Watch What Crappens - #2392 Summer House MV and RHOP Part 2: And Don’t Drive Back, Green Bye Bandit

Episode Date: April 15, 2024

*This is Part 2*We open with a talk about this week’s Summer House Martha’s Vineyard (S02E04) and then The Real Housewives of Potomac (S08E21) ends its season with a final reunion episode... by forcing the ladies to eat carbs on camera. Have we lost all respect? It’s the last episode for both Robyn and Candiace, so fold up some poster board and let’s have a good cry. Grab tickets for the Netflix is a Joke Fest in LA and our European tour at Watch this recap as a video and get our bonus episodes at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Misha Brown and I'm the host of Wondery's podcast, The Big Flop. Each episode, comedians join me to chronicle one of the biggest pop culture fails of all time and try to answer the age-old question, who thought this was a good idea? Follow The Big Flop wherever you get your podcasts. Much what happens, much what craps it, much what craps it Who cares what happens when there's so much that craps it Much what craps, much what craps it Who cares what happens when there's so much that craps it Welcome back. This is part two of a two part recap. If you're wondering where part one was, we'll go check in the feed and be sure to subscribe. So that way you always get your episodes,
Starting point is 00:00:48 but enough of that, let's get right back into the episode. So, um, Andy's like, well, I want to talk about the shrine. Okay. Well, I want to preface this by saying that we are all aware of how culturally sensitive of an issue this is that we chose to exploit for episode after episode after episode after episode. And it was a story that we wish we didn't have to tell, which is why again, we foisted it on America for 14 weeks in a row.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Wish you didn't have to tell it again in a completely non exploitive way. Let's play. Let's play. Go. Oh, Sue. Okay. Now, that's where everybody closes their eyes. And one person says, oh, Sue. And then another person says, oh, Sue until you find the oh, Sue. Okay. And then we all beat them up and call them witches. All right, let's start. Can we not? They are like, I just it's just funny that now all of a sudden Bravo is gonna pretend to be sensitive around this topic
Starting point is 00:01:51 when they spent weeks upon weeks upon weeks mining it for drama and putting it in trailers and like turning it into a thing. And now they're like, well, this is a very sensitive thing, so let's be very careful when we talk about it. So- Yeah, they put up a number at the end. If you or anybody you know has been accused of osuism,
Starting point is 00:02:12 please call this number. Yeah, they're very like, suddenly we're sensitive. I didn't realize it was that sensitive a thing until further into the season. But you're right, the whole like, let's talk about how sensitive we are. Go, Wendy, what do you feel? Yeah, yeah, of course you wouldn't know
Starting point is 00:02:29 how sensitive of a topic it was because Bravo did not indicate that whatsoever. It was just like, they just sort of said, oh, you know, like, oh Sue are, you know, people who are just like untouchable or something like that. But it wasn't like- Well, they still didn't, no one's explained it still. Right, so, but now Bravo's like, wait a second, like Untouchable or something like that. But it wasn't like... No one's explained it still. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:45 So, but now Bravo's like, wait a second, we want to actually, like, now Bravo's trying to pivot, basically. So, Wendy is like, Andy says, well, what production told me is that you didn't seem excited by the idea of Naka coming on the show because he actually breaks the fourth wall and says that with casting,
Starting point is 00:03:09 casting wanted Nneka to come on the show through Wendy. Like they wanted Nneka to be like Wendy's friend that she's bringing to the circle and that when production reached out to Wendy about the idea, Wendy was like, mm, no thanks. So Wendy's like, okay, well I wasn't excited, not because I didn't want to run the show. It's just that I don't know her I don't know the girl. I just don't know the girl and
Starting point is 00:03:28 Nekka's like yeah But I have stated that I had met Wendy and that I had a conversation with her because I have and that's the truth And that's all I really said she goes no you stated that you knew me and she goes I said I met you So what's the big deal? Like do you listen carefully or do you just talk a lot? Because you're not listening. Like, Nekka, this is like her big moment. And then Wendy's like, oh, you're angry. You're so angry. Why are you so angry? Why are you so hostile towards me? Have I been hostile towards you? Have I been hostile towards you? I mean, yeah. Yes. Yeah, you have actually been. Yes, you have. It's the whole fucking season you have. But also let's not jump all over Ashley.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Who's the one who started this? Why is nobody jumping on Ashley? Ashley started this whole thing, you guys fell for it, ran with it the whole season and she's still sitting there getting away with it. She gets away, yes. So, Neca's like, you've been lying all day. You're like, what are you talking about? And when he's like, I haven't lied once.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So Neca says, okay, well, that's hostility when you're lying. Okay, so I met her for an event for Umo Ebo, the final concert, and I met you at a private VIP and maybe less than 20 people, maybe 10 people. And so Andy's like, yeah, well, Wendy, sometimes for us, if two people have met a few times in our mind, it's like, oh, they know each other. They met at events. Like honestly, even if just one of them is just light to pose from the other person, that's enough for us to say like, they're kind of best friends, you know? Yeah, so basically, Wendy is holding on to this. Well, she was using me because she said that she knew me and she didn't know me. But that's not what happened. We all saw the show and Nekka said very clearly multiple times, I don't know her. I've met her, but I don't really know her, know her. Yeah. I don't know her. I've met her, but I don't really know her, know her. I've talked to her once or twice, that's it.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And it's just so weird to me that it's the exact same storyline that Wendy was caught up with on her first season when she insisted that she knew Karen and Karen said she didn't know her. And Wendy spent the whole season being so offended that anyone would treat her like this. When she, all she said that was that she knew Karen from being on a board together of a charity.