Watch What Crappens - #2486 Love Island Minis

Episode Date: July 15, 2024

We decided to celebrate Love Island by closing it off and dedicating ourselves to four mini caps a week over at We’ll be releasing those minis one week l...ater as a free episode here on our main feed. Enjoy! And if you’d rather watch these as videos, they’re also on Patreon! Enjoy!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 1Dri Plus subscribers can listen to watcha crappin's ad free right now. Join 1Dri Plus in the 1Dri app or on Apple podcasts. Listening on Audible helps your imagination soar. Whether you listen to stories, motivation, expert advice, any genre you love, you can be inspired to imagine new worlds, new possibilities, new ways of thinking. And Audible makes it easy to be inspired and entertained as part of your everyday routine without needing to set aside extra time. There's more to imagine when you listen.
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Starting point is 00:01:08 What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens?
Starting point is 00:01:16 What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens?
Starting point is 00:01:24 What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? What happens? gonna do some coverage of Love Island because you know what, it's addictive and that's just what we're gonna do. So we figured we'd try it out. It's only on for the next couple weeks so we figured we would join up a few times a week and do like 10 minute recaps that would kind of equal one bonus and then we'll release them all as a main feed episode for people. But all the Patreon members will get this firsthand, et cetera, et cetera. And we hope you guys like it. Okay, Ben, how do you feel? I am so delighted that after all these years, you finally got the Love Island bug.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I don't know if that's how you felt when after all those years, I finally got into Game of Thrones, but this is sort of like, it's now come full circle. I feel like this is like, I feel like for both of us, we've now both dipped into each other's big shows and come out the other side. Well, I don't know if you've fully embraced Love Island yet, but I think you're on the
Starting point is 00:02:11 path. I love it. Last night, okay, so this was your first movie night, Ronnie. I'm so glad you got to enjoy movie night. Normally movie night happens like a week and a half after a casa or a week. They usually let all the drama from casa sort of settle down. And once everyone thinks it's like, it's safe to go in the water again, here comes movie night to stir things up again. But America, USA, maybe it's on a compressed
Starting point is 00:02:36 timeline because it's a shorter series in UK. They got right into movie night. And like, what did you think? How was your first movie night, Ronnie? And it's going to continue on Thursday. Jon Moffitt Enjoyed it. I didn't understand the villainizing the girls and making them look like fucking- Jon Moffitt Thank you. Jon Moffitt... whiny little heroes. What's that about? Is this produced by Bravo? Because this is very summer house coded. I was like, why are the girls being villainized? I mean, especially my girl, who I love, Leah, you know, I love Leah. She
Starting point is 00:03:06 just like, oh, seriously shut the fuck up. I really like her. And I like that. She's like, that guy's a fucking pussy crying on the ground. And you're the one crying when I'm the victim. And I'm like, not having that. I'm sorry, but I'm with her. She's getting dumped and overalls of sitting there crying. And'm sorry, but I'm with her. She's getting dumped and overalls are sitting there crying and we have to feel sorry for overalls because he's dumping her and he actually cares about her feelings. If he cared about her feelings, it wouldn't be dumping her. I mean, I know that this is a show where you have to pick, like eventually you're going to pick one thing and dump the other thing, not thing. I'm thinking of it as in food, like you're going to pick one kind
Starting point is 00:03:41 of food and then you're not going to have the other kind of food. But then I started thinking about Golden Corral where you just pick all the foods. And so it didn't work in my head. But anyway, on this show, you're supposed to pick one person and dump the other person. I get that. But still, like, she has a right to go off if she's being hurt. And then I took it personally because I was like, well, when I get my feelings hurt, I lash out and I say horrible things that I might regret later, especially if it's on camera. And I don't want to be villainized for it. Speaking behind people's back is my right as an American, I pay taxes. Trey Lockerbie I'm bursting at the seams here because I agree with everything. I, that whole situation when it happened, I was furious because Rob, he has, he's done this whole
Starting point is 00:04:22 storybook romance with Leah and he's told her that she has nothing to worry about. He's just gonna have a conversation with Andrea and then all of a sudden he just basically it's the equivalent of ghosting someone in this house which is that like you spend all day talking to the other person. So Leah's like what the hell? She goes to talk to him and be like what? Like you're making me feel crazy whatever and he pulls this of, oh, you're not asking me how I feel. Do you know how hard it is? I know I have to hurt one of you and you're two amazing women. I have to hurt one of you and you're not asking how I feel. It's like, yeah, but you're hurting the person. And so the fact that like he is still playing that at movie night, he's still saying that is so obnoxious. And then she has to actually apologize for how, like she is the
Starting point is 00:05:05 one who gets humiliated by him. She is the one who gets hurt by him. And she goes to her girlfriends and just wants the vent and just, she's going to say whatever and they're going to be there to support her. And she has to apologize for saying that stuff. Absolutely not. That was the moment that I a hundred percent turned on Rob and he had a moment to redeem himself at movie night. And instead he just leaned into it again and made her feel bad. Well, not only him, but all of America, A, is like giving her shit about it.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Cause that was in the tweet from the tweet night when they were like, oh, fuck her. And you know, a man can't have feelings and cry and to say, you know, to emasculate a man. Oh, give me a fucking break. But it was fake tears. The guy was crying when he was dumping her and hurting her feelings after playing a fucking mind trick
Starting point is 00:05:46 on her. So fuck that guy. And also the girlfriends, because all the girls sat there and heard her say it and laughed and thought it was really funny until she got called out on it. Not one person said she's allowed to vent. Her feelings were hurt.
Starting point is 00:05:57 How do you think she felt when you were out there parading some other girl and blah, blah, blah, and ignoring her? None of the girls stood up for her. I really didn't like that. I'm sure maybe stood up for her. I really didn't like that. I'm sure maybe she's got, and I also didn't like Miguel being like, well, I've seen some crazy women. I've sure never seen, I've never been with a woman who talks like that. Oh, really? What are you fucking running for governor? I'm so sure you need a wife with like a perfect floral dress and pearls. Get the fuck out of here. You're
Starting point is 00:06:22 on love island, sir. Let's stop pretending that you're like the top of the class, you know, the top of the class here. You're like on the sluttiest show on TV. The other thing is Miguel's like, oh, do we even have to, and they've never had a mouth like that. I'm like, maybe you just haven't seen it because maybe you haven't seen the way
Starting point is 00:06:37 that they've talked after you've probably, you know, fuckboyed them, you know, off to oblivion. You probably never kept someone around long enough to hear them talk like that. You've only got them in the stage where they're pretending to be nice to oblivion. Um, the other- You probably never kept someone around long enough to hear them talk like that. You've only got them in the stage where they're pretending to be nice to Charmio. Well, I will say this, by the way, during that scene, so now Rop is coming down on, on Leah or whatever, and, um, and Aaron, of all people, gets really, he gets really feisty about it, and he starts really coming at Leah, and he's angry, and he's really coming at Leah and he's angry and he's impassioned and he's mad. And I was so glad that Serena said this because I literally
Starting point is 00:07:09 turned to Dom and I said the same thing and a heartbeat later Serena said it, which is like you're getting more defensive about Rob than you ever did about Kailor. Like Aaron shows so much more energy for Rob defending Rob's honor. He cares so much more about Rob. He sheds tears for Rob and he does not shed tears for Kayla and he does not get impassioned like this to express himself to his love for Kayla, which by the way, that was the other thing that was such bullshit this episode sort of rewinding to the top of the episode. Kayla of course is going off about this comment about like, want to take a shower. She's doing the whole thing like, you know, you were, I spent two weeks saying like you
Starting point is 00:07:49 want to take a shower and I finally did. And then it's like one day and you take a shower with her. So he finally just goes, I just, this is all to me because I love you there. I had to say it. I love you. And of course, at that moment, she's like, oh, all is forgiven. And I was like... Nat. She's literally an idiot. And here's the problem. She can vote. You know what I mean? And I feel like people really need to take that into consideration when they look around at the fucking ashes of this country. This is what we're coming to. People like this have a say in things, you know? I mean, this guy is not the brightest,
Starting point is 00:08:25 but he's obviously pretty smart because let me tell you what this guy's doing for love. Aaron, you've got this guy who's in love with Rob. That is his main love. We all know it. Even if it's not a gay thing, the only chemistry I see on this show is Rob and Aaron. There, I tell you, okay?
