Watch What Crappens - #456 Invite Only Cabo: The Basics

Episode Date: May 16, 2017

Bravo has added a new show to its roster, and it’s a beautiful, messy, confusing and hilarious ride. Take it with us. Welcome to Invite Only Cabo! Subscribe at for bonus episodes, ringtones, and live group video chat parties. See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. For all of our bonus episodes and premium content, become a member over at slash watch what crap ends
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's slash watch what crap ends. You can also find us on social media on Twitter We're at what crap ends on Instagram and Facebook at watch what crap ends. We'll see you there I have cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cr Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors Madonna Hines me a handsome Aloha Christy Doherty we love you girls Hello and welcome to the watch what crap ends podcast the podcast about all that crap We love to talk about on ye old braves about all that crap we love to talk about on Ye old brawves. I'm Ronnie Karem from Trash Talk TV and the Rose Pricks Bachelor podcast, which returns next week. And here I am with the gorgeous talented best friendly Ben Mammal Care from the B side vlog and the banter blender. Hello, Ben. Hello, Ronnie. You're my best friendly. Yes, friendly. I love friendly. Oh, you've probably
Starting point is 00:01:44 never been to friendly's, have you? I have on a road trip. You I love friendly. Oh, you've probably never been to friendly, have you? I have on a road trip. You have? Yeah. Oh, bless your heart. I have there air whipped ice cream. Mm-hmm. You know what I love is Reese's Pieces peanut butter cup
Starting point is 00:01:55 Sunday. That's what I love from friendly. You know what I love that they refuse to spell friendly properly. You know what I love? They refuse to love my arteries remain unclogged. That's what I love they refuse to let my arteries remain unclogged. That's what I love. Everybody, thanks so much for coming to us on this lovely Monday.
Starting point is 00:02:12 The real housewives of Potomac was off because I guess moms, it's not weird, they're like cool. I think the moms are really going to want to see Potomac. Let's save this for next week. Yeah. So instead they premiered their new show, Invite Only Cabo. Yes, I was surprised that they took Potomac off the schedule. I suspect because there was a real househouse of Atlanta Secrets revealed,
Starting point is 00:02:35 which I didn't bother to watch, because we have been doing this podcast for over five years now, and we've learned that every single Secrets revealed episode is shit, and there's never anything good on there. So I suspect that they were trying to launch invite only Kaboop based off of Atlantis, stellar ratings, etc. But I was a little surprised they didn't have Potomac after it or something like that. It was a little weird.
Starting point is 00:02:56 It makes me wonder how Potomac's ratings are this season. I don't know. Everybody seems to be liking it more. Yeah. I mean, who knows? I don't like that. Either way, either way, because Potomac was off, invite only was on. We're covering invite only Cabo today. And this was, you know, we've been seeing the previews for this for a long time.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And I've been horrified. I have. Yeah. I've been really scared. It seems like some crazy off brand show. I'm not really sure what they're doing. Yeah, it's sort of just like popped up. It reminds me of Tor Group last from last year, where all of a sudden there was this show on the Bravo roster, where it was like,
Starting point is 00:03:38 by the way, we have a show coming out in three weeks and it's a bunch of these people, and they're not in America. And enjoy. And you're like, wait, what is this? I remember a bunch of these people and they're not in America and enjoy. And you're like, wait, what is this? Well, a couple of years ago, we were going over the Bravo schedule announcements and they picked up like 50 pilots. Yes. And I think they were at that point, they were just like, we have to have something on house wise at some point. So they just started throwing crap at the wall. Yes. And some of it worked, you knew new. But some of it, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:06 What do you think? What are your overalls for Cobb? Of invite only. So my expectations were very low. I'll turn my phone off. So that was me getting an email, not you all. Because you know everyone just checked. My expectations were low.
Starting point is 00:04:24 But I have to say, I really have to say I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it a lot. I did too. It made me laugh the whole time. And I was cracking up to have such a huge cast of drag queens. I mean, there wasn't one woman on this show that either hasn't been a man. Is still a man. I mean, it's not even like transshaming. They're like, there's none of that.
Starting point is 00:04:45 So nobody get all offended. These are literally the surgeries, Jamie. Yeah, these are, and they all talk like this. Let me tell you something. What I really appreciate about this show is that it kind of got back to the roots of what we know and love about a limited cast reality show, right? You have three women who don't get along about a limited cast reality show, right?
Starting point is 00:05:08 You have three women who don't get along and you have two gay guys making funny chatter on the side and then a hot guy. Like that's what I love. This is to me is like real world big brother, one-on-one. Maybe it's a little more advanced because there are two gay guys instead of one token gay guys But I'm like this is this is what you need to have like three women who are just not gonna mix and And then have some people on the side making funny commentary and we're good to go. Yeah, it's kind of real world, but it's
Starting point is 00:05:37 older it's like old real world. Yeah, yeah, sad world Well, the old real world is the real world. You know what's called? It's called the challenge. Yes, exactly. Well, that would be good if you can really see him kicking each other off and stuff like that. Yeah. I think you'd.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I think what makes this show interesting to me is, again, the women are all a little crazy in different ways and they are all clashing in different ways. There's weird romantic tension, but this central idea of Larry Sims, the guy who has invited all his friends to Cabo, that there's this running story of this woman who has like a romantic intentions for him. That is really that that Bianca that's that's great because I feel like this is not trying to be shady. And this is and I feel bad sort of bringing this point up twice in one week because we talked about it with with Southern Charms Savannah. We are not a podcast that's here to try to out people, but I do feel like it's important for Bianca to know I'm pretty sure he's gay
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah Pretty sure I think that's why it was so comfortable making out with her and saying I love you and she says I love you too I mean every girl knows that gay guys are doing that on purpose and we meet we love you And we also think you're sexy and love making out with you when we're drunk. I'm going to marry you. You crazy. That's what I think that's like a really hilarious premise to have at the center of the show. That guy was wearing a silk like Chanel scarf around his head at one point. I'm like little Janet Jackson Bianca. I'm just wrong with you. You have to know this.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And I like on this show that they get so wasted in every episode that you just see them at their worst. And at one point poor Bianca's just mad about everything. She's just been made out with her spinks were shown on national TV, Allah, Saint Elmo's fire. And then she's like kind of just sad and drunk and tired at the middle of the night. And I swear to you, she had a five o'clock shadow.
