Watch What Crappens - #2761 RHOBH S1415 Part Two: Love Papped
Episode Date: March 12, 2025This is part 2 of 2!This week on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle cries about her husband being photographed with a younger woman and somehow not once is the name Morgan Wade brough...t up. Then the ladies begin a cast trip to St. Lucia where Sutton and Dorit gather troops to fight in the battle of Lush V Poor. You can watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads at Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen.
And ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
Listen to Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky wherever you get your podcasts. Hi everyone, welcome back.
This is part two of a two part recap.
If you're wondering where part one was, we'll go check in the feed and be sure to subscribe
so that we always get your episodes.
But enough of that.
Let's get right back into the episode.
So then we go to Drake's Hollywood and it's time for a PK and and Dereed.
So I don't know much, but I can tell you this much.
Drake's had a group on this week.
Um, you know, if you're having a conversation where you're trying to reconcile and move
forward with your, with your partner who you're possibly going to divorce, of course I'm going
to go to Drake's like a sceny nightclub. I don't get this at all. So yeah, it had to
be the group on. So they sit down, they're talking and just like, how are you? She's
like, I guess you'll be here. It was like, well, life's weird, isn't it?
One moment you're staring down
into the dark abyss of a Pringles can,
the next moment you're on your own little flat,
remembering the days when you had a wife
who'd get pied in the face literally
at a Pantone in Britain.
It is a weird life.
She's like, well, I mean, it's good.
Thankfully you've leaned in and given me a kiss. And I went, why wouldn't I, babe? She goes, well, I mean, it's good. Thankfully, you've leaned in and given me a kiss.
And he went, why wouldn't I, babe?
She goes, well, I don't know, because would you like a high five instead?
Here you go.
Oh, purse is gone. Where'd your purse go?
PK and I have been separated for three months.
Turn to that, I'd like to say.
And then she says, what I thought was going to be an amicable separation turned into three
months of the worst kind of roller coaster I could have imagined.
Which I would love to imagine the worst roller coaster that Dorit has imagined what shape
it would take.
So we see a montage of it all going sour and everything with the past few months.
I would imagine it would be much scarier actually waking up under the airbag that is PK.
You know, it's like you're waking up every morning
like you've been in a crash, you know,
at least a roller coaster you can feel free.
It's just all a matter of perspective.
So server comes over and PK wants a mocktail.
Do you have a phony Negroni?
The server's like, I don't know what that is, but I can make that up. It is a phony Negroni? The server's like, I don't know what that is,
but I can make that up.
It is a phony Negroni after all.
Phony Negroni.
So we see flashbacks of all their problems
and Dorit being upset and telling Kathy
that PK is not in fact a good father.
And she's like, well, I have no idea what to expect tonight,
but I'll tell you what I do expect.
Two for one calamuris.
Well, I feel like my eyes are wide open for the first time
in a very long time.
All right, babe, so you went to the ophthalmologist today
and got dialy. Congratulations.
I've been telling you to do that for a while.
I don't want to get cataracts.
I don't want to misinterpret what you mean
by your eyes are wide open. So can you elaborate? Well,
I mean, the last few months something shifted in you. Yeah, well, I finally had that bowel
movement. So many Pringles that eventually things get clogged up down there.
Turns out all I needed was a bit of magnesium, babe. Right? Now look, first thing starts
to go wrong. When we spoke about the apartment, when I said I'm taking the apartment.
You know, one of the significant issues in our marriage, where you control issue, you
know, there was with me, you know, we're separated and then you're dictating where I'm going
to live.
I mean, that's, you know, that's in the backdrop of me knowing you're in our house and I'm
taking this really small apartment.
Funnily enough, the house isn't being paid for and the apartment is.
I mean, how fair is that?
How fair is that? And you look, I love PK acting like, oh, wow, poor me. I have
to be in this tiny little apartment while you raise our children and I don't even fucking
call them or pay for the house that you're living in, which you're about to be fucking
booted out of in a couple of months student on payment.
Have fun with that. Poor PK.
I also love him talking about control issues. We're the ones who saw you force Dorit
to name her company Beverly Beach
and name all these dresses.
This one's called the Rouse.
This one's called the Pringle.
This one's called the Combo.
I mean, you know, like, as far as we can tell,
you were calling the shots in this relationship
and that's what we saw on camera.
So she's like, but we never even had a conversation
about the apartment.
And he's like, well, I didn't want to have the conversation
about the apartment.
She goes, but that's my point.
And he's like, but that's my point.
Poor Touche.
Oh God.
Got more points than an actual Dorito, all right?
There's been never a better time
for a phony Negroni to arrive.
It's getting so tense.
So Dorito's like, well, we clearly have different views.
Unfortunately, my view is a little bit more unpleasant than your view.
