Watch What Crappens - Below Deck: Destiny's Red Headed Step Child

Episode Date: October 24, 2018

Kate throws a hula party on Below Deck, but will Caroline get kicked out of Destiny's Child before it's all said and done? This week's bonus is a breakdown of the Top Chef Kentucky cast! To h...ear it, become a Patreon member at **Crappens Live is coming to Seattle and Nashville! Find ticket links at **New Limited King of Snarkasm tees until Nov at You can also find store links and ticket links at See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, when you go to the river, you can't just go, have this bird there so much that it happens. Watch what crapens would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ashley Chivoni, she don't take no baloney. Prisbee, wow, where'd he dowry?
Starting point is 00:00:57 Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go high-low. Hot dang, it's Jessica Dang. Megan Berg, he can't have a burger without the Berg. Jess Ayan, okay. Susie going to the Tobin. Anna, God, I love that banana. Anderson. Ain't no thing like Allison King.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Megan the Slayer Taylor. Avadigila Weber. And our super premium Patreon subscribers. Shannon out of a da gila webber and our super premium Patreon subscribers Shannon out of a cannon Anthony Kelly Grant big rant master give them hope miss no well the incredible edible Matthews sisters and Lizzy Drucker a fun motherfucker we love you guys hello and welcome welcome to Watch What Crappens! The podcast about all that crap we'd love to talk about on Yeo Bros.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Hi, my name is Ronnie Cara and I'm also from the Rose Fricks Bachelor Rest. And here I am with my Gorgeous! Co-host Mr. Ben Mandelker, hi Ben! Hey, what's up? How you doing, baby? Oh, I am great. I'm happy. It's below deck day. I love talking below deck. It's one of my favorite shows on Bravo right now.
Starting point is 00:02:08 It cracks me up. But I'm also super excited because we are closing in on our Seattle show. It's just over two weeks away. Technically, it's 16 days away from today. And there are tickets available. We are going to have a great time up in Seattle because it's Seattle.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And how could you not have a great time up there? I mean, it's where Amazon is for crying out loud and Nintendo and Xbox. So go to for those tickets. And then in December come see us in Nashville. There is like a handful of tickets left like less than 20 low ticket alert. So go get those tickets while you can because once they're gone, they are gone. Yeah, that's the truth, ain't it, B.M.? It really is the truth, isn't that funny how that works when things are about to run out? They run out. Well guess what today is, it's below deck day, Hula Ming Girl's Day. Yes, that's my favorite kind of mean girl, a Hula Ming Girl. Yes, it matters more when like you're being mean
Starting point is 00:03:05 during a hula party. Mm-hmm. Yeah, especially when you are shading someone about being Michelle from Destiny's Child. Like that's the best kind of mean girling. And when they don't really get it? Yeah, exactly. Well, we'll get to that.
Starting point is 00:03:22 So yeah, below deck time, I love below deck. I um, I was driving around today I was driving driving driving to the old department and for whatever reason at every intersection or anytime I have I like I hit the brakes. I kept doing a cake boys. I keep going Well, I saw like someone's swerving traffic. I was like huh. That's how I imagine Kate drives She just quietly passes judgment She doesn't say out of my way mother fuckers. She's just like, hmm. Well, I guess someone's swerving traffic, I was like, huh, that's how I imagine Kate drives. She just quietly passes judgment. She doesn't say, out of my way, motherfucker, she's just like, hmm, I guess that's a choice you're going to make in your life.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Huh. For children ahead. Huh. I guess you could make that left turn while that protect arrow is still on. I guess that's something you could do or you could do what you're currently doing, which is just sit there like an idiot. So it's the second day of charter and the violin to like, I was like, someone is getting beheaded. Okay. Someone is going to die.
Starting point is 00:04:18 That's not music. Like on any other show, it'd be like a head rolling down a hill. But on this, though, it's just rot. It's just rascowing Chandler what to know roll the cap take and stroke tron I think you talk to her or I never end the book This new Ross voice that you busted out. Oh, it's kind of the same accent. It's just with mobile mouth Condit once more, yes, mobile mouth So yes, a Ross is complaining to Chandler about Riley. See? No, Riley, because they just had this little boat trip to a cave and there was like miscommunication
Starting point is 00:04:54 and Riley was like, you can't swim, but then he's like, you can swim. And then she was like, it's time to get out and he's like, oh no, get out, you know. Yeah, and Chandler, this episode really does focus on how little Chandler does. This episode will go down in my brain is the one where we found out all Chandler does asleep. Or at least it's really hammered into our brain how much he sleeps. He got the hand at this episode. Yeah, he did get the hand at it. And he's like, look, let's just make it through the charter.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And Ross is like, all right. And then he goes straight up to the captain. he's like oh yeah about that it's not my plus so I'm so but when the guy says question while there's all this is happening know that's happening and this is more we were under way for the cubs captain leaves like but did anyone iron my god damn pants yet that's what I care about hey is anybody been singing the famous Broadway song? I think the captain's pants. That's what I'd like to know.
