Watch What Crappens - #2756 RHOA S16E01 Part One: Pretty As a Peach
Episode Date: March 10, 2025This is part oneReal Housewives of Atlanta is back! New cast, new drama, new strange green screens. What’s not to love when a legendary franchise rebounds? To watch this recap on video..., listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
Listen to Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Watch Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that
we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me, someone who may or may
not have a scandalous relationship with Dennis, the hot dog guy from Atlanta. It's Ronnie Karam.
Hi Ronnie, how are you? Well, hello, how's it going? Just fine and dandy. Atlanta is back.
We are recapping Real Housewives of Atlanta today. Before we get into it, um, some fun updates,
which is that our show is going back on the road this week.
We are going to be in Cincinnati on Friday night and we are going to be
recapping summer house. And then the next night,
we're going to Minneapolis and we'll recap Southern charm.
And then we are crossing the border into Canada and we are going
to go to Toronto to recap a classic episode of Rony.
Some may say the best episode of all time across maybe all franchises.
That is, um, the Berkshires, December,
Berkshire County season eight, episode nine. I believe that that's what it is.
You know, it's the one, it's the one.
We're recapping that one.
So if you want to come join us,
go to to get your ticket.
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If you're afraid of coming solo,
literally don't even worry about it.
You will make friends and even if you don't make friends,
you'll still have a great time.
Chances are you probably listen to it on your own anyway.
So there's no difference, right? I personally actually love going to
live events solo now I've discovered that it's like probably one of my favorite ways
to see live music and shows. So go do it. Anyway, we're excited to see you all there.
And then of course, later in the month, we're going to Atlanta, we're going to Charlotte,
we're going to DC, we're going to Philly. It's going to be such a great rest of the month for the show.
So that's what's happening there. Also, in case you missed it on Patreon, we'd love to have you on Patreon.
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the whole thing. So that is the update everyone. Shall we get into Atlanta Ronnie? Shall we do it?
Confirming yourself updated. Yes, let's get into Atlanta. Wow, it's been a long time since we've
had Atlanta back on the screens, eh? It's been a very long time. And wow, you know, we, this is,
I have to, what did you think about the premiere? About the season premiere? Because obviously there's a lot of expectations
going into it. Last season was pretty cataclysmic and they had to fire a bunch of people, bring
in new people, retool it. So a lot was riding on this premiere. How did you feel like they
I thought it was good. I thought it was a good start. It is weird having a reboot. I mean, it's basically a reboot.
So it's weird having a full reboot and getting into it,
and then they changed all the stylistic stuff of it.
They're like, it's new, get it.
Now we're doing 3D imaging, like portrait mode on the iPhone.
They're doing weird stuff where it's like,
look, Porsche is standing, but is she close to you? Is she far away? Is she about to jog? No, she's not. I don't believe that
for two seconds, first of all. And then they do this new green screen thing, or it's like
a 3D green screen where the whole floor is green, everything's green. And then they still
put a picture behind it. So it looks like tiny dolls sitting in a dollhouse.
This drove, okay, this is my biggest note from the episode.
Can we please fix the green screen for Shemeah, okay?
They did not do the proportions correctly.
She looks like a tiny, she's like shrunken down.
I actually paused and the size of her chair,
she's sitting in like a barrel chair, you know,
and it's next to a sofa and the top of the barrel chair
is as tall as like the arm of the sofa.
Like don't, you made her a miniature, Come on. Reportions for your green screen. Every time it cut to where she looked like
so obviously superimposed. It was the it was like a TikTok video when someone puts their
head in the corner. That's what she looked like. Well, I think they're still trying to figure it
out, you know, because it's like new technology for them. They're like housewives, new things
for housewives. How do we do it? And so they all look kind of like little dolls in a dollhouse. But we've found out super
They put Drew Sidora in her foyer, which by the way, I thought was hilarious.
Well, they're trying to give Drew Sidora some AI upgrades and they're just not working.
Like, what was that wig that she wore to the party and you could see her other hair kind
of coming out the bottom? I mean, Drew Sidora is still a goddamn mess, which I love, you
She is. But I have to say, I thought the premiere was great.
I think this is the best season premiere in several years.
I think, you know, one thing was on, we even saw it in the trailer.
We didn't do a trailer trash of this show because we were doing traders on our Patreon.
But even on the trailer, they have like adjusted the vibe of the show.
They kind of got it back to where it should have been all along,
which is it's in real housewives territory of like money and glitz and glam,
like the trailer. And then this premiere was all about like, you know,
luxury cars and jewelry, et cetera. And you know,
of course there's always that element. There's always wealth on these shows,
but I feel like they were really emphasizing it.
And they sort of got back to kind of some campiness
with this premiere in my mind.
Like I just felt like the tone was tweaked
in a way that I really, really liked.
Well, the new girls definitely came to play.
I mean, they were like, okay,
let's attack the only remaining standing person
from the original cast, Portia.
Fearlessly too.
Let's take her down.
Fearlessly, without even blinking, just effortlessly not cowering, just going after Portia.
Yeah, they definitely came ready for some mess, so that ended up being fun. It was hard to get into
it just because there were so many new people, but I think that's natural with a new Housewives
show. It was funny when there was Kenya, and I actually cheered when Kenya came on,
because I thought they were going to cut her out of the season. So I was actually,
believe it or not, super glad to see Kenya being so messy. And I think the friend spot is actually
kind of perfect for her, even though she never would have agreed to be a friend. But now that
they've cut her into a friend, it's kind of perfect. I will say they look kind of like aunties to the rest of them, like, oh, these crazy girls, like
sitting in a corner, like these crazy girls, remember when we used to be like that? And
also I missed candy. And listen, candy I know didn't give the most in the past few years.
And I'm sure I was one of the loudest, like something needs to change. But you know, Todd's
restaurants, I don't know which one, I think it's old lady gang. One of the restaurants hasn't been paying
their rent and it's a mess, it's a whole mess over there. So I just want to know, I just
want an update on, you know, how candy feels about Todd blowing through all of her cash.
So I kind of needed that update. But you know, I, I've always loved candy. Um, I think she's actually, uh,
like an incredible housewife, but I think it was,
I think it was a good decision to just kind of really push out a lot of,
a lot of the people and like get in some, some fresh faces here,
but still have like someone like a Porsche,
a big personality that we know of Porsche, Shamia.
What was surprising is that Shamia who we've had Shamia has been around for years, right? Like low key, Portia, Shamiah. What was surprising is that Shamiah, who we've had, Shamiah's been around for years, right?
