Watch What Crappens - #388: Ladies of London: Vacating the Throne

Episode Date: February 10, 2017

We’re very politely sad as Caroline Stanbury says goodbye to the Ladies of London. Who will take her throne? Julie calls shotgun! Subscribe at for b...onus episodes, ringtones, and live group video chat parties. Also, check out Ronnie’s new TrashTalkTV RHOBH Audiobook podcast at See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crapens add free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. To talk to other crapman's listeners about the shows as they air, come over to what crap ends that's slash watch what crap ends. I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move through the water, I can't move Miss Madonna Hines, MADGE WITH A SIXY-TEEE! We love you girls. Hello, welcome to the Watch What Crappens Podcast!
Starting point is 00:01:31 The podcast about all that crap we love to talk about on Yee Old Braves. I'm Ronny Karam from Trash Talk TV and the Rose Praik's Bachelor podcast and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills audiobooks podcast. I'm with my gorgeous talented, thin as day co-host Mr. Ben Maddleker of the B-side blog in the Banta Blenda. Hello, Ben. Oh, hello, Ronnie. How are you? Good, baby. How you doing? You know, I'm just great because I just saw that Carolyn, not not Carolyn Fleming, Carolyn Stenbury, re-grammed one of our things for Instagram channel
Starting point is 00:02:08 or channel, I can't talk, I can't talk, but my emotions are real, my emotions are gonna talk for me, more Instagram feed. Well, love you, Carolyn Stenbury. Love you, Batch. You don't talk to them. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Love that. Love you, Batch. And I'm very sad that ladies of London came to its season finale finale last night And I hope it's not a finale finale because I love me some lads of loans. I hope not also But that being said if this was There last ever episode. I do appreciate that they titled it Dubai, Felicia episode, I do appreciate that they titled it Dubai Felicia. Actually, wait, did we call, no, we didn't do that. I'm trying to remember, because there's like a rash of Dubai episodes, we have to cover on this podcast. I was trying to,
Starting point is 00:02:52 do we name any of them Dubai Felicia? I don't know, we did Dubai. Dubai. We did Dubai. Bye. Bye. I think we did. It ain't no lie. Dubai. Bye. Bye. I think I'll have to look at Dubai. Yeah, so it's called good bye, bye. I think I'll have to look at that. Goodbye, Dubai. Yeah, so it's called Goodbye Dubai. What a fun episode. We got most of the things we liked. We even got a very polite fight, which
Starting point is 00:03:13 is my favorite thing about ladies of London. I really love when people are very politely fighting. Well, all I wanted to get to cross was that I'm feeling, well, all I meant was that I'm feeling. and we even got a shot of Rainia. Yeah, I mean this episode had everything. I mean, either even some plumbing isn't in there. I mean, I was very out very pleased. Yeah, me too. So where do you want to start off my little bingey? Well, let's start off at the beginning, which is Caroline Stambury barking at her butler that came with the hotel room apparently. She's
Starting point is 00:03:49 just barking all these orders. I was like, I want new flowers, I need green juice, I want initials on my pillows on my towels, I want a new ceiling fan, I want you to kill that spider and place it with a new one. I can't believe these shoes are so uncollocordinated, please get this done. Green juice, I'll need the green juice immediately. You know I love my name on things. So please, when she said she wants her, he, him to monogram her towels. He was looking at her like,
Starting point is 00:04:14 it's really, it's like, yes, it's really. And don't you dare try to take anything from the CS Lewis collection and take off the Lewis because I can tell. I want it all, CS, my CS. I picked my bones of the last butler who tried that crap. Don't even try it. And then she's on the phone with her assistant. He's like going off to do a million things so she gets on the phone with her assistant, Megan. And she's like, Megan, hair crisis. I need more hair or do more. I need it on the sides. And her assistance like you won't hair for the side of your head. Yes please. Don't you worry about what side of the hair that goes on do I just want hair and I want to hear
Starting point is 00:04:57 right now. Not side burns Megan. Not side burns. Sides. Just hair. Just hair sides, sides of hair. Can you do that? Can you start being a complete imbecile? Where's Pauline and Renya when you need them? Mixer or you order those first and then set up a party for my friends. It's a good buying of fuck you. It's a good buy fuck you party. I like how when she talks about her bullish.
Starting point is 00:05:20 She's like, I just ring the bell and say, do this. And then she actually says green green juice is fast because I am poached. All this not running around. It's made me quite thirsty. You might want to try some green juice. It might help you monogram faster, faster, faster, faster. Fast like we're going to have to do this right. Forward, forward, forward. Forward to the right.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Around the shoes, the left straight. In comes the plan, open the hanger, and by the hanger I mean me. We're lucky that that guy didn't turn into jewels. Like, whoa there's so much to do. What should I do first? The sides of the hair of the monogram. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I'm gonna embarrass Maepertann. Oh, speaking of jewels, I do want to mention, I mentioned it yesterday a little bit, that she had an Instagram story where she went to some sort convention or conference, something where you go to find inventory of your gift shops. It was this big thing. And she went with Anthia and the entire Instagram store was like, whoa, this is a big conference. I've never seen so many things. Look how big it is. There's Anthia. Oh, and Anthia's just like walking around and by the end of it, they're walking out. She's like, oh, I think this conference took a lot out of Anthia. She just like puts the camera on Anthia who's like, oh, I get this out of my way, you bitch.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And Theo's like, I hate you bitch. Lelsey's watching at home and her Heathcliff sweatshirt just laughing at him. Yeah. Bon, yeah. We really pulled a fast one on her telling her to go on the train. She thought she was going F first shorts. I have to say that was the biggest episode or the biggest disappointment of the season was not getting a final scene with those two.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah, I think that was a huge oversight and it's not enough just to have jewels say as an aside, oh, and by the way, profits in the gift shop are going up. I'm like, no, I need to see Leslie. I need to see your eat crow and wiper face with a tea towel. Exactly. I'll believe it your eat crow and wiper face with a tea towel. Exactly. I'll believe it when Leslie says it. Yes. Because you saying it don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:07:32 But if Leslie was like the prophet to rap and hate you, then I'd believe it. And I would also like barrels away in too. I would like an interview with Barrel, Leslie, and Anthia, just sitting there murmuring We're the reason the sales rep is because we had so much extra pudding to sell There's no your friends would eat it That's because Bloody Americans come around I understand I'm probably putting
Starting point is 00:07:58 So then we head on over to Marissa's house Marissa is you know doing the typical Marissa. We have had such a horned ear. Wow, this year has been just the most difficult year. After, you know, you know, I had a difficult pregnancy and Matt wants to move countries. And then we have this nanny who thinks that children are her own. Very difficult. You've never lived until you've seen a 70 year old woman breastfeeding a child. What a piece of wood. They do things strangely in the UK. So she's decided to give into her husband, which was kind of
Starting point is 00:08:34 awkward because he did say I'm going with her without you. Yeah. And I think he meant it. I mean as cute as this couple is, he didn't seem to be joking. He said that. She's like, it's the land of a thousand hot dogs. Well, enjoy raising my children alone. Goodbye. So she's like, well, I have decided to join my husband because I guess I owe it to him. Like, and also you'll be broke otherwise. Like, do you want to be a living next door to fucking Juliet and the boom docks?
