Watch What Crappens - #2390 Summer House: Say Dress to the Mess

Episode Date: April 12, 2024

Summer House spends another week on Kyle whining and Amanda whining and Lindsay choosing her dream wedding dress even though her relationship is a mess. Grab tickets for the Netflix is a Joke... Fest in LA and our European tour at Watch this recap as a video and get our bonus episodes at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Watch What Crappins! Well, hello everybody. Welcome to Watch What Crappins. I'm Ronnie, that's Ben. Hello, Benoons. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Good. Just excited to hear another day of Kyle! Here on Summerhouse Ring Out, everybody. Join us next week for our Patreon coverage of Van Der Pump Villa. Patreon's also where you will find links to our videos here, which we're on today,
Starting point is 00:00:53 Crappin's On Demand. Also our bonus episodes and ticket links to our website where you can get tickets for our May shows coming up. We've got Los Angeles at the start of May, and then we are going to London, Dublin, and Birmingham later on that month. And then we're going to just take a little European tour on, just go crazy over there. We're going for like three weeks. They're wild. Yeah, we're going to have so much fun. We're so excited. We're going to recap the Taylor Swift concert on Patreon. It's going to be amazing. So anyway, join us over there. Thanks for being here. And here we go, Ben, some summer house action. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Summer house. Well, so where we left off was that Kyle and Amanda were making everything awkward at Paige's Italian dinner party because they don't like each other and they're trapped in a loveless marriage and she wants to move to the suburbs because she thinks that's gonna fix everything and he doesn't. And a big thing that, by big, I mean not big at all, but sort of funny to see,
Starting point is 00:01:55 something that happened over the past week, people mentioned it in comments to our show, we had some eagle-eyed viewers and then other, or listeners and then there were other people on Reddit or wherever else they sleuthed and discovered that the house that Kyle and Amanda looked at last week in the burbs allegedly in New Jersey was actually a house in the Hamptons and clearly they shot the scene while they were out there with that weekend they're like let's go to an open house and make it look like this is you guys house hunting in New Jersey. Because remember I was like, this house
Starting point is 00:02:29 looks so nice. This doesn't, it just doesn't, it doesn't feel like New Jersey. This feels like somewhere else. And sure enough, they lied. Production lied to us. It was a house in the Hamptons. So there you go, everyone, controversy. And they also, we were watching a screener, but they put up the price of the house. Apparently it was 1.4 million, because I was complaining like, where is the price of this house?
Starting point is 00:02:52 What the hell kind of rip off is this? You know, which is kind of a danger of watching a screener. But I will say it's pretty good. I mean, I know that's expensive as hell, but for that huge lot, it was a nice house and a pretty nice redone house, you know. Have fun in your used home. Blink, blink, blink.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink. Maybe they should just buy a house in the Hamptons and then like they can live there all year round and that way you're in the country and then people from the city come out and visit in the summer. No, they, city come out and visit in the summer. No, Kyle can barely think of going to Jersey. He's not going to be able to move three hours away or whatever the hell it is. And also, Amanda doesn't want to move to Jersey. She wants to move to
Starting point is 00:03:35 mommy's. She wants to move right down the street from her parents' house to bitch about Kyle all day, which I know her parents have got to be. We gotta be like, wow, it was wonderful spending the past five years trying to get you not to marry this buffoon, and now having to hear about it every fucking day. Every lives day. I think the sort of house, I think the perfect house for Amanda
Starting point is 00:03:58 would be one that's down the block from her parents, has a cute kitchen, nice backyard, and comes with a divorce lawyer and know Kyle and their marriage is over. I think that's what it's for her. If I was an emoji right now, I would be 100 written in crayon and double underlined. And if I were a page of sorbo, I would say 1000%. 1000. So we open with Amanda talking about moving to the Barribs. And Kyle's like, I'm just like concerned, you know, I am concerned about a disconnect
Starting point is 00:04:31 that I'm going to feel, you know? Because like, there's no more connected cities in New York City. That's like the most connected. And Liz is like, I'm as a man, you can get over that. And it cuts to Carl. And he, and Carl and his like shoulder hair are like, I'm as a man, you can get over that. And it cuts to Carl, and Carl and his shoulder hair are like, what, as a man? Like, why would she even say that? Whoa, I'm not gonna marry her anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That's it. This is where it ends. This is where I say goodbye. This is where I say Chuck, please. Oh, by the way, Lindsay, can you pay the check? Yeah, I'm like, I can't believe you would even say that. Hey, babe, you look great. You look great, by the way. You look great. I still love you. I still love you. Can you believe that shoulder hair? Can you believe that she's had that shoulder? And Lindsey's like, I'm on wedges,
Starting point is 00:05:14 aren't having kids. Your priorities start to change. Yeah, I can... Listen, I'm not a parent, but I remember my mother having kids because I was the kid. And I remember her priorities probably changing. She was like, I need to be out of this house more. I need to be at the country club drinking wine with my friends because this kid won't stop fucking screaming. So bye. Listen, I understand that your priorities change when you have a kid, but like, how can your priorities change
Starting point is 00:05:43 if you were never a priority in the first place, Amanda? So I think that's the point is that like, how can your priorities change if you were never a priority in the first place, Amanda? So I think that's the point is that like, we gotta, we gotta move on. We gotta find happiness. My priorities might change, but your tastes don't completely change. I mean, if you don't want to be stuck in the house with Amanda now, you're not gonna be one of stuck. You're not gonna want to be stuck in the house with Amanda and 10 children.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Okay. It's not like children don't make it better. Okay, can we just, please? Amanda has a valid complaint in that Kyle does not want to spend time with her. And Kyle has a valid complaint that Amanda doesn't seem to want to spend time with Kyle. And the point is this, it was a fun experiment.
Starting point is 00:06:24 It was cool to see if this could work if two people who don't really have anything in common, except drinking, and don't seem to ever love each other, but they like work together, what would happen if they got married? Cool, we saw what would happen. And now I think it's time to, you know, move on to the next chapter for both of them. Yeah, guys, you know what's, this is a lesson in settling, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yes. You're settlers, okay? Yeah. Stop settling. You have time now. You can pull the kill cord before the kids come into the picture. Like, do it, like let's not, don't do what Jasmine and Silas did, okay? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So then Danielle's like, I mean, we can come to the Hamptons and come visit, which is so funny because that was the whole storyline last year is that Danielle moved to the Hamptons and then was completely disconnected to everybody to the point where she spun out and went fucking crazy. So- And they wanted her to visit.
Starting point is 00:07:19 They wanted her to visit the city. Yes. So Kyle's like, I mean, I just don't, cause now he's put on the spot, right? It's at dinner and it's a typical, I want Kyle to do something for our family and Kyle won't do it, everybody. So, now everybody's just staring at Kyle. And so, Kyle's playing this victim thing, which he does so well through the whole episode, through the whole season, through the whole 10 years of the show, however long the show's been on. Kyle's just moping
Starting point is 00:07:44 and eventually crying. And it's just getting sadder's been on, Kyle's just moping and eventually crying, and it's just getting sadder because his mullet's getting mulletier. Man, the whole situation is just getting worse. So he's like, I don't know why I want this whole thing. I don't even know anymore. I don't even know anymore. I know what I want out of this whole thing, a haircut.
