Watch What Crappens - #2752 Denise Richards and her Wild Things S0101-02:Rants and Raves
Episode Date: March 6, 2025We’re recapping the first two episodes of Denise Richards and Her Wild Things. In the first ep, Denise tangles with Malibu plastic laws as she throws a BBQ for her family. Then ...she hangs with Tori Spelling while her daughters head to raves and Taco Tuesday. To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours. Something you possess is lost
or stolen and ultimately you triumph in finding it again. Listen to Reclaiming with Monica
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Hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that
we just love to talk about.
I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is Mr. Ronnie Karam.
Hi Ronnie, how are you?
What's going on with you?
Not much. We're here today to recap the brand new series,
Denise Richards and her wild things.
We're gonna recap, we're aspiring to recap
the first two episodes in one episode here,
but we may split it up.
We'll see how it goes.
Anywho, before we dive into that,
of course we are continuing on with our national tour,
the Mounting Astoria Tour, which is resuming next week.
We start off in Cincinnati,
then we're gonna go to Minneapolis and Toronto
all next weekend.
Then we're also, the following weekend,
we're gonna go to Charlotte, Atlanta,
and then we're gonna go after that,
DC and Philadelphia. That's just how we're gonna go after that, DC and Philadelphia.
That's just how we're gonna spend our March.
We have more shows in April and May,
but right now we're just talking March.
So go to to get your tickets.
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by going to slash WatchForKrappins.
That's where you can do, check out Krappins On Demand.
Also bonus episodes, we've been covering the traders, the best show ever.
Over there. Finale is happening tomorrow. Can't wait.
Now here's a note about Patreon that you may have missed on our Beverly Hills
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Really annoying, it's annoying that we have to add that on,
but you know what, thanks Apple.
Thanks for making all of our lives more annoying.
All right, let's get on with Denise Richards
and her wild things.
It's wacky Denise Richards getting another solo show guys.
Here we are.
Here we are.
What'd you think about it, Ranny?
I liked it.
It's a little Kim Zolciak-ish, you know, not as trashy
but it's got kind of those vibes.
Yeah, yeah.
But I enjoyed it.
It was interesting seeing her daughters
cause we really didn't see that much of her daughters.
I kind of like how the trauma of the daughters
has like spread out in different ways.
Like you've got one daughter who's like,
I'm only fans now.
And then you've got the other one who's like super religious.
It's interesting watching how whatever has gone on
in their lives has worked their way through two people in completely different ways.
So that's pretty interesting to watch.
I enjoyed it for the most part.
I thought it was some fun camp.
Yeah, there were some amusing parts in it.
I mean, these types of shows are not really my jam, generally speaking, like the half
an hour in the lives of a celebrity is kind of light and fun and silly, you know?
You know, it's fine though.
I mean, I love Denise Richards.
I love that she's just like, I don't care, dog.
She'd have all around it, I don't care.
But I would not say that these sort of shows are my jam.
When Bravo rolls these shows out like once per year,
there's some sort of version of this,
whether it's this, whether it's Kim Zolciak,
whether it's like someone getting ready for a wedding. But you know, this is fun.
The answer to that.
So okay, would that...
Yeah, this, I believe that back to the TV, Gazzamer, Trash Talk TV days, I recapped the
original Denise Richards reality show.
It's complicated.
Yeah. Now I don't know if I did the whole thing or if I just did a couple of episodes,
but I remember getting really into that one because it was kind of boring, you know, and she has
this like weird relationship with her dad.
That was what that one was about.
He's like, you're hot, honey, show it off or whatever.
I remember that one being a little odd, but it finally got good at the end when she, when
she bitched out a reporter who wasn't doing what she wanted, like she lost her shit at
And then it got really good and then it was canceled. So I'm interested to see. I'm basically rooting
for whatever reporter comes in and pisses her off. Cause that was the best part of the
last one. Yeah. All right. Well, let's start off with the first episode here. Um, we see,
uh, Denise, like, here we go. And we see all these clips from the show and everything.
And she's, we just see lots of different things happening.
If someone wants to see my boobies,
I'm like, fucking thank you.
And then I'm just trying to balance everything.
I'm an actress.
I'm a wife, I'm, you know, I do the whole Hollywood thing.
So they show all of her stuff.
And then we see her hugging Sutton
because she's gonna have guests.
She's gonna just, don't worry, it's not just her, it's also housewives and stuff.
And then we see her daughters, Sammy and Lola, and Sammy's driving and Lola's like, you don't like bright colors.
And she's like, yes, I do. Look at my nails. And she's like, yeah, I don't like bright colors. Jesus doesn't like bright colors.
And she like flips off her sister. It's gonna be wild. Am I cool, ma'am?
All right, like, hey, are we calling cuckoo birds?
You know, being a parent in the public eye
in Hollywood is really hard,
especially when your mom and dad
are Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen.
By the way, Denise's voice has gotten more gravelly
than ever.
I was like, damn, Denise's voice is so gravelly
that I actually went back and looked up a clip
from Wild Things just to hear what her voice used to be like.
And she was back then, she was like,
hi, can I get a ride please?
No, she's like, hi, can I get a ride?
I'm Denise Richards.
And I was like, this is a woman
who's lived some life over 20 years.
This woman has lived some life
and she's had a nice pack of Marlbrows
through the whole thing for sure.
She's like, oh yes, I guess you got a fucked up mom
and a fucked up dad and I got fucked up kids now.
So I'm like, mom, mom.
So it's wacky.
She's like, I'm just trying to keep the family together
and these kids make it so fucking hard, you know?
And then we get the theme song.
So then the kids are driving and Denise is so excited.
She's going to get to see them.
And they go to McMillan Ranch where they're meeting Aaron
and Eloise and guess why they're going to get dogs guys.
Lots and lots of dogs.
Yeah. And we're gonna get the babies.
Let's go get the blondies.
They're over here. So they go get the blondies that are here.
So they go into this space where there's like
all these golden retrievers just jumping around
and everything and Denise is like,
can I sit down with them?
And they're like, well, whatever you want.
Everyone's like, you can do whatever you want.
They're your dogs.
Oh yeah, yeah, oh hey dogs.
All right, why do we have three golden retrievers?
Okay. Here's what happened. Okay.
Sam, we got a golden retriever,
but then we found out that that golden retriever
had a brother.
So we wanted to get the brother,
but then we got there and the brother had a sister
and the sister had a brother
and the brother had his cousin and the cousin.
Oh, here we are with three dogs.
The math doesn't make sense, does it? Because didn't she say the brother had a sister, so we went to get
the sister and then the sister had a brother, so that's three, but then she mentioned another one.
She's like, but then we found out that the brother had a sister, so you're just saving three of them
and not the fourth one? Well, then we found out that the brother belonged to Caspar Van Dean,
so we adopted him too. So, Caspar's part of the family too now. Just exciting, nice reunion from Starship.
Hmm. Yeah, I call Casper Van Deen fart face. So, you know, that was good. So he's got that
dog. And so they're petting the dogs and the trainer's like, just now the trainer, hot.
I mean, you got to love LA because like every menial job is a hot person. It's like, just be careful when you sit down on this grass, right? I can't
promise you there's not little landmines there. She's like, I don't care. Have you been to
my house? It's one big dog poop as it is.
I was married to, I was married to Charlie Sheen. Sitting in shit was the least of the
problems over in an household. Aaron's like, well, which, which dog do you think shows
any signs of anything for like
being a service dog?
And so they are not only are they getting dogs,
but the dog,
one of the dogs is going to be a service dog for Eloise,
whose special needs and has a chromosome situation.
She said,
Denise tells us that Eloise was, you know,
we know from Beverly Hills,
but she reminds us that Eloise was,
they adopted her and wasn't until she was five
that they discovered that she had a deletion
on chromosome A, which has caused development delays
with her speech.
And she's not hard of hearing, nor is she autistic,
but she needs a service dog that will be a good match
for her.
Yeah, so they're asking who the primary caretaker is.
She's like, me and Aaron, not Lola, notola. Not most like me sometimes when I'm not working.
Lola has the most sing songy voice I've heard in quite some time.
You have Denise Richards, who is the opposite. Like this is the,
I love a sing song. It was, and then Lola, every time Lola talks,
it really is like, well, I think that I can maybe do that.
It's like a verb surfing.
Lola will be showing up like,
now I have a mom, a famous mom.
You know?
I know.
Oh, the Lord does this for me.
So Denise, like Lola works in a restaurant.
She's a hostess and she lives at home.
And I love her being home.
I wish Sammy were still there though.
Yeah, so the trainer is like, okay,
well you guys need training on training dogs, right?
She's like, yeah, that's gonna happen.
