
Starting point is 00:08:05 and Summer and Bree are talking in a hammock and Simon, they're talking about how Simon's coming out on Friday and Bree is like, oh my God, I haven't seen him for a month. They had to go back to Germany to do some watch work. You know? Want to talk about Hansi. Which we'll get to later.
Starting point is 00:08:20 He's still mad. That guy really literally works with hands. He's still mad at me when I told him we were going to maybe be on watch. What happens? He thought it was going to be about his job. Watch what happens. So she says, yeah, you know, Simon and I are in a better place than we were last year. Yeah. Because you're not together. You're, you're long distance.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Literally in two different places. Um, and he goes, I guarantee you, you will have problems again. The second you're together more than 24 hours, you know, we go through our ups and our downs, but Simon and I are very close, even though we are actually literally an ocean apart. And you know, I even lived in Germany with Simon for a year, but then I had to return to New York for business. Um, not that I have a business or I do any business,
Starting point is 00:09:05 but I'll just say that because it obviously was not working out between the two of us. I was gonna say, this show doesn't leave me with too many questions, but this is my first big one. What does Brea do? Does she have a job? What's her business? What's Brea's business? I forget. She's like- They don't talk about their jobs
Starting point is 00:09:19 a lot on this one. On the other summer house, we have the going to the city part where it's like, dun, dun, dun, to see their business. Danielle's like, I have an app. Hey guys, let's talk about apps opening. Okay, here's how I want my app to work. When you swipe up, I want you to have the option to close the app. Brie is like, I'm head of strategy for nothing incorporated. So then she's like, long distance is so hard. Dick withdrawal is the thing. Get yourself at DelDal.
Starting point is 00:09:51 So then Summer, oh, so Summer's like, dude, Jasmine's pregnant. And she goes, yeah, dead ass. She's always had boobs, but like, these are swollen boobs. Those are pregnant boobs. Breed's like, if that's true, I fucking knew it. That's what happens when guys get deployed. They get you pregnant and then they leave.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, like we all know it. I mean, obviously we've signed up for the fact that we know it. Like she's not drinking all of a sudden on summer house, Martha's Vineyard, you're pregnant. Yeah, and also that is a controlling guy thing to do. Like, I'm gonna pregnant younate you and then leave. Surely you won't cheat on me.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And also I won't have to deal with the rough parts of pregnancy, which is me having to do things for you. Like, not gonna be around for that part. Have fun, sucker. So now everyone's getting dressed to go get into, start swimming and Nick wants to take a nap. And Amir's checking in on Preston, because Preston's dad, his dad died, as you may remember.
Starting point is 00:10:45 And so there was a funeral and he didn't go and Preston was basically like, whatever, my dad didn't approve of me being gay. And Amir's like, yeah, I think sometimes parents just tell themselves, like, I did the best that I could do as an out. So they have like a nice little moment together. And then Nick is napping and the girls are by the pool
Starting point is 00:11:04 and they're like, oh my God, Nick together. And then Nick is napping and the girls are by the pool and they're like, oh my God, Nick is so wasted. Nick is so wasted. He started drinking in the very beginning of the, like very beginning of the morning. They show him saying like, we're ready to start drinking. So yeah, he's shit faced. And then they all start making fun of like
Starting point is 00:11:21 how you can tell Nick is drunk because of his laugh. And he has like a. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. And he puts his hands on your breasts. And then. You know, simple things like that. Starts calling you toots and slapping you on the butt. So then the guys are asking Alex,
Starting point is 00:11:38 how things are with summer on the boat. And Nick, here's how you also can tell Nick is drunk cause he gets up out of bed and sits down on his own clothes. If it's like, Oh my God, Nick, you're sitting on your clothes. He's wasted. So then Alex is like, you know, I think that there's a difference in expectations with summer. Cause she might be clinging to the idea that we are something,
Starting point is 00:12:03 but I'm not really sure where she would get that idea. I wrote a song about it. It's called summer. We are something. Yeah. Girls are crazy. So I'm just like, Oh, well her feeling left out and being that hurt. It's like you're, you should care about me more, but then everyone else is like,
Starting point is 00:12:21 Oh, it's because it's because it's me. And that's like, it's cause it's you. And she's like, it's me. And like, I'm trying to say, I've got your back, bro. I've got your back. This is it. And well, yeah. So Amir is like, so the way that Summer
Starting point is 00:12:36 is expressing her frustration, this isn't just about a party invite. You know, women only get upset when they're in love. Yeah. But also, you know, Alex can be like, whatever, I told her it was casual and I told her this and that. But Alex is also the guy who does this. Do you really understand me?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Because like, I like putting words to music that I really don't understand people who aren't deep. And she's like, yeah, I get it. So when you have like those deep conversations with somebody, you're like, only you get me. I think that's how people drag other people into thinking they're smart. But I think that on her part, she could take that as like, Oh my God, we totally get each other on this deep level. So yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:13:16 he is totally the person who does that. And you can't tell me otherwise. And so then he, then he gives his perspective. He goes, I've been very honest about where I'm at. After we left the house, I was open to the idea of getting to know her more, maybe inviting her to the music collective. But there were also things that, early, that I just didn't like.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I was like, I don't think this is it. The first time we were hanging out, it's like she's taking a photo of me without even me knowing, and then setting setting into Jordan, that's just wild. Like, sir, really? You're like the reason why my theory is this. The reason why he's so pissed off that she took the photo is because I think that he probably has multiple women and that he like the idea that someone might be taking photos and sending them around could threaten his position with other people that he's talking to.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And so that's like a big red flag for him. When I think setting a photo is fine, like it wasn't a creepy photo. It was just him in nice lighting on a sidewalk, or it was like, I look who I'm hanging out with. It wasn't even, it wasn't, I just didn't think it was a creepy photo. I mean, he wasn't looking like he wasn't in, he wasn't like posing for the photo. It was definitely like, Oh, here's him walking in West Hollywood click. But, uh, you know, I think it's because he wants to pretend he's famous because he's distant cousins with a famous person.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yeah. Like last year was his, Oh, Shanice is a stalker. I can't be friends with a stalker because I'm famous. And this year he's like't be friends with a stalker because I'm famous. And this year is like people are just taking my picture because I'm famous and then like bragging about it. But like you can't do that to a famous person. It's like, babe, you're not famous, okay? Congratulations on being born to someone with proximity to John Legend, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yeah, well, you know, he's thinking, I mean, I don't know if I could bring around my family because I've got a famous person in my family. If she's just gonna take photos without without me knowing that could be a bad thing. It's like, sir, just relax. Okay. Not everyone is going to like sploosh themselves because they see John legend. Okay. I hate to break it to you. Okay. But he's like, yeah, I don't know if we're on the same page, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:20 I mean, I thought we could be cool, but at the end of the day, you really get nothing for nothing. You know what I'm saying I thought we could be cool, but at the end of the day, you really get nothing for nothing. You know what I'm saying? And so Nick's like, okay, but can you re-beat? And they say, what? And he's like, re-beat. And they're like, what does that mean? Because here's the definition of re-beat. Take it from a person who wears hats. The first definition is the beat. The delicate way to put it is intimacy. It's like, hmm, I don't like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And then he's like- Let's not re-beat somebody. How about that? I don't like that. It's abuse, eh? The first word for it is to beat somebody, okay? Plain. That's the first plain way.
