Watch What Crappens - #2498 RHOC S18E03: Poor Judgment at Flog Football

Episode Date: July 26, 2024

The Real Housewives of Orange County get together for flag football and it’s poor on poor as the ladies kick Jen while she’s down. Ah well, at least we get to watch Alexis stalk Shannon s...ome more. Watch this recap as a video and get our Love Island bonus episodes at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondry Plus subscribers can listen to Watch Your Crappins ad free right now. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple Podcasts. Well, hello and welcome to What What Crappens? The podcast for all that crap we love to talk about on EOBROVS. I'm Ronnie. Guess who I'm with? He's handsome. He's cute. He's young.
Starting point is 00:00:40 He's thin. He's talented. He's got nice hair. It's Ben. Ben Mandelker. Hi, Ben. Hi. Hi, how are you? How's it going? Good. What's been going on with you, babes? You know, just finishing a lovely week here on Crap-Ins, really fun times, getting ready for the Olympics. It's good times. What about you?
Starting point is 00:00:58 It's right now. They're starting right now while we're on this podcast. They're actively happening. These are like 10 minutes. We're recording right when they start. We should be watching it, but guess what? Merkka, sorry, we're putting you on hold. Pory, we're putting you on hold as well. World, we're putting you all on hold for Real Housewives of Orange County. But today is a big day. We were on Melissa, or well, I wasn't, Ben was on Melissa Gorgas' On Display podcast, found everywhere you listen to podcasts. And we were both on the Ryan Bailey, So Bad It's Good with Ryan Bailey podcast from Betches Media. So go check those both out, both super fun reviews.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And- And also the LA Times. Right, it was in the LA Times. I was fortunate enough to talk about Love Island USA in the LA Times, so go check out that article. And I mean, you guys have heard me say everything about Love Island USA, but if you wanna hear just a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:01:46 check that out. It's there. He's in it. It's a big article in the Hollywood Times. That's crazy. Congrats, Ben. Thank you. That's really cool. It's crazy. Okay, so here we are. Where? Where are we? Real Housewives of Orange County. Real Housewives another Hornscount, yeah. Real Housewives, another hilarious, hilarious episode. Doing really well this season so far. What'd you think? Well, fun time. So we start where we left off, which is Gina being an asshole.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Gina poor shaming somebody and then storming out of a coffee shop, yelling and screaming for being interrupted, even though she never stopped talking one time in her terrible train conductor hat. So, that was super fun. Took me a while to kind of wind down. But I'll tell you, Gina has this talent of just like making it okay later. And then I'm like, oh, poor Gina, literally. But like, she went on to watch what happens and she's just so not, like she comes off as just so nice. She's like, whatever, you know, I didn't mean it. And I really care about everyone. I really care for her so much. I hope it's okay. And I'm like, oh, Gina's nice. And then I start reading my notes from last week and I'm like, no, fuck Gina still. Really, this show is pretty good at making me mad at new people all the time because
Starting point is 00:02:57 this week is really Emily. Fuck off, Emily. My God. She's so mean. I think she thinks she's being funny, but it's just like when you're a rich person making fun of a person who's getting everything repossessed and they're getting kicked out. I know we do it, but that's not our friend group. You know what I mean? And we don't do it in real life. We do it to TV characters. And I know that it's hypocritical that I'm explaining it for myself, but not for somebody
Starting point is 00:03:21 else. But it really is just gross watching Emily make poor jokes about somebody. It's gross. And it just makes me want her to lose all of her money. And I just know that she won't because she's just so fucking responsible. And then that makes me so mad. I'm mad at her for being responsible. It's just all a big wad of unfairness and weird feelings I've got over here. Pete Wow. Yeah, that's a big, I mean, that's definitely a lot of emotions to have to I mean, that's definitely a lot of emotions to have to grapple with. I'm with you in terms of Gina. Like she does con you.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Like by the end of the episode, I was like, oh, you know, Gina was nice. She was just, you know, her people, her people. Cause she does that thing where her voice shakes and she goes, no, I just, I feel bad. I feel bad. I really do. I didn't mean to say that to you.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And you're like, oh, that's nice of Gina. But that's like, no, you were a dick. I'm sorry, you were a dick. And then even after you were nice in that moment, you then still say things that are Dick ish. So I think that like Gina, you know what? I'm not going to, I'm not going to let off. I'm going to say she's a Dick through and through.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But I switched to Emily, right? Yeah. Or by the way, that wasn't you. I just know I went to five things, but you know how I say people's families, I say things incorrectly all the time. So I just wanted to make sure it's not like a Kenny versus Kendall thing on Love Island where I'm like, Oh, I go on a ramp for 10 minutes about the wrong person, you know, I didn't, I don't remember Emily.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I don't really remember Emily doing anything above and beyond her normally sort of her normal normally her normal Emily kind of shady comments. But you know, I'm sure as we go through the notes, the single- Well, and also like, I don't need more boudoir scenes of Emily, like enough. How many do you get to do? And also if you're gonna do them,
Starting point is 00:04:52 then just fucking do them, Emily. Don't come here and then cry about how insecure you are. Cause it's bullshit and I'm sick of hearing it. You are not insecure. This is like your third boudoir shot of the series. No one's done three boudoir shots and a strip show for your father-in-law. So please get off the whole like, I'm so insecure. No, you're not. You're naked all the time on here. And good for you. You shouldn't be insecure,
Starting point is 00:05:13 by the way. You're gorgeous and you look great in all your boudoir shots, but enough with the foe, since with the foe, like wah, wah. Okay. Just take your boudoir shots. Okay. We know you don't have a plot. Take your damn boudoir shots and be fine with it. You know, I'm fine with the girl goes to Claire's as a storyline. Yeah. So the episode, we're back in this coffee shop and many people pointed out that Gina stormed out without even having a bite of her enormous croissant, which is really a crime against croissants and pastries, especially today, day one of the Paris Olympics. How do you just leave a croissant on the table like that? That's just not what you do. So arms off and she's like, I don't have time for this bullshit.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Like, fuck this girl, fuck this girl. I don't have time for this. You literally have all the time in the world for Regina. You're doing nothing with your time, selling like one, you know, split level home every three weeks. Like you can hang out and eat your croissant. And then it just cuts to Jen stuck in the coffee shop after just being screamed at in public staring at the croissant. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:10 thank you, croissant. Thank you for being there for me. You're so sweet, croissant. I really appreciate everything. If it's direct, ma'am, we're taking this croissant. Nope. It's my only friend. Those Mike. Well, thank you. Thank you for being here while you were here, croissant. Thank you so much. She does just sit there. She just sits there with the croissant. I think she thinks that Gina is going to come back or something like that. But instead, Gina is gets into her
Starting point is 00:06:30 car and drives off and calls up Emily. And I'm like, Oh, my god, Emily, I just met up with Jen and I'm in utter shock of how this woman just is choosing to handle the situation. utter shock. Like what, how was she handling the situation? She could barely say three words to explain herself. And then Jen calls Shannon and Shannon's like, Oh, well, you look pretty. Good for you. Thank God you're not walking on a beach right now. Otherwise, John Johnson might invite you to the quiet woman. And she's like, Oh, I thought I was calling a croissant. I just made really
Starting point is 00:07:04 good friends with the croissant. Just totally disrespected me in a coffee shop. But what you'll do. So anyway, I just need to bend your ear for a second. So I met with Gina and she was just so mean to me. I mean, she said I get my hair done and I get my tracks tightened and I need to pay my fucking rent. Shannon's like, Oh, I'm sorry, but I've been there. David Bidor. I was like, can we not say David Bedor or John? Let the woman cry Shannon. Jesus. I mean, I understand her frustration because she went out on a limb. By the way, my ear sort of hurts after you bending it a little bit. And then we have a flashback of Gina
Starting point is 00:07:37 once again telling Shannon, I vouched for her. I vouched for her. You know what? And it cost me $50,000. It's like, I don't think it cost you $50,000. Like it was probably. That's bullshit. Yeah, that's not why you lost that deal. It does not not to do with severed relationship due to Jen. If somebody buys a car, OK, if somebody gets a loan for a car and the car dealer is like, OK, we approved you for this loan
Starting point is 00:08:03 and then they drive off with the car dealer is like, okay, we approved you for this loan. And then they drive off with the car and crash it. The dealer who sold them that car is not losing car deals because they've lost reputation based on what the customer did after the sale. It's just silly. It doesn't make any sense. She was so full of shit, Gina. If people aren't calling you back, you need to look within yourself. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:20 It's not because someone's husband stopped paying their rent. I'm sure that happens in Orange County. Yeah. So Jen's like, you know, I don't even have a judgment yet. Thank you so much. And divorce is still not final. I don't even have temporary support. So I just feel bad Shannon. But at the end of the day, as a woman who's lived in a casita, I thought back to Gina. She's like, I mean, she says I should sympathize out of all people. Yeah, because like I'm in a situation where I'm not waiting on a check from my ex. Excuse you. You were in a situation where you moved to a casita because you had to. The minute you got cut off, you did something, which is what she did. The minute she got cut off, she did something. I just don't like this. It bugs me. And also, Gina had the paycheck
Starting point is 00:09:04 from the show. It's not like Gina was out there working at a target the second that her husband left her she was she was doing this show to get her paycheck. Oh, the hypocrisy. Yeah, I just I just find that new hip new hypocrisy. Jesus just like I agree very hypocritical and full of it and just like so she's just really made it all about her. She's made Jen's situation all about her.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I mean, is Jen irresponsible? Totally, yeah. I mean, it's like not great to be like, oh yeah, I've never had a credit card. I never really looked at the bills, yada, yada, yada. That's not responsible. But like Gina is making herself the victim in this situation when Jen is really the one
Starting point is 00:09:43 who is the victim of both this situation of being evicted and the victim of maybe her own sheltered upbringing. Who knows what it is, but like it's not Gina. Gina is not high on the list of victims in this situation. So then she's like, I live in a casino. Like we know Gina. Okay. So we see a tour of her casita where she's like this is my bed and that's my couch I was like, well, welcome to the fucking world. Okay, I believe at that time I was also living in a bed where you could see my cat look my pets right behind me currently So everybody take a good look and cry for me cry for me. Yes, Tina. So Gina's like, you know, you have a lifestyle and you have a marriage and with that's over it comes with sacrifice and she's not willing to downsize her home when she clearly can't afford it.
