Watch What Crappens - #2760 RHOBH S1415 Part One: Love Papped
Episode Date: March 12, 2025This is part oneThis week on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle cries about her husband being photographed with a younger woman and somehow not once is the name Morgan Wade brought up.... Then the ladies begin a cast trip to St. Lucia where Sutton and Dorit gather troops to fight in the battle of Lush V Poor. You can watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads at Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
Listen to Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky wherever you get your podcasts. Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast for all the crap we love to talk
On ye old braves. I'm Ronnie.
That's the gorgeous and talented Ben Mandelker
over there on the other screen.
Hello, Ben.
Hi Ronnie, how's it going?
How you doing today?
It's like a drizzly rainy day here in LA,
which is so fun and relaxing.
I went and got myself a bagel and a coffee,
and I'm just having a very chill morning.
What's going on with you?
It's not dressily at all. It's beautiful over here in Texas. Yeah, I can see.
Freedoms, but hey the sun's out so I guess that's all that really matters. It's the end of the day.
Everyone welcome to the show. The sun's out and the guns are out. Yeah. Yes. We are gonna shoot the sun.
welcome to the show. And the guns are out.
We are, I'm going to shoot the sun.
Sun can't decide what is going to be on his passport.
I'm going to shoot it.
Welcome to the show.
We are on tour.
We're going out again tomorrow.
We're so excited.
Seriously though, because we're going to have some fun times.
We're going to be in Cincinnati where we will be recapping Sommahousin.
Then after Cincinnati, guess where we're going to go?
Minneapolis. And there we're going to go? Minneapolis.
And there we're going to recap Southern Jaum. And in Toronto, we're going to be covering the
classic Real Housewives of New York episode, December, Berkshires County.
I cooked, I cleaned, I made it nice.
That's season eight, episode nine for any of those of you following along. So we're excited
to see you guys over there. Get your tickets at
We're also going to be after that in Atlanta, Washington, Philly, Boston, Detroit, Chicago,
Austin, Dallas, and Las Vegas.
We're going to add a couple more dates, so check back over at for
tickets and links.
Also, if you want videos or traders recaps or now, next week we're going to be moving
into other recaps of other things.
Probably next week we're going to be having airport snaps, which is where we go to airports
and judge the fuck out of people sitting in a corner while we record on our iPhones.
So probably the next couple of weeks we'll have some good old fashioned airport snaps
over on our Patreon and that's also where you get the videos which we're on right now.
If you want videos and you don't want to pay for Patreon, you can get them for a
week. You can get them a week later for free over at YouTube.
Okay. Nailed it.
Yeah, you did a great job.
Suck that landing.
It was immersive.
I've got my legs crossed on this like little ottoman thing I got from the homo
goods. And I really, I don't know, I'm too old to maybe cross my legs like that? How am I able?
Did you just pull a muscle on your Ottoman?
By Tonya Harding to myself.
Oh no, not with the Ottoman.
Or now there's a new Tonya Harding, that girl who beat somebody over the head with a baton.
Did you read that?
Did not read that. Who was that? Is she on Bravo?
No, she should be. I hope she's on Bravo soon.
They were running. She's like, I guess a track person.
And she had her baton and then someone was passing her
and she bonked her on the head with her baton.
Good for her.
And now she's crying like,
why isn't anybody thinking about how I feel?
Could you bonk somebody on the head with a baton?
Yeah, it's not part of the relay race.
We look forward to seeing you on Dancing with the Stars.
Yeah. Bonk Crishel on the knees or whatever.
But I feel bad for the girl
because she didn't even get her own like Tanya Harding name.
I still don't know her name.
Everybody just calls her the new Tanya Harding.
And I'm like, that's so sad.
I mean, she even upped her game.
She bonked somebody on the head with a baton.
That's better.
Damn, that sucks.
Like if you're, man, you know,
even Hawk Tua got her own name.
It doesn't even make sense.
But like this person, what'd you say?
That makes it makes sense.
But I'm saying like as a name, like her name is Hawk to a
least this goal could be known as baton baton, a Rella.
Yeah, I give her something. She earned it.
Come on, we could do it. Like the lift is so low. Like we were
so lazy with naming Hawk Hawk to a that were the very least we
can give this aggressive relay racer is some sort of fun
moniker. That's what I'm saying. Let's I'm advocating.
Great. Yeah, yeah, I agree. Um, buton arela, I mean, I don't know.
Okay, so here we are with,
speaking of bonking over the people over the heads
for no reason, let's go on to a Housewives recap.
Today is Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,
season 14, episode 15.
14, 15.
Trouble in paradise.
Oh, these sequences.
By the way, just before we start this,
Duree was on Watch What Happens Live last night.
With Gabby.
And Dylan.
And I don't care, I still can't hate Dylan.
I think he's so cute, like I don't care.
He's cute.
I mean, he's so cute.
I don't like his last scene in the trailer,
he's so cute and nice, I still like him.
And Dorit was so depressed.
Dorit is just miserable.
And I guess I don't blame her.
I'm like, she's bored out, like for real.
And PK won't speak to her and stuff.
And she can't, I guess, afford her stylist
because she was dressed kind of like a Christmas present.
I don't know, it was really sad.
She was very sad.
