Watch What Crappens - #70: A New Housewife, Kim's Return, and a Medicine Brawl

Episode Date: April 17, 2013

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. hey everyone welcome to watch what crap ends a podcast about all that crap on bravo that we love i'm ben mandelker from b-side blog.. You can find me at B-SideBlog on Twitter and Instagram. And joining me as always are Matt Whitfield from Yahoo TV. Hi, Matt. What's up? What's up? Matt is at Life on the M-List on Twitter and also on Instagram. And also joining us is Ronnie Karam from TVgasm. Hi, Ronnie. Hello, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Hello, hello. Ronnie is at TVgasm on Twitter. And what are you at on Instagram? On Instagram, I'm Ronnie Karam. R-O-N-N-I-E-K-A-R-A-M. Y'all, how easy. Did you ever figure out a way to get your face back on our Facebook page,
Starting point is 00:01:20 Ronnie? I put it up. So are we looking at Ronnie's Instagram or his Twitter from our Facebook page? It's his Instagram. No, it says Twitter. You know, I don it up. So are we looking at Ronnie's Instagram or his Twitter from our Facebook? It's his Instagram. No, it says Twitter. Oh, you know, I don't know. Everyone. Pictures on Instagram, you guys. I'm making an effort.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah. I think that we need a summer intern that knows IT. Yeah, I think so. And he should be good looking. Oh, definitely ripped and maybe a little hair on the chest. Yeah. Dropping pencils a lot. Yeah. and maybe a little hair on the chest. Yeah, I'm dropping pencils a lot. So anyway, you can find our podcast online at forward slash watch what crappens.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And you should all get into the mix there because we have 1,300 fans and growing a lot of activity. We posted some lost footage from last week's episode that's on there now. You can find stuff like that. That's what I'm saying. And we're also on Twitter at what crappens so all very exciting things speaking of instagram ben is this like asian guy looking over a mountain somebody you know or is that just a random picture of the view you were taking i was taking a picture of the view and then he was just sitting right there and i liked i like the color of his shirt i thought it's wait wait wait wait ben are you now
Starting point is 00:02:23 into asian dudes this is like throwing me off i'm open to asian dudes yeah sure why not but this guy's i was not taking a picture out of adoration of this guy well and you also weren't taking a selfie which is a rare thing for you uh excuse me if you go on to your page matt whitfield the entire cover is like a collage of you do you realize this and for me it's like you get some food i am owning it and i will proudly owning it just like quad absolutely not absolutely not um anyway by the way i'm just on a really brief uh serious note one of our big time um listeners who comment a lot on facebook n Nicole Rand, we heard, was in the Boston Marathon yesterday
Starting point is 00:03:08 and she's okay, but we just want to say glad you're okay and everyone who's okay, glad you're okay. And to those who are suffering, obviously our hearts and thoughts go out to you. And we need to also pronounce your name properly. Nicole Jean-Rand.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I thought it was Nicole Johan-Rond. Oh, I call her Nicole Johan-Rond. I guess it would help us if we actually looked at her name. I call her NJR. NJR. I like that. NJR. It's like MJ, Mary J. Mary J. I can't speak. Exactly. It's like Mary J. Blige, but not at all.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of horribleness in the world. With terrorism, and then somebody got rice in today in the government so i know thanks the housewives for being even more horrible than terrorists because i've watched all your shows this week shame on all of you i i just do want to say i i was nervous like would people take it poorly for us to record this today? I mean, granted, everything, you know, all the nightmare stuff went down yesterday. But I'm looking at recording this with you guys today as like my break from not having to watch the news. And I hope that our listeners out there, you know, take an hour, laugh with us.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Let's be silly. You know, that's how I'm looking at it at least. You know, I had a feeling when I posted a picture on our facebook page of tamra's side boob last night and everyone really seemed to embrace it i needed it and i needed it i needed i needed that flapjack turducken saggy nastiness and by the way a big shout out to uh to sarah over who gave my favorite description of it when she said her boob looks like my hand under one of those really powerful hair hand blow dryers so true that's a great great description if we're giving shout outs to some of our facebook uh users there's some woman named i'm assuming it's a woman maybe it's a boy jamie how do you spell j-a-i-m-i-e i think that's a lady jaime jaime i don't know
Starting point is 00:05:03 if it looks if he looks his Hispanic, then it's Jaime. I'm not clicking on the photo. But I think there's boys in the picture. Anyway, I just would say this. This person is from outside in the UK, but they just left the funniest thing on our Facebook page. And it says, Lydia has teeth that could chew an apple through a tennis racket, but I would definitely fuck her husband. That's amazing. And so I responded, who are you?
Starting point is 00:05:27 You're our new fave for this quote. You know what? That's an amazing, amazing quote. Amazing observation. Yes. You know, we have excellent listeners. Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:05:38 Oh, my God. I just went onto our Facebook page because you guys are talking about it, and that side-boob picture is not okay. It's not okay. my god that looks like a chicken like a little baby chicken with too much skin and brows on the sail rack no i actually think it looks like carol radziwill on tamra's breast i think it looks like one of the little aliens in sigourney weaver's alien before it popped out of people. It looks like a really oversized ravioli.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Oh, my God. Do not. Chef Boyard, don't. Oh. Here is your lesson for the week. If you've got big old implants, do not take them out once your skin stops, you know, once your skin loses elasticity. Okay? That is what you do when you're 20.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Lesson learned. Lesson learned. skin loses elasticity okay that is what you do when you're 20 yeah yeah exactly lesson learned lesson learned before we dive into tamra and the real housewives of orange county do you guys have any other gossip i have a few things that i definitely want to discuss today i have i have a few things in terms of uh over the weekend i went to the taping of the uh what bad thing i want to ask you about all these pictures of you with bra stars. Yeah, so I went to the New Now Next Awards here in Hollywood, which is Logo's award show thing. And, of course, the who's who of gay celebrities. But shockingly, there wasn't a huge Bravo representation.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Really, all I saw was I saw Tabitha from Tabitha's Takeover. Oh, crikey. Crikey. She was looking very tall and commanding. She was there to take over the awards. So I went up to her and took a picture with her. I was like, you mind if I take a picture with you? And she's like, oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Take as many pictures as you want. Excuse me. Did you not tell her about this podcast? I was scared. Honestly, I was very scared to tell her about this podcast i was scared i was honestly i was very scared to tell her i have interviewed her and her teeth are just as sharp as her scissors so i do not blame you for not asking you know she's awesome i love her but i'm also very scared of her and i wouldn't want her writing some very angry she'll take over the podcast she'll say you know your podcast your
Starting point is 00:07:42 podcast isn't friendly at all it's not very funny it's all about bitching and moaning i've had enough i've seen enough give me the keys i'm taking over the podcast she wouldn't ask for the key she just asked for the password what's the password i'm taking over um wouldn't that be amazing we should actually have her do that i know i think it would actually do great things for the podcast. People tune in one week. It's just Tabitha talking about hair and frozen yogurt shops. Okay, get to the point. Talk about Reza.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Okay, so Reza was nice. I walked up to him, and I told him that MJ lives across the street from me. He's like, oh, so like when you see the party bus, you know that all the Persians are here. I was like, yeah, pretty much, actually. And then – Yeah, I almost called the cops on them the other week because they were being so goddamn loud.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Well, he was very nice but he seemed like a little overwhelmed. Like he had this look on his face as if someone had just presented him with like a giant hideous piece of artwork or something. Like that big eyes and a smile that sort of seems to say i don't know what to say at this very moment did you not have a dry cookie in your pocket or did you not offer up a furry armpit from a white boy that was my mistake uh i had soft batch that's my you had soft batch that's a problem and um two your suit was not sleeveless so that you couldn't you know shake your pit in his nose i know someone did ask him about that actually right in front of me and he was like and by the way his boyfriend was with him and his boyfriend is attractive and way out of reza's league way out of reza's league well
Starting point is 00:09:14 clearly reza makes the money so come on obviously i also told reza that um i have family in great neck and that i've spent many passovers and rosh Hashanahs there. And he was like, oh. And I was like... Ben, so stop talking for a second. I hope you took notes on that one. That's good. Hey, Ronnie, how do we feel about Ben interacting with all of these
Starting point is 00:09:37 Bravo Leberties and not mentioning our podcast once? Yeah, why didn't you? What the hell? We need to make little cards. The reason why I didn't you what the hell the reason to make little cards the reason why i didn't and uh and and correct me if i'm i'm sorry did you mention the podcast when you went to the shazza sunset uh season premiere part i'm trying to remember if you did or not oh snap b i'm just just saying and b doesn't stand for ben no but the reason why i didn't mean i don't do it because i'm so mean i don't want to be like hey listen to my podcast where i call you to c word 20 times in an hour
Starting point is 00:10:11 well you know what the real reason why was because i was there as a guest of a friend and i didn't want to like this was i didn't feel like it was appropriate for me to be hawking my stuff um and especially if this is a podcast where reza could listen to it and hate it and then get mad. I didn't want anything like that. You know, I hawked our podcast at an event that I was at on Saturday night with famous people. But, you know, that's fine. Whatever. And which.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And tell us. Tell us about it. Well, I went to Reda's birthday party. Reda plays Donna on Parks and Recreation. She had her birthday in Beverly Hills Hills and I went with my friend Lori and had a glamorous time. You know she's got a good cake. That's why we're all friends
Starting point is 00:10:52 with at least one fat girl because we've got to have a party once a year with a good cake. Yeah, exactly. It was actually mini cupcakes, which I am not a fan of, but she's so fabulous that I got over it real fast. So what did you tell her about the podcast? That I'm a co-host along with you
Starting point is 00:11:07 two fabulous bitches. Yes. Excellent. Well done. And is she going to come on? She may. I mean, it's part of the NBC Universal Network, so it's synergy at work, baby. Well, Retta, we are ready for you. We are ready for Retta. And now she's like, yeah, never
Starting point is 00:11:24 mind. She's like, forget about it uh delete she's like i have to go what is this about it's just like people we saw this weekend yeah it's a podcast and if you don't have any celebrities you're maybe gonna get fired um who did i see i was out drinking all weekend i had a rough weekend and i I fixed it by drinking my face off. It was wonderful. Did you have a Sunday fun day out in West Hollywood? I had a Friday fun day, a Saturday fun day, and a Sunday fun day. So you're still drunk.
