Watch What Crappens - #67: Rehab, Medicine, and Anna David!

Episode Date: April 4, 2013

Rehab, Medicine, and Anna David! See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Hey everyone, welcome to Watch What Crap Ends, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we love. I'm Ben Mandelker from, and as always, I'm joined by Ronnie Karam from TVgasm. Hi Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:00:45 And Matt Whitfield from Yahoo. Hey, Matt. Hey, Benjamin. Ronnie can be reached at TVgasm. Matt can be reached at Life on the M List on Twitter and Instagram. And I'm at B-Side Blog. And this show is forward slash back slash watch what crappens.
Starting point is 00:01:08 You really should like us on Facebook because we have a really active Facebook page with a lot of fun stuff, a lot of like pictures go up and gossip and a lot of discussion. It's a great way to make the days go by before the next podcast. But what I'm really excited to talk about today
Starting point is 00:01:23 is that we have a special guest. We have a real life special guest. It's Anna David, my old friend. Hi, Anna. Hi, Ben. Welcome to the podcast. Hi, the other two. So excited to be here. Find you guys terribly hilarious. And I'm just glad that there's a podcast out here that addresses the most important issues of our time. So I'm actually being serious. Hell yeah. I mean the fact that we don't have higher ratings than CNN is atrocious.
Starting point is 00:01:56 It's shocking. So Anna actually goes on real deal podcasts like Dr. Drew and other things. Anna is incredibly accomplished author editor um talking head you do everything and is there anything you want to plug anything well first of all i'll send you the check for that intro um yeah you know the thing i i am promoting right now is my new kindle single called they like me they really Me. And it's about my quest to find a celebrity boyfriend if it killed me. Ew, why would you want a celebrity boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:02:31 Gross. I was delusional, and I thought that happiness lay there. It's true. Oh, it does. No, I learned that it doesn't. That's a spoiler. No, I don't believe that.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I'm still on the quest. I know. I know, Ben. That's because you're sick. You have't believe that. I'm still on the quest. I know. I know, Ben. That's because you're sick. You have some ways to go. But anyway, it's only $1.99. No, it's $0.99. Everyone go buy it. Go buy it. If you like this podcast, you'll love it.
Starting point is 00:02:56 What's the name of it again? They Like Me, They Really Like Me. By Anna David, and it's on Amazon, right? It is. And there's a whole chapter about Sally Field having sex in there. You all go download that right now. Everyone go download that, please. Sally Field scares me.
Starting point is 00:03:11 That's not on topic. You know what scares me? Boniva. What is that about? Sally Field and the Boniva. What's Sally Field Hawks? One body, one chance. Oh, it's because our bones
Starting point is 00:03:21 are falling apart, you guys. Why? People just liked her too much. We liked her so much that we crushed her bones. We crushed her bones with our love. We depleted all of her calcium. Too many gay guys probably tackled her every time she walked on the sidewalk. Is Sally Field a gay
Starting point is 00:03:37 icon? Anybody that's on Brothers and Sisters is. Anyone who's in Soap Dish is. Pretty much any like she's highly tolerated by all the gays i think yeah that makes more sense she's not like fierce and fabulous you know what i mean but she's just really good at being neurotic and and we like respect her for never having botox but also resent her it's like a good friendship but she was also in soap dish which is a iconic gay movie so she just loves me for his wife on the machine rose on the machine
Starting point is 00:04:11 so when you told me you guys get off track ben sometimes i guess this is kind of what you meant yeah this is you have seen nothing yet yeah this is nothing this we this is why we're not on real shows i am just going to predict what the the second episode of the week is going to be, and I'm going to say we're going to get really off track about things like McDonald's and Instagram. Okay. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert for the future. Okay. Let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Let's get into Beverly Hills reunion. I know, Anna, you have a lot on your mind. Anna, you were approached by Brandy to write her book, by the way. This is actually what exactly happened. I had just finished... No, I was working on Tom Sizemore's book, which is actually coming out in two weeks, by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Please tell me you're kidding. Do you really wrote Tom Sizemore's book? I really wrote Tom Sizemore's book. Oh, my God. I'm in awe of you. Does it focus more on the Heidi Fleiss era, or is it more like Saving Private Ryan, or do we get the whole shebang? You get the whole shebang. It's actually an amazing story, and he actually is an amazing storyteller, but he's not Brandy, so let's get back to that.
Starting point is 00:05:18 So, anyway, that's coming out. He's not. So, he's not. um so he's not so i woke up one morning or no i was meditating and suddenly it came to me an amazing title for a brandy book now this is all moot obviously because she now has best selling book but it was and this is very last season but it was call me a slut if you need to how i beat the mean girls at their own game oh that's that should be. That should be a lifetime movie starring Leigh-Anne Rimes. Yeah. But I mean, how important could that be?
Starting point is 00:05:50 So it could be gossipy, but it could also show all girls in high school. I was so... I know Jen Jimenez. So I called the agent who sold... By the way, that's Brandy's friend who often accompanies her to all the events. The one that's the former addict?
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah. Yeah, the one that's from the Dr. Drew shows. She always wears those really too tight green dresses. Well, she's on Housewives. She looked really good on Housewives, and she was featured very prominently, I would say, this season. Yeah, yeah, I think she was, too. I like how on Julie Klausner's recaps, the people commenting refer to Jen as if Jen's someone they know. They're just like, when Jen said this, I kind of was too. Like, I like how on Julie Klausner's recaps, like the people commenting refer to Jen. They just like as if Jen's someone they know.
Starting point is 00:06:27 They're just like, when Jen said this, I kind of like that. So anyway, Jen, I've known forever. So I called the agent. The agent's like, that's brilliant. We've got to sell that. I called Jen. Jen hooked me up with Brandy. And the agent was in town.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And we went and met with Brandy and had lunch and it was lovely. And she said, I love this idea. Let's do it. The only thing is that I have already talked to another agent. I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be talking about this. Anyway, you're just talking to three friends. Yeah. Three friends. No one's. Yeah. After the season she's had, she's not allowed to sue anybody. She was lovely during the meeting. But what happened is that she said, well, I was talking to this other agent and this other writer. But basically they are not doing anything. They're not moving.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And so we were ready to move. I was like, I can write this really quickly. We can just start meeting. And then she called me the next day and said that thing that happened, which is as soon as she told that agent, oh, because David Vigliano, the agent who was going to sell it, is a big agent. As soon as she said David Vigliano's interested in selling it, he just completely like snapped into shape. Right. And she asked me if I would be willing to do it with him. And I didn't think that was right because I had, you know, I was
Starting point is 00:07:46 working with, yeah, I was, I didn't want to screw him over. And so, and that was that. Oh, okay. Was your lunch at, was your lunch at Sir or Villa Blanca? Yeah. It was, it was at the top of, oh God, you know that the top of, I don't mean the top of Mulholland. I can't, I can't explain what I mean, but it was not at one of those places. There were no cameras. She was so tall and skinny that it was really unnerving in person.
Starting point is 00:08:12 But she was like cool and like. Totally cool. Totally open. Great. We want to get you on this podcast. Would you rather do her or Leanne Rimes? Oh, her. I was then offered Leanne Rimes' book.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Isn't that crazy? Oh my God. And was then offered Leanne Rimes' book. Isn't that crazy? Oh, my God. And? Yes. Did you, what happened there? What happened is my, not David Vigliano,
Starting point is 00:08:32 I was repped at WME at the time and my agent there emailed me and said, would you be interested in meeting with her about the book? And I am not.
