Watch What Crappens - #2502 Below Deck Med (S09E09): Stew Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

Episode Date: July 30, 2024

On Below Deck Mediterranean, things have gotten so bad between Bri and Ellie that they both may need to get the axe.  Iain, meanwhile, may have… no skills?  To watch this recap on... video and listen to all of our bonus episodes, go to Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondry Plus subscribers can listen to Watch Your Crappins ad free right now. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple Podcasts. Watch What Crappens! Watch What Crappens! Guess what happens when there's so much that crappens! Hi Ronnie, how are you? Well, hello, how are you Ben? I'm doing just great. I want to give a special shout out to everyone who joined us on Crappy Hour last night. I think we forgot to mention it, but we have moved it over to be a YouTube only thing because Instagram, actually it's simulcast on Instagram, but it's really on YouTube now because Instagram was giving us so many issues but you can watch along on Instagram you just really can't participate in the same way so you know be sure to you know like and subscribe our YouTube channel watch what happens guess what it's another thing to like and subscribe to but you should if you want to take part in crappy hours super fun that episode will be up on our feed later this week and also patreon
Starting point is 00:01:23 slash watch what happens youins, you know, craps on demand, you know, the drill. So anyway, Ronnie, what's going on with you? How you feeling? Feeling great. Got an hour and a half of below deck. I mean, it's just what I needed this. Listen, the Olympics are on. So it's a lot of watching people do super important things for a long periods of time, and that's what this felt like. I was like, I wonder how Gail is feeling right now about her boyfriend that she might be cheating on with the guy she talks about strawberries with. Please make it longer. And they did. So that was fun. Actually, I was really worried when I saw that. I was like, guys, enough. But enjoyed it, you know, enjoyable, lovely show. And I was thinking watching this, it's so nice to have a season where there's villains,
Starting point is 00:02:11 but they're like nice. They're not terrible, you know what I mean? Like, sometimes this show can really bring us hate-inducing villains. Gary, Malia. There have been villains on this show that I have wanted to throw a boat at. But this one, I mean, I like them all. I mean, Ellie, I guess is the villain. I guess Ellie would be the villain on this one. I really like her and I enjoy her OnlyFans work on Instagram. I can't tell if Ellie is the villain or not. Like I think, I don't know. I think if anyone's the villain, it might be Ian the Boson because he's the only one who is really, well,
Starting point is 00:02:51 there's several inept people, but he's really inept and he thinks he's actually killing it. You know, Ellie is the villain. Elliot is also messing up, you know, more than I think is really being given, you know, credit to, but Ian is like messing up. And like, it's like big dumb mess ups. Like Ellie's just not prioritizing properly. But Ian is just like, you know, missing blatant things. Like, hey Ian, can you last note
Starting point is 00:03:16 there's a Kraken anywhere nearby? It's like, no, no Kraken, there's no Krakens nearby. And then it turns out there's like a giant sea monster, like right on the side of it. Wait a minute, what is Pinocchio doing in here? Oh gosh, we're inside the Cracken's stomach. Well, Ian, you kind of messed that one up. He's like, oh, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I didn't, you know, she's just blaming me, but I guess I'm gonna smile and just keep going with it. Ha ha. I guess everything is my mistake. What is wrong with you? Yeah, but even Ian, he's not hateable. Like he's nice. He's just, he's just a dummy, you know, but he, he's nice.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Like he's not hateable. It's interesting. It's a, it's an interesting theory there and actually I think they're trying over at Bravo by giving us like somewhat likable villains. I think the big villain for the season really was that provisioner from the first two episodes. We've not seen anyone as awful as that since then. Yeah. It was that Russian chick from, um, what was her name? The chef. Well, there were two Russian chefs. There was Duska. The one who was the hero.
Starting point is 00:04:16 The one who hated gay people and like, no, not Duska. Duska was a hero. Duska came on. She was a replacement chef from the next door boat. And then like cooked steak until it was leather and she goes, Dushka does what Dushka does. Dushka. No, I forget the other lady's name.
Starting point is 00:04:37 She was awful. I'm blanking on her name completely, but yeah, she was probably the worst chef of all time. Yeah. All right, well, let's get into it. So today's episode is called This Boat's Not Big Enough for the Stew of Us. Oh gosh, that's cute. Mila. It's a cute name.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Sorry, her name was Mila. That was the name of that show. Mila, that was her name. Anyway, back to puns. Not big enough for the stew of us. Okay, it takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make a thing go right. Unlike Norma's jeans, which aren't big enough for the you of us. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh because it's a lot better than what she does in the man department. Hopefully, hopefully she'll find a man who can catch a stray. She'll find somewhere to go.
Starting point is 00:05:35 It might. It would be nice. Okay, so Mustique is going to head back to the marina and Breeze sorting the crew's laundry and Jono is making breakfast and Aisha is up. Guests are waking up. All right, all right, deck team, I want the bow team on the bow. Okay bow wow bow team Bow bow how now bow jones, okay. Let's get this moving Bow wow wow yippee. Oh yippee. Yay. Am I right everyone? Okay. Come on to the bow now and uh They're just gonna pull some anchors and stuff like that and joe's telling us Being lead deckhand doesn't doesn't mean necessarily that I know everything that's going on on the boat, but Nathan doesn't have to be the lead deckhand to show me what to do,
Starting point is 00:06:10 and hopefully I'll get the experience on the boat that I need from this. See, this is why I sometimes question a Super Size episode. Do we really need to sit here and listen to Joe talk about what it's like to not be the lead deckhand? We get it. You're not the one in charge of lifting up the anchor first. Yeah. He's basically, Nathan is showing him what to do because he still doesn't know how to do it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And he's like, well, it's okay to take direction from someone who's not the lead deckhand. And then during his, do I have parsley in my teeth smile? Yeah. And then Sandy's like, Ian, Ian, are you ready to task your lines? What are we doing? We tasking lines? He's like, negative on the port guys, negative on the port.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Ha ha, ha ha, negative. There's nobody on there. No port guys, no port guys. And Gale's like, yeah, there is. There is a port guy right there. He's asking me why I don't text him back. Sandy's like, okay, well, they just released a boat next to us, so unless there's ghosts doing that, there's gotta be port guys.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Nope, no port guys. Oh, there's a port guy. There's a port guy now. Oh, he was, Captain Sandy, he was hiding. It's like, oh, okay, so they're hiding. What does that mean? Norma was coming around with a kissing booth. Okay, listen, you tell me there's no port guys in there actually, that's not settling for me, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:27 Because I know that there's pork guys, I can tell. So make sure you look before you talk, okay? And Nathan's like, ooh, he just got told off. So Ian's like, well, they weren't there, and then they were there. So if I waited a second, I might have gotten in trouble for taking too long to answer, so. Women, am I right? He's doing that whole thing.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Like if they had just listened to me, if it had just been my way, it would have been perfect. It's like, no, shut up. You were wrong. All you had to do is crane your neck and put some effort into it and you would have seen. Or just honestly, if you think you needed another second, say, hold on Captain Sandy, I'm just confirming the entire view. Say something like that, just communicate with her. Don't be like, I don't see anything, so therefore there's no people there. Well, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It's like yelling at a baby for being like, did you not see my hands in front of my face playing peek-a-boo? You fucking moron. If you had just waited for two seconds for my hands to come down, you would have seen me. You fucking stupid, baby. Yeah. I mean, he is, he never seems like he never really quite got beyond the concepts
Starting point is 00:08:34 of peek-a-boo. It's like, well, the there's no people here at this. So they have thought there was no one here, even though there's like a full bloat, bloat blocking his view. Yeah. You know, I've been, um, I spent the morning, we were talking about this before the show, but I spent the morning on the internet reading comments like about the presidential election and about, you know, stuff like that. And I came upon this video that made me laugh so hard and it's babies crying and then people throwing slices of cheese on their head.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Oh, like that. Oh. Like... That's fun. Like sliced cheese, you know? Yeah. And they like flop it on their heads. And then the babies just stop because they're so shocked to get a cheese square in their face. I thought it was the best thing. I literally sat there watching it for 10 minutes, laughing, laughing. And then I read the comments and they were like, this is child abuse. And I was like, do I think child abuse is funny now?
Starting point is 00:09:29 And then I thought, you know, if this is child abuse, I'm all for it. Like if this can be child abuse, then I'm in because cheese on baby's faces is funny. Like I'm sorry. Okay. That's not child abuse. That's just, that's cheese abuse actually. That's cheese abuse. You're wasting the cheese. Like who wants to eat your baby's face?
Starting point is 00:09:46 That's what I say. I agree with you. So, um, I don't know why I brought that up, but it just, I just think of Ian as one of those babies. He's like, I have cheese on my face. Well, he has certainly a large canvas for that cheese. There's a lot of place for that. She used to land. You could fit a big, a big slice of cheese on that. You could do some raclette. Some raclette. I like that you made it fancy. You made it like the fanciest dose of all time.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'm just saying. He could probably take on a bunch of cheese. That's it. Read what you want from it. So Gail's like, could probably take on a bunch of cheese. That's it. Read what you want from it. So Gale's like, okay, well call Fenders to me when you're ready. And he's like, I can't just do anything right now because I'll get in trouble if I do anything else. God forbid I do anything. Fenders, no Fenders. But there, did I get the right answer? Did I get it? Did I get it? Here, rope, throw the rope. Don't throw the rope. Oh, must've gotten the right answer there somewhere. I mean. And he's like, you know, I'm trying to work.
Starting point is 00:10:49 My attitude's fine. I just, I don't understand what she was getting angry about. She's getting angry. Cheese to your face. Cheese to your face. Just throw a wheel of brie at him at this point. Because. I wish I worked there so I could just slap a slice
Starting point is 00:11:03 of American cheese on his face. Oh my God, some pro-ballon, some Munster. Just make him into an Italian sandwich at this point. But you don't understand why she's getting mad. Because there are people there and she doesn't want people in the way when she's backing up the truck. Okay? Because she's going to crash the boat into the rocks.