Starting point is 00:09:00 No, you bet. I think it's great. She'll have so many more ideas to rip off. She'll come back to London Like I have this great idea. We're gonna open up a hot dog place called pinks Because you already ripped off top dog from Berkeley guys. I'm gonna start selling avocados That was her big thing in the end. She's like I hope I get to wear more flip flops and have lots more avocados I'm like, oh, I guess I don't have as many avocados and in El London. I've decided to go into burgers. And since we are in back in England, I thought, what about a play on England and call it a burger
Starting point is 00:09:35 king? Get it? Oh, well, I think that naming something after royalty would be good. Julie would like that. How about the famous McDonald's clan? Clan McDonald's. So be like, you deserve a break today because you've had a really, really rough year. I decided to name my new burger shop after my loyal nanny. Her name is Wendy and I thought why don't we just call it Wendy's she can just take over the shop You know the thing the thing is I'm going one more you know the thing is Now that we're in England. I thought you know what a the best way to
Starting point is 00:10:18 Bring an American sensibility to England is to open up a burger shop and call it White castle Cuz I'm white and their cast is over there. Hey lady that sings the music I've got a new a new rhyme for you one of your songs okay. Hold the pickles hold the lettuce special orders don't upset us all we care is that you let us have it your way because you've had a really difficult year. I'm loving it. That way that should be a slogan. I'm loving it. I'm loving it. And what I want, my vision is that people can just get their food really quick. They just can come in and out. In and out. Done. I'm loving it. Ingrous and egress. Personally. I'm loving it personally. She just adds little things loving it. I'm listening to it. I'm loving it personally. I'm loving it personally.
Starting point is 00:11:06 She just adds little things onto it. I'm loving it personally. Fresh personally. So I know we have a tube here in London, but I was thinking, it would be really hilarious if we did a play on the American version of a tube and just call it subway. Oh, she just calls it tube. Tube. I don't wanna go to tube.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's for you, it's called YouTube. Now you're just stealing anything, really. What? I wanna start something called the circus. Like, God damn it. I've already been done. All right, this is my idea. Branda call this restaurant Windsor Castle. What? She just. I'm calling it waggimama. That was the most fun I've had in a Marissa scene.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I have to say the whole season. I love a good Marissa shark tank brainstorming session. So now we go over to Sophie's and Sophie is cutting up some meat. And then Blake Lively comes over, which is amazing. Oh, wait, it's Adele. Yeah, Adele, I think the only thing that really gives Adele away is her smoking 18 packs a day for 97 years' voice.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Otherwise, I would never know. I'd be like, oh my god, I mean, her skin is so smooth and she's so pretty, you know? But she's like, I mean, she's like, yeah. Adele! I think what do you hear the sound of a permspiel noise maker you know that it's a dela. Someone drops some coins down a
Starting point is 00:12:52 can. Sounds like someone's trying to moa nickel machine. Someone someone is all a coin star around here. That's Adele knocking on the door. Hey Donnie, he has an Amazon gift certificate. She goes to the grocery store and the salvation guy, the Salvation Army guy start putting coins in her. Is someone starting up a rock tumbler? I love those things. I can make jewelry out of them. Is someone starting up a rock tumbler? I love those things. I can make jewelry out of them. So Sophie comes over and they're very polite with each other. It's like darling good to see you And it's the new the new trend of the season is the so good to see you. I must admit I Was rather annoyed at you. I'm like, what where'd this come from? These two fight in my favorite way. I must admit I was annoyed
Starting point is 00:13:53 with you darling. So if he's like, well, I must admit I was annoyed with you as well. Would you like a nibble and then a delogist stare at the meat like so if it's like I was an audit you too now would you mind telling me what you annoyed at me about so I can know what I'll be annoyed at you about do you say so basically it dollars like darling everyone's and having problems with the queen because you keep telling her terrible things about us under the old you darling. So I haven't told her anything. I've never talked behind anyone's back. I've never let one thing go out of my mouth. You did, for example. I went to lunch with the Chooves and Marissa and they're also
Starting point is 00:14:42 extremely hurt darling. I don't even remember what they were heard about, but basically yeah, Sophie's going around like, well, here's what Karen on thinks about you. She wants you to die in the terrible fire. Oh my God. By the way, Sophie is not gossiping any more than anyone else. She's just the one that they keep on narking to just blame everything on Sophie. They're just like, like, oh, did you hear about that terrorist attack? Of course, I
Starting point is 00:15:08 didn't say anything. It was talking about it as usual. Oh, she's such a gossip. Sophie did start all this stuff, though, if you think about it, she was the one who went to, uh, to jewels and was like, Caroline says, well, what is she said? What was the first thing of the season that she told you? It was like, Caroline says they're loose lips with things ships because you're scary in that way and then just like How can you say scary my brand is yoga? No one's gonna want to do scary yoga