Starting point is 00:15:57 The second way now has to do with ladies putting on makeup, right? Like I'm still used to that slang. So we can't just keep using beets over and over again. Let beets, let beets alone. Third way, let's be honest. Also stop making beet salad. I'm sick of beet and goat cheese salad.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Let's do something else. I literally just bought some beets. I literally just bought them because beets are supposed to be good for lowering blood pressure. So I just bought some and I'm gonna make a beet salad later today, unfortunately. Sorry, sorry, just shamed your future beets.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It will not, it won't be my first beet salad I've made. So maybe this is a repeat salad. You're repeating it. That means you want to fuck it again. I'm going to fuck those beats again, Ben. Just say it. I want to go back to it. I want to fuck a salad.
Starting point is 00:16:34 That's weird, man. That's a red flag. I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. So he's saying that fucking somebody is a beat. When you're fucking somebody, you're beating somebody. I just feel like this is a bad road to go down. So it's a problematic road, Darryl said it. And then he said, so if you've already fucked them, then you're rebeating them.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Right. So Amir's like, yeah, you should do it. You should do it. And then we can tell us all about it. I'm not mightierly living through you. I'm very happy with my girlfriend right now. And Nick is like, Nick's like, yeah, I can't do it. And Amir's like, well, then why are you pressuring him? Why are you doing that? So Amir says, well, I'm not going with my girlfriend right now. And Nick is like, Nick's like, yeah, I can't do it. And Mir's like, well, then why are you pressuring him?
Starting point is 00:17:06 Why are you doing that? So Mir says, Mir's telling us like, why are you telling Alex to re-beat Nick? Is it because you want to beat? Let's get to the bottom of this. Let's try to create some sort of controversy in this stupid moment. I'm looking up beat on Urban Dictionary
Starting point is 00:17:24 to see if it's really a thing. It is not, not the way he's saying it. in the stupid moment. I'm looking upbeat on Urban Dictionary to see if it's really a thing. It is not. Not the way he's saying it. I can't believe someone who looks like a worm coming out of an apple, a cartoon worm coming out of an apple gave a slang that only he knows about. The bookworm.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Ellie and Mark were at home and they were having kinky sex. Mark pulled out a whip and began to beat Ellie's bare ass as she moaned. He slid his 14 inch cock into her and he went fast in and out whilst whipping her and acting like he was riding her as a horse, whipping it to go faster. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:17:52 What is this? Someone just used- Beat to roughly hurt somebody. Oh. Did someone just use like the classic definition of beat to kind of like have a little bit of a fantasy there? God. In carbon dictionary.
Starting point is 00:18:04 This really is, this is user submitted and people really go there. Okay. When something is uncool, lame, dumb or ugly to steal or Rob to have sex. Well, there is a, to have sex. It's way down. It's like the fifth definition. So there it is there. User Nick summerhouse MV. Wait a second. It's to be lame or gross or have sex with somebody. That makes total sense, guys. One thing, my favorite part about Urban Dictionary is how consistent all the definitions always are.
Starting point is 00:18:36 They just flow right into each other. Yeah. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial. So Amir's like, wait, why are you telling him to re-beat? Is it because you wanna beat? Let's get bottom of the beat. And so Nick's like, well, what do you do?
Starting point is 00:18:59 And he's like, I can't say if I would wanna beat her or not because Natalie would cut my dick off. Also, let's not talk about who we want to beat. He's like, to be fair, if I just said that I moved my pillow from the left side of the bed to the right side of the bed, Natalie would also want to cut my dick off. She just really wants to cut my dick off at all times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:18 By the way, your relationship sounds terrible. Terrible. Can I just be the first to say it? Please bring her on the show as soon as possible. So then everyone's getting dressed for this decades party and let's see. Noelle uses this as an insight to her backstory and she says, I was a very shy kid growing up
Starting point is 00:19:44 and one of the ways I was really able to embrace who I am was honestly just like dressing up, um, you know, homecoming week, character week, senior week, dress as a marmalade week. You know, I just dressed as anything, even though it wasn't even a week for things. I just would show up one day. I showed up in chemistry class, like a box of Cheerios. That was fun. Got to be my real self then.
Starting point is 00:20:10 She's like, one of the better ways to show how unique you are is to dress up like somebody. Like something else. Okay. It's to hide behind a costume. Create a persona that's not you and claim it as your own. That's the best way to be authentic. But I do like that. It's like cosplaying until you find an identity because she later pulls out the
Starting point is 00:20:32 I'm a girl who plays chess and I just happen to start playing around the time that Queen's Gambit came out and Real Housewives of New York. So just as for Bree's chess career, huh? So now everyone's sitting on the couch for this very exciting decades party So, justice for Bree's chess career, huh? So now everyone's sitting on the couch for this very exciting decades party wherein they just sit on sofa and talk. And Noel's like, okay everyone, welcome to the groovy decade night.