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Well, that's knowing her. I mean, come on, like, how can you be like this when she all she said that was that she knew Karen from being on a board together of a charity. Well, that's knowing her. I mean, come on, like, how can you be like this? Just a couple of years later, you're this much of a fucking hypocrite about it. And I wish this question had been asked instead of about Wisconsin, you know, or to Wendy, because I think that's a really important thing to bring up. And so then neck, I mean, it's not that long ago. It seemed they honestly, I feel like they kind of rushed through the segment.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I feel like I feel like they got so much feedback that the audience was so sick of the shrine stuff that they wanted to just kind of like move through this, which actually annoyed me because I'm like, you may have sit through endless episodes about the shrine fight. And then when it finally comes time to be like, OK, well, they're going to figure this all out at the reunion that Ash is the one who poisoned the well and we have this whole situation. Now let's get this all sorted out.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And it's like a five minute thing. And we move on. It's like, you made us sit through the entire season and then you're just gonna put like a little bow on it after, you know, for five minutes on this whole, you have a three part reunion and this is like, this is as much time as this gets. It just actually kind of annoyed me because wendy didn't start off the season being snotty with nekka she wasn't being uncool to her
Starting point is 00:06:30 at all she was like oh hi you know like she wasn't being overly friendly because she didn't know the girl but she wasn't being a snot to her until ashley started all this shit you know so right ashley says ashley goes and tells wendy Wendy that Neko's calling her osu! And then Wendy probably synthesizes that or like says, okay, I'm taking that piece of information. And then I find out she's trying to use me to get on the show. And then the moment I'm like not helpful,
Starting point is 00:06:57 she calls me osu! which is hugely taboo. And then she probably tells her mom and her mom's like, you know, fuck this girl, da da da da da da. But all of it is set in motion by Ashley and she really does not. Does not get her like, is really not confronted. Yeah. Oh, you froze. Are you still here? Oh no. Did we lose each other? We're losing it. Oh, are we back? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Do you see talk about Osu? It ruins the whole thing. I know I, I it. Oh, are we back? Yeah, do you see? I'm plugged in. You can't talk about Osu! It ruins the whole thing. I know, I wasn't even. You're kidding, man. You even mentioned it the whole time. I wasn't talking about Osu! I was talking about Ohio State University, everyone. Just wanna clarify. I also lived there, Andy.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I also lived there. So let's talk about Ohio now. Sorry, we're done with that segment. So yeah, the Osu! stuff I think came from blogs after the first season of Wendy being on the show. Cause I remember all that stuff coming out in the blogs and then them kind of bringing it up on the show but then not getting too into it.
Starting point is 00:07:56 So, I mean, it's just kind of frustrating. I guess that I get that it's a culturally sensitive thing and I'm not gonna pretend that I know what that would even be like, but they brought it up on the show so many times. I wanna know what it is. Like, I want to know the tribal gossip. Like, remember how in the beginning of the show,
Starting point is 00:08:14 when Wendy first came on, we found out that Wendy's, Eddie's family doesn't speak to Wendy, and that Wendy's family were chiefs, and just like all this tribal gossip, like there is really good gossip on the show and we don't fucking get it because they can't talk about it. And it's not fair. You can't bring all this beautiful gossip, especially when it's a land that I know nothing about.
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's like a whole new world to me of hearing all of these... It's a whole new set. You know what I mean? It's like political intrigue. And you're not gonna tell me ever how many seasons of this am I gonna have to sit through, and you guys don't tell me one thing. You drop little breadcrumbs about all of this beautiful gossip,
Starting point is 00:08:55 and I get nothing. I say, fire them all! BLAIR Well, we find out, oddly enough, that Nekka was originally recruited to be unmarried to medicine. But then she wound up on Potomac because Lebede sort of, I guess, I don't know, they reached out to, I don't know, but she was just recruited for that. She wound up on Potomac instead. So Andy basically is like, so, you know, can you tell us what does it mean to be Osu? So Wendy basically turns to
Starting point is 00:09:25 Ashley and was like, Well, well, Ashley, you brought it to this platform. What does it mean? And so NECA is like, Well, I'll explain. And then she's like, No, I want Ashley to explain because she wants to make Ashley feel bad for butting her nose into something that she shouldn't have, which is good too. But I actually was like, I would have liked NECA to have explained it personally rather than like Ashley, because of course, Ashley's like, well, um, I, I never tried to misrepresent that I know what osu means because like, I know it's something that's culturally sensitive, but I never said that I know what it is, which is why I gossiped about it in the beginning of the season. So then of course we are now cut off and don't get an explanation for it, which
Starting point is 00:10:04 you're right, it sucks. So then Andy's like, well, what was your intention to bringing it up? And Candace is like, and why wouldn't you bring it up to Wendy? And Ashley is like, well, it was just something that had been brought to my attention prior to me meeting Nekka. So I mean, I, it was brought up again and that's why I talked about it. And when he's like, oh wow, isn't that convenient? Isn't that convenient?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Well, yeah, she heard some fucking gossip. She doesn't like you. And so she wanted to bring the gossip up on national television. Are you new here? What do you think she brought it up? She brought it up to shame your ass, okay? Now can we talk about what it means?