Starting point is 00:10:29 She didn't know she couldn't afford it at the time. She thought her husband was going to pay, give her a second, you know. This is coming from the woman who later on says that the issues between her and Travis is that she's making money, but he's not making enough money and he doesn't want, she doesn't want to spend the money. She wants to spend the money on our kids, but she can cover three, but not six. And then she feels bad because of that and it creates resentment. When they themselves could just move to a cheaper area code. So like she, I mean, like aren't they already living six kids in two bedrooms or something
Starting point is 00:10:59 over there? Yeah. But what I'm saying is that she's very much like, well, whatever, you know, to make it work, you do what it is to make it work and how she and like and her other storyline. She's like, well. I don't my money doesn't like it doesn't cover enough to be happy with all six kids so well. I mean look, I get that that could hurt the other kids feelings and stuff, but I'm not here to pay your dad's bills either. What the fuck does Travis do? I mean, I'm just I'm totally team gene on that one.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Like get the hell out of here. I am just saying her logic does not fully it doesn't fully go through right? Like it's like if you're saying that you don't have enough extra money after you've done all your expenses or whatever to spend just to do what you want to do to do it on your all six children. It's like so as a result, Travis is moving out. Well, we know it's more than that because there's this X, but she says this is she tells the girls this is her reason. But at the same time, she's going to hammer Jen for not making the sacrifices she needs for her family when Gina's like literally not like according to what she says, she's making profits have to leave rather than her say, Oh, maybe we should go to a place, a neighborhood that's not as expensive as this one. I'm just saying she's hypocrite. That's what I'm saying. I'm saying she's a hypocrite. Yeah, she's a hypocrite. But I can't jump the line for that storyline, because I feel like Travis is just a sitter. I feel like Travis just wants to fucking sit there and he's fine with her doing everything and making the money and meanwhile he's trying to get money allegedly off the ex and child
Starting point is 00:12:30 support and this and that and that's a big fucking mess. So I say, Gina, don't pay his bills and take your damn kids to Disneyland. That's what I say. But as far as this, also stop being mean to Jen because it's none of your fucking business. I don't know. I'm so conflicted. I'm all over the place on this storyline Ben. I'm all over the place on this storyline, man. I'm all over.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I think we are. We totally agree about the Jen stuff. The Gina stuff is harder to, it's hard to calibrate because we don't have all the information, right? We're going to see what we see online and like trying to read different stories. Even within the episode, like in one part of the episode, she says the issue is that there's not enough money for all the kids. It's building up resentments. And then later on she says, oh, it's actually because the ex-wife is too much in their lives.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So you know, especially on that front, I definitely sympathize. But I'm just saying when she does not sacrifice, I'm not going to let her off easy. Yeah. So I mean, if you're going to sacrifice something, put the train conductor hat in the fire. Start there. I know. Thank you You know what I mean? So then she's going off to Emily still on the phone and she's like, you know what? Like she has a lifestyle and she's got a marriage
Starting point is 00:13:34 and like when that's over, it comes with a secret of things. And like she isn't even willing to downsize her home, which clearly she can't afford it. And Emily's like, you gotta move away from ding-dongs. And she's like, but there's so many ding-dongs here. There are a lot of ding-dongs. By the way, what's the whole thing that Jen didn't realize she couldn't afford it? She was like, yeah, under.
Starting point is 00:13:59 She thought that she was able to afford it. That's what Gina does not get. That's what's so frustrating. And guess what? She moved out. So why is Gina even so mad? She's like, you know what? She should have left that house. Guess what? She's not living in that house anymore. What else do you want? Also, I believe her dad, according to our favorite housewife, Sechon Medea, Jen's dad paid off the rent that was owed, the back rent or whatever. So she's like, yeah, I no longer here to try
Starting point is 00:14:27 and educate Jen about how not to be an idiot. Oh, okay. So then back to Jen on the phone with Shannon, she's like, I mean, it's not my doing. Like, I mean, the only money that I have is the money that Will gives me, you know? Now he, Will won't, you know what I mean? Now Will won't.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Wow, I never really thought of it like that. That word, like, that? I will. Wow. I've never really thought of it like that. That word play. What a word play on English. Wow. Okay. Well, I'm going to talk to Gina and communicate how you want to make things okay. And John's like, no, no, I'm happy to communicate. Thank you so much. I've been having a great conversation with the croissant just now. So communication is really a strong suit for me. And she just needs to stay long enough to have the conversation. So communication is really a strong suit for me. And she just needs to stay long enough to have the conversation.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And she's like, and then Gina's like, well, I'll see you at the bunch on Saturday. I'm sure we'll see Jen there in full glam. And I'm like, yeah, in full glam with her extensions. Malibu broke Barbie. Gross, it's gross. Yeah, I just don't like that. It's like mocking someone while they're down.
Starting point is 00:15:23 It's just gross. You can say you don't like the situation she put you in without being like that. I don't like it. Well, also it's Orange County and what goes around does come around. And no matter how responsible Emily is, I mean, this is the show where I feel like we've seen the most evictions and hard times on the cast members. Like, Orange County gets hit hard. When the hard times come around for Orange County, they come hard. Yeah. Well, here's to hoping. So Tamara's house, uh, Tamara's getting ready for flag football.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Tamara, who's kind of a non-entity so far this season, just pretty interesting. And, uh, which I'm sure she'll change very soon. Just do something evil for no reason because she's not getting any air time, but she's like, something evil for no reason because she's not getting any air time. But she's like, I can't even imagine what stupid costume she's going to wear. And then she's going to be like, Oh, look at me falling down. Yeah. And even you imitating her is like the best look you've had in this entire episode. So keep it up. Keep trying. On cue, we go over to Shannon, who is in fact trying to make her own special Jersey.
Starting point is 00:16:29 She's trying to iron on her name and some letters and everything. And she's like, oh, well, I this is a little crooked. OK, well, I'm scared now that we have a permanent template coding. This we may have I may have ironed some toxins into this jersey. This may be the end of me. I you know what, if I die, I die doing what I wanted to do always, playing flag football for television.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So she is trying to iron words onto her shirt and failing miserably, cause it's Shannon. Shannon being wacky with an iron. You know, I mean, trying to. Oh, I'm just kidding. That would only be hurtful if my my hand was made out of felt letters that spelled out John Jansen stole my restaurant. And then it turns out she doesn't even have her iron on, which is why she's having a hard time ironing things out. I would have had the ironing on, but unfortunately, John Jansen,
Starting point is 00:17:24 Alex Splino stole my electricity. There's no power here. I'm have had the ironing on but unfortunately John Jansen, Alex Splino, stole my electricity. There's no power here. I'm a powerless woman. Wow, this iron isn't working much like John Jansen's penis through most of our relationship even though he claims to be having iron sex five times a day now. We'll see about that. So now it's flag football day so they arrive at a beach restaurant called Sahara, which is, you know, right there by the beach. You know, when I when I think of the Sahara Desert, I think, hmm, close proximity to a body of water.
Starting point is 00:17:54 So so Emily, people are arriving and they're setting up and everything. And Emily's getting some marks and stuff and she starts talking to us about oh flag football is a great way to get all this tension out like clearly how women do it is not working so let's just beat each other up and then walk away like yeah but it's like you don't beat each other up in flag football that's why there's flags there that's the whole point, low contact. Yeah. Look, I'm this harder, Emily. So Gina arrives in some kind of tamu leopard print.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I don't know, it's sad. Whatever it is makes me sad. So Emily greets her and Katie, and Emily's like, you want a margarita? I got a skinny because basically I'm just torturing myself to be thin. It's like so hard. I have a skinny margarita here. I'm gonna haveuring myself to be thin. It's like so hard. I have a skinny
Starting point is 00:18:45 margarita here. I'm gonna have another skinny margarita there. Do you think that'll make me double skinny? Oh." And then Katie shows up and she says, you know, I wouldn't call myself athletic. I was a figure skater for 10 years. I went to ICI worlds, but got silver. And you know, I quit when I was a sophomore in high school and decided to lean into the much more exciting world of golf. Yeah I figured she's one of those who's like yeah I never work out except for that time I was like a nationally ranked ice skater. She and Bill Zarin should put on an invitational. The competition could be.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Jill Zarin will do a triple locks. He's a New Yorker. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap in commercial. Divorced beheaded died. Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived. We know the six wives of Henry VIII as pawns in his hunt for a son, but their lives were so much more than just being the king's wives. I'm Arisha Skidmore Williams. And I'm Brooke Ziffrin. And we're the hosts of Wondery's podcast, Even the Royals. In each episode, we'll pull back the curtain on royal families past and present from all over the world to show you the darker side of what it means to be royalty. We rarely see Henry VIII's wives in their own light as women who use the tools available to them
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Starting point is 00:20:54 stop f***ing around. She's like, I can't. A mystery illness, bizarre symptoms, and spreading fast. It's like doubling and tripling and it's all these girls. With a diagnosis the state tried to keep on the down-low. Everybody thought I was holding something back. Well you were holding something back intentionally. Yeah, yeah, well, yeah. No, it's hysteria.
Starting point is 00:21:13 It's all in your head. It's not physical. Oh my gosh, you're exaggerating. Is this the largest mass hysteria since the witches of Salem? Or is it something else entirely? Something's wrong here. Something's not right. Leroy was the new dateline, and everyone
Starting point is 00:21:27 was trying to solve the murder. A new limited series from Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios, Hysterical. Follow Hysterical on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. So Heather comes, of course, like, hello, poor people.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And Emily's like, oh, you're the rough, did you wear a rough shirt? And she's like, I do have a rough shirt, but I have to go through my bag to look for it. Hold on, please. And Emily's like, do you know anything about flag football? She goes, oh, you don't even know what I know. Currently to practice, I had one maid start at one gate and run to another gate. And if someone took a flag off of her, we tripped her on the second gate's electricity cord and then buried her alive until she learned
Starting point is 00:22:22 her lesson. It's a pretty fun game so far Basically the way we play flag football my house is I just run around with the ball until Alfredo Blows his whistle and says touchdown which he's contractually obligated to say every 10 seconds. So I always win. That's great So Heather's like well apparently there's no designer referee shirt. So I have to wear Pauly Esther. Disgusting. She is furious at having to wear this ref shirt. You can tell, you know, she was on the phone with producers beforehand saying, I mean, everyone knows I'm the referee.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Why do I have to wear a footlocker shirt to prove it? I think this is actually beyond the scope of my obligations to the television show. So Tamara comes and Tamara's like, oh my gosh, you guys were right. Cause Emily said that Heather would come as a refugee. Refugee, sorry. Heather, sorry about your country. Awkward. Suck up your ass people. Coming over on what? Sticks up your ass people coming over on what sticks up their ass. So they give Heather like walls we were just talking about those. I built lots of gates. I don't know. I always say if you're going to build a wall at least put a gate on it. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:23:40 So they give Heather whistles and she starts blowing them like crazy and Emily's like, I knew you would like a whistle. Yes. Well, I call this my, my, uh, my maid bird song. Anytime I want a maid around me, I just blow a whistle in my house and they just pop up every 10 seconds. That's right up her alley. She probably like needs to do whistle in her everyday life.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I'm sure she's like, get up, go to work, make more money, Terry. Um, Emily's kind of feeling like this season. There I said it. Okay. Pull a subway sandwich out of your, out of your fucking purse and make yourself hilarious again. I'm pissed at Emily today. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Carry on. I know. Listen, I'm not happy with Emily today. It's a safe space. So, uh, Lexa shows up and hugs everyone. Everyone just saying hi and Jen shows up and Jen sing. I'm trying to walk in and keep my wits about me and stay calm. I feel a little pissed at Gina.
