Watch What Crappens - #378 Ladies of London: Rowing Rows

Episode Date: January 26, 2017

There’s a Ladies of London row at the Regatta and we meet Caroline Stanbury’s non cuddly mom. Also, Fleming steals holy water from the Vatican. Enjoy! Subscribe at for bonus episodes, ringtones, and live group video chat parties. Also, check out Ronnie’s new TrashTalkTV RHOBH Audiobook podcast at See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. To talk to other crapman's listeners about the shows as they air,
Starting point is 00:00:23 come over to And to follow us on social media, go to watchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatchwatch on docked calm slash watch what crap ends. Watch what crap ends would like to think its sponsors, Christy Doherty, and Mia Hansen Loha, and our very special super-subscrat-a sponsor, Miss Madonna Hines, Mads with a SIXY-TEEE! We love you girls! Although, and welcome to Watch what crap ends, the podcast about all that crap we'd love to talk about on yo broves. I'm Ronnie Caram from Trash Talk TV, the Rose Pricks Bachelor podcast, and the real housewives
Starting point is 00:01:34 of Beverly Hills audiobooks podcast on iTunes, check it out. I'm with the gorgeous Ben Mandelka of the B side blog and the banter blender podcast. Ben, it's day four of our anniversary week, baby. Oh my God. Can you believe that we have made it this far? It has been an amazing, amazing week. Just to recap, if you for some reason have missed all the week so far, on Monday, we just had a really super fun episode of Atlanta and Top Chef. On Tuesday, Amy Phillips came on to talk about Vanderpump rules and we did a super fun bonus episode where we talked about food for a long time and then Stasi and Matt from Atlanta. On Wednesday, it was our actual anniversary and we had Lisa Rina, a real, real housewife
Starting point is 00:02:24 on the show and one of our founding fathers, Matt Woodfield on the show and we had Lisa Rina, a real, real housewife on the show, and one of our founding fathers, Matt Woodfield on the show, and we got to hear from Kate Chastain and Leah Black. And now we're here today, and tomorrow, Brian Moilin from Vulture is gonna be joining us to talk about Bravo and then we're doing summer house and Mary to Medicine. So this is a jam packed week, and it has been amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Yes, you know, we went to five days a week, I thought there is no way. Like we're going to crash and burn, we're going to get a divorce. But we've talked so much this week and I am just hurting from laughing. I've left so much this week. I've had such a really good time. And I couldn't ask for anybody to be podcast married to this better than you, my little bin. couldn't ask for anybody to be podcast married to this better than you a little being. We did it five years or five year anniversary or five year Jubilee. And I'm so happy that these are the shows we get to discuss during our five year week. The only thing that's missing to me is New York City. I wish we had some maybe OC. I wish we could talk about those shows this week. But wow, you
Starting point is 00:03:24 know, the fact that ladies of London, our little cult hit is in the mix, makes me feel happy. Oh, yeah, this, this show, I mean, we had a really great Fleming moment in this show. Yeah, it's all been Fleming moments. And you know what? The truth is, as it has been our fifth anniversary week, and we are reveling in nostalgia at all of our favorite things And tomorrow we'll be doing crap and smell back today. You know what we really should do What on this ladies of London day? What I think we should clear the flamm
Starting point is 00:04:10 you about me. This is a segment we like to do where we look at Caroline Fleming's Instagram and we just read the captions. Because Caroline Fleming is a force unto herself and we just like to sometimes take a peek inside her world. So I've just randomly brought up a picture here. It's the latest one. It's Caroline Fleming in a pink sweater in her kitchen. She's mixing something. It looks like maybe she might be making meatballs or fricadilla and she, her caption is, baking is one of my favorite ways to restore with reward. Today, I'm testing another recipe, which was given to me by one of my late beloved mummy's best friends at Audrey Fenn.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Thank you for sharing this wonderful, rye bread recipe that you and more made together. I have given it a twist of me and I'm excited to share it with everyone in the new cookbook, which hits the shelves in September in UK. You'll say Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, X, X, X. This is one that this is actually a request from one of our listeners and it's a good one. Caroline Flamingo Fischel, it's time to add clenish clents, dash. I don't know about you, but I spend pretty much every drink of the day. Oh, I'm sorry. I spend pretty much every day of the year living life to the full. I don't hold back. I'm rather greedy when it comes to food. I adore to over and old, even though this may be one of the reasons for my sleeplessness at times, dot, dot, dot. My body needs a break. I find these juices to be amazing, even when
Starting point is 00:05:56 combined with three very light meals, dot, dot, dot, dot, additional dot. You see, I am one of those who cannot have food. Do yourself a favor. Give yourself a, give your body a well-deserved break and cleanse with hash-tard-planish. These juices taste good, especially the beetroot juice and the pineapple juice dash happy January detox X space X at by melon belil galil hashtag Codigan hashtag leather pants It's a big trouble
Starting point is 00:06:41 Sitting in front of a bunch of juices. And thank you for hashtagging, BlutterPants. Although I do feel bad for her poncho in this, because this poncho deserves a hashtag. Well, it does. Now, this is actually a very, very special clear of the flam because not only is it turning our anniversary week, but the flam herself was recently profiled,
Starting point is 00:07:03 I think, with like four days ago, in the New York Times, which is actually pretty major. And so let me read a paragraph from some of the Flem's profile in the New York Times. And I'll just read it in her voice, even though it's the reporter's voice. Okay. She pulled out the crowded shelves of her pantry, pointing out Turkish walnuts, Amazonian Kakao powder and Madagascan vanilla, and proudly displayed a bowl of pink Himalayan salt. This, quote, this is, in my opinion, one of life's greatest ingredients, she said, and explained at her witch of the homeopathic variety, had hath hath her to suck on Himalayan salt crystals to clear her sinuses during codes, according to misflemming.
