Watch What Crappens - #2754 Summer House S09E4 Part Two: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle
Episode Date: March 6, 2025This is part 2 of a 2-part recap!The long shadow of Hannah Berner continues to rankle Kyle on Summer House, and Paige has had enough of it. Also, Lindsay has a gender reveal scavenger hunt’s as fun as it sounds! To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Get Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria tour at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
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Watch What Crappins!
Who cares what happens when this so much that happens?
Watch What Crappins!
Well hello and welcome to Watch What Crappins!
This is part 2 of a 2 part recap.
If you're like, hey wait a minute I didn't hear part 1.
Guys, it's because we put out a lot of recaps.
Go back and listen to part 1, okay?
It's part 2 of a 2 part recap. If you're like, Hey, wait a minute.
I didn't hear part one guys. It's because we put out a lot of recaps.
Go back and listen to part one. Okay. It's before this one. Bye. Enjoy the show.
So they're basically upset because it sounds like Craig said he was going to
invest and then he didn't invest and then did something with this other company.
Is that what I'm deducing from all this?
He asked Kyle if he could invest in his company and Kyle said,
uh, give me, give me some time to think about it. And then Craig was like, well, fuck, fuck that.
I'll go invest in this other spritzer company. Or I don't think he's, I don't know if he's an
investor or if he's just paid to advertise it. Cause Paige makes it sound like he's just being
paid to advertise it anyway. Um, but either way, you know, if, if someone from another show that's
bigger than yours, frankly, ratings wise says, I want to be part of your thing and also advertise it on my show, then you
don't really need to think about it.
That's stupid.
You should just say yes and let me just come up with some numbers or something.
Which maybe-
Well, I think that's what Kyle said he did.
I think Kyle said he said, sure, let me like put together a proposal for you, whatever.
I don't know.
You know, this happened to me yesterday.
I have to say, I wound up in this exact same situation.
Well, yeah guys, basically,
I was trying to sell some routers.
I upgraded my router, my Nest router to the new generation.
And so I was gonna sell them.
I sold them on Facebook Marketplace.
For three weeks, they sat there.
And for three weeks, people would message and say, is this
And I'd say, yes.
And then I wouldn't hear from them again.
And then say, is this available?
And sometimes they'd say, can I come by?
And I'd say, yes.
And then I wouldn't hear from them again.
Because that's just what Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist is.
People just say yes, and then they disappear.
They ghost.
So then on Monday, someone says, is this still available?
I say yes.
And he's like, can I come by on Wednesday? I say yes. I say, come between three and six. He says, is this still available? I say yes. And he's like, can I come by on Wednesday?
I say yes.
I say come between three and six.
He says, okay.
And then I book a haircut.
So then I say come between four and six.
And then on Tuesday, someone else says, is this available?
And I said, yes.
He's like, can I come by tomorrow at four?
I said, yes.
I'm like, well, what are the odds?
Two people are both interested in coming by to get the routers, but I'm like, they're
both going to flake because that's just the way it goes. So I'm like, yeah, come up for it, whatever.
Then they both decide to come and they both commit. And suddenly I have to choose,
I have to choose basically between Loverboy and a spitzer. And it was such a mess because
one guy was like, I'm nearby. And I was like, well, I had already promised
it to another person first, but he, I don't know where he is. So I'm not hearing from
him. So I assume he had flaked. So I said, I'll just come and bring you the speakers.
So then I'm driving to go to the Starbucks to bring him the nuts speakers, the routers,
the second guy. And then the first guy's like, Hey, I'm running late because of the rain.
I'll be there in 10 minutes. And I said, oh, hey, I'm already selling it to someone else.
And he's like, you already sold it?
This is unbelievable.
We had a day, we had a pre-compromise.
I drove up from Whittier for this.
This is ridiculous.
And then I was like, oh God, I feel really shitty.
That's bad, driving up from Whittier.
And I saw the other guy was so vocal.
Money for that guy, just go buy a fucking router, dude.
I know. My God.
So then I felt really bad.
So I was like, so I messaged the second guy
who's at Starbucks, I say, hey, turns out the other person who I said may be coming, they're here. So I'm
just going to give it to them.
Second guy was like, unbelievable. How can you do this to me? I planned my whole day
around this. I had two people on Facebook marketplace so angry at me, justifiably so,
because I was being a Facebook marketplace, fuckboy at that
point, playing two different people against each other. But then I eventually, I was like,
but the guy came up to me. I thought we had it was like that. I love the short short laser.
But I honored my commitment to the first guy. But the first guy also didn't have even a
face on his profile. So I thought he was like a bot. I didn't think he was going to show
up. So we showed up and I felt so bad that I had like, he was, cause he was outraged and he
showed up and he was the smiley-est, nicest, warmest man.
And he was so lovely.
And I felt like I gave the things to the right person.
But man, like I really, you know, I really, I really, I understood the, he wasn't that
The point is I, uh, I understand.
I under Chris and Craig who was like, you know what you're taking too long, Kyle, I'm going to go to a spritzer. Cause I did that. And guess what?