Starting point is 00:20:56 They're like, whoa. I would love for each and every one of us to stand up and tell us your decade and what inspired you and your decade. So anyway, buckle up for the next 20 minutes, everyone. Jasmine is dressed 1950s, but she's dressed like a 1950s housewife or something. And Amir's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:15 Jasmine's dressed up as a 50s housewife. I thought the theme was to dress as something you're not already. Hold on one second, I'm getting a phone call. Yes, I did mention Jasmine's name, honey. No, I'm not sleeping with her. I swear to God, honey. Yes, yes, I love you too.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I love you too. It's amazing how we can just be on the phone and I can still feel the cut across my penis as it is separate from my body. And then Preston is like 90s and he's doing an homage to the movie Juice. And he's like, if you haven't seen Juice and you're black, I don't trust that.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And Shanice is like, oh, must not have been that great because I don't remember it. Unless we're talking about shots with Juice. Who wants shots? I want shots. And Summer is 70s and Nick is 70s. He's Arthur Ashe.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And they're like, who's Arthur Ashe? Come on guys. No one knows who Arthur Ashe is. I love that they look him up. Well, first he goes, I'm just here to win championships. And Shanice is like, boom, get off the stage, loser. Stupid, no one cares about tennis, be a real athlete. So Shanice is just like kind of in a bikini or something.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And they're like, what are you supposed to be a working girl in the 2000s? And she's like, oh my God, thank you for saying I have a job, that's like the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me, ha ha ha, let's do a shot to that. Let's do a shot. CB Yeah. And then Brea is 2000s and we found out that she was in a girl group called Greater Than and she wanted to be a rapper, but she had no rhythm. So it didn't really work out. So
Starting point is 00:22:57 thankfully she has some unidentified business to fall back on. But I like that they use, I like that she was in a group that had a math symbol as the title. Yes. Greater than and definitely not equal to. She's like, I went and spun off my own solo career pie. That's amazing. People thought it was going to be a girl group because you know, 3.1 for whatever. We originally called it 1-4. And more, infinity more.
Starting point is 00:23:30 But yeah, so she's greater than. And then a mere dress basically like Nick. He goes, I'm dressed as 2010 Nick Harrington. And they're like, ha ha. They all just start making fun of Nick. And then they just start voting on like, who is the best dress or whatever. And Nick gets like no votes
Starting point is 00:23:44 and he's like very upset about it. Yeah, they're really not into tennis. I like that they started looking up who Arthur Ashe was. It's a tennis player obviously, but it's a guy with glasses and they're like, I don't know who this is, but it looks just like Nick. I like that Nick was like, I'm just gonna be someone with glasses from the 70s.
Starting point is 00:24:05 They're like, Nick, wasn't there an oversized apple you could have poked your head out of? That would have been more effective. Okay, so now they're gonna play a game called spill the tea. Here's another thing I'll say. I know that this is a spin-off of summer house. You don't have to be just like summer house. I would say the weakest part of summerhouse are costume parties and terrible games.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I know. I mean, okay, to the credit of this cast, I feel like they're genuinely playing a game. Like they're not like, guys, let's play a game. Like they're not trying to be like saucy for the camera. I think they're genuinely like, oh, we're hanging out. I've got a game. You guys want to gather around for some games? Yeah, they're not like, it feels like they're just hanging. You want to play a game? This game is called Kyle is mean to me. You want to play a game? What was your favorite part of the weekend? I'll start when I had an ideation that Kyle and I were going to split up.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Kyle. I love that you put ideation into Amanda's head. I know the concept of idea, just even having that as part of a word in. All the ideations in this business were mine in the first place, Kyle. Amanda. So they're pulling a card.
Starting point is 00:25:16 These are like cards that are like wacky. We know what this is. So Shanice is like, okay, I wanna take a shot. They're like, come on Shanice, you have to pull a card. So she pulls a card to take, Okay, I want to take a shot. They're like, Come on, Shanice, you have to pull a card. So she pulls a card. Take a shot. She's very excited. So then one of the cards is who's the worst dresser in the group. And summer goes, I would say, oh, sorry, Shanice. And summer's like, Yeah, I mean, I love her. She's not a bad
Starting point is 00:25:44 person. It's just she's a bad dresser. And so And Summer's like, yeah, I mean, I love her. She's not a bad person. It's just, she's a bad dresser. And so, Noel's like, Summer just yelled at Shanice's name? I'm like, girl, that's supposed to be your friend. And it wasn't even your question. The fact that you're so quick to answer that, it's like shady boots, y'all. It's shady boots.
Starting point is 00:26:03 So Shanice comes back to the group because she was over in the kitchen trying to make shots. And she's like, wait a second, you're calling me the worst dress? For what reason? And Shanice is like, no, you're just the best of the worst. I mean, the worst of the best. The point is you're a terrible dresser.
Starting point is 00:26:20 That's it, but we still like you. Not really though. And Shanice is like, oh, who voted? Summer, why am I the worst dressed? That's it, but we still like you, not really though. And Shanice is like, oh, who voted Summer? Why am I the worst dressed? Because I'm the realest one and you all wear fake shit. And Bratsy goes, oh, well I wear fake shit too. So she's all pissed.
Starting point is 00:26:36 She's like, I'm so mad. I'm not even gonna finish doing this shot. Wait, who am? You don't get yourself. Oh, I don't love shots. Anyone wanna fuck? Hold on, I'm in love, Shawns. Anyone wanna fuck? Hold on, I'm gonna go cry in the bedroom for a minute. Oh.
Starting point is 00:26:49 So she goes up to the room to cry, and then Bria goes up there to check, and she's like, are you crying? She goes, yes, who the fuck says that? Summer said that, that I'm the worst dresser? Oh. And she's like, it's because I don't have any money to buy clothes.