Like low key, like she's one of the best kind of friends of
across all franchises, but she sort of doesn't get
as much credit as like a Marlowe or someone else.
But with Shamiah, what's so surprising is not only
did she get elevated to Peach status,
she's kind of the center of the show now.
Like they really did kind of,
like all the relationships go through Shamiah,
which is surprising.
And what I was surprised about is how well she stepped in
as kind of the glue in the center of the new Atlanta.
So there's like a lot of really surprising elements for me.
And just to think how much footage they must have cut
of Shamiah, because really all they ever show Shamiah is kind of kissing Portia's ass or standing up for Portia. But then we
find out this episode that Shemia never shuts the fuck up. And so they probably have like
real, real Shemia footage on the ground that we've just never seen.
Yeah. And like, we always, I think we knew that Shemia acts and sings and does all that sort
of stuff, but I never realized how much of that person she was until she became the center
peach. And then it's like, oh, oh, you're an actor. You're an actor and a singer, because
you're acting and singing all the time now. Like, anytime she can have the spotlight,
she's like, hello. I was like, whoa, where this is Mia. What? This is crazy.
Yeah, well it's go time.
And she went, like she showed up and she went for it.
Okay, so let's start from the very start.
Here we are back again.
Atlanta, Atlanta, Atlanta, Shots of Atlanta.
And then, you know, Shots of the Season,
Porsche, you're an awful fucking slimy ass bitch.
And basically they do,
Portia's big thing is I jog now.
And so Portia's got really long hair
and she's kind of bouncing up and like, you know,
shots of her sneakers.
She's getting ready to run guys.
And then it's slow-mos and then it's portrait mode
and then it's 3D and then it's.
It's like every shot that they could find
in their final cut they used.
Well, they also like used a really cool visual plugin, which is that they made flashbacks appear
on buildings like that was a nice touch to. Yeah, right. Like she's like walking down the street as
like memories on like on the side of a building. Yeah. So she's like, honey, you know, I had to
circle back circle the block and I'm back. So she's saying her life, you know, I had to circle back, circle the block and I'm back.
So she's saying her life is amazing.
She's been traveling, living her best life
and Pilar is getting big.
And you know, like life doesn't always
have a fairy tale ending, you know.
And then we see her and Simon headlines
that her and Simon have divorced
after 15 months of marriage.
I'm like, I'm not sure that relationship had a fairytale beginning either, to be fair. I
don't know if it was a fairytale.
Don't you remember when Cinderella went to that ball and saw someone else's husband and
was like, mine, and then she got the husband and then she broke the shoe over somebody's
head? Very good. I think Kenya was dressed as a Native American at one part.
Yeah, that was also, that was also,
that was the same Halloween party where Fallon was like
dressed like, was she like a alien or something?
She had like scales.
She had like a crazy, a very complete costume.
Was she Medusa, right?
And she just went running around with like a golf,
with a golf club.
Great fairy tale. So, you know, things you guys might remember from your fairy tales, bank fraud, credit card
fraud, identity fraud, fake marriages, multiple felonies, didn't want to be married to a stranger.
And then this is my favorite headline. Simon seemingly calls Real Housewives of Atlanta star, Portia Williams,
a pig with lipstick.
Wow. Wow. First way to misuse the saying, but also that's a funny fucking headline.
So back to Portia. She's like, I filed for divorce and we have financial issues and trust
Yeah. Go back and read the headlines. There were trust issues. Yeah, go back and read the headlines.
There were some issues.
He just wasn't the man that I thought I was marrying.
I mean, Pilar and I, like,
we're still living in a marital home,
but like, things are getting really stressful
with the divorce, and I'm trying to figure out a way forward.
Wow, I can't believe Simon wasn't the man
that you thought you were,
who was the man you thought you were marrying?
Because I think we all saw Simon as this. What did you see him as?
Old man with a lot of money, but she thought it was his, presumably, you know, I guess.
So then we see her mom, Diane, and she's like, from the looks of it, you were the perfect
couple. The thing was just not to go to bed angry, you know? And you also co-parented
wonderfully. Well, it's hard not to go to bed angrily when the fucking furniture rental
place is trying to take the bed out from under you, okay?
Who the fuck did I marry, marry, marry?
Now, we should have realized that poor show would be coming back to Bravo and bringing
her whole cohort, because Bravo is having a big hot dog moment. Like every show is focusing on hot dogs these
days. So it's only natural that Dennis returns to our screens with hot dog.
Yeah. He's the, he's the hot dog pioneer on Bravo.
He's hot dog. Dubin. He's the Harry Dubin of this show.
Just going from housewife to housewife for screen time. Um, so Diane's like,
Oh my gosh, Portia.
It's when you look at one part of it,
then you start to look at another part of it.
And then you wonder how much of it was real.
I love that they're just so shocked, especially Diane.
Just shocked that any of this
could have happened to poor Portia.
Girl, I watch that reality show, I watch the Porsche show. I can't believe Diane's acting shocked.
I just, I let my guard down because I felt like it was a safe space and I still love this person
and I really hate all that. I let my guard down.
You didn't let your guard down. You saw a really wealthy guy and you got with him.
you saw a really wealthy guy and you got with him. So then they're all, now we see Portia going downtown,
she's in her workout outfit and Portia's like,
a lot of people, they say, well, this could be karma
or whatever, but for me, I guess with bad karma
comes good karma because I always come out okay.
I don't know if karma works out that way.
I think sometimes bad karma is just bad karma. I don't think like,
I don't think it, I don't know if it evens out. Like if you have bad karma,
then it's your, I think it's just bad karma that you're stuck with.
It's how you market it.
You know, Porsche and she is right. I mean, Porsche is doing fine.
She's still doing fine. I mean, she came back as the star of this show. So.
Yeah. Well, she's still a star. Yeah. I got her, her, her karma got her a storyline for another
season. So what does she care? You know? So now we go to Shamiah and she's with her daughter
at their place. Well, first it looks like it's going to center around Portia, right? Cause
the opening is all Portia and then we see Portia jogging and anyone who's watched this show from
the beginning is like, Oh my God, guys, Portia jogs now.
The world is at peace.
We're getting a new storyline.
But then we get the credits or whatever.
And then it turns out that the season is built kind of around Shemia, which you've mentioned.
So we go to her place and it's this huge mansion and she's like, well, people only know me
as Portia's ride or die. And then
we see flashbacks of Shamiah sticking up for Porsche and then taking pictures of Porsche
and Phaedra and then doing the splits at a bolo party.