Starting point is 00:08:41 After doing the Sizemore book, I know I can only do those books for people I'm willing and really interested in and can spend a lot of time with. And I'm not at all interested in Leigh-Anne Rimes. What? How could you not be interested in the life and times of Leigh-Anne Rimes? But I'm only interested in her because of her association with Brandy. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And that's not enough. Well, so speaking of Brandy, why don't we start talking about the reunion? And how did you guys think Brandy held herself on this second episode of the reunion and all the crazy shit that came out? Amazing, because Kyle looked like an asshole. And Brandy and Yolanda drove that home. And as long as Kyle looks like a jerk, I don't care. I'm happy. Absolutely. drove that uh home and as long as kyle looks like a jerk i don't care i'm happy absolutely i think
Starting point is 00:09:25 it was i mean it's totally like lisa brandy yolanda are just like they're the ones they're the cool girls that the audience loves and the rest well taylor she's sort of like on her own little nobody likes taylor no but you sort of love taylor because she's just this weird daffy nobody loves taylor no i've turned I've turned the corner with Taylor. That lawyer doesn't even love Taylor. No. No, of course not. I've actually come to love Taylor because I hated her so, so, so much last year.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And then this year, I've just really loved watching her be wasted. I know that's horrible, but that's the same reason that I love Kim Richards. I love a good, strong addict. And I think she's been so hilarious. And I actually felt kind of like semi-bad for her because Andy wouldn't even speak to her the entire time. And then when he did say something, she would try and snap into gear so that she could start crying in time to answer. And she just couldn't get it. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And then they'd cut away from her. It was amazing. And then they'd cut away from her. It was amazing. By the way, speaking of Kim Richards, one of my favorite moments of the reunion was when Kim Richards impersonated Lisa. And I recorded it. I've got a soundbite. And I'd love to play it for you guys to remember the moment. Okay, ready? Okay, okay. This was last night or the week before?
Starting point is 00:10:40 This was last night. Okay. Okay. I watch you tell me, oh are you okay and then i see you outside the door you're like she goes again she is a pirate she's a pirate turned lisa into a pirate the acting skills it's talk like a pirate day on the wrong anniversary. There she goes again. I can't believe you guys are ignoring the elephant in the room, which is the shit-covered pillow. Oh, yeah. Well, we were getting to that.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I mean, I don't know how you can't just only talk about that, honestly. Oh, yeah. We talked about that in an hour from now. Yes, the shit-covered pillow pillow and I love that Kim didn't even deny it she just said is that necessary Randy hey at least she's owning up to her bodily functions
Starting point is 00:11:36 but no one questioned it why does one not throw away a shit covered pillow why does one carry it what if it is her lucky charm like one of her prized picture frames or a prized bowl of chicken salad a shit-covered pillow. What if it is her lucky charm, like one of her prized picture frames or a prized bowl of chicken salad that she's tossed with her talons? Like, you can't just get rid of a shit-stained pillow.
Starting point is 00:11:53 It means so much to an addict. Why was it shit-stained in the first place? Amira Westves gave me that on a tour bus when we went out with Kif. And why wasn't she holding her own shit-stained pillow? And why was a shit-stained pillow so heavy that she could not carry it? Lemon cleanse.
Starting point is 00:12:17 It's like gum from the fifth grade comes out. Yeah. Well, see, Yolanda got her wish. Kim finally did get to go on the master cleanse and she cleansed herself out all over onto the pillow. Oh, my God. I just – I was disturbed in a way that I don't know how to talk about and I might never know how to talk about. I mean I'm already scared of flying and I'm claustrophobic.
Starting point is 00:12:37 So if I were flying and claustrophobic and fearing death and then a crazy drunk drug addict started shitting on a pillow next to me on a flight i would open the emergency door and jump the fuck out honestly what how is she ever going to have sex with a guy after this is they're always going to be afraid that when they get to her bed it's gonna be covered in feces do you really think that kim has been having so much sex leading up to the shit covered pillow revelation well maybe that's where she didn't have a cameo and returned to witch mountain and i think that that did get her her imdb imdb page was popping a little bit so she might have had a few extra gentlemen i heard i heard that she and the rock had amazing chemistry oh my god the rock would break her i would love to see that pairing she's still she's still
Starting point is 00:13:19 shitting her pants after having sex with the rocket hurt her that much that's probably why the pillow is covered in shit because the rock probably called her professor his love for her hey who taught that rock how to talk um yeah so i thought it was especially funny that she shed a pillow while she was going on about how sober she was in paris like oh right because because sober people do these things well now an now, Anna, you are the expert on this. You guys may not know this about Anna, but Anna, you've been through recovery, etc.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I am in recovery. You're in recovery, and Anna's very open about this. Okay, Anna. I will be in recovery, I'm sure. For many things. By the end of this podcast from shitting on too many pillows but so anna what i mean what did you think when you saw like
Starting point is 00:14:15 the whole well what do you think about kim at the reunion and also this whole thing with paris and what did you think about when she was talking about her sister and she's angry at her sister we lost ronnie he's he'll be back soon but i feel like you're asking anna 500 questions in one and i think the main question here is do you believe that kim was actually sober or was she lying and she was tanked um okay well there's there is something that needs to be clarified this medication issue and like i can just be totally clear about this medication certain medications are quote unquote totally kosher when you're sober like ssri's like uh anything that does not change the way you feel from like the head up anything that is sort of you're not going to feel instantly altered those instantly altered. Those medications are 100% allowed.
Starting point is 00:15:05 So what does that include? For instance, I take Vicodin every day because I have a little bit of pain. Okay, it does not include Vicodin. Yeah, you can't take Vicodin. I take a little bit of heroin. Is that covered? That being said, if you're in serious pain, you can take those things. But the idea is you don't take a narcotic and you don't
Starting point is 00:15:26 take a sedative or a hypnotic. You're not taking Oxycontin. You're not taking Xanax. It killed me when Kim is defending herself with, I had my medication off, that Andy couldn't have the gumption or the awareness to go, what medication
Starting point is 00:15:42 are you talking about? We wanted to see pill bottles like MJ on Shaws of Sunset. We want to see rifling through the purse. I need to see bottles with names on them. Well, last season, if you guys remember, she was telling Paul all of the medications that she was on. Remember when she was going to get whatever done? The majority of them were anxiety pills.
Starting point is 00:16:03 They were. They were SSRIs. I think she edited that list for paul because those i remember because it was like afexer and trazodone and these drugs that are okay to take yeah but clearly to act that way and to say my medication was off and all of those things that that's that's a that's a, that's clearly something like Oxycontin or something like Xanax. Oxycontin is hillbilly heroin, correct? Correct. Now I have a question, um, because wasn't one of the big things with recovery or maybe it's, maybe it's just like a, just the, um, like, uh, the 12 step programs, but that you like,
Starting point is 00:16:41 you apologize to everyone, you know, like that you are like you apologize and i sometimes got the feeling through the season and during this reunion that uh that kim wasn't really being very apologetic she's sort of like still being like you treated me like this and isn't the whole thing supposed to be like i wasn't really being myself because i was under the influence and so i apologize to you right i would would say that Kim Richards is not a shining example of a 12 step program. Just because you are in a 12 step program doesn't mean you're working all the steps or doing that. And clearly she is not somebody. It's the ninth step. She's clearly not somebody who seems to be embracing this idea of letting go of resentments and but don't don't we cut her
Starting point is 00:17:26 some slack because i do agree actually with brandy and her harsh comment that sent kyle into hysterics last night i actually do believe that kyle does want to see her sister fail and i do think that um you know kim is really bothered by the way she's been treated by kyle and i think that is the main thing that is causing her perhaps. Well, I wouldn't say it's causing, but there's a whole other addiction recovery program, which is Al-Anon.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And that's how, you know, fucked up addiction works within your family and your relationships. And that's a whole other thing. And you see that with Kyle, when she moves over and sits next to Kim and is like, yes, I knew you were sober.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I kept saying how sober you were in Paris. Bitch was not sober in Paris. We have, there are cameras on you. We see that you're not sober. So even if you mixed up your pills or you fell on a needle, whatever it was, you were not sober. Stop saying that.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Like, you're just blatantly lying. And that's, you know, I think that's an enabler. I think that brandy was right on the money but it's like the kind of thing that it was it would be like her saying oh i think the reason mauricio doesn't like me is that he secretly wants to fuck me like it's the kind of thing you actually don't say out loud yeah it's so on tv it can't be uttered. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I, I'm sorry. Go on. Well,
Starting point is 00:18:46 it's just, you can't, you can't blame her relapses on any one thing, but I would say that, um, you know, people with even more dysfunctional sisters than Kyle do stay sober and do work programs. It's really not about what happens to us.
