Watch What Crappens - #2777 RHOBH S1417 Part Two: Bird Brained Carnies
Episode Date: March 26, 2025This is part 2This week on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season finale, Sutton has another hissy fit in St. Lucia, and this time she’s dressed as a bird. Also, Tom is sentenced and E...rika brings out her ole victim act again. Rinse and repeat. You can watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads at Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Hiring Indeed is all you need. Hi everyone, welcome back! This is part 2 of a two-part recap. If you're wondering where
part 1 was, well go check in the feed and be sure to subscribe.
So that way you always get your episodes. But enough of that. Let's get right back into the episode.
So, um, then they all start to gather around, um, they're doing some more shopping and stuff.
And then I like this line though, she goes, I just want to be a Barbie tonight. Okay.
Just pretend that I don't have an IQ of 140 okay
be dumb enough to hang out with you idiots.
The Kyle goes up to Bose and she's like are you okay? I cannot with that
situation she can't hear any form of criticism says Kyle Richards.
So what does she want to do? Does she just want to pretend like nothing
happened? That's going to be very awkward, isn't it?
If we all are just sitting around pretending nothing is the matter, how are we supposed
to have fun with that?
I mean, the only thing that could be more awkward would be if we all put on enormous
wings and had to sit around a tiny table together.
Yeah, Boze is still doing that thing like, what?
How could women hang out together and not get along?
So then, now they all start to sit at the table and Kathy asks for bags of ice
to put under her armpits because she's so hot. And Dorit's like, well, you know, Sutton's
mind goes to, we're colluding because that's her type of behavior. That's the kind of shit
she would do.
Yeah, that's a good one. So then, son's avoiding going to the table.
So she's loitering at a vendor and the vendor's like,
here's some sexy oil for the bedroom.
I think I'm good, I don't wanna put a lot of oil on me.
You know what?
I just realized I think I'd rather sit at a table
with these women than talk to all these poor people
selling trinkets, so goodbye, sir.
I know, I loved how nor-chee-west.
Sexy oil for the bedroom.
Does it make a bed?
Then get it the fuck out of my face, poor person.
Have some respect.
So Kathy gets her ice, and then they're all sitting there,
and they're like talking.
It gets like quiet at the table, it's awkward, you know?
They're all during the setting, like,
is she gonna do something?
So she's like, well, place cards are the best thing that
can ever happen because then my options are not to sit across from someone who thinks I kick women
when they're down or next to someone that obviously does not like me. So they change seats so that
Sutton doesn't have to be in awkward seating. So that's how it's starting where Sutton needs the
seats changed. So Kathy's like, oh wow, look, Barbie's here everybody, I got Barbie to smile.
How's your vagina working, Barbie? And then a cute waiter comes to take their orders and then Kyle's
like, oh my God, Garcelle, you're like, hi, what can I order? Your eyes are like...
So, they're like laughing at Garcelle and Garcecel's like, look, my dating life is, I'm not on
the apps.
If I meet someone through a friend or at Whole Foods or outside my house in Oxnard, which
I don't know if you know this, I built a house in Oxnard.
You know, I'm open if he's good enough.
I may have a little fun, but if he's not cute, I'll just have to say no.
Yeah, I'm on the apps.
I'm on Instacart because they show a picture of your shopper and I'm on TaskRabbit and I'm on DoorDash and I'm on the apps. I'm on Instacart because they show a picture
of your shopper and I'm on TaskRabbit
and I'm on DoorDash and I'm on Uber of course, you know?
So I'm just hoping that it's kind of, you know,
you just kind of hope.
Yeah, you never know.
At least it'll work out.
Keep on dreaming.
So then I'm just looking for a man to say,
the brownies aren't here,
so instead I'm gonna get you some little debbies. Instead of the brownies aren't here, so I'm refunding that part of your order
and just pretending the brownies aren't a necessity.
That's not my soul mate.
You need someone who knows that shop for you.
So Kathy excuses herself to go to the bathroom and then it's just more awkward silence.
And then Kathy comes back and
now she's in like a little dress. She goes, everyone, I have a little secret. I tinkled
in my shorts. They're like, what? Yeah, I tinkled. Tinkled in the shorts.
Pete Slauson God damn it. Sit your ass down. Oh my God. So,
now they start doing impersonations of her, of
each other. Karl does a pretty good Jennifer Tilly and Garcelle does a good...
Karl's good at imitations in general, by the way. Like that's...
Yeah, she's good at them.
You should lean into that more because like that's her most enduring, like side is when
she does imitations.