Starting point is 00:08:41 They're in love. I'm rooting for them. I mean, already I've pictured them in my head. Like, they're so cute. I think they're really cute together. I hope they end up together. I hope it's like a shock ending where they end up together. And Rob, I mean, I'm sorry, Aaron is doing whatever he can to stay on the show to be with Rob. And Rob is doing whatever he can to keep Aaron on the show to stay with Rob. Like, they love each other. And I think it's so sweet. And so, I'm looking at this whole Kahler thing. Kahler's obnoxious. I tried to like Kahler.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I don't think she's a bad person. I'm not a hater, but just shut the fuck up. You know what I mean? I've been friends with this girl 20 times in my life. And let me tell you who asks you nothing about you. Her. Her. This girl will never ask you a thing about yourself. All she'll do is call you and complain and cry and sob and then ignore you the second that she's back with the guy. And then the second she has a problem, go back to him. And then if you say like, Hey, guess what? I came down with pneumonia.
Starting point is 00:09:30 She'd hang up on you. Literally. She's not going to talk to you about it. Like this girl is terrible. I can, I have no more time for this girl. So I'm actually rooting for Aaron and being mean to this girl because he's in love with Rob. And I think that's a sweet love story. Before I stand on Kailor.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Shut up, Kailor. because he's in love with Rob. And I think that's a sweet love story. So before I stand on Kailer, shut up, Kailer. This entire rant, all I've been thinking about is how you started it about like, she can vote, like the ashes of this country. And I started to think to myself, what if Kailer were our president?
Starting point is 00:09:54 And that I, it's actually kind of funny if you think about it. Like imagine her like doing a state of the union. Guys, if we don't pass more fiscally responsible policies, it's fucked! This country is fucked! It's like I tried so hard as a president and you just do that? You do that? It's like it's so hard, guys!
Starting point is 00:10:17 God! She'd be like, guys, I just talked to North Korea and for the first time ever we have a peace agreement. Wait a minute, They set off a rocket How could you do that? You totally told me you were gonna set off any rockets Why would you do that to me? You just embarrassed me like literally in front of everyone like peon is laughing at me My approval ratings are like down like right now. It's like it's not my fault It's, I'm trying to put my heart out there and like, trying to like lead this country and like, there's people around me. It's just like,
Starting point is 00:10:49 it's hard. Like, I just, it's like, I just don't understand why. Adam So, she's still, they're still, we open with them still fighting about the shower. Like, did he say he wants to take a shower with this girl or whatever? And he's like, I can't remember everything. I mean, it's not like I'm, it's not like I'm Wikipedia. Pete Slauson I know. Wikipedia. Jared Slauson So many stupid lines in this. Peteus Okay. So, they're stupid. We'll get to them
Starting point is 00:11:15 in the movie night thing in a minute. Let's move to Janae and Kenny because Janae, you're my favorite. You're still my favorite. Although Liv is coming in second because I really love Liv's sociopathy. I find it so relatable. But, um, I think to me, Serena, Janaye and Liv are like my top tier. Serena's on my nerves. I'm not going to lie. Although she did kind of come to her senses a little bit today and got the ick, which I liked, but she's, she's kind of, she's nearing Kayla, Kayla territory for me with her crying over this person she doesn't even care about. But just for now, Janaye, Janaye, this segment where she was talking to Kenny when they were checking in, do you remember
Starting point is 00:11:57 that you were just sobbing the last episode about this man? Now this is her. She's like, Janaye Lurie So she's talking in a baby voice. She's like, I just want you to know that like, I've liked you the best out of all the guys that have dumped me while I'm here. You've been like the best guy that's dumped me. And you know, he goes, I need you because he's like so dumb too, but he's like, I need you. She goes, yeah, you need me because I'm going to do your, I'm going to cook your eggs and I'm gonna forge your clothes. And I can even build couches if you want to."
Starting point is 00:12:27 It's like, you can build couches? Please stop it right now. I'm mortified watching you. You are too gorgeous for this. You're gonna build couches for this man? Get ahold of yourself. He hasn't even made a sentence. Well, I was just surprised when she goes,
Starting point is 00:12:41 You know what? Like when you brought back Catherine, I was pissed. But now today I'm proud of you. I'm like, Janaye, stop that. Jamie, have some self-respect for what I get it. I was so embarrassed watching her because I'm rooting for her and I actually like legitimately love her. But I'm just like, no, you need to fucking stop this right now. And then he goes, yeah, like when I wasn't with you, when I wasn't with you, because he'd like is the male, he talks just like Leo. He's like, you know what, because when I wasn't with you, I still, I still felt you like your water bottle.
Starting point is 00:13:18 What does that mean? I need you. Yeah, he, um, I still felt you like your water bottle. Did anybody else catch that? Because wow. I mean, look, look what his option was. I mean, this girl he brought back, Catherine, she seems very nice, but she says there like, was sort of like this look on her face. She literally looks like a bird that was startled by a noise. Like she just looks at the camera sort of like cross-eyed or her, her face is sort of screwed like to the side. She's like, oh, and I can't imagine. I think he was like, I feel like maybe I should bring her
Starting point is 00:13:51 back as like, it's like maybe what I should be doing. Cause that's what everyone's doing. But he's probably like very quickly was like, what was, what was I even thinking? This is ridiculous. I missed you. Yeah. Okay. So then we have the fake, I love love you from Aaron just so he could stay in,
Starting point is 00:14:07 which totally works, like you said. And then we go to Cordell and Serena. Oh my gosh. Oh my god. Okay, so all of this Cordell and Serena stuff is so funny to watch because she just slowly starts getting more and more grossed out by him as the episode goes on. And I just loved it. You think? You think she's getting more grossed out? I think that she's just more like, she's just like, okay, she's coming to like terms. She's like chilling out. She's like not as mad. I mean, if anyone's getting more grossed out, it's Deja. Deja is the one who's just like, you know what? Fuck all this. I don't want to be put on the side.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Well, I think after she talks to Deja, she's grossed out because I think Deja is the one who's just like, you know what? Fuck all this. I don't want to be put on the side. Well, I think after she talks to Deja, she's grossed out because I think Deja spoke some sense and she spoke some sense to Serena and Serena was like, oh, well then why am I going for this guy? Because basically what happens is Cordell, you know, it's the same old, same old. Cordell keeps saying he's sorry and Serena keeps saying, yeah, but you weren't sorry, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:02 you hurt my feelings and you continue to hurt my feelings. Like you have like zero respect is what you've got. You've got like zero respect. And so then he, you know, talks in his monotone. It's mostly that well then day is like, fuck this. Why am I fighting for this little person? You know, like I'm, I'm hot. Well, he's also fully ignoring her, you know, and she's made to feel like just some side option. And she doesn't want to feel like that. And she's like, I like this guy. And not only am I, is he not paying any attention to me? I'm now getting humiliated on TV because people are, now they're saying like, I just, you know, was all in OBJ's, you know, comments on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And so now I'm just, she just knows she's being torn apart out in the public. And she's like, I don't want to stand for this anymore. I'm going to break up with him. And so they go and they sit down and he's like, first of all, they wake up in the morning. He goes, Oh, I got to talk to you today. Don't say that when you wake up. Cause she knows what that means. And it's like, what's the point of saying that if you're not going to do it right now. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:00 So is that why she was like, well, I'm going to break up with him first. There is no way he's going to break up with me. And if he thinks he's going to break up with me. And if he thinks he's going to break up with me, that is not going to happen. And she's like trying to make eggs or something. He's like, can we talk? I was like, yeah, I need to talk to you because, well, I need to talk to you. She's like, no, no, not before I talk to you. He's like, oh, no, I'm going to talk to you first. And so then they sit and talk and he's like, I'm going to talk. She's like, no, I want to talk. So funny.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And then he tries to break up with her and she's like, how dare you? I'm breaking up with you. You said, yeah, she breaks up with him. She sort of gives him like, uh, she sort of reads him down and then, but then later on Cordell goes up to Serena and goes, yeah, I just broke up with, uh, I just broke up with day. And Serena goes, it must look like, um, I know what happened because they had then went and told immediately went up to Serena and was like, yeah, basically he told him like, I'm not going to be an option. I'm not going to waste the time. You're like, give me a short little boy and whatever. You can have him. Good luck to you guys. You know?