Starting point is 00:27:06 So she tells us that she is hurt because she got transferred by her job from Phoenix to Tampa, to which I say, Okay. When to win. I mean, really when to win. I mean, both very, very hot places. I feel like she should go on below deck.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, well, I think- Because that's where they cast out of, right? Isn't it Tampa or is it Fort Lauderdale? Fort Lauderdale, but I think Tampa, like you're below deck ready. Once you're in Tampa, you're ready for it. Can't you see her as a below deck person? I can.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I can definitely. I think, oh my God, I'm starting as like third stew. I'm in the lunchroom all the time. It's just hot dick. I'm doing like so much work and like, I just want to be, like I want to be near the guests. I want to do shots of the guests. I don't want to like wash dishes.
Starting point is 00:27:56 So yeah, I think she should do that. But anyway, they transferred her from Phoenix to Tampa and then they fired her, which sucks. I mean, you make someone move to freaking Florida and then you get, you fire them while they're in Florida? That's not legal. Well, hopefully that social media job is still open with the Tampa hockey team. She's like, I mean, this trip was pre-planned so I'm here also it's free, but I can't do
Starting point is 00:28:18 certain things and someone knows that. So her bringing it up that I can't dress really hurts me because she knows that she's making fun of a poor person. She can go suck a dick. Oh, her bringing it up that I can't dress really hurts me because she knows that she's making fun of a poor person. Oh, she can go suck a dick. I'm like, wow. So she's like, she knows how to be a Bravo reality star. So now Summer's downstairs wondering
Starting point is 00:28:34 where Brea and Shanice are, not actually doing anything to see if the friend that she just offended might be hurt. So she's just sitting there. She's like, I wonder where they are. Oh, well. It's like, oh my God, surely she's not upset. But I also liked that Brea goes to make Shanice feel better
Starting point is 00:28:49 and this is how she does it. She goes, don't worry, she doesn't dress nice either. Not that you dress nice, she's also terrible at fashion. Yeah. So Preston's saying that he thinks that like, maybe Shanice didn't realize that that was actually a question from the card. It wasn't like they just randomly decided to declare that she needs is the worst
Starting point is 00:29:08 dress, which I don't know if that makes it any better. Personally, no, it doesn't. No. And she needs says like, I mean, it's fucked up. Like how are you going to categorize me as worst dress, the worst dress than Nick? I mean, I have an Alexander Wang dress. What does he have? He has a hat that makes it look like he went to a campaign rally in 1922. So Noelle's like, okay, so now I'm seeing some shadiness here with Summer because, you know, she shouldn't have said
Starting point is 00:29:36 that about her friend if they're really friends. I don't like this. So then downstairs, Janice comes back down and Summer sees her on the hallway and she's like, are you good? And she's like, I just don't like how you did that. I ran away. Like the first thing you said was Janiece.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Like, that's not nice. It's like, all of a sudden you think I have bad fashion just because I'm from Tampa. I didn't even choose to live in Tampa. And Summer's like, oh, baby. It was part of the game, baby. So now let's go to the truth booth. Summer and Noelle are in there and Summer's like,
Starting point is 00:30:09 yeah, well, like all I'm saying is that like when I'm around her, it's just always she's wearing a top and short shorts. I mean, that's not best dressed, okay? I mean, maybe my delivery was mean. You went out of your way to make that delivery. That's the thing, like you didn't have to make that delivery and you went out of your way to do it. But also, I almost feel like then stand behind it and say, no, I'm just saying it because you just always you always wear like, like, you know, the top some top and some shorts.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It's just like compared to everyone else who actually seems to try to put together a look. It's just not as strong. I feel like just at least stand behind it. Also, just stop playing these games. These are the worst games ever. You guys, we should play a game. Who's the worst dress? You guys, let's play a game. Who's the fattest? Who's the ugliest in our friend group? Who is that? This is the problem with having people like Shanice on the show because the Shanice's are what make it so fun. But when the Shanice's react to the stupid games, it inspires Bravo to say, Oh, the games, they work. They're amazing. Throw another game in cause they're always going to try to get that reaction cause they will do 12 games and then they hit one of them will actually create some sort of reaction that's semi interesting. And Bravo's like, see,
Starting point is 00:31:23 it works. We got to do 24 more games now. So Summer's like, guys, look, we're a beautiful group. No one dresses badly, okay? I mean, look, look at Amir. Maybe he's the worst dressed, right guys, right? And Preston's just like, oh my God, just stop talking. Just stop talking. Now you're gonna name everybody as worst dressed?
Starting point is 00:31:44 I know. So they're all dancing and it's fun and everything. And she's like, oh, whatever. I'm on vacation and like, I don't wanna talk about feelings. When I hear a good song, I'm like, okay, nothing happened. Let's move on. I have shots.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Who wants a shot? You want a shot? Ah, shots are live. Ah. So then Amir texts Natalie and it says, what do I eat now? Dot, dot, dot, babe. Which obviously to anyone with a fucking brain means I can't live without you.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I'm like, oh my God, what do I even eat? Yeah. I mean, it seems pretty self explanatory to me, but of course Natalie writes back, huh? I'm so confused. That was so random. Makes it seem like it was meant for a different person. He's like, Oh my God, I better go to another bedroom and call her now.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Like dump her. And then, so he goes to another room and then everyone else is still dancing. And then Jordan just turns to Nick. He goes, move because he's too close to her. She goes, move, move. So Amir calls Nat and he's like, why are you being weird? Why would you think that text would be meant for someone else? My love. And she's like, because like it doesn't have a place
Starting point is 00:32:54 in our conversation. And he's like, but to me, it sounds accusatory. She goes, it's not accusatory. Are you good? He's like, not really. Cause this isn't my style. Cause all these girls are dancing and I'm trying to not be, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So she wasn't jealous enough for you. So now you're gonna tell her that they're all twerking in your face. Okay, I see what's going on here. Mm-hmm. And while they're playing mind games, right? Because she is doing the like, oh, really? That text, was that meant for me?
