Watch What Crappens - #379: Checking in with Dame Brian Moylan; Also, Summer House & Married to Medicine

Episode Date: January 27, 2017

Our 5th anniversary celebration week draws to a close today with a special visit from Dame Brian Moylan (, who joins us to talk about the state of Bravo. We take on Lala, Kelly D...odd, Heather Dubrow, and many more in our free-flowing conversation. Then it's time to check in on "Summer House" and "Married to Medicine." And of course our anniversary week wouldn't be complete with a look inside the Crappens Mailbag. Come listen! 00:00:00 - Bravo chatter with Dame Brian Moylan 00:36:45 - Summer House 01:05:52 - Crappens Mailbag 01:15:50 - Married To Medicine See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who crap is
Starting point is 00:00:31 Who crap is Who crap is Watch what crap is Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much Who crap is Who crap is Kids what happens when they're so happy? Kids what happens when they're so happy? Kids what happens when they're so happy? To talk to other crapman our bonus episodes and all of our extras, come over and be a premium member over at slash watch what crap ends that's slash watch what crap ends.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Hey everyone, welcome to watch what crap ends a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch and talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker from B and the Bantor Blender podcast and joining me as usual is the wonderful and hilarious and just general great guy, Ronnie Caram from and the Rose Prick Special Podcast and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills audiobooks. Hi Ronnie, what's going on? Oh my bim! Yeah, we are at the end of our fifth anniversary week. It is Friday and it has been an amazing, amazing week. We've had Amy Phillips on, we had Matt Woodfield on, we had Lisa Rinna on, we got a little
Starting point is 00:01:56 something from Kate Chastain, but there is no better way to wrap up a great anniversary week than checking in with one of the funniest real housewives and bravo recappers, efficient autos out there. Mr. Brian Moilin. Hey Brian. Hi guys. I prefer my official title, which is Dame Brian Moilin and the president and founder of the Real Housewives Institute.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I, you know what, I realized as soon as I said it, I was like, I forgot to say, damn, and I have just failed. I have just ruined action entire week of anniversary. It's just great. That's fine. I'll get past this slight, I think. Oh, is it an institute teaching about Real Housewives
Starting point is 00:02:41 because they really need an institute where you teach the Real Housewives. I mean, they need some whispers up in there. Oh yeah. We are an institute studying the real housewives. Um, yes, but so we don't teach them as much as are informed by them. Are you included? Is this an accredited institution? Um, we are as accredited as Trump University. Oh, well, hey, that man's the president. Good for you. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:07 So I mean, we must be doing something right. Yes. Brian, before we start just getting in on Bravo, do you want to tell the people where they can find you on social media? I am on Twitter at Brian, Jay Moilin. And then currently I recap the underpump rules and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills every Monday and Tuesday evenings at
Starting point is 00:03:31 Ooh, excellent. Well, we just want to catch up with you because last time we chatted with you was about six months ago. It was about a week or two after Ray made his you know Monstrous debut on real housewives of New York City and I feel like so much and by the way and it was it was on you in your recap that you I think referred to them as a human dumpster fire Which is like become my new favorite insults to call people But so much has happened in the bravo world since then that we just want to like check in with you on the state of the network, you know, on Bravo.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Remember those heavy days of Real Housewives of New York when the Real Housewives were like firing on all cylinders every week. Oh my goodness. Oh yeah. Do I remember I just was looking at my Twitter feed and I see that Countess Luan goes by you know Luan, Dacastino now and it's just honestly, it's not the same. No, it's not the same. It's not the same. But I like that she has to have a duh at the beginning of her name. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Did I tell you guys my Countess Luan run in story last time I was on? No, do it. Yeah, tell us. So I was with a friend of mine in New York and we're at this place called Omar's and it's kind of like, it's like a restaurant but it's a private club, you know, whatever. And my friend likes to hang out there and get drunk. So, and he's a smoker, so we were standing out front
Starting point is 00:05:00 and there's like a little staircase you have to walk down to get into the restaurant. It's kind of like below ground floor. So we're standing there and he's smoking and there's like a little staircase you have to walk down to get into the restaurant. It's kind of like below ground floor. So we're standing there and he's smoking and he's wasted and Luanne gets out of a cab and starts walking to come into the restaurant and he goes, oh my God, is that?
Starting point is 00:05:17 And you see her face like light up. Like she's about to get recognized and then he says, lady bird Johnson. And her face just like fell like in the cat. It's so that she was seated like not far from us when we got inside and he just kept shouting, Lady Bird Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson all day. Which is a high compliment, by the way. Oh, I know. But we were talking a little bit before we started recording
Starting point is 00:05:50 about awkwardly interviewing housewives that we are going to later be mean to. Has that, you know, a lot more of the bravo liberties, and especially the housewives, than we do. What's that like? Do you have any awkward moments with them or do they seem to have a pretty good sense of humor? Not real, I haven't had any real awkward moments. I try to keep most of them at arms length. And I've met a lot of them, especially the New York New Jersey. I want just because I live in New York and they're around.
Starting point is 00:06:21 But I've had some run-ins with the Beverly Hills crowd when I've been visiting L.A. But yeah, I don't try to, I'm not really like friendly with any of them. There are couple who I kind of talk to on social media a little bit or email with. And the one I run into the most is actually Sonia Morgan who loves me because I'm, well, I wouldn't say I'm nice to her, but I enjoy Sonia Morgan. So, you know, she's national treasure. Yeah, Sonia Morgan. He doesn't enjoy Sonia Morgan.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yeah, precisely. So, um, so usually and then like, um, Dorenda is a fan and, you know, she reached out to me on Twitter and we were both gonna be at the same event. She found out and she was like, oh, come over and say hi. I was gonna come over and say hi just to introduce myself. But then she was with John and I was like,
Starting point is 00:07:13 so, so mean to John. And so I was like, oh, no, thank you. But yeah, I don't think most of them would know what I looked like, even if they know my name. But I went to, they had all the press to the new Bravo Clubhouse for Watch Your Happens Live so I was there. So there was a little drinks reception beforehand
Starting point is 00:07:35 and Andy came and the head of Bravo PR came in and she was like, oh, this is Brian Moilan. He was like, oh, you're the Brian Moilan. And I was like, oh my God, like Andy Cohen knows my name, it was very bizarre. That's very exciting. That's right. But that's usually as like, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:52 and then we chatted for like five seconds. And, you know, and then he, you know, went up to somebody else. So that's usually the length of my interactions with the housewives. So, because yeah, I don't want to be like friends with them. Right. And then like, be worried about what I have to say. And you know, I try to always be as objective as I can.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Like a good journalist. Yes, exactly. Well, that's what we're saying beforehand is that, you know, it's hard because with, you know, with us, we do this podcast where we go in on everyone. And, and if we become too friendly with too many of these people, then we may, we may just want to have a, just a big lame podcast, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And you know, you'll see in the comment sections of my recast, people are like, oh, he likes so and so too much or he's too nice to this person, too mean to that person,
Starting point is 00:08:39 whatever. So, you know, it's like, what I never quite understood about the housewives is that no matter who they are, they all have fans. Like there are people who unequivocally love Teresa Judice, who is literal, criminal, and actual idiot. And there are people that love her, and I just do not understand it. And, you know, so we're all gonna disagree on it. So, you. So whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:06 But yeah. So didn't you have, I feel like I was listening to you on another podcast. And didn't you have a moment with Teresa Judais or didn't you have a very tense interview? Yeah. And so I do interview them fairly often. Usually one or two each season,
Starting point is 00:09:25 I'll interview them for whatever reason. Then I think it's fine because our interaction is very structured. I'm a person asking questions, there are person answering questions. So I don't mind that so much as I don't want to be out of brunch with them, which I think is weird. But anyway, so I was interviewing Trisuju DJ
Starting point is 00:09:45 and I was asking her questions about, do you want to apologize to your fans for misleading them? And kind of asking her some difficult questions about her time in prison and her guilty of these crimes, because I feel like she's never really accepted guilt for them. She's never really apologized for it. Like I think she's. I didn't know what was on those papers. I am sorry for signing what what you told me to sign. Right. Exactly. And I think that's kind of bullshit.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah. And so I was kind of pressing her on that and then she was like, um, we're not here for negativity. We're here for positivity. And I don't think I want to answer those questions and blah, blah, blah. And the Bravo Puff, the Sun, the line was kind of like, yeah, Brian, no more questions about that, whatever. But um, so she kind of shut that interview down. But that was the after that was while she was in the car on her way to Access Hollywood, which is where she walked off when they asked her about. So you sort of set the tone, perhaps, for the famous clip. Yeah, I teed up Access Hollywood. So you're welcome, Access Hollywood, for all those ratings.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Oh God, that was amazing. She really had a fit. So this was your, this is Vanderpump rules. This is your first season recapping Vanderpump rules, right? It's my first season recapping it and my first season watching. Oh, I was just going to say, really, really marinated girl. Okay, tell us. Break it down. So, yeah. So, you know, the housewives recaps do so well and culture, they were like,
Starting point is 00:11:21 hey, do you want to do Vanderpump rules? And so I said, well, I never watched it. But sure, well, you know, if you're going to pay me, I'll do it, girl. And which is sort of also how I approach my sex life. But so yeah, and I started my first recap, which is kind of like, hey, I'm just going to start watching and jump in here. And if I'm missing anything, let me know in the comments. So yeah, I find it very fascinating. And I think the weirdest thing about Vandipump rules
Starting point is 00:11:51 is that when they're having fights, there is no side. Right. When you're watching the Housewives of, let's say, New Jersey, you can be Team Melissa or you can be Team Teresa or whatever. And there's kind of rationalizations for both sides. So like at Vanderpump rules, no.