Starting point is 00:19:01 It's how we handle what happens to us. No, I will say this though. Kim actually seemed more articulate than we've seen her perhaps ever, I thought, on the reunion. She was really being able to make her points. And when she was saying how she was like,
Starting point is 00:19:14 this meant everything for her life, and she didn't know if she had a second chance, she was not speaking the way I speak, which is muddled and in a confused way. But here's the problem. As much as I feel for her, and I have felt for her, and I've loved her at the beginning of this season, I was so rooting hardcore for her.
Starting point is 00:19:30 When she starts to fight Yolanda and Lisa, that is not doing her any favors, because guess what? Whether you want to believe it or not, Lisa and Yolanda and Brandy are the favorite. They're the fan favorites. Bravo loves them the most, and she is now digging herself into a hole with her evil sister kyle well she can just say that she was under the influence
Starting point is 00:19:49 and then we'll be okay with it you know um i i do want to counter ben's comment about how articulate she was um i i looked up julie klausner's recaps do you guys read those on vulture they're just so no we write we write our own so we don't we can't i don't even write anymore no it's like okay i write them for tvgasm so it's like enough already with these women taught them all how to do you know recaps basically oh yeah julie klausner oh yeah she used to call me begging for tips she should write us a check. Yeah. Come on, Julie. But my point is that she wrote in her recap, she rewound this seven times to get the quote correct. This is
Starting point is 00:20:30 a Kim to Yolanda last night. I do remember everything this year. Every time there's been something that's gone on this last year that we've watched you that nobody's liked or said something about, you've had an excuse for. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:45 That's articulate. I mean, I get we're talking comparatively speaking. It's like saying, you know, it's like if someone hasn't walked in seven years and they took like three steps, you're like, oh, my God, they're walking. Congratulations. Are they in the Olympics? No. But, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yes. But that specific quote I was going to bring up, well, I couldn't go into the whole quote, but that part I was going to bring up because Kim also said in that, everything that went on this year, blah, blah, blah, you had an excuse for everything. And it was either your accent or you're not from this country or your illness. And I thought it was really funny that she's bringing up Yolanda being brain dead because of Lyme disease after getting so mortified that Yolanda suggested that she didn't remember anything in the airport. She was wasted. Yeah. Yeah. I agree.
Starting point is 00:21:27 It was just ridiculous, but also wonderful. Kind of like, that's what I think is so sick about all these shows is, you know, the audience, of course, everyone,
Starting point is 00:21:36 I think is kind of rooting for Kim at this point. You kind of have to, you know, we all like her, but watching her claim to be sober while she's literally rocking back and forth, staring off into space, muttering to herself and playing with her hair like Paris is just too fucking creepy. That clearly runs in their family.
Starting point is 00:21:52 The scary looking like beak nose and then twisting the hair like in a frenzy. Yeah. And it's kind of sick that you're like so mesmerized by it, you know. But Ben even made a beautiful gif of it. I did. I made a beautiful gif of it i did i made a gif using cinemagram so go check that out on our facebook page you have to click through i have some i have some gossip about kim and kyle oh yes spell it okay my friend interviewed them for diving with the stars or whatever that silly show was called. The one that brought them so close together. The one that rebonded them.
Starting point is 00:22:26 And so he met them, and I guess he walked up to them, and he sang the theme song from Escape from Witch Mountain, or one of her things, whatever. One of the things Kim Richards did that paid for Kyle's entire life. And Kyle pretended not to know what it was and richard my friend my friend kind of confronted her and was like what do you mean don't you recognize that anyway and he said it was the most chilling interaction between siblings or other people ever i believe it kyle is such an underminer she's an underminer so that way she can get leverage him and she can drive kim crazy and then this way she can be like the the one who can always brag about how she has
Starting point is 00:23:10 to take care of her sister after she stole her house after her husband maurice stole her house okay well like but i do think that probably you know it killed kyle their childhood that kim was the successful one yeah and the fact that she had a meltdown as a result of that and is that you know sad you know like shadow of a human being that she is today does bring her pleasure that she would not admit and that she absolutely gets off on being the successful one um in quotes you know while kim isn't well she's like proving proving once again why kyle is a bad actress because she cannot hide that to save her life it is so fucking obvious that she wants her sister
Starting point is 00:23:50 to fail well i remember in season one when she said when she was saying oh you know i'm an actress and i've been a working actress in hollywood but you know whenever hollywood gets me down or i feel like i've been disrespected i just have another baby because that's what she is based you know she's like well i'm i'm successful in that way like maybe i'm not the actress but i've got a lover you know i've got a husband and i've got babies bitch yeah well kim's got some babies too but it was so unpleasant to see like because basically all season we've gotten the fact that mauricio is not the like you know hot commodity we thought he was you know in, in the previous season. And he's really a total dolt who barely has command of the English language and, like, is no great prize.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But somehow last night when he was talking about the shoe size, you saw that look on Kyle's face where she's like, I'm married to the hot guy. And it just turned my stomach. Yeah, it's another reason why people are turning on Kyle. I mean, she's just disgusting. And it's amazing to me that she doesn't understand what Lisa's point was
Starting point is 00:24:46 when they asked, like, would you, like, who do you trust here? And Lisa's like, I don't trust Kyle because she talks by my back. And Kyle's like, that's not true, Lisa.
Starting point is 00:24:54 But it's, you know, but it's true. She doesn't realize, she's starting to become sort of Jill Zaroni in that she doesn't understand her failings. Well, the other thing
Starting point is 00:25:03 that they didn't address, which made me insane, like, we were, next week we're getting, like, lost footage. Well, the other thing that they didn't address, which made me insane, like, next week we're getting, like, lost footage. Why, during these two full episodes, these two hours of the Beverly Hills reunion, were we not discussing how awful Kyle's friend Faye is, and how Faye played
Starting point is 00:25:18 a major role this season, and I wanted Andy to rip Faye a new one. I wanted Lisa to be able to rip her one. I wanted Yolanda to be able to rip into that or even rip into Kyle for being friends with such a horrible person. But they never even went there. Why did they not give us that? Well, I think Faye told some media outlet, probably Raider Online, that she's never going to be on another episode of The Real Housewives ever again because it's ruining her life. Oh, so they didn't hire her.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Oh, that's interesting. That's probably what that means. They didn't hire her, but the point is it's like, you know, Andy is so terrible at hosting these reunions because he never asks the proper questions or the producers or the editors are terrible because we never really get the answers
Starting point is 00:25:58 to the burning questions that we're all dying to hear. And it's like, Faye was the major point of this season. It was the big fights. Why was she not there? I love that Marissa never mentioned, not mentioned once. Neither was Camille. I couldn't believe that.