Starting point is 00:07:48 There was something. This could not just be lighting. I love this show. I'm never going to miss an episode. I know this is, this is kind of like summer house meets tour group. Um, and the best parts of tour group, a lot of people did not like tour group, but I actually enjoyed tour group too. Um, and, uh too and it was an uneven show but it had some really good parts and I feel like the good parts are all here. So it opens up so you said that you missed the first
Starting point is 00:08:13 five minutes right? I did yes. You told me the beforehand. Yes. So what you missed unfortunately for you is a scene with Gabrielle Union. How about that? Oh, what was she doing? I love her. Who doesn't love Gabrielle Union, okay? I will never steal her cheers. I'll tell you that much. Yes, I love her because of bringing it on. I love all those girls that were in that movie. I love her. I feel like I've enjoyed every single Gabrielle Union thing I've seen. So the show actually begins on the set of Being Mary Jane, which is a show, a TV show.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I forget what network it's on, but it's with Gabrielle Union. And we're in like the, I think her trailer or the hair trailer, but Larry, who is a celebrity hair stylist, he's in the trailer and she comes in and they're just like gabbin' and it's like a way to establish that he is in fact a celebrity hair stylist because a lot of, we see a lot of celebrity hair stylist on Bravo.
Starting point is 00:09:10 But I feel like this is the first one who has actually started his scene with a celebrity who is willing to come on camera. So I'm just a burp. So they're just like chatting and like gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' and gabbin' for those of you who haven't watched, I'm on the cast list, Arm Bravo. Just, you know, let me give you a good idea of Larry. This is how Larry looks, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:31 He's really cute, first of all. Very cute. He's got a white, he looks like a sign-line, or a star-track or something. It's like this white long dress Indian shirt, but it's like a buttoned way to the side in a slant if that makes any sense. And then a Fedora with a feather. So that's him. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:51 If anybody's looking at book covers. So he is Larry's there. I talked about how he's a celebrity. He's a celebrity hair stylist. He's talking with Gabby as they say, talking with Gabby about how he's inviting all his different friends to Cabo and they don't know each other, but they should all get along. And it's like a weird stage scene of like, let's create some exposition here. And he's based like, hey Gabrielle Union, could you please come on my TV show for a second? I suspect she might be a producer because I just don't understand why she's on this show at this moment That's like a producer move, you know
Starting point is 00:10:29 But then he starts talking about how he is a slippery stylist and you you missed something that you would have hated because you Starts talking about how he's building up his brand I'm like, oh god, you're I know I'm the guy who hairsprays you. That's my brain. So so then it's like, then we just go down to Cabo. We don't we just we go down. He shows up.
Starting point is 00:10:54 He's working on the fuck out of my trailer. And then we go to the she's like, have I put in my five minutes yet? Okay, great. Thank you. Have I solid my reputation enough with your off-brand Bravo show brand. So we go down to Cabo and you saw me whenever I catch up to wherever you were and he takes Larry takes a tour of this enormous mansion, you know, that he's acting like he
Starting point is 00:11:20 rented out one in fact was out this he Bravo. And then one by one people start to arrive real world-sale. So first the show up is Bianca. And I should mention that as every single person shows up, they all declare themselves to be Larry's number one, best friend, number one buddy, number one wing man, which I thought was really hilarious, that A, the producers are having them like posture like this, and B, they're clearly, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:46 they're fighting, they just love Larry. They're just setting themselves up to have a big old fight over Larry. What an odd premise for us. So yeah, everyone loves Larry. Just pulling his arms until one breaks off and whoever gets the biggest arm wins. So Bianca comes on and she's essentially like I've known Larry for this many years and he is my BFF and I'm his best friend and we do everything together and we laugh and laugh and hug and yadda you know all that all that stuff. So she comes on. You promise each other that if we didn't get married by the age 37 that we would do it. It's like every gay guy promised to the girl.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Exactly. We once had very short sex in college and then he threw up afterwards and said it was a stomach flu and it wasn't had nothing to do with me and I believe that because we're best friends and I don't have anything about a stomach flu. Like you really never know a man until you've felt him go soft inside of you. Okay. And that's how close I am with Larry. So then next the show up, I believe is, oh, I think it's Kmani is next.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Is it Kalani or I don't really remember the order of how people, how people, there's like a Maccalae and a Kalani. There's all kinds of crazy names. And since I came in late, I didn't get a kairon for each of them. Is this a pretty lady? So let's see. Oh, wait, oh, I'm sorry. I have my order.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I do have the order here. I just written my shit out of order. Come on, Yanka. Yanka is first. And she's talking about how that she and Larry are perfect for each other because Bianca is in love with this man, even though she's known for years she's in love with this man. She's like, she know how hard it is to iron your hair alone. Do you know how difficult it is to go to tapings of drag race alone. So then, Dermain is next and Dermain is very funny. He shows up and there's hugs and he says that he and Larry are like Gail and Oprah.
Starting point is 00:14:00 So really, it's like making himself the gal. That's that's friendship right there. No one ever says I'm the gal. I think he is. That's a very good question. I don't know which one is over in that situation. Yeah, because Larry is like the popular one. So I think he's making himself gal. Now I sent you a picture of Russell Simmons. The minute I saw this domain guy. Yes. Is it in my head or does he look like a young Richard Russell Simmons? He does look like a sorry. He's a Russell Simmons with a Richard Simmons attitude. So yeah. So so so Draman shows up. He's funny. You know, Chad or Gail Oprah. I doubted out of another Fedora lover. Just. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yes. But it works. And he and Bianca seem to get along. So then Kamani shows up, and this is where we get our first ripples of, of tension. So Kamani shows up. And I, is she a makeup, I know she's a former dancer. She may be a makeup artist. She is one now This is where I started watching she's like I'm one of his best friends We know it's place is friend. We know each other from dancing with Missy Elliott
Starting point is 00:15:18 She has these humongous eye lashes on and she actually says I'm single and ready to be tingled It reminds me of that mattress commercial on the radio we've talked about it before like Which is funny because I was gonna make a Simmons beauty the Simmons beauty rest sort of I Was gonna make a mattress joke, which is funny and I was gonna make a Simmons beauty, the Simmons beauty rest sort of, I was gonna make a mattress joke, which is funny, and a separate mattress area. You kill and be Larry. What is that? It's something brothers, right?
Starting point is 00:15:54 What is that? Or is it sleep? It's that mattress one? Yeah, it's something. You know what's funny? Isn't it funny that there's a chain of mattress or it's called sleep train? What is strange name I'm going on the sleep train?