Yeah, she does good ones. So she did a good one of Jennifer Tilly and then Garcelle does one of Erica. Her's is just really deep. She's like, Tom's
car went over a hill. It snows in Pasadena. I'm going to come for you, bitch.
And then Jennifer Tilly starts doing something. She starts going, no no ma'am, no ma'am, no ma'am.
And Dorit's like, ooh, I spent another long time
thinking about this.
Just trying to do her like Southern accent
overlaid over her like pan-European accent that she has.
And it's both Erica and Dorit just going
with their Southern accents at her.
And it doesn't really work as well
when you don't like the person, you know what I mean?
I think it makes it less good nature. So Sutton gets mad and she looks
like an idiot again, because you can't even take it in good fun. So instead she's like,
nobody talks like this, okay? Nobody talks like that.
And then Kyle's like, Sutton is really bringing such a negative energy to this. It's like
Dorit and Erica's birthday. Hopefully we can ignore Sutton in the corner and just enjoy ourselves.
But like, once again, Sutton wants to be, make this all about her. I'm like, well, because they're
mocking her. Yeah. Yeah. But she gets to lighten up Sutton. Oh my God. All she had to be was like,
oh, that's hilarious girls. But instead she's like, what a terrible accent. So then...
Pete Slauson Sudden could always lighten up, let's be honest. It's not just at this table.
But then we wouldn't have the sun that we know and love.
Pete Slauson Yeah. So then they sing Happy Birthday and they're like,
we hope you get some tonight, we hope you get some tonight, we hope you get lovely presents,
hope you get some tonight. They're like, oh my God, that is hilarious, that is hilarious.
I hope you got some tonight." They're like, oh my God, that is hilarious. That is hilarious. So then they get some cake and they find out it's yellow cake. And Sutton's like, I don't
want a piece of yellow cake. Thank you.
Sutton, you're going to lose me now. But she just doesn't want the cake because she's
protesting. She doesn't want to contribute to the celebration of these two women that
she hates. So Bo is saying that there'll be some activities tomorrow,
et cetera. And they all pretty much just get up and go and Sutton's like, I did the boat.
I showed up for the dinner. I got made fun of. I've had enough. They just like to kick me
down or up. I'm being kicked by these women. That's fucking bullshit. Which is funny because
she's basically taking Erica's criticism of Sutton and now applying it to them. She's like, they are kicking me when I'm down. Yeah.
So now, um, people are back in their rooms getting ready for the next day. We see Jennifer
Tilley and Garcelle preparing, you know, it's like, let's, let's get clothes on. Oh my
God. So then, um, Jennifer Tilley's like, look at my ring, Scarpe Relly. Looks like
a jellyfish, doesn't it? It was $9 million. It's my vacation jewelry.
I know. Like, well, you better not lose it. She's like, oh, this thing, this is a cheapo.
So then over Kathy and Kyle's villa, Kathy is, you know, she greets the resort staff as they bring in breakfast and
everything and then we see but both button, button, button, button, button, button, button.
They arrive at a day or go to a chocolatier because this is going to be an attempt to
bond a little bit because Bo is saying how, you know, she like sudden always thinks that
there's always distance between them. And she's like, I do believe that Sudden has made a narrative in her head that I am
Team DeWitt and nobody else. When the truth is, I'm Team DeWitt and now a little bit
Team Kyle, but mainly DeWitt. So she's a little bit incorrect there.
So, to prove her wrong, I'm going to have a chocolate making scene where I take everything
that she says and take it to DeWitt. So, see how this works. Yeah, precisely.
So, then we go to Jennifer Tilly and she's like, oh, wow, did you guys order some food? I mean,
we've got sunscreen. Wow, this is living and having such a great life. I've gotten to a place
in my life where everything is fabulous. And Kyle's just like, I hate you.
Kyle's just like, wow.
Apparently somebody doesn't have a chair
to move from the living room to the dining room.
I know.
She's like, oh, are you our waiter guy?
Okay, I hear pina coladas are good for the heat.
So could we have some pina coladas
and also the pulled pork sliders and some fish tacos, please.
And Kyle is horrified that I didn't order this amount of food on the show.
So Garcelle's like, well, Kyle, have you posted your thirst trap yet?
For Morgan.
There I said it.
She's like, no, no, I'm not feeling that thirstier right now.
Well, my thirst trap is heading to 100,000 likes and I really figured out what Instagram
likes. Nipples!
