Watch What Crappens - #2759 Below Deck Down Under S03E06: Capsized and Highly Prized
Episode Date: March 11, 2025In the wake (get it??) of a jetski incident, the crew ups its game to entertain the guests on Below Deck Down Under. There can only be one solution: captain in a kimono. Also, a new sou...s chef arrives and only has to wait 13 minutes before a guy tries to make out with her! To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
Listen to Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that
we just love to talk about.
I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is Ronnie Karam.
Hi Ronnie, how's it going?
Good, how are you?
Doing so well.
It is Tuesday, we're talking below deck down under,
wider, but first, just a gentle reminder
that we are going on the road this weekend.
We are going to Cincinnati on Friday where we're going to recap Summerhouse. And then we're going to go to Minneapolis where
we'll recap Southern Shalom. And then we'll go to Toronto crossing into Canada where we
shall recap a classic Real Housewives of New York, the one where they go to the Berkshires,
the really famous Berkshires one, AKA December Berkshires County.
So go check out all those shows by the way.
But come and join us.
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So on Patreon, we have our bonus episodes. We just did the whole season of the traders.
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instead of just listening to us.
And those videos, by the way, are available on YouTube
a week later for the public.
But if you want to get them while they're fresh
and while they're still top of mind, then go to Patreon.
So that is all the news I have today for everyone. Ronnie, is there if you want to get them all, they're fresh and while they're still top of mind, then go to Patreon.
So that is all the news I have today for everyone.
Ronnie, is there anything you want to add to that?
You did great.
You did great.
You're doing great, Collie.
Doing great, Collie.
So now, song for below deck down under.
Previously, a lady named India tumbled off of her jet ski and today
we report she's no longer with us. No, she's fine. She died. She's fine. She's fine. She
got her. She got her knee on some coral, which is unfortunate. But we saw like a very prolonged
sequence of bubbles and flopping around in the ocean because that GoPro
was going around in circles. So, you know, they made it seem like something really terrible had
happened to her, but she's fine. She's fine. She was fine. But yeah, they did. They're like,
you'd only see splashing. But then every time the camera went underwater, they were in like two feet
of water. I was like, okay, I know, I know we need some drama on this show. But
come on, that's two feet. Still though, you know, if you're scared of water, I mean,
if you're scared of water, don't get on a Jesky, obviously. But you know, you're on
a boat. I get it. You know, she was scared. The real villain here is Vion. But you know,
I don't hate Vion still. I feel like the show's telling me,
they're giving me all of the signs
that I should hate Vion, but I don't.
Yeah, I'm just in a state of dislike with him.
I think that was the same thing I said last week.
I don't hate him, but I am disliking him.
You know, he, yeah, yeah.
Do you think he has beat cake's privilege?
I think that I like him because he's a go-go boy
in a gay bar, and I don't know,
I feel motherly towards those boys.
I don't think I've ever gotten a boner from a stripper.
Even when I was younger, I was always like,
oh, you know, here's a number for,
I don't know, community college.
And I was like, I wanna help them.
I'm like, do you need a, it's cold out here,
you want my jacket? You know?
Yeah. Um, well, uh,
anything other than a protein shake today.
Tell me you're having some of these French fries.
So Johnny Johnny is like India. I'll hold you. Do you feel safe now?
I'll hold you. I was like, Ooh, Johnny, um, Johnny,
I feel like every episode I think John is getting more and more attractive. Although at the, by the end of this episode, I. Um, Johnny, I feel like every episode, I think Johnny's getting more and more attractive. Although at the,
by the end of this episode, I was like,
and he went back down to being Johnny again.
But like he was on a great streak for me of getting hotter and hotter until he
until he got drunk. But so when he was like, do you, do you want,
I'll hold you. Do you want to be, do you feel safe now? I was like,
am I getting the vapors from Johnny and this ocean right now?
No, you want me to feel safe? Hold my groceries. Okay. Don't hold me.
Hold my car battery as you change it. You know what I mean? Do something.
And this is when we see them standing in there.
They're literally standing in the water. It's like up to their hips.
It's like, you'll be okay in this two feet of water.
Let me hold you.
And he's like, I'm gonna, he's like, grab the handle.
I'm push you up slowly.
She's like, oh my God, I'm bleeding.
I'm dying.
I've been cut by a coral.
Well think about how the coral feels.
It's like, how much of these fucking people already put me through and now I have somebody
kicking me.
Jesus, let me just piss on me while you're here.
Maybe it was just coral from the real world.
Who just had like a little knife down there. She's like, remember me.
I ever called for the challenge.
You know, I w that would be actually my concern would be cutting myself on
coral because I know you could get,
what's it called coral burn or coral rash or something like that
where when you cut yourself on coral and it like gets infected and it burns intensely. And I
remember my friend told me that before I first went scuba, not scuba diving, snorkeling. And
I was deathly afraid of nicking my leg or anything on coral. So I was, I wasn't afraid of sharks.
I was afraid of coral the entire time.
And I was very, very, I was very concerned.
I was afraid to snorkel.
Well, you should be, because you make it on coral
and then guess what sharks like?
You know, and they smell it in the water,
then they come eat you.
It's like how strippers smell french fries on me.
They come all around me.
It's like strippers who want a nice warm coat.
And they're like, Ronnie will give me a coat.
So John is like, this is fucking disaster.
Everyone is safe, but obviously jet skis have been leaking.
We should definitely check it before giving it to guess.
And he's like the deck team fucked up.
Vian fucked that one up big time.
Yeah, he did.
So, um, I'm only giving him one up big time. Yeah, he did. So, um...
I'm only giving him $5.
India, yeah.
He's not gonna get a round of tips, a large round of tips.
So, um, India's basically asking if Vion is gonna go back
and get Johnny who has been left in the ocean.
Imagine if he's like, no,
we're just gonna leave him there, that's it.
He's been fired and he's gonna have to find his own way home.
Of course they're gonna go back and get Johnny.
In the middle of the ocean, isn't he?
That's kind of his vibe.
So then, of course, Vion tells he like, what's his face?
Captain Jason is like right there.
So Vion's like, oh, Johnny capsized, which is kind of like you could also say
he really just he really threw Johnny
under the bus pretty swiftly on that one.
Yeah, he threw him under the wave runner.
And he continues to try to through this whole time,
which is really funny.
And I love that Jason doesn't buy it.
He's like, you think you're the first go-go boy
to work on this boat?
Squat. Seriously.
Squat right now.
It's like giving him the full prison exam.
So he's like, all right, just go get him.
So they send him and Harry just kind of looks over.
He looks over and beyond and he's like,
well, the jet skis overturned, not good.
Not good.
So then he dares like,
oh, you didn't do bad at all.
Just a little scrape.
I don't even think you need a bandaid or anything.
Which you know what?
Someone who's been injured does not want to hear that.
I want to hear like, oh my God, you came through this.
Your leg is almost falling off.
We're going to save you.
Is there anybody you want to call?
Do you have FaceTime?
Let's get your mother on the phone It's all gonna be okay
I don't want to hear like this is nothing. Why are you crying?
Yeah, exactly. Oh somehow this you making all those noises set my Siri off
I don't know how or why but like my phone just started glowing and was like how mine feels
Could I help with a bandaid?
I have the first theory who's ever called the police for herself.
She was like, please get me out of this house.