Starting point is 00:10:41 I'm dying over here. Well, I was actually surprised because Nneka says that she doesn't feel like any of them are competent enough to really speak about it appropriately, which that made me actually, I mean, I'm going to go research after this. I'm going to do some, you know, internet reading because I'm now very fascinated by it. But it was, I was also surprised that NECA felt she wasn't competent enough to talk about it. I'm not competent enough to talk about 80% of the shit
Starting point is 00:11:06 that comes out of my mouth. Who cares? I do it anyway, OK? Just keep talking. I don't need your competency. I need the goss. So NECA's like, yeah, look, you're asking what it means and not disparaging you.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Just none of us really have the bandwidth to talk about it. And I don't even feel comfortable saying what it is because I don't want to get it wrong. And so Giselle's like, is this the bad thing? And Ike says, yeah, it's taboo and it's something we don't talk about it. And so Nneka and Wendy agreed that you don't discuss it. And Wendy's like, yeah, we don't talk about it. And there's a reason it shouldn't be talked about on this platform. And honestly, Ashley, I don't want to hear anything else from you, because if you knew
Starting point is 00:11:46 how taboo it is, you would not say anything else. And you would just say, I'm sorry and move on. So it's pretty much the end of that one. And Ashley's like, yeah, but she's like, but I'm not going to fall into the sword for what followed subsequently. It's like, well, but you should because you told Wendy that Neko was accusing her of being Osu when we see in the conversation that Nekka was just clarifying what Osu was, not accusing Wendy of it at all.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Right, and Ashley's still doing it. She still just did it right now. And she's like, well, let's back up again, insinuating that that is in fact what Nekka did, when it's not, fucking messy ass Ashley. So then Andy's like, well, okay, that that is in fact what NECA did, when it's not fucking messy ass Ashley. So then Andy's like, well, okay, NECA has apologized for referring to your mom as a witch,
Starting point is 00:12:31 which is unlike everybody else for referring to Dot as a witch, but that's different, this is different. They meant figuratively. And she's like, well, I don't need anything from her. We can just coexist and move forward, you know, just take accountability and move on. And so then Nneka's like, well,
Starting point is 00:12:49 you're the one who can't move on and take accountability because I've apologized, you know, and Andy just even stated it. And I was just so excited to be, you know, on a cast with another Nigerian person, you know, and then, you know, you just kept attacking me. And instead of like having phone calls, you know, you're kept attacking me. And instead of having phone calls, you're just over there spreading lies.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Yeah, she goes all season long, she had no energy for Ashley, never confronting Ashley about the osu! thing. And she's trying to ice me out of this group, trying to ice me out in front of the entire world. And it's like, yeah, but don't you all think you guys will ever be friends? Cause you're just like all your sisters, your Evo sisters, don't you all think you guys will ever be friends? Because you're just like all your like your sisters, your Evo sisters, you know, can't you just
Starting point is 00:13:27 like kick it and think out there, you know, which is funny because it reminds me of like, when I first came out of the closet, and I had so many like well intentioned female friends who are like, Oh my god, you're gay, I know a gay person, you guys will be best friends because you're both gay. You're like, well, it doesn't quite work that way. But they agree to coexist. They're not even best friends. Like, oh my God, you're gay, I have a life partner for you. Here he is.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah. So Andy's like, all right. By the way, did we miss the part where Wendy took back the part about calling her a crackhead? Or did that already happen or is that gonna happen? I don't know, maybe we skipped over it, but she did say, okay, well, I apologize for calling you crackhead then.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Something like that, at some point she said that. But also I think Nneka has a good point here. Even after Wendy saw the show airing, she still went with the narrative that Nneka was saying that she was Osu. Like Wendy still went with that. Yeah. And also like I would have liked to have been like,
Starting point is 00:14:30 but you know, can we have also pressed Wendy on the fact that her mom didn't really deny making this phone call and that NECA had a valid reason for feeling frustrated or feeling like, like this lady is, is, is coming for me. Like I don't, it's just shocking to me that there was, there was no way to get a resolution on this fight. like this lady is coming for me. It's just shocking to me that there was no way to get a resolution on this fight.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Like I feel like it was, once all the footage is laid out, like it's so obvious the areas where there were misunderstandings and where people like Ashley were pitting these two against each other. And I just was shocked that they were not able to resolve it. Yeah, because even if you leave the Osu! stuff out of it, she was accused of the mom making a call and threatening.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And so why wasn't that discussed? And I think it's all hidden behind this, well, we can't talk about the parents. Well, we can't talk about this. And that's cultural. Well, it's a Housewives show. You still have to talk about this shit, especially if it's such a huge part of the season. You can't just be like, we're not going to talk about it. It's like
Starting point is 00:15:31 literally the only interesting thing that happened this season. And that was at the beginning of the season. I thought it was going to be a good season. I was like, this is crazy. I've never seen anything like this on Housewives. I loved it. Now granted, is that ignorant? Sure. Because I didn't know how serious it was and everything else. But there is always serious stuff on The Housewives that they somehow make it entertaining and they keep talking about it.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I don't like this whole like, well, now we can't talk about my mom because it's my mom. They just showed your mom in a scene completely blowing up your spot about how she was, you making it sound like she had some life threatening thing in the hospital when it wasn't. And then you saying, and mom, you know you didn't call her. And her mom being like,
Starting point is 00:16:09 oh, well, if I did call, it was just to say it's easier to make friends than enemies or something like that. It's like, come on, have the discussion. This is ridiculous, like pussyfooting around it. And if you can't, if it's too much of a pussyfoot thing to talk about your mom when your mom is making messy calls, then don't be here. Don't bring your mom on the show. Right, because your mom went on TV and shot a scene where she said her piece. So I think that is fair.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And if other moms can get thrown into the fire, if like Candy's mom, if MJ's mom, if so many other people's moms. Can get roasted. Dodds first had its own segment. Yeah, what about Candice's mom right there? So anyway, Andy was like, all right, well we're gonna take a quick break
Starting point is 00:16:54 and Kierna will be joining us. We just have to check to see if she's out of that bathroom yet. And we'll be right back. Thanks husbands. Can someone please ask Kay if she's got diarrhea and how she's feeling? I don't want to trouble later. So we're back. All right. Yeah, we're back. We're back. And we're here and Kierna has joined us. Hi there, Kierna.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Wow. Well, a lot of confusion about your name. Is your name pronounced Kierna or is it Stephanie? She's like, I'm like literally no one has had confusion about my name and people just call me Kay. Who has confusion about Kierna's name? Where did that come from? Yeah, I've never heard that. So it's like, to be honest, just kind of boring. Kay is only out here because she had a on air
Starting point is 00:17:39 physical altercation with Deborah. Otherwise she wouldn't be here. So we have a lot of questions like, wow, how'd you meet these people? And she's like, I really love these people. They're so nice. Oh, wow, who do you like the best? I like them the best.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Fascinating stuff. Okay, so let's get down to the argument. So basically we find out that Wendy didn't want them bringing on Nekka. I mean, this kind of insinuated that she's like, why were you bringing on Nekka when I'm trying to bring on my real friend? You know, my wife, bringing on this lady who just says she's my friend. And so they start talking about the trip and how
Starting point is 00:18:14 no one checked on her diarrhea. And so then they accuse, they accuse Giselle of checking on Karen has diarrhea as a device to, I guess, to win her over against in the ongoing war with Wendy and Candace. Isn't that why any of us do anything nice? So people will think that we're nice. Not to stand up for Gisele here, but this is not the worst of Gisele's crimes.
