Watch What Crappens - #2755 Southern Charm S10E13: Dunce On This Island
Episode Date: March 7, 2025Sienna finally breaks the news to Shep that she’s just not that into him on Southern Charm. Plus, Austen and Craig finally bury the hatchet… at least until the next fight. To watch ...this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
Listen to Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Watch Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that
we just love to talk about.
I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today, the one, the only Ronnie Karam. Hey Ronnie, how's it going?
Hey, what's going on, baby?
You know, just it's Friday, we made it to the end of the week. So excited. And one week
from today, our live shows are resuming in Cincinnati. We're doing Cincinnati, Minneapolis
and Toronto all next weekend. Just really wild when you think about it. doing Cincinnati, Minneapolis and Toronto all next weekend.
Just really wild when you think about it. Um, so Cincinnati,
we're going to be doing a summer house and then Minneapolis,
we're going to do Southern charm. And in Toronto, we're doing a classic,
classic real housewives. Roni season eight,
episode nine. It's the famous Berkshires episode, December Berkshires County.
You know the episode. We're recapping it.
That's going to be hilarious and it's going to be wild.
So looking forward to that. Um,
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Southern charm
We're still on vacation and Shep is still trying to convince us he's just a sweet little boy.
A boy who wants a girl.
A girl who won't say yes.
A girl who doesn't understand the meaning of a megalodon necklace.
I have to say this I think was one of the funniest Southern Charm episodes that I can remember.
Like, just in terms of the sheer amount of number of times
I laughed and cringed, I was covering my face.
It was just like the whole episode just had me cracking up.
I'll always remember it. It was...
It was... It was... It was an ordeal.
It was so cringy.
It was a lot. You have the hypocrisy of chef,
the hypocrisy of Craig bringing in an alcoholism storyline while he's fucking
fall down drunk.
Yes. Like you're doing great over there, Craig. He's like, bro,
I'm just trying not to be an alcoholic. I'm like, you're drunk.
Can we have this conversation when you're not drunk?
I seriously, so let's, let's dive right into it. So, um, I'm like, you're drunk. Can we have this conversation when you're not drunk? Thanks. Seriously.
So let's dive right into it.
So they are coming back from a boat,
they just got on this yacht, et cetera.
And so now they're gonna get ready for dinner.
I feel like this whole vacation always starts off
with them just getting back off of a boat
and going to dinner.
So we're in the guys suite and Shep is laying on the bed
and Shep is like,
"'Course, Craig, are you out of the shower yet?"
He's like, "'Yeah, what's up?'
He's like, "'Well, you're gonna think I'm an idiot,
but can I ask you a question?'
And his leg is shaking.
Like, you would think that there is a live wire
that has been attached to his calf
because that leg is like,
Girl, that leg is shaking so much,
you'd think it had nostrils.
So, Seth's like, oh my gosh, this is crazy, Craig,
it's crazy, I got this necklace for a girl.
Will I look like a fool?
Will I look like a tool?
Will I look like Jiru if I give it to her?
And then Craig's just like, why?
And he's like, I'm gonna see her tonight.
She's coming to dinner.
And Craig's like, oh God, the necklace isn't the weird thing.
The dinner is, so she's coming to dinner,
give her the necklace.
I mean, I think the decision's dinner.
That's crazy, that's the crazy part.
You don't do, you don't have dinner with somebody
that's not in love with you.
Those are the rules of love.
Well, she's coming to dinner.
Bravo. Do you have anything to say about that?
A tssss.
Gosh, I thought I'd get a love tss, not a sad tss.
So then you're probably like, why is she coming to dinner?
It was like a, no.
It's like running out of steam, like a.
Why is she coming to dinner?
You slept on the beach last night because of her.
I mean, Craig is gonna be the one
who's gonna lecture Shep about doing things for someone who's clearly annoyed
by their affections.
I mean, come on, Craig.
That's your whole relationship with Paige.
Yeah, and Shep's over it now.
He's like, what?
And also Shep didn't sleep on the beach because of her.
He slept on the beach because he's a fucking drunk, okay?
He can't keep himself in line.
That's why he slept on the beach.
He slept on the beach not because of love. It's because of demons.
So Shep is like, gosh, I did sleep on that beach.
And Craig said,
but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that she doesn't like him.
I mean, Shep's going to continue to get led on.
So what's the point of having her at dinner? Because also like,
she's allowed to come to dinner.
She's like, Shep invited her, he likes her.
It's not going anywhere, but let her come to dinner.
It wouldn't be, her coming to dinner is not a bad thing
if you're not a dick to her, Craig,
which he winds up being.
Yeah, Craig is in full on belligerent drunk Craig mode
this whole episode, but it's funny
because he's still got his waving judgy finger around.
So it's perfect Craig. It's bloated faced, red faced Craig,
you know, judging everybody while he's a walking
fucking mess.
You know, it's perfect.
Judgy eyes.
And also Shep, just to say it again,
Shep is not being led on by this girl.
How is he being led on when she won't even show up anywhere
or shoot with him?
He's not being led on.
He's being told pretty clearly and he's not listening.
She's trying to be polite because he keeps guilting her and she's like, oh, God, this guy
brought all his friends down. Like it would be so dick if I just ghost him and it's gonna be
documented on TV. So let me like say, I'll try to like say hi or whatever. I don't know. But Craig
is, I think Craig is really demonizing
Sienna in a way that I think is actually really obnoxious. So Craig's like, well, I'm not challenging
if she's a good person or not.
No, no, but we have a connection,
this sort of connection that you honor
by finding a megalodon tooth and putting it on a chain
and wrapping it around her neck.
So Craig's like, no, no, you're broken up,
not anymore, it's over.
So he's like, so what good is this dinner gonna do?
And he's like, it doesn't matter, Craig, it's happening.
So Shep's like, Craig gets it in his mind
that someone's not right for one of his friends
and he will not back down.
And so he's like, don't ask me to be rational
at this moment, that's ridiculous.
I'm a boy, a boy with a heart, a heart that's in love.
You know, I'll act like it doesn't bother me,
but I mean, it does a little, but I can handle this.
Big boys get shark teeth.
So Craig is like, he's like, fine. It's like, I'll handle it.
Okay, so Shep is like, Shep is like,
Shep, does it bother you?
And Shep's like, no, I like being around her.
I love being around Sienna, just as she loves me.
She really loves me.
Craig's like, well, how about this?
We don't ignore the end result tonight.
So however the fuck you end up tonight,
if I'm looking for you again in the hotel
at four in the morning, can you listen to me?
And you don't fucking talk to her ever again.
Yeah, if this goes awry, then we're done with her.
And he goes, spell awry!
Which is really funny, I can't.
I like that he's trying to neg Craig on his way out.
I don't think you're allowed to neg people
when you're carrying around a Megalodon necklace
to give to somebody, you fucking jackass.
I will say the Megalodon necklace looked better
than I thought it would,
but it's still a Megalodon necklace.
It's a shark tooth necklace.
It's still like a beachcomber-like tachki.
So, um.
I got you a license plate that says your name
to hang in your bedroom.
Get the fuck out of here, bro.
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe He's like, okay, gosh, I'm gonna go walk with Sienna down to where we're eating and then we're gonna hang out and we're gonna have fun.
We're going to have fun.
She will see that we are a fun, fun group
and then she'll love me again.
It'll happen, guys."
It was like, yeah, so the guys are like,
ah, she doesn't listen to us.
He doesn't listen to us.
Cause Chris like,
when are you gonna have an opinion on something else?
And he's like, oh, she's not gonna listen to us anyway.
Come on, come on.