Starting point is 00:16:10 You're killing me Larry. I'm looking at it right now. It's with um Is it's it's not sleep? Sit and sleep. Yeah, sit and sleep. Sit and sleep. You can't let me Larry. So that's this girl. Comeani. She's like, Miss Elliott, you're killing me Larry. I'm single and ready to be tingled. And already Bianca is staring at Kamani. Yes. With that. She is so, she can't even focus.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Dremain's like, so Bianca, how's everything going? How is your, how's your aunt who's turned on the ill and Bianca is like, he doesn't say that. But the point is that Bianca here's nothing. And rough, nothing. And rough, it's just like typical Bianca is like, he doesn't say that, but the point of that Bianca here's nothing. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And rough assignments. And Tingle. Larry, whatever. Well, you can tell Camani is the type that other girls don't like. You know, she doesn't she probably has a lot of male friends. I just get that vibe. Yes. And that's how she would describe herself to just on these shows. Like, the girls don't like me because I'm so pretty and they're intimidated. Also, because you're not nice to them. Like, when did she ever go? Yeah, she's, she's really rude. And and for those of you again who didn't watch this woman is beautiful
Starting point is 00:17:27 Gordon and in her cast Photo she's wearing like Unsteamed curtains like satin curtains from like bed. I did look at the cast photo I can't I have to I can't I can't sit here and not be able to join it on the commentary how they look. I'm going in. This is a show called, again, Invitable. I think it helps. So like, you know, you know that some girl
Starting point is 00:17:52 who didn't even bother to steam her curtain dress. Mm-hmm. That's, there's something messy about her as much as she tries to keep it together. I feel like I saw that, I wrote down that she was a makeup artist, and I feel like I wrote that because here's the thing Oh, yeah, I can see what you're talking about here's the thing about makeup artists
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm gonna make a generalization apologies to all makeup artists out there I've never met one that hasn't been totally crazy and I met a lot of makeup artists like Beyond crazy. I'm sure there are normal ones out there and I probably don't I probably have my blinders on to them. But the the makeup artists that I've met, especially the female ones, have been like, it's like next level craziness. Yes. So what I think in the way that like when I go when I have to do anything with a makeup artist, you know, they're the only ones who are really cool and who ask you questions and talk like you're just cool But like a shrink who has to do that all day long? They leave and they go crazy, you know, you're crazy. Yeah. Yeah. No, come on
Starting point is 00:18:52 He is a professional makeup artist. I do think that there is you know like how a lot of actors are people are like very insecure They need attention, you know like there's a certain pathology that that I think follows Oh, you know certain professions that you know, it's it a certain pathology that I think follows, you know, certain professions that, you know, it's a stereotype and a generalization. We shouldn't lean into them. That being said, yeah, there's like a sad, desperate need eating away at them inside
Starting point is 00:19:16 and they are desperate for the approval of others. Like, hello, who are you talking to? I guess. So like, I feel like with, I feel like a lot of the makeup artists that I've met, okay, have been people who just want to be close to the action, you know, and it's like a weird, it's a weird thing, you know, they want to be hangers on. Um, and that usually is emblematic
Starting point is 00:19:36 of some deep craziness. Hidden below. Anyway, so I'm now totally dissected Kamani based on her profession and Lots to say after watching her for an hour She didn't really really veer far from that because the second she's on a show She's like the craziest bitchiest one immediately, you know, yeah, well The craziest yeah, take it back. I just pressed the next girl on the cast Yeah, and as reality star bitches go she is No, we're near the the worst that we can see.
Starting point is 00:20:07 But on this show, she seems to be the cold one. Which we, by the way, we love. Come on, if you're listening, don't be offended. This is our way of showing love. That's like, we cannot give a higher compliment than by saying that you're the cold one. So then we have, actually, there is a higher compliment, which is to be the hot one which is a goo
Starting point is 00:20:27 a goo is next and He is like six five. I think he actually goes to my gym believe it or not and he is like a big mussely dude Who loves being naked and he says that Larry like he's Larry's number one wing man. That's his claim. They met at a party three or four years ago, and now they like are each other. He's a very smart straight guy
Starting point is 00:20:53 because he hangs out with a gay guy because we always talk to the hot girls. And then he can just whizzle his way in there when they're drunk. Yeah, and you know that actually Larry probably gets a goo lots of hot girls. You know that Larry's the type of gay that like totally can pull an hot girl.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yeah, because he knows he can pretend to be asleep on the caps later and watch a goo do his thing. The sky is wearing shorts and a blazer. He's so into himself. Yeah, I can't with this guy. And I love that I can't like he's such a him bow Yeah, you will you know you know there's gotta be some like Definitely some dick pics on you know now with this guy Yeah, you know there's like a ton of they were just gonna wait we're just gonna sit back
Starting point is 00:21:36 I was there the whole thing that he doesn't have as big a one as he says because he mentions it later like I got a huge one And then oh wait, what was I to say about him? He's like, Oh, there's a driver waiting for them, you know, it's like this little guy with a sign. And he's like, Hey, man, it's so great to be here. Wow, what a sexy place. So how's the night life here? The driver alone. Yeah, away from it. He's not getting paid enough for this. Listen, you'll be a squid row soon enough, I do. Just calm down.
Starting point is 00:22:09 So, um, uh, next up we meet while while while a goo is waiting, he and Emily are going to be taking a card together. So while he's waiting for Emily, we meet Malacoo. Malacoo, Malacoo. Either way, I think it's Malacoo. And he was in a boy band in Larry. I love Malaku. I feel like he's the best so far. He's like funny. He has like these great facial, you know, he has these great expressions.