Well, you know, you have her, you know,
you've got some people who are able to sniff out
some traitors and you have someone
who was marriage one for a long time and you have someone who was married to one for
a long time and still didn't even realize.
So yeah, I'd be depressed too.
You're like, it could have been me.
But we love that Dylan Efron and by the way, his girlfriend is a big Bravo fan apparently.
I read that and like one of the many articles that's going around and she's a big Bravo
So we love that he supports Bravo indirectly.
I guess that she told
him to ally with Sierra. I think I read that fleeting headline. Of course, I couldn't really
be bothered to read much more than that because I'm like, you know, there's nothing else I really
need to know. I just need to look at Dylan, see his abs, see his sweet smile, and try to push
down and repress the knowledge that he hates showers. And then I'm fine.
So let's start with Real Housewives of Beavily Hills.
It's a big home visit episode, which I liked.
Everyone goes to each other's house and stuff.
So we're at Erika's house and Dorit comes and she's like,
oh, Erika, oh,
oh, Balu.
Erika, did you knock down walls? Eweka! Eweka! Eweka! Eweka! Eweka! Eweka!
Eweka! Eweka! Eweka! Eweka! Eweka! she shot her design load because we haven't even gone on the vacation yet, at least by this point, at this point in the episode.
And she's already wrapped up her entire episode,
her entire storyline for the season. It's like,
did someone not tell her that there's still like, like four more episodes to go?
So unless, unless the show ends on vacation, in fact,
that's probably what it is. This,
this is going to be another season that ends on vacation,
which is now becoming a more frequent thing because Because if it weren't ending on vacation,
I feel like we would have had a wrap up
of the design thing after vacation.
But they wrap, this is honestly the stupidest theory
that I could be launching right now.
Guys, let's stop the entire podcast to debate
where the season's going to end.
What could have happened?
Maybe there was a lot of stuff that was cut out of,
you know, our favorite guy who was like,
Erika, I need
to just play with you. Should we do palm trees or bushes? I'm thinking maybe just bush.
I ain't doing no bush. I haven't done bush since the 90s. Palm trees only. And then there's
like a big fight and stuff takes place in a fresh and easy.
I got you some wallpaper that's completely made of Nepali's yak penis. Enjoy.
Yeah, so my theory is that this season will end on vacation based on the fact that they
wrapped up Erika's interior design journey pre-vacation. That is my theory. And if I'm
wrong, then I will make amends to the audience.
Okay. Well, everybody write that down in a notebook somewhere. Please do.
So you can come back and check.
Please, please hold me accountable.
So yeah, so Dorit comes over, makes a lot of her
Someone sent me an interview.
It was like one of the after shows, she and Boz.
Boz who also, Boz makes her adorable little noises too.
She made an amazing one this episode
that I rewound three times
because it sounded like she was literally
a video game character getting a one-up.
She's got many little sound effects
from the Bose arsenal.
I know, I think I'm gonna have to start recording those
because the one from this week was sensational.
She did a good Scooby-Goo one when she was talking to Kyle.
She went,
That was the one.
She goes,
Because she leaned forward.
So, no, but Dorit and Boz were doing an after show and Boz was talking and Dorit was just like
chiming in with her weird like dolphin noises.
Because Boze was like, and then I went with Keely
and we went and we got McDonald's one time
and we got a happy meal and they said,
you look like a happy couple.
And she's like, in the background,
you just hear Dorit going, ah, ah, ah.
And then Dorit, PK won't even call me back, oor.
Just the sound effects ladies together in an interview.
She, yeah.
It's like, you know when a police car has to get
through traffic?
So it does like a little baby thing.
Like, oh, bleh, bleh.
And ew.
So Erica lights a candle the second she comes over
to the house.
I think Erica's house smells like farts. There I said it. Because I don't trust anybody who lights a candle the second she comes over to the house. I think Erica's house smells like farts.
There I said it.
Because I don't trust anybody who lights a candle the second I come over.
Open a window, fart outside, you know, like we do in my home.
Unless it's Hanukkah.
Unless you're what?
Unless it's Hanukkah, naturally.
You can't open windows in Hanukkah?
Is that a thing?
No, I'm saying Hanukkah is a big candle lighting holiday for my people.
Oh, I was like, wow, you guys have a lot of laws.
And so is Shippalot.
No opening the windows on this day.
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. But actually, no, we as Jewish people
on Passover, we actually open full-fledged doors for Elijah to come in. So like, we are definitely...
How's he supposed to knock? What's he supposed to knock on the open door? actually open full fledged doors for Elijah to come in. So like, like we are definitely,
we are definitely.
What's he supposed to knock on the open door?
Elijah's whole thing is knocking, right?
Elijah, Elijah has a real sense of propriety at the Seder
and just comes in.
The other thing, growing up, I had a cat named Elijah.
And so, and Elijah was an outdoor cat.
And for some reason, Elijah was a she, but her name was Elijah.
And of course, on Passover, the biggest gag we do every year, we open the door for Elijah
and then Elijah the cat would walk in and everyone would go, oh, it's Elijah.
It's funny.
God, I love a visual gag.
I had a roommate in New York who changed her name to Elijah.
Like she had another name, but she was like,
I'm gonna go by Elijah now.