And then Rodrigo, just one of the guys,
he's like, Jesus Christ. I forgot he was even there. It's like a jump cut to him, a jump scare.
I was like, oh, Rodrigo was just sitting on the sofa right below this entire conversation like,
guys. So Austin's like, is what Craig's saying to Shep true? I think yes. Is the way he's delivering
it wrong? I think yes as well.
I mean, Craig is just being a dick.
It's insane right now.
So now we go over to the girl, Sweet,
and Whitney does something radical,
which is that he shows up wearing all white,
which I was like, I don't understand this.
Like, is he, yeah, is he going to a hospital?
Like, why is he wearing black?
Is he well?
Have we seen Whitney in linen before?
It's weird, it's just so wrinkly for Whitney.
But I like it, I mean, Whitney's a fun person
to watch sink into alcoholism, I have to say.
Because he's always kind of kept it together,
but he's no longer keeping it together.
He just kind of just walkers around the beach,
trolling for, you know, young people,
and then just joins in the slut-shaming girls
every once in a while wasted, you know?
So when you see like an, when you see an old wasp
with like a bow tie on sort of slashed over
and slurring and murmuring and you think to yourself
like, how did they get like that?
It's happened, Whitney did it, congratulations.
Yeah, and you're like, oh my God, they're gonna sting me.
Why is that wasp in a bow tie?
What is, evolution's happening too quickly?"
So he goes to Madison's room and she's getting ready. He's like, "'You have never been without her.'
So tell me about this boat cruise this morning. What did I miss?"
And that's like, "'It was a massive yacht. It was great.'"
And Sally's like, "' yeah, it was a good day
I mean chef was just being sad over sienna. Yeah, like a simp like a beta simp when he's like
Oh, I don't know what that means. But like what the fuck is wrong with him?
Well, he can't wrap his head around the fact that she's just not into him that he he doesn't you know
She just she can't understand that she's just not born for corn
Okay, and like could you imagine bringing all your fucking friends
and coming here and they not getting laid?
He's like, hey, I want you to do the smokey eyes,
do the smokey eyes medicine.
She's like, with these tits, I look like a whore.
And he's like, it's not you,
like you don't look like one anyway.
Wow, Whitney, every episode in, Whitney's in the season, he's disgusting.
It's usually a couple,
but it's pretty, he's been pretty high this time.
Can you just put all your black back on?
I'll see you soon, devil.
I don't like it.
There's a white clothing wearing Whitney.
Go back to the black stuff.
So then we go to the boys' suite
and Craig's like, hey Austin, do me a favor.
If things get intense, just grab my arm.
So why are you so worked up about this, Craig?
And Rodrigo's like, he's an empath.
Yeah, Craig goes, because I'm sensitive to justice
and like the right and the wrong.
He just wants justice. Austin's like, yeah, well, that sounds like JT dude.
Which is kind of funny that he just dinged him for that.
And Craig's like, what?
But like also like that doesn't mean that no one else
in the world wants it.
I want justice too.
JT saying he wants justice doesn't mean I can't also want justice. I'm justice too. The fellow just wants justice. He's saying he wants justice
doesn't mean I can't also want justice.
I'm a lawyer and a story teller.
Tall justice as we know is way more acceptable
than short justice.
So now the beach dinner table,
Shep comes, you know, and he's like,
hi, are you D'Amico?
Talk to me about dinner.
Looks like you've got everything under control.
Wow, this dinner was supposed to be
a coordination of our relationship.
Oh, we're supposed to ride off into the sunset.
Oh, but here I am, like entering enemy territory almost.
I mean, where do I even stand?
What position am I even in?
It's so hard to express.
In the words of Macbeth, thou art thouist,
and sun is like flowerist.
You haven't read Macbeth, have you?
Good, good.
Just roll with it, keep it in, keep it in, guys.
I feel like I'm in enemy territory.
It's like the Viet Cong are all around me
and Ken Burns isn't here with a camera.
Also, by the way, just, just, just want to say,
I don't know if you can write off into the sunset if you're on a little island.
So that may be a problem with the plan all along.
So now, uh,
Sienna shows up and he's like, uh, they hug and everything is sit down.
How are you? How's it going? She's like, good, except for the sandstorm
you've just whipped up with your foot right now.
Could you just settle that thing down, please?
Thank you very much.
I just have to say, Shep,
is this guy who set up everything, this D'Amico guy,
Shep's like, wow, so you set up dinner?
Great, wow, that looks great.
Oh, you set up a fire pit for my friends?
Wow, you know how to light that?
You have, do you have matches?
Yeah, he knows how to fucking light it, Shep.
He works there.
Like Shep's just like, you're local.
Are you sure you understand how fires work?
Need any help with that?
Sit down.
So she's still-
By the way, I just wanna say, sorry.
I thought I was on mute and I just slurped the bottom
of my smoothie and it made a disgusting straw slurping sound and I thought I was on mute and I just slurped the bottom of my smoothie and it made a disgusting straw slurping sound
and I thought I had mute myself
and I realized I did not hit mute.
So sorry everyone who just had me slurping in their ears.
Well, that's good.
It probably sounded like a fart,
which is what it looks like Sienna just smelled.
So he's like, how are you?
And she's like, good.
Like kind of looking at the ground.
And he's like, oh wow, you know, I told you I got a gift.
I'm gonna give it to you.
Do you want it?
And she's like, I mean, I like gifts.
Yeah, sure.
So he's like, really?
Woo, here we go.
Oh, gifts, that's like my love language.
Okay, here we go.
So Sienna's like, oh, okay.
He's like, are you nervous? Are you weird? Look, so you see she's like no, I'm I'm curious what this is
And she's like opening up this little
romantically wrapped in tissue paper
Like not even like in a nice little box. It's like it's in a target bag. It's like
It's a triangle it's a Megalodon tooth. Oh, it's a shark
He's like, yeah, but it's like a prehistoric shark that was a lot bigger than all the other
Oh, God. Imagine this old man trying to hit on a young woman and bragging that he brought a prehistoric tooth to her.
It's just so on the nose, you know?
This is, hey, this shark tooth is bigger than the other,
like a normal shark tooth.
So even though I can't afford that $10 million mansion
around the bend, I can afford big shark teeth.
She's like, oh, well, I'll wear it right now.
So she puts it on. She looks good in it because, I'll wear it right now. So she puts it on.
She looks good in it.
I'll wear it right now because being in the jaws
of a prehistoric shark sounds better
than being in this situation right now.
Just fucking put it on me.
You have 50 more. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha He's like, well, I mean, it really accentuates your wonderful chest.
And she's like, ah, you're so silly.
Do you like how it looks?
Because this is gonna be the last time
you see it on me, by the way.
Just what every woman wants to hear
when she's already got the egg.
But your chest are good.
I don't know.
So then he tries to fix her hair,
and she's like, oh, no, don't touch the hair.
And so he's like, oh, wow. She's like, how's my hair blowing in and she's like, no, don't touch the hair. And so he's
like, oh, wow. She's like, how's my hair blowing in the wind? Oh, gosh, yeah. God, I've never
been more jealous of my hair than I am right now. The ability to just be blown away from
the situation. Even my hair isn't trying to escape.
Well, you know, whatever we have, whatever this is, this is a connection, okay?
And that's really rare in this world.
It's been a whirlwind, a passion, a love,
and I haven't even given you syphilis yet.
I mean, that's why I invited you to Italy,
to meet my brother, my sister, my nieces, my mom, my dad,
that weird cousin who built a crib in her house
for an entire season.
Gosh. that weird cousin who built a crib in her house for an entire season? Gorsh!
It's Masi and I've been standing here the whole time.
I got a baby inside of me, huh?
Yeah, it's a connection.