Starting point is 00:33:22 Are you cheating? And then the moment he's like, I wasn't cheating, Then he punishes her by then being like, are you good? Like what's going on with you? She's like, no, no, no, no, I'm fine. Like, so now he's like, yeah, so anyway, all the girls are dancing. I'm not trying to be around it. And Nick's looking around looking at whatever, whoever's ass is around him. And I'm like, bro, come on. I mean, I think this is a bit much Amir. I think these are all your friends and they're dancing. What are we in? Footloose here where you're scandalized
Starting point is 00:33:48 by people's bodies moving? No, well, he's telling her, I'm surrounded by asses in my face and I'm the only one not looking at these asses. He's basically trying to get her jealous because it's turning him off. It's turning him on that she gets so jealous. That's why he's said it a million times. She's gonna cut my dick off. Like, he loves that turning him on that she gets so jealous. That's why he's said it a million times.
Starting point is 00:34:05 She's going to cut my dick off. Like he loves that. He loves that she gets so fiery. So he keeps trying to make her fiery. I mean, it's just like, have fun. Have fun you two. Have fun with your murder, suicide, have fun with your upcoming. Oh, I thought you were going to say have fun with your breakup.
Starting point is 00:34:22 You're just going to blame each other. The next time you're fucking crazy. Seeing you make it a restaurant, but murdersuicide, take it all the way there. Oops. Sorry, okay. Maybe I take it a little far about it. Geez, they're a fairly new couple to already be doing this. Like, she's gonna cut my dick off.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Can't wait to make her want to cut my dick off tonight when I get home. So and then Amir's like, Nick, looking at the other girls isn't what's best for him in Tasia. I'm like, who are you to say Mr like codependent, like mutual jealousy situation? He's like, well it's true though. I mean, Nick is gross. And he was gross last year too with not telling anybody even had a girlfriend until he just couldn't hook up with anybody in the house. Nick's gross. No, Nick is gross. I just,
Starting point is 00:35:02 what I don't like is someone like Amir who's in a clearly dysfunctional relationship with lots of insecurities acting like, Hmm, I know what's best in this situation. It's like your, your relationships also sounds like it's crap. Oh yeah, that's true. He's like, I'm a relationship, relationship expert and Nick really needs to watch it. And as we all know, when you're, when you're in a relationship and your female friends start to dance, you
Starting point is 00:35:25 have to exit the room. Because if anyone were to know that you had a boner, it'd be a disaster. He's like, if my girlfriend were here and saw me looking around, she would have me by the throat and she'd slit it. I'd be like, no, that's not what I meant. But then I'd be bleeding out everywhere and all you would hear are gurgling sounds. And I'd be like, oh, that's not what I meant. But then I'd be bleeding out everywhere and all you would hear are gurgling sounds. And I'd be like, Oh my God, my shirt. And then one of those girls would see my shirt stain and call me terribly
Starting point is 00:35:50 dressed. And then Natalie would say, are you good? And I'd say, yeah, I'm good. But are you good? And she said, no, I wasn't jealous. I say, I wasn't jealous, but it seems like you're jealous. And she'd be like, babe, stop talking. You're bleeding out from your throat. And I'd say, babe, if I do bleed out, this is kind of your fault. And I'd be like, babe, I didn't mean it. And I'd be like, it's stop talking. You're bleeding out from your throat. And I'd said, babe, if I do bleed out, this is kind of your fault. I'm like, babe, I didn't mean it. And I'd be like, it's too late now.
Starting point is 00:36:08 The damage is done. Babe, I never should have done it. Hey, let's make out real quickly. And then she slipped my dick off and shoving into my slit throat. You get real fucked up, man. She'd use my slit off, my slice off dick as a bandage around my throat.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So she would actually save my life by wrapping my dick around my neck. So now it's 2.38 a.m. and Preston's making some food because he's my hero, and that's what my heroes do at 2.38 a.m. And then Shanice, who, guys, she's just chill Shanice and all she really wants to do is party and she lets go of everything
Starting point is 00:36:41 the second she hears a good song at 2.30 a.m. It's like, somewhere has something against me. And Bri is like, she must be jealous. And she was, yeah, there's something. So here it goes. Now we've got a season long beef. So then Noel and Jordan are dancing in the kitchen, but they're cleaning. They're like cleaning and dancing at the same time, which is fun.
Starting point is 00:37:01 And that's the next day and it's raining. And of course, it's like pouring and miserable. And the singer, the Trixie Monocle, the member of the Trixie Monocle band is like, there's a party outside. There's a party outside. And just like miserable misery in a miserable way. Yeah. So then, um, let's see. So, uh, Nick is FaceTiming Tasia, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:37:27 hi Tasia, I'm the only guy to make my bed. What do you think of that? I like it. Amir's like, everyone else wants to fuck these girls in the house. That's how he's gonna look better to his girlfriend. Like, look at me abstaining. And Nick's like, I made my bed, mommy.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I know. All of you need better relationships. And Shanice, in the morning, she needs is like, oh yeah, I was up really late last night. They're like, what were you doing? She's like, oh, I was sexting. Yeah, I was just like, I sent my favorite nude. So she was like, she was curating nudes
Starting point is 00:37:56 to send to different men. She was like, well, I sent my favorite nude to my favorite guy. And then I gave everyone else just basic nude shots. I was like, I love that. It's like her evening activity. I feel so bad for Shimmies. Cause we know guys like that who are just like,
Starting point is 00:38:12 oh my God, I got a dick pic from so-and-so. Oh my God, I got a dick pic from him too. It's like, they just keep sending everybody their dick pics. Like at some point it's just like, please don't. Please, can I please not get your dick pic at lunch? Like, I didn't ask for this. Who are you even? Alex is like, did you send a mass text
Starting point is 00:38:30 and were any of the photos ones of me that you didn't tell me about? Because that's not what I meant. Yeah. So how about try that, but with your resume. Just send your resume to random people. Yeah, that's a good... Speaking of Alex, we then see him like in a room doing the Luke Goldbrandson thing where he's like working on a song.