Starting point is 00:07:48 The remedy works every time. So just to remind everyone, this is like the most flammingest paragraph of all time because it's her talking about Himalayan sea salt, which is nestled next to Turkish walnuts, Amazonian cacao powder, amagascan vanilla, and talking about how she learned from a witch that if you suck on it, you literally will clear the flam in your nose. Could we get a better gift than that?
Starting point is 00:08:19 I truly don't think so. Thank you, Caroline Fleming for all the trouble. This is Caroline Fleming, officially clearing the Flem. Clear the Flem. Now if anyone needs me, I'm sucking on a piece of pink emulating and sea salt rock while I walk through a field of blue breeze, and with the breeze. Blue breeze, Blu-brace, wrist-brace, black-brace, aquabarrace.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm actually about to text you a sound clip from this week's romanticized Fleming Memories of my mother. Flemer is my dear, dear mother. Lying in pee fields, staring at clouds, trying to determine which clouds are by blubberes, which clouds look like strawberries, which clouds look like they might taste like aquavir. Is that the most wonderful flavor? The most wonderful, invigorating sense of well-being inside of a blueberry.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Okay, so I sent you the clips. You've got it when the time is right. Let me load it into my iTunes so I can play it properly. so I can play it properly. You know, if one thing we always know about the show is that our technical features are always really on. Yeah, we're always prepared. We are always prepared. So this episode of Ladies of London opens with, here's what everybody's doing in the day.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And the girl's like, fish market, fish market. Oh, I love a fish market fish if you fish market and Fleming is in Fish market fish market You know that Fleming fish and fish love girls market for fish not a market for girls fish market I like how we get naughty there for a moment. By the way, you know that like probably one of, I can imagine Caroline's coming into a room, like I just heard the most amazing song about fish that really, really sums up my childhood.
Starting point is 00:10:37 It goes like this. Fish heads, fish heads. Rolly, Polly, fishheads. Fishheads, fishheads. Eat them up. Yum. Hashtag turtleneck. Hashtag sock. Hashtag boots.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Heart with my fingers. I will always remember my childhood for the Rolly-poly fishheads that I ate. And indeed, I say yum. My soul is being nourished as well as my body center. So, I mean, this is like a two-second scene, but it still made my life. Because she's like, the guy, she's like, my mother loved fish. She said something like that. And he's like, oh, my grandma's favorite ingredients. Yeah. And he's like, oh, I bet she was a good cook. And she goes, you bet she was.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And he's like, she something like, well, I'm sure she's a better cook than my mom. She's like, oh, I'm sure she was. And he's like, well, yeah, because my mom can't cook. And she's like, oh, yeah, because my mom can't cook. And she's like, oh, oh, you know, a wise man once said, fish and chips and vinegar the lyrics, unfortunately. Doot doot doot doot. Oh Lord. What is going to become of us?
Starting point is 00:12:21 I don't know. Well, this is, you Well, we recorded all of our shows out of order and this is our last show of the week for us. So we are loopy. This is discovering the new pattern of our watch or crap and style of our production schedule, which is by Tuesday night, I am about to break. And then on Wednesday, by the time we get to ladies of London, it's like you see the light at the end of the tunnel and you just get we just get giddy and crazy. And this so this episode really not a ton happened because everybody kind of made up last week. So I think they got back and they were like oh shit what do we do. But it was just so cute to me. I mean even this Sophie Sophie with her kid she's like Sophie with her kid. She's like, children, we're calling daddy. Please don't run away. Can you hide me?
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'm hiding branches, okay. Yeah, Sophie was with her kids because this is still, by the way, we're still in the first 30 seconds of the show when they just show showing quick pops of people doing things. Yeah, yeah. So the first scene is Marissa and Jules sitting together on an adventure or something. And I love when these two are together because they both have to read fake accents. And they get so much worse when they're together. It's like, just when you're around another American with a fake accent,
Starting point is 00:13:37 like it just becomes so much more accented, apparently. She's like, oh, boy, we can have fun at the hell. Like, yes. But when they talk about how they're excited for a regatta, the fun thing about the show is you don't really know if they're going to a regatta or there's going to be a new cast member named like Regatta Henry. Oh, you got a Henry? Yes, Caroline and I went back to boarding school. I was a nape class Oh yes, Caroline and I went back to boarding school. I was named plus student. She always ran away rules and such. She was sure a party girl on the polo
Starting point is 00:14:10 team. Or you would not imagine what she could do with a polo stick. If you know what I'm saying, okay, okay, okay, okay. Or with these accents, they could just be talking about Ricotta? I mean, it is Marissa and Jules. Oh! We're selling Ricotta in the gift store and Barrel's so mad at me now! It turns out Barrel ate soft cheese! She told me next time, get Mars Capone! I'm like, but that's Italian and we're English! Oh, it's hard!