Starting point is 00:11:57 That sounds great. Kind of, actually. That might explain why I've been in bed so much the past couple of days. But it was so fun. I don't think I saw anybody famous, but I saw a lot of drunk men with no hair on their bodies oh well you gotta hit the west hollywood's commitment to waxing i mean not one i did not see even hair in nostrils waxing their nostrils now is that why i'm single like i have never done the waxing i'm afraid of it if you don't wax you need to move to Silver Lake.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah. I don't wax, actually. But that's probably why I'm single also. Fat people don't have to wax. If you're chunky, then it's like standing behind a bush. You have to grow hair. Speaking of the nose hairs, though, I will say I do pluck all of my nose hairs out.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I'm completely bare up there. You pluck them? All of them. They're gone. Oh, I trim I will say I do pluck all of my nose hairs out. I'm completely bare up there. You pluck them? All of them. They're gone. Oh, I trim them, but I don't pluck them. I tried shaving them this week because I was kind of drunk this weekend. And I was, like, shaving. When I was shaving my face, I used a razor and I cut my nose.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And now I've been telling everybody that Bueller bit my nose. This is clearly, like, season four of Sheer Genius right here. Nose edition. With Tabitha. Yeah, Tabitha. I've heard enough about your nose stories. I'm taking over your nose. Before we start actually talking about Bravo shows, sorry people who are listening to talk about Bravo shows.
Starting point is 00:13:15 But you know how I'm always talking about fat, fat, fat. Like that's all I talk about. Well, I went to this fundraiser Sunday and guess what I won? Fat. I won Spanx. No, I'm just kidding. They do make man Span? Fat. I won Spanx. No, I'm just kidding. They do make man Spanx. They do.
Starting point is 00:13:28 What did you win? I won a six-month membership to Crunch. Oh, my God. Well, you'll definitely have to wax before you go in there. And you'll also need to wear maybe an outbreak body suit because there's a lot of grossness happening up in that locker room. Well, luckily, they're giving out vaccines for that now. That is true. But, again, that locker room at Crunch on Sunset can be scary. Well, luckily they're giving out vaccines for that now. That is true. But again, that locker room at Crunch on Sunset can be scary.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Well, I wouldn't know. I've never been there. It can also be fun. By the way, Ronnie, the showers there have this weird silhouette thing where you can kind of see through them. So invite me. That should be the next Bravo show right there. The Crunch Shower.
Starting point is 00:14:00 All their other shows are not doing so well. But Crunch Shower, i guarantee you'd have a you'll have a solid fan base right way better ratings than the candy factory oh poor candy will not be getting naked in public thank you no you'll be silhouetted jim yeah you'll be silhouetted okay so anyway this is actually a podcast about bravo so i have things to discuss i have things to discuss all right discuss them okay so i'm obsessed with this real estate. I'm obsessed with real estate in general, but there's one called The Realist Stalker. It's a hilarious blog. You need to check it out. The woman is to die for. up on the market for nearly $10 million. And they're saying that she's going to sell it because there was never a mortgage because when she was with her ex-husband, they paid for the house upfront in cash, also around $10 million at that time, over 10 years ago. So Sonya is going
Starting point is 00:14:55 to get the 10 mil if she sells the house for the asking price. She's going to then have to pay off that $7 million debt that she has to that production company that took all of her money. And then she'll be left with maybe between $1.5 and $3 million, depending on how much the sale grows. No, she didn't take out any taxes. Well, that's why I'm saying really not $3 million, but probably $1.5 million she'll have, which means then she should move to Atlanta because all those ladies are poor. No, she'll have $10 million minus 60%.
Starting point is 00:15:22 So she'll be left with $4 million. And then she owes $7 million. so she'll still be in the red. But you know what, though? She'll make royalties because clearly this penthouse or this townhouse is going to be donated to become the National Cobweb Museum of New York City. And I'm sure they'll have tons of visitors. She'll just be making a dollar off of every ticket. It'll be great. That's the other hilarious thing.
Starting point is 00:15:41 We'll just be making a dollar off of every ticket. It'll be great. That's the other hilarious thing. The one that runs this real estate blog she wrote, she's like, any potential buyers beware because this woman had some serious water damage during that last hurricane. Well, she was single-handedly targeted by Hurricane Irene. I mean she was the one that was hit. It was. It's true.
Starting point is 00:16:01 She was the epicenter of all destruction. I can't even imagine what next season is going to be like with her talking about Sandy. Irene was bad enough. Sandy, she'll just be like in a raincoat and a little canoe in her living room. Speaking of houses, did you guys see the photo that our friend Stephanie posted on our Facebook page about Chateau Charest? There's actually a photo of the house as of April 16th. And I will say this. It is coming along further than I had expected. Whoa! It's like, uh, it's got
Starting point is 00:16:28 like, structure to it. There might be some drywall. It looks kind of like it's made out of papier-mâché, but, um, you know, I'm sure it's livable. I actually think it's pretty cute. It is. I'm surprised that no one has made a reality show for Chateau Charest.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I just got to, yeah, no kidding, the house that couldn't. So how is this her house? How does she afford this? This is so pretty. Well, the thing that we don't know is, Ronnie, we don't know that it's currently under construction or if that's just the shell and it's never going to be finished because the girl ran out of money. Or even if it's hers, maybe she just sold the plot of land. Right, that's very possible. Or, you know, she could be living inside that right now
Starting point is 00:17:08 without electricity or plumbing. Yeah, it's sort of like the cut fitness studio. I will say it does look better than that nasty one-bedroom apartment that she was renting after Bob dumped her ass. Even though she had a Maserati, like, on the side. Oh, yeah, she had an Aston Martin and a dumpy one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Atlanta. Well, if she Oh yeah, she had an Aston Martin and a dumpy one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Atlanta. Well, if she were smart,
Starting point is 00:17:27 she sold her Aston Martin and funded Chateau Chere, which, you know, in Atlanta costs a solid you know, $1,200. The Facebook is actually really good today. I'm looking it over while you two are yapping. Oh, well, clearly Ben and I have been the ones updating it.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I love that people are... No, no. I'm talking about the users. I haven't even looked at the front yet. These are all the listeners. The finale... I love that we're already getting Real Housewives of New Jersey finale scoop. That's hilarious. I'm not reading that. I do not like spoilers, Michael Cook. You don't want a spoiler?
Starting point is 00:18:01 No. Okay, well, for all the users that are listening right now, don't click through because I read that whole goddamn thing that got posted, and it pretty much gives away all of season five. But I'm still excited. Well, you know they're coming back because everything, when you search Real Housewives News, it's all Jersey. TMZ even has stupid Jacqueline Loretta on the cover, and they picked the most unflattering turkey neck. She looks like a Ziploc bag full of – Tamara's breasts. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Tamara's breast skin. It's like someone ordered a bag of breast skin. And she's about to lose her house, it looks like, because she missed a $10,175 monthly mortgage payment. I guess that Blackwater isn't selling so well. Yeah. $175 monthly mortgage payment. I guess that Blackwater isn't selling so well. Yeah. And Caroline Manzo is confronted this season about her husband cheating all the time. What?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Did he do it with someone in the back room of Coface? Who would cheat with him? Exactly. Like, every time I look at him, I feel like he's wearing, like, really, like, baggy track pants. And he's always, like, holding a golf club and going, yeah, I had bypass surgery. That's not cute. Well, have you ever seen The Sopranos? Look at all the ass that Tony Soprano got.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, that's true. Well, then again, you are from that neck of the woods, Ben. I am. I'm a mafioso. Yeah, but that was fake. I mean, that was a TV show. Someone wrote that fat bastard getting laid by the girl from Flashdance. I mean, this is real life. Well, every time, you guys, we are at the Brownstone,
Starting point is 00:19:26 there are secret cavernous... That upstairs has like mazes upon mazes of rooms and bedrooms and boudoirs, and you know dirty stuff goes down. I actually think it's probably a brothel. I'm going to put that out there, and it's not a rumor. It's a brothel. And you know, nothing turns on a lady more than a man who
Starting point is 00:19:41 has his own catering hall. That is hot. That's free food. It's hot food. Meatballs, you know, a Viennese table. That guy looks like he can barely walk from his car to the restaurant. How in the hell is he having extra merit? He's one of those people that's probably 49 that looks 75.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You know those guys. Yeah, you know them. You know them. You know those white dudes. That's exciting. Yeah, New Jersey is on the horizon because the PR machine is cranking into overdrive, and I'm loving it. Yeah, it looks like it's going to be one down and dirty season. And frankly, we're going to need it because Beverly Hills was semi-nice, if you think about it. Nothing really dramatic went on with that. Orange County seems like it's going to be more of the same team shit.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Orange County looks like it's going to be pretty. There might be some aggressive stuff. I mean, this coming episode already looks like there'll be some great fireworks. You guys, can I just read a random headline that just cracked me up and I'll turn off the Internet? Michael Clark Duncan's family. We want Omarosa investigated. What the hell? what does any of that even mean I'm turning this off
Starting point is 00:20:47 the world is too confusing but yeah the Orange County always gets a little bit nasty but to me it always seems like it's in good fun yeah I think that really the breakout season of the past
Starting point is 00:21:04 nine months or year year even was Miami. Miami had it all. We had that fist fight. We had yelling. We had trannies. We had drag queens. It was perfect. And it was a shorter season.
