Watch What Crappens - #2497 RHODub S02E08: Bali Bailing and Tattle Taling

Episode Date: July 24, 2024

This week on Real Housewives of Dubai, the ladies head to Bali. Will Brooks bail? Will Taleen beg for stuff? And will a tattle tale ruin a core friendship? How many more questions can we writ...e for this one description? Will we find out? Watch this as a video recap and find all of our Love Island US bonus episodes at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondry Plus subscribers can listen to Watch Your Crappins ad free right now. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple Podcasts. Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast for all that crap we just love to discuss. I'm Yeel Braves. I'm Ronnie. That's Ben. Hello, Ben. Welcome to your show.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Hi, Ronnie. How are you? Good. What's going on with you today, baby? Well, you know, I have exciting news. I made a guest appearance on a podcast yesterday. What it is, the podcast is gonna is gonna drop tomorrow. Well, actually, first, the two of us were on Ryan Bailey's podcast. So bad. It's good.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Also dropped on Thursday. Yeah, that drops tomorrow. But the podcast that I went on to that will also be out tomorrow. So there's a lot of stuff for people to listen to. Well, some might say that when you see this podcast, it's almost like you're looking in a window and that podcast is on a little pedestal, like you're looking in a window and that podcast is on a little pedestal almost as if it were on display on display on display each and every day every day you went and visited the Gorgas how it how did it go it was really fun she was so nice and um we just sort of talked about New Jersey etc and you. And she's not allowed to talk about what's happening
Starting point is 00:01:48 in terms of where it's going or future stuff. But I definitely was able to ask her some interesting questions about the dynamics there. And we talked about Jackie and Marge and all that good stuff and the season. Then she was very complimentary about our podcast. She was, I was like, why are you like, why am I on here? Like we're so mean to you. And she was like, I just think it's funny.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Like you guys, like you guys are like so mean, but like in a way that's like funny. And I was just like, you know, when I was listening to the envy fashion show recap, I was like giggling. And I was like, we made fun of your fashion show and like, you don't even make the clothes. And she was like, no, I know. But like that's what was so funny about it just like really funny and I was like giggling so she was really nice and that's good advice just stop listening to that to us please uh thanks for coming by now go away you're not you're not allowed to listen to this stuff no cast members
Starting point is 00:02:41 allowed clear the room of cast members, please. Well, you know what's funny is that at first I was like, this is going to be so awkward because we have talked so much shit about about Melissa and Joe and just everyone. And then I was like, you know what? I guarantee there's nothing that we've said that comes close to the vile things that all these people say to each other and about each other at all times. So like us making fun of Envy, that's just like the same as like asking Melissa if she wants a coffee. I just think it just doesn't even faze the people on New Jersey anymore. Well that's true, yeah, and we have to remember like housewives rules, you know, like they get they've learned to get over things, they're trained. You know, like when people go in the army and they never get to sleep, so whenever they get a chance to sleep, they can go to sleep like within 10 seconds. Have you ever heard that?
Starting point is 00:03:27 That's always fascinated me. But I think that's how housewives are. They're just like, oh, it's time to forgive now? I forgot. They can just move on, you know? I mean, of course, Melissa is probably not the best example of that since this whole season is based on not forgiving. So maybe the current Jersey cast is not the best to reference with army sleeping, but you get it. Yeah, but it was really fun. And so if you're curious about that, check out on display with Melissa Gorga. Who knows when this episode you are listening to it, but it is airing tomorrow is dropping
Starting point is 00:04:00 tomorrow July 25th, which also is my brother's 50th birthday. So everyone wished my brother, Dan, a very big birthday tomorrow. Wow. Dan is so on display right now. Okay. So we also did a bunch of love Island recaps over on Patreon for our bonus. So if you want the season finale of that, go over to Patreon. Also, that's where you get our videos and all of our bonus recaps. Thanks for joining us on Patreon. We love you guys. And now let's get into the real housewives of Dubai.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Dubai. Dubai. I'm going to make it my quest to say Dubai as annoyingly as possible. Dubai. as annoyingly as possible. Nuh-mah-ee! Do-mah-ee! Do-mah-ee! Okay. Okay, so we open at Stambury and Sergio's house, and she's like, I can't imagine what the house looks like downstairs. I can't imagine, because we have just come out of the big fight episode with Brooks and Tanine,
Starting point is 00:05:02 causing a ruckus in St Stanbury's new cement box home in Dubai where the police could have come and throw all the women in jail for having the nerve to speak loudly with drinks inside of them. Yes, so Stan, they're on their mattress on the floor and Stanbury yawns and goes, and I'm sorry, Sergio yawns and then Stanbury yawns and goes and I'm sorry Sergio yawns and then Stanbury yawns she goes mmm infectious and he goes oh infection infection no infectious darling you imbecile god we can't even get three seconds into the morning without you saying something idiotic but you said infection baby no I said infectious, all right? Fucking moron. Moron?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Oh, you're right. God, stupidity is infectious as well. Give me some coffee, please. So the lady comes in with her coffee and she's like, whoa, it was so nice showing the house to everyone. You know, listen, I don't know anyone with a house like this, all right? I mean, chevron on the ground.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Boy toy husband trying to yell at women. Chips in the marble. Oh my God, I forgot about the chips in the marble. Please get up and put your finger over the chip. I can't look at it. Hold on. I'm going to look at the Ring Cam of our downstairs because it's so beautiful. And oh my goodness, it looks like some street urchins have broken in this small people. They're very close to my sofa. Can someone get security? But honey, those are your children. No, I'm pretty sure I don't have any children. No, honey, those are your children. Are you sure? Do I actually have three little children
Starting point is 00:06:37 and they live here in this house? Is that possible? No, Sergio, delusion is infectious right now. So she's like, no one has a home as gorgeous as this. That's why when Brooks walked in my home last night with Sage he's like oh my god I don't even wanna I don't even want to go there baby do not make me go there hold on here's I'm going there I'm reliving last night. Let me at her let me at her I'll kill her I'm gonna make the house. Sit the fuck down, Sergio. Sit down. Baby, the whole party was a mess. At the end, they were like fighting like children
Starting point is 00:07:09 and they like, they cannot do that, honey. They cannot do that. Well, my children behave better. Just look at them on the Ring Cam. Oh my goodness, they almost spilled on the sofa. Nevermind, all children are bad. My children behave better. At least I've heard.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I've been given reports. I haven't really read the reports. Fortunately, I haven't had any children around to read them to me. It's really a conundrum, isn't it? I need to really find a boarding school for them. So, um, she's like, yeah, you know, Brooks Brooks and Talene were fighting like, like the one of playground. I was like, yes, like a playground.
