Watch What Crappens - #2745 Southern Charm S10E12 Garsh Expectations on Shudder Island
Episode Date: February 28, 2025Southern Charm time! JT shows up to the group trip only to have a vacation walk off and a quick straddle, then Shep is ignored some more by the beauty queen. Don’t worry, though, he gets to... parade around a boat with a shorts romper and it’s…something. To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
Listen to Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast for all the crap we love to talk
about on ye old braves.
Happy Friday everybody, I'm Ronnie and that is the gorgeous, thin and well-croft Ben Mandelker.
Hello, Ben.
Ben Mandelker Hi, Ronnie.
How's it going?
Ronnie Bregman Good.
How are you doing over there?
Ben Mandelker Doing great, thanks.
Doing great.
Just, you know, Friday.
Happy to be at Friday.
Ronnie Bregman Has any beauty queen texted you back today?
Ben Mandelker Garsh!
Garsh, I've been waiting.
Oh, gosh, maybe that's what I'm saying.
I'm just a garsh waiting in a store.
Everybody, it is Southern Charm Day.
Before we get started, we're on the Mounting Hysteria tour.
That's a tour that we go to your city.
It's so fun.
We're gonna be in March.
We're gonna be in Cincinnati, Minneapolis,
Toronto, Charlotte, Atlanta, Washington, Philadelphia,
and then other places, including Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Austin, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles.
Hasn't been announced yet, but I'm sure that's coming up.
So check out our website, for ticket links and dates and all that good
Also, if you want Tr traders recaps, guess what?
We do those.
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And so are videos like the one that we're doing right now.
So if you'd rather watch some video recaps,
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So what's going on with you, Ben?
What's new in your life since yesterday?
Well, you know, just been exciting times over here.
Watched some Southern Charm, watched some traitors, watched the substance, really watched
a lot of things in the past 24 hours.
And they were all very visceral.
So, you know, that's basically what's new with me.
What's new with you?
Yeah, me too.
It's been a visceral world over here too.
I'm still reading Lonesome Dove.
That is nothing but pure pain and gore and disgust.
I don't know how that's one of the most romantic books of all our time, but I'm on the fourth
I'm vowing to finish this book even though I'm disgusted.
And I watched The Traders UK and that was really good.
Loved it.
And I ordered a laser thing online that like gets rid of hair.
So I've been like waiting by the door,
waiting for my laser thing to show up
so I can start de-hairing myself.
I'm gonna be so, I'm gonna be smooth
like a fucking seal next time you see me.
Are you gonna apply it?
Where are you gonna apply it?
I want no hair everywhere.
I wanna look like a basic wee character when I'm done.
Wow. Okay. Well, that's gonna be exciting.
It'll be a smooth experience for you.
Yeah. Thank you.
Okay. So that's my big news in life.
Let's get on with this recap.
Southern Charm, Season 10, Episode 12, Lost at Sea.
Ooh, poor Gars. Poor little separate.
All he wants is real love with somebody that
he's met three times as 20 years younger and doesn't live anywhere near him. Oh, poor guy.
You know, I did mention that I just watched The Substance, which, you know, I was warned
it's like a really gross movie. And I swear, I think that like, it was only the second
grossest thing I watched last night because I don't know watching
watching Shep just trying to try trying to just like win back over Sienna like that one had me
squirming way more than the substance ever did. Yeah. I mean, no one even likes the title of the
substance that watches this show because I feel like if you're any self-respecting woman,
what you're trying to avoid from any man on this show
is the substance, okay?
Just stay away from them.
They're gross, they're all gross.
Including you, Craig, you fucking compulsive liar.
But we'll get to that in a moment.
So we start with horror music playing
because JT is arriving in Bahama.
And you know, JT is kind of diva-ing out,
which I don't really like.
I think he's too new to be pulling this diva shit
of like showing up late and leaving early
and throwing fits and doing all of this.
But he did lead to the only interesting things
about the episode.
So, you know, Team JT for now.
Yeah, I actually feel bad for the guy.
I agree, he should just stick it through,
like that's the job.
And there's always gonna be uncomfortable moments. There's always going to be pylons, but, but I did feel bad
for him. So then, Molly, freeways can't stay standing. So accept your pylon, JT.
Yeah. And when he did arrive, you know, last week we talked about how on this show, they,
they like smash all the keys on the keyboard and they did that like in a song.
They made it like, as he walked into Bahamar, which I appreciated.
And then now we see everyone else like arriving back at the hotel because they were all in
their afternoon adventures where we last saw them.
And Madison's like, okay, everyone, no drama today. So then they're all going to like
get ready for tonight, get washed, etc. Molly has sunburn. And eventually Taylor goes into
Anita's room and asked how the fish fry was. And Anita says, she thought that'd be frying fish,
but instead, they were just getting fried on alcohol.
And she was like, Oh, my God, isn't it so cute? JT just texted me asking me about his
shoes. And she's showing the pictures of JT, you know, showing himself posing in different shoes.
And it's not cute. And why are you still even accepting texts from this person? And why are
you giddy over it? You're making me very uncomfortable at this point, Vanita. Okay. I know
we make fun of your dog scenes, but I like you.
I'm reading for Vanita.
I feel like we've always been reading for Vanita,
but you're trying me at this point.
Yeah, I agree.
So, um, uh, Taylor, uh, uh, basically,
Vanita basically says that they, uh,
vowed to have a night of no tomfoolery,
and Taylor's like, I, uh, agree.
And Vanita says, you know,
I just want everyone to get along, and everyone is mad at JT. So I'm like, once agree. And Vinita says, you know, I just want everyone to get along
and everyone is mad at JT.
So I'm like, once we get over that hump,
we could be great.
Yeah, good luck with that.
So then Madison's calling Brett
and Brett's also very excited.
I swear they must have some charisma meter on this show
because everybody on it is just brimming.
She calls her man and she's like,
Hi, how are you?
And he's like, how are you?
And he's like, good.
Good, well, what you doing?
Nothing, just working.
I miss you.
How's work?
It's hot, Madison.
He's a fucking fireman.
How do you think it is?
So we are done with that.
And meanwhile she's like applying chocolate syrup
to her lips.
I was like, what is happening over there?
She's like, tell me more, Britt.
And like her lips are like this like dark,
dark black like syrupy stuff on them.
I was like, how is this gonna blend together?
And then when we see her later,
her lips are just like light pink.
So I felt like I was set up for a story
that did not pay off.
Well, now like in modern makeup, the ladies put on many, many layers of crazy things,
you know, and this is an episode that really points that out.
So maybe there was like a base of lip and then another thing for the lip and then another
thing like when you were a kid and you would scribble with crayon on a piece of paper and
then cover it all in black crayon and then scratch out pictures.
They would be like multicolored pictures.
You know what I mean?
Did you ever do that?
I didn't do that, but that's interesting.
So, well, it must've been my Montessori school.
Just kidding, I didn't go to Montessori school.
And anyway, there's a lot of stuff.
And later we see it with Molly putting on her makeup,
where she gets the really dark thing
and just like lines her face for the contouring.
I know, everyone's like getting ready for Lion King.
Yeah, and then she looks fairly normal
by the time she goes to dinner.
Couldn't you just put on a little like,
I don't know, eyeliner?
Yeah, I don't know, I'm really big on eyeliner
after watching the Traders UK,
because the hostess of that show is,
she's basically a walking eyeliner stick.