It's a dangerous game. That's what I have to say.
It's a dangerous game and you're going to get burned.
Well, I know I just really just wanted to tell that story guys.
I just wedged it in there. They had nothing to do with get burned. I just really just wanted to tell that story, guys.
I just wedged it in there.
It had nothing to do with the show.
I just wanted to tell the story about how I pissed off
two different strangers on Facebook.
No, I like it.
Yeah, you gotta be careful on that
because everybody's a flake
until everybody's not a flake suddenly.
It's like you wake up and the whole world's changed
and everybody's not a flake.
Like, what the hell?
You can't change it up like that on me.
Are you flaked or not?
For three weeks, three weeks,
like I couldn't get anyone to touch these things.
And then all of a sudden two people both want it.
They both want it at the exact same time
on the exact same day.
And I felt like I was dating.
I felt like I was dating and like fucking around.
I was like, I actually don't know how serial,
I don't know how people do this.
I don't know how fuck boys do this.
How they kind of like two people at the same,
like go on a date with two people at the exact same time.
Cause people do this all the time.
And it was horrible.
I felt like a horrible human being.
So I had to let that story. I haven't told anyone that story since
it happened yesterday and I just had to find a way to tell it.
How much did you make?
I mean, come on.
You know, honestly, I felt so bad for the guy who I drove up from Whittier that I told
him, I was like, honestly, just take this for free. I feel so bad. And he's like, no,
no, no. And so, he gave me the $25. I go, do you want some Dubai chocolate?
I just made some Dubai chocolate. And he was like, uh, no.
And he's like, I just made some chocolate that could kill me if I came out in its
country. He's like, no, thanks.
I'll take my $25 and put it, put,
put it for a half a tank of gas to get me back fucking wittier.
This is all to say if the second guy who I stood up, Greg,
if he gives me a bad review on Facebook Marketplace,
it's deserved, but also people,
if you just see that review on me,
now you know the greater context.
We could do what Leva did on Southern Hospitality
and just be like, fuck you guys, you're all full of shit.
These reviews are bullshit.
That's a conspiracy against my husband.
Okay, so Sierra is like, wait a minute,
we can all invest in Loverboy?
And he's like, yeah, I mean, minimum bid's 25 grand,
same as it was in 2019.
And Wes is like, I cannot afford that right now.
And Sierra's like, you're hilarious again.
You're really funny.
You're like, oh my God.
Listen, if he presented it the way he described,
that would have been one thing,
but like, he's a fucking liar, okay?
And I've been like taking fucking shots,
like one after another.
Like, I'm happy to talk to Craig about it.
Like, quite frankly, it's a moot point.
I thought we were closer than this.
By the way, you're taking shots left and right because you're actually physically taking shots and you're wasted right now
But also like you're you're the one amplifying all these grievances that you have like no one in the world
What beverage Craig is backing right now and no one really thinks less of you or loverboy because of it
But because you're going on to a national platform watch what happens live, this show, and bitching about it,
now we're all thinking about it, wondering about it,
and questioning you and your company.
Yeah, it's just weird.
It's a weird fight.
Like, who cares?
Didn't you say last year your company's
losing your ton of money anyway?
Why would he want to?
Just leave the man, let him invest.
And I'm no Craig fan at the moment anyway,
but like, who cares?
This is all stupid.
And Craig is a liar.
And it has nothing to do with Paige, you know?
She's like, well, I thought we were closer than you
texting me just to be braiding my boyfriend
and my best friend.
That's how, and I'm just like, but I was hurt.
I was hurt.
I'm only human.
You know, that's always Kyle's thing when he's wrong.
He's like, but I'm human.
I'm only human.
Daniel's like, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, is there any truth to what she's saying?
Come on.
He's like, yeah, dude, Paige.
And she's like, come on.
Well, she was like her, but you're texting to her last week.
And I think that's what it is.
It's like our business partner.
Like what I'm concerned about is that if she believes what she's saying, Kyle, you're not
going to ever get between Paige and Hannah or Paige and her
boyfriend. It just doesn't work that way. This is a fool's errand and you should be
smarter than that.
Kyle Soria And Paige is up now and walking away. You
know, she's like doing her strut away. And all I can think of for the rest of the scene
is I'm so jealous that she has thigh gap. Like how does how does some of us get knock
knees and then some of us get thigh gap? I can't walk off like that. I walk off looking
like the fucking penguin looking for his mommy, you know, and Paige some of us get thigh gap. I can't walk off like that. I walk off looking like the fucking penguin
looking for his mommy, you know,
and Paige just gets to like go thigh gap it up there.
So I was kind of mad at her, but she's like,
oh really?
Well, I said, I don't even care about the Hannah stuff.
And right now history, it's just repeating itself.
We're fighting because Craig did something
with another drink company's.
Oh, so it's my fault.
It's my fault for being human.
It's my fault. Yeah's also is my fault. Is my fault for being human. It's my fault.