I think someone has to tell Shep
that just because you feel love and you feel a connection
does not mean it's automatically the other person.
And the more you say it does not mean the more true it is.
So she's like, um, I just...
And he's like, well, I, yeah, I actually,
it doesn't feel like that at all.
It feels like a death by a thousand paper cuts, honestly.
And she's like, yeah, but we weren't in a relationship.
Whoa, but so what were those moments that we had?
Like, what was that?
Just an aberration or something?
I mean, megalodon teeth don't grow on trees,
so that has to mean something.
Yeah, and I have to point out that she keeps trying to talk
and he won't let her talk, which is his normal state
where he just wants to like project all this love onto her
and just have her keep nodding and she's not.
She keeps trying to say something and he won't let her. So finally she's like, look, you know, we had fun and
we were always having a good time, right? You know, am I right? And he's like, wow,
that's really minimizing it in my mind. I mean, to me, spending three vacation weeks
with a beauty queen who refuses to call me back. It's basically marriage.
Now you better learn to make some toast and eggs the way that I like them.
It's time for a commercial.
It's time for a Crappin's commercial.
At 24, I lost my narrative, or rather it was stolen from me.
And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew was usurped
by false narratives, callous jokes, and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen,
and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting
with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable names,
about the way that people have navigated roads to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming and feel like they filled their tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to and leave with maybe some nuggets that help them feel a little more hopeful.
Follow Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Reclaiming early
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Meanwhile, up on the balconies of the hotel. Madison and Taylor are talking
and they're just looking at the view
and Taylor's news is that she napped
and Madison's news is that she should have napped.
And Taylor's like-
Are you still napping right now?
No, I'm awake.
I can't tell the difference.
Is there somebody you can give me a sign?
Can you move your face in some way?
You look like you're in a coma.
No, it's just how I am.
All right, well, let's try and shoot this scene anyway in case I'm speaking. Okay, well, I hung like you're in a coma. No, it's just how I am. All right, well let's try and shoot this scene anyway,
in case I speak.
Okay, well, I hung out with Whitney for a while,
he wore a white, it was strange.
How was Whitney?
Well, he's Whitney, he's having a blast, you know him.
It's like, oh, I wonder if Sienna's gonna show up or not.
But if not, Shep's gonna cry.
I mean, have you ever seen him so emotional?
And Taylor's like, no, no,
I didn't bring out that side of him.
The only time I ever saw him this emotional
was when I stepped on an egg in that egg game
at that Frank Lloyd Wright house.
I was like, no, not that kind of emotional.
They know, I think he's getting a taste
of his own medicine, you know?
Like it's not a good feeling, is it?
Like it tastes bad. So then Lava FaceTime's in a good feeling, is it? Like it tastes bad.
So then Leva FaceTime's in, she goes,
hey, I miss you guys, what did I miss?
I'm dying to get to know what's going on.
What is she even doing?
Why even bother?
Hang up.
Who even answers Leva's calls at this point?
Leva, you don't do anything.
You're not even showing up to work yet again.
It just, hang up the phone.
I don't care what Leva thinks.
I have to say, I do not have, like, it's so amusing to me
how much like you are so like angered by Leva.
She does nothing.
She does nothing.
She's like anyone else.
Shows up on phone calls.
She does nothing on this show.
She's just like checked out and doesn't do anything.
And she just keeps getting a check, you know?
It's like how you always bring up that person
in a group project who you just, who doesn't do anything and then still wants to get the grade at the end. That's
how I feel them is. I'm in. I have group project anger.
Well, she's called in today, but we don't, we can skip the scene.
It's not real. It's real. I think she's annoying.
So she's like, yeah, so I met Shep's girlfriend,
because remember at the dog party, she winked at me,
and she was like, you know, girl, I'm here for a good time,
and not a long time.
They're like, oh my god.
She's like, well, I miss you guys.
And so Taylor's like, well, Sienna's been,
Sienna's here and that's been like a whole debacle.
And Lov is like, what do you mean?
She's like, well, they haven't stayed together.
Nah, she hasn't stayed with him, but not with him.
He hasn't stayed with her.
Like, don't you think that's weird?
Yeah, it's very bizarre.
And she's like, guys, guys turn 40,
and then one day they meet a girl that's like in their 20s
and they're way faster, smarter, and way better at the game.
And then that girl just like schools them.
And then that's when they finally feel 40.
She's just not that anymore.
Yeah, which is pretty true.
And so then we, speaking of which,
we then go back to Sienna and Shep,
and Shep is like,
we're in love. Will you admit that? And she's like, um, I don't know if we're in love. I'm
not even sure we're in like, he's like, no, you felt love. You felt, I know you felt love
because I said I loved you. So that meant that you love me. And that's what we talked about.
I mean, give me like, tell me that. Like, do we love? Is there an event that occurred that was like,
oh shit, we were taking on top of a roller coaster
and on a journey.
It's like, yeah, if you were going up on the roller coaster,
roller coasters only go in one direction after you go up.
And it's not going farther up.
Yeah, it's just down.
And then it was derailed.
And you were that idiot who wasn't even wearing a seatbelt
and then wondered why he got flung off the seat,
flung off the roller coaster.
I know, enjoy your severed arm.
And Sienna's like, but we weren't even in a relationship.
And I completely disagree with that assessment.
I can't agree to disagree.
She's like, but we didn't have a label on it.
He's like, I hate labels, they're millennial.
Oh my God.
Like, Chap, like, can't take, get the hint.
Chap, oh my god, I wanted to shake my laptop.
He's like, here's what I tell labels, get off my lawn!
She's like, um, I feel a little sick.
Oh, gosh, did you eat the Megalodon tooth?
No, no, I'm still wearing it.
Well, I had my heart broken about three or four times, but this might be the first time
that I've tried to fight for something when it appeared.
I thought they didn't want it.
I feel like Ophelia and Hamlet.
Unrequited love.
Or is that Macbeth?
All I know is all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely Megalodon teeth.
Well, you feel like Ophelia. there's the ocean, take a walk.
So, he's like, I'm just her. I got her a Megalodon. She's like, oh my god, I hate this guy. You got,
you're a Megalodon. Leave this woman alone. Leave her alone. You're a stalker and a creep. Just go home. So now the entire cast comes down to dinner while Shep and Sienna are sitting there, which
is already so awkward.
Why would Shep have this conversation with Sienna right in the public space where the
dinner is?
Because he's trying to pressure her into acting like his girlfriend.
He thinks, okay, if I do this and then all my friends come, surely she's gonna fake it being my girlfriend, right?
No, she's not, and good for fucking her.
So they come and they see him trying to convince her.
He's like, but we were together for a month.
Come on, Sienna, I gave you a megalodon,
a megalodon necklace.
Do you wanna watch?
Hey, you wanna wear my shoes?
They were expensive, come on!
And Austin just sees it and is like, Jesus Christ.
And Matt's like, oh.
They're all like, why are you doing this
and why are you doing it right here, you know?
So Shep is like, oh gosh, my friends are all here.
Let's have fun.
You'll see, I'm worth dating.
Come on, come on.
So now everybody comes to the beach
and Shep's trying to hold her hand and she won't hold his hand. Come on, come on. Yep. So now everybody comes to the beach
and she steps trying to hold her hand
and she won't hold his hand.
Good for her.
And then Austin runs up and is hugging her
and Craig's like, pussy, he's such a pussy, that guy.
So then Austin's like saying hi.
Well, by the way, not a pussy,
like not a pussy to be gracious and kind to a person at your dinner.
He's done nothing to you, Craig. Jesus Christ.
I think Craig might start,
I think Craig's projecting a little bit on women
who aren't really interested in the men that they're with.