She's an eyeliner stick with bangs,
and so that's all I really ever...
She is pretty much as close to a crow as a human can be.
Like, she has that jet black hair with the bangs.
And she comes in and I love the way she scolds everyone.
She's like very supportive, but then she scolds.
Like during the challenges, she can't help.
She breaks character all the time and she has them on.
But then at the round table, she's like,
I want you to think about this. Like during the challenges, she can't help. She breaks character all the time and she has them on. But then at the round table, she's like,
I want you to think about this.
You just sent home a faithful.
Think about that.
Think about it tonight when you're sleeping.
Like, okay, I get it.
Okay, so now everybody goes over to dinner
and Craig and Austin are wearing the same outfit.
It's a big episode where guys are dressing each other too, and they're like wearing matching,
matchy matchy things.
Like later, Craig and Shep wear short rompers, you know?
And I don't know, it's all very confusing.
I'm not really sure what's happening this episode, but they go to dinner and Molly's
ass decides to do more work than she has this season by sweating.
So that's good.
Someone's making an effort.
And then Whitney shows up to dinner
and then JT comes in and the music's like,
bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling.
It's like every dying sound of every instrument.
And then everyone says hi and Vanita,
Vanita's like, there's a different type of joy
when JT's in the room for me.
Yeah, sure.
I mean, it just feels like we've been told these things,
but I still don't fully believe them, you know?
So they all get on this bus and everything.
And like people who like JT go on JT's bus,
but people who can't stand them go on a different bus.
And Mass is like, I just wanna flick,
I just wanna flick him out of here,
just like a little flick, little flick, flick, flick, flick.
So JT's like, well, I'm cautiously hopeful to be here.
I mean, there's enough relationships in this friend group
that I do care about that it's worth the awkward feeling
that I have right now in my chest and my heart and my gut.
I'm like, okay, just, you're in the Bahamas, have fun, come on.
My chest, my heart, my gut, my gut, okay.
I feel it in my neck, my back, my pussy and my crack.
A lot of friendships.
So Shep is also moping around in the van, you know, because his girl still doesn't like
him. And so, they're like, good to have you, JT. And Whitney's like, yeah, yeah, I'm here
too. I was just, gentlemen today. Shep's like, yeah, this is good for you. You're gonna be
happy, JT. You're gonna love it here. Just look how happy everybody else is. One girl won't show up. Whitney won't show up.
Venita showed up a day late. Everybody else stayed in bed all day.
It's been great, great time.
So now they all arrive at dinner and JT and Madison are on opposite ends of the
table. And then it's like, Sally has to sit next to JT,
but she doesn't really want to. So then Craig basically, well, Sally's like, she's like, absolutely fucking not.
I just do not like that guy.
I mean, that's someone who I would not be given a BJ to in the parking lot of a great
American if you know what I'm saying.
Actually, it's pretty obvious why I say I literally just said it.
She's, uh, we cut back to why she's mad, and it's because at the tuba party,
JT confronted her about breaking up
the very healthy previous relationship of Gaston
by giving him a kind of blowjob
in the great American parking lot.
So now, you know, order, Shep goes over to Sally
and he's like, hey, you know, I think we just, you know, orders, Shep goes over to Sally and he's like, hey, hey, you know, I think we just,
you know, we click and she doesn't wanna lose that.
And I don't either, you know, I'm talking about Sienna
just in case you're wondering what I'm talking about.
I just need someone new that's not sick of me yet
to listen to this bullshit act I'm trying to tell everybody.
I'm a man, a man who can feel love.
So Craig tells JT, Craig has now taken over Sally's seat Tell everybody I'm a man, a man who can feel love.
So Craig tells JT Craig has now taken cell over Sally C cause she doesn't want to sit next to, um, uh, next to, uh, JT.
So he's like, I've been dealing with this all day.
I'm just listening.
And Sally's like, well, I think you deserve better ship.
And I don't want to see you get hurt.
I'm like, I don't know if chef deserves better.
I think he deserves exactly this. Like after all the years that we've seen Shep on TV
This is the precise thing that his actions
So he's like, I appreciate that. I'm a boy
And then Taylor just rolls her eyes
so then Craig's like
Someone's like well, don't worry Sienna's showing up tomorrow and Craig's like he someone's like, well, don't worry, Sienna's
showing up tomorrow. And Craig's like, he thinks she is, but she's not. It's very obvious she's
stringing him on now, okay? All right, Craig, you know what? You're not wrong, but you've been in a
relationship for one minute. That doesn't make you a relationship expert. Just please be quiet.
Craig's getting worse and worse with every episode. Yeah. And then Austin's like, Jesus Christ, man.
And Craig's like, his head has been scrambled
the entire time trying to figure out where they stand. Well, you know, Craig, Craig has
not one single ounce of empathy. So, um, so.
Madison, I'm sorry to notice, but your chest is just glistening. And it's like, thanks.
That was the point of buying them.
glistening and said, thanks, that was the point of buying them.
So food arrives, it's all lovely and delicious. And chef is like, Hey, Molly, I'm not to belabor the point. But remember how I was telling you about the text I sent to Sienna, the really romantic
text that will surely win her over the one that ends with thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
And she's like, Oh my god, yes. Oh, okay. So what you
want to talk about it. So then he starts showing her the text and you're like, this is what I sent
her. And she's actually being, since she likes Shep, she's being supportive, even though she
knows this is a creepy ass, terrible text. She's like, Oh my God, this is really sweet. Oh, and
that line about, Oh, my heart sings when I'm with you. Oh my God,
you're going to make me cry. This is so sweet. Oh my God. And her freckled little lips. I just,
that is so cute. Oh my God, too garsh or not too garsh. Oh my God, Shep, you're like poetic.
You're like poetic. And Madison's watching and saying, hey, Ding Dong, you got Molly right there
who actually likes you. Okay? I mean, why don't you shoot your shot
with someone that's into you?
Because she lives in the same town
and he can't consistently cheat on her
and then he'd actually have to make an effort
to be in a relationship and the scene of thing is fake anyway.
I don't know what you people aren't understanding.
It's really annoying that nobody on this cast
really understands or they do understand
and they're just too bored to call it out.
Come to work, Cast.
Yeah, exactly.
So Shep is like, I mean, if you got that text message, would you be like over the moon a
free Ted talk?
And she's like, yeah.
I mean, even though you don't have any freckles on your lips, I'm a changed man.
Look at me making cute jokes.
She's like, Oh my God, do you need freckles?
I'll put freckles on my lips.
Like whatever you need.
What do you need me to do to stay on the show?
I've already dated Whitney.
So I really don't know what else I could do.
Someone hand me an eyeliner pencil.
Mama's got to pay the mortgage.
So then JT is asking about the boat tomorrow
and Shep says they're going to go on like a boat trip.
It's gonna be like Jamaica, mon.
And it's gonna be a 400 foot boat.
And Sally is saying, oh good, it's big enough where I don't have to, they won't notice if
you go missing.
Referring to JT.
And he's like, would you like some food, Sally?
Why don't I hand the missus this plate first?