Starting point is 00:38:49 He's like, Out of my head and right on the block. I'm not virgin, I know John Legend. Does that rhyme? Take a photo of me, but I don't get to see. rhyme. Take a photo of me but I don't get to see. Please don't let your wife Chrissy get pissy with me when she takes my picture and I don't know him. I'm very Then, um... Proximity, famous by proximity. I'm a legend, too. So... We're all legends.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Everyone's a legend. It's a legendary collective. Commercials, here comes one right now. So Preston's FaceTiming his boyfriend Donald who's going to come in about 10 days. He's really excited. And then Nick and Noelle are playing chess and Noelle is apparently really into chess and she's been playing it very seriously for the past three years. And she says that sometimes she goes to a Washington Square park on the weekends to play with random people. But unfortunately, it often ends awkwardly
Starting point is 00:40:16 because she often dresses up like a chess piece. She's like, I just love being myself dressed as a ruck. People say I'm a queen and I literally dress up like a queen, a queen chess piece. So now Amir gets to talk about working out. Amir is much more annoying this year, I have to say. He's still extremely cute and he seems nice, but he's bugging me. He's doing this thing with his girlfriend that bugs me. And now he's talking about working out all the time. I hate that. Just work out and make it look effortless. I really hate knowing all the effort that goes into this. I wanna think like God likes you more than me.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Like there's something that gets me off in that. Like it's just not fair. You know the reason I'm not muscular? Because I just didn't win the genetic lottery. That's what I like to tell myself. People like Amir just ruin it for me, where they're just like, I can't go five minutes with that working X. You know what I love? Protein. That's what I love. No. He does love that.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And then we also have Jordan FaceTiming her dad and she's talking about how she has a hair deal. And so she shares about how she has alopecia that runs in her family and how she did a shoot like four years ago where she needed to use hair relaxer and then her hair has not been the same. And she is currently experiencing a really bad outbreak at the front of her hair and so like really changed who she is and she has to wear wigs and stuff now, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:41:43 So, well, one car is going to work out. The other car is Jordan talking about how Nick is on her body all the time. And Summer's like, yeah, me too, actually. And then we see a montage of Nick coming up behind them and kind of taking both of their shoulders, putting his arm around both of them and being like, let's take a picture.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah. Just being fancy in general. And they have a lot of footage for this montage. their shoulders, like putting his arm around both of them and being like, let's take a picture. Just being handsy in general. And that's a lot, they have a lot of footage for this montage. It's really bad when your montage has like several beats in it. Pun intended. So Preston is like, yeah, he gets definitely like much more handsy when he's drunk.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And she's like, and I know Tasia would not appreciate it. And Jordan's like, no, I don't think he does anything inappropriate, but I just think that he gets slurredy when he's got a little drink in him. So Preston's like, he needs to break up with Tasia because if you can't respect her, then you need to go. So he's not surprised though. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:40 And he's like, you know, we just need to nip this in the bud. So they're going to have a talk with Nick. Dun, dun, dun. And then they go to the gym and Amir gets on the big gym ring hangy things that you see in Venice Muscle Beach, Venice's Muscle Beach, and like starts lifting himself up on him. Gross.
Starting point is 00:43:00 He starts doing like things on and stuff. And then Bria does it because it turns out that Bria used to be a gymnast. And so she likes to, she does, Bria does, she goes, you know, I liked showing up here and there. It's like my hidden talent. And she winks. I was like, Oh my God, Bria was channeling Ramona.
Starting point is 00:43:16 It was so, it was so strange. I don't know. Did you notice that, that she totally did a Ramona right there? A little winky. I'm going to do a side by side comparison and put it on our social media. So everyone can see like the spirit of Ramona lives on in Bria. So then Alex is like, I can do that too.
Starting point is 00:43:36 All of me likes all of you. They're like, you're not John Legend. He goes, okay, what else can I do to you? I can do something that other guys getting attention for too. And so he runs to the rings and like flips himself over and then almost dislocates his shoulder because it takes practice.
Starting point is 00:43:52 You can't just jump on rings. Yeah, I could totally see myself doing that by accident, but I would not be doing it trying to be cool. I'd be doing it because I don't know what I'm doing. And yeah, that is such a fuck boy thing to do. I don't know how hard that was. I thought not everybody's a legend on the rings. No, he's like, I thought I could do it.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I thought that someone had given me the green light. Give me the green light. I wanna do the rings right now. So now they go to brunch, or the other crew goes to brunch. And Shanice is like, you know. Yeah, one crew is still going, it's just arriving at brunch and then you go back to the gym. And I love this phrase from Shunice because she's talking about gym being therapy and she goes, yeah, gym is really therapy.
Starting point is 00:44:41 You know, it just really helped me get over that whole stalking situation with my ex last year. I find that actually doing push-ups under his window before I put my face up against it really makes the process a lot more fun. I did rings once, except it was a window cell, but I didn't pull myself up pretty well. Yeah, it turns out that like when you go to the gym, you can do pull-ups on a window really easily. Just helps scaling up there to the bedroom. She needed gym work to help her get over the trauma of stalking somebody. So now over at brunch, Jordan's like,
Starting point is 00:45:22 I need to check in with Shani's because Sh with Shanice because Shanice seems really upset about something, but I just don't understand because she doesn't communicate to us until she's at a breaking point. You guys are such assholes. Don't act like Shanice is crazy for being upset. And they do because Summer's like, yeah, she just needs to communicate
Starting point is 00:45:41 because it's so crazy how she's fine one second and then sobbing the next. She was sobbing the next because you called her the worst rest. What don't you understand? And she did communicate it to you immediately. She started crying. What do you think crying means?