Starting point is 00:26:13 They never even showed Camille's face. What about Dana Wilkie who had that cameo appearance where she was chain-smoking cigarettes and you're counting? I like that drink and I like that box. She was downing martinis and chain-smoking on a dirty patio it was freaking
Starting point is 00:26:26 me out i just love the trail of destruction this show has on these women you know there's something i need that needs to be said about kyle and this is it i believe her biggest sin is that she's so dumb that she thinks she knows how to play it, she is trying to climb out of the hole of trying to destroy Lisa last year at the reunion. And she's so dumb. She, like, picks the wrong sides, thinks that, like, people are going to get sympathy from the wrong things, and can't even defend herself to save her life without making some power. Well, you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right that she keeps picking the wrong sides.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And we've talked about that, how you can see her mind trying to tick. She's just trying to get on the right side of things, but she is never, ever on the right side. And so what she always does is she wipes her hands and she goes, I can't handle this. She flips her long hair and walks away as opposed to confronting the actual situations and the issues at hand. And as a result, she's making herself look extra terrible. I almost would like a return to season one Kyle, who is a total hothead and would fly off the handle over every stupid little thing.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And like, just be like that. And who cares who you're trying to impress? Just be a crazy lady with black hair. And we'll all love your screaming matches. Scream at everyone. You know, you'll bring it. And I think she got totally boring and I do agree that she's totally stupid.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But I love that Mauricio is so stupid. He didn't get that penis joke. He didn't even know what that meant. And then Brandy says, oh, so you think it's okay? I'm sorry. Andy said, so do you owe Brandy an apology for talking to her like that at the Moroccan restaurant? And he's like, no, not
Starting point is 00:28:05 at all. Not even a little bit. I don't know an apology to her. Okay, yes, what I said was wrong. Yes, no, I shouldn't talk to a woman like that. But no, yes, I should apologize. But no, I'm not friends with Adrienne because of her money. Yes, I sold her house, but I didn't know she was selling it until two weeks
Starting point is 00:28:21 when she... I was showing her houses for fun, but I didn't know, and I'm showing it. Lisa wasisa was not having it no no he was like he was such a salesman he was like one of those assholes who stands in the department store spraying you when you don't want to be you know it's like he skis ball get out of here you know he's a total asshole off he's charming on camera but you know he's a total asshole off camera i would argue with he i don't think he's an asshole i think that you know you hit it on the head it's like he's just so dumb and kyle is just so dumb they're probably just the most boring people you could ever imagine i could see him being an osteo i could see him being like really condescending like working for him or working with him i could see him being
Starting point is 00:28:57 super condescending i just think they're morons yeah but i think you're giving him more credit than his brain can handle. He has a stupid blink. You just have to watch his blink. It's just like, plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk. He does get credit for being an attractive Latino Jewish person, which I think that's so rare that I have to give him some credit for that. Rare breed. Yeah, that's the only give him some credit for that. That's rare breed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That's the only thing he deserves credit for. For good genes. And people think we can't find the positive in things. See, we always, we always see the good stuff. So last night was particularly depressing on that show. And I don't know if it's because I had to write about it, but I was just, I mean, I think I went through like five bowls of popcorn trying to get through this show. I was like, there's nothing left. Kim was making me so sad I couldn't even
Starting point is 00:29:52 get on with the rest of it. It took me like an hour and a half to watch it because I kept pausing to like make gifs or to like take sound effects. The reunion itself was almost secondary to my data capturing. You know, it's weird. I was sort of telling Ben this earlier. It's like I care more about recovery from addiction than anything in the world.
Starting point is 00:30:12 And it's weird that my – it's so hard for my heart to go out to Kim because she's so – just not taking any responsibility ever. And to me, I know that's hopeless. I know you can't get anywhere. And so it's like it doesn't even feel like worth the heart energy to care. Yes, I feel like it's – I feel almost – no, no, you're absolutely right. And I feel kind of bad because a lot of people watch this show and, you know, a lot of people who are dealing with addiction are watching this show and watching somebody just blatantly lie and not take it seriously. I mean, anybody who's ever had a problem with addiction or had a family member who's had a problem with addiction can just look at Kim and know that her, I mean, she's been drunk. She's been on something half the time we've seen her
Starting point is 00:30:58 and just, you're right, lying and not taking responsibility for anything. It's just sad. It's sad to watch, especially when she keeps saying that she's going to be dead if it doesn't work. It's like, well, it's obviously not working. And I don't want to have talked about you for like 50 hours of my life. And then you die. Like, let's think about the selfish reasons, you know, think about the podcasters who need you to be alive. Yeah. Think about the iTunes reviews when I've said all this shit about you, that's never going to be taken down. You know what? She needs to do it for you. She does.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Totally, totally. She's not going to do it for Kyle. She's not. And not for Brandy or for Yolanda at this point. Leave my disease out of this. Stupid tics. Thank God I didn't get three horses. I might have gotten three tics to bite me.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Then I would have three times limes. And I'll be calling everyone an asshole because that's what I would have three times limes. And I'd be calling everyone an asshole, because that's what you do when you have Lyme disease. You call people assholes. I love that Yolanda called you. She's like, oh, I realized I had Lyme disease when I called Taylor an asshole, because I wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:31:57 But she never says sorry. She just blames everything on the Lyme disease from here on out. Well, the thing she's so she's so confusing because i like and respect her balls so much and then and then there's that i want that on a shop bravo t-shirt by the way i husband worship yeah well it's because she's had her she has a prenup she's got to stay stay hired in that family. I worship her balls so much. Well, you know what? She has balls. She has a lot of husband worship, but
Starting point is 00:32:30 you know that she runs that household at this point. I mean, she built her own refrigerator. Do you really think so? I want her to design a fridge for me that I'll spend my whole life working to afford to buy. I'm not buying it because every time we've seen her cook, okay, we saw her put a chicken in the oven one time
Starting point is 00:32:46 which, I mean, there was literally a chicken with a lemon shoved up its ass. That's what she served him. And then another time, she made spaghetti that started on fire on the stove. So, I don't know if I'm going to buy that. I don't know. I buy her as cooking. I buy that too. That's like, so, you know, when you look at like Phaedra
Starting point is 00:33:01 on Atlanta, who's like going from one entrepreneurial endeavor to another from like booty videos to tasers and everything, like those don't match. But if Yolanda – honestly, if Yolanda were to come out with her own line of refrigerators versus Sonia Morgan's toaster, yes, I would get that fridge in a heartbeat. Yeah, but you know that fridge would really be built by Anna. But who cares? Anna, you're so funny. Will you build that fridge would really be built by Anna. But who cares? Anna, you're so funny. Will you build my fridge for me? They don't do anything themselves.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And I still want Sonia's sexy toaster oven. Where is it? I don't know. But we should have an appliance face-off and see which one works best. The housewife product face-off. So, Anna, I feel like we've held you 15 minutes after I know but we just
Starting point is 00:33:49 and I do have to go but this married to medicine tell us your exiting thoughts on married to medicine let the good times roll honey well Carrie and Duncan Carrie is her name correct she's the hottest like a hole matter of the sexiest orthopedic surgeon in atlanta what is that accent it's tim curry
Starting point is 00:34:15 she basically was stuck on a boat that was going back and forth between australia and england for 15 years of her life that's the accent i think i think she was sitting on a gobstopper and somebody hit her on the back and it got stuck or she's one of those people has that one of those weird neurological syndromes where she normally she's like from detroit but she woke up with one day like with a strange accent oh god oh god carrie carrie carrie like okay so first of all they are both total blockers like from a block, you're like, Carrie and Duncan, what a handsome couple. And then you get up close. You know what I mean? Blockers.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Love that. There's just, they're perfect examples of that. Because really, they are, you know, they are attractive. He seems so normal. Like, the most normal person I've ever seen on a reality show what is up with these normal dudes that wear khakis and have like nice good jobs and they marry these disfigured wax figures i don't understand you know what at least he married someone close to his age i mean i think she might even be older than him that's impressive on a show i love the shots of her um her modeling shots or it's
Starting point is 00:35:25 clearly like from the 1993 uh kmart insert that came with the times you know like she was like modeling she's modeling half the shit at tj maxx that gretchen rossi buys that we will probably talk about in the future i imagine i love her affected model walk. Like, I don't think that's how I've ever seen a model walk ever. But speaking of affected and Carrie, this notion that, like, well, to be married to medicine. Like, this idea that it's like a 1950s mentality when doctors were incredibly respected and everyone wanted their kids to be doctors. Like, in today's world, the doctor is like maligned and like ripping us off and just, I will say this though. Our three mothers would prefer us to be doctors than podcasting about the
Starting point is 00:36:15 fucking house. My mother as well. But this whole idea that to be a doctor's wife, you'd mean something is so insane to me. Well, I can understand it from Carrie. I want her life. I want her life. Mariah.