Starting point is 00:08:00 At the very least, just that. So Lindsay's like, you don't even know if you want to have kids? Carl wants to don't even know if you want to have kids. Carl wants to have kids. Don't you want to have kids, Carl? Yeah, yeah, I totally want that. Yeah, I'm really excited. Me and my shoulder hair just want to have kids with you. You have to have sex to have the kids. Well, I guess you don't, really. It's a modern world. Never mind. I strike that from the record. So Carl's like, over me to feel content. Like, I want to feel like you and
Starting point is 00:08:25 I are in a better communication place, Amanda, you know, otherwise I'm going to feel very lonely. And she just rolls her eyes. She's like, Kyle and I have always been in agreement that like we want to raise a family in the suburbs. And by agreement, I said, I want to raise a family in the suburbs, Kyle. And he went, ugh. So that's agreement. And we both grew up with backyards and playing in the streets. And like, that's one thing that we've always agreed on. We want our children to play in the highway. And now he's back battling. Kyle, he's changing the script. One, two, five, Kyle. Your communication is great, by the way.
Starting point is 00:09:06 You're communicating very clearly. You hate each other, okay? Yes, and you're pining for a romanticized past for your children. It's not gonna be that way. Your kids are not gonna be playing out in the streets. They're gonna be just on their phones. That is why there is literally a national campaign that's telling children, go outside, go outside and play.
Starting point is 00:09:28 You're allowed to play. Like, it's not the same anymore, Amanda. You're not gonna get it. Stop chasing the dream. So- So there's also national campaigns to be like, protect your children. There's someone gonna kidnap them
Starting point is 00:09:41 and put them in human trafficking on every corner. So it's like mixed messages at this point You know I say keep them inside and keep them on the phone. Keep your kids safe Keep them glued to a goddamn phone. Okay, and there's also like don't let's never forget beware of strangers Which is also really good advice for when you want to marry someone Amanda because that's kind of what you did Not know each other you stranger Stranger danger and that goes for like each other. You married a stranger. Stranger danger, and that goes for like almost every couple on this show.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So speaking of which, Paige is like, so any update on wedding planning? And Linz is like, um. So Kyle and Andrea have matching suits, and Jesse is during the pod is like, so what does a flower boy even do?, so what does a flower boy even do? Well, what does a flower boy even do? Shut up.
Starting point is 00:10:29 It's like, you guys definitely need to be setting vines and that's what you're doing as flower people. And Carl's like, oh, I'm gonna need them to support of the male side of things. That's what I need. Like flower boys who are like, don't marry your bro. That's what I need. Yeah, when I dump your lens, I just wanna be like, it was the flower boys who are like, don't marry her bro. That's what I need. Yeah, when I dump you, Lins, I just want to be like,
Starting point is 00:10:47 it was the flower boys fault, not my fault. I'm just like, I didn't know what to do. I was like, I said, play your weight on me with advice. Yeah, well, they're basically part of the wedding. They're just part of the group. Like I'm not part of the group that Lindsay would like. I mean, not Lindsay. I don't want to throw Lindsay on the bus or anything.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And Sierra's like, are they going to have like a basket to throw out pedals? That would be hilarious. And Carl's like, you know what? Those are great questions. I'm going to wait for an abuser to answer that. No, no, you're going to answer that Lindsay. You're going to just not emotionally take the chance to emotionally abuse me in public.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Okay. Okay. I haven't had the chance to come up with an answer for that. I haven't asked Lindsay yet, but she promised she would give me an answer tomorrow at Barry's. So Carl's like, in a perfect world, if the decision were solely based on me, yes, Carl would have been a groomsman. But he's willing to help out and be part of it. That's all I can ask for.
Starting point is 00:11:39 The decision solely based on me. I'm sorry. I just, Carl is just, I just feel like this is so fucked up. I just think this is so rude of Carl and he's being like, Oh, it's not my choice. Not my choice. It's your, it's your, it's your groomsmen. Like I understand if there's a situation where it's like, I don't want that groomsmen in, I don't want that person to be a groomsmen because that person has like been
Starting point is 00:12:02 wretched to me or like, oh, we slept together once awkward for me, something like that. But it was just like, I don't really like Kyle that much. I don't know. I think that's I think Carl should be able to stand up for his friends. Well, Kyle does not support their relationship and he's done nothing but undermine their relationship for years. So then Carl should say that then. And he's still doing it right now. So I think if Lindsay did say,
Starting point is 00:12:27 I don't want him in the wedding, she has every right to say that. And she's right. She has a right to say it. And Carl's full of shit. And if he really wants his friend there, then he should be like, yeah, that's my friend. And I want him in the wedding, period. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:39 But his whole like, oh, I'm so abused. Like, Lindsay doesn't want this. Lindsay doesn't want. He's just coming on here and laying a foundation to dump Lindsay so he can get enough pity to get laid in bars, okay? That's all these guys fucking want, is for fans to fuck them and feel bad for them. So that's what he's going for.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I think it's so completely obvious, I can't believe anyone's falling for this pile of horse shit that he's laying out there. But I'll tell you, not everybody is because have you ever seen a season where Paige likes Lindsay? Now, I don't know how long this is gonna last. I think it's delightful because I think those two could rule the world
Starting point is 00:13:17 being friends, you know? I understand that Lindsay's completely crazy and has come for Paige in the past and vice versa. But I kind of like them together and I think they could rule this show. I'm gonna already kind of do it honestly. They do. I think that TLDR is that like if,
Starting point is 00:13:36 like Carl should just stand behind why he's demoted Kyle or put Kyle in sort of like this weird position rather than just saying, oh, it's because of Lindsay. Okay, like like you said, Lindsay has a right to say like I don't like you shouldn't put him in there and he can say like, you know what out of respect for you, I won't and then he come on here and say, you know what? I didn't like the way that Kyle wasn't supporting us and and that's like enough for me to I just felt like it was just weak the way Carl presented it.
Starting point is 00:14:06 So, Kyle. Totally weak. That's what Carl is. He's fucking weak. And he thinks it makes him strong to be victimized. He thinks it's like, oh, look how victimized I am by Lindsay, everybody. Look, look, everybody. It doesn't make you strong to be a fucking victim, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Like, my God, stand up for yourself. So, Andrea's like, everyone, I wanna do a poster page for organizing these Italian dinner. Ah, pagey pagey little little girl. Ah, page where's Lexi Lexi. Page is like, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, that was great. Thank you so much for coming to dinner. Like my dinner. I like really loved it. Like I did kind of the best dinner that we've ever done. So we probably don't even have to do these anymore because it's kind of just like peaked and everything will just be chasing this experience, which we'll never be able to recapture,
Starting point is 00:14:48 mainly because I curated the entire thing and organized it. Thank you everyone so much. Thank you everybody. I'm so glad I got the chance to cater more misery. This was really fun. It's like dinner theater. It's tragic, nobody wants to hear some. So thanks, it's great.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Everyone make a wish. We're gonna blow out the candles, make a wish and Kyle's like, my wish is Amanda, please be nice to me. Wow, that won't happen. Fairytales do not come true. Amanda hates you. Amanda's wish in her head was please die.