Starting point is 00:45:55 And then when you asked her, she told you, well, let's stop gaslighting Shani. She's crazy enough. Preston's like, and she's also so theatrical. I'm like, can we please roll the clip of last week at dinner? We're gonna go, what is going on? Also, you have a different style hat for every scene. You have a costume change with your hats for every scene.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Let's not point the theatrical finger. So Shanice is then telling everyone at the gym that it's just weird that Summer mentioned her name as being worst dressed. And then on top of that, then this morning Summer came into a room and was like, can I borrow a sweater? It's like, why would you borrow a sweater from the worst dressed person? Am I right? She was and then what also would upset me if she didn't even come upstairs to check on me or anything last night. So she was, you know what? It's because summer's jealous of me America, because in-
Starting point is 00:46:49 CB Not everyone could live in Tampa. CB I love that Bre was like, maybe she's jealous. She goes, yeah, she's jealous. In Jamaica, I was telling her about the guys that I talked to and most of them have like status. Okay. They're not just nine to five-ers. That status? Like airline status? What does that mean? I only send nudes to people with a priority pass. I mean, these people live in like high rise apartments, like penthouses. Do you know how hard it is to climb up to a penthouse? It's a lot. Thank God for working out. I'm basically like the Spider-Man of Playboy bunnies.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And so she was like, how do you even talk to these men? I'm like, girl, look at me. Who wouldn't want to make out with me? Who wouldn't want to date me? Except for the guy that I stalked. I mean, that's fair. I mean, haven't you been single? Didn't you stalk a guy and now you're single
Starting point is 00:47:45 and literally sending out spam nudes? I can't. She's like that person where you sign up your email on someone's website to get 15% off and then suddenly they're like spamming you with emails. Yeah. So now she was, now, I mean, Shanice is really a perfect reality star.
Starting point is 00:48:01 She's like, I mean, like, Summer and I also, like, we don't really have that like joking relationship. So like when she was saying that, I felt like she was bullying. She was bullying me. She was like clingy and ganging up. I'm like, so she's a bully who clings, a clingy bully and she's ganging up.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Okay, got it. Perfect. Well, I think she's a fruit loop, this girl, but I also am totally team Shanice because I think Summer was being an asshole. And now Jordan, who's also gets real snotty too, Jordan's getting snotty and she's getting snotty with Summer
Starting point is 00:48:33 and they're gonna team up to take Shanice down literally for crying about something they said. I mean, this is so funny to me. So I'm Team Shanice in this upcoming war. By the way, I noticed that like Jasmine completely evaporated from this episode. Like, is she even here? What is going on? She says like in this upcoming war. By the way, notice that Jasmine completely evaporated from this episode. Is she even here? What is going on?
Starting point is 00:48:47 She says nothing this entire hour. I actually did feel bad for Jasmine because they've centered her as the lead of this show and everyone's like, I hate her. No one likes her. She's like, but we worked this out. And she's like, yeah, well, the reason I haven't talked to you is because I don't like you now.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And she's like, oh, okay, well, but look, I'm the married one. But then her husband's not on the show, but I'm pregnant. Nobody cares. They're like, oh yeah, he just got her pregnant because he's controlling. I brought a hula hoop. So then Alex is like, you know, I never thought about Summer being a bully
Starting point is 00:49:19 because I just didn't see her that way. But I think it's a lot of like mean girl energy that's like surprising from Summer. It's lot of like mean girl energy that's like surprising from summer. It's kind of like, you're a mean bully and I'm related to a famous person. Don't take photos bully of me. It's a real bummer to find out about summer. It's like a summer jam but like a sad version. It's like literally a summer jam. Are you a summer jam, but like a sad version. It's like a literally a summer jam. Ah, you are a summer jam. I'm not even going to sing another song.
Starting point is 00:49:56 That would be funny. So Amir is asking Shini, he's like, you should talk to Summer about it, Shanice. And do it in a bikini so I can call my girlfriend and say, they were fighting in bikinis, but I didn't look because I love you so much. And then she's going to thread the size of my dick off and shove it in my ear. And don't forget that she's a Bollie and a bummer, Summer. So now back to brunch. Preston's like, you know, the thing that Shanice does, she has like a
Starting point is 00:50:27 form of escapism that she has. And like, but like, I'm like, God, like, you know, you're feeling your feelings. So just like tell us about your feelings. I love this is my favorite thing is when people are mean to someone and then are surprised that that person doesn't share their feelings with them. It's like, we've created a totally hostile environment for you to actually connect with us, but why don't you connect with us? And it's also funny when that person is literally showing their feelings and that's why they're upset. They're mad because she ran off crying, which means she doesn't show her feelings. That makes no sense. Like the logic here. There's no logic in what these people are saying. Summer is literally, she's like, okay, like, so say like, okay, Summer, you hurt my feelings.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Like, just let me know. So I could just like not do that in the future. I'm like, okay, how about you don't go out of your way to say that someone's the worst rest? I don't know. I think there's a certain amount of instinct that could come into play here. Did she not say, I didn't like that you said that to me,
Starting point is 00:51:17 it hurt my feelings. She literally told you. So I don't understand where this is coming from. So then she's like, yeah, well, we went to Jamaica together and we didn't even have any deep conversations. It was just like about guys. So I don't really think I can get there with Shini's. Yeah, meanwhile, all summer talking about Alex.
Starting point is 00:51:37 So you're much deeper. Your conversation so far has only been about fucking Alex. Is it so much deeper because he pretends he's in a collective? Get the fuck out of here. Why is your fucking deeper than her fucking? Yeah, so Preston's like, by the way, how is Alex in bed?
Starting point is 00:51:54 And Summer's like, I mean, he's fun, he's a good cuddler, he's a good kisser, but she tells us, she just, he's not good. Basically, he's not good. Basically he's not good. She says it's not quickies. It's just not there yet. So I mean, is there enough for you to be mad? That's right. It was enough. There was enough air there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So back to the gym. We're on minute 35 of being at the gym. She needs to now asking what's going on with Alex and summer. And Noel's like, oh, well, I thought it was like, Oh, you're not showing me who you really are. So you can't really like, fuck me kind of thing. And they're like, no, they, they slept together. Didn't you hear that? That they've actually slept together. When did they say that? And then they cut to her eating crab and making all those faces last week. And they thought that she was making those faces because of the story, but she was literally just like, this crab is hard. She was just focused on the crab. And you know what? I've been there.