Starting point is 00:22:32 He and Dremain together are amazing. And what I liked about Malaku is that he was the only one to not say, I'm his best friend. I'm his number one. He just goes, yeah, I'm just good friends with Larry. Yeah, and maybe if he gets drunk enough, he'll eventually yell at Larry for ruining his boy band dreams and then going to becoming famous.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I like this guy because he, yeah, he's like, we're gonna boy band didn't work out. And then he will only wear geometric shapes or like those shirts with bright characters on them. It's like here's a, you know, here's a totem pole in the dancing around pattern. Or even in his thing right now, he's wearing a pattern. And let me see what this pin is because I have to know.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I think it's a canoe with a cat on the back. We can do it with a cat on the back. Oh, it's a surfboard. There's a baby on a surfboard. And then I think the mom is with the baby, back. Oh, it's a surfboard. There's a baby on a surfboard. And then I think the mom is with the baby, like looking at the baby on the surfboard. I'm clicking. I'm clicking, and I'm going to look at it.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I wish you could zoom in. I think it is a surfboard with a big bomb, right? How do you even see that close? I zoomed. I who's zoom in here? That's what I'm asking. That's what I'm asking. Okay. Oh, wait, okay. Okay. I think it's a poodle with a girl on a surfboard. Yeah, I don't know what that means, but maybe by the end of the season, we'll get it. Because I feel like he's got clues all over him You know he is he's like somewhere in between lost in prison break
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah And what's that show Like bad for novers. No, no the woman who woke up in the middle of time square with the tattoos all over with clues They're past oh the OA no, no, it's like that Ferri generic show on NBC. It's called like Back Flash or Flashback or like the wake-up girl. Oh, geez. She wakes up in Times Square with clues written on her. Yeah, it's like a very classic generic NBC show.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Listen, I'm going to promote within the Comcast family, OK? So this guy basically doesn't talk. He's just like, he walks. Now there's no boy band, just Larry. So then Bianca is like still, she still has her own camera because she's still throwing shade at what's her face, oh, Kamala or whatever. And I wrote down because I was writing phonetically,
Starting point is 00:25:04 right, because I didn't see their kairons And I was writing her name K. U. M Whatever and I was like we have a jizz on Potomac and now we have a come on this show and then Agu is like goo I'm like come on people like why is this channel so obsessed with sperm? But then I think it says more about you than the channel baby It does but then when I saw that her name was spelled K-A-Miles, I was like, oh thank goodness. Thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:25:28 There's one less semen reference. Society hasn't fallen that low yet. I do like, you know what I really love? I'm noticing this right now. Bianca's name is Bianca Banks. This is a full on soap opera name. And it makes me really enjoy her. I actually really liked her, even though she's
Starting point is 00:25:44 crazy and delusional. I really enjoyed her. I actually really liked her even though she was crazy and delusional. I really enjoyed her. I actually think I enjoyed everyone which is one of the marks of a good show. Is it just like everyone? Yeah, I liked everybody too. There was no, I mean the only person who's kind of hateable is Agu, but I like, I almost like him still because you know aging in somewhere like here where you meet so many people like that. Yeah. We're just like workout queens and it's all about how they look. It's so fun to watch them get fat and then turn invisible.
Starting point is 00:26:14 And then you start watching them unravel and then you start watching them try to like read a book and learn new words so they can pretend they're smart. I mean, it's just it's a beautiful flower that continues to bloom for the rest of your life. I don't think Agu is getting fat anytime soon. I think I don't think he has a Jack's Taylor situation, although Jack's is losing weight. I've been seeing his pictures on Instagram. He is, you know, once you hit a certain age, it's not even, I mean, your metabolism does slow and all that stuff, but there's also something in your brain where you just, I don't know, I think you start carrying less, like you get, you start
Starting point is 00:26:48 caring about other things. But even if he never does, he's working out so much, he's gonna eventually either have knee problems or back problems, trust. We'll check back here in 20 years, and I guarantee you that man will have a beer belly and no pussy. Well, we will put this into the time capsule
Starting point is 00:27:06 and we will honor it on... Very at real deep. May 15th, 2037, and we'll check in on Agu and see just how far he's fallen. Oh, so... I'll be doing it from some trailer that I'm gonna need to be cut out of at that point. Ha, ha, ha. So then speaking, So I'm doing it from some trailer that I'm going to need to be cut out of that point.
Starting point is 00:27:33 So then speaking speaking of trailer trailer stuff, we have Emily who is kind of like the Spitfire crazy one of this show. She is Australian, although the truth is her accent is just kind of weird. It's just that. And she talks like this is kind of weird. It's just a shabby. And she took like this is kind of bust. It's a, I feel about. Yeah. Niger. It's like a weird.
Starting point is 00:27:50 It's a weird eartha kit meets. I don't know. The lady down at the store. She sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger to me kind of. Yeah, I would say eartha and Arnold. It's like kind of a weird mix. Oh, but I'm trying, she sounds like someone, and I have to place it, but she sounds like someone,
Starting point is 00:28:09 and it's when it comes, it's gonna be a great comparison. She's a bleached, you know, bleached blonde ex. Oh, I think, I mean, ho or stripper or something, and just keeping it together, you know, pulling that next skin, but doing whatever she has to do to keep it together, and she pulling that next skin, but doing whatever she has to do to keep it together And she's just always in party mode and I think she was abandoned by her mother at a young age because she'd like has no manners at all Which is the funniest part of this episode like she literally doesn't know how to act and she comes in and one of the first things
Starting point is 00:28:38 She says she's like I am Emily. I'm here. I'm port. Oh, I am team f***. Yes. Yeah, team hell. F***. Yes. Yeah, that was that. That's a party, you know, I party long time. Hair. F***. Yes. And then the editor is throwing this montage of her parties, just tripping or, you know, falling down and not in a hilarious, that's a prop fault, but it's like she doesn't know how to walk or talk. It's weird. Think about how many people's lives she has enriched. You know, there are so many people
Starting point is 00:29:16 who have gotten to come home from a restaurant and be like, oh my god, dinner was crazy. There was a moment at the next table. It was like she'd never been in a restaurant before. It's like hundreds of people. They have stories about her. I was five tables away and I still got free dinner because there was hair in my food. It was a bad girl. Oh, but I also feel bad for all the poor girls who had to encounter her in the bathroom. I had to like peel her off the floor and help her and clean her up.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yeah, whenever I go to the bathroom with my girlfriend's to chat and stuff and another girl comes in There's always that girl who's just like I'm totally comfortable making loud poop and it's this girl That's just this girl. Yeah, and then every girl looks at her funny when she comes out of a stall Yeah, so Emily and I grew are sharing this ride over to the mansion and So Emily and Igu are sharing this ride over to the mansion and he's telling her like that he's a model etc And he's starting up an underwear brand called packin with no G. I was like oh god Oh, do you do modeling for that because I'd love to see you packing It's like no, I really get off of watching people put clothes in a suitcase. I love packing Tell me you use a ziplock to put your toothbrush and toothbrush in toiletries and...
Starting point is 00:30:28 Oh, your socks! Tell me! Do you put your belt around the perimeter of the suitcase? That is the best! Trigmy. What the heck? Do you check your luggage or carry on? Oh, team hair fuck yes! Do you bundle up your socks and put them in your shoes?
