Watch What Crappens - #2495 House of the Dragon S02E07: Ride or Die

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

This week on House of the Dragon, someone tries to ride a dragon, and it doesn’t go very well.  But maybe not so bad for someone else!  Also, lady-on-lady action because HBO. &nbs...p; Watch this recap on video  and listen to all of our bonus episodes at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondry Plus subscribers can listen to watcha crappin's ad free right now. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello and welcome to Winter is Crappening. it's a watch where crappens recap of House of the Dragon. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today from the from the tortured lands of Westeros, Mr. Ronnie Caram. Hi Ronnie, how's it going? Hi, I'm doing great. What's going on over there with you today?
Starting point is 00:01:04 Not much just you know, enjoying this season of House of the Dragon. It's moving along at a nice clip. We only have two episodes left. We're almost done with the season. It's gone by really quickly. And there's still so much, so many loose ends. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. It always seems like nothing's happening
Starting point is 00:01:21 and then a lot happens, like a make out session happens that I didn't expect. I'm like, oh, you just changed everything. I know, like I was, that make out session, I was like, tell me you have a show written by men without telling me you have a show written by men. It's like women sharing a nice moment. And of course they're immediately turned on by each other.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Isn't she? Yeah. But it's also like, you know, written, I would assume. Well, it's written by women too, right? But I mean, I guess it's based on the. Yeah, we definitely see it, man. Whatever behind the scenes stuff, you know, but it definitely. I did feel like that too, because I didn't see it coming.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But I also never see gay girl stuff coming because I'm not a gay girl. I'm a gay guy. So I see gay guy stuff everywhere. stuff everywhere. I want the guys to make out all the time. And it's not that I don't want the girls to make out, I'm just always surprised that they do. I'm always, and in real life, I'm usually surprised if I don't know that someone's gay, I'm usually very surprised to find out if they're one of my female friends. I'm like, really? And I don't know why it is. I don't really have much of a gaydar when it comes to guys either. You know, you have to be super obvious, but anyway, the point is I was the same. I was like, wait a minute. I didn't see that coming at all.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I guess this is, is this hot? I don't know. I was like, it felt strange. Um, but then again, we're also two podcasters who last week were like, Oh, that guy's going to go give blow jobs that Bracken family until they joined Damon's cause clearly there's something gay going on. And I was like, no, just going to steal the babies. Um, so we do find the gay, we find the gay wherever we can. Anyway, today's episode that we're recapping is episode six. It's called small folk,
Starting point is 00:03:01 which I enjoy it because you know, I love the small folk on the show, which is it's, it's actually very off grand for me. Usually on these shows, I really liked the rich people and I don't like the poor people. But on this show I really liked the poor people. I'm like, I'm all for the small folk except for I'm getting a little over that like little girl who coughs in bed the whole time, but we didn't see her this week. We just saw her parents. Yeah. You know, I'm not a huge small folk fan. I'm in real life. I'm a small, like I like small folk fine. You know, I'm not a huge small folk fan. In real life, I'm a small, like I like
Starting point is 00:03:26 small folk fine, you know, they're like we're normal people. But on TV, especially on shows like this, here's why I don't like them, because they do what small folk in real life do, which is they band together over stupid shit. And they get that like crowd mentality where it's like one person is like, we're going to attack them now. And then everybody just starts attacking. You know, I just don't understand that whole crowd. You know, like when you see videos of like soccer, like someone wins soccer and then everybody starts tipping over cars. I don't want to be there for that. You know, I just don't understand that. Or like when you're surrounded by like hundreds of people at a Taylor Swift concert and people are sobbing, even their dads. And I'm like, I don't get
Starting point is 00:04:04 it. Like, what is this? It's a part of the human experience I've just never really understood. And I think that other people, it's like when you watch Starlings fly and they all know to turn in the right direction. It's like that, but with insanity. Like humans, like, will pick one little turn of insanity and they're like, I'm insane too. And then like completely normal people will just turn crazy all of a sudden. And that's how I look at the small folk on this show. You just can't fucking trust these people. One minute they're acting completely normal. And then they're all teaming up to murder you. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:32 the mass hysteria is definitely happening here. And I think the comparison to Swifties is apt for the small folk of, you know, King's Landing. But you know, I think that, um, you know, it is normally when I watch a TV show, I mean, I generally watch TV shows, the dramas I've enjoyed or the soaps I've enjoyed, you know, in the past have always been about rich and privileged people, but they always throw in some poor person. So like on the OC, there's Ryan and on Gossip Girl, there's Dan and on Revenge, there's that guy and they're, they're always, you know, that guy who's like in love with the dot Madeline, so his daughter, and they're always so righteous. They always make the poor people on these shows just unfun. Whenever there's a party, people always have the morals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It's always like, yeah, whenever there's like a big party and like, someone's getting drunk, it's always like the poor, the poor kid who comes in as like, this isn't good for you. I'm getting you out of this party. And it's like, ugh, why do they always make poor people so lame on these shows? They're always like virtuous, which is like, no, I think like the poor people would want to party
Starting point is 00:05:33 just as much as the rich people. And in fact, that would make them more fun on these shows. So normally I'm like, uh, poor people on TV. I don't like it. Like scripted TV, I should say. But on this show, I'm like really down with the small folk. I love them. They're great. No, in reality too. I mean, it's like Gina. Cause we like aspirational things. They did make up for it on OC cause I do like Jen Padranti and she's like currently poor. So I like her. But yeah, anyway, so this is all, this is called
Starting point is 00:06:00 small folk. It's all built around the poor's. And so I was like, Oh God, here we go. You know, so we start with Lannister's brother. Jason. Yeah. In a field and he's talking to Humphrey. And Humphrey is like, well, the golden tooth is honored to receive you, Lord Lannister. I've got 500 men. We're armed, we're ready, and we will march as soon as there's a dragon to protect us. In the meantime, we are going to eat all of your McDonald's for free and have sex with all of your hookers. Thanks. Yeah, Humphrey's like, welcome. Yes, The Golden Tooth, we of The Golden Tooth really appreciate
Starting point is 00:06:41 you being here. And I don't know if you've considered Invisalign, but it's something that we do offer at a discount and also some whitening. It's only three sessions. They don't cost the Golden Tooth for nothing. That's what I'm trying to say. So he's like, tell your king that we need the dragon here immediately or we're not doing shit. We'll be at the whole house. And he's like, I don't know if you've met Laura Dern, but I wouldn't bug with her. He crazy. Okay. Yeah. Cause basically it's, um, yeah, Jason Lannister is the one who's like, well, we're not going to listen, golden tooth, even though like we're cool with you guys,
Starting point is 00:07:19 we're not marching until we get Laura Dern and a dinosaur and a, and a, and a dragon, you know, which is basically a dinosaur. I mean, yes, do I have lions in a cage? Yes, but it's really just for fun. It's really just for the gram. I mean, what is a lion gonna do in battle, right? It's probably gonna hurt us more than hurts them. So like, we really need a dragon. The lion's nothing compared to a freaking dragon,
Starting point is 00:07:37 that's for sure. Exactly. Those dragons are huge. So Humphrey is like, yeah, I don't know that. Cause you know, like I can't just call him. Cause this is like the middle ages. So I've got to send a fucking thing and then we'll wait for the thing to talk to the thing. Then we got to wait for another thing, a bird or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:56 So it's good to take a while. He's like, well, how many horse do you have? Got a lot of quarters. Yeah. Basically Jason Lannister is like, guess what? I just brought the entire army to your castle and we're not going to go any further because we're waiting for Laura Dern. So until she shows up with a dragon, we're just going to like hang out in your castle and eat all your food and sleep with all your prostitutes. And you just have
Starting point is 00:08:19 to deal with it because I'm a Lannister. Right. So then we go to a council meeting at King's Landing. It's a lot of huffiness. Well, did you hear about what happened in the Riverlands? What were the Golden Tooth and the Greyjoys? Have we heard from the Greyjoys? Well, not since they went to the Free Cities. Oh, the Triarchy. Has anyone reached out to the Triarchy? Well, Surtr Island reached out to the Triarchy. What about the blockade? With the small folk? No. With the big city people in the Riverlands and Red Keeps and Ares and such. Yeah. And it's, Aiman's pissed because he's being summoned by a fucking Lannister. He's not liking that. And he's like, well, but there is a dragon that could kill him. He's
Starting point is 00:08:59 like, so what, who cares? I'm Lorydon! So then he gets all pissed off about that. And then they're like, dude, but also everybody's kind of starving. They're not really loving that. He's like, yeah, we should end that blockade. So just end it. Like, whoa, you can't just, this is not really how it works. You can't just end it.
Starting point is 00:09:18 He's like, fuck it, kill them all. Yeah, and then they're like trying to, yeah, basically he's like, why is everyone mad at me when they're the ones who are stopping all the food from coming in? Like we should go after the blockade. And so at one point, Alison, like she sort of chimes in and Laura Dern is not happy with it at all. So, you know, after the meeting's over, he's like, mother, a word. She goes, well, I caution you, Aiman, Boldness is one thing, but overconfidence. Remind me of your place in the small council, mother. And she's like, excuse you.
