Watch What Crappens - Below Deck Down Under: Leadership on Deck

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

We unpack the fallout from Luke's sexual misconduct on Below Deck Down Under (S02E07).Watch the recap here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What happens What happens What happens Watch what What happens
Starting point is 00:00:21 What happens when there's so much that crap is Who cares what What happens Hello and welcome to Watch Your Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker, joining me today is the wonderful and hilarious Mr. Ronnie Karam, Hi Ronnie, how's it going? Hi, good. Part two below deck down, not no. Yes, so this is we're recapping episode seven of below deck. This is a pretty serious episode,
Starting point is 00:00:55 it's a very serious and pretty intense episode of below deck, probably one of the most intense ones. If not the most intense one, I feel like I've ever seen and it was really, really, really powerful So we're going to recap that shortly just a reminder Every other week it's essentially the first and third of the month on Mondays at 5.30 p.m. Pacific
Starting point is 00:01:16 We are doing crappy hour Which is basically our calling show on Instagram live so go follow us on watch or crap endsppens, at Watch for Crappens, and at Ronnie Cariman, at Ben Manel, current Instagram. So you can participate in that. I'm sure people will probably have a lot to say about this very episode on our next one, which is gonna be in two weeks. We just did the first one.
Starting point is 00:01:36 So it's up there on Instagram right now. So go check that out. And be sure to check out our videos on Patreon, slash Watch for Crappens. Videos go up there first for a week and then they go up to YouTube. So support there. So anyway, we just finished recapping episode six of this double order.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So I was watching this on peacock. So it was automatically divided for me these episodes. And I guess you watched on bravo so they had them sort of shoved together. Yes. and I guess you watched on Bravo so they had them sort of shoved together. But this new episode, we've just seen all of this like a salty crap happened with Luke, which was really disturbing. The producers had to come take Forest Luke to leave Margot's room when he was getting into her bed naked during a blackout. Okay, so that's what's just happened. So that shows ended then the next show starts and we get a close-up of Two jellyfish swimming next to each other
Starting point is 00:02:29 Gorgeously and it just stays on them and they're like pulsing, you know, cuz those fish are fucking beautiful, right? And so they're just like pulsating and then it goes Low deck down under Like yes, yes. Yes, jellyfish. Yes, jellyfish. Stepping into tone with jellyfish. I love that they were like, let's get the most dramatic b-roll we've got. All right, did we already use the old lady yield that's pissed off about people being on her lawn? All right, find something.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Find something. We've got this jellyfish action. Yes. So, Luke has basically just been kicked out of Marga's room. He got he crawled into her bed naked while she was trying to sleep and after not only she said no, but also Asha and Zarina told him not to go in there. And now the producers have said don't go in there and he slammed the doors on the producers fully naked, finally out of there. and now he's gone into his bedroom. So Laura, of course, Laura, the great addition here, she goes to Luke's room and I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:31 Look, what did you do, look, what did you do? And he's like, oh get it, he's like slams the door on the camera because the camera's falter in there. And so then she goes in, she goes, Honey, what happened, look, what did you, what happened to you, poor, poor, sweet, look? And he's like, like nothing fuck them. It's just what did you though? And good? I didn't do anything I was just sitting there fucking hell mate. You were just sitting there You were naked in her bed in a blackout when she was passed out you drunk fuck like yeah, what the hell
Starting point is 00:03:58 Exactly and by the way, let's not act like this is the first time this is probably happened with Luke Based on the way he planted that kiss on Margo that first night They met like this is something not someone who respects anyone's personal boundaries. So Laura's like, you know, I understand but let's go out. Let's go out and he's like, oh, I don't care. You can't I'm not going So now he should go to check on Margo and Margo's like, I'm okay because Margo's like She's out of it like she's wasted. She doesn't really know what's going on. And she's like, well, we had a power shortage and I turned around and I don't even want to do her voice. So she's like, listen, we just had a power shortage. I turned around and the producers are screaming,