Starting point is 00:30:43 So they sort of preserve the shoes when you pack them back to the best This girls it does ask her and I hope she's the one who gets a spin-off show Oh, yeah, well, I love that when they show up Malaku is or Malaku. I'm sorry. I'm Malaku Malaku I don't remember how to sing your name, but I'm gonna say Malaku Malaku He just hears her voice and he's in the other of me. He's like, oh my god, it's Emily. He just knows. Yeah, he's really rolling his eyes. He looks so unhappy when she comes in. And Emily says, I hope that this model is gay. I have serious boyfriend and I don't need temptation. Like, uh, no man who's dating you doesn't think you're just going to go out to the grocery store and trip over a dick.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Like no one, no one thinks that you're being true to them, okay? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the whole reason why you were put on their shows is because they know you're gonna cheat on your boyfriend. They just have a fetish for, you know, having food spit out on their face while you chew. It's like a weird little fetish. How long do you think before Emily says something racially insensitive? You know it's gonna come out. She's gonna say something and everyone's gonna be like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:31:51 And she's like, no, my best, Larry's my best friends. You know, you know it's gonna happen. That's gonna be so awkward for all of us. It doesn't count for me because I'm not even American. Well, she, so she walks into the mansion. She's like, where's my shot, motherfucker? Larry. Larry bubble. You make me jam out with my clam out, baby. Yes. Oh, yeah, let's jam out with a clam out. She said, or Malachi says,
Starting point is 00:32:22 um, I'm who had a fried seafood only an hour before I watched the show. I was really unhappy with that reference. Celebrity beef. You never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the host of Wonder 's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserve session with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between
Starting point is 00:32:56 Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows., it snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:33:26 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondering Out. Please know jamming or climbing. How about note of both? Because you know that girl loves hair metal and follows around like Metallica or whatever. Yes, she's like a lot of people in my apartment building. Yeah, she's like a lot of people in my apartment building. Yeah. Yeah. She Malaki says, I know that girl because one time I was at Larry's party and she literally ripped her shirt off. Edited in her hearty. Oh God. I thought he said
Starting point is 00:33:58 that she ripped his shirt off. I was like, Oh, okay, maybe. No, no, no, you're probably right. That makes much more sense. Mine, my short hand, who knows? Who knows what I'm talking about? Someone's shirt was ripped off and she was involved. I wrote, coming up, because this was the end of the first segment of Red Array. They're like, coming up Emily has hair in her teeth. And there are leaf press on nails on the floor.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Yeah. Pretty much. How could he not love this, though? So then after the break, it's the Halo tradition of reality shows, which is bedroom dramas. And so every room, say swans and unicorns in the pool, those blow up. Oh God, those fucking blow up things that are on every Bravo show. Everywhere, you know, I was speaking of Cabo and those swans, I went to Cabo for the very first time last March.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Well, I mean, like a last year, 2016. And we had a little pool. And we had one of those swans when those flamingos. And I had never seen one before. And I thought it was the most amazing novel thing. And now I see them everywhere. And I realized I was just partaking in a very basic pool toy tradition now.
Starting point is 00:35:01 In vitally basic Cabo. Who was in vitally basic? Basic, basic only Cabo. in the I need like a little mini flamingos that you put your drinks in also Never happened to an inflatable crocodile. That's what I want. Oh, those flamingo kuzis I'm gonna invest in just the regular donut blow up things because people are gonna be like oh my god It's shaped like a donut and I can fit right in the middle these are brilliant and then I'm gonna make a billion dollars There are those things also. They're like the Homer Simpson donut Flodies, you know where it's like a donut But then there's like a bite taken out of it and that's a pool toy now also Yeah, I mean let's let's go back to basics. Let's do like the inflated crocodile thing that you can lie on let's do an inflated
Starting point is 00:35:57 Orca and let's just get some pool noodles in the mix although actually secretly I really don't like pool noodles I don't feel like I felt they're annoying. They don't, they don't float enough. Yeah, you really have to work with them. You have to like build a structure like one underneath and one under your thighs, a one under your butt, one under your, you know, you sit on it and it doesn't really support you and you make one move and like half the noodles come out and then you're you're teetering again into the abyss. Yeah and you're like sitting all uncomfortably and then if you fall asleep you'll drown. No support with noodles. Yeah I'm to I you know I don't want the noodle. You know what I like just the basic the basic inflatable chair thing you know it's sort of like a see through a little bit and you're just like lie out on it just simple. I don't want the small. I don't need any undershots with this cast. Yeah, so now they're going through and picking rooms
Starting point is 00:36:46 But they don't get to pick rooms because Larry is decided who's room who's gonna be where and we should point out that Every room has to look like Queen size beds I'm assuming that there's a master suite that Larry gets for himself. So Yeah, Larry chose the rooms, which I think is a strange, that's a strange thing that is like, I'm just sort of like, it's controlling. I find it to be controlling. And he's like, boy, girling everybody, right? No, no, because he has Bianca and Kalani, Kamani together. And Kamani does this stupid thing where she's like, um, I don't like to share. I'm like, well, bitch, every room is a shared room.
Starting point is 00:37:27 So what are you gonna do? Yeah, I don't share. I'm a grown-ass woman. Okay, like if we're gonna coombie all, we can do it at the pool. She just today she's gonna be Christian because I haven't had enough time to make a voice for her. She doesn't really have a voice, yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:40 but she just sort of has an attitude. But this whole like, um, I'm not into sharing. I'm not into sharing. I'm not into sharing. And Larry so sweet. He's like, well, guess what? This is about learning to do things that you normally don't do yourself. You're going to share. You just made Larry into a bookie. I know. Hey, but he's making a do today. All right. You got to sleep in this room with Bianca. And I'm gonna sleep in the master, and I glue and Emily gonna sleep in this room together,
Starting point is 00:38:07 and the other two guys, they're gonna stay, and then we're all gonna get together and play some crap. Hey kid, I'll take a two on the hot eight. Luck be a lady tonight. Luck be a lady tonight. Luck if you've never been a lady, that's not a joke. Be a lady. Oh, and this was a treasure trove. Well, when I was watching it,
Starting point is 00:38:28 I was like, I'm gonna love making voices for this show because everyone has a crazy gravity or they have some crazy voice. And I thought, I'm gonna remember these all tomorrow. And then of course, I don't. So, sorry. That's a real hard part. I really wanna get a handle on Emily's voice. I actually feel like her voice is similar to a character actress named Grace.