Starting point is 00:14:43 I was gonna bring up goat cheese, but I didn't want to give you a lower attack. Please don't let her hit me. Leslie said I should get crum fresh, but no, she's just setting me up because that's French. I'm gonna be the only work person running a castle who got something friends. She bring crum on glaze. Well, they like that. That's English, right? But it's French. I don't get it. And Marissa keeps saying in this episode, she's like,
Starting point is 00:15:09 I would really like to have some pims. I'm so excited to have some pims. By the way, I was too. You know, I love a pims cup. I think it's one of the best cocktails in existence. I don't even know what it is. I just know it's really Englishy because Marissa says it a lot in an accent. Well, it's actually Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:15:29 They're delicious. Although some of them are made with strawberries and you know, I hate strawberries. So I don't like a strawberry in my Pim's Cup, but we should get a Pim's Cup has a really unique flavor that is phenomenal. Okay. Well, I'll trust you on that. Let's do it. Yeah, you'll like it.
Starting point is 00:15:46 They're talking about what they're, they're talking about this rowing thing they're going to. And Jules is like, Oh, I hope I look okay. I gotta hat. I got this feather kind of thing. And then Marissa just, Marissa does that thing where she's like,
Starting point is 00:16:00 where her mouth is all the way open and she looks like she's either shocked or about to start sobbing. And she looks away and she goes yeah what was you seeing I didn't really get that either like what is it why do I want to watch it ten times in a row she's like should I tell her about my hot dog hat or no sort of looks like a balloon hat but but with hot dogs instead. So then we get a beautiful gift of meeting Caroline Stamber's parents. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:30 More in depth, because we saw them briefly earlier this season for like a second, but yes, Caroline went to visit her parents to go have lemon cake and tea. Hi darling. Hi darling. Hello, mum. Hello, dad. Oh darling.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Hello. Shall we have some tea in the garden. That we shall. What is this lemon cake, I hope? Wonderful. Wonderful weather today. Yeah. I mean, they've really put in a lot of background noise in this. There were times where they were just looking at each other and you just hear she'd be fair. Caroline's, Denver, she, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. She'd be fair. Caroline Stenberg did have the most lovely things to say about her mother. For instance, when she said, emotionally, I'm more stunted, much like my mother. And then they did find some common ground while they were sitting there.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Because Caroline started talking about girls and the petty issues. And then eventually Caroline goes, oh, hugging is ridiculous. And then whoever invented it, the dad's like, Americans probably. Yes, quite American. And then she got really into it because it was so even she was feeling like, okay, this is too much silence because it was literally my sister came to see the plans of the home the other day. Oh, that's lovely, dear. Will it be ready when we come? It will. When you get there, all we sort of have to do is turn a key and have a glass of champagne. And then they're like, birds. We eat, treat, treat, treat, treat. And then they show pictures of her childhood. And she says while she's talking about how she's just like her mother in the emotional stenting area. And they show her is a kid cutting this cake.
Starting point is 00:18:12 There is a pack of marboros. Did you see that? I did not. That was amazing. I'm like, what are you 10? Her mom's like, your favorite thing, darling, a package oflbrose turned into a cake reds Don't get mad at me. That's rather American to do So she got a little it's like okay, so she's like well here's how I'm feeling about my girlfriends They were like dear Here we go You know all those Americans she goes on different from girls and the dad goes most people She goes girls dad girls different from girls
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, just crime blabber on you know, and if you don't do that your hot list is something I'd rather be more like my mother She's like hugging his rid oh she goes they always want to hug Hugging is ridiculous. It's a ridiculous thing. That's what he's like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The Americans. Well, then of course, clever editors, they cut right to Juliet hugging like her kid and her dog and everything in existence. Yeah. Like a trashy old American. You know, you win one revolutionary award. You think you can just hug anything in existence? Yeah, pretty much. She's like, we won. I'm gonna tug down this dog in a park. So season in a park in a park and her first line is, I'm an American. Well, it's like, we won. I'm gonna tug me out this dog in a park. So she's in a park in a park and her first line is, I'm an American.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Well, it's like, we know. Yeah, I wear my heart on my sleeve. That's why they're so flowy and dark. She's kissing. This is a cute scene. She's just hanging out with her family. And she's having to decide whether or not she's going to become a citizen, right? Is that what's going on? Yeah, because she's going to have to start preparing for this, like, become a UK citizen test. But she's also taking this time to talk about how difficult it can be in the UK. She's like, wow, you know, the brits they don't like, let you in easily. You know, it takes like six months to admit that they like you.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I'm like, well, you also don't make it easy, Juliet. I think it doesn't matter what country you're in, it'll probably take six months for someone to start to like you. Thanks six months for them even click on your blog links. So sick of it's having the display my gaftan. Juliet is pretty cute, but she doesn't want to have to learn all the history and take the tests. It is kind of funny that you have to know who Henry's eight wives are. And she's acting like that's hard. There's a TV show about it every damn year.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I've seen so many different versions of Henry VIII to be heading bitches. Yeah, just say Ann Blinn over and over and over again. And then you should probably be for just say Ann Blinn and then every sort of British name, like Eleanor and Mary and Elizabeth and Eleanor again and Ann and Caroline. That's probably gets most of them. Oh, she's telling her husband, she's telling us in her husband that she's going to really miss Caroline because that's like become her best friend and she's going to Dubai and she's like, well Caroline wants me to come to Dubai, but I'm going to learn there, right, honey?