So he sent that photo. And Kyle's like, well, last night was really interesting. And Garcelle's
like, well, should we start off in the sweet? She's like, well, first of all, we're all
the closest to Sutton and we love her so much. Guys, don't we love her? I have to say, I love Sutton so much. So now
everything I say going forward comes from a place of love automatically. Okay. But like,
I need you guys to be open-minded that she's a bitch and she's awful and she's like really needy
and she's stupid and no one likes her. But I love her so much. Yeah. So Garcelle's like, well, you know, look, this sounds weird, but in Sutton's story,
you're the hero. Why? I don't know.
I've been on the show for five years and I still can't figure it out.
She's like, but I mean, like, none of us said anything. Like, why am I being singled out here?
Like, my God. She's like, well, I think when you don't do it, it hurts more.
But why?
I don't know.
It's a question for Sutton.
It literally makes no sense.
I mean, look, Jennifer is an Oscar nominee, which is pretty, pretty cool.
And she's also incredibly wealthy and I'm famous in my own right.
And still that's not enough for Sutton.
So we don't get it.
And honestly, at this point, we don't care.
And she's like, so Kyle, I wanted to check in with you also.
We're talking about Bo's calling you and seeing Moe. Does that make you want to do something? Like,
I don't know, look a vagina.
Well, I don't see the benefit of rushing to get a divorce, at least not before the not
decides to run a cover story on us again. And Garcel's like, well, you're not even
rushing to get any information at all? Like, what's who? What informationcels like, well, you're not even rushing to get any information at all.
Like what's who? What information? And like, where do I start? Like all that stuff. And
Jennifer's like, okay, well, I'm going to tell a story that's going to make you feel
really poor. Okay. So I have had lots of friends who've been married to lots of wealthy men,
Sutton included, and they're like, oh, been the nicest people in the world. And then all
of a sudden the lawyers come in and they do this and that. And my ex, who I love very
much, much the day he died. And like, like when we got divorced we had $700,000
in the bank and he's like I'm gonna give you $250,000 and then someone said to me Jennifer
I think you need to get a divorce lawyer.
Well, did you end up getting more money than the $350,000?
I got a piece of the Simpsons.
I mean come on I'm not buying diamonds on Chucky money.
The Chucky money just pays for my snacks.
So brilliant. So amazing. You know, some people are like, well, now that Garcelle's leaving
me, Jennifer full time. But then I saw someone else on Twitter say, don't make her full time
because Jennifer's position as friend of, as someone who's outside and comes in and
makes commentary and then drops moments like this is perfect. And I fully
agree. I don't want Jennifer, I don't want a situation where Jennifer, we may have to
comment about Jennifer's life being boring, or I don't want to have to be in a situation
where people are ganging up on Jennifer or she has a bad season. I love Jennifer as she
is and I just want to preserve her in this state.
Yeah. Well, I don't think she's ever going to have... I don't think she's going to get
away with people not turning on her. I mean, that's just Housewives role. There'll be something
where she'll say something where people are like, oh my God, I can't believe I ever liked
her for at least six months.
That's true. And also, she's too popular for Kyle and the group not to turn on her.
Yeah, they'll be trying it with her. And see them trying, we see them testing the waters in this
very episode and it doesn't really work, but we'll see. So, um, now Dorit and Erica are having
breakfast and Erica's like, wait a minute, is that a waffle? She goes, no, definitely not.
And she said that literally in your accent, your Dorita accent.
She was literally like, definitely not.
I was like, wow, she's been listening.
So Kathy is just putting creams and potions all over herself and trying to get the mirror
to talk back to her as she does.
So we go back to the chocolatier and they're learning how to make all of these little chocolates.
And then we get to the discussion.
Dun, dun, dun.
So, Buzz is like, so, what are your thoughts?
And it's like, well, you know, I love that Jackie Kennedy answer.
If I told you my thoughts, it wouldn't be my thoughts anymore.
What do you think?
She goes, oh, wow, what a bitch.
Jackie Kennedy was not joking around, huh?
Well, you know what?
I heard what those women said. Oh, with no agreement
or disagreement, you just heard. She's like, we've had a lot of discussions. You know,
Eric and I have been really getting along and she showed no animosity to me and it seemed to come
out of nowhere. Oh, really? Because she said it to me before. Ha ha ha! And then we see flashbacks.
Pete Liesveld She's like, oh, nope, she's been talking about you this whole season.
Pete Liesveld Yeah, she's been talking about you behind your back. then we see flashbacks. It's like, oh, nope, she's been talking about you this whole season. Yeah, she'd be talking shit about you behind your back.