But what I would like to know is what prompted that long email that knocked me off of my
God, people are really having stability issues this couple of weeks on Beverly Hills.
Last week, it was the assistant who lost a feeling in her legs when she saw the pap shot. This week, Dorit gets knocked over by an email. I mean, Jesus Christ, get
these people some rails in their bathroom, falling all over the place.
I get so weak at the knees I can hardly breathe. I lose all control. It knocks me right off
of my knees. PK.
So PK is like, Dorit, do we really want to start discussing only one part of that
No, no, no.
But because it was a summary of how you make me feel and what life would potentially look
like if we don't resolve this.
And the reason I asked you to retain a lawyer was an attempt to try to have a sensible conversation
because we're not able to communicate.
So bring in some experts so that way I don't have to listen to your voice and have listened to someone else's voice. And then
we can get divorced after that. You know what I'm saying there, Dorit?
But I keep telling you that we need to communicate. I want to communicate. Like civil people,
picky. Civil, civil people. Oh my God, he's the one telling her to get a lawyer? Get a
lawyer. How stupid are you lady?
He's like, I'm gonna destroy you. I still think that she's trying to save this marriage
because she's the only one with the check coming in.
I don't think PK has any money
and think there's nothing to fight over.
So she's like, why spend money on a lawyer?
We can't afford a fucking lawyer.
And the only reason he wants to divorce me
is so he can take half of my damn money
while I'm still on this dog and pony show
and I'm not gonna give it to him.
So I'll just try and win him back.
I'll just keep stacking Pringles tubes in the house
until the smell is so strong
that he comes here from Bel Air.
Yeah, I think that's actually a really good theory
that she doesn't wanna give up her housewives money.
So these giant salads arrive,
P.K.'s like, well, you can have one of these
between the two, for the two of us, you know what I'm saying? But I'll have to. So and Pika's like, well, you can have one of these for the two of us,
you know what I'm saying?
But I'll have two.
So then Dorit's like,
well, the email suggested that you'd retained a lawyer
and that you were a hundred steps ahead of me.
Did you at any point want a divorce?
And he's like, you can see in his eyes,
he's kind of like,
what part of me moving out of the house,
move into a small flat and emailing you saying,
get a lawyer, says I don't want to have a divorce.
And he's just like red faced. I mean, he looks so hairy.
The man looks like a bunion. I mean,
he just looks like a bunion sitting there. What are you fighting for?
Let him go. You know?
Dorit, you know what Dorit is just some fucking hot guy. Like, you know what?
I could see her with like someone who looks like,
and this guy's not even my type,
but I could see her with someone like Eric Bonia
or something like someone that kind of,
or like what's his face from The Last of Us.
Like I can see her with a guy like that, not PK.
Come on, Dorit.
Like cut the ballasts and live your,
have your hot Dorit moment
in Los Angeles.
She deserves it for crying out loud.
I don't think that's what she's looking for.
You know, like when she was all young and fresh,
she saw PK at a bar and was like,
you're married with kids?
Let's do this.
Let's fucking do this.
Yeah, well, she got a human s'mores basically.
So Dorit's like, so you have retained a
lawyer and you are a hunter steps. Like I said before, I already said all this part.
He said, look, look, the reality is we have to co-parent and we have to keep it loving
and kind and we have to work on a relationship and make ourselves. We have to get back to
that, you know, cause guess what? You're my best fucking mate and I'm going to take you
for everything you have in this divorce. Did I say that part out loud? We need, sorry, I meant to say we need to
find a friendship again, so that way I can get more money out of you when we do get divorced.
All right, you're down with that.
And she is doing this thing, she's just looking at him, she's like, but tell me, P.K., tell
me, do you have in your mind, Dorit and I are going to work through things, but divorce? Is divorce there?
And he's like, I don't know. I'll have to talk to my divorce attorney about how to answer that.
Ooh, you don't know!
I don't know whether it's in our future. I don't know if I can afford it, frankly.
All right, I'm looking through LegalZoom. It's exhausting to read, honestly,
but I've watched a lot of Law and Orders, and here's what I have to say to you.
Chomp chomp! Honestly, but I've watched a lot of law and orders and here's what I have to say to you Tom Tom
I don't feel in my heart. I want a divorce, but I'm not the one in control and gee truthfully
PK is calling the shots. They keep on accusing each other of being the one in control
It's some weird game. They're playing. I think it's like to position themselves for this battle that they're about to go into
Yes, it's because they're going to both be positioning themselves as the victim in this
divorce. So they're trying to get on camera that they're really the victim of the other
one in here. And the real victims are all the people that you don't pay. Okay, pay your
bills. So then they leave, they've worked out nothing to reach pissed. So she's trying
to do this thing where she's kind of facing her back to PK like I'm not talking to you
anymore. Well, that's what he wants.