Starting point is 00:21:07 You'll be stoned in a second, darling. Yes, stay in the wire. Your first. So now it's time for another beautiful song. Everyone says it's okay. Everyone says I'm okay. It's a beautiful, beautiful life. Okay, it's a beautiful, beautiful life.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And another classic laser London interstitial musical moment. And we land on Fleming with some shrimps. And we learn that, well, we see that MRSA comes over. And we learn for you for a very long amount of time We're hugging deeply. I'm feeling your spirit causing through me like okay, let go let go of morisson I was just morissa. I have decided that today. I will finally teach you how to make Pesto How lucky are you to learn Pesto from me? Oh How lucky are you to learn Pesto from me? Oh, well, yeah, okay, well, I like Pesto
Starting point is 00:22:14 I just inhaled Flum actually You see it's a sign. Yeah, so I know Caroline Fleming is doing recipe tryouts for and Marissa's like wow, I'll be here. I'll be here. Guinea pig. Any night. So that good because I've been planning on learning to cook guinea pig. That's why I wrote to you. Okay, that's a little bit of a, you know, and Denmark, we eat all sorts of pigs. Guinea regular. Hulks.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Hulks. any regular. Hanks, ha-hawes, swine. Any poor sign delight we can find. But please, no bacon. So, yeah, Caroline is preparing for a mid-summer Eve, a big celebration for mid-summer Eve. And she tells us about mid-Sama Eve, about how, this is a big holiday for her, because Dan's a very naturalistic people.
Starting point is 00:23:10 We are most happy just prancing around stock, but like naked in nature. I'm like, you, I love you, but you were definitely raised the silver spoon. I mean, yes. She's like, look at me. I'm telling the question about me. And feeling the sun pouring down on my face. Oh, nature. Now that's the balcony outside your room.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I am never happier, prancing around, stark naked, feeling nature all around me, smelling the blueberries and strawberries and going home to press out all the creases in my bed. A poor person would have been arrested because we go outside. It's like the street. She goes outside and it's like the whole forest is hers. You know, of course, you can France around make it. No fair.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So, you know, uh, Flummy is making dinner and Merissa, of course, always, always a ray of sunshine is like oh so I hear us a tough day for you because your dad's in surgery it's like how have you heard yeah basically she's like my family is private. I am hurt to the core. Unfortunately, I don't feel I can talk to anyone about it. Unless they are teenagers with iPhones. Who shall report this in the press. Otherwise, I cannot speak.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Marissa, I must apologize for all the paparazzi outside of my flat. I'll try to get a story about my father, but I'm very private. I didn't really see any. I must apologize then that they were hiding so well. You must have felt very threatened by the party. Wait a minute, do you own that little camera above the ding dong bell because I saw that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:01 It reports back to the tabloids. It reports everything from every awful detail to every wonderful prince about in nature. Every ding dong is a story, Marissa. These shrimp heads in front of me are already on the front page in Copenhagen daily. So Marissa is like, well, you know that we have a weird start, but you can always talk to me if you have a problem. And Fleming's like, you know, she comes over. She's like, I will drop my half-tripped of an almond that has about to go into Pester to have a discussion with you deeply. And she like puts it down and comes over and sits next to her and she's like, you know, I feel that it's well, what did she say?
Starting point is 00:25:56 She goes, she comes over and she goes, there's a part of me that's really frightened to open up to you. And then she gives her this like, hot-y bird look, like, hmm, can you believe I just said that? Me, Baroness Caroline Fleming, was so brutally honest with you. Look at me being like one of those oversharing social media children, saying it like it is sister, frightened.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I have sat down next to you for this moment to shield you from the outside forces that might feel hurtful as I share the truth upon you. She's like, it's like, why? And because she's like, because it's a commercial break, when it comes back,
Starting point is 00:26:42 because I need to fear safe. It I need to feel like I am lying in a perfectly ironed bed. Not a single crease. May I ask you a personal question. All you in the safety pin club. I must feel safe. So Marissa's like, well, like I know that I'm like friends with your sister and that kind of weird last year because I thought you're just like a stupid money-grubbing slut, frankly,
Starting point is 00:27:14 but you know, and to that, what I love is Caroline and talking, you know, about it. I need to feel safe. She then says to us, well, you know, Marissa, you know, she's been guided by bullshit. Some Marissa holds her hands and she's like, I know it's been weird, but I really have gotten to know you for you. I love you de Allie. And your whole things are easy with your family. But look, I ate the past out, my throat's a little dry,
Starting point is 00:27:52 but I feel nothing but love. Nothing I'm hoping, actually. And you are in a much higher social station than I am, so I will tolerate your condescension for right now and just give you a hug. They're there, let out the tears. I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't make any more hot dog stand jokes.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Wait, can I do my impersonation of Caroline flaming crying in the scene? Okay, here goes. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder
Starting point is 00:28:25 's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserve session with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up any time soon.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Okay, that's it.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Caroline, just purse your lips and looked up to the ceiling. Just like, when I cry, my face turns to stone. Except later on, I'm forced right for real. This has been a painful roller coaster made harder by it being difficult and I can't talk about it. Now let us adjust the lighting so we can commence talking about it on the camera. Is this what my life has become being consoled by a sad American? A hot dog. Hopefully when I cry, hopefully when I cry later, I will have a proper European to console me. Oh, God damn it. I'm scared to shoot with a Juliet.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I would like to thank you, hot dog lady, for being more sensitive than the man at the fish market. I feel that there is nothing but empathy inside your sausage casings. So next up, a song. It's a new day. Tom, to get out of your bed because it's a new day. Ronnie, you were bathed as in the lyrics. I believe the lyrics were every time I see you smile, I want to scream. The way you laugh and flip your hair is so unfair. You're actually right. I was on the wrong scene. Sorry for blowing my time to get upload,
Starting point is 00:30:41 but that comes after this scene. Yeah, every time I see you smile, I want to scream the way you laugh with your hair is so unfair. So by the way, no, no need to rhyme with the scream there. Just, yeah, there's a lot of rhyming patterns at this chick ass. And I love it. I love thinking of this chick just on heroin somewhere. I robbed him correctly. If you can't fit in proper, let's get folks and find someone who can. Siri. Alexa. So, uh, Jules and Adela meet up. Adela and Adela seems to have a new face now. I think she got some injections or whatever, but Adela is going to give Jules do a little makeup on Jules. She's like, well Jewel do a little makeup on Jewel's.