Yeah. But then she says, but I mean, there's way more to me than I can outshine the best
of them. My $9 million house was the second largest sale in Georgia that year. But you
know what? I don't even have to get down like that, even though I did just mention that it was the
second largest sale. I hate being defined by my walls, which were did just as a reminder,
they did cost $9 million. If you can afford to buy me the cheapest house tequila at the
bar, let's do it and drink it in my $9 million house. You know, I might spit it over there
and then buy us the good stuff that that's what I'll do. So then we see.
We're drinking the cheapest tequila at a bar when you met that man, you know,
don't act like you've never had the cheapest tequila at a bar. She's like, well, I'll go,
I'll play with the cheapest tequila eventually.
Then I'll spit it out.
So, so Shamiah's found, then we see Shemeah, she's brought the whole family. And that's another thing, everybody knew had the whole family on.
So I was like, ah, it's a lot.
It's a lot.
It's new people, new people.
Everyone's moving in.
Everyone's literally moving into Bravo.
So Shemeah's like, you know, I haven't had any parties at my home since I bought my home
for $9 million at my, you know, I had my birthday party, but this is my first big party.
And if it's a party, I'm gonna party.
And it doesn't have to be a twerk.
I mean, I can twerk.
And then we just see her with like,
this whole, this whole massive family.
And again, this is where we first see Shemia
in her teeny tiny chair and the green screen.
And it's like, please, please fix this.
You have time to do it production.
Just enlarge the image.
Okay, zoom in a little bit, zoom out over there.
Let's get the proportions right
because it's driving me nuts.
Yeah, they kept changing it
and it was crazy looking every single time.
But Shamia, I think if she went to any kind of,
you know, media training or whatever before the season,
just kind of get her ducks in a row.
I think the media trainer just told her,
when in doubt, twerk, just start shaking your ass cheeks,
clap your ass cheeks whenever you're in doubt.
Because every other scene to me is like,
clap, clap, clap.
She's like, I can twerk.
So she's gonna have a party and we meet her nephew
and she's like, oh, one thing you better know about me is family's the
most important thing. It goes God and then family and then nine million dollar house.
went up the water spout
of my not million dollar house.
It's a very expensive water spout.
So she's like, career wise, I like to call myself like the female Jamie Foxx. I mean, sorry, I know I'm a bit too modest to be on Bravo right now,
but I'm a quadruple threat.
I'm an actress, a singer, a dancer, an owner of a $9 million house.
It's just a lot that I can do.
And it just kind of happened that way
because I'm a lover of music.
I'm a lover of arts.
I'm a lover of people.
I'm a lover of Zillow.
And I'm blessed to be able to do it all.
I mean, I haven't really heard of much of that,
but I guess that doesn't really mean anything.
I mean, I found out who Chapa Rhone was like two months ago cuz she was yelling at a reporter
No, I'm a huge fan. I mean, I didn't know it takes me a while to figure things out. It's time for a commercial
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At 24, I lost my narrative, or rather it was stolen from me.
And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew was usurped
by false narratives, callous jokes, and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen,
and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting
with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable names,
about the way that people have navigated roads to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming
and feel like they filled their tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to
and leave with maybe some nuggets
that help them feel a little more hopeful.
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So she has an elevator in her house and she's racing her daughter and her daughter's like,
I'm going to beat you. I'm going to go up the stairs and beat you. And daughter's like, I'm gonna beat you. I'm gonna go up the stairs and beat you.
And she's like, no, you're not. And so she takes the elevator and the kid runs up the stairs and you can tell
she's a good mom because she's like, how do you always beat me?
Cause if I was the mom, I would have come off that elevator, seen that kid and
just pushed her down the stairs.
She's taking the elevator.
That thing is paid for for a reason.
You ungrateful little fuck.
She's like, I've just been through it. Just trying to grow my family.
I have two girls. So she talks about, she has one girl who's like Shia is five
years old. Shiloh is 15 months and Shiloh was, was born prematurely via
surrogacy. And so there was like a lot of, there was a lot of medical
complications and surgeries, et cetera.
So it's a lot that she is dealing with over there.
And so then she talks about how her husband,
they've been together for 10 years and his name is Jerome,
he's Kenyan and they met at a nightclub.
And she tells the whole story about like how we tried to buy her a drink and she
was like, no. And then, um, he's like, but,
well he bought her a drink, so he buy her a drink and she was like, no. And then he's like, but then ignore her.
So he bought her a drink,
but then he never talked to her again.
And she was like, what the hell?
You can't just buy me a drink and not talk to me again.
I just figured something was wrong with them.
But then I was invited to a cookout.
And then, so I went to the cookout
and then the producer goes, Shemia,
could you make it short?
And she's like, I'm almost done.
Just give me one more second.
So then he says, buy me, we have fun. And she goes on for, I swear to you, 15 minutes. It's like, in their time,
it must have been like three hours long. And finally, she gets to the meat of the story,
which is she goes to his house. She's like, I don't want to go in because you're going
to think that, you know, you're going to get some. And he's like, no, it's okay. We can
just relax. So they're relaxing. And then he hears her stomach gurgle. And he's like,
don't worry about it. The bathroom's right over there. And she's like, no, it's okay, we can just relax. So they're relaxing. And then he hears her stomach gurgle. And he's like, don't worry about it.
The bathroom's right over there.
And she's like, so I went into the bathroom
and I exploded all over that bathroom.
And I mean, things were just coming out everywhere.
And I go in there and I'm kind of embarrassed.
And that man still called me for another date.
That's what I did.
And next time I went over, there were baby wipes there.
So ladies, shit in his house on the first date.
That was the lesson to be learned.
So she keeps going. Cause like this, by the way, this kind of reboot is,
it's, it's a little bit like a sizzle reel and like for this,
a sizzle reel is essentially like when you're trying to sell a reality show,
you kind of make it sort of like a pilot.
But it's a lot of people, the cast members talking to the camera, telling you who you
are, it's busy talking to the producers like, I am so and so, this is my background, this
is why I should be on your show.
And then you see some scenes of them together.
So it's kind of like that vibe because we're like, we get like these very long scenes of
people talking to us.
But it's okay, because they have to do it. They have to bring us into this world. So Shamia is going on and on about how Shiloh was in the NICU. And so like this
year they're pulling out all the stops and she's gonna have inviting all these, all her
friends, some of her new friends like Kelly and Britt, and then also like Portia, you know,
etc, etc.
So then we see why she's the glue
and we see all the pictures of the new people.
And so she starts stringing it all together.
So she's known Portia for a decade
and she's good friends with Portia
because Portia told her she needs to shave her vagina,
which there you go.
Yes, that's all you need really.