Starting point is 00:38:51 What's her name? Grace is like some blisky or something like that. I gotta look her up. I feel like her voice isn't is like that. I'm gonna look her up right now. This is where she's like you make me jam out with my clam out babies So the Bianca is hating Kamani for being a diva and she's like Larry didn't have to bring us on vacation She can show a token of appreciation. I was like, what does that mean? I took an appreciation So but she's right though. I mean Yeah, so but she's right though. I mean You're getting an all expense paid trip to Cabo with a bunch of crazy people usually be appreciative So then they go downstairs and start making dinner and Emily is like I can make the best guac I'm gonna make the guac everyone I'm making the guac Everyone look out I'm making the guac I can make I make Tismal Picados. It's so good. You want some of the guac everyone look out I'm making the guac I can make make Tismel Picados is so good you want to run my book walk stick in her fingers in it Lick in her fingers putting them back in yeah, I can tell you just much my avocado good
Starting point is 00:39:54 Like okay Hagrid and then Germain they're talking about Komani and I think it was Germain He's like that girl's gonna be a TTP a tick tick boom I hear tick And then you see boom. Okay, we got it to remain. Isn't that a song, tick tick boom? It's a musical, it's the musical that that dude wrote before rent. It's called tick boom. Tick tick boom. I feel like it was like a song by Fergier or something.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Like, you know, you know, like Fergier, you would probably have a song when you were like, la la la la, tick tick boom tick tick tick boom tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick Just like that you and you know Bianca owns that I mean not Bianca Emily Let's do sexy down to tick tick boom you a lot of fosters like in the fetal position So I I don't know where I am. I'm still looking for a razor brisky. Whatever it is. Okay, you can't. I'll read.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Look up. Look her up. You'll recognize her and then you will agree that this is this to me is Emily's voice. Zabrisky ZAB RIS. Oh, yeah. She comes up first in Google Zs with Grace. Oh, the lady from Twin Peaks. Yeah. Oh, she is kind of like her. I guess the mom Laura Palmer's That's your Emily's Laura Palmer's mom got it. I think she's also mom from unsigned felt of what's her face who died. Oh, Susan. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:41:44 So it be where she could be choice. The stamp is my back. She looks like that would be what her voice is, but such is very graces of briski-esque. Weird. I don't know if she's making up her accent. I don't know anything about this girl, but I'm loving it. And everyone's just watching her get all slobbery with her guac. And then she's like, do you want some? I'm like, no, nobody wants them. I actually don't get too gross to add when people taste the food that they're making
Starting point is 00:42:12 because I know a lot of chefs do it. And so people are like, oh my God, but you go to restaurant and like all your foods been tasted by chefs. But she would do it a lot. If it's hot food, if it's like super sauce, that boils the germs off, I guess. But this is her putting it, guacamole ain't gonna that boils the germs off I guess but this is her putting it Wacomole ain't gonna burn any germs off and if anybody's got germs is this chip?
Starting point is 00:42:31 It's best woman. That's the thing. This one's got the germs. She's got that She listen. She's no grace of brisky Okay, you know this girl like fell asleep on someone's shoulder on the plane on the way over and they have like a stain of Snot that she just dripped open mouth all over their shirt. You know that like she got lost in the Amazon and was found by a bunch of cannibals and even they were like, uh, I think this meat has gone bad. Let's just send her back up the river. Bleach her hair, get her a wrap dress and get a the fuck out of here. Yeah, wait for a different human. I don't know why I thought of that. Persona is not seeing about that movie, the green months, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:43:13 There's some horror movies like a year ago where a bunch of teenagers crash in the Amazon and I think they get eaten alive. And for some reason she makes me think of that movie. So like this teenager delicious team, Falsia Helia. Okay, yeah. Clambig, am I right? Clambig, okay, so this girl, everybody's Disgusted with this girl, just her guacamole play. Three of them go outside, Bianca the model
Starting point is 00:43:42 and the little gossip guy. And they're like, I had to come out here to talk about her guacamole play and they all started talking about it so then inside Emily's like what is this microwave oven oh my god it's so crazy I can like with fire and they're like no here's how you open the microwave door she's like like, oh my God. She's like, wait, wait, wait, wait. Before I close the door, there we go. Now close it before the drums get out. So let's see.
Starting point is 00:44:21 They all go swimming. But I mean, they're that they made looks delicious, they make like an amazing dinner, like grilled lobster tails, everything. And then they get in the hot tub. And this weird thing happens where Bianca goes and sits on Larry's lap. And then everyone starts giggling.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And it's like, is she grinding on him? Are they, does he have a boner? I don't know. I was like, are you having the sex? Are you making the love sex right now? You're clandered out Clam casino and Bianca's giggling like acting like he just stuck it in her or something and then when he's like something Hop and someone explained to me like something happened, someone explained to me. So then Larry decides he's gonna make some conversation and he goes, what body part would
Starting point is 00:45:10 you change about yourself? Which is a weird question to ask anyone. And I go, he's like, well, I have a penis reduction. Oh, good. Please. And Emily starts licking the guac from the back of her teeth. She's like, oh, don't worry, baby. I have giant clams. Larry's like that girl wants to put some sauce on it.
Starting point is 00:45:35 He will agus like listen. I'm just being real, you know, like not every woman can take it, you know, I think it's lying because then he gets out of the pool and takes off his clothes and starts streaking through the house and make it. And you know, there's always these needy people on Bravo. There's always at least one of them on a new show that feels the need to show their personality. So he takes off his pants and then you know
Starting point is 00:45:58 how there's the little blur thing that covers his winter. Like when it's Jack's, you know, Jack's has a big one because you see the thing shaking behind the this guy nothing Nothing and and on top of that I feel like in the wake of what he just said There would have been talking heads. Huh, no pun intended saying things like wow It really is big wow when he said he needed a reduction up because they didn't say anything no one even made a comment I mean, I remember a real-world Las Vegas when Alton passed out naked I think,
Starting point is 00:46:25 on a bed. And then there was like a whole segment where people were like, wow, his dick is huge. We can believe how big Alton's dick was. If someone has a big dick and people can see it, they talk about it on reality TV. Yeah, of course, especially when they're talking about body parts, like that was the subject. Yeah, that was truly the subject. I think it actually happened on Bravo also. There was another show. I don't remember what it was where I was like whoa big dick. Yeah, and yeah, not him So anyway the dumb girl Emily's like oh my god. I said trouble I'm team oh no I'm on team fuck on no hell