Starting point is 00:15:19 That was her wish. So then Lindsay is joking with Kyle, she's like, Kyle, out of the dog house, are you, Kyle, are you out of the dog house? Are you in the dog house? Where's the dog house? Is the dog house in the suburbs? And he's like, I need dog training. I need like dog training and stuff. Like, what would scare me to death is if I'm off on an island, aka suburbia, and I don't have someone to talk to, you know? I just feel like there's just times where I can't do it all. Got an island of suburbia.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Then Carl's like, Hey, babe, you have a nice bot. Yeah, it's all yours if you want to tap it. Oh, yeah. You want to tap it? Thank you. No, thanks. All right. So now the girls, now the girls are like, okay, the only way to top a great dinner, hang out on the
Starting point is 00:16:10 bed. You get there. So they all go to the bed and Paige is talking to Amanda and she's like, so Amanda, like when you get home, are you ever like, dude, you said that on national television. I'm like mortified. And she's like, yeah, he's like delusional, he like slings mud and then it's like, be nice to me and the fact that he doesn't wanna move to New Jersey,
Starting point is 00:16:30 it's like, I don't know where I wanna go, that's what he says, he almost like, but it's gonna be our children, like no offense, but like, you're gonna be the one who's working. It's like, oh my God. She's already complaining that he's working too much while she has children at home in New Jersey. So Paige is like, well, walking, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:53 that weekend when the docs were here, like you're gonna be 10 times better mom than every single person here. By the way, Sierra, no offense. That wasn't a dig at you. I was just complimenting Amanda. So, I mean, you're gonna be a terrible mother. Like in your own way though.
Starting point is 00:17:07 You're gonna be a good mother in your own way. Just like in your bed. Just like in your bed. If you want to improve in the category, start with the bed. So, Kyle is wrapping his head in tin foil. And I guess to get, does he dry his hair in this? So then Paige is FaceTiming Craig and he's like,
Starting point is 00:17:24 hey, hey chicken. Hey chicken, we're lying in bed putting our faces together to see what the three of our kids would look like. And let me tell you, it's so amazing. It's really a pretty baby, but also it has a really nice bed that I don't think it ever gets out of. It has a flat back of its head. It's definitely a bed baby.
Starting point is 00:17:42 You know, it's really funny, like when you look at the baby, you can see that like the eyes, which are mine, just like the baby's really good at making dinner party. And then you can also see that like the baby's also really good at like walking dogs, which is like Amanda's part. But the baby has a terrible bed, which is Sarah's part. It's wild. What AI can do. We asked the AI what our baby's first words would be and it was KAAAAAAAAL
Starting point is 00:18:07 chicken crazy it was weird cow chicken cow chicken it's time for a commercial it's time for a crap-ins commercial so lindsay's gonna go to bed and carl's like whoa people are droppin like flies around here
Starting point is 00:18:24 and so everyone's going to bed and ci's like, whoa, people are droppin' like flies around here, ah-ha. And so everyone's going to bed and Sierra's texting West and he misses her and they're just like being cute. And now it's the next day and everyone's waking up and Kyle and Amanda are just like loveless in bed, not saying anything to each other and yeah, just headed to divorce. They do this thing that they always do on the show where they keep cutting to Kyle and Amanda
Starting point is 00:18:44 as like the worst example. They'll be like, happy music, making coffee, someone's making coffee. Amanda's waking up. Paige is dancing in a room, Paige is dancing in a room. Kyle's grabbing his wiener and walking slowly to the bathroom while looking back. That's the classic.
Starting point is 00:19:02 The grabbing the wiener or walk to the bathroom. I love Kyle's just constant grabbing of the wiener in the morning. Yep. Still there, still there. Hey everyone, now that we're awake and we're back at the kitchen, just want to say that there's going to be
Starting point is 00:19:19 a beach volleyball game today. So Jess is a captain, I'm a captain, and my team is the Super Broilsils and he's like the lifeguard. So pretty cool. Fun Carl's back everyone. I think we can agree. All right. Oh, Jess is going to be a captain. I'm going to be a captain cause he's tall and I'm tall. So basically it's like the only options we've got. Sorry short people. And by sorry short people, I mean, where are you? I can't even see you.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I love volleyball. It's like a great, great sport. Like it's like the best sport that like ever sported. And like I played in high school and then I was like recruited to play in college. But instead I decided to go into academics, which is just code for, oh my God, kicked off the team probably.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Y'all. Just gonna say, how'd that work out for you? I know I'm excited to read your latest piece in the New England Journal of Medicine. Really into academics, so. More life. I wrote a very striking essay in Here's Carl's website, The Radke Boys.
Starting point is 00:20:24 It's first night. He has a website? It's a, yeah, The Radke boys. It's first night. It's a website? Yeah, the Radke boys. Cause he's doing, he's not, I'm like into wellness and advocacy now. I'm posing in a sweater. So I'm pretty serious about it. Is this Carl Radke art glass?
Starting point is 00:20:39 No, that's something else. No, no, that's further down. He needs to do some better. He needs to do some Google words searching. Wait, so there's, but it is kind of funny that there is a master glass artist named Carl Radke. Cause like, yeah, so I've been uh, classed both lately. So if anyone's interested in a vase, I can make that for you everyone. So what I'm a super vases, you know? Yeah. Um, I'm trying to see where his bio is I was reading about the other day because some of the brothers I don't make fun of his brother
Starting point is 00:21:10 obviously it's right on the front page it says about Carl Radke oh okay I see about Radke boys let me go to Radke boys about Carl Radke Carl Radke oh my gosh Carl Radke my God, look who else it is. He's being interviewed. Well, let's see what his current projects are for Loverboy. Oh my God, from Pittsburgh to the spotlight, Karl Radke has made waves in entertainment, transitioning from modeling to a pivotal role
Starting point is 00:21:39 in Summer House since 2017. Behind the camera, Karl's journey towards sobriety, which began on January 8th, 2021, resonates with many. He champions mental health, seamlessly weaving medication, therapy, and fitness into the fabric of his life. Counted about his battles, Karl seeks to inspire and shift the conversation
Starting point is 00:21:57 around addiction and mental wellness, echoing influential voices in society, and those voices say one thing, more life. More life. As an former academic, he connects quite a bit with Joan Didion and Joyce Carol Oates. And furthermore, he looks forward to finally reading a book about the row. Carl Radke is known for his standout role on Bravo's Summer House and his white jeans. And he's not just a reality TV star, he's an agent of change.
Starting point is 00:22:34 So basically whenever there's a change, Carl gets 15% of that change. So may not seem like a lot, but every time you get change, please put it in a jar and say, this goes to white pants over there. More change, more change, more change. Wow. So now we go over Jesse and he's like, listen, I played in the junior Olympics. I traveled my whole life. I played in high school captain. Yeah. And Carl's like, y'all. So our team kind of wants states. So, you know, that's what I'm just saying. Hashtag states. Jesse was like, y'all so our team kind of wants states So, you know, that's just saying hashtag states Jesse's like, yeah, we were sick We made it to quarterfinals and that was the worst thing I'd ever got been through my very charmed life losing boys volleyball
Starting point is 00:23:16 quarterfinals, I know I believe it too Jesse it's like that was the most painful thing ever, you know losing boys volleyball in the quarterfinals. Yeah. Such douche vibes, this guy. And I really am kind of annoyed with the rest of the cast for not letting his douchiness shine because I should hate his guts by now.
