Watch What Crappens - #2758 SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY S03E11: The Long Arm of the Law Prom
Episode Date: March 11, 2025We’re talking the season finale and reunion of Southern Hospitality today. The gang tries to confront Will about cheating accusations at a pretend law prom, but he sneaks away. Luckily, the...y get to pin him down at the Clubhouse reunion… or do they?? Vicious lies are exposed, and no one will ever be the same!!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
Listen to Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Watch Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that
we just love to talk about.
I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is the
lovely and perfect Ronnie Karam. Hi Ronnie, how are you?
Well, hello, you sweet guy. How are you doing?
Doing just great. We're here today to talk about the grand finale of Southern Hospitality
before we do that. We just a reminder to go get tickets for our live shows
This weekend we're going to Cincinnati, Minneapolis,
and Toronto, and we are going to recap in that order
Summer House, Southern Charm, I should say,
and Real Housewives of New York,
season eight, episode nine, December, Berkshires County, the Berkshires episode, the famous one.
After that, we're going to Charlotte, Atlanta, DC, Philadelphia,
and then in April we're going to go to Boston and Detroit and some other places.
So go get your tickets at
Also be sure to join us on Patreon.
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So that is all the news.
Ronnie, what did you think about this season finale?
The season finale.
Southern Hussp.
What a bunch of messy, messy, messy people.
I loved it.
Yeah, seriously.
Thought it was great.
And I also love a good 10 episode season.
I don't think they had more to sustain them
for more than 10 episodes and I'm glad. It was a nice, I love a 10 episode season.
Yeah, it was, um, it was this tight, strong season.
Every episode was great. Every episode was hilarious. Um,
they really are, uh, this, this, this is a great show. It's a,
it's a great show and they are really bringing it and, uh,
they did great work with it. And it also had some really beautiful moments too, which was amazing.
So let's dive into it.
Guilty until proven innocent is the name of the episode and it's prom.
It's law prom.
They're doing a law prom, but they're making it a prom prom.
So the lead up to the, well, basically we, they're kind basically, I think the vibe that they're going for is Carrie
or something because we keep seeing things that are like,
ooh, one week before prom, but it's like not fun and happy.
It's like scary looking.
I'm like, are the producers trying to make this seem like
there's gonna be a bloodbath?
I couldn't quite tell.
But Emmy's playing the role of both Carrie and Carrie's mother at the same time
She's just like okay
I'm gonna need people for flowers. I'm gonna need people for cake. I'm gonna need people for decorations
I got my list done. It's gonna be the best law prom ever nothing can go wrong
And that's like
And then it's like, three days before prom.
And so we're at a menswear store and Joey and TJ are trying on suits.
It's like, oh, this looks good.
I think that Mia is wearing a leopard dress.
He's like, oh really?
Do you have any leopard taxes?
That's like so funny, Joe.
Are you in love with me?
It's thin.
And we see Lake and Molly.
He asked for a leopard suit.
He's like really gay. Like don't even bother giving him a blow job.
That's reserved for the boys.
Then Lake and Molly are trying on dresses at another store
and they whoosh open the curtains at the same time
and they're in the same dress.
And Lake's like, you copied me.
Who wore it best, am I right?
So they keep trying on dresses.
It's like wacky.
They're trying on like wacky prom dresses and stuff.
Scary music. And then two days before prom and Michael's house. And Preston is over with Michaels and Michaels is like, oh wait, I have a surprise for you.
Look, there's three cakes.
It says prom, yes, no.
Are you gonna go to prom with me?
That's a lot of cake to ask a simple question.
It's like three cakes.
Especially for those two.
Those two don't eat cake.
I'm not buying it.
Well, you go to prom with me.
I had a moment, but this, okay,
you're gonna have to just like, trust me on this.
I was looking at Michael's and I was like,
who does his face remind me of his face reminds me of someone.
And then I realized when Michael's is being very serious, which is often,
he's very serious. I was like, who, what,
what face does he have when he's being serious? I was like, Oh my God,
I was like, who, what face does he have when he's being serious?
I was like, oh my God, it's Dorothy's born hack.
He has, he has resting Bea Arthur face.
And I think like, that's the greatest honor
you could possibly ever bestow a gay man, I think.
Like when Bea Arthur gets, you know,
someone says something stupid
and then she just stares right into the camera.
Yeah, that's exactly it.
You'll see it.
Next time you watch it. You'll see it.
So he's like,
I was straight in high school and I took a girl I was dating to prom and then she
spent the night at my house and my mom like found out.
And then I came back to my bedroom and there was like a box of condoms on there.
Like, thanks. I don't, I love people like his mom, you know, who are like,
Oh my God, being gay is a sin, but fucking a girl before marriage,
here's some condoms do it in our house
That's great. Love that
Michael's mom like what do you want at this point?
Carry carry a message to this woman for me fuck off lady. All right, get it together. Okay lady
Get it together.
So, like Preston's trying to guess, because he's blindfolded,
he's trying to guess what's actually in front of him.
And he's like, well, it sounds like you opened up your fridge
and pulled out a Diet Pepsi.
And he's like, no, it's not a Diet Pepsi.
He's like, okay, it's broccoli.
Okay, you pulled out broccoli.
I know, it's broccoli.
No, it's not broccoli either.
Okay. Is it just, is it a tire? Did you bring in a tire from outside? Oh my God, Preston,
you're so bad at those. No, it was three cakes. And Preston's like, um, I wish you had spelled
this out of broccoli because that would have been our dessert. Like, why would you do this?
And so then he like, Michael smushes the cake into Preston's face and it's really cute and
happy and it's romantic and it's like, one day before prom.
And now the music becomes upbeat.
Maddie's sitting on her balcony and Joe Bradley shows up in a vintage Corvette and he's, you
know, got the boom box and
he lifts up the boom box and starts playing the music.
And he's got then he switches into like love actually where it was actually kind of creepy,
which is fitting, I guess for this, this scene was kind of creepy, where the best friend
shows up and just write stuff on cards and shows the girl.
But he like had like a lot. Well, first of all, he wrote his on paper instead of posters.
So everything was flopping around.
And he had so many pieces of paper.
He's like, hey, I was wondering, drop the paper.
If maybe you'd be interested in, drop the paper.
Like maybe there's going to be this prom, drop the paper.
So here's the thing.
I really want to go to prom, drop the paper.
It's like, Joe, hurry up, go to the last piece of paper,
this is taking too long.
Money can't buy you class,
I don't regret fucking you in that hotel.
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, that was a different one.
It was a different one, it was a different one.
But yeah, he really makes it long.
He makes a whole monologue on like 20 pages of paper.
He's like, I'm pretty much like littering
your neighborhood right now.