Starting point is 00:21:18 It was great. I'm excited for season three of Miami. Well, did you guys see that video that was posted by another one of our about joanna krupa talking about what happens on the next season of miami and by the way i won't even let's not even go there yet because we won't do the spoilers but let's talk about the casting for a second for miami everybody is saying that mary saul has been downgraded to friend of housewives they are saying a karen has been removed completely, and they are also saying that... Who else got downgraded? Um...
Starting point is 00:21:50 There was one other person who was downgraded. It was... It wasn't Alexia. No, I think Alexia has been upgraded. I'm sorry, I think Alexia was upgraded. Yeah. It wasn't Adriana. It wasn't Leah. Um... Oh, Anna. Anna, yes. Good. She was such a bitch at the reunion.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Sorry to sound misogynist there. She made very good TV, though. At the end of the season, she started getting in fights with everybody. I mean, she was a shit-stirring monster. Yeah, she had so many portfolios behind her back. It was ridiculous. She was like a legal department back there. It was like a filing cabinet.
Starting point is 00:22:21 She kept reaching behind her pillow for something else. Okay, so let's get on to, do we have any more gossip? Are we ready for actual TV talking? I just want to say that Candy Factory bombed in the ratings and that girl cannot hold her own spinoff. Sorry, honey. Same producers as Platinum
Starting point is 00:22:40 Hit, so think about that. I love Platinum Hit. I did too. I i loved it i was thinking today about uh i was thinking today about about bravo shows that just sort of never caught on or never really had their time and platinum hit i think was one of them obviously got girls um i was even thinking about situation comedy remember that show guys no what's that it was like bravo's project green light which by the way project green light is also on that list but? It was like Bravo's Project Greenlight, which, by the way, Project Greenlight is also on that list. But it was like basically Project Greenlight, but for sitcoms.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And they had all these like writers and they came in and they all had to like pitch a pilot or whatever. And they whittled it down to two show ideas. It was produced by Sean Hayes, the show. And he was like a host, whatever. And they mentored him. Oh, I watched that. Yeah. I watched that.
Starting point is 00:23:22 But it wasn't called that, was it? A Situation Comedy? Yeah. Is that but it wasn't called that was it a situation comedy yeah is that what it was i think it was that's and so either way they shepherded it terrible terrible shows they had on competing they were terrible but it was a really fascinating show because they really brought it through the whole process of like bringing it to the network and casting it and then making these pilot presentations it was great great. I loved it. Yeah, one of them was this lady who had her baby from a sperm donor, and then the sperm donor became the real dad. I liked that one.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And it was played by Janice from Friends. Oh, my God. That was terrible. And then what was the other one? The one that won was something about, I think, a kid who was really smart. Like a kid who wore a little suit little suit right yeah i think it was something it was really stupid it was like okay well i'm ready for my 3 p.m appointment and it's like ha ha ha i hated it the other one at least had like some body humor in it yeah i like that
Starting point is 00:24:19 show too darn it i wish that was coming back but now sean hayes is busy actually producing terrible sitcoms. Hot in Cleveland, holler! Although I shouldn't call it terrible because I love it. It's a Golden Girls ripoff, and I love it. Yeah. So much. So anyway, on to current Bravo shows.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Should we start with Orange County? Yeah. Yeah. All right. So let's see. What happened this episode? We met a new girl. We met Lydia. And it wasn't zoe deschanel it wasn't it was uh lydia what's her last name again lydia something gums lydia gums lydia lydia the the bubbly christian lady so she's our our second christian lady on this show
Starting point is 00:25:02 but i thought i don't know i kind of thought she was, I enjoyed her. I thought she was sort of quirky and silly. Well, she says that she's Christian in a different way than Alexis. Like, it's less offensive. And here's why I think it's less offensive. Because Alexis is full of shit. Well, we've already talked about that. Alexis is dumb.
Starting point is 00:25:20 But Lydia does it almost to apologize for being richer than me. It's almost like, I'm richer than me it's almost like i'm richer than you but i do pray it's like okay okay okay i almost got this i didn't get a sense that she was um sanctimonious or that she would use it to defend ridiculous things in her life the way alexis does and i also feel like the fact that she went to some sort of like bible camp or whatever when she was 21 makes me think that she probably has a little bit of a better understanding of perhaps uh christianity than alexis does who just follows certain mantras that jim feeds her yes oh god and jim that this whole this whole crusade to make them look like they actually
Starting point is 00:26:00 give a shit about each other continues oh my god oh my husband's martha stewart who would have ever thought uh keep the honey keep the the stick what is it called keep the twig keep the twig on the grapefruit honey yes they are so lucky to be getting a paycheck for this season because they have had zero interaction with people oh yeah well until next week until next week but i'm sorry that's just that's that's. Like none of these people are clearly friends on any of these shows, really. But they at least need to be willing to film together if I'm sorry. It just pisses me off. Well, I'm sure we'll be getting more overlap with Alexis and the other girls. We had a little bit. She she visited Vicky.
Starting point is 00:26:40 It was the first one to see baby Troy. Right. So there's that. That is true. Fine. Yeah, that's how exciting this episode was. Whatever. I'll tell you what was exciting was Lydia's husband. He is hot.
Starting point is 00:26:53 He is real hot. He is totally a hot, gay, Christian, closeted man. Absolutely. And that is always one of our favorite things and a nut that we always want to crack. And God bless him. God bless him for doing shirtless pull-ups for no reason oh i know i know and i love that he turned his back to us like i know i know but he and he took off the shirt but like i was waiting for the pants needed to come off too i mean he changed completely to
Starting point is 00:27:14 go out to that event that night so the pants had to come off the event was them going to dinner down the shore via boat via boat but i don't know i kind of actually enjoyed that like some people would do that and like if the bolinos did it i'd be like oh they're the worst but. But I don't know. I kind of actually enjoyed that. Like some people would do that. Like if the Bolinos did it, I'd be like, ugh, they're the worst. But these two, I don't know. I kind of thought it was cute. You know? And she's like, it's the boating life.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I was like, oh, okay. I'm down with that. Whatever. I hate them, kind of. But I know that it's so stereotypical for a gay guy to be like, oh, my God, he must be gay because he's so cute. But he did. He was. so cute but he did he was she said something and he's like oh i was like oh girl i hope that's a plot line coming up what i like about her is that she sort of seems to me like one of those inflatable guys that's in front of a car
Starting point is 00:27:58 dealership that sort of like flaps his arms the entire time you know and she sort of has that lanky um lack of control over her limbs. Like when she announced that she was from Orange County and she sort of did this weird little dance. If someone could make a gif of that moment, I'd be very happy. There's going to be a lot more of it.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Somebody posted on our Facebook, I think last week, I guess you guys didn't watch it, but it was so funny. It was this clip of all the housewives being interviewed in their diary room sessions and they were all describing the new girl, and it was so funny. They're like, well, she's so positive.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And what's her buns? Adrian. The Adrian of Orange County. What's her name? Heather. Oh, Heather. Heather was like, she does this dance, this happy dance. The interviewer was like, do it.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And she's like, I don't do thater is like do it she's like i don't do that make them do it you know heather is actually being quite insufferable this season she is awful thank you for addressing it she is the worst liked her last season but this season she's a real shrew i mean she really gives women a bad name i think she was a shrew last year what do you guys but she's even more aggressively humorless and obnoxious. She's so obnoxious to Terry. And Terry's like a good guy. He's like fun and sweet.
Starting point is 00:29:10 You know, I like Terry. Yeah, look. You know, even if Terry was like throwing marshmallows at her face during dinner, look at her house. I know. You better be nice. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they obviously don't have a prenup. It's funny on this show how you learn to spot a prenup because they do not have one.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah, I would not say that there's much of a prenup given the way that she harangues Terry nonstop. Yeah, she really does. She's horrible. I mean, I actually feel bad as a Jew because they show her like being totally overbearing and ridiculous. And then they go off to synagogue. I'm like oh god they've now it's like now everyone who has no idea what a jew is like is now going to see her and be like oh all jewish women are overbearing and awful and shrewish and terrible to their husbands i
Starting point is 00:29:56 think that's what's going to happen now well also jewish people when did you start allowing reality show filming inside synagogue i was shocked that they let cameras inside during Yom Kippur. It's like, this is like your time of atonement, and they're going to let cameras in. I guess, I'm assuming the congregation wanted to have some publicity. Obviously. Obviously. Well, they needed some. They only had like 20 people there for
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yom Kippur. I know. I was actually pretty surprised at that, too. It was empty, except for their hideous baby Colette screaming the entire time. Orange County is where the Christians live, I guess. And LA gets the Yehudis.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yehudis. That's a new one. They're far away from Larchmont Village. I'll tell you that much. By the way, was that Heather's mom? Or was that, was that Heather's mom or was that Mr. DuBois? That was Terry's mom. She didn't speak one word, right?