Starting point is 00:15:35 I certainly couldn't be scarier than the gift conference up in leans. It's so huge So Sophie bases like. So Sophie's known with the Della because it's like, I thought we're having tea and she's like, buggerwall for Della. And so then after their tense conversation, we then transition with a brand new song. Just because it's the end of the season doesn't mean
Starting point is 00:16:06 our favorite songstress has given up. It was a fast one. And I spent five minutes writing it all down because it went by so fast, had to rewind over and over again, put on the closed captions. So it goes living on the edge and I wanna jump off. I'm giving it like I've never done enough.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I've gotten up a tight for more with my ADD, MIPFix score, you're making all the moves and you wanna get up. And I want to jump off. I'm giving it like I've got it's never enough. I've got an appetite for more with my ADD and my fifth Fick score. You're making all the moves and you want to get up. Whoa. She brought out a lot of effort for that last that last episode. None of it made sense. Living on edge and I want to jump off. I'm getting all gone. No, you know, I'm going to cut to like Caroline's lemon cooking. I'm like, what is this? Living on the edge and one jump off of a fricking dinner. She's like, give it a little staa. Yeah. Just delicious. Just? Delicious. Yeah. Her publisher, Lady Bertha, comes over. She's like, not Bertha. It's
Starting point is 00:16:58 Frita. Oh, Frita? Oh, I thought it was Bertha. No, Frita. I like Bertha. Oh, Bertha. Bertha. Come here Bertha. Bertha. Bertha, come here Bertha. Bertha is so interesting. Bertha, I was just making my famous protein bowls, not in any way related to the job bowls. You may have seen on the Instagram past. These are the
Starting point is 00:17:29 cub balls, Caroline's ultimate balls. These balls are called, job does not understand protein balls. Thank you. These balls will make you look up into the sun shine and say, I like my father, my father's father, my father's father's father and his grandfather before him said, I, there is actually a very sad and interesting story behind the cub balls. You see my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather, he murdered the inventor of the jobs Great-great-great-great-great-grandfather Isn't that the most hilarious story? These cub balls are made of strawberries
Starting point is 00:18:15 Lupus What a dungeon branches Ashrams Things I found in Peefield when I was lying down with them and staring at the clouds with my mother. So Fretha has come by to discuss my book proposal and for this like we have decided to take your book proposal and she's like Fritha! I Got a Jules moment
Starting point is 00:19:01 Not only will it secure my family financially, but possibly save the castle like how much you get in pain for a recipe But bitch, I think you might know I think your goals might be a little too high with this. Fritha, I'm afraid that while your offer is quite, quite generous, I cannot accept money from a woman who has so many creases in her shirt. I'll see you out. I feel like since this is the season, perhaps series finale. I'm saying that. I don't like that. I just get that feeling sometimes.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I don't know because of Caroline's moving, but because it is the season finale and we're talking about Caroline Fleming that maybe we should do interrupt this right now to do a clear the Flem. Oh yeah, we need to get a clear the Flem in here. Okay, let me pull this, biatch up on the Instagram. All right, here we are with clear the flam. I'll go first. I just chose one randomly. This is the most recent one that she took. It's a picture of
Starting point is 00:20:07 looks like some fish, perhaps it's salmon, wrapped around the sparigas. Oh, and lobster. It could be shrimp. I can't have a shrimp or salmon. Oh, the picture next to it is the lobster. Okay, go. So this is, it's a plate with some fish wrapped around some sparigas and a few like little sparing slices of souptado and a little shrimp salad nearby and some sort of some flowers and some lotion which is a little weird and then like some bowls of things like herring and onions and stuff. And Caroline Fleming says, that was that dynamite morning come and gone. Time flies when we keep ourselves busy
Starting point is 00:20:44 tada tada. The excitement of collecting my children from school is the highlight of every day. Heart, my cooking and recipe testing, he's a bonus. I am so lucky to call my favorite passion. It makes me happy, a great balance to the tough. X, X. X, X. So this one is from midsummer's, whatever, that thing was that she had on the island last week and they're all wearing their crowns. She's with Sophie and some other lady. And she's like, it's the memories we must cling on to. Da, da very fond memory, hashtag midsummer, hashtag ladies
Starting point is 00:21:30 of London at Bravo TV. Thank you for the beautiful hashtag Rob Van Heldin hashtag flower crown. How many people on Instagram are looking up hashtag flower ground? I can't believe she didn't get some salmon in here just for the hashtag. I know salmon is a reliable hashtag hashtag salmon. It's somewhere around here. tag. Salmon. Hashtag. Eulerian for giving fish. Hashtag. So I'm looking now, I'm just had to go deep in the catalog with Caroline Flamin.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I'm like, why don't I look at one way, way back and see if she was always as ridiculous. So let's see, here's a picture of a bunch of nuts, all in different counters and she says, nuts about nuts, about nuts, exclamation point, exclamation point, hashtag nuts, hashtag food for life, hashtag be healthy, hashtag be nutty, working away, I'm a new cookbook, dot these amazing hashtag nuts, plan important role, heart, what's your favorite nut? And why? XX, hashtag almonds, hashtag Brazilian nuts,
Starting point is 00:22:51 hashtag hazelnuts, hashtag cashew nuts, hashtag pistachios, not a fan of peanuts. Sorry. Smiley face with the tongue sticking out. Wow. Well, that's what she's super hashtagged. Because I feel like there are people who are like, you know what, I'm not a fan of peanuts. I wish I wasn't the only one. I'm going to look