Starting point is 00:05:50 God damn it. Did you go to the cave or not? That's all I care about. I thought that the captain was going to be super pissed that this kid is coming up and tattle tailing, you know? That's like very like non-rank of him. And yeah, yeah. That'd be like a bitch.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It's like a bitch move. OK. Yeah, but Captain Lee has said like, well, let me tell you something. Riley shouldn't be telling you anything. I mean, what sort of name is that? Riley spelled R-H-Y-L-E-E. What name is that? Really?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Riley? Really? Maybe her name is really. As in, you really got a fixed gratitude really He's like copy that but that's not all That's a great guy not communication Time that I supposed to take orders from you, but then he miscommunicate them to me Yeah, so then lead captain, you're like, you are a little biatch, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:48 You're a little tattletailing bitch. And usually this is a character on like the bachelor. There's always so many's like, they're not here for the right. They've done. But now this is Ross. Yeah. Oh, I thought you were going to do a Ross impersonation of like, this is Ross. This is raw.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I mean, that's that character is Ross in this in this show. I do have to say I love that show. This is Ross. I mean, that character is Ross in this show. I do have to say I love that show. This is Ross. I cry every single time. Just someone else gets tattooed on every single day. Like Ross is like different generations of people tattling and then a crock pop burns them all down. So then, so then Captain Lee's like, it's a really,
Starting point is 00:07:23 a really morbid show. It's like the one thing they don't title on is the bad crockpot. I have something to say about the crockpot. What is it? I won't say. Well then I'm sure we'll be fine. So the captain handles this in the way all of us I think are handling in our heads, Which is he's staring off into space and just dangling his radio back and forth like Yeah, Jesus Christ on a cracker. Yeah Low energy god damn it coming from me. He's he's he's in his like padded seating position that he's in in the bridge You know where he's like sitting on a stool, but he has his elbow He's like propped up his upper body on the table with his elbow, but the elbow's like a little too far away,
Starting point is 00:08:10 so he's sort of like leaning forward as if he's like, maybe gonna grab a pen all the way on the other side of the table, but maybe not. He's like, eh, I'm sort of extended across the table, but I'm not fully extended, cause, goddamn it, I don't know where I wanna be. Well, thanks for coming in and checking with me, all right. And then he tells us, I'm real impressed with Ross. What bargains? You go in there, you can find science
Starting point is 00:08:33 made out of tin, all right. So people know where the kitchen is because it says kitchen. You know what, he dresses for less and he works for more. I like that. So then we just see a shot of Kate being like, hi, I'm looking for some local dancers and musicians. Thank you very much. And then she just kills a fly. Which is like, got it. The sound of the fly squishing us.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Oh, well she probably was like, hey fly, why don't you just like hang out over here? We'll just like hang out and be friends. Like we're just gonna be friends. Got it. She just like ign out over here? We'll just like hang out and be friends like we're just gonna be friends Got it. See just like ignorance of fly until it kills itself She and Josiah just make fun of the fly until it just feels so much shame that it dies And then they show they Yeah, it's like I don't know how to do the dance
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yes, anyway, so they keep showing Josiah polishing this martini glass over and over again. Yeah, or they had 10 martini glasses But I thought it was funny. It's like everyone else are like this is rest and it's underwear look Josiah is polishing another martini glass. I do it very carefully and slowly So it's like just I have so great like he's probably my favorites to have ever had in all my seasons I've ever been doing this. Unlike that crazy mop that's downstairs trying to make a bed and they cut to Caroline and she's like, oh wait Come here, Mr. Fiddish sheet. You're getting around this corner for the last thing I do. Oh Damn it got away from me again. I've never felt sheets being resentful before I like that sheet. Okay, Caroline, the sheet
Starting point is 00:10:07 is third stew, your fourth. So she's talking to the chef and she's tasting his food. That's might be the first chart or ever gain weight. So we're going to do a layout on the beach. It's going to be spectacular. And by the way, you are supposed to say right now, but you look great and you don't look like you've gained weight. Thanks, Adrian. Thank you. So then on deck, Riley's like, so should we go ahead and start like loading up this boat here now? Yeah. And Rast is doing, he's like, I feel kind of bad because I three royally onto the bus, onto the yacht as it were. like I feel kind of bad because I three royally under the boss onto the yacht as it were And I feel bad about it, but I guess I did it anyway, so oh well Meanwhile Chandler's still napping
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah, Chandler just keeps going to sleep. He's like yeah, I'm gonna get a little shed. I okay. I'm fucking tired Right just it's just gonna be a few minutes while everybody else works And then Starts talking to a while. She's like, oh, I love this wood paneling. Oh, I'm sorry, it's you, Caroline. Oh, my god, that wood paneling just blinks. Anybody else see that? Caroline, are you tired? Are you? Because you look, you look absolutely terrible. I mean, the bags under your face, it looks like you got two canoes there. I'm okay. I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I'm fine. I'm great. Although actually last night, it's kind of crazy. Chandler, he didn't really help me. He was like, he was gonna help and then he's like, I'm not gonna help. And then I was like, what about the dishes? And he's like, do the dishes yourself? And I said, what about the trash?
Starting point is 00:11:37 He's like, oh, no, sleep. I was like, oh. She always says that look where she closes one eye, like Popeye and then bites a lip. Like, ah. And Kate's like like um well it sounds to me like he probably feels like he's above helping a lower rank needing help drawing dishes so that's just feedback that's just feedback I just gave you she's like oh my god thanks Kate thanks I don't think Caroline is complaining because Chandler didn't help her I think
Starting point is 00:12:04 Caroline is complaining because Chandler didn't help her. I think Caroline is complaining because Chandler didn't give her attention. But I guess it's hard to give attention to someone who looks like a giant pot of plant with roses coming out of it. Oh, I guess that is something you give attention to. Well, then I just don't understand her. So sec, okay. That was a great talk. Now do all the portside cabins, okay? Great. So then great, I'm gonna go over here and pass judgment over you. Thank you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:12:31 So then we cut to Riley working her ass off. And the show really again is so good at confusing you because one minute it's like, God Riley's lippy. In the next second it's like, God, she's the hardest working person he's ever done is like every time they cut to her she's like slinging something over her head you know she's always covering something with something else she's like oh the stupid job let me put this tarp around this other thing right now just for the fun of it like constant putting tarp some things yeah yeah there's a lot of tarping on this episode a lot of tarp like take off the tarp put on the tarp take offp, put on the tarp, take off the top, put on the tarp. And then there's like a moment of like everything I do, I do it for you, Brian Adams, AKA my son, I'm Ross, and I have a son.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Do you get like bonus money for like, tabletailing, you pay whole? So then Caroline's like, uh, Caroline to Chandler, Chandler to Caroline, I mean, I'm sorry, Caroline to Chandler, just just one way, it's just Caroline to Chandler, everyone, Caroline Chandler gets like, she sorry. Caroline Chandler. Just just one way. It's just Caroline to Chandler everyone. Caroline Chandler gets She's obsessed with Chandler. Oh, got another fly Sorry Caroline didn't mean to hurt you. Oh, that was a fly And then the chef's like I like her. She's like you know dear like in a headlight like a really like her Like her third eye is so confused.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah. So thank you, Sharon. Adrian is making fun of you by the way. This is Adrian who like has a third eye and spends his time being a yogi and intuiting things. And he's shading you, that's bad. Yeah. And there's always flies around him.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Like, there's something weird. There's something weird about Adrian from saying it. Isn't it funny how I'm always killing Adrian's friends? So then all of a sudden we see Caroline go walk up to the door and be like, oh, and then she's like, Skidaddle's way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So Caroline goes up to Chandler and he's changing and he's like so dead eyed. The only reason I know he's alive is because his body's moving because his face isn't. He's just like He's like human kelp She's like I Just wanted to say like really sorry about us. I think I guess I just had this like Misconception about what are rules are and like what happened between us and he's like, I have no idea what she's talking about.