Through Portia, she met Cynthia in Kenya, because 50 Synth is back this season.
And then she met Kelly because Kelly came onto Shumia's radio show and we meet Kelly
But one thing I have to say, I love that Atlanta cast a waffle queen on the show.
That's my favorite thing ever.
Queen of Waffles is new cast member.
And then she then, so Kelly would cook for her.
And then she then she's also Kelly is friends with Britt.
So I guess she met Britt through Kelly.
So that's how Britt came into the mix.
Yeah. And she's like, I love those girls because they let their hair down and their titties
out. So we did that. We do that. And Drew, they did a film together 10 years ago on TLC
and it was a biopic, a biopic. I hope to see biopic.
It was a biopsy.
It sounds like it should be biopic. It was a biopsy. It doesn't sound like it should be biopic.
It's a biopic.
It was myopic. It was a myopic biopic.
What movie was that? Did they say what movie that was?
I need to know what it was.
Crazy, Sexy, Cool. The TLC story.
It's about, it's a 2013 American biographical television film about TLC.
I thought it was a biopic that aired on TLC.
John and Kate Plus Eight, How It Killed Me.
Oh yeah, I remember, I think I saw that movie.
Was that on Lifetime? You know what, doesn't matter. We'll move on.
But I really was like, well,
I didn't know that TLC aired biopics.
I was like, I was so confused.
John and Kate plus eight.
John and eight plus Kate and Drew Sedora.
Drew Sedora and a Kate Goslin wig.
It's like Drew and Ralph.
Wait, Kate, what are their names again? I just said it.
John and Kate.
John, I made John live in the basement
with seven of the children.
John went to Tampa again.
That's how she knows Drew.
And Drew is really good friends with the Angela Oakley.
And she doesn't really know Angela,
but she knows Charles because Charles is
the Charles Oakley maker And she doesn't really know Angela, but she knows Charles because Charles is the
Charles Oakley maker of the sunglasses, I presume, because I don't understand sports very much.
So I used to have such a crush on Charles Oakley in the nineties, I swear, you know,
because he was on the Knicks and I was a big Knicks fan. And I'd go those Knicks games and
he would be there and I'd be like, Charles Oakley. So I'm like very like,
I'm taken to a place when I see Charles Oakley on this show.
Well, he's the resident,
cause no matter how many times you recast a Housewives show,
they're always gonna have the grumpy asshole husband
and that's it.
He's just the old grump who's like fix your hair.
Yeah, I actually really love that they included the Oakley's
not because of any sort of Charles
Oakley thing I bring to it, but because Angela Oakley is like a little older and she's sort
of, she's kind of giving some light Karen Huger vibes, you know, kind of, she's giving
some like some grand dame, but like maybe not as delusional, but I'd like that they're
like, okay, well let's bring in someone who's like a little more real regal into this mix.
Cause I think that always works on these shows.
And this is when I got the Karen when she's acting like, well, I'm Angela Oakley. Oh,
God, my wig glue. Oh, my God. Yeah. What am I going to do about my wig glue? And then
she had to she's like the windows blowing off my wig. She had to go to the bathroom
and you just hear her and they're oh my God, the wig glue, what am I going to do about the wig glue? And I was like, oh, thank God. One Karen goes, one prison door slams, and another door opens.
Pete Slauson Yes, exactly. So, back to Shamia's house,
and she's saying, like, trying to be friends to multiple people that don't always see eye to eye,
that's like the thing, like, right now in my my life. So then there's Glenda, who is someone
in the household right now.
Ariana Grande arrives and her outfit from Wicked
and she's like, we shouldn't have to worry about that.
So she's like,
Somewhere off of a rainbow.
Um, unlimited.
This elevator is unlimited.
Could they make the elevator a cast in the show?
Because Portia's coming out of the elevator.
I have to make a GIF of that.
I need that in my life.
I need to be able to send that as a response in texts.
But we'll get to that.
Right now, Shammi is the glue.
But she's complaining to her family.
She's like, you know, be the glue.
Right now, Shammi is the glue.
Uh-huh. Right now, Shammi is the glue, everyone. Let's get back to the family. She's like, you know, be shimmy as the glue.
Right now shimmy as the glue, everyone.
Let's get back to the glue.
I know.
Ms. Oakley could have used you at your party.
But she's talking about how she has to keep all that.
She's like, you know, hanging out with girls, they probably don't all get along.
This is episode one.
You can already be having this discussion with your family.
And they're like, shut up, you finally got a peach,
stop your bitching.
So then we go to Drew,
who's pretending to play with her children.
Like that's a normal thing that she does.
And it's in their front yard that's on the street,
throwing balls, you know?
And it's very Drew.
Yeah, it is fun that in this revamp
where there's like emphasis on luxury and diamonds,
et cetera, that then they have to go to Dru Cedora.
And like, they just try, they try to make her seem glam
like now into the exciting life of Dru Cedora.
And she's like, kids, you want to listen to your iPod?
She's pressing play on that boom box
that nobody would take in her first season.
She slips and falls on a penny saver on her front seat.
Listen, you kids better be good, or I'm not reading you the Val Pak before you go to bed
She's like, it's a lot of change.
Like I have a lot of quarters and pennies saved up right now.
And then she has her chef who's like, yeah, it's a lot.
She always has, I don't know if it's the same lady as before.
I think it is because she has this chef that has just like the biggest eyelashes.
Like this chef is always like, I'm going to be on camera.
I'm going to put all the mascara on right now before I cook the salmon.
So didn't she have problems with paying a chef?
Wasn't that one of her things that she wasn't paying that chef?
I think she, I think when it comes to payroll and staff,
that may be a problem area for Drew in general,
beyond just even chefs, but yeah.
She likes volunteers.
That girl's like the Red Cross of her neighborhood.
She just takes as many volunteers as she can get.
So here's, she tells us that she's been in five movies
in a year and I was like,
who's done five movies in a year?
And so I looked it up and they're 2B movies, you know? Yeah, those 2B movies are a year. And I was like, who's done five movies in a year? And so I looked it up and there are 2B movies, you know? Vicious Murder. What is it?
Pete Slauson No, the 2B movies are like, do incredibly well,
actually. Go on.
Jared Larson Well, there you go. She's done five of them in a year.
Vicious Murder, The Pass, Boxed In, The Preacher's Son, Women of the Jury, Ad jury adopted. And then before that she had like a six year break
where she did skinned. It's like, damn. And then white people money, a 2020 commons. So
she's done a lot of stuff.
Oh, and also it says here, conclave. I didn't realize she was in conclave, but good for
her. That's, that was an amazing turn for her. Just imagine, just imagining her with Ray Fiends.