And we're like, okay.
And so whenever she would come home and forget her keys,
we would make her sit there and knock.
We're like, well, you shouldn't have changed your name.
Who's a vampire?
Names have meanings, okay.
Don't vampires have to knock before they come in? You have to be invited in if you're a vampire? Names have meanings, okay? Don't vampires have to knock before they come in?
You have to be invited in if you're a vampire.
Which is so funny, like you're gonna literally suck
someone's blood and kill them, but like suddenly you're like,
but I need to follow manners.
You don't have to be invited to murder me just to come in.
Just to come into the room.
I would like to murder you, but I do have certain lines.
Like murder is okay, but coming in uninvited, not okay.
Jared Sautner Yeah, I respect the space. I respect your personal space before I murder you.
Pete Slauson I brought a gift so that way you could invite me in. No? Okay.
Jared Sautner So, Erica is like, would you like some water? Oh, Jesus Christ. You started with
a fart candle and now you're leading up to water? Why even come to Erica's house? Like, what's here?
Wallpaper. That's all that is.
Pete Slauson She just spent a lot all that- She spent a lot of money.
She spent a lot of money on that wallpaper
in Martin Lawrence Ballard, okay?
It's just water now.
So Doritius walks through squealing and squeaking
and pretending she's not in a room as big as her closet.
And so she's like,
well, I don't know, the last time I saw Erika this happy,
it's like she's radiating happiness.
The house is incredible.
Total transformation.
It's literally perfect for her.
It looks like she's sleeping outside, which she probably will be one day.
So perfect planning.
Well, I got us some coffee cake and some cookies.
Oh, you're so sweet.
I won't eat any of those.
So then Bose shows up and like.
I take back what I said about the water.
You're giving me cooking coffee cake.
Okay, I take it back fart candle.
I really wanted to know where the coffee cake
and the cookies were from.
Because Erica has a lot.
Hey, tell me where you think it's Erica.
I was about to say Erica has a lot of options
in her neighborhood.
And I was like ready to judge. I was like trying to see what the box was. I was like, you know Eric has a lot of options in her neighborhood and I was like ready to
I was like trying to see what the box was.
I was like, you know, I want to see what bakery she's pulling from because I will have a lot
to say depending on her choices.
This could be a redemption moment for her, but it could also be, it could go wrong real
You mean, which got that tattie up because you know that shit was food for less from
By the way, I miss you food for less on Western.
That's gone.
I know it's gone.
It is?
Oh yeah, it's been bulldozed
and it's turning into a whole big tall thing.
Oh shit.
And then McDonald's is gone too.
That was right there.
That used to be where I would reliably get at McFlurry.
Cause you know those are usually broken.
Yeah, they're always broken.
Now they're dead.
So, you know, Bose comes in and she's like,
oh, she just kind of looks around and then she doesn't really say much about the house.
She's just like, well, this is not necessarily a house warming gift. This is a Saint Lucia
gift. TM. I've trademarked Saint Lucia.
And Dorit's like, ah! So then we go back, flashback, and to the fashion show,
and Boz was like, I have been inspired by Sutton's call
for all of us to bounce,
so I thought we would all go to St. Lucia!
So everyone cheers.
And now, so now Dorit is holding up a peach,
and a peach, no, she's not holding up a peach,
she's holding up a one-piece bathing suit
that is the color of a peach. But no one heard she's probably holding up a peach. She's holding up a one piece bathing suit that is the color of a peach.
But no one heard she's probably holding up a peach.
Like, I found a soccer ball.
So then Erica-
I could never be a woman.
I looked at that thing.
It looked like, I mean, it looked like the pasta
that Denise Richards tried to make
in the Denise Richards episode after this,
where she wouldn't rest the dough.
She's like, just pretend the dough's rested.
And instead of resting it,
she just started putting it through the machine.
So it was all these holes.
I mean, I could not, who looks at that?
And it's like, you know what?
I can wear that.
I just can't do that.
I can't do what I wish.
I mean, someday.
Listen, I support it.
I just don't know who has the vision for that
because like it honestly did look like the discards
from the fabric after I cut some pieces out
to sew something and you have all these weird shapes left over.
So they're like, oh, we'll make this into a bathing suit.
So Erica's like, well, that is beautiful.
That color is really fucking good.
That's a fucking great color.
Okay, relax Erica.
It's a peach bikini.
So then Bo's like, literally for every single person.
So Bo's says, obviously this woman do not know how to plan a girls trip
without any kind of drama.
And luckily for them, I invented girls trips
and I marketed them at Netflix.
And I believe they deserve a trip that is about fun
and the sun and having good time.
And to that I say, oh, bloop.
So she's like, I know how to plan a trip.
So anything that goes wrong is these girls' fault,
not my fault.
Ha ha!
So Dorit is just staring at her swimsuit bottoms
with her mouth open.
And I think she doesn't like them
because they're very big bottoms for some reason.
I don't know, she's looking at them
like she doesn't really like it, but you know what?
Beggars can't be choosers.
So she's gonna take it.
And Bo says, it's gonna be a fashion show out there, a real fashion show.
And they're all like, oh, oh, oh.
She goes, oh, I didn't even mean to say it that way, it just came out, ha ha ha ha ha.