Starting point is 00:11:20 You dumb ass. So Gail's like, I feel like with Ian there's a lack of accountability. He just constantly pointing the finger rather than pointing it at himself and saying, maybe I should have handled this better. Maybe I should have handled it. Why am I not texting myself back? How that actually hurts my feelings. I can't believe I didn't write I love you to myself today So I just got something you're a strawberry push from me, I love me How I just dropped my digital strawberry on my leg chop everything so
Starting point is 00:12:05 Now we guess what we're in episode 9 of the season. The season is actually going by very quickly. I can't believe we're on episode nine. We're on episode nine. So the good news is going by quickly. I feel like my children have graduated from college. They're like, dad, stop throwing cheese in our faces. We're going to college. We're about to turn to Tom Chandoval. So, but we're on episode nine, and the good news is better late than never. We're nine episodes in, and Brie has finally figured out the fine art
Starting point is 00:12:37 of doing the laundry. Just kidding, just kidding. Nine episodes in, she still has no idea what is happening in this room. Oh my God, I cannot believe it. How is this girl not fired? It's pretty funny. I love, oh, I don't think they can find anybody
Starting point is 00:12:50 because they're supposed to have another stew. They're still down a stew. No, they're down a stew. So they can't find it. No, they're down a stew because remember in the first episode, Sanji was like, oh, well, there's a leak in this room. So I guess there's only going to be two stews with Aisha.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah. So I guess they can't, oh, I see what you mean. So yeah. So it's not that they couldn't find one. It's that there's a leak, which we still can't fix. There's so I don't know that that's the wisest plot to go with. I went in a boat that we can't fix the leak on. So I'm doing great. Here's what you don't want on your boat. A leak that's lasted through nine episodes. You're on a boat.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Okay, boats should not be leaking. Somebody just- It's like Norma hasn't stopped laughing once. Listen, I've seen this movie. Okay, admittedly Norma gets away on a boat, but everyone else dies, okay? So Asia's checking on laundry with Bree and she's like, there with Bri and she's like,
Starting point is 00:13:45 here's laundry. Bri's like, oh my God, you nearly made me shit my heart out. That's a really weird thing if you think about it. Your pants are like, I shit my heart out. That's why Asia couldn't be a laundry striper when she wanted to be. Is that what they're a candy striper when she wanted to be? Oh my God. I'm another senior citizen.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Shit. They're hard. Oh, Asia, you need some more bedside manner. Jesus Christ. Sir. You need some more bedside manner, Jesus Christ. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Sir Brie, I have a question for you. Did you make a list in your notebook of things that Ellie did wrong? And so at this point, I thought Brie was gonna say,
Starting point is 00:14:36 no, no, I was just making a list of things I did wrong. But Brie's like, oh, so I thought that Ellie was stealing, and so I thought she was stealing like polos to get like at me and like I don't know. I don't know why I think these things so yeah, I'm like, oh so it was a burn book It really was a burn book after all And it's just like what the fuck? Well, I was just in my head and I was thinking about Ellie and my relationship She said well talk to me before you make a full on burn book girl.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I'm so sorry about that. I mean, I guess you could look at the laundry as a burn book. But like I said, it's literally just for me to remember things. But if she did fuck up, I mean, look, I've got receipts. You fucked up. And it wasn't me, you fugly skank bitch. And my receipts are right here. Oh, no. Hello. Has anyone seen my receipts? Have I put them in anyone's room by accident? I'm sorry. Am I supposed to be wearing pants made out of paper with five-year-old cursive scrawled across them?
Starting point is 00:15:45 You've been writing down what Ellie's done wrong on my white pants. I can't use these anymore. Well, I really want things to get better between you two, not worse. Oh, copy. So now what? What are you going to do now?
Starting point is 00:16:03 Give me some fresh laundry to lose. I'm training for my job as Easter Bunny. I'm pretending that underwear and pants are eggs. I will hide them. No! Don't hide them! Oh, I will unhide them. In places you can't find them. No! Oh my god, like I literally, every time, like bring in this laundry, it's like I cannot
Starting point is 00:16:27 even understand. So then, hey Aisha, hey Aisha, Aisha, Aisha. Hey come on, come on, okay, okay. Come into the bridge, okay, okay, here we go. So guess what, Leah, she's gonna, she's flying here on the 14th. Of what month? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:16:41 But on some month, on the 14th, she'll be here. And my plan is to ask her to marry me. At which point, it's just like... It's like a huge train coming to the station. Are you impressed? Where that part where the Titanic boat almost goes down. It's like you just watch it just tipping very slowly for half an hour. Are you impressed, Ronnie,
Starting point is 00:17:09 that I did not blow out the microphone? I had restraint. It was that moment call for a big, ah, moment. And instead, I have learned to, when I do my Asia, to go, ah, because if I do it a decibel louder, my co-host and all the listeners lose their minds. Hey, Oh, face away.
Starting point is 00:17:35 That is so sweet. So she's like, yeah, so I'm going to need your help. Oh, bring the bucket of shit in. You should make a ring made out of poo poo. Put it in bucket, we'll form it together. If you eat all your vegetables, it'll come out correctly. You know, I never thought, I never thought in a million years, I would ask someone to marry me.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I'm sorry. I meant to say I never thought in a million years, would ask someone to marry me. I'm sorry. I meant to say I never thought in a million years anyone would ask Norma on a date. But anyway, that has nothing to do with anything. It hasn't. It just goes to show you I'm right about most things. Meeting Leah, you know what? My heart knew. It just knew.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And she's changed my way of thinking when it comes to marriage, period. I love her so much. I just want to be everything that she sees in me, you know, when I'm wearing my Wonder Girl, Ninja Turtle, hybrid costume, you know? I want to fly, but also slide on my back and kill Koopa Troopas, you know? Hi. You got a little personal there. You're the one who talks about shitting in a bucket. So we're not sharing personal things now? Good point. I just wasn't ready for that sort of kinky
Starting point is 00:18:52 to come out of you. So anyway, they're gonna help with that. Or it's just gonna help with that. So now Mystique arrives at a dock and guess what? Ian is fucking up again. So the big issue here is that Sandy is like are the lines out of the water because he's got those two lines they've got to be thrown to the to the dock and then the guys in the dock and to tie
Starting point is 00:19:17 them on to winches or whatever and then once they're tied in and they're out of the water then she's gonna back up so she's like Ian okay are the are the lines out of the water he's like what's water we're in we're in the desert right now no no we're actually in we're in water right now and I'm gonna make sure the lines are not are the lines in the water yet no lines in the water kept no lines in the water whatsoever oh really hey Ian line uh where for out our Romeo? No, not that line. Line Ian, line! Um, I'll be back.
Starting point is 00:19:51 No Ian! I'm not asking you for famous lines. Where are the lines? I can't do anything right. Ian, I'm seeing a, I'm seeing our port line. It's just right there in the water. I see it right now. And he's like, no, I'm pretty sure that's an eel, a dead eel right next to our boat. That looks like a line, but it's not our line. It's not our line. It's not our line. He is such a dummy.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I mean, I know that he can't see what's being highlighted on the screen, but it's so obvious it's a line. There's a line, Ian. It's clear as day. Everyone's literally telling him, there's a line. We's a line, Ian. It's clear as day, everyone's literally telling him, there's a line, we see the line, he's like, nope, nope. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:30 And then she's like, okay, I'm gonna back up the boat while I'm backing up the boat, don't throw any lines. So she's backing up the boat and he starts throwing the lines. It's like, what are you doing? Gosh, I'm gonna describe that in one word that nobody's ever used to describe Norma's thighs.
Starting point is 00:20:46 That was hard. It was really hard. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial. Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived. We know the six wives of Henry VIII as pawns in his hunt for a son, but their lives were so much more than just being the king's wives. I'm Arisha Skidmore Williams. And I'm Brooke Zifrin. And we're the hosts of Wondry's podcast, Even the Royals. In each episode,
Starting point is 00:21:14 we'll pull back the curtain on royal families, past and present, from all over the world to show you the darker side of what it means to be royalty. We rarely see Henry VIII's wives in their own light as women who use the tools available to them to hold on to power. Some women won the game, others lost, but they were all unexpected agents in their own stories. Being a part of a royal family might seem enticing, but more often than not,
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Starting point is 00:21:55 and Black History for Real. I'm Dan Tbersky. In 2011, something strange began to happen at the high school in Leroy, New York. I was like at my locker and she came up to me and she was like stuttering super bad. I'm like, stop f***ing around. She's like, I can't.
Starting point is 00:22:09 A mystery illness, bizarre symptoms, and spreading fast. It's like doubling and tripling and it's all these girls. With a diagnosis the state tried to keep on the down low. Everybody thought I was holding something back. Well, you were holding something back intentionally. Yeah, yeah, well, yeah. No, it's hysteria. It's all in your head. It's not physical. You're, oh my gosh, you're exaggerating. Is this the largest mass hysteria since The Witches of Salem? Or is it something else entirely?