Like I was in the past and then I was in Conclave.
What's Conclave? I don't know. I don't get the joke.
I'm just laughing so I don't look stupid, but I don't get it. What is it?
Oscar nominated prestige film.
Drew Sedora.
Why do I want to know anything that's Oscar nominated? What planet do I live on?
It's Nora. I'm still mad I don't know what a Nora is.
And then I found out it's about a hooker
who gets with a Russian billionaire.
And I'm like, that's my movie.
Like, that's my type of movie.
It's like my dream.
I mean, that's what half these housewives shows
are basically about.
I mean, hello, did you not see Porsch's?
Well, Porsch is not a hooker,
but it is about people getting with billionaires.
Yeah. Remember when the plot line,
everybody was missing each other for being with,
like trying to get with African billionaires or whatever.
And now look at where we are all these years later. It's like, ha ha,
send the same desk we took over the show suckers.
And by the way, I support it 100%. Yeah. Um, yeah, but anyway, I'm looking forward to finally seeing The Brutalist, which is like three
hours long and has an intermission just to see how Drew Sedora does in that.
Because I feel like she will really play really well off of Adrienne Brady.
I'm sorry, I thought I signed up for a movie called The Doodalist.
I'm not really sure.
I made a couple of houses with cars out front.
Well, we were hoping to cast Laura Dern,
but we'll deal with Juicedora instead.
By the way, Facebook recommended-
We ended up with Laura Darn.
Damn it, Juicedora's here.
Can I tell you something?
Facebook actually suggested that I be friends
with Laura Dern this weekend.
It was like, someone you may know, Laura Dern.
Oh my gosh, that's amazing.
And it said Laura Dern works at Hollywood.
I was like, I don't know if this is a real Laura Dern.
You should have friended Laura Dern.
What the hell's wrong with that?
I still get Tom Sandoval and like, you know,
stupid people like that.
You got Laura Dern?
Damn, your algorithm.
Because I was a sweet.
I was afraid that if I added her as a friend,
that she would not accept me.
And then I don't know if I am ready
to be rejected by Laura Dern.
I think I like a world where I have the possibility
to be friends with her still.
And I don't want that possibility
to be shut down just yet.
No, you have to be rejected by Laura Dern. That's how you build calluses, you know, and
then you don't care if you're rejected by people.
Well, maybe. Okay. I'll go to Facebook. If it's still suggesting her, I'll add her.
Yeah, you gotta add Laura Dern. Reach for the stars.
Facebook knows everything. I mean, it's someone I might know. It's someone I might know.
So she's talking about the girls. Oh, no, no, we go to Drew's. So Drew's like, there's so much
change and, you know, it's just so disheartening, this divorce, you know. It's been a year now.
I would have hoped that Ralph and I could have mediated on our own, but, you know, we just
couldn't agree on anything. And then we see a flashback to last year's reunion. Miranda is like,
oh, were you faithful to Drew Ralph? And he's like, it would have came out already. He's
like, that is not the question. Now I wish I would have shown
where Drew was like, I've written a solo a ballad for
Ralph. Can I sing it right in front of Ralph? Have Ralph sit
here on the reunion stage.
You're going to the basement, you piece of shit. You've hurt
I love that.
That was one of my favorite all time housewives moments.
And Drew is like, our divorce is dramatic.
It's a roller coaster.
It's a shit show.
And you can tell at this moment, Drew thinks that she's like the center peach of the season.
She's like, okay, everyone, I get it.
I'll just have the weight of the season on my shoulders.
I can do it.
Don't worry. That's Drew every season.
That's Drew, that's why she's so good at this.
And a lot of people are disappointed that like
out of everybody that made it back,
we're bringing back Drew.
This is why, it's the Dursen.
Yeah, like it's very reluctantly,
Drew Sidor is a good housewife because she is so deluded
and she's so shady and that's kind of what we need
and want from our housewives. Yeah. So Kenya comes, speaking of Kenya comes over with Brooklyn and
the kids go play dolls and stuff. And she's like, so a lot has changed. This was actually
Ralph's office. And then we see Ralph's barber chair. Is it actually a barber shop now?
Because there's a bunch of people in there. She turned it basically into a glam room.
So Ralph's office is a glam spot now. And Kenya's like, well, where's Ralph? And she's like, well,
so basically we had a court order when we went to court and he got moved to the basement.
Ralph is in the basement, unseen by the cameras like an ogre, like the troll under the basement. Ralph is in the basement, unseen by the cameras,
like an ogre, like the troll under the bridge.
It's so good.
And then their daughter's like, where's daddy?
She says, go downstairs to the basement.
She's like, I'm scared mommy, go.
So she's like, turn on the lights,
see if daddy's down there.
I like that Ralph is in the basement in the dark.
I'm just imagining he's like to come out to light
and his hair is gonna be like big
and he's gonna be like walking on the ceiling.
So we hear his voices and she's like,
daddy, daddy's like, baby girl, how are you doing my love?
Come on, you daddy.
She was throwing raw meat down there.
Here's breakfast.
Just throwing a turkey leg down there.
Here, eat your breakfast.
Send the tray back up when you're done.
So Kenya's like, not banished to the basement.
I'm glad to go down there.
She's like, no, not without
permission. He has a whole different entrance. And every first, third and fifth weekend he
gets fed. And that's when I have to leave.
And I love that she leaves the house and what he gets to walk around the house every other
weekend. That's so fucking funny to me. Ralph's just like, rub my wiener on that. Rub my wiener
on that. Rub my wiener on that. And she goes, well, I was hoping he would take that opportunity to move out and get a life,
but fortunately he didn't, you know, I thought he would do what he loves to do,
which is be out in the streets. But no, he's in the basement, the dark, dark basement. So
she tells Kenya that they don't communicate, they have to communicate through like a divorce app thing. And he tries to get shitty on the app, but she's like, well, the judge can read it. So
I hope he has fun with that. That's so Ralph, to be like to go off on a on an app that is solely read So, so Kenya's like, so what is Drew doing? And she was, well, I literally did five movies
last year. You may have seen a Nora. I was not in that. And then I'm doing my music.
You may have seen it.
I did audition for a Nora. And it's funny because my response, they said, no.
So I thought-
Yeah, it was actually an Australian casting person
who said, Enora, Enora.
And I'd been doing music.
You may have seen my duet with Beyonce,
wherein I stood up next to my TV and sang along with her
during that Netflix halftime show.
So that was really special for me.