Starting point is 00:04:40 get out, get out. And Luke is coming out of your room naked. And she's like, what? He was naked, gross. And she goes, yeah, did you consent to him being in here? And she's like, no, I was asleep. I did not invite that. And she's like, yeah, that's why I'm not comfortable leaving you here. Like, this is bullshit, you know, and she gets into bed with her. Yeah. I'm not leaving you in here. God knows what that fucking guy is going to do, you know? Yeah. It was like, She's like, I'm not leaving you in here. God knows what that fucking guy is gonna do, you know? Yeah. It was like, it was just like such a,
Starting point is 00:05:09 it was just a lovely gesture that she just gets in. And she's like, with her, with her stew. And she's like, I'm not having any of this shit. And Margot's like, I don't even know. Like you can see like Margot, like it's starting to really dawn on Margot a little bit, but as much as it can be, well, she's wasted. And then meanwhile upstairs, we're in the hot tub
Starting point is 00:05:25 and Laura gets in and this is like watching this, it's like you're dumbfounded because we have downstairs, we have a situation of a complete violation of consent. And then upstairs we now have Laura getting into the hot tub with Adam and being like, Hey, Adam, I have no bikini on. And he has like said, and being like, hey, I might have no bikini on. And he has, like, said so many times, no. I just wanted to be friends.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And then this is happening upstairs, and I was like, what is happening on this boat? Well, especially that she saw it. She basically knows what happened downstairs. Like she knows, she knows the gist of it. She knows that he was, the producers had to come and intervene in a way that he's pissed and naked in his room.
Starting point is 00:06:08 So she knows that much, she knows that something bad happened with that and it doesn't affect her at all. She's just like, I'm just gonna do the same shit to somebody else, you know. Now obviously the difference is Adam isn't black out drunk, but still she's fucking disgusting. And Serena's like, you know, this girl's not taking the hint. It's like, go get some dignity.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You know, and Laura's like, don't worry, we're not going to have sexual until charts are over. And Adam's like, oh, God, you're getting a no, honey. You're getting a no, homie. Yeah, then we see downstairs, Luke is, he's so drunk, he can't even get into his bed. Which really, it just, again, it just shows that like if the producers had not intervened,
Starting point is 00:06:51 we don't really know what Luke would have done. And I don't believe it would have been anything good because this was someone so wasted that he has, he doesn't have control of his body enough to get into bed. So I don't think that he would have the control to have restraint and say like, I shouldn't cross any lines, even though he's already crossed a lot of being in bed naked with her.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So then Luke is still trying to get into the bed and then upstairs Laura is hanging on Adam and like kissing his neck and he's everyone's kind of grossed out by her. And she's like we're not sexual right? Only friend. And he's like, oh my God, watch yourself. Stop it. And he gets up to sit on the ledge to get away from her. And then we cut to Asha telling Serena what happened with Luke. And Culver goes to bed. He's trying to go to bed. But Luke has locked the door to keep the producers out. They're not trying to just like disturb you. They were trying to disturb you in the middle of assaulting someone you fucking. God forbid his boundaries get crossed.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Like exactly. You know, like, oh, he can lock his door, you know, and like he has a right to have privacy in his mind. And yet he can also like climb naked into a woman's bed, a woman who he went and like just kissed on the first night when there was no indication that she even was down with that either. So now Harry, so when we're back at the hot tub, the hot tub, you have Harry, you've got Laura and you have Adam and Harry's like, well, I think I'm going to bed and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:08:19 yeah, I'm going to go to and Laura goes, oh, now it's time for massage then. He's like, yeah, because Adam even goes, yeah, if you're going to go to bed, Harry, I'm gonna go to and logus, oh, now it's time for massage then. He's like, he's like, no. I'm not even gonna go, so yeah, if you're gonna go to bed, Harry, I'm gonna go to bed, okay? Because I'm only out here because of you, bro, to be honest, I'm only sitting right here because I wanna talk to you.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And Laura's like, okay, I'm for massage. I'm like, oh, gross. He's like, come on, and she's like, most sexual, I promise. And he's like, okay, you promise then, okay. So he gets out and he's like, I'm locking the door, but he doesn't. And Harry's like, if you're locking the door,
Starting point is 00:08:51 I'm gonna come now. So Adam's like, she's not getting the point. So I don't know what to do, because she's gotta stop that shit, cause like we work together. So she follows him into the room and he's like, oh my fucking God with you. You're not staying here.