Starting point is 00:14:47 So, I have no idea, but you know what I really love? Mabel Toast. Just like intensely bland. Yeah, he's just like kind of like looking at us wide. I like boo, and she goes, we're good, right? And he's like, uh, yeah. So now Captain Lee is going to be having dinner with the guests. And Kate's like, um, Chandler, it looks like we're gonna need a ninth chair for dinner.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And I, you make it look like a throne or you can even, I mean, that fold out chair looks great. Oh, I'm sorry, Caroline. I didn't realize you were there. Yeah, because when she tells him Captain's come into dinner, he's like, um, we only have eight chairs. So she's like, hmm. Okay, we'll just make one look like a throne. Okay. Caroline, can you just like get in your hands and knees and like, Captain Lee said on you, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Every Kate seen this episode ends with a. She's like, okay, bye! And I go, BINK! Hahaha! Kids like, I've had a long day. I've exerted so much energy. I mean, I swatted at two flies. That's a lot. BINK!
Starting point is 00:15:56 So then, um, kids like, Carolina Josiah, you can change into your blacks, but don't take longer than six minutes. That's directed at you, Caroline, because I know you're very flustered at the moment. No, I'm fine. I'm fine. While her foot's like through her arms, leave. The cut to Riley carrying like mountains of trash. And the captain's just watching from the upper deck like, I also like Kate and Caroline. They get on the tender to go to the beach. And Josiah is just sitting at the edge of the body just goes, goodbye. You stupid, stupid girl taking over my spot with Kate. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Goodbye, Michelle. So they get a show. So they get to the dock and Kate's trying to bond with Caroline, because like who else is there? Nobody, you know? So she's like, listen here, Pup tent. I've got an idea. She starts like twirling that parasol thing behind her head, winding up her shade. Yeah, saying, if you and Chandler have a baby together and can see even on the boat, you can name her Sienna. Come on, he's cute, he's funny.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I just wrote down Kate shrug talking. She's really perfected like the way of like shrugging with your voice. Yeah. Yeah, she's like, you name it Sienna Kate. That's a nice middle name. I think it's nice. I think it's good. What am I doing sitting here giving parenting advice to a glue cooler? Oh, no, that's you, Caroline. I'm sorry. I got confused for a moment.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Okay, paper lantern. That's enough of you. Okay, time to shoot this crab back out to the beach. Oh, I'm sorry, Carol, I'm it's you. Ah, thank God for beer, koozie. My ride. Ooh, so then I give this evil close-up of Riley in her room eating a piece of bread. Now, why is she doing it right in the lens of the little GoPro in her bedroom? I don't know, but it was very rude. Yeah, I think it was a hidden message or X. Like the actual though is like, I can't stand you. Don't even eat carbs anymore.
Starting point is 00:17:58 This is her being like, yeah, I eat carbs and I'm on TV. Yeah, so back off. I was like, I'll just spend it's captain Lee. I'll say it does miscommunication miscommunication do agree and she's like Well, yeah, cuz he says like do things this way then you say do it this way and like that like honestly That's how it gets frantic like that's what's doing it to me This guy is the worst is like see what I? That's what I mean about the breakdown of communication and after apologize now because or here's what happened. I want to see company up the Uptick and he said be specific and I said, no, this is not going against you because I mentioned your name and that's a direct quote by the way. He goes, this is not going against you because I mentioned your name. Yeah, he's like, you could keep talking to nobody's gonna hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And surely enough, she didn't really, you know. Yeah, and also, by the way, did Captain Lee, Captain Lee say be specific, he went up there and was basically, I shouldn't be saying this, but Riley's a disaster. Like, I know, here's what happened, Riley. I went up there and I said, someone is being a terrible worker. And he said, be specific.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I said, I should look on you there. I could not mention anyone's name. He said, say it. I said, no, Captain Lee. No. I don't even know why I'm here. Someone put a spell on me. Why am I saying these things? I don't want to. He said, speed it out. And I said, I can't say anything. I'm not that sort of person. I would never throw someone under the bus. And finally, I just had to say your name. I'm so sorry. So sorry He said really and I said yes Damn it. I missed it by his funky accent again Also the captain in a later meeting does say all right now be specific with me. Yeah, but it wasn't it wasn't to Ross I don't know if it was cut out or what but he is still no matter what happened that meeting
Starting point is 00:19:40 He's still a little worse for like making this all right I'm Riley's like it's like a game of telephone right okay hello anyway she's she's fine basically Caroline huh I said I like to call it a game of Caroline it's like it's picking up, but you know it's not understanding you. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. So now it's the like time at Saliu Al-Party. And she's like, that's took a lot of work to find native, fire-breathing, dancing people and a five-star dinner and a hut I've never been to on a boat.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And on top of that we found some weird inflatable, wetter toy, which was really, oh, Caroline again, I'm so sorry. Who brought the pool noodle? Ah, Caroline, geez. Sorry. You fool me out every single time, Caroline. Thanks, Kate. So Captain Lee puts on his best Tommy Bahamas and they all go and there's like drummers. And Adrian is like, my favorite nickname I've been given is Merlin because I like
Starting point is 00:20:46 create things out of like thin air. Yeah, I'm like, I'm like, there's literally a song because the lime and the coconut put it all in or something. Okay, he's like salt pepper. It's crazy Scallions onions spices. It's all gonna come out Oil and vinegar I can't put this thing. I call it peanut butter and chocolate boo Merlin So then over at the boat everybody's cleaning, the rest of them are cleaning. And Chandler's like, all right, gonna shut my eyes for 15.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah. Another 15, you know what I'm gonna say, right? And then Riley's like, hey, do you, before you are totally useless, do you have a plan for the shifts tonight? And Chandler's like, I'm gonna sleep, and you guys are gonna do all the work. So I think that's that.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Pretty much, I'm gonna scratch my chin, so it looks like I'm really thinking about, and asleep. Yeah, so back at the beach thing, Kate and Josiah are doing a little hula dance, and Caroline's just like off in the corner, fiddling with garbage, and be like, how do I tie it? It says hefty, but, oh, this is just one and a half feet.