So yeah, doing a lot. He was like, let me tell you this much. This ain't Texas. And the same Holden. You may
have heard it. So she goes, Oh, and you know, you know, Dennis from Detroit, he's helping
me with my music. And she's like, Dennis who? She goes, Dennis, Dennis, you know, Dennis,
hot dog Dennis. That's why I'm partnering with on music. Yeah. Um, we have a new label called relish. It's huge. Yeah. I'm actually, by the
way, I'm opening up for tank in Chicago and can you like, oh my God, tank. That's like amazing.
Yeah. It's a dunk tank. Actually. It's not, it's not the musician tank. Um, I'm going to a carnival and I'll be singing songs there. So I'm really excited.
And Kenny's like, um, Dennis, uh, Porsche's Dennis. And she's like, yes.
So then we see flashbacks of the hot dog game being like, I'm hot.
Porsche being like, I love hot dogs. I'm pregnant.
You know, when I've just, you know,
I've thought about that maybe it's time for me to get into music. And I thought if I'm going to. You know, when I've just, you know, I've thought about that maybe it's time for me to get into
music and I thought if I'm going to get into music, I'm going to need a record producer.
And the first one I thought of is like, I want someone who works with hot dogs.
That is how I'm going to make my success like straight to the straight to number one spot.
Dr. Derwiner schnitzel is busy.
I need somebody.
Isn't doesn't every music documentary start off like this?
It's like someone who's singing and it's like, and then I met, you know, Ron Perlman, who was selling hot dogs. And he
said, I got a sound for you. And then he like writes a song. It's always like this person
who sells hot dogs or seat belts or something like that. And then they get their initial
success and then that one, that person winds up being like the grifter, you know?
Yeah. I was humming a song about a husband in the basement when I was in line for my 10 cent Costco hot dog
and the guy behind the counter said,
I think I can work with this.
So here we are, here we are.
So anyway, here's a sample of this new song
that Dennis wrote for me.
Let's go out to the movies.
Let's go out to the movies.
Let's go out to the movies and have ourselves a snack.
Nicole Kidman narrated our first date.
It was big.
It was, it was big.
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So then we see Dennis, she was on the phone with Dennis and Drew's like, Hey, bro, what's
going on? And he's like, well, we got to put your show together. And she's like, yeah.
And he's like, well, we got to do a mini listening session. So I'm thinking a lot of heads of
hot dogs. Yes. A lot of hot dog heads.
Okay. So here's what I'm thinking. We're going to have a sofa and it's going to be yellow and
we'll put you in kind of like a reddish brown suit and you'll lie across the sofa. But then
I'll just look like a hot dog. Exactly. We've got some people coming. We've got Oscar. We've got
Mayor. She's like, sounds great. Nathan.
Oscar, we've got Mayor, she's like, sounds great. Jason Cosper Nathans coming. We're gonna do it at a ballpark.
Jared Larson Hebrew, you know, ball coming.
Jason Cosper So, then we see her just like singing and
it says, Portia's Dennis in a glass reflection, just shadily pointing it out.
So Kenya's like-
She's speaking in Hebrew.
She's like, just want to make the heads happy.
This is going out to an entire nation.
This is, listen, this is going out to a higher,
what was the slogan?
We cook for a higher God.
I don't know what it is.
So Kenya is like, wait a minute.
So how does Portia feel about that?
Ha ha ha ha ha.
So Drew's like, well, she was just like, girl, yeah.
And I was like, just very grateful for Dennis
and who he has been in my life
and showing up as like my angel on earth.
Because literally there were days
where I couldn't get out of bed crying.
And he's like, I can't stop you from crying,
but I can feed you hot dogs. And you know,
I knew I had a session and I would get there and like,
he was that saving grace when I was going through all that I was going,
it was just all good.
And he's just a standup guy who wants to be there for his daughter.
And he's like, look,
this music is going to help me pay for my daughter's college.
And we're all on the same team.
This is a family, just a hot dog vendor producing a record.
That's it.
And Kenya's like,
oh, how come you didn't ever produce anything for Portia?
Because she tried to put out a song a while ago
and it didn't go anywhere.
Ha ha ha ha.
And then we see Portia's music video for 2014, Flatline.
That's great.
That Flatline is an appropriate name for a song and a musical career.
You know, Porsche may not be the best singer, but she's a psychic singer.
So you got to have her that.
So Drew's like, well, maybe because he wasn't into music
then and Kenya's like, but you just said it was his greatest passion. And he's like,
well, I don't know how long it's been his passion, you know, but he told me he did talk
to Portia to get her blessing and she goes, did he get it? She's like, he told me he
did. So, I was like, cool. I mean, I'm sure she's, you know, I'm sure she's just not
going to speak up. I mean, Portia is she's, you know, I'm sure she's just not going to speak up. I mean,
Porsche is going to be somebody who's going to speak her mind if she's mad and she hasn't said
anything to me yet. So I'm sure everything's going to be fine. Yeah, what could go wrong?
So now we go to a place called Dirty Tea. And now it's time to meet Kelly, a new cast member.
And so this is basically a long scene where we learn about Kelly.
She has a daughter, her daughter Chloe's 17th birthday.
So Kelly tells us that she is a single mom and she's like, single mom life is definitely
not for the week.
And it's like, you know, it's a tea party birthday.
So everyone has got like hats and everyone's dressed up to the nines and etc.
And there's all these kids around.
And so Chloe, her daughter Chloe is 17,
and then she has a kid named Chance, who's 11.
And then she has twin daughters, Chasity and Chelsea.
So everyone has a CH first name,
which is funny because Kelly is K, but that's fine.
Whatever, CH is the new K, I guess.
Yeah, are you supposed to match it to your own?
Well, I would think so, but maybe not.
It's okay, starting a trend, it's fine.
It's fine.
Yeah, so she's like a car starting.
Or like Jason Borky's.
So it is...
Can't do it.
Juiced Adore is trying to sing along to it.
Oh yeah.
If daddy's in the basement.
Oh, so this is a birthday party for her 17 year old
and she gives her 17 purses.
And the kid wanted a pink Birkin,
but the mom's like,
whatever, you're not getting a pink Birkin for me,
but I will give you 17 purses
because it's your 17th birthday.
Couldn't you just buy a Birkin for that?
I mean, those were nice purses.
Those weren't nice purses.
Those weren't cheap purses.
TG I know. This is Kelly, Kelly proving her, proving why she should be on the show. She's
like, I'm wealthy guys. Trust me. Yeah. Waffles. Waffles make you wealthy. I'm super wealthy
guys. I put me on Bravo. So she's trying. This is like, this is
CB 05.30 She's like, look inside your purse, honey. There's
your real present. It's a waffle.