It is really cute how they are, um,
like how they treat India going forward because I mean, realistically speaking,
she went out on a jet ski, she fell into the ocean, she
nicked her, she, she got like a small cut. She came back like overall. It was scary for
a moment, but no, no big deal. But then they spend the rest of the episode being like,
we've got to save this charter, you know, we've got to really put all the stops at
dinner tonight. We've got to make sure everything's okay. I was like, that's how I
want to be treated. Next time I get a very minor injury, if I I have a hang nail, I want everyone on the boat to be like,
he's got a hang nail.
We've got to step it up everyone to make sure this charter does not go into the
shitter because he's got a hang nail.
Yeah. I want them to make a big deal out of it.
Not just be like, you're okay, you know, dare you suck at this. So then, um,
back to the on drama, he's like, um, I think it's the jet ski.
I think there's a leak in it.
Yeah, we know, they told you, multiple times.
And Johnny's like, definitely leak.
And he's like, well, can we just connect it to this
and show it in then?
And he's like, we can try.
And he's like, quick, a big wave is coming.
You're in two feet of water, calm down.
Did you drag it back, messor upper?
So Jason is is all concerned.
He just wants to make sure India's OK.
And she's like, yeah, I was a little scared.
But Johnny was in control.
And he's like, OK, good to hear.
So then Adair is talking to Harry.
And she's like, well, you know what?
Remember when we tried to lift it,
and I was like, maybe it's full of water.
And it was.
That sounds harsh, but it really was.
Like, you know what?
Because I already knew.
I already knew it was leaking.
Harry's like, all right, well, that's not, that's lovely.
So the, the jet ski comes back,
they bring the jet ski back and it's,
the jet ski is kind of like, help me.
And it's like, essentially it's about to drown
into the ocean.
It's like doing Leonardo DiCaprio and Titanic at the end.
It's like, it's about to like go over the raft.
It's like, save yourself. You're richer than me.
So the whole thing is that it's...
At Leonardo DiCaprio, there will always be a 23 year old for me, even in the afterlife.
I'm kind of seeing Ariel. So I'll catch you next time.
So yeah, it's almost, it's almost sinking down. It's like, oh my God, the jet ski, what are we I'm kind of seeing Ariel, so I'll catch you next time.
So yeah, it's almost sinking down.
It's like, oh my God, the jet ski, what are we gonna do?
We can't get it up with this lift
because the lift isn't strong enough for the jet ski.
We're gonna have to empty out the jet ski
that's somehow filled with water.
Jason's like, we need a plan B.
And I was like, damn, that jet ski had a fun time last night.
So then Johnny,
you must have held it.
Jason's like, I would not mind that.
So Jason's like, um, he's like, well, we need to drain the water first.
Just give me the line. Okay, we got to do it. Hurry up. Call the engineers,
call Fritz and bits. We'll get them down here because we need to get this thing
on. So they like, they somehow these guys pulled this heavy ass jet ski onto one
of those little floaty platforms.
Yeah, fucking save it. They're out there like, what do you need? What do you need?
We were taking a nap. They're like Fritz and Bits, you have to do something today.
Okay. Now what's the time we hold up jet ski? So, uh,
Fritz is like, I have one question about this jet ski.
When did Netflix start showing commercials?
Like, Bits, supposed to be concentrating on the boat.
Yeah, come on, hurry up guys.
Like, back when we used to work for Putin,
boats, we just let them sink.
It's like, well, we aren't going for Putin anymore.
This is a big job we need to call Spider.
It's Bits. Come on. Can
we all work together here?
It's going down water spout. Get it.
All right. Fritz and Bits are doing their little gag thing again. It's no time for laughter.
There's a jet ski that's meant to die. It's going to be a total loss.
I can't have my plug for the Capitol's Lounge kimono line
messed up by this jet ski. All right. So, um, so then Laura saying how I pride myself on
professionalism and getting the guests the best experience. It's just a big shit show right now.
So then they're still working on getting this, this thing up and it's just crazy
and scary. And then Johnny goes to his cabin to like shower because he's like exhausted because
he basically just spent like an hour pushing heavy machinery through the ocean. So wow,
that's a workout. Meanwhile, though, Vian's like having the time of his life. He's taking photos and
just having a fun time. Yeah. And he's like, fucking hell girl. I've never worked on anything like that in my life.
In my nine years yachting. Harry, take a photo of me.
Taking a picture like he's a hero of the day. He's the one who sent out that leaky ass thing
and then did do the work to bring it back in. And poor Johnny's upstairs. Who's taking
his picture? Nobody?
Yeah. No one is. He's like, we're going to laugh about this moment for years to come
Yeah, what when you went out on a jet ski and barely had to lift a finger while Johnny is the one who flopped over
Into the water and then had to push this thing and haul it up to him onto a floaty
Yeah, you're gonna have a great story for the unemployment line beyond
So then Laura's talking to India and gives her a pinot grigio as consolation, which by
the way, I would make my knee more often if it meant that I would just get a pinot grigio
right in front of me.
And then that was very like some, that was very sex in the city of me to say, right?
Well, if I knew I'd get a free pinot Grigio, I'd nick my knee every single day. Mmm.
I mean, if Pinot Grigio is what you get after some kind of trauma, I mean, my family must
be just in a constant state of recovery.
You're like, better check all the kneecaps of your family members for cuts.
How many corals have scraped you people?
Jesus Christ.
Whoa, you know what? I love Pinot Grigio.
So, Zarina, meanwhile, is talking to you.
Did the gorl scrape me or did I scrape the coral? Okay? It's all insane about it.
You know what? I'm sorry that you're dying in the ocean, but maybe next time try to live on the
land, okay? Who lives in the ocean? I'm sorry. I'm sorry you deserve to get bleached.
I'm trying to live on the land, okay? Who lives in the ocean?
Sorry, sorry, you deserve to get bleached.
So Serena is checked in on, she's checking in on Vianna,
saying, here's my favorite man in the whole wide world.
Trust me, I know, I know that you're upset.
Give me a hug, come to mama.
Put your head right in my boobies, that's my boy.
I'm gonna make you a soup that you eat with a fork. So then Marina's like, Marina's
the set, talked to him and says like, Oh, so you guys are good outside. What's the deal?
You seem stressed. He's like, yeah, we're good. He's giving her like the cold shoulder
now cause he's afraid that she's falling in love with him.
Yeah. And he's pint sized and highly prized. And Serena, as he walks away, she's like,
I love you. I love you. Oh my God, lady. You're, you're making me sad, Serena. Jesus. So Laura's
saying, oh, we have to make this up to the Charter Girl. So basically tonight we're going
all out. I was thinking tape and streamers.
I've got one. I can warm up that for you. How about we get the candles out? Big candles.
That's Jason's. That's his. That's literally what he says. We are going to go all out.
We're going to put out big candles tomorrow. That's it. That'll do it.
What about a red tablecloth? We could put a red tablecloth, it could be draped on things.
And it's like, wow, yes, welcome to the captain's lounge.
What happens in the lounge stays in the lounge.
Kimono line, kimono line incoming.
Well, the guests have requested a bar hop,
but there's not much bar hopping seen here at the Seychelles.
So we're gonna go set up the captain's lounge.
You know, that's what the guests are gonna get the guests are going to get, especially when one of the
guests was nearly killed on the jet ski today. The least I can do is show my favorite chest
in a kimono available now on
Why are we acting like they're doing the guests a favor? The guests asked to go on a bar crawl
and instead you're making them drink in the living room.