Starting point is 00:09:05 She's just, no, I'm not. Because I'm gonna kick your ass out. So he gets into the top bunk. And she's like, oh no, you are up there. It's so hard up there. You know that down in the reef, that more it is like bitch. That more it's like, I've seen her before, bitch.
Starting point is 00:09:24 So Adam is like, he's up there and she's like, but can you come down? And he's like, no, that's Harry's bed. She's like, you can't come down. Because she's like trying so hard to create the situation, right? And Adam is like, he's like not allowing it. And then he's like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:09:44 this is a bad idea. We shouldn't be doing this anyway. But she's like, no. So she crawls up onto the bed and starts like squeezing the lotion on his back and then find the cameraman. It's like, hey, Laura, I got a message from the producers and you have to come down.
Starting point is 00:09:59 She's like, okay, I'm coming, but she doesn't come down. Yeah, and they're like, no, seriously, you need to get down right now, go to your own cabin. And she's like, okay, I'm coming. And then she keeps massaging. And then she like leans down and starts kissing his neck.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And the producers like, now Laura, I'm coming, I'm coming. So Harry goes to bed now, there's drama music. And we see Luke and Laura, they show us, okay. They show us in one camera, Luke, and then in another camera, Laura, and then under them a reef shark. I was thinking, okay. We had to make the reef shark look like the actual
Starting point is 00:10:36 like, wasn't person here. I know, yeah, I know that the reef shark has some issues, but we don't know that the reefef Shark did anything comparable to what these fuckers just did. Can we leave the Reef Shark out of it? The Reef Shark, I actually just went through some training and I would never do these things. So now Eesha goes and knocks on Captain Jason's door, which was like, this was also impressive that she didn't wait to the morning, she just told him right over.
Starting point is 00:11:05 So she's crying. And he's very alarmed, he's asking what's wrong. And she's like, I need to tell you about something that happened tonight. And she tells a story, she says, basically we came home tonight. And I felt like Luke was wanting to take a Vanger Margot's drunkiness,
Starting point is 00:11:20 and she was pretty out of it. And next thing I know, the power goes out, and Luke is running out of Margot's bed naked, and she was pretty out of it. And next thing I know, the power goes out and Lucas running out of Margot's bed naked and she was completely unconscious. And he's like, did anything happen? Is she safe? And she's like, well now is freaked out because he got caught, so he locked himself in his room.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And now Culver is locked out of his room and she's just crying, you know? Yeah, and he's talking to her. It was like, really? It was like, oh God, and I was like crying. I'm watching this, I'm crying. And, you know, Aisha is just saying, I feel like a lot of women have had a history
Starting point is 00:11:49 with things like this happening a lot, and it stresses me out if I ever see anyone taking advantage of. Because she called that shit right when it was going down, you know? And she had also been with him when he was saying, oh yeah, you know, I shouldn't have fucked that girl, but it's not my fault, because I was drunk,
Starting point is 00:12:05 so I didn't even know what I was doing. So she already knows that he's one of those who's gonna like use that as an excuse, you know, and get all assaulty, which is exactly what he fucking did. Then she saw it on the van on the way over with him staring into her face all low and like trying to get consent in front of people by saying, oh yeah, you want