Starting point is 00:22:06 That shot was so rude because these are all, you know, handhelds following them around if this thing. And it's like Kate and Josiah bonding. And then she really was just like over in a corner with a huge thing of trash. And you see the like spotlight come on her when the camera turns towards her. And she just looks at the camera like,
Starting point is 00:22:24 where? I mean, it looks almost like she's slow dancing You see the spotlight come on her when the camera turns towards her, and she just looks at the camera like I mean it looks almost like she's slow dancing with the trash at this point And Kate's like oh just I uh can you do this who the dancing telling a story with your hands? It's such a good dance for two like three would be too much. I'm glad we're just two just two of us doing doing it. There's only two for tea, not three for tea, even though that runs. I know three's company, but I don't want company tonight. It's just two in me. Yeah. Yeah. Captain Lee is like Beyoncé, and we're like the backup dancers. And he goes, Michelle, I won't be Michelle. I'm never Michelle, which I was like, I love that even on below deck, Michelle gets shaded, poor Michelle, poor Michelle Williams.
Starting point is 00:23:10 You will, like even just Josiah on below deck is shading Michelle. Caroline, so at this point Caroline is done with a trash. She probably has like a like a tuna can, stuck to her kneecap at this point, she doesn't realize. But they're like doing the Hula thing, making jokes about Beyonce and Michelle and everything. And Caroline's like, yeah, it's like the moves are more,
Starting point is 00:23:31 are sort of like, anyway, the wind is picking up, I'm hearing sounds. But they're like Hula dancing together and Caroline's like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I don't know what to do, cheese and I don't know what to do. She's a model. And so she doesn't, so she's like kind of left out, you know, because she doesn't join in the hula dance. Yeah, she's trying to like, laugh to be cool with it,
Starting point is 00:23:52 but it's like clear. They're like not inviting her to the hula dance and they're just like talking over her about Beyoncé and Michelle and Dreamgirl. I know, and I feel like it all went downhill right here, just because she just didn't join in the hula dance. Like, I feel like it was a very, so I mean, of course they've been shading her forever, but really for this cast and especially for these two, just I ain't Kate.
Starting point is 00:24:11 You know they were gonna turn that to be totally evil to whoever was not them, right? I know, and they're like trying to be nice. They're trying to mean us. They just can't, but yeah. I know. And so that was the thing, because I've been impressed this whole time and they were even like, look at us, Hula dancing right next to you, you know, win sock. So, but she couldn't quite do it.
Starting point is 00:24:33 So she's laughing too hard. And Kate's like, Captain Lies like the dream girl. And we're the backups, by the way, Jennifer Hudson was the one who went and Oscar for that film. So, oh, anyway, Caroline, you can go back with Ross now. Ross, Ross, we're sending the mop back with you. Ross, Ross... Oh, poor thing. I mean, I feel really bad for Caroline in this because she's... She seems totally kooky, but she seems like nice.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I think she seems lovely. Actually does try to communicate her feelings a lot. She's like, here's how I feel. But everyone's like, yeah, it's not the time for feeling. I think she seems lovely, but she is not meant to be in a confined space with strong personalities and TV cameras. Yeah, it's like an M&M in a couch. You feel bad that it got lost,
Starting point is 00:25:24 but it's like you can't blame anybody for eating you You know what I mean? Yeah, she needs to work at a coffee shop She and like not even like a not like a Starbucks just like some coffee shop called like pennies and clouds, you know, and like just work there make friends the locals Serve cute coffee and slices of quiche, and call it a day. Yeah, life she needs. Oh, so yeah, Kate's like Ross Ross.
Starting point is 00:25:54 The you're sending a paper. A paper towel is coming back in case you are sure of someone to sexually harass. Okay, we are sending you some up and up towels from Target To help out with any messes there, so please enjoy them So back on the boat Caroline's back on the boat and Ross is like Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler for any other Chandler Ross to Chandler and Caroline's like he's asleep And then he cuts to him again asleep in his little sleeping mask Caroline's like at his door, just like listening in.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Oh, that was a good inhale. Yeah, good exhale. That was great job. So then, back to the party, and everyone's, Kate's just like party now, you know, like dancing. And there's a fire dancing. The captain's like, wow, that was the best thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I'm like, God damn it! God damn it! And I also, I love when Kate goes, they're watching the fire dancing and all of the like the local Tahitian stuff. And Kate's like, you know, the great thing about yachting is that we get to experience different cultures with the charter guests. This just, it feels so good. I'm like, oh except for Caroline, she doesn't get to because I center back to the boat, yeah. Yeah. So, 10 p.m. Chandler friendly gets up. Okay. Oh yeah.m. Chandler friendly gets up. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And now Chandler and what's up, Missy? What are you going to do after the chart is? And she's like, I'm gonna travel more. Yeah. Really want to travel and stuff. And you know, go to different places. He's like, yeah, I want to go to Mayorka. Oh my God. That's where I'm going. Just kidding. Unless you're going there. And then I mean, I could go. I could go. I mean, I haven't got my ticket yet. You might go. I know. I go. No, no, I won I could go I could go I mean I haven't got my ticket Yeah, you might go I know I know no, no, I won't go. I won't go. I won't go anyway Yeah, they're awkward flirting
Starting point is 00:27:32 She's like Caroline's like yeah, I mean Chandler's cute. I mean you know if I saw my Tinder I would swipe right on him like right right right right right right right right right right like I actually did I actually swipe right on him like 10 times and still not ask me out of date His face is gray now, so I think you might have blocked me, but I'm not sure It's sort of awkward because I swiped right on a mountain tinder. I'm sorry. I'm in on the tender That's why I was so awkward because I kept on swiping him in person. He's like ow my face. I'm gonna take him out Caroline again is like very vulnerable and open with her feeling she's like I'd like you and he's like yeah Well, it's really hard for me to open up. She's like yeah, but just hoping you would and goes
Starting point is 00:28:14 Take time See poor Caroline poor poor Caroline what you gonna do what you gonna do so poor poor Caroline what you gonna do what you gonna do so um don't come for you oh thank you for for detecting what I was doing there so um I know you always will you'll always get my jace of references so uh I figured it into cops oh I figured it out lot I figured it out after when you said thank you for being there for me And I was like lips. I was not there for that. I feel like Caroline might just have dropped a ball. Oh, I'm making my Joseph a Technical dream girl references and Chandler told me gets and I mean he doesn't totally get them But I know he wants to get them swipe She's actually I actually believe that her Tinder profile pic is her in a technical dream