So you're in kind of a no win situation here.
But you married PK.
So now let's go to Bo's house.
So Bo's is setting a table because tonight she's having her first ever dinner with Keely
and her daughter.
Boom, boom, boom.
So she's setting it up and everything and she like bonks her glass.
That's the sound of crystal.
So Keely comes over and sits down for dinner and everything and you know, Lail and Keely
have really only been around each other in the company of other people and we've never
had one on one time.
So now it's going to be the Keeley and Lail show. So...
Yeah, things are moving quickly with Keeley and I, you know, we're a speed of light.
Lail's back there in the caboose. So I need her to come along the journey and get to know Keeley a
bit better. Don't ask for peanuts. People might be allergic. So, he brings her flowers and she's so
sweet. I mean, this girl is like raised right.
She's a very nice girl.
So they sit down and start eating
and she just starts grilling the guys.
She's like, so are you guys gonna move in together
before you get married and have babies?
When are you gonna have babies?
When are you moving in?
Do I have to move to San Diego?
I don't wanna move to San Diego.
You should move here.
Is there any reason you haven't moved here?
Do you have a 401k?
Do you have a cash balance plan?
Mutual funds?
How do you feel about bonds? Okay. Mutual funds. So she's just asking all the questions and he's
basically, you know, he's, he answers nicely and everything. He's like, I just want you to be happy
and I want, you know, want you and your mom to have conversations if we ever to move in,
if we ever do anything, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
His answers are not very good to me. Cause Lail's like, okay, this is a hard question.
When are you going to get married and have a kid? And he's like, well, um,
your mom embodies the essence of somebody who would
instill great values. How about that? No, no, no, sir.
That's not it.
And they're nodding like,
oh my God, this guy's so good at this.
Well, he does say that, like, you know, she asks,
would you move up here or would we have to move down there?
And he does say he would come up to LA.
So I think that's nice because, not nice,
like, not like, oh, what kindness, but we're so used
to assholes on Bravo that I was shocked that it was a guy not saying, well, obviously I
have to move down to San Diego.
I was like, what?
Wait a second.
There's someone who's courting someone on Bravo who's actually willing to make concessions
for the woman.
That's so shocking.
So, yeah, So basically it's,
it's a nice scene, uh, with the three of them. So now we go to Kyle's house and Kyle's with
Porsche in the kitchen and, uh, Kyle's like, I feel so tired right now. The dogs woke me up so early.
I was like, I, you know, I can't, I can't with these dogs. They woke her up at five in the morning,
stop feeding them kombucha. She's like, well, I had to get to the kombucha supply.
I'm going out of town.
I'm going to be gone five days.
Kombucha doesn't last.
So Porsche's like, okay, what time did they wake you up?
She's like, five in the morning.
Can you believe it?
She's like, that's brodol.
So dad comes over and Porsche's like,
well, I've been getting tired at like nine and waking up at eight
because you're up.
Like I'm still on Europe time.
Bonjour, dad.
You know, there's like a large portion of adults who are like, is that what that's called
Europe time?
I thought that was, I thought that was being over 40 time.
So Mauricio walks in and he's like, Hey, how's everyone?
Oh my God.
The dog got so big.
What do you mean the dog got so big?
All they talk about now are the dogs.
They can't talk about anything else
because it's all too much of a trigger issue.
Yeah, so she's like, dad, you're hot.
Like, why are you so hot, dad?
He's like, oh, look, it's, I haven't seen your baby.
Sorry, I suppose. He's like, oh, I haven't seen you, baby. Yeah, look at you, wow, look, it's, I haven't seen your baby. Oh, sorry. I suppose he's like, Oh, I haven't seen you baby.
Look at you.
Look at you.
Oh, wow.
Hello, Kyle.
How are you, Kyle?
She's like, Oh, I'm good.
How are you?
I'm really like, hold on.
I'm working on my forehead veins here.
I'm gonna cry.
I'm gonna cry.
Like, I don't know what this relationship is that Mariso has with this young skank,
but I don't know if it's just a passing thing or it's her thing, because I know how women
Oh, really?
That's so shitty.
So, Kyle's like, so how's your trip?
Are they trying to shoot music videos, like basically making out with you while you're
married to some other guy?
Than like coming to your friend's memorial and kind of making out with you while you're married to some other guy. Then like coming to your friend's memorial
and kind of making out with you on camera
while you're married, that kind.
I mean, come on, give me a fucking break.
Stop shaming the fucking women in this.
This is Mauricio.
He's making out with someone because you started it.
Cut the crap, lady.
But now on the other hand,
Mauricio is becoming like a really embarrassing
White Lotus character.