Starting point is 00:07:44 It was absolutely crazy. Quiet. This is my musing, not yours. Please stop trying to steal my flashback. So then she, we see the flashback of them like, and then, um, Talene with her cigarette and her heart crop top being like, Oh yeah, I'm the beggar. You're the beggar.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You wore my clothes the entire last season, bitch. Which was pretty good. So then, Stanbury is like, Brooks came with the mission to cause drama. How is this a healed human? Apparently it got way worse on my doorstep, so I'm sorry to all my neighbors, but on the brighter side, my sofa is still
Starting point is 00:08:26 white and that's really all I care about. So, well, I understand where Paul, you know, what Paul Raffi, because like his buttons were, his buttons were absolutely pushed poor, poor Raffi. And he's like, Oh yes, Raffi is like a piece of bread. He's the nicest, nicest human ever. Well, he's going to be like a piece of bread banned from my home if he ever acts like that again. I didn't know that that was some sort of analogy.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Oh, like a piece of bread, the nicest person ever. I think like at the end of the day, who doesn't love bread? You know, I think that's actually a very apt description. It's like that person's like bread. Some people can try not to have it around. Some people can say they're allergic to it, but everybody likes it. There's nobody alive that's like, I don't like bread.
Starting point is 00:09:16 And if they do, they're a goddamn liar. And when let me tell you something what's adorable. A cartoon piece of toast. You know, a cartoon piece of toast that comes walking around and it's square, but the top of it's like round and it has a nice smile on its face. And it's just like never, never really accepted by the other cartoon items that are there. Gotta love a cartoon toast. Yeah. I love a cartoon toast.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Everybody loves, right? Even when bread is stale, it's a crouton. I mean, bread is never bad. I had a stale bagel for breakfast. I love a stale bagel for breakfast. A stale bagel. I love a stale bagel. Yeah, they're like nice and crunchy on the outside and like kind of chewy on the inside. Well, no, usually crunchy as well on that. Listen, if you're going to break your tooth, that's the way to break it. Yeah, truly.
Starting point is 00:09:57 So anyway, bread, the nicest people in the world are like pieces of bread, just so you know, that's from Sergio. So Stamber's like, bread nicest, the nicest people in the world are like pieces of bread, just so you know, that's from Sergio. So, Stember's like, well, everybody should have kept it for the next day, just like a true piece of bread. And he's like, baby, I'm not sorry about that, honey. And she's like, fact, fact. He's like, oh, no, no, it's Brooks's fault 100. And she's like, well, they all owe me an apology, as far as I'm concerned. Everyone. Leave him the couch for scaring me like that.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And especially you Sergio for just taking up my space in this bed. But you know what, I'll, will I get it? Probably not. No. So I have to go eat and pray. I've got to go to this eat pray party part. Please don't go. I miss you. Sergio, I have to go. It's in Bali. No, please. Sergio, stop thinking onto my arm. Sergio, you're making red marks on my skin. Please. Daddy! Daddy! Oh, God. Now you're reenacting hope floats. Please don't do this again, Sergio. I've got to be able to at least go shopping. Valentino, please bring in the model of the vagina so we can study it while I'm away.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Thank you. Please bring in the cutout of Sandra Bullock for him to hold on to while I try and pack. Honey, honey, no. Don't leave me, honey. Honey, no, please don't go. Sergio, I'm leaving. I have to eat. I have to eat prey party with these crazy people in Bali. Please, no. I have to eat. I have to eat, pray, party with these crazy people in Bali.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Please, no. I've got anxiety. I've got anxiety. What am I going to do, honey? You know how hard it is, right? You know how hard it is. What am I going to do without my mother figure who I'm fucking right now? I'm going to go to the mother figure I'm not fucking.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Who? That's disgusting. My mother. My actual mother. Here's an idea. While I'm gone, you can take care of these alleged children that are running downstairs in the foyer. So she says, you know, Bali is going to the first trip I've done really on my own without Sergio and last trip that I did, Sergio
Starting point is 00:11:57 rode up on a jet ski crying and weeping and asking for a hug. It was awful. You know, he doesn't like to do anything without me. He can't even masturbate alone really. It's disgusting. He saw a picture the other day of a double Lou. He said, we need one of those. Horrifying.
Starting point is 00:12:14 A double Lou? Nobody needs that. Literally nobody needs to poop back to back. Are they side by side or back to back? I don't know, but I would never be able to poop comfortably if Caroline Stanbury were on the next toilet over. Nobody needs it in general, especially nobody needs it with Caroline Stanbury. I don't even think Caroline Stanbury does poop. You know, I don't like talking about poop, but I feel like just tiny,
Starting point is 00:12:39 like little pebbles of coal come out, like a rabbit, like a rabbit-sized poop, and it just like clanks to the bottom of the bowl, like when you throw a penny in. But you never hear it because she covers it up by berating you. You're absolutely filthy. The sounds coming out of your buttocks are the most horrific things I've heard.
Starting point is 00:12:57 It's Sergio trying to describe the female anatomy. Sergio just makes a poop and she's like, "'Disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself. So anyway, anyway, we now go. Squeeze, squeeze, hold, hold it, squeeze it, push, push. She's like controlling your poof like she did the driver that season of Ladies of London. Push it, squeeze it, push, push. She's like controlling your poof like she did the driver that season of Ladies of London. Push it, no, bring it back in a little bit. Bring it, hook it, hook shape, hook shape, hook shape.
Starting point is 00:13:35 All right, you failed the hook shape. Forward, squeeze, push, pull, pull. Oh my God, my butt can't do all of this. She also would torture Sergio the bidet. Caroline, am I done pooping yet? Not yet. Psst, psst, psst. Ah, Caroline, Caroline, no, no, please don't do that.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Psst, psst, psst. There, Sergio, up your butthole. Every time you say something stupid, you get Mr. bidet bidet. Sergio, do you love me? Yes, honey. Put your face on the bidet. No, honey, don't make me do it. Oh, honey, maybe why? Why maybe? Because it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:14:16 So it's a day until Bali and Sarah is she's packaged looking through all her clothing and Chanel is looking through her clothing and now Lisa, guess what she's doing? Looking through her clothing. I like Sarah. She's looking through purses and she holds up a snake skin purse and she goes, I swear if I wear this, I will be attacked by a snake. Will she be attacked because she looks like a snake and this is like a snake that hates
Starting point is 00:14:47 other snakes or will she be attacked by a snake seeking vengeance? I don't think snakes do snakes attack snakes? I think they attack other things like deer and stuff like that or like mice. I don't think another snake is gonna be like holy shit there's another snake charge. Yeah. Oh wait it's just a lady and a fedora. another snake is gonna be like, holy shit, there's another snake charge. Yeah. Oh, wait. It's just a lady and a fedora. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It's like snake street fights in Bali. The snakes are coming at each other. Um, and then, um, let's see Chanel, you know, Chanel's packing the most giant clothes she can find the most insane insanely giant clothes she can find. And Lisa's talking to Rich. She's like, are these giving Bali vibes? Rich? And he's like, Oh, I don't really know what belly vibes are, but I can't wait to be a good husband and take care of the children while you're away, sweet darling,
Starting point is 00:15:32 darling baby. I'm going to think nothing of but you, but you all the time. I don't trust him. I would leave, speaking of Ringcams, leave that shit on because Rich, there's something shady about Rich. I don't trust him and I don't trust his teeth well maybe we should look at the coffers of Mina Rowe make sure the CFO is doing his job so then we go and then Lisa's telling us you know she's talking about the party and everything with Rafi and lean and Brooks and she's like you know a guy shouting at the woman is never okay but in Dubai where men don't even address women this is a big deal this is a very Islamic culture where women are put on a pedestal and treated like queens queens you do not talk to to see a man shouting at the woman
Starting point is 00:16:17 it is shocking um women being put on a pedestal. Okay. Women can drive in Dubai. And in fact, the city offers women only taxis driven by women until recently, Saudi Arabia was the only nation in the world that had placed a ban on women driving. Sorry. I don't know why I was thinking of that. Okay. Um, so then we go to Tilleen and she's with Roth. What's that? Taxis, taxis driven by women for women. It's like the Lucille Roberts of driving. Where do you want to go? Lunch with a friend. Are you sure you want to do that? It's like a housewife driving another housewife.