Yeah, it's my fault. And so then Paige just keeps walking in. She's like, fuck you, dude,
your ego is out of control. So Sierra's like, um, you accused her in those texts of like
thinking the same way as Hannah just because like that's her business partner. No, I asked
her, do you believe this too? Yeah. But like, why do you even have to reply to that?
Because I feel like being two-faced.
And Paige, who is now all the way through the living room,
somehow hears this.
Turns, flips back around and she walks out there
with her finger out and she's like, thigh gap, thigh gap,
thigh gap, thigh gap, Kyle, thigh gap, thigh gap.
Yeah, she like comes running outside.
She's like, I'm being two faced.
Did you just say that I'm being two faced?
How fucking dare you?
I'm actually an adult.
I was able to maintain a friendship with Hannah,
a friendship with Amanda, never speak ill of your wife,
and then maintain a friendship with Amanda
and never speak ill of Hannah.
And that's actually called being mature and an adult, not two-faced. What you do is two-faced.
Text raging, texting me, then acting like it's all good. That's two-faced.
And my biological clock is beating like this.
How dare you? I started off this week in normal and you've turned me into a character from Mob Lives. Now I'm just Marissa Tomei.
He's like, okay, have your moment, have your moment.
And I was like, Kyle, stop.
Have what?
Have what?
Are you telling me to have my moment?
Pages was ready to go off at every line.
And he's like, you're just yelling at me.
He goes, yeah, I'm yelling at you.
What about it?
Thigh gap. And he's like, all right just yelling at me. He goes, yeah, I'm yelling at you. What about it? Thigh gap.
And he's like, all right, congratulations.
You yelled at me.
So Pages goes back inside and Kyle's like, well, Pages, business partner is still out
there telling lies.
And Sierra's like, yeah, but why can't you just block her and move the fuck on?
Like if you hate her so much, block her.
He's like, well, I actually donate, Hannah.
I would love it if she'd promote my beverage
on the Giggly Squad shows at Radio City Music Hall.
That's probably by the way what it's all about.
He probably wants them to drink Lover Boy
at Radio City Music Hall or in front of Megan Thee Stallion
and they won't and he's like, ah.
So Amanda's like, it just sucks and sucks
and it affects things.
And Sierra's asking if it affects the business.
And she goes, yeah, because it does.
Because like right now everyone's being like,
oh Kyle got Hannah fired, fuck Loverboy.
Is there anyone out there who goes into the 7-Eleven,
sees a Loverboy and says, ooh, what a refreshing beverage.
I want to grab it, wait a second.
I heard that the founder of this beverage
got Hannah burner fired from a reality show. second thought I'm having a Snapple
No, but cows Maggots are getting a lot of hate messages from probably giggly squad fans, you know
That's a very strong lobby, you know, they're like the tobacco lobby
Like you don't want to fire you don't want to fuck with them because they're ripping him apart
And so she's like, yeah
And so she's like, yeah, they really mean it. I'm like, I'm having a really negative effect.
He's so mean, you man.
So Kyle gets up and he's like ripping his bib off,
which is hilarious because he's just so little.
He's like, I'm done with these Cheerios.
And he's like, that was slander.
Danielle's like, Amanda, are you okay?
So Lindy goes inside and she's like,
wow, things got a little crazy out there, chef.
He's like, well, as long as the food was good.
So, then Kyle is like, wow, the amount of lies
being spread about me and my business
is so fucking asinine, like dude, I'm fucking leaving.
No, bro, it's the past, it's the past.
It's like tight white jeans.
It's not now, it's not the reality now. Okay?
Don't leave. Don't leave. No, the lies about my business. No. Don't leave. Don't leave. No. No. I'm leaving. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, I'm leaving. No, bro. Don't go. Work it out. No, I'm leaving.
The next season. I'm leaving. No, don't go, bro.
Please don't go. Please don't go.
So Kyle's walking away and Carl's like, don't it's literally this.
Just take a beat, bro. Take a breath. So now everyone is, last season was Carl
walking off into the shadows.
So now Emeril and Lexi are standing next to each other.
That's all, that's really all that is.
There's nothing going on there.
So Sierra goes inside and Chef Andrew is there
and he's like, so how was everything?
Are we into pink foods?
Did you like the grapefruit?
Tell me what you thought of the grapefruit.
And she's like, I hate this fucking house.
He's like, I didn't ask you about the house.
Did you enjoy the pink food?
That is going on my resume.
Back to Kyle and Carl.
I'm the hardest working guy I know.
And I just get shit on.
He's like, don't go.
Well, the while is that, Carl?
What is that?
I know you're upset.
I got that.
I got that.
How many times have I been upset?
And what do you say?
Don't go.
Don't go.
What the hell was that?
I mean, she's upset, you know, just don't make it worse.
Don't make it worse.
And then we see proof that Paige is upset
because she's wrapping a blanket around herself
before she gets into bed.
And then there's like a knock on the door
and Lindsay walks in and Paige is like,
oh, I wasn't expecting you.
I didn't hear the sound of creaking bones.
She's, yeah, no, it's me.