Starting point is 00:24:35 I don't know what's going to happen. I guess I would say I'm a little bit uneasy to see her. Thanks. I love how she like winds up like she's just going to come up with this like mega diss like I guess I going to come up with this like mega-diss like I guess I would say, I'm a little uneasy. It's like, oh, okay. Someone's like, all right, everybody, let's warm up with some squats. Oh, you mean like, um, squatters? All right. Well, Jen's here. Jen, warm up. Thank you so much, um, for acknowledging my lower leg strength.
Starting point is 00:25:06 No, it was actually a sick disc, but that's fine. Oh, okay. Well, I apologize that I didn't understand it, but if you do it again in the future, I'll be sure to laugh. Thank you so much. Oh, look, Shannon Bedore has a costume. She has a costume, everybody. And Charm is like, oh, wow, shocker, she's got a costume.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Look at walkers, Shannon Bedore. So fucking hilarious. Charm is acting as if she is not. She's like, oh, wow, I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. And Tamra's like, oh wow, Shaka, she's got a costume. Look at Wakka standing by the door. So fucking hilarious. Tamra's acting as if she has not shown up
Starting point is 00:25:30 at like a fair number of shoots wearing a costume herself. Right? Oh my God, Tamra with her, like, let's all pretend we're old lady Trace Amigas. Remember that one? Like, oh, we're wacky old ladies, everybody. Or any number of 1980s, you know, hair band episodes that they've done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Or that possum getup she's been wearing for years. So, um, Emily's like, all right, listen, we're going to be like in junior high and pick teams. Hmm. Um, so Heather's like blowing up. So Tamara's like, Oh my God. And Emily's like, Oh, ready? Okay, Tara, I'm going to go okay I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go
Starting point is 00:26:06 so they pick teams Emily has Gina and Shannon and Sarah and Michelle and Jody so congratulations Jody coming all the way in from New Jersey to play some flag football and Tamra gets Jennifer, Alexis, Paulina, Annabelle and Katie so Emily is, by the way, I just want to say poor Katie, Katie, the new girl gets picked after two non-cast members. That's sad. Yeah. Why do they hate Katie so much? Like who even is Paulina and Annabelle are Paulina Annabelle from one of the daughters? Is that Annabelle? Was Annabelle there playing? I don't know. The scary doll?
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yes, that's what it was so basically the people who don't like each other on opposite teams so they're gonna be going at each other and Tamers like I'm just looking for cute girls on the side And so now they have to make team shirts and come up with the name So they have to come up with names and Tamra is like, let's come up with some names, guys. That's like, no, Tamra.
Starting point is 00:27:10 OK, how about this? No, Tamra. She's stupid. How about a team is called? She's fucking stupid and characters are dumb. I had a fucking costume, sir. And then Jen's like, well, what's some what's something that's a theme
Starting point is 00:27:27 that we all kind of have? And Heather's like, the mom squad. How about the mom squad? What a great name. Mom squad. Everyone's like, hmm, hot, hot moms. How about hot moms, batch Alexis? Because what about bad ass moms?
Starting point is 00:27:41 What about moms that are dating? Johnny Jansen? How about that? Is that a good Johnny Janssen? How about that? Is that a good theme for us all or is that just me? And then the other team or is it the other team? Yeah, I think it's the other team. And Shannon's like, the killers. How about the killers? How about a kill? Fucking Alexis Patu. Sorry, I think gave Alexis my last name. She really is taking over my life. Now there's like the dominators, the destroyers. I mean, I'm just coming up with things that my staff calls me. Poo-tuk-ring-a. Anything like that sound good?
Starting point is 00:28:12 I like destroyers or we could just call them the Alexis's. So then back to Tam, right? Tam is like, hello, team love, because I'm a Christian. Let's do that. Team Jesus loves Tam the the most, because Tamra's been Christian the longest. How about that? And Hedda's like, that's boring. So then Alexis goes, well, maybe we should be team forgiveness and acceptance. What is even happening here right now? These are the worst things that I've heard. So stupid. Heather's like, terrible name, vetoing that. So then Tamara's asking Katie what she's up to, and Katie's like, oh, well, most recently,
Starting point is 00:28:57 I was on a sports field that was not golf, which was a little weird for me, and I was picked last. So it's been fun. It's been basically fun. Thanks for asking. And she talks about how she just moved up from San Diego and she talks about her kids and everything and she talks about how she had been married for 10
Starting point is 00:29:18 years and got divorced and thought she would just be a dog mom and would just adopt a bunch of dogs and live in a farm in Georgia. Cause like, I mean, nobody wants a woman with three kids. I mean, look at you and her head, everyone. Anyway, I met this wonderful man and he thought it was so endearing that I had three kids and had a motherly instinct. Let's throw some footage of my motherly instinct as just her trying to help her kid with a mechanical toothbrush. My husband loves watching me mother. And then it just got started. Kid being like, I hate this mommy.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So Heather's like, okay, well, that was thrilling. Don't know how you got cast. Okay. Um, I'm going to go check on the other team. I'll be back. So Jen talks to Katie and she's like, Oh, I was going to ask if you talk to Katie. She's like, no, what's going on? She's like, well, she was, you know, she did help me get into that last house and she was,
Starting point is 00:30:10 the rent wasn't being paid and I don't have the means to cover that. And she's like, you know what, you're a fucking joke. And I'm out of here and pay your fucking bills and fuck the croissant too. Fuck the croissant too. She said it. She said that. I sat there comforting that croissant for, God, half an hour, half an hour hour, really until they said, ma'am, we're going to have to give your chair away. And I said, what is it my house? Jesus, can I catch a break?
Starting point is 00:30:34 And Alexis is like, wait, she said that to you? Is there animosity here now between you two and we're sitting right here? Have you fucked her boyfriend yet? No. Oh, wow. Have you asked for her table at the quiet boyfriend yet? No? Oh, wow. Have you asked for her table at the quiet woman yet? You just try that. I get some every time to her gym. We got to her gym. That's a really good move. So then the other team Shannon's like, Wow, wow. Okay, everybody wacky Shannon. Everyone listen to first we're going to do a shea shea. And then we're going to do the
Starting point is 00:30:59 streak run. And then we're going to do the Alexis, which is where a ball is thrown. And it's dragging on the floor because it's really old and lopsided. But you catch it and you put it in your mouth anyway, and you've got to. I'm sorry, I was talking about Alexis probably teabagging John Jansen. Does that bother anybody else? So and then Jen, meanwhile, Jen is still talking about Gina, she's like, I mean, mean she said unlike ruining her reputation
Starting point is 00:31:26 Like I didn't move into the house thinking. Oh, I'm just not gonna pay my bills and terms like well I know that she's a new real estate agent and she's like worried about her reputation bash and Jen's like, of course, of course I'm totally sympathetic to her, but she also left a full croissant on the table. So that was pretty bad Tamra's like, yeah, you know, she's a real, she's a new real estate agent. And listen, as somebody who loves Jesus and love, because I'm being nice in today's episode, except for all my relentless shanuck mockery that's coming for no reason. But you know, as someone who's also pretended to be into real estate for a storyline one time, I totally get it, you're a bitch. And she's like, well, I think Gina's just saying
Starting point is 00:32:05 don't move into a house you can't afford. And Alexa's saying, oh yeah, hopefully you guys can have a conversation like it's woman on woman. And then it goes over to Emily's team and Shannon's like, by the way, sorry, I'm gonna whisper. I wanna make sure that no one can hear me talking about that slut.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Alexis, believe me now. Oops, sorry, sorry, sorry. Anyway, since I am a founding member of the Quiet Woman, I will act the part. Did Alexis talk about her sex life with John? Because Heather told me that she did a little bit. And she was like, yeah, she did. Yeah, she said four times a day,
Starting point is 00:32:40 which is as many times as I used to audition in the 90s. Oh. So then we see flashback of two weeks ago and, you know, like this being like a true lady doesn't talk about her sex life, but it's been due today and we still have tonight to go. So it could be three or four more tonight. Yeah. And Shannon's like, God, it's just so inappropriate. I can't believe someone's talking like that. And Heather's like, I would die if I, no, I think Emily said she would, well, I think it was Emily. He's like, I would die if I
Starting point is 00:33:12 had to have sex four times a day. I'm fucking hiding in the closet. It's fucking ridiculous, especially with Shane. And Shannon's like, let's just be realistic. I mean, can someone have sex four times a day? What pill are you taking? Oh, ha ha ha ha. Well, ladies, who is ready for some piping hot coffee? That's what they say, right? Well, here we go. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I have been working out with Steve, my trainer slash number one Shamer, and we trained with him the other night. I think you may remember the generosity that I showed in bringing you all to my gym. Yes, well, I've known him for, I guess we're approaching six years. And so I introduced John to him and guess who was at that little gym there. That's my gym. It was Alexis Bellino was there 30 minutes before we got there. That's right. Alexis Bellino went to the same gym that I went to. And then we see that Alexis has taken a gym selfie to post on Instagram with John.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Shanna's gym. Alexis, just trying. I mean, she's trying really, really hard. And it's working. You got to give her credit because it is bearing fruit. So, Emily's like, oh, he took her with him. He took him with her. And Shanna's like, yeah, I mean, taking her to my gym. Can you find another gym? Stay the fuck away from my gym. Gina's like, oh, well mean taking her to my gym. I can't you find another gym? Stay the fuck away from my gym! Gina's like, oh well, there are certain things you gotta let go. I mean anyone would be upset. I don't care if I had worked there in four years. I wouldn't fucking want my ex-boyfriend claiming my gym. So Shannon's like, I mean John, I mean I introduced to my trainer and he's bringing a license to my gym now and you know What next thing you know, she'll be drinking from my water fountain and
Starting point is 00:34:47 using my favorite towel. It's ridiculous. And Heather's just staring at everybody like, why do all of these people have to leave their property to go to the, what did they call it? Gym, Heather. I can hear your judgmental thoughts. Oh, yes. The gym.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And who's that named after again? Someone who with big muscles, I hope. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna go to the gym. flag football so they're gonna they get up and everything and you know Alexis they're getting up and you know talking to Alexis as they're moving to the beach and you know saying like oh my god I don't want to run like I hate running Alexis is like that's not true because you went to the dream the gym I heard you know my trainer our trainer John Johnny's old trainer told me that you guys were there and we're throwing the football around really good I thought that was really good at my gym, my gym with Johnny. Gene is like, Oh God, thank you for that. But now I just heard about this. I was like,
Starting point is 00:35:52 so you go to this gym now? I'm sorry. Are you speaking Spanish? No, it's my crazy, wacky, strong, guidance, city. That's how we talk. Yeah, well, um, yeah, I do go to this gym because Johnny goes there when and so I train with him of course, because like, why would I not be by his side because we may fuck at any second, right? So I have my own trainer. So it's Johnny, Johnny's trainer, me, my trainer. And then there's just like a poster of Shannon Majora that we throw darts at.