I am creating generational waffle wealth. So, um, so she's getting divorced and everything.
And, and, um, Brit, Brittany is there. Someone, this is her friend, Brittany. This is not
Brit, who's the new cast member, but Brittany is asking how she feels about getting divorced.
And she's saying it's been like a long two and a half years of her life. And she just wants to cut that out and take her name back. And she says her, her ex Mark
is a father of her three daughters. And it's been hard. They were married for 11 years.
And she got married, she had children and she created a business. And so she's saying, like,
how do we turn from that into
complete enemies?
So we get her resume. She's from Baltimore. She's been here since 2003.
And she started a restaurant in 2016 called Nana's Chickens and Waffles, or
chicken and waffles, not chickens. They're actual chickens eating waffles.
Nana's Chicken and Waffles. And she she's like, I named the restaurant after my grandmother,
which is tricky because everyone's gonna trust a place
called Nana's.
No one's gonna trust a place called like
grandma, granddaughter's chicken and waffles.
I don't want any of that.
I want the experienced person's chicken and waffles.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Yeah, so step-sisters, Nana, chicken and waffles. So she's like exactly. Yeah, so- Step sisters, Nana, you know, chicken and waffles.
So she's like, yeah, it's like my second child.
And it's just this little restaurant,
but it turned into a huge deal.
So now I have 24-carat gold maple syrup,
and that was featured in Forbes.
A line of waffle mix.
Waffle mix.
Grits, a cookbook. And she's very excited about line of waffle mix. Waffle mix. A cookbook.
And she's very excited about a mimosa mix.
What the f... Mimosa is two things.
It's champagne and orange juice.
What do you put in tang into a champagne?
I was like, mimosa mix, is that just orange juice?
It's like powdered orange juice.
She's like, yeah, you can pretty much put that shit in everything.
Yeah, because that's orange juice. So, she was like, what? She's like, yeah, you can pretty much put that shit in everything. Yeah, cause that's orange juice.
So she's like, when somebody is constantly tearing you down,
trying to take and be me and spiteful.
When we went to court that last time,
you know what he told me?
He said pancakes are better than waffles.
I swear to God, in front of my daughter, it was terrible.
Anyway, he threatened me and my daughters don't deserve that.
They come from a loving waffle forward home.
And then she's, you know, spending time with her kids, you know, the real cute, her kids
are really cute.
And then we see the montage of her 17 presents gift giving thing.
And then she's like, yeah, well, this is nothing new for my kids, you know, they're used to
this kind of thing.
So I'm going to have to do it for every kid when they turn 17.
So purse economy here I come.
So now we go to Porsche and you know, it's not a real house.
House of Atlantis is in without someone going to visit that lawyer, Randy.
So here she is.
She is arriving. This is she is, she is arriving.
This is the elevator.
Oh my God, this elevator was so hilarious.
So she's trying to get out of the elevator
and it starts closing and then it closes on her butt,
but it won't reopen.
And she's just like eating her butt.
She's like, hey, hey, hey.
She's like, yeah, it's definitely crazy having to call Randy again.
That's insane. I got a file for divorce. Is it crazy? I mean,
that's where this guy has been on every single season.
I'm surprised he's not holding a beach at this point.
Yeah. And then Randy of course is like, Oh my God, Portia,
it is so good to have you back in my life again.
You don't want to hear that from a divorce. You know what I mean?
He's like, thank God I can finally pay off my kid's college.
God, your divorces are lengthy.
This has got to be fun.
He said, yeah, you really walked away from a lot.
And then we see, Portia's greatest hits.
We see her with the cordel, after Cordell,
and she's like, Cordell packed up my stuff,
and I'm like, some random, like, some random like Karma has a name
and that name is bitch and I'm gonna get him.
I'm gonna fight him in that big bubble butt.
And she says that she was smart to do it.
She did a prenup this time
because she had to be more responsible.
And she says that in her relationship with Simon,
she felt like that if she hadn't by her side,
that they were gonna conquer everything.
But then she started to realize that there were just like
a lot of untruths going on.
And just the way that Porsche is putting it all out,
like, I just had no idea what was happening
in the headlines.
They're putting headlines now in these weird little
Chiron things at the bottom, and they just headlines now in these weird little Chiron things at
the bottom and they just like flick up for two seconds, but they're all like fraud,
fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, nothing but fraud, nothing but lies, nothing but fraud, all the
headlines that come up. So she's like, with Simon at my side, I thought I could conquer
anything, but I can't get out of the elevator right. Make him go, make him go.
So Randy's excited. But one of the big points of contention is that she claims this is her,
you know, since it's the marital home, and they have 50 50 split over the home, she should
be able to shoot in it. And he's trying to not allow her to shoot in the home. And that's
going to give her money.
Yeah. Yeah, you don't mess with that at all. So Randy's like, well, the court gave
you the right to live in the house. And so we're going to try to do an extra document.
This is the court is telling everyone wants to do film that they have the floor to do
that. I'm just want to say a shout out to my daughter. Hi, hi honey. I'm back on TV.
So then basically they're going to do some lawyerly stuff. And Portia tells us that Simon
sent a cease and desist, et cetera, and the home. And she's like not going
to like, she can't have, she needs to film in the home. Like that is cutting off her lifeblood. So
she is going to fight. She's like, you know, I mean, it's not like I was just sitting there like
some dumb little life and just enjoying some money. No, I actually asked my husband, what's going on?
Why are we in the secondary line at the airport? Any don't know if he's blind or not. Any judge is going to be like, yep, she knew. Give this woman whatever she wants. She didn't
get to go through the clear line for Christ's sake.
So she's like, but just all this information that I had asked him about, he lied about
it and came out about it and being like, he's not having a real green card, he's not having
more than gold status on American Airlines.
I mean, he should be executive platinum by now.
The only way for you to really protect yourself at the end of the day is if you have a pre-nup,
to enforce it.
So you only have to enforce it by doing a divorce.
So, and also the green card thing that he was, he's been trying to get citizenship and stuff,
but couldn't he get it from being
married to her? I guess I need to update myself on all of this drama because I don't remember
at all. So then we see the headlines. Court documents show Simon is fighting for U S citizenship,
but his crime middle past keeps getting him denied. Well, that answered my question. Simon's
company all ordered to pay nearly $900,000 in unpaid private jet bill.
It's not good.
And so, Portia is like saying that like in their relationship, you know, she's deprived
herself on having great communication.
And when the communication starts to lack, it felt intentional.
Yeah, and Portia is like, we had an argument on Valentine's Day, but I'm old school.