He's like, oh yeah, like it was great.
Like I went out there and like a lot of spas and like sound healing and spiritual healing.
And I got all these cool beads that I'm wearing now.
And like I only partied like five nights out of 25 nights.
I'm like, I don't know.
They're all White Lotus characters on this show.
What'd you say?
Aren't they all White Lotus characters on this show. What'd you say? Aren't they all white Lotus characters on this show?
I mean, yeah, but something about him, something about him being, he's just,
he's, he is such like a, he is such a stereotypical midlife crisis guy.
Although I mean, like, again, the crisis was, was foisted on him to some degree,
but like the, just all the necklaces and the bracelets and partying and mykonos
and going to sound baths and like, I'm just like, dude,
I don't know. It just is so ridiculous to me. I don't know why.
We're talking about the difference between him and Kyle.
He's all the sudden like I'm getting tattoos now dating a young country star.
I'm like, and DMing Kesha to hang out, you know?
Well, I'm not saying that it's mutually exclusive.
Like it's not a zero-sum game just because he's going through the midlife crisis, she
They're both going through it for sure.
They're both going through it.
But I just think that like his is just so cheesy.
He just is having a very cheesy midlife crisis that's just kind of like, oh, could you just
be more original in your midlife crisis?
Do something interesting.
Like open up an ice cream shop or something.
Don't put us down past the Mica Nels, come on.
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At 24, I lost my narrative,
or rather it was stolen from me.
And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew
was usurped by false narratives,
callous jokes, and politics.
I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours.
Something you possess is lost or stolen, and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable names,
about the way that people have navigated roads
to triumph.
My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming and feel like they filled their
tank up.
They connected with the people that I'm talking to and leave with maybe some nuggets that
help them feel a little more hopeful.
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So we go back to the caviar and caftans party and Faye Resnick is like, do you know that
Mo is trying to get PK and my husband to go to
San Tropez? I mean, now he wants to drag my husband into a single lifestyle. I don't think so.
So Mauricio is like having some hummus now and cause like, this is very awkward because we both
know what we are both thinking, which is, gosh, those necklaces are distracting.
So yeah, that's it.
That's like what I'm doing.
Sound baths and mikanos is pretty cool.
Nothing else really happened there.
So let me just open some cabinets
and close them for a little bit
until hopefully you leave the room.
I guess you're not leaving the room.
Did you keep the kombucha?
Like I don't even know what's up or down anymore in here.
Sorry, the dogs drank it.
That's why they're a little hyper
Because like I feel like he's distracting himself
So he doesn't have to deal with me and we just see him just opening things and like looking for stuff
And like I do have that that lemon juicer. I didn't say you're not even holding a lemon
I know I just want to hear what it sounds like when you clack it open and closed
I want to put my hand in it to distract me from the pain that is this scene. He's like,
well, it was an awkward trip because you know,
it's the first time I go without the family and I wanted to do it. You know,
I wanted to go alone, you know, take advantage, see what it looks like, you know,
go and go around without making decisions about what we're going to do that day.
I was like, Ooh, slam on Kyle. He's like, yeah, you know how freeing it was
to go somewhere and not have a fucking to-do list?
He's like, yeah, I just wanted to go somewhere
and see what it would be like to be on vacation
and then if someone sees a bee,
that it does not become an entire meltdown
that has to be dealt with for the rest of the day.
Okay, all right, all right, you're not taking digs at me.
So then he stirs his coffee. He's just like,
dung dung dung dung dung. He's like clicking the coffee cup, click, click,
click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,
click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,
it was so loud. It's like, are you trying to hypnotize Kyle away?
And he's like, no, I'm just trying to come to the dog.
Starts speaking English. He's like, can I please be taken out of the house?
Oh my God, what happened to you?
Clink, clink.
Arf, arf.
Okay, thank God he's back to normal.
So he's like, well, love.
Get out of the dog's goal movie.
He's like, please.
Just please.
Like the feel good movie of the year for that dog.
Get out. I dog, get out.
It's like I laughed, I cried, it was better than cats.
It has so many layers for me.
So then Mo was like, so obviously you know,
in Mykonos I got photographed, you know, in the airport
and you know I would never want to do anything on purpose
that would hurt you or the kids, honey.
Just, you know, when you see a hot girl
you just have to go for it, you know, and I really am honey. Just, you know, when you see a hot girl, you just have to go for it, you know?
And I really am sorry for you, you know, hurting you.
And I never wanna hurt you on purpose.
She's like, yeah, I know you'd never wanna do that
on purpose and I know you did not know
your pictures were being taken.
I don't know that the other person didn't know that,
but either way, it's just like really hard to see.
I think another reason Kyle's so suspicious
is because Kyle is the woman who's getting
pictures secretly taken of her.