Because as everyone knows, I'm a respect
of the female." And she's like, oh God. And they're like, wow, look at that. It looks like JT's
making an effort to get along. She goes, oh yeah, he handed me a plate. Big whoop. I love your hair
tonight as well. Love that too. She's like, don't fuck with me, JT. He's like, you're also stunning, I might add. You know, this is where JT goes wrong because he does these
things that he like, these are like textbook chivalrous things, right? You're giving a
compliment to a lady and so therefore you're getting along. But it's like, nope, that's not
how you communicate with someone. That's not how you connect with someone. You're just giving
comments that are kind of creepy
and make people want to be like, ugh.
So like, he doesn't seem to really understand,
like he doesn't understand how to connect with these,
the rest of his castmates.
And that's his big downfall among many other things.
Not that there's far for him to fall, but either way.
So Craig is like-
Just general apologizing.
Like I don't think she needs you to hand her a plate
of food and call her pretty, okay?
I think that she's used to like homely dudes
handing her plates of food and calling her pretty.
Like that's probably 90% of her fucking life in that town.
She needs you to say,
sorry for slut shaming you in front of everybody,
especially a new group of friends
that don't even really know you yet.
Sorry about that.
Like, sorry I couldn't get laid by my dream girl.
And so I turned it into a big drama about how you're being mean to her because I'm
a complete fucking simp.
But you know, maybe I'll try to be better, you know, she doesn't care about your fucking
sausage links, you douche.
So, Craig's like, I think you hurt Sally's feelings, some of the things you said before.
And JT is like, well, I think that sometimes I'll come to people's defense.
And sometimes when I do, but you know,
there's bullets are stray and, and I gotta work on that.
And it's like, not just, just say sorry, man.
Yeah. Yeah. He's stupid.
So then Craig is like, Hey, Hey,
can everyone move down two seats to the left?
And so everyone rotates cause everyone thinks it's like a
game or something. And Craig is like, thanks. I just didn't want to be at the end to the left. And so everyone rotates because everyone thinks it's like a game or something.
And Craig is like, thanks.
I just didn't want to be at the end of the table.
He's like, I want to be in the center of all the action.
So I'm making everyone else move for me.
It's time for a commercial.
It's time for a Crappin's commercial.
At 24, I lost my narrative,
or rather it was stolen from me.
And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew was usurped by false narratives,
callous jokes, and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen, and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting
with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable names
about the way that people have navigated roads to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming
and feel like they filled their tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to
and leave with maybe some nuggets
that help them feel a little more hopeful.
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So Sally at least is trying to earn a paycheck.
She's like, JT, don't you think it's a problem
when there's like four people in here
that you have to apologize to?
And he's like, I'm gonna add a little hot water for a while.
I'm good, I'm good.
She's like, don't you feel weird about it?
He's like, you know what?
There's a lot to say to a lot of people,
but I'd prefer that it's one-on-one.
And I feel this with my heart, my soul, my gut,
my ankle bones, my knee caps.
Fill it with every bit of my being.
But how are you gonna make room for everyone you've upset?
Cause it's a lot.
Well, I'm trying to show respect to each of you
by not bringing stuff up at the table.
I'm like, that's showing disrespect
because people's paychecks depend on being able to fight
at a dinner table on a TV show. So it's totally disrespectful what you're doing.
Yeah, and they're like, leave him alone.
She's like, no, everything's on his term.
I don't wanna talk about it later.
I wanna talk about it now.
And he's like, okay, that's fine.
And she's like, fine, then don't talk to me.
And Craig's like, but you see why it's not gonna be fun
to go out on a party boat
if all of us have something to talk to you about.
Like, why don't you just apologize to people? But you see why it's not gonna be fun to go out on a party boat if all of us have something to talk to you about
Like why don't you just apologize to people?
Well, I will say something here Craig
It bothers me greatly that you lied and you offended miss Patricia like that cuz I didn't say that word about her
Yeah, you did. You said she was a bitch at the cop when you handed her the cane Craig
You're lying. It was loud and clear
And Madison's like he would not make that shut up. He would not her the cane. Craig, you're lying. It was loud and clear.
And Madison's like, he would not make that shit up. He would not.
I love when people come to Craig's defense and say he would not make shit up.
He literally has lied for years on the show. He lied about his law school.
What more do people want? Like you can say, you can say that you like Craig.
You can say you find him charming that he's grown,
but you cannot say that he would 100% not make something up.
He is the one most likely candidate of everyone on the cast
to make something up, to fabricate something out of thin air.
And JT is like, hey, you wouldn't.
Now you're 100% sure that Craig's not lying.
She's like, I don't think Craig gets off
on making this feel like shit, especially his mother.
She's very, very rich.
Now, the thing with JT is, I believe JT,
I don't think he called her a bitch,
and he didn't say the word affair
and everything that we're about to get into.
I don't think he did that stuff.
The problem is, he did come in swinging
at everybody at the beginning of the season.
He did insinuate that Madison's husband was super jealous,
which he was when we found out when Madison said
that he did get pissed and they did call him for clarity,
but it wasn't really about an affair.
So we do know that he was jealous,
but still it wasn't really his business to be,
you know, making that camera fodder or whatever.
So she has a right to be pissed.
But the problem is he's made everybody pissed.
So there's nobody to stand up to Craig, because, stand up to Craig because they don't care.
They don't even, they know that Craig is lying.
They don't even care that Craig is lying because he's against somebody they all hate.
That's you. And you did this to yourself.
So yeah, I think JT came into this season feeling like he had a really strong freshman
outing. You know, I think the audience by and large liked him.
Even if he was like annoying at times, he stood up to Austin.
People liked that.
And I think he came in thinking that he like understood the game now and now he
was going to make his move to really like center himself in the show.
And he, he overplayed his hand and he messed up right out of the gate and he was
never able to come back. And then he's been stuck on the outlines.
People are not filming with him. He knows it and now he's coming back, coming in. And he's sort of
like, now he's gonna try to play the pity card and he's just failing at it. He just completely
flopped this season. Even if he is in the right on these situations.
Nat Fisk And he was at BravoCon. And this is the image that will always stick with me years later
of JT. And I think this summed him up pretty well.
He's walking in and there's like a group of people taking pictures, like fake paparazzi
or whatever.
And whenever they come in, they're like, whoa.
So he came into some lukewarm woos, I would say some lukewarm woos.
And then he had a water bottle and he like threw the water bottle up to catch it and
look cool.
But then the water bottle exploded in his face.
I think he didn't have the top on or something.
So he caught it and it squeezed all over his face
and he had a moment of looking embarrassed
and then was just like,
and just started pouring it all over himself
and then raised his arms to do double politician waves
and had really sweaty armpits.
And I was like, this poor guy, you know?
He's just kind of sad.
And so that's kind of the image
that will always stick with me.
And that's pretty much every scene he's done since.
Poor guy.
So, so then Craig is like,
Shep was there, he saw you call her a bitch.
No, you're living in alternate reality, Craig.
Shep, back me up on this.
And Shep, and Matt's like,
Shep, what are you going to say about that? Shep's like, well, gosh, well, you heard it from Sienna's
pretty little freckled lips first that I didn't hear. I didn't hear that. I'm on record set by
thing. I did not hear that. And so-
Hey, we have a gay person here. Let's have him say something gay. Cut to the gay person.
And so, Roderigo's like, I'm shook.
All right, someone pay the man.
So Taylor's like, that's one thing I don't believe
because JT's not the type of person to ever, ever
you demean a woman.