Starting point is 00:16:53 So when he then tells Serena that he broke up with Dea, the look on Serena's face, like, I just love that. Like sometimes she will have an expression on her face that I think is priceless. TG Well, this is when she got the ick, I think, because before this, they had gone up to her and she's like, um, look here, because I like how the girls are like bonding over the guys, even if they're dating the same guy, they're like, let's talk about him, you know? And so she talks to Serena and she's telling him this guy's full of shit. If he thinks he's going to string me along, like I get that he likes you and that's great, but he brought me back and told me that he wants to hang out with me, but he's not hanging out with me. He's ignoring me to hang out with you and like use me as some kind of a pawn to get you like him more,
Starting point is 00:17:33 which is fucking weird. And I'm not here for this. I'm too hot for this. So fuck that guy. And she's saying this right to Serena. And I think that that's when Serena, I saw like a little light there where she was like, oh, why are we fighting
Starting point is 00:17:46 for this guy? Like, you know, like seeing someone so gorgeous, really liking this guy and coming back with him made me think maybe I was missing something. Maybe I didn't see something in this guy. But now that I see that, no, she didn't see anything after all. Like she sees what a little piece of shit he is. Like maybe he is a piece of shit, you know? Yeah. I'm sure the next bombshell they bring in will definitely be catered towards Serena by the way. Like after this, now that like Serena and Cordell, the whole situation started to like sort of cool down. I think, I think that's what's going to happen next.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Although we still have the second half of movie night. And I think the second, so far Cordell really, there was, they showed some stuff of him, but the real bad Cordell stuff really has not, like they haven't aired that yet. And honestly I thought that Kendall got off pretty lightly, like his, the his movie night moment was bad and it showed that he was egging on everyone. But I felt like he didn't get the rage thrown at him by everyone that he deserved.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Maybe that's to come because maybe they have got still more movies. Maybe it'll happen after movie night is over. But I don't think so because he's a guy and they just all nod and accept it. Of course he did that. For those of you who don't know, basically movie night is when they show clips to get everybody in trouble. And we see what they, you know, everybody sees what they did, you know, away from them or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, what they've been doing all season, what they've been really thinking. And so this one was him being on the side of Cordell and being like, oh, you're going to make out with this new girl? You're going to bring this new girl back? Good. You know, basically like, fuck Serena. He doesn't say that, but he's basically like, I love this girl so much better for you and I'm so happy for you and why the fuck shouldn't you do that? And then Serena's like, well, thanks. I thought you were my friend, you know. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap in commercial.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Divorced beheaded died. Divorced be, survived. We know the six wives of Henry VIII as pawns in his hunt for a son, but their lives were so much more than just being the king's wives. I'm Arisha Skidmore Williams. And I'm Brooke Zifrin. And we're the hosts of Wondery's podcast, Even the Royals. In each episode, we'll pull back the curtain on royal families, past and present, from all over the world to show you the darker side of what it means to be royalty. We rarely see Henry VIII's wives in their own light, as women who used the tools available to them to hold on to power. Some women won the game, others lost, but they were all unexpected agents in their own stories. Being a part of a royal family might seem
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Starting point is 00:21:01 We've got Ben Schwartz taking us on a whirlwind trip around Disneyland. We'll eat a bowl of life-changing pasta with Jimmy O'Yang in Tuscany, Italy. And how do you feel about a spot of sugaring off with Emily Hampshire in Montreal? And away we go, we'll immerse you in some of the wonders of the world. We're gonna be seeing some yellows and vibrant oranges. And the shoes clicking against the cobblestone. If you're looking to get somebody in the mood, have them look at the Chicago skyline.
Starting point is 00:21:30 You can listen to And Away We Go exclusively with Wondery+. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. George, do you know what joy sounds like? I think I'm hearing it right now. So he looks bad, but they looked mortified at him, but I don't, I think it's just, there's not much shock there because it's like, you know, bros before, you know, girl bros.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I'll say it. Hose bros before hose. Um, yeah, I'm, I just want, I just, I just want, I want Kendall to get his comeuppance. But, um, other than that, uh, I think that was the gist of it really seemed to be about Aaron. And it was weird to me that the cliffhanger of the episode was Leah, you know, like, uh, what happened, you know, like Leah having to apologize. I just feel like that's not, that should not have been the last note that we should have ended off on is like, Oh, look at Leah.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I think that the note that we should have ended off on is like, oh, look at Leah. I think that the note that we should have ended off on was Aaron and Aaron being an asshole. And it looks like... Well, I think they love Rob. I mean, Rob is the cutest, I think. Rob seems to be like the cutest, basically. I think everyone's voted him the cutest.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And so we're supposed to all care what Rob thinks the most. Even though we all know Rob's not gonna find real love on the show. He's kind of a sociopath like Liv. I think he's Liv coded. I think him and Liv should be together. And then I think they should murder people together because they both got that, like, detachment. You can see it in their eyes. They're alive, but there's something...