Starting point is 00:36:34 No, Carrie. Lighting candles. I want to be a doctor's wife, and I'm not afraid to admit it. It may seem like an old-fashioned idea to come from Carrie, but that bitch wasn't raised on facts of life. I mean, I can understand it from her. Like, she probably literally stood in a bread line or, like, waiting for cheese or something. But the other girls— No, she wouldn't be eating cheese.
Starting point is 00:36:52 —should have been raised better. She's had a very private struggle with anorexia. Yeah, she stood in line for lettuce, maybe. She stood in line for the exercise of it all. Because she wasn't going to sit on her fat ass. She's like, if I sit down, I'm not going to burn any calories. Oh my God, she's kind of crocodiles. She's sort of Australian, sort of British.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I don't know. I love that, Ben, you Instagrammed her photo with her hair blown up and said how hard it was to be a doctor's wife. Is that on Instagram? Yes, yes I did. I think she... Stop acting like a common whore.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Says the woman who has hair that reaches the ceiling and teeth that you can show like a movie on. Says the woman who is dating a married man. What? This is the medicine title of the episode. By the way, I'm totally on team Quad. I love Quad.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And I think Quad is the best dressed of them all. Girl, that's a good time to roll, girl. I will give you Quad's blue jumpsuit was fierce, but like that girl is so trash. She's a little much. I'm all about Mariah. I think she's adorable. She is.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I like her. I hate Toya. I hate Toya. I hate Toya is bashing freaking Quad for being ghetto. When Toya is the one who walks into a restaurant and be like, oh, I haven't came here before. And she calls czars kazars. Right? Yes. I know. haven't came here before you know and she calls czars kazars you know i know and her husband is like has a moment of reality when he realizes she doesn't know how to pronounce the word czar
Starting point is 00:38:31 right he's like do i have a prenup yeah and i love that i love that like he's like trying to like launch this like smart service was like house calls for the rich and fame for the rich and famous yeah it's called royal pains on usa oh yeah and she's like make sure you do a let's do some botox he's like uh botox is not an urgent condition but for my friends it is he's like if you have a cough then okay she's like what's a cough oh you mean a coag okay with that i have to go. Okay. It was really fun.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Anna, thank you so much. We're going to keep talking, but Anna, thank you so much for coming on. It was a blast. Yeah, it was really great talking to you. Thank you for joining us. You'll have to come on again. It was so fun. Thank you so much for having me. Thanks for spilling the tea. Bye. Bye. Ben, by the way, I hope you're recording this because mine
Starting point is 00:39:25 cut off when I got cut off. I am recording, but why don't you record again? Can you still record? Yeah, I've started recording now. Sorry, everybody. Sorry, everyone. We just completely went off the rails there. Love that girl.
Starting point is 00:39:42 She is great. She comes back all the time. Absolutely. And she's so much more prestigious than we are the fact that she is considered a possibility for writing a book for brandy makes her so famous to me oh absolutely um okay so let's get back on what marriage we're talking about marriage medicine did we finish beverly hills i guess we did finish beverly hills yeah i think we i think, I think we covered it all. Did we cover it all?
Starting point is 00:40:08 I'm just – I need to say one more time. I think it's really effed up that we didn't get to see or talk about Faye, Marissa, Camille, or any of those other characters that played massive roles this season. I mean we did get a teeny bit when they showed us Paul and we got to hear Paul's side of the story post-divorce. But there were so many other major players this season that did not get involved with the reunion. And I don't know if that's because of Adrian leaving at the last minute and it fucked up the entire production. But I was really unsatisfied. Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:40:39 I feel like there could have been at least one more episode. And I don't know know i just feel like they kind of half-assed it um yeah okay i'm not sure if they got you know because i know that they pay a lot of attention to social media you know they it's always mentioned when people are fired or whatever that it had to do with social media and i'm wondering with camille i think it was because she was so on adrian's side that she quit with Adrian. Because there was all that speculation while they were shooting. Is Camille on the show?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Is she not on the show? And she was apparently there on the show the whole season. So that seemed to have come late. And then on her Twitter today, she's just saying, well, I wasn't on it because I wasn't a technical cast member this season. She's kind of brushing it all off. But then Marissa. Why wouldn't they bring on Marissa? I guess she just didn't have any drama.
Starting point is 00:41:31 She didn't have enough drama. I also think that she was going to get pulled into more of the crap when they were in Paris. But because of the death in her family, she didn't get on the plane and go. So she couldn't have gotten. She didn't get pulled into any of the shit there. But she was boring. But she still, for some reason was writing a blog for Bravo. And she said that, um, she addressed it in the blog saying like, this is my final blog. This is my final time on housewives. But I mean, what a waste of screen time to even have her there
Starting point is 00:42:00 in the first place. I mean, you think about all the people that would have been so much better on the show. Absolutely. And by the way, I just want to say, regarding those blogs, those blogs, that's such a brilliant idea by Bravo, because even if nothing's going on during the season, these women are writing such shit about each other that by the time we get to the reunion,
Starting point is 00:42:21 they're ready to kill each other. They're ready to kill each other, mainly because of stuff on the blogs, not from stuff on the show exactly yeah yeah um and you know there's a lot of speculation that they're ghostwritten but honey i don't think they are ghostwritten you should see kim's blog it's like hi exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point people were wondering but i told them exclamation points like what are you even talking about kim she makes no sense. Four words in, you know it's Kim.
Starting point is 00:42:48 The only person that has their shit ghost written is clearly Teresa Judy Cherry. Yeah, because it has words that have more than four letters in them. Exactly. Did you read that Joe is not coming back to Jersey? We're saving that for the gossip at the end.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Gossip at the end. What else do we need to talk about married to medicine except that I'm team Carrie and Ben's team Quad? I'm team Quad. I feel like they started up with Quad. They got her riled up at the first party in the first episode. And, you know, she's definitely tacky
Starting point is 00:43:19 but they're all tacky. That's the point. So, I like Quad. I like her weird, quavering voice. I like her style. I actually... I don't find that she's as hood as they're saying that she is. I think she dresses really well. I don't think she speaks very good.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I think they all are. They're all horrible. I mean, they're so... They're all fucking rude and classless and convertible. Oh, yeah, that's true. I think that they're trying a little too hard. I kind of would...
Starting point is 00:43:43 Like, out of the gate. Yeah, I wish almost that it was a little more boring and let up because where are they going to go next? I mean what more can they do? They've already yelled and screamed at each other. Oh, they just more yelled and screamed. They dove right in. But I still – I'm still convinced that these women were all potential cast members for Real Housewives of Atlanta. So they were all like revved up and ready to go into the snake pit against like the
Starting point is 00:44:06 Nene's and the Kenya's of the world. And now it was just kind of like, okay, we're going to throw this other show together. These girls didn't know how to ramp up and to move into these dramatic, you know, times they were just already in that zone. Yeah, exactly. And I also do want to say, I do find that one of, you know, this kind of storyline is very similar to what was happening on Beverly Hills this season, which drove me fucking crazy. It's kind of like, you know, Faye was acting ridiculous and Kyle is letting her friend act like a bitch to these other people.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I feel like that's what's happening with Mariah is allowing Quad to act like an asshole to people like Carrie. And I just feel like it's mirroring what happened on Beverly Hills a little too much. And I think that somebody needs to shut down the people that are really the problem which are the kyle's and the mariah's of the world well mariah is also letting carrie be a total bitch to quad too because mariah i mean carrie wrote that ridiculously long uh text message where she told quad to stop acting like a low-class whore um guess what she was acting like a low-class whore but it's very hard to take that seriously from someone whose greatest feat in life was once being featured in like an lb in catalog in 1991 you know like have you seen her like her modeling photos that
Starting point is 00:45:18 they have like strewn around her fireplace and at home no duncan duncan's fireplace duncan it's not duncan it's duncan like duncan duncan it's a very private challenge for me my modeling my anorexia oh god that was so funny oh you're anorexic in that dress and she's like oh my this is a very personal moment in my life because i was in fact anorexic i do love the way she looks in her confessionals because she sort of like does this thing where she puts her chin really low and you see a lot of her forehead and her hair hangs down it's like she doesn't realize it's the most unflattering angle for her and she's always like a very important thing for me is to talk about A very important thing for me is to talk about anorexia and also table coasters.