Wow, it's you and there was no crow,
there was no crow tapping on my window to warn me. But sorry.
I didn't hear the sound of spoons during Ovaltine in a glass as you approached the
I don't see a walker dragging across the floor, but it's you.
Come in, I guess.
So meanwhile, back at the dinner table, Danielle's like, welcome to the house, I guess. Yeah. So meanwhile, back at the dinner table,
Danielle's like, welcome to the house of rule, huh?
So now Kyle and Amanda are talking,
saying, I just can't believe this.
Kyle, just stop, you need to check yourself.
I'm like, no, Amanda.
She's like, no.
Congratulations, Paige, for once again,
putting my marriage in the fucking blender.
You did that.
You did that. If your marriage was fine, it wouldn't, there would be no blender in
Yeah. And so he's saying that because Paige started a fight,
Paige made him rage text, which started a fight.
So now it's Paige's fault that his wife is mad at him yet again.
Wow. The acrobatics that it's taking. And the man is like,
No, I'm going over five seconds. Stop talking and blaming other people. Blaming other people?
I'm getting shot out of the fucking time. I'm getting shot out by people. I'm getting shot
out by people. So now Emeril is stuck still talking to Danielle. You know, he wants to be
in the mix with everyone else, but he's like stuck with Danielle. Like, so have you done
share houses before? He's like, yeah, low grade.grade? I mean I have it's always been kind of like this
But like to travel usually like usually leave leave the screaming for night to though. Am I right? Yeah, never dull moment
Which is see Club Sunday. It's kind of the coolest place. So then
You're gonna love it there. Have you ever done a kissing booth? We normally do that on night one. So, looks like I'm the only one here.
Come on up, boys.
So then Jesse and Lexi are just being stupid somewhere.
And then we go back to Paige and Lindsay,
and Sierra walks in and Sierra's like,
dude, what the fuck?
And then Lexi comes in, she's like, anyone in here?
Oh my God, girls.
Do you mind if like my sister, my mom joined
for this moment?
No, leave them out.
Yeah, Lexi tries to find Amanda,
but Amanda's hiding in the shower to cry
because they can't film you in there, I guess.
But they're still filming right outside the door.
Just see her.
Just see her in the shower like, yes.
I should've made guacamole.
Just, West is secretly taking a shower. He took this chance to take a shower.
So he's doing that and Jesse is like saying like, you know, wow, that was great. You took a shower.
So now we go back to Paige.
There's like a lot of activity resulting in nothing and now we go back to Paige and she goes,
I've been in this situation before and I'm trying not to be in it again.
Hannah and Amanda like not being friends anymore was the worst, 1000% the worst.
And like I still get upset about it because I can think about like what good friends we
were and it makes me so sad.
And like me and Hannah and Amanda, we were like so close.
And like I think about like one day I can't even have a bachelorette party because I wouldn't
even be able to invite both of them.
I mean there might one day be a time where I meet somebody worth marrying. I mean, that could be,
you know, 10 years away, 20 years away, light years away. I wanna have an Apache hot party.
So then we see a flashback to five years ago when Hannah and Amanda and Page were all friends.
And Amanda was saying, is there such thing as sister wives without a husband?
And Paige said, yeah, they're called lesbians.
Oh, back in the good old days.
So then Lexi's like, well, I mean,
you're a really good friend just from what I've seen
and what I've felt, you know?
And Paige is like, yeah, I know a lot of things,
but like a band friend is like not fucking one of them. And so for him to say that, I'm like, fake? It's like, that's such
bullshit. Because I've worked so hard to make Amanda not feel slighted with like my friendship
with Hannah and like for Hannah not to feel like I don't have her back too. And that does have to
suck. Like Paige, that's like, that is the worst. And she does deserve credit from Kyle and Kyle is like a dick for
kind of like, he's a dick for not realizing the grace that she has shown him in the situation
that she's in.
Jared Sienkiewicz Yeah.
So, she's saying, you know, I'm just trying to avoid a situation where Craig and Kyle
don't speak again because if that happened, I genuinely don't think I could stay in this
Which obviously, you know, you're clear of that now,
so that's helpful.
But they're talking about how it's always
somebody else's fault.
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At 24, I lost my narrative or rather it was stolen from me.
The Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew was usurped by
false narratives, callous jokes, and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen, and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable
names, about the way that people have navigated roads to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming and feel like they filled their
tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to and leave with maybe some nuggets that
help them feel a little more hopeful.
Follow Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Reclaiming early and ad free
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Meanwhile, we go to the kitchen and Danielle and Emeril are in there.
And the chef's like, okay, are you ready for dessert?
This party's amazing, am I right?
And they're just like, oh my God, oh my God, chef.
Eat this piece of cake and then look at your tongue
and that's gonna tell you what the baby's gonna be.
He's like, I already knew this.
I made all the pink food.
Just doing, I'm trying to have a bunch of the reveals.
I'm not gonna be on this show that much longer,
so just do this for me.
So then Jesse is like with Wes and he's like,
hey, so Sierra laughed at you tonight, bro.