Joe, why did you write down Nana's chicken parm recipe?
Oh, I just thought maybe you get hungry in the middle of this.
So it's basically, will you go to prom with me?
And she's like, oh my God, that's amazing.
It's like the most romantic thing that anybody has ever done for me.
That's crazy, man.
He's like, yeah, I've been in love with Maddie for like years. And that feels like a really long time to me. That's crazy. Man. He's like, yeah, I've been in love with Maddie for like years and that feels like a really long
time to me, but you know, I wanted to move in with her, but she's not ready.
So, you know, like I need to always listen to my mom and stop putting Maddie away.
Flashbacks the day before her mom was like, his mom was like, yeah, um,
honey, you have to stop being so aggressive with Maddie.
Okay, just give her some space.
And for the last time, when I give you Nanny's chicken parm recipe, write it down.
I'm sick of having to answer this phone call every week.
So then, back to outside, she's like, oh my god, are you still doing science, Joe?
It's like, I am. It really is.
Is that just a drawing of the eggplant emoji?
I ran out of things, but I wanted to keep it romantic.
So he's like, by the way, I've got one more.
It says, we can call it a prom com lol.
Yes, yes, a prom com.
I'll go to prom with you, Joe.
By the way, so it's like, I don't know,
I just want to clarify, you get that like prom,
prom com is like a play on rom com, right?
Yes, Joe, come on.
Cause I was really trying to do like multiple
rom coms right now, not just one,
but like there were like multiple ones.
And she's like, I got it, Joe, I got it.
Should I write them down for you?
I still have some paper left.
No, Joe, let's just take a ride in the car.
This is the most romantic thing that everyone, anyone has ever done for me.
It's like such a relief that he understands
how important it is to take my time in this relationship
that I don't want to be in.
And I do want the same things he wants,
except I want them with a different person
at a different time in my life.
And that's all.
Yeah, so now they speed off and they're like so happy.
So then we go to my favorite place, the Republic back room
and everyone's getting ready for their shift.
And guess who I don't see, Cloris Leachman.
Hello, it's the season finale.
Where's Siobhan, where's Cloris Leachman?
I know, we did see Cloris Leachman at the very, very end.
Did you catch her?
She was wearing a bright green dress,
so like she stood out in the group and she
was like clapping and was like really happy at the during the prom king and prom queen
moment she was like, Oh yeah, that's good. I remember, I remember when Frankie Avalon
was prom king. That was the tight Natalie had a roller skate.
So, um, so Joe, the candy shop.
So Joe's like, Hey, my baby, are you going to cover my pimples? I'll be like, yeah, come here, Joe, Joe.
So they go and he like, he like covers, she does his makeup and Michael's like,
hey, did you guys take the sheet to make copies?
Wait, what are you guys doing?
Like what's going on?
Like what's happening back here?
And he's like, nothing, we're just like pre-booking.
That's it, yeah.
He's like, whatever guys.
So people are working on the VIP sign
and Matt is excited for prom.
And then he's like, I wanted to be pretty. I wanted to be colorful, I wanted to be a prom, you know, but like a lot of prom.
Except I'll be there. It's gonna be so romantic. Everything's gonna go great, am I right?
She's like, this summer has been awful. Like I finally got rid of this fake cheating rumor
and like proving Will innocent and like I expect everyone to got all of their bad behavior out.
Like it's just gonna be totally fine, only with sushi. It's going to be the perfect sushi night.
Did she, wait, when she says,
I finally have gotten rid of this fake cheating rumor,
did she?
When did she get rid of it?
You absolutely did not.
You did not get rid of a rumor.
You just cried about it.
I think maybe she thought like the explanation
that Will was being bullied at law school
is like the thing that like, like deaded the rumor.
But I don't think anyone believed that. Yeah. that Will was being bullied at law school is like the thing that like, like deaded the rumor.
But I don't think anyone believed that.
So you prove nothing, ma'am.
So now like, it's like, okay, yeah.
You like, it's Republic.
People are in Republic.
Fun time, fun times.
And TJ is like, hey, Brad,
something just clicked in my head.
Emmy is planning this prom
because she didn't get to go with Will
because she was skiing, right?
Is that the same weekend that the cheating
supposedly happened?
And Brad's like, I don't know.
Like that was the night that whatever went down
with Will's cheating supposedly went down.
I'm concerned.
I'm very, very concerned.
Oh, I'm sure Brad's very concerned.
So Brad's like, yeah, when we were in Vegas,
Will told us he was apparently getting bullied by Austin's girlfriend's brother.
But we come to find out he's lying. And if you didn't do anything wrong,
then why are you lying? You know, cause Emmy's like a little sister to me guys.
So, you know, Emmy has every right to know every right to know.
So Brad's like, yeah, you know, I have friends at Will's law school.
So I'm going to keep doing some digging. And TJ is like, if you need help.
How did they, what law school is this again? How does everyone know so many people in this
law school? It's like this nebulous place, this distant law school that I'm not even
sure is even in South Carolina, but they all seem to know people there. And there's people
from this law school here in Charleston.
It's like this weird concept
that's lingering around this show.
So TJ's like, if this rumor is nothing, then it's nothing,
but I will find out the truth.
Okay, TJ.
Yeah, I will find out.
So now 20 South Battery, the prom venue.
Do-do-do-do-do-do- dun dun dun dun dun. Five hours until prom.
So Will and Emmy are there
and they're starting to get ready and stuff.
And Will's like, yeah, I was never really a big prom guy,
but you know, I just want Emmy to be happy and smile a lot.
What does Will like?
He doesn't like hot dogs.
He doesn't like proms.
Does he have joy in his life anymore?
He hates every single thing. Everything is a complaint from him.
It's hard to believe this is the same guy who we saw the past two seasons.
He was like partying and like the bartender and like always up for good times.
And now he's like, I hate proms. I hate hot dogs. I hate standing up, you know?
Yeah. That's our boy. He's a miserable miserable man.
Yeah. He has no joy. So Will's like, I I'm gonna change out of my work tie and into a dress tie
I've been working. It's really hard. Like I haven't even eaten today. It's like so hard. I have the job
My work tie has a little highlighter attached to it. But my my dance tie no highlighter
So then Molly is fixing her fixing fixing Lake's eye shadow and stuff.
And they're like, oh my God, Slay, we're going to prom.
So Molly's like, yeah, out of eight proms I've been to, my favorite memory was my junior
My date bought me Nike shoes when he asked me and said, just do it.
Go to prom with me.
Again, I think there's value in just going up to someone say, do you want to go to prom?