Starting point is 00:29:08 Caroline the technical dream girl She's always in the part where he gets thrown into lion's den She's like, oh, I'm gonna let me out of here at some point. I mean when I sang close every door to me I didn't mean that you guys all have to close your doors to me in the hallway literally in my face Oh no, not me So So now they're breaking done dinner they're going back to the boat and once again We have some more like gay porn moments from the decans where Chandler's like all right you guys can knock off now
Starting point is 00:29:40 Ashton I'm gonna knock you off now Yeah, I can handle this by myself. Oh And then he's like God there's a lot of work here to do because he lets the guys go to bed He's like, yes, you guys sure deserve a risk. God. This is a lot. I'm gonna do it by myself, but Riley Riley Riley Riley, could you do this instead? Yeah, Beach Club. Bye. Okay. Now you have officially pushed me over into Riley's side You piece of shit. Have you done anything all fucking day? You've gone to bed four times. I know
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm the editing and don't even say it's because you were on late because you went to sleep at like 2.30 in the morning And Caroline went to sleep at 5 in the morning, okay, and you got your eight hours of sleep So now, you know not even even Ashton is getting annoyed. He's like, I'll just think, I think we could be just scheduled. We have an, I haven't had any good breaks. I've been going nonstop. And that's the thing, they've all been going nonstop.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And it's, and Chandler just keeps on taking these like, quote unquote, 15 minute breaks that are like, clearly two hours. Yeah, and then this is a really good porn scene for you. I totally thought of you in this in this scene because ash Ashton and Ross ashton right? Yeah, just right ash. Ashton and Ross good a bad and Ross is like I'll need to one day in a bit Did you get any service on your phone? I'm like, oh geez now you're gonna look at porn together So it's like oh, we've got to get up early night
Starting point is 00:31:04 You've got to get up far to be out at 6. And he's like, oh, it goes, you've got a lot to man Skype. It's like, oh, GZ2, just do it already. Yeah, so let us watch. So it's be really very specific type of amateur. Yeah, well, yes. No, it'd be like a weird like yeah so people are into like homemade videos. I'm like ew. I don't want that. You better get some lighting. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:32 yeah get some lighting and then we'll talk. So so now Kate's cleaning dishes with Caroline and Riley's running a letter it's like 12.35 and Caroline's like I just I don't Kate I just I feel like there's more like cohesiveness in the first charter and I just, I don't know, I feel like a little left out because you guys are roommates and I totally get it, like you guys are roommates, like I get it, but like, you know, like I just feel like a little left out, like, I don't know, maybe it's that crazy. In case you're just like, hmm, I, I wonder why the blender is talking so much.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Mm-hmm. Do you remember when I asked that K cup machine how it was feeling? I did not expect it to answer. So I, I'm surprised that the Vitamix has so many opinions. It's just a Vitamix after all. We paid a lot of money for it, but I guess I just felt left out when you guys were like break dancing or whatever. Okay, it's just like I wrote Kate, size and dries. Okay, it's just like, I wrote Kate, size and dress. Yeah, she's, you know what?
Starting point is 00:32:27 Caroline, if I may be patronizing for you for a moment, you're very sensitive. I notice that. Don't lose that though. It's nice. Oh, thanks. No, I'm talking about the glasses. Those are nice glasses. Can you put them on the shelf?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Thank you so much. You know how you feel things? Wow, that's adorable. Maybe you could feel things with the dish rag in your hand. That'd be great. Okay. Do you think I'm crazy on ridiculous? Yes. Yes, we do. We think you're crazy, ridiculous and amazing
Starting point is 00:32:56 and amazing. The perfect thirds do. I mean, heck. You might even be the perfect fifths do. Okay. I mean, though, do they is doing some great work too. So she's like, well, I mean, do they is doing some great work too? So she's like, well, I can see why she feels left out. Because we leave her out. So you're welcome. No, she says, we don't want to be mean girls, Caroline. You can sit with us, Caroline.
Starting point is 00:33:20 On Wednesdays, we wear blue. On Wednesdays, we wear our anti-caroline shirts. This is the problem with three. That's why I won't have three sums. Because someone always feels left out. Carol months like, oh! That's accurate. She would be like, oh! And then she's just kind of like, this is her in the three sum. Like, I just wanted to, okay, I'll wait until you're 10. Caroline, just think of it like this. It's a five pack of batteries and the flashlights only need two, two for each.
Starting point is 00:33:51 You're just always gonna be the last one left out. You're basically like a full back of hot dogs and we're like a full back of buns. Yeah, the numbers don't match and someone's just not gonna eat that day. Okay. Listen, you don't fit in, but we still need you to get the rest of the hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Hahaha. Hmm. No, I didn't ask you at least. No. It's time for commercial. It's time for a... Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Some days, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking, oh yeah, I have absolutely been there.
Starting point is 00:34:49 We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon music or Wondery app. So it's the next morning and Ross Chandler is still asleep while everyone else is working. Yeah, the editors officially hate Chandler now. Yeah, exactly. Everyone else is working super hard.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And then we have this random scene where first mate Jake makes a cameo appearance talking with Captain Lee and he's like, you know what I think would be awesome. Let's do a synchronized vendor drop and captain is like, yeah, that's what I call yelling. Then the camera goes off and the camera goes off and he just starts beating Jake over the head with a tennis sheet. You camera whore? Get back down into the bows of the boat where you belong, idiot. synchronize fender, what do you think we do every fucking charter? How about some synchronize ass kickin' Jake?
Starting point is 00:35:57 How about some synchronize get back to workin' Jake? Speaking of synchronization, just like, Kate, I've done a mimosa station. They can have either grapefruit or orange juice and she's like, cool. But what about that bloody Mario over there? Oh, that's Caroline. Oh, sorry. So now it's like there's some anchor time. It's breakfast.
Starting point is 00:36:24 There's mini lobster quesias. Alan by the way the entire time Alan the primary charter Guess he's like whoa We're gonna take this guy back. That's what I got to say. He's having the best time. Hey bad news guys We're still in the chef Hey, guess who's the worst crew ever the opposite of your crew Hey, guess who's the worst crew ever? The opposite of your crew. That's you. So, Captain Lee, basically, is like, okay, I'll write everyone.
Starting point is 00:36:52 We're gonna do a synchronized, we're gonna do a synchronized vendor draft, and we're gonna start with a port, and then do the starboard. So, all the deck hands are standing around, waiting for Chandler to come up with a plan. And of course, he's like nowhere to be found. So Ross is like, oh, I guess I'll take Ova.