Starting point is 00:31:25 She's like, well, I took a class and makeup for one week. It was fun to like, uh, kicked out for being drunk and throwing up in all the Maybelline. Some people can't take a joke darling. She is such a tank. I love doing Bieber's makeup. Do you remember when I did your makeup in Ireland, Jewel's? And she's like, yeah Everyone said I look so pretty. Remember what they said. Yes, they said you've gotten a dead
Starting point is 00:31:55 I think they were telling a teller. Oh, you've got a dullard And then meanwhile it's like makeup makeup makeup by the way Juliet makes me feel physically ill. Yes, it's like, let's talk about makeup. She's like, this girl makes me want to kill myself again. And then Sophie and the jewels was like, yeah, but what about Sophie? I listen to her all the time. I shouldn't even listen to me talk about it for five seconds. Caroline's standing there standing And it does like it's a gift telling
Starting point is 00:32:28 You know walk to say one thing and then another thing goes back and then you've got the stand very done your throat Darling as a gift Now back to the at So I don't want to cheat the crudest piece of iron you've ever seen So I don't want to- Isn't she the cruellyest piece of iron you've ever seen? She's like- I feel I should speak with Judy at because everybody's said- Everybody's heard me say things about her and I need to say it to her face.
Starting point is 00:32:58 She's like touch Juliet. And there's like a coaxe show on TV with some dried up American ruining your life over an unpaid rental bill. I love crazy Adela. I think she was a good one to plant this season for a great next year. Yeah, but I get this weird feeling like this is the last season. Don't you feel like there's a certain amount of like um conclusion to this and feel you know people moving away. It just sort of feels like they're tying up everything. I'm a little concerned. Kind of mostly I feel it just because they are
Starting point is 00:33:34 really spending money this year. I mean you can just they're shooting of the shows gorgeous this year and it I don't I just hope they don't. I hope they're not like well here's the rest of the budget guys. It seems like they're throwing it, well, here's the rest of the budget, guys. It seems like they're throwing it all at the wall and hoping for another season, but I don't think they could do it without Stambury. No offense anybody else on the show. Well, maybe Stambury will come back. They'll probably contrive something.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I've decided that Jim will stay and do buy for half the year. And then I'll spend the other half of the year. My cottage up here in the British countryside. Yes. So hopefully something like that. So come back for three months to shoot or something. I'm in a summer home and she'll be saying things like, key fuck, everyone's like, oh shut up. Let's try to speak some other language. Like that. She'll come back. Yeah. That's all over her head from the stones. She'll be like,
Starting point is 00:34:19 well, I'm wearing a hat today. Where's my aquarium built into my wall? Isn't that what Dubai is? So odd waking up in a room without a shock staring me back in the face of welcome me to a new day So strange not having Mariah Carey as closet here Or frankly Mariah Carey she just won't leave me alone I keep telling her I don't know where the Nickel machines are here. Go damn stairs. Looks like I really wish she'd stop calling me Mariah Carey.
Starting point is 00:34:52 It's very insulting. Well then, shave. So, Ben is, ma'am. Mariah Carey's gone on tour. So now is the regatta the hindi regatta So now it's time to get up cuz it's a new day and put on your feather hat. So Fleming is arriving and she's like It's so cute It was it was cute And then we learned that um,
Starting point is 00:35:25 Juliet and Sophie are taking a helicopter to it and which then causes the, the producers to do this ridiculous graphic thing where like they take someone on a regatta and they're like, I slate them out and put them in front of the British flag and here comes a chopper and it goes away and then it's the chopper. I was like, this is really way too exciting for a transition. Jules was like, oh, wait, who is she with? Jules, not Julea, right?
Starting point is 00:35:50 Oh, was it Jules? Okay, maybe it was Jules, I don't know. I don't know because someone in America was damn it. It was surely from Topstown, who I keep calling Seasy. God damn it. Anyway, they were just getting ready for this thing
Starting point is 00:36:02 and it does us like, this is where I kissed my first husband actually She says I've never rode myself But I've been rude What does that mean you've been really no I didn't know I was like does that mean that you Were banged or you got into a British fight called a row or you actually someone actually paddled a regatta over you while you were floating in the water. Yeah like literally with this one you don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Porsh, por, por, and my right lady says like what are you talking about? You know what I'm saying? I've had a lot of coxins in me if know, but I like them big. Sorry, I was laughing so hard, I had to clear my mic. I like Fleming also. I don't know, just everything she says makes me laugh. She's like, so glad I am not chubbering in this weather, but so sad I'm not chopping as I would love to chop some cucumbers and mushrooms and zucchini at this very moment. wouldn't that be the most wonderful
Starting point is 00:37:08 Miapwa So they watch a little bit of of rowing, but then they just start drinking and and When Juliet arrives Adela does the housewives hair flip like she takes both her hands behind her head and flips her hair And I'm like, oh no now.'re going to see Adela telling somebody off. It's our first time. She's led up to it this whole episode. She's like, I'm telling Juliet.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Yeah. And so we're ready. We're ready to see this big fight. And then it commences. And I'm like, uh, what was first is, and first is thoroughly polite, you know, they're just drinking champagne out of a chest and they're just getting drunk and it's like, I don't want to bring it up because we're having a lovely time and I'm British so we're just going to sweep it under the cheeky brug.