And Morgan's probably like, why are these pictures always showing up?
Nobody ever follows me.
And Kyle's like, it's because I'm so famous.
It's like crazy.
I mean, they just happen to be outside of the dry cleaners.
I know.
I know.
This just makes me think of Ladies of London when the group went to Denmark
to see Caroline Fleming's life in Denmark.
And there was like a single paparazzo that was there
that she clearly had called.
I was just like following them around.
Just ladies, I'm so sorry for the paparazzi.
I really am so terribly sorry for this.
It's absolutely terrible that they are just following us
around, plaguing us.
I really am so sorry, everyone.
What a terrible inconvenience.
Well, you know, the photos really did say he's moving on, you know?
Like, you can live in this la-la land for as long as you want.
But there was a hammer on my head saying,
Hello, Kyle, he's moved on.
It's okay.
You're both in battle.
Live your lives.
Oh, come here, love bean.
Don't cry.
Come on, love bean.
All right.
Now we know what we said.
No more singing La La Land in the house.
I'm really getting sick of those songs.
So she's like, just, she's like, I just, I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. It's like, I know, I think about like, how did we get here?
Like if we care about each other so much, how did we allow this to happen?
Everything we built, this is the rug being ripped out from under your feet.
And I did not expect my life to go in this direction.
So they're crying in each other's arms, which is sad because regardless of how it
happened, they were together for a really long time and it really does suck.
So she's like, I can see these photos.
I think it makes it pretty clear that this is permanent
and I don't think it's gonna be easy to come back.
Dun, dun, dun, dun.
Wah, wah, wah.
They're done, donezo.
So then we go, I still don't believe they're done.
I don't know, I don't believe it.
Part of me just doesn't believe any of this.
So then we go, but you know, I never do.
I told you that, I never do. I told you that.
I never think people are gonna get divorced.
It's like War of the Roses.
And I'm like, they're gonna, surely Katherine,
or Kathleen Turner's gonna get back together
with Michael Douglas.
I mean, they just have so much in common.
It didn't work out.
I mean, I could definitely see these two
getting back together.
Because again, they're both going through a mid-life crisis.
They got married when they were really young.
They're kind of having a moment.
The kids, kids are all grown up. So they're sort of dealing with the reality of their situation.
And again, I do really think like, you know, as much as we talk about like this Morgan
and Kyle situation, I do think that there was something, I feel like Mauricio was not
emotionally available to Kyle when she was dealing with her friend's death. I really
feel like that was probably something that was going on there. So I just imagine there's
a lot of turmoil in that relationship, But I can also, I don't,
I also think there is a chance that once I sort of go through this, their mutual midlife crisis,
there is a chance that they could come back together. But honestly, the degree that I care
about whether or not they get back together, very low. I really don't care if they get back together.
Yeah, me too. So now everybody's packing to go to St. Lucia and Avi is spinning her,
sweating around on a swivel chair and is like, here we go, St. Lucia. And then we go to Dorit
and Dorit is like, all right, Jiggy, I need to show you a couple of options.
And then we cut to Jagger and he's got his finger on his cheek like,
show me the option of what you're going to wear.
And so she shows him something and he's like,
oh, not mature enough.
She's like, it's Pockery Bonnie.
He's like, Pockery no no, Pockery no no, no no no, terrible.
She's raising a monster, she's raised a monster.
Look at that kid, he's like, yes.
Try again, mother.
So then Kyle is packing with her assistant friend, Jen.
And Kyle's like, okay, I'm gonna bring you
both of my options, whatever.
Could you also bring me a cane?
Because I am losing sensation in my legs.
I die for these looks.
I'm gonna flop over.
Oh my God, I'm on the ground.
And I, you know what?
I'm going, I don't feel anything anymore.
The only thing I feel is just pure joy
at seeing what you've made there. Amazing. Then we go to Jennifer Tilley's You know what, I'm going, I don't feel anything anymore. The only thing I feel is just pure joy
at seeing what you've made there.
Then we go to Jennifer Tilley's
and she's putting on a hat that's all feathers
and it's like a big feather wreath, I guess, on her head.
And she's like, oh, this hat is just so fabulous.
I can't wait to wear this and sing
Lucia Blackley's bra high heels. And then Erica Jane is trying on things like, look at these hoes, that's cute.
Oh, you know, we want to be comfortable when we go and do active wear.
So get me that most active wear you can find.
And Leia brings out some like jorts and she goes, and this is even Marjo.
She's like, oh, that's known as regular for me.
And then we go to Boze's home and Boze is packing with Nico, her adorable little
assistant, and she's like, well, did you know that this is the only country in the
world that is named after a woman?
And he's like, oh my God, I love that.
What's her name?