Starting point is 00:36:19 It's so fun. But do isn't that you want? I'm sorry. Are you, are you just listing Ikea furniture now? It's my X thing. It's my X thing. Like Gina, stop laying it on so thick. How do you have an accent 10 times as thick
Starting point is 00:36:36 as it was five minutes ago? Come on. So doesn't it make you like really uncomfortable though to be at Shannon's gym? Alexis is like, she hasn't been there for six fucking months. Okay. Like, like Johnny himself, just really? No.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Well, I guess there's different signs of the story. So then later we get a, oh, this person at the gym is such a tattletale and they're telling tales out of school. Like it's like a psychiatrist tattletale tattletale on a patient or something. And I agree because I forgot about this piece of evidence that the trainer, I mean, who else would say except the trainer, like, oh, don't worry, Shannon hasn't even been here for six months.
Starting point is 00:37:14 The fuck is wrong with this personal gym? You know, it's not the way to keep a customer. That's what I say. Very gossipy. Yeah, so then they go to play some flag football and Alexis is telling us, I mean, that's John's, Johnny Jansen's gym, by the way, and you can't call it your gym unless you bought the place. Do you own the gym? If you love the gym so much, why don't you just marry the gym? You
Starting point is 00:37:38 want to marry the gym? I'm dating the gym now. Sorry. You can't hold a gym. I just got a promise to ring from the gym. So um, so now Shannon's talking to Gina, she's like, I can't with her trying so hard. You know, I'm so friendly with everybody. And Gina's like, Yeah, well, she brought up the gym already. And she brought it up to me because she said you throw the football good. And you were just at my gym. What? What? What she called it? She just called it my gym? Are you fucking kidding me? My gym? Wow. Wow. Yeah, she said my train. She said my train too. Here lies Shanna Medora killed by the character assassination of my gym to be called her gym.
Starting point is 00:38:24 assassination of my Jim to be called her Jim. Wow. Oh, I'm just I just I I I bite bite bite. Okay. Well, I just you know me I'm just typically a very fun person. But it's just pushing me. You know me. She was like, Shannon, don't let it to fleet you. Okay, don't let this defeat you. I mean, of course, they just heard something and came to tell you publicly to give you a nervous breakdown, but don't let it defeat you. So now they finally start playing football. I mean, I feel like every five minutes we're like, and now they get up to play football. It's now it's been a long process of getting them to the
Starting point is 00:38:58 field and now they're playing and Katie's like, the only thing I know about football is Matt Ryan blowing up for the Falcons because I'm from Atlanta. Like, you know, Matt Ryan was like, ah, finally, something safe for me to watch where I won't be shamed. Damn it. Then Heather opens up a notebook called lines. My assistant wrote me, sorry, lack of a better title. She flips it open. She's like, I know nothing about football except that Taylor Swift's boyfriend plays. Ha ha ha ha. Was that funnier this time? Was that a better read than it was last week? Do you think I'm getting through to the people? This is going to precipitate Taylor and Travis's breakup. I'm telling you this right now. Taylor Swift is going to watch this and
Starting point is 00:39:41 say, Oh God, I really, I really can't have Heather be part of my Swift DR. I'm gonna have to bro lines. I'm out of here. Yeah, I can't. I can't. I can't be source material for Heather to bro. So they're playing flag football and they're just talking about it. Like, oh my god, like I just my my plan is just to survive and they're playing and playing and playing. It's fun. And there's like tackling and others like there's no tackling in flag football and, um, they will.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Alexis gets a, Alexis gets a flag from Shannon and she's like, Oh, that hurts. One more thing Alexis took from Shannon. God, I can't wait to find out. Terry's cheating. Please. When is that storyline coming? Can we just have a season with all my dream hits come true? Like Terry Dubrow cheating and then people mocking
Starting point is 00:40:27 Heather relentlessly for it, like she's doing to Shannon. And then Emily gets poor, please. And then Gina becomes president, because even though I don't really like her, you know, someone's gotta win in this scenario. That would be the straightest day. I would, don't know how how like Gina as president like like, you know, United States of America. Hi, this is your president talking and I know that our country is more divided than ever
Starting point is 00:40:55 and I just I feel bad. I just feel really bad. I feel really bad. They're just so poor. But you know what guys, I'm closing all of the borders but I'm opening lots more Barnes and Nobles so hopefully that makes it up to you guys. As tax stimulus this year instead of sending checks I'm gonna send everyone a complimentary box of Caragalla.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Caragalla! Commercials here comes one right now. My name is Georgia King and I am thrilled to be the host of And Away We Go, a brand new travel podcast on Wondry Plus, where we'll be whisked away on immersive adventures all around the world. Where we go, what we do, what we eat, drink and listen to will all be up to my very special guests. We've got Ben Schwartz taking us on a whirlwind trip around Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:41:50 We'll eat a bowl of life-changing pasta with Jimmy O'Yang in Tuscany, Italy. And how do you feel about a spot of sugaring off with Emily Hampshire in Montreal? And away we go, we'll immerse you in some of the wonders of the world. We're gonna be seeing some yellows and vibrant oranges. And the shoes clicking against the cobblestone.
Starting point is 00:42:11 If you're looking to get somebody in the mood, have them look at the Chicago skyline. You can listen to And Away We Go exclusively with Wondery+. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Georgia, do you know what joy sounds like? I think I'm hearing it right now. So then, yeah, they play and let's see, Emily's like, destroy your wins in the end and love sucks. So I guess just fuck love, just love fucking destroy, whatever. So they go to the restaurant and Alexis is like, do I look okay for winter formal pictures? Because I'm like, I'm going to walk in there. Johnny J is probably going to show up in a suit to take me to winter formal. He's just so fucking romantic like that, you guys.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah, we're checking the photos at my gym, Johnny Janssen's gym, spread the word. So then she leaves and Shannon is like, well, am I the topic of conversation? I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going Janssen's gym. Spread the word. So then she leaves and Shannon is like, well, am I the topic of conversation over there? And Katie's like, where? It's like, Jen's like, no, I'm sure it's me. I'm sure this is pretty much a Jen episode today.
Starting point is 00:43:16 No, I'm pretty sure it's a Shannon episode. She went to my gym, which I think is going to be a good five episode arc. So, you get it, poorie I think is going to be a good five episode arc. So you hit it. Boring. This is going to be like the doom of real housewives of Orange County. In three years, we'll talk about it again. So, um, Katie is like, yeah, would I gather from Jen? Hold on the way you see the wind is coming from the East and taking out the birdie stick, God, I really need to learn some golf terms
Starting point is 00:43:45 if we're gonna do a lot of Katie. But she's like, you know, Jen in the moment was surviving and she didn't know what to do. And Gina has the right to be angry because that bridge was burned with a realtor. I can see both sides and it's no one's fault. I think we're gonna just have to call a mulligan on this whole situation.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And that's my advice. Let's see, let's see where we stand. Well, I think that Jen and Gina need to talk and communicate. And you know, I'm not thrilled obviously about the way that that conversation happened, Jen, and how we left it. Okay. And Jen's like, well, me either, Gina. I just feel like of any of us, you've been in a hard spot. She's, well, that's why I helped you. Yeah. But I, I think you misunderstand. I don't have a judgment. Okay. So you keep telling me to figure out and hustle in the three years that I
Starting point is 00:44:33 separated, but I never questioned my rent being paid. You know, it's not my fault that I really just had to sit back and have someone else pay all my bills for me. Yeah. But you know what? I don't, I don't like that because I feel like this woman is raising a ton of children on her own. Granted, it's due to kind of decisions to cheat on her husband and leave him. So I'm not really saying that, but she's got like a ton of kids that she's taking care of.
Starting point is 00:44:55 And I don't think it's really anybody's business to be judging that shit. Like, so what a lot of people get divorced from a person that's richer than them and stays at home with the kids while they get their rent paid or whatever. I just don't think it's fair for other people to judge that. I think that's where Gina's really losing it here. For me. For me. And Gina's like, well, no matter what the situation was, I'm sympathetic to it. And I understand there's a problem, deal with the ex or whatever, but you signed the contract and you have PLTP.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And she's like, yeah, well, I'm more aware of that than you are. So, like, all I owe you is the apology, like, you know, and thank you for helping me. And she's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this burnt me a bed, Jan. This burnt me a bed, okay? Because I put someone in a home that wasn't paying the bills, Jan. No, you, there was a house that was open, you found someone to fill that slot, and then you took a nice fat commission check for it. So you're welcome. Okay, you're welcome for her for getting you a commission check, and then getting booted out of there. So that place is open again for you to rent again. How about that? Yeah, Gina goes, I had a very good relationship with this agent. And now this woman won't even return my calls. Well, then you did you have a good relationship with this woman? Because
Starting point is 00:46:01 if you have a good relationship, you'd be able to not only would you be able to talk it out, then you get to both go to get coffee and talk shit about Jen together. And that brings you closer as friends and as colleagues. So I don't think you were close in the first place. And Jen's like, well, that's weird, because she returns my call. She goes, Yeah, of course you return your calls because she represents a woman in the house that you're squatting in. And Chama is drinking and she's like, oh, that was hilarious. I love a squatting show. Guys, talk about love. Talk about love, guys. Squatting? I'm just doing Warrior One. It's a difference. So then, you know, squatting
Starting point is 00:46:40 is like a, that's a major curse word in Orange County, you know? You're a squatter. You're a squatter. You're a squatter. Squatter, poor squatter. That's not the SQ, that's not the SQ word, girls. And Heather's like, we don't have to use that word. That is a terrible word. We are currently calling that people
Starting point is 00:47:01 who currently are without straight legs. I don't like to say the word squat. What I like to say is stumpy. Are we talking about our servants or no? Jen was like, I'm not a squatter, okay? I was freaking out. Jen was like, well, I wish you would have called me, Jen. I wish you would have called me, okay?