Starting point is 00:22:35 Something's wrong here. Something's not right. Leroy was the new dateline and everyone was trying to solve the murder. A new limited series from Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios. Hysterical. Follow Hysterical on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad free right now by joining Wondery Plus. So now the guests leave and this lady, Casey, I don't even remember her. She's like, we all just want to say thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And into your team, I mean, Brie, you just knocked it out of the park. Like you literally knocked my laundry out of off the boat and I don't know where it is. Where is it? I'm wearing a camisole I made out of cocktail napkins. And Ellie, you were so funny and Asia. Oh my God, Asia is just my spirit and animals. She's like, thank you But honestly if they only knew what was happening with the crew, it would be a different story
Starting point is 00:23:32 Oh, yes, we're just good at doing or not doing our jobs properly but keeping it quiet. Am I right? I actually heard everything that you just said. I'm sorry I'm actually really bad at keeping my inside voice quiet. Here's what I meant to say. Oh. So then Nathan says, looks sexy, doesn't it? I think this is a different scene. It's not clear.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So Nathan says, oh, looks sexy, doesn't it? And Gail's like, yes, I didn't know you flaked it and he goes it's moe We secret I'll let you in on it She goes Oh, I think you can let mean on a lot like the fact that you actually have a tiny dick because you think so Yet to be contained I guess you'll have to find smd About the the chemistry of these guys that their chemistry is just you know that
Starting point is 00:24:22 I love when people flirt about flaking, flaking things and having small dicks. I mean, it's just it's just so hot. I can't believe they let it on TV. Well, they really are upping their game. At least it's not about fruit. It's like actually someone said penis. So or dick. So you know I believe in you. So, Bree's like, so, I'm looking at tags, so the tags for these shirts, they have been cut off, no? And Ellie's like, I haven't, Ellie's like, I haven't cut anything off. I do not know what you're talking about with tags. I cannot do this. Please do not attack me right now. Please do not attack me today.
Starting point is 00:25:06 This is bullying with tag cut off. No, no, no, no, no, I know, I know, I know you didn't do anything. Cut off tags. Hold on, let me just write that down. Ellie claims to not have taken off tag. Lie, lie face. Oh, this is bullies. Bully.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Why are you writing that on my arm? Oh, God. Another mistake. Okay. Dear Burnbuck, do not write burns on Ellie's arms. That's my other arm! Oh, no. Oh, no. Terrible day. Okay, tip meeting. Alright, guys, I want you to keep your bar high. Okay? Because there's certain things I like. You know, as a captain there's certain things I like. You know, as a captain,
Starting point is 00:25:45 here's what I like. Polyester pants, white capris, ankle socks, bunny rabbits. It's neither here nor there. But you know what? A girl's allowed to have a hobby, am I right? Lines that aren't in the water. God, I love that. In fact, I would say I love that the most. Anyway, one thing is on deck. We want to be aware of what's around us, okay? Specifically Ian, you got to be aware. Okay, for instance, I bet you didn't see that cheese coming. No, that's why it's on your forehead right now. Okay, we'll talk later. Okay, guess what everyone? You just got teased. It's like, oh. Don't worry. I use Swiss cheese.
Starting point is 00:26:30 So you got a little, it breathes better. Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo Ian. Peek-a-boo. All right. So the guest left us 19,100 euros. Okay. Guess how much that is in American dollars.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Nobody, nobody can do the math. That's how they trick you. That's how they get you every single time. You thought that quarter pounder was cheaper? It's not. And it's also not a quarter of a pound, comparatively. Am I tricking you? It's not made of quarters either. Yeah, it's meat, not metal. Why does she only have a mouth? Because the cheese is still covering part of your eye, Ian. Lift it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Oh, you have a whole face. I told you. Oh, God, I guess I'm wrong again. Hey, Ian, are you still wearing that cheese from day one? Okay, well, now it all makes sense. Your depth perception is totally off. It's covering one of your eyes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:22 By the way, that was $22,000 US in case anybody's out there hitting their steering wheel going, but what's the math? Okay. There you go. You got it. Okay. $1,800 per person. Oh gosh. Okay. Now don't add up the people and then do the multiplication. $900 a person. Oh gosh. With a person with cheese on their face, it would be $1. Okay, so at this level on a super yacht, I expect more from the Boson right now, you know? And I just think that Ian's head is somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You know, it's like part of his head is in the clouds and his nose is down here. And starting now, I'm not letting it slide. I'm not letting it slide. Okay. So docking, listen, cross the lines first guys, because you know, what do lines do Ian? They make movies go. No Ian, not that kind of line. Okay. They make you high. No Ian, not cocaine. All right. Jesus. Ian, why are you doing high kicks right now? You know, dance line? No, you're not a rock head.
Starting point is 00:28:27 You're not a rock head scientist. I have to say, okay, anyone get that? Okay, listen. So they keep the boat from swinging, right? They keep the boat from swinging, just like a lack of a husband keeps Norma from swinging. Interesting. Copy that.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So, uh, he's like, to be honest, I think I'm doing all right, you know, uh, because apparently I'm wrong. I can't do Ian's voice today. I don't know what is happening with me. Every time I do his voice, some other accent comes out. It's the strangest thing. I'm like, uh, my, my Ian voice box is totally blocked right now, but anyway. I never really had it to begin with, so it's okay for me. I had it at one point.
Starting point is 00:29:09 To be honest. I'm doing okay, but apparently I'm doing wrong. So she's trying, I guess, to build trust and maybe push me to my limits to see how far she can push me. So maybe I'm just going to keep smiling. And then the music's like, she lays it out very clearly. Listen, here's what you shouldn't do. Don't say that you see things that you do see and do see things that you do see.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And if you don't see things, don't say that you see them. Do you understand? It's like, oh, women. So now they all get dressed up to go to a white party tonight. Because Asia found a place doing a white party, which I suspect this was pre planned because why on earth would every single person in this cast have an all white outfit ready to go? Like, there's just no way. That's my conspiracy theory. They knew about a white party before they got on the boat. So they are all dressed up, they're going to this white party and Joe is like, it's looking absolutely fantastic
Starting point is 00:30:15 and she said that she was liking me. She's like giving me the green light. I'm just going to hit the ground running. But before I do that, do I have any cilantro on my teeth? Anyone? Please help me out. The last girl season. He's like, Bree, why are you not speaking to me? What have I done now? You're like this with me? You go up and down and up and it's like a roller coaster.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And she's like, isn't it fun? She keeps it on edge. Speaking of which, I've been edging for quite a while. So now everyone gets in their cabs and everything, and they're on the way to this place. And Johnno's like, so who do you think is going to hook up tonight? And everyone's like, Nathan and Gail.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And he's like, sorry, boyfriend. Prr. Let's get these pussies popping. Am I right? And he's like, sorry, boyfriend. Prrrr. Prrrr. Prrrr. Let's get these pussies poppin'. Am I right? I have incredible photo I want to post. What you think about it? And Bree's like, what the fuck? Because they're flirting.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Ellie and Joe's flirting. And you know that Ellie's picture is like, oh, it's just simple picture of me, boobies, a thong and a fuzzy die on my head because I'm in the scene, artistic, I'm playing fuzzy die in the car. What do you think? And Joe is like, Jesus Christ, is that allowed to go on the wanker bank? Which, you know, God, his charm is off the charts, really. I mean, really, it is pure romance, this show. That is pure romance.
Starting point is 00:31:50 People are really going for people because they're like poetic, you know? Guys really have to work so hard these days. So Bree's like, I feel like I can be... Look at my picture. I almost came. Can I come on your face to it? Let's get married. I'll see babies in my future. I'll came. Can I come on your face to it? Let's get married.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Let's see babies in my future. Let's see babies on your face. So at this point they're at the restaurant and Ellie and Joe are sitting next to each other. And I thought at first, Bri was across like diagonally across down the other side of the table, but definitely at some point I think she was and she moved. Okay. So she moved. And so then she's sitting directly across from Joe and Joe's sitting directly next to Ellie and Brie is like I feel like I can read vibes very really well and I do feel like a bit awkward to be honest
Starting point is 00:32:35 But I am trying my best to hide it. It's so bad. It's like you can read read vibes really well What Ellie draping herself on Joe and Joe basically having his arm like around Ellie's waist. Congratulations, Bri. You really, you really sussed out that situation. Yeah, this is like, nobody gets it. Like this is Joe's big threesome icebreaker. He goes, so I was going to ask, are you a cat or a dog? And Ellie goes, Well, if anything, I'd be a bunny. I like bunny rabbits. Oh, guys. And then Bree goes,
Starting point is 00:33:09 I had a bunny. Snowy. We lost her. She's trying to wedge her way in. She's like, I'm in the corner, bro. Just dancing between Bree, whom I've had relationships with, and Ellie, whom I want to have relationships with, and now gave me something for the wank bank. But I've noticed that when I'm talking to Bree I'm like, fuck, I've got to give her attention over her and then she's looking over. That's crazy bro. What's crazy is that anybody is fighting over you.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yes. That's what's crazy. I mean, it's just like dropping, it's dropping a half-eaten, five-day-old tuna sandwich just in the middle of a room of kids who have never had lunch. Do you know what I mean? Like they're just fighting over something gross. So that actually got sad. That got sad.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I didn't mean it to come out that sad. So you know what we should really mock more? Starving children. Welcome to Watch What Cravins. Yes, finally. So, what's that? I said finally. Finally.