And I was like, yeah, I mean, she's been laughing,
she's been fighting laughing for a while.
Yeah, I mean, I go like, he's a funny guy, right?
And she goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think she thinks
you're funny, yeah she goes, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think she thinks you're funny.
And he's like, I was just like so proud
because like all my life I've dealt with rough situations
by like being funny.
And so like, you know, Sierra laughing at me,
that like really saved the day, you know?
It's like a huge step.
Like, I mean, I sound like I'm in fucking eighth grade,
guys, right?
I'm just a little boy, just an insecure little boy.
So I'm guessing he was laughing a lot
when he got that haircut,
because that is the roughest of the situations.
He was just trying to get himself out of bullying
by getting stupid haircuts.
He's like, well, maybe they'll laugh at me and then I'll get out of it.
Hey, it's me.
It's me talking to Kyle.
Hey, let's go check on Amanda real quickly.
Let's just like not make it worse.
Let's just like, let's just like make it easier.
Let's make it soft.
Let's do a tender moment.
You tender moment with think dessert.
So then Kyle's like, man, uh, man, uh, there's just been multiple lives over the last three years where the lies have
just been like spread almost like ruined our marriage.
And then we've come this close to Kyle. So she's like, I'm out of here.
I'm going upstairs to hang out with the cool kids.
I'm going to leave. This is ridiculous.
Don't leave bro. Don't leave.
So Danielle is still flirting with Emeril and Karl comes into the kitchen and she's
like, um, Karl, what the fuck is going on? And Karl's like, oh, Karl's checking on a
mat. Oh, and I'm trying to calm him down a bit. Oh, cause like, there's just so many
layers to it. But like, if, if, if my opinion was each layer of this cake, this would be
a five layer of don't go cake. Don't go. Don't go.
Trey Lockerbie So then Paige, Paige is again still in bed and Lexi is standing again. I think
she's standing at the foot of the bed or she's sitting on it and Paige is like, Lexi, will you
do me a favor and go check where Kyle is and if Amanda's alone, I will go see Amanda. I was like,
deputizing Lexi. She's like, that's a power use.
Trey Lockerbie She's like, I don't care who you've
dated. You're the youngest and the dumbest and the one who still doesn't
understand what lip line are supposed to do. So please do my bidding. Thank you.
She's like, that's Amanda.
So then Danielle and Lindsay are still in the kitchen and Danielle's like, Oh my
God, Emeril, do you still want to go out? And he's like, a thousand percent.
I'm here for the weekend. I'm going out every night. Do you not want to go out? And he's like, a thousand percent. I'm here for the weekend.
I'm going out every night.
Do you not want to go out?
She's like, 100% I want to go out.
Send it.
Club 2K, do you want to spin the bottle before we go?
Just a suggestion. Seven minutes in heaven.
So, Amanda, so Lexi finds Amanda, does her job.
So Amanda comes in and then Amanda and Paige
like clasp each other and Paige is like,
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
I don't ever wanna fight with you.
I know, it's like, it's like makes me so,
I'm so sad Amanda. I know, it's just like all the like makes me so I'm so sad Amanda.
I know.
It's just like all the time like how I wish you and Anna were friends again and like we
had the best time.
And like, I just I don't even care about that.
Like I just don't even want to fight with Kyle.
It's like, I love you so much Amanda.
He's just so fucking stupid.
You know how many times I have to say, like, what are you doing?
This whole fight, I mean, I know they're on TV
and they have to do dramatic stuff,
but why doesn't Paige just go,
you're an idiot, stop yelling at me
and yell at Craig and Hannah
if you wanna yell at somebody, like the end.
She's too young.
But you don't learn that wisdom until you're 35 or 40.
I guess you have to be like tired, you know?
You just have to be tired like us.
It's like, uh, you know, text me about it.
So then we go to the other people and West is like,
wait a minute, are you staying in, Jesse?
And Jesse's with Lexi in the bed and he's like,
yeah, I mean, what could be more fun than looking at her?
Am I right?
That was like sending an answer, Jesse.
So then Lindsay, Danny and they're still in the kitchen.
They're just gross. They're so they're terrible. Boring.
Objectively terrible. So Emeril's like,
so did you date anybody in the house except Carl? No, well that's it.
So then you guys just like broke up and started dating this new guy like a month
later. I started dating a lot of people.
He's like, oh wow.
So what's a lot of people?
Um, I had a roster.
Because I love that.
If I can relate to anything, it's that part.
I have a few entanglements as it is.
She says, entanglements, let's unpack this.
And Danielle's like, yeah, let's really unpack this.
Like how many entanglements do you have?
Do you have room for one more?
Like, or do you have a certain amount of arms?
Do you have like an octopus
where you can only have eight entanglements?
Like how many entanglements can you have?
I'm right here.
I'm tangled.
And he's like,
yeah, I have two one-year entanglements.
At the same time? Yeah, at the same time, like right now. And Danielle's like, yeah, I have two one year entanglements. At the same time?
Yeah, at the same time, like right now.
And Danielle's like, so you're a walking red flag,
is that what you are?