Starting point is 00:18:45 So then they're saying, you know, well, Wendy, how do you feel about Wendy saying she's your friend when we have footage of Wendy walking through the resort or the house saying, I'm not sharing a room with Kierna. And Wendy's like, but none of us had to share a room. So why would I say that I'm going to share a room with her? Because we didn't even, we all had our own room. And so I'm just like, Oh, good point. And then Giselle and Robin are muttering over to themselves that they didn't know they all had their own room yet. And so Wendy was being an
Starting point is 00:19:13 asshole. Whatever. Let's just let Wendy get away with it. Yeah. Um, so not want to share a room with a girl with diarrhea All right, well, let's move on to a Wendy segment This is probably where Wendy will apologize about calling neck a crackhead now that I think about it But anyway, Wendy every year we see you embark on a new endeavor from teaching to candles to teaching Candles things and then realizing that candles can't be taught things because they're not actual People and also opening up restaurants and having a talk show with candles. So question, have you found your niche or will this one fizzle out like a one wick candle in the wind? So this was a Wendy segment and I'm sorry, I know I'm just bored. I'm bored with Wendy.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Like I've been pushed too far on the boredom scale. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial. 50 high school senior girls descend on Mobile, Alabama every summer to compete for a massive cash prize. It isn't Survivor. It's one of America's most lucrative scholarship competitions for teen girls. It's one of America's most lucrative scholarship competitions for teen girls.
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Starting point is 00:21:02 Follow the competition on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of the competition early and ad-free right now by joining Wondry+. I love a good parasocial relationship with a celebrity who will probably never know my name. I mean, honestly, who knows? Don't count yourself out. But my favorite part about these feuds
Starting point is 00:21:23 is how they're ignited by the tiniest things. Jada, I love you. G-I Jane 2, can't wait to see it. I accidentally laminated my brows too much. It starts small, and then it gets so big. Hey, honest Naomi, I'm fearful of you to this day. I don't know her. We all just have to admit, we're addicted.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Everybody has opinions. Everyone picks sides. Leave Britney Spears alone right now! From Wondry, I'm Sydney Battle. And I'm Matt Bellassai. And this is Diss and Tell. La la la. Where we unpack why we get so invested in these feuds and whether or not our attention
Starting point is 00:22:03 only makes the whole thing worse. Follow Dis and Tell wherever you get your podcasts. So, while this segment was going on, I went to her YouTube again. And actually, I like her YouTube show. I think it's pretty good. But Wendy's, the last time we talked about it was probably four or five weeks ago, right? Though I went to the YouTube channel, it had 19,000 subscribers and now it has 20,000 subscribers. That's bad in like four weeks. I don't think people are very interested in her YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Now that said, if you're not watching it, you should because it's actually, I know I just slammed Wendy, but it's actually good. You guys should go watch it. But I just thought that was bad. If you're on a national TV show, it's been like four weeks and you only got like a thousand people going to sign up for it. It's not looking good for Wendy. Well, so she is saying that her-
Starting point is 00:22:56 She should start a candle channel. You know what people love talking about? Fucking candles. Have you- They do love candles. People love, girls love talking about candles. There, I said it. Okay. It's true. It's true. Well, so she's basically saying that she still does her candle business and she goes, we ship out orders every single day. I'm like, who
Starting point is 00:23:17 are you shipping those candles to? One of what is so, but she says that she thinks this will be her last year of teaching because her kids are growing up and she's like missing moments and like she doesn't want to miss any more moments. And and he's like, well, uh, when do you think reality star and do influence our work and not go to fucking school and teach is what she wants. I don't blame her. You know, just say, yeah, I don't blame the kids. Just say, I don't want to go. Just say, I don't wanna go. You know who's rude to you? Students, that's who.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I'm fucking sick of students being rude to my ass, okay? I'm not taking this shit anymore. I can sell candles and do a YouTube show. Why the hell am I gonna wake up and go to school tomorrow? Okay? Well, we got a lot of questions about you calling Mia slow. Victoria from falls says,
Starting point is 00:24:06 Wendy, I think it was a little cruel of you to call her slow, especially as an educator and someone who talks about female empowerment. Listen, okay, first of all, Mia's the same person who said living in North Carolina and Maryland was the Bicoster lifestyle, case dismissed. She's a little slow. She's as fast as the buffering on my videos.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I'll just put it that way. Andy, she's the human embodiment of a spinning beach ball. What do you want me to say? Well, I just think then we have to be like mindful of buzzwords, you know? I'm like, I don't think slow is a buzzword. Slowest amount of buzzword, you ding dong. No, I meant like, I don't think slow is a buzzword. Slowest not a buzzword, you ding dong. No, I meant by coastal. So, sisters from Providence, Rhode Island said, Wendy, you like to hold yourself to
Starting point is 00:24:58 a high standard, but you can go just as low as anyone else on this cast. Not only calling me a slow, but also calling Mecha crackhead. And that's where it is. Yeah, there we go. So she's like, whatever. Well, the crackhead comment, okay. That was after constant comments about calling my mother a witch.
Starting point is 00:25:23 So that was that, but I am sorry, I am sorry. And I'm sorry for calling. Yeah, I'm sorry for calling that good crackhead. And she's like, so me goes, well, she also calls me a pathological liar. You are a pathological liar. Girl, you're not just going to get off from everything today. Okay. I'm sorry about Gordon's news, but you still get to show up and do the reunion like everybody else. You're crazy. I know. And everyone is like, Mia, you are literally a liar.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And he goes, yeah, I mean, by the way, Candace, you called Mia Miss B. Lion. And Candace is like, yes, I said Mia's name is Mia B. Lion. Mia's like, well, Candace B. Lion, because she knows Candace B. Lion, Candace B. Lion. So they're like, all right, I think crying because she knows Candice be like Candice be crying. So they're like, all right, I think it's time to go to commercial. So now we come back and now we have an Ashley segment. I mean, isn't this wild?
Starting point is 00:26:12 We have Ashley segment like deep into the third episode of the reunion. So, um, ah, there you go. And this season we saw you venture out on your own and do literally nothing. You got a house and you made some sweats. Congratulations. So are you ever gonna sign the dotted line on your divorce? Let's take a look at Ashley. Episode three is always for the most dramatic stories.