Esther, what do you think her name is?
Jesus Christ.
If you weren't so good with the glue gun, you'd be out of here.
I'm going to have you bedazzle on Atlas while I'm gone.
So the women come to the airport. It's the housewives airport arrival thing.
And Dorit comes in a trench coat and Kathy's like, we're not going to New York.
Idiot. This was the only thing that Jackie would approve. So I just had to wear it till we Rick comes in a trench coat and Kathy's like, we're not going to New York, idiot.
This was the only thing that Jackie would approve. So I just had to wear it till we get out of his line of sight.
So then everyone's showing up.
It's cool because they're like in,
clearly they're in like the celebrity holding area,
you know, cause they go with the special entrance.
But I think they all get to,
I think they get to go to a special room for celebrities.
That way they don't have to deal with the regular folk
for as long as possible.
They're in two different groups because first we have one group, the Cathy and Dorit group,
they fly off first and then the rest is showing up at night and Jennifer Tilly is like,
who's the red eye? So they all are saying like, oh my God, you look great, you look great,
you look great, and Kyle's saying like, she's just so happy to escape the paparazzi that are photographing Mauricio and she can just enjoy herself.
But were the pups out of the country? Or were they at LAX? Weren't they at the airport
in not LA?
You can know this.
I thought it was in Greece. It was the Greek airport that they were at. But whatever, Kyle's
going with it. It's just so hard to escape the paparazzi. And Jennifer Tilly is pulling out a small Hermes bag that's like really old and
leathery and falling apart and stuff. She can't get the zipper open. And she's like, yeah, well,
I met this woman. She was a princess and she sold me a Birkin bag. So look at this.
And she sold me a Birkin bag. So look at this.
Kyle's eyes are doing like, you know, like in Looney Tunes
where they come out of your, they come out
and they point around the, they look around the room
like little cones.
She's just staring at this vintage Hermes bag.
She's like,
oh, like saliva is pooling on the floor beneath her shoes.
So that's beautiful. Erica too, yeah.
Wow, that is stunningly beautiful, this bitch.
Look at this Hermes crocodile, vintage, it's divine.
I need one of those boxes in my life.
But I think there's something, like when Kyle pines
for something and Erica pines for something,
there's like a difference.
Erica pines like, oh God, I used to be rich.
God, I'd love to have that. Could you please spare some air?
Maze for a papa in the street, please. You know, whereas Kyle's like,
I need this. If I don't have this, why, why am I even here?
Why am I even on this TV show?
Like her entire like identity seems to ride on having these other things that
other people have because she's so competitive.
And she's like, if she sees that Jennifer Tilly
just casually has this super rare vintage thing
that she got from a princess, Kyle's like,
well, who do I know who's royal?
Who can give me something?
I need something.
I need something right now.
It's just great watching her spiral.
I guess that's what it is.
She spirals, whereas Erica just pines.
Yeah, Erica's a girl standing outside of the store, looking in at things that she could one day have.
She's dreaming. Whereas Kyle's running around from clerk to clerk like, get me that or you're fired.
That's a much better and more succinct way of saying what I just tried to explain.
Sometimes I have to talk it through to get to where
I need to get to what I'm trying to actually say.
So Erica tells Kyle, Oh my God, you are way too rich to carry that ugly luggage. I can't
take it.
She's like, call me what I want. I'm sensible spice. I'm still using spice girl references.
Sensible spice. That's the most Kyle Richards naming of a Spice girl name of all time.
Sensible Spice.
Going back to her reunion performance where she was like, wow, what are you?
Angry Spice.
So yeah, now they get on the plane and they fly and it's really fun and...
They're here, they're in St. Lucia.
So here we are.
So they got the whole people out there and, you know, all of the people playing drums
and dancing around and giving them big drinks.
And we get to see their rooms and they're super pretty.
And Jennifer Tilly is like, wow, how cute, there's drum people out there.
And there are, you know, but it's kind of one of those things where you just want to put your shit down,
but now you have to watch a show. It's like, okay.
Right. Yeah. I'm-
Wrap it up.
I'm glad to not be a real housewife for that because I don't like welcome speeches.
I'm like, again, it's housewife for that because I don't I don't like welcome speeches. I'm like again
It's like I need to use the toilet. I
Don't want to listen to still
Time can we still drum? Can I poop in your steel drum? Okay, can I use that? Yeah steel drum?
Do you have a tissue because this button needs a bidet at the moment? So, um, welcome to the windjammer
So they're there by the way, they got like monogrammed pillowcases.
That was very impressive.
Did you see that?
I sure did.
So they got those, they love them.
And then they've watched the steel band, steel drum band and stuff.
And so they the room announcements are here.
Eric and Dorit here, Carl and Kathy, you're in the villa together and then Sutton, Garcel
and Jen.