Starting point is 00:23:39 I don't. I don't yet, but I'm reserving it, you know what I mean? Like, I've put my purse down at that table because I know it's coming. It's got a fucking douche bag. Just come out. This is mine. We're eating here.
Starting point is 00:23:52 We're eating here. Listen, hate table. This hate table is taken, okay? Next season. Listen, Jesse is having the free ride right now. Everyone loves Jesse Solomon. Everyone sees that he's a fuck boy, but everyone loves him. So he's having his good season now.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Next year, it'll be a disaster. Yeah. Well, I hope so, because I'm wrong on terrible people being terrible very rarely, and I cannot be wrong on this. I need you to be terrible. I think the producers could have presented him as an awful person, but they have too much on their hands. Between Kyle and Amanda and Lindsay and Carl, these couples falling apart, the producers just need us to buy into some new people. Like, if they give us... We've had some real duds. When it comes to casting men on the show, they've really struggled. We had Chris last season, we had the guy from season two,
Starting point is 00:24:47 we had Jordan for like two seasons. Like they just, they have a hard time. So I think they just want us to love some men on the show because, um, Karl and Tile. Yeah, are having a bad season. Yeah, and it's time to replace them, you know? So they've got to, they've got to find people that you still like to tune in next season When some of these people are put out to pasture probably yeah, who knows so so Kyle did not
Starting point is 00:25:15 They're getting dressed for this game and Kyle didn't bring I guess he has this like a lifeguard tank that I guess he normally wears I think we've seen him in and he didn't bring it this weekend. And I'm like, why didn't you bring that Kyle? He's like, I don't know. I was like, yes you did. I guess he said, I didn't know. You did know Kyle. I'm like, really?
Starting point is 00:25:34 You're gonna get mad about the lifeguard uniform now, Amanda? Kyle's forgetting his props and costumes, which means he's really slipping, guys. I'm worried about Carl. In music, I'm taking these music classes and I learned what a sine wave is. Do you know what that is? Sine wave like in trigonometry?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, like sine. It's like, I'm like, yeah. Like Carl, I was in academics. That makes, I didn't know what it was, I know that shocks everybody. But you begin with this just tiny little. Ah. That's what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Every time I hear it in the class, I'm like. Ah. That eventually became a Moog synthesizer. Okay, so. Okay, thank you for the lesson, Vangelis. There you go. There you go, guys. It's called academics.
Starting point is 00:26:33 That's academics. Academics. I wasn't volleyball, but then I decided to take Moog synthesizers 101. Now I'm on that 808 going nuts. So they went, I made you a sandwich. And they're like, oh my God, Paige is like, oh my God, she is so in love with you. If she made you a sandwich. Yeah, there. I mean, that is a big deal.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Lindsay and sandwiches say, oh, I appreciate it. So so Kyle is Ciara's bathing suit because it's like a red top for him. And then she tears off his shorts. And so he's just fully in a women's bathing suit and revealing his super, super pasty thighs again. So he's just lying down. And everyone's blinded by them and stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And now it's time to play volleyball. So they play volleyball. Carl's team is really good because Carl gets really extra when he plays beach volleyball. I think we've seen this before. They even show flashbacks. He just is like spiking on everyone as if he is literally in the Olympics right now.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And no one calls him out on it anymore. I think they're so used to it. So he just spikes and spikes and spikes and spikes and they win. Volleyball's a mean game. It's hard. It's rough, my knees played volleyball, it was very uncomfortable watching
Starting point is 00:27:51 because I feel like it's like an acceptable form of dodgeball where people are acting like they're not dicks but they're really just trying to hit each other in the head with a ball. That's all I see is people just trying to hurt each other with a ball. It's not like, oh, catch this ball or I threw this ball further. It's like, I trying to hurt each other with a ball. It's not like I'll catch this ball I threw this ball further. It's like
Starting point is 00:28:10 You know, it's a passive aggressive game just fucking go box just beat the shit out of each other already It's really hard. I took intramural volleyball in high school Which was fun, but I was sucked at it and I remember one time when I my first year that I was out here in LA I was a production assistant on a sitcom and one of the writers invited me to play a wally ball Which is like volleyball, but you do it on like a like a squash court Basically, so you can bounce the ball off of the walls as well So I was really excited because as a PA it's such a special opportunity to be able to like do something like with writers And you get to know them a little bit more. Maybe like it could like, you know, like you
Starting point is 00:28:48 could turn your PA job into a writer assistant job and then maybe also it's hilarious watching writers do sports. I mean, is there anything funnier? So I just remember going to Marina Del Rey and playing volleyball and I sucked. And there was a guy who was really aggro on my team and like every time we like didn't get a point like, come on. And I was like the weakest link of the volleyball team. And I was like, I'm never going to work in Hollywood. I was traumatized and I haven't played volleyball since. Oh, or volleyball.
Starting point is 00:29:22 But I mean, not really from trauma. It's just like, it's not like you can just go play volleyball. I'm like, oh, I'm just going to go down the street and play volleyball. You have to take some effort. And I was just like, it's just not worth the effort to go to the beach to play volleyball, especially when you suck at it and it can ruin your career. Yeah. Well, you know, I'm sure it's going to work out. If I had been good at Wally ball, I would have been on a different trajectory.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I could have been writing for like the Frazier reboot by now. If you'd been good at Wally ball, my life would not exist as it does right now. So thank you for sucking at that game. But I would like to thank God for giving Ben his very, very terrible skills at sports. Yeah. I mean, you know, Ron, you often talk about the phenomenon of when people throw keys at you,
Starting point is 00:30:07 which I share as well, where you go like this, you put your hands out, you know? That's like what volleyball was like to me. Like attacking my face, like, ah-ha! Yeah, every time a ball comes near me, I do this face, like my lip curls down, I go, ha, ha! It's bad.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yeah. No coordination, Mandelker, that's what I am. All right, so after the volleyball game, Kyle's like, so they walk over to the side and he's like, we were struggling to be on the same page. I was like, and she's like, yeah, here was what it is, Kyle. I was like, so the other day you stayed until 4am and then you were pissed that I called you out on it and then you caught this whole attitude and you started talking about all the things you were mad about because I was mad at you and then you were pissed that I called you out on it and then you caught this whole attitude and you started talking about all the things you were mad about because I was mad at you and now you're being bullshit taking it out on me, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:30:50 That's what happened. That's not how I would sum it up. I mean, like what I said, I'm very fixated on trying to improve our communication. That's not supposed to be, Kyle, because you just say things that say things, Kyle. I love the guy concerned about improving communication is slurring every time he speaks. Well, I just wanna be able to- That's the thing, and by the way,
Starting point is 00:31:12 Kyle, we make less annoying somehow, I think just because Amanda has the whole like, hmmmm. Because she has that whole thing going on, so it sounds like we're team Kyle. I would just like to say very clearly that is absolutely not the case. And Kyle's even worse in a way because at least, you know, and I say this about Lindsay all the time too, at least Lindsay's out loud about
Starting point is 00:31:36 it. You know, she, there's no hiding it, especially now. I think Amanda has had years where she's, it's been a little bit more passive, uh, aggressive, but now she's just straight up aggressively, passive aggressive. And it's better than Kyle. Cause Kyle's doing the whole like, Amanda's coming from a, I hate you. The place, which I can respect. Whereas Kyle's coming from a, you really hurt me and I just don't know why you hurt me.