So then now Lake is saying, I just like to shake ass and eat good food. And I was like,
that was poetry. So now we go to Maddie's house and Maddie, Joe and it's Maddie, Joe
and Maddie's housemates,
Fran and Eva, which I forgot about Fran.
I think we met Fran last season.
I just love that there's someone named Fran on this show.
So Eva, in case you guys don't remember,
Eva was dating O'Sheen until that whole Grace Lilly situation happened.
Well, they had a situationship, which means they weren't dating.
They were boning. And then Grace Lilly boned him Well, they had a situationship, which means they weren't dating, they were boning.
And then Grace Lilly boned him at the same time.
Dun, dun, dun.
I still am shocked that an OnlyFans model
cheated on the person he was in a situationship with.
It's just, it's wild.
The milkman cheated?
And how does he have so many people
willing to have sex with him
when he's always covered in milk smell, you know?
I know. Seriously. So Matt, he's like, well, Joe joked this
morning that Grace Lilly was going to be getting ready with us here. Isn't that
hilarious? But you know, I'd like to see you and Grace to have a conversation,
Eva. And she's like, um, well, she wants to talk about it to everybody but me.
So yeah, but she says she's going to, And she's like, well, she lies though.
She's a liar though.
Huh. I wish I had friends who every time I fucked up,
we're like, no, it's, it's okay.
And he was like, yeah, same.
I mean, you all do.
You're on this show and you're still friends.
So then TJ, Brad and Mia are getting ready together
and Brad's like,
wow, it turns out one of our VIP server
knows what's going on just a few hours ago.
Just coincidentally, one of our servers, Ella,
who is miked up and ready for camera time,
told me there's this girl on the law school campus
that Will is seen with all the time
and everyone there believes it's Will's girlfriend.
Notice how Brad has all these girls just willing
to come on camera when he needs them.
To give advice.
Fucking shady Brad.
So TJ is like, when we were in New York,
I disregarded it at the time,
cause there was like just so much going on
with that skank Luann Dilla sap sleeping
with my best friend.
But he told me, Will told me that there's a girl
that he might've gotten the wrong impression and she might like him. And Brad's like,
so I'm trying to figure out who is this girl, right? And I got a text from a friend saying,
apparently she moved in with him short term. And Mia's like, what? It's like, yeah, they were full
on living together. And Mia's like, well, Troy had a female friend crashing with him.
Oh wow, we would only be thinking of him now in memory.
Okay, in memory.
Fuck this, this is ridiculous.
I mean, maybe give Will the benefit of the doubt
and say like, what was going through your head
when you would allow a woman to stay in your apartment?
So they're ready.
And TJ's like, I'm worried about Emmy,
which is why I'm gonna give her
another nervous breakdown on TV. Brad's like, I'm worried about Emmy, which is why I'm gonna give her another nervous breakdown on TV.
Brad's like, yeah.
Just defending your man blindly,
just find out what everything said was true.
So now it's like, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, prom night.
So we're here at the 20th South battery.
Now a lot of these Charleston homes look the same
and these venues look the same, but
I feel like we've had so many scenes on southern charm at this place
How many fights have happened with those wrought iron gates and those stone pillars?
I don't know. Is that just because all the houses have those elements, but like it's not a season finale on one of these shows unless there's
gates and pillars.
That's like the back drop.
With antiques that nobody can sit on.
So Will and Emmy are just walking around the mansion, you know,
pretending to be classy.
And then we, Will's like, yeah, I bet everybody else is like pre-gaming
already, right?
And then we cut to the bus where they're like, yeah, like tricking.
And then, uh, back to Will and Emmy being boring.
It's just like classical music playing.
It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial.
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And Will's like,
I need to work on my laptop right now
because I'm a lawyer.
And Emmy's just like, yeah, yeah, OK, cool.
So Will and Emmy, they eventually go to the ballroom.
And Will's like, this is way cooler than my prom.
I mean, I don't even like my prom.
And I don't like this either.
I'm bored.
Can I go?
So Emmy's like, look, this is going to be amazing.
Look, we can dance.
It could be like Beauty and the Beast.
So Will's like, OK, cool.
So then outside, everyone comes out of the party bus,
and they're all drunk, and they're all having fun.
Like, woo!
Maddie's like, I feel like I'm walking
into a wedding night right now, Joe!
And Joe's like, oh, we're already married, remember?
Remember, remember.
So it's just wedding stuff.
Everyone's like, party, taking selfies,
going to the bar, oh my God.
And so Michael's and his boyfriend Preston have a conversation. He's like, the other day, going to the bar, oh my God. And so Michael's and his boyfriend Preston
have a conversation.
He's like the other day, you referenced the fact
that we're exclusive, so I just wanna kinda see
where your head's at with that.
Cause yeah, I was laying in bed with Preston
and he mentioned that he deleted all of his dating apps,
hinting at the fact that he's only getting blow jobs
in public parks now without seeing anybody online first.
That's like huge.
It was like a very big pinch me kind of moment.
So presence like, yeah, I'm definitely all yours and I'd like you to be all mine,
but I'm also aware that there's an age gap and it says that like Preston 26 and
Michael's a 22 and presence like 26.
I'm sorry. That is not a 26 year old face.
And I'm not even age shaming cause I'm still like almost double his age,
even if that is his real age. But no, there's not enough sun damage in the world
to do that to a 26 year old. Did you grow up in a microwave? No sir.
Listen, good for press. And he's like, this is the hottest guy I've ever dated. I'm going
to lock them down. So Michael's was like, you know, I just want for me, I want you to
know that these are things that like, I don't want you to have to worry about because like all those experiences,
I want to have them with you. In fact,
I got six cakes that say, will you be my boyfriend, please? So enjoy.
So then everyone's on the dance floor like partying and, um,
well, well, and I mean, you're just sitting alone looking like bored And Will's like, I'm exhausted, dude.
I'm a lawyer.
So then Austin shows up alone.
He looks sad.
He puts the corsage to the side because he's alone.
And he's like, well, Hallie isn't coming.
And Michael's like, wait, hold on.
Let's talk over here.
Okay, do you want to present this to me in cake form? He's like, wait, hold on, let's talk over here. Okay, do you wanna present this to me in cake form?
He's like, no, no, no.
Well, Will's been on the phone today.
He straight up called Ali's brother this morning
and he convinced, and he's convinced
that's where I heard the rumors
that I brought up in Vegas.
But no, I heard the rumors from Ali's schmother,
not her brother.
I'm like, we know you heard it from the brother
because the producers asked you earlier in the season,
are you trying to cover up to protect Ali?
And he was like, ah.
Well, he heard it from Ali,
and Ali heard it from the brother, I guess.
So he's like, Ali is like absolutely devastated.