Starting point is 00:46:13 When is she going to start doing that and then saying, like, and that I shaved down my Adam's apple and I actually have a dick? Because she's a man, right? She is. I'll tell you one thing. She's not a common whore. She's a very special whore. Yeah. Yeah, I love that she's constantly talking about class and this and that.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And she's already called somebody a whore. She's purposely said psychologist instead of psychiatrist a few times. She's called someone hood, a monster. So, yeah, none of them are very classy. Frankly, right now i'm liking felicia rashad the very well-mannered white oh yeah white lady yeah and her friend i think they're hilarious yeah the doctors are actually very funny yeah i like the i like the the one obgyn with the family with the little kids with the glasses they are cute they are cute i love them and in fact when one one of the kids said that his he said something about his mom not being like ghetto
Starting point is 00:47:09 and yeah it was so cute it was like why is your dad lucky because my mom is smart she's a doctor and she's not hood i think it was like oh my god yeah! Yeah, that's a pretty cute show. I'll keep watching. I like it. I was thoroughly entertained with both episodes. I wish I'd taken notes. But I didn't. That's why we're not famous.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I know. We're a disorganized podcast. You guys, I do have a long list of notes, though, that are gossip and rumor related. And I would love to have time to attack those real quick. Go ahead. Okay. Should I start with the biggie? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Okay. So, you know, last week on the podcast, we were discussing a lot about the production being halted for the Real Housewives of New York City and who's going to be in, who's going to be out. Last week, we were hearing that the Countess was out and that Heather was out. But who knows? Maybe the season will get canceled well rumor has it that yesterday jill fucking academy is a new scripted podcast that follows ava richards played by hbo's industries my holla harold a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of
Starting point is 00:48:30 becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now
Starting point is 00:49:10 by joining Wondery Plus. From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February,
Starting point is 00:49:32 Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some as a fighter for black rights. She is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad free on Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. That wasn't true. I'm going to look this up right now. I was going to say that Jill Zarin was filmed shooting with the Countess and Ramona,
Starting point is 00:50:22 and now you're telling me that I was duped? Yeah, I was duped? Yeah. Oh my god. I'm so sorry that I didn't want to tell you publicly on the page because I didn't want it to seem like I was calling you a classless whore in front of everybody. But then I forgot about it.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Oh my god, you have no idea how many people I told you about. Oh my god, Jill Zarin is back, girl. Turns out that Ronnie himself is the classless whore. Or that Matt is dumber than Portia. Matt, you're like the Khazar of gossip right now.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I am more challenged than Portia Stewart, who is no longer going to have the last name Stewart, because Portia and Cordell are getting divorced. Discuss Cordell served her with papers. Did we talk about this last week, or is this brand new stuff?
Starting point is 00:51:14 I don't remember. This is called Falling Down, starring Matt Whitfield. I would like to see Portia and Toya have a conversation. Okay, I'm just going to throw out more topics as Ronnie does his research. Tell us about that New Jersey one you hit on a second ago. Well, I want to talk – what was I going to say about New Jersey?
Starting point is 00:51:31 That Joe wasn't coming back? Joe wasn't coming back. Now, see, I didn't know if that was in April Fool's either. I read that on Okay, maybe I shouldn't believe anything that I read at all. Joe, there's like – by the way, there's like, there are 30 Joes on New Jersey. Which one isn't coming back? Juicy.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Juicy. Well, that's because he's probably in jail. Wait, okay, so did I read yesterday, and maybe I should not have read anything yesterday, but that he is seriously at risk for going to jail for 10 years? I don't know if you read that or not, but I kind of feel like you just look at his face and you know he's going to jail for 10 years i mean that's the face of a criminal point yeah at some point at some point he's gonna do something terribly wrong i'm gonna look him up right now how do we feel about lisa buying the uh renting java detour at the corner of uh robertson and
Starting point is 00:52:23 santa monica boulevards in gay old gay old West Hollywood right up the street from Sur. We know that that is a space on the Strip that has never been able to produce a thriving business. Do you think that Lisa is going to be able to turn it around? Maybe. Maybe she will. You know, here's my fear is that instead of like a cool gay club going in there, it's just going to be another version of Sur Lounge with random like antiquities from the Far East with neon lighting and
Starting point is 00:52:50 idiot bartenders and waitresses. So yes, I'll go. Yeah, I think she's going to definitely deliver on the hot guys. And I think that people will go there because right now the Abbey is turned into Disneyland, right? Because that's right there. And that's pretty horrible. I mean mean that's basically just straight girls barfing all over the place
Starting point is 00:53:08 gross and then and like the most horrible things you've ever seen in your life like they're all from riverside oh my god they're from azusa she's like hey guys i know this awesome game bar that's next to my restaurant yeah Yeah, so the Abbey is pretty much turned disgusting. And then they've got that bar next door called Here Lounge, which, God bless them, they can't get any better. I mean, they'll get people in there on the weekends, they'll pack it up, but that place is gross and smells like bar rot.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I feel like every night is lesbian night there. Well, not Wednesdays. Because you go on, like, weeknights or something. Oh, is Wednesday night lesbian night? No, Wednesday night is stripper circus. Oh, the Abbey has a lot of lesbians, yeah. And then, so I think that there needs to kind of be a new place for the gays to filter into. Because you're right, there are a lot of lesbians here.
Starting point is 00:53:56 So I think maybe it has a chance, you know? But then what is it? Is it going to be a club or is it going to be like a coffee house? I think it's going to be a bar. No, it's going to be a gay bar. Is it going to be a club or is it going to be like a coffee house? No, it's going to be a gay bar. But what are the horse faces going to say at CERN?
Starting point is 00:54:11 Because there are clearly going to be super hot people working at Pump. So what are horse faces going to say? They can't be like, sorry, we're the hottest ones here. They'll probably be dating them. Dating like semi-cute gay guys who work out yeah if lisa gets a second spinoff called pump which is a spinoff of vanderpump rules which is a spinoff of the beverly hills housewives i'm going to kill myself i i will watch it first and then slash i will watch it before i decide to kill myself this will probably be the best new show on tv ever i'll kill myself and then my ghost is
Starting point is 00:54:39 gonna watch the show and that's what bravo should have greenlit yeah i'll go to the i'll go to that bar on a night that they're shooting and kill myself on the show like that's how much i'll hate it so it won't be you know lisa needs to get better about her naming i mean sir is ridiculous sexy unique restaurant stupid and then this one is called pump but it's called p dot u dot m dot p dot i mean come on what does that stand for well i would under my pants penis under pant my pants yeah i like that penis under my pants you know what we're gonna i'm not i'm not even gonna come up with something else we're gonna stick with that and i'm gonna think that that's carrie from um uh married to medicine's uh secret motto it's a very very private struggle that i have is a penis under my pants one time i didn't eat for an entire week
Starting point is 00:55:35 and for you and for lisa vanderpump to make a club that makes fun of my very personal struggle is offensive she's a low-class whore i love that she's like so offended going back to that dumb ass i love that please always do so offended that she was called a mistress to medicine when she was fucking a married man come on you were a mistress like what do you come on no it's probably because she thought she got mistress and mattress confused and she's like i don't look like a boxy thing. I'm a lady with curves. My skin doesn't shrink back when you dent it.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I'm not made of foam. How could she say that? How could she say I'm foamy? This is going to be a six-hour podcast. Okay, I have a few more things. I have a few more things. Okay, so Bernie took to his blog. I have a few more things. Okay, so Bernie took to his blog this week to blast Kyle even more so, saying that she is the fakest bitch ever.