Starting point is 00:09:54 My role is your mother, motherfucker. I shouldn't say that on this show, because like, as we found out last week, that could be literal. Okay, but still, I'm your mother, and you know I represented your father, and now I'm a counselor to Agon. And he's like, yeah, but dad's dead. And Agon is basically like an egg on the floor. He's like an egg on drugs, okay? He's been cracked. He is being fried in a pan right now. So, you're fired. You're fired. So, then she touches his face. She's like, let me put my hand on your scar.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Have the indignities of your childhood not yet sufficiently been avenged? He's like, of my childhood, this fuckface lying in bed over there made fun of my penis just last week. I'm mad. Get out of here. That's true. And also she's like, oh, really? You're being mean to me. Haven't you gotten over being bullied yet? Not really. And are you going to bring that up while you're getting fired? It's not the best time to have this conversation, you know what I mean? Alison does not have the best timing here. And one thing I'll say about literally everybody on this show that I think makes it so even is that literally nobody deserves this job. Nobody, not one of them. No one has experience, no one is trained. No one bothers training anybody for work on this show. Like, not a one of them. No one has experience. No one is trained. No one bothers
Starting point is 00:11:06 training anybody for work on this show. Like nobody is trained on either side. Nobody knows what the fuck they're doing. Maybe Damon kind of because he's been in battles a lot, or Sir Christian has been in some battles, but they're not very good people, people. You know what I mean? Pete Slauson Yeah. It's like basically fantasy version of going to the DMV, right? It's just like a lot of bureaucracy, a lot of, oh no, you're in the wrong line. Like, do you even know what you're doing here, man? So, uh, then we go over to dragon stone and Corlys is standing around.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Corlys is so mopey. Like, yes, the love of his life just died. Yes. Well, yeah, but he was mopey before he's been like really mopey for a long time. Like it feels like everyone else has gotten over it. So I think Corliss has to sort of, you know, get to it. He's a very poetic feeling person. Ben, he's been like, he's been so emo all season. Like even before Rainey's died, he was like walking around the shipyards being wistful and being like, you saved me. Wow. I love you, person I'm definitely not related to at all, but I love you like a son, not that you are one. Oh man, I'm just doddering about. Don't mind me.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah. So then Corlys is there though. It's his first day at work. He's like, well, hello, your highness. Are there Pop Tots in this office break room? Because I'm going to need a little bit more than just gratitude for being hired for a job that I really didn't want in the first place. Okay, feed me." And so she's like, welcome everybody. Okay, here's the problem. We lost Princess Rhaenys, entered Ragon, sorry to rub it in, but it's true, not blaming anybody. Now I have, um, I have an island seat. I've got no land army and I am not allowed to go to battle myself. So we're going to have to have auditions for dragon riders. Anybody?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Hey, guys, the thing. Internet's been really slow around here. We lost our IT person. It turns out Rainey's was also the one handling our transition from PC to Mac. So we're kind of left in the lurch here. So we just really need someone to step up. Sir, Stefan Darklin, we feel like this might be a good moment for you. We know that you know something, you have a Mac, right? You understand this? Can you fill in for us? She's like, well, by the way, Stefan's like, there's still Daemon, the craxies. I mean, he's a man, so surely he can do something.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And she's like, yeah, I'm not really sure that he's on my side. I got a raven said he's jerking off to incest porn. So that never leads to a good place. So basically, I need some Dragon Riders for Vermithor and Silverwing, okay? And for Sea Smoke, because Sea Smoke misses his bond, okay? And also, a lone smoke, not a good place to be. You need to have a partner to smoke with. Get Sea Smoke a partner.
Starting point is 00:13:57 So Stefan's like, oh, well, I mean, but there are no more in your family, your grace, your younger sons and babes, you know? And she's like, well, there's, yeah, there's no more in your family, your grace, your younger sons and babes, you know?" And she's like, well, there's no one left. And what about Princess Reyna? She's like, well, Corlys says, well, she tried, but you know, she's just not a very good dragon driver. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to. She took the test three times and eventually we said, you know what, how about Uber? She just kept hitting the cones. I mean, literally every time. She got really far one time, but when it came to parallel parking,
Starting point is 00:14:29 it was like, we just, that curb wasn't gonna work out. Yeah. So they're like, well, Stefan's like, well then who? And she goes, you, Stefan, you're of noble birth. And you know, I've always heard the darklings and the Targaryens have some common blood. So let's check it out. I've looked you up, I've Googled you, let's try it out.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And you know this guy is just destined to fail. Yeah, Bartmoss is like, this guy Bartmoss is like, I must protest your grace. I mean, the risk involved in such a venture, he hasn't even had a scene all by himself on this show. He's clearly going to die. This is ridiculous. And he's short. We don't really let that many short people live The risk involved in such a venture, he hasn't even had a scene all by himself on this show. He's clearly going to die. This is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And he's short. We don't really let that many short people live on this show. I mean, there are notables exceptions, obviously, but you know, and, um, there, Stefan's like, well, I am but a man and the dragons are gods. So I was thinking he was going to be like, fuck no. Yeah. Like who am I to ride a man and the dragons are gods. So I was thinking he was gonna be like, fuck no. Yeah. Like who am I to ride a dragon? But he's not, he's like, and I accept your challenge, yes. Like sir, you are a day player, what is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:15:34 So she's like, but you know. Sir, have you noticed that you're wearing a red shirt right now? You are so dead. Just fast forward to the part where they kill this poor guy. Please. It's like, okay, sure, let's do this. So then we go to, okay, sure. Let's do this. So then we got, okay. So now
Starting point is 00:15:46 Damon, dream sequence of the week. Here we go. Damon's in the iron throne room and he's seeing Viserys sitting on the throne. He's like, brother, Viserys is really angry. He's like, did you say it the air for a day? Did you say it? You said that you started that slogan. And he's like, no, I did, but you can't be angry about this. You know, you never know what's going to go viral. And I really, I thought it was just going to be like a one-off thing. I didn't know it was going to take Westeros by storm. Yeah. They're rehashing the fight that they had when Damon was originally kicked
Starting point is 00:16:19 the hell off and forced to go live with his wife that he eventually killed with a rock. Oh God, this show is just so romantic, isn't it? Also seeing Viserys looking all cute and blonde and like fresh faced, he's like a season three housewife right now. Viserys, yes, what did you get done, girl? Fresh face for Viserys means he just has a full face. Like there's no holes in his cheek.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And like, wow, look how fresh face he is. He's still like Hagrid on the throne, but like. Right, it's not new or fresh in this case doesn't mean new. It just means not rotting off yet. Yeah, exactly. So they're having like, it's a hallucination fight and everything and Viserys is just like, guilting him saying things like, I only defended you.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I only ever defended you and everything I've given you, you've thrown back in my face, which was really awkward when I had that hole in my cheek, because things would just really get right into my mouth. Don't throw things at my face, is what I'm trying to say. So then Damon goes to the door. He's like, fine, I'll leave. And he goes to the door and he tries to open it,
Starting point is 00:17:21 but the doors won't open. He's like, I'm locked in, open the door, open the door and he tries to open it but the doors won't open he's like, what are you playing at, old man? And he's like, I do wonder your grace, if you're not getting enough sleep. Are you mocking me? He's like, no, no, no, I just kind of wish you would stop having so many hallucinations during breakfasts.
Starting point is 00:17:58 We haven't been able to enjoy a nice French toast in a while. So Damon at least knows now, someone's fucking with him. you know? I mean, it's pretty obvious it's that witch lady, but he's like, so, are you fucking poisoning me? Who's poisoning me? Someone is poisoning me. Who's fucking with me? Who is it? And Simon's like, why would I do that? Like, you're the best thing that ever happened to that place. Actually, so cute. You have such nice arms, like you're someone to like, not eat my meat. You know how many people come in here and all they want is my duck? You're the first person who has not been using me for my duck. And it's actually
Starting point is 00:18:29 refreshing. Who could be poisoning me? It could be, could it be the lady in the courtyard who summons an owl onto her arm for no apparent reason? Or maybe just the old man who's sitting down the corner. I'm going to go with the old man. Definitely old man. I wonder if it's a lady whose voice I hear whispering, kill yourself, stupid, kill yourself, stupid. And then whenever I turn around, it's, it's her standing right behind. No, surely she wouldn't do it. She's just a woman. It must be this big guy with bread crumbs on his beard. Probably the man singing show tunes there in the corner. I think it's him. That man playing with a fidget spinner, you know, those are the most evil.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Are we going to find out, are we going to find out that, um, Alice and Simon are the same person? Like what if Alice as a witch is taking on Simon's form all this time? Oh God. I mean, that would be such a sad, like imagine if you're a witch, you're like, I shall take the form of something. An old theater queen. And I can sort of...
Starting point is 00:19:29 What about a dragon? You want to be a dragon? No, theater queen! I want to live the life of a theater queen. I want to sing... I want to sing Candor and Ed when no one's looking. Hahaha! Please say that that doesn't happen, I can't handle it. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial. Divorced beheaded died.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Divorced beheaded survived. We know the six wives of Henry VIII as pawns in his hunt for a son, but their lives were so much more than just being the king's wives. I'm Arisha Skidmore Williams. And I'm Brooke Zifrin. And we're the hosts of Wondery's podcast, Even the Royals. In each episode, we'll pull back the curtain
Starting point is 00:20:09 on royal families, past and present, from all over the world, to show you the darker side of what it means to be royalty. We rarely see Henry VIII's wives in their own light, as women who use the tools available to them to hold onto power. Some women won the game, others lost. But they were all unexpected agents in their own stories.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Being a part of a royal family might seem enticing, but more often than not, it comes at the expense of everything else, like your freedom, your privacy, and sometimes even your head. Follow even the royals on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Go deeper and get more of the story with Wondery's top history podcasts,
Starting point is 00:20:46 including American Scandal, Legacy, and Black History for Real. I'm Dan Tuberski. In 2011, something strange began to happen at the high school in Leroy, New York. I was like at my locker and she came up to me and she was like, stuttering super bad. I'm like, stop f***ing around.
Starting point is 00:21:00 She's like, I can't. A mystery illness, bizarre symptoms, and spreading fast. It's like doubling and tripling, and it's all these girls. With a diagnosis the state tried to keep on the down-low. Everybody thought I was holding something back. Well, you were holding something back. And tension, I.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yeah, well, yeah. No, it's hysteria. It's all in your head. It's not physical. Oh my gosh, you're exaggerating. Is this the largest mass hysteria since the witches of Salem? Or is it something else entirely?