Her brother didn't even know we're seeing each other again
because like, I mean, Will might've just ruined
my relationship because he's in a secret relationship because the family hates him because he's a lying damn cheater.
That's why.
So Will just basically outed him.
It's just so glossed over that like he and Allie clearly had some horrific breakup a
year ago where he lied and said vicious, terrible things.
And so no one, like, I just love that.
It's just like a side thing.
I'm like, are we not noticing like Austin has some darkness swirling around him
Yeah, and um, he's like it's all will's fault that she's not coming. Oh, okay
So he's like michaels is like kudos to will for going to the source because I would do the same but like
You know, why would why wait till prom to have this conversation? I mean the timing's weird as fuck. That's like weird. It is true
It is it is true. Like why the night before do you wait to like do this?
Now Brad goes up to Austin and Michaels and Brad's like so Ali is not coming and Austin's like no
Remember how it run club the other day? We thought well was convinced that the bullying and the rumors were from Ali's brother
Well, he literally intimidated her into not coming.
They're like, whoa.
So now everybody else is dancing.
You know, we see party shots and stuff like that.
And then we hear, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
And it's Grace Lilly coming up with a bunch of guys.
And one of them is O'Sheen.
So she comes in and everyone's like, oh my God, Grace Lilly's here is O'Sheen. So she comes in and everyone's like,
oh my God, Grace Lilly's here with O'Sheen.
And then Eva sees it and she's like,
ah, and Maddie's like, oh my God,
I think Grace Lilly is here.
And so then everyone's just like shocked, you know,
cause this is such a messy, messy turn.
So Mia's like, somebody let O'Sheen and Grace Lilly
in this motherfucking party.
Golly, go motherfucking Lee.
So Grace Lilly is like, well, O'Sheen,
I've been friends forever.
So whether or not you like him,
we know how to have a good time.
That's what we do.
He's like, oh yeah, the milk is thicker than ever brother. So
Austin's like, Oh, my God, why I ride for grace, but she makes me
look so stupid when she does shit like this. And then Molly is
like, the audacity to show up with O'Sheen shows that grace
gets zero fucks about her friendship with Eva, who I
suddenly care a lot about
because I just met her.
And it also kind of shows that she doesn't respect
or give a shit about Matt.
And Matt, he's like, you are so fucking messy,
oh shit, like I can't with you.
And he's like, oh, my darling sis,
that's, you knew what you were getting into
when you became friends with me, babe.
You knew what you were getting into.
So, meanwhile, everyone else was on the porch, and Mia goes up to Emmy and Will and is like,
you guys look like you're having the worst time ever,
and because they're just sitting there to the side
looking sad, which is also kind of fucked up,
because Emmy planned this whole party,
and this party was for Will,
and Will is being such a downer this entire time.
So, and Emmy's the sort of girlfriend where she's like, well,
if he's being a downer, I have to be a downer too.
So they're just sitting there miserable at their own party.
I'm a glorious wife and Emmy does that thing. Well,
I thought Emmy was going to be like, well, everyone's like,
no one's apologized to us. Like, and it's so awkward with everybody,
but she goes, yeah,
cause my dad told me it was going to be catered with sushi, but it wasn't.
And now I have to eat crab cake.
And Will goes, yeah, I don't like crab cake.
Laura's don't eat that.
She probably loves crab cakes, but Will doesn't like crab cakes, of course.
So then she has to not like crab cakes.
So ridiculous.
So then Brad and Austin are talking about Will, Austin's tattletaling
to Brad about it. And then TJ goes right up to Maddie and Molly and he's like, I just
want you to know that I had it confirmed that Will cheated with a girl from law school and
orchestrated the affair to take place specifically while he was on a ski trip. And the timing
has to be with Will being able to take this girl to real law prom and he allegedly had the girl move in with him for a few weeks while Emmy was away. That's right. Hold on.
My eyes drift left to right really quick. I literally cannot take TJ seriously in this
entire scene because he is dressed like Jude Law in AI. Like he literally looks like that,
like gigolo robot. His face is like buffed and polished and his hair looks like it's
just plastic and he has the same kind of disco shirt on. And I'm like, like buffed and polished and his hair looks like it's like it's like just plastic
and he has the same kind of disco shirt on and I'm like, I cannot, I just can't stop
thinking about Jude Law.
And Mattie's like, no, not law prom.
And he's like, yeah, law prom.
Did you hear me?
And then he's talking to me around town.
And that was just to get me to catch wind of his drunken behavior and ultimately break
up with him so he wouldn't have to break up with her.
Got it?
Does everybody understand? Because he allegedly felt guilty about cheating. So
he tried to self-sabotage a relationship. Case, dis, miss. Hot dog. Hot dog. Am I right?
The producers like, yeah, this is all well and good, but, um, Emmy's made it clear that
she wants people to leave her and her relationship alone. So why are you getting yourself involved?
I mean, thank you, but why? And he's like, um, but it's like one of those things like, um, we're like,
if it's like, um, in a long-term situation, um, see, the thing is, um, I mean, when you
put a hot dog in a bun, um, well, I guess I want someone to do the same for me. I want
someone to do the same for me. I like that one. We'll go with that one. I want someone
to do the same for me. I want someone to do the same for me. I like that one. We'll go with that one. I want someone to do the same for me. They're just like, you're just fucking messy, dude.
He's just like, hot dogs.
So then Mattie's like, I mean, the fucked up thing is,
like now we're here for this imitation law prom, air quotes.
And here's Emmy overcompensating for her own version,
which he took another girl to his own law prom.
And I heard at that law prom, they ate sushi.
The sushi was delivered. I mean I love this show that they're doing a fake law prom and there's
nothing legal about it like it's just like a prom but it's also a law prom to compensate for the
fact that Will went to law prom with someone else and then and me didn't get to go to that law. I
mean it like literally makes no sense but they're like just all going with it.
So now we have O'Sheen, everyone's dancing
and Grace Lilly's like, oh!
And then Will's sat on the porch eating a crab cake
and being miserable about it.
And then Molly sits down next to O'Sheen on the couch
and then Grace Lilly comes over and she's like,
hey, you look great by the way.
And Molly's like, I know. So he's like, huh, you're supposed to say, thanks doll.
And Molly's just looking at her. She's like, I'm on TV and this is how we look at each
other on TV. And so can I talk to you private? Come on over here private like, okay?
I literally just complimented you, honey.
I was literally being sincere and you just said, I know.
And Molly's like, and this is how you flick your hair on TV.
Molly is like, you know what?
I feel like Molly is getting kind of overshadowed
this season because Molly has come out guns blazing
and she's hitting all her beats just right. And I just want to give a little appreciation for Molly.