Starting point is 00:32:03 He's kind of doing the car, the Carl thing where he's just like, I just don't know why you hurt me. He's kind of doing the carl thing where he's just like, I just don't get why you're so mad at me. But then he's still coming at 4 a.m., partying all night and being wasted literally every day at a moment. Like gross. Knowing that it pisses her off. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Knowing that it pisses her off and then he's like, why are you mad at me, Amanda? I mean, to that I say. Yeah, doing the same thing over and over to piss her off. It's like aggressive and gross and then acting like a fucking victim when he's called out on it, you know, it's gross. This is, I mean, this is ultimately why I don't think that their relationship like should go on
Starting point is 00:32:34 because he does not tend to her needs, which is that she needs to feel safe and secure. She needs him to be home earlier, not like physically safe, but like she expresses later on, she has PTSD from the cheating and he's doing nothing to reassure her that like everything is fine. Like he's not earned that that ability to go out late again. And like he so he doesn't he sort of like spurns what she feels. But at the same time, she is with someone who like that's like he loves to go out and then she expects him to have changed for her. So like he does not treat her with enough respect. She does not. She does not.
Starting point is 00:33:16 She has unrealistic expectations of like the person that she's married and that just will not work. It just those are things that like someone's going to have to change something that they like inherently do not want to change. It's not fair to either one of them to actually ask them to really truly make that change and therefore it's time to not only worry to forget about being on the same page, it's time to close the book. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:42 You should not only not want to change somebody you should, or you should not only not want to change somebody, you should not only not try to change somebody, you shouldn't want to change somebody. You shouldn't marry somebody that needs that many changes, okay? This is like, you don't want, unless you're an editor, you know? And he will not be edited, this guy. And they both have the same... You don't buy a car without doors,
Starting point is 00:34:01 you want the product to be finished, okay? So you can't expect modifications. Yeah. And I get you have to like modify your behavior for each other to a degree, but this is just like, oh my God, suddenly you don't want to move to the burbs and stop partying? No, he's a fucking drunk with an alcohol company. What do you think? You married a drunk, dude. It's okay to make sacrifices for your partner. It's okay to make concessions. And I think that like when people are in relationships, there is like a certain amount of like changing,
Starting point is 00:34:32 but you just cause you want to cause you know, it makes your partner happy. And like the hap seeing them happy, like it makes like, it's like a non issue, right? But there are certain things that like you are just who you are. And like, this is clearly a thing where Kyle is not willing to change. And he, I mean, it's a shame
Starting point is 00:34:54 because like that's fucked up on his part because it seems like these are things that really should be able to change and like just do some simple things to make your wife happy. But at this point, she would realize- No, no, he would rather do this whole, this whole like, but I'm just trying to have a heart to heart with you.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And she's like, but you keep doing the same things over and over, so stop with the bullshit. And he's like, uh-uh. I just like, I can't move to the suburbs if we're like this. You don't want to move to the suburbs. Stop being an asshole to make her fight with you so then you have an excuse not to move to the suburbs.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Here's your- And you shouldn't have told her in the first place that you wanted to go to the suburbs. But did he? Was he really like, Amanda, you know what I really want? To have a baby and move to the suburbs. Or was he like, maybe one day, like kind of putting it off and she just kept saying it until he was, see, that's the thing with this couple. I don't even think they even know what each other wants because they just keep changing shit. It's like, if you want to be with me, you're going to change this. So he's like, okay, look, I change this. I haven't cheated on you for six months, so I want a fucking gold medal for it, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:51 Yeah. So she's like, there's always another meetup. There's always something else to do. There's always another drink to be had. There's always another bar that's open. There's always another apartment to go to. You always end up coming at 3 a.m. on weeknights. And he's like, I'm a very social person and it's lonely as fuck being married to you because you don't talk to me. So you can see that they are clearly in this vicious cycle because she gets mad, she doesn't wanna talk,
Starting point is 00:36:16 she doesn't wanna do anything with him, and then his need to be active and do social things with her is not being satisfied, so now he wants to go find somewhere else that makes her mad. I mean, they're a disaster. They're a disaster. So now Carl comes back and he grabs some food
Starting point is 00:36:32 and Paige goes, careful, it's hot. And he eats it and burns his mouth. And she's like, yeah, that's... Well, things with penises still haven't changed in the past 10 minutes. So it's good to know. It's consistency. By the way, I just want to point out that the last argument with Kyle and Amanda ends
Starting point is 00:36:52 with him saying, you don't talk to me. And she goes, okay. And then she walks away. I'm like, well, Amanda, you didn't really help push back on that idea of not talking to him by walking away. So yeah, then Kyle burns his mouth on this boiling hot cheese. And then now everyone just goes into bed and they're like hanging out and stuff. Sierra's FaceTimeing Wes and they're like talking and he's talking about his nose. And they just cut randomly to Danielle in the hot tub alone,
Starting point is 00:37:20 which is sort of Danielle's lot in life. Like, who wants to come in club? Club send it by the hot tub alone, which is sort of Danielle's lot in life. Like who wants to come in club? Club send it by the hot tub, anyone? No one? Club send it, sending it, sending it. The send it lava's open for swimming. So a producer asks Sierra if she's surprised she's missing West and she's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:44 cause I don't have chemistry with just anyone. I don't get along with just anyone. Sorry to say Austin again. Austin is. I'm sorry. That's just such a low bar, and I know that that sucks for you, and you're still having to live with the consequences of that, but just don't say things like this. Like, oh, I'm really, it's really difficult for me to like you. I mean, come on, Austin, just don't say things like this. Like, oh, I'm really, it's really difficult for me to like you. I mean, come on, Austin, just don't say it, you know? So then, but you know, again, it is so nice to see her happy with a nice person.
Starting point is 00:38:14 West better be nice. I know, I really love him. So Kyle goes rummaging for a propane tank and he's like, oh, there's a propane shortage. Amanda's like, Kyle's full of shit. I'm gonna fucking murder him. Like, well, she's just at a point where he can say nothing without just being her being furious. She is so pissed at him that like, even when he announced that propane jokes, Kyle, remember that time you told like
Starting point is 00:38:41 propane joke, Kyle, how't we supposed to raise children together? We're supposed to raise children in the suburbs and you can't even find the propane, Kyle. So now it's- Propane in the butt. My aunt Sierra's in her pajamas and some people are going out and some people are not going out. So they're going to a place called Calissa.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yeah, Calissa is a place. It's like a club they go to or a restaurant. So Kyle sits down in a wet chair. That is such a girl raised in the hacklons, isn't it? Calissa. Hey, I'm opening a club. It's named Calissa. Of course, Calissa has a club named Calissa.