Starting point is 00:21:28 Something's wrong here. Something's not right. Leroy was the new dateline, and everyone was trying to solve the murder. A new limited series from Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios, Hysterical. Follow Hysterical on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You can binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad free right now by joining Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+. So, um, now they, uh, so Simon's like, what are you talking about? I'm too lazy to even clean the roots out of the hallway that have grown through the floor. You think I'm gonna haunt somebody? And Damon's like, well, you better watch your ass, hottie. So, uh, it's like, stop staring at my butt while I walk away. Well, that part I am guilty of. All right, listen, guilty of one charge does not mean guilty of all
Starting point is 00:22:14 charges. So Damon's walks over to, he's walking over to go see his dragon, Caraxes or whatever, Caraxes, Caraxes. And then Alice is in the courtyard with that nice tree, that sort of spiritual tree, you know, that's classic, classic fancy tree of Westeros, right? And so she's like, Oh, you're going to bid me farewell. And he was like, well, there's something wrong with me. Someone poisoned me, the food, the wine, or else it's a swamp. It's almost as if there's a witch here, a witch who will grind up blood and guts in front of me and make me drink them. And somehow that's poisonous. I don't know. Just thinking of that. I don't know who it could be. She's like, well, maybe it's the ghost of hair in the black, moaning his curses from Kingspire Tower. Listen, I'm not only a witch, I'm a sarcastic witch. And he's like, drivel, drivel, ghost, ghost curses blasted weirwood bed, I'm done with it, I'm done with all of it, who is poisoning me? And she's like, oh gosh, when someone pleases you, all you do is
Starting point is 00:23:12 run. Yeah, sometimes it's okay to run. I hate when people say that, like, oh, look at you. Every time you're not happy, there you go again, just giving up. Yeah. So, why would I stay here? It's called making effort. If you want me to stay someplace, okay. Don't just assume that I'm going to add some fucking weird loyalty to you. Okay. I may have five punches in on my subway card, but if you put too much fucking mayonnaise on my sandwich, I'm going to start going to Togo's.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Well, you know, I think that, um, like, look, if you're having a conversation with someone and they challenge you and you just like leave the conversation and run away, it's like, you know, I think that like, look, if you're having a conversation with someone and they challenge you and you just like leave the conversation and run away, it's like, that's, it's like, come on, like stick with it, stick to the hard times. If you're being poisoned at a castle and having hallucinations every single night, it's like maybe look into a different hotel. Yeah. But this is also so narcissistic of somebody, right? Like, oh my God, now you're going to run just because you're being poisoned and or brainwashed and or-
Starting point is 00:24:08 And it rains on your bedroom every single day. God, what a loser. So, she said, go ahead, run, runner. Just like you ran from Dragonstone to Stepstones, Pentos, Heron Hall, Dillards, that time you couldn't afford that leather jacket you wanted when you were 13. It's like, well, I just wish I knew who was poisoning me. I wonder if it's, clearly it's not this woman who knows every single detail of my personal life.
Starting point is 00:24:37 So she's like, there are older things in this world than you or I or living memory. You are not the player, but a piece on the board. As am I for that matter." It's like, yeah, I'm going to run. I'm still going to run. I don't want to stay here. And it's like, I'm nothing like you. She's like, actually, we're both fairly creepy and hang out at this weird place for no real reason. And you've got an anger that binds you, just like me. And he's like, okay, well, while we're talking about how similar I am, Rey never even wanted
Starting point is 00:25:08 the crown. Why does she get the crown? She didn't even want it. No, she hasn't. No, I'm not supposed to be mad about it. But perhaps that's why your brother gave the crown to her. Perhaps those who strive for it are the least suited to wear it. Ha, Burn, you just got aliced.
Starting point is 00:25:22 He's like, don't lecture me. She's like, I'm trying to explain to you what to pick me as. The seer has never wanted it, if you recall. It came to him and he did his best. And it's not a prize to be won, but a burden to bear. Sort of like this dress I keep wearing every single day. God, I wish there was another outlet here. Dress barn would be nice. I'm just saying. Just a burling to keep it. We've got every other kind of barn. Why not one dress barn?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Jesus Christ, we've got enough sheep. Yes, we used to have a Marshall's, but unfortunately your dragon landed on it a few days ago, so thanks for that. So he's like, well, if you have any counsel about dealing with the river lords, that would be nice. She's like, oh, Jesus, you're asking for help? I said not to run, not to turn into a sniffling, crying little baby. He's like, council, I didn't ask for help. I asked for council. She's like, oh, okay, little man. So House Tully is not the largest house in the Riverlands, nor is it the richest,
Starting point is 00:26:18 but it's the most stable. And the Tully's wisdom has kept the river houses in line for centuries. They would kill each other to the last man if it were not for their liege Lord." It's like, oh, that dotard is of no use to us. Excuse you, but Grover Charlie is the Lord Paramount. Without him, they'll never raise their banners as anyone. So it's basically like, you got to pay attention. Don't say dotards anymore. Things have changed. Keep up. At least mind your tongue while you're here in Harrenhal. And then she's like, he's basically like, she's like, you got to, the Tullys are the way to bring the Rivermen together because otherwise they're just gonna, they would rather fight amongst themselves than do anything
Starting point is 00:26:56 productive. And it's like, well, it looks like I can, I can do nothing then. Cause that old guy doesn't seem like he's gonna die anytime soon. She's like, yeah, that's true. And then she lifts up her arm and an owl lands on it. And she's like, okay, well in three days time, the winds will shift. I'm gonna walk inside now with an owl for no good reason. I know, I like that. And it's so hard to work with birds
Starting point is 00:27:16 because if you can't do like a subtle thing where you're just like, oh, now bird landed on me. She's like, wait for it, wait for it. And like shoves her arm up and she's like, now, now bird landed on me." She's like, wait for it, wait for it. Like shoves her arm up and she's like, now, now bird. Wides out there and grabs her. She's like, I'm wearing a very thick glove. Nobody worry. All right. It's just not very graceful. But I did have to look up who Grover was. I was like, which one's Grover totally again? I had to look them up. Did you know that Grover's family is named Elmo, Kermit, Grover, and something else. And George RR wrote
Starting point is 00:27:48 that for the Muppets. Isn't that crazy? That's real. That's true. What? I thought we froze and you hung up on me. You're going to walk away just because someone's poisoned in your mind with some truth. Oh, sounds like you've gotten some Alice Tully boos in your brain right now. Poison with these ridiculous stories of Grover and Kermit. Wait, what? Wait, what do you say? And Elmer. Elmer as well.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah, it's the truth. Do you want me to read you the wiki? Because I'll do it. You're saying of the Tully family in this story, the brothers are all in it. In this story, can you believe it? It feels like of all the moments to have Muppet Wimsy, like I don't as the Tullys, I guess I just wouldn't expect it.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Cause he, he wrote for the Muppets at one point. Is that what we learned? He did? No, I don't say that. I think, Oh, I got that last Tully in my brain now. She's like being Mandelker, you will say these things on the podcast and you'll look like a fool, but it'll all be worth it. No, Lord Grover is what I said. Why are we talking about Tully? Grover Tully, yeah, Grover Tully. Okay, Grover Tully, Wiki of Westeros, all right? Grover Tully, where is it? Grover Tully was among the lords who swore allegiance to Rey-Ray. Small council, blah, blah, blah. Where's the fun
Starting point is 00:29:05 facts? Where is the fun facts? Muppets. Okay. Grover's eldest great-grandson is the TV version, is also now named Oscar instead of Kermit. And yeah, that's the Muppets. I just proved it to myself. I can't believe that... Funny. Grover's name is a humorous reference to the Sesame Street character Grover, and so are the names of his grandson, Sir Elmo, and his great-grandsons, Lord Kermit and Sir Oscar. The latter is Grover's grandson in the show. By the end of Viserys's one's reign, Kermit was still just a young boy. Green is summer grass and his younger brother Oscar was still greener guys because they were both green on Sesame street. Spoiler alert for those of you who haven't watched Sesame street yet,
Starting point is 00:29:55 they're both green. And guess what? Sesame street is now on HBO. So now it all makes sense. HBO is like, listen, George, our, um, we're going to need to inject some corporate synergy into your backstory here. So if you could work some like Sesame Street into your lore, that'd be great for us, thanks. Yeah, I know I was watching it the other day. I was like, this is so cool to be able to watch this on HBO.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And then Big Bird started making out with Smuffleup, I guess. And I was like, this is so weird. The synergy goes both ways. it's really strange when it happens on Sesame Street. It's really, it was weird when the count got burned to a crisp by a dragon. But speaking of which, now we're in Dracketstone and the dragon keepers, they're just chanting a hymn. They've got their staffs and they're like, at their staffs and they're like, so they're all waiting. Love that song. So good. It's my next audition song. So yeah, they're singing and then, now this is the big audition,
Starting point is 00:30:56 right? Big audition. Okay. Let's talk about this. You're auditioning, so you're fucking with a dragon. Seasmoke's not in a great mood, lost its rider, not having the best day. If you want something from the dragon, here's what you do. I don't know if any of you know who Cesar Millan is. He trains dogs really well. Bring a treat. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:17 Have a treat in your pocket. Don't come at it with sticks. Like who the fuck does that? This big dragon lowers its head to them and they're all pointing sticks at it like, oh yeah, you motherfucker this, what if we stick you in your nose? Have you seen what a dragon can do? What the fuck are your sticks supposed to do to the dragon?