Starting point is 00:12:15 These three women are terrorizing Lala and Lala's terrorizing Katie and Kristen and Stasi. And there is no side, like they're both wrong. They're both awful people, they're all awful people, it's just horrible. It's a wonderful phenomenon that really was birthed in the first season, and they've just taken that concept of none of us are good, none of us are protagonists, and they've just gone with it for five years, essentially, because if you go back and that the lazy season of awful yeah just like a spinning wheel
Starting point is 00:12:45 of awful that's right if you go back the first season you really can see like you will have a scene where you're like you know what like fuck Stasi and then you go the next scene and you're like you know what I'm on Stasi's side and just it's like an entire episode you're revolving door yeah so I'm just kind of fascinated by because I think the housewives have gotten to a point where their image is so important to them and they see it as a sort of stream of income that they're all worried about protecting the brand.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And we're seeing that especially I think this season on real houses Beverly Hills where no one really wants to get their hands dirty and really scrap and get messy. Yeah, but those men above rules kids do not give a shit. They'll look awful, they'll look trashy, they'll say awful things, they don't care how they come across, as long as they're coming across.
Starting point is 00:13:36 The genius of the show is that there's nothing for them to aspire to. Their fame is contingent on them remaining as waiters and waitresses. You know, so if they feel like their star is going to rise, the moment they try to rise out of being a waiter or waitress, they lose relevance. It's amazing. Yeah, and even the ones who don't work there anymore, like Stasi and Kristen and Tom Schwartz, who I guess never worked there, they don't even have fake pretend jobs. Yeah. Like, their job is I'm on Vanderpump rules don't even have fake pretend jobs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Like, their job is I'm on Vanderpump Rules and I make X amount of money and that's what I do. Yeah, that's it. I could afford a big chalkboard to write Bubba on and that's really all I need. Right. Yeah, and I mean, I feel like there's something to be said about people who aspire to a career
Starting point is 00:14:23 in the reality television arts. You know? Like, better for rules kids, those people who have been on the challenge for, you know, I was about to say, I was about to mention the challenge also, except I feel like the Vanderpump rules kids, but I like about them versus the challenges that,
Starting point is 00:14:38 to me, there's something even sadder about the people who keep coming back for the challenge, because they are coming back and they're running obstacle courses and they are just getting just sadder and sadder a year after year. Whereas like, band-of-ump rules, you do actually feel like these are... They're not... There's no contrived element of your tier for an obstacle course. It's like, these are actually people living here in West Hollywood and they represent
Starting point is 00:15:05 a certain population of people here that do exactly what they're doing, but they don't even have a TV show. Right. Yes. Right. Because I and I feel like, you know, all of those people came to LA at one point or another to try to get famous and they did get famous, but it wasn't the way they thought. And so they're like cool with it, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah. Yeah. It's the show where you watch dreams die and everybody's still fine with it. Yeah, right. Yeah, no, but see, I don't think they're dreams of dying. I think their dreams are achieved. Like, I think that's- Yeah, on a way, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:35 That's Dr. Steeves living her best life. And, you know, I think we have to be okay with that. I don't know. Well, let's be honest, you can tell which ones who've reached their dreams because which ones who've reached their dreams because the ones who've reached their dreams have gone much heavier. You know, they have like, okay, I'm happy, I'm content,
Starting point is 00:15:49 I'm gonna start eating again. But those who are still miserable, they're very skinny. Like a jacks? Yeah, I know, my God. What the hell? And also, you know, it's not even chubbiness because I don't care about that. It's like a certain bloated
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yes, like when a person on TV is they find them like face down and upon you know what I mean? There's like a certain bloat to them. It's weird Chandler from friends, you know what I mean like when he had to get off drugs Yeah, yeah, they're there. There definitely is some of that I I'm really happy that you're watching this show Brian because it's really amazing and this season has been has been I think a pretty strong one because the three girls Kristen Katie and Stasi have been reunited after a fracturist past few seasons and now that they are back together, they're just so mean and vicious. I think it's a really special thing for us all to take in. mean and vicious. I think it's a really special thing for us all to take in. They're insane. I had to talk about it in therapy. I couldn't.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Oh my god, thank God my therapist is like down with the bravo like we are. And thank God, because otherwise you wouldn't understand a thing of what I was saying. Like when I need to go in and worry about Jill Zarin, you know, my therapist is right there. How do you feel about Lala, by the way? Where do you stand these days with her? I kind of hate Lala. The only one on the show that I like who is a real actual human is Ariana, who at first I thought was boring and now I kind of love.
Starting point is 00:17:20 And you know, I would have drinks with her. She seems like a lot of fun. And Tom stand of all seems like fun too, even though like he needs to shave his hair or something and stop wearing Carmen Sandiego hats like. That is what I was just saying. But, he's definitely that LA guy.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah, I can't stand Lala in that she's that type of girl who was like, oh, you're being mean to me, I'm being bullied, but then she's just as mean back in those people. And you can just so clearly see Lala's pathology of being ugly and picked on in high school. And now she's trying to make up for it. And so it's just so sad and common.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And I kind of agree with when Lisa dressed her down and was like, you're gonna go through life letting how these people talk about you and think about you, run how you behave, like that's stupid. And I just wanted to be gone already. I feel like a little betrayed by Lala because I feel like there was an unspoken pact that she was gonna be our hero. She was gonna be the christen cavalry to this group, you know, the next generation, the star of the next generation. And last season, she was the scrappy underdog.
Starting point is 00:18:30 She was brazen and slutty, but she totally owned it to quote Lisa Rina. And we also loved her like outspoken sexuality. And then this season, she's been a bit too much of playing the victim card and and you know I have been rooting for Lala I like you know I have my Tyra Banks moment with her like I was rooting for her all we're rooting for you Lala but you're messing it up you're messing it up like I like when you're focused. Be nice to Lala, darling. Be nice to her.
Starting point is 00:19:06 You know, she flaked on her allies. Yeah. She has disappeared on Lisa Vanderpomp. It's like, you know, Lala, we want you to take this show and make it yours. It has been given to you on a silver platter. And you're just acting like a teenager right now. It's very positive.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Well, and she's so dumb. Like all she had to do was go on that trip and mend her fences with Jackson, Brittany and you know, whatever. And said she was like, Oh, as soon as I heard the guest list, I had a pit in my stomach. It's like, girl, you knew who was going to be there the whole time. Yeah, yeah. Lazy or bored or decided you don't want to go or whatever. And now you're blaming how they treated you for why you're an awful person. Like, yeah, that's what I can't stand about her. In her defense, this is someone who's in her what early 20s, maybe mid 20s, and she's having to deal with some fat cross-eyed guy threatening to sue her ass off. You know she signed an NDA. So we know about the NDAs now. So I think she's just terrified of, she
Starting point is 00:20:04 needs to come back still. Getting sued. Yeah. I think she's just terrified of she needs to come back. Getting sued. I think that's the thing weird about that. The NDA was hers. Oh, you know, oh no. It was hers. It was hers because she was mad that some friend of a friend posted a video of her. She didn't like an Instagram. So it wasn't the boyfriend making Lala and companies signed the NDA, it was Lala making people sign an NDA that they wouldn't Twitter about her unless she approved it. Oh, Lala, and she's had a lot of unnecessary plastic surgery.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I mean, if it makes you feel good, fine. But I'm just concerned that she's downgrading herself to a VH1 couples therapy situation when she really is bravo to your. The nails, the kimchi, the whole drag race makeup, like the whole thing, it's just like, oh my Lord, Lava, like you need to turn it down,
Starting point is 00:20:58 a million notches. I even get the makeup, but the nails do really disturb me because those are leopress on nails. I mean, girl, we've all worn them. I recognized them the second I saw them. I was like, she's wearing my size. I have huge eight hands. I'm like, she's wearing my size of leopress on.
Starting point is 00:21:16 What is wrong with this girl? I know the worst thing she ever said was when she told Katie, oh, what do you want me to finger you? And I was like, you know, no one knows that girl. I'm not on those days. And yet to go back to your previous point about how you're always going back and forth on who side you're on, I was totally on La La side there. If only because it made Katie sit uncomfortable,
Starting point is 00:21:37 because Katie is the classic girl who likes to claim she's a girly girl. And yet she's jealous of anyone who's younger and skinnier than she is. And she's been so mean to Lala from the beginning. So anytime Lala can come at her, even if it's vicious and blow the belt, even once you call her a winter body, it's kind of like very gratifying. I feel like Lala has a bit of Brandy Glanville disease in that, you know, Brandy Glanville was also that underdog, the way the Richard sisters treated her like shit
Starting point is 00:22:08 from the beginning. And so you're really rooting for her. And she's saying these things, and you know, you want her to take her place. But then she undermines it all with just by being such an asshole. Yeah, she doesn't realize where her support is, right? Yes. Because it's that that disloyalty then makes her less appealing to the audience now
Starting point is 00:22:28 I have a question because we're talking now we're talking about underdogs who are who pushed the boundaries of tastes What are your thoughts on Kelly Dodd from OC? Oh my god, I cannot stand Kelly Dodd. She is awful. And that husband of hers is even worse. Like I just, oh my god, I cannot with Kelly Dodd. But can I tell you something, even hearing the way that you hate her so much makes me so excited to see her on TV again? Is that weird?
Starting point is 00:22:58 I can, no. She's, you know, there's the people you love to hate and there's the people that you hate to hate and she's I hate to hate for me. Like I just, I can't. Like I loathe James Kennedy, but like when he comes on and talks about his residency and how people want to see with him
Starting point is 00:23:13 because they want to DJ groupies, I'm like, okay, like I kind of love you because I get to make fun of you for this. Kelly just exasperates me because she's just so awful. And it's kind of the same thing as like Brandy and Lala, where even when she has a valid point, she then undermines it by making fun of the whiskers on people's chin and taking digs at Tamar's daughter.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And things like that, it's like, oh my God, why can't you help yourself? I know. I do agree that Kelly and Brandy Amala are cut from the same cloth. And I get that frustration, you know, the undermining, you're like, why, why, why? But for me right now, Kelly is not reached the point
Starting point is 00:23:58 where I'm frustrated with her. I think that she's like such garbage and trash. And I really, I went to that place where I actually really detested her so much that I sort of came out the other side. And I'm like, I don't know. I, at one point I snapped and just became team Kelly. You kind of like respect your trashiness.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I don't respect it, but I really do like the story lines that she's brought about. I mean, that whole Shannon manipulating the waiters to bring too much Ticula and like bowling her with Ticula in Ireland and Heather carrying around her little fireball $10,000 Chanel pouch and like everybody like just going that hard to get rid of her.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I mean, when you really get the whole cousin after you, you do a good witch. Yeah, that's the best part of that whole thing was when at the you, you a good witch. Yeah. That's, that's all the best part of that whole thing was when at the reunion, they showed Heather, you know, going behind the scenes and talking trash to the producer. And I was like, oh, yeah, I think that's what I'm, I believe speaking of Heather, she's not coming back. What do you guys think of that? That has been announced, but that is on the rumor vine this week. The rumors for that show is that Heather's officially out. They just found out yesterday and that it's up.