Starting point is 00:26:39 That's what I'm saying. And we've got Ashley and we've got Wendy having a YouTube channel. I mean, the show is in dire, dire straight. Yeah, it's just wild at this. So, but I think they were- Let's just move past this, cause it's ridiculous. Ashley's storyline is fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:26:59 She's still fucking with Michael. Everybody knows it. And now she's saying, well, I love Michael, I love that man, I mean, I massage his feet every night. And I'm like, massage. And she's like, oh no, there's a D at the end, massage duh, because now I finally realized he's a narcissism. And they're like, oh, so now she's finally realized Michael's a narcissist, so she's
Starting point is 00:27:22 dating a dude who doesn't want kids or marriage. And it's all sounding great. So I think the reason why they put Ashley's segment so deep is that way they could segue from GNA into the fight, right? So he's like, well, you know, they're asking, beach ball from, is it okay? As bottom tier version of a ball says, Ashley, do you think what Mia said about you and the DR? Wow. This has been a pretty controversial recap so far,
Starting point is 00:27:59 but for you to come after beach balls, I'm already gonna be getting it today. I already feel it. I'm trying to save us. Now the beach ball lobby is going to come after me because I just had a hot take out of nowhere. I don't know what happened. I think you said spinning wheel and then I was thinking beach balls and then. But they are kind of the bottom of your ball. The question is about the fight. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. Dun dun dun.
Starting point is 00:28:32 OK, so what are we going to do about it, everybody? Yeah, so well, first, Andy's asking about GNA. And also he's like, by the way, like here felt like it was giving Lulu lemon meat savage? And everyone's like, no. He's like, who here thought it was like she buy a charade? They're like, uh, look kind of like going to the store to try to catch a man or have a booty call. Andy, when I say those clothes
Starting point is 00:28:59 look like they would jizzed all over, I mean it figuratively and literally. All right. And so they're all figuratively and literally. All right. And so they're all like, those clothes are trash basically. And someone says, it's like a, it's like a mom, it's like someone going to the grocery store off the street or something. And they're like, oh, that's what we're going for.
Starting point is 00:29:18 And so they're like, oh, then it's success. Everything's great. Okay, now let's talk about the fight. So Ashley's like, well, as we've all seen in a very unfortunate turn of events, what is this, a Lemony Snicket episode? Get to it, Ashley, of flowering it up. So, all right, Kierna, what was the sequence of events that led to your injury? And if diarrhea is involved, you can skip past that part. All right, sure. Well, essentially, there was just like trying to like de-escalate the situation and Deborah clearly came in with the intent to have this like moment and like, I don't know, Deborah,
Starting point is 00:29:50 and I've never seen Deborah before, but essentially like Wendy's like really like the ones like trying to de-escalate it and like whatever, like she didn't see it, but her proximity was actually in my space, which doesn't really make sense. But anyway, Candace is like sexy dancing over there on the side of the stage and like she's in like my personal space. So yeah, it was like I felt this like escalating and then like the behavior was like direct and it was like aggressive. So like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I was like, okay, thanks for the clarity. Yeah. So that was Kierna saying all that. So and then Andy's like, okay, well, this incident was caught by bystanders and ended up on TMZ. So although we didn't show the altercation, many people have seen the footage. And in the footage, you can be seen throwing punches after Deborah throws a drink on you.
Starting point is 00:30:29 What was that about? And she's like, well, I was assaulted. So someone hit me in the head with a glass, which is a deadly weapon. So yeah. And then Candice is like, and she split her face. And she's like, yeah, and split my face. So I defended myself.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And I mean, fuck yeah. I'm seeing anything wrong so far. So, um, Andy asks, which I'm proud of him actually for asking this. Cause I didn't even see them. I didn't see them asking this. I didn't think they were going to where they correct Ashley. Cause of course Ashley's version is well, um, Candice had been calling Deborah all these names. She'd been calling her vermin,
Starting point is 00:31:08 and she'd been calling her cockroach, and she'd been doing all this stuff. And so then Deborah, you know, making it sound like Candice's mouth is the reason that Deborah went off. When that is not the case, fucking lying Ashley again. And that's not the case, it's what we heard, which is Deborah coming over and trying to start a fight to get airtime,
Starting point is 00:31:28 even though the cameras were down, which proves yet again, how bad Deborah is at this. I know. So yeah, Andy was like, so what happened? Were you calling names, Deborah names all evening, Candace? Like, was it out of nowhere? And Candace is like, yeah, it was out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:31:42 We were all celebrating. We're happy. We were eating shrimp, which I really liked the shrimp detail. She's like, I was in a great place. I mean, there were shrimp, you know, and, uh, she comes all the way over and gets right in my face and says, do you have something you want to say to me? And then you saw what happened from there. But like when she was referring, like when I was referring to her as the help and whatever else I said, like she's vermin or she's Oscar the grouch, all of which I meant it was after she had gotten in my face and tried to engage in a moment.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And so me is like, well, I have something to say about that and I'm not going to do it slowly. So I don't offend anybody. Okay, maybe just think slow on purpose. I would like to say something as a representative of both coasts of this nation. As we all know, as a bilabial person who lives in both California and Potomac sometimes. I just have to- You fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:32:42 and Potomac sometimes. I just have to. You're fucking idiot. As a bi-cyclic person. As a bi-beach-baleo person. I would like to say. She said that basically Deborah came up to her and was like, so I'm only a four Mia? I'm only a four because last season Mia said that Deborah was only a four. her and was like, so I'm only a four Mia, I'm only a four
Starting point is 00:33:05 because last season Mia said that Deborah was only a four and Mia was like, no, I said, you're a black queen, we're all tens and it was like squash. And had I said, no bitch, you're a four, she probably would have thrown a drink in my face, but she didn't because I was sad we're tens. So basically she's, what Mia is trying to say is, like, on one level, she's saying, Deborah was ready to punch someone and luckily I avoided it. But I think that what Mia's
Starting point is 00:33:32 really trying to say is, I know how to deescalate a situation Candace doesn't. Yeah, but you shouldn't have to deescalate a crazy person, which is the point. No, it doesn't even matter what Candace's mouth did at that point. It had nothing to do with that. There's no reason for someone to come up. That girl obviously had a drink ready to throw. She was trying to make a moment. She came up.