Starting point is 00:56:41 And, you know, Bernie, the fact that I'm like even on Bernie's side kind of grosses me out because we all know he's a disgusting gay human being that we hate. And the fact that he's still employed by Adrian is gross. But he is actually attacking Kyle and saying that she is fake. And, you know, he was blasting her about the whole Mauricio real estate thing. What do you guys, what's your take? Well, obviously that was coming straight from Adrian, who was sitting there watching the reunion pissed off that Kyle said she's not even that close with Adrian anymore. So Bernie had to go on to Facebook and, you know, say his piece. So do you think that everything Bernie says is really coming from Adrian?
Starting point is 00:57:07 Yes. But I don't understand why Adrian would hate Kyle that much because Bernie wrote mean, nasty stuff. Because Kyle didn't have her back. And you know that that's what it's about with Adrian. Thanks, girls, for having my back. Like every tweet is thanks. She'll be like, thanks, at Camille H. Grammer, whatever her damn name is. Thanks for having my back.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Well, you know what? This is a woman who's dating Rod Stewart's sons. She clearly does not have rational thoughts. They're done. They're done. But you know what she does have? Dime bags. Jackpot. So, how do I find Chef Bernie on Facebook?
Starting point is 00:57:42 Chef Bernie Guzman. Just do a search for terrible cooks of Beverly Hills. Okay, so another thing that came out was another possible casting. You know, last week I was fighting for Lisa Renna, who actually did a little retweet action. Anyway, I was excited and nobody else was. I didn't know that. That's awesome. Say it again.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I was hoping that Lisa Renna would officially be announced as a new cast member of Beverly Hills. That has not happened yet. But there's another woman in the mix. And the unfortunate thing is she has a title that is even fancier than Countess Luanne de Lesseps. Her name is Baroness Monica. And she is African-American and fabulous. And do you think that she could work in the BH cast? Yeah, absolutely. As long as
Starting point is 00:58:26 she doesn't act like a common whore. I really, really, really hope that's true because she looks like she'd be fabulous and I would like to say something about what you just said about Lisa Rinna. I think that she is going to be on it because I just saw some picture of her at some event for Zing
Starting point is 00:58:44 and she's standing right in front of the booth looking all stupid and she's holding her purse out to be photographed. I mean, stupid bitch Lisa Rinna. I knew that she was going to be on that show. Bite your tongue. I love her. The only problem is I think that she's going to be teamed up with Kim and Kyle, which is bad news, sister.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Lisa, if you're listening, you need to team up with Lisa and Yolanda. Yeah, Lisa, come on this show. Come on this show and plead your case. And we'll tell you what to do. No, because then I'll have to be fake and be nice to her. I'm still mad at you for leaving Days of Our Lives, Lisa Rinna. Listen, you survived Jill Zarin.
Starting point is 00:59:17 So I think you can do Lisa Rinna. Hey, let's call Jill Zarin. Do we still have her number? Oh, I had Jill Zarin gossip. How could I forget? Because I was in Long Island last week, and I heard from one of the Long Island yentas. The whole thing was Jill Zarin. I hope this isn't old news.
Starting point is 00:59:35 But she was like a secretary or an assistant at Bobby's store. And she basically talked about mistress to medicine. It was like mistress to fabrics. She was basically his mistress. That's how she rose up in the world was bobby previously married yeah oh well that makes more sense yeah this this comes direct from the long island grapevine so that's the story choose to believe it or not but the story the rumor is that jill zarin slept her way up into bobby bobby's world well i figured it looks like she's married to the jewish santa claus he kind of looks like clive davis and jewish santa claus i actually i like bobby to tell you the
Starting point is 01:00:18 truth no i do too um okay final topic nini and Kim apparently have settled their differences, and Nini has actually invited Kim to attend her upcoming re-wedding to Greg, and Kim has said that she is going. This is all over both of their Twitter pages. The women have apparently buried the hatchet. Why is this happening? Do we believe it it what do you guys think i'm gonna start off by saying my favorite part ever of the real housewives of atlanta was when kim and nini were both drunk and single and partying yeah i have no idea why this happened i wish i could maybe they suddenly realized that since they're not on the same show anymore that they don't have to keep uh doing what the producers want them to do which is to fight fight. Scandal. We're like friends. When that last fight, well, that whole last fight that happened that broke them up for good was the dumbest fight ever that Nene started just to get camera time. Like, Kim didn't do anything wrong. Nene went on her bus and started saying that she was a slave driver and was calling her assistant sweetie a slave and going off.
Starting point is 01:01:24 And she was acting like a crazy crazy bitch i mean that was in nini's like when she was complete well i guess she's always been completely off the rails until this year that was nini being a complete monster yeah yeah she was that was when she was just horrible and everybody was hating on her um and i think it was because she was mad that Kim became famous and didn't Nene remember that was when Nene still wanted credit for her song that's right that's right that's probably what Nene was mad about but now that Nene is famous she's not insecure about it plus she also came to Hollywood and realized she's probably not the big deal she thought she was and maybe gave her some perspective yeah no just kidding there's no such thing as perspective in The Real Housewives.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I'm actually rooting for them to work out. I mean, Kim's spinoff, Don't Be Tardy or whatever, I still watch it. I know you guys both hate it and want to kill yourselves when you tune in. But, you know, I think that Kim can stand alone. I think Nene right now, her NBC show, The New Normal, hasn't been canceled yet or picked up. So that's kind of in flux. Right now her NBC show, The New Normal, hasn't been canceled yet or picked up, so that's kind of in flux. I think Nene is smart enough, though, to realize that she will never bite the hand that feeds.
Starting point is 01:02:38 And regardless of what fame comes her way, she will never fight with Bravo because she can always fall back into the housewives mix. I wish, though, that she and Kim would both be full-time members next season on Atlanta. I just don't see it happening. No. Oh, no. Well, Nene, I think, will be full-time because she's the highest paid housewife, I believe. She is. That's the highest rated housewife show, so she's probably making some bank. On a sitcom, you make money, but she's probably not making as much as everybody else. She has a fairly small role on that show, doesn't she? No, she has a very small role on on that show and she's making a hell of a lot more money on the real house of atlanta and especially because they had record ratings this season i think that she and kenya can walk in and go pay us whatever the fuck we want yeah yeah she's keeping that job nini wants to keep
Starting point is 01:03:16 buying her used cars for people she likes she's keeping that so i'm very rich bitch yeah now she doesn't have to kiss up to some grimy uh like pizza magnet up magnate up in new york city she now she's up to ryan can i just tell you guys on a side note that there are a shitload of bernie guzman's in the world i'm trying to search facebook for bernie's facebook page and i'm like wow bernie guzman's in the world. I'm trying to search Facebook for Bernie's Facebook page. And I'm like, wow, Bernie Guzman. That's a, that's a popular name. You go Bernie Guzman, wherever you are. I'm sorry. What the real Bernie Guzman did to your name. I wonder if there's a fake Eddie McGee that is trying to be mean to me. And it's like the real Eddie McGee is really loves you now. I feel like we talked so much about Eddie McGee that we're ignoring some
Starting point is 01:04:04 of our other super fans, like Tammy. Love me some Tammy. Tammy, why don't you come hang out with us? Yeah. Tamela Plain. You know, she actually had a tweet the other day that said, people are so rude in this world, and then they wonder why I'm a bitch. And I was like, wow, I've never in my life thought of you as a bitch. You look 10 years old in your picture.