I got pregnant with Lola when Sammy was six months old
and I filed a divorce from their dad
when I was six months pregnant.
Oh, yes.
I would say Lola's like a fairy. She's soft, she's light, she's got Charlie face, you know, and she's not your typical 19 year old growing up.
I mean, you know, I mean, she doesn't even have a thong.
Okay, what busted this kid come off of, right?
I think that Lola is exactly a 19 year old kid from LA because like teenagers in LA are
either they're like literally both of her daughters. They're either like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're I think that Lola is exactly a 19 year old kid from LA because like teenagers in LA are either
they're like literally both of her daughters they're either like tatted up going on OnlyFans
going to raves or they're like Lola which is that they've like become born again super Christian
you know going to mosaic or whatever like this this is so, these kids are so LA,
both of them together.
Well, and it's also very Malibu, right?
Because Malibu is a different animal.
I mean, that's a completely different world
living out there.
I mean, that is kind of like living in the country,
in a way.
They're so separated from stuff.
Like you can tell like how they dress and stuff.
They're wearing like little, you know,
like cotton flower dresses and they're barefoot.
It's very Malibu.
Yeah, very surfy.
But yeah, there's so many of these teenagers that are in LA who are crazy born again.
It's funny.
People think of LA as this place where religion goes out the window and we're all heathens
out here, but
there's a very strong kind of like born again vibe that happens, especially from these like
young actors who are kind of like lost at sea and they all kind of find community at
these like progressive churches, et cetera.
Because it's like rebellion, you know?
Like when you're young, you're more rebellious and in LA, which is kind of a godless place,
it is being a rebel to be a Christian. So absolutely. It is crazy. So it's like punk.
You know, it's like punk rock's like, fuck. Yeah, I'm into Jesus now. Yeah.
Frick. Yeah, man. So they get the dogs in the car and Denise just keeps going. Oh, my God. I'm so
excited. I'm so excited. Girl, I'm so excited. And they keep so excited. I'm so excited, I'm so excited, girls. I'm so excited.
And they keep getting started. I'm so excited meter for Denise.
I was like, oh my God, this is hilarious
how she keeps saying the same word.
And then cut to this morning,
last night I stayed up making this chocolate bar
on my Instagram.
And so I was documenting the entire process
of making Dubai chocolate. So I had about, I don't know, probably like 10 or 12 stories.
So I was like, you know,
I'm going to make that into a highlight so people can see my Dubai chocolate
making. And so as I'm assembling all these stories together,
every single story starts with me going like this. All right. All right. Okay.
All right. I was like, Oh God, I'm Denise Richard saying right now, I'm excited.
I'm excited. I'm excited. All right. All right. All right. We got this out. All right. We did this. All right. I was like, oh God, I'm Denise Richardson right now. I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited.
All right, all right, all right, we got this out.
All right, we did this.
All right, we did that.
How'd that Dubai chocolate turn out?
You know, it was, okay, it was very good.
Like, I'm definitely gonna eat more of it.
I made a few mistakes.
The first thing is that I used Baker's chocolate
because I was in a store and that was the only
melting chocolate that they had.
So I was like, oh, that'll be fine, chocolate, chocolate.
I'm not that chocolate, chocolate, but like this,
for this application of a candy bar, you know,
this will be fine.
So, but I actually think I should,
I would have been better off using nicer chocolate.
Second of all, I put too much chocolate in the mold.
So it was very thick. Third of all, I put too much chocolate in the mold, so it was very thick.
Third of all, the filling, I mean it was delicious,
but you know, it does take time to do this.
It's like a little bit more time than I was expecting.
I thought you just make the filling,
melt some chocolate, and just slather it together
and put it in the fridge, but it sort of took more time.
But also, I mean maybe it took time
because I was also documenting it.
But as delicious as it was, the texture was great.
It kind of just tasted like a fancy peanut butter cup.
Like it was just kind of like peanut buttery
kind of filling, even though it's pistachio,
it's pistachio and you've got the katafi in there
which is shredded phyllo dough,
which adds like really nice texture.
Overall, it was like really tasty.
I don't know if I feel compelled to do it again.
It wasn't like this is out of control.
This is a game changer.
But I also have to hold space for the fact
that it was my first time ever using candy bar molds.
And I probably, there's probably a lot of user error
on my part.
So it was a fun experience, very messy.
And you know, I'll still eat it all.
I'll eat it.
Yeah, honestly, it's kind of like that.
It's kind of like, this is good, get a peanut butter cup.
Or get like a Hershey bar and just.
Or just go buy some Dubai chocolate.
You know, some things it's worth just.
Like I was trying to perfect a macaron for so long
and I finally did and then I was like, but why?
They sell them?
Like they now sell, they actually sell really good
macarons at Costco.
You can get them anywhere now that are pretty decent.
So I was like, fuck that.
I'm going back.
Yeah. If I, if I saw Dubai chocolate out in the wild, I would totally buy it. Um, but
I don't, I think that there's like something to be said for like, you know, there's like
with a candy bar with a filling like that, you want like the thickness of the chocolate
to be certain. There's actually a lot of subtlety that goes into it that I did not possess.
And I think like a good hack would be just get like a really high quality chocolate bar,
make the filling, the filling's easy to make,
and then just slather the filling on top of the chocolate bar
like a spread and then take a bite.
I think it'll be honestly just as good
as just making the bars yourself.
Yeah, okay.
Okay, so then that's interesting
because I'm not a big candy maker, so I wanted to know.
So then we go over to talking
about how to take the dogs out there. You know, they're already fighting about who's going to
take the dogs out and the dogs have already pooped on the floor. So that's where we're at with it.
And you know, it's going to happen. You know, this house is just going to be full of dog poop and pee
and these dogs are not going to get trained. I don't think that anybody in the audience was
thinking, wow, there's a responsible family that's going to train dogs. No, yes, they're just going
to be pooping everywhere.
And Denise, by the way, it tells us about her, her living situation,
which is not unlike the way that she got these dogs. Whereas the dog was like,
well, there was this dog and we found out I had a sister and then we got this.
Here she says, well, Aaron's mom and dad and his brother came to stay with us
for, but it's been over three years. So we decided we need more space.
So now we rented a townhouse.
Then I rented another one.
Then I rented another one.
So now we've got three, one's an office, one's a studio,
one's just a giant fuck dungeon.
So, you know, we have a lot of fun in it.
The dog shit will stay in one house,
we'll work in the other, you know,
I'll get on that big penis in the other.
It's a fun time over here at the Richards compound.
Is anybody surprised that Aaron Pfeiffer's family
are a bunch of fucking moochers who showed
up moved into their house and then refused to move out to the point that she had to go
get a different place?
Nothing about that surprised me at all.
What fucking losers get your own house you weirdos.
Who does that?
Yeah, that is so strange.
And like, why are they staying in the nice Malibu home while they're,
while the rest of them are going to be in like a triple townhouse situation.
Yeah, weird. So then they go to Pilates, Denise and Sammy go to Pilates.
She's like, well, I found us a new place to go to Pilates cause my Pilates
trainer is doing a retreat in the Cayman islands. And she goes, um, where's that?
She's like, uh, it's in the Cayman Islands. And she goes, um, where's that? She's like, uh, it's in the Cayman Islands, honey.
So they walk in to meet Sonia. She's like, well, I saw high intensity.
I come here. Uh, so Sonia's like, yeah, well,
it's definitely gonna be high intensity, but we'll take it easy,
which I would never believe from a Pilates instructor.
So Denise continues talking and she says, well, I'll say I'm always my first born.
She's 20 years old and she's very confident.
She's a confident young woman with bad tattoos.
And it's just so interesting for me
because when I moved to Los Angeles,
I started acting when I was 20.
So I see so much of her too,
except for the whole acting and on the road to fame thing.
But now I know how my parents felt
when I did certain things in my career.
Yeah. And we didn't even have subscription back then. So you can just imagine what she's
doing. You know, Sammy, she's got a good career and some dead eyes. I'm just real proud of
her. So then we just watched them do their Pilates and it's really hard for Sammy. She's
like, Oh my God, mom, like, it's like hard to believe that you're not struggling.
No, she's not struggling.
She's been doing this shit for years.
She's a pro, okay?
Well, I'm meeting with a modeling agency next week.
I don't know.
Yeah, cause I think I want to start taking that
really seriously instead of only fans.
Like once I have another job that I really like,
then I would stop it.
I'm like, well, you also could just get a job.
It doesn't have to be a modeling job.
I mean, go for it.
Hey, if you get signed, then all the power to you.
But you know, there's like,
modeling is not the only option for you outside of OnlyFans.
Is, well, I don't know.