Starting point is 00:34:04 We're just opening it up. We opened with children getting cheese thrown at their face. And now we're just down to starving children. Now we're throwing a tuna sandwich in the middle of the courtyard and all the children are going to run after it. We've been watching a lot of Game of Thrones. Okay. This happens like every week on that show. Did I feed the small folk and then the small folk will scramble and like fight over cabbage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So, um, Asia is talking to no, no, Gail and Jonah are Jono are talking about, Oh my God, I just don't understand. I'm getting these texts from my boyfriend and I'm just really trying, but it's just so hard because every morning I've woke up, I've sent a message. Every night when I went to bed, I sent a message. I thought I was doing my best. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. You know? Maybe humiliating the person you're dating on national television for like week after
Starting point is 00:35:01 week. Now, that guy's, again, we have to say it every week. I'm still her team. I think that this guy sounds like a meaty piece of shit. Yeah. But her whole like, what? I'm totally doing the right thing. I can't even understand when you're not, you're not being very nice. You know, as soon as I stopped making out with Nathan, I went right there and I texted my boyfriend to say good night. So I'm doing the best that I can. I went to bed and texted my boyfriend a strawberry emoji. But more can I do. The text messages from this guy though are so passive aggressive.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's like, I feel like I don't even hear from you anymore. It's like you don't care for me. All right, well, I guess since you're not writing me back, that means you don't even know who I am anymore. So I might as well just send it here. I guess it's over. So he like goes, he breaks up with her on texts at dinner. So she's reading it and she starts to cry. And so she leaves. Well, she took that exit quickly because I don't think he was really trying to break up with her. I think he was being like, I mean, I feel like you don't even like me anymore.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I mean, if you want to end it, we should just end it. She's like, he broke up with me. I think he was being like, I mean, I feel like you don't even like me anymore. I mean, if you want to end it, we should just end it. She's like, he broke up with me. I'm so, so sad about it. Can you believe it? He broke up with me. He broke up with me. It's just terrible. Yeah, it did sort of read to me like I am going, I fully agree. This guy's a piece of shit. She should not be in a relationship with this guy. He's terrible. I also kind of got the feeling like Gail was like, I don't want to be the one to be the bad guy to break it up. So she sort of was like reducing her communication and doing things until
Starting point is 00:36:34 finally he's like, okay, I don't want to do this anymore, which she's so lucky. And then she's like, well, I don't understand why he's like getting upset. And then later she's telling Nathan she's like, yeah, it just happened, you know, I didn't bring it up He brought it up because I just couldn't tell him I love him anymore It was just a minute ago. She's like I text him every morning and every night But I refuse to say I love you anymore like yeah I wonder why he would get the impression that you're totally not into him anymore. He's like I love you
Starting point is 00:37:00 She's like and you're great, buddy She's like, and you're great, buddy. And I feel like she purposely would like start to reply, like type one letter and then just let it go dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. So he's sitting there staring at the dot, dot, dots. Aisha gives her a really good pep talk though. She's like, oh, you know what? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:19 That's selfish to me. He's lifting, he's pushing you down because he's scared when he should be lifting you up because you're amazing. Yeah, so that's pretty cute. So then she goes and talks to Gail and I mean, she goes and talks to Nathan and tells him what happened and he's like, you couldn't tell him you loved him anymore. What's up with that?
Starting point is 00:37:43 She goes, yeah, and he noticed it. Duh. So he's like, I just hope she's happy. And whatever happens between us, that can happen. And I'm happy for me too. Ding. Gail's like, I mean, the universe is pushing me into this. How many signs can I really ignore?
Starting point is 00:38:00 I'm hot and I'm sweaty and I just wanna dance. And so I thought this was then gonna lead to a Gail is wasted montage, but actually it doesn't. And I also thought this was going to lead to a Brie gets wasted montage because earlier she was like, oh, I'm so upset about this. I just want to drink a whole bottle of wine by myself. So I was like, oh, here we go. But actually, everyone was pretty normal, I think, going out tonight. Right? Yeah, everybody was pretty normal. And John is over there going like, let's pop these pussies, baby.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So Ian just wants to be quiet. He's like sad and he's laying alone. And everybody asks how he is and like pats him on the head and tells him he's doing a great job. I'm just kidding. Everybody hates him. So he does that. And then they're going to go to a white party and Ian goes to the boat. He's like, I don't
Starting point is 00:38:49 feel like going out tonight because I need to focus on getting paid because I want to do better. I want to wake up. I want to wake up and not be tired and hungover. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm going to sleep. And I can tell you right now with confidence, there's no lines in this car. Ian, just grab that rope to help you up into the car. No, it's a little high. Damn it. Poor Ian, he really is, you know, he just has really bad context clues, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:16 whether it means lines in the water or going to a fancy restaurant and ordering a milkshake instead of a cocktail. I don't know if you catch that. Everyone's ordering like wine and cocktails and he's like, do you have milkshakes? And you're like, um, he really doesn't look, he really doesn't look at the menu or the environment, does he?
Starting point is 00:39:40 It's also something I think he's just trying to get people to be nice to him, you know what I mean? I kind of feel bad because no one likes him, which is his own fault, I guess. But I feel like when you go out drinking with people and you say, can I have a milkshake? You just want one person to be like, you're not drinking tonight? Yeah. No one's like, well, what's wrong, Ian? It's like the most obvious, it's like the biggest thing you could order that people will question you, you know? No one does, no one really cares.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Oh, Ian, you're back in the boat early. You're looking a little blue. So enjoy this blue cheese on the head. Oh God, funny every time. That really didn't land the same way, did it? Just kind of bounced off his face? Yeah, it's really crumbly. It is a crumbly cheese after all.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Smells great. Sandy's just doing it wrong. She's like, I don't understand. And all the TikTok videos, the babies stop crying in shock, but I was throwing some blue cheese at some babies and they just cry louder. It's the weirdest thing. Maybe I'll try this rock for it. Here's some feta. Surely that'll get them.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Some grated parmesan. Stop them with their tracks. It'll be more of like a pixie dust. Oh, oh no, look, I just used a vegetable peeler and I've got this really great thin piece of parm. Let's just see if I can fling this on his nose. No, it broke apart right away, right away. Boing, boing, boing. Well, spray Velveeta doesn't work, it's official. Hold on, I got a Polly O String Cheese.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Okay, I'm just gonna throw this whole big thing. thing out, bounce off his head and hit me in return. My name is Georgia King and I am thrilled to be the host of and away we go. A brand new travel podcast on Wondry Plus where we'll be whisked away on immersive adventures all around the world. Where we go, what we do, what we eat, drink and listen to will all be up to my very special guests. We've got Ben Schwartz taking us on a whirlwind trip around Disneyland. We'll eat a bowl of life-changing pasta with Jimmy O'Yang in Tuscany, Italy. And how do you feel about a spot of sugaring off with Emily Hampshire in Montreal?
Starting point is 00:42:10 And Away We Go will immerse you in some of the wonders of the world. We're going to be seeing some yellows and vibrant oranges. And the shoes clicking against the cobblestone. If you're looking to get somebody in the mood, have them look at the Chicago skyline. You can listen to And Away We Go exclusively with Wondery+. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. George, do you know what joy sounds like? I think I'm hearing it right now.
Starting point is 00:42:37 So Ellie's like, John and I are having a lot of fun. The feelings are wanting to rip his shirt off and you know, blow his mind. So they start making out and dancing awkwardly. And then it's time to go and Bree's like, this is the most annoying situation. I never want to think about it ever again. I'm just not jealous. If you want to hook up, hook up. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:43:02 It's just so annoying when you sit right in front of me. Why did you get in the same cab as them? Why, Bri? And then go move to sit next to them at dinner the whole night. Yeah. Why are you doing this in front of me? Please stop dancing in between me and Joe. It's just right in front of me, you do this?
Starting point is 00:43:22 So Ellie's like, oh oh Joe you want a massage tomorrow and he's she's like fully grabbing his crotch he's like what kind of massage can you give me right now oh oh and Bree's still doing it. She feels this wiener she's like yeah she starts like feeling a wiener yeah get right on in there and Bree's like I just don't understand what they have to rub it in my face like that and Ian's like, I just don't understand why they have to rub it in my face like that. And Ian's like, tell me about it. I still have some American in my teeth.
Starting point is 00:43:51 So speaking about things being rubbed in his face, like she's so Jono is like, I'm sorry. And yeah, Bree's just sort of spiraling. She's like, do you want to test me? You silly bitch, why do you want to do that? Especially if she saw a night when John I hooked up, not that I did it in her face because she was sleeping. I'm going to cut her throat and then take her ears and sew them together and sew them onto her butthole.
Starting point is 00:44:20 John was like, okay, calm down. She's like, I am calm. Do we have noodles? And Bree's like, yes, chicken noodles. I left it, I think, in Captain Sandy's cabin. Oh no, does anyone know where I left chicken noodles today? Oh no, you poor thing. I found some. I'm just gonna put them in the microwave for about 23 minutes. I'm sure it'll be fine, right?
Starting point is 00:44:45 They're like, Isha, that's too long. It is going to explode in microwave! Hey, wait a minute, are those my pants? Oh? Oh, I guess they are pants. I thought they were just really, really flat noodles. So Joe's rummaging around for food and Ellie's sitting in front of the rummaging spot. And he's like, don't we have a bit of chocolate in here? And she's
Starting point is 00:45:12 like, look for yourself. I'm not asking you, am I? Well, then you shouldn't, you shouldn't do it in front of me. If you want chocolate, then you don't want to ask me about the chocolate, then you shouldn't do it in front of me Sure when you go to sleep, you should not go to sleep in front of me. That's just disrespectful You're the one who plunge into my bed So now gail and Nathan go have their romantic night and it's basically as exciting as you are. I'm not messing with you. What the fuck kind of thing is that to say?
Starting point is 00:45:52 I meant to say, it's about as exciting as you think it is. You think it would be. My God, I'm so sorry. Whoa, hey Ronnie, you have been officially enlisted into the captain Sandy dis Norma club. Cause you just this been so sorry. It did not mean that I'm so out of it. I'm sure you can't tell them the three captain. I'm completely out of it today. No, it's okay. I knew it was not a, I knew it wasn't a dis
Starting point is 00:46:24 No, it's okay. I knew it was not a, I knew it wasn't a diss. It was as exciting. Also, I'm not exciting. So like that all- Yes you are. Yeah, right. You make me laugh for hours a day, literally every day. Doesn't mean I'm exciting. You know what I did last night?