Starting point is 00:23:01 There's human emotion that's missing there. And I really like that for them. I think it's so romantic. They were starting to spark things off right before Casa Moore. Because remember, you know, Liv did choose Rob when she came into the villa, and then he went back to Leah. And so then, uh, after his latest girl was kicked out, Cassidy, he started to approach Liv,
Starting point is 00:23:20 and so they started to talk again, but then Casa Moore happened. So there is, like, something there, but I don't know, I want Liv to find someone because she's once again friend zoned by, you know, uh, what did she call that guy's, what'd she call that guy's teeth? She said something about his horse teeth. Oh my God. So yeah, that one was lit. So Kane, the guy that she's dating, um, basically went up to Serena and not Serena, Selena, not Selena, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:23:48 Sierra, the other hot girl with too much makeup. And he was like, hey, I'm not really into her, so I'm into you. I really like you. She goes, oh my God, you're hot and I'm hot. We should like totally get married. He's like, yeah, we should. So they got off. And then so she went and she was like, oh, by the way, Liv, he came up to me and like told me all this stuff. And so we're together now. And Liv was like, oh, by the way, Liv, he came up to me and like told me how to step and so we're together now. And Liv's like, well, I'd rather hear it from someone pretty than horse face, a man with horse teeth or something. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:12 She's like, I mean, I mean, I'm just like a mean girl that's that no one wants to date anymore. So I hate that Liv feels bad because she's hot and the audience loves her. And this was so mean of the producers to make her think that actually the audience hates her because I think that she's like one the audience loves her. And this was so mean of the producers to make her think that actually the audience hates her because I think that she's like one of the fan favorites. But anyway, tonight is going to be, or actually it's gonna be tomorrow night is going to be a movie night part two. It looks like Aaron is going to get more shit. And he's going to throw it, hissy fit. He's gonna throw his mic into the, into the trees. He's gonna quit. So funny. But I was cracking up because of course it ends, you know, with
Starting point is 00:24:51 fucking Kayla and Erin, always. They were making me crazy this couple, but it ended with next on Love Island. Erin, how could you, Erin? Like, how could you? It's like, literally every episode is that girl just sobbing. I started laughing so hard because in my mind I was like, you know, next week, we're in and then it really happened. I started cracking up. Welcome back to Love Island. Friday, July 12th. Mini recap catch recap ketchup Ben, how's our relationship doing? I don't know because like yesterday I was like we were so good we were so good and now it's like I don't even know what to believe anymore it's like you know it's just something I wanted to do
Starting point is 00:25:41 then it was something I wanted to do at the time so I did did it at the time. Yeah, but you say these things and then like, it's like, I have to want you with her. It's like so weird. But I wanted it at the time though. But it's what I wanted at the time. So why should I apologize? Cause I wanted it at the time. I have no more emotions left to give.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Oh, except for the next 50 minutes of emotions. Yeah, when she said, I have no more emotions to give. While she was sobbing. This show. And then continued to sob for the rest of the episode. Literally sobbed the rest of the show. So something so weird happened to me the other day. It was like two days ago and the sun was going down
Starting point is 00:26:19 and I was, you know, it was like the end of a day. It was a good day and everything. And I, I was curling up and I was so sad. Like I was so depressed. It was so weird. And I was like drumming my fingers and I realized something was missing for my life. And it was Love Island.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And I don't know when that happened to me that I really would give a shit about this fucking insipid show, but it did. I missed it. I didn't like that it wasn't on on Wednesday. And I was so happy to have it back last night. And I don't know what's happening to me, but I guess I'm just going to go with it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah. Well, um, the, the, the surprise twist on love Island is it's actually not as insipid as you would think. Like you, it feels and looks and presents incredibly insipid. But the truth is that the real appeal of the show is kind of what I think Lib said at some point last night, which is that like it's sort of about the friendships more than it is about the love. And there's something actually really sweet and adorable about all these
Starting point is 00:27:19 friendships that are formed and like there's nothing insipid about friendship, right? I don't think. This show's stupid as fuck, but I really like it. And I was missing it the other day when it was gone. And then when it was back last night, I really liked it. And I was really into all the songs and everything and how they magic that. Music is great. And it started with, who's watching? Who's watching? I always feel like somebody's watching me. It's like a ballad of that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Everything sounds like a cover by Evanescence. Like they, it's so good. The music on this show every summer is when I get all my new music for the year because that my Shazam is out. I'm capturing everything, but they always do these super serious. I don't know how you describe it. It's like not emo, but it's like, it's like impassioned arena rock ballad versions of like pop songs. It'll be like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:28:17 I just met you and this is crazy. But here's my number. Call me maybe. crazy bum bum but here's my number bum bum bum bum come in maybe bum bum bum bum bum yeah it's like dumb slut cabaret which i really like um i'm really into it so um we're back at movie night for this episode that movie night continues and some of these questions like what the first one was how long does how long does a boy orgasm for? And just listening to these people discuss how long that would be was so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And I think it really brought me to that question too. I was like, how long does it take? I mean, I don't know, it feels like two seconds, but then when you think about it, it's like, does it take five minutes? Like, I literally couldn't even tell you. Yeah, I think there's like a range. I think there's a range of urgency. I think there are a lot of factors.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Tim Cynova Yeah, but you start counting. Do you start counting when you're about to? Do you start counting when it actually happens? Do you start when you're actually covered? And I mean, like, how does it? I didn't know when to start counting. I need better rules. And I guess these are just things that I've never discussed with anyone before. Yeah. Including my doctor. Well, your doctor would probably be like, I don't want to talk about this with you right
Starting point is 00:29:39 now. It's not a real, it's not a medical issue. It's just more of a judgment call. Um, so yeah, I don't even listen to the questions they have to do because no one cares about like the sexy questions they have to answer. It's like, we just want to get to the movies. I just want them to strip out that whole thing entirely. But, um, yeah. So one of the things, let's see what the movies were really bad for Aaron
Starting point is 00:30:05 because you know, they showed more of what he did in Casa more and it showed that it wasn't just like, Oh, he kissed Daniela and it was a test. And he realized he wasn't into her and the shower comment was not just like, Oh, after a challenge, him saying, Oh, we should take a shower. Ha ha ha. We saw that there was like lots of kissing and the shower comment was made to be like, Oh my God, the shower literally just gets worse and worse for this guy.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And every lie he tells just then they went up with another clip. It's like, well, all we did was joke about taking a shower. And it's like, I want to fuck you and impregnate you in the shower. Well, then all we did was, you know, maybe get a little wet. I dropped a nuclear bomb on China while we were in the shower. I was like, oh my God, like literally everything he says is five million times worse by the time they get to it. And just watching Kayla's stupid face.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Because Kayla's trying to be more and more. She's trying to be self-possessed. At first she's like, well, I already know. So like he already told me everything. so it's like not new news. So at first she's like, whatever. But then eventually it's like it's, it's undeniable. And like when he brings Daniela into the, into the shower for the challenge and makes out with her.
Starting point is 00:31:18 But then when that portion is done, he goes back and kisses her some more. It's like, and he's like, it was, it was in a challenge. It was in a challenge. Like, no, your portion of the challenge was over at that point. That was voluntary, Aaron. And then it's like, and then we burned a small village, you know, it's like, oh my God, like, I was thinking about you the entire time where you were burning villagers. Like it just gets worse and worse. And then he decides to just start fighting. Cause I guess,
Starting point is 00:31:45 because the same shit comes up over and over. I mean, I can get how it gets annoying, you know, but at the same time you did it all. So I don't, you're not really in the place where you get to be annoyed that it keeps getting brought up when you're the one who did it. And you didn't only do it once, you just kept doing it and it got worse and worse. We're not relitigating here. There's new evidence that has been brought forward and she is devastated. And he's and he's yeah, this is the this is the part in the trial where you know, Jennifer Tilly walks in to the courthouse and says, I have something to say.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And she's wearing a wide brim hat. There's new evidence happening. The case is unfurling. He can't be upset at Kahler for having to see this, but he is and he's really surly about it. And he keeps on saying, well, I did what I wanted. I did what I wanted in that moment. And I did it in my moment. I don't have Paul Joseph. What is that supposed to mean you did what you wanted? Like you don't get a prize because you do what you want.