Starting point is 00:31:30 They're not gonna do shit, I'll tell you that, stupid. Yeah, it's a strange choice. It's a strange way to do it. Also, if you're gonna try to win over a dragon, maybe smile, be like, have you ever dealt with a cat? If you go to a cat and you're aggressive to a cat, the cat's gonna go like, give you a little boop, boop, boop, boop, you know, it's gonna scratch you, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:48 But the cat, you lay your hand, you put your hand down and you go, you can make those noises, like sss, sss, sss, sss, you know, or tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, all those noises, which is classic pet noise, you can do that for a dog too. You put the hand down and then the cat comes over and sniffs and then like gloves on you. But if you come over to the cat looking all scared and crazy, the cat is going to scratch you
Starting point is 00:32:09 on the face. And I just don't think that Stefan Darkling ever got this memo about how to deal with animals. They're not thinking about like, these are not pet people and you don't deserve to ride a dragon. There's this dog in my neighborhood when I go walking in the morning that I go hi and it barks at me. So then I was like, you know what? I know how to deal with dogs. So now I just ignore the dog. It looks at me and like it's going to bark and I just kind of give it a look and like look away. Now guess what the dog did? Ran up to me today wagging his tail. Because that's, you got to know how to do this shit. You can't just throw this poor guy in there and expect him
Starting point is 00:32:38 to know how to do it. He does not know how to do it. The dragon acts like it's going to, it lowers its head, it acts like it's going to be fine with this guy. And the dragon's just like being a total bitch at this point, because we all know that it's going to kill this guy. But the dragon puts its head down, it's like, oh, hello. And everyone's like, oh my God, it's totally working. And even the guys with the sticks are still poking at the dragon. And the dragon's like, come here to me, come here, just kidding. And it burns everybody to a fucking crisp. Yeah. Yeah. They all, and like burns, not only Stefan, but also like one of the dragon keepers too. So now they're down another staff member at this palace, which is not good.
Starting point is 00:33:14 The dragon keeper did the thing where he got burned and then he was burning alive and just very calmly took his knife and slit his own throat. They just must know that's like part of the training. Like, look, this could happen. If it does, you just gotta, it's better to slit your own throat than it just must know that's like part of the training. Like, look, this could happen. If it does, you just gotta, it's better to slit your own throat than it is to deal with the flames. The burning is much worse. So yes, you know, especially when Sir Stefan says,
Starting point is 00:33:33 I've done it. It's like, oh, you've never watched TV before, have you, sir? You think that's the last thing you should say before you step onto a dragon. Yeah, so Jace, who by the way, we didn't even mention Jace, but he's been here the whole episode giving squinty eyes like I'm hot and squinty. I'm like, you go, Jace, you work that squint. Love his squint. So then, um, next up is Corlys. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
Starting point is 00:33:58 at Dragonstone shipyard. It's some Corlys and secret son action. Yeah. So Corlys goes up to Alan and he's like, I'm pleased with all progress. This ship was set sail in a few days time, not secret son of mine. And he's like, okay, dad. He's like, well, yeah, they're talking about the blockade. They love talking about this blockade. They've been doing the blockade all season. It's like every last season it was all about, wasn't it a whole other, the triarchy was doing a blockade. Now this season we're doing a blockade and by we, I mean them dragons, stone people, but it's like we, and so they're talking about this kind of having
Starting point is 00:34:33 talk about, you know, like how Corliss is saying that he wants, he wants Alan to be his first in command. And Alan's like, I don't want to, Alan does not want anything to do with Corliss. He does not like him and Corlys is like, but this is, I'm trying to do some nepotism. I mean, just give you something for saving my life person. I don't really know at all. And Adam who's Alan's brother, Adam's watching like, why don't you fucking do this? Like, hello, we need a new TV.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Get this, grab that bag. Yeah. And it seems like it's all going to be Adam being bitter about all of this stuff for this episode. So, which I was totally buying. I didn't see any, anything coming with this. So it's like, totally buy it. So Corliss is like, you are going to work for me. You are going to get a raise and you're're gonna like it." Willow Smith and Alan's like, okay. So then, by the way, Willow Smith is very talented, right? Pete Slauson Yeah, she has a new album out that Dom absolutely loves. Apparently, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Pete Slauson I was gonna say, I think that's why it's in my head, because Dom just told us, we were talking about nepotism with Dom and he's like, actually Willow Smith's album is really good. Pete Slauson I was wondering where the Willow Smith was. Pete Slauson So, I heard nepotism and I'm like, wow, Willow Smith was really good. So tell Dom his Willow Smith review made it into this record. You can't hear it here first. It's still in my mind.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Willow Smith. Not enough to listen to it, but it is, I will always remember it. It's the first defense I've ever heard of Willow Smith. So now we go to a tavern in King's Landing and Diana comes to serve a bowl. Diana's the, she's the waitress. She also, I think made it, I think she made an appearance in season one, according to Chelsea, our note taker, who is very, she always peppers our notes with lots of lore, which is really, really helpful. So she is, she serves a bowl to Ulf the White, So she is, she serves a bowl to Ulf the white,
Starting point is 00:36:28 who when we last saw Ulf, he was bragging that he was, um, a Targaryen and like a half brother or something like that. So he's like, this soup is a bit thin, isn't it? And she's like, yeah, well it's either that or fish. What do you want? He's like, no, but it's nothing but fish in this damn city. Where am I? Stockholm. Just kidding. Is Stockholm referenced anyone? Lots of fish there. So yeah, they're complaining about there being no food. And then we see a very theatrical Sylvie who's like, I can't
Starting point is 00:36:55 stomach this. Can you believe it knowing all of these rich people eating lamb eating bagels eating tostoni pizza rolls while what do we have? Fish water, fish water, while rich people are living like kings." And really raising a ruckus in there. And everyone's like, hey, wait a minute. She's right. They have tostoni pizza rolls?
Starting point is 00:37:17 That's just not going to land well with my family. And she's like, my work here is done. I've caused some discord with these two people sitting in this diner and I shall now leave in my very subtle feathered hat and high heels and bordello dress. Goodbye. Goodbye, one.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Now that I've had my lunch of fish with a side of fish and I've caused some agitation, back to running the brothel. So- Oh, by the way, fish and have caused some agitation back to running the brothel. So by the way, Ben and Jerry's hot dogs, soft pretzels, just saying things on the rich people's menu. Have a good day. Sylvie out. Sylvie out. So now back at a Dragonstone Ray Ray is walking through the hallway and
Starting point is 00:38:10 Bartimos is Lord Bartimos is behind her just bitching. He's like, I am far from alone among your counselors and holding this is very truly unfortunate. You know, by the way, Seed Smoke is gone, he left. And by the way, Estosephan, he was a belly knight, now we've lost him, he died, it wasn't my choice, it was your choice. It's probably a stupid idea. I mean, we all knew he was going to die. I mean, no one even saw him before except for like one line last episode. We all knew he was going choice. It's probably a stupid idea. I mean, we all knew he was gonna die. I mean, no one even saw him before,
Starting point is 00:38:25 except for like one line last episode. We all knew he was gonna die. This is your stupid fault. Why would you even do this? Why are you even queen? You're a woman, you shouldn't even be in this position. So finally she just turns around, just slaps him, which is great.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Slaps the fuck out of him. It was so nice to see that. Just a good old thing. And she just tells him, it is my fault. I think that you have forgotten to fear me. He's like, damn. She's like, have you forgotten that you're actually watching a soap opera? Congratulations. So then we go, sorry, we go to Ray Ray in her quarters, and she's picking up a sword
Starting point is 00:39:00 and playing with it. She's like, what if I had a sword? Me, a woman, a woman with a sword. What would that look like? And Miss Aria comes in and she's like, hello, and playing with it. She's like, what if I had a sword? Me, a woman, a woman with a sword. What would that look like? And Miss Aria comes in and she's like, hello, hot woman with sword. I bet you don't realize this, but we have sexual tension. You won't know until later this episode when suddenly we kiss. She's like, don't worry, it was the right choice
Starting point is 00:39:22 no matter the outcome. And Ray Ray's also, you know, she's just, she's going through it, you know, she's like, ah, nothing's working. And Mazarie is like, well, there's good news to be had. The small folk of King's Landing are listening. They were ready enough to hear. The usurpers have abandoned them. They're hungry and they need someone to blame. And she's like, oh, God says, we'll send a couple of pizzas. Will that be enough? And she's like, Yes, well, we have laid the kindling only and tonight we will light it and then it will begin to flare. I sent my favorite gossip in and she got two people mad. And before you know it, everyone's going to have tostoni pizza rolls on their mind.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Have you heard anything from what's her name? Linda? No, not yet, but don't worry. We'll be hearing from her next week. My name is Georgia King and I am thrilled to be the host of And Away We Go, a brand new travel podcast on Wondry Plus where we'll be whisked away on immersive adventures all around the world. Where we go, what we do, what we eat, drink and listen to will all be up to my very special guests. We've got Ben Schwartz taking us on a whirlwind trip around Disneyland. We'll eat a bowl of life-changing pasta with Jimmy O'Yang in Tuscany, Italy.
Starting point is 00:40:48 And how do you feel about a spot of sugaring off with Emily Hampshire in Montreal? And Away We Go will immerse you in some of the wonders of the world. We're going to be seeing some yellows and vibrant oranges. And the shoes clicking against the cobblestone. If you're looking to get somebody in the mood, have them look at the Chicago skyline. You can listen to And Away We Go exclusively with Wondery+. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Georgia, do you know what joy sounds like?
Starting point is 00:41:17 I think I'm hearing it right now. So then we go to King's Landing. Oh yeah, and there's like, there's a man handing out a fish, because you know, fish is all the rage in King's Landing these days. It's also the only thing they can be rageful about. And he gets, he sells the last fish. And then Hugh Hammer's wife, Kat, comes up. She's like, oh no, have you run out? Have you run out? You ran out? Oh no, please, I'll take anything. Give me scraps. I've got a little girl who's coughing in the corner, please. And he's like, sorry, don't get it. It's all sold out. You should have been here a little earlier. And then just at that moment, a whole bunch of sheep, they have a bunch of sheep in
Starting point is 00:41:56 cages that come through the streets. And everyone's so mad because they're like, fucking dragons eating the sheep. Where's what's for us? Where's our meat? Yeah. So then we go to Aiman talking to Iron Rod, still the best name on the show. Yes. Like most flattering name. That's the only person I would play on the show. I'd be like, I'm sorry, I'm only playing Iron Rod. So. Iron Rod doesn't really do anything except sit there.