OnlyFans money is a specific kind of money.
Like that's a lot of damn money.
You're not gonna make that working at the ice cream shop
and you're not gonna make it modeling either. So what's her last name, Sheen?
I don't know, to be honest.
I don't know, I think those people working at Van Lewin
probably earn a pretty penny based on how expensive
that ice cream is.
How much does she make on OnlyFans?
Let's see.
$3 million, Sami Sheen, 20,
the daughter of actor Charlie Sheen
and actress Denise Richards has reportedly earned more. $3 million, Sammy Sheen, 20,
the daughter of actor Charlie Sheen
and actress Denise Richards has reportedly earned
more than three million bucks
since launching her OnlyFans account after her-
All right, stay in OnlyFans.
Don't even model.
You're not even gonna make that money modeling, by the way.
That's what I'm saying.
You're not gonna make that money modeling.
That's crazy.
Yeah, OnlyFans it is.
God damn. OnlyFans.
If there was a market for moobs,
I'd be rich, I tell you. Rich!
Look at these things. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a crap-ins commercial.
At 24, I lost my narrative, or rather it was stolen from me. And the Monica Lewinsky that
my friends and family knew was usurped by false narratives, callous jokes,
and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen, and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable
names, about the way that people have navigated
roads to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming and feel like they filled their
tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to and leave with maybe some nuggets that
help them feel a little more hopeful.
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So she's like, yeah, it's just really hard reading all the messages.
It's like, it's like a lot.
Yeah, I was upset for you because I know what it's like starting in this business
and having people say certain things.
So I wanted to join,
and I just felt like I had to have your back.
It's amazing.
So she's like, well, Mom,
I was kind of pissed that you made an only path.
She's like, I was just trying to support you.
She's like, Mom, it's weird.
She goes, no, because there were headlines
that were making fun of Sammy.
So I was like, I'm gonna support my daughter daughter and I'll be on only fans too. I mean,
what mother wouldn't do that for their child?
Denise Richards, it turns out her, her worldview is Costco. She's like, well, why I got one when
you can have three? It's like, so dogs, three dogs, three townhouses. Like, why is there only one of
us on there? Where should at least be two of us on there? Let's see if we can get Lola in next.
Oh, I love that.
I wish my mom was like that.
She's like, honey, I wanted to support you today.
So I freaked myself on camera for some truck drivers.
I love that.
I'm like, thanks, mom.
That is so sweet.
I made sure it was in the news too.
So don't worry about it.
So this says, according to
Denise Richards, as of March 29th, 2024, Denise Richards making $2 million monthly. Holy mother.
Wow. God. That's wild. That makes me so jealous. Like, why can't I have something to sell for $2
million a month? What the hell?
Well you could Ronnie, OnlyFans, you could still do it.
No one's gonna pay me that.
I wouldn't make five dollars on that thing.
They'd pay me to turn my camera off.
Maybe that's what I'll do.
I'll just like start naked
and I'll just start putting clothes on
the more money I get.
Do something called accept fans.
It's like here, I'm gonna show news
to everyone accept fans. It's like, here, I'm gonna show news to everyone except fans.
So she's just being supportive, which is really funny.
And she's like, mom, it's really hard explaining
to my friends why my mom is on OnlyFans.
I love that being on OnlyFans isn't embarrassing,
but when your mom is on, it is embarrassing. And by the way, I don't have, I don't think there's any shame in going on OnlyFans isn't embarrassing, but when your mom is on, it is embarrassing.
And by the way, I don't have,
I don't think there's any shame in going on OnlyFans.
I just think it's funny that like,
traditionally the idea of going onto the internet
and like getting naked,
traditionally has been viewed as something like,
ah, clutching your pearls.
But like, she's like, oh no, I'm fine with that.
I just don't want my mother doing it, which is hilarious.
I was listening to some of the parents
in my neighborhood talk,
or maybe it was my sister telling me this, but at the school here in Lakeway, there's apparently a mom who has
on the back of her car in carpool, it says, come to my OnlyFans. She's like written it
on the back of her car as an advertisement for all the dads, because it's like some hot
mom. So all the dads in the carpool line go to her OnlyFans. I was like, that is so embarrassing for the kid, but also so fucking smart of that mother.
So smart. Yeah. So your audience is the other dads, other dads. Yeah. So, um, Denise is
like, well, you know, well, so, so Sammy's like, it's just like really hard to explain
this to your friends because why get it? You have a lot of explained to do with your friends
with both your parents. Cause goes, I really do.
Yeah, but that's why we have a show.
And she just looks at the camera, like, am I right, Bravo?
Yeah, that's why I keep giving a show, sorry.
By the way, I'm out earning you, so stop your bitching.
Okay, I've got three townhouses
and a Malibu mansion to pay for.
So now Denise is seeing Camille,
and this is like a different Camille
because it's not glammed up Camille at all.
It's just like regular daily Malibu Camille.
I've never seen this, like Camille in glasses, weird.
Yeah, everyday Camille.
Hi, thank you, so good to see you.
I'm excited to catch up with you.
Mwah, mwah, mwah. Thank you. So good to see you. I'm excited to catch up with you
Well, you know Camille and Cranmer and I became friends like 20 years ago cuz our husbands are sitcom actors I mean, we're always up against each other, you know, cuz he got Frazier
He got two and a half men. So boom they became friends. We became friends like who won here who won here
And so we have the exes in the
housewives together so hey by the way Camille how old were you when you moved
to Los Angeles hmm let's see I moved in 1997 so I was negative five years old
okay Camille you don't have to you don't have to play that we know how old you
are well I think I was like 26, 27 when I moved to LA,
yeah, and I married Kelsey and when I was 28,
there's a lot of talking, I wish there was someone
to help me say how old I was.
You moved here when you were 26,
but then you married Kelsey when you were 28,
but then you were married 14 years,
but it was so rough on you when he left,
because you were so devastated, because but it was so rough on you when he left you know because we were so devastated
You know because your whole world fell apart right?
Judgment from other people be made out to be like this awful human. Yeah, I got it. I got it
Yeah, we just get tossed the curb curb and God, how terrible the curb is.
Anyway, so we get tossed to the curb with like a hundred
million dollars. It was so hard.
It's like, yeah, I never get divorced again.
Even if we hate each other, I'm saying, you know,
how much these fuckers will take from me.
They've already got my fucking house. All right.
Yeah. It's not easy being married to me. And he's like? Yeah, it's not easy being married to me, Aaron.
And he's like, no, it's not.
And then she said it and yeah, it's true.
But you know, I know that, I'm not an easy person.
He's like, yeah, I'm done.
Yeah, I'm never getting divorced again.
Even if we hate each other,
I'm not getting fucking divorced, okay?
So deal with it.
He's like, I mean, look,
if you insist on getting 5g again, fine,
but we're getting different homes, you know,
we'll just do something like that instead,
but we're not going to hate each other. You know what I mean?
I don't care if it means that I got big farm on my back for the rest of my life.
I am not getting divorced from this man.
They're so romantic. So Camille's like, by the way,
you look just like so gorgeous.
You know, last time I saw you,
you were just frazzled coming off a boat in Positano.
That was so rough.
She goes, I know, I didn't even know where I was.
Fucking Positano, that's right.
Yeah, I'm just lying.
You know, last time I was there was with the housewives.
Fuck those bitches, am I right?
And then we cut to her on her trip saying,
this has been the worst trip I've ever been on
in my entire life and that is the truth.
So she's like talking about like,
yeah, your kids were there in Positano.
Hmm, hmm, that's nice.
Well, Lola would not come because her and Sammy are fighting
and they're not speaking at all.
Could you believe that she passed the Positano?
Could she's fine with her sister about some of the stupid
Well, you know, I don't know the details of their fight but Sammy's ex-boyfriend Lola's remain friends with them or something
You know, I mean, it's I think it's Lola. I think it's Lola's ex-boyfriend Sammy's been friends with him, right?
No, Sam Lola has Sammy's you know, I am his like the sexier with him, right? No, Lola has been friends. Sammy's ex-boyfriend. You know what?
Lola's like the sexier character name, right?
Like in Damn Yankees, the devil's assistant is Lola, and she seduces people by being sexy.
So I always think of Lola being the OnlyFans one, but it's not.
Sammy's the OnlyFans one, and Lola is like the super Christiany one.
I mean, the whole show is a mindfuck, am I right?
And also Lolita, that too.
So, just wanna add to the case.
So Denise is like,
you know, they're both young,
and I'm like, you're not planning on stuff
to fight about in the future, and it's nothing.
So then Sammy tells us,
the current beat between me and Lola started
when I broke up with not my last boyfriend,
but the one before that.