Because, yikes.
He's taking this a little personally.
For somebody who's spent the last season being like,
we're not speaking with Shep anymore,
he's too much of a mess, And after BravoCon, he's disgusting.
I'm never talking to him again.
Well into this season, he's sure switched to where he's like,
oh, all I really care about is Shep's well-being.
Hmm. Okay.
But Craig also, like, he spends a lot of time
constructing images of himself,
which he talks about later this episode.
You know, right now, he is building the image of himself
as like a Martha Stewart of the South, a man Martha Stewart. which he talks about later this episode. Right now, he is building the image of himself
as like a Martha Stewart of the South, a man Martha Stewart.
And previously, he's constructed the image of him being a lawyer, et cetera.
And I think that he is particularly triggered by,
I don't know if it's women or just people in general
who threaten to pierce a hole into like a fragile guy's careful,
careful attempt at, at creating a public image for himself.
So he's seeing Sienna doing that for Shep, you know,
like Shep is trying to be like, I'm a good boy. You know?
I think also he's got this thing this season where he's like our team versus
their team, meaning like old, you know,
old stalwarts on the cast versus these newbies
who are trying to come in, like, ganging up with Madison
and Austin to try and get JT kicked off.
And then it's like, if they're not gonna do what they want,
then they're like, they can't be part of this cast,
but this lady doesn't wanna be part of your cast.
You weirdo.
She's trying to get the fuck outta here, okay?
Just let her go.
Yeah, you know, for as much as, you know, it's so funny because the trailers for
this season showed that scene of Madison and Patricia sitting in the bed being
like gold digger. And the truth is,
Sienna has tried desperately to get away from Shep. Like she is, she is, she's
like, what's the opposite of gold digger? Like gold fill in the hole-er.
She's putting dirt on the gold.
She's like, I'm not digging for this gold.
I am burying gold.
She's like, cover the cave, cover the cave.
Gold barrier.
Reverse explosion.
Cover back up.
Give me plastic.
Gold is toxic.
Yeah, and she did a video this week
after the last episode where Shep
didn't get his way with her. So of course he insinuated that she's just a gold digging slut because she
asked him to buy her a $10 million house. And so now that he can't afford it, that's
why she doesn't like him, right? That's what he insinuated last week. And she went on and
she's like, we were on a boat, we saw a $10 million house and I said, that house is beautiful.
I would love to have a house like that one day.
She didn't ask him to buy her the house.
Yeah, yeah.
Stupid shit, ridiculous.
And then I learned how to put on eyebrow makeup
because that's how Sienna does her makeup.
She's like, well, and then we were on a boat
and we saw a house and then, you know what's really funny?
Think about houses if you really think about it.
It takes 20 minutes for her to say one fucking thing,
but girl, I can do my eyebrows now, so thanks.
Yeah, not everyone can be as succinct as we are, you know?
During hour 18 of this podcast.
So Craig is being a total dick.
He's like, I don't wanna say hi.
Cause I think in his mind,
he's thinking I'm enabling a situation. That's what he's claiming, but I think he's just being a total dick. He's like, I don't want to say hi. Because I think in his mind, he's thinking I'm enabling a situation.
That's what he's claiming.
But I think he's just being a dick.
It's someone at your table.
You should just be so gracious enough to say hello,
especially because you're supposed to have Southern charm.
And you should be chivalrous to a lady.
So Craig's like, my version of friendship
is being honest and tough love.
And Austin being an enabler to Shep is like not being a good friend.
Yeah, I don't know if Craig always loves getting that honesty and tough love coming back to him, but that's fine.
Yeah, it's just tough love. Okay, Craig, anybody who criticizes you is completely ousted and not spoken to for years at a time, please, with your tough love. So then they're trying to, you know,
have nice talk with, some of them were trying to make nice with Sienna, right? So Madison's like,
so what'd you do today? She's like, um, it was very boring. What did you guys do? She's like,
Oh, well, you know, we had fun. It was so beautiful. We got to swim. We talked about corn.
So that was good.
And Rodrigo's like, wow, I love this time of the night
where everyone's acting. Sally's like, normal?
And he goes, normal, honestly, this is where everyone's their fagest.
And then a conch salad arrives.
So then everyone's eating. God, the last thing I need to see is Austin eating a conch salad.
I'm just imagining like conch like spitting out in all directions.
He's like, I want to love it like,
top, top, top, top, top, top, top, top, top, top.
It's like when he gets to chef,
he's got like full on liquid,
white liquid all over his mouth
while he talks and spits everywhere.
He's like, yeah, it's really nice night
with that little bitch ass here.
Mm, top, top, top, top, top, top.
He's like, it's a lovely night.
And Molly's like, ha ha ha,
I don't know what I'm laughing at.
I just feel like I have to laugh.
Ha ha ha. And Molly's like, ha ha ha, I don't know what I'm laughing at. I just feel like I have to laugh.
Ha ha ha.
And Molly's like, you're talking about JT, JT.
Where is JT?
In hell.
And Vanita's like, the only thing I'm concerned about
right now is JT.
Like, is he on a plane?
Did he make it to the airport?
Like, how's his blood sugar?
Like, is he eating okay?
What's he drinking?
How's he feeling?
Those are the things I'm concerned about.
Fuck this dinner.
So everyone's like,
um, Sienna, me, Shep, Taylor, and Molly,
hey Sienna, oh God, let me start over.
Hey Sienna, me, Shep, Taylor, and Molly
went snorkeling today, so.
She's like, oh, well you, there's sharks out there, right?
Cause like that was his biggest fear.
And he's like, you're lucky to be alive.
And he's like, I could have died.
So she'll be like, speaking of sharks, Craig,
the necklace look, Megalodon tooth sighting, 3pm.
That's her chest. And she's like, yeah, he got me a Megalodon tooth, guys.
And Craig's like, he was very excited to give you that.
Wow, that's really nice.
Wow, what a necklace.
And Molly's like, yeah,
that's all he's been talking about the whole trip.
So Madison's like, oh, wait a minute, Taylor,
you have that necklace, right?
Didn't he give that to you?
He's like, yeah, you gave us the same necklace.
He's like, no, yours was a shark.
Yours was just a regular shark.
Hers is a megalodon.
The way they are all so undermining him is hilarious.
And when he's like, oh, he stays original
in what he gives out to girls.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
She's like, it's a Charleston classic.
And then Cena's like, I think it's a Shep classic.
And then everyone just like laughs.
And Shep is like, gosh, I put a lot of thought
into that Megalodon necklace.
Is he part of like a Sharktooth of the Month club?
He's just got an excess of Sharkto teeth that he needs to give away to people.
I mean, Jesus Christ.
He said his friend is a designs shark tooth necklaces.
That's why he has them.
So Madison.
Tell me you're like a rich, rich white guy in Charleston without telling me you're rich white guy in Charleston.
You're just like, Oh, my friend, I just hang out with a guy who makes shark
tooth necklaces all day.
So Madison's still trying to pump Sienna for info. She's like, so how's he doing? Because
he was very emotional. Are you doing okay? How are you doing? You doing okay? I mean,
chef's not used to having emotions, so it probably vomited all over your face. You want me to wipe some emotional vomit off of your face? She's like, I mean, Shep's not used to having emotions, so he's probably vomited all over your face.
You want me to wipe some emotional vomit off of your face?
She's like, I'm okay.
It's just, you know, I told him that we should like
take a step back, you know, because, you know,
I think Shep needs someone to be in the passenger seat
of his life.
And I'm just like, you know, could you hold this mirror?
I'm just not really in the passenger seat of someone's like, are you doing your eyebrows
right here?