And we see footage of that, you know, flashbacks, et cetera.
So Boze is like, so I thought it was actually maybe good
that she said it out loud.
Oh, well, that's great.
I'm glad she could get it out.
I thought about it, what she said.
And I also thought Erica herself was down
and Dorit and Kyle did the same thing that I did and asked questions
the exact same thing.
And their husbands even made fun of Erica.
And then we see flashbacks that scene where Mauricio and Moe are making fun of Erica.
That there was no repercussions.
It's like there is a strange double standard or triple standard with these women, you know,
and both didn't understand our history.
So I need to explain it. And so something's like I've apologized and I'm not doing it
It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and scum.
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So then back at the resort, Erica's like, oh, we were just so silly last night, weren't
we? And Dereet says, I was just so frustrated. You know, Sutton is not consistently a beach.
She's not consistently means be retained. She's not, you know, sometimes she's a decent
person. Why do I have black teeth right now? Nobody knows.
Yeah, she's been.
That was weird, right?
I was like, were you brushing?
They were just doing that like charcoal thing.
So that was one.
And yeah, and Erica's like, you know,
because the moments when she's absolutely great
and you have the moments, then you know,
and then you bring it to the table.
But like I brought my foster table
and instead it turned into everyone's being mean to me.
It's a pile on, this is a gang up." And then Dorit's like, that's her. Yeah. And the pounding.
My problem with Sutton is that even when she's apologizing, it's performative.
And I feel like it's a sucker punch coming right around the corner. Sucker punch.
So, so Doruret's like, Sutton is lacking sincerity, but now it's gotten to a degree.
I don't trust most of the things that come out of her mouth.
You don't have any problems with Rinna.
I mean, look, Rinna was like probably one of the least sincere people, right?
Like how are you?
So good to see you, you know.
Well, it's also DRitte saying she lacks sincerity
when DeRitte is sitting there in like $100,000 worth
of fake clothes and brands dripping off of her.
She's in a house she's pretending to own
that is owned by some other company
that is now kicking her out because she's bankrupt.
I mean, she's one of the fakest people
who's ever been on the show.
Girl, you're saying this line with 10 different accents
that aren't yours.
Could you please stay away from insincerity allegations, ma'am?
Matthew 18 So back to the chocolatier.
Pete Slauson Lady who got $10,000 stolen from the home goods. I mean,
the dollar store. I mean, the Best Buy. Matthew 18
So Sutton's like, back at the chocolatier, Sutton's like, I've had to have a come to Jesus
moment. Matthew 18
With who? Yourself? Matthew 18
Yes. Me and Jesus.
Guess what? Jesus pummeled me. And that's it. And I had to say, look, this is hard.
I had to remember that both of those girls have gone through right now. And then I have
to look at where I am in my life. A lady who has a tiny boutique that may or may not be
open somewhere in West Hollywood, and that
must be hard for them to look at.
So we see, let's see, what do we see here? So she's like, I'm done. Sorry, I was in a
different part. She's like, I'm done. And yeah, when she's like, it's just so difficult, you
know, where you've got these people. And I just, I just think, look at these poor women
who can never be me. That must be hard on them." And Boza's like, oh, I don't think so. Yeah. I don't
know that they're jealous of you. She's like, what, what wouldn't they be jealous of? What
would they name one thing? She's like, oh yeah, I'm done with this conversation.
I just think the allegiance from Kyle goes to those two and always will, to be honest.
So it's like, yeah,
you see it sudden. So stop chasing it. You know where Kyle's loyalties are. And just what you have
to do is have a moment where you say, fuck this bitch, fuck this fake bitch who acts like she's
going to have my back. And she never does. At the end of the day, she's always going to be,
you know, you get nothing for nothing. I'm sorry I did it. But at the end of the day,
she is always going to have those two, those two men's backs. And so stop trying to chase it and just make
your own happiness.
So then back to Eric and to read Eric is like, well, whatever you're going through, she's
going through. Okay, fine. Well, what made me angry was when Miss Jennifer Tilley said
it was coordinated and to read, so she felt like it was coordinated really just a bunch
of excuses. So you should say something tonight. You too. All right, she felt like it was coordinated really, just a bunch of excuses.
So you should say something tonight, you two.
All right, let's do it.
Not coordinated at all.
Not at all.
Okay, I'll start and then you come in.
And then if you're going too long, I'll butt in and I'll say something and then you say
something also.
And I actually wrote out some note cards and you could just study those.
And if things get really bad, we can bring in a teleprompter.