Well, except when he slut shaves one
for kind of giving a blow job.
And Vanita's like, that's why it's hard for me.
And by the way, Vanita, like this is your buddy.
Why don't you like, why don't you help him out?
Like Vanita's like honestly very quiet
for someone that's like her like friend and everything.
Well, the cast doesn't talk to Vanita either.
So I don't think she's like really in a power position
where they would listen to her either.
And I think she knows it.
I think she's barely hanging on with this group, you know?
Like she doesn't offend anybody,
but she doesn't, nobody hangs out with her either.
So I think she feels like her position is tenuous enough
and it's already bad enough that she's kind of tied herself
to this monstrosity this season, but who knows?
So she's like, yeah, this is really hurting me.
And Taylor's like, well, there's one thing
he would never say and he would never say
the B word about her.
So Craig's like, did you not say something
about Austin too and Audrey?
Yeah, but he hates them and Austin hates him.
So who cares?
We need to separate all of the issues
and not make them one big issue.
Yeah, Craig is just trying to come for, just trying to come for JT, you know,
and you said shit about Madison and her husband and you made fun of like the face timing thing
on your vacation. You say, I didn't say that. I didn't make fun of everyone. Okay, dude.
She goes, did you say the word affair? No. And Craig's like, well, I stand by everything. I
fucking said. So JT is like losing his mind because he's like, he, I stand by everything I fucking said.
So JT is like losing his mind because he's like, he's lying about that, you know?
And she's like, do you remember that ship?
And ship is like, gosh, gosh, the fair, no, it was, gosh, it was nonsensical.
The exact opposite of the Vietnam War by Ken Burns.
Honestly, I didn't understand what he was saying.
So then we cut back to the golf place where JT is talking about Madison putting on his blue stripes
in Jamaica and it made Brett feel a little weird. And Vanita's like, but you didn't say the b-word,
right? You said the word affair. So what's the story? And JT's like, Craig, that's the story.
And Madison's like, um, I'm starting to realize this might be a little bit blown out of proportion.
And maybe Craig, you know, said it a little too dramatic or something.
So now JT, I'm not going to embarrass you in front of all these people.
So next time I embarrass you, it'll be one on one on national television.
When I say something like you think I would have an affair with you?
I would love to, I would love to talk.
I love to talk. Thank you, Madison. Thank you. She's like, I'll give J talk, I would love to talk.
Thank you Madison, thank you.
She goes, I'll give JT half an inch on this one.
So Craig's like, I really thought you were gonna
own your shit man and apologize to everyone.
Watch Craig when confronted with the fact
that there's no audio evidence or any evidence
whatsoever from production,
still not apologize to JT at the reunion.
Yeah, cause they just showed us a clip too of Craig lying because that's not at all
what JT said. They just showed a clip of JT saying, well, I handed Miss Patricia Cain
and she didn't take it. That was weird, which is not the same thing. That old woman's a
bitch, you know? So.
Yeah. Craig's like, I didn't lie. What you said, flame this. It's like, what you said,
flame this. Ha, got you. So he's like, you know, things are not going to get better with me sitting
here. So I'm going to go to the bar. So Ryan's like, oh, I'm shook as well. All right. Another
gay getting his paycheck. So he runs off after Craig to do nothing as Ryan does on this show.
And JT's like, Jesus Christ
That's why I didn't want to get into it
And Craig's just like this is like the Twilight Zone
Yeah, so then
Basically Shep is trying to give JT advice like hey man Coleman collected gets the point across
Well, you're off the fucking rails like why though why JT and JT's like well Craig gaslits
shit dude. He's like hold on hold on no he gaslit he gaslit him he gaslit you he gaslit me this guy's
out of fucking control he's making me seem crazy. Yeah but like you've had so many opportunities to
come in and be like and be cool and be chill and but it seems like every time you're just like shit
everywhere that you step it's insane right now. Hey but it seems like every time you just like shit everywhere that you step, it's insane
right now.
Hey, but Austin, if you're going to talk like that, why don't you talk that way to Craig?
I mean, how can you only talk like that to JT, but not to Craig?
And he's like, don't you dare compare the two.
There you go.
He's like, yeah, but you just sit there quiet as a church mouse with Craig.
He's like, don't you dare compare it to.
So now Ryan and Craig are talking to the bar and Ryan's like, um, he,
he came here tonight to call you a liar.
Yeah, well I don't have a transcript of exactly what he said.
No, I don't. But I know what I heard, which was bitch.
So Shep's a pussy cause Shep was there with me,
but Shep's so fucking messed up with this Sienna thing
that he just wants everyone to get along.
Which doesn't make any sense.
So then Sally.
I guess, what does that have to do with anything?
I guess he's saying that Shep wants everyone to get along,
so when Sienna hangs out, she's not horrified by the group.
I guess, but she's never gonna hang out, so it shouldn't really matter.
And I had some doubts before when this first came up, because I was like, well, maybe JT said in
a separate conversation, Patricia's a bitch, and used the word affair or something. Maybe it was
off camera, but now Craig is specifying, no, it was that day when Shep was there. And we just saw
the footage of him not saying that. So, let's do that. Yeah.
So then back at the table, Sally is also mad at Shep. She's like, I'm just confused. Like,
why you've got JT's back when you've been friends with these guys forever. He's like,
I just, I don't ever hold back. I'll tell you how I feel. And Austin's the one who holds back.
Okay. And now he's going for it. And Austin's like, that is a different animal. How dare you compare that to them?
But it's true.
No, you're wrong.
Well, you're not wrong.
You're not wrong.
You're not wrong.
Wait, wait, what?
Your condition's looking awesome.
Austin backs down immediately.
He's like, okay, but you're not wrong.
Craig's not here.
I don't have to be mad anymore.
I mean, this is so double standardish.
With Craig, Austin talks the big game
until it's time to talk the big game
But JT he's an easy target. I stand for justice. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk. I'm gonna reuse that a few times
Mmm, so Austin's like yeah, I still hold a grudge and you're a piece of shit
But all these other people have an issue with you man. Okay, like everyone does so blah blah blah
So Sally's like, well,
I'm making this statement right now. I will not go on the boat. If JT doesn't, if JT goes on the
phone, Sally, you're doing nothing on this show. Okay. Bring JT on the boat, hit them on the boat.
What's a party without a pinata. Okay. And I guarantee the producers are going to pick JT
over Sally because JT is in more conflict right now. So enjoy your time hanging out by the pool. So awesome. You're a little weasel. Fuck JT. So JT is
just like, well, awesome basic use it says that like, you know, JT doesn't care what
people have to say and JT is like, Oh, Venita, why and please come on. Venita. And Venita
is like, Oh, I can't. She's like crying. So Austin's like,
you're hurting me.
This is hurting me.
It's really hurting me.
And Austin tells him he's literally a piece of shit.
So JT's like, I'm out, I'm out.
You're not money all worth my time.
And so he leaves and then JT's like,
for you to call me a piece of shit
after how you handled your shit last year.
He's like, I'll go deflect to someone else,
I don't care, how dare you come fight that too.
So JT leaves, which I feel like they just need
to start putting guard rails up to stop letting cast
members leave at this point.
It's ridiculous with this cast.
Like no one's there.
They've got like half, they've got half a cast
every time they shoot.
And two of those people are JT and the other one,
I'm not JT, Rodrigo and
the other one.