Starting point is 00:16:58 What if it was just all Talene? Talene does feel like she would be in another life like a cabbie. Hey, welcome into the cab. Where you going? She does. Talene. Where you going? What are you doing? You know what?
Starting point is 00:17:13 I used to be a singer. I'll tell you that much. It was so much fun. But then I decided I was really in it for the kids. I'm just doing this to talk to people. I love to talk to people. It might not be your hobby. You can't get from South Dubai to North Dubai without waiting an hour in traffic.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Am I right? Am I right? Am I right? Here's my question to Tilleen, the cab driver or the Uber driver specifically. Can I not be your hobby? I hate when Uber drivers tell me that like, oh, you know what, I'm retired. And so I started driving an Uber because I just love talking to people.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Okay, I'm not paying you to do your fucking hobby. You know what I mean? Like if this is your hobby, I expect you to pay me. I'm paying you shut up. When I was an Uber driver, I would, I would like do a few feelers because sometimes people really want to talk and you're like working for that tip, you know, so like and that rating. So like I would do a few things. Oh, how was your day? And then
Starting point is 00:18:06 if they didn't want to talk, I just shut up. But I think that that was also like 10 years ago, where like Uber drivers were a little bit more social. But I find that nowadays, it's totally normal. They don't say anything, you don't say anything you get in and, you know, Godspeed, hopefully, you don't have a chatty one. But like, I think the days if I were to do Uber again, I just would not say a single thing to anyone. Really? Well, you know, I'm bitchy like that, but you know, I would be the chattiest one
Starting point is 00:18:32 out of everybody. Oh my God. Hi, where are you going? Oh, I've been there. Loved it. What are you going to order? Don't get the salmon just because you can get salmon anywhere. Why would you order salmon? I mean, really? No, you would stop. It's like, it's like going on 10 dates every single day. Like you're just, it's constantly first dates. Like, so how long have you been driving Uber? Oh, I just started a few weeks ago. Oh yeah. How long have you been driving Uber? It's over and over and over again. And then on my end it's like, so do you live here? No, no, no. Um, it's,
Starting point is 00:18:59 no, I know I was a waiter and I'm, and also I'm me. So I never get past a first date, you know that. So I've had lots of first dates. Like I'm totally used to, I was born for this. Bye. Yeah. I've actually met so many interesting people. There was actually one time I met someone
Starting point is 00:19:12 and he was so cool. I remember I drove him from Culver City to Los Feliz and we had like an amazing conversation. And it was like the sort of conversation where it's like, we should be friends. And I remember dropping him off there in Los Feliz village. And like there was like this awkward moment where we almost wanted to be like, we should hang out. And then it was like, but I'm your
Starting point is 00:19:33 driver and your passenger and I can't be the one I can't I can't initiate that because God's creepy of a driver and he can't initiate that because that's creepy of a driver and he can't initiate that because that's It's like uber Abby exhausted. I'm embarrassed. It's never happened to me in my life before. You know, I'm a very patient person. And she's like, you're like a Buddha, honey, a Buddha. And he's like, at some point though, enough is enough when you know, like what you weren't guilty because like, it wasn't acceptable.
Starting point is 00:20:22 She's calling you fake and everything at the table. So you were a little tipsy. So West, you didn't control your anger as much, you know, so you start giving that out and then you know Brooks and she knows how to get under your skin and yours too, because there you were yelling at a woman on national TV. Hmm. So make a call, make a call right now and just say, sorry, I don't care what's going on with your wife and that other lady. You look like a goddamn idiot with Chucky hair.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Call that lady and say you're sorry for yelling at her on TV. Please redeem yourself, Roth. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial. I'm Dan Tuberski. In 2011, something strange began to happen at the high school in Leroy, New York. I was like at my locker and she came up to me and she was like stuttering super bad. I'm like, stop f***ing around.
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Starting point is 00:21:25 You're, oh my gosh, you're exaggerating. Is this the largest mass hysteria since The Witches of Salem? Or is it something else entirely? Something's wrong here. Something's not right. Leeroy was the new dateline and everyone was trying to solve the murder. A new limited series from Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios. Hysterical. Follow Hysterical on the Wondery app
Starting point is 00:21:46 or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad free right now by joining Wondery+. My name is Georgia King, and I am thrilled to be the host of And Away We Go, a brand new travel podcast on Wondery+, where we'll be whisked away on immersive adventures all around the world. Where we go, what we do, what we eat, drink, and listen to
Starting point is 00:22:12 will all be up to my very special guests. We've got Ben Schwartz taking us on a whirlwind trip around Disneyland. We'll eat a bowl of life-changing pasta with Jimmy Oh Yang in Tuscany, Italy. And how do you feel about a spot of sugaring off with Emily Hampshire in Montreal? And Away We Go will immerse you
Starting point is 00:22:31 in some of the wonders of the world. We're gonna be seeing some yellows and vibrant oranges. And the shoes clicking against the cobblestone. If you're looking to get somebody in the mood, have them look at the Chicago skyline. You can listen to And Away We Go exclusively with Wondery+. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Georgia, do you know what joy sounds like?
Starting point is 00:22:54 I think I'm hearing it right now. So then Talene goes, Brooks knows me very well and she knows every button to push. After almost 10 years of friendship, I've seen a side of Brooks that I have not ever seen before. And so we come back and- That's not true, by the way. You've seen that side of her plenty. It's just never been directed at you, so it's always been funny to you. But now that it's directed at you, it's a problem. Get out of here, you hypocrite. You've enabled that for 10 years. Brooks didn't just come out of the box like that today. Okay? That kind of toxicity takes marination. It takes practice. It takes hard work. The levels that that lady has gotten to,
Starting point is 00:23:36 and you've been there to help create this monster, Dr. Frankenstein. Don't wuss out now. Have some pride. All she has to do is watch season one of the show also, by the way, it's just right there on display. Yeah, I'm sorry. Even easier than that. God, Ben, you're really going hard for Melissa Gorgon now. Jeez. So now we go back and she's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:23:56 I thought her apology to me at Ion's Beauty event was a genuine apology. Clearly it wasn't, because then I hear she's calling me a beggar, a beggar. Okay, Brooke says I begged her to be on the show and that destroyed, that destroyed me Clearly it wasn't because then I hear she's calling me a beggar, a beggar. Okay. Brooks says I begged her to be on the show and that destroyed that destroyed me because that is so far from the actual truth. I did not beg her to be on the show.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I merely wrote many, many emails asking, Hey, when are you going to shoot next? That's it. That's all I ever did. So I worked some cardboard around my neck that said, we'll work for a spot on Housewives. But come on. We'll give you a beer for a spot on Housewives. I don't know, what would be the, I don't know, I don't think you're supposed to say beggar anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:37 You're supposed to say person currently without a purse or something. Person who has specific requests. So you know what, Raph and I spent a year trying to figure out if this was right for us. A year, no, we did not beg to be on this show. We spent a year saying,
Starting point is 00:24:54 would this show be right for us? Write another letter to Bravo, ask them if they want to have us. I think that she was constantly asking to be on the show. But I did read somewhere, but who knows where it's from because all the housewives create their own press for these shows, you know what I mean? But I did read somewhere that she was supposed to be on the first season, but then wasn't, I guess,
Starting point is 00:25:13 but maybe that was her who was saying it, I don't know. So anyway, she's going on about that. And basically, I mean, all this fighting about the show when the show has like five people watching it is so sad. And also, I hate that there's not many people watching it because I really like it. People, I know this isn't going to help you, but you should watch it. Tell people to watch it. Go on, guys. Okay. So then, Sarah, Brooks is telling us, okay, now we're with Sarah and Brooks. I'm sorry, I got lost in our notes. So Brooks is like, Oh, Packy, I feel like I saved everything for the last minute. You told me I should bring leather stuff
Starting point is 00:25:48 to the sea or it's gonna get ruined. So now I'm like, what am I gonna pack now? What am I gonna pack if it's not leather? She's like, you can't wear leather to the ocean. I mean, who the hell wears leather to Bali? I mean, you might get attacked by a cow. So Brooks is like- I'm wearing snakeskin purse.