Yeah, I know.
Take them to a bar.
Just let them go to at least a bar.
And not only that, oh I'm sorry,
you're taking them to the living room
and you're making them plug your new kimono line.
Get the fuck out of here, I'd be pissed.
And they have to pretend like they enjoy seeing
their captain in a state of undress.
I think it's awkward.
So meanwhile, this discussion is happening while Marina,
for some reason that we never quite understand, no,
or can appreciate Marina has decided to unfold a
big ass table in the laundry room and she's like rearranging it.
And so we keep cutting to her and she's like,
this table is getting bigger and bigger.
And then she's like holding it above and it's like floating and it's cracking, crashing into things. And it was very stressful. And
I still don't really know why she was doing that.
Well, I thought she was just trying to move it out of the laundry room, but it was this
huge table that she wasn't folding to move. I didn't really understand what was happening.
It's like, I didn't understand any of it. I was like, this is just a form that her, I
think her, this is the form that her anxiety takes. She was like, this is just a form that her, I think her,
this is the form that her anxiety takes. She's like, no, Vian's not talking to me, so must
unfold tables to distract myself.
It's time for a commercial. It's time for a crap-ins commercial.
At 24, I lost my narrative, or rather it was stolen from me. And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew
was usurped by false narratives, callous jokes, and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen,
and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting with folks,
both recognizable and unrecognizable names,
about the way that people have navigated roads to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming
and feel like they filled their tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to
and leave with maybe some nuggets
that help them feel a little more hopeful.
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Okay, let's get to the part now that we've all been waiting for. The part where Vihon
apologizes to Johnny for putting him in a dangerous situation by not listening to everybody and keeping
that wave runner off the ocean.
Just kidding.
So Johnny comes in and Vihon's like, okay, boys, give us debrief because jet ski does
not just capsize.
I'm not on the jet ski.
You're there.
What happened?
What happened?
You sent out of leaking jet ski, bro.
Yeah, we all watched it. We saw it. And Johnny's like, well, the way of what
overturned me I was right behind her the moment we get close to the shore. As as
we turn she leaves the gas and then immediately I feel I feel sinking. So
Vian's like, so all these things that happened, we learn from it. So you make
mistakes and you learn from the mistakes that you have made, cause they are fully all your mistakes.
Yeah, I was like, I mean, I should have assessed
the situation, but you need to put it in the water
and if water's coming in and Johnny's like,
yeah, remember when they put it in the water
and then it came out and it had water coming out
and they said, no, that means there's a leak
and there's water coming out.
And he said, that's normal.
Don't act like they didn't do this gas lighter.
Yeah, exactly.
And Johnny's like, well, I would have done it differently,
but I'm not the ones making decisions
and I'm a good soldier.
So then meanwhile-
I think the war.
Yeah, it's jet skis.
So Laura's asking Zarina what's for dinner
and Zarina's like, well, it's gonna be local cuisine.
They said on the thing they wanted chicken curry.
So we do a traditional one with lots of lovely fun flavors.
I'm going to have a little more strategy.
And we do the local cuisine.
Simple, beautiful, folks only.
Hopefully no dishes come back this time around.
So Jason, Vian, Vian, do you want to come to the bridge?
All right. So what happened?
And Jason, I love Jason's just kind of bored with it all face. He's like, all right, mate, what happened?
He's like, I saw everything and he goes, so you saw it happen. He's like, yeah, I had to debrief
with Johnny. And he was driving the jet ski, not Johnny, as they were turning, she took her hand
off the throttle. And then the whole thing capsized. And Jason's like, I'm barely awake in this scene, mate, but that sounds fishy to me. So
Yeah, Vion leaves out the part that like, he started to feel like he started to feel
the boat was sinking, aka, there was water that was flooding in. Vion leaves that part
out. He just makes it seem like Johnny was letting the guest drive and that was irresponsible.
Right? Right. And so Vion's like, um he was letting the guest drive and that was irresponsible, right?
Right. And so, Vian's like, um, well, and his eyes are wide because he knows he's caught.
He's like, well, this morning we lifted up and I see that the whole thing is full of
water and I drank it out and I put it in the water. And he's like, all right, well, let's
not try to cover it up, you know, and that's the, that's the, that's the slogan of my
kimono line, you know,
let's open the kimono on this discussion. So, um, it's like accountability. Don't put the jet ski in the water. If you think there's a lake in it. Okay. Learn from it. And now I know our
boundaries for next time. I'm like boundaries. There's no boundary here. Just don't put expensive
ass equipment that's leaking in the ocean. So if you don't feel like it's safe, we can fix it or we don't do it.
That's your job.
And if there's a problem with the jet ski, let's get on top of it and fix it.
And off said, that's it.
Boundaries learn for next time.
Come on.
Do like we do on this boat.
We do not want leaky crewmates on this boat.
All right.
That spreads, spreads or boundaries.
It's like us.
It's like I say, anytime anyone comes into the captain's lounge, if you don't feel it's safe, don't do it.
So he's like, yeah, this could have been a massive mistake, could have had an injury,
could have had a loss, could have had a death. Vion made a poor judgment call,
and I know it's not going to happen again. I shall reward him by making somebody else wear the helmet of stupidity tonight. So, otherwise he better watch out.
He better watch out. Oh, by the way, someone wrote us a message and said they heard on another
podcast that the sous chef did find he did leave for another job, but it didn't last long. So
it's not to know that that little fucker probably got fired from that job.
I want more details.
Me too.
Someone send them to us.
What happened?
Yeah, give us all the deets.
So then Zarina's sleepy, so Marina offers her a matcha,
and she's like, I'm intolerant of caffeine,
and by caffeine I mean you, so I can't have coffee
or be around you, Marina.
And she's like, well, I can see
if there's green juice. And she's, because Marina's just like angry, doesn't even want
to have like a green juice. Doesn't want anything to do with Marina, basically.
So she looks at her and continues to drink the pine sal or whatever she's drinking. I'm
not sure what it is, but it looks scary. And so Marina's like, okay, awkward, awkward.
Now it's second day of charter.
And Laura has so much to do.
She's like, oh, and by the way, Vion,
I've heard a rumor that someone's a world-class stripper.
So in the captain's lounge, you're going to strip.
Laura is gonna have these guys come out
shirtless every single episode if she can have it.
Laura's like, I'm perfectly happy being alone.
I just want to live in my country home with my dogs. I'm totally fine.
I'm not horny at all. I'm definitely not horny. Okay. Gentlemen,
take your shirts off again. Thank you so much.
And until I go into self imposed quarantine,
I'm going to see as much penis as I can. So let's get this rolling. Shall we?
Shirts are off. Thank you. So, um, uh, so yeah,
she's basically asking Vian
to be a stripper in the captain's lounge.
I support it.
And then Marina is done with laundry.
So Harry and Vian start talking about Marina.
And Vian's like,
I've got a difficult situation on my hands.
My kiss to Zarina?
I mean, that was just fun.
And I didn't mean for someone to fall in love with me. And maybe I shouldn't have kissed Marina. Oh, no, which is, there's the
standard, you know, fuck boy thing of like, I was just having fun, but she's taking it so seriously.
She's crazy.
Yeah, it's like, hopefully there's not someone named Tina lined up, because anyone with that kind
of rhyme, they love me. They just love me, man. And Harry's like, so...
Tell us about it.
So what are you gonna do now?
And he's like, I don't know.