You don't do any.
What are you guys doing?
So Shep goes over to the bar, he like startles Craig and Craig's like, I've never done anything
with ill intent.
I'm like a little disappointed in you, man.
You were there.
And Shep was like, no, no, no, no, no.
Gosh, we're in a good place.
I'm a good little boy.
And I just don't, I don't want to interfere in a good place. I'm a good little boy.
And I just don't, I don't wanna interfere with that.
No, I'm not upset with you.
I just wish you would have been like JT.
You were wrong that day.
But no, there's no reason to be upset.
I know you're not upset.
And Ryan's like, let him dig his own grave.
That was a good one, guys, right, guys?
So then, do you think Craig actually believes his lies?
Or what is Craig doing?
Do you think he believes it?
I think Craig believes it,
I think Craig believes it,
because I think Craig hears things that aren't always true.
I mean, he's always been someone who's played telephone,
and he believes that he heard this, but he's wrong.
And the fact that he has such conviction is like annoying
because it's like you do this all the time.
You didn't hear it, right?
My theory is that he knows this didn't happen
and he's just using the word bitch
because he knows that that'll be an automatic block,
you know, for the group anymore.
And he's using this language
because they had all agreed to get JT off the show
because nobody liked him.
And now people are waffling and he's mad at Shett
because he's not just sticking with the original bullshit.
But who knows really?
I mean, I'm honestly just theorizing
because nothing's happening on this show.
So now JT goes to sit in the van,
which is hilarious that they're like,
okay, you wanna leave?
Well, we're not gonna drive you anywhere.
So he still has to be there.
And Craig's like, oh yeah, well look,
Madison says something like,
well, anybody who's friends with JT can go in there,
but I ain't going in there.
And Craig's like, yeah, well,
JT's best friend Shep is going in there.
So now we're in divided vans
and Craig's calling Shep a pussy for being nice to JT.
And Taylor's like, well, JT has like a ton of shit
he needs to work on.
And we all know that I would move in with those people
for a good solid few years before I ever say anything.
So Craig's like, yeah, that's why we're trying to teach him.
But there's one thing that I do not think that he would,
I don't think he would talk to a woman that way.
That's not the crux of the issue.
Why we're even giving, why you and Shep have his back
with this is nuts.
I don't trust people that can't apologize.
He didn't say sorry one time.
So then the other van, JT's like,
I've never felt more like a pinata in my life.
That was as close to feeling like a pinata as you could possibly be it was like I was like a big thing stuffed with
Candy hanging from a tree and people were swinging at me. What I'm trying to say is if you had a child's party
It's like we get it. You feel like a pinata. So Shep is like, oh you handle yourself very well
No, I'm gonna fly home tomorrow. Then Whitney is like wasted. You're like
Listen don't leave all the sensible conversational mouth and Then Whitney is like wasted. You're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I have a sensible composition with Madison. You know, she's the most aggrieved.
Whitney, you can't yell at everybody else
for not showing up to the workplace
when you barely show up either.
You've been off all day too.
So JT's like, I'm done, I'm eviscerated.
I've got no guts left in my body.
This town will realize what it once had
once it no longer has me.
You shall remember my statue in the parks, but it shall never move because I have been
All right.
And Vinita's like, are you mad at me?
And he's like, I just thought, let's just talk later.
So basically, he's like, let's go and gamble. So everyone heads off and there's like funniness in the,
in the hotel, you know, getting smashed by elevator doors
and things like that.
And the girls are hanging out in the girls' suite,
drinking and having fun.
And Vanita, she gets into her pajamas
and she slinks over to JT's room and she knocks on the door.
And he's like, he's like, he's like,
no cameras, no cameras. And then, but she goes in anyway without the cameras, the doors shut.
And then there's fireworks. And then we go to commercial. So I was like, okay, it's the old
rope-a-dope where they, she goes in and then they just have a talk about everything and they try to
make it look like sexy times. That's what I thought. Cause that's what they always do.
make it look like sexy times. That's what I thought,
because that's what they always do.
So then the next morning,
the guy's room is just disgusting
because it's guys, you know?
And one of the sinks is just running.
We don't, we don't have her really.
Yeah. I was wondering what was up with that?
I don't know.
Running sink.
So then Vanita had the giant,
the most giant piece of food that she was eating.
I was like, wow, what is this local delicacy?
I couldn't figure out what it was.
I was like, is that a corn cake?
What is that?
I want, it was a bagel.
It was just gigantic.
I was like, they have bagels in the Bahamas.
It was very nervous.
And they actually like, they like sort of paused,
they like timed the music.
Like if the music was, you know how they always don't have
these sort of slinky sounds on Southern Charm
where it was like, glink, glink, glink, glink, glink, glink, and like on the music, like if the music was, you know how they always have these sort of slinky sounds on Southern Charm where it was like, glink, glink, glink, glink, glink, glink,
glink, glink. And like on the last, glink was when she finally took her bite. She was
like slowly bringing the bagel up to her mouth. It was like, a glink. I hope it was a good
I really like when they get into their Peter and the Wolf mode on this show with the music
and the orchestra and stuff, because they've decided that JT is like the bassoon or whatever. Yeah. Because everyone else is like a high like and then it gets to him and it's just like
every time they got to him they just cut to the bassoon.
Oh man to be the bassoon. Yeah. So Vanita, the producer asked her like, what happened?
So I'm expecting her to say, well, we talked
and I tried to convince him to stay, but he was really sad.
No, and said she goes, well, I literally straddled this man
and said, don't act like you don't want this
as bad as I do.
Oh God.
I was like, Vanita, Vanita, that's actually poor form because he like,
he did say he has a girlfriend.
You shouldn't do that.
Like I know it's ultimately up to the man,
but like, come on, Venita, you shouldn't do that.
Yeah, that's not cool.
And also it was like a dinner that he just got completely,
you know, eviscerated at and he was all sad and left
and he's like, needs somebody to
talk to him. She straddles him and is like, give it to me. I mean, geez. So he's like, well,
I think I made it pretty clear that when I removed her, not once, but twice off of me in my bed in
the Bahamas, cause I have a girlfriend, but he's also like, can you believe it? A hot girl straddled
me. Like, what the hell? I know.
He's like, why don't you do this on camera?
Yeah. And she's like, for him to come out and say, like, listen, the feelings that I
have, the feelings that you have for me are the same and I have for you, but stronger.
So then what is he doing to these two? I can't.
Yeah. I mean, he shouldn't, he was, no, he was wrong when he was initially being flirty
with her and he was wrong. Like that whole dinner and everything, he shouldn't, he was, no, he was wrong when he was initially being flirty with her and he was wrong.
Like that whole dinner and everything. He ate the whole meal.
I was being flirty. And then it's like, by the way, I have a girlfriend.
Like, so he sucks for that. I'm just saying, Benita, like, you know,
like don't waste your pretty, don't waste your pretty on JT.
It's time to move on. You're like a gorgeous catch.
You're probably one of the biggest catches on this show.
Like you could do better than JT,
like that sort of throwing yourself at JT
when he's already in a relationship.
Come on, V-Nita.
You could do better.
Yeah, but this show, this show is famous for,
you have to fuck somebody to be on this show.
I mean, look at Whitney.
Like, honestly, like he's definitely the gatekeeper
of that.