Starting point is 00:32:34 You get a prize because you actually have some self-restraint in life. Okay, because if we all do what we want, we live in anarchy. That's what anarchy is basically means. So you don't get any special prizes or any special rewards and certainly no special consideration because you followed your penis the moment that Kahler's crying eyes were out of sight. Yeah, but you know, then again, we're watching this just knowing that Kahler's going to sob
Starting point is 00:33:00 and sob and then immediately go back to him and be like, oh my God, but I love him. So it's really getting harder and harder for me, you know, and I'm not victim blaming or anything like that. I'm not playing with the victim. It's Aaron blaming, you know, I'm not saying that, but you are the person who keeps jumping back into that fire. So, you know, I'm blaming her parents, her move away from the stove. You know what I mean? I think, but what really pissed me off that Aaron was not really contrite. Cause you see, you know, also, you know, uh, what's his face. Cordell gets it bad too. And he just hides under a pillow. He watches Serena crying on the floor. He h he hides under a pillow and he's humble
Starting point is 00:33:40 about it. And his instinct is to say, I just, I feel so bad. I feel bad that she has to watch it. Aaron's instinct is to say, I did nothing wrong. I already told her you're out to get me. It looks worse than it was. It was out of context. And then when all that doesn't work, he just decides to do what raw he's trying to follow his true love, Rob. And so he gets up from the couch and walks off and throws his mic into the fake bushes.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah. And Rob follows and like rubs his shoulders and Rob's like, bro, like what I have to tell you is like what she said to you, it's like valid. Cause like girls have feelings and they're valid. And if you ever want to get your dick wet again, you just say valid over and over again. So just keep saying that until they forgive you. It works every single time. Fucking manipulator.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Fuck. And by the way, I am so shallow that I believe literally everything Rob says. It isn't until like 15 minutes later where I'm like, wait a minute. I've just been manipulated, you know, cause he's just so cute. And he has like such a, like, leave it to beaver nose, like the brother, you know, the cute brother, like how he has that cute, yeah, Wally, I mean, how old am I if I'm saying that?
Starting point is 00:34:53 But he just has like this cute nose from the 50s. Like he's just so cute. I believe everything he says. And then I'm like, wait a minute, I've just been manipulated. And I really do think he's one of those guys who's just starting to be like, just a minute, I've just been manipulated. And I really do think he's one of those guys who's just learned to be like, just say her feelings are valid
Starting point is 00:35:07 so we can go back to like sucking each other's dick, you know, when no one's looking and we'll never get in trouble again. You know what I mean? Yeah, I actually think in this case, Rob was correct. Like he basically was like, listen, you have to understand, she has to sit there and watch that.
Starting point is 00:35:21 That hurts, that sucks for her. He was correct. I just think that he doesn't really believe it. I think that he's using that language because he's learned to manipulate with that language because he's a fuck boy So he knows the language to use and he's trying to help Rob. He's giving Rob a crutch. Yeah, and not Rob Aaron He's giving Aaron a crutch of this manipulative language to use. I don't believe that Rob really believes it I just know he doesn't even ever manipulate yourself. He would never apply it to himself, right? And I just believe he's learned to manipulate. He would never apply it to himself. And I actually believe he enjoys kicking people politely when they're down. I think he kind of enjoys being like, you fucked up. He likes being that person. And I have some stuff to say about Rob, but I also want to say-
Starting point is 00:36:01 And he also likes being the person who he's like getting points with the women in the audience by saying, this is, you need to pay attention to women's feelings, even though he's stomping on them left and right and then acting like the victim. You know what I mean? So it's just all manipulation. Don't believe this fucking guy just because he's hot, even though I kind of do. And I would totally vote for him if he was running right now. You know, a few more things I have to say about Aaron before we move on to really getting into Rob, because I have a lot of things to say about Rob. But two things.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I was livid. And I'm going to say that was a pun. Liv-L-I-V hyphen id. And Aaron, when Kahler is sobbing and Liv, I mean, Liv, Liv actually starts defending Kahler and is like, what did you do? What were you thinking about? You were not I think you better hit feelings at that time and he's like shut the fuck up Why are you speaking for Kayla? Why you speak for Kayla? I'm like, excuse me, sir Were you not the one just a day ago?
Starting point is 00:36:56 When when we rolled the clip of Leah cursing out Rob when she was hurt weren't you the one who piped up? Viciously and angrily in defense of Rob, but now Liv suddenly Liv can't be in defense of Kahler. Shut the fuck up, Aaron. Yeah, because Liv is always there to remind the guys of what pieces of shit they are when the girls are ready to forgive them. So of course he doesn't like that, you know. Yeah, exactly. Now, the other thing I've been meaning to mention this, I keep forgetting. Here is the biggest red flag with Aaron.
Starting point is 00:37:23 The way he brushes his teeth. Have you noticed? Oh my god, I wrote that down too. His foamy ass mouth. It's just like he just he looks like a dead fish Like his mouth isn't even I don't know how his mouth is even hinged together I don't even know what he's brushing. Is he brushing his teeth? Is he brushing his gums? Like what is he doing? I don't understand the motions that he's making in his mouth. He's just like dead-eyed, just like, he's just like kind of flopping the toothbrush around in his mouth. Like what's happening there? It's bubbling out down his chin. It's like falling on the floor. Do you not know, like you were not four years old anymore. Do you not know how to brush your teeth and keep the foam on the inside? Like what is is wrong with you, sir? Like, this is the biggest red flag of all. Just the slack jaw, the dead eyes, the flopping around of the toothbrush in the mouth. I'm
Starting point is 00:38:11 not really sure what's going on with this person. You're a deckhand. You're a deckhand. You should know how to keep things tidy. At least have a shammy nearby for your chin. So now another thing that happens while they're watching this is that Rob sees that Daniela liked Aaron more than he thought she did. And because, you know, God forbid, he's not the only fucking person in the world. Rob Lerner Thank you. Jared Sautner This fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:38:38 It's like, oh, she's disgusting now because she's been with somebody besides me. You know what I mean? And this is so typical. He's not the first guy to ever be like this. But like totally recognize that it's gross. And now he's going to like kind of slut shame her because he wasn't the only one. And he's like, well, you know, I really thought she said that she really wanted me the whole time, which made me like her. But now I see that that's not true. How many people have you liked while you're in here? What are you going to shame her for? Give me a
Starting point is 00:39:03 fucking break. He's going to his whole thing, first of all, it drove me nuts that his whole thing of showing emotion is that he takes off his jacket and then puts it back on. He'll take off his jacket like, uh, I'm emotional. I'm going to tie it around. I'm sorry. Jared Slauson And then he comes back. Pete Slauson But that is not his only emotion move. And how dare you accuse my flawed but beautiful husband of that. He also has a move where he shows off both of
Starting point is 00:39:26 his armpits at the same time. Oh yeah. He loves that. He goes back. It goes all the way back. Oh my God. Dress me nuts. He also has his like tiny bit of armpit hair. His like little faux hawks of armpit hair. He's so cute with his sing songy voice. And he also does this thing when he walks around sometimes where he sticks both of his hands in the front of his pants and then sort of like left and right kind of like he's like a 13 year old pretending. He's a big kid It's really weird, you know or like he's just used to wearing overalls and that's it cuz that's where overall pockets are I used to wear overalls In Brooklyn when I lived in Brooklyn that was like my thing
Starting point is 00:39:59 And you take your jacket on an awful lot to show that you were going through something Well overalls would hide they would come up so high that they would kind of hide my love handle. So if I wore a tighter shirt, I would look like I had a V. And so I was obsessed. I wore overalls literally everywhere. But anyway, yeah. Okay. So Rob, so here's what drove me nuts. I'm glad we got those things out of the way because that was actually top of mind. But I really didn't like that he sits down, Daniela and says like her turn was so fast. It made him feel like she wasn't being sincere. Says the guy who was threatening to leave the villa over on Andrea and then a day later
Starting point is 00:40:34 is flirting again with Leah. And a day after that is with Cassidy. And then like a day after that is talking to Liv. And a day after that is talking, is making out with a girl. She didn't even make it into the villa, but at Casa more. And then is now with Daniela. This guy has so many turns. He might as well be a rotary in Europe.
Starting point is 00:41:00 He has so many turns. He might as well be a dreidel and Hanukkah. How many terms, he might as well be a dreidel in Hanukkah! How many terms does he have? Commu-shoes, here comes one right now. I'm Dan Tbersky. In 2011, something strange began to happen at the high school in Leroy, New York. I was like at my locker and she came up to me and she was like, stuttering super bad. I'm like, stop f***ing around. She's like, I can't. A mystery illness, bizarre symptoms, and spreading fast.