Could you speed this up?
This is Marillong show.
Oh, I don't even have a car.
I'm kidding.
Of course I have a car.
So make a reference to the passenger seat thing.
Oh, oh gosh.
Oh, I see.
I just feel bad.
Could you imagine you, there's someone you're not that even interested in
and then you get sort of like roped into going to this dinner and then all their friends are telling
you how that person has been emotional and thinking about giving you a gift for like a week and you're
just like, you have to receive all this information. You're like, I don't like this person. What do you
want me to say? What do people want me to say? I don't even wanna be here. I don't know you people.
I have friends on this island.
You are the ones who are the interlopers here.
Yeah, see, and notice what he does here too
when he says, I don't even have a car, just kidding.
You know, cause passengers, I do have a car,
but it's just a Buick.
Probably not something exciting for someone like you
who wants a $10 million house,
which is why you're dumping me
in front of all my friends, right?
Yeah, I'm just a humble boy standing in front of a girl asking her to enjoy a megalodon
So, Whitney's like, by the way, Whitney has been told that he got dumped because when
he came, he's like, so how'd it go, Shep?
And Shep's like, she dumped me.
So Whitney already knows this, right?
So Whitney goes, I have a question.
Do you see yourself in three years being married
and settling down, like, you know,
like living jointly between up Charleston and House Howard,
like even getting your own place somewhere.
And Shep's like, Whitney.
And she's like, to get to that place, we'd need to A, define the relationship,
which, you know, we never did. And, you know, kind of go through those steps. So.
And Jeff was like, that's such a new age thing. And when he's like, well, I'm such a busy buddy.
But like, how would you define your relationship
as a hostages right now?
Hold on, I got my mother on the phone to listen in.
Mother, listen.
And so she's like-
She's like blow drying her hair.
She's like shh, as it is now.
I mean, I would say we're not really
in a relationship right now, you know?
And everyone gets a look like, oh geez.
And goes, oh my God, what am I supposed to do?
Cry my ceviche!
Yes, actually, I would like to see that.
So I was like, no, don't cry,
because I'll cry if you cry, damn.
Just kidding, I won't cry at all.
He's like, oh God, I'll cry.
Shep, you haven't smiled at all in the last two days.
Oh God, go 48 hours without smiling.
What a sin.
Show us those woodly woods.
And Shepp's like, that's not true.
And he's like, yeah, huh, you've been so stressed out.
I would call it Megalyn, Megalyn Colley.
Megalyn Colley. Megalyn.
Megalyn Colley.
Well, sometimes when I get sad,
I think at least you're not extinct like a megalodon.
Yeah, you stressed him so much that he blacked out
and he slept on the beach.
And she's like, ew, she just gives us like crows.
And he's like, crows. That's such a cock block move also, God.
Okay, so he's like, old habits die hard friend.
And Austin's mouthing, what the fuck is wrong with you, Greg?
And he's like, a lot, a lot.
He's like, well, yeah, you know what?
Shep's allowed to get drunk, you know, cause he's sad.
You know, he's allowed to fall asleep on the fucking beach
if he wants to, I mean, he's a grown man.
If you ask Craig, he's like a 45 year old drunk.
Well, according to you, last reunion,
he was also a 45 year old drunk,
which is why you didn't talk to him
between last season and this season.
I'm not the only person remembering this show.
These people are on this show.
Yeah, I mean, by the way, all of this is correct.
It could be all of the above.
He can be a 45 year old drunk,
and he can also be an adult who decides
like this is what he's gonna do.
So there's all that.
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So Craig's like, you were just, you were the worst version of yourself the last two days. I mean, it's like, show me that smile again.
Don't waste another minute on your crying.
That's not very nice to say, especially to the tune of Family Tunes, Family Ties. You know,
we've had a lot of fun. You know, we've had a lot of nice moments together. You're making it sound
like it's all Meredith Baxter, Bernie and no Alex Keaton.
I was singing Growing Pains and the fact
that you didn't know that shows that you're not a true friend.
Gosh, I can't keep it true.
If it's past the bell, I don't know.
Was Joanna Crohn's in Macbeth?
Cause if she wasn't, I don't know.
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe he's like, "'Yeah, I'm going to Cuba tomorrow. "'I prefer communism.'"
And he's like,
"'And what did you say, Sienna?'
And she's like,
"'Well, that might've just been a little too late,
"'right, Sienna?
"'Cause we were in love until the five minutes
"'right before this dinner when you laid
"'all that stuff on me.'"
And Benito's like,
"'So, what did you say, Sienna?'
And she's like,
"'Well, that might've just been a little too late,
"'right, Sienna?
"'Cause we were in love until the five minutes
"'right before this dinner when you laid all
that stuff on me.
Pete Slauson And Vanita's like, Sienna, you don't want
to be with them right now or you don't want to be with them ever.
Or could it be that it's just something that you could be worked on?
Vanita It's not a bad question.
Good question, Vanita.
Pete Slauson Because of course, Vanita's there for the,
so you're saying you still got a chance, right?
Vanita Yeah.
Pete Slauson Right? So you still got a chance? Like, no, and there's not a chance for you either, Vanita's there for the, so you're saying you still got a chance, right? Yeah, right?
So you still got a chance?
Like, no, and there's not a chance for you either, Vanita.
Calm your desperate ass down too.
But the fact that they're all having this conversation
about Sienna right in front of Sienna is so wild.
And actually, I kind of feel like insulting.
And so Austin's like, well, why did you tell Shep
that you love them when you just like,
well, then you just like backed off twice?
It's like, by the way, people are allowed to say,
like, I love you, and then like,
if, like then discover, oh, this is not the person
that I thought they were, I don't think I love them.
People are allowed to change their minds in life.
That's not a commitment.
We also don't know that she said, I love you.
I have not heard any confirmation that she said that.
And I have heard confirmation that Shep is twisting
everything that comes out of this girl's mouth,
if not outright lying.
So I don't know that I even believe that in the first place.
So Shep's like, guys, please don't grill her too bad.
But he's got a big smile on his face, right?
Cause this is like her, this is like his revenge.
He's like, all right, you don't want me,
then do your subject to my friends, have fun.
Yeah, and so Sal is like, well, this is fun.
And Sienna's like, hmm, nothing.
I just said this is fun.
And Whitney's just like laughing.
And then Rodrigo's like, this is Sam.
He just got played for it full in front of everyone.
And I'm like, Sienna, it's time to leave.
Like, I just think it's so rude that they're like,
why is Sienna still here?
I mean, it's like, she came as a guest to Shep
because he basically begged
her to and now you're going to be mad at her. Like, just treat her with some dignity. She's not on
your show really. They are so mean to her. And Shep finally is like, he rescues her basically.
She doesn't need rescuing. She could leave herself, but like, she's being polite. I think she's,
she is giving them way more grace than they deserve. So he's, he basically takes her for a
walk away from the table
and he's like, sorry Garsh,
everyone's been drunk, Garsh drinking all day.
She's like, yeah, that's okay.
As long as you're okay.
He's like, no, I'm uncomfortable,
but I don't like to be talked about this way.
And I don't like what you're going through.
And she's like, yeah, I'm gonna go.
Yeah, because he's basically like, this isn't great, so go.
She's like, yeah, I just wanted to address the problem, you know, I wanted to save it
after the trip, but you insisted that we sit down and talk about it.
Which, you know, again, is Shep just refusing to listen to anything that she has to say
and then being shocked when he doesn't get the answers that he's demanding, you know?
So then back at the table, Austin and Craig
are talking about it and he's like,
yeah, Craig is just sitting here being like,
well, I don't see anything, you know?