I think she's been a wonderful addition. So Grace is like, that was condescending and
rude. And honestly, you should work on your character because I know Jesus and Bob Marley
personally and you don't want to get on the wrong side of us three.
And Molly's like, you are such a psychopath.
So then O'Sheen is just like, oh yeah, he's like, every time I arrived, there's a fucking
problem, eh?
Yeah, nailed it.
So then Grace Lilly is still sitting there with Molly and Molly's still giving her the
soap opera dirty look.
So Grace Lilly just starts like genie-ing her hands.
I don't even know what you call it, but she starts like doing this like weird hand dance
in front of her.
She's like, yeah.
And there's like sparkle, they put on sparkles.
Yeah, they have sparkles too.
She's like, yeah, Molly, it's like, what is that?
What the fuck is that?
She goes, I'm trying to get your energy away from me
because that shit is toxic.
The show is so great.
Like I dare people to watch the show and not crack up.
So now Lake and O'Sheen are on sitting on one of the sofa and Joe and Maddie are
kissing on another end and lots of stuff is just going on all over the party.
And O'Sheen is like being very flirtatious with Lake. He's like,
so what's in that box of tricks you got in there?
Do you wanna see my box of tricks?
Do you like dairy?
And she's like, nothing fancy.
He's like, oh, I like that purse though.
Thanks, ha.
And she's like, God, I really like his that accent.
I love that, I love he has like a Jon Snow accent.
And she says like, she's basically like,
if he had Austin, if Austin had O'Sheen's accent
and Joe's hair, that would be like the hottest guy ever.
Austin's body.
Well yeah, if you took all those things
from all sorts of different guys,
you could make the hottest guy ever.
So then Grace is like, well, I'll literally,
she's still with Molly, she's like,
I'll literally tell Eva that not that there was a possibility.
I'd be fucking O'Shane. And she's like, Oh my God, Maddie come here.
She's doubling down. And Maddie's like, Grace, you told me last week or Republic.
You knew it was wrong and you wanted a chance to apologize.
And then in walk Eva and Fran. Hi, I'm Fran. I'm just here for moral support.
What are you guys talking about?
It's that wacky Fran and Eva. They. Hi, I'm Fran. I'm just here for moral support. What are you guys talking about? That wacky Fran and Eva. They're like,
So Eva's like, well, Grace Lilly never warned me about why hook up with O'Sheen. Fran can
attest to that. Can't you Fran? Yeah, I can attest to what. Listen, I got this bitch's
back. I'm Fran, best friend. And O'Sheen's like, girls, girls, please. And she's like girls girls please and she's like get over him he doesn't fucking like you
Eva and Eva's like he doesn't like you she goes yeah and Maddie goes he doesn't like any of you all
he's a whore and Fran's going liar liar liar i'm like go get him Fran you do it Fran good for you
and Grace slowly goes yeah well Maddie you sucked his dick into loom
And Grace slowly goes, yeah, well, Maddie, you suck this dick into loom.
And Joe's like, oh my God, I don't want to hear a lot.
So Grace is like-
She died when she did that.
And Maddie's like, oh no, what?
Yeah, you're not a friend.
Okay, you burned that bridge.
So now outside-
Oh, I guess I'm not a friend.
Michael, Michael's is confronting Will
about all the goss about this girl.
And now he texted the brother and ruined things for Austin.
And so Will's like, what?
I just sent one text.
And Michaels was like, well, because of that,
Austin's girlfriend isn't here.
And he's like, why is anyone giving it light?
Like, I mean, it's like so attenuated.
I don't even want to give it a breath of air.
I hate air, by the way. So then this is funny. That don't even want to give it a breath of air. I hate air by the way.
So then that doesn't even make sense. What is he talking about?
He's like the show. I love this show.
When he says attenuated, it cuts to Michaels and it goes, it's like,
almost like someone like,
it's like when a cat gets up on a counter and you squirt it with a wetter gun,
the cat's like, so attenuated hits Michael's like,
I don't even know what that word means. They're like,
do you know what attenuated means? He's like,
I have not heard that word before. Hey Siri,
what does attenuated mean? Siri's like,
it is a word that should not be used on Southern hospitality.
Thanks. That's what I thought.
You're not the only one on this cast who doesn't know this word,
including the one who just spoke it.
So then we go back to the porch and Austin's like will is the one I need to talk to so Mia's like oh my god
This is like the short. This is like a tiny balcony get over here and just talk to him
So she pulls him over and she's like, okay
You're two grown men. You need a mommy to put them together
So listen tell him what you know, if you know anything if you know know nothing, say nothing. Now I've connected you, go ahead.
I'm not leaving, I'm staying here on the audience.
Go ahead.
So then of course, Emmy is like,
okay, I wanna be part of this.
Because you know, Will's like, let's go talk privately.
And Emmy's like, I wanna be part of this.
I would like to listen.
They're like, no, just the two of us.
She goes, no, I should be able to listen in.
So then they go over to- And then TJ's head just appears.
He's like, someone say hot dogs?
Yeah, TJ appears out of nowhere
and just like leans in on the railing.
Like, just be cool.
Like just pretend I'm not even here.
I'm totally not going to use this gossip against you guys. Come on.
The hot dog cart lid pops open and he just pops out.
And then all of a sudden Brad appears and all of a sudden Joe appears.
It's like in The Simpsons whenever there's like a ruckus in the street
and all the little characters appear in the background.
All the towns there.
So, I mean, it's like, I'm not doing this in front of everybody is crazy like I just had to eat part of the crab
I hate crab cakes now on behalf of well, I had a sympathy crab cake
So now they try to leave but then everybody follows the mountain to the sidewalk and here we are the greatest set piece outside of matching
But also by the way, I think what's also funny
is that they pulled the whole thing,
they pulled this whole thing of like,
well, we're not gonna have this conversation
in front of everyone.
Like, why does it always have to be in a group setting?
Like, why is it that if we're gonna talk privately,
that means like, why does it have to be like this?
We're just trying to talk privately.
It's like, Emmy, you were the first one
who barged in on the conversation.
You're not part of this conversation either.
Yeah, cause she's gotta be there to stand up for Will.
Cause she's Will's woman, okay?
It's different Ben.
So Joe's like, I hope to God it's not true,
but like we wouldn't even know
because every time someone brings up the rumors,
you sprint away and TJ's like, yeah.
Oh, he can't even understand what he's saying.
TJ is just so activated.
He's just like in his mouth.
TJ is like frothing at the mouth.
He's like, I will yell at somebody,
this is the season finale.
You're not taking this away from me.
So Will's like, TJ always needs someone to hate.
Like it's become clear to me
that this tunnel vision of hatred
is now attenuated towards me.