Starting point is 00:42:20 He just sits there and smirks. He also needs to. Cause forever on your resume, it says Ronnie iron rod. And it's good. He never really puts his neck out there too much. So he's never really in trouble. He just sort of sits there. He's like a little bored, but he just says like, look, it's better than being on the streets, begging for fish. So iron rods, like, um, your grades to small folk have become restless.
Starting point is 00:42:42 He's like, so they're wearing maxi pads on their ear. So, sir, it's getting pretty crazy out there. And Laris is like, well, you know, people are hungry and the anger is rising. The enemy without maybe fought with swords, but the enemy within is more insidious. It's like, okay. Oh, God, fucking poetry talker. All right. You know what? why aren't they going for Ray Ray, all right? She's the one that ordered the Gullet clothes and left them all to starve, all right? Listen, no one blames the chef, they blame the waiter.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Trust me as someone who's waited tables for a very, very long time. They don't blame the fucking chicken with the disease, they blame me for giving them food poisoning, okay? So Laris is like, well, you know, as long as it as just the two of us and I guess iron rod here, because I don't know where anyone else is. Maybe you might need, I don't know, a hand just gonna look at you and you can look back at me and wink if you want me
Starting point is 00:43:37 to be your hand because kind of feeling it. Are you feeling it? Yeah. And Amos like, do I look fucking stupid? Do you stupid? And he's like, no, on the contrary, I don't think you're stupid. I think that you could use applause, otherwise known as a hand, the hand, July, that subtlety, the subtlety that I'm giving you. It's like, shut up. Listen, I have little patience for self-important Lord Varys and even less for flatterers and licks, spitles.
Starting point is 00:44:04 It's got that little fucking lick, spittle, put that in your pipe and smoke it. Self-important, Lord Varys, and even less for flatterers and lickspittles. Got that? Little fucking lickspittle. Put that in your pipe and smoke it." And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:13 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, responsibility. Oh, you honor me, my prince, you honor me. I can't believe you're asking me to be your hand. You specifically said, Laris, be my hand. Well, I will, I accept, I accept. No, not to serve as hand.
Starting point is 00:44:35 You toad! To fetch the hand, when he called him a toad. You toad, fetch the hand. Send word to, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, the, fetch the hand. Send word to... Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum. How could I live without you? It's like a Love Island announcement of who's about to win. I want to know.
Starting point is 00:44:57 So, Otto Hightower, you have been brought back to the island. My God, can Otto Hightower just catch a fucking break? You guys have fired this guy and rehired this guy so many times. Let the man go. Just let him go. A new bomb show enters the villa. So then Orwell comes in. It's Otto Hightower in a push up bra. He's like, I'm back, bitches.
Starting point is 00:45:20 My name's Otto. I'm 23. I'm a part time model and I'm looking for love. I would call myself funny, quiet and calculating and I'm looking for someone who just wants to settle down and just has a good personality. I've been sent home a few times, but here's what I know about myself. I've got Riz and I'm ready to close it off with the right King. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. myself. I've got Riz and I'm ready to close it off with the right king. Hello, King's Landing. Who is that? Is that a new bombshell?
Starting point is 00:45:53 New bombshells? What's in here? He's sexy, isn't he? I'm gonna be sitting there. So, um, so Orwell walked in, speaking of bombshells, here comes Orwell, who, by the way, Orwell, I feel like Orwell walked in speaking of bombshells here comes Orwell who, by the way, Orwell, I feel like Orwell is the sort of person that you would go up to at a party and say, I'm so obsessed with Love Island USA. And he goes, is that a TV show? It's like, yeah, it's like the number one show in America right now. Um, no, I'm not, I don't actually have a TV. I, I just read, it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:24 be quiet Orwell. I'm not trapped I'm not. I don't actually have a TV. I just read. It's like, you know, be quiet a little while. I'm trapped in a conversation. I'm a doctor. All right. I'm reading about how to heal people. Now, just the other day, if you ever heard of a Rubik's cube, you have. All right. So if you've seen someone with a cough ever, open the mouth really wide and shove the Rubik's cube down, then start trying to solve the puzzle with the Rubik's cube in their throat. That occasionally works.
Starting point is 00:46:45 We had a real big medical breakthrough, which is that if someone comes in and they've been punctured with a sword, what you do is you take some grass and just sort of pat it on the wound and it works pretty well. I mean, a lot of times they die, but sometimes they don't die. And that's pretty big for us. That's medicine, baby. All right, now I'm happy to report that His Grace, the King, has regained consciousness this morning, if only for a few moments. I know that you're going to be so excited. He's stronger than I thought this morning, his breath comes easier. Not great breath, all right? Not going to say it's great breath, but it was breath. He may yet live. Thank the gods. Am I right, Laura Dern? Laura Dern's like, oh, what happy news, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:47:24 go kill that little fucker right now. Where is, Oh, what happy news, I'm going to go kill that little fucker right now. Where is he? Let me at him. I'm going to interpret the silence and the scowling and the gnashing of teeth as your expressions of joy. So anyway, you're welcome. Looks like the leaves have actually worked. So, you know, I guess I've really proved my medical prowess here. So if anyone wants to thank me, that'd be great too. No? Okay. So Aemond goes to Aegon's room and Aegon, poor guy, is like burnt.
Starting point is 00:47:53 He's still there like a piece of bacon, just burnt, splayed out. And he gets his little talking ball and he shoves it in his chest. He's like, listen to me, you little motherfucker. What do you remember about there? Do you remember me trying to murder you or not? He's like, I to me, little motherfucker. What do you remember about there? Do you remember me trying to murder you or not? He's like, I don't remember anything. Well, you challenged me. It was very foolish. And then you got burned and got sent to the ground. It had nothing to do with me. Do you understand? You little fuck. I'll fucking kill you again. I'll kill you with these
Starting point is 00:48:17 hands. Right. Again. Hold on. Wait for a devastating stare. Dead yet? Damn it. He's still alive. I was like, just get a pillow and suffocate him. What are you doing, dude? One last thing. Do you remember how big my penis was? It was very large. It was the largest penis I ever saw. Very good.
Starting point is 00:48:35 I shall leave you to rest. Who's got three octaves? Who's got three octaves? Do you sing now? I've got three octaves, I do. You do? Thank you. Big cocked Pavrati, big cocked Pavrati. Pavrati? Pavrati.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Pavrati? See your Prasinga. Damn it! The traitors has ruined my life. It's Pavrati. It's Pavrati now, Orati. It is Pavrati. I relent.
Starting point is 00:48:58 It's Pavrati. So over at the Irri, Reyna's walking through a field talking to- Oh, but Orwell comes in and almost catches him and he's like, oh, well, I'm sorry. It's awful. So over at the earring, Rain is walking through a field talking to... Oh, but Orwell comes in and almost catches him and he's like, oh, whoops, you're in very capable hands. I just heard that Orwell actually solved a horse's pneumonia by hitting it on the face with a chicken and then turning it around in a circle and pushing it into a swimming pool.
Starting point is 00:49:23 So you're in great hands. All right. All right. All well. Go ahead. Hashtag Marvin medicine. Am I right? So BCBS. Am I right? All right. Good luck. You two. Or it was like, oh, by the way, amen. I'm glad I caught you. It's time for your some feel smallpox vaccine. Excuse me. caught you. It's time for your smallpox vaccine. Excuse me. Oh, where are we? And I take a piece of bark and put it on your forehead. Oh, okay, I'll take that. You have to do this once a year, I'm afraid. Okay, so now, Raina is walking through a field with Joffrey,
Starting point is 00:50:03 little Joffrey, little baby Joffrey, not evil Joffrey from modern times. And she's like, oh gosh, look at us, just having a walk, isn't this so fun? It's like, do you want to play? She's like, no, you stupid little fuck, I don't want to play. This is horrible. I'm a goddamn babysitter. I have bigger things to do. I have bigger dragons to fly. Nobody trusts me with any of that. And then they stop and they're in a burnt field. There's crisp, crisp sheep everywhere. And she's like, Oh, there's a dragon here. Tom Tom Tom.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Joppa is like, I want mother, which is the second time we hear mother said in super British accent because earlier we heard Amy go mother. And now we hear mother. And as we all know, mother is one of the best words to hear in an English accent coming from children or impetulant young adults. So then we go to now we go to Raina's quarters at the area and Jane comes in. She's like, I bring good news, Raina. You're going to leave me. I'll never have to see your fucking face ever again. Prince Reggio has answered your letter and he'll be most happy to bring you to Pentos. So don't let the door hit you in the ass. I was like, you lied to me.
Starting point is 00:51:08 You said that there weren't dragons here. Well, obviously there's a big dragon here. So not only am I bored now, I'm terrified for my life. I'm terrified of dying of boredom. Oh, there is a dragon. By the way, has anybody noticed that my name is Jane Aaron? Jane Eyre? It's like Jane Eyre.