Starting point is 00:23:08 up. I'm going to look that hashtag up and it's not there. Well, who would have thought after all those nuts that then she'd bring the peanut shade at the end? I do not care for peanuts, neither the legume nor the cartoon. PeanTS has refused to support me on my Instagram. I shall not support peanuts. Because your relationship with peanuts is all about what you put in to your relationship with peanuts. Charlie Brown would do well to take some baseball lessons. Therefore, he would stop falling over while serving the ball up
Starting point is 00:23:47 in the American sport. Hashtag live lessons, hashtag trolley brown, hashtag not a fan of snoopy either. All right, Ben. Rapper up. Yeah. Clear the slam. Buh-buh. We'll miss you, darling. Please come back to us. I know. Well, either way, we still have more recap to do. That's the good news. So, Firtha made her offer. Flum is excited. And now we go back to Sophie, who is in her house, and her ex comes over. I forgot his name, but Caroline's brother. He is so Caroline's brother too, isn't he? She's like, well, I would like it
Starting point is 00:24:34 if you could come once a week to see the children. Now what I wouldn't like to do is to make a plan and not stick to it. And he's like, yes, well, I want them to know Daddy's there. His voice man is a couple of beep beeps away. Beep. Beep. I've pre-recorded these voice memos that you can play at any time as your convenience they should last for the next five years. For my daddy loves me. Press one. Good job on your homework, chap. Press two. So he's like, all right, so I would love it if you could come visit once a week and then Skype every night and come over to the Fadina thrice a week and then read a book every other
Starting point is 00:25:17 fortnight and then perhaps, you know, bring a pinwheel over every Tuesday and he's like, all right, and then they can come to my house. No, no, no. It's ridiculous. So I have to drive to you every single night. But yeah, she tells them, all right, children, Daddy's going to take you to the zoo. And he goes, what? Fun. Yeah. God, you really aren't Caroline's brother. He's like, I know you're accustomed to barnyard animals like your mother, but we're going to see something a bit more exotic today. Look at those monkeys, much like your mother throwing poo at my face. So, you see that sloth over there, that's what your mother's like in bed. You'll understand in a few years. Forward. Forward. So Jules and Emma, Jules is crying because Emma's going to school. And she's saying, Oh, I can't believe you're leaving me. This is crazy. Is this your top? This is a
Starting point is 00:26:16 bra, right? Are you gonna wear this in Europe? Please? I'm at the shop. I bet if I brand Heathcliff on it, let's see where it. Celebrity Beef, you never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasive. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder e's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build up, why it happened, and the repercussions.
Starting point is 00:26:45 What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums?
Starting point is 00:27:18 Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder to go travel the continent for a few months before going off to university. So Julie was devastated. Oh my god, I burned the hot chocolate for now. What am I gonna do? I mean, you come home every day from school in such a good mood. I mean, every single day is just you're so happy. What am I gonna do is that? That's gonna call me sugar tips. One One minute she said baby another minute. She's racing up onto her head and a headstand I'm so fast. Do you have everything? I'm gonna headstand fast too by the way Thanks to a good teacher like me right say it say it Do you have everything if you packed everything everything? What are you missing? Oh?
Starting point is 00:28:23 You left my heart back there. It's uh, we just ran over it with the mini Cooper. You want to pick it up? No, just leave it there. I don't blame you Take these tea towels always think of me when you spell something Are you on the train yet? This is your mother ring ring? Are you on the train? What do you mean this number is disconnected? Who would do that? What do you mean you're in a channel? What's a channel? Is it a channel or is it tunnel? I don't get So I'm like goodbye mama So we then it was actually really sweet, but um we don't go there on there. We're everywhere Ma white got a ma white got a ma way way way way what ramsethway way
Starting point is 00:29:10 It's a song about the struggle of walking to the subway the tube so So Juliet is doing a photo shoot with a hundred balloons because every 100,000 followers on Instagram So for those of you thought that she had 100 unique balloons, you were incorrect. She just had three balloons that spelled 100. Yeah, that was a very well thought out. Can we get a picture of the hundred? Now they're turning now looks like 111.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Okay, now it looks like 101. She's like, well, I, I'm 100,000 followers. I think that really is a testament to how much I've been vlogging and how good I am at blogging. I'm like, no, it's testament to the fact that you're on TV. Okay. That's all. But we'll happily follow you if you follow us.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I want to be recognized. I want to be recognized in the fashion community for what I'm doing. And then she's like posing and underwear with like, her balloons blowing everywhere. She's like, I'm really as serious about fashion. They cut to her telling those like intern, the PR people, she's like, they said,
Starting point is 00:30:15 how long do you spend on your blog? And she's like, like three times a week maybe. They're like, disappointment on their face. And then the visual metaphor of the day happened when the 100 balloons, AK the one zero and the zero just one de trapped in a tree overhead. Well, it gets flying off into attorney. Oh, no, no, it's in a tree.