Starting point is 00:25:11 There's a possible Lydia return of all people. What do you guys think of that news? Was she was Heather kicked out or fired? Where did she quit because of Kelly? Well, I don't I don't know. I don't have the I don't have those details. I just heard that that was the case because it's been hinted at for a while because she took a RHOC off of her Twitter Twitter intro or whatever. But people were saying that doesn't mean anything because Tamara did that too. But then there were also rumors that Tamara was going to be gone, which I don't know that they would do that. No, never gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:25:46 They're never gonna get rid of Bikki. I'm happy with Heather going. I used to be a big fan of hers, but she just got to be too much, especially with that whole, like, I'm above this, and we don't talk like that. It's like, Mitch, do you know what show you're on? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Like, come on. I go up and down with her season by season. There's some seasons where I really appreciate that she seems to be the only one with a brain on the show. And There's some seasons where I really appreciate that she seems to be the only one with a Brain on the show and then there's some seasons where I think she's too smart for her own good and she's like awful But that being said whether I like her a hater I actually feel like she has earned a Legacy spot on Orange County because she just made she has just become a type for that show. Like, you know, just the way Tamra needs to be there and Vicki needs to be there regardless of what you feel.
Starting point is 00:26:28 So for her to not be there seems strange. And I feel like she would want to be there. At the very least, Terry would want to be there. So- Oh, Terry definitely wants to be there. Yeah, that's just- I mean, I don't mind- Well, I'm getting out of our other end, Lydia.
Starting point is 00:26:39 He talked during the doing in the first place, and he's a total thing more. So I doubt that she would have quit. I think I think I'm sad if she's gone. The problem. I think the problem with OC is that they're long on trashy. And that's part of my problem with Kelly dot because like Vicki is so trashy. And Tam was so trashy that you needed like the heathers to balance them out.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And like the Megan King Edmonds is to balance them out. And so I think that, you know, while Lydia doesn't necessarily have a brain like Heather or Megan did, at least she has a sort of lightness and goofiness about her that will offset that dark trashingness of, you know, Shannon, Tamra and Vicki. And what, because if you just have all of that trashingness, it's gonna be too much.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I don't think it'll be fun. I agree. What I like about Lydia, actually, I really liked her on her season because she was light and fun, but she also has a steel core. You know, she went up against Slade and she really went up against Slade.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And there were other moments when she did that, which I appreciated. And I'm with you though, I think that Heather does sort of help the trash ratio not get too high. But I also think what would be bad by Heather leaving is that there's like a really good chemistry with this cast.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And by chemistry I mean, whether they like each other or hate each other, it's like really working. And honestly, it's been working extremely well ever since Shannon Badoork came into the mix. Like every season has really been great for different reasons. And I just, I get nervous when you take a central person and remove them. And I get worried that it's not going to be the same. Yeah, I don't disagree with you.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah. I, you know, we'll see how we'll see how it materializes. Well, the other guys I got from this little queen in a bar that's our random sources. An old queen in a bar told me. The other guy's like, Good enough for me, girl. Is that Danielle on Real Housewives of New Jersey
Starting point is 00:28:35 shot a senior to and now she's going around telling everybody she's back on the show and trying to get free furniture, you know, how they they always try and get their free shit for being on the show. And so she's going around trying to get free shit and milk it for all its worth, but she doesn't have a contract and hasn't been hired back on the show. Is it bad that I don't remember who the hell Daniel? Oh, Daniel stop. Daniel stop.
Starting point is 00:28:57 You can't, well, you, to me, Daniel stop is Daniel stop. Not just Daniel. I don't say that. She needs, to me, she's like a fully named personality. Yeah, right. Yes, she is both names. I mean, that's been brewing ever since she showed up on Teresa's Twitter.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So, you know, I think I'm excited to see Danielle come back and sort of have a rectification with everybody. But yeah, I don't know that I want her back full time. I feel like. But I think a taste of Danielle would not be bad figuratively, of course. I think that Danielle's job, but I like about Danielle's job, is that she has improved with age in the nostalgia department because she was really terrible. And she is cut from the same cloth as the others that we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:29:44 She was underdog, but she undermined herself with her own insecurities and psychosis. But I feel like Danielle was kind of iconic. I mean, she was only on for two seasons and it's like people still talk about her and I kind of want her back because New Jersey right now, I think, is kind of of like a big big pile of of Dung and they need to do something. I have a mission to make. What? I stopped watching Jersey. God bless you. It was you I am jealous. We watch it because we have this podcast, but it's terrible. But Jersey's a tough one to get through. I gave up on I gave up on both New Jersey and Atlanta because they were on on Sundays and there's like so much TV to do on Sunday and I usually have like other work obligations
Starting point is 00:30:32 and whatever. So it was like too much. And then I like came back to New Jersey to see Teresa's prison nonsense with the twins and then I was like, oh, I can't with you anymore. But I'm back on Atlanta and girl. We have to give it up to Atlanta. Yeah, Atlanta's been really good to see you. I love that one.
Starting point is 00:30:49 They are number one housewives. They are delivering. Delivering. They are so good. And they're also bringing some like heartfelt moments, which is weird for that. So, yes. Yeah, I feel like their feuds are coming
Starting point is 00:31:05 from a German place it's not a it's not like totally made for TV as it has been in previous seasons like the donkey booty feud yeah and I think it and like like Ronnie just said there's some heartfelt stuff and there's some real shit with Matt breaking windows every episode so So I am feeling it as well. Also, I think true fans can really appreciate that show because we all know that Nini is just cutting herself and yelling at the TV that the show is doing so well without her.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I don't even want Nini back now. And I used to want to. I used to think, well, this show needs somebody to come on and just spout nonsense and ruin everybody's lives for no reason, but it doesn't. Yeah. I think it's better without Neenie. Like, I think it's better without that one fish that everybody's trying to catch or
Starting point is 00:31:52 slay or, you know, whatever. Yeah. And I think of all the shows, they always liken these to like the new soap operas. You know, that's why people like them, they're like soap operas. And the one that is most like the soap opera is Atlanta with, you know, Porsche having sex with candy's ex and, you know, there's an abusive spouse and loves being rumors and, you know, lawsuits or candy's assistant is going to go to major to suit candy and ooh girl. I mean, it's like days of our lives up in there and I love it. I can't get enough.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, I think between Atlanta and Vanderpump rules, those are probably the sopious hours on Bravo at this moment. Yeah. Do you watch any other Bravo shows? Have you been watching any of the new ones like the Timber Creek, whatever? We didn't watch that one.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I didn't even know Timber Creek was happening until I saw like a random commercial the other day. I did get sucked into Summer House mostly because of Carl's chest hair and that's pretty much The reason why I continue to watch. We are firmly sucked in at this point too. And I don't know if you were as mused as we were when they kept talking about BBC's over and over and over again But like you realize that means big black cock right? They're like yeah man, what's a BBC?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Oh my God. Yeah, I love a BBC. My mother works for an accounting firm and they're called FML. It's all I had to tell her finally this weekend. I was like, gig, like, she was like, what? And I was like, do you know what FML stands for? She's like no, what I told her she's like, oh, that's funny. I Mean that's very anti-climatic. Well, it's a fair name for an accounting firm attacks season. I'm sure
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah, for sure Brian, thank you so much for coming on and talking to us. You want to make any predictions on your way out? Make some real housewives of Beverly Hills predictions, because where, what are we, maybe almost halfway through the season, they're about to shoot their reunion. So make a couple predictions and we can track them towards the end of the season. And you can also fold in your thoughts on Doreet, because I don't think we asked you about that, but fold in your thoughts about Doreet on that too. I can't stand to read mostly because I find her to be awful
Starting point is 00:34:07 in the most uninventive way possible. In that, Daci is awful in her own special way. Danielle Staube is awful in her own special way. Dari is awful in the way that everybody who's on for one season is awful. And I'm just like bored by it. And her husband, oh my god, the husband, a pinata full of toenail clippings. I mean, he is just the worst person.
Starting point is 00:34:39 He's like a soliloquy told in Belches. Like I just can't even look at or listen to PK. And yeah, so I just, I just find her to be so, she's very season one, Camille Grammar to me. And that she's trying to play like, oh, I'm so rich and I'm so wonderful and blah, blah, blah, blah, and doesn't realize how obnoxious she's coming off. And I just find that to be really boring and tragic.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Predictions, I mean, I think, you know, I heard that, Eden and Lisa Brandnar are going to turn on each other. I think that's like kind of exciting. I think we're going to see Erica Jane get into the Kyle, Lisa Vanderpump sort of triumburit. I think that's very interesting. And I'm also loving Lisa Rina and I lean. I'm very happy with that friendship. And the thing I'm most curious about as to what it is that keeps Erica Jane up at night that she tells to read. Like that's what I'm waiting for.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That's the one. Oh, yeah, when she cries. Yeah. You know, it's long silent parts from her husband Don Wrinkle. cries. Yeah. Yeah. You know it's long silent fart from her husband, Don Rinckels.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I mean, that cannot be easy. He likes fuffle bunches, but he gets where he is. I don't know what I do with it, but I- I don't know what the fuck. I don't know. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I do come on fuck, I really don't know. I don't know. Maybe she just come on fuck. I really don't like I think she just has like echoes of Mikey screaming What she deals with this night is like going getting up to go to the bathroom and running into Mikey like hi on G Like tottering in our whole head I woke up Then he was right in my face face you know who she got some ring in ears.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Wow, there's never, never enough time to talk about all the things on Bravo that need to be talked about. Brian, thank you so much for coming back on the show on our Frith Anniversary Week. Happy birthday, guys. Thank you so much. It was so good to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Anytime. I wish we lived in the same town so we could go get a couple of drinkers. Yeah, next time we're in LA, come, come, let us know. We'll all go get some drinks. Yes, we'll shout at the wait staff at pump. Oh, yeah. My dream, my dream. All right, thanks, Brian.