Starting point is 00:39:24 All right, everyone, gather around. a club named Colissa. All right, everyone gather around. I have a pressing question. Okay, see the way Kyle's sitting with his legs crossed? Okay, when guys sit like this, is it an immediate ick? Or do you prefer them to sit like this? And she like opens his legs in a different way. Okay, what kind of ick is Kyle right now? Okay, Danielle, you start.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Here are your options, gross or really gross. Danielle, you start. Here are your options, gross or really gross. And at home, Andrea's asking Sierra about how her relationship is going. And Amanda's just like chugging ranch in the fridge from the bottle, just chugging it straight down. And so Sierra's really relaxed with West and Lindsay says, like when he says something, do you even take him serious?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Because he's a flirty guy. And Amanda's like, I mean, I think he just acts different with other people. They're talking about Jesse now, right? Maybe. I don't know. They were just having fun. So they're just like, well, I was thinking that today is the best we've ever gotten along as a group. And I also feel Danielle, like you and Lindsay have been moving forward in a really good way. So how's that going for you? And then, yeah, I feel like, like, it's like, we're even more on the same page than ever before.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Like, sometimes she even like comes to my room and like, we get ready together. I mean, she still thinks my name is Francis, but we're getting there. Danielle, I'm so sorry. I didn't hear any of that. Can we turn down the hot tub here in Clarissa so that I can hear Danielle? It's crazy. Danielle, are you sitting alone in a hot tub in a club? Well, I'm not actually in a hot tub. It's just a wet chair. It's so big.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I'm not gonna lie. I'm having a good summer, but I wanna feel like I'm on the same page as Amanda. Can you please stop saying about being on the same page as Amanda? Page is like, okay, well, I know what you should do. Stop being such a fucking dick. Oh, I'm not a dick. Oh. It gets like where he's just despondent.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Like everyone's so mean to me. It's like, I just don't wanna be there scratching my head, wondering if you even like me or like if you're bothered by my presence. So I've often have. You know what's gonna help this Kyle? Going out to a club and getting more shit faced. That's exactly what she wants to see from you Kyle.
Starting point is 00:41:44 You're really gonna help situations. It's like not even the digs, but like lastly again, I was the last one up and our phone was on the sink, so I just opened it up and I was in a single photo of me. Yeah, there's no photos of you because you've got a mullet and that's another thing. You can't walk around with that mullet. And that's another thing. You can't walk around with that mullet and expect anybody to take you seriously.
Starting point is 00:42:09 You deserve what you get as far as I'm concerned. Get rid of that hair. Page is like, oh, so that hurt your feelings? Okay, let me just write a memo for when I have to get revenge on Craig. Okay, this is what I'll say. Hey chicken, can you go find that photo of the two of us in my phone?
Starting point is 00:42:27 And then he can't find it because there's no photos of him in it. And then he'll cry. It'll be hilarious. Oh, sorry, Kyle, what were you talking about? Craig, Chicken, could you please hand me my unlocked phone while I'm here in the bathroom? Hey Chicken, why don't we do an AI baby with you and me?
Starting point is 00:42:44 Okay, go find the photo that I have of you in my phone. He, he, he, he. Kyle, she loves you though. Don't you know that? You've got to know that. You know what her love language is? Saying Kyle. He's like, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And he starts crying. I'm just like, oh God. Well, Kyle, we don't have to figure this out tonight, but I do see you and And it's super sad. Gross. It's horrifying. Also, Nick. So it turns out that between you being cross-legged or straight-legged, the ickiest is you just
Starting point is 00:43:13 crying. Please stop it. I'd rather you just sit cross-legged. Please. Yeah. The ickiest is just you even being in my presence to see you sitting anywhere. Commercials, here comes one right now. So back at the house... I see a really old baby in a mullet, crying, with a beer in his hand.
Starting point is 00:43:37 It says Loverboy on the front. Here, I'll take a photo to send to Amanda so she can throw it out right away before saving that on her phone. So now they're playing Truth or Dare. What about you can send a disappearing text? She documents you on Snapchat. It's alive. It's still a platform. Stupid. So they're just playing Truth or Dare,
Starting point is 00:44:01 just sort of casually at home, and Andrea's like, all right, all right, all right, how would you rank your sex life with Lexi? Ah! Or your partner, one to ten. And Lindsay's like, mm, 2.5, like, huh, you had to have sex. I mean, we had sex today, so,
Starting point is 00:44:18 but like, it was like the first time in a couple of weeks, but like, no one came, but like, whatever. And then it's like, no one came, Kyle. And they're all like shocked. Like, what, what, what, no one came, but like, whatever. And then it's like, no one came, Kyle. And they're all like shocked. Like, what, what, what, no one came? Like the neighbor comes over, it's like, no one came. Jordan calls, he's like, hey, I just heard that no one came, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:44:38 What is it, like opposite day from my weekend? Like literally everywhere I've gone, people have just been coming all over me. It's nuts. Jared Sarkissian Ina Garten knocks on the door. Hi. I was next door and I heard that no one came. I mean, you can't even come. I mean, how easy is that? Luke So, um, once he's like, um, I've always been patient with Carl. Always. That's me. Mrs. Patient. I mean, I just love this man so much and I know he wants to make me happy, but like if
Starting point is 00:45:08 he's not ambitious and not matching my vibe. Okay, this is another example of you can't marry a Carl and then expect him to suddenly become ambitious. He's a Carl. He's Carl. He won't even get new white pants. They're the same white pants. He's had the same pants for eight years, lady.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah. She's like, having to constantly light a fire for someone else is like not sexy. Like, doesn't get my juice, it's lying. Yeah, this is not a match either. So she's saying that he basically like gets into his head about like having a good performance sexually. And she's just like, I think we need to have like more sex.