Starting point is 00:33:53 She started a fight, and she threw a drink, and it failed like everything else Deborah fucking does on this show. And to try and turn around and blame Candice is shit. That's shit of Mia. She shouldn't do that. That's bullshit. So now they're saying this is Candice's fault
Starting point is 00:34:07 because Candice has the mouth and sometimes you're gonna get popped. But we just heard that none of this was because of anything that Candice had said. This girl had already come at Candice ready to throw the drink and ready to start a fight, which is why Kierna was in the middle of it because she was blocking the fight.
Starting point is 00:34:24 That this girl was already starting before Candice could say anything to her. So give me a fucking break. So Andy's like, well Giselle, you're upset that this happened at your event. What did you think of it after you saw the footage? And she's like, um, I think that after looking at the footage, I think everyone is responsible.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I think Deborah and Candice and Wendy and Kierna, everyone's responsible. And everyone's like, what? That's bullshit. And also if everybody's responsible, then you're fucking responsible because you were on last season when Deborah came on and tried to start all this bullshit.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And you were sitting there laughing and encouraging her and inviting her to sit to places where she could try and ruin somebody's marriage again, Giselle. A fucking game. You did this. So if we're all gonna get in trouble because this escalated because of people's words, then your words were pretty instrumental
Starting point is 00:35:10 in making Deborah into the monster that she is. So where's your blame? Yeah, so then Giselle does retract a little bit. She takes Wendy out of it, but... Too late. So Candace is like, oh, well, like Wendy, she took back that Wendy's responsible, but somehow Candace is like, oh, well, like Wendy's, she took back that Wendy's responsible, but somehow Candace is responsible.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And just I was like, well, starting to draw, trying to start a business and it being on TMZ for there to be a bra is disturbing. I was like, you should be so lucky you have that publicity for your shitty leggings that you're trying to pass off as athleisure. I mean, like, you know what's actually a really bad thing to associate with your brand? Being on The Real Housewives, I mean, honestly, has there been a successful, a truly successful fashion label
Starting point is 00:35:56 that's come out of The Real Housewives? Maybe there has been one that I'm not thinking of, but I'm pretty sure the answer to that is no. Yeah. So then Karen's like, all right, Ashley, well, Ashley, I just want to clear something up Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. What, not Ashley, Candace, what happened? What actually happened? I don't want to quote you.
Starting point is 00:36:16 You were calling a varmint, you dirty varmint holding two little guns, poking them in the air, doing a little dance, a little mustache for you. She's like, no, vermin. She's like, no, varmint,'s like, no, vermin, vermin, you better watch out, little vermin. Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit. You sang as you tiptoed through the forest. Let me be very clear.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Let me be very clear. There is a wabbit. You're not the wabbit, I'm not the wabbit, but there is a wabbit. Kill the wabbit. And we will kill that wabbit. Kill the wabbit. Kill the wabbit.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Kill the wabbit. Let me be very clear right now. This is no space for vomits. So Candace tells her side, which is the cameras were down, this girl walks up to her, she's standing with her champagne, Candace is standing there with the champagne. She came from this direction, walked over, got in my face and said, do you have something that you wanna tell me? And she said, basically she popped off to her and was like, no, I don't wanna speak to the help
Starting point is 00:37:18 or whatever. And me, it's like, but you can't do that. You can't talk to people like that. The fuck I can't. Candace is like, yes, I can. The fuck I can't. Yes, I can. Candace is like, yes, yes I can. I mean, it's like, but no, I mean Candace. And Candace is like, you cannot tell me
Starting point is 00:37:31 how to respond to someone who has already threatened me and been disrespectful to me. And she goes, well then, that's why she did a drink. Which totally absolves- Of course Mia's gonna be mad for someone throwing a drink, cause that was Mia last season. So she's basically, Mia's basically fighting for herself here and saying that throwing a drink
Starting point is 00:37:47 at somebody isn't that big of a deal. And also it's kind of funny because last season, she missed as well. So it's like no one on this show even knows how to throw a drink. I mean, we've got two fails out of two. Yeah, it's really people have to, they're gonna do it, just aim, take some classes.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And take it from two gays who cannot aim things. So then Andy's asking about the champagne bottle. Like did you really, like Candice, did you really think you were gonna swing that champagne bottle at her? And Candice is like, well, I don't know what I would have done. I know that, you know, I turned around
Starting point is 00:38:20 and I saw this person lunging at me and I'm not expecting you all to fight for me. So I'm on my own all to fight for me, so I'm on my own, okay? Listen, once you've been smacked by your mother's purse in the face, you'd know to always grab a weapon as soon as possible." So she's like crying, which is kind of ridiculous because it's Candace, so of course she's crying, but at the same time, she's right. Like, literally, none of them are gonna stand up for her. Although, Kay was in the process of rolling around on the floor
Starting point is 00:38:50 with this girl standing up for her in a way, so I don't know. But she's got a point that this cast is no help. So, Andy's like, well, Ashley said in an interview that you still put blame on Candice for going too far with her mouth, so why did you feel like her mouth was the issue? And Ashley's like, because her words do play a factor. And Candace is like,
Starting point is 00:39:11 it's always Candace, always Candace. And she's like, I didn't say it was your fault. You justified violence against me again. And Ashley's like, no, I'm not attributing that horrendous incident to you. Just your words, you know, instigated it and made it more explosive. So it's like, no, I'm not attributing that horrendous incident to you. Just your words, you know, instigated it and made it more explosive. So it's like, OK, so if Ashley is saying that Candace's words are at fault, then that means that Ashley should be totally comfortable with acknowledging that she also is responsible for bringing this lunatic to this party. If you're going to if you're going to if you decide that your logic is that everyone contributes to the chaos, then guess what, Ashley? You have Kiana's blood on your hands too.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah, and this whole thing is also just so clearly what Ashley and Gisle do, and Robin too, but Robin's more boring about it. It's so clearly what they do, where they just try to incite and then blame Candice somehow. It's like, okay, we're gonna start, we're gonna bring Deborah on again and come for her again, because the season has sucked, and let's just take Candice down while we're at it.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Like, let's just finish this off with a really good one. So you bring Deborah on to start a fight with her and then the cameras get taken down. It's not shown, which is what they wanted. And then they're still trying to blame Candace for it and get Candace taken down over it when it's something they instigated. And you're not telling me that Ashley did not instigate
Starting point is 00:40:36 this whole fucking thing by bringing Debra. She 100% instigated it. What are you gonna do about it? Yeah, if you're gonna point fingers about instigation, like you are the one, you're instigator zero then. So I think that's a clearer way of what I was trying to say, which is that like, you can't be mad at Candice for inciting something,
Starting point is 00:40:56 proclaiming that she incited something without taking responsibility for your role in inciting something. So it's either you, it's one way or the other, but you can't have it both ways. Yeah. So she's like, okay, so Candace is saying, okay, so here we are again, saying that you're equating me using my words.