Wait, like, sorry, I shouldn't say before him,
but like, I shouldn't, I should say before that.
I should say before him, not that.
It's not nice to refer to men as that.
So Lola's like, I mean, she always thought in her head
that I wanted a boyfriend, but I didn't. Oh yeah, she's gonna in her head that I wanted a boyfriend, but I didn't.
Oh yeah, she's going to say that they've always been best friends.
But I introduced them, like he's one of my best friends.
But they were talking about me behind my back.
I mean, she expected me to just drop him because she dropped him, but like he's still one
of my best friends.
Breaking girl code, if you ask me, I would never do that to a friend, let alone my sister.
Oh, whatever. You started dating one of her best friends
She should have been pissed at you for that for taking her best friend away from her and you don't get to like say that
She can't be friends with someone anymore, especially since you moved on get over it team Lola on this one. Yeah team Lola
Things like wow, I'm gonna do a family barbecue and I by the way, I haven't even looked at those
Look, these are all the rules in Malibu what we can and can't have a barbecue and a park in Malibu
All right. Oh god the rules of Malibu
Yeah, I can't believe it. It's a dictatorship
I mean look at this Malibu party food and beverage container ordinance
otherwise known as
No balloons no plastic no meat or fish trays or egg cartons.
You can't have meat, fish or egg cartons? Come on.
That's odd. So actually, I think that they can't have the trays. I guess the trays,
there's no plastic. They want no plastic on those beaches.
Oh, I thought she was saying you can't eat meat.
The way she said it, she said, no meat, what?
And she's like, wait, that's not meat?
That's what I thought at first too.
Man, she's like, well, if I was a five year old,
I'd be crying my eyes out if I had a birthday party
in Malibu with no balloons.
I mean, God, for Lola, we at least got her some strippers
and they were wearing plastic, I'm pretty sure.
I mean, is chicken considered meat? What the hell can we bring? Yeah.
Cause I thought it was definitely when I, when I heard it first,
I thought they said no meat or fish, but then reading it back, I was like,
Oh, it's like no meat or fish trays. Like you can't have the
no gas. That's what I say.
Well I grew up in Illinois and you can bring whatever the fuck you want to do a
picnic back there.
Illinois, you show up to the picnic, you shoot a fucking cow, you cook it right there with
a plastic utensil, all right?
Fuck this place.
You could just leave garbage everywhere because Trina was going to come by soon and just wipe
it all away.
God's vacuum, we call it.
So they go to this balloon store and Cam can be like, why are we at a balloon
store when the first thing on the list is no balloons?
Yeah, well, I will find something. So she tells this lady, yes, and we're doing a barbecue
in Malibu, you know, hashtag snowflakes. Am I right? And the rules are just crazy. I mean,
look, this is the material that we could use. She's like, okay, listen,
I had a balloon store on the west side of Los Angeles.
This is not my first time at the radio.
Okay, let's see what we can do here.
You're right, because this lady is like,
I've worked in LA in service for a long time.
So guess what we're gonna do?
We're gonna treat this like a stupid fucking game, okay?
Let's go around all these meaningless laws.
So they start to, and Denise is like, you can bring bamboo forks and knives and straws made out
of sugar. What the fuck is that going to do?
It's called eco party wear. I mean, one of them, why on says 100% natural. Geez, motherfuckers
shit bullshit.
I don't even know people in this town that are 100% natural anymore. What the fuck is
this? Absolutely by implants at home, too
Denise like I don't think they're gonna know that's plastic. I mean do they even know there but they're gonna see as plastic
They got a plastic police. What if I tell him it's sugar? It's a fork made of sugar stupid fucking idiots
so she gets those forks and knives that are painted with silver.
So they look like they're actual silver. And she's like, you know,
well screw it. Let's just do this. All right.
Do you got bamboo cups or sugar cups or what do we drink out of fucking sugar
cups now? I mean, come on. And she's like, yeah, you drink it.
Then you eat the cup. She's like, fuck it. We're buying plastic.
Actually, I've been on an all cup diet
for about three weeks now.
It's really wonderful.
Terrible for my diabetes, so.
It's actually inspired by a native American traditions
of eating the whole animal.
So we just eat the whole cup as long as it's a sugar cup.
You know, my high Bs got way worse when I finished that diet Coke can, but you know,
it is what it is.
So Denise and Aaron arrive at the, at a park in Malibu and they're setting up stuff. And
Denise is like, you know, when the girls were younger, we would do barbecues at the house
every Sunday. Just brings everyone together. It'd be the girls, it'd be Charlie,
it'd be a line of prostitutes.
Just a fun night for everything.
Got Aaron's parents there,
just taking home everything that's not bolted down.
His brother stayed there a whole night
trying to get the picnic table up.
So that was something.
So this is their big wacky family all together.
And she's like, here's all our bamboo shit,
plastic ass plates bullshit.
How funny, you're crap out of that.
I mean, I didn't know people were watching us
or they can arrest us, who knows?
She's like, then you see this plastic stuff.
It would be entertaining to get arrested
because I had bought a plastic fork
that I was trying to make look like stainless steel.
This is fucking ridiculous.
All right, okay, so people are showing up.
So their nephew, Al, shows up with his wife, Lena,
and then his parent, of course, Aaron's parents show up,
like you said, with the Tupperware.
And then, it's always been one, you know,
I've always been, you know, the more the merrier.
You know, that's my mindset when it comes to barbecues,
townhomes, and golden retrievers, okay? So the more the merrier, you know, that's my, that's my mindset when it comes to barbecues, townhomes and golden retrievers. Okay. So the more of the merrier, everyone
hop on in.
Yeah. So Brooke is also there. Charlie's ex wife. Like they're
really a blended family. So like, yeah, I wanted to include
Brooke, Charlie's other ex wife, because you know, hey, hey,
Brooke, I wish you were still at that unit. I ran at three of
them. I ran at three, we could still be in the same unit together. She's like, Oh, wow, I wish you were still at that unit. I rented three of them. I rented three. We could still be in the same unit together.
She's like, oh, wow, sounds great, Denise.
There's a lot of history there.
I mean, her son is my daughter's brother's,
and we're just a big blended family.
Look, here comes Brooks Gardner.
We love him.
He does great work.
We never hired him, but it's a big family.
We will, oh wait, also everyone, this is Saul.
He works at the Hertz down by LAX.
Used him once about two years ago.
Just wanna make sure everyone's involved.
Where's Lola at?
So Lola comes late and makes a plate.
And so Al, the husband, not the husband, the uncle,
who's all tatted from head to toe,
like his face is like a
dollar sign or something. He's like, so what's going on with you guys? And she's like, um,
with who? With Sammy? He's like, yeah, like you guys are beefing over a dude. She goes,
I mean, she can just not let it go. Turn the other cheek. Am I right?
So Denise goes up to Brooke. She's like, Brooke, Brooke, you know, I love your hair. She's
like, yeah, I went blonder right now
I love it
So by the way, the reason why I wanted to do a family environment is because Sam and Lola have not spoken for a long time
And they were always really close and then a year ago we saw that they like love each other
They like she's like yeah, like we're really close like I don't like I don't think we even want to admit it
Yeah, she like calls me like eight times a day.
Yeah, I think we're just like always going to be that way.
Like we're like very, very, very close.
Like no matter what happens,
I know my sister's going to come in and draw eyebrows on me.
Because it looked like you don't have any eyebrows.
Cause in the clip she,
Lola had done that thing where she bleached her eyebrows.
That is a look I'm sorry.
I could just not ever get behind that look that never,
some looks like people do and I don't get it. Cause I'm just I could just not ever get behind that look that never, some looks like
people do and I don't get it because I'm just like old and out of it, but then I get used to it.
You know, this look I just can't, every time I see someone with that I'm like who tricked you into doing that?
Why would you do that? Yeah, seriously. So, um, so Brooke is like, uh, she's like, well, I don't know what it is about siblings.
Cause sometimes just being complete opposites, you know,
Bob is more of an introvert like Charlie and Max needs a
playmate and wants to do something.
Well, I don't know who these names are that you're talking about,
but I'm glad he came to the picnic. No plastic, by the way.
They're my children, Denise.
Are they made out of meat? Cause they're not allowed on this fucking park.
Watch out the dictator Malibu is going to arrest you for having kids with legs.
So to, uh, Aaron and he's having like that manly talk where he's like, wow,
as a man that's in the same family as me,
like us men don't really have any say with these women, these women folk.
And Aaron's like, Oh, you found that out. Did you?
Why do you think I'm standing over here by myself, putting lids back on food?
Okay. Fucking welcome. Welcome to being a man.