And Dorit's like, oh, sheet, that was funny, that was a burn, sister girlfriend.
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It's time for a Crappin's commercial.
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At 24, I lost my narrative, or rather it was stolen from me. And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew
was usurped by false narratives, callous jokes, and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen,
and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting with folks,
both recognizable and unrecognizable names,
about the way that people have navigated roads to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of
reclaiming and feel like they filled their tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to
and leave with maybe some nuggets
that help them feel a little more hopeful.
Follow Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky
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So then we go to Sutton's house and Sutton is standing in front of her cutting board,
slicing a cucumber and saying, these are great cucumbers.
Which is probably something that gets said a lot in Bel Air.
It's that moment where you're just trying to convince yourself not to eat a tub of ice
cream like, cucumbers, god god these are just so crisp.
I love my choice. I love my choice for right now.
I can eat whatever I choose and I choose this.
And then tastes better than them tastes. What is it? Oh god, I can't think. Give me the fucking ice cream.
And she says, how many do I have to eat Whalen Pavlov has nothing
on me because Whalen's her dog. And so Garcel shows up and they say hi and everything and
car cells like, well, I don't know if you saw the rags. Oh, do you mean the bathing
suits that Bose has sent us? No, I meant the gossip rags. They're saying that Kathy has
fashion roadkill.
And then we see headlines that say talk about the fashion show where Kathy was
on the runway last week and got crushed into by a model.
Well, hey, she got Sutton some press. I mean,
that's probably better than Sutton would have done alone for that,
that weird fashion show. But you know, the press does say roadkill on it.
So I don't really know who's winning.
I don't know that anybody's really winning this one. And so we see the headlines and
we see wacky clips of Kathy walking out and she's in a big butterfly outfit in her. They
cut to her and she's just laughing. She's like, oh, I only have the best intentions.
Hilarious. And she's wearing this butterfly outfit and then we cut to Sutton sitting in her kitchen,
which has a big colorful metal butterfly in the background.
What does it mean?
Butterfly kisses.
Sir Garcelle is like, well, did you see Dorit?
Did you talk to her last night?
But I said hello.
I mean, we said hello.
Well, what else do you want from me?
Okay, okay, that's it, that's fine.
Let's just put the Dorit and Sutton situation on ice. Oh, like your lunch. Hey, stop making those jokes.
And this is non drug Sutton. So she's just doesn't understand why anybody would think
that she ever had a problem. She said, can we just not let's just not talk about it.
Her eyes don't split into the evil se satanic look that they get. So they're gossiping
and Garstow's like, oh, I forgot
to tell you. When I had dinner with her, I said to her, what's your beef? And she's like, you think
I have beef with Sutton? And I said, well, it's not one-sided, is it? And so then we cut to Erica
and Dorit's talking about it too. And she's like, well, I had dinner with Garcelle. And she said,
Dorit, stop mentioning the drinking thing. You know she's sensitive about it. And she said, Dorit, stop mentioning the drinking thing. You know she's sensitive about
it. And I said, first of all, I welcomed her. Yeah, but you still made fun of her drinking thing,
which she's sensitive about, after the question. And you welcomed her after making her sit down
there for 40 minutes. So Erica's like, well, I gotta say something. Okay, I gotta stop you right
now. I was like, oh, here here we all know what's coming next.
You said something about the drinking and her having this reaction about her
business. Well, I'm sorry. Cause what about what was done to me? I was like,
Oh God, Eric, what about the argument once again?
Okay. Erica call me when Sutton is in like 10 lawsuits, about tens of millions of dollars
of stolen money and throwing people in jail, which they didn't even bring up.
Your lucky ass is lucky they didn't bring up that Marco Marco thing of throwing those
guys in jail because you couldn't pay your bill and lied and used one of Tom's best
friends to get him thrown in.
And then get so wasted on pills and booze that they're falling over
and falling asleep on boats. Okay. Call me when that happens, Erika. What about me? What about me?
Erika Jayne? Who feels more pain than Erika Jayne?
It is the old Jen Shaw defense. What about me?
Yeah, it's crazy. And I'll tell you, he feels more pain than Erika Jayne. Anyone with ears that are subjected to your songs, okay?
It hurts.
That said, I'm really kind of liking Erika this year
for the most part.
I would encourage these Richards.
Erika, like Erika going through the wringer
of this whole Tom Girardi case
has actually made her a better housewife
because I think that she's just
given herself over to being like, oh, fuck it.
I tried so hard to sort of have this whole image
and I got torn to shreds anyway, so whatever.
I'll just say whatever I want.
So she's like-
Yeah, that's what I say.
People are always saying, you know, real housewives
ruins these women's lives.
I don't know about anybody who would go on.
I think sometimes, you know,
as the butterfly keeps appearing on this show,
on this episode, I think a lot of times housewives helps them
because it breaks them down.
It just breaks them down
and then they come out a better person, you know?
Cause Erica was a true asshole before all of that happened.
And I think she's better, you know, better now.
I do think she's a better housewife.
I mean, it's actually,
I was thinking about this this morning for no good reason, but
I was like, you know, Erica is just much more knowable now.
I think she makes more sense now.
I think she was super, super guarded.
She's always been a guarded person, but now she's a little bit more like, oh, fuck you
all, you know?