Starting point is 00:41:31 It's like doubling and tripling and it's all these girls. With a diagnosis the state tried to keep on the down low. Everybody thought I was holding something back. Well, you were holding something back intentionally. Yeah, yeah, well, yeah. No, it's hysteria. It's all in your head. It's not physical. You're, oh my gosh, you're exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Is this the largest mass hysteria since The Witches of Salem? Or is it something else entirely? Something's wrong here. Something's not right. Leeroy was the new dateline and everyone was trying to solve the murder. A new limited series from Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios. Hysterical. Follow Hysterical on the Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios, Hysterical. Follow Hysterical on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Hysterical early and ad free right now by joining Wondery Plus.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Well, he makes her cry because he's like, I can't believe that you don't only love me or whatever. And like kind of slutshames her. So she starts crying. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Even though he sat there on the daybeds and watched her make out with Aaron and all of a sudden he's surprised. Where were her? Where was where were his eyeballs? And where, by the way, is this when he's so concerned about sincerity, where was his scrutiny of his best friend, Aaron, during all this? Well, I think that was the real thing. Because, you know, I think the real relationship is Aaron and Rob. And I think that Rob really saw that Aaron and Daniella were closer and he got mad at Aaron. And so he was more upset with Aaron, but he can't tell Aaron that so he's taking it out on
Starting point is 00:42:57 Daniella. And I don't think he actually have ever had an interest in Daniella, but I think he had an interest in causing shit in the villa, which is why he brought her back. And also he wanted to stay on the show, you know. Like a guy like him can't just be single. Like one thing I really like about Liv is she has no problem, she doesn't care. She's just like, I'm single, who cares? And it's a show where you're supposed to be desperate
Starting point is 00:43:17 to find love or whatever. And Rob is trying to be too cool, but I don't think Rob's ever been in a situation where he's not like the center of attention. And I think it really bothers him to not be the only option, you know, or to be the best option. Yeah. I don't blame him. You know, it's like it's privilege, but you know, it's not his fault. He's so cute. He is really hot. Like he's really, really hot, but he got, he just, we need to feel for him. It's really hard having that much. It's a lot of responsibility.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Okay. You know, who feels a lot of empathy for Rob right now is Janaye. And when she sat down with Kenny and said, you know what, like, no one's thinking about how hard it is for Rob to see the girl that he's coupled up with kissing Aaron. I'm like, no, Rob does not get any sort of sympathy for that. Because again, he knew.
Starting point is 00:44:03 He knew the entire time that, uh, Daniela and Aaron were making out in Casamore. He saw half of it. He was there at the challenge when they made out in the shower. He was there when they made out on the lawn on the bean bags or whatever. So I don't think Rob gets any sort of grace or, um, sympathy from anyone for the situation with Daniela. Rob, what Rob's doing really well is emoting. He's sitting there with little doe eyes
Starting point is 00:44:27 and he's not moving his eyes. And it's like they said, Rob sits there dead eyed and it makes everybody think that he's got all these, everybody's able to project feelings onto him. And I think that that's what's happening. They're like, look how sad Rob is. When Rob is just like literally staring off into space. They're like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:44:43 look at Rob coming up with song lyrics in his head. And meanwhile, they're playing like Patti LaPone in the background. I was getting used to being someone you love. And then Rob, fresh off of complaining that Daniela had too swift of a turn and just spoke of insincerity, then Leah goes up and apologizes Rob because
Starting point is 00:45:06 Janae hypes her up and says, you guys would be great together. You guys would be great together. He still really likes you. So Leah goes and apologizes for the things that she said, even though she said it because she was reacting to the fact that he himself made a quick out of nowhere turn from Leah to Andrea. And that was so, I probably was just so unjust. And he never said, and you know what, I'm sorry, because that must have hurt too, because you were into me. And then I just pivoted
Starting point is 00:45:30 away. He never apologizes to her. Yeah, he never apologizes, but he does do the thing where he's like, I do accept it because like, it's not really a big deal now, because like, we all make mistakes. And like, you saw your mistake. And so like, maybe now you can like be better, because like, we all make mistakes and like you saw your mistake and so like maybe now you can like be better because like now you made a mistake but like it's like over now because like I have like really big eyes and they're like kind of watery. What do you think about that? She's like, I look like the lady from House of the Dragon. She's like crying and then Yeah, that was funny what you put up that she does look like that. It's been bothering me who she looks like.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And finally it hit me and I was like, oh my God, that's why I feel for her so much. I'm like, it's not your fault. You're on the wrong team. So she's crying. And then he goes, sorry for onioning you, you know, and that's, I thought that was very funny because, you know, he's not only bringing up something from the tweets, but it shows like how affected he is by other opinions. And he acts like he's so blase about everything, but he's not, you know, he's not only bringing up something from the tweets, but it shows like how affected he is by other opinions. And he acts like he's so blase about everything, but he's not, you know, he's like, sorry, I'm onioning you, I guess. And she goes, no, your onion, your onion never worked on me in the first place. And he's like, okay. She goes, yeah, you're already peeled.
Starting point is 00:46:43 I don't know. She shed a lot of tears for someone who wasn't affected by an onion. But And he's like, okay, she goes, yeah, you're, you were already peeled. I don't know. She shed a lot of tears for someone who wasn't affected by an onion. But, um, I think, you know, Rob, you brought up something there, which is that Rob is always affected by criticism. I don't know if you saw the episodes, there was a challenge where they sort of had to say what they really felt about that. There was like questions like who was the biggest person in the house? And Kendall was like, ah, Rob and Rob was so mad
Starting point is 00:47:06 And he was like he basically was like they had to have a sit down. He's like why'd you say it? And Kendall's like it was just a challenge. He's uh, he's like no man, but like i'm not big I think he has a very fragile ego I think he likes I think he likes bringing women close and then pushing them away I think he likes playing mind games with them like that. I think he likes punishing them, not mean punishing like scolding them, but I think he likes making them feel like they did something wrong and that he's a gentle soul who's been injured.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And it's all part of his manipulation, but he's not. Yeah, that's how he gets everything is by looking completely sad about everything and very sensitive and then everybody falls for it. You know, including me, who's like writing fan mail. Like, I love you, stop crying, call me. Okay, so then, um, Erin takes Kahler aside again, which like, literally, I laugh every single time this happens. They go to the doc and he's like, well, I saw you, you know, for the first time again, cause
Starting point is 00:47:59 I really didn't mean anything, but you know, here's the reason I wanted to do it, cause I wanted to. And so finally she accepts that as like an excuse, which is totally crazy. I mean, just a court of law, people, a court of law, you know? Why did you murder that person? Because at the time I wanted to, you know what, Ronnie? You're forgiven. Ron, you're entitled. Case dismissed. Best reason I've ever heard. You felt like it. You know, now that you put it that way, I can see your point. So who am I to get in the way of what you really wanted?