Starting point is 00:46:38 I spent an hour and a half trying to sell a collar onto a shirt and I failed. You know what? That's hot. I sewed the neck band. You messed it up. The neckband goes in and out of the hole. So it's kind of like a Möbius strip around your neck. I'm not exciting. Oh, Ben.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Okay. So they're having a very exciting talk basically. And she's like, uh, I just, I don't want to flow around here. I just need to keep this between us. I sure wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings on television, but they're making out right in front of the camera. Well, because she's so ridiculous. He's like, they can't see us, which of course there's no camera. They're on, they're on like the guest deck. He's like, there's no camera. Uh, sir, trust us. There's cameras everywhere. They know, unlike the real housewives of Beverly Hills that always misses all the good stuff. So now it's the morning.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Everyone wakes up and Bri is like, I just, I don't want, I don't want there to be anything because I'm not mad whatsoever. But please, please just don't do it in front of me next time. Like if you get into a cab, just like chill. Okay? Cause that really made me upset you and Joe." And she's like, oh, no worries. Thank you for saying that. I won't do it again. And also as long as we're talking about things not to do in front of people, don't write any burn book in front of me. But actually she's really nice and apologetic. I mean, these two seem like they could get people don't write in your book in front of me.
Starting point is 00:48:08 But actually, she's really nice and apologetic. I mean, these two seem like they could get along. They did. They used to. They used to. I mean, for a moment, I thought this was a sign that they were going to start getting along. It seemed like open communication. And it was like friendly. It was a friendly interaction. Yeah. Yeah. So then Sandy calls Asia, John, it's time for preference meeting, basically. So she'sha, John, it's time for preference meeting basically. So she's like, our primary is Colleen.
Starting point is 00:48:28 She's a branding expert from Orlando. Colleen Ortero from Orlando. She just loves things that start with O-R. God, it's her favorite thing. Her name is Colleen Ortero. So is it Colleen or is her name Tero? No, it's Colleen Ortero. So is it Colleen or is her name Tero? No, it's Colleen Ortero. Which one?
Starting point is 00:48:50 You can call her either. Yeah. You know what she loves? Choices. Okay. So let's just not offer her one thing. Let's always offer her a choice. He's like, okay, well, she doesn't like seafood.
Starting point is 00:48:59 She doesn't like veggies or vegetables. Just like veggies or vegetables. Get into it, Johnno. Okay. Well, she doesn't like octopus or squid. Good for you. Or anything chewy. Well, that's crazy. Okay. I need to take a break in this just to say what kind of crazy hooker comes on here saying they don't want to chew? What are we supposed to just blend up her food? I'm here saying they don't want to chew. What are we supposed to just blend up her food? It wouldn't be the first time, that's for sure. Sandy's doing a stand up special right now in front of a brick wall. So, oh, I do, do, do, do, do, do. Hey,
Starting point is 00:49:43 so Nikki doesn't like eggs. That's interesting. And Jacqueline doesn't like meat, poultry, cucumbers, eggs. Also, oh my God, it's like trying to do all over again, except without some ridiculous bitch Olympian. Hey, that's my friend, Gigi Hernandez. Okay, or Fernandez. I bet you didn't know this, but she was clinging to the bottom of one of those batto mouches as it went down the sand last week on the opening ceremony saying, I belong here. I belong here. Chichi didn't know that she didn't like things chewy until you tried to serve her that steak. So gosh, never going to forget that one. All right, let's try and get over it. Okay. These ladies seem like they're being difficult. I mean, who goes on a boat and says, I don't like vegetables or chewy things? You're just literally crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:33 All the crackers that you're about to have, that's about it, crisps. Or eggs, come on guys. I feel like, if you have that many restrictions, just don't go on a boat. Don't go on a place where you're limited entirely by the pantry. I just, I've just never heard that before. I don't like chewy things. Please, no chewy things. That sounds like someone trying to be fancy. I will not have anything chewy.
Starting point is 00:51:01 So then Aisha is like, well, the primary requests the people to go with them around Poros for some goddess theme 50th birthday party for the primary. Oh gosh, we're going to have to go to Norma's childhood home. I didn't say that. Oh yeah, you did. Poros. That's where Norma's from. Oh, I get it, she was poor.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Yeah, it's funny, I usually don't like classist jokes, but it's okay with Norma. Have I told you the time I took an expired tuna fish sandwich and threw it down in the courtyard? Waited for Norma to come around to get it. That's what they used to call kickball in her hometown. Except it was with a tuna sandwich. He just tried to eat it. They still call it the kickball. They didn't know.
Starting point is 00:51:53 It was surprisingly not frugal for a poor town, but, um, there you go. Well, after the goddess party, they want to have a pajama party. And Asia's like, well, everyone's going to be in pajamas. Everyone. Wait, do they want a god of party? Pajamas. God, I love those pajamas. God, I love wearing pajamas. Really do. Go ahead, Ben. What were you gonna say? You know what I realized? I already hated the question I was going to ask.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I already don't even know. Ask it. Ask it. My question was, are they doing the goddess party in the pajama party in the same lane or would they just want to have a goddess party one night in pajama party on another night? I think they're doing it the same night. Well then what's the point of that? Why get into a toga if you're just gonna get into pajamas? I don't know. Why am I whispering? You know, I just realizedogas are not goddesses that wear togas.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Oh my God. The gods are listening. Zeus is listening. All right. Well, as I was saying, I love pajamas. Okay. Well, Charter Five, we've got work to do, guys." And so, Gayle is talking about her boyfriend still and how it's horrible breaking up over text and she's like, I just
Starting point is 00:53:12 feel like this industry is the first industry where I felt like I belonged, you know? I mean, right now, I can't read this whole thing, it's Gayle. Sorry. But Gayle basically... It's the first job I've had where it's actually socially acceptable to drop heavy things on your foot. This is the first job I've ever had that really tests my ankles. I love it here. So she calls her boyfriend and they break up and we don't even get the pleasure of hearing with the boyfriend cry because I feel like he did. I feel like he was like, how could you do this to me? I've been waiting for you. Do you know how much I've put aside to wait for you? I believed in us. I was going to marry you. I really thought he was going to drop this whole guilt trip on her, but we don't even hear him crying.
Starting point is 00:53:59 We hear like, we hear a few lines from him, but he, but she basically was like, all right, well, I've really enjoyed your service here and I'm going to send you this pin to commemorate our relationship. And congratulations. I was the hardest girl you've ever dated. And now it's back on to mushrooms with breasts for you. Goodbye. Yeah. I liked that she told him, you know, I'm here doing something for me and you can't even support me.
Starting point is 00:54:26 You have to fucking cry every day and make me feel terrible about it. And that's not cool. So I was glad that she finally said it because it's been making me crazy the whole time that she didn't just tell us, gotta shut the fuck up. So I'm glad she got that out.
Starting point is 00:54:38 So good, good riddance loser. Yeah. So then Asia goes and comforts her and saying, you know, it's an end of a chapter, but even though this is a good thing, it's still, you know, it's worth a cry. And then Bree is, um, here we go. We're back on the laundry carousel. Bree takes Sandy's laundry up to her. Wait a minute. This is a shark costume. Is it? Over in New York City. Hey, why is Let's Shark wearing Captain Sandy's uniform? Wait a minute. Okay, listen, I'm never gonna wear these pants again.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Okay, because they say, Ellie put colors in the dryer. Okay, I can't wear those. I'm never gonna wear these pants again. Guilty, shades of gray, got no place in my uniform. Never gonna wear these pants again. The way I wear them with you. That's gonna be our first dance. That's gonna be our first dance at our wedding.
Starting point is 00:55:45 It's beautiful. I got Tinder in the end there. I got a little slow. Made it slow and romantic. Okay. I'm never going to wear those pants again. They're gray. Okay? And this is not mine. You know what? You got to get my laundry right. Do your laundry. Bree's like, I know. I know. She was like, well, the third stew is an entry level position, you know? It could very easily be an exit level position too, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Technically it's Asia's job to train them, but we're down to stewardess. And you know who I blame? The leak. I blame the leak. I blame the leak. God, we really do need to clean that mold infested bedroom with the water dripping in from the Mediterranean to really messing things up, huh?
Starting point is 00:56:32 Gosh. So, you know, I just want to invest in Bree. She's like Apple stock before it became a fruit, you know? I mean, if she was second stew, I'd have a different conversation, you know, because second stews, they need to know lots of things. But first stews, really, they don't really matter. They're basically like twisty ties with garage bags, which actually, now that I think about it, are pretty darn important. I'm really talking to myself in the corner here, huh? You know what? Once upon a time, someone believed in me. It was a Somali pirate. And I said,
Starting point is 00:57:03 get away from me. And I drove away. But you know what? As proof that what someone believed in me. It was a Somali pirate and I said, get away from me and I drove away. But you know what? As proof that what someone believed in me, they're the only person who ever took a photo of me in my childhood. Notice that I only have two photos and we show them every year, multiple times per season, and that's all you get. This was the weirdest photo to put out. She goes, you know, every time I think of Brie, I think, there was someone who believed in me once. And it just cuts to Sandy and she's like, what was this picture? Had someone just pushed you up against a wall and thrown a, you know.
Starting point is 00:57:32 It's the only two photos. There's some photos of Sandy from her childhood. Why do you look like that? You know what, someone believed in me. They said, you know what, little girl, in your teenage years, we want you to have hair like Tony Danza. And then when you grow up, you're going to run a yacht and it's going to be wonderful. Well, they took a risk with me. And sometimes my very best wasn't good enough, but that doesn't mean they fired me. And that's exactly what I'm doing with Brie. I'm not going to give give up on her period. Because someone didn't give up on me. So why would I give up on her?
Starting point is 00:58:12 Like, oh, I mean, forward to the end of the episode, you both are replaceable. So now Asia's with her and she's like, all right, listen, someone else is sure to come back to my room. I threw these away. I threw the other pair away. Okay? They were gray. Okay? You got to train her, Aisha. That's on you. She's like, oh no. But you got to figure it out, Aisha. Oh no. Please just show her how to do laundry. Oh, no! Don't feel bad. I'll never fire you. But I will never hire you again if you do that. In the morning, I could say you're not hired anymore. Okay? It's not the same as fired because someone believed in me once, but I could stop believing in you. My kids stopped believing in Santa Claus. You know, once I stopped believing
Starting point is 00:58:59 in Santa Claus, Santa Claus came into my house. I hit him in the nuts with the baseball bat. He never came back. Santa Claus came into my house, I hit him in the nuts with the baseball bat. He never came back. You know what, Aisha, I believe in you the way that you believe that you need to cook your noodles for six minutes, you know? People say that's not right, you should move on.