How are you old school?
You're on your third marriage.
You married a hot dog maven the last time and this one is clearly there was something
wrong with this guy.
So you're not, she, Porsche is like, you know me, traditionalist.
Now I know it looks like too many people like, Oh, she posted this perfect
life. But I look back and I could think to myself, I definitely posted this knowing that
we were not okay.
And we see, we see her posting all these things like everything beat was all great. And so
basically, Randy's like, well, there's been some bad stuff that's been out there. And
you know, you always take the high road, not just because it's good life advice,
but it's also good court advice.
And she says that she reached out to him
just to see if they could find some sort of peace.
And she's like, she starts to get emotional
and she's just saying, oh, it's just really hard,
but she's given up on that part.
So she has to become the person that he's saying,
basically she has to kind of become steely and cold
and icy, just like he's accusing
her of being just that way she can have, you know, her day in court.
So then we go to dinner and drinks at knife.
And we're with Shemia, Britt and Kelly.
And so now we meet Britt.
So this is now when the show like properly begins in my book.
It's like, okay, we've met every most everyone not Britt
But like now we're starting to get into group scenes. Yeah, now we get some girl time with some girls girls girls
So we get some time with the girls and Britt introduces herself and she's like my husband's all about making sure I'm that girl
I had one ring that was seven and a half carrotsats and now I have a 10 carat solitaire.
Hold on, let me clean it.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
You know, throw this at the camera.
So now here's a Brit's exotic story.
She's like, she's like me and Kelly met
through a mutual friend, me being an insurance agent.
I'm always gonna, I'm going to all of like the flyest,
sexiest events in the city.
I was like, oh yes. That's, I'm sure that's why most people get into insurance.
Cause that's, that's naturally comes with working in insurance, going to the fly.
The glamorous life of insurance agents, you know?
I mean, look at Vicky Gunvalson going to fly sexy events all the time in Orange County.
It's not state farm.
It's state farmhouse modern in the Hills, darling.
So at one of these events that she got to go to naturally by being an insurance agent,
she met Kelly and she's like, well, one of my friends was like, I think you're gonna
really like Kelly.
And she's like really over the top.
And like the second we met, like I already knew it was gonna be like, it was gonna be
a vibe like dancing, you know, and then like I started drinking and like she like really over the top. And like the second we met, like I already knew it was gonna be like, it was gonna be a vibe, like dancing, you know?
And then like I started drinking and like she,
like I gotta make sure my tities stay in
cause this gets wild, you know?
And I saw her tities popping out also,
like my tities were popping out
and her tities were popping out.
And I was like, oh my God, insurance and waffles
makes a great combination.
Tom, I knew we were gonna be friends.
Both of our tities were popping out.
So here we are were popping out. So here
we are still hanging up.
We can put a premium on that waffle. Okay, let's get this business together.
So they order some drinks and Kelly is like, Oh my God, can I just tell you something,
Britt? I'm just so proud of you. You know, I mean, you're really kicking motherhood's ass right now. I mean,
wow, what a journey. Wow, everything. And oh no, she's talking to Shemia. And so Shemia is like,
oh yeah, things are going great. Nine million dollar house, nine million dollars.
Tilly's like, cheers to love, peace, happiness, and maple syrup. Cheers. Yeah. So Shemeah
tells them that she's going to have a birthday party. She's like, they're like, well, who's
going to come? She goes, well, my best friend, Portia, or she's going through divorce. It's
so public. And you know, Kelly's like, Oh, poor baby. Oh, I feel so bad for her. You
know, sure. Yeah, she's gonna come out on top. Yeah, of course. And then Kelly's like,
she probably should have never checked that girl's Mando. It's like, Whoa, whoa, sure. Yeah, she's gonna come out on top. Yeah, of course. And then Kelly's like, she probably should have never took that girl's man though.
It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, because that man was taken a little bit. She's like, no, no, no.
Let's be clear. Simon and his ex, they were very public with their separation. And then we see the
headline. Phelan announces she and husband Simon are splitting up after two years of marriage.
And then another headline, Portia Williams engaged to Simon.
Love wins.
The cast member shared the news that she's in a relationship five minutes later.
Yeah, my memory of it, and I could be completely wrong.
My memory of it was that there was that Atlanta reunion and the very next day, as soon as
the third part of that reunion ended, the
news dropped.
Portia was like, surprise, I'm engaged.
And I hadn't even heard that that Simon and Fallon had divorced, but maybe it's because
it just like, who cared?
And it didn't land on the radar.
And I seem to remember everyone was like, what the hell?
And then it came out later, like, oh, actually, Fallon and Simon had separated a month prior or whatever.
It obviously was very, very close.
But in my mind, yeah, in my mind,
I had actually heard about them getting together
before I'd heard about a divorce.
Yeah, yeah.
And then remember there was that whole thing
where Simon's like,
no, because Phelan was cheating with the pool boy.
And then she ran off with the pool boy or something.
So that was Portia's thing.
She was cheating with the pool boy or something. So that was Porsche's thing. Like she was cheating with the pool boy.
So he wasn't taken anyway.
That was, so Kelly was like,
it was just, it was a little bit of a gray area, you know?
And she was like, no, there was no crossover.
Yeah, but from like outside looking in,
all I'm saying is to come to somebody's home,
to be greeted by their husband, to eat their waffles.
And then suddenly waffles. And
then suddenly this happens and then you wind up marrying that person. Absolutely. That
shit does look crazy.
Yeah. And Kelly, she's just like, whatever. We've seen it on the blogs. You know, they're
messy. And Shemeah is like, wow, you know, you just can't be blaming people. You know,
I just want you to get to know Portia for yourself. And Shemeah says, I know Portia reached out to both of them, you know, Simon and his ex-wife and was like,
hey guys, I'm here for you. And they're like, yeah, but she's reaching out to a friend's husband.
Who does that? Yeah, yeah, exactly. And Kelly's like, yeah, I just think it's a fine line. And so,
Shemia's like, well, who says across the line, you or you are Romans.
So Shamia is like, you know, Porsche and I have been friends since we were children and
I love her and I feel obligated to have her back, which means that their friendship is
going to disintegrate this season because this is how this is the nature of these shows
is that you start on the premiere saying like we are our friendship is so strong and so
But as we'll see later in the episode,
Porsche shows up late to the birthday party and like interrupts for me as big
moment. So I guarantee this is a friendship
that's going to fall apart over the course of the season.
I know it's so sad.
But also, haha.
Hello there. This is a two part recap.
OK, this is the end of part one.
So thank you so much for listening to this this Just come back a little later for part two
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