Actually, I'm so confused.
I haven't even given attention to anyone
except for gone on a date with that girl
and flirted with Serena every five minutes.
But if anything, I've given attention to fucking a dare.
I mean, girls, when you kiss them,
they might feel a little bit a certain way. You know what I mean?" And Harry's like,
that's what happens when you're so good looking.
And I like that when he says, if anyone, the only one I've given attention to for real
has been a dare. And they show a clip of him saying like, hey, I'm coming.
He's like, hi y'all. He's like trying to flirt with her and she just gives him a look like, ew.
So Laura is working on the party and everything
and Zarina is working on dinner and Zarina's like,
so you guys gonna take it a bit easy now?
Like cash, cash now, but go to the next bases
because she's talking to Bri and Brianna and she's,
Brianna's like, I don't know. I mean, I feel like I'm not one to initiate things, you know,
but like, you know, I'm just like waiting and because she's essentially waiting for Harry to
make some moves on her more than just like a random kiss here or there. But then Harry walks
by and overhears everything and he's like, what's going on over here?
They're cracking up. Oh my God, oh my god, a boy heard us talking about
him. Hehehe. She's like, we're just eating strawberry colored chocolate. It's like,
ooh, I'm not listening. Christ, I got here a single word. So weird. And also, why does
this girl need to have a discussion about every single thing? I think he's clear about
liking you and making out with you every time thing? I think he's clear about liking you
and making out with you every time he sees you.
She's like, I'm just getting such big signals from Harry.
It's just so crazy.
I'm like, what part of waking up every morning,
staring into your eyes and kissing you and saying,
I hope we can do this forever.
Oh, don't you understand?
He loves you.
But I think she just wants more spice in the relationship. And I think she wants more like flirtation, maybe like they don't have to be making out all the
time. But like, something more flirty than Harry just coming by being like, do you guys want to see
me juggle? So all right, I've got a string, it's tied in a circle, I'm going to put it in my fingers
and make different shapes. And you can put your hand through. And then I'm going to put it in my fingers and make different shapes and you can put your hand through. And then I'm going to
magically make the stream back into a circle. Anybody down?
She's like, Oh,
so Laura is asking beyond for some help with the dinner
service tonight. And the deckies are changing into strippers. And
the guests are all sitting down for dinner.
And so now we're gonna finally get our chicken curry bonanza.
And some, by the way, beautiful looking fish.
I thought those pieces of fish that went up to the table,
those filets or whatever they were, looked gorgeous.
And I really loved that one.
I'm sorry, but we're not at the filets yet.
Right now we're at the filets.
I know, I just felt like I was to forget it if I waited too long.
I wanted to give the fish credit.
I will get this filet comment no matter when it is.
Like the Southern hospitality recap.
You're like, oh yeah, by the way, just wanted to say those filets.
They did look good. Those were nice big filets. They weren't just wanted to say those filets.
They did look good. Those were nice big filets. They weren't skimping on the filets.
They were huge.
So Marina's cleaning down the cabins and she's like, Oh,
this is too much for me to do right now. Too much.
Cause the cabins are a mess.
Who are these people that do this every single episode?
When I go to a hotel, like my clothing is fairly contained, you know? Like I don't,
I'm not someone who just like lets it sprawl everywhere. Or if I do, it's kind of like I've
set it out because I'm going to wear it later. But like, who are these people that just like,
throw their clothing all across their room?
Pete Slauson It's starting to feel malicious, I have to say.
Pete Neal Yeah.
Pete Slauson I would agree. Normally, I'm like, well, you know,
you're staying in a hotel room. If it's dirty, that's your job to clean it. But these ladies
are like overly rude about it. It's almost like they're taking everything out of their suitcase
and throwing it to different parts of the room on purpose. Like there's shit hanging off lamps.
How do you, how do you do this? What do you do?
And like sand everywhere. And like, they're such nice ladies too.
Like it's, it's not like a, they're like so they're like really,
really nice. And so,
but you just sort of feel like they're like really nice and they get in their
room and they're like, let out all the, they're like,
whatever complaints I have about this charter,
I'm going to express it by throwing five bathing suits across the room.
Super weird. But it's not just them. I'm not really sure what's happening.
It's all these charters are like this.
I just don't understand it.
No, this one's particularly bad for some, for whatever reason.
Whenever they show the room, it's like, Jesus, what are you guys doing in this room?
It's like a poltergeist woman there went crazy, got mad about it.
I know.
So Marina, and also Marina is getting completely ignored
by her man.
So she's in a really bad mood.
So she's like, oh, this is too much.
I need help with the gobbins.
So they're sending Adair and Marina just keeps repeating
as she sees the dirty room.
She's like, I love my job, I love my job.
So she tells Adair what to do and Adair goes,
Adair sounds like some kind of a bird.
Just, you know when birds aren't really calling,
they're just like, I'm here.
She's just like, ah.
Congratulations, you just set me off on a tangent
because I just read this crazy article
in the New York Times about these two women who
live next door to each other in New York City and they were friends, but then one of them got a parrot and the
She already had two little parrots and then she got like a cockatoo or something like that or a cockatiel and the cockatiel
every day would come like this and
Then the noise of the cockatiel would activate the parrot so the parents would go like this. And then the noise of the cockatiel
would activate the parrot.
So the parrot would be like.
So it was all like.
And it was every day and it was all day long.
And it was so loud that the woman,
the woman who didn't have the parrots was recording it.
So they put the recording on the New York Times.
So I listened to it.
That's how I know exactly how it sounded like.
And it became a legal battle that lasted 15 years
and they went at each other.
It was crazy.
I can see that happening because, you know,
when I moved back to LA, I get this house,
I'm so excited, I put all this remodeling
and you know, it's like months and months of construction
and jackhammering and this and that.
So I finally get up to the house
and I'm in there the first night and it's just silence
and I can hear the birds, you know, like and it's just silence. And I can hear the
birds, you know, like tweet, tweet, tweet. I can hear like nature. I'm like, this is fucking amazing. I can't believe that this is happening in LA. And then I just hear, I was like, what the fuck? So I
thought it was an aberration, you know, I don't worry about it. So I just, you know, relax again.
And then I hear it. And I look and the neighbors have a fucking parrot
and it's sitting right, and they have two, and they're sitting right in the kitchen window.
And that shit never stopped. Thank God they moved because I was to the point, I was like,
how do I kill those birds? This article is crazy because basically the woman who did the non parrot
woman, she ran a, she worked from home, she was a PR person.
And so she couldn't have phone calls
because the birds were so loud.
And then everyone started,
but then the girl who had the parrots,
she was like, they're my service animals.
I have anxiety and the parrots relaxed me.
Even though the parrots all day long are like,
I can only be calm by causing
the rest of the world anxiety.
Go fuck yourself with your anxiety if that's what it is.
Well, and then it became a thing.
I'll fucking shove those birds down your throat. We'll see how anxious you are then.
And then the co-op forced her out, but then she wound up getting like, it was like some
bureau, it wasn't, it was like some bureau that was like tenants rights or whatever took
her case or like it became a thing like because she was kicked out and she had a service animal and then the whole thing got escalated to like a million dollar controversy and the
woman who did not have the parents, her life is like ruined because she now has anxiety
about it and she's, she stopped having friends because she was like mortified of, I don't
know, it was a fascinating article.
And the thing is, you're the one who has the birds.
So she ended up getting, she ended up getting anxiety herself.