Starting point is 00:51:23 How did the other people get the muppets and I got. Jane Eyre? It's like Jane Eyre. How did the other people get the muppets and I got fucking Jane Eyre? (*laughing*) Anyway, we're going to send you off on a ship called the Gay Abandon, which I think was named after my uncle, or your uncle, I should say. So the streets say.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Anyway, it's gonna take you to Pentos and I'll send six good men to protect you on the crossing. Hopefully your uncle would not be there to see that because then you never know what will happen. Shouldn't be happy. Wait a minute. Are you saying that they're in the magazine filled with coups shots? No, that's Penthouse. Well, I just don't know to trust a name anymore on this show, all right? Literally can't trust anything. It's like George RR just named things off of random things.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I mean, look at that. So water bottle over there. You know, am I even supposed to trust that that's a real name? Literally can't trust anything. It's like George RR just named things off of random things. I mean, look at that. So what a bottle over there. You know, am I even supposed to trust that that's a real name? Anyhow, I must go back to my dear friend, Norm and Cliff and Woody. I'll talk to you all later. Fred Barney, we're leaving. So now we go back to the, to now we're with number with Adam and Alan and they're at home and Adam is really mad. He's like, by the way, why are you trying to shave off your blonde hair? Everyone knows
Starting point is 00:52:35 that you're Lord Corliss's son. You can stop with this ridiculousness. Yeah. So does everybody know this? Do they know this? Does he know this? Does he know? And that's why he's shaving his head so close to the scalp every single time. Does he know and he's just ignoring it? That's what they're telling us in this scene. Yeah. It's like- I mean, I'm dumb. I don't know how widely known this is, but like people seem to know things on this show. So I think everyone probably knows.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Oh, well, cause I thought nobody knew, but now it looks like, Oh, so he knows and he's just keeping it to himself. That's why he's resentful. Okay. Well, I'm sorry. I didn't pick up on any of that. I don't know. I don't know who knows what, but it's clear that that Adam, I mean, Alan knows that he's Coralist's son and he's trying to deny this. He's like, he's just, he's like, no, I'm, I don't want, I don't want any acknowledgement of this. He's like, he doesn't want, he doesn't want people to know because he's afraid that he'll lose authority with his men. And Adam's like, but we could be rich, rich as hell.
Starting point is 00:53:37 And he's like, well, we spent the whole of our lives in the shadow of the sea snakes, great castle. I do not wish to dwell in it any longer. And he's like, oh, really? Well, great. You know, your opportunity, now you're just going to ignore it. Fun for us. Thanks a lot, dick. And then Alan's like, well, the sea snake would sooner have high tide claimed by the sea than call us his sons. So stop wasting your life on something that will never come. So yeah, they know, right? I guess so. Alan's kind of like, listen, I'm the star of this storyline. I'm getting more scenes. I'm the son of Coralus. So stop your complaining because I clearly am about to have something really cool happen to me. So, okay, just like chill out. And it's definitely gonna happen to me, Alan, and not to you, Adam. Yeah, nothing's gonna happen for Adam, okay? We've all cleared that up.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Adam just comes in once in a while, like, really, like, two episodes. Nothing cool's gonna happen with Adam. So just have faith that I'm taking care of me right now, Alan, because I am the star of the storyline. All right, I've got to put my own oxygen mask on first. Okay? I get out of here, you crazy kid. So then we go back to Dragonstone and Ray Meira is staring at the sea with Jace who's also staring at the sea but it's harder for him because he's
Starting point is 00:54:51 squinting while he does it. He's like they love staring at that sea. It's just their favorite thing. It's like hold on, hold on. It's almost eight o'clock. My favorite show is coming on. It's called The Sea. Oh, hold on. I just have to finish my seven o'clock show, which is also called The Sea. And then later tonight, we're gonna have dinner before the 9pm showing of The Sea. Just wondering. So he's like, well, you tried it. You tried it, mother. But you know, that man got burnt to a crisp. It doesn't mean it's your fault. You know what I mean? But everyone did hear that you slapped that old man, made like that, turning that around the house. And she's like, Oh, well, he's lucky I did not have his tongue. I'm just so tired of being protected. Socks, I can't even go murder anybody. What's the point of having a giant murdering machine if I can't murder anybody? You know?
Starting point is 00:55:40 No one trusts me as a ruler. It's like I have to, you know, authority is not jewels and gowns, but shields and sword. He's like, well, you're a ruler to me, mom. You know, I don't wish it otherwise. Will you lead us to war yourself? She's like, well, I can't, I can't stay here. Okay. I can't stay here waiting around. And yet that's all I have to do. She's like, I'm just doing everything I can. And I don't know. And she says that she's sent someone to Rook's rest and everything, but just sort of, She's like, we've done this, we've done that, we've done that, we're still going to lose. And he's like, well, maybe Damon will come back. She's like, oh, Damon, Damon, Damon.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I love that they actually gave her a Brady Bunch moment in this. Lots of pop culture woven into this. So then the guard shows up as like, Your Grace, the lady Mazaria, who for the first time ever requires to be announced. So Mazaria is like, Your Grace, the lady Mazaria, who for the first time ever requires to be announced. So Mazaria is like, my queen, our gift is sand. She's like, what gift? Oh, we sent an edible arrangements to King's Landing and think of my India ourselves to them. She's like, let's hope for clouds over the black water tonight. He's like, what does that mean? She's like rhymes with Flaminoseose. Dominos? Are you sending them dominos to play games? They're starving. The pizza, darling. Okay, two for one. They get a free lava cake.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I thought that we've sent them. The cheese and the crusts. You know how they do that? Like you bite the crust and there's cheese in there. It's like almost like a bonus pizza around the edge of the pizza. It's lovely. They're going to love it. They'll love it. So then we go to King's Landing and there's a guy fishing, you know, it's like a depressing fishing day and then he notices a boat and it's got some apples on it. He's like, I'm a buck. Yeah. And I guess a bunch of more boats show up later that we don't really see.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I think the budget just only allowed for the small boat because it wasn't that much. Do we see a bigger boat? AC Well, he looks up into the ocean and he sees tons of boats in the ocean coming to the city. CB I'm so blind. I didn't even see that. I was like, who's that apple supposed to feed? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ going to come down and make this like 20 apples because that's not enough apples. AC No, there were like a million of these boats. It was like, that was like the first boat. I love many. And it was like this deluge of food.
Starting point is 00:57:49 So meanwhile, Alison- It's like my house when they started allowing double dashing. So Alison's sitting there watching, like just watching Aegon. And she's, cause she's got nothing to do now. She's like really to do now. She's like really not allowed anywhere.
Starting point is 00:58:07 So she's just, she's, she's like, um, Orbel, I thought you said he was getting better and all he's doing is sleeping. And Orbel's like, yeah, have you ever been burned? That's what you do. You sleep until you're better. So he's gonna sleep a lot. It's a long time.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Yeah, dummy. And so she was like, what about the letters to my dad? Have we heard anything? He's like, no, sorry. He's probably in a strip club somewhere. Where do you think Otto is? It doesn't seem like Otto to just not be writing back. I don't know, but I like the idea of Orwell being like, yeah, sorry, I haven't checked up on those letters. I've been too busy trying to heal your son, also known as our king. But yeah, I'll check on those letters for you. Pete Slauson Yeah. Thanks for sending me to the post office in the middle of surgery.
Starting point is 00:58:49 I was in the middle of smacking him on the liver with a broom. But okay, guess that's not important. Jared Slauson I know. I guess these maple leaves are just going to apply themselves. So basically, I don't know what, I have no idea what Otto's deal is. Feel strange that he's being quiet. Like, we haven't seen anything. I've been wondering where he has been. Has he defected? Is he a double agent now? Like, what's going on with Otto? AC I don't know. So then we go to Alison walking through her favorite place to have her illicit affair, the court, the public courtyard where everybody hangs out.
Starting point is 00:59:26 So she goes there to like have a private talk with what's his buns, crispy, Chris, Chris, they call him crispy on who now Caesar cut has grown out. So now it's just like a weird kind of lumpy shell on his head. I'm glad that was a phase. Well, I don't think it's these out of the phase. I think he just hasn't had a haircut and now it's just, he needs a haircut. If you're going to do it's he's out of the phase. I think he just has another haircut. And now it's just he needs a haircut. If you're going to do the Caesar cut, like do the Caesar cut. Yeah. So she sees him and she's gonna go walk towards him. But
Starting point is 00:59:54 her brother is there instead. And he's like, Oh, really, you're gonna go fuck the fucker. Go on, do it right in the courtyard. She's like, Oh, it's you. I totally came out to see you. I just Wow, how you been. How you been? How you been? How's everything going? It's like, we don't talk. She's like, we can talk now. What do you feel about things? What was it like growing up alone and dad choosing me over you? And you just like being stuck out there. It's like, wow, you really don't want to talk about fucking that guy, do you?
Starting point is 01:00:20 All right, sad, I've got feelings. sad sad feelings men feel and she's oh by the way um how is my son what's his name I know I have another son don't I have is his name Derek is it is it Aaron is it Jaren Darren your son Darren he's fine he's 10 in now, which is my fancy way of saying 16. You know, I don't think he really likes to write letters these days anymore. He likes to do things like, I don't know, spend time with people who love him, not ignore him like his mother.
Starting point is 01:00:56 But anyway- He's dating a lovely girl named Samantha. They have a nosy neighbor that's always poking her head over the fence trying to find things out. She's got a little bit magic in her, the girlfriend does, you know. Bit bewitched over there. She's like, damn it. All right, well, does he ever talk about me? No, he doesn't talk about you. He
Starting point is 01:01:12 doesn't know you. All right. He doesn't know you. She's like, dang it. He's, he's, he's as adept with his loot as he is with his sword. She's like, oh, my God, I've always wanted to have a gay son. And I'm so mad I don't get to hang out with him. So he's like, he's actually a good person. She goes, oh, that's nice. And he goes, probably because she's not raised in a castle. She's like, do you think it's that? Do you think it's being raised out there with a clean water? Do you think it's the mother that turned all these children bad? And he's like, uh, you did your best. he's like, you did your best.
Starting point is 01:01:45 You did your best. He's like, you did your best. And by your best, I mean, not really a whole lot of anything, but you know, they're blonde. So you've got that going for you. I think you did a great job showing why parents should create parameters for their children, okay?