Starting point is 00:47:21 As a friend, because I was freaking the fuck out. And she's like, sorry, I didn't even know. I didn't even know. So Tam was like, you know, I just think that Jen married Will when he was young and Will took care of her. She goes, yeah, yeah, you know, and that's not me. I'm learning, you know, I just, I'm learning what it's like. Like, I didn't have access to anything.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Like, how am I supposed to know? And Emily's doing this like crazy thing. She's like, crazy. She's crazy. Yeah. And John's like, why do you, why are you so judgy about it? Cause because you could do things legally. You could go to court and Heather's like, but she's saying she didn't know you guys all have to remember Jen is not a smart person. And Jen's like, thank you so much for acknowledging that, you know, it's scary to be 46 and try to figure out how to do things that people learn in their twenties and the producers like, well, what age did you have a credit card in your name?
Starting point is 00:48:09 Just, well, I've never had a credit card in my name. Thank you so much. And I never knew what fear was, what stress was. And this is a new spot for me. And she's like, yeah, I want to stand on my own two feet. It's just like so hard because I've never really stood before without somebody like telling me stand up, Jen. Okay. So here I go standing up
Starting point is 00:48:28 Thank you, thank you, okay, and now I can stand you I Guess this means I'm technically no longer squatting now that I'm standing so Jen is like she's saying like I don't want my car to not get paid and time goes She goes no, I got rid of it. And we see a conversation from two days ago where Ryan's like, look, you're twenty four thousand dollars upside down on your car. Like, how about this? Take my car and then I'll get a new one
Starting point is 00:48:56 and I'll absorb your debt into my payments and everything. So he absorbed the deficit. So I think the thing that's going through my mind through all this is that like, I totally agree with you, people can get married, they wind up in a place where like, they are just focused on raising the children and, you know, taking care of the household, which I think is totally great. But like, people could wind up in a situation where they don't know where the money is coming from. And then all of a sudden the rugs pulled out from under them. And then they realized like, Oh shit, very quickly. Like I should know where this is coming from. Yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 00:49:30 So that's why to me it's like Jen moving from the situation will write into Ryan where she's like, well, now I'm going to stand on my own two feet. And can you take care of this for me? I'm like, Jen, you need to start now finding ways that way, like you're not dependent on Ryan because you're just subbing in Ryan for Will. I mean, obviously she needs Ryan. If she doesn't have Ryan, she is out of luck. So I get that. But that's like, now it's time to start taking some steps. Right. Yeah. No, look, everybody needs to learn how to take care of themselves. You
Starting point is 00:50:00 should never rely on a man or anybody else. And think that that's kind of obvious to most of us, but I just mean it's not something to scream at a person over. You know what I mean? It's just sad. She's broke. The conversation this turns into is, this conversation actually turns into a good thing, I think. They're talking about this car being absorbed or whatever, which just always sounds so funny. It sounds like such a like superhero thing. Like I absorbed the debt. So Heather's like, okay, well, what happens when Ryan gets mad that he absorbed $24,000 debt? And she's like, I mean, I just absorbed $40 million profit. I have to say that felt pretty good. It's absorption feeling the same with automobiles and debt versus profit. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:50:46 That's the question. And Jen's saying like, well, I mean, if something were to happen with Ryan, I'm literally homeless and I don't have a car. And Jen is like, right. And Heather's like, all right, well, let's fix that right now. Let's get you a job, preferably turning down beds, preferably in my house. I have a bed in the basement for you to sleep in for the next 30 years.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Okay, I want you to start thinking of working. So I have three racks of identical pink leather jackets that I want Gina to try on because she too is poor. So please roll those out. We'll watch her try them. And so now Gina starts doing a pivot. She goes, no, I never thought that you were a bad person. And I understand you were at a point in your life
Starting point is 00:51:30 where you have to be selfish because I've been there too. Like I've literally said that, you know, like, so I get it. I mean, I just got a little burned by it. You know, I'm still in the scary zone too, because guess what? Now it's going to be all about me, all right? Cause now that you've generated sympathy from the table, I think I want sympathy too. So guys, that's exactly right. Now. That's exactly
Starting point is 00:51:49 right. What you just said. Gina sees that she's not winning this one. So she's like, oh, I'm going to start crying now and make this story about how I'm the real victim in all of this, which she just fucking dragged this woman for three episodes. Yeah. So she's like, yeah, Travis is moving out. So it's like a lot going on with me. And then Jen is fucking like a fucking little angel. She goes, oh my God, honey, Travis is moving out. Jen just dragged you. Why are you the first one to comfort her?
Starting point is 00:52:16 She's so nice. I know. I can't. So Jen is like, you know, we can't afford a house like the size that we need. And I don't want to make a bad financial decision. times like I really need to have to button down some people would say they batten down the houses but no guess batten down the hatches I actually button down and we're all gonna put on oxford shirts and we're gonna button down and you know we both got destroyed by these divorces and I'm rebounding and he's working so hard to move forward but he has to go to court. Yeah, and Heather's like, he has to go to port court and pay
Starting point is 00:52:46 some more money. Is that what happening? Oh, poor literal people. I knew something was going on with Gina Travis, Gina and Travis. It's just, I don't know, I just didn't want to show up with another box of toys. You know, she liked that last time. One time I just tried to drive by and leave some canned food on the stoop and she tried to shoot at me with the BB gun. So I don't know. I've learned that lesson. So then we see a flashback to Gina and Heather talking and Gina saying, you know, Travis's ex makes everything so difficult. You know, like it's really hard to cope here with me
Starting point is 00:53:21 at because like me at so nice, but like Travis's wife is like so bad. So like, what do we do from here? Yeah. And Heather was like, I really like how mature Gina is being with all this change in her life, literally coins and you know, nickels and quarters and dimes. She's doing great with all this change.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And I'm really impressed by her. She's basically a walking coin star and terrible leopard print. You know what? It's my decision, yes, because what happens is hard. Let's like I'm moving forward financially and now I have like a little extra and I can spend it on vacation or my kids. But then how do you spend them three and not six and then I have guilt and then I'm holding
Starting point is 00:53:59 back from mine and then it's like building resentment there. You know, I feel bad. So she's saying like she's got extra money. So she wants to take her kids to Disneyland and like, why would she have some, she wouldn't be able to do that if she had to take his kids too. I mean, here's the thing. It's like, when you blend the families, when you're in need and then suddenly you get extra money and then you're immediately like, well, now that I'm on my feet, why would I help you? That's a little,
Starting point is 00:54:27 I think it's like, I don't love this. If she said it was like, no, the his ex is it's too much. She's too much in our lives. It's affecting my kids. It's affecting our happiness. It's toxic. If she was up there, she would have won this. Yeah, me too. I agree. But like this whole like, oh, now I have a little bit like what you just brought up is so true. They blended their families to help her get on the get on, get her feet on the ground, by the way, while
Starting point is 00:54:49 and, and she seems to forget that while she's actively shaming Jen about like not taking the steps to do whatever while Jen is actually blending her family with Ryan. So yeah, it's like if this is truly it, it's feels kind of shitty to me. Yeah, I mean, it's feels kind of shitty to me. Yeah, I mean, it's hard for me to make it. My opinion still is all over the place. Cause part of me is like, well, that's shitty
Starting point is 00:55:10 because they helped you when you needed it. And now you have money, so you don't want to be helpful with them. That fucking sucks of you. You're fucking selfish. But on the other hand, I'm like, well, why should she support this man's kids? And this guy should have been divorced a long time ago
Starting point is 00:55:24 and he's pulling it out because Sochelle Medea says that he's trying to get child support from the wife or whatever. So I don't know. Like to me, Travis just seems like kind of a schlub who doesn't move a lot. And I feel like he's that kind who's going to be like, I want to be the stay at home dad while you work or something. So I don't like that either for Gina. And I'm like, I don't always love Gina, but I want Gina to love Gina.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And I think that she deserves the best. So I just don't know. I don't know where I am. But after she said this, I was like, yeah, she sounds pretty shitty after that. Also, didn't he take the real estate test last year? Where's his real estate career? What's going on with that? I think he already had his, or was he studying too? Because it seemed, remember he knew all the answers to the questions that he was testing her. So I don't know if he had just gotten his or what. And I don't know. It's so hard because the explanation isn't very clear on what's happening in this relationship. So it's really hard to judge it properly.
Starting point is 00:56:13 It's really hard to be a judgmental asshole when you don't have the answers you need. I know. I mean, guys, my instinct is to say this is not great. My instinct is to say, like, this is a complicated situation that adults are having a hard time fully understanding. So I can't imagine that kids will understand it. And like, as far as these kids know, they were in this blended situation. Now they're not in a blended situation. And they have to like figure out like, what's going on? And like, but you guys are
Starting point is 00:56:38 together, but we don't live together. I think that's like a lot to put on the kids. And I like you wish we had a little clearer view of what the true situation is so we can truly weigh in with pure judgment. So they're trying to understand it too, right? So Jones like, wait, so you're not breaking up with him? Oh, thank you so much for clarifying. She goes, no, it's not my intention to break up. but like, I don't know if we're going to be able to sustain it, you know? And Tamara's like, well, I don't know anybody that's lived together for four years and then said like, oh, by the way, you need to move out, but we're going to still stay together. No, that doesn't make any sense. No, that's not how you do it. No.