Look how many people have had to date Whitney
to get on this show, or Shep, or one of them.
You have to do it to get on this show.
I mean, it was like last year it was Olivia
when she was pretending to date people
just because she wanted to be on the show, you know?
And I guess that's what they consider the show to be about.
It's kind of like below deck where they're like,
well, somebody better try and fuck this season
or we don't have a show, you know?
But it's just like, it's kind of ruining the show
because it's happening now with almost every couple that's on it, you know? And it's just like, it's just, it's kind of ruining the show. Cause it's happening now with almost every couple
that's on it, you know?
And it's just like cringy to watch.
So, but I didn't understand why she said for him to come out
and just say, listen, the feelings that I have,
the feelings you have for me are the same I have for you,
but stronger.
The feelings you have for me.
So he's saying, so he is kind of still leading her on,
right? I don't know.
Well, if he says the feelings you have for me
are the same I have for you, but stronger,
it's like we have feelings,
but you have stronger feelings for me.
That's his way of saying,
I think you like me more than I like you.
Yeah, so he's like, I mean, look, you're down, you're out,
you're sad, and you got a beautiful girl
throwing herself at you, and you're like,
no, please, I can't, I can't.
I mean, I'm just trying my best here, guys.
Wow. So Vanita's like, yeah, he was just like, I can't, I can't. I mean, I'm just trying my best here, guys. Wow.
So, Vanita's like, yeah, he was just like,
I can't do that, I'm supposed to be in a relationship,
I'm supposed to be dating this girl, I can't.
And that was my cue of like, got it.
I'm like, girl, your cue came a few episodes ago.
Yeah, I can't do that cue.
And the weirdest part is she's telling this,
like it's the cutest romantic story.
She's like flipping her ponytail around and like smiling in the diary room.
It's weird. I don't like it.
But he does that just a series of swings and misses this season from almost
drowning to trying to land JT. Oh, poor girl.
So, um, now Madison tells Sally that JT wants to meet up.
So Madison's like, well, I know I've gone super hard on JT for this, but we were friends at one point. You know, I did lower my standards at one point in
my life and let him in. So Sally's like, so you're going to call, you're going to look me in person.
She's like, I think he's going to come by. So then meanwhile, Shep comes out.
She's like, I ain't going over there. He better come over here. I'm not walking over there.
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So then we go to the guy's suite and Shep comes down just looking like shit and gets in bed with Craig.
And he's like, I saw your calls.
Thanks for looking out, but I spiraled last night
cause I just want, I'm just a person who want love.
It's not cause I'm still the crazy alcoholic
that you refused to be friends with last year
after I got kicked out of BravoCon, right?"
And Craig's like, well, yeah, basically we went to a casino, Shep got kicked out of the
casino and he was so drunk he couldn't stand up.
And then we went to the room and he still wasn't there and we couldn't find him.
Dun, dun, dun.
Then we hit an air tag and the air tag said, this man is too depleted of life force to locate.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, basically Craig is like, I mean, Shep is like,
yeah, well, I guess I had a rough night.
I guess I woke up on a chair by the beach.
I mean, I was fine.
Nothing happened.
So he basically got kicked out of the casino,
wound up wandering on the beach, passed out in a chair.
So I guess old Shep isn't so far away, huh?
So he's like, you know, I took all this completely fine though.
And I was just like trying to process a lot.
And I think yesterday, you know, it just all hit me.
So you know, when you guys were like, leave your phone and let's have fun.
I think I took that too seriously.
So it's your fault.
You guys made me get wasted.
Yeah, but you know what?
This isn't healthy.
Like you slept on a beach chair because of her, you know?
Like you don't want anything to do with that.
He's like, no, what?
You know, it's just Craig, you have the stance.
You're like, this is what's right.
You know, sleeping in a bed,
not getting kicked out of casinos.
I mean, who even are you?
How do you live like that?
And he's like, but like everything you're going through,
like is her fault?
Cause like if three weeks ago you planned this trip,
those feelings were the same,
like we'd be one big happy family.
No, it's not her fucking fault.
Oh my God, this fucking weirdo.
So she's like, I'm just so in love.
I know nothing about her, but gosh, I love her. She has lips,
lips with freckles. Have you talked to her today? No, here she comes to the booth and great. Well,
that's what it is. Like you get to spend another day with her, another day, and you get to see what
it looks like at the end of the day, right? So meanwhile, JT goes over to Madison, Madison's room and he has a little
red box as a gift and he's like, hi, can you give me another pillow? Sorry, I got a bad back,
diabetes, bad back, I'm getting old. Oh, hey, so thanks. Thanks for giving me that pillow. It's
nice thing you ever done for me. Don't get used to it. Yeah, well, it's the little things. Anyway,
I want to give you this to give to Whitney. It's a very nice box of cigars, but I got this from his patricia and
Whitney ever craig made that bullshit up, but you know, you could smoke them if you want. Oh
I'm saying I'll keep them
Which I liked
So it's like okay, and you can also get decide who gets to smoke them. All right. Well, thank you
Thank you for taking this time
because I didn't want to get it into the table,
but I didn't want to have those conversations at dinner,
but thank you for volunteering to talk to me.
Just where do I start to dive in?
I'm sorry I brought up that FaceTime call
that you actually made to Craig.
And that was a huge mistake.
You know?
I bet.
And she doesn't deny that the phone call happened.
And he's like, it wasn't a hit job on you.
And she said, well, that hurt my feelings.
And he's like, okay, wait, hurt your feelings.
Cause didn't you hear what I said?
You heard what Craig said that I said.
I mean, this was a conversation for us.
And you know, now we're stuck in
Craig's telephone game of bullshit and it's fucked up.
And I want our relationship back.
And she's like, I'm just,
I just want this friendship to work. Okay.
I chose the best of two pairs of shoes last night and I was eviscerated
or viscerated to my core. So, um,
Madison's like, well I'm glad that he got to say his piece, but we can move on.
I am done with this. He's like, well,
thank you for your audience and I hope you guys have a great day on the boat
cause I shall not bathe her. And she's like, you're not going to show up? No, I'm going to go back and take care of some business.
My mama sent me a rug, so I'm going to put it somewhere. All right, well, I don't think you
need to carry it out. I mean, part of being in this group is dealing with being hazed and you're
going to have to get on that boat while everyone yells at you. You got to do that. She's like,
no, I can't negotiate the truth with Craig, no.
Yeah, so he's gonna wuss out,
which kind of just destroys the whole season, basically,
because there's like literally nothing.
So then the girls are talking about it and they're like, what happened?
She's like, nothing really.
I mean, got some big fat cigarettes to smoke, I guess.
I'm like, well, I guess he's just trying to be civil.
She goes, I don't know, I'm bored.
I can only imagine how the audience feels. They're like, I almost." I'm like, well, I guess he's just trying to be civil. She goes, I don't know, I'm bored. I can only imagine how the audience feels.
And they're like, I almost feel bad for him.
So now Craig, the relationship expert, gets his completely uninterested girlfriend on
the phone to lecture shop.
He's like, hey.
Hey, chicken.
Wait, wow, you guys look like you have a really sick place.
Thanks. It is sick, but. You guys look like you have a really sick place. Thanks.
It is sick, but I need your help talking to chef. So, um, chef was like, Oh, okay. Oh,
yeah. What do you guys have to say? Well, I told page a little bit about last night
and page is just like laughing because she's just like, this is so this man is so pathetic.