So now they're getting ready for Carnival and Bose has arranged for them to all have
these crazy outfits, big feathered showgirl outfits
for Carnival.
So they're putting them all on and this part
was so fucking funny, watching all these ladies
put these on.
The most horrific part was when Doreet's hairdresser
tells her to twerk and Doreet does it.
I've never seen an ass clap that little.
I mean, I've never seen that happen.
Was it, like, I'm not even sure if it was an ass clap.
I mean, it was just kind of like,
it was just like she was just doing like weird squats
or something like that.
Yeah, she did some squats.
It was just like an up and down.
It wasn't really a twerk.
It was more like a blerk.
It was just, it was not good. And this is why you never trust your hairdresser, because her hairdresser was like, Oh my God,
Yaz, icon, nailed it.
So Bose is saying that they're celebrating Carnival tonight, you know, because it's such
a huge thing in the Caribbean and beyond.
And so they're just going to celebrate it, which was, and so they are all putting on
different outfits and different levels of undress depending on how comfortable they
So Erica was basically wearing bare minimum and she looked fucking amazing.
And then Kathy was funny because she basically had like a, like a caftan on and she had her,
but she had her wings on at the same time, but it all worked.
It actually was all kind of great.
But they all didn't, they were not in a space that was made for the wings because they all had to like walk sideways through hallways and through doors. And they
were like,
it was so funny when they all walked up to the dinner table and they were like, how are
we going to sit down? But they did. And then they all sat down and they just showed that
what the table looked like from the outside. And it was just pure feathers. I had like
walls of crazy feathers.
You know, the producers were like, we're never doing this again. We cannot get good shots because they couldn't shoot through people's shoulders. They just had
to stick a camera at the one end of the table and just like hope for the best. You know, so funny.
It was amazing. Oh yeah. Okay. So they did that. And then Jennifer, let me, I'm just fast forwarding
to get to it. I know me too. I'm like... Okay, so they get some rum punches and they're cheersing to their final night and all that.
And Jennifer is complimenting Kathy on her rhinestones.
And she goes, well, you need to take those feathers to the next Rockefeller Ball or something.
And Kathy goes, actually, I don't know if they approve.
Like, wow, so the Rockefellers are anti-carnival
Yeah, there was something sort of, there was a, there was a, there was a subtext there
that I think that maybe we all picked up on, right?
Yeah. Or like they, do they shoot birds? I mean, what's their deal?
I'm not sure. So, I'm still, by the way, I'm still scrolling through so much of this
feather shit. So, Eric is like, well, everybody, so everyone's getting along. So, Eric is like, um, uh, I'm still, by the way, I'm still scrolling through so much of this feather shit.
So Eric is like, well, everybody, so everyone's getting along.
So Erica's like, well, it is the finale.
Wearing feathers.
Let's fucking do this.
It is.
I have a question I heard about to read and I planning this thing on the boat.
Who's saying it?
Is it you, Jennifer Tilly, or is it you, Garthel Abelvay?
Oh, Erica, what a bad ass.
Wow, you're really gonna get somebody
to confess to something horrible.
So Jennifer Tilly is like,
um, well, listen, if I feel bad,
if it means you feel bad, Erica, you know,
yesterday people were saying what's going on with Sutton? And,
you know, we were just sort of, here's how it appeared. That's all I meant to say. She
goes, well, when I went to it today, it was very calm, very adult, a conversation.
No. And then Erika's like, but because of our history, because I want to sincerely move
on and I believe you do too. Because Erika's doing the intense articulation. I believe you do
too. You want to move on as well." So, it's like, yes, I do want to move on from this table. All
these feathers are very agitating to me. She's like, well, it is-
But also, this is kind of unfair because Erica's confronting her about what happened last night
and being like, how dare you say that? And then she's saying, well, Sutton didn't feel that way.
Well, Erica went to see her today and we see a clip of Erica going to visit her and saying, oh, well, your friends, Garcelle and Jennifer, said that we did this to
you on purpose. Is that true? And she's like, well, I can speak to what they said. And she goes,
well, I'm asking you right now. Did you know that, do you know that was being said or not?
Pete Slauson Like, what kind of mystery is this, Erica? It's so stupid.
Erica Larkin And Sutton's like, no,
I didn't know that at all. So, Sutton's not really standing up for her friends either.
The Sutton's should have said, yeah, my feelings that at all. So Sutton's not really standing up for her friends either.
The Sutton said, yeah, my feelings were hurt by that whole thing.
And I told them and they went and stood up for me.