Starting point is 00:30:50 She just gave like crazy eye looks at the screaming children. She can't speak any words at this point. She's not. Maybe she's mute. Her mouth doesn't move. She may be mute. She's had a little bit of work done by her son, I'm sure. She's not going to mess with Heather either, man.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Heather's probably even ten times worse than she is to us. I'm actually wondering, Heather mentioned a conservative synagogue that she went to growing up, and I'm actually wondering which one it was, because there's a chance it could have been my synagogue, because she's from Chappaqua, New York, and a lot of people from Chappaqua went to my synagogue, and I was in a
Starting point is 00:31:19 conservative synagogue. So if someone could investigate Bet Torah's logs and see if Heather Page page kent was in there and report back we'd be very happy to know that i keep forgetting that her name was heather page kent what a bad what a typical jewish name oh my god it sounds like she's fresh off the boat from israel with that name heather page kent oh my god i don't know why talking about jews has made me have to pee so bad but keep talking i'll I'll be back. Okay. We'll talk about like Manischewitz or something. I just look Jewish.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'm not actually Jewish. I am – I'm actually a real Jew. Real deal Jew. We know. We know. We know when you have to take a break and like not tape with us because of Rosh Hashanah or Passover Kippur or whatever. Yeah, Passover Kippur. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Let's see. Is that a sequel to Kelly Kippur from The Office? They're buddies. Yeah, exactly exactly. Let's see. Is that a sequel to Kelly Kapoor from The Office? They're buddies. Yeah, exactly. So let's see. So there was that with – so Heather was ridiculous. Vicky – oh, so the other thing was that Tamara is opening up her studio, Cut Fitness. Which surprisingly has left out a much-needed N from the title.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking, too. What does cut stand for again? It's like cardio, unique training? Classy, urban... Classy, urban training. Classy, urban torso. Classless, ugly training. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:40 So what do you think about her empty studio space? Well, Ben, how am I supposed to say anything? I mean, I can't tell if it's going to be a shithole or if it's going to end up being nice. I have no idea. Is it possible to turn that into a legitimate exercise studio in the span of four weeks? I don't think so. I mean, in four weeks, is she just going to put some yoga mats on the floor and wheel in some elliptical machines and maybe put a few kettleball bells in the corner. I mean, if that's what Jim thinks. Well, first of all,
Starting point is 00:33:08 did you already talk about the name? Yes, but go on. We said it was missing an N, Ronnie. Yes, it definitely is, but I love that what it stands for doesn't even make sense. Okay, cardio unique training. What does that even mean, cardio
Starting point is 00:33:23 unique training? It's like cardio that you can't get anywhere else. It's unique to that empty space. Bad sentence structure. It doesn't make sense in that order. Do you realize if you say Cup Fitness fast enough, it actually sounds like a face? Cup Fitness, Cup Fitness, Cup Fitness, Cup Fitness, Cup Fitness. They should definitely open up a juice bar and a smoothie bar
Starting point is 00:33:41 and serve egg salad. Egg salad. Egg salad protein shakes. To make any sense sense it needs to be unique cardio training so it would be like up which i think would probably be more fitting anyway well you're going to act you uh you lost us when you said to make sense because nothing makes sense in orange county um uh no but getting back to design i i think that what they're basically going to do is they're going to make a call to the nearby TJ Maxx and a truck is going to show up and the door is going to open and they're just going to pull off everything. They're going to make exercise equipment out of like, I don't know, crazy saucers and strange Ottomans and like decorative cows. Sidebar, my favorite part of the Facebook page right now is our users going to said TJ Maxx and or Marshalls and or HomeGoods and or Cost Plus World Market and taking photos of things that they know exist in either Tamara or Gretchen's shithole houses. I want more of that want it is my favorite thing
Starting point is 00:34:46 ever i want more of that more of it people more of it you know there definitely needs to be somebody somebody needs to get a photo of a one of those like crazily intertwined oil and vinegars you know that look like snakes that wrap around each other with maybe like a little like rusted grape wrapped around it or something or glass or some sort of like cylindrical glass vessel that is filled with balls of like wooden twine you know by the way i have that as my centerpiece on my dining room table not gonna lie but it's okay i got one but mine is from a classier establishment so that's fine i got i have one full of fake lemons that's i was gonna say i also have one full of real lemons. I was going to say, I also have one full of real lemons, not from Yolanda. But if you follow me on Instagram, you would see all of these photos.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah. Actually, I could do a whole podcast coming up with things I've seen in TJ Maxx and seeing if they'd be at Gretchen or Tamara's home. Oh, my God. Have you seen that big – you know how they sell portraits there, like the big paintings that are just like posters? Yeah. Have you seen the Paris one? I was about to say, it's got to be something in Paris. Yeah, that's what I always think of when I see Gretchen's house.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I'm like, that bitch would have that and be like, look, it's a brasserie. She would be the type that have like Paris all in black and white except for one woman in like a red dress. Exactly. And it might say like bibliotech and it'd be spelled wrong and then like the woman would be there'd be like a painted woman on it and like on her diamond ring like they'd actually um put like a little fake diamond on the canvas to make it bling out there'd probably be something like henry that would say like j'adore on top you know oh yes a little glue gun yes. A little glue gun Don Diamond.
Starting point is 00:36:25 A little glue gun Don Diamond. And there might be even some hat boxes that match the artwork. Look at me in a baby store. Oh, my God. I could have a baby one time, but I'm so young. I better have them before I get old. You know she's got like every single type of truffle oil that comes on sale at TJ Maxx. She's got an entire cabinet of truffle oil.
Starting point is 00:36:48 This is so embarrassing, but I'm actually looking at my most recent post on Instagram right now. And it actually features something in my kitchen, which are three roosters. Rooster plates on easels. Those are cute, though. Those are cute. I swear to God they're not from Ross Dress for Less, people. Those were cute. Those were cute.
Starting point is 00:37:05 You can tell cute stuff like that versus TJ Maxx. Maybe I make fun of it because I actually – maybe I'm actually drawn to the shit I make fun of. Listen, I bought stuff from TJ Maxx. I call absolutely Ross Dress for Less. My house was designed by Ross. Like everything in here. But here's the point. When you go to those stores, the fun is weeding through the crap and then finding awesome stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:23 But then Gretchen and Tamara and everyone else on this cast seem to just take the crap. They don't even bother trying to hunt down the good stuff. They're like, okay, well, there's a chef with a serving platter. We'll take him. Okay. There's a Betty Boop figurine that you can put, you know, like sticks in. What is it with Betty Boop always being at Ross Dress for Less? What is that?
Starting point is 00:37:44 I mean, that is like – It's where Betty Boop has gone to Ross Dress for Less? What is that? I mean, that is like... It's where Betty Boop has gone to die. I don't get it either. Okay, so are we done with Orange County? Because those bitches are... No, there's definitely more things to discuss. Okay, what else? Brianna having an awkward salad out of a plastic container lunch with Vicky and Alexis. And then Alexis, trying to be friends with Vicky,
Starting point is 00:38:06 starts making shit awkward by asking about Brooks in front of Brianna, who clearly hates him. Yeah, that was great. I enjoyed it. I'm sorry, Vicky doesn't have a straight answer and it's starting to piss me off. I just like when Vicky is saying things like, well, it's just difficult because, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:23 Brooks and I really love each other. But it's hard because there's so many people who just don't like him and are really vocal about it. And there's so many people like that. And they just keep on cutting to Brianna sitting there eating her salad. They're like, I'm right here. Yeah, gnawing on some lettuce. Just like, okay, here we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah, well, she's trying to – it's like she's trying to make Brianna say – like argue with her and she's not going to do it. And I love Brianna just coming into her office like, look, if any of your boyfriends come in here, I'm leaving and I'm taking a baby. She's holding that baby. She knows that that's power now. It's probably a robot, but it's a smart move on Brianna's part to get whatever she wants out of Vicky. Has anyone worked on their Vicky voice? Listen, Briannaanna don't buy anybody brianna i don't want to fight about i don't want to talk about this anymore biana
Starting point is 00:39:10 i don't even talk to him anymore i don't i don't even really do a real voice i just kind of like a sarah palin voice i i need more midwest i have to say like two nights ago i decided to give it a try and i like it sounded really good but i think i've lost i think i've actually 100 lost it it's the candy bar effect can i give you like oh can i give you a line to try yeah like give me a line okay i'm going to give you a line that is so hilarious because one of our uh people posted this one of our users posted on facebook and i could not agree more but um it definitely has to involve uh the word insurance because karen our user was like oh here we go the first incredulous who does fill in the blank without
Starting point is 00:39:53 insurance of the season courtesy of vicky i dot karen you're a genius i love it comments this week great comments should i try that who is business? It's like, who opens a business without getting a shirt? No, no. See, I can't do it. It's hard because Vicky has different voices also. She has a calm voice and she has an exasperated voice. I think I could do the exasperated voice because it's pretty much just like a lady
Starting point is 00:40:17 version of Thomas Kramer. I was just going to say it's Thomas Kramer from the Midwest. Yeah, I'd be like, How do you not love me too? Sorry. It came out wrong. It came out wrong. It came out wrong. Let me try it again. Let's see. How do you not love me?
Starting point is 00:40:29 No, I can't do it. It comes out as Edith Bunker. It's Edith Bunker. Okay, just take a second. Take a second. Chill out. Crack open. Crack open.
Starting point is 00:40:36 This is what it must feel like to audition for American Idol. Crack open. A Bud Light line. Can I get one more shot? Can I get one more shot? I'm just really nervous, guys. Okay. I just need to hone my...
Starting point is 00:40:47 No, you need to put on a bedazzled cowboy hat. You need to crack open a Bud Light Lime. Pretend that you are going down a lazy river in... In Arizona. In Arizona near Lake Havasu. Footballs coming to my face. Footballs are flying at your nose.
Starting point is 00:41:02 There are people on pontoons holding Bud Lights. Tramp stamps everywhere. Um, Gina's got her, got her friend Frankie there who was not invited. Okay,
Starting point is 00:41:14 I'm starting to feel it. I'm starting to feel it. Tammy Knickerbocker may be doing, uh, she's probably doing Chardonnay out of a bong. I love her so much.
Starting point is 00:41:21 She's my best, she's my sister. She's, I love her. Okay, I think I'm in the space. I think I'm in the space. I think I'm in the space. Let me see if I can do that.