Starting point is 00:48:29 I died. Yeah, that was ridiculous. And so he comes in, now he's doing the charm attack thing and, uh, he's being all giggly. He's doing his giggly thing. He's not really very contrite. He's like, I just, you know, it's like, I just had to, and of course she's like, Oh, he's trying to speak to me. And then he talks to her again a little bit later and he's like, I just, you know, it's like, I just had to, and of course she's like, hi, he's trying to speak to me. And then he talks to her again a little bit later and he's like, I'll get for you. And he basically takes that little necklace that he's been wearing and he like puts like a moon on it or something and gives it to her. It's a seashell. It's a fucking
Starting point is 00:48:56 seashell he found on the ground. It's like taking a booger out, drying it and shaping it into something and putting it on a string. It's like, oh my God, I love your book or the ear game. And that's like the sweetest thing. Like, why can't I stay mad at you? And she, by the way, she's also really bad at like being mad cause she's like, I know you want your space. She goes, no, why would I want my space right now?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Like that's what you don't say to someone when they're crying. I'm like, girl, you need your space. giving me a space means you're not making an effort Look what it that means like you just don't want to make the effort Yeah, he's like I'm gonna give it your space while like I'll hold Rob hand Rob's hand in the corner and watch him make Up song lyrics in his head. Why do you want effort from this guy? Who's totally shitty for you to you? You don't want that effort. That's bad effort. Okay. That's like getting spam phone calls. Yeah. So, um, then Rob and Dan, she forgives him basically. It's like,
Starting point is 00:49:54 Oh, go to see you. So, so she forgets him. So then Rob, Daniella comes to apologize to Rob, which is also hilarious because Danielle, I did nothing fucking wrong. Nothing wrong. And he, again, like, nothing wrong. Like here we go again with Rob getting an apology from someone who literally is so frustrating. So she comes, she apologizes and he like forgives her, which she did nothing wrong. I cannot stress enough how she literally did nothing and is now being totally treated like shit and slut shamed on TV. And you know, people are being mean to her online.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I haven't seen it, but just because everybody's so nice to Rob, it makes me fucking crazy, okay? So she apologizes, then he forgives her out of the kindness of his heart. So then she goes, appreciate you. And he goes, no, I appreciate you. And she goes, no, I appreciate you more.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And he goes, probably. Probably. And then just stares at her dead serious. I had to rewind that cause I was like, did I, did that just happen? Yup. I really am astounded that we've gotten to a place on the show that Miguel is my favorite man. Like, like I can't believe it. In in fact I thought the scenes with Miguel and Lee don't fall for Miguel either. Oh my god. Well, I mean well These are my options. Oh, these are my options, but you know, but you know at the end of last also your prerogative So why don't I just thank you? Thank you Bobby Brown, but I am Progety. Everybody's talking.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Boom. All these things about me. Boom, boom. Why can't they just let me live? Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. Everybody. So last episode, you brought up something that we both did not like a note that was a tone that
Starting point is 00:51:45 he had, which was like, Miguel was like, you know, I've never dated a girl who's, who's talked like that. And it's not appealing to me. And we're like, oh, shush. Like you don't get to tell a woman how to whatever. But this episode actually, he talked about how he grew up in a household where there was a lot of sounds like a lot of fighting and yelling and I was like, okay, I Actually kind of I get that it's like it's a little traumatic for him and I was like that was actually kind of maybe I'm falling for it, but I thought it was actually kind of Emotionally vulnerable dare I say that he that he kind of was like led us into that like that
Starting point is 00:52:24 There was just more to Miguel than just Miguel being Miguel I'm not sure if he's just being a little bit more vulnerable, dare I say, that he kind of was like, led us into that. Like that there was just more to Miguel than just Miguel being Miguel. Like it's just, I don't know. I find him that he is growing in a better way as opposed to the other guys who are just getting worse and worse and worse. You know, here's, look, I'm not a hater.
Starting point is 00:52:41 First of all, he's adorable. And I'm sorry to quantify everything like that. Like I forgive them because they're cute. I kind of do though. Like he's so cute. Even though I hate his mustache shaving, I don't understand everybody shaving their mustache. Like it's like a tiny line around their head. I just don't, it's a trend I don't get yet. If the eye tattoos on his like,
Starting point is 00:52:56 on like the exterior of his packs that drive me nuts. Mm. Oh God, I haven't even noticed those. I don't think, how have I not noticed those? You know whose tattoo is terrible is Kane. Why does Kane look like he has a slit throat? Who does that to themselves? It's not a good tattoo.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And if you're going to do that tattoo, don't do it in red. Yeah, it looks like someone slit his throat using like a really jagged edge. It's terrible. Okay, so anyway, Miguel, here's the reason I couldn't totally fall for that because he was trying to avoid getting in trouble for his clips during movie night which were I
Starting point is 00:53:28 Don't know whatever his make out stuff was and he was like, you know, I don't feel guilty which was his thing Which I don't know cuz if you don't feel guilty then why are you making so many jokes? Cuz that's how He did adopt these really funny accents. I don't know. You know what to be on. He got this real weird accent He was like, well, I ain't doing to kill the dude. Well, because it's uncomfortable. Because he didn't like the way he looked. That was the funniest part of it all. He didn't give a shit that they showed him making out with Sierra. He was just like, the angle, why are you doing the angle? Could you please leave the angle on me? I'm so embarrassed to have to do a strange cookie accent. And they're
Starting point is 00:54:00 like, why are you doing that accent, Miguel? He's like, cookie angle. The angle was so bad. For the most part, I agree with you. I don't like have any, I'm not like a hater of Miguel. I think he's still really cute. I still really like him. I still am kind of bothered by his like, I don't like a woman who talks like that. Even if it's because it was at home,
Starting point is 00:54:16 because I just feel like, so no one can ever show anger, then don't do things that piss people off. You know what I mean? Like, that's fair too. But you know what it was? It's more like, I think we were both anticipating that he was going to use that as an excuse to like drop Leah and continue being a boy. And so he, instead he went and had a conversation with her and was like, normally in the real world I would probably just ghost you,
Starting point is 00:54:40 but we're not like we're here and I feel like, you know, you're, you're making efforts to like, you're acknowledging it. And I don't know here and I feel like you know, you're you're making efforts to let you're acknowledging it And I don't know like I felt like it was you're right, but it was he also he also had no other options really So I was like that's true. But yeah, I mean there's always day. Yeah Well, that's true day is gorgeous mad I'm so mad she is gorgeous, but she has no personality But yeah, I just either way it's like he surprised me and by the way the way that I'm so mad. She is gorgeous, but she has no personality. Um, but, uh, yeah, I, after I just either way, it's like, he surprised me. And by the way, the way that I'm so glad that he was just laughing off his clip because like, why, why is this shocking that he made out with Sierra?
Starting point is 00:55:16 He literally brought her back. It's not like, yeah, he would not like he was there. It's like, I was a good boy and came back and came back to you. He came back with serious like, he was like, I was a good boy and came back and came back to you. He came back with Sierra. He was like, yeah, I liked Sierra. Yeah. And yeah, I mean, he didn't really have like as deep of a relationship with anybody. So it wasn't as hurtful that he was making out or whatever. So let's see here.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So now Ariana comes back, she's back. It's Ariana Maddox. So Ariana is really turning into like laser-eyed robot. And like, she's really getting into this role where she's just like, are you ready for a recoupling? I was like, yes. Is she going to start like tearing apart the set with her laser eyes? I'm into it. I don't know where this side of this lady came from, but I'm into it. I I think it's gonna be a little weird for her to go back to Vanderpump rules because I feel like on this show she's sort of like an authority figure. And I feel like now I feel like Ariana's stardom has kind of gone to the next
Starting point is 00:56:16 year where like to see her go back to a show where she's just sort of in like these, you know, with people still struggling in the valley. I don't know. It feels, the valley. I don't know, it feels, I don't know, it'll be a weird transition. But you know- I think she's going to be a totally different person because I don't think this is all faked. I think this like level of confidence and just how she's carrying herself and how she's looking at people, like she's looking at people more in the eye. I don't know if you've noticed that because one of Ariana's traits, just personality traits is that she kind of looks away when she talks to you. Like she'll be
Starting point is 00:56:49 in a conversation, she's always kind of looking around, like she doesn't maintain eye contact. And it's not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just one of her ticks. It's one of her personalities. I have that too. I want to have better eye contact with people. Yeah, but it's just one of her things. I literally just want to do as I said that. I was looking at my coffee to pick it up. It's normal, but she has like a very specific way of like talking and then like looking over. And anyway, she's like, she still does it a little in this, but like,
Starting point is 00:57:15 I'm just trying to say the way she's changing, like you can see physical changes of like how she's like looking at people more confidently and like, yeah, she really does. Like I wouldn't be surprised if Lazarus came out of her eyes and started like splitting people into like on the boys I just I just don't understand how she's so calm because she's a super fan she's like you know the reason why she got this this gig is because she talked about how being like loving watching Love Island on the show so like during all these things how she can just be so relaxed and not be
Starting point is 00:57:47 Like be like, oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. It's shocking But she's doing a great job as the host like she's so at ease in this role and I love she comes in they do a recoupling and Really everyone couples up the way we kind of expect, you know, all the dust has settled Cordell and Serena are back together. They're closed off. They're back to being like cute and wonderful in the way that we like them the most. Janay is back with Kenny. Kenny has like a really good speech because he said it from the heart. And you know, basically the Casa girls, except for Sierra, Sarah and Kane have come together. But Catherine and Deja go,
Starting point is 00:58:31 and then it comes down to basically Rob choosing between Liv and Daniela. And there was a part of me that thought that Rob was, he does this whole speech about like, this girl, I really like her. She's really nice. She's sweet. She's really pretty. You have a great connection. And the more I talk like her. She's really nice. She's sweet. She's really pretty.