It's not that big of a deal.
But also like, why is Erica being so aggro about this point?
Why doesn't she just sit there and say, listen, I want to talk about last yesterday.
I know that there are some of you believe that what Doreen and I did was a coordinated
I know it may have looked like that and I just want to let you know
It was not coordinated and even if it were coordinated
I wouldn't even be embarrassed about it being coordinated because we both feel the same way about the same thing and so okay for two
People to feel the same way and I said something about how I felt
So I just want you to know though. We were not coordinating to try to make her feel like shit
I was just saying my piece. Well, she can't do it that way
She does that way because that's what she does.
No, she makes it to where you're questioning something else. It's not about what she said,
it's about what people accused her of how she said it. Or it's not about the crimes
Tom committed, it's that people questioned her. So she's always changing the framing
of it to yell at somebody else for her own bullshit.
But Sutton's not helping here either.
Sutton's not standing up for her friends at all because she just wants Erica to be my
So she's like, I have no idea why they would do that.
Like, fuck off Sutton.
Sutton's not a good friend.
I'm sorry.
It is kind of wild that they would not show a whole scene with Erica and Sutton because
they had a huge fight and clearly this was maybe a moment to make amends and they just only show the clip of it in the flashback. It's a little
odd. So Erica's like, listen, I don't care where it came from. I don't care how it resolves.
It's important that you look at me and you hear what I'm saying. That was not a coordinate
attack and that's all. And thank you for listening. My Ted talk is over. Gosh. So Garcella's like,
well, let me just say this, Erica Jane, you
and I are building our friendship and I appreciate it. And we've come a long way and you said,
you don't believe, you don't believe it, but we have. And Garcelle's basically saying how
she's trying to focus on having better relationships with these women. And obviously that doesn't
really work out because she's like, bye, leaving the show.
Yeah. So she's going to concentrating on not only being friends with Sutton this next year, which is out the window already. So Bo's is so proud and she's like, I feel
like we're about to take wedding vows. Ha ha. And Erica's like, clearly I'm not ever
doing that again. I love you. But no.
Listen, is this a toxic sisterhood? Yes. But at the end of the day, we can come together.
We can have laughs. We can be silly and support each other no matter what. And then we can also realize
because it is a toxic sisterhood, why the fuck are we here? Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye,
America. I'm out.
So we see them party at Carnival and dancing their outfits and stuff. And Trixie singing, watch me go, go, go, watch me go, go, go.
And then, um,
Kyle starts the fire dancers and then it starts raining.
Kyle's like, I love the rain and I love you guys.
It's just all like so happy and sister and dog dog.
So here are the exciting things happening in people's lives. Garcelle continues to call
the shots on her sets, but her favorite new role is grandma to Oliver's new daughter,
Valley, which why, you know what? I just feel like Valley is a curious name. Like, you know,
you know the phrase peaks and valleys? You know what the better part of that phrase is? Have you been to...
Also, it's kind of like Los Angeles, you know?
Pete Slauson It's kind of a defeatist name, especially if
you give them a sibling and name it Peak.
Jared Larkin Bose. Over the last year, I found a lot about
myself. How to navigate outside the corporate world and outside the corporate rules and how
to deal with an assistant who loves to bedazzle everything in sight. These
are the groups of women are interesting individually and friends I'm excited to get to know better.
Yeah, yeah, okay. So then we see her as Boz has started her fertility journey with Keely
choosing the natural route. Girl, I will eat an ice cream sandwich if you ever get pregnant
with a baby on purpose with Keely. This is not happening. I'm not buying this for two seconds.
And I refuse to even pretend anymore.
And Keely finally said, I love you.
So that's nice.
A sudden.
A full like four months after you started
trying to have children for him.
Yeah, great.
Yeah, great.
Sounds great.
Hey, I've learned something.
I've learned that I can be kind of a jerk.
I can be a better friend, a better daughter,
change anything from this year. It would probably be, if I would change anything,
it'd probably be my relationship with Zareep. I wish I'd handle it better. As in, I wish I'd
called her a fucking bitch instead of just a bitch. Oh well.
And her wrap up is Sutton and Zareep's remains, their relationship remains on ice.
It's so chilled that Sutton actually drank it. But hey, she's getting along with her mom, so that's good.
Um, when I get home, I just know I have so many, I have to have a conversation with Mauricio and
decisions will have to be made. And if I'm not going to be married to Mauricio, I have to have
a great life with someone. I don't know who it is, but I'm going to stand in the wings of a concert
until I figure out who that lucky person is. And this is all bullshit
because she does not break up with Moe either.