Starting point is 00:45:46 So it's like, doesn't put so much pressure on you. It's just like a thing that we do, you know? So whatever. So then Carl and Dan and Paige come back, but Kyle and Jesse are still at the bar. So now this is like Kyle, like what, you literally just had a conversation today. You see how upset your wife is. Like,
Starting point is 00:46:06 don't you want to like make your wife happy? Don't you want to make her feel at ease, make her feel like you care about her that you listen about her that when she expresses that this makes her uncomfortable, that it triggers things that you want to like say, listen, I will, I'm, I'm, I want to make you feel safe. I want to make you feel loved. Cause I'm your husband. No, not only do you not go out, not only do you go out,
Starting point is 00:46:29 you are in the late crew of the going out people. No, he doesn't. But also there's not really a ton of motivation. Yeah. I'm sorry. I can't be team either of these. I mean, I think, I think all the points are valid. I'm just like, I want to leave them both. You know, I'm just at that place where I'm like, I'm divorcing both of these. I mean, I think all the points are valid. I'm just like, I want to leave them both. You know, I'm just at that place where I'm like, I'm divorcing both of you. Okay. And I was smart enough not to even get into this relationship. And I still want to fucking divorce both of you. You both suck. So now Jesse and Kyle stumble in. Oh, Jesse comes home with some girl named Camille. So Sierra and Paige are texting back and forth
Starting point is 00:47:05 and they're like, oh my God, what's going on out there? Jessie's in the hot tub. She goes, oh my God, Jessie is in the hot tub? Let's watch Jessie in the hot tub. Oh my God. I'm gonna watch from your room, Paige. Oh my God, it's scary. I'm gonna sleep in your bed now.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And then Kyle's just like sitting around dancing with himself, perhaps eating more cherries and listening to more Hans Zimmer And then Jesse and Camille are kissing and then he put the towel over the camera because they're gonna have sex and stuff Yeah, and then Kyle comes back in the room and he doesn't only come back in the room He comes back and goes Amanda So he's doing it on purpose, you know, he's like addicted to this feedback loop, you know, he just wants some attention. So he's just pissing her off because I think she'll talk to him.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I think the rest of the time she just doesn't even speak to him as we see later in the episode. She just stares at her phone and pretends he's not there. So I think this is maybe his way of just getting something, you know. So she's like, what time is that? It's 3 55 Yeah, fuck off. I'm sorry. You can't believe you So he does that like, you know Dog that knows he did something bad luck. He was sad. He hangs his head low and gets into bed So now it's the morning
Starting point is 00:48:25 and he's like, man, I charged your phone a little bit. Like she's trying to make a nice gesture. And she's like, that like that's going to fix this. No, Carl's like, Hey, morning, sleep. What's going on? Sleep. I love your butt. You got a great botanist. God, I'm so deeply attracted to you. So now it's time to go home and Andrea makes coffee for the girls as usual. And he's like, oh, it's new, it's called brew with vanilla. And Paige is like, oh my God, I'm obsessed with ya. And so now people are getting ready to leave and Kyle and Amanda just hating each other
Starting point is 00:48:59 and Kyle goes, you driving? She goes, no. Oh yeah, I was joking, So how are we doing there? She's just staring at her phone on the couch, hating him. Like she's staring at her phone, but she's also like giving the eyes that are like, just die, Kyle. Next he's going to say something about propane again. So now it's time to go down to New York City. So it's Tuesday, and West is in a park and he goes and he sits with his great aunt Robin, who moved to New York City in the 70s and became like the poster child in his family of saying, Fuck it,
Starting point is 00:49:37 I'm moving to New York City. So he's talking about how when he was a kid, they would visit her and he would like hear the cars, like hot cars, horns honking and people talking shit and all this noise. And it's like, wow, this is wild. So yeah, it's exciting. I'm in. So he got an interview at Complex, which I believe is where he works now. The emphasis is the truth. And she was like, yeah, you know, when you came to me, I had nothing on your resume. All you did your whole life is play football, you know, when you came to me, you had nothing on your resume. All you did your whole life is play football,
Starting point is 00:50:07 you fucking loser. And now look at your hair. I mean, geez. Citi gives us a lot of things. And unfortunately, one of the bad things it gives us is hairstyles like that. What are you trying to be 15 years old? You're old, okay?
Starting point is 00:50:20 Lighten up on the pancake toots. You know, I think you being laid off give you a huge reality check. I think you came out of high school with the big man on the pancake toots. You know, I think you being laid off give you a huge reality check. I think you came out of high school as the big man on campus and then college. You had the same view as in hashtag didn't evolve and New York didn't treat you that way, huh? Because guess what?
Starting point is 00:50:35 You're a big P-U-S-S-Y, aren't you, great nephew? So now they start talking about Sierra and we cut to Sierra and she's going to her manager's place and she's like oh my god we're doing so well he says yeah our goal for you is to elevate everything we're gonna shoot sports illustrated fashion week in Paris landing on the moon and this this folder right here contains a contract that is gonna launch you. Ma'am, you're gonna go farther than the Hamlin girls." She's like, wow, I've dreamt this dream so many times when I was younger.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And she's just like excited. And he's like, and do you, by the way, you have to understand the magnitude of this. You won't have the freedom that you once had. Okay, you're going to be traveling and you're going to be, um, you're going be traveling and you're gonna be, you're gonna, you'll be important. You'll be a model. She's like, yeah, cool. So then we go back to Rob and she's like, so is there a part of you that sees a future with Sierra? And it's like, yeah, I mean, I like where it's going. It's almost like, do I need to jump into it? I always look out for things not like not to date someone instead of dating them and trying
Starting point is 00:51:43 to make it work. Yeah, you know why? Cause you're just a puss who's afraid of hurt, okay? And let me tell you this much, I know why. You haven't been able to commit to anybody cause that girl in high school was really hot and the best thing you're ever gonna have a chance at in your life, she dumped you and she called you stupid.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Remember she hated your hair? Now look at you, still wearing 15 year old boy hair and just afraid to get dumped by hot girls. Well, I got news for you. They're all gonna dump you. And circle of life is probably because of that hair. What was her name again? Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, never heard of her. Imagine. So the producers like, so Wes, when was your last relationship? And he's basically like, oh, define relationship. I mean, on paper is when I was 20. I mean, I'm not someone to hop into a relationship very quickly at all. Okay. I'm okay with taking things slow, which to me was a red flag because the taking things slow thing is the classic line from, you know, the fuckboy Bible.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Pete Slauson Oh, yeah. So, Robin is like, don't you want a partner for the rest of your life? And he's like, uh-huh, I mean, but here's the thing. I mean, either you get, either, what does he say, something like, either you get married and, once that happens is you get married or you have a sad breakup.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And I don't know that I want to get married or have a sad breakup yet. And she's like, well, tough titties, kid. I know, I want to get married or have a sad breakup yet. She's like, well, tough titties kid. No, I love her. Um, so then we go over to Kyle and Amanda's place and they're sitting with dogs and Taryn, a relationship coach comes over. Um, and, uh, again, why are people afraid of hiring real therapists on these shows? Does Bravo just not have the budget for that? So Kyle's like,
Starting point is 00:53:25 yeah, I just, you know, I don't want to feel like we're not processing and like, I don't know how to tip around around some of these challenges. And Terrence like, okay, well, today we're just going to get to get into how you guys have been doing recently. So why don't you tell me why you guys hate each other? Well, I want you to know like, we need to communicate better. I'm like, I mean, like, she started working creative, you know, with her job. But then she, like, did creative for my job.
Starting point is 00:53:53 And, like, I was so excited when she came to work for me. But, like, ever since then, like, I'll bring up the things she's not doing because, like, I just want more. It's like, yeah, there's, like, more and more. And it's like, Amanda, you're not doing this. Amanda, you're not doing that. Amanda, you're not doing because like, I just want more. It's like, yeah, there's like more and more. And it's like, Amanda, you're not doing this. Amanda, you're not doing that. Amanda, you're not doing this. It's like never enough. Taryn goes, wow, it sounds like it's touching on an insecurity,
Starting point is 00:54:16 like not feeling good enough. Wow. Thanks, Taryn. Thanks for that wonderful insight. Someone saying, I feel like I'm not good enough at being able to deduce that that's an insecurity. It's, I mean like I'm not good enough and being able to deduce that that's an insecurity. It's, I mean, just brilliant work here. Especially when Carl, when Kyle just said, and the problem is she's not good enough. I just want more.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I think, yeah, he says I'm not good enough. So I think the fear is you're not good enough. I mean, I'm always questioning myself and being indecisive and never feeling like I'm making the right decision or I'm good enough and just realizing that I don't get that from you sometimes, just like I'm being most oracle. And then Taryn says to...