Starting point is 00:37:04 All right, bye, guys. Bye. Well, that was just a right. Thanks Brian. All right. Bye guys. Bye. Well, that was just a lovely conversation with Brian Moilin and as it is Friday, we still want to check in on Summer House and Merit and Mad. So Ronnie, which one do you want to do you want to check in on first? Let's do Summer House first. Yeah, Summer House. Yeah. Yeah. Summer House is yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like I'm living it. I'm Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're not going to go in a full recap today. We're just, but we're just going to talk about the things that amused us. We'll go maybe through some of the characters. Um, can we talk about Everett? Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Okay, Everett. Wow. Everett is really getting some personality. I mean, this guy is from a lifetime movie. Yes. And you should be terrified. And yes, at the end of the day, he probably does just want to hug, but he will still chase you through the house with the knife. Yeah. He's terrified.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Everett is ridiculous. And I loved also that I think it was Kyle who pointed out that Everett can only communicate with Army Lingo. So when Kyle's, you know, in the beginning of the episode or so, cause I just had to get something off my chest. Man, I just feel like you guys are bringing a lot attention to the house.
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's just supposed to be fun, and we're just, we just wanna have fun time in Everett's like, bro, bro, what are you talking about right now? It's a no fly zone, okay, bro? No fly zone. Let's demilitarize this conversation, okay, bro? It's like, that is no bueno.
Starting point is 00:38:44 This is a no fly zone right here.. Let's demilitarize this conversation. Okay, bro. It's like, that is no bueno. This is no fly zone right here. Also, this scene was just hilarious because it starts in the kitchen and it's the morning. And you know, the morning after a couple fight, the couple, the couple's already fucked. Like, they're fine. Yeah. It's everyone else who's still traumatized. It's like the guy who got splashed over and over again that's still traumatized. Well, the splash hurt all around Montauk because Lauren went over,
Starting point is 00:39:08 well, I think it was Ashley went over to tell Lauren and Carl right after the splash. Like, you guys, oh my God, uh, uh, ever was splashing water at, at Kyle. And it's like, I've never seen water splash like I ever before. Like I have the way of that we're coming up. Like I have never, ever seen it was very, that I have never seen it was very that was very flashing that was crazy it was very flashing and lindsay is lindsay puts it she's like well our foundation is love so like this morning we're like we can be friends and like lovers too so they're of course fine so the kitchen crowds like, crowds like yo Lindsay bra and Lindsay's like pouring teetos, which is my kind of girl. Let me break this a breakfast. Tito's by the way,
Starting point is 00:39:50 the only two things that Lindsay said all episode partially because Christina was not there. Unfortunately, the only thing she kept us saying was to ever she said, I love y'all. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I mean, I can't apologize enough for bringing it down. I can't apologize. I love you. I can't apologize. I'm you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love number. I mean, I think that that's a pretty reasonable thing to be pissed off about.
Starting point is 00:40:25 My mother works. So I'm so I cannot apologize enough for bringing the mood down. But when you say I brought the mood down, was it bring the mood down? Like it wasn't that fun or bring the mood down? Like Christina brings the mood down. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I'm like, why can he text that girl? But he like my mom can't text me. I'm like, you're bringing to clashing issues that don't have anything to do with each other into the same issue. But she's, she's in the kitchen and pouring yourself a breakfast, Cheetos. And Carl's like, whoa, bra, I need to, need to talk. She's like, um, okay, like what's up? And he goes, well, like, like we're a close knit group. And the vibe is, we don't like her that much, right? Anyway, go on.
Starting point is 00:41:11 It's like the vibe is like, it's being affected by your relationship. It's like a soap opera. She goes, I don't know what that means. I think it's on TV. She's like, okay. And then Everett comes in and he's like, what's up? She goes, um, you talked to him because I'm fucking over it. What's up, bro? What's the problem? It made me laugh so hard. She's like, um, I don't watch whatever show he's talking about. So like,
Starting point is 00:41:39 let's say, over here. And by the way, do you guys realize you're on a reality show and they're cameras in your face? Maybe that's why it feels like a soap opera? Yeah, true. I can't help. There's enough to the cameraman. Ever it comes in all calm. He's like, what's up? What's up, bras? And he's like, well, we're basically I'm talking about the drama you're putting us through.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And he goes, what? What drama are we putting you through? And he's like, well, I just feel like sometimes it's just one thing after another and he goes One thing after another what's the one thing after another? Drop it give me 50 apologies He's just gonna repeat whatever he says. Yeah, well you slept like I slept late Yeah, then you got mad. I got mad And his lips are doing that thing where they're like curling downwards. He's so angry and so intense like the PTSD starts coming out
Starting point is 00:42:29 But the thing about Everett is that he when he gets mad He turns into a 1980s villain. It's so hilarious. We saw it last week in the pool We saw it here and then later on in the episode they showed like a little glimpse of Everett walking around in New York City And he's on his cell phone and he goes, What's up nerd? Yeah, solid weekend So yeah, it was awesome. I'm went back up to Brunswick School Totally beat Greens farms and footballs great. I love that he's like a repeater in a fight He'll just repeat whatever you said, but he'll yell it so that you'll back down
Starting point is 00:43:02 But also he's found a perfect girlfriend because Lindsay is also a repeater because Kyle because Kyle's like, look guys, all I'm saying is I'm just here for the summer to have fun and I don't want any drama. And then ever it's like, I don't want battles. Which I was like, wow, you changed the word so good for you. And then Lindsay goes, you know what, you guys like here, like this summer, I just want to like fun and not have like drama. Okay. So you two are just gonna, you're gonna repeat things in a nice way to end the fight. And then he's gonna repeat things
Starting point is 00:43:32 in a yellow way. You two are a fucking crazy mess. And I'm gonna love every minute of this. Cause like, well, let's just have a margarita. I was like, fine. Are you on K.P. God goes back with that fucking margarita machine. Yeah, it's still by the way, I've been turning for like a week and a half. It's like mildew in there at this point. Then one thing is that we got to meet a new character this week.
Starting point is 00:44:00 We met Jacqueline who, Jacqueline is the typical, I'm just like, I like hanging around with guys. There's no drama with guys, which means that there's always a drama with her and girls, which is great. Yes, that's the girl who's gonna try and fuck every guy and then be like, uh, let her the girl hate me. Like, it's crazy, like, it just doesn't get what they hate me. Like, because you've got like both your hands wrap around people's dicks. Yeah, that's why. Yeah, she heard like one of her
Starting point is 00:44:28 the first things she says is that she's like, I'm, I guess what you call like a cock tease, but you know what? I'd rather be a cock tease than a slot whore. I'm like, oh, this is gonna be good. This is what the show needs. And the twins are already circling her like really accent speech starts. Just like, oh, stop.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Where are you from? What do you like? When were you in Cabo? How long were you there? When did you meet Kyle? What was that like? Matt. Just rapid fire right on top of her.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Do you want some crockamolli? Just crockamolli, do you think you need salt? Do you think the forest sticky? It's a forest sticky right now. It's sticky. Do you like sponges? We'd like Twins? You like Twins? You like Twins? We like Twins. You like your girl. What I like about the twins is that we can both do an impersonation at the same time. That's how they talk. That is exactly how they talk.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's hilarious. They are like two ducks. And I mean, in a literally the best possible way. They're just like quacking and adorable. So, Jacqueline and I are like two ducks. And I mean, literally the best possible way. They're just like quacking and adorable. So Jacqueline, her whole thing is she's a cock tease. And sure enough, within seconds, she's out playing.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Were they playing Cornhole? Or what were they, oh, they're playing, what game were they playing out on the line? Oh, you throw something in a trash can. Oh yeah, ma, maybe you just could do this inside. out on the Oh, you throw something in a trash can. Oh, yeah, ma maybe you could do this inside. That would be great Like throw throw things in a trash can because I have to be a game few guys just wrote things in a trash can Only play this in kitchen, huh? But my favorite part. Yeah, they're throwing it where you throw a ball and then some us to slam it down to the trash can and
Starting point is 00:46:00 You know, Jalcon of course is like oh my god somebody, I've been hit by so many balls in the face. Balls in the face. I don't know if lured. And of course, Carl's like, yeah, you have. Yeah, he's like, yeah, you're a regular big brim Lincoln. So he literally said that when he said that, I laughed out loud. I mean, that's good that these guys can keep that bullshit up. I mean, that is hilarious. Carl is the biggest bullsh bullshit artist and how Lauren doesn't see this or she's seeing it now, but how she didn't see it is amazing. Because he is literally flirting with Jacqueline in front of... Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, some
Starting point is 00:46:39 days, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert-expert. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there.