I'm like, I just don't wanna like shit down her throat, Craig.
And he's like, yeah, but every second she's here,
she gives him false hope every second.
No, she doesn't.
He hasn't given him zero hope.
He gives himself false hope, okay?
Craig, Mr. Enlightened, who's been talking
with therapy speech all season long,
suddenly has forgotten the thing that we are the ones
who are in control of our own emotions
and no one makes us do anything.
And this is such a backwards, asinine thing
that shows Craig's true colors that it makes me annoyed.
So Shep walks off with Sienna and he's like, I just wanted to come here and us be madly in love.
Well, you know what?
I wanted a 10 inch dick and $5 million,
but guess what?
The world had other plans.
And he's like,
well, I guess we just missed it by a little window.
She's like, puts out like his fingers,
like there's a little window,
like I just missed my window.
It's like, I'm pretty sure it was a pretty big window
that you missed it by.
I don't think it was, this was not a near miss.
This was a, no, that was a fail.
It was a big fail.
So it's like, she's running for cover.
That's how I see it.
She knows the truth.
She loves me.
She just doesn't wanna say it.
He's like, you know, I just
don't want you to be on the firing line for an hour and a half. And she's like, yeah,
I guess I should leave then, right? And he's like, yeah, I guess that's best. But it's
not an indication of what I want to have happen, right? You understand that, right? She's like,
no, I got it. Are you taking the Megalodon necklace with you, Gars. I have to say Andy Cohen is gonna just have a field day
with this, I cannot wait for Andy.
Andy Cohen will not be able to control his glee
while he grills Shep about this whole situation.
It's gonna be amazing.
So Austin goes up to Shep and he's like,
she's gonna leave, okay. yeah, she's gonna go.
Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to deal with that.
It's very raw, we are, we're almost in love
by a small window.
So, oh gosh, so now everybody's like,
this is the worst dinner ever.
And so they move over to the couches in the fire pit thingy
and they play fire play fireworks come up,
which I have a feeling Shet paid for it to get
his big romantic night.
Yeah, I think so.
Oh, there's no reason for fireworks.
They're just eating a conch salad.
And now to celebrate the arrival of bread.
Fireworks. Well, hey, in my life that works, but not here. And now to celebrate the arrival of bread. That works.
Boy, in my life that works, but not here.
That's true.
So he's like, wow, you know, Sienna,
I thought that even though we guess,
I guess we didn't define it, but God, I hate that.
It's so millennial having to define things.
And then she just kind of looks away like he farted again.
And he's like, wait, are you a millennial?
She's probably a Gen Z-er, you fucking tool, but that doesn't make it any better. And then she just kind of looks away like he farted again and he's like wait, are you a millennial?
She's probably a Gen Z or you fucking tool, but that I know
She's just like I I don't know what I am at this point
She's just like I want to say as few words as possible so I can get out of this situation
And he's like at my age. I know you don't find this often. I'm sorry
You don't you just have to honor it and give it a chance
it's like Please stop just let go. And she's like, um, so I'm going to go,
is there rude for me to leave and not say bye to everyone? I'm like, please,
please don't say bye to them. They're monsters. You deserve better.
I said, no, I wish she had though. I wish she had been able to just go over and say,
okay, guys, well, it was really nice to meet you. Have a good night and then leave. It sucks that he's like, he
didn't get his way, so he's just going to usher her out the back door, you know? Like,
see you.
So now Austin's giving everyone shots over by the sofas and Austin's like, well, I feel
bad for this whole thing. And Chris, you feel bad for her, but she's a girl. No, no, I just
feel bad that the guy's heart is broken, dude. That's it.
And so then Shep and Sienna are still hugging goodbye.
This is a very long goodbye process.
Yeah, truly.
So they're hugging bye and she's like,
don't hate me Shep, okay?
And he's like,
I love the smell of you.
What part of no don't you understand?
Go away.
How do you even have smelling senses left?
How could I ever hate?
How could I ever hate you?
Because I love you.
Okay, you're sounding like an 80s song.
Come on, let her go, let her go.
Oh my God.
So then Craig is like, he's not a fucking idiot.
Okay, he's 44 years old.
Okay, we read the text.
She could not be more clear that she doesn't fucking like him.
So yeah, we know that Craig.
And then she's gotta go away, God.
And this time we can see that Craig is just drunk.
He's red faced and you know what happens
when Craig gets that way.
I'm surprised he didn't pull out a wad of cash
and just start throwing at everybody going,
I'm too rich for this.
So Craig's in that mode.
Yeah, seriously.
Yeah, he's in just belligerent drunk mode.
So he's just being a dick.
He's over, it's overkill.
Like even for him, it's overkill.
So Austin's like, we know that, you know, read the room.
So he's like, oh my God.
And by the way, this has got to be fucking awful for Taylor.
Taylor, is this like a meat grinder for you
to watch him fight for a girl when he didn't,
he never even fought for you?
Like, fuck off.
What's wrong with this guy?
What a monster.
And she's like, honestly, not at all.
I mean, this is like the best gift
that Taylor could have received, right?
Watching the guy who broke her heart
just humiliate himself on TV.
And so, I'm just saying, it would drive me fucking nuts.
Taylor's like, well, last year, I was not in a good place,
so that's not me, but it's not my circus,
not my clowns, not my peanuts, not my elephants,
not my acrobatics, oh yeah, we got it, Taylor.
She's like, to be completely honest, I feel bad for him,
but I'm sorry, you're doing it to yourself.
Oh wow.
So she's like, yeah, at this age,
you should be very confident in who you are
and confident in your life, and you're not,
and it's pathetic.
And I would just like to say, bullshit.
No, you shouldn't.
As someone who's older than this,
be careful what you say until you're that age,
because you always think that you're gonna be,
you're gonna have it together
and have a certain amount of confidence at a certain age.
Don't count on it, sister.
But I'm allowing it from Taylor,
because I feel like, you know what?
Let her take a victory lap.
I think she gets so few of them,
I'm gonna let her do it.
I'm gonna give it to her.
But yeah, you'll never really be truly confident
in who you are.
I think that's what life is about.
It's just navigating that.
So Austin is like...
The minute you're confident in who you are, trust me,
life will come around
and it will pull the rug out from under you.
And you won't be so sure anymore.
So watch your overconfidence there, lady.
So, Austin, now Shep comes back to the table and he's doing the,
Poor me, I guess I'll just eat dinner alone. What is that lobster?
Lobster shell spewing everywhere while everyone watches him and talks about how pathetic he is.
Molly's like, is he eating alone? Is he crying into his peas and rice?
Pete Slauson Sometimes, like, well, seeing Shep heartbroken is a little sad. And by sad,
I mean hilarious. But you know, I think he knows what it, now he knows what it feels like to get
his heart broken. And sometimes that's a lesson that we all need to be taught, especially if you're
a beta. Pete Slauson So, Vanita goes in to console him and everything.
And she's like,
she was just in the firing line.
I just feel terrible.
And she's like, well, we're your friend first
and team Shep first before her.
And he's like, yeah, you know what this reminds me of?
Oh my gosh.
This reminds me of Romeo and Juliet,
where Juliet was just standing on the balcony
and Romeo started shooting her with the BB gun.
And then all of Juliet's friends came out
and started throwing glass bottles at his head.
God, I love that show.
So then Craig, meanwhile, was like,
he ruined a dinner by inviting a fake girlfriend,
which I told him not to fucking do.
I don't think he ruined the dinner at all.
You guys were the ones being rude.
You guys could have acted like normal people
and had a fun time and laughed and joked with her,
but instead you just locked her.
I was gonna say, you ruined the dinner.
What are you talking about?
Yeah, exactly.