Starting point is 00:59:18 You need to divorce yourself from those fantasies, but we stick to it, and I love that about you. So now go in there and show that girl what it means to put a shirt in a washing machine and remember who's shirt it was, okay? So- At the very least, you go up to that little nincompoop and you hug her, you hug her hard.
Starting point is 00:59:36 You hear me, team? Now, Aisha. All right. Hold out your hand, okay? Now, goodness, this is a slice of provolone if things go bad just throw it right at her face okay good luck good luck good luck so Asia Asia's upset you know so I just don't get it oh my she tried so hard I want to give her a chance but I'm gonna put a very hard foot down right there are you okay do
Starting point is 01:00:03 you want hugs come here is it all my while I tell you this, all right? I'm trying to be okay, but I'm finding it so frustrating. I mean this shirt. How are you supposed to put on this shirt? There's barely enough room for your chest. Those are pants, Brie. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Ha ha ha ha ha. That makes sense. That makes sense. Okay, I just want to be completely honest with you and say if you keep making these mistakes... I want to be completely honest with you if you keep making these mistakes. Are you writing down what I'm saying? I just want to remember that Ellie did it.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Okay, just know I have got Sandy's pro-loan right here, so you better listen up, Missy. I'm like, you know, I want... If you keep making these mistakes, I mean, gonna have to consider letting you go, at least throwing this thing at your cheek. But I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. I want to give you another chance. So come with me. Come on, do this. Okay, here's what you have to do. You put laundry in the machine. You press on.
Starting point is 01:00:59 You take it out. And you return it to the person who gave it to you in the first place. Okay, do you think it to the person who gave it to you in the first place. Okay, do you think you can do that? It's just that I feel like half the time, it wasn't even me. But everything was put on me. So like, come on, whatever. Like, I'm sorry, let it out, baby.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Well, I think Aisha is not hearing what she's saying here because she's just so stricken by how stupid she's coming across. But Bree is saying like, how is it that I'm in the laundry half the time and this other chick is in the laundry half the time, but I'm the one getting blamed for everything when it's the other chick who could be making mistakes too. And now that we kind of see this unfold, I don't know that Ellie is doing it on purpose, but we see Milt Ellie make plenty of mistakes too. I think that Brie is just getting saddled with everything. We do see Ellie make mistakes and we also see that Ellie is not great at prioritizing, even though she thinks she is. But I think that Brie, I feel like
Starting point is 01:02:01 it lands on Brie because there's this sense that Brie was somehow adept at what she was doing. Ellie wouldn't even have to be in the laundry room, you know, like that Brie just keeps like, I don't know. It's like Brie will just have like a stack of clothing and then she'll be like, oh, I don't know where they go to such things just goes around like a Roomba. Yeah dropping off garments and like Approximation. Yeah, who might they belong to? So like I also she still hasn't started writing names on things like Just simple things but then later didn't she write the wrong name on something. They're like, that's not even the right Oh, yeah, she does I mean it just is so funny
Starting point is 01:02:45 Okay, I was just trying to see both sides. I mean, it just is- So funny. Okay, I was just trying to see both sides, but you know what, that just doesn't work. So. I think though Ellie for sure, Ellie is not in the clear here. Okay, she has contributed to this bad situation as well. Part of the reason why is because Ellie really got, you know, she let her ego get in the way because she was in the first two charters,
Starting point is 01:03:08 she had taken Bree under her wing and she was training Bree and Bree like improved massively on charter two. And it seemed like Bree was well on her way, but the moment that Bree hooked up with, with Joe, Ellie really, she really turned and like, you don't have to like Brie, but you're actually causing like, I feel like it's, you know, Ellie deciding, okay, you know what? You hooked up with a guy I like, so I'm not, I'm not going to keep training you anymore. So now there's chaos in the laundry room. It's like, girl, kind of like,
Starting point is 01:03:40 I don't know, get it together. Put it to the side, train this poor thing because she has no idea what she's doing. I know it's emotional. I choked on that advice. I, uh, she has been trained. She just doesn't know how to, she's just not good. But that being said, that being said, how much do you have to train someone to fold laundry and send it to the right place? Like, I'm just sort of giving, I think they're all contributing to a chaotic situation,
Starting point is 01:04:12 but ultimately I think that Brie is the bigger fuck up. Yeah. So now let's move on to another fuck up is Ian. So it's like, it seems like, you know, like moved off the sundeck and I was done, but I just want to talk to you, not the whole team, Joe, because there are some things that aren't done right here, but I didn't want to, you know, like, I don't want to be that nagging in front of other people, like everybody is to me, even though I'm doing everything right. But look, I got most of the scuppers, and it's just like, there's stainless stuff, so I need you to do it.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Do you see a line in the water? No. Okay. Just in case somebody asks me later. I don't want to get it wrong. Okay. Carry on. He's like, Joe, I just want to talk to you alone because I don't want to make you feel bad. I just want to talk to you alone. He's like, there's five people standing around us. Oh, I didn't see. I did not see that there were five people here. So now Brie is taking laundry notes and Ellie is like, Oh God, Bree is still writing these passive aggressive notes.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Ellie sabotaging laundry, Gareth's pants gone missing, it's too much at this point, it is too much at this point. This case is closed. Where's my cheese? Where's my cheese? But I need it. She's ready. She's ready to get her cheese thrown a hand up. So, um, Nathan. So Brie is like, everything because of what Aisha just said to Brie, Brie is rattled because she feels like she's about to lose her job. She feels like it's not fair. She's like, Ellie in general makes me feel fucking crazy. Like, did I do this?
Starting point is 01:05:48 Did Ellie do this? I can't remember. So it must have been me. But was it really me? I'm like, OK, can we not have an existential crisis right now? OK. It's like gaslighting. She's like, is it real?
Starting point is 01:06:00 Am I in laundry? It's in my life. So here's the thing. This is where this episode really confused me because I couldn't tell what editing was trying to show us. Same. Were they showing us a laundry crime or not? They need to be more obvious because it seemed like they were setting it up for a laundry crime, right? So Ellie comes in and she says, Brie, what's up with Gail's black pants?
Starting point is 01:06:22 I ironed them and I put them in pile. And Brie, what's up with Gail's black pants? I ironed them and I put them in pile. And Brie's like, but I didn't see them in her pile. Just because I know for a fact, I ironed them and they were like on there and folded. And she's like, oh my God, am I going crazy? Is Leonardo DiCaprio dating a 12 year old or 50 year olds? What world am I in? Yeah. So the question is, where are Gail's pants? So Ellie is saying that she ironed them. And then
Starting point is 01:06:47 we see the series of flashbacks. We see things highlighted, but it happened so quickly that I wasn't really sure what it was really trying to show me. Like exactly what you just said. Well, we see a pair of pants folded, but then we see Ellie like hanging a pair of pants. So she, I'm not sure that's, I don't know, it wasn't clear to me. I don't know. I need the audience to explain it to me because I felt like a total moron watching this. So Brie sees Nathan and he's like, Laundry, laundry, laundry, are you stressed out? And she's like, yeah. He goes, come here, let's give it a big hug. And she's like, it's going to make me cry. No, it's going to make me cry. I don't want
Starting point is 01:07:23 to cry. I don't want to. Don't make me cry. No, it's going to make me cry. I don't want to cry. I don't want to don't make me cry Am I crying right now? My eyes am I drowning in tears? Why am I drowning in tears and chasing a tiny rabbit? So he gives her a hug he chases her down to the laundry room he gives her a hug and she's like I can't find the girls pants. I can't find girls' pants. I checked everything. I double-checked everything. I ticked it and I wasn't.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I wrote it in my penbook. I looked under the boat. I looked overboard. I asked all the starfish in the water, where is girls' pants? They cannot find girls' pants anywhere. I even asked Ego, Ego and Ego, and none of them have seen girls' pants.
Starting point is 01:08:02 No, no, no. I'm so confused. And Ellie hears her and she's like, They were here 100% Brie, okay? No, but I checked everything and then I double-checked it and then I ticked it and it wasn't there. Look here in my laundry.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Here in my laundry book. Ellie is a stupid face. I hate her boobies as well as her nose. Oh, I'm sorry, that was the wrong page. Well, thank God everything's recorded. So once you see the recording, you'll see where the pants were here. So.
Starting point is 01:08:36 But we can't, because we're watching the recording and these editors are tricky as fuck. What are they showing us? Because they keep showing us clips of this and I don't know what they did. I kept rewinding it over and over. I know. Like it's a brooder film. I kept rewinding it over and over. It's a brooder film.
Starting point is 01:08:47 I think they gave like a pointy arrow that said Gail's pants, right? But I still don't know the significance of any of it. So Bree is like, this is why there's confusion in laundry because Ellie is there too. Like all the blame can't be put on me. And like Ellie is also a part of this and she needs to own that. And Ellie's like, well, I'm sorry if I scared you, Nathan. He's like, you didn't, I just feel bad for Bree. Well, can we just like do A to B without meltdown?
Starting point is 01:09:18 You know what I mean? Is that too much to ask at this point? I mean, my God, I left Barbie on top of Hedar one time and did not see this much of him out there. Okay? Was it painful? POSSIBLY! I feel like I'm caught. Everybody keeps believing Brie and her fucking I Need to Say Something to so these people can understand what's going on because people are looking at me, Ellie, sideways and they're thinking, oh, she's a bad person here. Is she doing something to Bree? And that's not a comfortable environment to live in.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Like, why do people think I'm being mean to Bree? Bree, I am your second officer. You must listen to me. I am your authority right now. I mean, I am a nice person. Hehehehe. Bree, I only want the best for you. The best fire to die in! Why do people think I'm so mean to Bree?