Starting point is 00:57:21 To be fair, I think a lot of things don't make sense to Tim, right? A lot of things about him don't make sense to me. So, Gene is like, yeah, because even though I moved forward a lot, I'm still in it too. So, I had to be selfish in this moment too, guys. I had to do that. I had to do it. No, I know. And I didn't know. And I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I was going through hard times when you were going through hard times. I should have realized that this was your time to go through hard times. I'm so sorry for that. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that like your storyline was being poor and overcoming and now my storyline is being poor and probably going to be overcoming better than you in some way, even though I'm dating a criminal as we'll find that in about three episodes. So I'm so sorry that I was ambushed with bankruptcy versus you who decided just
Starting point is 00:58:09 to move out. So I'm so sorry that that I had some sort of terrible ordeal in my life when you're going through a sort of an annoying ordeal. That's just not fair to you. And, uh, John's like, you know what? I really want good things for you, Gina. I just want such good things for you. Most likely hair, you know, that could do some work. But you know, most of all, just great, great things. She goes, I want good things for you too. I really do. Okay. I really, really do. So I thought this was nice. Like it actually worked out fairly nice towards the end. And this is where I was like, okay, I like, I think I like Gina
Starting point is 00:58:41 again for now. I mean, it did actually shed some light on it as much as make fun of it. Like it became clear that Gina's reaction was really about like the frustrations probably in her life, frustrations with people not doing what they're saying they're doing. And it probably says a lot more about her situation with Travis than it does with Jen. So then, Emily's like, okay, guys, I have awards. Oh, God, hasn't your fucking party been lame enough without made up awards? So she brings out her awards and she was like, you know, I feel unsettled in my relationship,
Starting point is 00:59:15 so it's been like stressful for me, but I just want her to take responsibility for herself and say, no, please don't run me over with your bullshit next time. See, and then you go back there. But you just admitted that you're running over her with your bullshit right now. So. Yeah. So, Gina gets MVP and then least valuable player goes to Heather. Heather's like,
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'm taking this and I'm giving it to Richard Marx. So then, yeah, that's pretty much it. So now we, no, no, this is no, then we get Emily's line, which cemented my hatred for Emily until something changes. But she's like, I mean, come on, Jen, because Jen was like, thank you. You fucking failed like, but you tried, you tried. Cause she got a you tried award. That's the award that she got is called you tried. And Emily goes, yeah, you tried to play. You tried to pay rent. You tried to drive a Range Rover, not really working out, but you tried.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Here's your award. I mean, I chuckled. I was not having an adverse reaction to Emily. I was like, please be poor now. Can't wait for you to lose everything. So well, the Karma, Karma strikes very swiftly because the next scene Emily tries to get out of her car and she's squished in there by another car and she has to struggle out. So the first crack, the first crack in her life appears
Starting point is 01:00:37 right away. So they, she's with Shannon and they're at a photography studio because guess what? It's time for more food war photos. So my 15th anniversary with Shane is coming up and like, he has everything he could ever want. G chat, a side loaded onto his Amazon fire stick. So he could still use that occasionally. You know, I mean, all he really ever wants is like car parts. So I feel like the best gift for him is like the gift of me. You know? I want him to get in the zone, the Emily zone.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Oh, oh, oh, oh, Shane. Photo parts. So they go and she's doing these photos. And it's more boudoir. I mean Emily like you said Emily looks great. I mean she has an amazing booty which she shows off as she should as is her right and she she's just talking about Shane and Shane and a lingerie Shane a lingerie person? I need to know before I- What I need is a really disturbing image of me sniffing-
Starting point is 01:01:50 of me seeing Shane sniffing Alange-ray to push out the vile images I have of Alessia Bellino at my gym! You're lucky that I didn't find this boudoir photography place first, otherwise we might have walked into Johnny Jansen in his underwear getting his picture took. Fine. I'm fine. So, Emily goes on about how she's lost weight, but she still feels insecure because now she's getting obsessive and going to the gym every single day. And, you know, Shane wants her to take a break, but she doesn't want to. And it's because she's battled with weight her whole life. And as someone who also battles with weight their whole life, I totally get that. But, you know, I don't know, I guess I choose to like get past it with prayer and ice cream and she gets past it with boudoir pictures. So I mean, I guess to each their own, you know, you go girl.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Yeah, exactly. So then we got over to Tamara who's, uh, she's with her dog and she meets up with Jen and her dog and Alexis. Alexis has a dog that looks just like Archie. It's another golden retriever, but this one has long strands of slobber coming out of its mouth that repulsed me to my core. I think because it wants to bang the other dog, right? Or do you think the other dog has a ball or something? Because you know those fucking attic golden retrievers?
Starting point is 01:03:13 Yeah, because if there must have been a ball, there must have been something because that golden retriever wanted something. It's like, give it to me. Do you have a ball? Do you smell like a ball? What do you smell like ball? Like fuck off. Yeah. So yeah, that golden retrievers can steal the TV right off your wall for a while. Do you have a ball? Do you smell like a ball? What do you smell like ball? Like fuck off bro.
Starting point is 01:03:25 So, yeah, that golden retrievers steal the TV right off your wall for a fucking ball, you know? So, steal the fucking metal right out of your mouth. Wait, those are my feelings. Get back here Archie. Archie look alike. Did that golden retriever just steal the battery out of my Prius?
Starting point is 01:03:44 God, I really have a problem. So, um, Tamara's like, what the heck? Did you steal it from Shannon too? I mean, come on! Doesn't anything, doesn't the steal never end with you, Lexus? No, Shannon, I adopted this dog. I got it from my gym. And Tamara's like, well, where's the boyfriend at the dog, bitch? So, and then we do a side by side of Biscuit and Archie, which is funny. She's like, no, I adopted him. I adopted him. And Tamara's like, bitch, still a dog. So, Jim's like, yeah, I mean, couldn't you have left Shannon with something? Jeez, Archie saw she's gone. So then They start walking and Tamra's like Alexis
Starting point is 01:04:31 You left on Saturday, but Jim got annihilated. It was hilarious. Sorry Jim. I didn't mean hilarious. I mean so sad. He was so sad. He was so sad when my team was named. You got annihilated? Why what happened? You know who else got annihilated? You got annihilated? Why? What happened? You know who else got annihilated? Me. God. Jim. Jim just... Not Jim. Wow, that's awkward. Johnny. Johnny J just did me five times over on Saturday night. I was annihilated after that. Okay. What are you talking about? How did you get annihilated? Did they put drops in your eyes? While watching Annie? So, uh, Jen's like, yeah, Gina told me I was a squatter. She told me to pay bills. It's like, whatever. And I was like, yeah, well, you're like, don't you think
Starting point is 01:05:13 I wish I could? Right? Right batch. Right batch. You said that right batch. And Jen's like, yeah, I mean, like find me a money tree. I'll hire someone for a few thousand dollars to plant them. Okay. You plant four of them. Like just give me a money tree. That's fine. Well, I don't want you to get the same situation you went with Will, but you're like living in a beautiful house and driving one of his cars. Like you can't be okay with that. You got to put your head down again, Jen.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Like the gym business is great, but it doesn't pay the bills. Take it from me. Honor of cut business. And Jen tells us, you know, my partners and I in the yoga studio, we do not pay ourselves. It's been slow. And the fact that I sit sometimes thinking that like business may fail, that's like paralyzing. Oh, so you're gonna take my line too paralyzing.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Do I have nothing left with these people? I just give and give and give and what do I get back in return? Nothing. So Tamara's like, listen, trust me, I know how Jim suck like. Like, and we didn't have any employees, you know, this lady's got 30 employees doing nothing. They're broke, they're fucked. So then Tamara's dog tries to eat coyote poop, presumably to put itself into a hospital and get the hell away from Tamara, but it doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:06:16 And then we go back to Emily's boudoir shoot and Shannon's like, okay, let me give you some directions here. Okay. Turn the iron on. First things first. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Alex is a part owner of the gym and he's been a friend. That's right. You thought this was a boudoir photo shoot. Guess what? Yes, we are re-litigating the gym issue.
Starting point is 01:06:50 So Alex, he's been a friend. I mean, he shames me on TV, but he's a friend. And he called me after a football to see how it went. And well, I found out that Alexis went up to Gina and said that, like, oh, so you're working at my gym with my trainer and apparently it's her gym and her trainer going there twice. After going there twice, she says, it's her gym.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Can you believe it? I don't know what. I just have to say, Shanna's sitting there wearing a leather mask with bunny ears on and like an S&M bunny mask, which I just think is so funny. Alice, oh Alice, why don't you follow me down this hole? Well, look at the tea party. Alexis fucking Bellino. So like Emily's like, it's so awkward. Why doesn't john just
Starting point is 01:07:39 give you your personal trainer and move on? I don't know. I don't know. So now we go back to the dog walkers. And Jen's like, by the way, Shannon was talking about how, you know, go to her gym. That's so wonderful. Congratulations. But all I know is I've been training with this guy for like three or four months. And then all of a sudden she showed up. And then we go back to Shannon and Emily. And Shannon's like, and Alex said, well, we don't want any drama here, ma'am. We do not want any drama here. Please do not have Shannon come back and take off her top again. That was horrifying. And then Alexis said, well, I'm a good Christian girl. And then he said something like, oh, good Christian girls talks about their sex life. And Emily goes, wait a minute,
Starting point is 01:08:16 he said that to her? She goes, yeah, well, something like that. And then John said, F you, F you, we're not coming back here again. And he kept saying, Oh, Shannon's behind all this. Oh, Shannon's behind all this. Oh, Shannon's behind all this. Oh, I got the picture. Well, it was a lot of times he said it. And I'm like, no, I'm not. I'm like, Shannon, you started the story saying that you called up Alex after football and told him about the gym situation. I'm not behind this whatsoever.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Alex after football and told him about the gym situation. I'm not behind this whatsoever. Also, this isn't the fault of her. She's allowed to gossip and Alexis said it on national TV in front of like 30 girls. So fuck Alexis too. But fuck Alex. Alex is the one to say fuck. What about his trainer? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Where are the women fighting? You guys should be all firing the trainer in his shitty little gym who fat shames his customers and now doesn't even let them gossip to him. Why would you go to that guy? We're missing something from the story. It's weird that Alexis was like, I'm a good Christian girl. I mean, she does say that pretty often, but it's like, how does it go from I'm a good Christian girl to, oh, a good Christian girl talks about our sex life. Like you don't say that to a client, which has me believe that somehow it escalated to an argument and it got very heated
Starting point is 01:09:31 and they both were sort of screaming at each other. Cause I just can't imagine anyone saying that to their client just like as a normal response to saying, oh, don't worry, no drama here, I'm a good Christian girl. Well, you know, Alexis, I mean, Alexis does say stuff like that. Like she probably take a number at Baskin-Robbins and be like, hey, did you call number 61 yet? I'm a good Christian. So, I get to go. But then the person at Baskin-Robbins, Baskin-Robbins worker isn't going to say,
Starting point is 01:09:57 oh yeah, like a good Christian girl who talks about her sex life. If it was Alex, it might. They even showed a clip of Alex when Shannon's like, okay, go ahead and take a picture. So we have a picture from my before and after I'm going to take off my top. But please close your eyes. What you're about to see is horrifying and traumatizing. And then she takes off her shirt and goes, Oh, God, Jesus. Wow. Oh, my God. It's like staring into the sun if the sun was made out of cottage cheese. Jesus Christ. So I believe it coming from Alex, what a douche. So Alexis is complaining about this now. She's like, I mean, why would anyone even know Tamara? If she wants to fucking do this, it's like, no, we're fucking leaving the gym.
Starting point is 01:10:37 We're never going back to this crap shack. Crap track that you were defending, you know, genuinely like a day before, like it's our gym now. And we decided that like if it's our gym and like if she decides that she's gonna claim it as her gym, that's ridiculous because the best gym in the entire county of Orange. We're out of this crap shack. And she's like, there's no way he's going to know about a luncheon. Okay. Where I bring up sex. Like the only culprit to that is Shannon. Did that
Starting point is 01:11:04 sentence make sense? No, but who cares? So Jen's like, well, you know, she feels just like everywhere you're hanging out with her friends now, you're at the gym, you know, you've got her dog. I think you're wearing her leggings a little bit. Oh yeah, you know, Johnny got them for me. So Alexa goes, you know, I've known Tama longer than she has.