Starting point is 00:37:57 But then they get drunk enough where eventually it starts to, it starts to come out. But not before Fleming says to us, I am loving these pineapples. Yeah, those were full on pineapples, full of booze. Yeah, so this cast, the more drinks they have, the looser they get. And I know that that's with every cast, but especially this one,
Starting point is 00:38:21 they all start also prim and proper. By the end, they're like, yeah! But they were drinking and Adela decides to table it. But then Juliet leaves to do something, whatever in her weird little straw hat, like from Main Street on Disneyland. Like, what is that? What was she wearing? Anyway, I don't know. I never know. It's like some weird little, the penguins in Mary Poppins, you know, I actually never saw Mary Poppins. Oh my god. I'm gonna imagine like this show, right? Totally like a jealous showing up with an umbrella. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's the audacious right? That's beautiful of sugar helps the medicine go down while you're rowing, but you know what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:39:10 Drenia show up actually bad news kids Similar instruments those two So she's got Julia walks away and it tell like us She's like tell everyone what I want to talk about Like yes Please do so Juliet comes back too soon and she's like one idea So darling it's not an attack I'm making on you're a bad thing. Yeah, just understand It's look at you look at you're getting tense because whenever I asked a question you're defensive because you think it's gonna Be some kind of an attack on you
Starting point is 00:39:45 I'm like it is gonna be an attack on her. Would you just get on with it? We don't need a pre-log Yeah, so Julia's like wow, you know Pro-log rather. Yeah, that was very American It's okay pre-emble prologue Well, you know like well, you know, I just you know I feel like when I first moved to London I said yes everything and like I lost my voice You know like paid and people took a van to me So now I just like I have like don't have as many friends and I just like pair to town love a similar life
Starting point is 00:40:08 And you know, I just like have walls up whatever and until I was like that's all I wanted to I just wanted to get to know you That's all you know I didn't want you to think I was saying things about you behind you behind your back She's like wait, so you've said things behind my back. It's like you're behind you, behind your back. She's like, wait, so you've said things behind my back. It's like, Juliet, you're doing exactly what she was saying, like you're always ready for an attack. And she said, uh, she goes, well, I mean, I guess I don't really care what people say behind my back. I mean, you know, I'm because to say to my face, just say it, I'm my back, whatever. And so if he's like, yes, I really don't mind when people speak behind my back. And Jules starts waving her arm.
Starting point is 00:40:47 No, you know, Toby said no, say it to my face. Say it to my face. And then that's when Jules is like, oh, what's a back? I mean, if I cared about every single thing that barrel in Leslie and the other one would say, and, oh god, oh, I feel crazy, maverickin! If everybody said things to my face, I'd have putting all over it. Who wants that? I would just be crushed if I heard what they said about the Hacoco I made. Oh my god, you know how hard it was for me to make those tea towels, so I can't hear anything. The other day, Ferrell was drawing my bra outside on the clothesline! How's that for to your face? I've never gonna recover from that. You should hear the whispering out here in the gift shop.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I'll walk in and I hear the little whispers and it gets quiet and you stare at me and ask me if I need anything. And then I leave and they chuckle and I don't know what's happening. Farrell tried to chuck me with the tea towel. I'd rather spine my back. So, um, she's basically saying, no, no everybody. You need to say it to people's face. And this is why. And she's like waving her arm and it's all to get to Sophie, of course. She's like, it's not talking behind your back. It's talking about how you feel. If somebody hurts you and you talk to your friend about it, that's not being mean. I am feeling still, for example.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And so if he's like, no, actually, telling that, that is behind the back. That's literally talking behind someone's back. And then a teller's like, I think what she's trying to say, telling is she had to put a boundary there, you know, kind of like they have so that people don't fall into ponds. You're just a flapping windy little tunnel. No one knows where you lead to, where you're going, but they know it can't end well. Do you understand what she's saying? What- what are you trying to say that I fall in the
Starting point is 00:42:45 puns why not me why not me oh you want to see negativity okay fine I'm basically this turns into Sophie and Jules because Jules is like, well, if I have a problem with Stampery, why shouldn't I be able to talk about it with you if you're my friend? And Jules, I mean, Sophie once again says, look, I've told you, I heard how she felt about it. She was hurt by a stalking, so I promise not to talk about it anymore. And that's it. It's a boundary and that's it. You know, she gives her like the no and then Jules gets really really upset. I'm respecting the boundary, I'm respecting it. She's like in every other single aspect of your life tea towels, okay? I bought that Go I just ordered I know you didn't interrupt me. I just stopped my own joke
Starting point is 00:43:56 No, no, you know, you know, no, I'm sorry I'm so glad we get to know each other now. Oh, I wanted to say, darling. So Jules tells us, well, I don't understand, because obviously Caroline Stambury went to Sophie, and they talked about me and how is that not talking behind my back just because there's sister-in-laws?