Starting point is 00:47:07 We'll talk about what went right and wrong, what would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon music or Wondery app. Lauren, and of course they're not exclusive, but it is poor form.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And what I love is that Jacqueline's being althlurdy and they kept cutting to Lauren, who's just sort of standing there in this blousey bikini. It's like this roughly sad bikini and And she's just sort of standing there. And she just looks like the girl who didn't get invited to the dance. Oh, a fourth thing. Well, when you're saying she can't see what Carl really is, girls do see they see exactly what these men are in real life, too. You know, you see exactly what they are, but you accept it until you're broken up. And then they fix it. Then they bring out the notebook of what's wrong with you because they've been paying
Starting point is 00:48:08 attention to that. It's since the very beginning. Well, they think they're going to be the one that they won't, you know, like they like the bad boy, but they, they think they're going to be the one that the, that the bat that they can refine the bad boy, team the bad boy. We won't do it to them, you know, yeah. As evidence by the fact that Lauren was like, you can throw them all you want, but he's going to be hooking up with me at the end of the night.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I'm like, oh, great, great. Uh, great. Uh, uh, uh, testament to you. I don't know. You're winning a car, I'll congratulate you. So they go to a bar and they're like, shots. Um, so they're making fun of the fact that Kyle is already
Starting point is 00:48:46 like trolling the women in the bar. He walks like right up to the first homely woman he sees basically and he's like, hey, baby, you know, you come here often or whatever. And then he's like, what do you do? She's like, I'm in insurance and he goes, would you like a drink? She goes, no. I'm an insurance because would you like a drink she goes no
Starting point is 00:49:10 Maybe I'll call him and up again She goes from behind the bar. Oh feeling you'd be calling When Jacqueline is sitting with the guys she's sitting in between Kyle and Carl later. And she's like, when I was younger, I got my ears pierced and my mom, you know, was like really worried because she said I was a whore. And one of the guys is like, yeah, you got a lot of holes to fill.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah, she's like, guys. And she's like laughing and grabbing their pecs. Meanwhile, outside Steven and Lauren, Steven's basically on gay best friend duty and, and they're talking about how insecure Jacqueline is and he just like, yeah, she's cheap. And by the way, Steven had a moment that I loved earlier when they were playing that stupid trashcan game. They were talking about like what they do or something like that. I think Jacqueline says, I'm like, I'm a fit model and someone was like, I do this and
Starting point is 00:50:03 I do that. And Steven was in the pool and he just muttered, I'm a Southern bell. I just love that he was like, I hate this house. So after the night of fun times or whatever, they're splitting up in the cars and twin, single twin is like, I'm getting in the car with Carl Carl. Hey, Carl, which car are you taking Carl? So they get in the car and she's Carl. You go on the 20 Carl. She says Carl. She says Carl so many times. Carl's like, uh, can I maybe take you to dinner? She's like, Oh sweet Carl. I love dinner. Carl. Hey Carl. Am I a good kisser Carl? Carl, ask Carl if I'm a good kisser.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Hey Carl, my sister Carl Carl, Carl, my sister good kisser. Is she a good kisser? I, she's a good kisser, right Carl? Carl, you can take her to dinner. Yeah, I'm gonna get for dinner. Am I a good kisser? Uh, did you hear my sister Carl is my sister good kisser is she good kisser I hit she's a good kisser right Carl Carl can take her to dinner didn't call me yeah I'm gonna get right am I good kisser did you hear my sister she asked for my good kisser Lauren gonna go dinner with Carl Lauren. Did you kiss Carl yet Carl Carl am I going to dinner with you where are we gonna go Carl I fixed the bed Carl you can take Lauren to the bed now Carl Carl they crack me up those shoes so basically she hooks up with Carl and I think we got kind of a dick shot. Kind of. I don't know. I need to download that shit and pause it. But I mean, yeah, I'm gonna work my gonna put into Carl Dick. No offense Carl. No, yeah, not a lot. And so the next day the women go off and do hot yoga or maybe it's just
Starting point is 00:51:22 regular yoga. And of course, Jack, I'm like like I have to be with all the women doing yoga. I want to be fishing with the guys. I'm just one of the guys Yeah, like what instead of fishing. I'm here like with the giant of sweat But marks gross But meanwhile Stephen our Our gay who by the way he did clarify that his lover is actually on a different content He said he had a transcontinental relationship. So I was like, doesn't that just mean he's in California, but he actually really meant another, maybe that's supposed to be intercontinental.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I'm not sure. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Trans-I feel like he's trying to have a parade for date and an Asian guy. Like that's still my theory. I just feel bad for Steven. I just feel like he, he is just stuck in his house. So now he's trying to He's been talking a lot about how he's been getting along with Carl and I think that Steven is He's he's getting in touch with his inner bro side. So they go on this fishing trip and they're having a good time And you can tell Steven's eager to be one of the bros because the moment he gets on to the boat
Starting point is 00:52:21 They the little the local captain boat like like, eh, who the food loop? And Steven doesn't even bat an eye. That was excuse me, sir. That dare you, sir. I'm dare you. Now, weirdly, he was wearing like a giant inner tube. And he's like, eh, hey, food loop. You're gonna be able to do it on the dock, okay?
Starting point is 00:52:41 Okay, sir. He's like, well, thank you, 2016 for moving beyond Faggot. That's, I do thank you for that. And my Asian lover, we'd like to thank you as well. If he was here, I'll tell him he's in a different time zone, whatever. No, basically a penguin in Antarctica. Okay. Let's taste it. I said it was a different content. I didn't say which one. So his big secret. He's like, um, these guys are going to be really surprised because I actually know how
Starting point is 00:53:11 to fish. We have a fishing farm in our backyard in Malabama. That's hilarious. And Carl's like, raw, you ever fish for catfish? He's like, yeah, yeah. I love that. I'm going to the catfish. That's why I say, I said, yeah. I don't know the question. That's why I say that. Oh, who's the fruit look now?
Starting point is 00:53:28 Well, those guys are trying so hard to be, broie. And it's like, you are the most effeminate men. Like you blew dry your hair to come on this fishing trip. Like, let's drop the act. OK. But I like when they pulled out little eels or whatever as bait.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And someone goes, oh, I've never seen that. And the fishing guy goes, yeah, you sit down when you piss. Bunch of food loops. All of you, all of you is a fruit loop. Why don't you go hang out with Diana Garten down the street? How about that? All the gays. So back with the girls, the girls are kind of hanging out and getting along. But the twins, the twins who without their jealousy out and getting along. But the twins, the twins without their jealousy part. And they're like, yeah, wow, that girl's a great shape. If I was paid to be in great shape, you know, I'd be in great shape too, but I'm not being paid. I mean, it's not my job. I have a job and it's not to be in great shape. I curse.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And by the way, whatever she said, they're like, yeah, we're just like bigger women. We just have curves. I'm like, listen, you're not Monique. Okay, relax. Okay. There's there are women out there who have curves. And you guys, I mean, you guys, I mean, it's okay. Yeah, like it's okay. Like you're not like going to be hired to be the mom and hairspray any time soon. Calm down over there. I mean, I curves. Yeah, yeah. Well, that girl, you know, we're not like her, but I mean, she's about like a 12 year old girl or a 12 year old boy. And you know, at least I mean, I guess some guys like that. I mean, not guys who day that's on my right cuz like curves boobs Boobs. Yeah, no curves curves are bad. I'm like one driving a curves I like how wise how is that on curve?
Starting point is 00:54:57 That curves caution curves ahead. That's what we tell our guys right curves. That's where I work out curves My hair curves actually work out at curves, which is crazy. But you know what they used to call scurvy? Curvy. Maybe yes. I don't know why. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:15 We have a really big curling iron because we don't want curls. We want curves. We want like hair curves. They're big. So Jack, uh, Jack, when, uh, whatever, okay, we've already talked about. I think at this point, they all, I think they all know that just give to the drama basically. Yeah, basically, they, so basically they go back to the city. There's like the little city montage.
Starting point is 00:55:37 They played that song, the generic music from last week, which was like, you know, you know, you know, they brought that back. And then, um, there was a, we found out a little bit about Kyle's job. Kyle does startups. He's like, yeah, I don't have a nine to five job. Like sometimes I'm working into it in the morning, you know, and one of my favorite startups at the moment is like, I don't know, like camp bird dog. I think I actually heard of I think thrill is what an article about bird dog. I remember there's
Starting point is 00:56:06 short there. The guys shorts that are lines that you don't have to wear underwear. Yeah. So you could free ball. That's it's one one second less you don't have to wait before you get into Amanda. Okay. Yeah. So he had some Amanda time to you. So the sky out guy. So he's going to go out with Amanda. He's going to call Amanda because he feels so bad about drunkenly hooking up with her and then kicking her out because he tried to hook up with some other girl.
Starting point is 00:56:34 He tried to hook up with Jacqueline. She's like, you're drunk, go to bed. So he call, they just show him drunkenly calling people and he's like, hey, this is sexy. Yes, such a house babe, come over. So this ho Amanda, who's not really a ho. She's not a ho at all. I mean, she's entitled to get some too because Kyle is hot.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So Amanda, you get it. She is, but I'm not going to feel for her when she cries. I'm not going to do a dude's house at like three in the morning when you hear that he's wasted and he's already done this to you a million times. Yeah. So then he kicked her out. Well, I felt really bad about how like, you know, like we didn't get to see each other that much.
Starting point is 00:57:07 And then like, you know, I had to like send you home really fast too. I'm like, you are terrible. You didn't even let her sleep over. Did you even give her a moldy margarita? Did you even, did you even offer her a BBC? Big black hook. Was there even really a cab outside? Cause I feel like Amanda went outside and there wasn't a cab. And she was like, okay, well, I'm being black. Was there even really a cab outside? Because I feel like Amanda went outside and there wasn't a cab.
Starting point is 00:57:27 And she was like, okay, well, I could have cab. And went over anyway. Carl, Carl driver man, home. Carl, we drive him in a home. Amanda, Carl. Carl, could you call a cab, Carl? So, call the old Carl company. So, he's going to have a date, but it's not really a date.
Starting point is 00:57:44 At first, it seems like, oh, that's nice. So he's going to actually, he's fucked for so many times for free at three in the morning. He's actually going to take her on a date, but it's not that he's taking up to break up with her again, even though they're still not together. And he's already done this tour before. It was basically his way of like, of making his conscience feel better about the fact that he's essentially using this girl. And leading her to believe that there may still be something,
Starting point is 00:58:08 but he's like, I feel like such a dick, you know? Like I, I invite you over and I kick you out. I know I'm like misleading you and I'm really sorry. And I don't know. And she gets this smile on her face like, oh my God, he's buying me dinner and apologizing for treating me like a whore basically. And then he goes, then he goes. But you know, like in the summer, like in the house,
Starting point is 00:58:27 I just can't have a girlfriend. And she's like seriously, like just the look on her face. She's like, you brought me here to do this to me. Not only again, but on camera, you son of a bitch. Yeah. And he's like, a check. Yeah. Check please.