Starting point is 01:11:24 So don't say it's her fucking friends. I've been friends with you way longer and I'm very close to Heather. So like, does this get her ownership now? No. So back to Shannon and Emily. Emily's like, whoa, it's like a very single white female. That's like crazy.
Starting point is 01:11:40 You know, they're not gonna have the option to really vote much soon if, oh, nevermind, let's not get into it. Shannon's like, well, is not going to have the option to really vote much soon if, oh, nevermind, let's not get into it. Shannon's like, well, is Alexis trying to live the life that I had? She's with my ex-boyfriend. She's getting love bombed like I did. Next thing you know, she's going to look gorgeous with long blonde hair wearing a sombrero on a horse. Good luck trying to be me. Alexis is like, the only thing I really care about is she needs to like redeem my man's name because the truth is coming out whether she wants to do it or not.
Starting point is 01:12:14 John is not going to hold his mouth forever. He's over it. So then Heather is FaceTiming with Terry. It's like that's let's start over. The housewives are starting their day. It's that kind of stuff where it's like, doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon. Hi Anya.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I know he calls her that, but she's like, hello Terry. Can you imagine just getting a FaceTime from Heather? Like, hey, I'm just gonna open my phone. Hello. They didn't have polyester. They didn't have anything other than polyester, polyester, polyester. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:12:47 So then we go to Shannon's house and, okay Archie stand back. I'm going to light this fireplace. I'm just gonna pretend it's John Jansen just burning everything we built down. Hold on. Woo, that was a. Hold on. Woo. It's like back draft. I feel like I've just six degrees from Kevin Bacon. Now.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Was Kevin Bacon in back draft? He was, right? He was. I actually never saw a back draft. Me neither. So I was like, why would I want to watch people get burnt to a crisp? Busy. So then Jen, so the Jen and Ryan are at their at his house and they're kissing in the pool.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Oh, they're just having sexy time. And thank you Bravo for keeping this blissfully short. They just make out in their pool and he's like, let's have sex and we just move on. And this was this could have turned into a Teddy and Tamara in the hot tub. And they cut it short. Thank God. Cause I knew that Ryan would do it. Ryan was just dying to jerk off to any, any camera he can find. Yeah. So then Katie and Gina and Sutton, dun dun dun dun dun.
Starting point is 01:14:05 So Sutton is on today and she comes with her dog, June Bug Carter Cash. So Gina is there. Gina's trying not to cheese out too much for being in a country club. She's like, let me go on. I can't believe I got in here finally. So Sutton joins and she's like,
Starting point is 01:14:24 oh God, I haven't seen any of you since my, my Christmas party. And then Gina's like, Oh wow. Which I did not receive an invitation to. Oh yeah. Well, that's my fault. We will fix that next year and make sure you don't get invited again. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Thank you. This time I'm not going to be running any credit checks on people. So maybe this time you'll get in because I've learned that we don't really need to be giving people credit checks. Am I right? Not our friends? Have I learned that from Katie? It's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Huh? Hilarious. So, okay, Gina, Gina, Augusta, Georgia, you know Augusta? Do you know about Augusta? She's like, no. Is it like the lady version of the month of September? That's all I guess. That's all I guess, but no, it's not.
Starting point is 01:15:08 That's where I'm from. And here's, here's what we're known for in Augusta, Georgia. It's the masters. It's golf. It's my business partner. My business partner is a huge golfer and he needs you to know her. You need to know her, meaning Katie. And so I said, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:24 So that's how we met. So fast maiden, have I earned my paycheck? I said, okay, so that's how we met. So fast made. Have I earned my paycheck? I don't need it. I don't need it. Donate it to the poor one. She here. That's Gina.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Oh, there you go. Consider that an invitation to not come to my Christmas party. Next year, you failed the credit check. You failed it. You failed the Augusta check. Um, you also failed the check. You failed the Augusta check. You also failed the check. So the wacky story here is that Matt, Gina's ex-husband Matt worked at a mutual fund company and that mutual fund company, the president of it was Sutton's ex. But what's funny is that Gina explains this, but she makes it sound like Matt was like
Starting point is 01:16:06 working with Sutton's husband, the president of the mutual fund company. And I guarantee there were so many tears between Matt and Sutton's husband. Like they did not, I don't think that they met through that. I think it's just a coincidence, right? Like there's no way that like Gina went to the holiday party in like a thousand Oaks at the regional office in thousand Oaks and Sutton's husband was there, right? Yeah, I don't know or like he ran the hedge fund and Matt was an employee there or something. Like I haven't, that's kind of the impression that I got, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Cause Gina's like, I mean, she did a little bit better in her divorce than Ian did. I was like, yeah, because she had a much better, her husband had a much better position or whatever. So Katie tells us, she was like, the first time that I met Sutton, we had a miscommunication and she said, I think you're a little dim. And I said, dim, what the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:17:01 And I think she respected me because of that. Nailed it. By the way, for the record, it probably was not a miscommunication. It was her just calling you dim. So anyway, so something's like, so you know, I'm you're a little dim. But that's the light and I look the cutest in so we're gonna be friends. Okay, you and me. named him named him. So sons talk about how she lived in Orange County in 2008. And she's like, you know, I love my time here. And I might some great friends who I never talked to. And you're going to make some great friends, you know, you know, on Orange County level, not on the Beverly Hills level, I'm from a much bigger show. And Katie's like, Oh, yeah, that's what Gina said. Gina said, I'm gonna meet some great friends
Starting point is 01:17:46 and we'll all live together, blend all our families and we'll have a great time. Yeah, I introduced you to certain people. I brought her around. Okay, well, when you're done meeting all the people who hand out samples at the Costco, call me and I'll introduce you to people with actual credit. Good to meet you guys.
Starting point is 01:18:04 So, you know, here's who I love, Heather, but you're bending to Heather and Katie's like, um, I mean, well, there's some things that have happened. First, when I was at your Christmas party, she knew what I was because her and Gina had a conversation and then Heather was in front of me and then she turned around and went like this and gives a look. And so what? I mean, that have you watched this show? That's what she's going to do.
Starting point is 01:18:33 That's what she's going to do, Katie. Welcome to Heather Dubrow. What the fuck do you expect from her? Katie goes, she stared at me straight in my face for a good five seconds and then turned around and said nothing to me. So then I follow her on social media because she's Gina's friend and she posted a picture for her birthday and I liked it and I was like, Oh, she looks pretty. And then I woke up the next day and she tagged me in her photo.
Starting point is 01:18:54 And suddenly like, well, were you in it? She's like, no, I wasn't. They're like, Oh, okay. What do you think this meant? This was so weird because Cause then they show the photo and there's just a picture of Heather with her crazy beady eyes like, and then in the bottom, it says Katie. What was that? I think that Heather tagged the wrong Katie. That's I genuinely, I can only think that because maybe, I don't know. That's the only way I can understand. I think that Gina told her, okay, the new girl is going to be coming. And Heather didn't know that that was who she was meeting at the time. And so she kind of looked at this girl like,
Starting point is 01:19:35 what the fuck, who are you serving? You know, like, where's your tray or whatever. And then turned back around. And then later Gina was like, oh, you saw Katie, right? That was my friend Katie. And Heather was like, oh my God, that was her. I asked her for a napkin and another little tuna crispy thing. Oh, I'm so embarrassed. And then I asked her why they only make referee things in polyester and does she want my leftover? Anyway, I'm so embarrassed. I think she just friended me on Instagram. I'm going to tag her in this picture to make her think that I knew who she was the whole time. But it could be that like it was like, right? Be like, No, I wasn't being cold to you. Look, I like you so much. I'm gonna
Starting point is 01:20:12 tag you as the candlestick. Exactly. I'm tagging you as goal weight. So Katie is saying, like, yeah, you know, meeting Heather was great, even though it was the first time she acknowledged my presence. So she does not like Heather, clearly. She doesn't. Now listen, Heather's not my favorite either,
Starting point is 01:20:34 but so far this is weak. I think Katie's kind of making too big of a stink over not really anything. I mean, Heather's rude and dismissive, but you know, I mean, as you get to know Heather, you just start to like that about her. Like it's starting to feel like kind of a warm hug to me. You know, I'm like, well, she looked at you. That's, that's something rare. She could have looked above your head like I think she does with everybody else. So that's something, you know? Yeah, I think that's a major win. In fact, so basically, son's like, well, I mean,
Starting point is 01:21:01 what did that woman say? I mean, look, if a pig came into my kitchen, I'd make him bacon. You go and get eight. So don't be that pig walking in that kitchen and you go and get eight. She's like, why would I take it to bro? All right, well, you're going to be cooked and served and not ate and given to the staff at Nobu. But either way, you're going to be dead no matter what. Listen, you don't have to eat a kebab to skewer it.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Don't be the pig. I thought this was actually very good advice. You're coming into somebody else's kitchen, do not make her cook you, because she will cook you. Also, I do have hope for Katie, because while I think she's trying hard, and by the way, when I say trying hard, I don't mean to have charisma or energy or anything else like that, because obviously she's not, but I mean to make a fight with somebody. I respect the trying hard, but I think it's going to get better later like that, because obviously she's not. But I mean, to make a fight with somebody, I respect the trying hard,
Starting point is 01:21:47 but I think it's gonna get better later this season, because I saw a headline that Heather was getting interviewed and she said something like, oh, Katie, she's the new Noella. She's new Noella 1.5 or something. And I was like, oh, so Katie's really gonna come for Heather. Yes. So I'm temporarily here snapping for Heather. Yes. So yeah, I'm temporarily here snapping for Katie.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Katie has a weapon that will will serve her well, which is a waspy voice. And that's the thing of like, she just has like a cold waspy demeanor. And that's gonna be hard for Heather. You know, Heather's used to like hysterical people like a Tamra or a Gina or whatever. But like someone who's just gonna like respond to Heather with just like a coldra or a Gina or whatever, but like someone who's just gonna like respond to Heather with just like a cold steely response and say, I don't feel that way. It's gonna be difficult.
Starting point is 01:22:31 A withering stare. Yeah, it's gonna be difficult for her. Agreed. So then over at Emily, she's like, I'm giving my kids Chick-fil-A right in this scene where I'm gonna lecture everybody about health, okay? Yeah. So she goes, Annabelle, do you want soup?