Starting point is 01:04:24 You're smiling like with a lollipop or something. I've always thought she's like the cutest little child star. Like that's how she is in my head. And she giggled all through our live show we did last year. Yeah, we know that she's super cute. The horrifying live show. That was fun. We've got to do it again.
Starting point is 01:04:39 We have to do a live show again. We're going to take the temperature of the audience if you live in the los angeles area or southern california and you are interested in seeing us do this live would you actually come and fill seats because if you actually come and fill seats we'll do it yeah hell yeah we'll do it from pump yeah oh yeah even better yeah right so leave tell us on our facebook i would prefer to do it from a chain restaurant that the Real Housewives of Orange County like to go to. Like Rosa Mexicana or something like that. Rosa Mexicana.
Starting point is 01:05:12 No, let's go to McDonald's and see if any famous people come. I won't be let in. We'll talk to Ben via satellite from the playground. They're like, sorry, you weren't on the list, Ben. You'll be in the ball pit in Playland. Now I'm just wondering if people from listening to this podcast will understand this. Was the McDonald's story told on this podcast or in the future podcast? That was in the future podcast that we previously took.
Starting point is 01:05:38 You see, we can't do callbacks if we do things like this, all half-assed and backwards. Well, maybe it'll be like listening to a podcast like Mmento yeah exactly people can put the pieces together i mean it's almost as if we recorded the second podcast first and the first podcast second none of these people should complain they're getting two juicy episodes back to back they don't have to wait another week yeah they don't don't complain people just come to our live show. Tell us on our Facebook page, slash watch what crappens. Which we go to all the time apparently. We don't know the address. No, I've become hooked.
Starting point is 01:06:14 We've said this last week or the other week. I have become hooked on our own stupid page. It is now like a – it's a daily – like multiple times a day I have to go check it out. Yeah, you know, here's the thing. It's a daily, like multiple times a day I have to go check it out. Yeah. You know, here's the thing. Earlier on this podcast, I was saying I was making GIFs and sounds or whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I was doing it for the page. I wasn't even doing it for my blog anymore. I'm like, this is what's happening. We're all throwing our lives away for this goddamn podcast. Yeah. So people, tell your friends. Tell your friends to listen and to, you know, they don't even have to listen to the podcast. They just have to press play and then put it on walk away give us the downloads give us the numbers that way we have um even higher stats and uh can get into cool parties i have a goal i have
Starting point is 01:06:56 a goal in 2013 we need to win some one of the one of those like fake online awards whether it's you know like a podcasty award or a, I don't know, a something fake award. Oh, absolutely. We just have to remember to submit because that's the thing we missed a South by Southwest and every single other thing we could have submitted ourselves for. And we're like, we're actually a pretty big podcast at this point, but God, we need an intern. We need an intern like Sonia Morgan. Yeah. Oh, and I have to find out if I can read that letter online. I'm sorry. People on the Facebook page were saying—
Starting point is 01:07:29 They are pissed at you, Ben. They said that you teased us because of the Sonia Morgan letter, and it's like you can't do that and not follow through. I'm going to send the email right now. You guys talk while I send the email. Well, we're going to talk— I found Bernie's regular page, like his regular website. This is him. About Bernie.
Starting point is 01:07:47 My name is Bernie Guzman. I'm a private to the stars. I'm a private to the stars. That's what it says. I didn't just mess that up. He's a penis. He's an actual penis. He's a star penis.
Starting point is 01:07:59 I'm a private to the stars in Los Angeles, California. I am the only featured chef on Bravo's The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to the wonderful Adrienne Maloof and her husband, Paul Nassif. Oh my god. And thankfully it has a link to his Facebook. I'm going to go dig up some dirt, y'all. Oh, it's not him.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Wait, is it? Just so we're... Oh, yes, it is him. These pictures were not part of The Real housewives of beverly hills these pictures are these pictures of a bruised and brutally beaten body were released months after the bravo tv show finished filming for the season
Starting point is 01:08:34 i don't know what's going on i'm looking at his crazy abuse pictures the abuse pictures why end on such a depressing note i'll do some research on chef b Bernie and maybe we'll talk about him later. We should have him on the show. I was going to say, he would
Starting point is 01:08:50 come on the show. He's probably putting strawberries on plates of greens at the moment for his dog. Well, if he talks like anything if he talks anything like he types, it'll be like talking to a bowl of alphabet soup. Yeah, and by the way, I'd also like to add, if any of these idiots like Kyle Richards or whoever wanted to take down Lisa, if they the way, I'd also like to add, if any of these idiots like Kyle Richards or whoever wanted
Starting point is 01:09:06 to take down Lisa, if they were smart, they would just dig up Cedric and use that. That's what they would do. That's how you take down Lisa. Although, you really can't because Cedric's an idiot and Lisa's impervious. But still, it'd be fun to watch. They tried that last year and she was just like, get out, darling. Get out.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Don't talk. Don't speak. Just get out. Yeah, that's true. Never mind me. Right now, Bob. Sorry. My brain is dying. Do you have anything else to say? Yes, I do.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Follow Ben at B-Side Blog on Twitter. Follow Ronnie at TVgasm. Follow me, Matt, at Life on the M-List. Follow us as a group and as a podcast at What Crappens. Don't forget to check out the Facebook page as Ben has been pimping, backslash Watch What Crappens. us on itunes leave a comment we definitely need more interaction with you guys on facebook what should we do for our 69th episode and would you attend a live taping of this podcast in southern california where you have to buy your own goddamn drinks let us know
Starting point is 01:10:01 yeah let us know we want to know oh and thank you anna david for being here what is her twitter handle ben do you know it um i think it might be just anna david i'm gonna look it up right now it might be analytical i'm trying to remember anna david it's just anna david just go to anna david it's her twitter she's great she's super smart she's got 40 40 000 followers so she's like way out of our league. She is fancy, girl. Oh, and she's really cute. Yeah, no, she's hot. She's hot, she's nice, she's smart, she writes for Tom Sizemore. What else could you
Starting point is 01:10:32 ask? God, she's got 40,000 followers. Smulla. Yeah, she's on TV all the time. Whatever, Anna David, I liked you five minutes ago. But now you're all famous and stuff. And if you go to her page, suggested people are Martha Stewart, Karen Sierra, and Mindy Kaling. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Who's on yours? When I look at your page, who does it recommend? Me? Yeah. Does it say that somewhere? Mine's probably like a Twitter egg with someone's name like Joanna. I don't know. Mine says, let me see.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Who to follow? Doc Pemberton, CNN Breaking News, and Joseph Wakili. You see? Look how fucking sad that is. I can't even imagine what mine is. Oh, my God. I have Jennifer Love Hewitt. Kill me now. CNN and Joseph Wakili.
Starting point is 01:11:21 All right. Well, if you don't hear from me next weekend, it's because I've jumped off of something. Okay, everybody. Oh, you want to find out? Okay, yeah. I want to find out who yours is. Who to follow? Yeah, I'm going to see.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Mine? Okay, here's what mine are. And this makes no sense. Okay. Phaedra Parks, Wendy Williams, and Gilletteette when i look at yours ben it says because i knew that you had to go t i i can you know what i'll put on the facebook page big brother is watching oh my god they're listening to the twitter's listening to us guys uh phaedra parks wendy williams and gillette when i look at yours ben, Ben, it says that you shaved.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It's because I knew that you had to go tea. I can, you know what, I'll put it on the Facebook page. Big Brother is watching. Oh, my God, they're listening to the podcast. Twitter's listening to us, guys. Even Twitter wants you to shave that damn thing. Oh, well, don't worry. First of all, it is shaved.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Second of all, I can show the original and then the Instagram one, and you can see how the filter affects it. If you like listening to comedy try watching it on the internet the folks behind the sideshow network have launched a new YouTube channel called wait for it it's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts Todd Glass Liza Schleichinger slicing driving friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people out there, and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more.
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