All of them. And so, um, chef is like, well, it's just been hard, Paige.
I'm sure you can understand.
Well, the only thing I will say is,
especially with long distance, if it's already shaky,
it's only gonna get shakier.
Like if you think, if you're in long distance
and you think like one person, if it's been like two years
and they still haven't moved to your like bucolic
little suburb in the South, then like you have to get
the point and like realize it's just like never going to work
out. You know, you understand that?
If she's not breaking up with you now, she's just waiting till between seasons. So she's
not hasted as hard on Twitter. So that's what you need to understand. Well, here's what
she's he's hung up on because he was like, how could someone tell me that they love me
three weeks ago and now act like this? I don't even believe that she said she loves you unless it was like in that very
casual, like, yeah, sure. Love. Yeah.
I love being with you or something that he took it.
Cause we already saw Shep bullshitting last week where he's like,
she said I was going to miss you. Cutter going, well,
I don't know if I'm going to miss you or whatever she said.
Yeah. That's the thing. Shep,
Shep has not been a good character witness either. I mean,
I do believe him with the Craig thing
because we have cameras to back it up.
But like Shep literally made up some sort of fictional thing
that Sienna said, I love you.
So I don't know what's up with that,
but it's been like three weeks ago, as far as I can tell,
was when she went off to Africa and came back
and like didn't speak to him the entire time
and basically ghosted him after that entire experience.
So like, it's been pretty obvious for a while now
that Sienna's not so into Shep.
If anything, it seems like Sienna,
after her trip to Charleston earlier in the season,
that's when she started to pull away.
She was like, oh, oh no, I don't like this at all.
Yeah, this is not gonna be for me.
Yeah, he's full on pretending I'm his girlfriend
without even telling me.
It's fucking weirdo.
So Paige is like, okay, listen, things change.
If she's not texting you back,
she's not trying to sleep with you every night,
she's not trying to hang out,
she's not trying to introduce you to her family.
Now listen to this, Craig, you too.
I don't like you.
Craig's like, wow, I can't believe Paige
just called Miss Patricia a bitch.
He'll try it.
Watch, next season, he'll be like,
oh my God, Miss Patricia, I should have known Paige
was wrong when she called you the C word.
Well, I never.
Randy's getting extra lashings for another month.
So Paige is like, look, I'm gonna tell you something
that my mom used to tell me all through my 20s.
You're gonna meet a man named Craig one day
and you'll be able to do better.
So ride that wave while you can
and then move on from the pillow man.
Also, if people like you, you'll know it.
She doesn't like you.
Am I done here?
Do I get paid for this?
Let her go.
Okay, chicken out.
So now Molly is getting into a dress
and Ryan's hanging out with the girls
and everyone's getting ready for the boat.
And Shep, they're heading to the boat
and Shep gets a message from Sienna
that surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise,
hey, you're not sure I'm gonna be able
to make it to the boat.
I'm running late, sorry.
So like, we all knew this text was going to be able to make it to the boat. I'm running late. Sorry. So like, uh,
we all knew this text was going to come. And although I have to say,
at this point I am kind of feeling like Sienna, you got to cut the cord here.
That you are kind of like we all, everyone can see everyone at home.
Everyone in this group can all see you're not, you don't like this guy.
And we support you not liking chef. But now at this point,
it's time to be like,
just say, hey, I'm not interested in doing this anymore,
which I guess is what's gonna happen next.
Yeah, but she tried to have the conversation with Shep
and he refused until they were on camera.
And so now she knows what he's trying to do,
which is make her look like a villain
and him look like some sweet, innocent little boy.
So I think she's just trying to avoid it
until he's back home and she can dump him properly, you know
You know, it's like it's like it worked even though it's completely obvious what he is doing. It's worked
I mean people on the internet are like fuck that girl for hurting poor ship
Yeah, well, you know, I'm still on sienna side, but I kind of feel like you should just do like a proper ghosting
So like don't commit to going on the boat ride that you know, you're not gonna go on just say, um
I'm busy this
week. I'm washing my hair. So he's like, it would be nice to pull a real ghost where you're
like, what do you mean? I'm on the boat. What do you mean you don't see me? I'm right here.
Just I'm holding your hand.
And here all this time. So he's like, wait, well, what's your ETA? We'll hold the boat.
We'll stop everything. We won't go on the seas." And she's like, basically like, no, I'm going to be really, I'll see you tonight. I'll see you
tonight. I'm minimizing my Shep time. Please go. Stop texting me.
Tanner Iskra Yeah. So everybody else has decided to just
leave Shep because he's pathetic. Well, mostly Craig. He's like, we're leaving. So they go to
the boat instead and Shep is like, what a predicament.
And then they're deciding that they're just gonna fucking
leave him because they're sick of listening to him.
And now Whitney is also not coming because you know,
when this cast comes to work, whenever they don't want to.
And they're like, yeah, he's a vampire.
So Molly's like, I mean, I just, I don't even get it with JT.
Like I'm trying to be nice and just be like, I'm going to try and understand.
But like he knew what he had to do and he can't even apologize.
So whatever he can fuck Ryan off.
So Santa replies and says, I don't know how late I'm going to be.
Why don't I just see you later at dinner?
So then ship tries to call her. And of course she doesn't take the call.
Everything about this makes me cringe for Shep.
Like, oh my gosh, he doesn't like you.
Why are you now calling her on top of that?
Why are you being so clingy and needy?
Stop it.
So everyone's getting on the boat and Greg is like, he's in his 40s, he'll make his own decisions.
All we can do is lend our opinion of it
and if he takes it, he takes it.
And Taylor's like, yeah, at the end of the day,
you get nothing for nothing.
He's not gonna, he's gonna do what he wants to do.
And I can tell you this much,
what he's gonna wanna do is not own his emotions.
Oh, what are you talking about?
He's over there like rolling around with them, you know?
He's like trying to get anybody to believe
that he has them in the first place.
So Shep just writes her back,
course I really wanted you to come with us.
We could have done the Titanic thing
on the front of the boat,
except you would have been the one to drown and die instead
cause I'm rich.
But still, whatever, I guess I'll see you back at the hotel.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, guys.
So he walks the boat as slowly as possible.
And by the way, he's in a bright pink matching shorts romper.
Makes this whole thing much funnier.
And he just is, like his sad walk is so sad.
He's like, oh gosh, gosh, gosh.
Like those hands are flapping more, swinging really sadly and his head is hung down and
everyone's watching him approach the boat and everyone's like, aww, Shep, aww, look
at that little walk, you know.
And so he comes on board and they're like, like, oh,
shab and they're hugging him. He's like, gosh, gosh.
And Sally's like, I mean, I feel bad looking at him because, you know, he does look so sad,
but he'll get over it. That's life. I might've suggested the first step,
find a parking space at Great American.
That's right.
So, Matt's like, hey, Molly, go kiss him.
Go kiss him, make him feel better.
So Craig's like, look, I want us all to have fun
because that's what you do when you break up.