Starting point is 01:10:03 Hehehehehe. Nothing's there. So then the guests are arriving in 30 minutes. And John was like, Oh, is anyone missing dress pants? Do you have my dress pants? You don't fit over my pussy. I can't. Me buddy. Oh, they don't fit over my pussy. So then yeah, guess what? No one's pants are right.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Everyone's moving pants around and everything. And then they get it all sorted out, but like, literally every episode. I'm so jealous though, because he's like, wait, Nathan, are these yours? Because this, this can't be mine. They say 30. And Asia's like, but it says John, I want the tag. And then he goes, but I wrote that because I thought they were his. Wait, are you looking at pants? Joe, are you a 30 Joe? And he's like, I want the tag. And then he goes, but I wrote that because I thought they were his. Wait, are you looking at times? Ask Joe, are you a 30 Joe? And he's like, I'm a 30. And John was like, I'm a 32.
Starting point is 01:10:51 I was like, fuck all of you. I know. I hate feeling fat just from watching a show. 30, 30? Who's 30? How do you even get to be a 30? I couldn't believe that Joe was a 30. I was shocked.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Just because- That's like a crazy, I haven't been a 30 since I was like, I had the first slice of cheese thrown at my head when I was like, what, two months old or something. That's crazy. But by the way, to be noted, Ellie wrote down Jono's name on the wrong pair of pants. So there is chaos in the laundry room. Yeah, I wrote down Ellie. Was it her who said that? No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm gaslighting myself. No, you're okay. So Ellie's like, well, sorry, pre I'm sorry for losing my patience, but the meltdowns, it is affecting other people. Also, there are so many people affected. Look at Nathan.
Starting point is 01:11:39 He started losing the hair on the top of his fryer tuck head. That was already gone actually. Because I remember when I first met him I said, are you stealing from rich people and giving it to poor people? That's not... is that what friar tuck does? Isn't he from Robin Hood? Am I going crazy? You know what he is, but is he the robber
Starting point is 01:12:05 or is he just side character? I don't know what Friar Tuck does. I don't know. I don't know where I am anymore. Is Leo DiCaprio Friar Tuck? Is Friar Tuck a bunny rabbit? I just don't know. I just don't know. Is he everlasting or neverlasting? So the guests come, the guests come. The show is so idiotic. The guests arrive and they're on board. They get the tour and everything. And then they're gathering Ellie's making them drinks. They want a mojito, but are they making them? Is Ellie making a mojito with lemon?
Starting point is 01:12:43 Or did they request it with lemon? I feel like there was this mojito. This mojito, but are they making mo is Ellie making mojito with lemon or did they request it with lemon? I feel like there was this mojito. This mojito was orange. I've never seen an orange mojito. I'm sorry. Yeah, it was. I can take a lot of wrong. Yeah. So this is, this is not correct. Yeah. Um, yeah. So they basically are like, yeah, honey, this doesn't taste right. So she's making those crazy orange mojitos and then they leave,
Starting point is 01:13:08 they leave, they dock without incident. So Ian's rest maybe did them well. And then Gail saying, you know, you know, there are times where, you know, Ian's really frustrated me, but there's times where I feel really bad feeling that way because he's a nice guy and he can barely sleep with all that cheese around his head. So, you know, I think he means well. So then John was like, well, I'm riding on the high of having gotten such great feedback from the last charter, so I just want to knock this one out of my park. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Call me Greek. And, uh, really, I didn't really understand it. So then Aisha takes the guest shopping and Brie goes on break and Ellie is supposed to be finishing cabins, right? Well, notably, by the way, notably Brie goes on break because Aisha told her to go on break. I just want to say that. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:58 So Brie goes on break. So Sandy's like, what's up Brie? And she's like, I've just been feeling a little down because like I've been having a lot of internal battles and I've been struggling quite a bit with Ellie and I feel like I'm going crazy. So you want to go home? No, no, I want to work through this. I'm not a quitter. That's not who I am.
Starting point is 01:14:18 I quit just kidding. Can I have my job back? You see, you feel like you're being gaslit. Is that why you want to go home? No, I don you want to go home? No, I don't want to. It's because I can't stand up for myself and I just take it. I take it that she abuse me and beats me
Starting point is 01:14:34 and hates me and calls me names. I hate to see- Does she beat you and hit you and call you names? No, I never said that. Am I going crazy? I hate to see you like this, but I understand that. That's why you want to go home. No, I don't that. Am I going crazy? I hate to see you like this, but I understand that that's, that's why you want to go home. No, I don't want to go home. Why do you keep gaslighting me everywhere?
Starting point is 01:14:52 Where's your heart? I don't know. It's at home. You want to get it? That's where it is. Hey, what's your favorite base in baseball? First. Okay. But let's say there was no first base. Okay. Let's say that base is out too. Second. No say there was no first base. Third. Okay, let's say that base is out too.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Second? No, no second base. Home? Oh, you want to go home? Okay, we can arrange for that. Hey, E.T., phone. Hmm, call? What is E.T.? Home, damn it, home. You're gonna go home?
Starting point is 01:15:22 No, I don't want to go home, please. Okay, listen, if you don't want to go home, you gotta get a control of your emotions, okay? Now, how you do that is you gotta be confident in who you are. Where are the pants? I don't know. Good for you.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Look at you, it's already working. Gosh, you're so confident now. You're gonna rule the world. You're gonna be president one day. Now listen, you've got a choice, right? Okay, you chose to be here and you're here. Am I right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Of course for you it's working. God. Shake it off. Shake it off. Listen, listen. You know, there, when I was feeling sad, my mom used to sing me this song and I'm going to adapt it for you in this specific situation. Grey pants are gonna clear up, put on some happy laundry. Okay, go get them, kiddo.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Okay, now look, the circumstances that are happening around you, it's your choice on how to respond. Okay, do you understand what I mean? Yes. Okay, so I don't have my pants. How do you respond? What address? Okay, well, you know what? You said it confidently, so go forth and prosper.
Starting point is 01:16:34 That's the spirit. So Gail's asking Aisha how things are, and she's like, honestly, how this is not good. I think Bree's on the verge of a mental breakdown. And I think the biggest thing is, it's like a clash of personalities. If I'm not in the room, I don't know what the truth is, but everyone tells their side of the story
Starting point is 01:16:53 that suits their story best. She's basically saying she doesn't know. She doesn't see when this stuff happens, so she doesn't know, and she can't figure out who is correct. Yeah, because they're both telling her crazy stories. And so now Ellie is, Bree's coming back from break, right? And so Ellie is going to go on break. So she's like, well, okay, welcome towels are in the big fridge. They're all rolled and ready and lunch is set up, but I haven't gotten to the cabins yet. Bye, have fun." She's like, what the fuck? She's taking break and she hasn't done guest cabins. Like, guests come
Starting point is 01:17:30 first. She did that on purpose. But now Brie has been amped up by Captain Sandy because she feels like she's got Captain Sandy on her side and Captain Sandy is also like, you have a choice. You don't have to mope around. So I think that Bree takes that as instead of moping around, I'm going to be, you know, I'm going to, I'm going to say it like it is. So she's like, I can't even deal. And she's like, well, you're welcome. Crazy fucking bitch. So she storms off and Ellie's like, if she storms off one more time, I'm going to lose it. I will storm off too. So her storming off. So now Ellie is like, oh, she gives me aptitude. I give her aptitude. So she follows her down and she's like, hey, Bree, like, I just don't understand this because the guests are the priority and I just don't understand it.
Starting point is 01:18:14 And I feel like you did this on purpose and I can't deal and I don't want to talk to you now. If that is okay, very confident in saying saying I'm not going to talk to you. I did not do this on purpose. Except I only did it to make sure that you would do all this and I could go on break. That's it. But not on purpose. You did.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Why? Why would I do it on purpose? Because I could have set up lunch so easy and don't look at me with shocked face right now. Please go on break. set up lunch so easy and don't look at me with shocked face right now please go on break cuz I've got cabins to do so if you're going to distract me just go you can keep trying to walk all over me but I'm not going to take it anymore I'm not going to take it and stop writing that down You don't get to behave like this. You're at work. What is the matter with you?
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah. Just leave me alone, Ali, please. Because I'm angry. So just let me be. What is the matter? No, no. I'm not going to leave you alone because you don't get to speak to me like this. Well, you are pushing me. And you are pushing me
Starting point is 01:19:24 so you're asking for it. I'm not asking for anything. You don't get to speak to me like this. Listen to me. Listen to me. Please leave me alone. Stop hitting me. Stop hitting me. I can't see from the cheese on my face. I am stuck in stew. Stop this. Stop that. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop this! Stop that! Stop! Stop wiping! Listen to me! Help me! You want the message? I am Chekens too! Chekens too has access! Has privileges! To cheese, Captain! And I have nothing to cheese! And he has deprecated me with cheese on face! Hold over your body! Hold over your hands! We need to talk. You are out of control. Period. Since you don't know how to work a second so I ranks you. So that is who I am. You are unbelievable. I expect an apology when I come back. And if you are not, you are going straight to the Captain Sandy.
Starting point is 01:20:12 I will go straight to Captain Sandy because it is been an issue. And she's like, please, please, please be quiet. Please, please. So there was a cracking up during this whole thing. This line is so silly. She's one of them's yelling, the other one's like, please no, no, no, no, the abuse. You wanna work? The abuse.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Mm. Okay, so, um, Okay, so, um, Jono's like, Brie, are you okay? Oh, do you need to sit down for a minute? She's like, I can't, I can't sit down right now. I just can't because the guests are coming and I'm the only fucking sewer wake right now. And so Sandy sees and she's like, what's going on? She's like, I feel like Ellie's just being so spiteful. I'll talk to you later, Captain Sandy, but
Starting point is 01:20:58 I can't talk now. I can't because it's going to make me cry and the guests are coming. I can't because it's going to make me cry and the guests are coming. Am I being hit by Ellie right now or is it my head? Where am I? Who am I? Brie is like so Brie is like emotional. Ellie's on break and she actually gives the pile of towels to Sandy. She's like, you give them towels. I can't do this. I can't. I hold Prosecco. I have to pour Prosecco because I'm the only student on the right side. So stupid. And of course Captain Sandy loves it. She's like, oh gosh, I bet the iron team, PM, you know? So Aisha's like, so how were things when I was gone?