Starting point is 00:26:05 What if my snakeskin attacks your cow? Well, I know we're a day away from leaving. I was literally going to text you and tell you, I just, I don't feel like going because I was like, you, you know, she was no, I'll kill you if you don't come. I will kill you much like the snake was killed from my purse. Because no, I'll kill you if you don't come. I will kill you, much like the snake was killed from my purse. Much like you were almost killed at Caroline Stamberry's house for yelling in public. And Brooks is like, Look what just happened.
Starting point is 00:26:32 This girl's been one of my closest friends for years. I just feel betrayed. I feel betrayed. I absolutely can't come. I mean to think I would go to a party and start a fight with someone who would fight with me. And then I would follow them around the party yelling at them and then they would still fight with me. The absolute nerve of somebody like that to treat me like that. Can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm only human. Okay. She's hurt me. I brought her into my inner circle of friends. Then she goes and sips Caroline's Kool-Aid. I mean, that's the most ridiculous thing, even though actually I was best friends with Caroline also going into this season, which meant that I at one point also drank the Kool-Aid, but the point is there's only enough Kool-Aid for one person. She's drinking my Kool-Aid for Caroline, and all of a sudden she has turned her back on me. Sarah's like, let me just give you some heartfelt advice
Starting point is 00:27:19 that you've probably never heard before, because only someone who could truly know you as I do and know your heart as I do could give you advice like this. I just want you to open your heart." For fuck's sake, just check please. Every fucking time, like every time. What should we do about the economy? We should feel for each other and realize that everybody is just a dollar at the end of the day. A dollar with a heart, a dollar that… Jesus Christ, Sarah, do you have any real opinions about anything? What are her Yelp reviews like? It's like the dry cleaner. I just wanted the dry cleaner to open their spirit to me, and they did.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And I've never had a cleaner coat in my life, a coat that has wrapped me in not only cashmere, but love, actual love. Unfortunately, on the way out, we were attacked by a cashmere monster. But it's not really the fault of the dry cleaner. Yes. Many, many sheep surrounded me and bit my ankles. Cashmere monster. Yeah, she is. I mean, let's not forget this is a woman who started the season saying like, oh, you know, therapy is great, but I just, you know, got spiritually healed and I fixed everything in a second. I was like, okay, sure. I'm sure that really helped. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:36 Brooks is like, wait, why am I going to be stuck? Why am I going to go and be stuck on an island? Wait, is Bali an island? Why would I be stuck on an island with a fake-ass bitch like to lean? And yes, I'm not stupid. It's Indonesia, which is several islands. And what she did the other night was disgusting and unacceptable. I'm deeply hurt. Why would I ever go to a tropical paradise that's known worldwide as being one of the top. Parrot beautiful tropical destinations in the entire world. Why would I ever go there? It's like, don't act like you're not going to go to Bali when you're stuck in 150 degree weather in Dubai.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Also for free. Like, let's not forget it's free. Right. So then, um, they get to go on a plane and of course Chanel is dressed insanely insane, like a big gigantic tutu dress. And then Saba's like, hello, it is me, wacky Saba. I'm here in pajamas. I saw Erika Jayne do this on a television show, The Real Wives of Women in Beverly Hills. And it seemed like a very hilarious funny thing. So here's my personality, pajamas. So then, you know, everybody's just arriving and talking about Sergio comes. Okay,
Starting point is 00:29:52 so this is what happens. So, Stamberry walks in with Sergio, what's wrong with me? Stamberry walks in with Sergio with all of his luggage and she's like, he's coming. And they're like, no, no, please, no. He's like, why? coming. And they're like, no, no, please no. He's like, why, why cannot I come? Please, please let me come. Sergio, go off my legs, Sergio. I tried to hide him. I tried to distract him by leaving a trail
Starting point is 00:30:16 of pregnancy tests to the closet, where hopefully he would lock himself inside by accident and remain there for the next two weeks. But unfortunately, I happened to make a sniffle sound and he chased me out to the car. It was so close. Oh God, when that didn't work, I had to make a trail of actual eggs
Starting point is 00:30:34 from the car to the dumpster. And he actually followed those and put sperm on top of each one until I had to bring him back in the car. I said, Sergio, you're gonna get arrested. You can't do that in this neighborhood. He said, baby, we can't leave our babies here. I had to bring him back in the car. I said, Sergio, you're gonna get arrested. You can't do that in this neighborhood. He said, baby, we can't leave our babies here. I had to explain to him what an actual woman's egg was like on the way to the airport.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So anyway, he's here. It's neither here nor there. He's here, but at least it isn't one of the children, quote unquote, that he keeps seeing around the house. I swear we must be haunted because I've never seen them before in my life. So Chanel's like, no, but this is a girl's trip. No, you cannot.
Starting point is 00:31:08 No, she can't be. You can't be here. It's a girl's trip. I don't like that. I don't like that at all. And he's like, okay, okay, okay. It's a joke. It's a joke.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I'm not coming. I'm not coming. It's like Caroline's dream comes true. I'm not coming. Yeah. And Chanel really did get pissed off finally at that. And I felt bad for her because it was just a joke. Now you made her look like an asshole. And that wasn't fair, you know, and
Starting point is 00:31:32 she's like, the only thing that is left is us putting certain boots on Sergio and it's on the fucking dress and he's one of us. Well, I actually wouldn't mind. I think he'd be a good addition to this cast as housewife. He loves to get into the shit, you know, why not bring them on? I say, I say we could use, we could use anything we can get at this point. Let's try it. No, I'm actually going to Spain.
Starting point is 00:31:52 So I'm, I, these are my bags, but I'm going to Spain. Ladies don't tell Sergio this, but I booked him a flight to Angola. That should buy me about six months until he figures out a way back. So it goes courses. Honey, honey, this is for you actually. So you you can think of me. And it's a big poster of himself with bleach hair and flip flops. And I know that's supposed to be hilarious, but I've given people Christmas presents with my face on them. I gave all of my family members a big giant pillow with my face on it one year. And can you believe not one of those people still has it on the couch?