Starting point is 01:02:01 You've, what's the example of, what is it lead by example, but in reverse? What's of, what is it, lead by example, but in reverse? What is it when you are the example that people should not follow? That's what you are. And that's a great service. All right, let me put this in the terms of the great philosopher Bernie Mac. America, beat your children. What is America? So, Gwyn, heads up. What is America? So Gwyn, heads up. Oh, it's a character. It's the person who runs the rook.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Also, don't you remember her? She wore the glasses and she was ugly, then she took them off and was suddenly not ugly anymore. I loved her monologue and Barbie. We were watching that in the castle, eating lots of decadent foods like sheep and Twizzlers and such and not fish. So then we go, then she goes inside. She's like, you know, Alison's like feeling like she failed as a mother.
Starting point is 01:02:56 So she's like, well, let me check in on my daughter. I think she did pretty well. I mean, she married her brother, but that's fine. So what's Helena up to? Surely something normal and not strange. So we get our five seconds of Helena's screen time for the weekend, or for the week. And I guess it was a weekend. Wow. Stumbled onto some truth there. Everybody watch out. So Helena is looking at crickets or birds. I thought they were crickets, but she's looking at them and she goes, this one stopped singing. Isn't that strange? Well, so what does that mean? Because everything
Starting point is 01:03:30 she says is some psychic shit. So somebody's going to die and stop their singing. Who is the singer? Yeah. And I don't think we, yeah, the singer. Well, they did just say that Alison's son, Darren is good with the loot, which indicates that he likes to sing. Right. That's what I thought. But they're already going to kill Darren. He hasn't even gotten on the show yet. How are they going to kill his ass already? Kill Darren if he's
Starting point is 01:03:55 all the way in a faraway city. I know they've tried building Darren up to bring on a new character. It's like days of our lives. You know, they're like, we've run out of children. Just have one and have them grow up in two weeks, you know? Is there... So, I can't imagine that they're already gonna kill him, but I guess maybe they are. Is the singing less literal than that? Is there someone who, is that... I don't know, because they literally just said he's good at the lute five seconds ago.
Starting point is 01:04:21 And this show is pretty on the nose with stuff. Like they don't put up a lot of building, like what do you call it? Foreshadowing. They don't do a lot of foreshadowing. They like foreshadow it in the beginning of the episode and it happens by the end of the episode. And she's like, and you're right. It's very literal. Like the last prophecy she had was, I'm afraid of the rats. And then a rat catcher, you know, the rat catcher situation. And then there was the other one last season where she's like, I'm worried about something coming up through the floorboards. And then, you know, Randy literally came up through the floorboard. So it's probably,
Starting point is 01:04:54 that's probably Darren, the Lutists. Yeah. Okay. So now, um, the second best name, Hugh Hammer. Yeah. All right. If you're not going to let me be iron rod, I want to be Hugh Hammer. Cause, Hugh Hammer. Yeah. All right, if you're not gonna let me be Iron Rod, I wanna be Hugh Hammer, cause that's hot. Yeah, no relation to AJ, AJ Hammer. So he is, he's walking, he's walking with his big blonde hair,
Starting point is 01:05:17 which by the way, I feel like that's gotta be a sign of something. And he pets a street dog, which I believe is the street dog that belonged to the rat catcher, cause they keep on showing that dog ever since the rat catcher was born. That dog is so cute and it gets so much screen time because it's just so adorable. It's the only dog in King's Landing, maybe because all the other dogs have been eaten
Starting point is 01:05:35 at this point. So then all of a sudden the small folk just start running because of course small folk, that's what they do. Let's be honest. They're running because they found food. They found food. They found food. They found food. Like people are running with Pop Tarts and shit.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And he's like, where'd you get that Pop Tart? Give it to me. And he beats somebody over the head and steals their Pop Tart from them. It's pretty rude, by the way. And yeah, they're all excited. They all have this food and they're all being wild. And he's got like a cabbage. So, you know, they're all like, oh my God, I came from renewable shit.
Starting point is 01:06:03 I like that he's still thinking about health. He's like, listen, this skin does not come just easily, okay? I've got to have a gallon of water and some cabbage. So the small volc are up in arms, but they are really liking Ray Ray right now. And then meanwhile, over at the Grand Sept, Alison, because Alison had gone to Helena was like, I was thinking we could light a candle, which was like,
Starting point is 01:06:30 that's like basically like girls day, you know, like that's the equivalent of like getting your nails done. I know. Let's light a candle. You're speaking to me about that. Yes, we can light a candle. I've lost my job. So, you know, I thought what better thing to do?
Starting point is 01:06:43 Mourn, let's just mourn people. We don't really have anything to do. We don't actually have a seaside view, so we can't stand and look at the sea. So, it's just either stare at the burns on your brother slash husband's body or light a candle. I don't know. What do you want to do? Unfortunately, the sea is not playing here. So, I suppose we're just going to mourn things. So they go to the church and they start lighting candles and stuff. And then, dun dun dun dun dun, someone comes in, Rickard comes in, he's like, we must leave, we must leave now! And so they start running like hell because the small folk have gone crazy. You give these people one Pop-Tart and now look at them go.
Starting point is 01:07:21 They're like ripping each other limb from limb and chasing them down because they found out that they've been starving when Rainier has all this food. So they're going to kill these fuckers now. Also, whatever happened to shelter in place, you have a mob outside and you're in a giant, you're in the basement of a giant cathedral that's armed by guards. Why are you saying, oh no, there's a mob, let's go out to the mob so we can go from this safe place to a different safe place. That is exactly right. The tactical moves here are not very smart. Yeah. Not, not a lot of like, you know, this is why they need auto, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:57 they need some brains running the operations here. Yeah. So, uh, someone sees a queen running and they're like, oh, look, it's the queen of fishes. And they throw a fish at her head. I think it was a fish. I think it was a fish. Um, I like a very literal, I love, I love like prop comedy when it comes to insulting your Royals, like queen of fish, queen of fish in your face, throw a cabbage at her. So they're running and then they, it looks like they get attacked, right? What happens?
Starting point is 01:08:29 They're like, damn you. And they get them cornered and starts attacking them. And then a guard cuts off a man's arm because they're all going. And she was like, see this, their souls don't kill the small folk. Don't kill the small folk. But the crowds, the small folk are like, we're going to kill you, dummy. There are a lot more fish where this one came from. You better get running or prepare to have a lot of fish guts on your face.
Starting point is 01:08:49 So they wind up getting into like a carriage and then they ride through the streets and back into safety. I mean, Helena's had a real tough go of it when she goes outside, she she already hates the small folk. Like if anyone hates the small folk, it's Helena. The way she looks at them, it's just like pure disgust and fear. Well, yeah, cause they're always like screaming in her face and shit. It's like, I just lost my kid. You're screaming in my face now. You know, I didn't give you a pop tart. You're screaming in my face.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Can I do one fucking thing? Right? Can people just leave me alone? So then we go back to a GONS bedside and then, you know, the lady is about to give Aegon his medicine, but Laris is like, not so much, give it an hour. So then Laris says, Aegon of course is like, I want the medicine, but Laris is down. He's like, no, you're about to, you're about to get to Laris monologue. I'm going to cry and then turn into rage. Yeah. turn into rage. Yeah, so he withholds the poppy shit and he's like,
Starting point is 01:09:48 take out your grace, you've already written yourself into legend by surviving dragon fire, but you'll never walk again, stupid. And guess what? I know, because I was born with a twisted foot. Well, guess what? You're foot's even twistier and turnier and you're ugly to boot.
Starting point is 01:10:05 At least I'm still kind of hot. So I hope you have fun jerking off to bare feet because that's what your life is gonna be. So if you ever want a circle jerk, well sorry, there's just two of us in this town, but we can have a rectangle jerk. I'll jerk you and you jerk me. And good thing to know is there's someone else
Starting point is 01:10:22 at the foot table. Me and you, we can now be friends and I can speak openly with you as people with fucked up feet can do with each other. So it's me and you together forever, my fucked up foot brother. Now, plan on giving me a job when you get back? I'll bet you do because your foot's fucked up." I was like, wow, this guy's getting pretty bold just because the other guy got a fucked up foot. I mean, geez, your tongue has gotten pretty loose there. Lair. I know. Although it's interesting when he said that when he was born, that his foot was, was messed up and his dad said it was sorcery.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Do we think Alice did some sorcery to Laris his foot? Like as a revenge for something. Oh yeah. I don't know why I didn't think of that because obviously she's over there and and she's probably like doing a lot of sorcery, you know, she's a hundred years old. She's a witch. So, and he's like, yeah, well she, he accused a member of our household of casting maligned spells. And I was like, Whoa. At first I thought witch hunt. I thought, Oh, and they probably killed whatever poor servant, you know, it was. But now that you said that, yeah, I guess it's her. By the way, they have an ongoing issue with sorcery happening at Harrenhal.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Why are they not getting rid of the one person who was so obviously a witch? Like I mean, she literally had an owl come to her hand for no reason, just to show off. That is the witchiest move you could pull. And they're like, I wonder who could be doing this? Who in this household is giving people hallucinations and causing babies to be born with a twisted foot? I don't know. I know. Hey, Alice, it's a dinner. Will you, will you be having anything to drink? I will have mouse poulain mixed with bee pollen mixed with toenails from a baby.
Starting point is 01:12:04 That sounds delicious. Can I try? No, it's only for me. mixed with bee pollen, mixed with toenails from a baby. Sounds delicious. Can I try? No, it's only for me. Anyway, back to our figuring out who here is a witch. I have no leads. Guys, back to the witch discussion. Wait, before we do that, Alice, do you have a toast that you'd like to give? Sure. HALA FRINNAAA FRUIM LALA BUNA Alright, good one, Al. Good one, Al. Alright, so let's just get back. Has anybody seen any broomsticks being ridden in? Alice, Alice, are you sure you don't want to cheer? No, this broomstick is fine. I'm happy with the broomstick.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Alright, well... Alice, are you bringing friends tonight? Yes, I've brought Kathina, Jimmy, Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker. And will you be serving them that soup you're making in a cauldron? Boils, boils, bobbles and troubles. Am I right guys? You silly girl. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:13:04 back speaking of which we go back. There you go. Okay, so. Speaking of which, we go back to our normal. Akon's like, oh my God, no, no. So this actually is supposed to be nice, I think, from Laris. Laris is like, all right, listen here. I was gonna give you time to heal, but we don't have much time because your brother's taken over,
Starting point is 01:13:17 and Laura Dern does not waste two fucking seconds of her life, okay? You need to get back out there because we're both fucked. And now that we both have fucked up feet, we're gonna fight this bitch together. You got it? Stop your fucking crying, okay? You need to get back out there, because we're both fucked. And now that we both have fucked up feet, we're gonna fight this bitch together. You got it? Stop your fucking crying, okay? See you out there, buddy.