Starting point is 00:58:45 You have a great connection. And the more I talk to her, the more I like her. So I think I keep her. And so I was like, is he going to do like a weird thing where he keeps live and kick Daniella to the curb? Did you think that for a second, Ronnie? I did. Well, first of all, these speeches were 20 minutes, which cracked me up. I'm like, how are they getting these people to talk so long? Because literally none of them can make two sentences together, but somehow they got them to each make a 20 minute monologue, which was amazing. And they have to still be ambiguous too. Yeah. I was like, this is, especially Kenny's, because Kenny, like they were literally handing
Starting point is 00:59:21 Kenny a Pulitzer Prize by the end of his, and I was like, what did he even say? Yeah. I thought it was like generic. It was fine. They're like, Kenny, that was amazing. Kenny, they're like, they're all crying. Kenny was like, well, I just want to say that this girl is like sun in my cornflakes and like flowers growing in puddles and like clouds.
Starting point is 00:59:44 And I'm like, oh my God, Kenny, you're like the next T.S. Eliot. I can't believe you just said that. When I see her coming down the staircase, all I see are beauty and stairs. And then I stare at the stairs and I think is that why they're called stairs? This girl can build couches. Oh my god that was beautiful. So yeah anyway I'm sorry I changed
Starting point is 01:00:14 the conversation but yeah I was almost tricked but he said something like but I have to send like someone amazing that everybody loves. I wish Kayla, Kailers face starts, Kailers face fully like crumples into her mouth. Like it's like all the features of her face somehow wind up in her mouth. She's like, this is so sad. How could you do this to me? And then they all just started sobbing.
Starting point is 01:00:39 And I was like, do they murder the people when they take them off? Is she gonna be turned into compost? Like what are they doing to these people when they drag them off? Is she gonna be turned into compost? Like, what are they doing to these people when they drag them away? It's like the end of their life, you know? It's like, there's only five of you that can live, the rest of you are gonna die.
Starting point is 01:00:56 And it's like, we're sending Liv off to, you know, single death, she's gonna die, an old spinster, and we're turning her into fucking Soylent Green, you know They gave live a very big send off because she is like a fan favorite. Everyone loves everyone loves her in the house I think everyone loves her in the audience. So she got a nice send off. She was great I'm like really bummed that she's leaving so we watch her the walls like but it's also like they're sending home the head of HR Doesn't feel like that when they sent them I I was like, I really am going to miss that retired, but at least I don't have to ask her for the key to the bathroom anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:32 She's like, you know, growing up, I never had sisters and I always wanted to have sisters and now I finally find out what's locked over sister and it turns out that when you have a sister, all you do is talk about the boys that were bad to them and they never ask you a question about yourself I love you guys so much. Love you sisters so then who are they play every horror music sound like the boom and the And it's Arianna she's back again with her laser eyes. And it's because... Wait, wait, hold on. When she comes back in, they're not expecting it. And someone goes,
Starting point is 01:02:10 oh, God, it's Ariana. She's smiling right now. And someone goes, she always smiles. Beware, Ariana. I like that they're now terrified of her, because she really is taking on that role. I mean, from the first episode to now, I think she's totally different. She's terrifying me. She's like, hi, everybody. Are you happy to see me?
Starting point is 01:02:32 I was like, Jesus, back away, back off, lady. So then they, whatever. So she announces, so Manu is here, and then this hot jackass, this guy, what an absolute douche. So you know this guy because you watched last season. What's this guy like? So I didn't watch last season of Love Island USA. It's, no I didn't watch actually any of last season because honestly Sarah Hyland was very difficult to watch as a hostess. Like she would come on with her per and I was like hey guys and I
Starting point is 01:03:07 was like I can't I can't and also like I'd watch some of season four but also like last season's Love Island UK was really good so that was just taking my attention I just didn't think it was possible it's really hard to watch two Love Islands simultaneously oh my. No one needs your excuses Okay, I'm not sitting here waiting for your your fucking excuses. I was expecting to be educated today I know I have the golden silver dealer or whatever that Harrison Harrison I don't know. I don't know but he's like Barry's sons of anarchy. Yes, and I love Jack's from sons of anarchy I saw him at home at whole good once. And I literally dropped Bueller's leash. He goes, he was coming out and I was
Starting point is 01:03:47 going in and I dropped Bueller's leash. I was like, yeah, he, uh, you know, he goes to the bagel broker a lot. They know him by the bagels. Yeah, I was in there. He came in there like Charlie. And I was like, wow. Charlie. Yeah. And he also goes, he, uh, he used to go to my gym and see him there. He's just like, he's like around, he's like, you know, what's funny about Charlie Hunnam. He's really hot, but he's really accessible. And the fact that he's just like around, you just sort of see him around Hollywood. It's amazing. Does he still work? God, I love him. Okay. So anyway, uh, this guy who looks like Charlie Hunnam comes in and his name is something. And then, um,
Starting point is 01:04:22 from the back, he's got like blonde Karen hair kind of, and I was like, who's this? And then it's this really hot guy. And they're like, he's from season five, he's a golden diamond dealer. And he's like, I've got my head on tattered than most boys out there. What the cliffhanger is that tomorrow in 24 hours, the game is gonna change, which means that he's gonna steal someone and then it'll be catastrophic, et cetera. So that's what we have to look forward to.
Starting point is 01:04:52 I think do we have tonight, tonight may be unseen bits, I'm not sure, but it'll happen over the weekend at the very least. And wow, it's been such a tumultuous week. It's hard at this point going forward, it's hard because after all theuous week. It's hard at this point going forward. It's hard because after all the dust settles with Casa more, it kind of makes the couple stronger than ever. And so it's really hard for bombshells to come in and be impactful from here to the end of the show.
Starting point is 01:05:14 But we're going to see what happens. Well, I guess we sure will, won't we? Hey, Ben, remember how we were like, we should do 10 minute recaps every day of Love Island. All right, everybody. Thanks so much for being here. We will talk to you next time, next week, next episode. Watch What Crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Strolling the park with Caitlin Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickles. She's never scary, it's the green fairy. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kurtz.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristin the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! We wanna hang with Liz Lang! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches, Betches! And our super premium sponsors!
Starting point is 01:06:16 Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish. It's Jen Plish.
Starting point is 01:06:33 She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. It's Kyle Podchadly.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender, the incredible, edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell, pour Rachel. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Couture. We love you guys.

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