Starting point is 00:41:30 How can I do this without this? No. You sound like somebody putting Beak or the Muppet into a blender. I have to work on this. Maybe I should work on the quiet voice first. The screaming voice is coming. I'm trying to do my Thomas Kramer voice, but when i try to make it do falsetto thomas kramer it comes out really strange it's this whole other beast i don't know i i stick with my i stick with my original point that brianna has nothing to say and i don't care what she says about paying rent
Starting point is 00:42:01 you know she's paying like 20 a week to live live there. I'm not buying it. Yeah, I agree. And also that money's coming straight from Bravo. I like her too, but shut up. Stop complaining. Go move into your own house and then complain about Vicky. That's what I like. I just don't like her living off of her and complaining.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Like, don't be so ungrateful. Yeah, and I think, honestly, Tamara kind of said it best, which is, at this point, you know what? Let Vicky, if Brooks is going to be bad or take advantage, let Vicky find out the hard way everyone's warned her they've said what they can say just now let her do her own stupid thing yeah okay but you have to just say one more thing though speaking of stupid things vicky driving across the street to tamra's fitness studio
Starting point is 00:42:39 um when it was 10 yards away well maybe she had to go somewhere afterwards. To Hannah's. They went to Hannah's. I just drove to Starbucks and it's on my same block. Ronnie, you did not drive down that block to the Starbucks at Fairfax and Santa Monica. I did. I did. No, you did not. Oh, you parked in the back, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I've been whiny. So I didn't want to do it. And I was like, you know what? I'm not going to do it. You could throw a ham sandwich from Ronnie's house to the parking lot at that Starbucks and I have I've thrown ham sandwiches there you know what's even worse I put the family and took him with me and then took him out of the car and tied him up in front like I had walked there so nobody would give me shit about it and then went back in the car with bueller from wondery this is black history for
Starting point is 00:43:30 real i'm francesca ramsey and i'm consciously what do most people think about when they hear the words black history rosa parks reconstruction ml so many stories of black history that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some.
Starting point is 00:44:05 As a fighter for black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful. Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful. Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Harreld,
Starting point is 00:44:31 a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything
Starting point is 00:45:02 she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. He's like, thanks a lot for my walk, asshole. Oh my God. And now our millions of listeners know this about you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I round up. I round up. Who would have thought a podcaster would be lazy? I know. Who would have thought? We're known to be such active people. We are. You know what?
Starting point is 00:45:42 You know what? That's so Persian of us, dare dare i say that's so persian homegirls like i i like can't walk to the starbucks i have to like drive down there that's so persian that's like so lux to do that oh my god homegirl driving everywhere i feel like um i feel like uh we would hire somebody to take us down there if we were a person. We'd call Uber. We'd call Uber and have one of those big-ass escalades take us. Yeah, stretch escalade. So it starts at Starbucks and ends at Ronnie's house.
Starting point is 00:46:17 So he gets in the back door. He walks actually down through the escalade and gets out the front door. And he's there. He's there. It's perfect um what else happened on this show you guys nothing really i think we should go to atlanta reunes right huh yeah right huh i agree i'm surprised ben that you didn't put tamra's saggy breast photo from our facebook page in our cover page on facebook because you do like to trump my Facebook pages. But guess what? The one I posted is so iconic. It's already iconic and it's less than a week old. Well, I didn't want to
Starting point is 00:46:51 step on any of your beautifully pedicured toes. So I kept Tammy Sue's breasts on the main thing. But who knows? You never know what might happen on that cover page. I have a feeling by the time this podcast makes it to itunes it will be long gone thanks to you no no i actually honestly i thought the the tamra picture was funny but i didn't think it was like cover page worthy because it was a sort of a vertically oriented photo so you know yeah we would have had a close-up on the on the saggy boob and i don't feel like it's right to be making fun of people's saggy boobs especially when you're being a hypocrite about it.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Yeah. I just sort of wanted to put it out there to say, look at this. I didn't want to be, like, so aggressive. Although last week I did kind of aggressively make fun of Carrie's face in Married to Medicine with our cover photo. But, you know, I mean, her face is ridiculous. What can I say? Yeah, that was good.
Starting point is 00:47:41 She's asking for it. The only person funnier than you for posting that picture was God for making that face. Oh, I can't wait to talk about Married to Madison, but let's talk about Atlanta. So Atlanta, what these bitches fight about this week. It's like the epic three-part reunion part two. So Kim walked in wearing a green tablecloth. Go. Oh, my God. so kim walked in wearing a green tablecloth go oh my god okay kim is wearing that green dress with
Starting point is 00:48:07 the caesar's palace waitress mesh oh my god ronnie i thought when i was watching it i almost i watched it in the middle of the night i almost texted you but i didn't want to wake you up because you and i have a fucked up obsession with flesh colored um like hosiery that's attached to dresses and it's like horrible her breast was like hanging out the side but the flesh colored thing was barely keeping it in oh god caesar's palace realness i have a question i don't know if you guys noticed this but all the women actually kind of match the color scheme of the set do you think that they had people call ahead of time okay this is what the set's gonna look like have your dresses match ben ben just give your gay card back of course they do they all have to wear different color dresses what are you thinking crazy because they match
Starting point is 00:48:55 perfectly the set by design okay that's what i thought that's what i thought okay i'm sorry back and kim she had real hair. Eyes and excuses. Whatever. Shut up. I am so team Kim. I'm going to fight you. I'm going to fight you so bad right now. Kim doesn't ever say one damn true thing the entire time she's up.
Starting point is 00:49:14 She had real hair. She had real hair. Well, I never said I was going to go on that trip. I don't even know where they got that idea. That was- I don't even know what a trip is. If you could tell me what a trip is, Anguilla, I thought Anguilla was the new shop down by the supermarket. We all sat down together and talked about this trip, Kim.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Well, when did we do that? We never sat down. I never had dinner with anybody. I've never eaten a thing with y'all. What were you, Chick-fil-A? I've never even been to Chick-fil-A. I don't even sit down. You know what I do?
Starting point is 00:49:40 I kneel. I kneel. And then sometimes I squat, but I never sit. So for you to say that we sat down and talked about it, I don't think so. If Kim said that she didn't go to Chick-fil-A, I'd know that'd be a lie. Yeah. Listen, if they said we're going to do a vacation down at Kentucky Fried Chicken, she'd be like, okay, be there. You need a week for me?
Starting point is 00:49:56 I'll be there. I need a waffle fry. Okay. Well, you know, when we didn't talk about having – when we didn't have a meeting and we didn't talk about having a trip, I did agree to go on a trip in America. In America, that's what I was going to say. An American trip. Meanwhile, that's ridiculous because if she were to go to California, let's say, I'm sure that would be a longer flight than going to Anguilla. Yeah, she is full of shit.
Starting point is 00:50:18 And since when is Kim so classy that she's not going to have her baby on a helicopter? She's like, well, I can't just have my baby on a helicopter. She's like, all my other babies have been born in recreational vehicles, okay? I will not have my child born in a helicopter. She's like, the backseat of a car? Yes, but that's on the ground in America. I accept a truck,
Starting point is 00:50:37 a freight train, or any other vehicle, but not a helicopter. This person would be born in a manger in a barn, but he wasn't the last. I don't want no Gwilm baby. I want an American baby, not a Gwilm baby in a helicopter.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I would have had my baby in Anguilla, but I didn't want a black baby. I had that in a car seat in America. Now listen, are Anguillas and Armadillos the same thing? Because if they aren't, then we have another issue to talk about. Okay. You people are such
Starting point is 00:51:07 haters, and you best be watching Don't Be Tardy Season 2 starting tonight on Bravo, because I am not going to be the only one watching that. Oh my god, is that starting tonight? I need to make sure. Yes. I'm emailing. Sorry. I'm going to text my friend to record it, because I'm going to my
Starting point is 00:51:23 friend's house to watch TV tonight I'm doing it right now is your friend a Bravo reality star because god damn yes I'm going to Reza's house to watch TV so suck it no it's not a reality star with his confused ass look
Starting point is 00:51:39 okay I just emailed the recapper okay so hopefully we'll at least have recaps but I'm not watching that shit you have to. Our fans want you, Ronnie, to watch it and talk shit about Kim. No. I'll watch it this one episode, even though every episode I saw last season of it was god-awful. You people are horrible.
Starting point is 00:51:58 This is going to be amazing. I would rather 20 married to medicines than one don't be talking. I don't want to put any money in that trashy whore's pocket. I think she's nothing but garbage. I'm not giving her... Nothing is going to stop the fact that show has good ratings and Don't Be Tardy is going to continue unlike the Candy Factory.
Starting point is 00:52:14 So let's talk about Candy and Kim and their battle because I think that Candy is a dumbass hoe for going after Kim for $5 about that dumb song. But when was the last time that Candy had a hit? Of course she's going to go after the royalties. By the way, Kandi...
Starting point is 00:52:29 Never mind, I'm just not even going to go there. You're right, Prayed Up did not work. I said Prayed Up! I've never even heard that song. Has that been on the radio? Ronnie, first of all, who still owns a radio? Were you born in the 60s? That's so adorable for you to ever think
Starting point is 00:52:47 that anyone from the Real Housewives would ever be played on the radio What a quaint idea I've heard Kim in the gay bars, and I've also heard the Countess Luanne That's not the radio, but it's a gay guy's iPod Doesn't that count for anything? I love that any gay guy with an iPod
Starting point is 00:53:03 is a DJ In our town they are yeah like what or considered a tastemaker even worse gay people don't even know what to do in front of a live band just like that's so loud is that gay people don't even have any kind of real music it's just like it's true pussy in my Pussy in my crack. We love songs about pussies. We do. Where were we, dammit?