And we see a montage, to be fair,
a montage of TJ
basically scolding people from like, you see him sniping with Joe, Mikkel, Grace Lilly, and Will.
Which I think it's like, it is true.
But then again, everyone has yelled at everyone.
And you could probably make a montage
of everyone snapping at everyone on the show.
No, TJ is the worst about taking shit
that's none of his business and doesn't affect him at all
and then screaming at you about it.
He's always been like that.
Is he the worst or is he the best at doing it?
It's fun to watch, but he's definitely the worst about it.
And he's like, well, we know that the, you know,
he's like all mad and like waving his finger around
and he's like, we know who the other girl is.
And you took her to the prom estate in your apartment. And Will's like, we know who the other girl is. And you took her to the prom estate in your apartment. And well,
it's like, I did not take her to prom. And then he's like, um,
wait, that girl, I know who that is. That's the girl we're
talking about. Have you guys seen this girl? And so Will and
Emmy are like trying to explain like, that's just a classmate.
Emmy knew she was there the whole time. She's like, um, and
then Emmy tells us like,
I'm not threatened by this particular friend.
And I feel so bad for the friend who's sitting at home.
Like, is she covered in warts on her face?
Like, what's wrong with this girl?
They're like, it was Fran.
It was Fran all along.
So this girl's just like, okay, no one would cheat with me.
Thanks guys.
Basically, Will said that he went to New York
for Watch What Happens Live and she was moving.
And so he let her crash at his place for two days
and said like, you have to leave though
by the time I get back.
But by the way, Mia, at some point in this,
Mia was like, I know Will
and Will is the most unfriendly person
and he would never let anyone stay at his house
That was her piece of evidence
TJ's like when you're gonna realize that he's a fucking piece of shit that's gonna fuck you over
She's like, um, I am not everyone is miserable TJ and he's like no except for you you fucking guys
And he's just like runs off and he goes off to Maddie
He's like he is
So he is way too emotionally invested in all this shit,. And he's like, he is so,
he is way too emotionally invested in all this shit.
But obviously it's like hitting his damage.
There's something about, I think,
I think when he sees people who are not being truthful,
he sets him off and he goes to a dark place
that he doesn't need to go to.
But it's hilarious to watch.
No, I think he just likes some drama.
And it's a season finale and he's like,
oh, I'm gonna yell it.
Because then he runs right in and he goes,
I just screamed at them. I just screamed at them.
I just screamed at them.
He's like trying to get,
he's trying to get like attention from the popular girl.
And Matt, he's like, oh my God, TJ,
someone get this man of water.
Look at TJ, my God.
His bowling ball face is about to explode.
Please, someone help TJ.
So then Emmy at this point is like,
her hands are doing the big like flappy thing
and she's like, everyone is always has something to say
behind my back, but like never to me.
It's like she's dribbling a very tall basketball.
And so me is like, because whenever we try to come for you,
you always storm away.
She's like, well, maybe because it's done at a party
where everyone's watching and there is no sushi.
And so they leave, Will and Emmy are like,
let's go baby, so they leave. And, Will and Emmy are like, let's go baby.
So they leave and then everybody agrees that Will is guilty in a court of law
prom of cheating. And they think that Emmy's a victim. So, you know,
whatever she's, they're not mad at her, but fuck Will.
And Mia's like, yeah,
unless she sees a video of him sticking his dick in somebody else,
she's going to stay forever. She would stay even with that. She would stay.
Yeah, I think she would.
She'd be like, boys will be boys. You know, it's hard being a lawyer.
Yeah. That could have been just a doctored video. Like Will told me,
he was seen on video doing this and like I knew about it. It's fine.
I already yelled at him. At least there was sushi on his shot at his set.
So, um, uh, so yeah, that's, so they go off into the night. They never have to answer to anything.
At 24, I lost my narrative or rather it was stolen from me.
And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew was usurped by false
narratives, callous
jokes and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen, and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable
names about the way
that people have navigated roads to triumph. My hope is that people will
finish an episode of Reclaiming and feel like they filled their tank up. They
connected with the people that I'm talking to and leave with maybe some
nuggets that help them feel a little more hopeful. Follow Reclaiming with
Monica Lewinsky on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to reclaiming early and ad free right now
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And then LaProm Queen and King are announced and it's the couple of the year
Joe and Maddie.
So they have romantic endings.
Joe's like, we're going to have ups and downs.
The fact that we know how to couple the ups and downs and that we see a future together,
that is perfect.
Maddie's like, yeah, it's going to be great.
And Cloris Leachman's in the background in her green dress clapping.
Like what a, what a great moment.
What a special time for us all.
So we think it's over and then we get
the film rewinds and it's 10 days ago at Republic.
And we hear Will, we don't see him,
but we hear Will and they're like in the kitchen or whatever.
And he's talking to the producers and he's like,
I don't know when would be the appropriate time for this,
but I have information that would be like an atom bomb.
Dun, dun, dun.
And he screenshotted all of our group texts.
So there would be like some redemption in it for me
and her, but like, I don't think we've seen Maddie
activated this season.
So like, why don't we turn it on Maddie?
Like the thing just show Will trying to be messy
with the producers?
So then we go into the reunion,
which is a watch what happens live reunion.
It's a clubhouse.
I feel like next season they deserve to have
a proper reunion with like sofas and everything.
But so Andy Cohen's got everyone there.
Everyone's there.
And the big thing that comes out at this reunion,
because Maddie is like, she's rattled.
Okay, like, because Andy's like,
it takes 10 minutes for him to say hello
to the entire cast, but he's like, hi Joe.
Hey Andy, hi TJ, hi Andy, hi Maddie.
She's like, ah, hi Andy.
Okay, what happened to Maddie Reese?
She looks, she looksshocked right now.
Well, she says she's under the weather,
but we find out what happened last night.
Will dropped the bomb.
Will, you're so bad at this.
You do this shit at the reunion.
You don't do it the day before
and give everybody like a heads up.
What's wrong with him?
He did the same thing with the brother.
He should have had the brother show up at the prom
and say, that's not true or whatever.
And now he's doing it again where he's just blowing his
wad before they shoot. So Will has decided not to show up. He pusses out of the whole
What a wuss.
What a wuss. You know what? Here's the thing is that last season, Maddie was in the hot
seat with Trevor, which is obviously going to be relevant in this reunion. But Will was a crusader against that situation.
He and Emmy were very, were like very vocal about it. They went to Miami and Maddie left
in the middle of dinner to go off with Trevor or whatever. And he's like, why doesn't Trevor
show up? I mean, I seem to remember him saying these things, but he was like, he was grilling
Maddie. He was aggressive about it as were everyone else But the point is that like he wanted Maddie to show accountability
It became a whole thing and now this season when he has to face the fire
Not only does he not show up at the reunion to like at least answer things and dispel rumors
He sits there backstage while Emmy has to take all the heat for him. It is so shitty. What a piece of shit.