Starting point is 00:30:39 That's right. Juliet's career is like a frisbee. Something you toss around and isn't quite respected. And in the end winds up in a tree and sometimes like grab it and fix it. Oh, Jules. So she's like, fashion is like, I'm in the, I'm in the, I'm in the, I'm in the pulse, fashion, heart's pulse. I'm in the I'm in the pulse fashion hearts pulse I'm in the heart of the like this the I'm like a pulse of the like the scene is like a it's like a like I'm in hands like like devil wears I'm like I'm whether like pedagonia no
Starting point is 00:31:22 She's a looney too. She is so funny and the editors who are fitting all these clips in and then they kept pausing the music whenever she's like, mate, can't keep the balloons straight. It's like music pause. Well, she's trying to straighten balloons. So funny. Yeah. So then we got to Julie, meaning up with Sophie in a park or something. And Sophie comes in and the very first thing she does is she's like, no, I have to tell you, I have to tell you what Adela said to me.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Isn't this the most outrageous thing that she said? She says that I go and I gossip to people. Can you believe that? Are you listening to me? Well, I tell you about what Adela said. Adela says that I gossip. Are you listening to what I am saying about what Adela said? Like you're doing exactly what she said. Yeah, exactly. And Julie's like, what you were basically saying. She starts repeating it. It's like, well, what she was basically saying was that she starts repeating it. She's like, well, I didn't say that. I never told Adela that Caroline said that she chose money of a her children. I never said that. I simply did not say. And Julie's like, well, then I think we should just call her. Let's just call her because I could have sworn she said that. well then i think we should just call her let's just call her because i could have sworn she said that i could have sworn i heard that
Starting point is 00:32:27 with the way so people move on her part i thought well and also about bold move on sophie's part to decide you know what i'm gonna change my tathic and just not everything i'm just gonna that's what i'm gonna do now and if someone comes at me i'm just gonna do the caroline thing and just bark at them which is a total failure yeah because they doesn't work because they call up a deli. She's like hello and then like Adele can you confirm that I never said anything about those text messages and you heard it from someone else but you did not hear it from me not at all not from
Starting point is 00:32:59 me Sophie Stambury. Adele goes no! I did hear from you, you're the one who said it! And she's like, no, actually, I did not actually say the words about the thing I was showing you the text from on my emails. Can we? And she did, it came out of your mouth. Where else would I have heard it? And she's like, well, I suppose Caroline blabbed it to you when you brought it up to her. No, no, you said it right out of your words.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I told Caroline about it. No, Adela, Adela, I want you to calm down. Now, I think we can all agree that I know you are, but what am I? Your rubber and I'm glue. I would have a you say Bans is off of me and sticks to you there now we've settled it Well, I can't live glue why would you bring up glue you know I'm going through a difficult yeah I'm sorry. It's a big connection are you talking about glue or the Lou because I have to use both of them right now
Starting point is 00:34:02 And no I would not sniff glue in the Lou and how dare you for being so unsupported to ask. So he's like, what I did tell you was that I couldn't... Oh no, I'm sorry. This is after she gets with the phone with a dollar because a dollar is literally just making noise. She's going, You just hear a dog going, you just... Like the combination of a dollar's voice and the cell connection was
Starting point is 00:34:27 just, they're just hanging up on her against to just dressing to this. And that was like Adele, you need to not have a team mobile. That does when you spray for Verizon right there. Yeah, do face him audio. It's much clearer. So then, so then Sophie then starts to get into the semantics and she tells Julie, no, what I did tell her is that I couldn't tell her. But I never said what the texts were. I just said that there were texts and they were awful and that I simply could not tell her how awful they were. For example, this text here where Caroline says that you have given priority
Starting point is 00:35:07 to money of your children, that's absolutely awful. And I cannot tell you about that. Yeah, I think what she was doing was she had showed her the text and said, and we're saying, I can't even bear to read them aloud because they're so awful that she showed them to her. And so now she's trying to get by on some little... Well, I didn't actually say it. Yeah, I showed it. I did not tell. Yeah. Yeah. Sophie actually says, I did tell her that I couldn't tell her. And I'd love that Julie goes, hmm, don't even say that anymore. I think you're really messing this up and I'm Julie. This is coming from Julie. Don't do that again.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Yeah, like trust me, girl. Seriously, this is even I know. Even I know. Like you literally didn't even say anything to me. I live my life like I'm on display. I walk by and they look in this way. I live my life like I'm on display. I walk by and they look in this way. I live my life like I'm on display. I walk by and they look in this way.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I like that she doesn't even bother writing a second line. I just like it. Everything rhymes with the original, so why not use the original? It's actually kind of a brilliant new Beatles way of looking at things, you know? I don't have to write a second line because I don't have to write a second line. I got paid for one line. I will write one line one line. I'm sorry ma'am, that was actually two lines that you just wrote.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Oh, blind me. Over time. It's probably a della. Adela, you know that she sang these songs with all something like Kim Karnes. She's got Betty day this eyes I Will Bye Looking
Starting point is 00:36:59 God save the queen God save the queen and guess what the queen, and guess what? The queen is me! I forgot the rest. Lying. Don't you know I'm going through so much, how could I sing the second line? So this song leads into Caroline, Stambury, getting ready for her big goodbye fuck you party. And Luke is getting her ready or whatever. And he's like, I've picked this stretch for you.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It's like the wicked witch is dead. So like, oh, perfect. Yeah. I think they're just joking, but then she actually wears that dress. And I like he's like, can you believe it? There's gonna be the last time I'll make the, I'll be doing your, your makeup.
Starting point is 00:37:41 It's gonna make me cry. I just like, no, clear. Stop slowly, no crying. What is strange sensation in my eyeball right now? It feels like some sort of raindrop has fallen into it. I must expunge it right now. Roll down the cheek slowly, then wipe it away and never tell it's all. I shall wipe away this tear with the S on my towel, which I have freshly had so just for me. The only thing preventing me from crying is the profound amount of laughter I feel watching you cry instead. And they ask her in her diary room session and they're like, she goes, did I? Did I cry? And they're like, yes, you cried.
Starting point is 00:38:22 She's like, well, he did first. So Adele goes over the two. And he does smell like onions. So what could I do? He had just had something marissa started called a Mcdonald. He has a red chlown on the bag. I don't know what she's thinking and some purple blob. This she goes grim is doesn't look like a grim is to me It's inspired Juliet's outfit for tonight. I Did appreciate the Marissa put herself on the bag. I'm called herself an early bird. I don't don't quite get it But you know she looks quite lovely, isn't it? So Adela is going over to Jules's house. Let's see here.. Actually, I guess this is when they're all getting ready.