I'm in.
Yeah, she's like, oh my God, I love red flags.
I have a whole blanket at home made out of red flags.
It's amazing.
And he's like, yeah, absolutely, right?
And she goes, yeah,
because like as long as there's transparency,
you could do whatever the fuck you want,
say right now on top of this cake in a kitchen.
So I feel like maybe you're a little bit
of an orange flag, maybe?
She's like, it's a burnt orange, yeah.
It's a pink flag, I'm having a girl.
So Carl and Kyle are outside again
and we get another round of this.
You all right?
I just want to leave and I never want to come back.
I'm drunk driving my way to safety.
And then back to the girls.
Amanda and Paige still crying all over each other.
And Amanda's like, oh, it's like at times like this,
I can't even talk, talk them off the ledge, you
know, but things have affected lover boy, but the way Kyle's handling it.
So in the kitchen, West is now talking to Lindsay and he's like, you know what's crazy?
Like you can say the craziest shit if you want, cause like you're pregnant. And so like,
no one's going to talk to no one's going to talk shit to you pregnant ladies getting away with everything so i'm going to go to a friend's
house see ya yeah so that's this whole thing he's going to sneak out but he's like he just
he just don't you know he's going to be like um he's like i'm going to go out and like shit but
like i'm not here to like, you know, back,
back in one stories and be like a freak. I don't know what it is.
He's just, he's going to sneak out. He's so Amanda uncomfortable.
He's like, I, I'm going to go to my homie's house because I don't want to make
it uncomfortable for Sierra if I like hook up. Cause you know,
West is dead with unlimited options guys. And don't you forget it.
So Amanda's like,
Kyle talks about leaving and I like,
I don't know what he's going to do.
He's like, I don't even want to be here.
And Sierra's like, well, where is he now?
I don't know.
I'm going to go to bed.
Lexi and Jesse are in bed and Lexi's like,
do you know the hot tub is working?
You want to go check it out?
And they're like, yeah, let's go check it out.
So they go.
You know what is working? to an unsuccessful hot tub scene.
They're lecturing on that hot tub.
And then Paige and Sierra are in bed getting ready
to go to sleep.
And Paige is like, I feel bad for Amanda.
And Sierra goes, I feel bad for myself and also Amanda.
But I just feel bad for me.
Yeah, so Carl's going to go out with Emeril and Danielle West.
And so, Lindsay's like, um, West just left.
So now they're going to go out.
They're going to go have fun.
And then Jesse and Lexi fail a thought tub, because it's not hot.
And she's like, yeah, you know, I just don't remember ever staying home like one night
in the house. And I was just so worried I had cancer on that night, you know, I just don't remember ever staying home like one night in the house.
And I was just so worried I had cancer on that night, you know, but this is different
because I don't have cancer, but I have a girlfriend, I guess.
So it's going to be great.
So the going out, people leave, the hot tub goes on.
Lexi and Jess, Jess, you celebrate.
And then Lexi is like, she's like,
how long do you think it's gonna take?
He goes, a long time.
She goes, really?
And we have a note here from Chelsea,
our note taker who says, Nar.
Did we talk about this last week when she said Nar?
I didn't know it, cause I, you know,
I am not in touch. It's like Aisha. No. I didn't know it because I, you know, I am not in touch.
It's like Aisha.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I didn't know that.
So, I know that we say no, but I didn't know that that was a thing that the kids are saying.
But apparently, American kids are doing the Australian thing like no.
So, Lexi is young and cool.
So now Amanda's in bed and Kyle comes in. He's like, I just say something.
She's like, Kyle, I'm going to bed.
I'm leaving that.
I'm leaving that.
So now it's late night and we see people coming back
to the house at 2.19 a.m.
and Lexi and Jesse are still by the hot tub.
And he's like, does it even feel a degree warmer?
She's like, no, I guess we can just go to my room now. Hopefully my mom's here
They've been trying to eat up that hot tub for two hours and they feel like there's a warmer now
If it's been more than 30 minutes, it's not gonna work. Okay, so the other end of bed and she's saying he's
She's like do I like stinky breath?
So, Emeril comes back and he's got a friend,
he's got a lady friend who is not seen on camera.
She's just alluded to by arrows
and he puts something on the camera,
which I hate that when they put,
like when they have discretion.
So then, so he's fucking, et cetera.
Yeah, you hear some banging.
And then it's the next morning and West slinks home at 7 13 AM.
And then, uh, everybody else gets up and Jesse's like, Alexis is like,
I'm you were like talking in your sleep. He said, is this any warmer?
I love you.
And he was like, Oh my God, I love you. Yeah. And I was like, thanks.
He's like, Oh my God, you gave me a thanks?
I'm so tired.
I'm like also stressing out and like not falling asleep.
It's like the worst thing.
And I just started having like anxiety attacks
throughout the entire night.
Like I'm sorry.
You gave yourself those anxiety attacks.
You started this whole thing.
So a man is like, just go to the gym,
have a chat with the boys, Talk to Carl. I love that.