Yeah, he really is.
But you know, stupid Emmy is just like,
I don't know, like he just couldn't do it.
It's like for his mental health.
It's like super important
when you're a lawyer to have mental health, guys.
You need to have like a really mentally sharp
and unattainuated mind
to hold that highlighter above your ear.
Okay, so it's just, it's for him.
It's for his legal career.
So we start right off with it. So basically, Maddie starts crying. She's like, I just found out the news last night. Just last night, guys.
Just last night, Joe. I don't know what's real and fake.
We find out that Will came to her and told her she showed her all the group texts, which proved that all the stuff about
Trevor cheating with that girl last year was a lie.
And basically, they all went with it anyway, just to throw Maddie under the bus and have
her break up with Trevor, which is just so shitty.
And Brad's excuse is like, well, I mean, I didn't like her then.
And so, you know, basically this girl, I was training this girl, she told
me about this and that she said that she made out with him, but then she admitted once she
saw it getting out of control, she admitted that it was a lie. But by then it was just
too late for me to say anything. And I didn't like Maddie anyway. And then they just let
him off as if the entire part of the last episode wasn't Brad doing this again. Yeah,
this exact same thing again.
Exactly. I mean, I mean, it's funny cause my memory of season two was that it was never really clear
whether Sammy hooked up with Trevor. I mean,
we all kind of believed it cause Trevor still is a piece of shit regardless of
whether he hooked up with this guy or not. Like he was, he was garbage. And,
and you know, Maddie does say that, but Brad says that like,
he basically is like, yeah, um, at first she,
she had lied to me and said they hooked up,
but then she said they hadn't looked up at that point.
I was already so deep into it. So we just went along with it,
which is it is, it is sucky because it does also, um,
like it means that his case against will is much weaker.
Like you just said about, you know,
about like what he heard about law school.
He's clearly a proven liar.
But really the first part is Maddie being like,
my reality is destroyed.
I don't know what's real and I don't know what's fake anymore.
OK, settle down.
And still this is just about Sammy and Trevor,
so it's not that deep.
But it is, because her whole thing with Trevor was you've cheated on me.
I don't want to be with you again. And he's like, I changed. No,
I promise you I've changed. So she gets back together with him.
He's accused of cheating again. And she's like, I can't,
because you're accused of cheating again. And this is obviously lying.
She stayed with him after that.
The thing is that she ended up breaking up with him after all the stress of it
and stuff, because it caused
all the stress in their relationship, but he didn't cheat on her.
So maybe he had changed.
So I mean, I don't think that you do when you're a Trevor.
I don't think that he did change, but that's not the point.
It's not like whether I think he could change.
But in this girl's mind, she's like, I broke up with like the love of my life because of
you guys and they were all in on it.
Everybody knew in the group text.
And Joe's like, I didn't know anything bullshit.
Joe knew too, but Joe is lying because he wants
to keep Maddie.
So she's like, okay, you guys had me break up
with the love of my life and now I'm settling
for like a friend because I'm so traumatized
when I should have been with that guy this whole fucking
time and now I'm living out my dreams.
I could be with that guy, but instead I'm with this friend
because you guys have forced me into this fucking situation.
Right, well and we can see that this has also changed
people's perceptions of Will because at one point,
Andy asks who here thinks that the rumors are true
about Will and actually not as many people raised their hands
whereas I think at the end of the season,
they all believed it.
So, you know, Will has, like that's definitely,
like the needle has moved more towards Will.
But I think the thing is that like, it's like, whether Will cheated or not, it's never been
totally clear. But what has been clear is that he has been a shitty boyfriend to Emmy,
and he talks shit about her. And he let her take the brunt of like all these accusations.
And he would always hide away instead of like facing them. And that like that none of this
takes away from the fact that he's he's really shitty
for doing that.
And he should have appeared on this reunion stage and said, Look, I just got this information
and I and this proves that you are all unreliable narrators and you're all more interested,
even though I was part of it too, in weaving a tale that's good for TV.
And you don't care who gets hurt in the process.
And this year it's me who's getting her in the process and everything you guys say should be
taken with a grain of salt because you're obviously liars and you're proven liars.
This was he had, he was the one who introduced the evidence, but then he didn't show up for
his own court case. Yeah. He's an idiot. Yeah. Will's I'm not, there's nothing standing up for
Will, but it's obvious that T.J. and Brad in specific
are like, or in particular are liars.
They've done it two seasons in a row
and that's just not good.
And the whole cast was on board with it.
It's just so gross.
And I don't blame Matty for being pissed,
but they still keep turning it on Will being a bad boyfriend,
which he is, but you guys are terrible fucking friends.
I mean, you are all terrible.
And it also goes to show you like the level
of self-producing that goes even to like a season two
of this show, you know, that they're like, no, no,
they all get on the group texts, like a bunch of housewives,
like here's how we're gonna bring this bitch down, you know?
It was funny how Brad was like, well,
I am going to do something that Will was not able to do,
which is I'm gonna be accountable.
And this is what I did.
He sort of like, he presents it like,
this is actually evidence of him having good character.
As if he could take accountability
of when I'm being so shitty.
You're not accountable when you're already in jail.
You know what I mean?
It's like a jailhouse confession.
Like you were already caught, buddy, okay?
It's not just you coming forward and being accountable. You were busted
So yeah, Maddie doesn't really seem to be mad at all of them, but she does seem to be shell-shocked
You know and Joe I don't believe for one second
Maddie is so shell-shocked of the poor thing. She looks
She was like she looks like she saw a ghost
She is she just looks out of sorts for this entire reunion and she is she's oh The poor thing, she looks like she saw a ghost.
She just looks out of sorts for this entire reunion.
And she's like, oh, like traumatized for the whole hour.
And then, and then Emmy is also, I mean, she's crying.
And at one point she's like, ah, and Lake is like,
oh God, they just start laughing.
And Emmy is like, no Lake, be quiet, you don't understand. Like Emmy is going through it. And Leva is like, oh God, they just start laughing. And Emmy is like, no Lake, be quiet,
you don't understand, like, Emmy is going through it.
And Leva is like, hey.
I don't feel for Emmy either,
because she was in on this.
Like, you can't spend an entire season lying
about somebody else and then cry
when it happens to you the next season.
And by the way, it didn't even come from Maddie,
who deserved to get revenge on your ass.
It came from the same people that you were
butting up to to take her down.
So fuck off. You're all terrible.