Starting point is 00:58:43 But, uh, correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't he wind up calling her again? But you're at the episode when they go back out, because they eventually go back out there, I could be wrong. Well, I think the episode ended. Let me see. I mean, that may have been the preview for next week.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah, I sure shall be back. I mean, the real fun of the episode happened when the gang went back out for the next weekend So this is now we're coming to like the final third of the episode And our favorite Christina is now back in the action, which is great because when Christina is not there. It's just not as fun so so they are they're heading they're going back and at one point
Starting point is 00:59:24 Carl is not there this weekend. Carl is going to this wedding in Pittsburgh. And if you may remember last from last week, he said that he's going to bring his mom as a date. He doesn't have a date, yada yada yada. So Carl and Steven have become friends, really close friends, enough that Carl sends Steven a picture of him with his date.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And Lauren sees the picture in a flash. And because she's in the back seat and Stephen the front seat. And on top of that, we learned that Carl sent Lauren a picture of him with his mom like here's my date. And he sends him, you know, so he's being really, really shady. And Lauren wants to see the picture that's giving out. Let me see the picture. I'm not going to say picture.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Show me your picture. I'm not even mad. Show me a picture. I'm not even mad. Show the picture. I'm like totally not mad. Yeah, yeah, she's not sure. Give me the picture. Just give her the phone. Show me the picture. I think your friends. Why not? Why not? Why not? Where's the picture Carl? So why not? Carl? Why not? Steven? Why not? So he throws it out the window and she gets it. And she's like, oh my god, he just texted me and it's a picture with his mom. And then she texted a picture with Taka to Steven and he's with the girl. Really? Really? Who would do that? Who did that? Seriously? Like, seriously?
Starting point is 01:00:35 Well, oh my God, I beat him up. I'll call him. So she's mad. And then the sister, of course, is like fear. She's like, how dare he? I like how can he do this to my sister if that happened to you that happened to me So that happened to me. I'm really mad like here is it I clap right now I can't even focus on my new fashion store that I'm gonna be building somewhere in the country
Starting point is 01:00:55 So the gay is like okay, you know like whatever he's just trying to well He's mad because he has been building this friendship with Carl. You know, it's like, it's filling that void in his life. You know, he didn't have the bro friend because he was gay and we've all been there. And he's like, finally, he has a bro, like a hot bro that he can be the gay sidekick too. He's got a hot bro friend. He's got like a hot bro friend who's just as slutty as a gay guy. Yeah. It's got like a hot bro friend. He's just as slutty as a gay guy. Yeah, it's like perfect
Starting point is 01:01:25 And so they all convene as in the twins Steven and Kyle and Jacqueline They all convene and oh and Christina at this like crab shack and the twins are like Like just like very angry muttering. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about that. Steven's just like Like just like very angry muttering. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about that statement. And Steven's just like, he's rolling his eyes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And he's like, oh, what's going on? And he's like, I don't know. And the scene was like, it doesn't have to be talked about. If it doesn't perturbed to anyone here. And I don't want to talk about it. I'm not going to talk about it. The two are like, well, you can't tell me not to talk about it. I can't talk about whatever I want.
Starting point is 01:01:59 No, you can. OK, yes, fine. I you can talk about it. What do we have to talk about? For like 10 minutes, this went on. And then the Carl had to do his monologue again. He's like, guys, I'm here talk about it. What do we talk about it for like 10 minutes this one on And then the Carl had to do his mom a log again He's like guys I'm here for the summer and I don't want drama blah blah blah It's like mine. Well here's here's what happened. I'm gonna go everybody wait and
Starting point is 01:02:16 That Stevens see me then was like it doesn't doesn't pretend to anyone here and then the twins like no one cares about you Steven no one cares about you. Stephen. No one cares about you. It's about me and I was like, and the lesson is learned that when you're a gay and you befriend a pretty girl at the end of the day, they never care about you. Yes. At the end of the day, get your, get your nose out of it. She only wants your nose in it if you're listening to her complain about something. That's exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:41 But he's also being so dramatic. He's like, this only pertains to me, her and Kyle or Carl. I'm like, it does not pertains to you. That's nothing to do with you. And also, don't act like it's just because she stole your phone. I mean, I know it's probably easier for you to think that, but Carl is typical douche sending him a picture on purpose because he knows that he's also friends with the twins. You know, Carlos like using him as straight guys often use the gay to get shit in there. So it's true. They do it all the time. I mean, I have a lot of straight
Starting point is 01:03:14 friends as well. Well, this way you can avoid the conversation of telling Lauren, I don't want to hook up with you anymore. I want to hook up with Jacqueline now. Yeah. And also just like keep her on her toes and keep her kind of jealous and not make her not act like his girlfriend or in Rage or whatever the hell he needs from these women. Like I don't know. But he's to me the case obviously being used just upon Anyway, so he's like drawn into it because he's like, oh, it's my friend. I'm like, no, it's not he knew you would do that. And so she's She's like, all right, fine. Well, I'm just gonna tell everybody because no one's business. I don't want to have to tell you and then you and then you and then everybody talk about it. It's like a different story.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I didn't tell. And then meanwhile, I'm cleaning up sticky things off the cabinets. Everyone's so shocked. They're like filling their drinks everywhere. I mean, it's a sticky. It's crazy. It's like a stick situation. So like, it's a situation.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Like, this is basically a pre-sponge for like the stick. It's about to happen. We have a sponge. Do we have enough sponge in the house? Should we get sponges? Should we get sponges in my home? So she tells them about this picture and everybody's like really, this is it, Carl sent a picture with some girl that he's out of wedding with in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Like who cares? You know? And wasn't, maybe remembering it incorrectly, but wasn't the mom and the girl weren't they wearing the same dress? It was so weird. And like the same place, it was like a strange Photoshop situation. He's like, my mom, this wedding is so long that my mom has like literally age 50 years. Yeah, Carl is a huge douche. Stephen was way to invest it.
Starting point is 01:04:42 But you know, eventually all this food comes. Steven's like, I don't have an appetite anymore. I'm like, relax, Steven, just eat the calamari. And then Jacqueline's like, do you want some clam chowder? He's like, oh, shut up. Shut up with your vagina soup over there. I need to eat the clam chowder
Starting point is 01:05:02 because this way the proportions will be correct for being a fit model. Like, wait, what are you doing, Jacqueline, trying to be seductive and sort of tautious. Oh, I like how they showed her being a fit model. And it's literally a designer like, does that fit? She's like, well, I guess it could be better around the armpits. She tells us she's like, I'm just so busy. Like, I don't have time for a relationship. I can't wait for the workers to work shop their,
Starting point is 01:05:32 their fashions on. I'm trying to, is that fit? Is that fit? Is that fit now? Is that fit now? Is that fit now? Is that fit? How's that?
Starting point is 01:05:42 How's that? How's that? Stitch it. Stitch it. Stitch it. Stitch it. Should we stint it? Stitch it. This girl doesn't have curves. I'm sorry, but you just don't have curves. You don't have curves. Who's your agent? We want to call them and tell them how many curves you don't have. Because like, this doesn't fit. So, I don't know if it's going to work out for a blog. So, you're fine. Have some car. Let's call fit.
Starting point is 01:06:03 We've been to San Diego. Oh, you opened it. I was about to know. Carl's bad, you know. Carl's junior. That's what we that's why we fit into these clothes. Why don't you you don't have curves? You don't like Carl's junior. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Take it to stick it for you. It's be a Carl's junior. I've seen Carl. Carl. Carl. Take me to Carl's junior Carl. Hey Carl. Take me to Carl's junior Carl. Hey, his take me to Carl's junior Carl. Hey, his Carl
Starting point is 01:06:26 senior Carl. Am I going to get to meet him? Are you going to send me like a fuck that picture with some other Carl? I'm not going to get to meet Carl Carl senior. Are you going to send me a picture of a Carl's junior and tell me that that's not your date? I put up a Keeney on a $6 burger Carl. Carl. At the end of the day. At the end of the day at the end of the who's $6 burger coming back with me okay I've put a bikini on a $6 burger cow so dumb all right let's hit up some married and medicine shall we before we do marriage medicine we must do something very important and you know what that is Yeah, didn't think wait for I got about the creppance male bag and off Did ya oh
Starting point is 01:07:26 Oh, man. Friday is a lot of things and one thing that Friday gives us is the crap and mailbag. So before we get to my medicine, why don't we read the last three questions we have in the mailbag before we fill her up for next week. How about that? Those two are. Here's an odd one. This is from Theresa Maravitch and this could be a challenge and I don't know if we can totally fulfill it but we can we can try. She just says a simple request. To read with a list for at least three minutes, EXO. I'm terribly sorry. I don't, I'm not sure I understand what the question was. I have to go to the mad to sit in the room, because something is wrong with my speed.