Starting point is 01:13:30 It's like if you've got time to lean, you got time to clean. Well, actually, you probably should lean a little bit more. And then we'll clean. You got time to drool, you got time to rule, brother, all right? So speaking of witches in Harrenhal, we go back there and Damon is having a vision and he's having another hallucination, but this time it's a nice one as well
Starting point is 01:13:53 because Viserys is mourning, I think his wife and Damon's like, you know, consoling him and Viserys is sobbing and all the hallucinations so far have been Daemon confronting awful things and being like boo and angry at them. But now he's actually being lovely and he's tending. And he's like, I'm sorry, brother. You needed me. I'm here now. I'm here now. So I think this is supposed to suggest that the inner storms that that Damon has been working through while he's been here at Harrowhall trying to confront his past, it's like he's finally gone from pushing back against the terrible deeds in his life to understanding and now being present for those who need him.
Starting point is 01:14:39 I don't know. That's what it seems like they're trying to convey with these ridiculous and super annoying hallucination scenes. Dave Well, then he snaps out of it and he's at the dinner table again. So that's what that's another reason why because poison rank because I feel like he's always at dinner or it's like 90% of the time. Brian He never wakes up in bed. It's always in a very public place, which is mortifying. So Simon's I saw a few news from River on my King Lord Grover is dead. And we saw a lot of news from Riverrun miking Lord Grover is dead.
Starting point is 01:15:05 And we received the news from his liege Miss Piggy. And Daemon's like, oh, the old man died. Finally, yes indeed, young Oscar Tully is now Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. And there are more trash cans than ever before, apparently. Yeah, Riverrun's maesters have been at their wit's end, and your own healer, Alice Rivers, volunteered her renowned skills. She tried a craft, but, you know, there wasn't much to be done for all grove. You know, Alice, so helpful. She cooked his eyeballs and then let them chill before throwing them into a slurpee. Wasn't weird at all.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Wouldn't let anyone else sip it though. Then she flew away. So odd, an odd lady. She actually turned into an owl and landed on her own self. It was strange. Somehow this did not help Grover at all. In fact, it seemed like he died faster than before. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Anyway, we still love her. She's still welcome here anytime. So now Adam, who is the brother who's never going to get anything. What's the other one? What's the other guy's name? Adam and Alan. Right. Adam and Alan. Right. So he's out there fishing. JL Adam's spelled like the Adam's family, I'd like to point out. It feels like they're coming from pop culture. Oh yeah. Maybe. Oh, and also there's a character on here named the hand. And I'm sure there's going to be a cousin in at some point.
Starting point is 01:16:37 We're keeping an eye on all the Easter eggs. Sorry, that took me a minute. I was like, who cares how he spells his name? And then I got it later. So then, okay, he's trying to fish and then boom, there's a dragon there, flying over, torturing everybody, just flying down, doing drive-bys, like kind of nudging him. And he starts running like hell to get away from this thing, but he finally falls and then the dragon lands right in front of him and then just puts his face in his and we're like, oh my gosh, so the dragon chose him? Now, what did this, what happened, how did this happen? Well, the dragon just was like, you know what, if you guys want me to ride somebody, I'm gonna find my own rider. You don't get to just bring rando people to audition. I'm not a fucking piece
Starting point is 01:17:19 of meat. I'm gonna go find my own. Bye. My interpretation was the dragon was hungry and like came over to eat someone. And you know, Adam was separated from the group. He didn't get inside. And so the dragon came in to eat him. But as the dragon approached, Adam had like a look of tranquility on his face, like he wasn't like afraid. And Adam is also Corliss's son, which I didn't realize. I thought that like for some reason I thought like maybe they shared the same mom, but maybe not the same dad, but it seems like Adam is also Corliss's son, even though he doesn't have the blonde hair. So they like Adam's sort of like looks at see smoke with like a tranquility and an awe. Like he sees sees.
Starting point is 01:18:04 I thought he looks scared. Well, he's scared at first, but if you look at his face, his face sort of changes and it's almost like he goes from fear to seeing something like a innate and special about see smoke. And so I think then see smoke senses that cause that's not what, what, what's his face did who died earlier and darklin. And so I think that I, my interpretation is that see smoke, uh, chooses not to kill this person, but instead say, okay, so you're you think that he was just going to eat him, but then he was like,
Starting point is 01:18:39 Oh, you could, I, you could be my writer. You seem cool. Instead of him coming into town, like I'm going to find a writer and this is him, I'm going to corner him. I sniff a royal person. Okay, well, that makes more sense. Yeah. Yeah, I think that makes more sense. Okay, so then we go to Ray Ray's quarters and Miss Aria and Ray Ray are having another banana scene.
Starting point is 01:18:59 And basically Ray Ray is like, oh God, I can't win this war, everything's going wrong, everybody sucks, everything I have sucks, everybody's dead, Damien hates me. I'm going to lose. I'm just a big pile of fucking lose. Okay. And so then Missouri then tells her story. She's like, it was my father. I was still a child. And she talks to tell the story about her father sexually abused her. And then she got the cut on her throat because Ray Ray had asked her earlier, where did you get that cut on your throat? And she wouldn't tell her. Right. And so I, why are there bubbles popping up on my picture now? Is that something I just did? I don't see playing with my waddle brought bubbles up on the video screen. I don't see.
Starting point is 01:19:35 I don't see any. Yeah, they were there. No, they were. I'm trying to repeat it, but I was just playing with my waddle, you guys. And then all these bubbles, somehow. Yeah. It triggered something on the screen. I'll be FaceTime me and I do something with my hand and balloons, just like flutter up. And I'm like, where those balloons come from? So, um, Nazaria talks about how basically her dad impregnated her. And then like, I guess in the, to end the pregnancy, there was like, he did something that was like that. Now she cannot bear children and she was left for dead,
Starting point is 01:20:08 but she lived and now she doesn't trust anyone. And that's how, that's how that oath has, has done well for her. And you know, she's, there are a few who she finds to be steadfast, but she finds Ray Ray to be steadfast. And because of that, she will serve Ray Ray because she believes that Ray Ray is meant to be queen. And in that moment, Ray Ray is so touched. She's like, finally, like, I think as I'm watching it, I'm thinking, okay, it's like a moment of like someone who gets her, someone who understands the difficulty of dealing with all these awful men.
Starting point is 01:20:40 And in that moment, she's not, it's not to be queen. She just has like a really good female friend and they hug. And then because, you know, it has to be, they start to make up for no reason. They start making out. Yeah. I don't see it. I didn't see that coming either, but there they go. And so they're making out and not a ton of chemistry. I'm not going to lie. And then, um, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:03 And then someone comes in and they break apart, you know? And they learn about Seasmoke, who has been flying all over Spicetown, which I love, I just love that name. I know. Seasmoke's loose in Spicetown, guys. Spicetown!
Starting point is 01:21:18 Seasmoke, you little devil. God, you know, I mean, I love the idea that there's a town that's just dedicated to the Spice Girls, you know? It's just like, the idea that there's a town that's just dedicated to the Spice Girls. You know, it's just like, it's like a walk-in fan experience. It's really just a promotional activation. You go, you take a picture of the cutout, you know. If you want to be my lover.
Starting point is 01:21:37 So then she's like, why? Why is he just flying around alone like that? That's crazy. And he's like, oh, nope, he's got a rider. And they're like, what? And they're like, we can't see who it is, but they're worried it's the greens. And Ray Ray is like, well, who else could it be? Should I summon a council dawn dawn dawn?
Starting point is 01:21:56 And Ray Ray is like, no. And she goes to dragon cave, walks past the old ashes of Darklin gets onto Syrrex and takes off to find out what the hell's going on with Seasmoke. Who's right. walks past the old ashes of Darklin, gets onto Cyrex, takes off to find out what the hell's going on with Seasmoke. Who's riding Seasmoke? So then basically we find out all the Dragonrider. I mean, we're pretty, we pretty much know now, right? So it's gonna be Reyna is gonna get the wild dragon out in the middle of nowhere.
Starting point is 01:22:22 We hope. And then this guy, Adam has C-smoke and then Alan will get one probably. And then who's left? That leaves one dragon left, right? Or is that all, are there only three? Well, Luke, not Luke. There's one more. Jace has a dragon. Right. But aren't there three unclaimed? Because there's the wild one.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Right. And then there's, didn't she say there were two more that are unclaimed plus C-smoke? So that would be four. Oh, the guy who's like, oh, my parent, I'm really famous. What's that guy's name? Yeah, he's going to clearly be a Dragon Rider. So then we have four new Dragon Riders coming up everybody. Talk about new bombshells entering the villa. Well, it's good. I think the season is so much better than last season and I'm excited to see where it goes in the final two episodes.
Starting point is 01:23:13 I'm like, how do all these characters, how did like Alan and Adam, how do they all figure into this mess that's happening? What's going on with Elinda? Like we see a flash of her in the previews for next week in a red riding hood. We shall find out. Only two episodes left. Everyone, thanks so much for being here and listening. Don't forget, if you just only want our Game of Thrones and House of Dragons content, subscribe to Winter is Crappening on your podcast application. We will catch you on the next one. Bye. Bye, everybody. If you like Watch What Crappens, you can listen ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music.
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