Although I'm not sure you really broke up
because you had to be together in the first place,
but you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, and then there's a record scratch because Taylor's like, gross. She turns around. She
doesn't like that. So then Austin goes to talk to Shep and, you know, they're trying to make him
happy, but it's not really working because you know, Shep's just so, so sad. So then Sally checks
in, then they get in the water. And Shep's like, I wanted her to come, but she's running late. So then Sally checks in, then they get in the water and chef's like, I wanted her to come,
but she's running late. So I just texted her and said, meet me back at the hotel.
I mean, but this, this, this was her idea. This whole trip,
this whole trip was her. It just makes no sense.
Yeah. So Mass like, Oh good God, could someone get him a drink? So then, so Shep
is like, I'm just going to have fun. That's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to have
fun. So they get to like a, they're going to go to Rose Isle. So Shep is like, my island,
no man is an island unless they have one. So, um, they, uh, there they go there and
there's like, there's funny party times party times on the boat and everything.
And then, you know, they say, oh, if your hand is on the pole for three seconds, the
rule of the boat is you have to do a dance on the pole.
So it's all kind of like fun stuff.
And they're all like, yeah, we need to get Shep drunk because he's spiraling right now.
So then Molly's talking to Shep later
and she's like, yeah, I haven't had sex in over a year.
It's like been nuts.
Like I don't even know what it's like
to have sex as an obese person yet.
And he's like, you've been celibate.
She's like, I mean, I masturbate, you know,
so there's that, so that's fun.
You know, I mean, I'm not, you know, I got a vibrator.
And he's like, wow, well, I didn't want to say it. She's like, I mean, come on, I'm not, you know, I got a vibrator and he's like, wow, well, I didn't want to say it.
She's like, I mean, come on, I'm not a nun.
So Austin saying, well, I don't know, you know, like, I don't know what the situation
is, but you know, nobody can make you get over someone except for yourself.
You know, your friends can be like, come on, man.
But you know, until you stop feeling like this is insane, what are you going to do?
You know, so then Venita Taylor and Rodrigo are talking and Venita is like, this is insane. What are you going to do? You know? So then, uh, Vanita, Taylor and Rodrigo were talking and Vanita's like, yeah, you know, JT really hurt my feelings because he wouldn't
come on the boat. And I said, do it for me. But then he wouldn't come on the boat for me.
And I was like, wow, that really hurts. Okay. You're another one. You, why don't you just date
Shep? Yeah. Your brother's pathetic at this point. Like stop. The man said he doesn't
want you. Stop texting him. Rodrigo's like plot twist. JT is with Sienna. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I'm shook. So JT is packing up all this stuff. And then we go back to uh, Vanita and she's like,
JT is my best friend. So it's hard to have everyone come at him at the table. He was like,
I'm stressed. I feel like I'm getting beat up all the time.
And I'm like, well, you gotta make it right.
Like you're allowing everyone to beat you up right now
because you're not speaking.
So JT is like, well, I'm leaving the Bahamas
because I see Mission Impossible right now
with the friend group.
And so basically-
Oh please, you're just picking that movie
because he's also short.
So then he's packing up
and it's the longest five minute packing scene I've ever seen.
They're like, well, we're paying this man, so we might as well get him doing something.
Let's watch him put his stuff into packing cubes.
So we watch that for a while.
And then he leaves and he's like, see you later NASA.
And he's out.
So then back to the boat, Austin's like, hey, Sally, show them your tits.
There's a boat over there.
Why is everybody telling Sally to do that all the time? For Sally.
So, then Austin's like, hey, Molly, Molly, do you think a chef's tongue would taste like
sandpaper? And she's like, do I think his tongue would taste like sandpaper? Well,
why don't you try that? He's like, gosh, it's been a year. It's been a year. I'm doing her a favor.
So Molly's like, I feel like I'm in a middle school dance
and everybody's like, go dance with him.
But then I'm dancing with a tuba.
Oh, flashbacks.
So then they hug and it's like cute and everything.
And then Craig-
I'm not buying any of that either.
I'm not buying that Molly likes Shep
or that Shep's even considering this.
It's kind of bad. It's kind of bad improv at this point
So then Craig is doing some ocean euphemisms. He's like, hey, you know what? I would say go where the tide is
Like yes, well done Craig so Madison and Shep sit on a boat together because they're on the island and there was like a hangout and Shep is like, gosh, Sienna and I, we went
around that point and she was like, I want you to buy me that house. And Mass goes, shut
up. He's like, yeah, it was like a $10 million house. And I was like, I don't know. Hey,
do you feel like maybe you're not rich enough for her?" And Shep goes, Yeah, maybe I do.
Mike, wait a second, what is this narrative?
Like, no, she's not a gold digger.
She has TV.
She sees who you are.
She talked with you.
She got tuna salad spat on her face
when you talked with your mouth open, okay?
Like it doesn't happen with money.
That's what happens when you don't give a guy
like Shep what you want.
He immediately starts calling you a gold digging slut. That's what happens when you don't give a guy like Shep what you want. He immediately starts calling you a gold digging slut.
That's what happens. That's classy change Shep for you guys.
But then to be fair, he goes, but then again, who am I? Who the fuck am I?
I'm a fucking wild son of a bitch. Sort of a disaster zone.
Yes. That's probably the stronger point.
And then that Sienna wants someone who can afford more than a $10 million home.
Yeah, but he doesn't really believe that. He just wants some pretty girl to tell him he's worth something, you know, which Madison doesn't, which I really like. At first, at least she's like,
Yeah, well, you are sort of missed. How am I a good idea for anybody? I mean, who wants to wake
up to somebody who's got a mailbox full of their daddy's money? No one probably. Who wants someone handsome and set for life?
No one. I've read Shakespeare. I'm realizing that in the past I was a wild man. But you know what,
though? Last night counts as the past and today is the now. So I'm feeling a bit inadequate because
a lot of girls are seeking a stable life. And I'm like, Mr. Todd's wild ride, so I don't know.
Isn't that ride closed?
No, it's not.
I recently went on it.
I went on it with a cold brew.
Yeah, which was a fun experience.
I took an illegal cold brew.
You weren't supposed to have a cold brew,
but I was like, I told the person I was getting out,
I was like, what do I do with this cold brew? And they was like, ah, just, just hold it low. So the cameras don't
see you. So I had a cool, just fucking naked. It's Mr. Toads. Okay. I was like, if I'm going
to hell, I'm going to hell with a cold brew. That's what happens on that ride. You go to hell.
That's the whole point of the ride. So Madison's like, you deserve to be loved as much as you're giving her.
So, you know, fakily.
And he's like, oh, thank you so much.
She goes, everybody deserves to be someone that loves someone.
Everybody deserves to be with someone that loves them.
Even Shep.
So she's trying to be sad for him, but it's Shep, you know?
And so she's like, who ever thought I'd be sitting here talking to you off-lead?
She's like, oh, she's so angry about it.
Oh, thank God we know now she's just a gold-digging slut and I can move on with my life.
That's my boy.
And that was the episode.
So next week, it looks like Sienna is finally going to tell him, I don't want to be in a relationship with you.
We never were in love.
We weren't even boyfriend girlfriend.
Stop, goodbye, get out of my face.
I'm looking forward to it.
Yeah, I hope they have another six episodes this season.
They're really making it happen.
All right, everybody.
Thanks so much for being here for Watch What Crappens.
We will be back later today with a Traders recap
and we'll be back
next week with just all sorts of stuff. So check out our tour schedule over at watch
what and we'll talk to you next time. Love ya. Bye. Bye.
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