So, Vanita's telling Shep,
like, look, she didn't give you what you want,
and she was giving you what you're used to doing
to other women, by the way.
Just kind of like shade you to hear a little bit. And it's like, you know,
it's sad because you know, you're coming off a night long-term, you know,
she's saying it's sad cause he,
he just came out of that relationship with Taylor where he knows he messed up
and now he's like trying to like fix like, dude, you know,
he finally opened his heart again and this is what happened. I'm like,
did he ever open his heart in the first place to either of these women?
I'm not sure about that. No, he's faking it. So he's like, I'm just here to be real. I'm here, did he ever open his heart in the first place to either of these women? I'm not sure about that. No, he's faking it.
So he's like, I'm just here to be real.
I'm here to be raw.
I'm here to let people know how I feel.
And guess what?
You're gonna hear it.
By the way, who are you?
Benita, I've been on your show for a few years.
Is this Craig Standen?
Thanks so much, Craig, for everything you've done.
Well, as Bob Marley Shakespeare once said, true friends are like stars. They're only
evident when it's dark, and it's dark, and y'all are here. Thank you for being a
star, whoever you are. Now, can I get a coffee, please?
Then he stumbles over to the bar, and the bartender's like, Hey, how's your night? Fucking terrible. Thanks for asking. Yeah. So, you know that girl,
Sienna, she's Miss Bahama's, right? Yeah, a school, right? Am I right? Well, yeah,
I've been seeing her for a few months. Why wouldn't I be? I'm handsome. I'm young. Well,
you know when something's cool and you're like, what happened? Why? Well, that's what kind of
happened right now. I mean, I opened the van, I grabbed her by the wrist, I had her, and then somehow she got the
nerve to roll her blade off. Damn it! I mean, you know, all I did is I walked up to her and I said,
could you be loved? And I said, we could have one love. Next thing you know, she's making an
exodus. I'm just trying to have my redemption song. It's just really hard, but I don't wanna wait in vain.
Oh, so-
Here we are now, just three little birds
having a cocktail, am I right, guys?
The bartender's like, show me that smile again.
Bob Marley wrote that song.
Pretty sure it was Helen Thicke.
It was Bob Marley wrote that song. Pretty sure it was Helen Thicke.
It's Bob Marley.
So back to the cast on the couches.
Craig's like, I told you guys all of this stuff would happen.
I said if you invited her to dinner, it's going to fuck the whole dinner up.
This is Craig's favorite thing to do.
I told you so.
At some point, he's got to learn that no one fucking cares if you said it first. No one cares anymore. Okay. You're not seven years old. I said it would
happen unless you're on a podcast. We were allowed to say this, but you're not allowed
to say this to your friends.
Yeah. He's just such a asshole. He is so hard to take right now. So he's like, Austin, I
know you love me. He goes, yeah. And he goes, but do you have a hard time not hating me?
And Austin just cracks up and he's like, yeah, sometimes.
And he's like, cause sometimes when I look at your face,
when I do shit, I was like, he fucking hates me.
I was like, wow, you should see mine.
Yeah, it was the same Craig.
I got the same thought about you, Craig.
I'm like, this motherfucker hates me.
All right, well, you know what?
You guys have a genuine friendship. And I just think that they just need to clear the air and really want to, like, I think they me. All right, well, you know what? You guys have a genuine friendship.
And I just think that they just need to clear the air
and really wanna, like, I think they just need to man this.
Okay, they just need to kiss and make up, all right?
They're sisters.
They're sisters for life.
My favorite thing Madison said about them.
They're sisters.
So Craig's like, hey, what do I do
to drive you so fucking mad?
And he's like, well, you take one thing and then like,
you know, you just kind of, you know, you turn it.
Exaggerate, exaggerate.
Yeah, you're an embellisher.
And you know this, Craig, you're an embellisher, okay?
And you want to put yourself in the best light possible.
I'm a lawyer, a lawyer and a storyteller.
I died, what an idiot.
And they all start cracking up.
And he's like, I think that my self-improvement,
like you take it personally.
What are you talking about?
You're still sitting here,
the same belligerent drunk you've always been.
Nothing has changed about you.
You're still the same compulsively lying belligerent drunk.
There is nothing has changed about you, Craig.
You're trying to sell it just like Shep is. Not buying. And I love that Austin was like, Oh my God, Craig, like I will
gag myself if you go down this road. Like don't do this. It's not your self-improvement. I'm over it.
It's insane right now. Craig's like, why? Wait, you're just going to walk away? I told you all
that he would just walk away. I fucking told you all.
And he's like, I'm over it, Craig.
Samantha, what the heck, betas are fun.
Craig's like, okay, I'm gonna follow you now.
Austin, finish the conversation,
because I'm a storyteller.
I need to tell my stories.
So now Venita has got a text
and she kind of shows it to Sally, but then hides it.
And she's like, oh my God, like seriously,
are those all from JT?
And she's like, yeah.
And she's like, yeah, I can't stray away
from what I just saw on your phone.
I mean, just paragraphs, that means he really likes you.
You know, I mean, that shit goes on and on.
That means a guy really likes you.
I mean, he has feelings for you more than a friend.
And Vanita nods.
She's like, yes, yes he does.
Okay, so here we get to the Vanita section.
Now we talked about this on Crappy Hour,
so anybody who wants to hear this more in length,
just go listen to that episode.
So Vanita came out with an Instagram
after the last episode telling us that
the scene of Branzino dinner with What's His Buns was filmed after this trip.
So she's saying the editors are trying to make her look like some home wrecking, you know,
floozy and she's not going to stand by that because that scene was shot after. So that left
me with some questions like, well, but then he just told you on this trip, I have a girlfriend,
get off of me twice, and you still made that
brandzino dinner for him.
So that was one kind of confusing thing for me.
So now she says, so after last night, I for sure know that the feelings I have for JT,
JT also has for me like 100%.
And there's no question, there's no doubting.
So I was like, wow, he likes me like he likes me likes me.
So JT, I'm sorry, but if JT has a girlfriend in this moment,
I feel sorry for the girl on the other side
because he's spending all this time talking and texting me
and he's giving you crumbs.
So why are you coming out with a story
with an Instagram thing saying they're just editing you
to make you look like a home wrecker?
You know he has a girlfriend and you're still going for JT.
Now, does that let him off the hook
for still texting her paragraphs and paragraphs
when he knows how she feels?
No, JT's a dog and a piece of crap.
But I just don't get the whole Vanita thing.
Yeah, well I'm with Sally who says,
if I get paragraphs like that from a man,
I'm like immediately no.
I think that sums it all up.
You're just like, keep it simple.
It's just too many texts.
He's ick to begin with.
So that's all the thought you need to put into it.
So Craig and Austin are now,
they've moved out to an area to have their bro talk.
And Craig's like, hey, don't get fucking fired up.
Even though Craig stoked the flames as usual.
And Austin, I'm not, let's just fucking sit down, dude.
He's like, all right, you're fired up, you're crazy.
And so he's like, listen, you're one of my best friends.
I was never trying to do stuff to better myself
to get away from other people.
I just wanted to get away from other people
to make myself better.
And I didn't know that it would ever change
the level of our friendship,
me not hanging out when you try to call to hang out,
or me ditching you so I can plant things.
I didn't think that would actually affect our friendship.
And I wanna go back to a place of love.
Greg, I mean, we're honest. Okay. All you care about is like this like little story
that you're like building for yourself and your reputation. This wonderful image. He's
like an image. Yeah. Like you're disappointed in disappointing someone and being like, oh,
they can't see me with the beer in my hand or something. And he's like, but do you think
I project an image
that isn't me?