Starting point is 00:41:14 You're saying that that trumps someone being physical. And Andy's like, no, no one said your words trump that. They're just saying your words play a part. And she's like, like no they don't well first of all of course Candice does have a mouth everybody knows it but it doesn't have a place in this discussion i don't think because physical you can't equate that physical violence and that no i mean this girl like literally came at her to physically attack her yeah the physical like uh there's just never any justification for the physical, you know, I
Starting point is 00:41:47 Mean look, I'm a de-escalator. My love language is de-escalating things Like it's my favorite thing to do is to de-escalate a situation So for me, I'm always like I'm always always I'm always trying I'm all about de-escalating a situation But whether there's de-escalation or not, it doesn't there's no no, just, it doesn't, one thing has nothing to do with the violence. Like if you're gonna like come and attack someone, like, like it should not be, like you shouldn't attack someone, whether it's de-escalated or not.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So Andy's like, well what there's- You shouldn't need to be de-escalated. Right. Commercials, here comes one right now. So Andy's saying, well, what you're saying, what they're saying is that you were playing with a loaded gun. And she's like, well, I, I'm also a loaded gun. What about that? And he's like, we know. And he goes, I know, but you're with your words, you're not gonna. And she goes, yeah, because, um, if, if we fought, then I don't know what would have happened, right?
Starting point is 00:42:45 And so Andy's like, well, Ashley, did you invite Deborah just to stir things up with her because it seemed like she only came in last season to drop bombs about people's husbands. And Ashley's like, well, everyone thinks I invited her to be messy, but I didn't, you know? Like she had previously expressed to me that she wanted to clear the air with Candace.
Starting point is 00:43:03 On camera, what do you think of that is that is mess? Your friend who went around accusing people's husbands of trying to cheat on them with her You're gonna bring her on just to clear the air. That's bringing her on to fight Ashley. Thank you for the confession What the hell and if she wanted to clear the air with Candace, she would have cleared the air with Candace She would not have gone up to her and said, so what I'm like, I'm Sesame Street. Is that what I am? I'm Sesame Street. That's not clearing the air. That's just someone who wants to confront. And like you said, she's bad at it. She didn't even do it on camera. So, um, so Ashley's basically saying she's no longer close to her and you
Starting point is 00:43:38 know, she apologizes to Kierna and everything. And, um, it's not something she wanted to happen at their event. I mean, here was G&A ready to take down Kate Hudson, kick her off the throne of athleisure, and it's all been derailed by Debra. They were so close to having it all. What's Kate Hudson's? Kate Hudson has Fabletics. She does? Yeah. What's hers? Fabletics is her? Yeah. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Well, hi Fabletics, we love you. We love Fabletics. So anyway- So funny, I didn't know that that was Kate Hudson. Please don't leave us as a sponsor. Love you. Okay, love you Kate. So then Ashley's like, yeah, well, she was
Starting point is 00:44:25 a close friend, but she's not now, but I'm sorry. And so Andy says, do you accept that, Kay? And she's like, well, Ashley's the queen of the aftermath apologies. And Ashley gives this face like, I cannot believe she would say that about me, as if we don't all have a television that we're watching you on currently. And so Andy's like, okay, anything else you wanna say before we let you go, I hear your stomach gurgling and nobody's gonna ask you about it. So go ahead. So Kierna basically thanks Karen.
Starting point is 00:44:55 She said, you know, Karen rode with her in the ambulance and Karen was obviously very shaken up by this. She said she's never been in a situation like this in her life. And like the only person who would have been in an ambulance with her would have been her mom. And her mom obviously wasn't there. And Kara's like, don't make me cry. Let me be very clear. I don't want anyone or any vomit to make me cry. So don't make me cry. I must say at this very special event that I accept this award for everything that I've done
Starting point is 00:45:24 for this K community. Okay? I never wanted to see anybody grow through it, which is why I grew up with the intention of helping any woman who had a bra- Karen gives a fucking speech like she's winning an Oscar. You rode the ambulance with somebody because you were at a filming day you wanted to get the fuck out of. Like, you're not winning the Nobel Peace Prize here, lady. Let me be very clear here. Okay, violence against any of us, even against Robin, we do not condone, and I would take care of Robin.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I would. It would be boring and unsatisfying, but I would take care of her, and I'm pretty sure she would take care of me too. Because guess what? I am clear, and I'm letting you see me be clear right now in this moment. I would do it for all of you. Thank you. And I want to thank the Academy for this great honor. It was the pleasure of my lifetime to ride in an ambulance.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I would also like to take a stand against the visual violence that Robin's terrible fashion is inflicting on the rest of us with the eyes. Take a stand and you're welcome. Kay. You're welcome. So they get rid of, uh, Kiana and then we sort of just like we become to an end here, which is basically that no one, Andy's like, does anyone want to take accountability? Does anyone want to resolve anything? Does anyone want to do anything to move forward? Ash like,
Starting point is 00:46:46 maybe I hugged someone and like literally no one wants to do anything. I mean, Robin and Candace sort of like Robin is, I don't have any anger towards Candace. It's just like, I don't have animosity, no hatred. I just hate her enough animosity to where that's all. And I can say the same, because you know what? I mourned our friendship all season and now I'm in a neutral place. So the ball is in your court, Robin. It's not in my court, how could you say that
Starting point is 00:47:13 when Juan lost his ball job? So then, so they're not going to. I don't think anybody really expected them to, but man, when Andy gives a lecture at the beginning of the reunion, that your season absolutely sucked, and the only way you're gonna redeem yourselves is if you all apologize and promise to shoot with each other,
Starting point is 00:47:32 which is basically what that speech meant, and you're gonna end a 12 hour day by all saying, nope, I'm not gonna do it still. What do you think is gonna happen, you dopes? Oh my God. And if this was shot before the season had aired and they were still this confident and thinking, well, we're Potomac.