And so like, yeah, she, she has this checkered past, whatever, but it has made her, I think
more emotionally accessible.
We understand what her vibe is now. It's not just like she's quote unquote ice queen who
you don't see anything in her life. She's just now a little bit more, I don't know,
I just think there's more layers to her now.
Well, her stick used to be, I don't give a fuck. Remember? Say, I don't give a fuck.
That was her thing.
She'd give the most fucks.
And now she doesn't give a fuck. Yeah.
Before she actually gave more of a fuck than anybody,
but now she actually doesn't because she's been traumatized.
So I would just like to send a thank you note to trauma
because you know, you really work, Mary.
You're an artist, you're an artist, trauma.
Yeah, artist.
You're welcome, Erica.
We got you to, like, as we, as in the audience,
we got you to where you are right now, so you're welcome.
So she says, okay, look,
Sudden and Garcecel cut me no breaks
when I was going through the lowest point in my life.
They had no problem talking about these lawsuits
and medication and drinking and all these alleged things.
And we see a shot of Sutton confronting,
I'm sorry, Sutton and Garcel confronting Erica.
I'm like, well, the difference is though,
they gave you shit about your drinking
because you cursed out Garcel's 15-year-old son. I'm like, well, the differences though, they gave you shit about your drinking because
you cursed out Garcell's 15 year old son.
So Garcell was like, you got to pay attention to your drinking and your medication because
you just cursed out my son and that wasn't cool.
So yeah, they had something to say about it.
It wasn't like they just came out of a vacuum.
It's not like Erica messed up a Starbucks order and they're like, well, we need to talk about your medications.
This was the repercussion of something
that really pissed off Garcelle.
She's like, those girls cut me no brakes.
Want to talk about cutting brakes?
Look what I did to Tom.
Ask Tom how I cut brakes.
Just to cut to Tom's car, like twirling over and over a cliff.
I know, Tom's Jaguar going down the side of the cliff.
It's so funny that that's part of the lore.
It's so funny what makes it into Bravo lore,
and the fact that, like, the story of Tom crashing over the side of a...
of a cliff.
...of a mountainside cliff in Pasadena.
It's just so bizarre.
So, Eric's like, Oh no, the sudden stone wants sympathy.
Cause someone said something about her.
So now back to presence. So, oh yeah. So Erica's like, listen,
God so consistently defends that behavior. But you know what?
You guys have consistently covered up for Kyle for so many years. So, know, people wind up taking sides, sometimes just in reaction to the fact that
someone else already has a side, you know, it's like, oh, you're you guys are a click.
So therefore I have to be in a click with sudden.
And because now I'm going to click with sudden, I am going to defend her because it's like
the Jets and the Sharks.
And that's just what you have to do. Yeah. So, um, well, she was like, well,
I had a conversation and Garcelle defended herself and I said,
you look at her behavior with rules, tinted gluses.
And then we go back to Sutton's home and Garcelle's like,
I said, you can keep joking about the same thing.
And then you know, she gets upset about, but it's not going to work out,
you know, and she, and she says, well, she can joke about it. And she says, well, she can joke about being an alcoholic
because she's the alcoholic, but you can't joke about it. Wait a minute, I do not joke about being
an alcoholic. What are you saying? Oh, just calm down. I'm trying to be on the other side here.
Pete I'm going to have to ask you to finish chewing before you speak because I have cucumber
all over my blast now. So, then I said to her, to read, I have a question for you. And I'll tell you right now,
the answer ahead of time is no. But anyway, if Sutton gave you a Kelly bag, would everything
be over? And actually, she said yes. Of course she would. Of course she would say that. So then we
cut back to the other house. Boaz was like, well, it's hypocritical when they
say that I defend Reed all the time. I mean, hello, you're over here, Keeking with your
bestie. And yeah, Erica's like, yeah, for years, for years. If that makes it worse.
I mean, doesn't that make it better? If you're, if you're going to just blindly defend somebody
and it's a friend for years, that makes more sense than blindly defend somebody, blindly defending somebody
you met five minutes ago.
Yeah. And again, you know, Erica has been the biggest defender of Kyle and Dorit and
they've also defended her blindly, blindly. So it's just very, it's just hilarious. I
would say it's rich coming from them, but obviously it's not quite rich.
It's very- Not this group, but all that said, I do agree
that they both kiss up to their friends ass.
They both kiss up to their friends and defend them too much.
It would be nice to see Sutton just have to defend for herself and Dorita have to defend
for herself.
It's true, but you know when you have your favorite housewife and you just defend
them even when they're wrong and you just know they're wrong, but you're like, but it's
my favorite. So I'm just going to defend. And I think that's what happens here.
Whatever do you mean, Ben?
Because you're just, it's more like, yeah, I see the flaw in my favorite, but the person
who is attacking my favorite is annoying me so much that I'm willing, I'm willing to take
the stance just because that way
I don't give that person a win.
Yeah, look, I know that I feel the same way.
I am gonna put in my will that on my gravestone
I want it to say Lisa Rinna started Puppygate.
Lisa Rinna called the press, okay?
So anyway, Erica is saying, yeah,
that Garry's husband has been doing this for years and Bo is like,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
when we go to St. Lucia, you know I'm working on the room assignments.