So then Denise is talking to Eloise and being like, Hey,
do you see there's a squirrel? And then Denise is like, you know,
this is the longest day of those good to my daughters have gone through
something like this. I think they just need to be done with it.
So she sits them down at a picnic table. She's like, okay girls
We need to work through this
Okay, we've got as far as I can see about ten minutes before the Malibu police crackdown on this plastic parade
So come on, let's let's hash it out
Will it only be successful if someone here was capable of holding themselves accountable?
But I think like also she can not kiss me out and like be respectful. Oh, yeah, can you do that? she can not cuss me out and like be respectful.
Oh yeah, can you do that?
Can you not cuss her out and be respectful?
Can you stop hanging out with my ex?
That's your fucking sister over there.
The way you speak to me is like so rude.
It's like, well, I wouldn't speak to you like this
if you weren't such a bitch dude.
Okay, well don't call her dude, she's your sister.
I want you guys to replay your relationship.
Well, I don't call her dude. She's your sister. I want you guys to replay your relationship.
Well, I don't want to do that. Oh, I don't want to do that because like why do you have to force it mom?
She's like I'm not forcing anything. I'm just trying to make something happen. Okay
Mom's always on the sinnery side
Yeah, Lola says some crazy shit and I feel like she always gets aware with it because she's like little sister. I mean, it's just like two against one all the time.
I just feel like I'm just still holding a grudge against that. So I was saying, oh my
God guys, I'm really into this, but the chain of my purse is stuck in this goddamn picnic
table. I can't get it out of the crowd. God is Aaron's mother under the picnic table.
I go on my first, you'll bet you already got the picnic table. Holding onto the chair. Like go on my purse you old bag,
you already got my fucking house.
Denise has a knife and she's just shoving it in there
trying to get this purse free from her.
Okay, listen, you're dumb, you're dumb, you're both dumb,
you're two young twits.
Now stop fighting cause I got a purse stuck in the slats.
So they're like, we're just one big happy family.
All right, you guys just keep talking.
All right, you guys, all we need to do is you keep talking.
Jesus Christ, God, do I worry that my parenting
is fucked up my kids?
Of course I do, you know?
But you and your sister are gonna get through it.
And she's like, no, we're not, mother.
No, we're not.
She's like, all right, can we just say fuck it and move on?
Let's just like move past the question.
Okay, well I think I just made it worse.
Ha ha ha.
And scene.
In the 1980s, a rose swept the country.
Hey Mike, I really like this white Zinfandel.
Well good, good. Now put it down, I'm gonna try another one.
White Zin became America's top-selling wine.
But most don't know that this sweet drink has a sour history.
What began in 1986 with counterfeit bottles
A big fraud. A multi-million dollar fraud.
sent investigators chasing one of the most powerful families in the business, the Lachartes. But the closer the feds got to them, the more dangerous things
became. It's a story of deceit, threats, and murder.
With a 22 caliber bullet to the head. What started with a scheme to mislabel wine spilled into a blood-soaked battle for succession.
Welcome to Blood Vines.
You can binge listen to Blood Vines exclusively and ad-free on Wondery Plus.
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Now episode two, spelling it all out.
Get it, because Doris Spelling is on the episode.
Executive Producer Lisa Vanderpump Magic.
We open with Lola and Denise being interviewed.
Lola, have you seen any of your mom's past work?
Well, I mean, I saw one movie.
It was called Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Wait, that's the only movie you've seen of mine, I mean, I saw one movie, it was called Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Wait, that's the only movie you've seen of mine?
I mean, come on.
Yeah, really?
But you never let me watch any of them, Mom.
Yeah, but you're older now.
She's like, well, until I got older,
but now I just don't wanna watch it.
So you don't wanna watch?
She's like, it's like weird.
I like watching the stuff you do,
but you know I was a Bond girl. That's like the most exciting thing that ever happened to me. Yeah, but I don't even know what that means
Is that like gold bond? Like what does bond mean? I don't know what this is. I'm really into Jesus now
I'm not watching your movies. God damn it
so now we go to the studio and
She's like, oh shit balls guy. Just working out feels good though. They're doing that thing where they're like,
oh, oh, oh, yeah.
Like they're having sex, but they're working out, guys.
Oh my God, I fall for it every time.
I always think they're having sex.
She's like, I remember her, could Jane,
she touched your lats when we were at a premiere.
Do you remember that?
And she was like, Erin, you got really good lats.
That was before she accused you of being abusive or whatever. do you remember that? And she was like, Erin, you got really good lats. That was before she accused you of being abusive
or whatever, do you remember that, honey?
He's like, I don't remember, I cut those people out,
fucking chopped them in half, fuck those people.
Well, I wouldn't remember if it were me.
I mean, I was actually impressed
she pointed out your lats.
I mean, I'm just trying to get mad at Erica
a little bit here and you want to join in a little bit.
Do I have good lats?
All right, we'll talk about your lats instead said, yeah, you've got amazing lats.
It's like, well, what'd you, what'd you notice when we started dating?
She's like, you're a dick, you're a big dick. You got a huge stick.
I saw it through your pants.
The first thing I saw, the first thing I was like,
and wait that bothers you Aaron,
are you really upset that you got a huge motherfucking hedgehog down there?
He's like, no, no, it's just it doesn't bother me
It's just like well, what'd you rather me say? You know what the thing that I didn't fucking notice was a small-ass penis
Yeah, okay beggars can't be choosers be happy. Yeah. Yeah, you got me thinking about your penis great
I forgot what I was even talking about. Geez. Oh
So she's like, you know, basically they just work out.
So then we are, everybody laughing at it.
The noise he made went, ah.
Denise's voice is so funny to me.
So now they're still talking about the daughters fighting
and she's like, I think I made it worse.
Like, what do I do now?
He's like, what about AI?
Oh, sorry, what about Al?
Well, actually AI would probably be better.
Yeah, so we see a flashback to the picnic
and oh, we already saw that.
And so Denise is like, well, my F you, Al.
He's kind of like a big brother to the girls.
He lived with me on and off for a few years ago.
You know, I think he'd be great
because he's been through a lot of shit. You know, he struggled with drug addiction on and off for a few years ago. You know, I think he'd be great because Al, you know, he's been through a lot of shit, you know?
You know, he struggled with drug addiction on and off
for quite a few years, so he fits right in.
And this is the longest stretch I have seen him
really clean and healthy.
It's, you know, I'm proud of him.
I'm looking forward to him getting another
Hello Kitty tattoo on his cheek.
You know, I really love Al.
One time, he stole a bunch of my handbags
and he was dumb enough to post it on Instagram and to say
I'm the new Louis Vuitton rep. I mean what a fucking idiot. God, I love that kid.
God, I was so mad. I was so mad at him
I actually I actually went and drove down to all these different pawn shops and found my handbags
But you know, yeah, it's just stuff. It's just friends, you know, and that's you know
But at the same time though when you when you find your bag in a pawn shop
You spend all that effort and then it gets only for it to get stuck into a slat and a picnic table
You're gonna get out a knife and fix that thing
That's why you have to bring plastic because guess what a sugarcane knife is not gonna free your handbag from a slat
Family's family and they start laughing
So he's like is it hot in here cuz I'm fucking sweating my balls off shows me
It's can I see you sweating your balls off?
And now we see Tori Spelling at lunch with Denise.
Tori Spelling, so excited to be back on TV.
You know she is cause she comes bounding
into this restaurant.
She's like, I'm here, I'm here.
Put me on TV, I'm ready.
She's like, oh, hey, what's going on?
You look good.
I'm trying on a Dorit face.
Oh yeah, no, I really like the way it looks on you.
Well, I hope you don't mind,
but I have to make this kind of quick.
I'm double parked in the van
that me and the kids are living in outside.
So let's just get some appetizers.
Also, can we get some chips to go?
Real quickly, there are no flat tops here
because I'm a little traumatized from Benihana.
No, don't worry.
And if there were one, we'd make sure
to put a seatbelt on you.
Thank God.
Poor Tori Spelling.
I think of that headline, Tori Spelling
falling into the grill at Benihana
every time I see Tori Spelling.
Every time.
That must have been awful, truly awful,
but it is also hilarious in,
you know, from a macro point of view. So the first time I met Tori was on Beverly Hills
nine hotel to one hour and then touring, I would just see each other at different events
or shoots. So he had, we, we actually got to know each other. I would say in the last
15 years, um, just so you know, there's about probably six more episodes of the series to
come and every day, every episode I'm'm gonna introduce someone with the exact same backstory.
Yeah, well, you know, I met them about 20 years ago
and we just see each other around and now we're friends.
Two for two so far.
So the waiter's like, okay, so what can I get you?