Starting point is 00:44:23 Like, yes. Yeah, Pretty much. And also they don't come back to you. Well, Sophie did, but they don't come back to you, blabbing it all just to hurt your feelings like you do. And then they kind of show all these clips of, is this where they do that? They show all these clips. I don't know for some reason. I like this is like a blind spot for me. I don't remember any part of, I just remember Jules getting mad at Sophie
Starting point is 00:44:45 and I think I just sort of like blocked it all out because I didn't write any notes about this little section here. I'm just like, what happened next? Well, yeah, I think that was pretty much it. Like because they showed all these clips of Jules talking about everybody to other people trying to turn them to her side.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Julia, yeah, Julia was saying that Julia is always like starting shit. I think that's what what yeah, pretty much. So Marissa goes to the doctor and I just wrote Marissa doctor who cares cigarette. Sam. Sam. The doctor's like, oh well, most people would say you have postpartum depression, but we're British.
Starting point is 00:45:18 So we say, stiff up a lip and all, jump. I'm glad to hear you're feeling things now. Please leave. Yes, I'm in the lobby. So Fleming and Juliet are on some boat with their event manager Liam. Yes, they're planning for this mid-summer ease thing. Yes, and they're talking about clearing houses of spirits and stuff. Wait, and before that, before the, oh no, you, sorry, I'm,
Starting point is 00:45:46 was it, was it after? I got the eager. I'm sorry. They're talking about clearing houses and flimmings like, my friends said when people do clearings of houses, when they clear those spirits, this is the island, the spirits go to, and Liam's like, oh my God, they're gonna beat me up for being gay, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:46:09 Spirit, you know, spirits lived in different times. I'm not going onto that island. How lucky for these spirits to have me here on their island. I've brought holy water, don't worry Liam and he's like, please not on my glasses and she's like flicking water in here when he goes, but you get that and she's like, the Vatican. When he goes, would you get that? She's like the Vatican. That's what I loved. I asked the Pope himself. I said, Pope, how lucky are you to have me here in your chapel? And I've traded. I've traded. I've phoned photographer for some holy water.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I'm terribly sorry that I brought so many paparazzi here to the Vatican There thousands upon thousands upon thousands of them here to see me. I apologize They go under this island where she's gonna throw her mid-summer party And this is where the audio clip is that you have been hit it. When I was a little girl, I remember walking around in the garden with my mother, assembling everything from big flowers, from the rooted endram bushes to wildflowers in the woods.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And she would then make these incredible crowns for us, a little bit of true organic magic, the most simple, wonderful, nourishing way. God, I love her. Simple, organic magic. I remember that we were with the dungeon bushes, and the wildflowers, in the woods, around the crown of my head, organic magic in the most natural way.
Starting point is 00:47:47 The first time I make it, barks. Barks, barks. The first time I went to Hawaii and they put a plastic lay around me, I thought, what inorganic, non-nourishing magic. Oh my God. She's just amazing. And what, I mean, what a privilege life she's led, and I really mean that actually in a good way.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Like, she is full of privilege, but I love her for it. I love her origin story. She's like, I'm over. I'm not overwhelmed by my sadness right now. I'm just letting it go through me, and Julia's like, mh, is she good? I don't normally cry. She'll, yeah, I mean, yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:48:33 She's like, and here's why, when I was young, this little girl came up to me and asked me if I was turning on my taps again. And that moment I said, fine, I shall never show my emotions to anyone ever again. Whoa, really? She literally leads her life like a fairy-tale princess. Once upon a time there was a Baroness, a beautiful young Baroness,
Starting point is 00:49:02 who was very close with her family, who used to walk around the garden with her mother picking rodendron bushes and wildflowers and woods Having a little true bit of organic magic until one day she cried and she cried so hard That they said her eyes were filled with taps and they said turn the taps off and she said I really turn the taps off And to this day that Baroness has never ever ever cried or had tap water. I want to thank that little girl for saving me from all the fluoride poisoning that could have happened. Had I been trying to tap water all these years while naked in a forest organically. all these years, well naked in a forest organically.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I remember walking around in the bushes amongst the voted engines and the strawberries and the bloopers lying in the patches of green, rolling around. And afterwards, seeing the adorable kisses of red are low for my arms. No, you were in poison ivy. Oh, so silly. So now, Sophie and her mom, Sophie's mom. Wait, by the way, by the way, that was actually a really nice scene when she was crying.
Starting point is 00:50:12 And that was her really crying with Julia. That was, you know, to talk about her mother and remembering, starting new traditions, et cetera. So yeah, and Julia, it's like, you have the goal. Yeah, like, you deserve to cry. Like, for example, that time that I cried Simma similarly
Starting point is 00:50:30 Are there restaurants on this island Should I be in a bus or just hold it? What do you think? Do you think there's like a wagon mama here or should I wait until we get back onto mainland? Hey, you didn't say anything about my married pop and spring winds at. What do you think of that? Do you think it's supercalifragilist against the yellow docious?
Starting point is 00:50:53 That took me all day to remember that one. Darling, how organically magical that phrases say to game. So we have a word for supercalifatulos to guess be all Adosius in Dana. She's called up for Lugan, Flugan, Flugan, Flugan, Flugan, Flugan, Flugan, Flugan, Flupa. I'm sorry. That's also the cue for my Alexa. Alexa, be quiet, darling.