Oh, and you already know the three of us are together.
They're like, oh yeah, we got a villa.
So I think everyone was expecting that Bo was going to say something like, oh, you know, I think everyone was expecting that that Boz was going to say something like,
Oh, I'm putting you, Dorit with Sutton so you can mend it.
So she's like, no, we are going to be the cool kids.
So they are.
I think Erica's just real glad she gets maid service again.
She's like, Oh, thank God I held the broom again today.
It was so difficult.
Why does nobody think about me?
So Garcelle meanwhile is, uh, talking go we go back there and she's like so
Dureed and I spoke about Kyle. Oh, did you finally good gossip? She was yeah and the whole
Mo of it all mo not ma you I refuse to say ma you oh good me, too
I don't like that either. You know, they were acting like besties besties last night
By the way to read and and Kyle. How disgusting.
Set up a whole season of them feuding
and then they're already buried the hatchet
before we even got to our cast trip.
It's just not right.
Yeah, it looks like they made up.
It's like, oh, they had more than made up.
They were rolling on the couches together
like they used to.
I make this disgusting.
And Garcell's like, yeah, I think that Kyle and Dorit
having a beef, like Sutton loves
that because then it makes Sutton able to be closer to Kyle.
And really all Sutton cares about is being close to Kyle.
Yeah, I don't know.
For no good reason.
No good reason.
She's just a huge Halloween fan, maybe.
Well, Dereet obviously feels like, you know, obviously feels for her like we all do, we
all feel this way.
And, and like, well, she, sorry, Dereet feels for for her like we all do, we all feel this way. And, well, she, sorry, Dorit feels for Kyle, like we all do, and it sucks to see her photos
with your ex making out with some child.
I mean, sorry, not a child.
Anyway, so, yeah, we feel bad for Kyle, and we're also quietly laughing on the inside,
let's be honest.
But we also talked about seeing Kyle at Morgan's concert.
Doom, doom, doom, flashback a week earlier.
We see Kyle standing at Morgan Wade's concert.
Doom, doom, doom.
Was it revenge or was it just straight up horniness?
So we come back and Garcelle's like,
well, I mean, it's just wild.
We can talk about Moe and his incident.
And yet we see Kyle hanging out with Morgan at a concert with her name tattooed all over
her. And we're not supposed to say anything? Nothing? Wow. Wow. Also, no. So she says,
Sutton is definitely scared of Kyle, although she says she doesn't bow down. She bows down.
And I think it's interesting that we can all talk about Mo
and we can't talk about Morgan.
We can't say, how's the concert?
I didn't know you were going.
How come you're not in the audience like everyone else?
Why were you touching her vagina
while she was singing that song?
Well, you know what?
I think the introduction to the topic is, you know,
here's how you do it.
Okay, here's how you do all Augusta.
Like you said, look, hey,
we saw you had a great weekend in the press
at Morgan's concert.
Was that the lesbianatronic festival that was happening down there?
Was there a scissoring festival that you guys were excited in?
I mean, what was that?
I didn't know.
I didn't know Little Fair was back.
So sounds like don't even say that.
You know what?
Let's just introduce it and see, see what she'll say.
I love that they're so messy.
They're like, let's confront Kyle about Morgan.
Cause they're also like,
you're not allowed to ask everybody in the LGBTQ plus
gay community knows that you're not supposed to ask people
about going to concerts.
You can't do that.
I love how they're like, what is the most indirect subtle way we can confront Kyle?
So order some oysters and send her a box of scissors as a gift and see if she's battling
her up.
Book her a ticket at the Hotel Indigo and then say, we'll just be there with our girls
and see if she connects the dots.
So sounds like I don't want to make her angry. Um,
which is funny when sudden says that because she kind of lives to make people
So then we go to Kyle's home and she's talking to her housekeeper in Spanish and
she's asking things. You know, she's, she's basically doing white lady Spanish.
She's like,
a so I'm new chose perro mas mas eso, pero lo haciendo lunes para cinco dias.
And the lady's like, oh, por favor, we're a por favor.
She's basically bossing her around about kombucha.
She's like, do we need, we don't need this many kombuchas because I'm going out of town.
Oh, do you want some extra kombuchas?
So hard, being in a house where you don't really know how to regulate kombucha anymore.
hard being in a house where you don't really know how to regulate kombucha anymore. Uh oh.
So, uh, Bo's revs, there's a knock on the door,
the doorbell rings and Kyle goes to the door and of course, then she,
of course orders her housekeeper to help with the dogs.
How about you help with the dogs? How about you get those things trained?
I mean like it's been years of Kyle,
that door opens and the pandemonium that breaks
loose in that household with those dogs running crazy.
You don't understand because you don't have a dog, you know, it's very difficult.
You don't understand what comes over a dog when they see somebody at the door or hear
the doorbell ring.
I mean, that, the dog, that is everything.
And the dog's just trying to help you.
They're coming to get you.
Kill them!
Kill them!
It's like a girl scout standing out there with my cookies.
Like, do you know who you're barking at?
Stop terrorizing the person who's gonna let me binge
for the next weekend.
Now listen, if there's anything I'm aware of,
it's the fact that dogs go berserk
when the front door is open.