Starting point is 00:54:52 Taryn goes, hmm, well, I think what you're talking about right now, it's a big insecurity for you. Thanks again. Really, really getting to the root of it here, Taryn. Is Taryn just practicing as like, is this like when you go to like a college dental class to get your teeth done for cheaper? What is going on here? Yeah, I think she's just on break from Jamba Juice right now.
Starting point is 00:55:14 She's like, I just put on a blazer and I told these people as a relationship coach and it worked. Yeah, I'm saying, but I just like, I just like, I could just question things. And Taren's like, here's what I think, you might be questioning things. Yes, Taren. Yeah. And so, Taryn's like, well, Kyle might have an insecurity, Kyle might be an insecurity that's happening for you because, like, Kyle, you feel like Amanda's
Starting point is 00:55:36 talking to you in a particular way that's very short. Yeah, she says she hates me. And I feel like you might feel like she hates you. Yeah, I think she wants me to die. She tells me she wants me to die. So, I think you're worried that she might not have your best interests at heart. Yeah. You're really good at this. I think I'm more sensitive than people realize. So, like, when I pick up on her, just being unpleasant, sometimes I feel like, you know, like, man, like, I feel like I do it a lot. I feel like I'm just trying to really work on some of my flaws. So, you don't like me and like I feel like I do it a lot. I feel like I'm just trying to really work on some of my flaws. So you're working on your flaws. I think
Starting point is 00:56:09 what you're trying to do is work on your flaws right now. Yeah, exactly. Wow. You're like great at this. So now it comes to the real truth, which is Kyle had an unfaithful moment that continues to haunt. She just won't forgive me for cheating that one time." And so, to make her feel more secure, you still just go out, stay out getting wasted, which is kind of what led to you cheating the last time. So, she's like, there's just no reason to be out with people at 4 a.m. stumbling home wasted. And she's like, it's not that he cheated so long ago, and people talk about that all the time, you know, that I'm so caught up from cheating. It's the PTSD from that instant.
Starting point is 00:56:53 And it's just easier to sum it up by saying he cheated on me than to tell you a sob story of everything I've been through since. Like, he still has the attitude of someone who cheated on me, even if he didn't cheat on me. It's like he's still constantly doing the shit that's like cheating on me, I guess is what she's saying.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Yeah, she's saying like, it's not like, oh, I can't get over the cheating. It's just that he it's more like there are a lot of triggers that come from that and he keeps on stepping on them. And that's what's so annoying. It's just easier to say that that's the situations. Terrence like, huh, well, I think that'll be important in the future is like bringing up that self reflective energy, like, you not going to be able to resolve years of conflict in one night when you're talking about one thing. So, stay with the moment instead of calling back those
Starting point is 00:57:32 other things. And if you have the instinct to do that, try to pause. Also, just going forward, I want to give a chip. Know your order before you step up to the stand at Chipotle. It just makes our job a lot easier and speed which my shift is starting again. Now look guys, I know that sometimes it might be hard to say extra guac because you know the price. But let me just assure you that it's worth it and you deserve it. Thanks for coming.
Starting point is 00:57:58 The Asada chicken's back and I really think that this is a time where you guys should, it's a limited time only. Just really try to take advantage of it while you can. The vegan option literally tastes like meat, in a good way. I mean, you know, sometimes when I'm at work, I think, why is there an option for a salad or a bowl?
Starting point is 00:58:15 Cause aren't they kind of the same thing? But sometimes in life, you just have to think like, sometimes things look like the same thing, but they're not. So just think about that. Okay, see you guys down there. Enjoy your salad. Okay, I you guys down there. Enjoy yourself. I left them both on the table.
Starting point is 00:58:27 So then Lindsay goes to try on her wedding dress for all her girlfriends, and all the girlfriends are the fakest ass things. Like, I mean, it's really, she walks in there, she's like, hi, and they're like, oh, Lindsay Hudson! Girl, wedding! Oh my god! Oh, girl, wedding! Oh, my god!
Starting point is 00:58:46 Woo! Yes, Lindsay! And she's like, oh, my god. Like, who do I got on first? Hi! Hi! And then Gabby shows up and Danielle shows up. This is such a hilarious scene because this is such a mean scene by Bravo because they're
Starting point is 00:59:02 just, you know, the entire point of the scene is that everyone knows who's watching that this wedding is not going to happen. And they just lean into Lindsay just feeling her fairy tale. So she's like, huh, I searched high and low for dresses and I actually have this dress picked out for like the past few months now. I'm like putting it on just like feels so special. Like, I'm good. Like I made the right decision. This is definitely going gonna be a wedding dress that I'll wear at a wedding. Don't you think she kind of knows at this point? I mean, I think at this point she knows,
Starting point is 00:59:32 and she's just really, because she's brought up Scandival so many times this season that I really think she's laying down the foundation to get Ariana-type Gladbag commercials or whatever, because she just turns the can, she tries on the dress and she's like, oh my God, girls, it's the fairy tale ending I really gave up on two years ago. I am basically Cinderella, what could go wrong?
Starting point is 00:59:55 And then she tells us, it's almost like imposter syndrome, or I'm like, I don't deserve this. And I just never thought I'd be so blessed to fall in love with my best friend. I just never thought I'd be so blessed to fall in love with my best friend. I just did. Yeah. It's just laying on so thick and they've been doing nothing but having problems this whole season that I mean that girl in her mind she's carrying a bag of trash in a glad bag and
Starting point is 01:00:17 she's just shaved her legs with a Bic razor. I think that she knows those problems but she also is probably in denial and saying, well, these are just the problems you have and because of wedding planning and we just have to make it to the finish line and everything will be great. Once the stress of the wedding is done, we'll be fine. And you know, she's really just trying to sell it here. She's like, oh my God, it's real. We're here.
Starting point is 01:00:42 We're doing it. We're really doing it. It's going gonna happen. You're like, oh, oh no, oh, it's amazing. Well, we'll see what happens. I can't imagine what's gonna happen. But I think we get a later this season on Summer House, don't we?
Starting point is 01:00:59 So that means we're- Yeah, we get a really good mid-season trailer, so it looks like it's gonna be wild. Looks like we're about halfway done with this sucker. So we'll see what happens. Thanks everyone for being here. We'll be back on Monday with fresh recaps of all your favorite shows. So have a great weekend and we'll catch you on the next one. Bye. Bye everybody.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Bye. Michael. More live! Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickles. She's never scary. It's the green fairy Jamie. She has no less namey Hava Nagila Webber Know your worth with Jason Kurt. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer wing Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the piston Anderson Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! We wanna hang with Liz Lang! Megan Berg! You can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors! Somebody get us 10 ccs of Betsy MD!
Starting point is 01:02:18 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We forever love Ava. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish. It's Jen Plish. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. It's Kyle Pod Shadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender, the incredible, edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Coutar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch or Crap
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