Starting point is 00:39:06 They're all getting ready. They're all getting ready. What happens is first is that Sophie joins over with Caroline and she tells Caroline that she now has had a talk with the kids about the divorce, which of course is really, you know, it's a terrible thing to have to do. And I was sort of laughing terrible thing to have to do. But I was sort of laughing at the implicit power that Caroline Sanbury has, because the fact that, you know, here Sophie is talking about something traumatic, and you know that Sophie is like, oh my god, I can't believe I'm taking away the tension away from Sarah from Caroline right now, because she
Starting point is 00:39:39 goes, oh, it was just terrible. You know what they were saying? Why does he have to go, mummy? Why does he have to go?? Why does he have to go? But anyway, tonight's about you. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine tonight's about you and then Stambury is crying again I'm just like well, I suppose you had to go through that to get to the other side Yeah, but I'm glad you realized that tonight is about me. So enough about that ridiculous discussion You will be sat on the side of the table now back away slowly.
Starting point is 00:40:09 So Adela is trying on dresses and one is kind of a see through thing that Kate Middleton wore and Jules is like, oh, not tonight, not for tonight. I'm like, what is a beautiful dress? And then she puts on some skankier dress that's got like holes all up the side. And Jules is like, perfect. It's like, how? Where are you asking Jules? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Who asked Jules? Like, who goes to get ready in front of Jules? I thought she was there to do her makeup. Yeah, exactly. So Jules tells Adele, yeah, you know, Sophie just had to talk with her kids. And I think she's a little fragile tonight. And Adele's like, you know, so if you just have the talk with her kids and I think she's a little fragile tonight and I was like, but I'm also fragile! Like Adele, you can't claim fragile all the time.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Okay, let other people be fragile. Literally every person in this episode was fragile today. Every one of them was like, it's been such a difficult year. It's been such a difficult year. It's been such a difficult year. The only one who difficult. Yeah. It's been such a difficult year. The only one who didn't say it's such a difficult year is Julia, but that's only because they didn't have any more time left in the episode because you know, she want to be like, you know, it's been a different year.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I have three balloons stuck in a tree right now. Exactly. I just littered. And we forgot to get a backup 100 balloons. So it's just, I mean, I have a balloon that's shaped in the shape of a dog. So I could use that, but it's not quite the same. I do have a couple of dog followers. They all pale bark and Polish.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I'm so proud of you for barking dog followers. So let's see. Yeah, they're talking about how to go off. And Adela's like, dangling, I'm happy to walk away from the situation. All I want is a one word apology, if she spoke to me on the phone. So Luke and Stambury still and the song is, let's do this. Let's do this. Let's do this. Let's do this. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Is this the one that goes L-E-T-S-G-O? Let's go. Is it that one? Oh, I don't know. I just wrote let's do this times five. It's probably a different part of the song because they do love doing the let's go song. Let's go. Let's go. Let's let's let let let let let let let go. So Luke, he Luke is like, of course she didn't pack. And she's like, well, who do you think is gonna do it? Oh, where's the button? It's not me. He's like, not me.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I'm not winking but 5 AM. And I'm like, ha ha ha ha. She's like, don't worry dear. You will miss those times the most. Doing things for me at all times. I mean, it's like a Shakespeare tragedy hanging with all you girls. So Marissa picks up Adela and Jules and they're all fighting over the middle. And then of course there's ants and Jules is like, oh my god!
Starting point is 00:42:58 I had ants in my trash! I mean I never thought that Jule would literalize the phrase, you've got ants in your pants. I'm nervous about tonight. I have ants in my pants literally. I've got ants all over my dress. I don't want a bear so firmly. You know that like, a bear older than that. Yeah. And then, Juliet, we see Juliet and Caroline Fleming driving to the party. Juliet's dress, for some reason, reminded me of like a Richard Scary picture book from my childhood. I don't know why. I just like a lot of bold colors and outlines.
Starting point is 00:43:30 The glitter and she looked to me like a babushka doll. Are those the ones that pull out of each other? Yes, and there could be nothing more horrifying than just taking off a layer of Juliet and there's a smaller Juliet inside. Yeah. Just like before you know it, it's like. So they all they all arrive at the Andas for this, this party.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And as we mentioned before, no, not other than Miss Rania showed up bad days, mom, bad news shots reopening. You got to stay London, mom, London mum Arania stop with your ridiculous ploys Where's my mom gifts a ring it's the lawn to buy Bad news mum Pauli is moving to Dubai and we I think she's already gone stoned to death Sanbury is like welcome everyone in case anyone was wondering if I have a penis I don't her dressers like split all the way up to her belly button. It's like the interesting choice.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Interesting choice there. So the ladies start to alive and Julia sees her and she's like, she looks like a witch. And the tellers like, hello, hello. And everyone's kind of awkwardly ignoring Adele, because you never know what she's going to do. And so, Gora Adela is walking around the perimeter of all the ladies going, yes, Adela, when Sophie is fully ignoring her. And so it's like very awkward between them.
Starting point is 00:45:00 But inevitably, Sophie's like, Adela, I think that we have to have a talk right now and like, ever, ever, ever. And it was basically like, you know, I didn't like how you're speaking to me. I didn't like it. It was me, it was me. I thought I was dreadful. Yo, no, no.