Starting point is 00:53:31 Candy and Kim? I'm glad that Candy did because it wasn't like she just woke up one day and was like, it's a reunion. I'm gonna sue Kim today. Yes, she did. Of course she did. That day is the day that that news broke, and she had Phaedra as her lawyer.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I mean, my God, how ridiculous are these people? I can't say the word ridiculous when talking about the Real Housewives without thinking of that dick. Ridiculous. I am a gentleman, and I would never go there. Last year they had the fight about the song. I believe it was last year, right? Yeah. Let it go, the fight about the song. I believe it was last year, right? Yeah. And Candy was gone.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Let it go, Candy. Let it go. If you're a baller, if you're small, but your empire is growing, as your intro says, then why don't you shut up and just take all the money
Starting point is 00:54:14 that you're getting from selling dildos and vibrators to old ladies in ATL and shut up and enjoy your money and your double-wide mansion that's in the ghetto neighborhood that nobody wants to go to. Candy's like, see, I thought that when i record the song i'd get royalties for riley
Starting point is 00:54:30 but then i didn't get any royalties so see i don't know i don't know if i am okay with kim getting all the money so i'm gonna sue her and give some food for riley i hope that when you're doing that you're doing that weird thing where she, like, cocks her head, rolls her eyes, and snaps her finger. Yeah, that thing where she sticks her fingers out very slowly. Yeah. One eye has to be scrunched closed and one eyebrow has to be up. When she's sticking her fingers out, she's definitely always looking for a cheese platter because she doesn't like to pass one of those up. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Or a to-go box, for sure. Well, they said last year, and Kim said she was going to work it out and pay her, and the bitch never did. So Candy had it taken off iTunes because Kim doesn't own the rights to that song. So then Kim filled out some lawyer affidavit for him or whatever and got the song put back up. And so Candy
Starting point is 00:55:17 sued her ass to get it taken, you know. Candy sued her. Good for her. Yeah, I think Candy should. Just like Kim deserves to be sued for whatever shady-ass deal she had with this house she was in. Just like she deserves to get sued from her old homely man's wife who paid for her house because that is half her money and he shouldn't be buying a townhouse for Kim. I am going to sue you on the behalf of Los Angeles for smogging up the air by driving your car half a centimeter to Starbucks. I would rather choke on the smog of Ronnie's car than to have to deal with Kim Zolciak for another minute.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And at least I pay for my car. I don't fuck random old people with families to get it. Well, Kroy's actually a lot younger than her, so. I'm talking about Big Daddy, who got her that townhouse. Yeah, don't forget about that. Kroy's done nothing except stand around like a bodyguard he's an underport underemployed football player with no money he doesn't have a savings they couldn't even keep that damn house and now okay okay gay person that doesn't know sports you are
Starting point is 00:56:15 wrong actually atlanta has gone to the playoffs two years in a row and he makes bank and he's actually starting a starting player on that team ben back, back it up. It's true, but all the money he's... Does he not get major bonuses from going all the way deep into the playoffs every year? Because he does. He gets major bonuses for going all the way with Kim Zolciak. And all that money is just going to go right out the door because she is using it up. That money is going to her ass from Chick-fil-A and through all these bullshit deals that she's doing all over town and squelching on.
Starting point is 00:56:50 They haven't paid for anything. Please, they're still living in a townhouse. She's spending all that money. They are building a house right now. Did you not hear her say that on the reunion part two? Well, let's not also forget Lisa Wu Hartwell from season one and two who was married to Ed Hartwell who who was a successful football player, too. But his career came to an end.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And all of a sudden, when those careers come to an end, even though you're making bank, all of a sudden things change a little bit. And you can't really afford those mansions anymore if you haven't, you know, if you got a wife who's been spending all your money to, you know, get into legal fights and tearing up rose beds and doing who knows what. So, I don't know. If I were them, I'd be putting more money away and living more modestly. Yeah, hell yeah. You can't not be a baller if you want to be part of this scene and on these shows. That's the way it is. You've got to have big-ass rings.
Starting point is 00:57:41 You've got to have bigger-ass SUVs. You're going to have to have nasty-ass mansions that have 25 bedrooms. That's the way it is. And throw parties at Bar One. Hey. Hey. Hey. Well, she better find a way to make enough money to support her dams.
Starting point is 00:57:53 You know what? I don't even care. I'm glad that Kim spends more than she deserves. I'm glad that she has no talent. And I'm glad that she's an asshole because I cannot wait to watch her decline over the years. That's one of the great things that time moving slowly is good for. You just get to watch people slowly go to shit. Even her mom is suing her, right?
Starting point is 00:58:11 Her parents are both suing her. Yeah. Yeah. What for? Robbing them of precious years of their lives? Who knows? Having to pee in the bushes or some shit. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:58:23 But I hate her. It's like rooting for the people I grew up with in el paso in the bowling alley fucking behind the fucking bowling the bowling ball stands and stuff like i'm not gonna go out there and root for them they're disgusting you people are so wrong and i'm starting to get actually mad at you oh oh what are you gonna do about it yeah what are you gonna do matt what are you gonna do take a selfie i so hate you um wait there was other stuff that happened too there was uh well obviously the big thing was that nini and kim hugged right that's our photo so what did you guys think about that hug i actually think it's real i mean mean, that's why I like Kim.
Starting point is 00:59:06 When I say I like Kim, I think back to season one and even season two when she and Nini were allies and friends. And the two of them drinking countless bottles of white wine at Mexican restaurants and teaching Kim about the magic of what guacamole really is. And how to spell cat. Are the most fun moments we've ever had on the real housewives of atlanta i do hope that one day these women will be back on screen together because they truly are thelma and louise 2.0 they are i guess i liked hearing the stuff about how nini got kim the job in the first place you know like they saw each other out and he's like oh we're doing this pilot called the ladies of atlanta you should do it i like that that like
Starting point is 00:59:50 nini had no idea that she was creating a monster what did you guys think about um andy asking nini if she thought kim was racist um that was sort of ballsy um i don't know i didn't think anything of it really i was just sort of like my mind at that't know. I didn't think anything of it, really. I was just sort of like, my mind at that point was like nicely melted down. I feel like sometimes that black people can get away with just, if they don't like you, they can just call you racist. It's like, you were friends with Kim for so long, and you never thought she was racist because you were her best friend. But now, suddenly she's racist because you don't like her. Thank you, because I agree with you saying that i know that kim is racist but i do think i'd like who answered that candy i totally agreed with whoever said i don't know if she's racist
Starting point is 01:00:35 but she's just ignorant yeah maybe nini said that nini said that yeah i think that that's absolutely although in in the fight that broke up uh Nini and Kim, it was really Nini who introduced the racial element to that. She was the one who was saying, oh, sweetie's your slave. That really wasn't Kim, and it wasn't really a racist situation, I think. And it was also last year. It's like trying to bring up— Two years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:00 No, it was last year. Two years ago, Ryan. Two years ago. It was? Yes. Two seasons ago, this was last year. Two years ago, Ryan. Two years ago. It was? Yes. Two seasons ago. Our lives have been flying by that quickly, and we've done nothing with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:10 So not this year and not the year before, but the year before. That's two years ago. Oh, you guys. Wasn't it last year the year that she was going on that tour on the bus? Okay. No, it's two to one right now, so you lose. Two years ago. Two years ago. Last season, Kim and nini spent the entire season not talking the season prior to
Starting point is 01:01:30 that is when they had a big fight and this season was when kim left the show wow okay time flies when you're having fun and rotting away go to college please late college well there's other stuff on this reunion too which is that nini Phaedra got into it about some controversy about Phaedra having met up with Nini's half-sisters. What did you guys think about that? That's one of those behind-the-scenes things that we don't ever get to know anything about. I believe it. I believe all of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:04 So I'm not really sure i mean vedra is saying well i knew you all anyway so having them at my party wasn't a big deal and she's saying well you know they were just trying to get on the show but i mean isn't that how it works i mean look alexis just got her friend on a show so she'll have someone on the on her side and nini got kim on the show so that she'd have someone on her side so what's the diff yeah i don't know it was the whole thing is so strange to me when they talk about these things that happen like that's off camera or involving production like this it's really breaking the fourth wall like that they totally acknowledge they're playing yeah we've seen more of that
Starting point is 01:02:41 than ever before in the past few i don't know know. Even with Beverly Hills, we got that a little bit. And I actually like it. I think that Bravo was scared of going there for the first few years with all of these franchises. But now because these women are so part of our day-to-day celebrity shenanigans and magazine covers and the constant just you know trash that they produce um i think it's good that they're willing to go there and i think it's actually interesting for fans like us like i love to hear that shit i love like as much as i love me my she by shiree i love when you know nini just refers to her as nose yeah and then talks and then still talking shit that she was essentially saying that phaedra kim and shiree were having these sit-downs with Nene's family members trying to make this crap happen behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:03:30 And you know what? I mean, I talk shit behind your guys' backs. I talk behind your backs. Why not? I want to see that happen. I think they should make it like the comeback, that Lisa Kudrow show. The best show in television history, you mean? So good.
Starting point is 01:03:44 All we saw on the show was her filming it. We didn't really see it cut together. back that lisa cadro show where the best show in television history i mean so good well we're all we saw on the show was her filming it we didn't really see it cut together we just saw how pathetic it was that she was trying to get all this attention from a show and i think that they should do that like a behind the scenes of a reality show and then they could have a separate show where you see what they actually cut together for the show because i think the behind the scenes part is more interesting i mean i wanted to see that part with Nene's half-sisters or whatever that crap is. I didn't even know she had half-sisters. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Yeah. I want to see that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want to see Glenn Manzo on the phone, like, trying to, like, call producers and make them not have anything said about her husband cheating on her with, like, 30 people. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:25 That's what I would see. I would see that too. Did Kendra do anything funny? I'm sorry, not Kendra. Kenya? Anything amusing on this reunion? She popped her fan a few more times. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:37 There's some of that. I think next week is when we get a real Kenya showdown, right? With her and Apollo. Oh, yeah. Next week is going to be good because the husbands come on and Peter's stoned out of his mind as usual and belligerent. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Is there anything else on Atlanta that we have to discuss? I guess I'm kind of bored by the whole baby-stealing-name-cash situation. Oh, that's like the most ridiculous argument of all time. I mean, I love candy, but I think that's a stupid thing to complain about, you know? People can choose their own names. Right, and here's the wait i'm sorry but here's the one thing
Starting point is 01:05:09 that was not addressed there first of all candy you're not pregnant shut the fuck up yeah and you don't have exclusive ownership to the name cash and you shouldn't anyway because it's not a great name the horrible name it's horrible yeah and it's going to be more popular than your other child debit i don't like that just stick with john yeah cash and i'm sure it has like dollar sign what about kegel why don't you name her son kegel he's a little bit of her favorite type of balls this is my son buzz he came in my vagina just like my kegel balls so i named him kegel He's a little brother of her favorite type of balls. This is my son, Buzz. He came in my vagina, just like my Kegel balls.