Starting point is 00:47:50 We're one of the biggest shows on Bravo. We're gonna be fine. Like, they're not gonna fire us. But the fact that it happened four to five weeks before and they knew that the season was tanking, they knew the audience's reaction to this season and this is still how they show up to work. Bye, bye now.
Starting point is 00:48:09 You did this to yourselves, bye. Yeah, so the final toast is they take out pie, because Karen had that pie analogy earlier in the season and they hand out frozen pie. And it's just, I'm glad it's over. Let's just. It's just, I'm glad it's over. Let's just put it that way. I'm glad it's over. It was a rough season.
Starting point is 00:48:30 It was a pretty good reunion actually, but it was a rough season and looking forward to the changes they're gonna have to make. I don't think it was a good reunion at all. I think it was horrible. Nothing, no one admitted to anything. No one had a real conversation
Starting point is 00:48:44 that they didn't just lie their asses their way through. No one took... everything was a storyline we couldn't discuss. Everything. Michael's, the whole relationship with Ashley, that fake ass thing, nobody called them out on it. You know, it's just lame. The best part was watching Chris let Giseelle have it for for five I guess I like I thought parts one and part two were pretty good maybe this this episode was not a good one this did not need to be a three-part reunion I think everyone was shocked when it was announced as a three-parter and it did not need to be a three-parter like so much of the season it was stretched out and uninteresting this last episode and I don't know it was, it was, this was a real depressing thing to go through is watching one of our favorite shows
Starting point is 00:49:30 be so bad, like so deeply bad all season long. And I just hope they fix it. They better fix it because it's not fair. Yeah, I hope they fix it too. Not fair that they would do this to this cast. And I hope they also like kind of do a little looking to the future because they seem to be waiting for years after
Starting point is 00:49:45 there's a problem. I mean, you could see last year was still good. It was still a good season, but you could see that it was like, okay, well, it's the same old thing. No one's going to resolve anything. They had come to an impasse already last season and everybody kind of saw the writing on the wall, but they didn't do anything about it. They were just like, nah, we'll bring in NECA, which isn't really doing much to, I mean. Well, you know what though? I always kind of audition tape that was completely different
Starting point is 00:50:12 than what we've seen on this show. That wasn't the most inspired casting. So, like when you see this stuff happening, don't wait for years to do anything about it. I mean, that's what they did with Atlanta too, where it's like years later and they're finally addressing it, after it could be too late.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yeah, I've always had this long standing theory that if you have even just one person on a cast who is not being forthcoming about their life, it actually, it affects the entire show and it ruins it because usually when one person holds back, then other people decide they're going to hold back too. A lot of times they feel like it's not fair. Like I put my life out there, they're not putting their life, so I'm not putting my
Starting point is 00:50:54 life too because why should I? And then all of a sudden everyone starts self producing. And I think you have Robin protecting Juan, not wanting to put her shit out there. And I think we just start to see like a domino effect. I don't know if it begins with Robin or with other things. I don't mind when Karen does it because Karen's always been like that. She's like, because she's such a bad protector,
Starting point is 00:51:12 it always comes out and it's hilarious trying to watch her pretend, like try to produce and she fails at it. That's fine when Karen does it, she gets a pass. But you know, you have Robin doing it and then it just spreads. You have Ashley doing it too with Michael and it's bad, They need to cut that out and remind people that they are there
Starting point is 00:51:30 to do a job and you have to put it all out there. So what are your predictions then? We know that Robin and Candice aren't coming back. Who do you think will come back? I think Karen and Gisele are coming back. I think Wendy will come back. I think Ashley will come back. I think Mia will come back. I think honestly the only other one they might get rid of is Nneka.
Starting point is 00:52:03 So I think they're gonna keep Gisele and Karen for sure. I think they're gonna keep Nekka. I think they're going to keep Gisele and Karen for sure. I think they're going to keep Nekka. I think they're going to get rid of Wendy and they're going to either make Ashley a friend of or get rid of Ashley. And they'll make Kierna. They'll either make Kierna full-time or bring her back as a friend again. I think Kierna could be a friend again. I don't know if she was charismatic enough to be a full housewife. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know about Wendy. I mean, like I felt very much to me like Wendy had sort of run out of steam this season
Starting point is 00:52:35 but I can see them keeping her around. I don't know. You may be right. You may be right on that one. Yeah, who knows? But I don't know anything. I'm just, it's just a fun to guess. It's a fun to guess. It's just, it's just a fun to guess. It's fun to guess.
Starting point is 00:52:45 It's a fun. It's a fun to guess. Well, that brings us to the end of this long ass Potomac and Summer House episode. Super, I was gonna say fun. That would be a lie. It was fun to talk about it though. And I look forward to the show getting it together
Starting point is 00:53:03 because, you know, love this show in general. And I think it deserves better. Hopefully we'll get better. And everybody, thank you so much for being with us for this season and we'll be back later. Thanks for being with us on Patreon, et cetera. Go get your tickets for live show stuff over at
Starting point is 00:53:21 and we will talk to you next time, okay? Bye! Bye! Watch What Crapins would like to thank its premium sponsors! Ain't no thing like Allison King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney! Stroll in the park with Caitlin Clark! She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela! Hitchels!
Starting point is 00:53:39 Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickles! She's never scary, it's the green fairy! Jamie, she has no less name-y. Hava Nagila Webber. Know your worth with Jason Kurtz. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. We wanna hang with Liz Lang! Megan Berg! You can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors! Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD! We're takin' the gold with Brenda Silva!
Starting point is 00:54:20 Let's get real with Kaitlyn O'Neal! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We for Ava love Ava. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie, my favorite Murdo, Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 00:54:41 We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Shadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender, the incredible, edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Coutar. We love you guys.

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