And she goes, do you have bread?
Tori Spelling's like, do you have bread?
I guess, would you like garlic bread on it?
She goes, no, because I might see a boy in the next year,
just bring bread. Do you have loaves of bread? Put that in there, cause I might see a boy in the next year, just bring bread.
Do you have loaves of bread?
Put that in there.
Also, you see that double parked van out there,
just kind of slip it through the cracked window.
It just lies it real thin.
Oh, so you're single now and you have a date.
She's like, no.
Oh, well, I think your divorce came at a great time.
Yeah, it was the right time.
Yeah, so Denise is like,
yeah, you're the only person I've ever been with
that can screw a fucking light bulb in, goddamn.
So they're laughing and Tori's like,
yeah, I can't imagine Charlie trying to put in a light bulb.
How many hookers does it take to get a light bulb in?
It actually takes three.
We know the answer to that, unfortunately. By the way, I think it was a light bulb in, right? It actually takes three. We know the answer to that, unfortunately.
By the way, I think it was a little bit more,
I think I was a little bit more handy than Charlie was.
I mean, he's a fucking pussy.
He's the one who wants those sugarcane knives, you know?
I grew up with my father who could build houses, you know?
By the way, how is your dad?
He's good, he's good.
I'm gonna tell him you said hi, you know?
You know that a hairdresser a long time ago
wanted to set my dad up with your mom.
Can you imagine Candy and daddy together?
Oh God.
She's like, I know she heard that.
So he's still banned pretty much from the town.
So I hope you get to see your dad again soon.
Saying, yeah, he's still on a no-fly list,
but you know, he was too intimidated to ask her out.
She's like, oh my God, that's how I feel
and I'm like asking for help with rent.
I get it.
She's a terrifying woman.
You know what would be fun is if your dad marries my mom,
then you would probably get my inheritance instead.
That's fun.
That's fun.
Probably Candy would be like,
oh my God, welcome to the family, darling.
Here's all of Tori's money.
I'm like, dad, please, I mean, how great would that be?
We could be stepsisters, you and me.
She's like, oh my God, that's a show.
We could be stepsisters.
And I do like a little graphic jokey thing.
And Tori's like, no, no, I want this to be a show.
Can we make this happen?
This could be my way back.
Yeah, I'm back, girls, I'm back.
So she's like, here's your new single life, all right?
Meeting someone with a big penis you can have fun with.
Oh, and anal sex too.
I listened to your podcast.
You talked about anal sex.
Oh my God.
I didn't even mean to throw it on the podcast.
You know, I was talking about anal sex with William Shatner as one does.
And I mean, his voice was just saying something like, oh, and you touch the gluteus and I was like, Whoa, this is mind boggling.
But I am so here for it. So now anytime I get anal sex,
I only think of William Shatner. It's so hot.
And then you look at the comments, she goes, Oh God, don't look at the comments.
She should know better than that. She goes, I can't help it. You know,
they're like, your daughters are going to read this. Oh, come on. Yeah, it's a good thing.
That's why I didn't teach my kids to read.
That's the thing. You just have kids that are just wildly illiterate.
You don't have to worry about this bullshit. You know,
when we were on the tabloids, you know, back, you know, back in the,
back in the 15 and 20 years ago days, when we were on that,
we were on the tablets, the girls were too young to even read them.
And I just wanted our home to be a sanctuary,
which is why I installed three sex swings
in every single room.
But you know, now that they're older,
you know, when they'll look back,
they'll be like, wow, mom, she was her true authentic self.
And I really applaud her for that.
I'm sure that my two daughters, as we've seen,
who are very introspective,
are definitely gonna say that about me someday.
And you know, they're getting older and they're like, mom, why don't you tell me this?
And I said, well, what am I gonna say? You girls are young, you know, what am I supposed to tell you the truth?
Come on.
By the way, I'm excited for your new show.
I was kind of like, hey, how come she hasn't asked me to be on there?
Does she even want me to be in there? Oh, my God.
Will you come on my podcast? Yeah, of course I will.
Thanks for asking me. It doesn't have to twist your arms. Stupid fucking friend.
So she's like, I'm jealous of you.
And it's true because I was on and off with Pat Muldoon. You know,
actually I can't end at the same time. She goes, sweet babe. And she goes,
yeah, I call him fuck face. So you call him fuck face guy.
I call him sweet babe. That's hilarious. Let's call him. Let's call him right now.
You know what America calls him?
That's a little joke I have with my daughters.
Patrick Mulhoon, get it?
He was so fucking hot.
Oh my God.
Patrick Mulhoon was the hottest guy.
Patrick Mulhoon is like,
you know how sometimes you hear people talk about
hot people in the 70s? They'll be like,, Oh, this person like Laif Garrett or whatever.
And you're like, I've heard about this person, but I don't really understand their cultural
impact. Patrick Muldoon is like that, where he didn't really have his, you really only
know about him if you were around in the nineties, right? And like if you were post nineties,
you have no idea who Patrick Muldoon is. But if you were around in the 90s,
Patrick Muldoon was so fine.
Yeah, he was so cute.
I knew him because I would skip school
and go watch Days of Our Lives at my city's house,
my grandmother's house.
And they would always be watching the NBC soaps,
which were Days of Our Lives and Another World.
And then sometimes Sunset Beach,
when those other ones came on, or Passions.
But those were my main ones,
Days of Our Lives in Another World,
and Lisa Rinna was on there.
She came on playing Billy, the role of Billy,
and Patrick Muldoon was her brother.
And oh my God, he was so fucking hot.
They never found another guy as hot as him to play that.
There was this whole world of these hot actors who were on like soaps and Baywatch and things like that or like the run syndicated shows on like, you know
That would be on at like 1130 at night or something and it was like Patrick Muldoon
It was David chokachy. It was the other David from Baywatch Chavir or something like that
There were just all and then they were all those guys that were on Passions.
The guys on Passions,
and there were some Days of Our Lives guys.
They were just, and they're all these just like
this tier of soap, soap stars or like bit players on 90s,
like on like Melrose Place from 90210
that just kind of stayed in that realm.
And then the 2000s came and I don't know what happened
to them, maybe they all do Hallmark movies now, but to know them is to love them.
Yeah, hotness. So they call Patrick and she's like, sweet babe, I'm here with Tori and Tori's
like, Oh, she doesn't believe the name we call each other. Can you tell her? He's like,
fuck face. Yeah, I told her I was so jealous because you and I were hooking up and whatever
the fuck. And you know, you told me at one point you couldn't was so jealous because you and I were hooking up and whatever the
fuck. And you know,
you told me at one point you couldn't do it anymore because you were dating
Tori. I mean, what the fuck?
He's like, you know, T I don't really remember the nineties,
but I remember both of you. But outside of that, I don't remember much. Okay.
It's like the only time you're, you're remembered.
That's when you need to pay attention.
Tori's like, I feel validated that you said that we dated.
We did on my part, but I don't think that,
I didn't think that you felt that way about me.
He's like, yeah, I love you.
I don't know who's calling by the way.
All right, bye, bye, bye, sweet face,
whatever your fucking name is.
And Tori's like, that was life changing.
Like a man stopped dating Denise Richards for me. Oh my God. You're really fucking wrenched. And Tori's like, that was life changing. Like a man stopped dating Denise Richards for me.
Oh my God.
You're really fucking wrenched on Tori.
I also forgot.
I was like, pre-daddy, pre-daddy death.
All right, so.
Tori's like, I always wanted to star
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but I'm fine with this.
But also this was my way now that I'm on this platform
for a few seconds to say, could I please have a star
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, please?
Thank you so much.
Yeah. Oh, hey, please? Thank you so much. Yeah.
Oh, hey, that bus has left the station.
God, Denise, no, there's a bus sitting over there.
That's my car, my kids are in there.
Oh, shit, let's go get it.
I did hear there was some talk about adding a Walk of Fame
to the bus station though,
and I will accept a star there as well.
Port Authority, call me.
So now we get an intercut scene of the kids,
what the kids are doing.
So over at Sammy's apartment,
Sammy's like loose living friend Leah comes
and she's in like a glitter bikini
and she's like, oh my God,
I feel like we're always late for raves,
me and you, she's like, yeah.
We could like, we'd like only have like 20 minutes to get ready.
I mean, how long does it take to put on
a fucking glitter bikini?
Am I right?
And you know what they say about raves?
You always have to be on time for a rave.
I mean, talk, I mean, that is one place
where tardiness is not allowed, a rave.
They're like, sorry, we can't let you in.
Okay, you're a two way.
We demand responsibility.
Follow all the rules at a rave.