Starting point is 01:21:45 Oh God, would you say, okay Asha, I have questions for you. Would you say that setting up a lunch or cabins or turtle shell is priority? I don't know why turtles keep coming up randomly. Yes, you're right. Guests come first. Okay, well if cabins weren't finishing cabins are first. Yes, exactly, you win. Congratulations, you are a millionaire.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Wait a minute. What's going on here? She's like, you know what? You know what, she set the table and then I was like, but I haven't done cabins. And then I asked her to get out of my face and she was telling me I'm the second doer that you can't be talking to me like this.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Oh, I'm sorry, no one should be speaking to you like that. Is that why you have mozzarella on your forehead? If you would break, if you would be on your break, which I told you to do, she had more than enough time to finish the cabins. Uh, pardon me, excuse me, I'm just a towel girl coming through. Well, is she literally out of sprite? What? We're out of sprite? No Wait, is she literally out of Sprite? What?
Starting point is 01:22:46 We're out of Sprite? No, she's doing it out of Sprite. Caffeine free, do you mean? No, not the drink, the drink. Am I going crazy? Alright, listen, do you want to breathe her and take some laundry? She's like, thank you, oh, thank you. So she asks Sandy, she's like, did you hear that?
Starting point is 01:23:05 And she's like, no, but I caught Bree when you guys were coming in and she was really upset. Gosh, it was terrible. From the sounds of it, Ellie didn't do cabins nor did she refill the Sprite while Bree was on break. And then apparently Ellie pushed back really hard. I mean, I think we all know the first rule of yachting, obey your thirst.
Starting point is 01:23:24 So Sandy is like, well, I'll take a lot, but I'm not gonna take someone pushing Sprite around. Sprite has been there for me in my darkest moments. Remember Slice, I'm sort of partial to that one. So then Sandy's like, the way Bree was walking out, like emotionally to the guest, that's not okay. No, there's always three sides to the story. There's the her side, her side, and the Norma's side,
Starting point is 01:23:47 which is always hilarious, because it's always so wrong. Let me tell you, Norma doesn't even have one side, because it's round. Do circles have sides? Oh, no. You know, there's always, let me tell you something. You know who loves a side? It's Norma, okay?
Starting point is 01:24:03 If you're going out to dinner with her, you're going to be getting a whole bunch of sides. He said Norma, you are a side, you potato. Well, this is why I want to speak to Ellie. It's actually one of the hardest management situations I've ever been in in my life. Oh, wow. Right now, I don't even, I don't don't I don't want to have to even think about Bri and Ellie okay because I got a pile of towels I got a handout okay and I don't
Starting point is 01:24:31 I need everyone to do their job I'm gonna allow a each to handle her department and I step in when there's nothing else she can do and that's when that's usually when someone gets fired oh you're ready for me to step in wow that, that was really quick. Really quick. Early, early. Come to the pantry. I'm on my way. All right, early. So what happened when I was away? I was working the entire time. I have no idea what happened. Well, from my understanding, you didn't do kibbins and then you made Bri feel like shit about the kibbins not being finished. I just need to know what happened.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Well, I did not make her feel like shit. I simply said I didn't have time to finish cabins because I was looking for sprite all over this boat apparently as was with Gail's pants. But why didn't you finish cabins before the tables were set? I don't know. I don't know. Cabins should always be finished first. And Ellie's like, yes, but that was my bad then. And you know, at this point, we are letting her get away with really bad behavior, OK?
Starting point is 01:25:33 Well, I don't know that. Like, that might be true because I'm not there. But so you could be lying to me, but she could be lying to me. And she's always like, it's just who says what when I'm not there? Then why is my face bleeding? Your face isn't bleeding. It is, she hit me. You just hear, ow.
Starting point is 01:25:54 I'm on the floor, I've been pushed. I've been pushed. All right, you're not even around each other. You can't be beating each other up. I just don't know who to believe in this situation. Yeah, cause Ellie says that like, that Brie was berating her and that she's like and that Brie is going around to other like complaining to other crew members and turning the boat against her, which is also not wrong. So Asia's like, I don't know. So of course, it's now
Starting point is 01:26:22 finally Asia goes to Captain Sandy because she's like, I've spoken to them both, you know, everything that Bree says, then Ellie says the complete opposite. And it's like, they're both like shaking and crying. I don't know what the truth is. Like, I don't know what to do. And like, I'm she's afraid that if she fires one, it will have been the wrong one. And then she'll be left basically with the bad one still in the boat. Gosh, you know what we got to do? Fire both of them. Okay, you know what? Just leave it with me. I'm going to have the conversation. Bri, Bri, Bri, Bri, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Bri, Bri. Now, I don't want six of you showing up, even though that's how many times I said your name. Okay? Okay. Start with a little humor there. Towel girl, meeting with towel girl up in the bridge. Okay? All right, let's see how this is gonna go.
Starting point is 01:27:07 All right, let me give you the big picture, okay? A little alien lands on the earth, but he's hiding in a pile of toys, and Drew Barrymore is the first person to realize it. Easy. Okay, Bree, that was for you. You really need an education. It was, in fact, a big picture. Broke all sorts of records. Okay, Bree, that was for you. You really need an education. It was in fact a big picture.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Broke all sorts of records. Huge, huge picture. Also, just so we know, bicycles don't fly. I don't want either one of you to get hurt. Bree, I can already see you thinking about trying to get on a bike on that deck and it's just not going to end well for you. Okay, so you can take that towel off your head. But Bree, I wanted to bring that up because you'd never seen E.T. but I also wanted to
Starting point is 01:27:44 tell you, E.T. also couldn't find his pants. Okay? Is that relatable? Yeah. So, okay. Okay. Okay. What we need to have is respect. Okay? And if you two can't work together, I can't just let one go. Okay? Both of you have to go. It's like the story with King Solomon splitting the baby in half, except it's the other way. It's like you split the baby in half, but you throw up both sides. And who wants that?
Starting point is 01:28:10 Who wants half a baby in the trash? And two halves of the baby. Let me tell you what we're not doing on this boat. We're not killing babies, okay? We are covering their heads in sliced cheese, so. Do you understand? So can you guys just fix it and continue to do your job? Can you guys just do that?
Starting point is 01:28:26 And Brie's like, I don't think so. Because we both tried and it's been impossible. Just impossible, just impossible. I can't do it, I can't. Now today, I feel like Ellie, she didn't have my back because when I came back out for a break, she purposely didn't do the cabins. I can't do it, Captain Sandy, I can't do it anymore.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Why didn't you do the cabins, Ellie? You said, Captain Sandy? I had a lot of work here, a lot of work. Have you ever had an orange mojito? No? Well, you're? They have, but they have. Do you know how much time it takes to set up lighting
Starting point is 01:28:56 to make good photo for Joe's wank bank? It takes a lot of time. Okay, well, listen, why don't you do the cabins? Because you had too much work. What Ellie? Ellie what? But like no Ellie, no Ellie. Wait, don't be mean now, Bree.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Don't be like that. Okay? You need to stop now. I do not like meanness. One cabin Sandy, she's completely disrespectful to, you know, to be very honest. And this is the attitude from day one. Stop, stop, because you know what? This is gonna make me mad.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Everyone here is replaceable, except me. I mean, let's face it, me. Who else is gonna be me? What, is someone else gonna marry my girlfriend? So that would be, my God, please don't marry my girlfriend. Okay, both of you raise your hands right now and promise me you're not going to marry my girlfriend. Everyone here is replaceable. So guess what?
Starting point is 01:29:53 You say one more wrong thing, you're both going to be on a ferry going back. That's right. We're going to degrade you from a yacht to a ferry. Just think about that. Really think about that. Okay. One moment you're in a crew mess, having food made for you by a cook. Next minute you're battling over a fruit roll up at the snack bar with 500 other people on the top deck of your ferry. So don't cross me bitches. Yeah. So Tom Tom Tom, who's going to get fired? I have no, I think they're just gonna, they're gonna figure it out a way. They're gonna, they're gonna like, they're gonna put their differences aside and they're not, they don't wanna lose their jobs.
Starting point is 01:30:29 So I think they're gonna make it. All of this over Joe. Over Joe? I mean, is it really worth it guys? Is it really worth it? It's not. Well, anyway, oh, by the way, it's, that's episode nine. We still do not have a mid-season trailer.
Starting point is 01:30:43 A little late for the mid-season trailer, but you would think usually if someone does get fired, that's usually, I've noticed when the mid-season trailer drops because it's like the new era is like the new person coming on the boat. My little really inessential theory. So anyway, fun times everyone. Fun times.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yeah, good times. Well, everybody, thank you so much for being here. This is a video as usual. You can watch on Patreon as well as grab our bonus episodes if you so desire, go do it. We sure love you. We'll talk to you later. Bye. Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Strolling the park with Kaitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickles. She's never scary, it's the green fairy. Jamie, she has no less namey. Hava Nagila Webber. Know your worth with Jason Kurtz.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Zip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. We wanna hang with Liz Lang. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy M.D. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Kaitlyn O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie, my favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. It's Kyle Podchadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell to a Rochelle. She's the queen bee. It's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony! Let's take off with Tamla Plain! She ain't no shrinking
Starting point is 01:32:46 Violet Coutar! We love you guys! If you like Watch What Crappens, you can listen ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at slash survey.

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