Starting point is 01:05:48 So I named him Kegel. Riley, what do you think about that? I think you should ask Mama Joyce about that. Okay, let's move on to Married with Medicine, because they're actually making an effort, unlike the housewives of ATL. This episode was awesome. Yeah, it was so good. It was so, so good. Did you guys like it?
Starting point is 01:06:12 In a horrified way, I liked it. I am so offended it's ridiculous, and not by the two of you for once. It was such a great, ridiculous display. of all i i where do we even begin um i i'm overwhelmed someone else begin it well what even happened okay it was the main party but i guess okay here's where it started i'm back it started where toya who is super ghetto fabulous was well she's not really fabulous she's just more just ghetto and she she was talking about mariah's daughter lauren mariah is also ghetto by the way and uh she's saying how lauren isn't the biological daughter of aiden who is mariah's husband and mariah was pissed because
Starting point is 01:07:00 mariah's sister told her this and mariah was pissed and then proceeded to tell us about the whole backstory and was saying how lauren doesn't know but of course in my mind i'm like you're pissed at toya for mentioning this at a bar at like this salon but you just announced it to the entire world i mean do you do you realize what's going on here yeah her sister just brought it up to the entire world her sister and her mother are both so vile. Her mother is disgusting. Yeah, Lucy. I mean, she came in, she's like, and I can't believe that you would tell her that business.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Like, yelling at her for it. And then the mom's always coming in and yelling at her. They're both disgusting. Oh, the mom, it's, you know, this is where the mom is real she's an ugly person i'm not talking about like physically like she's no her eyes are all jacked up she's fugly too but that's where mariah like that's where you know like you know when you look at like mariah mariah and you say oh gosh she's pretty ghetto you look at the mom that's where it comes from you know yeah mariah looks like fucking Princess Anne
Starting point is 01:08:05 compared to the family she comes from. She showed up at that party drunk as a skunk. Oh yeah. Two hours late. Two hours late. And I loved Dr. Simone being like, you late! You late! Take it like your friend! Really?
Starting point is 01:08:22 Because she late. Where is she? Late. I love me some Dr. Simone, despite that overbite. Dr. Simone is turning out to be one of the stars this season. Dr. Simone, clearly not an orthodontist. I also, I loved, by the way, just backing up a little bit, Carrie doing the preparations for this party. Don't get me started, Ben, with her wearing aviator sunglasses, getting her hair rolled. And then the three-tier
Starting point is 01:08:48 cake arrives, and so she cakes for like a bar mitzvah. And she's like, that is not the three-tier cake that I had expressly ordered. That looks like it was made by Elmo. I want to get the cake maker on the phone right now. Cakes are a very personal struggle for me.
Starting point is 01:09:05 It's very important for me that duncan's duncan has his three chair cake i have been working on this party my entire life this is the most difficult thing i have ever done i have not used a caterer i have not used a party planner. Hey, I'm learning how to do Tabitha by doing Carrie. Wow, who knew? No, it sounded like Carrie. I'm really surprised that Chef Roble was not making a cross-promotional appearance. I know, or at least Bernie, for crying out loud. For crying out loud.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Yeah, Chef Roble. These are oysters. They're going to make you horny. Yeah. Get out of here, Chef Roble. Stupid. He's still living in Phaedra's basement cooking up some bruschetta. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Anything that's raw that he doesn't actually have to cook. It's like popsicles. They make you happy on a summer day. Shut up, Chef Roble. Get out of here. Yeah. So anyway, so Mariah shows up two hours late to this party that Carrie has worked so hard on. And by the way, our friend Jenny noted last night that this is a party for Mariah and Carrie.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Mariah, Carrie. Hey. It's because Jenny and I both love us some Mariah, Carrie. Yes, you guys do. I just wanted to point it out to the masses. Love it. So anyway, so Mariah shows up super late. Carrie's already furious at her.
Starting point is 01:10:26 And then so Mariah's mother, Lucy. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Stop there for a second. So don't you think that Carrie should have been pissed? I mean, it's a party for both of these women's husbands. She didn't. I mean, granted, Carrie probably did nothing except call the Elmo about the cake fiasco. But the fact is Carrie was hosting it andiah's showing up that late. I think
Starting point is 01:10:46 it's totally disrespectful. I have dancers that have prior engagements, and they cannot be waiting in the cold for all hours for Mariah to get here. I understand her. I understand her plight. But anyway, so Mariah shows up. Mariah shows up very rudely, and I was totally on Team
Starting point is 01:11:02 Carrie. And so then she finally gets there she doesn't apologize and then mariah's mom walks up to uh simone and to toya and they're all making you know small talk being like oh it's lovely it's a lovely setup and then okay who do you want to be let's do it do you want to be the mom or do you want to be um i'll be toya the doctor okay i'll be can i be the purse used by the mother to hit toy on the head yes yes but we're not there just yet yeah we're still at the pre-part yeah okay oh hello mama oh no i'll just oh this is a lovely party i have came here so many times i've
Starting point is 01:11:41 never seen it this nice wait do it again because i love it i have came here i have came here so many times i've never seen it this nice wait do that again because i love it i have came here i have came here wait i'm sorry i've got to be more nasal because it's toya i've came here and like eugene can't be here right now but i have came here and it's like really pretty and stuff there's like pool and like oh really you think it's pretty what you think's pretty about it there's some candles there what's what's so great about it? Be nice. Be nice. Be nice. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Well, you didn't go up to my daughter and tell her her house was pretty when you were at her party. I have came to your daughter's party. I have came and I said things. I don't need to repeat nothing. Oh, you a hater now? Now you're going to hate? Now you're going to hate on my baby? Be nice. Look at these candles.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Be nice. Be nice. Be nice. Oh, you got brains leaking out your face. Oh, I'm going to call the drug cause I'm on you cause I think you're high. Oh, you're going to make a call? There ain't even a phone in this house. They're probably just a Morse code or some shit.
Starting point is 01:12:34 This house is disgusting. This ain't a party. This is a pool. This is people standing around a pool. I don't know who Morse code is, but I don't think he's at this party. Don't hate. Oh, you know know what i used to like you before i saw all that shit dribbling out your nose i don't have shit down
Starting point is 01:12:51 anyway so that was that was the fight that was fight part one that was i'm sorry that was the setting the stage so then if you will so will. So then later on, basically, Toya decides that she has to tell Mariah what her mom said. She's like, why is your mom coming up and disrespecting me? Like, I'm not going to say, I'm not going to be mean to my elders, but she was saying mean things, yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Oh, yeah? Well, you got a mama, and I got a mama. That's my mama. Be respectful. Be respectful. I have came here with my mama and she was respectful oh hell no let me flip your hair a little bit look how your hair bounce and then from there from there oh my god oh my god it all happened very quickly like they were basically tossing each other's hair and then like a purse went a glass went and then they were just fighting toppling over um yeah and quad i love when quad goes absolutely not absolutely not that was pretty good ben because she's kind of like i do declare
Starting point is 01:13:57 i do declare if i had been there absolutely not absolutely Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Hell no. Hell no. So, and then Carrie was like, I can't believe this. This is not the way people act at my house. I have had a personal struggle with fighting at my house. And if they had realized that, I wish they had known. One of the reasons I didn't eat in the 80s was because I didn't like people yelling.
Starting point is 01:14:32 I told Duncan, specifically, that I did not want yelling at my party. And that's exactly what happened. And that's what Duncan saw. Duncan. So these girls had to fight. But it was not just like Adriana slapping Joanna Krupa. No. This was like table-flipping Judice-style like epic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:54 And they were grabbing each other's weaves and pulling and pulling and pulling. And there were like five grown men trying to pull them apart. They couldn't do it. And then of course – When you get a fake nail caught up in a weave, good luck getting it untangled. And then of course mariah's mom came around and started bashing uh she was bopping her on the head with a little metallic clutch and it looked so it looked so fake and ridiculous but it was so real it looked like she was trying to put out a fire or something she's like yeah the mom coming back and beating her in the head was hilarious. It's so wrong.
Starting point is 01:15:25 It's so low down and dirty. My God. And the mom was telling her daughter afterwards, she was like, yeah, you hit back. You hit back. She had to. You hit back. Yeah, you hit back. So good for you.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And I knocked her upside the head. Yeah. I love in the coming next week, you see Mariah's in trouble with her husband. She's like, now listen, I am sorry. I am sorry for embarrassing you but i'm also sorry that i didn't finish beating that bitch up yeah oh my god it was and then i just let and carrie was just totally distraught you know she was acting quite frankly as if i don't know like some huge huge disaster had happened. Like five elephants had come
Starting point is 01:16:06 stampeding through her house and destroyed everything. She's like, the party's over. I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, the party is over. I'm like, the party's just beginning. I love her crying. We don't act like this. We don't act like this. Bitch, we have seen you four episodes
Starting point is 01:16:21 and you've acted like this in every single episode. How do you not acted like this in every single episode how do you not act like this come on yeah she's like we act like high class whores not low class whores i love that she was dressed first of all people in ball gowns around a pool is hilarious to me it just was so tacky that she is that just because cameras are there or do people really do that and what is with atlanta always trying to trying to capture old Hollywood glamour at their stupid parties? I know. Guess what?