Starting point is 00:46:58 So she asked Tick boom, tick tick boom, tick tick boom. Tick tick luxury tick. So she, uh, she, she wants to change rooms because she can't sleep in the same room as him because she just has a feeling she's going to start sleep blocking in my anonymous penis. Like she knows herself understandably. You know, I like someone who knows him. So she's like, like, I'm in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I've cheated on everybody I've ever been with. I really don't want to cheat on this guy But I will ride this guy's dick till morning. So please keep me away from it, you know, and there's nothing that 10 feet won't fix Right like just being in a separate room. We'll fix that all up So there's this kind of commande is being nice, which is We're but yeah, it's weird, but she's being nice and she's like, I have no problem with that. And Larry gets upset. He's like, but he tells you, when you're gonna be in, you can't do that. You can't just pick your own room. And she's like, no, but you
Starting point is 00:47:55 know, I'm just being honest. Okay. Like, come on, I can't do it. I will write this dick like it holds in the West. No, she's like some stereotypical Asian lady from a sketch. What the hell? Sure voice just can go around the world every episode. Her voice is tour group. They like and in this minute of watcher crappens, she's now in the Maldives. Team fuck your Epcotentah.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Team. No way. So like sing high noodles and German pancakes go. So then the thing is this they are all just getting ready to go out like it's this is not the end of the night. So Bianca starts talking about Larry and saying how you know she's a lady she's she's a lady he's a man and he's gonna have to pursue her if he wants to have relationship.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Bianca, you're gonna be waiting a long time. You're gonna be playing hide and seek a long long long time. So let's see then they they're gonna go have this nice dinner or they're having it. I don't know. They had dinner they went and hot to them now they're gonna it. I don't know. They had dinner. They went in the hot tub now. They're going to go out to the club. So they're changing now and Kamani comes downstairs in this bright green like Peepod dress with her niffs out. Her niffs have to be blurred out. So of course, Agu is like, yeah, he goes, that's my, no, he goes, I've been hurt in the past and he's like staring at her nipple.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Because my penis is so big It just hurts when I have to put it into pants You know what I'm saying? He's like but that lady is my type. She's so classy. My cartoons are like I know totally out She is blurred out and she's fully closed and then Kamani starts walking you know They go out and you see the back of her dress like 10 times. And there's a price tag hanging out of that damn dress. True friend would tell you your price tag is hanging out stress girl. No, it's funny because I saw that too and I just assumed, oh, well,
Starting point is 00:49:53 maybe it's just like some jewelry, like a charm. But my first thing was, is that a price tag and a big long paper charm, big long paper charm with the price that's and it's something that says Marshall's. I love a I love a good Phileam's basement branded charm. I love an Anne Taylor charm made of cardboard. Oh, so they go out and dance and everybody's having fun. And of course, drunk cast, what's their face? Is that Emily? Every time they show her face, it's like, Emily was acting like she was a fork in the middle of a bowl of guacamole.
Starting point is 00:50:32 She was just like every direction pressing on everything. And her tongue was just outlicking the licking her cheeks, like her whole face, like a dog with a really long tongue that can just reach a you know anything on its face. I know and what was funny was the club was totally empty. I don't know if you know the club was very empty. So I went to that club mandala. And when I went it was to do she club. It was so do she but the other thing is it was packed like you could not move and every night every time because you could walk it's like open. So you would walk by you could see all the people. There's always like thousands of people in there. I felt like it just always packed. So the fact that it was empty made me laugh because they that meant they were probably filming at like eight or nine p.m. So the fact that they were wild and out at like nine p.m. So Larry gets wasted too and he starts sexy dancing with Bianca. And then he starts making out with her and he like bends her back on the stripper pole stage.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And she's just trying to pull down her dress to cover her spanks. And he just wouldn't let her, you know? And I was like, this poor girl. So, and while they're making out, Agu is also, he's like, he's dancing with, he's just up there dancing, I think with Emily or maybe Kamani, but he just takes off his shirt. It's just like the cheesiest move. I mean, he
Starting point is 00:51:49 a great body, but it's such a cheesy move to take up your shirt while you're dancing at the club. And he was also at one point fucking Kamani's knee, like he was rubbing his dick on her knee and she goes, really on my knee? I ain't that easy. And then, and then, but he is so cheesy, he's like, you know, you're the most beautiful woman in the club. I'm like, well, it's empty. And it's basically a commande Bianca and Emily. So I guess he's not a liar. Really?
Starting point is 00:52:13 She beat the bathroom attendant. Wow. And then he's like, I just want to get to know more about you. You know, I just want to know more about you. I'm like, whatever. You just want to get it in. Well, first of all, my knees pregnant. I have a kneecap, which means I have a cap to how many times I want my knee
Starting point is 00:52:32 grazed. My knee could use a good wipe down, but otherwise. So it's just this crazy thing. Everybody is, especially the guy that's like, what is he doing, making out with Bianca? He is so stupid. She's going to be all over him. And Bianca is like, I can't believe this is actually happening. He's the perfect man. He's so well dressed. We can go to Cindy Lopper concerts together at last. So she's like, I'm cloud nine because she feels like their relationships just went to the next level. Yeah. So they's like, I'm cloud nine because she feels like their relationships have just went to the next level.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah, so they're home drunk and they're. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, what am I? So then Bianca, like, sits down and these random girls get up on stage and start dancing with Larry. So he starts dancing with all these random girls and he's just like riding on them and just doing what gay guys do and then they're dancing with a bunch of girls.
Starting point is 00:53:24 You know, it's about, it's about, yeah. It's about like what gay guys do when they're dancing with a bunch of girls, you know, just Yeah, yeah, like slapping their bets and they're like working him and stuff. Yeah, and it's like they're they're all like Grinding on him because like oh cool a gay guy. I missed the sea of straight douche bags and he's like oh fun girls And they're just grinding and Bianca is so angry and she goes I feel completely disrespected Bianca is so angry and she goes, I feel completely disrespected. And then so she's already being ridiculous. And then they're driving back and they're in there like the the man. And they're talking about how they have like random bruises from the club.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And Emily's like, yeah, I have a bruise here and she just opens her leg right up and just flashes everyone. Come on, it goes. I can't unsee that. So you're taking away my choices in life. I didn't choose this. And also you can tell that Bianca is really mad at the boy because she's in the car with the girls and she's actually nice to come on. She's like wow wow, your dancing was really good. And I was like, okay, you're being nice so you can bitch to her later because you know you ain't going to be able to talk to Emily. Absolutely. The alliance immediately shifted.
Starting point is 00:54:35 So back home drunk, they're making like do zornos. Yes. Larry's like, I'm exhausted. So he goes to bed. We get to watch Emily. I'm exhausted. Yeah. I'm exhausted so he goes to bed. We get to watch Emily. I make lots of girls. Larry says sexy and so heterosexual.