And she's like, um, wait a minute.
I have to sleep in the same bed as Sutton.
Oh God.
I've traveled with Sutton before.
I don't think we've ever shared a bed.
But I had, however, slept next to her on a plane and she wakes up like this.
So yeah, so Erica goes into her room and she's like, wow, this is stunning.
This is maybe both giving Kathy a run for her money.
And then the other people go to their Villa and Jennifer's like, Oh, do we have to climb
stairs or to get to the Villa?
No, no, no, no.
Oh no, this is too much for me.
So they go up the stairs and everything.
So they go into their villa and everything,
which is of course gorgeous.
They've got an infinity pool, you can see the ocean.
And then they all start like gallivanting outside
and like taking in the views.
And Kathy, when we see this like extended montage
of Kathy slowly unloading an infinite number
of jars and bottles onto her bathroom counter,
very slowly and very deliberately.
Putting her hair in the sink. She's like bags of hair, you know, sperm whale sperm for her
face. She's got like everything in there, baby stem cells and shit. And now people start
to gossip. But first, Jennifer Tilly's candy has spilled all over her suitcase. And she's like, oh no, my candy came apart.
I can still eat it, right?
I panic.
The idea of being without my candy for the next three or four days is actually very triggering
for me.
Like I know I'm going to need to eat this candy at three in the morning.
And after I've had one of our terrifying dinners. What candy was that? I didn't even recognize that. They're the shape of Mike and Ike's,
but they're like solid Christmas colors instead of July. What are they? Not Christmas Easter.
It looked like something you'd get at a rave in like 1997. I have no idea. Like, yeah,
I think they were like-
Goods, Mike and Ikes.
What's the one that starts with good?
Good and plenty. Good and plenty, maybe. Let's see if they're good and plenty. Oh God, I have to idea. Like, yeah, I think they were like, what's the one that starts with good and plenty, good and plenty maybe.
Oh God, I have to get it.
I think there was something like that.
I'm sure that she could find them on their good and planties,
but good and planties are white and pink.
Well, they've probably got multiple colored ones, right?
Let's know like how M&Ms, you can go to the M&M store.
Listen, if you're rich, like Jennifer Tilly,
you just like, hello, good and plenty people.
Hi, this is Jennifer Tilly calling.
I was wondering, can I get my own custom colors for Good and Plenty's?
I just really like the way they look.
And it also helps me ignore the fact
that Sutton's gonna be waking up in the middle of the night
going, ah!
Anyway, thank you so much.
Wow, are these good, Good and Plenty's?
I've never really dipped into the Good and Plenty pool.
Should I?
Maybe I will.
I love them, I can make.
I haven't had Good and and plenty in like 30 years.
I mean, they would sort of like wind up
in your Halloween hall and you're like,
well, I'm done with all the Snickers
and all the good stuff.
So it's time to try the good and plenteas.
It's like Smarties.
You know, there's like that whole genre
of these generic forgettable candies.
But people love them.
I mean, good and plenty people still buy them.
There's still, you know, you can still get them very easily.
They look like little drugs.
So back to Sutton and Garcelle and Jennifer,
Sutton's like, well, have I said hello to Doreen?
Did anybody see that?
I don't even remember if I did.
And Garcelle's like, well, I didn't see it,
but I wasn't with you.
And she goes, well, I'm just, I'm feeling some weird vibes.
Weird vibe, very weird vibe. Gee, I can't imagine it, but I wasn't with you." And she goes, well, I'm just, I'm feeling some weird vibes. Weird, very weird.
Gee, I can't imagine why I said,
last time you saw her, you called her Poree
in front of the entire crew of people.
Why is it awkward?
So weird.
Yeah, I know, seriously.
So Sun's like, I think that she just digs at me pretty hard.
And Garcelle's like, okay, well, we're back.
I can see your eyes.
Son's got like, her eyes have become very feline
and she's just like, she's doing that look on her face.
Like, okay, I've now dealt with my mother for over two weeks
and now I'm going to repurpose that fury
and I'm gonna aim at Dorit.
Garcelle reminiscates her eyes.
She's like, oh, there's those eyes.
So Garcelle's like, well, I'm getting weird vibes from Dorit.
Oh, uh-oh.
So then we go to Dorit's room and she's like, well, I want to enjoy the trip, you guys.
I just want to sit around with things, feasting.
We haven't said one, two words to one another, but I know she's going to come in with a wrath.
And then I knew when she's coming in, not in a wrath." And Beose is like,
well, how is she coming in today? She goes, oh, she's coming in like, I might have been a bad girl.
Which is very, which is very Sutton, you know? Sutton rips you a new one and the next day she's
like, why can't we just be friends? I don't understand. Aren't we sisters?