Starting point is 00:32:24 And that's why they're never getting anything again from me. Wow. That's you try to bring taste to the people. And, you know, you know, some people just sometimes it's that's why it's called avant-garde because it's before it's time. And that's just what you are. Thank you. So Caroline's like,, actually I'm pleasantly surprised. It's only a poster. I actually wouldn't have put it past Sergio to get on that plane one hour later. I wouldn't either. So they are going to their gates and everything and Sambury saying bye to Sergio.
Starting point is 00:32:58 No crying. No crying. God, what a soft man. Please don't leave me, honey. Please, baby. Ticky, ticky, baby. Please, baby. I'm the husband of the house. I'm the man of this airport, baby. Oh my God. Somebody just stand out there and be Sandra Bullock to comfort him. Sergio, even Sandra Bullock's leaving you now. No, Sandra, please no. Please no.
Starting point is 00:33:21 No. I swear, I will spend the next two weeks with me at every single plane I see in the sky in hopes that maybe one of them has you on it. No, don't leave me, Caroline! Sergio, you're the reason Sandra Bullock ended up on Bird Box. I'm far too wanted to get away from you. Sergio, if you were in that movie, it would be called Dread Floats. Okay. Get out. Bird brain. Bird brain. Bird brain. Stupid box.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Okay, so Saba, they get on the plane and we get the cell phone, the housewife cell phone footage from the plane, you know, and Saba's like, I'm asleep, asleep with my eyes closed. Isn't that hilarious? That was pajama humor. I wonder if they have chai tea. And then, um, now it's the morning, they're waking up and everything. They land in Bali and Sarah's like, oh, I absolutely adore Bali. I go there all the time. It's the place that I go to disconnect, recharge,
Starting point is 00:34:32 and annoy all the locals. People say the water in Bali holds a lot of positivity. So heal us Bali, heal us. Hmm. So now they're all wondering where Brooks is and their car is on the way over there. Cause you know, Brooks is purposely missing this so that she makes everyone talk about her, which totally works, you know. And Chanel goes, I'm thinking in my mind, did somebody
Starting point is 00:34:55 steal her? Are the organs on the market? Did somebody steal her eyes because the black people stuff is very expensive because of our melanin. Everybody's concerned for Brooks's life, but I have no concern for Brooks's life because I know that bitch can survive anywhere. And there's no way she left my house and died. Because guess what I've learned after many, many years of being married to two different imbeciles, dreams do not come true. different imbeciles. Dreams do not come true. So they go get rooms, their rooms are assigned. Well, they're not assigned, but they randomly pick keys. So that's how they get their rooms. And, you know, we see a private chef. As Sarah announces, so we don't argue, we picked randomly. So it's fair. Fair, everyone. Thank you, Sarah, for making picking the keys a
Starting point is 00:35:44 spiritual journey. Thank you. You're doing making picking the keys, a spiritual journey. Thank you. You're doing great work. You guys, I just, I asked the keys to open up their hearts and they did. I have the key to the hearts, the keys. So, um, she's like, uh, so basically everyone goes to their room and gets changed for dinner and all that stuff. And then, um, I'm sorry to. One thing that Caroline mentions that was earlier that I think we glossed over is that Caroline has a really good theory, which is that by being late,
Starting point is 00:36:12 the narrative becomes, oh my God, where's Brooks? I'm actually getting worried about her. Where's Brooks? Where's Brooks? And she's like, I'm not worried about Brooks because now no one's talking about how she acted like a monster at my party. Now people are just concerned for her wellbeing-being and it totally shifts the conversation away
Starting point is 00:36:29 from her terrible behavior. Yep, exactly. So then Sarah toasts and she's like, you know, let me, I love toasting to hearts. Okay. Bali, Bali is so full of energy and spiritualism and souls. So I wanted to set an intention that souls will be hearts and energy will be souls of hearts. And I just want to take some time to look deep within our hearts and our souls.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Cheers to souls. If there's anyone who loves saying set an intention, it is Sarah. She loves it. So Sabah turns to Talene and she's like, are you pledging on this trip that you're not going to start it in drama? Talene. She's like, no, stupid fucking bitch. Who are you anyway? I worked a year trying to get on this show and you pop up out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:37:19 This isn't right. Raph, where's Raph? So now they are talking about Brooks still being gone. And Lisa's like, this is very odd. I did make a joke with Sarah because I know that you and Caroline have unresolved issues. And I was like, well, if they don't resolve it, I hope one of them doesn't show up. Now, unfortunately, it was the one that I like.
Starting point is 00:37:40 They didn't show up. But still. Well, I want to clear that up. Actually on this trip, I was going to have a big scene and Chanel goes, oh, well, I heard that you were chasing her at Caroline's somebody's house saying, oh, where's your husband? Where's your husband? Ah, don't do it.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Don't go there. Don't go there. When I said I don't want drama right now, that's dirty, right? That's dirty. That's dirty. What you're doing right there, it's dirty. I don't like it whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:38:04 First of all, ma'am, welcome to your first season. Don't come for Chanel. Are you fucking crazy? You're lucky. You're lucky she's in a very good mood today. She doesn't deserve that. And you don't deserve that kind of screen time yet. You know what I mean? Make it out of the little leagues with Brooks before you try Chanel. Second of all, what was my second of all? Oh yeah. Second of all, this is- Second of all, you're out of the country. You're out of the country, so enjoy cursing and getting into some big, loud fights, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, and third of all, Brooks is, this is so Brooks to tell everybody, oh, she was chasing me around the party. Brooks was literally chasing her around the party, continually trying to trigger her because she wasn't getting enough of a reaction. So she kept chasing her around the party. So that's so Brooks to be lying about it. And I actually love it. And I actually liked that Talene is here to play and she doesn't
Starting point is 00:38:53 even care. She's like, well, I'm ready to fight with Brooks and she's not here. So don't even start it. Don't start it, honey. And yeah, and basically it's just like, yeah, I was there. I did not see her chase down Brooks whatsoever. And, um, and Sarah's like, Oh, let's not have this conversation. I want to set an intention to not have this conversation because Brooks is not here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:16 As the ambassador to Brooks from Brooks land, I want to say, please no discussion. Thank you. Unless it's Sarah, who's literally talking behind someone's back in every scene of the show. So then Talene's like, well, look, all I said is if she was here, I would sort it out with her. I'm not trying to open a Pandora's box, you know, okay? The night is very sensitive subject for me. And everyone here knows that, oh my God, hold on. I feel something on my back. Oh God. Could you cut this off? Does it say Brooks?