Jared Larkin So, meanwhile, at Lola's house, she's got
her friends Riley and Nick coming over. And everybody's very Christian and I think very
new Christian because they all look like they've just been drugged. They're like,
oh, yeah.
Jared Larkin It's like so wonderful to see you, man.
You're like, there's like an aura of the Lord shining around you
right now.
And we don't really even know that they're super Christian at this point. They're just
seem like gentle folk. And so Sammy's like, Oh my God, we're putting on black lipstick
because we don't want to be late for the rave. Oh my God. Oh my God. Colors, colors. Oh my
God. Okay. What are the alerts? It's like, okay, code green. If someone's yakking, yeah.
No, concrete is weed. Oh, okay, what's yakking color?
Color, code ochre.
Okay, code ochre.
And code green is if it's a weed smell.
Oh my God, no, code red is vomit.
Ew, vomit, ew, gross.
And he's like, hey, do you guys want some water?
Okay, I don't need no water, thank you.
Back to Sammy.
Oh, fuck, we should have brought Narcan. The fuck man.
And Sammy's like, don't worry. They've got Narcan there.
And then we go back to the town, Lola, she goes, so I had a talk with Sammy and she's
like, not going to see me the way I see her without the Lord and like working on her heart.
I was like, oh, okay. She's a, She's a teenage born again in Hollywood.
God, it's.
Yeah, and Riley's like, God.
But she's not only like a born again,
she's like a born again, born again, born again.
Like there's been like births within births
within births of born again.
Because she is talking about,
she starts from this point on,
she's talking about nothing but the Lord.
Yeah, and she's like super LA born again too, because I saw a clip or a news thing the other
day when I was looking for crappy hour stories and it was like, Lola, Denise's daughter has
been baptized in a private ceremony.
I was like, oh really?
If there's a, if it's a private ceremony, why do you guys have like fucking professional
pictures from 10 different angles? And it's like this big clear vat of water. It's like,
it's very Hollywood the whole thing. I was cracking up. I was like,
they didn't have to do it how we did it. They just take you out to the fucking
Rio Grande, hold you by the ankles and shove you under.
They don't really.
In the fountain, like a, they had like a little bullet church. That's great. That's great. Grand. They don't really. I think I was down in a fountain.
Like they had like a little bowl at church.
Go down to the river and pray.
Na na na na na na na na na na.
So Lola is like, you know,
a lot of people say it's surprising
that I'm a woman of God,
but I actually saw an article that said,
Lola, an apple that fell far from a tree or something.
But it's like, sometimes I get like super amped up when I'm talking to my mom and Sammy. So I called my dad for
a while and he like really helped me. He's like so good at like helping my brain because
like, I don't know, he's so logical. Famously, Charlie Sheen, logical.
You know, my dad, like he would help me a lot with Christianity. You know, Jesus had
hookers for friends too.
Cut back to other girls.
Like, is this lip, is this supposed to, is this supposed to burn?
Is this lip stain supposed to burn?
Cause my lips are burning up so badly right now.
God, fuck this shit.
Back to her.
She's like, we're just like so different from each other.
I mean, like how cool, how cool is this strainer you guys?
Like I have a strainer.
I love that.
It strains things.
That was my favorite cutaway,
because when Sammy's like,
okay, are you ready to go to the rave?
Guys, how cool is this strainer?
Because I know I would be that person saying,
guys, check out this strainer,
because I still do that.
And they're both saying,
all we have in common is our parents. It's like, dun I still do that. And they're both saying, all we have in common is
our parents. It's like, dum, dum, dum. So next, like, so what'd you do today, Lola? Well, I woke up.
Okay, that's a good start. And then I talked to the Lord. And all day, I woke up and I'm like,
I'm going to go to the beach. But it was so gloomy, but I was so upset
because I swear God told me to go. So I did. And then I saw this couple and they were having the
prettiest light up picnic. So I think God was telling me I'm going to have that someday.
That was my sign that I got from Jesus today.
Pete You know what? You also learned a valuable lesson, which is that just because God tells you
to go to the beach doesn't mean that he's guaranteeing the weather, okay?
There'll be clouds, okay?
You should appreciate it.
You should add to your relationships too.
By the way, appreciate the beach, whether it's sunny or not, okay?
It's the beach.
I love that she's like, I could have sworn God told me to come here.
She's literally acting like she made plans with her friend to have coffee, and it was
like a Tuesday and not a Thursday.
I could have sworn today was the day we're gonna meet.
I also love her version of God.
She's like, God, what do you want from me?
He's like, go to the beach.
You know what, let me tell you
what the world is doing right now.
Taking care of itself.
Not a fucking problem in the world.
Just go chill at the beach.
You're too gorgeous.
Don't do anything for poor people.
Go to the beach.
Get a strainer, Get a new strainer.
Okay? You're drinking too much pulp. She is going to be the person that says,
Oh, sorry, I'm late for my shift at the restaurant. Just God told me that I should
probably sleep in an extra half an hour. So Denise is like, oh, Jesus, I was the one who
fucking raised you. Why are you acting like you just found God? I mean, geez, your sister went one way and you went this way, but I took you to the spot.
I took you to the spot.
God damn.
So then Leah and Sammy, now they like do like a photo shoot outside because it's like a
pre-release photo shoot.
And Sammy's like, I would say in the past year, religion has been like very, very important
to Lola.
And let me just also add,
so Lola's like, yeah, God understands me. And that's like all that matters really, except that like,
it'd be cool if you told me what the weather was before I went all the way out to the beach, but like, it's okay. It's cool. And her friends are like, yeah, man, that's so great. Yeah. And he
has my back. He's like my armor. Ow. I just got stung by a mosquito, but I'm not gonna be a doubter about it.
Yeah, I'm just like a woman of God.
So then Sammy's like,
people who haven't been to a rave don't realize that like,
what I'm wearing right now,
there's like actually too much clothes.
And Leah's like, yeah, it's modest.
Yeah, Leah, don't talk.
It's my show.
Okay, we've seen a butthole out, nips out.
I feel like this is like conservative.
Thank you much, Jesus, for my beautiful friends, for being able to come over here and eat tacos on Taco Tuesday.
John McHenry And then they just stand there over the
counter awkwardly eating these tacos. Like, ask God for a table, go sit down.
Joseph Hickman Dear God, thanks for naming tacos tacos. That way when you eat them on Tuesday, it's
like a fun thing to say taco Tuesday. Thanks God.
Thank you for giving us a day of the week with a hard T.
Thank you for giving us a day of the week where it's more fun to eat tacos. Cause like
on Thursday, technically they're both T's, but it like doesn't hit the same cause like
it's not a hard T. Thanks so much God. I'm dead. And then cut back to the other girls taking like pictures in their
bikinis on the balcony. Yes, yes. Amen. So then we see Sammy going to meet up with Al. Oh, no,
she's just driving and Al calls her. He's like, what's up beautiful? That's also very LA. Everybody that you talk to is like, hey beautiful, hey beautiful,
hey beautiful, hey beautiful. It's all Al says before he fucking steals your entire
So, he's calling them both and Al's like, so I just talked to your mom. It's kind of
why I'm calling. Do you guys happen to have that handbag I sold you when I was a quote unquote Louis Vuitton rep? Yeah, your mom's still pretty mad at me about that. Um, this is kind of why I'm calling. Do you guys happen to have that handbag? I sold you when I was a quote unquote Louis Vuitton rap. Yeah.
Your mom's still pretty mad at me about that anyway,
but I also heard like what's going on with you guys together and like,
I don't know. I want to get you guys back together. You open to that.
And same is like, I mean, I'm just warning you,
like it might turn into a huge fight. So I don't know.
So the girls agree to go.
And meanwhile, Denise does a podcast sesh with Tori Spelling, who's doing her podcast
from a bed, which is very popular now.
A lot of people are doing that, bed podcasts.
Well, you know who really, you know who really was a pioneer in terms of bed content?
No, you know who was a pioneer of the fucking bed content. No, tell the audience. Padman Lakshmi.
No, you know who was a pioneer of the fucking bed podcast?
Ronnie Karam.
Do you remember when I bought that hospital bed that,
well, they're called adjustable beds,
but at the time I called it a hospital bed
and it went up and down,
and I bought a mic stand to come over the bed
and it would come into my face in the bed.
And then I had like a whole iPad on the hospital table
that I could swivel to and from me.
I did watch what crap is from bed for like a long time.
Don't you remember?
That was great work.
I was going,
I was personally gonna do a call back to when Padma
and Nigella Lawson got into a bed
and had chefs serve them in Vegas.
Like, please bring us breakfast.
This is stupid.
And she throws the omelet at the wall.
Oh, they wish they attached.
They even attempted my glamor in my bed.