Starting point is 00:52:54 You have been, you are, you're useless around shellfish. Literally. It's like you're out to it. You're on a different planet around shellfish. Ron is like- And I love it. That's how you should be with shellfish. You know, it's difficult. I need to share something with you. I have a deep insecurity
Starting point is 00:53:11 and I've never really been able to really verbalize this, but I feel like we've grown really close over the past 12 years. I'm like, can you please buzz the butter? I just like, you know what, this shell. It's just like it won't open. I used to not suck the brains out, but now I do. It's interesting. it won't open. I used to not suck the brains out, but now I do. It's interesting. So let's see.
Starting point is 00:53:28 So Noelle is like, okay, so before we came on vacation, I told her Alex is my type, so what's the history with you guys? And she said, oh, it's cool, we just hung out. And she's like, hung out and having sex are two different things. And you're supposed to be my girl, you can't even tell me the truth.
Starting point is 00:53:46 So now we go back to brunch and Jordan's like, yeah, well, by the way, Summer, I think your reaction the other day really like raised some questions. Summer goes, facts. You know what? Facts, I'm gonna say it a second time, facts, facts. You know, cause I think I need to communicate better.
Starting point is 00:54:00 So next time, like if I'm annoyed at Alex, I'll say, you're really annoying me instead of like, you do remember that you were inside of me, right? And Summer's like, I've had situationships where I just can't be that person's friend because there's love, but I'm not looking for, I'm not checking for Alex that way, okay?
Starting point is 00:54:20 I mean, Alex was fun. It was never serious. So I'm ready to move on. Yeah. And she goes, and Noel has full agency to explore Nick. I mean, Alex, not Nick. And then presence like that was a Freudian slip. So now everyone goes back to the house. Alex has now his shoulder is still hurting because he tried to, he tried to do something he was totally unequipped to do and, uh, with the rings. And so Noel and summer go upstairs to talk and summer is saying how, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:50 she's told everyone at brunch that she has absolutely no feelings for Alex. So if Noel wants to go for Alex, it's totally cool. And no, I was like, but I didn't know you guys fucked. I mean, I'm not doing that. And she goes, okay. She's like, so she tells us summer, she's like, I don't owe you an explanation of what I do with that person if you don't even know that person. And now she's irritated because I didn't tell her enough, but she wants to pursue the man that I
Starting point is 00:55:15 hung out with. So what's up with that? Okay, so she's really talking herself in circle this summer. Yeah. So now Nick is doing pushups, which is hilarious. And then Alex is saying, the girls were doing the most when Amir was doing weights. And Alex is like, yeah, I wonder how Natalie would feel about that. And Amir's like, oh God.
Starting point is 00:55:41 The girls were not doing the most when he was lifting weights, by the way. I don't think the girls were paying attention to Amir at all. Yeah. So Amir's like, I mean, right now, if I told her Shanice is twerking on my face, she'd be like, so what did you do about it?
Starting point is 00:55:54 It's not hot. I've got half age thinking about it. And Nick goes, you just need to do what I do. Just sit there. And Preston goes, you think that's what you do? And they all start cracking up. Like, yeah, you know, as you do get handsy and he's like, I didn't touch anyone last night. And he's like, no, you get a little hands.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And even Alex was like, yeah, it's not sleaze ball, but you do do this. And Amir goes, we need you to acknowledge that the action can be interpreted to you being a fuck boy. Preston just looks at him like, Hmm, idiot. It's interpreted. It's interpreted. Well, that's how I interpret it interpreted. So downstairs, uh, the girls are blowing up, blow up dolls for this party. And Preston is, um, he's like, Oh, don't worry, Nick. I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:41 Preston is somewhere probably going to talk to you about it, but you know, they weren't like, he's a sleaze ball. They still love you. And so Nick's like, don't worry, Nick. I mean, Preston and Summer are probably gonna talk to you about it, but you know, they weren't like, he's a sleazeball, they still love you. And so Nick's like, well, Tasia, trust me, that's all that matters. But now he's really bothered because people are talking about him making them uncomfortable. And so now to make them feel comfortable,
Starting point is 00:56:59 he barges into their room, they're in bed, and stands there creepily. Right, and goes, do I ever make you guys uncomfortable? And Jordan goes, you do get handsy. And someone goes, that, yeah, yeah. And also Nick does that thing where he goes, he tells us, it's just like, you know, we kick it so often. It's like, why didn't you say anything if this is a thing?
Starting point is 00:57:21 I'm like, cause that's the whole point is that people feel uncomfortable. They don't say things, Nick. Nick, Nick, Nick. you say if anything, if this is a thing? I'm like, cause that's the whole point is that people feel uncomfortable. They don't say things, Nick. Nick, Nick, Nick. So that's the cliffhanger is that they're gonna tell Nick that he is a little pervy. So yeah, it's a snack of perviness.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Oh gosh. All right, everybody. Well, that was Summer House Malta's Vineyard. We will be back later this week with some below deck, tons of stuff, just lots of stuff, just coming back. There's something every day. Go to Patreon for videos, also for tickets for our live shows in Europe and LA
Starting point is 00:57:56 coming up, and we will talk to you all next time. Bye. Bye. Watch what Crap-Ins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Bye guys! She has no last name-y! Hava Nagila Webber! Know your worth with Jason Kurt! She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing! Zip some scotch with Jessica Tratch! She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan!
Starting point is 00:58:33 Kristin the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! We wanna hang with Liz Lang! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 ccs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We forever love Eva. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Junie, my favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Shadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible, edible Matthew Sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Coutar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Our Crap and add free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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