And then the only call, the only cure was birds.
So she had to get parrots herself.
And then it was just like a cycle that never stopped.
And she never, I mean, for me, I was just like birds learn some fucking language.
Like, have you heard of evolution?
Like parrot something, you know?
Like even if the birds were like, Polly want a cracker?
Or like, fuck you, John, or whatever the birds hear,
you know, do that.
But just a pair, two parrots sitting next door
just going, meh.
I mean, it was just, it wasn't okay.
And you see how I am?
I only dealt with this for like a couple of months.
If I was that girl, there would have been some,
at the very least, some BB gun action.
Oh yeah, for sure. And like, at the very least, some BB gun action. Oh yeah, for sure.
And like, at first I thought, okay, oh wow,
so now like 15 years later, oh, she has anxiety,
whatever, but then they show a picture of her.
You see a picture of her when she's younger,
when she was like friends with a person,
and then you see her when she's older, you're like,
oh yeah, this is a woman who's been through some shit.
She's been through paratrama.
Yeah, they have a whole show on one of the murder networks,
you know, the networks that are like,
all dedicated to murder shows, and they come up with like random things for murder. They're like,
ladies who knit getting murdered. And that's like the whole show every episode is like a lady who
knits who got murdered. But this one is about your neighbors going crazy. It's like neighbor fights,
and then it escalates to the point where a neighbor kills their neighbor and they're all terror.
And I'm sure that there's like a parrot story in there.
There has to be a parrot story.
Oh, I'm sure.
Parrots must have led to so many murders.
Now I like the wild parrots that fly around LA.
I mean, they squawk, they make so much noise, but they're so cute flying around.
But that's because they fly and then they go somewhere else.
But like if there was one directly next door or like across the street in the window, I
would have literally, I would have lost my mind as well.
I get it, I get it.
All right, so back to this, Marina's Miserable,
which somehow led to this.
So then Serena sends up her fish,
which are fabulous, fabulous fillets.
Fabulous sea bass approved.
Can we give it five out of five stars.
And it has a passion fruit sauce and they love it.
And then they're like, but do I have to eat this
with a spoon?
This is weird.
And then they're like, guys, Tina's a Colonel.
You act like you were trained at West Point.
I will say that.
And Tina's like, well, I think I was conceived
at West Point.
And then more, the sea bass is continuing to arrive
and the passion fruit sauce is continuing to dazzle the guests.
They love the passion fruit sauce and everyone's happy.
And then Adair is like, well, all the beds are turned down
and I'm not doing the bathroom.
So she can do the bathrooms herself.
So she basically decides I'm going to have dinner.
And she walks in.
Yeah, so weird.
And so Marina's like, are you there? She's rate owing her. Adair, Adair, are you there. And she walks in. Yeah. So weird.
And so Marina's like, are you there?
She's radioing her.
Adara, Adara, are you there?
And she's like, what's up?
And she's like, um, I mean, are you still helping?
It's this, hey, Laura, is she still helping me with the cabins?
And she's like, she should be.
And so Adara's just like, on my way.
So she's like, where, what happened to you?
And she goes, what do you mean?
She goes, well, you just did the bed and left.
And she's like, oh, I mean, I went to the rooms
and turned down the beds and then I've been running plates.
I mean, what do you want from me?
I'm just one sun hat.
Yeah. So there's like, yeah,
I really don't know what they do in the rooms.
I mean, I'm being pulled in so many different directions.
Always like this, boom, boom, boom, this, that.
I'm like a pinball around this boat.
But I mean, I wouldn't say I'm a fan of cleaning someone's shit toward I'm not doing that. Like, so basically,
you admitted you did as much as you wanted to do. And then you went off and ate food. Yeah,
because we saw her eating food. She was not running plates. Yeah, she's running plates to her mouth.
So now the boys are changing into stripper outfits. And we get Vam's story. He's like, I do enjoy performing.
I was a shirtless waiter at Beefcakes.
It's a gay bar, usually around nine o'clock.
And then we get the visual of the clock turning to nine
for some reason.
He's like, we take off our shirt
and we do body shots on us right here, shot glass.
From chest to penis.
Human shot glass.
I feel like they don't do shots off their chest in WeHo.
I feel like they just come around selling shots,
but you don't actually get to do body shots
off their chest, right?
Oh yeah.
You really?
You just have to be careful what bar you're at,
because some of those bars, some of them you just don't want,
you don't want a shot.
You wouldn't ask for that at Fu Bar,
not that that's around anymore, but back in the day,
no one wants a shot from a place that smells like bleach and socks
You will need a shot afterwards and not the one that goes down your throat. They offer them shots on the way
Zarina wants people to come bring her cake up. She's made a coconut cake, which looks nice
And then Lara is asking Marina how everything's going. And Marina's like,
terrible, just terrible. Rooms are terrible. Sand is terrible. Adair is terrible. Adair dropped me
like midway when I asked her. And like, can you, can you help me with things? And she's like,
no, I'll only do bed. I can only do bed. That's all. And Laura's like, oh babe, I'm sorry. I have
very little sympathy for you because, you know, you were supposed to be doing a job anyway, but okay, fine. But anyway, Laura's bad.
I've ever had a junior crew member pick and choose what jobs they want to do. Like, this
is your job. You do what your superior tells you to do and that's it. Now I can't wait
to not say anything to her about it.
I know, right?
Laura's the biggest like talker into the camera to us, but she's not, she doesn't really do
anything with everybody else.
She's just like, I'll, I'll tattle, tell Jason about it.
So Jason speaking, which comes out in his kimono at the captain's lounge and, or he's
going to, they're going to go set that up and everything.
And Laura tells the guests, everyone, I've just gotten a phone call from captain and
they've given you exclusive access to the Captain's lounge.
Would you like to go to it?
And they're like, woo.
So they go in there and they're like,
he's there in his kimono and he's all stretched out.
And they're like, whoa.
And it's funny and everyone's like laughing and stuff.
But I'm with you on this.
I don't need that.
You know what I mean?
Like if I walked in and the captain was like in a kimono,
that's a tiny little kimono too, you know?
It was like a white Lotus kimono
where you're waiting for his wiener to just pop out
like that dude from White Lotus.
Like keep that inside, you know?
Maybe if it's boner time, he's a cute guy.
It's not like his job at the hut or anything, he's cute.
But I don't know, it's like maybe if it's boner time,
but not just, not right now. I don't know, it's like, maybe if it's boner time, but not just, not right now.
I don't know.
It's a weird timing to just walk in
and see him just laying there in his kimono.
Yeah, I agree.
So then Vian comes out and does his little strip tease
and everything and Marina's like,
oh, I want to kiss this freaking gorgeous man,
throw him on the wall, let's kiss a little bit
and go back to work.
We had such a good date, but then he disappeared.
What's the deal?
In the 1980s, a rose swept the country.
White Zin became America's top-selling wine, but most don't know that this sweet drink has a sour history.
What began in 1986 with counterfeit bottles,
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the more dangerous things became.
It's a story of deceit, threats, and murder.
What started with a scheme to mislabel wine spilled into a blood-soaked battle for succession.
Welcome to Blood Vines.
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So Jason says the Captain's land, their exclusive VIP only. It's where you get to relax, put
your feet up and you never know who might stop by.
You literally know exactly who's going to stop by. It's can only be people from the boat.
With a pair of pajama pants for you.
Please stop by with some Haagen-Dazs too, while you're at it.