Starting point is 01:22:43 And Alan Bay was, no. She goes, why Annabelle? And she goes, Annabelle, do you want soup? And Alan Bell goes, no. She goes, why Annabelle? And she goes, cause it's soup. Wow. Love Annabelle. It really gets a Shane in there. So it's really coming through. I don't know why it made me laugh so hard. I thought it was so funny. She goes, cause it's soup. I thought it was so funny. She goes, cause it's soup. Then she's like, I'd rather have chick-fil-a. Well, I worked out with me at the gym yesterday and she had three,
Starting point is 01:23:16 she had hard boiled eggs on the way home. And it goes three to be exact. So it's really exciting in this household. Yeah. Emily, who really hates, uh, you know, diet talk is already like counting her children's hard-boiled eggs on the way home from the gym. Pete Slauson Sounds like it's going great over there. Jared So, she's like, yo, my kids see me go to the gym every day, so I think them seeing an active lifestyle is a good thing, you know, because like it counterbalances Shane walking around with his big gulps. Like every morning, he goes to 7-Eleven, gets a big gulp, and then he puts it on the kitchen
Starting point is 01:23:45 counter. Then you'll see it on the bathroom counter. Then you'll see it in front of the TV. Then you'll see it in front of the garden holding a hose. I mean, it's like the sisterhood of the traveling goddamn big gulp cup around there. I can't take it. Pete Slauson I am unfortunately like that. I definitely get a coffee cup. My Starbucks cup travels with me throughout the day. And it's just like, because I drink it like that. I definitely get a coffee cup. My Starbucks cup travels with me throughout the day. And it's just like, cause I drink it very slowly. And it goes, it's literally like a Delores. It's like, it goes from the office,
Starting point is 01:24:12 the living room to the kitchen, to the living room, to the bedroom, to the bathroom. I truly think that every man understands the lapping cup. The lapping fast food cup. I think we all do it. I think it's just a pattern that we all have that you'll see it around somewhere, you know? Yeah, it's everywhere.
Starting point is 01:24:30 It's like, it really just follows me around. Yeah. So she goes, she talks, she's talking with Shane alone now and she's talking about how she went to dinner with Shane's stepdaughter, Chanel, and that she's like, yeah, well, Chanel thinks that you're shaming her about eating out too much. And he's like, I didn't lecture her. I was just saying, I gets better to eat at home. It was very lying.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Yeah, but she thought you were being hypocritical because she says, daddy eats in and out all the time and always has a diet coke laughing around the house and doesn't work out. And like, I'm going to the, you're saying I'm going to the gym too much and being like too obsessive and you're over here not doing anything. So maybe we could meet in the middle and try to be healthier together. I think Emily's pathway to being healthy is terrific, but I think she takes it too far, you know, cause then if she doesn't go to the gym every day,
Starting point is 01:25:30 then she's disappointed in herself. And I'm like, you've already got me to be disappointed in. I feel like there's someone else in our relationship. So he's saying that like, he doesn't have time to be healthy and And because when Emily's at the gym, he's at home taking care of the kids. So she's like, well, you know, the other day you came home and you had that pain in that chest. Remember? And I freaked out. I was like, am I calling 911? I was like,
Starting point is 01:25:55 are you having a heart attack? And she says that like he was doubled over with chest pains and this is another man thing by the way, don't you think? Yeah. Well, it's not you. I don't feel like you're this way, but I definitely am this way where it's like doubled over chest pains, bleeding out of my eyes and my arm has just fallen off onto the ground. It's like, Ronnie, are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine. Okay. Hold on. It's going to pass and don't need to go to the doctor. It is all done.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Just hand me that big gulp. We'll just keep going. Moving along with our day here. It is all done. Just hand me that big gulp. We'll just keep going. Moving along with our day here at Reemble. I currently have a very light headache and I'm like, is it an aneurysm? Am I actively having an aneurysm on this podcast? Like I am ready to call that doctor at any moment. I was like, I was reading an article last night about how there's apparently a syphilis epidemic that's happening right now. Oh God. And, and the article said that syphilis can lie dormant in your body for decades. And so like my vision is, you know, cause I'm getting older, like I now have readers on, which is what you're seeing here on the camera.
Starting point is 01:26:59 And I'm like, wait a second. Did I get a hookup? Did I get a syphilis from a hookup like 15 years ago and it's been dormant and now all of a sudden I'm going blind because I've got syphilis in me. Like literally that's where my brain goes every single time. I cannot control. I'm the anti-shane. I'm like, I'm controlling myself. I'm calling a doctor, you know, about every little thing. Well, it starts as a sore that's often painless and typically appears on the genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis spreads from person to person. So do you have sores? No. I'm sorry, but it's not syphilis. No, that's not syphilis. I'm sorry. Sorry about that. You are no longer in the running to be America's next op syphilis patient. Sorry. It's hard to break it to you. Well, I was talking about my vision quickly degrading too, and a listener DMed me and was like, Oh, well,
Starting point is 01:27:46 here's an article about how the weight loss medications are causing blindness now. And I was like, awesome. Thanks. Thanks for that. So then I got to marinate on that for a week. Um, so that's been super fun. I'm like, I'm also now thinking like, do I have glaucoma? Even though I literally just got checked like five months ago and the ophthalmologist was like, you have the eyes of a 28 year old, blood pressure of a 47 year old, but the eyes of a 28 year old. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Well, at least you won't be able to see your blood pressure results soon. There's a positive to everything. Okay. Everything has a bright side. So Emily's like, okay, but I worry about your health. Okay. Emily, I get that you found him doubled over in the office, but you're treading the line now of being one of those people who's lost weight. So now everybody around you has suddenly got a weight problem. You know what I mean? But he was doubled over as an office.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I'm not going to go too hard on that, but listen, no pain, no gain in Chick-fil-A points. No pain, no shame. So Gina, let's go over to the advanced casita. So Gina's house, and Travis is packing. And Gina, I think that she has actually been kind of annoying here, because she's the one who said you have to move out. And so he's packing. He clearly does not want to do this. He's sad.
Starting point is 01:29:09 He's so and he's moping. And while this is happening, she's you know, he keeps saying things like, Wow, I can't believe how fast this happened. It's like I just I felt like we've lost this one. Like, oh my god, like, do you do you want help holding? She's like trying to like fill the awkwardness and negative space. And to me, it's just like, if I were Travis, I'd be like, you're kicking me out. And then you're gonna be like, Oh, I feel bad. I feel bad. It's like you made this choice. And that's literally what he winds up saying. Now I'm
Starting point is 01:29:36 not saying this is not a judgment about whether or not it was the right move. It's just one of those things where like, you know, you kicked me out. and now you're going to pretend like this is hardest for you. It's hard for me. Yeah. Gina, that's what Gina does. She does something to you and then she acts like the victim, you know? And so that's what she's doing. But then again, Travis, I'm like, just get out already, Travis. You fucking liar. It's so hard. Like, I can't even feel bad for Travis because he's packing and he's like moping, you know? He's like, he's like, you are packing a bag and she's like, how are you feeling about this? He goes, I feel overwhelmed. Like, like there's just so much to figure out. Like I gotta get internet.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Oh my God. You have to call spectrum. You poor fucking thing. It's going to be so hard. It's going to be so hard for you. You should have done that before you moved out. So then, then he is like, no, I can't say that. You saw what just happened to me moving into this place. Like, Oh God, I called spectrum five minutes ago, man. And they haven't showed up yet. Well, Gina's like, I mean, how do you see this going?
Starting point is 01:30:41 Like we have to be together sometimes. He goes, well, it just, I think it goes from us being like one single family unit to more of like adult dating. Yeah. But what if this was like a mistake, you know, like one of these was a mistake, which is like not what he wants to hear right now. He goes, well, people make mistakes. Look at my last four years with you, you know, and they figure it out. And if it ends up being a mistake, then it ends up being whatever it is. I just, I'm, I'm late for my spectrum phone call. Really need to set this up. So she goes on with her like, Oh my God, baby, we're going to like be together, but when y'all can be living together and like, it made me feel so bad. I feel so bad.
Starting point is 01:31:17 And he's like crying. He's like, Oh God, I gotta call a 1-800 number by myself. Shekia. Well, you know, it's like I got to get spears from Travis's pants because this ex makes things so difficult for him and like, then it like, he feels responsible and I got to choose myself and my three kids in Disneyland. So that's what we're doing. And he's like, listen, it seems like you're thinking about like how to undo the decision that you're made. And that's like really confusing to me. Like 1-800-SPECTRUM, that's not even the amount of numbers that are in the phone number. Pete Slauson S-P-E-C-T-R-U. What's the M4? Shouldn't it be 1-800-SPECTRUM? I just don't get it. Jared I think the M is the mistake. Are we making one? Cause you know, I do love my life and I do love my family, but there's something
Starting point is 01:32:08 here that's just like not functioning right. It's the internet. Oh yeah. No, actually here it's fine. So your new place that is be it. So don't worry. Here's looking on the bright side. I have internet.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Okay. So, um, you know, we got gotta do this because the kids need more species. And he's like, stop saying this about the children because like, honestly, like you made this decision, okay? And I thought the kids would be preferred to be in this space and separate. So, I mean, they're sad. They're sad.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Well, I'm almost packed, I guess. Here I go. Here I go. It's like, okay, tie up that bindle. I don't want you to lose any t-shirts. Before I leave, I just want to say one thing to you. Giddy up, gah, gah, gah, gah. It's the sound of my dial-up modem
Starting point is 01:32:56 that I'll be hearing now that you kicked me out. I hope you can live with that. Ah. So she's like, oh my God, it's like so hard because because like you have so much guilt and like, I don't know if this is a missing and it might be, but like, I don't know if I don't try it. It's just gonna end heartbroken, you know, and I don't want I go. Big hugs. Oh my God. You have to kick me on the list. Even though lips, even though I have a lip gloss, he's like, oh gross. Okay. And then he, he like gives a hug to the dog and just like a goodbye and Gina and the dog are waving goodbye and Travis goes off to his new life and Tustin.
Starting point is 01:33:43 He goes off to wherever he's going to wind up the Motel six down the down the road. Yeah. And that's the end. But it's not really. I think they're still together from what I can tell them. So yeah, they're still together. They're still together. But it just it's more like I just feel bad for those kids. That must just be so confusing for the children. Well, you know, yeah, I mean, I guess, it's probably also confusing for the kids to live in a household where their mom is making meatballs with ragu. Okay, I said it, I said it, I let it out.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Well, everybody, thank you so much for being here. Fun episode day. We'll see you guys next week. In the meantime, if you want this on vidya, go look at it on Patreon. Okay? All our Love Island recaps are there. It's been fun, guys. We love you. We'll talk to you next time. Okay? Bye, everybody. Bye. Bye, guys. Bye. Call me. Call me. Watch What Crap Is would like to thank its premium sponsors.
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Starting point is 01:35:33 Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony, Junie. My favorite Murdo, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podchadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender, the incredible edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell, pour Rachel. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Shinin' out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Coutar. We love you guys. If you like Watch What Crappens, you can listen ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. Before you go, tell us about yourself
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