Starting point is 00:39:46 Just cut it off. Just cut it off. Well, thank God it's that and not another one of your stupid parachutes. So they the chef in the middle of this, the chef wheels out a giant Parmesan wheel and starts making pasta in it. And she knows, Oh, God, read the room, bro. Read the room. Parmesan wheel of pasta. Who does that? The only housewife who did that believably was Kyle Richards. Do you remember when Kyle Richards looked like they just put a pile of cocaine down in front of her? She was like, I don't need that.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Who eats that? Like, maybe I'll have a bite. Okay, I'll have another bite. Give me another bite. Yeah, I will never forget that scene. That was an amazing scene. But these women don't have any interest in it. And she's like, I don't know why Lisa arranged for us to eat Italian and Bali. We should be eating noodles. No. So, um, totally. And it's like, Oh, I didn't even know they had Parmesan cheese in Bali. Like, seriously. Also, the celebrity chef, whoever it is, Lisa found him, he's so a celebrity chef. He's like, ladies, guess what we're having? Parmesan wheels.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I know this guy who Luca is. All I know is that he lives on the second floor and that's about it. So, Stan Burry tells us, look, I'll eat anything at this point, literally anything. Ideally, it will be Sergio's heart, destroy him, never have to hear him speak again. And that would be fine. So by the way, Sarah, has your boyfriend met your parents? And Sarah's like, Oh, no, you know, I want him to, you know, I want him to make it official, but I don't know when because I'm still testing, you know, and she says somewhere in here that they're taking it slow, which I think is hilarious because last episode she's like, when are you moving to Dubai?
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah. So yeah, Stambury is like, that's why I said to you, you need to live together. She goes, we can't do that. She goes, yes, you can. No, we can't. And so I was like, we can't do that in our culture. I mean, we have to marry the man. We can't just live with them. And she's like, are you Arab? He's like Pakistani. She goes, Oh, God, that's the same thing. Yes, it's the same thing. She's like, Tommy is like, Yeah, I mean, I think like living with someone like that super important guys, like you, you, but you should do it. You should definitely do it. Like, I don't think you're understanding. We cannot live with the man before marriage. All right, can I just say this? And I don't want to, I don't think you're understanding. We cannot live with the man before marriage.
Starting point is 00:42:05 All right, can I just say this and I don't want to, I don't want to hurt anybody's religion or anything like that. Just want to say this one word, disgusting. All right, carry on. Carry on. I mean, how do you know if you have a giant man, baby, like Sergio, you need to test the waters a little bit. So she goes, Sarah tells us that like, you know, that no, that's in her culture that they don't do that or anything like that. And then the Antillines like you guys
Starting point is 00:42:30 officially yet? No, no, not my boyfriend. And they're just going on it. And she's saying that she just wants this is where she says she just wants to take things slow with Akim. And Akim respects the fact that she wants to take her time and doesn't want to rush. She just wants him to give up his entire life in Germany and move to a foreign land for a second date. That's it. Yeah. And then suddenly become a billionaire so he can take care of her. Divorced beheaded died. Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived. We know the six wives of Henry VIII
Starting point is 00:43:09 as pawns in his hunt for a son, but their lives were so much more than just being the king's wives. I'm Arisha Skidmore Williams. And I'm Brooke Zifrin. And we're the hosts of Wondry's podcast, Even the Royals. In each episode, we'll pull back the curtain
Starting point is 00:43:23 on royal families, past and present, from all over the world to show you the darker side of what it means to be royalty. We rarely see Henry VIII's wives in their own light as women who used the tools available to them to hold on to power. Some women won the game, others lost, but they were all unexpected agents in their own stories.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Being a part of a royal family might seem enticing, but more often than not, it comes at the expense of everything else, expected agents in their own stories. Being a part of a royal family might seem enticing, but more often than not, it comes at the expense of everything else, like your freedom, your privacy, and sometimes even your head. Follow even the royals on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Go deeper and get more to the story with Wondery's top history podcasts, including American Scandal, Legacy, and Black History for Real. including American scandal, legacy, and black history for real. So then, uh, Tling goes, well, so are you guys official? They're like, oh my God, most frustrating people to talk to, whoever they just never let it go. Caroline was like, so when are you moving in?
Starting point is 00:44:18 Yeah. Let me just say, listen, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, uh, threaten to not live with somebody until you've married them. Do you see what I'm saying? You're doing it all backwards in this country. So they're like, no, it's not my boyfriend. So then, Stambury is cracking up because Chanel's laughing with the big party headpiece going, let's party, let's party. And then Stambury kind of smacks it. And she's like, I had to I had to do it. Absolutely had to tell him.
Starting point is 00:44:47 They're having a great time because Brooks isn't there. And they're having one of those moments where it's like, isn't it funny? Like how much more fun we have when this one person isn't here. And they're all like, it's the best we have so much more fun without Brooks. So they're partying, they're having a great time. And Chanel's saying how like when she's traveling, she is not a wife or mother, she is it's on time. And so she's like, dancing a lot and getting drunk and having a wild time.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And Lisa's like, you have a very bony vagina. She gets a lot of dance. So then they're partying and dancing. And then Stambury is like, yes, Brooks wasn't on the plane. And we've actually had a great time. Mom's gone wild right now. It's amazing how one's energy can affect so many people. Oh God. Why, why is everybody around here sobbing? Oh God, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:45:36 My phone's on silent, but Sergio's calling. God amazing how that works. They're saying on the news that there's been a massive spike of emigration from Spain. Apparently there's a very annoying person there that's making everyone want to leave right away. They call it the Sergio effect. Okay, so then Brooks comes down, walking in like doing her slow motion model walk. Why are you walking so slowly?
Starting point is 00:46:02 It's slow motion. Leave it alone. It's like doing your own slow motion. She comes in and they all hug and to lean hugs Brooks and like what the fuck. And so I was like, first of all, I wanted to kill you. Like snake on snake action, you know, because I thought something really happened to you. Thank God I'm setting an attention to say thank God right now.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I needed a minute. It was hours before I started to go to the airport. And I was just like, you know what, I'm not going, you know, because it's just like the stress, stress was just so high for me. But then I woke up this morning and I felt better. So I came. And tell me, well, I'm happy she's alive. I was really scared. But like, I'm also worried because everything's going to be going so well. And now Brooks is here, like the whole dynamic might change. I'm holding my'm, I'm holding my breath. I'm holding my breath.
Starting point is 00:46:48 So Stambury sneezes and Lisa's like, who are you allergic to girl? She's like, sorry, Sergio, Sergio. I'm sorry. He's had a vision of Sergio. No matter where I go, I've still got a little dander of his on his clothing. He just can't escape it. Sometimes I just try to sneeze out his essence. What are you trying to do with your leg?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Are you kicking? No, I'm trying to cross my leg. But unfortunately, when Sergio is not here, I get phantom Sergio just holding on to my leg. It's quite heavy. Let me cross this. Honey, honey, honey, honey. Honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey. So Brooks then says, well, I decided to go because Helene's drama is not big enough for
Starting point is 00:47:30 me to ruin everybody's trip. And the funny part about it is all the girls left before me for eight hours, but we all arrived at the same time. And that's the difference between flying private and commercial. I'm like, you literally did not arrive at the same time. They've been there for hours. They went out to dinner. They've been partying. You literally came at the same time. They've been there for hours. They went out to dinner. They've been partying.
Starting point is 00:47:45 You literally came at a different time. We know you did not fly private. No one believes that your ass flew private, I'm sorry. And she's like, oh God, she did not come by private jet. That would have been a quarter of a million dollar trip. The only jet she may have been on is economy strapped to some wing with her bags at the back. I can assure you.