Starting point is 00:51:18 No, we need to now. I don't know you can have an Alexa. I hear no Alexa, the name of my actual female assistant. I don't know you can have an Alexa out here. No Alexa is the name of my actual female assistant. She comes to when I say app if you can plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and
Starting point is 00:51:34 plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug
Starting point is 00:51:42 and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug and plug She is wonderful. Absolutely, completely, completely. Blu, blu, blu, no, sorry darling. I was telling a story about it. Alexa, go to sleep. Alexa, last time I looked, there were still creases in my bed. You know what I'm saying. Anyway, Julia, back to the island.
Starting point is 00:52:04 So over with Sophie, Sophie's just talking about her mom's basically and her kids are still not listening to her. She's like, darling, did you have fun with the grand, grandmother? Please don't go with the words. Please don't go with the words. Don't be, oh, darling, spiders, please, let's not do that anymore, shall we? No, mother's like, oh like I don't know how you do it I'm exhausted Now are you gonna tell them about the divorce? They're not stupid so fee and I don't know perhaps I'll perhaps I say something after they have their karate assessment
Starting point is 00:52:39 Did you enjoy watching him at his karate assessment? Tell me everything. Tell me about the karate. Did that black belt look fabulous on him? So, Stambury is parents back over at Caroline Stambury's parents house. They're talking about the dad having a heart attack, because the dad just had a heart attack, right? He basically was like in the early stages of it,
Starting point is 00:53:02 and they happened to catch it. And so, they- Because Caroline actually talked so much about her relationship with the other women. He's like, oh, come take it. He's like, I know. What another American convention. This beautiful life I've had enough. Um, so he was in the hospital and hopefully recovered fully at this point. Um, but uh, Caroline and her mom were talking and uh, Caroline is, um, uh, you know, her mom is saying, you know, you're going off to the Dubai. Oh, it's just sad because I can't, you know, go and say hello to you and have tea and talk about birds.
Starting point is 00:53:42 And now we know the father if we hadn't caught him I mean I don't know what I would have done and her lips are sequiver and she's like oh look at me crying like an idiot American she starts yeah she starts to quiver and stammery just puts her hand on hers and looks at her like yes like with a little smile and she's like well think of it this way. At least father won't be here to grumbling you, to grumble at you and make you crazy anymore. She's like, ooh, ooh,
Starting point is 00:54:10 with the mom of this, he's like, you know what I say, face what you got at the moment and then get on with it. Yeah. Okay, get your hand off mine. There's too much affection you bloody American. Yeah, and see when she grabs her mom's hand,
Starting point is 00:54:23 it doesn't move towards her, she goes. I know it may seem all that I don't want to cuddle with my mother, but I don't want to be a cuddly cuddle. I mean, that just might make her feel worse, and if I did that to her, she'd just disintegrate into tears. And what could with that do? No one likes a cuddle, so I just stared at her. I put my icy hands on her icy knuckles and felt a little bit of love. And I said, Mummy, when do we get another cake? She's like, you see, I have emotions. I just don't want you to see, I'm upset that doesn't mean I don't feel things. Now, as I recall, there's more lemon cake in the fridge. Mummy, I know people say I don't feel things,
Starting point is 00:55:09 but I'm putting my hand on your knuckle to literally feel you. Yeah, everyone is wrong. If I speak at Father's Feudal, I shall say, suck it up, carry on, lemon cake. All right. Pins for everyone. And then a darling, let's go listen to the sound of the electricity, makes as it goes, wrap the lights in the house. Alright, that's wonderful. I love doing that. And then the producers were like, well, we still have three minutes
Starting point is 00:55:38 left. So I guess let's just watch people doing stuff. So it sounds like Marissa calling Matt back. Yeah, I talked to the doctor and yeah, it's normal. Everything's fine. I just have to keep eating right and sleeping well. He's like, great. And then Sophie's playing with her kids. Caroline's picking flowers with her mom. Marissa's feeding her baby.
Starting point is 00:55:58 And then it ends. Yeah, that was kind of like a weird Montage. But it was lovely. It was one of the slower episodes of this show, but I love this show and I love it in its slowness. And I really like how they've all gotten so comfortable and are just kind of going about their day really. I mean, that's what these shows are supposed to be, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Yeah, I think they did that ending because they were trying to touch on the fact that this was an episode about life and death. I think they did that ending because they were trying to touch on the fact that this was an episode about life and death. And so, you know, happy that Caroline's dad did not wait any longer to get to the doctor and he's hopefully he's okay now. But, you know, happy that Caroline Fleming is getting through her grieving process and happy that Marissa is getting through the depression. So, you know, happy people.
Starting point is 00:56:47 But we do have a request. Please, Viral. Get Viral in there. Get all of, I need to see Jules at Maveritton getting hated by all of the workers. Please. Whatever you do, I just need more of that. Well, I'm sure we'll get back to B and, and the, and Leslie at some point because it was such a thing about that gift shop that they, by the end of the season, they at
Starting point is 00:57:08 least have to close that loop. See, the tea tables finally accepted by Leslie. Well, at least get to see one more terrible American sweatshirt worn by Leslie who hates logos. American sweatshirts, yes. So everybody, thank you so much for listening. This has been a really fun week for us. Well, it keeps going tomorrow. Oh, yeah, tomorrow is fantastic and see great. We already did the show.
Starting point is 00:57:33 And we have a great, great interview with Brian Moilin. He is so hilarious. And we also did married to some of us and some are house, but and Crapon Mel bag and the man again. And by the way, sign up for listener spotlights so that we can hear from some of you guys here on the podcast. John you do that over at slash watch what crap ends. We will talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye everyone. Hey, prime members, you can listen to watch our crap and add free on Amazon
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