By the way,
the captain's lounge is just some pints of Haagen-Dazs and Jenny's
ice cream.
I'd be like, wear whatever you want.
Kimono, no kimono, sweats, wear what you would just get me that ice cream.
So Marina is in love.
She's like, I want to kiss this gorgeous man, throw him on the wall.
We kiss, we go back to work, such a good date, but then he disappeared.
What's the deal?
What's the deal with that?
Beefcakes are supposed to be trustworthy men.
And so they're all going on about the captain's lounge
and stuff and the strip dance, what Suspense did,
I didn't mind that.
So what is it?
Why didn't you read that? Yeah, I didn't mind that. Did not mind that at all. It was nice visual.
So now our friend, the guests go to bed and Adair is talking to, she's like, wow, I felt like, hey,
I felt like I was watching the intro to a porno with you. Okay, good night.
I'm going to bed before my head explodes. Hope your head doesn't explode.
He's like, you don't even understand the depth of what that means for me right now. All right, good night.
So he's sitting there now, she leaves and he's just sitting there now with what's her buns,
Marina. And she's looking at her phone and he's just looking at his watch. He's like, okay, well,
gotta go then. Good night. She's like, bye. So then Harry checks in with Brie and we have a really romantic moment.
He's like, are you done?
Are you going to bed now?
And she's like, yeah, are you done?
He's like, sleep well while I've filled your water bottle up and I put it in the crew
mess somewhere.
What do you think about that?
He's like, thank you. Good night.
She's like,
Oh, damn it.
I don't like being the one to make the first move with a water bottle and just having it
You know, I'm very happy that my, my love life is sorted about time and bring on a great
We're both on the same page.
She gets a little kiss on the cheek every three days.
And you know, it's just us, you know, we just go at our own pace. And she's like, I'm horny.
I'm horny. Do me.
She's like, I want to know where Harry stands. I mean, we go on a date, but we don't discuss
anything. I mean, does he even know my parents owned an ice cream shop? Does he know I used
to date a model and I almost settled down in New Jersey. What does he know?
So then it's the final day. It's the next morning and Vian's flirting with the dare
by saying, your boots are the best. She's like, yeah, man, I'm gonna get you to stop
and I'll fucking have to take down these johns in a minute. It's fucking funny. You want
to take a closer look? He's like, no, I saw it. Lovely, lovely boots.
She's like, boot in the face.
He's like, all right.
So Johnny's like, shall we do the lines?
And Vian's like, I am so in love with Adair.
How am I going to tell her that?
He's like, well, it's something you have to figure out.
At which point Johnny says, for me,
I always try to avoid sexual relationship or being on boat
because boatmanses can create turbulence and ruin peace. Vianney says, for me, I always try to avoid sexual relationship or being on boat because
boatmanses can create turbulence and ruin peace.
I'm more likely to paint my hair pink rather than have a boatmanse.
Could you imagine?
Pink hair Johnny would be banned from Greece.
Pink hair.
Think about it.
Pink hair.
I love that he has no patience for Vianney to tell them, that's something you should figure out yourself. Like, don't talk to me about it. Pink hair." I love that he has no patience for Vian, he tells him, that's something
you should figure out yourself. Like, don't talk to me about it. I don't want to hear about this.
And poor Vian's like, but listen to Adair, her voice, it's like poetry.
I love boots! Boots are great! You want to choose that?
Jason. And Laura's talking to Jason about Ad dare. She's like, last night she was meant
to be in the cabins helping, but then she kept disappearing and Marina asked to come
help her. But like she said, well, I've done the beds and that's all I do. But I'm kind
of like, why are you, why are you going to Jason about this instead of talking to a dare
about it first? Right?
I feel like this is not going to escalate.
She always goes to tattle to Jason
instead of taking care of her own shit.
That's bizarre.
So he's like, well, I guess I'm part of this now.
What's the dare up to now?
Someone's gonna go.
Should I send them now?
Should I send them later?
So you need to tell her to be inside.
So Vion comes in and he's like, where is she?
What's the dare up to?
And he's like, oh, she just came outside.
He's like, well, have you told her to be inside?
All right. I need communication on this boat.
So then Leroy said the whole thing again about the cabins and Jason's like,
all right, well, Jack's decks user always a gray area.
It's sort of like when you wear a kimono, but you're also hanging out with the
But I think that she's picking and choosing her jobs and no one changes their
department unless unless you to authorize it. So communication with you guys has to be like this. Okay. you're also hanging out with the guests. But I think that she's picking and choosing her jobs and no one changes their department
unless you two or four is it.
So communication with you guys has to be like this.
Okay, go and fix it.
I don't know why you bothered me with this,
but go ahead, go ahead.
So as Vion leaves, he's like,
this fucking annoys me so much.
Which this one I can imagine why,
because how's he supposed to know the girl's not making
the beds or cleaning the toilet?
Whatever but that being said
Why is it that every time there is a deck stew the deck the boston always acts like the deck stew belongs to
Their department like they always like oh, I guess we'll
Loan you the deck stew to help out on the interior
So he has no like right to feel entitled to a dare a dare belongs to both departments
Well, he's not saying he has the only right to Adair. Is he?
I know he's not saying that,
but his vibe is like that if you ask me.
I just think he's like,
why is this lady always giving me shit?
Like, geez, can't even do anything right.
Which is not incorrect.
So Laura radios and she's like,
Vyond, Vyond, can we have Adair help with the guest cabins please? And he's like, um, beyond beyond, can we have a day
help with the guest cabins please?
And he's like, Oh God.
And there was like, and he's like, all right, well, can we start her on
the deck and then move her to interior?
And she's like, okay, okay.
So now Marina is working on the cabins and then Laura Brie and
Serena are dancing.
Like, yeah, The guests are sad.
It's their last day and everything.
And now it's time to lift the anchors and everything.
So they're going to do anchors are going to go up.
And then now they're also going to have to now rearrange their cabins because the new
sous chef will be arriving, which means she's a girl, which means
that there's going to be another shuffling around of people. So Johnny's have to move in. Now, last
week, I saw the CV and I saw that the new sous chef was named Alicia. And I just jumped to
conclusions that it was the same Alicia from Below Deck Sailing. And I received a few messages that
said, actually, Below Deck Sailing Alicia, her name is spelled differently.
And also she's a different person than the Alicia that does.
So I messed up. I failed. I failed as a podcaster and I'm just waiting for an apology. I apologize.
I apologize for putting my theory, my leaky theory out into the water is not safe.
Your leaky, Alisha.
Yeah, so somebody new is coming and I did not know any of this information you just
gave me.
So I thought it was going to be the other Alisha.
And I was like, her hair looks great.
So they're doing the cabin swap and all that good stuff.
And Adair is like, I hope we get a lot of money today.
And Marina is like, okay, since we're here,
listen, the bed, amazing.
You're doing great job.
But just make sure the towels are clean.
There's clean floors.
You know, we need more.
And she's like, well, I wasn't meaning to leave you
yesterday, it's just like sometimes I do the needs
and then I get dragged off, you know?
There's like food to eat, there's drinks to drinks.
Yeah, you know, sometimes I just get dragged off by myself,
dragging myself off to doing something more fun.
That's it.
So they're like, okay, it's fine.
So then now Adair has to go back out on the deck.
Life of a deck, too.
And now it's time to come in to dock.
We're gonna dock, it's gonna be scary,
it's gonna be whatever.