Yeah. So then back in the other villa, Sutton is talking to Garcelle and Jennifer and Dorit,
about Dorit. And Sutton's like, well, here's the thing. I'm watching Dorit with Kyle and
Dorit's act like they're best friends again. Yeah. But the forgiveness factor is so easy
between them. Well, that and you know, they always had that and I'm sure that they can
say, we have that too. In fact, they did say that. She said, I have rose tinted glasses when it comes
to you. So, Jennifer's like, you know.
We'll go figure also they're actual friends. You're not friends with Dorit. Why would you get the
same forgiveness? You're not the same. You hate each other.
Yeah. So, Jennifer's like, you know, I like all the girls, but
I have to say it's a clicky group and it's tough to crack. I mean, myself as a newcomer,
as an Oscar nominee, it's a difficult group to crack. And that's all I'm saying. And
I had some sort of weird expectation that we'd be all going to be walking along and
skipping and holding hands and singing. And no, that didn't really quite happen between us. You know I like everyone to like me and I really thought oh these girls all hang out
together we're gonna have sleepovers but they have history and it's a little clicky you
know I mean it's like when I was a kid in high school, I always wanted to be a popular girl, but
I'm just that girl with dirty hair who didn't take showers very much. And just, you know,
I probably shouldn't say that part.
Now I'm Richard in all of them combined.
So, um, so Jennifer's like, so Son's not tearing up. She's like, what's wrong?
Satin? Did you lose your candy also? And she's like, no, it's just that it's been, it's just
been a long time, long route with these girls. And the only person that truly supports me
is Garcell. And even Kyle won't say, come on, this is enough. It's always like you two,
you two. It's like never Doree. Come on. It's just like too much. So Garcell's like, you two, you two. It's like never drink. Come on. It's just like too much.
So Garcelle's like, well, that's the million dollar question is why does Sutton continue to stand up for Kyle when Kyle doesn't always stand up for her? I don't know. I don't know.
Like, please ask that to Kyle. They do all the time, but it's not true.
Sutton doesn't always stand up for Kyle. Meanwhile, Sutton's planning with Garcelle on how to bring up
Morgan stuff to Kyle. So I don't think that Sutton's always standing up for Kyle.
That's not true.
So she's like, I just want them to like me so much
and I just can't get them to.
Those poor motherfuckers.
I could buy and sell each one of those bitches.
So then 24 hours later,
we see them all fighting in the ocean.
But you can't be the one who can give it
and not be able to take it.
You pose as a friend and often times you work as an enemy.
This is not gonna be a Sutton trial and seek.
It's like, oh no, you mean ridiculous Sutton.
And it's like, what do you want from me?
What do you all want from me?
And that's the episode.
That's all I need.
Little sudden breakdown.
Well, that brings us to the end of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, everybody.
We'll see you in Cincinnati, Minneapolis and Toronto this weekend.
Get your tickets over at for traders recaps and airport snaps and all
that good stuff.
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Okay, bye! with Ashley Otto. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Put your hands together for Carly Clap.
Catherine DiBernardo has our harto. Get on the right foot with Chrissy Offa. Dana C. Dana Do.
She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Etchels. We never miss her call, it's Diane Call.
Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickle-us. Jamie, she has no less name-y. You'll never hide from Heidi Eleanor Jones.
I go, you go, we all go for Hugo.
Hava Nagila Weber.
We could all learn from Jennifer Kearns.
She's our kind of mess, it's Jennifer Messer.
Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch.
Knock, knock, knocking on Katie Manock's door.
She's our favorite streamer, Caroline Peacock.
Kristen the Piston Anderson.
Get a B in your bonnet with Lacey B.
Rigging the funk, it's Leslie Plunkett.
She gets an A from us, it's Lindsey D.
Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino.
Fresh as a daisy, it's Maisie McHenry.
We love her on the rocks, it's Melissa Cox.
Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg.
This is Livin' with Michelle Vivian.
I love a ya, Olivia Williamson.
Tastier than Flanderson, it's Rachel Manderson.
She sure is swell, it's Raquel.
Yes we canna, it's Sedana.
Cast a spell with Shannon Spellman.
Let's share with Sharon Eldridge.
The Bay Area Betches, Betches!
And our super premium sponsors.
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Can't lose when you're with Amy Baldwin.
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Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil.
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Who, what, why, where, and Gwen Pentland.
It's our queen. It's Queen Laifah.
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Know your worth with Jason Curr.
We got our wish. It's Jen Plish.
She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch.
She's a little bit loony.
Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. She gets an A. It's Kelly B. We love him madly. It's Kyle Pod bit loony. Junie! My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo!
She gets an A, it's Kelly B.
We love him madly, it's Kyle Podchadley.
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