That's like my nightmare.
The worst is you ring the doorbell,
you already hear the dogs barking,
and I'm like, oh God.
But Kyle's dogs are more than that.
Every time that front door opens, it is like they are making their prison escape. They are darting for the road. They are trying. They're just trying to get to
Tarzana. Okay. So it's always, it's like, it's like a sprint.
It's like a, like a gunshot goes off and they are,
they are the ones holding the batons,
bonking each other on the heads, because they want to go.
I mean, every single time, geez.
Meanwhile, her cleaning lady is like,
holding seven bottles of kombucha,
like, what does this bitch want from me?
Heh, I know.
Like, I can't do everything.
Throw the kombucha at the dogs, get the...
Ha ha ha.
So she gives her the gift,
and then they walk into the office,
and she's like, oh, what a pretty room.
And she's like, um, Marta, Jesse, play this triad, dos vasos de agua. And she's like, wow,
you speak Spanish. And just, well, yeah, I grew up speaking Spanish because like, you know,
when you're living in LA, that's how you boss people around. So, and then after that, my husband
was Mexican. Unfortunately, all I could say to his family at first was, please get me some water and
move this fucking kombucha over before I sue you.
Lo siento.
That was a big word for me.
So Kyle's like, also side note, I appreciate your text when that photo came out and you
sent that text like, thank you so much for sending that text.
He's like, well, look, I'm the kind of friend I'm ready for war.
It's just sort of like your dogs when that door opens up. And it took everything for me not to get into my car and
drive over here. And then I thought to myself, do I really want to drive to Encina right now
just for Carl Richards? And I said, no. So that was about it.
Jared Saino So, Bose is like, well, she said I didn't
get to know her, so now I'm trying to get to know her. And here's what I know, streets,
lots and lots of streets, make it worth it. So, Carl's like, well, you know, like I just, we see a flashback of Carl
saying, I feel like I was signaled out because you like, I didn't know to read. And then you said
you didn't have frequency for 90 years, but you, your actions say otherwise your ideas are preconceptos.
So I think this is the perfect opportunity to get to open up to each other and get to know each other.
So, and by that, I mean, you're going to talk about yourself. And then when I realize that you're not
asking me a single question, I may volunteer some information about my life. Okay, let's start this.
Kyle looks so shocked when she actually happens to listen to something somebody else said. She's like,
Oh, I know. Kyle's like, Oh, I have the floor. Okay. Let me take this. So Kyle starts doing
this. Well, well, when I first met you, I mean, Pete Mauricio had just moved out and
he was like, Oh, I see. Bose is like in full therapist mode. And well, I just feel like
I'm gonna get really emotional right now because I'm finally going to have my scene because
to read kind of stole my storyline this year. It's supposed to be my storyline. Cause I
kind of like soft launched it at the end of last season. So I thought this would be my moment and it's like Hershey took it
So I'm kind of like I haven't been able to cry like this yet. Anyway
I don't know why I could feel like I could feel it was coming like I don't want to do that right now
But like I just want to be able to explain in the most open and honest hashtag
I trademarked that
Got away and I just want to get to know what I just want you to get to know me and explain everything because like
The way we did it, I don't know,
we were kind of like the best divorced couple of all time
and like we were gonna be on a couple
of the unknot magazine.
And like now I don't know if we can be
because like he's kissing some skank and Mekanos,
I just, I don't know, it's like a lot for me right now.
Oh, Kyle.
I almost fell for the trap of feeling for Kyle
because I was kind of feeling for him.
Like, yeah, that must really suck
to see your ex making out with someone. But then I remembered that he also knows what it's
like to see your wife making out with some younger woman, Kyle. And then her saying that she wants a
separation. And then now she's like, and then he left. And I just act, I just like, what? Like,
why would he leave? She's like, finally, I said he's gonna move out. Like, it was just so strange.
Like, I was like, it's really happening.
I was like, yeah, because you told him
you wanted to separate, like, what are you, Kyle?
Yeah, I did actually feel bad for her even.
I went through the exact same journey where she's like,
oh, you know, that sucks.
Like, you've been with someone for 25 years.
Like, I literally could not imagine
if this is something that happened like with Dom.
And so I'm like, oh God, that would break my heart.
So I felt for her.
But then I was also thinking like, this is so Kyle,
because it's like, what about all the Morgan Wade stuff?
You know?
So anyway, Bose is like, well, this is a real sad story,
but I have sort of a funny, not really funny,
maybe morbid, but here's my story since you didn't ask.
So when Peter-
Yeah, I'm really sorry about your husband leaving you.
Mine died.
Kyle's like, oh.
I know, she's-
Kyle just looks at her like, oh, wow.
Something you may have known if you'd ever asked me
a single question this entire season,
I meant we're on episode 15, goddammit.
Anyway, so Peter died and Laila was four
and we'd been separated before he got sick and I was afraid to ask him for a divorce because you know, he damn it. Anyway, so Peter died and Laila was four and we'd been separated before he got
sick and I was afraid to ask him for a divorce because, you know, he's sick. And then I didn't
want to be mad at me, but we were separated and they started seeing this other bitch and she came
in there, I walked into the hotel room and she was kissing his forehead and I was like,
everyone out, I lost my mind, get this bitch out of here.