Starting point is 00:37:07 So he tells everyone's like, oh, right, we're going to do the point in this. So we're going to do this and that. But it does a whole plan. And then Chandler videos in his eight. Hey guys, we're just going to do pork before Starboard. Okay. That's what we're going to do. So thanks Chandler.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Thanks. Yeah, but in this case, see like Ross and Chandler are both on my nerves. So I don't know who side to take I'm on like a friend. I Like Ross more than Chandler way more than Chandler on the show I like Chandler more than Ross you see I mean so there's gonna be our main dividing factor through the whole seat I like Ross more than Chandler on the show too But I'm Ross is like Ross is like well I guess we're not gonna get instructions you do this and you do that and you do this
Starting point is 00:37:45 So that's not your fucking job, okay? And then Chandler does come over the radio and give instruction and then they start laughing and I'm like But he actually did it like he got out of bed for this one I'm not giving Chandler any credit for getting out of bed. Okay, so I feel like Ross had a bitch moment But I think overall he's like a nice guy and I think that he's like really responsible Whereas I think that Chandler had a bitch moment and he's also a napper and I just I don't like that. Okay fair enough. Thank you. So then Riley's cleaning and she's like look at me cleaning and then the captain's like wow done Riley. Sit, Ubu said. Good dog. Oh! Got him, Mrs. Kerr.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Nice, Holy. Nice, Holy. What was that? It would come after family ties at the end of family ties. Oh, yeah. A clutch company tag. Sit, Ubu said. Good dog.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Why isn't Ubu make more stuff? Can we have another Ubu television show so we can have a life of a dog? You know what I mean? So the guests leave and they're like, OK, guys, now here's one envelope. This is a good tip, but here's a second envelope. This is an excellent tip.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Like, OK, you know, I know we complain about monsters, but get off this boat nice people. So then afterwards, you get off this boat nice people. So I just care a line. Caroline's like, that was just like a beautiful speech. And it was a beautiful charter. And like, I'm starting to tear up a little bit. And I don't know, like it's just beautiful.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Like, I got up a cry. And Josiah's like, OK, this box lets machine is leaking. Oh, that's you crying, Carolin, isn't it? So let's see, they're cleaning and Caroline and Riley, yeah, she's so beautiful. And then Kate's like, okay, well, Kate to anybody, Kate to anybody, Kate to living breathing people, obviously not Caroline. There's a suitcase in the foyer if someone wants to run that out. And she's like, where's Riley?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Goddamn it, Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley, there's lunge. Yeah, because by the way, he gave the order for them to all change because they were done and they didn't take out the luggage yet. So she had already gone to change. So yeah, he's like, he's the rest of them hadn't changed yet. So they're all starting to stop the luggage. And she's like, um, like, I'm sorry, I'm changing as per the orders, just finishing changing. And then she was like, uh, we're not changing into the luggage is off. And it's like, I'm sorry, I just came back to change as instructed and casually just in there listening like, God damn it. It's communication, telephone game.
Starting point is 00:40:18 You're fucking prick. Riley, I love that she's always cussing people out under her breath. Yeah. And so Chandler's like I mean did she not see all of us run out in our outfits? No, she didn't that's the point. Yeah, maybe she's got Things over her eyes so she can sleep for five times stay. How about that? Yeah, maybe she's like hallucinating at this point because she hasn't had a bunch of cat naps, okay? So then we see everybody like changing changing, napping, cleaning, whatever. Ash is like, oh, I'm working out, boy! I also have to say in that panel,
Starting point is 00:40:52 because they did the panel shot like 24, where you see everyone changing, and everyone's changing, except for Captain Lee, who's back in his like table sit, where he's like, one hand, one, like his head is like resting on one hand, and he's just just like oh God The windows are dirty again
Starting point is 00:41:09 Captain Lee is just sitting there like He's like in a negative sense. I believe it's responded. Yeah, he's just the whole episode He's just sitting there staring off in his way. Even when people are talking directly to him He's like staring at the wall behind them like oh god Bloody damn hell Jesus mother effing Christ, on a what a god, like it's just a running, running train of god damn it's going through his head. So then Caroline goes to like the threshold of Kate's room
Starting point is 00:41:38 and she's like, it gets like, oh, come up, you know, you're always welcome here. I mean, how else are we gonna mock you? This is a stupid house, not just the Kate and Josiah best friends. But you'll never be a part of it, Hal. So come on, let's just have a meeting here. Okay, I bet that. Okay, Josiah, you do something fabulous.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Caroline, you do everything else. Great, here's a list. She's like, oh my god, your lists are so helpful. They are. Aren't they? Caroline, that's your stuff off Thanks. Hey, okay, why do you keep tapping me on that? Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were this tape learned Okay, it's like god. I love when these cheetahs are stale. Don't you say that?