Kyle and Mauricio continue their stalemate
over their next steps
and Kyle remains open to love in her life
while hopefully avoiding the paparazzi that she calls.
And then we have Dorit's big wrap up.
Dorit, take it away.
Well, I'm a hell of a lot chiffer than I thought I was.
I want to focus me attention not in places filled with toxic energy,
nor in friendships, nor in my marriage.
I want peace.
I want a penis.
I deserve it.
And I'm going to find Frit.
Dorit and P.K. currently have no plans to rekindle their relationship,
but they are working on co-parenting better. And Dorit is considering filtering PK's emails to her
junk folder. That was a nice season finale. And then it goes one month later. I'm like, what?
Yeah, that's a problem. So that's how we roll now. We can't pick it up the cameras. So now we have
the most listen, I enjoy picking up the cameras when there's a real scandal,
but now this is not a pick up the cameras moment.
This is something that can be covered in the reading.
So one month later, so Garcelle,
actually I'm glad that this happened
because something very great happened.
So first we see Garcelle with Oliver and the kids,
who cares?
And then we see Bose doing yoga, who cares?
And then most importantly,
sudden goes into her backyard and there is a dead rat lying by her pool in the
most dead rep position on its back like, and she's like, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, So then we go to Erica's house and she's like, look at me. What are you now? My poor tiny little house eating ice cream
like a poverty stricken hooker.
Here we go.
Watch me eat some ice cream.
And then she reads on her phone,
I'm August 27th, Tom Girardi.
My husband was found guilty of embezzlement.
And then she looks away
and it's supposed to look like she's emoting,
but she really does look like a robot
with spinning beach ball in its eyes, like,
boop, boop.
I would never, could never, I never saw this coming.
Do you not read articles or see headlines for four years?
I mean, I'm sure you're like your own pocket of lawsuits.
Fucking weirdo.
I mean, I'm assuming she meant like,
previously in her previously
in her relationship, she goes, Thomas loved, he was admired. All the judges paid for his
meals. They just loved him so much and he was accomplished. And this is how his story
ended. I don't know that I will ever get over that.
Yeah. Oh, well, I'm sorry. You thought you'd get away with it sucker. And you did actually.
She's kind of the hero of the story because you'd get away with it, sucka. And you did, actually.
She's kind of the hero of the story because she actually got away with everything.
So then Kyle comes in and she's like, wow, this place is so small.
This place is so cheap.
Is that wallpaper?
That's great.
So cool.
So Kyle says that Erica has proven to be a loyal friend time and time
again. So Kyle is saying, I knew this would be a hard, she Kyle, Kyle's so dumb. She goes,
I knew this would be a hard day for Erica. And you know, as soon as I heard about this,
you were the first person I thought of. It's like, really? When you heard about Erica's
husband going to jail, you thought about Erica? Wow. The way your mind works. I wish I could, I wish I, I wish I could get
a tour of it. It's just, it's amazing.
No, I saw that headline and I immediately thought, how is Jamie Lee Curtis dealing with
this? So I'm, she said to bring you a wind chime. Hope you like it.
So Erica's like, terrible. I was doing so good. You know, I was looking at wallpaper, thinking about wallpaper, talking about wallpaper and
I was feeling so good about it.
And then the next day it was like, I just, I just wanted to sleep.
I didn't want to go back to that dark, terrible place when these walls didn't even have wallpaper
on them.
I realized if these walls could talk, they'd say, please stop singing inside. And that
hurt. That hurt. It hurt me deeply. But, you know, I've gone into all signs of depression.
I'm eating one bite of ice cream at a time. I'm sleeping late. I'm trying to fuck cannibals
in my neighborhood again. All the self-destructive things that I was doing back a couple of years
ago. And it made me think, wow, what are times? And then she keeps looking off into space and trying to cry,
but she is just ISIS check. She is just ice. And it's hilarious.
It's like, Hey, let's end the season by having Erica be vulnerable.
She just can't do it. Can't it's like,
actually it winds up being a deeply uninteresting scene. She's like,
my drink and my medication, it was all this pressure. And I thought, Oh my God,
it's happening again. It was all this pressure. And I thought, Oh my God, it's happening. It's happening. I feel like I'm being dragged down into the underneath. Oh God. But I'm actually
fine. So anyway, he was convicted of four accounts of wire fraud and it's like 80 years or some shit.
I don't know. He doesn't even have 80 days in them. Good luck. Motherfucker. I mean, I'm sad.