And Lava's like, um, you don't have to take on, you know, all of,
you're taking on too much of Will's bullshit. And she's like, ah,
but I don't like crab cakes anymore. I was like, okay. Um,
there was also a big portion of the reunion that was dedicated.
It was actually like really fascinating and interesting. A lot of discussion about like gay stuff. And it was interesting because
you have Michael's and you have TJ and then you have Andy and you have Michael's who's
relatively new on his journey. And you have TJ who's been been through like 10 years or
so of it and has been like traumatized by queer baiting. And you have Andy who's kind
of like mother Henning them. And it was, it was actually a very, they were touching moments,
but there was a moment where there was a clash
with Joe and TJ,
because they started to rehash the whole thing of like,
TJ, why would you go around telling everyone
that Joe's gay?
You told everyone that Joe's gay,
and they're really coming down hard on TJ.
And if they're like, TJ is like trying to keep it together.
And at one moment, the reason I bring this up
is because Grace Lilly tries to jump into TJ's defense.
And she goes, look, I said to a woman,
I said to a girl once.
In this very serious moment, talking about like,
what like queer baiting and like emotional trauma for it.
And like what was said privately, what's starting rumors, what's just venting to your friends
and everything.
Hey, hey, hey, I said you're the girl once guys.
Doesn't make me gay.
Yeah, that whole thing too, because that turns out that Joe and TJ made up during the season,
but then Joe ditched him again once he saw all the footage because he saw how TJ was talking behind his back
and he didn't like that.
And then TJ starts crying and pulling this victim shit again.
I'm sorry, but you're in the wrong.
You're just in the wrong period.
I mean, I get a lot of the stuff and we had the discussion during the season about the
plot line of like, well, you know, it's not really right for Joe to like lead somebody
on and then kind of hook up and then the other person's supposed to be silent and
this and that. But TJ literally was going around to everybody being like, Joe's gay,
Joe's gay, Joe's gay, trying to kind of ruin his reputation. And we never got to the part
of the conversation of like, can we get to a time where being gay doesn't ruin someone's
reputation? That would be nice. The South. Like we didn't get to that part of the conversation,
but TJ just starts this shit where he's confronted
with stuff, what he did wrong, and he starts crying
and he's the biggest victim because he's been queer baited.
Well stop fucking hooking up with straight guys then.
Like at some point, you have to like take
some kind of responsibility, you know what I mean?
I think at this reunion, TJ was just like,
he was just not winning it for me.
He had a tough reunion. I don't know. I, I, I did feel bad for him
because I do think he's really been, he's like profoundly, you know, um,
scrambled by like his, what, whatever his gauge earning has been,
like he, he's, he's everything that we talked about with TJ tonight,
it's all wrapped up in this and like self-loathing and who knows what.
And I think it's a very murky thing.
I think, yeah, it's not right to say,
don't hook up with Joe, because he's gay,
but I also think he's allowed to tell his friends,
I think that Joe may have had feelings for me.
So it's a complicated situation, and I just feel bad
because I see him just tangled up
in his own bullshit right now.
But I also feel bad because it's like, I thought you guys settled this during the season.
Like why did like, I don't know, I don't think it's, I don't think it's cool that Joe Bradley
got mad all over again, because I'm like, you know what was discussed, like you getting
mad all over again.
He doesn't know what was discussed behind his back and what TJ was saying and how he
was discussing it with everybody else.
You know, he only knows the conversation he had with TJ.
And I mean, when TJ was,
when they were going through that scene,
I thought that was such a good scene in the bar.
And like, I related a lot to that scene
because I've gone through that same period that TJ has,
you know, I've had that,
I've had those same loves and stuff
that I really didn't understand
because they were like, quote unquote, straight.
And they turned out just to be guys experimenting and stuff.
Like I get that.
And I think if TJ had just come to the reunion
and been like, I fucked up, I shouldn't have done it.
You're right.
Me going to those people and saying stuff was wrong,
but I didn't understand it was wrong.
Cause to me, it was just like a hookup
and I'm allowed to talk about a hookup.
Like I didn't understand it was gonna affect your dating life
or whatever in Charleston or follow you around
because we live in a fucking homophobic place and this and that. I think if he took more
responsibility or accountability, then I wouldn't have been pissed, but he didn't. He just was like,
well, it's because I've been traumatized by men. It's like, fuck off. Like at some point,
you have to take some responsibility, you know? And then you spent the whole season lying against
someone who's your best friend, your other best friend, who's Will. Like that guy is just like, that's terrible. Like,
especially after that. No, no, no.
Yeah. And then you have, uh, but then there was on the other side, you have Michaels who,
the poor guy, he's sobbing. He's sobbing there in the clubhouse talking about his mom. He thought
that like, he thought the show was going to, um, like make his mom, I think, realize what his,
what his pain is that he carries.
And he says his mom hasn't even reached out once. And if anything,
like his mom has been like, why are people telling me that, um,
you're talking about being gay on TV. And so,
but he did say his family members, like his,
his aunts and like his siblings have been open and he's going to like,
they're going to meet Preston and everything.
But I felt so bad for Michael's cause he is really like,
he clearly is like yearning to reconnect with his mother and his mom is like,
like I, this, you know, she,
I'm not going to say she's a piece of shit because she's a piece of shit.
I'll say fuck that lady. Fuck that troll. Cause I'm like of shit, I'll say. Fuck that lady, fuck that troll.
Cause I'm like, I don't, yeah.
I will say fuck that lady though.
Like that's your son right there.
How do you not reach out?
Like how do you, when you see your child crying on TV
and just wanting his mother's love
and you're gonna, and you're just not gonna talk to him.
Like really lady, go to Shut Up Mountain.
Yeah, fuck that lady, fuck you, lady.
Yeah, some people are just shit people, you know?
But she was lucky enough to have a non-shit son,
so that's good, because he's very nice.
I mean, on Michael's behalf, I'm like,
oh God, please Preston, don't break his heart,
because I just have a feeling.
I just have a bad feeling about Preston.
And I don't know why, because he seems so sweet.
He's done nothing but be very sweet on the show. So I don't know why, but I just, I don't know. But I love Michaels.
I know Michaels is so wonderful. Michaels is a great find. He's gonna like, he's a great
breakout star for them. But yeah, so it was a fun reunion. And I'm I just said, I hope
this show continues to thrive because it's given us three wonderful seasons of content.
Yeah, so far so good, Sho.
Love this show.
And hopefully it started to break out a little bit.
It seems like more people are watching it
and stuff this year, so.
Yeah, I think so.
Let's see, hope we get some more.
But it's been a super fun season of Southern Charms.
So thanks, Sho. Yeah, thank you.
And thanks everyone for listening, and we will catch you on the next Crappins episode.
Bye everyone!
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