Yeah, Craig.
Yeah, because we've seen you.
He's like, yes, I do.
Yeah, he's like, yeah, you know,
you have an image to protect.
And he's like, just loosen up the reins.
And he's like, yeah, but I do that
because I don't have any leash on myself.
That's any addict.
And then Craig lays the story line on him. He's like,
I was like, you know, trying not to be an alcoholic is now affecting my friendship with Austin.
So they start crying.
And he's like, that's where I was coming from. Like, I have tears in my eyes because it's real.
I was like in the trenches by myself. And like, like, you know, you were like, you were like,
oh, wow, you're never with me anymore. I'm like, dude. I don't fucking like I can't I can't I gotta sit on my couch
You know I can't I got to sit my couch or I'm gonna pick up a bottle of Jaeger and do dumb shit fuck
Fuck bro the word addict you never used that with me, bro. It's like yeah, no I never said out loud until
Until Shep he's the one that we need to be angry at
Yeah, he's like yeah looking, look at Jeb walk,
he ends up on the beach, you know?
I'm like, I don't wanna do that anymore.
I'm just lucky, you know, I'm lucky I got out of it.
You're drunk.
Yeah, you're drunk right now, by the way.
You're drunk right now.
Oh my God.
Now that said, I mean, in the beginning of the season
when this whole argument with Austin happened,
I'm team Craig, because it is hard when you quit doing stuff and you have to like try and maintain relationships with your friend group
and they're not supportive and they're like, why aren't you drinking?
Why aren't you doing coke? Why aren't you drinking? Why aren't you doing coke? Want some coke?
You sure you don't want to drink? You know, I get that. You know, I've lived it. It's hard.
So I'm team Craig for that. But Craig still acts like a little asshole beyond that.
And so the whole like addict thing while he's currently drunk is just a little
uncomfortable for me. But I think in general,
I'm still team Craig as far as that argument goes. Um, so Austin's like,
well, I should have known man, like, you know, with the Adderall thing, like,
that's that's like, I knew you were struggling and stuff, and we see Craig's greatest Adderall hits.
And then he's like, he's like,
I'm sorry for not understanding what you were going through.
And like, you and Paige, strong as hell.
Strong as hell.
And like, you're fighting with a long distance,
and that's clearly a forever couple.
So like, you're not like sitting in your house
just being like, you know, like alone battling or no, right?
He's like, yeah, she was right with me this entire time.
There's a reason that me and Pager so close.
I just can't imagine being closer to someone.
Like I'm so lucky that she chose to be like,
I see someone there and she helped me beat this demon,
demon, demon.
And then we see evidence of that,
which is basically her trying to maintain her sanity
in Winterhouse while Craig is spiraling out of control.
And she's like, maybe stop talking, thanks.
Yeah, and so he's like, yeah, you know,
maybe that's why the image that you were thinking
I was trying to portray, but that is what I was trying to do.
You know, I'm not trying to convince other people,
I'm actually trying to like become that.
So it was nice, you know,
this conversation was actually kind of nice,
even though my cynicism,
half of me is still screaming, shut up, Craig,
because he's acted like such a fucking asshole
the past few weeks.
It wasn't as, I actually thought
it was a nice conversation too.
You're not alone.
I actually thought as much bullshit as these two guys spew,
they did actually have some moments
that felt introspective and insightful.
And it wasn't all bullshit.
It wasn't all self-serving bullshit.
There was like real shit in there.
So they basically are like, they're like connecting now.
And so Austin's saying that Craig's addiction doesn't,
I like this when he said Craig's addiction
doesn't excuse him from being an asshole.
It doesn't excuse him from being an angry fucking person.
It doesn't excuse a lot of things,
but it is a starting point.
You know, it's sort of like, yeah, I think that's a good thing,
which it's like, yeah, it doesn't excuse all this stuff
that happened, but it does mean that I can be
a bit more compassionate to him.
Yeah, so they hug and they say they love each other
and all of that good stuff.
And he's like, wow, it's just so freeing to be transparent,
you know, like if we could have had this conversation sooner,
it would have saved us heartache.
So they agree to find new quality time together.
And doesn't this feel like the end episode of the season?
There was a part where I was like, wait a minute,
we just announced we're doing Southern Charm in Minneapolis
and I think it's over.
We should find something.
They'll probably, cause now they've got to make a Shep
and Molly storyline go, you know?
Yeah. Oh God.
You just wait.
You just wait.
I think they'll probably have two more episodes.
They'll have two more episodes left, I think.
So, and then the reunion for five weeks.
So now everyone sees the guys hugging
and they're like, oh, betas.
And now it's the next morning.
The next morning they have, they're leaving.
And so Craig has paid for,
which he's sure to let everybody know,
I paid for flamingos.
Cause I was like, yeah, they offer that.
So I paid for it cause I'm not poor.
To be fair, I thought it was Spanish dancing lessons,
but I guess flamingos and flamingos
are two different things.
He just goes down there and starts stomping
and rhythm around the room.
So they basically they're down there
playing with flamingos at breakfast
and Madison's like, those fucking things are scary.
I mean, those things are like Austin without dockers.
I love the flamingos.
They're just like little supermodels
walking through breakfast, being snooty,
and being like, what are you guys doing here in my suite?
And they're so trained too, because they have the people
that are bringing them or whatever.
They're tamed, I guess I should say.
So they're just, they're working the room, you know?
They're like, okay, here we are.
Just walking up to people like,
ah, shrimp, just staring at them.
Like, ew, all right, well, dear.
Don't say I didn't do my job.
You have shrimp?
No shrimp?
You have shrimp?
They're kind of like bird escorts, you know?
They're like, hey, looking for a good time.
It's like, it's basically Flamingo Anora, you know?
It's like the Anora version of Flamingo
or the Flamingo version of Anora.
It goes either way.
So I was more amused by those Flamingos
than I thought I would be.
And I was like, if I ever go there,
I'm gonna pay for the Flamingos at breakfast.
They might as well just be new cast members
for the amount we get from some of the new cast members.
They're working it harder, you know?
So then Shep has food all over his face,
of course, at breakfast, and he's like,
I'm going to Cuba, fuck this place,
they don't require napkins at breakfast,
stop trying to wipe my face.
Yeah, and then Shep is like,
yeah, I'm ready to get the hell out of this country.
And Ryan's like, Shep, how are you feeling
after last night, man?
Can you believe we almost got eaten by a shark?
Well, I feel free.
You know what I mean?
Feel very free.
He's like, that's good, I'm glad you feel free.
I'm gonna have nightmares for three years.
Yeah, there are more cons looking back
than I remembered in the moment.
Now that I think about it,
she never really did say I love you.
We only did go on one date.
I only learned what her name was two weeks ago.
Funny what hindsight can give you.
What an insane circumstance that I went through, but it's sure good to have my good old friends.
I had a lot of laughter, a lot of emotions, but laughter and laughter, cheers and cheers, Shakespeare
reference after Shakespeare reference, which I totally get because I've read them all.
R. Wait, I'm Rodrigo. I'm going to close up the episode. I wouldn't travel internationally
to watch anyone else get broken up with. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. And we have the circle,
there comes in on his face and then closes up.
And that brings us to the end of Southern charm. Everybody next recap will be live next week in Minneapolis.
So come see us over there.
Also Cincinnati and Toronto.
Get your tickets at watch what crap
We're also about to go record the traders season finale for Patreon.
So if you want to hear that stuff, go over to Patreon and remember if you're a new sign up, sign up online, not through the Apple
app. You can still use the Apple app after you've signed up, but sign up, not through
that greedy little app. We sure love you guys. We'll talk to you next time. Bye.
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