He's now being represented by public defenders and she doesn't speak to him. And you know,
this whole thing of like we give Erica so much shit, but I have to keep because
you won't even call Tom or go see Tom.
I mean, I know there's legal cases and stuff going on, but that man kind of stole all the
money and funneled it into your stuff.
The least you could do is like check in on him.
I mean, Jesus Christ.
Or maybe she's just saying this because he's, she doesn't want to get in trouble with,
I mean, I don't know, but.
I mean, look, I'm not going to be a total dick, even though I'd like to be a total dick.
I will be.
You're in a relationship with someone for 20 years.
You know, I will acknowledge that it is sad to see this person that was like your life.
Now they're just sort of, this is like their epilogue.
It is sad from her perspective to see it.
For the rest of us, like whatever.
He was a fraudster.
So it is what it is, you know?
But so she's like, that's not over for me
and it's not over, I still have shit in front of me
that he put me through this experience with this man.
Well, it was great.
The ending is not okay.
And for many reasons, my feeling of sadness,
my feeling of being overwhelmed, my feeling of loss,
those were very real.
And I don't have to apologize for my feelings
because no one lived in that house but the two of us.
There were good times, there were bad times.
You know, she's doing that whole thing.
And so Kyle's like, I hope you know
that I'm always here for you
as long as you keep yelling at Garcelle for me.
And she's like, I do know that.
I do, Kyle.
And were we talking about again?
Who was this?
I know, Kyle does like a look
because Erica keeps doing these monologues of like,
the best of times, the worst of times,
I had it all, it all fell.
There was a wall, there was a wall breaker.
And Kyle, you just see Kyle staring off into space like,
I wonder how bees are made.
Kyle being a shitty friend is one of my favorite things.
Just not listening.
Wait, you never told me that you were married?
She does that thing all the time.
Wait, you never told me that Tom was in trouble?
Wait, who's Tom? Did you tell me this? Who's Tom? Are you sure you told me? So, Erica's like, well, the hard part is
over. And Kyle, I want to tell you this right now, woman to woman, you and I have a unique opportunity
to be a different version of ourselves right here, right now. We've had to walk through a lot of pain,
a lot of heartache, a lot of lesbianism. Am I right? Sorry, I had to try through a lot of pain, a lot of heartache,
a lot of lesbianism. I'm all right. Sorry. I had to try it.
Cause like, wait a minute. Yeah. She basically is like,
now we can reinvent ourselves. It's a safe space. Are you a lesbian?
That's what this is about. Do you want to talk about Tom?
And she's like, uh, I'm going to have some fucking fun.
We deserve to have some fucking fun. Actually, you don't really deserve
to have some fucking fun.
But I have to credit you for having as much fun
as you've had over the past few years,
because I think that could have killed.
I think what Erica went through,
whether I believe it's partially her fault, I do, or not,
I think that the getting caught and all of that,
I think that would have killed most people.
But Erica's like, fuck it, let's do a show in Vegas and go back to Broadway and party your fucking
asses off. And I have to credit her for that resilience because not everybody has that.
And you know what? She's right. It is time for her to have some fun. After all that,
the misery and the boredom and the lack of joy that was in St. Lucia or before that when
they went off to, I don't know,
to London or, you know, all these international trips. Oh, what a drain. Time to have fun.
Right? All her day-to-day activities, having to go to her not nine to not five job. When
is she finally going to be able to have fun?
I know that's just what Erica means. Just a relaxing, fun life.
So Kyle goes, yeah, you know what I mean. You know what? The world is our oyster.
Kyle, really? Now you're just leaving yourself open.
I mean, Erica goes, the world is literally our oyster.
No, the world is literally not an oyster. It's figuratively an oyster.
I'm just going to say that right now. Don't,
don't emphasize that it's literally an oyster
because it's disgusting.
We all have hepatitis now.
I love that Kyle just left us
with the most lesbian imagery of all time
to end the season.
But don't talk about lesbianism, please.
The world is our clam bake.
The world is a pink taco.
The world is a Georgia O'Keeffe painting.
All the world's a stage at Lilith Fair.
All right, everybody.
We sure love you.
Thanks for being with us this season.
We'll be here for the next month doing the Festivus of...
Best of us.
Festivus Best of us reunion episode.
So join us for that. Join us on Patreon for white Lotus recaps and airport snaps, airport recaps and also
And come get tickets for DC and Philly this week and all of our shows coming up in the
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Bye. Watch what crap ins would to you next time. Bye. Bye.
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