Starting point is 01:08:08 If Jagger caught the Swiss for illness for me, I'll never be able to forgive myself. I'm terribly sorry. I must have bit my tongue. What if I was having a dinner left, right? I'm sorry, I'd tell town quite remember what I ate. Perhaps the poor George made a something, and maybe some fish and chips. I just don't remember anymore. I'd like to welcome my baby,
Starting point is 01:08:34 coming back down to the path. Because she's been stuck up in her cage ever since she had a misshapen little head. But welcome back, little baby, say hello to the baby. Well, it's a baby, she loves a misshapen little head. But welcome back little babies, hello to the parent-of! Well, it's a baby, she loves a kitten, but you know, when I say a kitten, I don't mean a pretty little puss like Erika Jain's, or what a pretty little puss, it was a pretty
Starting point is 01:08:55 pretty little puss. Look at me baby, wearing underwear and like some people are noose. I'm just having a little bit of fun with it. And why do you always bring that up anyway? Why do you bring up the prayer that puts it again? I'm just trying to leave my life. Sir, Riddick. Yeah, I don't know if we could do three more to that. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:16 So, I'm amazing we did 30 seconds of it. That's just funny. I'm speaking, baby. His Catherine asks, do you know of Marissa from Ladies of London, breastfeed? I can't be sure. The existential question of the week.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I was reading comments about the women's march, because you know, I love some angry comments on the internet. I love seeing people fight. And to me, that was just such a beautiful, positive thing that to even read negative comments at all just automatically made those comments funny. I know. Someone who was commenting, well, there's women walking around with vaginas on my head. And one woman was just sitting there with her shirt open, feeding her child. What am I supposed to tell my kid? They're feeding a child maybe? Maybe this is how you feed babies, you fucking idiot. Breast feeding ruined my baby!
Starting point is 01:10:12 I've been able to keep them off of me, almost got arrested. Look at how it is pretty little push as I have to buy underwear for. That's like 750,000 pairs of underwear. PK, I don't know if I can keep making this joke to all these people. It's funny. I wanted to talk about that, Women's March on our bonus episode this week, and I totally forgot. I was like, I know there was something else that happened this week. Oh, well, let's talk more about food we might have.
Starting point is 01:10:41 I know. I'm sorry I didn't bring it up, but we also did Roseick's this morning and we I got so much to talk about it with Stephanie because Stephanie marched in the women's march. So we got to talk about it a lot. So I had my women's march feel. I was like, I was like, you want to talk about vegetables, man? I was like, damn you, I didn't get to talk about my feelings on things in the world. Damn it. Well, there's always there's always another bonus episode. And vaginas are forever. So and. Well, there's always, there's always another bonus episode and vagina's are forever. So, and I'm sure there will be plenty of grists for the mill. Between how and
Starting point is 01:11:12 then, that's for sure. No pun intended. So, Catherine, answer your question. I don't know. I don't know what that meant, by the way. Yeah. Catherine, I don't know if Marissa breast feeds. I think she probably does, based on her boobies being so big, but I can't be sure either. You may just have to go to our castle. Oh, was it? I'm thinking that was our castle. Well, in that case, that's funny. And also, Catherine, Edmunds, while we've got you on the bag, thank you so much for giving
Starting point is 01:11:45 us such a fun bonus episode because we read one of your stossy posts on our bonus today. So thank you. Or this week. So thank you. Yeah. She is a font of good information for this podcast. Last question is from our near and dear friend, Mr. Michael Horn, who says, I know this is my second question for the mailbag.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It's OK, Michael. We'll let it slide. He says, but I need to get this in before I forget it. If you had to spend an entire day using only housewives products, and this would include alcoholic beverages, restaurants, books, songs, clothing, t-shirt lines, et cetera, how would you spend your day? How would we spend our day doing what now? How would you spend your day using only housewife products?
Starting point is 01:12:32 Oh my goodness. Well, of course, it's start with a skinny girl breakfast of skinny girl watermelon martinis. Oh, I would skip right ahead to just putting an IV of Ramona Pino Grigio right into my system. Yeah, I'm wrong Ramona Pino Grigio. Yeah, that I Put on a little Gretchen Rossi bass I would serve up my breakfast on some countless Luan plates
Starting point is 01:13:03 And works and knives. Yes, and I would follow up by putting the Ramona Pino Grigio in a drink, Cousie. Yes, and now a drink, Cousie. Toast my English muffin in Sonia's Toast Revan, and wait 45 minutes for it to be ready, although that would not include the time it takes to replace the muffins that catch on fire within 10 seconds.
Starting point is 01:13:28 And while Ben was doing that up, I would type a menu out on pickles and then have enter number four printed out. And then I would go change into my house dress from NV boutique in New Jersey and settle in for a lovely morning of watching my stories and drinking more Ramona Pinovrija. Then I would sue a cafes for making me lose all my hair. But then I would also write a strong review on Yelp for the excellent ex-Sala that they do serve at Capice. Then I would propose to Ben and see if you would marry me at the brownstone. And I would say it all depends on what sort of menu we're going to have at our wedding. At which point I would then refer to Carol Radswell's cookbook and find the restaurant that has the highest radish reading. I would totally agree to that as long as for our romantic dancing number in the middle of the stage we could play to Recycchudai's reading
Starting point is 01:14:38 her audiobook. And then I would have to clear the dance floor and show everyone my moves that I learned by watching the Donkey Booty video. Oh my God, please be Donkey Booty too. I miss my daughter's. And I would be sure to alert everyone that in lieu of sending us gifts, they may make a donation to kill all cancer. And Haiti Brady. And there would, of course, they have to, they would have to be a specialty cocktail mean of bloody Vicki. And mixed by Ariana, Wal-Tom is all jealous in the corner. Which you should mixes it without any sort of commentary or a smile while Tom gets their stance by the side all angry. And then at the end of the night we would hug and congratulate
Starting point is 01:15:32 ourselves for not torturing any dogs from Yulan. And we would change into some chunky sweaters, Chrissy of Jacks. And then we'd get we decide to get divorced, but we'd go to the wrong building like Lisa Vanderpump and her Eulyn Mart. And in our inner, even though we'd be divorcing, I would let you take solocosity of the Christian duty t-shirt. That's a seriously, seriously. I think that's a beautiful ending to a relationship. Very event. That's a very busy day. And we got everything from a sell racket Ross.
Starting point is 01:16:13 So you see, too. And you know what, by the way, I can tell you I will never look prettier because once out of my hair, we'll have to use extensions in it. And the others I will have pushes extensions in it. And then bail, Cynthia Bailey Bailey I wear holding them together close up that male bag being a little back will now be closed lord and just a reminder if you want to smitch the crap in the mailbag, you just go to Patreon, and then we will put out a new call for entries next week to
Starting point is 01:16:54 fill up the mailbag. And of course, if you want to be part of the listener's spotlight segment where you get to talk for two minutes on this very podcast, look at Patreon also. Juh. So, let's say hello, Mary to man. Hi. two minutes on this very podcast. Look at Patreon also. Joc So Hello Mary to man. Hi, Mary to medicine is still in Hawaii and some loan is still preach of some loan. Ladies, I want it to bring you here to Hawaii to celebrate a white party, which I shall be turning into a
Starting point is 01:17:28 vowel renewal. I thought I would. So basically, bless you with invitations to show your husbands how much you love them by getting remarried at the same time. And I get it. I love when Simone is preachery. It's so good. I know. So let's go through these characters because we said we're only doing a baby recap
Starting point is 01:17:57 on summer house. We did a full recap. So okay. Yeah. We don't have to go through. Nothing really happened on this episode. Let's just go through big news. Big news. Big news.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Big news is the episode. Darren has arrived. Darren has arrived and he has a mysterious injury that he says he got from playing basketball. And then they're like, okay, well, we thought you were late because you had to work and how are you going to be operating on people with one arm? That's shady.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Also, he blatantly lied to us and Lee Summary because she's like, Well, how did you hurt your arm, Jaime? And he's like, well, I don't, I was at work. I don't remember how it got hurt, but what I do remember is that it got hurt. He's like, I was trying out my new boomerang and I threw it so hard that it actually tore my arm out
Starting point is 01:18:51 of the socket and it actually, my arm came off entirely, like a figure, I had to go hospital and back on. And then, and then, And then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then,
Starting point is 01:19:04 and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, when Eugene was telling Toya you will not believe what he said about this or no one believes it and she goes yeah green y'all like you like you leave some Marie just telling you any kind of shit you believe it yeah and then by the way the reason why he missed his flight he's like well I landed in LA and then I went to the bathroom and when I came out, they had switched the gate and I didn't even realize. And the next thing I know, the plane had left without me. I'm like, are you a total idiot? You're just sitting there at the gate and there's no one there. No one there and you don't think to yourself, hmm, I wonder if they switched the gate.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Oh, please. Anyone with a damn brain knows. He fucking somebody in LA. I mean, a night alone in LA for a closeted gay man, Jesus Christ, it's like a Buzz be Berkeley of fists, just waiting for you to walk off the runway, you know? Please, Darren, you ain't fooling anybody, except for Lisa Marie, who of course buys every
Starting point is 01:20:00 at laymasting, he gives her, it was sad. But there was this whole vowel renewal thing which is always bad news for everyone and Heavenly officiated it and she was really nice and heavenly and Heavenly and Lisa Marie and Darren they really mended some fences and having things like I don't think that there is gay or I think that's what she said Maybe Toyo is one who said that but but Lisa Marie was like I don't think that there is gay or I think that's what she said. Maybe Toya was one who said that but but um Lisa Maria was like I don't think you're an alcoholic. I just think you're a terrible person, but not an alcoholic
Starting point is 01:20:35 It would be nice if we could have some compassion or each other and each other's relationships And she's like, oh, also asked to be noted that heavenly, who's been going off about Lisa Marie's gay ass husband, not being there when, you know, everybody else's husband was there in Hawaii, her husband left. And he apparently had said that he had gotten two weeks off for this. Yes, and heavenly is said a million times, why everyone knows you can get baby, if I have you give two weeks, know the smart baby. And then he had to go back.
Starting point is 01:21:10 I don't think it's, I don't think it's, I don't think it's that he's lying. I think that he hates everyone on this show and that he is just happy. He just, he basically told us like, all right, I've put in three days, I'm going home. I don't wanna be anymore. If I have any of these fools trying to tell me
Starting point is 01:21:24 how to have a good relationship, I'm the one who has don't want to be more. If I have any of these fools trying to tell me how to have a good relationship I'm the one who has someone clean up after me cook for me call me daddy and do whatever I tell them to do So I think I've won if anybody needs if anybody needs advice. It's everybody else. Okay, so This all these vows were happening as part of a white party and I loved that when they were getting ready for this white party Mariah and and Eden they were they were getting her feet ready and she She had this like sparkly shoe for her her foot that was not in the boot and she's like go foot come through She's like, yeah foot, come through foot.