Starting point is 00:42:18 And by cheetahs I mean Caroline So Caroline leaves and Josiah goes, she makes me laugh so much. She's like, I know, she can sad because we have to see short hair like stale cheetos, you know, like dust buster, get out of my penthouse, etc. I mean, I got it. We need to make like more of an effort to include Caroline. And he goes, absolutely. There.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's not like we don't like her. We just don't like her. So he's like, we have the same mindset. We both mastered the resting bitch face. So Kate's like, all right, well, this was a fine stale cheeto meeting, but I got to go get captain Lee is juice and pick up his dirty underwear. Yeah, absurd notebook down. So now, um, by the way that that scene ended with I just the dink I really do. So so now, meanwhile, Riley is complaining about the way Chandler talks to her and she's
Starting point is 00:43:25 saying how like basically Chandler doesn't talk to the guys the way he talks to her, you know all this stuff. And Ross, all of a sudden Ross, maybe because he's fed up about that hold synchronized, fender situation or maybe he feels bad about tattling, he's like, oh I know you're doing a great job. I can see you're doing a great job. You're a great job. You're a great little gale aren't you? Yeah, you're doing a great job. I can see you're doing a great job. You're a great job. You're a great little gal. Aren't you? Yeah, you're doing a great job love Yeah Um, yeah, I think you realize that a one person mutiny is not really gonna work Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:43:54 Ashton and Ross are like doing grow hugs in their tip meeting and the captain's like all right guy Everything was great food was a hit. I blew out nailed it. Mech Siri or as an outstanding. God, even that mop trying to hold it. It was just pretty entertaining for about five seconds. We, uh, we got a great tip. We got $22,000 and a point said, yeah, plant, oh, wait, that's Carolina. So they decide, you know, what, what time is it? It's party time. The music's like, yeah, it's the best time we've ever gotten. And then the chef gets,
Starting point is 00:44:28 many doesn't have that much value in my eyes. The music's like, oh, and I have three eyes, so that's like a lot of no value. And Chandler, I wanna see you in five minutes, that's the years before I elevate the bar for another synchronized fender drop fender drop So so Chandler goes upstairs and captain leaves it some down. I mean it's like so It's just in a trick question, but I'm gonna trap you
Starting point is 00:44:59 How's that crew going no problems, huh? No problems, huh? So How's that crew going? No problems, huh? No problems. Have so channel I kind of looking up with his head. Yeah, and captain's like now be specific be specific Go team specific
Starting point is 00:45:17 So, Chandler's like, well, you know, we're gonna eat you up. Well, there's always like backlash or something like you say something, but then on the back end, there's backlash on the back end. It's like from be specific. Riley, it made me friday, just friday, that's it. Yeah, and like captain Lee is, because basically Chandler is saying like, I mean, I don't see what we can do with her anymore. I mean, she's, she's a woman. I I mean what do you do with that? So basically Captain Lee is like uh-uh. He's like you know what? She's doing her job. She's hard to get along with but so what? She's doing her job. But Chandler is like, he's like really really trying to get her fired.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah he's going hard. And the captain says Chandler seems to have a heart on for Riley and I don't mean that in a biblical sense. Are there a lot of hard-ons in the Bible. Well apparently there's a lot of people in the world. That's true. That's where it all started. And I'm right. Am I right people? Ordhomes and the God of the people. So anyway there's like talk and basically captain is like well you know there's like talk and basically captain is like, well, you know, there's being talks. Someone came up here who was Matt Riley, his name, Ryan's with S for less. And he said there's been a breakdown and communication.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And so now Chandler's like, oh, I've never had a problem with communication. I'm like, well, that's the thing with breakdowns and communication. You won't get to hear if you've had a problem. Yeah, dumbass. And he's sitting there with his hands behind his head. Like, don't argue with the captain with your armpits. Yeah, put those away. You're in a meeting.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And he's like, do you have any advice for me? Like, for example, can I just staple a penis on the Riley or in the captain's like, here's some advice. How about a meeting before the charter or a schedule? People work with schedules. And he's like, this is yawning, okay? If I give him plans for today, it might not be that way tomorrow. Well, he's not saying a year-round calorer. Yeah, so make a new plan for tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:47:18 That's called having a daily meeting. It's like, here's my plan. Going to bed. Meet about. So then meanwhile, Kate bringsens Josiah Glass and Champagne is like, here, let's toast to our two persons to crew. So they start talking about who's gonna bone and start to die. Maybe not tonight, but I bet Ashton and Riley are gonna fight and then have sex like two Alligators fighting over Hamhawk just right kill I guess that's one way to say Caroline And then down the crew mass there's like a weird moment where agents like it smells
Starting point is 00:48:00 Weird down here might be our invisible friends I don't really even know what that was about. He just... Yeah, I'm just saying it smells his armpits and he's like, hmm, maybe you're alien counterpart. And then the chef just looks like stairs around the room. And he's like, notice he never denies it. The chef just stays quiet. He's like, see? Not denying it. Alien. Man, I know.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I'd like aliens to encounter Josiah. I like to see how that would work out like we come in peace great Maybe next time you should come in fashion We went down to earth and came off the spaceship and then some gay guy put a hat over our face and walked away We traveled 30,000 light years to get to earth and then as soon as we got there we just kind of felt like outsiders How about traveling lighter years? I can't believe you're able to travel lighter years when you look so heavy. Hmm here take Caroline. I suppose they must have lots of carbs on your end of the galaxy.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Your take Caroline. How about try some intergalactic fasting? I'm about that. Here, you can have Caroline, but I suggest you don't probe her unless you want nightmares. It'll be worse for you. We've already probed as much as we can and let me tell you something. There's nothing there. We didn't know if it was an anal probe or an ear cleaning. I don't know how you can probe this beach ball,
Starting point is 00:49:28 but you can give it a try. Oh, it's Caroline, never mind. So Riley is snuggling with Ashton, and she's like, I'm tired. You stink. You thought, do I? Is he kind of just staring at his phone? Like, you really do anything to Ashton at this point?
Starting point is 00:49:41 You're just like, all right, whatever. Yeah. And she's like, well, there's obviously some kind of chemistry like we snuggle like, would he take it further? Probably. And he's like, yeah, he's like, I haven't slept in five days. So now it's like, you know, we're approaching nighttime. The guys are all hanging out drinking some beers and they're just like
Starting point is 00:50:04 egging on Chandler about Caroline. this has become a thing where they just are trying to make Caroline and Chandler a thing and Chandler's like no I'm not in I like normal girls uh-huh he just looks just like a airplane just passed by your house. It was. It was Josiah arriving in a private plane. He was like, are you going to end this podcast or what? So, yeah, you know, this is not to be like that, but I actually, I thought I wasn't sure necessarily that Chandler was straight.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I was like, I didn't realize. I can't even tell anymore. I'm not trying to do it in a way to be like, oh, he's gay. I actually generally thought he was maybe on our team. I have no idea. If 2018, I could have my penis inside if you still don't know whether you're gay or not. It's just a different time.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Exactly. Whatever he is. We're all whatever he is. Yeah, whatever he is. We're all on one big spectrum, aren't we? So Kate's telling Caroline, OK, Caroline, you're done for the day. And Caroline goes, yay. And then she shakes her hand. She goes, deaf clap.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Yeah, that's a little. No pun intended. That's a little tone, deaf. Oh, deaf. OK. So now they are going out to get them dressed. No pun intended that's a little tone deaf. Yeah. Oh, deaf. Okay. So now they are like going out to get them dressed like they're getting like this. They give each other massages in the van. Um, Kate's not wearing a bra.