This is a pretty glamorous time for watch what crap happens guys.
So now Denise is going to do this podcast and they're hugging and stuff
and Tori's like, yeah, it's in bed because like my first episode,
I was announcing my divorce and Tori's like, yeah, it's in bed. Cause like my first episode, I was announcing my divorce
and I was just like so nervous and I sat on the bed
and I was like, let's just do it here.
Also there weren't really any other rooms or chairs
because that's cool.
How that went.
Okay. We don't do any intros for the show.
We'll just start talking because my kids are out
in that van.
So anything that we don't have to include, we'll just,
we just need to like get back to that van. So she's like, um,
I don't know how you're doing. Can we talk about only fans? Yeah. Okay.
Well, I thought you were going to fucking join it by the way.
Why didn't you join only fans? I mean,
like what the fuck are you waiting for Tori? She's like,
well they have a moratorium on people who have fallen into hibachi grills.
I don't know, it's unfair,
but it's just something you deal with in the industry.
As a hibachi person, you deal with it.
You know, you get used to it.
Yeah, yeah, I'm working out a deal with Only Grills.
It's sort of a spin-off thing.
And I go, I don't give a fuck.
I don't do Only Fans, you know why?
You wanna see my tits? They're already out there, Google them. You know what I go, I don't give a fuck. I don't have to do only fans. You know why? You want to see my tits?
They're already out there.
Google them.
You know what I mean?
You're gonna pay me money.
I mean, I've done Playboy.
All right.
So my tits are there.
Your tits are out there, right, Tori?
She's like, no, they're not.
Uh-huh, poor thing.
Well, you know, someone will ask one day.
Don't worry.
Hugh Hefner is still with us, am I right?
No, he's not.
Oh my God, Hugh!
Hugh! So have you had sex in'm like, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like,
oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I's like, I did. And Denise goes, I love that she's open and honest.
I was like, ooh, yeah, dig, dig a Kyle.
And no matter what the circumstances are,
it's not easy going through a divorce.
All right, Erin and I went to dinner with you guys
and that wasn't long after.
She goes, that was our last date,
was with you and Erin.
Erin told Dean about the whole 5G conspiracy.
I refused to get rid of my Verizon plan and Dean left.
So, thanks.
It was tough.
Thanks for that.
And you still didn't put your tits out there, geez.
Well, it's hard enough going through divorce
no matter who you are, but Charlie and I
notoriously went through one of the most public
Hollywood divorces, which is my way of saying,
Tori, you better buck up,
because you didn't go through the rodeo that I did. Okay, I was on the cover of a tabloid for two years straight every single fucking month. Tori's like, oh
My dream. Well, yeah. Well, I don't know. I know there are not a lot of tabloids now, but back then they were alive
But it was it was not easy to worry. Why are you crying right now? Why are you crying?
Easy, Tori, why are you crying right now? Why are you crying?
Tori's like, okay, before you leave,
we're gonna play a game where we all leave the house $20.
Now we go to Neptune's net,
which is home of where Jack's proposed to Brittany.
Also a Crappens listener,
as I believe one of the people who works there
is a Crappens listener.
And so we have Al who's there and he's like, you know, Lena, my wife, I'm not worried about
talking to them.
They're sisters.
They're going to figure it out.
But if we can lead a horse to water, I'm pretty sure the horse can also lead us to some handbags.
So keep an eye on that horse.
Listen, if all goes to shit, we know at least one of these girls is going to have the code
to Denise's house.
We need to keep on the good sides.
Let's make them talk.
So the girls come and they make small talk and Al's like, all right, let me just break
this off.
You guys, you know, I love you guys.
You're both beautiful.
You know, I did say hi, beautiful to both.
I meant it.
It's great to have you together.
Who wants fried shrimp?
And Lena's like, yeah yeah like finding a resolution right now
It's like you know what we just want it like find where you're comfortable and that's where it's at guys
That's like where it's at
So he's like okay, do you not Lola?
Do you not agree that you love your sister and you just want her to treat you in a different way?
Yeah, and I've told her that I love her a lot like I wish she was just like talk to me
She's like same is like okay, like why are you saying that to Al? I'm like, you're right here.
Yeah. And so they start doing their like girl fighting. They're like, oh my god, why are you
so mean to me? Why are you mean to me? Why are you mean to me? Why are you mean to me? But why?
And so they start fighting about the guy. And she's like, well, look, you came to my friend group and
you took my friend and dated him for a year and I wasn't allowed to talk to him. And that affected
our relationship because like you got jealous all the time when he would talk to me. And that was
my friendship before you even dated. She's like, well, I wasn't comfortable with you being touchy
with him. She's like, but you guys were flirty. There's a line. She's like, I would never be touchy with anybody.
This is not who I am.
Unless the Lord told me to,
like maybe he'd tell me to go to the beach
and then like I can touch someone.
I don't know.
So he was like, are you gonna like hang out with him though?
She's like, well, when all my friends are hanging out with him,
like what do you want me to do?
Like run away when he's like there?
Yeah, I literally want you to run away.
She's like, I asked her if she could stop hanging out
with my ex because I thought that was
really weird.
And then she chose him over me and still does.
Yeah, I would too.
She's already on record,
but I think she's full of shit on this one.
Yeah, I agree.
So then I was like,
okay, pause.
And then it's like in the spirit of like getting past all of this,
like bullshit,
I know you guys are both hurt, but we need to come to some sort of like conclusion. Okay? Okay guys, let's do that
Well, I'm just gonna say this
I didn't intentionally mean to actually hurt you because like I really do love you and I know that like right now
You don't feel that way because you're hurt by me and I'm genuinely sorry
But I don't want to make you feel like you're unworthy
because that's how I am.
That's not how I am.
That's not how God would want me to make someone feel.
So I'm sorry.
Oh God.
And she's like, okay, well, I appreciate you apologizing
and like, I'm sorry for saying things
that have hurt your feelings.
And have you seen my Narcon?
Cause I need that.
Like, I need that. It was in my lipstick. Have you seen it?
Okay. Well, we'll keep it. She's like, we'll keep it civil. And you know, it just took
me a very, very, very, very, very long time to actually be able to like truly want to
be best friends again. She said, me too. So they shake hands and I was like, well, these
you guys are working on it. And like, I love you. I love you.
Well, and Lola's like, well, I still have working on it. And they're like, I love you. I love you.
Well, and Lola's like, well, I still have hope that we can work it out because she said I love you.
And I don't think she's ever said that before.
Like, oh my God, this poor kid has probably been
in this completely nuts family
and always had to be the one to apologize.
And she's probably never done anything wrong.
She's like the good kid.
And they're just like treat her like a little punching bag.
Team Lola as odd as she is.
Team Lola, unless we find out that that boyfriend
was really actually very, very horrific
and Lola should be standing up for her sister.
But for right now, team Lola.
My instinct says Lola.
Yeah, me too.
All right, everybody.
Well, thanks so much for being with us today.
I don't know if we're gonna recover,
if we're gonna cover this on the full or not. Tell us if being with us today. I don't know if we're going to recover, if we're going to cover this on the,
on the full or not. Tell us if you want us to.
Give us your opinion.
It was pleasant enough doing it,
but I wouldn't say it is the most compelling TV for me, but you know,
if you guys like it, we'll do it.
I don't know if we'll keep covering it, but we will definitely keep watching.
I will definitely keep watching it because you know, I like,
I like the people on it and it is Bravo.
Which is what I'm here for.
I want to say something that I saw that was so random
during Beverly Hills.
I think it was Beverly Hills.
Actually, maybe it was during their show.
I don't remember which show I was watching.
I think it was Beverly Hills.
There was a commercial where Dorit and Jen Yeo
from Sold on SLC.
Oh yeah.
Were driving.
I haven't seen this commercial yet
and I just thought it was so funny because like,
how did Genio get a commercial with one of Bravo's big stars?
I mean, Genio is on a show that no one talks about.
We love it.
But like, was Bravo kind of like,
yeah, this show is gonna be huge.
We're telling you right now, book up for your commercial.
And then it just didn't work out.
That was so bizarre.
Yeah, well it was during that that when that commercial came out.
It was during sold on SLC.
So it made a little more sense
because it was a commercial during SLC.
I didn't, I never saw it.
So seeing it now, I was like, it's just kind of funny.
They're like, oh my God, it's Jen Yeo.
And you know what the audience is like, who?
And Dorit's like, look at me looking for a house
in Salt Lake City, you know?
I mean, Piquet is constantly licking the salt out of everything, so hopefully we can find
a house here to live.
But I want your car and stick!
Alright everyone, thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next episode of Watch
What Crap Ins.
Bye everyone!
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