It's like a mom who doesn't want to be woken up on a Saturday.
She's like, go to the gym, Kyle, talk to the boys.
Checklist of like, do this, this, this. I don't care.
Do one of these things and let me sleep.
Anything but here, bitch. Get out.
So then Pagent's here like, uh, we have to do this again.
I don't want to go to the beach.
And she's like, yeah, let's just stay home and get our cats and like have a play date.
We have cats now. So then in the kitchen, Lindsey's down there and Lindsey's like,
tell me what happened to the club. Let me tell you what happened to club Lindsey. I'm
having a girl.
Oh my God, Lindsey. It was like a motley crew. Okay. It was just like Carl, Emeril and I. I'm in wild fun times.
It's like, yeah, it sounds as motley as it gets. Oh, she's like, yeah, fun. I mean,
I cannot think of a more dull trio.
And Danielle's like, well, he brought back a girl. She goes, oh my God, is the girl still
here? It's like, I don't know. And she's not, she left. But Lexi comes in and we're like, where's West?
Lexi He didn't sleep at home last night. You guys
slept down here and that room was old.
Trey Lockerbie So West got in at seven AM. West thought
it was Sunday, but it's really just Saturday. So then now Amanda's asking how Lindsey's feeling and Lindsey's,
oh, I guess, I don't know, they're just checking in,
seeing how they all are feeling.
And so Wes walks in, Lindsey's like,
oh Wes, like I owe you an apology.
I had a friend I was meeting and I snuck out
and then he was like, really?
A friend?
What kind of friend do they make balloons?
Was it a guy?
Was it a girl?
Not Bonezone? Club send it tonight at 8pm!
No bonezone.
Wayne, so where did you sleep? He's like on a couch. Like yeah, right. So the producer says so you did you sleep on the couch by yourself?
And he's like, mm-hmm.
No, of course not. Of course not. I'm west. Come on.
I'm west. A man who never sleeps on a couch alone. Ding ding ding ding ding. Laid.
Constantly laid.
Danielle's like, you deserve a morning roast.
And guess what?
We're going to roast you again tonight when we have to make your own Sundays in the back
corner of Club Send It.
Yeah, two for one Sundays.
So, West is like, yeah, I'm calling the new guy orgy beast.
Uh, so Amanda's like, um, yeah, he got laid.
Like, I mean, he showed you guys up night one.
He brought, oh, this is Amanda.
Not Lindsay.
She's like, night one, he brought someone home.
Like, how long did it take you to bring that girl back last summer?
He's like, oh, like week six.
And Lexi's like, um, are you telling me that Jesse has girls in the past? Oh my god, where's doc?
I'm getting in a car and I'm getting pissed off at Jesse.
So now Kyle and Carl come back from the gym and Paige is in bed and she gets a text from Craig
and Craig says, hey, how are you feeling today chicken? Well, Craig just gave me a good line.
He said, hey, Sierra, listen to this.
This is really good.
Stop looking at pictures of your cat, okay?
Craig just said this.
He said, imagine me yelling at Amanda
because Kyle started working at Hearth and Home.
Isn't that so good, Sierra?
Sierra's like, I really don't care.
He also said to remind Kyle that he's a brain surgeon
and not to fuck with him
because he's got a lot of connection. Craig, you're not a brain surgeon and not to fuck with him because he's got a lot of connection.
Craig, you're not a brain surgeon. Please.
Craig Smith Do you know, by the way,
I'm wearing my sweatpants from sewing down south right now.
Jared Larkin Oh, I was just wearing those yesterday.
Darn it, I wish it were warm right now. We could be twinsies, but it's pretty warm over here in Tejas.
Craig Smith They're so comfortable. I'm not even gonna lie.
So, Emeril, he's in the kitchen, he says hi to lie. So, um, in-rule, uh, he's in the kitchen.
He says hi to everyone.
They're like, oh my God, you had sex last night.
And he says he put her in a cab and he's like, huh,
I guess I shouldn't have brought that girl home.
That was a mistake.
And Danielle's like, ha ha ha ha ha.
We could laugh about it tonight at club sand at 8 p.m.
Sundays at nine 30 bedtime at 10.
Uh, so now they're talking about poor Kyle.
Yeah, he's a, I need to try and talk to him with it.
Or I tried talking to him with him.
He's just not doing really well.
Yeah, he doesn't seem like he wants to talk about anything.
Am I right?
He's like, yeah, he doesn't want to leave.
Like he just wants to leave like badly.
I'm like, no, you're not leaving.
Did you not hear me? Don't go. So Amanda's asking Kyle
how he's feeling and he's like I just feel like a fish out of water. Like just because I drink like
a fish doesn't mean I want to be a fish especially out of water. So I'm sorry for making things more
awkward for you. I'm only human so like I know my reactions have been what got me into trouble,
but I'm like not the one putting stuff out there in the first place.
I'm just the one starting fights about it in the first place.
You're the one putting it out in public on your show. Weirdo.