Starting point is 00:48:06 We call that Sergio class. So Brooks is then like, so he has to get along. At least he's like, yes, for one, like, so don't come around and start nothing. So they're like, okay, fun. So they dance and have fun and everything and it's great. And they have a fun rest of the night. And now we move on to Bali day two. Dun dun dun. I like that they were all partying. They're like let's do a party party party. It's time to go to bed right? Yeah let's go to bed. It's like it just suddenly all stopped and they were like do we have to do this anymore? Let's go to bed. It's ridiculous. Yeah it's like on Real Houses of Beverly Hills when they shoot footage of them like having the best time in the club
Starting point is 00:48:45 and they all go to bed and it's only like 11, 20 p.m. So then Sarah goes to Brooks's room and she's like, why didn't you text me, babe? I was so worried. It was like crazy. I like, I was about to call the police and ask them to open their hearts. You know what? I just want to address the elephant in the room so we can have a good time. So Brooks,
Starting point is 00:49:08 I just want to just reassure you that last night we set an intention. Yes, it happened. We set an intention. I know it's shocking. Oh, really? Well, is Talene apologized for being fake and a meddler in a pot stir? Where's that intention? Where the intention I got an apology and I miss that intention. So well, since we set the intention, which we definitely set the intention about, let's set an intention to talk about the intention that we set. I'm gonna talk about fucking intention. I am you know, hold her accountable for the things that she's done. That's my
Starting point is 00:49:42 intention. 100% 100% 100% So then we now they're going to go on a She's done. That's my intention. A hundred percent, a hundred percent, a hundred percent. So then we, now they're going to go on a catamaran. And so, which by the way is like, you know, you're on the cheaper end of the Bravo spectrum when they get you a catamaran instead of a yacht. I've noticed that like in its early seasons, they get a catamaran. I feel like Dallas may have gotten a catamaran at one point, not sure. And like Vanderpump rules gets catamaran. I feel like Dallas may have gotten a catamaran at one point, not sure. And like Vanderpump rules gets catamarans.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And you know that you're struggling to just be positive about your job when you're not even complaining about the catamaran because most housewives are like, what the fuck? What is this? A pontoon? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Vanderpump rules, I mean, there was that pontoon. They finally got up to catamaran from pontoon status.
Starting point is 00:50:24 It took a while. And they also had like weird booze cruise pirate ship at one point. Catamaran means you've not quite arrived yet on Bravo. Well, this is immediately worrisome because it's a boat and it's Bravo. And this just never ends well. So then, which by the way, is kind of a sad thing about this show. It's a bad omen for this show that this one wasn't so bad. Like the boat was fine. It's like, oh my God, they're going on a boat ride.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And it's like, oh, everything's fine. And that worried me for this show because things should not be fine on a boat ride, you guys. You're not doing your boat. They're right. Never. So they're getting on the boat and everything. And Chanel tells us, well, of course I've been on the boat.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I am Somali. We are the best paddocks since the 1800s. But I've never been in the deep ocean. You know what? Why would I go in there? There is gene. You know what gene is, right? They are people that we cannot see that live there and they talk to you. They look at the water and then you fall in love with them. And then they grab you in there and either they kill you or fuck you. And I'm not planning to get killed or fucked today. So basically, you know, those are things I cannot see. Okay. No genes for me. Okay. Well, that's, those are things I cannot say. Okay. No gins for me. Okay. Well, that's, there's one reason anybody else, anybody else have a reason they don't want to go in the water. So then, um, the Brooks, no, I don't think,
Starting point is 00:51:36 I don't think anything is going to beat that one. I don't want to get fucked or killed today, so I'm not going to go in there. So, um, see So, let's see, so they're giving a toast about how much they love open hearts and stuff like that. And then Brooks is talking to Ayaan and she's like, the Tzaliya Tzidaw is not the Tzaliya I've known for eight years. I don't even know who that person is. I don't even know who it is. And Chanel's like, well, here's what I hear. She's hurt, you're hurt, the water wants to stick its penis inside of me.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Oh my God, leave me alone. I'm coming, I'm coming. She immediately falls for the gin. One thing I'm not gonna do on this trip is fall for the gin. God, I'm turned on right now, why? Something invisible and the water wants to fuck me and I'm so horny for it.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So Brooks, I don't know if I'm ready to have this conversation. I'm too hurt. I'm too hurt. I'm just gonna bring it up and every time the cameras on me, I'm just gonna keep bringing it up every single time. And yeah, she's like, you know, Ion is on a mission to try to be the healer, the guru. I don't know if she sipped the Bali seawater, which Sara told me is a healing water, okay?
Starting point is 00:52:50 And like, she thinks she's Gandhi, which is Gandhi of course is not based in Indonesia, but in India, but regardless, today's not the day that I feel like it's appropriate to talk to Saleem. When I feel like I'm ready to talk to my friend Ayaan, I will talk to her. Tom So then, Stambury and
Starting point is 00:53:07 Brooks sit around together and she's like, I know you're basically Stambury. She goes, yes. Tali Well, what I chose to do was more so just disengage because maybe that wasn't the right answer, but that's what I was advised to do in my healing. So once I'm healing, okay, she says, I love you, darling, but you're on a spiritual healing journey. I'm dead. I'm dead. Right? This is not what is this spiritual healing? Has Brooks just been watching Salt Lake City, but she's saying that she disengaged and is on a healing journey on the same sentence. She's just taking the greatest hits from that
Starting point is 00:53:41 show. Yeah. She's like, you know what that girl needs is back it up. The girl really needs to back it up, right? She's got a vagina. She's got a vagina like a Holland tunnel, you know, which is in Indonesia, I'm not stupid. Let me tell you something about my healing journey. It's going really well. And if you don't believe me, I've got receipts, proof,
Starting point is 00:54:03 timeline, screenshots. So, Kisem Bray is basically like, no, you're not on a healing journey. You're just on a stupid journey. You're on a journey of stupidity right now. I'm dead, dead at the entire idea of it. Because now, shut the fuck up. You're being a shit.
Starting point is 00:54:18 But you're very prickly. I actually gave up on you, okay? Oh, so you think the healing made me worse? No, you used to be so forthright. Everyone knew exactly where they stood with you or even if they had to stand a little bit lower because the toilet in your glass house, but now Sarah talks for you. So it's like you're the president and we have to go through a third person and just made a lot worse, not Sergio worse, but pretty worse. And I think you need to stop the healing. You were better before like me when I was single.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Yeah. And so Stambury is basically like, you know, all this chick is doing with her healing is traumatizing everybody else. Like, I don't know how that's healing, you know? She's like, I mean, all she's really doing is deflecting. And it's true. And it's what I always say, like, some people I think therapy is really good for, and some people should not even be allowed into therapy because it's just a lesson in manipulation. It's just a lesson to use words as a weapon against people. It's like, oh, they don't like when I'm yelling. Okay, instead of calling them all names, I'll figure out different ways to passive aggressively treat everybody like shit, you know? And I think people like Brooks totally use it like that.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And so Stamber is like, I mean, come on, did you really fly on a private jet, Brooks? She goes, yes, I did. And who's funding that? She's like, don't go there, Samary. Do not go there. Do not go there. Well, you can't even be that good in bed. You know, what does what does what does that good in bed even look like for you?