And then Harry's talking to Adair and he's like, what are those? Um, I'll talk,
I guess he's talking about fake boobs. I don't remember this.
They're like gel cutlets, you know, I think. Oh yeah. He's got like a bag of like the little,
the chicken cutlets. Yeah. He's like, oh, these fake boobs. And there's like their boobs.
I can't shake their boobs and poor breeze like, oh my God, those boobs are getting more
from Harry than me. I just need to have a talk about it.
So the guests say goodbye. They give a nice little speech. Like we had the best time ever.
We're just so excited to go to our hotel now and leave our clothes on every single surface.
So they go and they're happy. They're a lovely crew, a lovely I'm sorry,
lovely, lovely set of guests charter, charter group. And now
it's time to change out of your blues, change into your blues
and clean the boat and turn it over and get ready for a tip
All right. All right. First, we got to talk about the helmet of
death. We're getting $15,000. So that's great.
Everybody for 48 hours.
Not bad.
All right.
The helmet of death is going to, uh, the, I'm just kidding because we worked at beefcakes.
I respect the game.
Please be one of my models for captain's lounge.
The one going under the bus is Johnny who saved a woman's life and dragged her back
after her leg was almost decapitated, delegated by a coral.
Delegated. her back after her leg was almost decapitated, delegitated by a coral. So by the way, we have it.
Decapitated by a coral. Man's greatest enemy, the great coral reef. Thankfully we've almost
killed the thing everybody. So for a few more super yacht trips right over it, we should have
it dead in no time.
All right, we have a sous chef coming in this afternoon.
She's a she.
So would like to accept any volunteers from the deck crew to make some awkward and unpleasant
advances on her who would like to volunteer as tribute.
All right, Johnny, great.
We'll see you later tonight at the bar.
Listen, it's been a while.
It's been a couple of months since a below deck franchise has had a sexual, uh,
complaints, sexual, um, abuse, harassment complaints.
So I think we need to get that taken care of tonight.
Get on it.
Disco head.
So, uh, then Lauren's arena are talking and Serena's talking about how it's like,
you can't just like shut off a crush.
And Laura's like, I mean, that's what I mean.
I mean, if a guy likes you, he will never make you doubt that.
And that's what you need.
You need someone, you don't need to settle for anything else just because someone's here.
And Zarina's like, or alternatively, I could settle for the guy who basically doesn't like
me and I'll just keep blowing my bar for him.
I think that sounds like a good game plan for me.
Yeah, Serena's like, what's wrong with settling?
Without settlements, we wouldn't have countries, would we?
You know, we'd just be traveling all the time, you know?
Someone's gotta settle.
That's right.
So then they're saying that they hope
the new sous chef is nice, et cetera.
And then Harry is talking to Marina, and he's like, are you off of Vian?
What's going on? And she's like, no, I'd like to get to go with him again,
but he's a cool guy. But like, we don't talk like not a word for three days.
He's like, but I didn't talk to Brie for three days. Look how happy she is.
Pulling out her hair, looking at pictures of her old fiance being like, I should have
given him a chance.
Got her at the window, mascara running down her face.
Talk to me.
So Zorina is excited for the sous chef.
She's like, I love a fresh start.
I think it's going to be great.
It's time for some girl power in the galley.
Please don't be like Anthony.
Please don't be like Anthony.
Please, please enjoy only using forks. So then in comes Alicia. She goes, she comes on. She's
blonde. She's perky. She's sweet. She's nice. She's pretty. So she's going to have all these guys
doing gross things to her. She's baby Caroline Stanbury face.
It's crazy. That's all I could see once I saw it. I was like, wow, it's Caroline
Stanbury. So she meets everybody and we find out a little bit about her. She's like, I first got
into yachting as a deck chief, I love food. I like the smell. I love the color, but like I'm
starting green, to be honest, you know, like I'm going to wing it, but hopefully it'll work out.
I didn't even know where the seashells was. Why would you build a town on a seashell?
I mean, how do you make streets? Is everything on wheels? Just goes back and forth. Idiotic.
And she said the seashells. I mean, but actually, can you believe it? That's an actual seashell
in the middle of the ocean that they turned into a resort
I didn't know there was a fish that big
Then the Harry tells me on that he's in the dog house the marina because he hasn't spoken to her and be like, oh no
so then
Alicia's going down. She's meeting everyone and
Serena's so excited. She's like I feel like a firecracker coming into my galley.
I love the positive energy. I love her attitude. I can't wait to make her do dishes all day long.
I can't wait to see what she serves spoons with just instinctually and what she doesn't. This is
going to be great for science. So they all go out and they're having dinner and everyone's in a great mood
because they've got a new person, which means the guys are just going to ask stupid questions
now. And we got even goes so far as to whip out pictures of children, because that's,
that's like the most desperate move when the guy's like, Oh, let me show you my niece and
nephews like, oh,
let me show you my niece and nephews." Like, oh, great. So he's like, what is your favorite cuisine to cook? And she's like, ohm, Thai food. It's where you basically take a necktie and you
put it into a stew. Delicious. They're like, oh, that sounds wonderful. So they're all excited
that she's into that, into Thai food. And then, you know, they are-
What's your favorite color? What's your hair color?
How old are you?
What year were you from?
And then she goes, I'm 25.
And Johnny goes, oh, 98.
Like, yeah, look at me, math, mathing it up.
She's like, actually 99.
Yeah, and she's like, well, you look so much older, Johnny.
She's like, thank you.
So then Vian is talking, yeah, he's talking to her there.
He's showing the pictures of the nephews and everything. And she's like, cool.
And then he's like, here's another, he's another child. Does this give me dimension?
She's like, cool. He has another child. What about this one? Okay.
She's totally like unfazed by him. The guys are trying really, really hard.
Do you play Candy Crush? I'm really good at Candy Crush. Look at my score.
Johnny's like, I went to prom one time.
Look at me dance.
Calm down.
Johnny's like, look, I got Wurzel in five tries.
New record for me.
They're like, oh, that's great, Johnny.
So then Bree and Lauren Zarina go to the bathroom.
And Zarina's like, tonight is the night of Vian. They're like, but you know, he,
he, you know, he, you know, Breanne likes to be approached.
You should try that, you know? And she's like, well, I should,
should I give him a rose in front of everyone? I feel like the more normal we
talk, the more, the more talking is normal. Right? It's like,
that's very Santa I'm sounding of her. Sure. Go for it.
So she does.
She comes in, she walks right up to him
and she gives him a rose and then she grabs his head
and he like puts his head in her chest.
He's like, oh yeah.
And he hugs her close.
But then to us, he's going, oh fuck, my heart is with a dare.
Well then, why are you acting like that?
Why did you do that?
Why do you, like, it's like these guys,
it's like you don't have to do these things.
You don't have to like, you can just take the rose.
You don't have to pull her in and then nozzle onto her boobs.
So then, um, he's like, Oh, but obviously this is not going away.
So I need to first solve this problem before I can move on here.
So then they go off to the club and surely if I just lap dance on her face,
maybe she'll get the right impression.
dance on her face, maybe she'll get the right impression.