Starting point is 01:22:05 She's like, yes, foot, yes, foot. I said my foot was broken. I didn't say my my foot broke me. That one good foot, going to get dressed. What you want to wear foot? Yes, foot. Yes. So the, the other thing that happened was that the woman did a redo for Dr. Jackie's photo shoot, which was nice.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Although there was this really strange photos of parents that I did not approve of. I don't know. Yeah, that's such a quad thing. Yeah. I want to do something for breast cancer, and I think that the way that we should do it is with bars that talk back to you. Because we hijacked your photo shoot, I want something that represented piracy.
Starting point is 01:22:48 So, parents. Another thing that happened, the men went out together and had this conversation with Darren and he told them all lies. And basically Curtis, my Oceasel said, well, look, we've all made mistakes, but here's what we all need to leave with. If your wife gets out of line, you need to check her. And they're all like, yeah, cheers. And I was like, Oh, good luck with that. Yeah. Good luck checking some of them. You know, none of these men are going to check their wives if they want a face. It's not
Starting point is 01:23:23 broken. Good luck. He said check that. He meant like you have to go like check the oven or something or pretend like there's something you really need to do is that we can get that out of there. Check that your wife is not holding a knife. So I thought to me the best part of the show was towards the end when Curtis and Dr. Jackie had their conversation, because it was really intense. And I really want them to stay together. And they were having a conversation, apparently their first real conversation since they had their big fight, and he didn't come to Hawaii.
Starting point is 01:24:02 And he was again, during this thing of like, or too busy, and then she had such a good response at one point. She's like, have you ever had to do a varanuel by yourself? I was like, ooh, oh, Dr. Jackie, that was harsh. And he had to be like, well, you wouldn't have had to, had you stayed here to work on our relationship. Like if our relationship's so important and why are you going to Hawaii to work on their relationship? Like, who cares about them? This is about us. And if you know I'm so mad,
Starting point is 01:24:30 and blah, blah, blah, and I got home from church and you were gone. And she's like, would you knew what time to ticket? So we're four. And he's like, well, he's just basically trying to you are her. And this was a rope. This could have been a very romantic trip. And he fucked it up. And it seems like he knows by the end of the conversation It seems like he knows he fucked this one up because he looked like Logic was messed up and because he was like if you cared about this relationship You would have stayed and she's like well if you cared about this relationship you would have come along He knows like well you knew when the he was like you were gone by the time I got my church
Starting point is 01:25:03 Well, that's because we had tickets and we were going this way. Well, I wasn't going to go. Well, you decide that when you were in church, you know, it's like, uh, and she was like, well, we can go back and forth because no matter what you say, I can fit this way instead. Yes. I think she won that one. And another reason I respect her is that she brought up her, the thing that she talked about with Simone, which was the reason she worked so much is that she's sad because they put a cap on her babies last
Starting point is 01:25:32 year, you know, and they decided that she wouldn't adopt and they wouldn't do this and he got his way. And she actually, instead of bringing it up and saying, you know what, the reason that I'm working so much is because of the baby issue. She actually didn't do that. And she said, um, I know that that's what I'm feeling, but I don't think it's fair that I agreed to that. And I accepted that. And now I'm going to bring it up again in a fight. And that's not fair for me to do. You know, what the fuck? Who are you? And will you please teach other people how to live? Because seriously, she's so good. She's right. I mean, she is absolutely right.
Starting point is 01:26:10 She's owning up to what she accepted. However, she should let him in to know that, like, it's not that I'm resentful, but it's had this effect on me. This is the consequence of our choice. This is the consequence and I'm gonna work on it, but you need to also support me because it was a much bigger deal than I realized, perhaps.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Right, and also another bet is that we already, her bringing that back reminds us that she did give it to that, you know, and that seemed like a silly storyline, but she really did want to adopt or do something. And he gave her the stubborn no. And in this year, she wants a place close to work, which would keep her home more, actually. And he was so stubborn that he wanted a damn house, an hour away from her work. So it's like, you can't always get your way and be such a stubborn asshole and then make the woman drive in her damn car
Starting point is 01:27:08 for three, two or three hours a day. And then act like you're the one who's always being shot upon, you know? Like you've been to Little Dude. You know, they are turning into a very compelling Edward Albe play. That's what they're turning into. Or like an August Wilson.
Starting point is 01:27:21 It's one of those things where they seem like they have a great relationship. But then as like over the course of the night, when they're snowing and everything comes out, at first you think it's just about like, well, they're living the place that he wants, living the not where she wants it. And then you find out, well, no, it's really,
Starting point is 01:27:34 there's a baby, they can never have a baby. And she chose not to have a baby for him. And you're like, by the end, you're like, oh, the sun rises. And now we know their marriage will never be the same. Well, I wish it would turn into that play with Liz Taylor, where they start getting really wasted. Yeah, who's afraid of Virginia Woolf and they're wasted and screaming at each other. And I mean, that that's that would I would love to see an act three of that with these two.
Starting point is 01:27:58 But the only other really big thing that happened, I mean, there was a quad and Mariah thing where she's like, stand up in your truth. And she's like, okay, quad the fraud. And she's like, woo, like there was that. And quad had this weird thing going on with her sunglasses, where she would get, she would have these sunglasses and be like, like that kissy face, like she's still above it. And then she'd get mad. And so she'd be like, I'm taking off the sunglasses. And then she'd get them caught in her hair. And then it would cut back to her. And she's got them back on with that movie star face again. And then she would take them off. It's like I love quad sunglasses business. But the other big thing was the Hawaii trip actually did end well.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Like it was touching the couples that renewed their fows, the women made up. Like it was actually pretty touching. And they did a weird thing where they cut back to Atlanta and there was still another half the episode, which was awkward. But fucking Mariah and Lisa Nicole, these two are just terrible. You know, like Lisa Nicole makes up with heavenly. She makes up with everybody. And the first thing she does is film a scene with Mariah
Starting point is 01:29:07 about how mean heavenly is and how mean everybody is to her and how she can't believe how mean everybody is. And the Mariah goes on some rant about quad and outs all of quad skeletons. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about that. Yeah, big, that was a big thing. And she's like, well, he was dating a drug dealer girl. And then, you know, she would
Starting point is 01:29:29 date and drug girl drug dealers, criminals, anybody she could get money from. And then the drug dealer dumped her and she had nowhere to go. And so I helped her and I helped her get a job. And it turns out that that's a single black female, was she just wanted to be part of the medical community? I'm like, okay, that's not single white female. That's just being aspirational. You're dumb bitch. And you don't. You don't leave her.
Starting point is 01:29:56 I believe her, I believe her without the editorial. I believe that she helped quad. That's the thing editorial. But to make it sound like quad just was like, oh, I have everything I need of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of
Starting point is 01:30:14 a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a every time you see them. Fuck you. That's always been Raya's problem is that there's a lot of entitlement that she has. I think maybe unspoken, it's that she is a producer of the show and she assembled this cast probably. And she feels that she's owed a sort of amount of respect and deference.
Starting point is 01:30:33 And she always has a pity party about what people owe her. And that's a problem. But, you know, and that's always been her fatal flaw because Raya is so funny. And she could be so great. But the end of the day, she always comes down to this pity party thing and you start to go over to Quadside. But then Quad, Quad is can be so funny and she can actually feel so like warm and good. But then she Quad is like a diva now and like she's lost a lot of her original charms. And I'm like, oh, I like Mariah more. And then I start to realize, you know what? Both of these two are in our piece of work and
Starting point is 01:31:04 they deserve each other. Yeah, you don't really need to choose between them. But Oh, I like Mariah more. And then I start to realize, you know what? Both of these two women are a piece of work and they deserve each other. Yeah, you don't really need to choose between them. But I would just like to point out just because I need to for my own say, Mariah, you are not a fucking doctor. You are in the medical community because you fuck a doctor and you got knocked up by a doctor. You didn't go to school to be a doctor. You did not put in any work to be a doctor. So stop walking around acting like you're some surgeon and you own the medical community because you fucked a doctor. Okay. Thank you. That is all. That's all I have to say. But what an awful human being, ma'am. Like, I hate that shit. And Lisa Nicole is terrible too.
Starting point is 01:31:42 And seeing the previous of what she does next week, I really can't wait to see Lisa Nicole is terrible too, and seeing the previews of what she does next week, I really can't wait to see Lisa Nicole get it, and I never thought I would say that. I mean, she seemed like she was so nice and mousy to me. Yeah, it's shocking how, uh, how Lisa Nicole has gone from just a bland nothing to just this really annoying thorn in the side of the series, and she's just always in the middle of the stupidest shit I'm ready for her to be off the show and I don't want anybody to have to suffer through what her husband puts her through
Starting point is 01:32:12 but This week is talking a lot about enabling on all the brabush shows like it's almost on all of them and You know she's doing it to like I don't even feel bad for her at this point If she's gonna listen to Darren and be like, Oh, you hurt your hand, okay, Jaime. Like, oh, gross, you're gross. And I can't wait to see you get yours on this show. It's gonna be good next week.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Absolutely. So is there anything else? No, that was it. I just wanted to yell at Mariah a little bit. I feel great. Good, good. All right, everyone. Well, thank you all
Starting point is 01:32:45 for tuning in for this big anniversary week five What are we calling it five days for five years here on watch or crap ends we We appreciate you guys tuning in this week and all the past weeks if I could if I could multiply 52 by five I would do it, but I can't I don't know 520 divided by 2 whatever that is. 260 the past 260 weeks guys. Seriously thanks for supporting us and you know what here's the five more wonderful years.
Starting point is 01:33:21 I love you, Ben. You're the 20 more, Ben. Yes, thank you, Brian, for coming on to the show. You were great. Everyone's great. Yeah, I love you guys. Talk later. Hey, prime members, you can listen to Watch Your Crappens, Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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