Starting point is 01:16:48 You're on the East Coast. It's not working. Listen, Carrie, look at your face. When you look at your face, you can see there's no chance you'll ever be able to capture old-time glamour. Well, you're the old, and that's about it. Leave the Hollywood out of it, lady. Too many injections. Send a costume for someone like 13 years old.
Starting point is 01:17:06 It was just not cute. She looked like a drag queen. I'll just say it. Yeah. She did. And then so she got security and she had security throw at Mariah and her guest. Do you think that was the right move? Yes, of course it was.
Starting point is 01:17:21 She was still bitter that Mariah showed up late. She showed up drunk. They had that fight in the last episode when they were trying out shitty wines. She has many reasons why she's pissed at Mariah. This was just the tipping point that she could finally throw her ghetto ass out of her house. house yeah and mariah's reaction like oh well they can throw me out now because they got my coin that's how they treat you once they got your coin yeah like they're there's coming up with secret ways to get money out of you you fucking moron get out of here who she doesn't even work so she needs to shut up it is her husband's money and the best part of the entire episode besides quad screaming which is kind of the best thing ever is when duncan like they think that they're maybe not on camera because they're kind of whispered and their backs are to the camera but their mic packs are
Starting point is 01:18:07 still on and Duncan pulls Carrie aside and goes oh her husband is going to divorce her tomorrow morning this is going to serve her with papers tomorrow I promise you and then the next week you see the husband totally upset do you not know who you married are they really just acting
Starting point is 01:18:24 like this for tv because it seems like she wouldn't be able to hide that yeah no personality but no i don't i don't think so i thought that was a very funny comment by duncan i mean i mean i don't there's a i mean a ridiculous fight but it's not a divorce really fight well and also sexist like yeah it's the same way like oh a wife misbehaving well he'll never put up with because he's the same way. Like, oh, a wife misbehaving? Well, he'll never put up with that. He's the doctor. She's the wife.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Yeah. Gross. It's stupid. It's stupid. Gross. It was disgusting and fun as hell. And I was watching the beginning of it like, this is boring. But I had to just keep telling myself, it's coming.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Yeah. Coming, Ronnie. Like every Bravo show, the big fight happens at the 55-minute mark. Yeah, exactly. But this was a good fight. This was one that lasted several minutes. It wasn't one of these little things, a blow-up, and then the episode's over. This was a good seven-minute fight.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah, they didn't let go. This was a real one. And you can always tell a real fight when it's over by just looking at the curls, because their hair was just all over the place. Loved it! Loved it. The only problem was, what is that other uptight lady that's
Starting point is 01:19:35 a gynecologist? Oh, Dr. Dr. Boring? Yeah, Dr. Jackie. Dr. Jackie. It's the po-po. Dr. Jackie. I just imagined if Dr. Jackie had? Yeah, Dr. Jackie. Dr. Jackie. It's the popo. Dr. Jackie. I just imagine if Dr. Jackie had been at this party. Oh, she would not have had any of it.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And in fact, I'm excited for next week when she and Dr. Simone basically lecture the women. Isn't it weird, though? It seems, though, that next week that everybody is lecturing Toya. And I'm sorry, but I am so team Toya. Well, I'm team Toyya to a certain degree i think they both are pretty much at fault they both are ghetto messes in this situation okay they both are messes but the thing is like i'm sorry mariah's mom stepped to toya like and was rude to her and was rude about carrie's house and i think that that you know and then mariah come ben if you
Starting point is 01:20:24 came up and tried to flip my hair i I would suck the shit out of you. Listen, well, we know you have hair because you don't wax as previously discussed. If you were flicking my chest hair. Listen, Toya though, she should realize that Mariah's mom is a crazy bitch and Toya should just let it roll off her back. Why does she care what Lucy says to her? She shouldn't have approached Mariah's mom is a crazy bitch and Toya should have just let it rolled off her back like why does she care what Lucy says to her she shouldn't have approached Mariah Mariah's the hostess she should have just gone on with it and then maybe
Starting point is 01:20:52 talked about it the next day do you really think that there's a chance of Aiden divorcing Mariah like I don't think I've read anything in the news about that recently but if she's going to act like I mean that is not good for his reputation but he's not going to divorce her because he knows what he married. I don't know what he sees in her, but he sees something, and he knows what he married.
Starting point is 01:21:10 You know what can be scary is a ghetto wife. But even scarier is a ghetto ex-wife. You don't want that bitch after you. Look at Sarray. She probably still stalks her man and chases him down in the meat section, tells him off, and beats him in the head. Excuse me. Please now refer to her as Nose. Nose. Come on,
Starting point is 01:21:27 win! Yeah, I was very happy with the show, and I'm excited for next week. And the highlight of my Bravo week was that. Yeah, I mean, I'm going to agree with you there that this show, which I kind of hate, and I mean, the show actually made me
Starting point is 01:21:44 angry, and I was ready to yell at my TV, but it was, I'm going to say if we had to rank this show, which I kind of hate, and I mean, the show actually made me angry and I was ready to yell at my TV, but it was, I'm going to say, if we had to rank this week, I would put that up there. I would say Married to Medicine, then Reunion Part 2, then OC. Yeah. How did the episode do?
Starting point is 01:21:59 How did Married to Medicine do this week? Let me look that up while you guys keep talking for a quick sec. Well, what else did you guys watch on the bravs uh i watched nothing nothing um no tabitha folks no tabitha come on i keep forgetting to watch it that it was so good everybody was saying it was a gay bar in riverside which i didn't know there were gay bars in riverside i didn't know that there was gay people in riverside i didn't either but apparently it was some gay bar in riverside and she and a drag queen did an impression of her so it was so not that funny but i was transfixed on it and the reality is her budget was clearly slashed because now it's just like tabitha is
Starting point is 01:22:37 showing up with um some scotch tape uh maybe a sharpie that's like halfway used. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to draw a flower and you're going to put it on your wall and that's it. That's it. I don't want to hear anything else about it. Okay?
Starting point is 01:22:53 I've seen enough. I'm taking over. I'm drawing a flower. She draws a flower and she sweeps the floor. Yeah, I think it might be wise to put the napkins on that side of the bar. We're going to put some napkins on that side of the bar and then you put some napkins on that side of the bar
Starting point is 01:23:05 and then you're gonna go and stop selling frozen yogurt here too you can't sell frozen yogurt and drinks it's one or the other you're split you're selling too many things i've seen enough i'm taking over okay la shrinks its lowest episode numbers on monday night it only has 500 000 viewers orange county has 1.6 million viewers orange county is actually the second lowest rated of all of the housewives just um a little bit above miami actually it's it's significantly above miami because miami's in the shitter but um it really is you know it's it's weak amongst the the housewives franchises but let me look up sundays for you guys while you look that up i i am reminded that i did meet someone else from bravo at the new can we guess can we guess you'll never you can
Starting point is 01:23:48 never guess is it a former star or a current star uh i guess a current star is it is it not a full time cast member is it a friend of a something here this is what happened um this woman was at she's at the awards and she was taking if you want to talk about selfies, this woman got us both beat, Matt. She was taking so many selfies of herself up against the stage or whatever and she had this little scarf thing. I had no idea who she was.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Jenny Poulos. No. And then I heard her talking to someone and she was like, well, you know, I'm on LA Shrinks. And I was like, oh gosh. I was like, I saw one episode. I saw enough to know that you're not one of the shrinks, so therefore you know, I'm on L.A. Shrinks. And I was like, oh, gosh. I was like, I saw one episode. I saw enough to know that you're not one of the shrinks. So, therefore, you must be one of these patients. And this is pretty much the bottom of the barrel for reality stars.
Starting point is 01:24:34 Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that this woman was saying, I'm on L.A. Shrinks, but she's not the shrink? So, essentially, she was like, I'm a mental patient on a reality show, which makes me a double mental patient? Yes. That's exactly right. and she's not even a regular so that's about as bottom of the barrel of a reality star that you can be so i encountered that okay i just uncovered some ratings real housewives of atlanta reunion part two had about 3.5 million viewers which is humongous for bravo again Again, Atlanta Housewives is by far the top-rated shows ever on the
Starting point is 01:25:08 Bravo network, and Married to Medicine had huge numbers on Sunday night. It's even blowing, dare I say, Vanderpump Rules out of the water as far as ratings go, which means Married to Medicine is going to be greenlit for a second season.
Starting point is 01:25:23 What were the numbers? Married to Medicine had about 2.6 million viewers on sunday night which is huge youngest that's that's more than a million people that's an additional million people than watched the real housewives of orange county and this is its own new show this is not even a franchise this is not a brand can you believe that believe that? That's a ton more viewers. That's like three times more than anything on NBC right now. Exactly. I mean, this is pretty much like I'm sorry, but the Real Housewives of Atlanta has more viewers than Community on NBC.
Starting point is 01:25:55 What is the world? What is becoming of this world? What a sad world we live in. Maybe on that note, we should wrap things up. Yeah, I think Ronnie has to drive back down to Starbucks. Yeah. That should embarrass me, but it actually sounds delicious. I would probably go to a different one.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I don't want to look like an addict. Yeah. Okay, well, thanks, everyone, for listening. You can follow us on Facebook at forward slash watchwhatcrappens and on Twitter at whatcrappens. Matt is at lifeonthemlist. Ronnie is at tvgasm. And I'm at bsideblog. Be sure to like us on all social media things.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Be sure to subscribe. Be sure to leave comments on iTunes. Listen to us on Stitcher. Listen to us on SoundCloud. Tell all your friends about us. We want to be huge. We already are. Huger.
Starting point is 01:26:49 We want to be presenters of the New Now Next Awards next year. I'm sure we could do that in a heartbeat. Yeah. I'm sure that logo even still exists by then. Thanks everybody for listening, okay? All right. Bye. Bye. Bye. still exists by then. Thanks everybody for listening, okay? Alright. Bye.
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