Starting point is 00:45:14 All right, let's hug. I'm so polite. She's like, I have to be honest. I have felt slightly burned by you. Well, I have to be honest. I have felt slightly burned by you as Well, I have to be honest. I have slightly burned by you as well. All right. Well, shall we hug? Yes, that's all I wanted.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Oh, correct. Good fight, guys. Yeah. Therely British. Then meanwhile, Jules is like, oh, I can't wait to have a break. Double kissing. And she's like,'s like oh look at you look how much we were talking about how much your dress sense has changed over the years you're almost presentable and then she tells her she's like she's taking my friends my makeup artist my clothes she's trying to morph into me like a single white female and she tells Julie I walk, I feel like I can walk away here saying, my job is done. That's a job bitch. And I love it. I know. It's so great. So then they go downstairs to this
Starting point is 00:46:15 like big room for the for dinner and you know, Caroline Fleming, she doesn't even do anything that's funny, but just anytime she speaks, I just have to write down because she just cracks me up because they get there and she's like, how pretty. I don't know why. She just says something and I'm just like I've got hearts in my eyes. I'm the music is violins but I could still hear like girls, girl power girls, girl power. And Sanvers girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl,, don't ruin it. Derion your big man, man, I'll just laugh at everything and smile. Just be one of the girls. Bad news mum, I can't even disseminate the bad news from the good mum. It's all bad news mum, terrified. Bad news mum, I'm so nervous I just paid my pants. Oh, Rene, yeah. Alright, go upstairs, get a mop. That's why you're all sitting on stone benches When they walk in jules is like oh it looks like a church
Starting point is 00:47:30 Julia goes it's cuz we're performing an exorcism on you tonight. That's why you're here Jeb's Is that why my husband going around a 360 degrees? Oh! And by the way, that continues the streak of exorcism jokes this week. That's right. We've now had, I think, one every single day. Oh, we didn't do one during Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:47:57 We didn't do one in Beverly Hills. Can I just say exorcists and you can like edit exorcists into the week? No, it's cheating. Can I just say extra cysts and you can like edit extra cysts into Moist cheating and this show is nothing if not natural So it's time to make toast and Julia starts making her toast you started to cry And you know, I taught me so much and as evidence of how much Caroline has taught her They cut they do a flashback to like season one work Like it says you need to learn not to jump up and down in public. It's not this is London. You said it seven times. Now be quiet.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Shosh quiet. And Julia really did react to her back then like. Editors are so funny. They did not have to keep that yet in there, but they they just put it in there. Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah. When she when Stambury was giving the cheers, she's like, thank you. These are the people I wanted to. Yeah, this is meant to be a little bit theatrical and then they cut to Fleming and she's like, mmm yes, yes it is. She's like disgusted. The atrical that reminds me of the time I went to see the most wonderful trapeze in Copenhagen and they trapeze do fire on afterwards we all had herring and dill. When they served fish, why this made me laugh so hard, but they were serving fish and it's like, Goose, goose, goose and that fish fish fish. It's fish.
Starting point is 00:49:35 That does not have the most wonderful flavour. It's fucking fish. Like fish got its own song today. How lucky is this salmon to have a song written by me song by the lady. So you know in in Danish this fish is called a Gafluggedigi. I would much prefer the music to be something by Hugglggg. My favorite pop star is Gaglggg. And she has great song, perhaps I shall sing a few bars of it, it goes like this. Giggly party. I've always enjoyed karaoke and would love to bring out my favorite song.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Perhaps you have heard of Gligga Jiggy. She is a huge theatrical star in Denmark and she headlines the Danish version of Lameyzerab, known as Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh song called I believe the Hogin of Utah. That was supposed to be her crossover hit. Her album of Whitney Houston covers is legendary in Copenhagen. I'm every Gleegin. It's all in Blig. Hyperliving in you and Tregin. One Gligin in Blig. When I'm more than I Bligin to Blig.
Starting point is 00:51:59 So. I was really hoping you'd do another one. I'm out of pigons saving all my blue food. I want to hang with somebody. How do I click when you really hug me? I like that it's always the simplest words of a song. I love is this like I've heard of spanglish. Is this like danglish? I was care-line Fleming would say oh man that sent me into a coughing fit just trying to do that I really I feel like we're really sending out ways of London and style this episode really this is gonna be the episode that like you know in your time you say you know what we've heard about this
Starting point is 00:53:06 watch for crap it's podcast let's see what they're all about they're gonna be sitting there I'm not sure if we should put this in our new and notable section. Oh darling so someone gives a cheers to new beginnings and Stambury is like, I'm going to cry and then Sophie tries to take over the toast. She's like, I would like to say we've been through so much. That's so much salmon. Then she starts trying to do this speech about, I've learned when to keep my mouth shut and not to get in trouble with Caroline.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And they're telling us like, well, I've learned to end the scheme of things, what we're going through in our lives, which are so tough. And going through so much is so much bigger than these little petty things that Sophie accuses me of on the telephone. So Sophie's like, that is a perfect example of how I've learned to keep my mouth shut when talking about all the vicious things that Caroline Steinberg says about Adela in her text messages. And I repeat such things as Adela is a whore and she has yeast growing in her vagina.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Vagine. Things like that. Juliet gets all upset because she's Juliet and she just like waiting up. She's like sitting there in her weird little babusca signing outfit. And she's like, well, what I've learned in the past couple of years is that like loyalty.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I've learned loyalty. And with this group, I've never seen it for like one second. So that's what I've learned loyally and with this group. I've never seen it for like one second. So That's what I learned So he's like does she want a stenberry metal of approval for being the biggest ask kisser of the year? I like to tell his response which was the poisonous dwarf in polyester It's not attacking all of us It was in his dwarf in polyester I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. so sick of everybody talking about loyalty. It's so much pressure. Like you have to be loyal. Ooh, be loyal. Don't talk. And then, Jules. Jules is like, oh, where am I choking? Oh, what am I choking on? And Julia, because you're choking, because you're choking on bullshit right now.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah, because they have this stupid argument over friendship versus loyalty. And some people are like, well, I don't believe in loyalty and friendship and friendship is a brand new and then Caroline Fleming weighs in with how sad how sad to not believe in loyalty how sad to not have those ingredients in your life I think they're some of the most beautiful ingredients in life Secondary only to almonds. And pink Himalayan sea salt which I have been suckling on on account of my stuff he knows. Yeah but stupid jewels is like loyalty I don't even believe in that. Someone said I'm just saying loyalty and I don't believe in loyalty. So weird it was