Starting point is 00:54:51 We get to watch Emily pizza. And it's the most important thing I've seen all year. She eating disornos with her mouth open like. A huge juice spit all over and her code. And then she starts coughing while she's chewing and doesn't cover her mouth and pizza's literally spraying out of her mouth. She doesn't even think twice and she costs for like 15 minutes straight while everybody just fighting her nails
Starting point is 00:55:19 in between. Oh, yeah, she was staring at her. At one point Bianca's like, um, I think, because Bianca's sitting next to her Bianca, because I think I'm gonna take a slice of pepperoni, and I'm gonna put this one back, because Emily had just coughed up all her pizza on the Bianca's pizza. Okay, more for me to love. Fuck yeah, go ho, ho. So the next morning, um, every Bianca comes down and the funny guys are away. Consider having like my spanter and then Larry comes in and it's like, dun,
Starting point is 00:55:52 dun, dun, because Bianca just gets all, you know, passive aggressive. And so it's super quiet. Yes. And I was going to say though, before Bianca even came downstairs, um, Khmony was like doing dishes or whatever. And she just, like, she's like talking to Agu and she puts a dish in the dishwasher and like her side boob just totally like flops out. And he's like, yeah, I really like her. She's really smart and lovely and she's a good nurtureer.
Starting point is 00:56:17 And she gives side boob. And she was on the phone with her kid too. She's like, hi honey, how How's homework homework was fun, baby? Really, you have a kid that young and you're right here shooting some host show with your price tag showing through your see-throughs dress. Come on. Yeah. So as you were saying, Larry comes downstairs, started giving the like, and he's wearing a tank top that says fine ass boys. Now I don't know if that's a brand or an advertisement but either way it's it's at the very least it's a red
Starting point is 00:56:52 flag for Bianca also. It's romantic intentions and red flag squared because he was also wearing a hat that says hashtag sim styled. Oh, what's his brand? his brand. Um, yeah, so Bianca is being cold. She's like, what about the random girls? What about them? What about them? What about them? She's like, yeah, you got a lot of attention for the ladies last night. Huh? The ladies, the booties, and he's like, they were attacking me. Yeah. So at lunch, uh, someone gives a shit about coughing and double dipping in stuff and heating her press on nails and throwing them on the ground Oh, that was a coming up So much mad about pizza coughing and walk emolle and there's nails on the ground Yeah, the coming up parts are my favorite part of this show. Yeah, so also what happened was when Bianco was being called to Larry
Starting point is 00:57:42 I think Kamani kiss Larry on the cheek at one point be like oh, thanks for something and she's like, don't kiss my man. Oh Poor Bianca poor poor Bianca. So another meal comes around and they're all around the table and Emily is she's got I'm guessing glue on nails that she's or oh, I thought you can say tuberculosis It's one of those two that's easier to guess than what kind of cheap ass nail she has on because she's just doing some through them and she's chewing them to the bottom and is spitting them on the floor and these aren't like little slivers of nails they're like huge chunks of plastic nail right yeah and she's continuing to cough without covering her mouth like all over the
Starting point is 00:58:25 TBC And also there's more walka moly with you know it's dangerous. Well, because there's like, Do you want to use a spoon for that salsa? And come on, but you like licks the spoon and puts it back into salsa. Come on, he starts getting so mad. She goes, She, no, Bianca says, we have to talk about that. And she goes, what? Because how did this get to nails?
Starting point is 00:58:48 Someone brought up the nails. And Bianca goes, yeah, we have to talk about that. And then we go, who's I took off my nail? Like she starts getting mad. And then Kamani is like, is there a nail in that walkamoli? Is that why there's a crunch? I think there's a pile of nails on the floor. And she tells us that girl only has one nail on those 10 flanges.
Starting point is 00:59:09 You know, I mean, the funny thing is this, I mean, nail clippings actually don't gross me out. I don't like sit here and like leave them all over the place. But if I were to see a nail clipping, I would be like, oh, it's a nail. Like, I don't, I know it grossed out a lot of people. They're in a restaurant and she's doing them and spinning them on the floor in a pile. Like she's eating pistachios.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Yeah, exactly. Like she's a five guys when they used to let you eat peanuts and throw the shells on the floor. Yeah, it's a weird, it's a weird tree. And I like how someone was like, listen, you know, like if you, for instance, if you blow your nose, you blow it in the bathroom, which is also a bit extreme,
Starting point is 00:59:44 but I know what you're saying, like there's certain things you don't do at the table. One, which is peel off your nails, the your teeth, while during the appetizers. And she's like, well, I don't like the nails. I don't like the, what should I do with them? They're like, well, get rid of them before dinner or go do the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:59:59 She's like, whatever. And then the boy band guys, like, listen, you can't pop off nails when you eat Okay, it's a basic rule and then Kamanikas. We're classy people. We don't do shit like that and Larry shaking his head He's wearing like that silk. I don't know Sinnel turban and Emily goes really Larry do you feel like my behavior is sabotaging your career? And he's like, well, you know what I say? And Kamani tries to jump in.
Starting point is 01:00:29 She's like, how about you let Larry speak for himself? And Kamani goes, oh yeah? Then talk to me, because I'm talking to you. You speak to my face instead of talking to Larry. She goes, I don't talk to your face! And then they're fighting over nails and walk them only. Yeah. This show's amazing. Yeah. You talk to your face! And then they're fighting over nails and walk emolly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:46 This shows amazing. Yeah. By the way, I have to say, I love how wildly inaccurate our accents are. We have made Emily sound Eastern European, and we have made Kamani sound like crazy chrison from Vanderpump rolls. Like, what is wrong with us?
Starting point is 01:01:01 I need more time. I need more time. I know. But it's like, that's what they're, that's the essence of them. I like to think that that's, it's not what they sound like. It's what, it's just what they can note. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yeah, I think the show is great. And I'm really excited for it. And I think we have to work it into our schedule. But the thing is we, like we already do five shows a week. And so we have to like, we have to figure out one show that we're going to then maybe go have these with, you know, with this one or something because this one we can't, I don't think we can ignore this one. We're going to have too much fun with it.
Starting point is 01:01:31 This shows pretty hilarious. And so we'll see what happens next time, everybody. That brings us to the end of this recap. Thanks for being here. Tomorrow will be Southern Charms Savannah. I mean Southern Charms Charleston and then the next day will be below deck Mediterranean and then after that is New York City, the Housewives of New York City and then Friday is Southern Charms of the Annar Have a lot more to say about this one because that will be the first time we give it a full hour Yeah, oh, that's gonna be fun That's gonna be fun some of the cast members have always started tweeting at us. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 01:02:09 mixed reviews to her as well and you know, we'll talk about that What happens when you're actually confronted by your shitty comments on the podcast? So we'll talk about that more in Savannah and hopefully this cast doesn't do it Yeah, but everybody love yeah, we'll doesn't do it. Yeah, by the everybody. Love ya. We'll see you next time. Yeah, bye everyone. Hey, prime members.
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