So it's just more of like,
it's typical what happens when Kyle acts like an idiot then the next day is like,
but I'm just a boy. I'm only normal. I'm just a human. It's everyone else's
fault. They're hurting me. They're coming for me. Nobody cares, bro. Chill. So then,
now everybody's getting ready for the beach. God, we saw the beach thing to go.
Pete Slauson I don't remember what happened the rest of the episode. I don't even remember. By
the way, I was drunk when I watched this. So that's why I'm like, what happened?
You were?
I thought, what happened in this part? Okay, so they're going to the beach. Oh, yeah,
they get to the beach. That's right. I remember they get their chairs and everything. So they're
going to some cars.
So on the way there, Jesse's in the car with, not Lexi, they're separated for the first time.
Oh my God, do you have separation anxiety from Lexi? And he's like, Oh, you know, I was thinking about like, just talking about where I'm at
with Lexi, with Lexi. And I feel like I should be communicating, you know? Like, so far I've
been pretty good. Like I've said, juicy booty a few times. So, you know, we're on a good
path. But I would say like, my main concern is I'm scared. Like she's a little bit jealous
because what gives you that impression? And he's like, she told me.
Pete Slauson So, he's going to love Bomber, but then kind
of talk shit about her behind her back to everyone else in the house. So, that's really helpful.
Jared Slauson Right. He's going to make her as attached as possible and then lay the groundwork
that she's crazy. So, that when he spills her over in a couple of weeks, everybody will be on his side.
Pete Slauson Why are you so into me? All I did was basically
say I will love you on the first day I met you, but side. Why are you so into me? All I did was basically say I will love you
on the first day I met you, but like,
why are you so into me?
You're the crazy one here.
So Paige is like, well, you don't gotta worry about me,
Jesse, and he's like, yeah,
cause she doesn't wanna know about my exes.
And Sarah's like, well, she doesn't want you commenting
on our pictures, which is weird.
And she's like, wait, she said she didn't want you
commenting on our pictures, but I put up such good content.
Like everyone comments on my pictures.
It's like a thing that we do.
And he's like, yeah, like, you know how I like go really
hard on comments and she's like, yeah, but like, I mean,
Amanda's married, like that's not a problem.
And Amanda's like, yeah, so you're like worried a bit.
And he's like, yeah, cause obviously there's like
an extreme attraction.
Like we like each other enough that it's like worth
exploring, but like, I just just like don't want all this like blow up like and like deal with a breakup, you know
Cuz she's like a little cuckoo crazy. I love her but she's like a cuckoo crazy jealous weirdo person, right guys
So then Amanda's checking with Carl who's still moping around
It's in my head. I don't need more stress. Lover boy doesn't need more stress.
Oh, I'm a human.
So he doesn't want to fight with Paige.
So he asks to have a talk.
And she's like, where do you want to go?
And he's like, let's go by the dunes or something.
Unless Craig's already rented them out
for his own fucking purposes.
Sorry, I'm a human.
I'm a human. I'm only you.
So they sit down at the dunes and to be continued.
Yep. So I guess that's why I guess that's why we couldn't remember much of what
happened because nothing did happen. They just sat down for it to be continued.
Well, we'll still, still whip out a hour and a half episode about it.
Sure. Well, thanks everyone for being here. What a fun time on summer house. We'll still whip out an hour and a half episode about it. Sure will.
Thanks everyone for being here.
What a fun time on Summer House.
Next week's Summer House will be in Cincinnati, so catch us there.
And we've got Southern Charm coming up later this week.
And we will catch you all on our next episode.
Thanks for being here.
Bye everybody.
Bloop, bloop, bloop. Kyle. Thanks for being here, bye! Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Put your hands together for Carly Clapp.
Catherine DiBernardo has our harto.
Get on the right foot with Chrissy Offa.
Dana C, Dana Do.
She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela.
We never miss her call, it's Diane Call.
Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickles.
Jamie, she has no less namey.
You'll never hide from Heidi Eleanor Jones.
I go, you go, we all go for Hugo!
Hava Nagila Webber!
We could all learn from Jennifer Kearns.
She's our kind of mess, it's Jennifer Messer.
Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch!
Knock knock knocking on Katie Manox door.
She's our favorite streamer, Caroline Peacock.
Kristen the Piston Anderson!
Get a B in your bonnet with Lacey B.
Rigging the funk it's Leslie Plunkett. She gets an A from us it's Lindsey D.
Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Fresh as a daisy it's Maisie McHenry. We
love her on the rocks it's Melissa Cox. Megan Berg you can't have a burger
without the Berg. This is living with Michelle Vivian. I love a ya Olivia Williamson.
Tastier than Flanderson, it's Rachel Manderson.
She sure is swell, it's Raquel.
Yes we canna, it's Sedana.
Cast a spell with Shannon Spellman.
Let's share with Sharon Eldridge.
The Bay Area Betches, Betches!
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Who, what, why,
where and Gwen Pentland. It's our queen, it's Queen Laifah. Nobody holds a candle
to Jamie Kendall. Know your worth with Jason Kurtz. We got our wish, it's Jen
Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My
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