Starting point is 00:55:41 Because, you know, it's a secret. I'm not I'm not going to give you the blueprint unless you're divorced. Okay, well I didn't want the blueprint. Last time I used the blueprint, I had stuck in Michael's house for three years with a man baby. I like my 28 year old without a plane. Thank you. And so now we cut to people swimming in the water and to
Starting point is 00:55:59 lean like I just, I'm having fun with Brooks today because I want to enjoy the strip as much as I, oh, sorry. I was being Brooks. Uh, I want to enjoy the strip as much as I oh sorry I was being Brooks I want to enjoy this trip as much as I can because I mean what am I gonna be in Valley again with Brooks? And you know what I do. I do want to enjoy it with Brooks. I do I do Brooks Can I borrow that bathing suit top? So Then there's just like more silliness the swimming and fun and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:56:30 And, um, and then like Chanel is telling us like, Oh, a few days ago, uh, the most juiciest voice notes landed in my WhatsApp. And I'm like, Oh my God, I have to share this. And then we see a flashback of Chanel with Talene and Stonbury and she plays the voice note from Sarah. And Sarah's voice note says, even if I'm not a Brooks fan, I will still not stand for that.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And that is true, but babe, you know I'm not your biggest fan as well, right? Dun, dun, dun. Wait, Sarah says Brooks is amazing and she never sees any bad, and finally she's seeing it, but now she won't admit it. Hmm, ding, ding, ding., starts rubbing her invisible goatee.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And now it's dinner time. And Sarah's like, okay, well, tomorrow is the spirituality and pray part. All right, is everybody ready to open your heart to me, baby? Are we going to set an intention to listen to Madonna? And Brooks is like, well, on the topic of healing today, I'm the Carol ran. Caroline told me she feels as though the healing part is odd to her. And Sarah's like, Oh, so you like the old Caroline Brooks more? The season one version?
Starting point is 00:57:40 Really? And Lisa's like, why would you want your friend to be in a toxic space? Why do you think she shouldn't be healed? Yes, that's what she's saying, everybody. She's saying that she shouldn't be healed. That's exactly what she's saying. So, she's like, I didn't say she shouldn't be healed. I said that when she speaks to me, I understand her language, but the language she's speaking to me now, we don't. She's like, oh, put an effort to get to know the new her maybe. How about that? Maybe you should open your heart to the new intention that is my intention friend, alright? And after experience with hearing, maybe she's
Starting point is 00:58:12 healing with her traumas and you should learn the healed, the trauma-less Brooks. Try that. You know, always talking for her and Sarah goes, I'm not talking for her, I'm just explaining. For instance, wait we hold on one second. Could someone please pass the water for Brooks? She's thirsty right now. Please, quickly. She's parched. You're doing it right now. She goes, well, if I defend Brooks when you speak about her and if she's not there or when she's there and she can't get the words out right and I help her or if she's in line at the ice cream place calling someone dirty names and I tell her to concentrate on the ice cream flavors. I mean, it's just because I'm there and that's
Starting point is 00:58:47 what I do. It's called ice cream ordering when you're friends with somebody whose heart is open to you. And then Sabah chimes in and she goes, And the reason why you have such issue with Brooks being close to Sarah and Sarah speaking to Brooks, by the way, she doesn't speak for her. It's called being there for your friends the way that I'm sure Sarah will always be there for me when I'm in need. To say you gotta love Sabah coming in
Starting point is 00:59:13 in the speaking for other people fight to speak for Sarah. Like Sarah can't do it on her own. And Stambury is like, well, since we're being so honest, if Sarah really was such a good friend, she needs to have accountability. That voice note you played us, for example. So I was like, damn, I mean, this is totally throwing Chanel under the bus, which we find out in a second. But why should everybody else get to deflect? Now they're going to make this whole thing. Brooks gets to show up late and make the whole thing about poor Brooks maybe not being okay. She still didn't have to account for
Starting point is 00:59:44 the party behavior. And now she's made it all about, oh, Caroline doesn't want me to have good mental health, everybody. Now they're coming to Caroline. She's like, fuck you. You're not the only one who can switch the conversation. And Brooks is like, well, what voice now? And Tony's, oh, we're going there. And Chanel's like, oh, okay, you want to go there? Great. I'm like, Chanel, don't act surprised. You guys were literally hatching this plan this afternoon on the catamaran. She's like, I cannot wait till I play the voice night dinner tonight. Now she's like, oh, you can't okay, you want to go there? Great. I'm like, Chanel, don't act surprised. You guys were literally hatching this plan this afternoon on the catamaran. She's like, I cannot wait till I play the voice night dinner tonight. Now she's like, oh, oh, so we're gonna go there. Okay, okay, punch. And so, Stamberry says, there's so much hypocrisy in this group. Sarah's saying she's completely healed an amazing person and you want to call me out.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I'm gonna call you out for your behavior. Let's all sing from the same handbook here, shall we? I'm going to call you out for your behavior. Let's all sing from the same handbook here. Shall we? So then the Sarah's like, well, what, what voice note you've been talking about. So now Chanel's like, okay, well, uh, I played a voice note of you saying basically that Brooks needed to take accountability or something like that. And Lisa goes, what? The voice note that I sent you.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Cause we at this point did not realize that Lisa was being messy by sending it to Chanel initially. Yes. And now we finally find out the reason for the Chanel and Lisa rift, because we've known it's coming all season, but we haven't really known why. And so it turns out it is a voice note betrayal. And she's like, yes, I'm sorry, I did play it. And she goes, oh, that is messy. And she's like, I'm sorry, Lisa, I put you in a bad situation. And she's like, that's fucked up because I sent that to you privately just to ask
Starting point is 01:01:10 you if she said what I thought she said. No, you were messy first. But I think you're allowed to be messy with your best friend. You know what I mean? Yeah, totally. You're totally allowed to be like, oh my God, look at Sarah saying this, right? Yeah. I mean, Lisa was the one who betrayed Sarah. So part of me is like, you don't really get to be mad, but you do allowed to be like, oh my God, look at Sarah saying this, right? Yeah, I mean, Lisa was the one who betrayed Sarah.
Starting point is 01:01:25 So part of me is like, you don't really get to be mad, but you do get to be mad, because that's your best friend. Yeah, so she's now like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But Lisa's like, well, now that all trust is gone, I cannot trust you now, I cannot trust you. And now it says to be continued.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Yeah, this is so much worse, because not only is it a betrayal, but she just handed Stambury Lisa's mortal enemy, the ammunition. And so it's like a double stab in the back. Yeah. Shame. We'll have to see how it plays out next week. But you know,
Starting point is 01:01:56 what an absolute shame. Yeah. Well, we'll be back next week with more Dubai. In the meantime, go check out Dwell Hello. That's new this week, which is our House Hunters recap over on One Tree Plus, and our videos and bonus episodes for Love Island over on PetriHall. We love you guys, we'll talk to you next time. Bye.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Bye. Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alice in King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Stroll in the park with Kaitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trick-a-lis. She's never scary, it's the green fairy. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Hava Nagila Webber. Know your worth with Jason Curr. Zip some scotch with Jessica Trotch.
Starting point is 01:02:45 She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. We wanna hang with Liz Lang. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD.
Starting point is 01:03:06 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Kaitlyn O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite
Starting point is 01:03:26 Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podchadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible, edible Matthew Sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell, pour Rachel. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon, If you like Watch What Crappens, you can listen ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at slash survey.

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