Starting point is 00:56:23 a weird fight but then Marissa's like We're moving we're moving to so cheers to me. Yeah, I'm surprised I had a Lelsey didn't burst in and say I rest my case I told you she didn't believe in loyalty Yeah, she's the one who tried to insist on loyalty gods at the gift shop. What did I tell you, Ferrell? A cheater that says loyalty from a woman who doesn't even believe in it. Ferrell, I am leaving. I'll be in the car. Just leaving through.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It's really not the job. And, Thier, do you have the keys to the U-Go? Mad news, mum. Can't find the keys to the you go? Mad news mom, come on, the key to the you go. I should have known. Rainier disabled the you go. So then, you know, there's like cheers and they all get together for a big picture. And then you, this is what you put on to our Instagram, where what do Caroline say?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Who wants to sit on this big giant throne while they all take pictures next to her, which is hilarious. And they're like, oh, look at you on your throne. And she goes, well, who shall replace me? And Julie immediately sticks up her hand. She's like me, me, I called him shotgun. Shotgun. And Caroline's like, so then everything sort of wraps up with these kind of home videos shot
Starting point is 00:57:55 on phones. So we see a little bit of Marissa's how play life in Los Angeles. And she's on the beach. You know, clearly she's a West side or she, excuse me, I'm having coffee beeps. She is the most Westside person you could ever imagine for Los Angeles. Yeah. We see Sophie is in a new house with her children. Caroline Fleming is cooking in a kitchen and a book is coming out.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Juliet, Juliet's just like, I like why I become. So I'm like, okay, so no, thanks, Juliet. And I know I'm not everyone's kind of a team, but I like what I become. So if you don't like it, there's the door. Let me show it. Oh, my balloons. My balloon. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I'll be right back. The balloons went out the door by accident. And then, uh, Juliet's like, Welcome to the mapper 10 YouTube channel. I'm like, how does this channel have negative subscribers? You know that they are going to murder her in a YouTube at Moppeton. How we don't want any trains in ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Guess there's no room for that anymore. Go be cat. Ah. My favorite cat of all.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Go be cat. No one will let us forget that it was a very difficult. Everybody started out there thing like. It was one of the most difficult years of my life. So then we get the Caroline. She's like, what will I be doing? And then they show Caroline's tambourine touring her Dubai.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Yeah, they actually sent a proper camera crew to Dubai. They're like, we don't, rest of you guys, you can like film something on Snapchat or something and we'll just like download it. But we'll send a professional crew to, we'll go halfway around the world and shoot Caroline for five seconds. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:01 So she basically just showed her home and then she's like, right now to buy us my home, but you never know when the bitch is gonna be back. So hopefully that means they'll bring the bitch back for the next season. And she also says, who wouldn't want to be me? Yeah, that's kind of her awkward, her awkward tagline that she's trying to make happen. She's like, who wouldn't want to be me? She's telling a few times this season, and I'm like, mm, you need to sell something.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I actually, you need to try. Unfortunately, I actually don't have an answer for that because I want to be her. Yeah. I don't, I don't know. I don't want to be her. I just like her a lot. I like to be sloppier. I don't.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I mean, that's a lot of work. Even ordering that butler around, I'd be like, I have to tell the butler what to do today. Oh, I don't want to go down there. Well, that's the end. That's the end of Lazy London. Hopefully it will come back. It will come back. It will come back for a fourth season. How could it not? Which means that this is also for the time being, now we are done with our Ladies of London coverage. So I think, starting next Thursday, we'll be doing a marriage medicine on Thursdays. We're going to give marriage medicine that Thursdays slot.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Do they not have a reunion for this show? I don't think so. I think that, so I was reading about why below deck does not have a reunion and apparently the episode the episode order for below deck last season was longer and meaning that normally if there were like 13 episodes and then two episodes worth of reunions, the season they just did 15 episodes below deck because they found that their ratings were higher for the regular shows. So maybe that's what they're doing. We used to always say, oh, if they're
Starting point is 01:01:54 not getting a reunion, they're not getting called back, but that actually may be false. They may have found that some shows the reunions perform better, but others not as many people are interested in the reunion. So there you go. Well, there you go. Do we know that there's not gonna be a reunion? Are you just guessing? I'm guessing. Oh my God, guys,
Starting point is 01:02:12 well, why don't we just look? We're sitting here anyway. It's the end of the show. You don't wanna know. Turn it off now. Yeah, turn it off now. Next, that would be Tuesday. Oh my God, it's Valentina Day next to you.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Valentina Day. Yeah. We're at the same'm dating not have ladies of London. So let's look, they don't it's imposter's episode to Oh my god, I watched imposter's by the way. How was it? I actually got warm reviews. Yeah, it was a good sin. Yeah, I liked it. I thought I mean, I don't know that I need to watch it every week, but it was pretty cute. Okay. The real housewives of Beverly Hills episode 11 and then imposter's, oh gosh. So I guess imposter's is taking that over.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Oh, girl. So there are some fun shows coming up on Bravo. So we'll be, yeah. Actually, there are because, all right. So marriage medicine, their season finale is this Friday and I'm sure that we'll have a reunion. So I'm sure we'll probably get a few episodes of that. And then in March, a show starting up called Sweet Home Oklahoma, which I don't know if you saw that, that preview. So that's going on. Speaking of marriage medicine,
Starting point is 01:03:16 I incorrectly said that Carla, what's her face at Leeson Nicole's conference was from Big Richard, Lanta, because I thought I recognized her from that, but actually I was wrong. She's from Mother Funders. And I'm... Oh, no, she that one with a really roly suitcase. She was the... Yeah, she was the awful one.
Starting point is 01:03:36 So that's who it was. I incorrectly got excited that I was wrong. I was wrong. I was wrong. There, there. There he was wrong. Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy sure love you and ladies of London. We love you, doggies. Doggies. Come back to us, please. Give us a hug and kiss and a scout. See you guys next time. Bye. Bye. Hey, prime members. You can listen to Watcher Crappens, ad free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about
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