Yeah. So then he, to his credit, unlike someone like a Carl or whatever, well, it's going to be half credit because I'm revoking half of the credit in a moment. But to his credit, he goes
to Zarina and Marina and he basically gives them both a spiel of like, I just want to say
that our dates, well, it's absolutely amazing to me, but I have like, you have to be honest with you, I have feelings for Odair and I cannot be in love with
everyone, which is such a strange way of putting it. Like I can only, unfortunately, we only have
a few slots available for me to be in love with and those spots have been taken. We do appreciate
your application and we wish you the best of luck in future love endeavors.
Yeah, but then to Serena, it looks like he's saying the same thing, but it's not exactly
the same thing. To her, he says, you're such a cool girl. Honestly, I cannot be in love with
everyone. I think you're an amazing person. You're fucking amazing. She's like, I know.
So did he break up with Serena too?
I think he did. I think they were just cutting it back and forth to make it, to show that he really was on
kind of a personal script.
So he said, I have feelings for Adair to Serena.
I think he did.
I think he did.
I think that was the implication.
Because of so, yikes.
So I gave him credit for a moment here.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to figure out,
your half credit.
No, my half credit's coming in a moment.
Because then, so now, Zarina,
because Zarina goes up to Laura and goes,
well, he's in love with a dare.
So then Johnny-
Oh yeah, I didn't catch that part.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
So then Johnny's dancing with Alicia
and they're like dancing a lot and having lots of fun
and he's drunk and then he tries to go in for a kid.
Well, he says something like, he's like,
you have awoken something inside of me
that has not been awoken in so many hours.
It scares me.
It scares me.
You have awakened a beast.
I saved a woman's life today.
Woof, woof.
I'm like, sir, sir, it's been two hours and it's, it's been like two hours and it's been all group setting too.
And so he goes in for a kiss and she basically puts the hand out and was like, no, although
actually I mean, she's definitely attracted to him, but she's also like, I may be attracted
to you, but I also have some personal standards.
So let's wait more than five seconds.
Yeah, she's like, Johnny, darling,
I've literally met you for five seconds, please.
He's like, but a beast has awakened.
It's a little boner, put it away, please.
Put it in your waistband like you do the rest of the days
on this boat.
I've just come here, all right,
I shall not be given away in the first five minutes. Because that's what the guys try and do. They're like, Oh, new girl who can get her
first jumper. And she's like, every single time I look into his eyes, I'm like, Oh, he's a gorgeous
man, but I don't know him. It's just too much too soon. We'll see. We'll see. So then, and of course
everyone watches this happen, you know, like Brie and Laura watched and
Brie was like, did he just kiss her?
And Laura was like, no, he tried.
She goes, oh, I'm so jealous.
I wish Harry would try that.
So Harry's like, that's what I was, that's what I was feeling when I kissed Brie for the
first time, but guess who bagged a model?
Guess who's dating a model?
Who is dating a model?
She's a model.
So then Serena, who's just been dumped,
even though she wasn't in a relationship with this guy,
but she was just told not interested,
goes up to Vian and takes him, like takes his shirt
and she's like, you come into the van with me.
It's like, okay, so he does.
So then in the van, Serena's like,
Johnny, are you in love?
And he's like, no, not in love.
That's a heavy word to use, first of all.
I am just full of boner.
Fount are very attractive.
We vibe together.
That's all.
And I'm like.
So in the other car, they're gossiping.
And Lara's like, did Vion have a conversation with you tonight?
And Harry's like, tell me.
Tell me.
And Marina's like, well, Vion broke up with me today, okay?
Well, not kidding, I mean, I'm kidding.
But he said that he liked somebody
and he wanted to pursue that.
And Laura's like, oh, it's a dare.
He's in love with a dare.
But the thing is, a dare doesn't even know about it.
And so they're cracking up.
And Bree's just like, yeah,
I feel like a dare is just a dare.
So then they go back on the boat and Harry, showing Harry the sand in the
cabins and Zarina's talking to Vian and she's like, are you naked? And he's
like, no, she's like, are you coming up? And he's like, wearing these like
teeny tiny, tiny, tiny bungee smugglers like tiny, tiny. So she's like, oh,
like she is horned up like crazy i mean can't blame her those were
real real tight i said do you enjoy torturing me is that something that you like to do
and he's like oh i should take a shower and she's like oh god fine fine you're leaving
footprints everywhere mister oh little does he know i love footprints. Oh, I hate you. I hate
strong men.
So then she grabs him and starts like making out with him in the hallway. Right?
That was at the end of the episode. Yeah. So then, um, Harry, meanwhile, it's like,
all right, Tom, for me to make my big move. So, well, oh, actually, maybe it did happen
because Harry goes, I think this is,
we may have skipped over it,
but Harry brings Brie into the guest cabin
and it looks like they're going to spend the night.
That's usually when it's off charter
and you go into the guest cabin,
that means you're gonna do it. So he's in there with Bri in the guest cabin
and then they like kiss. And then he's like, well, we've got a lot of work to do tomorrow.
So I guess we should probably go to sleep.
She's like, Oh, we already took the sheets off the bed. So he's like, all right, well,
what should we do now?
And she's like, I don't know.
I would hate for you to have to make a bed.
I mean, Jesus Christ,
this is not the man you wanna end up with.
He's like, well, no sheets on the bed,
guess I can't do anything on bed.
What would we do, put sheets on it?
Yeah, have the man make the bed if he wants a little,
but he doesn't.
And she's like, I mean, I wish we could cuddle
and watch a movie.
And he's like, we have so much work to do tomorrow.
Oh, don't we?
And then this is where then Zarina and Vian have this moment
where they're kind of like kissing Jokey and then kissing for real.
And then it looks like they're really kissing.
She grabs him and pulls him off camera and starts making out with him.
And he's like, okay, okay. And she's like,
that's what she's like. I hate you. I hate strong men. Oh, he just dumped you.
Yeah. And then, um, the other thing, but this is where I hate,
this is the half credit. This is where he deducted cause Viana is so that sort
of guy that's like, okay,
I'm going to break up with you all because that's the mature thing to do.
And then now that he has established a boundary
that he's not into you,
he will then come and make out with you.
And then when you're like, well, we were just,
we're making out, he'll be like, yeah,
but I already told you I'm not into you.
That was just for fun.
You're being crazy right now.
So that's why he lost credit with me because it was like his whole life. That was just for fun. You're being crazy right now. So
that's why he lost credit with me because it was like his whole life. Serena also loses credit with me. Like get some self-respect.
The man just dumped you and she's like, Oh, come here. Oh God,
God I have you come here off camera. Oh God, you're such a strong man.
Like, Oh girl, got to hold of yourself. It's embarrassing.
A man's just used by all. You know what I mean?
Like you don't go to the grocery store and just take home the little dispenser in front
that gives everybody the antibacterial soap that's for everybody.
So yeah, so they make out.
It was actually exactly in the place that you said it happened.
I was wrong.
And then Harry goes into his cabin and he is um, you guys, I just had the best makeup session
Like I kissed her on the lips for about three seconds, no tongue, but like we're working
towards it.
It was just so good.
I mean, she wanted to cuddle up and watch a movie too soon for that.
Too soon for that.
All right.
Too soon for halfway to first base. Well mother whore of Babylon, not to that yet.
And then it cuts to Brie, who's all frustrated getting into bed.
She's like, Oh God, this man can't make a move to save his life.
And she says, if he doesn't do something quick, this is going to fizzle out.
Yeah, it's going to probably fizzle out.
That's the end of that one.
That was the episode.
Thanks everyone for being here.
We'll be back with some Beverly Hills and other great shows later this week, so we'll
catch you on the next episode.
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