Starting point is 00:51:34 The nights can get crazy. Yeah, Ross Farts on Ashton's face. Or is that later? I just had that that like don't forget. Okay. So they basically they basically go out and you know this is a below deck dinner because they are all having espresso martinis except for Caroline bluster heart. She decides tonight's the night she's gonna stay sober which.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Wrong night. Yeah, wrong night. So they all they all do toast. That's all a risic glass. That's toast each other. Let's toast every single competent crew member on this at this table right now. clink clink clling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klinglinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klinglinglingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klinglingling. Klingling. Klingling. Klingling. Kling just like lots of chemistry. Yeah, images. I was like, just go have sex already. Tired sex, very tired sex. So it's like watching she's a sandpaper having sex. Hmm, probably it's like, I could use a gun. And case like how long's it been? Yeah, you need a spin since last summer. Yeah, you need a spin-sense off summer. Yeah, you need it. And Ash and Gus, she's not there. It like gets all Austin powers all of a sudden. Yeah. So basically everyone's getting wasted in Caroline's like,
Starting point is 00:52:53 Hey, Kate, I'm going for a smoke. Do you want to come? No. Not really. Yeah, I think I'd rather say here with Riley, if that gives you any indication of my interest and hanging out with you right now Caroline I'm in a very deep conversation with this red basket So Chandler so so Caroline basically goes to smoke a cigarette with Chandler's
Starting point is 00:53:19 They're all snickering because they're like, oh of course Chandler's gone Caroline's gone, etc. You know because they're like, oh, of course Chandler's gone, Caroline's gone, et cetera, you know. So back on the boat, Riley's getting pissed because she's heard all these rumors. So she's trying to get Caroline to open up and they eat a dessert out of the fridge or whatever, like some pachake. And by the way, the reason why Riley is pissed is because Riley and Caroline are becoming fast friends, the roommates, but if Caroline is interested in Chandler, that's a problem for Riley because Chandler is Riley's arch nemesis. It's a little bit of what we saw with Hannah and Brooke and Zhao.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Wow. Yeah, a little below Dick made storyline. So Chandler comes in and he's like, oh, somebody eating maps. I love some. So he starts eating some of the cake and rally is like rally out and So later that's when Ross Far from Ross And which is really like an important important for all of us. Yeah, so Caroline's like
Starting point is 00:54:15 We are not dating I think to start it with Kate and then Kate comes in saying hi You guys this hot type is so hot and these drinks are so cold. And then they're like, God, she's wasted. And they can't literally, and they're one of those tiny cabins. And Kate literally turns her back to Caroline's face. And then just stands there. Just.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Oh, it's so good. Just tell the show. It's so good. It's so good. So Josiah goes and makes some ramen and brings the bowls of ramen upstairs and now Kate and Josiah are drunk. They've got ramen and they've been building up their power. All season long, they've been building up their power and now it is time.
Starting point is 00:55:04 It is time to unleash full on mean girl bichery you have a little bit of the alcohol or the sodium but they sure went there so yes i care like it goes carolina somebody called her name is laundry go to it that would be great hey um...
Starting point is 00:55:18 just i if you could fire anyone who would you fire and you get extra points if you say carolina he's like uh... and then, Riley, she's the moron. Yeah. And then he goes like Caroline. I was like, oh my God, you're alienating the entire boat. And Caroline's like downstairs in the hallway, like all these words are like just
Starting point is 00:55:38 echoing throughout the yacht, you know, like you're here at like all across the Heatie. You know all the little fish in the sear listening okay it's like well yeah we have a problem with her we can't go through another charter of her talking talking talking and I'm hearing hearing it's like speaking of I heard what you were saying it's like come in that Come in I have laundry that laundry basket certainly has a lot to say Come in come on Come on, does Benny roll in here? We'll well let's talk about it dirt devil come on in come on in. I love her, but she is an idiot. Oh, you're right there Aren't you?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Oh my god, I'm cracking out because this really was funny to watch what oh I Oh my god, I'm cracking it because this really was funny to watch, but I cringe and felt bad for Caroline. I know. I just saw us tricking me this year because every week is changing my mind. But of course this week, I mean, I did feel pretty bad for Caroline. I felt bad for Caroline, but I feel bad especially because she seems so sweet, but I just love watching two people be like, caddy and me,'m sorry I like it I like watching it it's funny so that was below deck why don't we move on to some listener spotlight shall we? Let's do it! So listener spotlight is where we turn the show over to you guys, and we let you all speak.
Starting point is 00:57:05 If you, to do it, you go to slash watch or crap ends, and you support at the listener's spotlight level or crap in spotlight or above. And basically, we turn over the show for two minutes to you to talk about things. We put out a request for our listeners to tell us about who is their favorite housewife or proper person, who do they think is the most underrated and who do they hate, and
Starting point is 00:57:31 answering that call this week is Megan Taylor. Let's go listen. Megan the Slayer Taylor here. I've never done one of these, but when Ben and Ronnie posted this, I had to do it. Okay, so favorite housewife, I'm gonna say Luanne. I mean, is she socially ignorant and possibly racist? But she also gives the best TV. So I'm gonna say, Luanne is the best housewife of all time. Most underrated, I'm gonna say Heather Thompson. Not only. It's great choice. I think it's great choice. She's a great woman, which is probably why she isn't on anymore other than upsetting Bethany,
Starting point is 00:58:23 but that's in a whole nother story. Her calling Aviva a motherfucker in Luans now destroyed Hampton's home was amazing and I'll never get over it. I love it. I love her. I want her back to be honest. Who's my most hated? That is so easy. That is one Victoria Gunvelson. She literally tried to profit off of cancer patients during Brooks's fake cancer scam. I've got the receipts. I mean, I don't have them in front of me. They kind of turned to dust in my purse, but trust me, she's the worst, and she's never taken accountability for anything she's ever done in her life, and I just can't handle people like that.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Other than that, I think that's it. I'm gonna give a special shout out to Jacks for being my most hated person, but that's just because I was on antibiotics for three weeks, and some of you understand and know that story. Love you guys, love you Ben and Ronnie, love the whole community and this is just amazing and okay, bye. Oh, thanks Megan.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Oh, good one Megan, long time listening Megan. Thank you for all the support you give us. You little say yep. Good good choices and if you are someone who is supporting us at the crap and mailbag level and you also want to chime in with your favorite Bravo Liberty and most underrated and who you hate the most be sure to follow the instructions on Patreon and send in your audio clip. We look forward to hearing you all and that was Listeners Spot spotlight for this week.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Yes, we'd love you everybody. Thanks so much for being here and supporting us. We will see you in Seattle next month and they Nashville the month after that to get tickets. Go to our calendar at also your King of Snark Asmeteach shirts only have about a week left to go get those. Everybody, we sure love you. Talk to you next time. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye, everyone.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Hey, there members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens' ad-free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen to Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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