Pete Slauson Yeah, this was interesting. I don't think I
remembered that they were separated before they got divorced.
I didn't know that either.
I didn't know that.
Yeah, they separated, he got cancer,
and then he, you know, this is fucking men, I'm telling you.
Still get a girlfriend, you know?
Like, it's still on there.
Men will still get a goddamn girlfriend, I'll tell you.
Men can just, men do it, what can I tell you?
Especially in that town, like, rich men, you know?
So he got a girlfriend, she got pissed when he saw her like rubbing his bald head in the
thing. She's like, I mean, I hated the guy, but still get the fuck away from my man.
Exactly. And so, so she tells this whole story and Kyle just goes, wow. Do you have any follow
up questions, Kyle? Do you want to know more about the situation?
I think Kyle was, that's what I'm saying
when Kyle was like legitimately shocked
because she's used to just not listening to people,
but both kind of caught her off guard
because she's so business like, you know,
and Kyle was actually listening.
It was like, wow, I mean, damn it, she trumped me.
How am I gonna trump this?
For Kyle's also like, yeah, she's like,
well, I still had some more points I wanted to make about Mauricio being in an airport in Mykonos,
but you kind of played the, my husband died of cancer
and also was seeing another woman at the same time thing.
So I don't really know how to pivot back to my scenes.
So then she just goes back.
She goes, you know, obviously I didn't love seeing that.
Like he feels bad enough as it is.
I don't know, he feels horrible,
but like I know I'm well enough to know that.
I'm like, okay, Gal, we'll just go right back
to Mauricio in the airport.
After Bose just told this story, you know?
Yeah, the struggling with the feelings
of somebody that you love moving on,
even though they're about to die,
where does that leave you?
Kyle's like, but the paparazzi, right?
I mean, okay, wait.
Did paparazzi shoot pictures of this lady
rubbing your dad's husband's bald head?
Okay, I win, I win, still winning.
Okay, let's go back to my story now.
So she's telling her, you know, he feels bad
cause he knows it hurt me and it hurt the girls.
And she's like, okay, well, when are you all supposed to move on? Now, hold on, I'm in it hurt me and it hurt the girls and it's like, okay
Well, when you all supposed to move on now, hold on. I'm gonna actually eat something which you don't see rare
You don't see on the show. I'm gonna eat a carrot answer me. Oh
Yeah, I did notice that she like leaned all the way over for that, you know, she thought I'm just gonna do this discreetly
I'm sure they won't put it on the show and like get her reaching for that care. She was like
So her reaching for that girl. She was like, so, um,
by the way, I think it's so strange that Kyle keeps on going out of her way to say,
I know that Mauricio would never want to hurt me. And so he pro he probably did
not have any idea there was a photographer there.
I can't say the same for that bitch. Um,
yeah, like women as usual, what the fuck? Like, like why?
I was always on the men's team.
But I mean I think that part of it is that she is trying to protect her kids a
little bit there. She doesn't want us to so discord in her own family,
but like it's kind of like just why are you even,
why are you even mentioning it then?
I just think it's like shady that she does. She's totally absolving Mariso.
I mean what part of Mariso wearing like a million beads
and puka necklaces says that this guy is not going through
a midlife crisis and being as petty as possible?
I mean, yeah, I think it's totally,
it's totally viable that he knew about the photographer.
Yeah, I mean, I think it doesn't even matter
cause you left him, Kyle, that's it.
That's what happens when you say get out.
Now, is it deserved? Probably. He's probably cheated when you say get out. Now, is it deserved?
He's probably cheated on you a million times.
I'm not saying it's not deserved,
but I don't like the whole blaming the woman thing.
Like, you don't know that chick, leave her alone.
She sees a rich man that she's dating in an airport
and she's making out with him.
Like, you go girl, get your bag, get your bag.
But Kyle coming on national television
and insinuating every single week
that this is just some dirty slut
who's trying to hurt her children.
That's like, oh, okay.
Well, I mean, he wouldn't want to hurt me in any way
or our girls.
Well, when are you supposed to move on?
She's like, well, we're separated and we're not divorced.
And like we filed, we haven't filed for divorce.
So how long do you think you can do that for?
Or what I'm trying to say is it's been a long time you've been talking about this
bullshit. So it's either should have get off the pot.
You know what I'm saying?
Have I mentioned cancer?
She's like, Oh yeah, well, you know, the photo changed things, I guess.
And just the photo changed things.
Is that what you're saying?
And she's like, yeah, I mean, I have to have
a conversation, you know, like, I mean, I'm not I mean, it gives me permission, right?
The photo and she goes, Mm hmm. Hold on a minute. All right, go ahead.
So this is gonna be the first time that you see him see each other since since he's been
in Europe. She's like, would you like to join us?
She's like, I would actually.
She's just sitting over there making all these noises and finally, Carl just starts having
to crack up.
She's like, Oh my God.
It's hilarious.
Hello there.
This is a two part recap.
This is the end of part one.
So thank you so much for listening to this.
Just come back a little later for part two.
Why don't you just come back and watch the video?
I'm going to be back.
I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back. This is a two part recap, okay? This is the end of part one. So thank you so much for listening to this.
Just come back a little later for part two.
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