Starting point is 00:12:26 me to come tuck you in later. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just fucking disgusting. And she spotted that and she stayed on it the whole night. I was like, it was standing up. That is fucking impressive. And I really hope that makes things change.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yeah. And she wasn't scared of any repercussions or like I'm setting him or anything. She was like, you know, this is wrong. And she says that like, you know, that it made her skin crawl. And she's like, you don't have the right to put someone unconscious into that position. And she says, I've had a drunken sexual assault experience before. And I never want that to happen to anyone else. And Margo's like a sweet angel.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And the thought of her of him violating her or being in her space just makes me feel sick. Yeah. So then Jason's like, well, he's getting the fuck off the boat. You know, this isn't happening on my watch. So he marches down, he gets a key and he goes to the room and he's like, get up. It's time to go, you know, and he kicks his ass off the boat. He's like, you're going to a hotel and looks like, I don't need a hotel and he's like, come on, you're going.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And get your fucking Harry Styles pearl necklace. Mm-hmm, ass down here, you know. I loved it. Jason just went in there and he was like, this is not a thing like we're gonna wait till the morning. He was like, you were not even spending another extra second on this boat. You know, more than you need to be.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You were getting off of your right now because now all the women are freaked out, by the way. And, you know, ends Arrina's comforting Asha because Asha's fully rattled and she just explained, you know, like how she's been through a similar experience. So this is probably dredging up all sorts of terrible notions for Asha. You know. And so this is probably dredging up all sorts of terrible notions for Asia. Yep. And so Harry, so now it's the morning and Laura's opening a beer because Laura a fucking chorus, right? So Culver goes to luxury when he's gone. So they don't really know what's happened yet.
Starting point is 00:14:17 And Margot is talking to Laura and Laura's like, oh my god, I'm so happy. I feel great. And Margot's like, wow, lucky you. And they're in their cabin. And the Lord just passes her and goes into the bathroom and just chugs the beer in the dark, not realizing there's a camera that she's doing it right into. I mean, this is fucking idiot. So then Margot's like, so what exactly happened
Starting point is 00:14:43 after dinner? Because Luke got into my bed naked and that's weird. And Lord's like, what's his dick standing? Were you lucky to, lucky enough to have his dick standing? And Mark was like, I don't remember. And Zarina saying that she does not feel comfortable having Luke right across the hallway, you know? And it's just like, yeah, you don't fucking go
Starting point is 00:15:04 into a coma girl's room naked. And so Laura's like, oh no, you think that he's in trouble? Like God, Laura. Like, I- I'm out of suckage in her personality. Yeah, it's shocking because she even prepares you. She's like, I'm the villain of this show. I'm gonna be an asshole.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'm gonna make every terrible decision I can, and I'm gonna do every wrong fucking thing I can. And she still manages to shock you. It's amazing. Her ass holeery is astounding. I mean, but also like what I this do. But she also represents, but she even me. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:43 But she also represents in many ways, like the insidiousness of the patriarchy. I know when you say the patriarchy, it just sounds so dramatic, but it really is true. As we see, she is someone who defends Luke, and it's absolutely repulsive. We're seeing the glimmers of it here. Margot is now texting her mom and her sister that she needs to talk with them. And then Jason's telling Asha that Luke has been kicked off the boat. And then the deckies are sort of like, they don't know where Luke is, and they're just sort of like bumbling about because they're like, well, what do we do?
Starting point is 00:16:16 Like, should we start doing things? Like, where's Luke? So like, they sense that something is a rye as well. So then the, so Asha has the stews now, right? So Laura sees Margo and Asia standing there. She comes and she's like, good morning. I feel fresh as fuck. And Margo's like, so I'm sorry to interrupt.
Starting point is 00:16:37 What was this all about? Was this her way of countering that the day yesterday, she said she was so tired, was she trying to recalibrate from that? Because what was that all about? She was really trying to sell said she was so tired but she tried to recalibrate from that because what was that all about? She was really trying to sell that she was awake. I think that she's drunk. I mean, she's just drinking. I don't think she's just drunk.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Like she's just walking around drunk, saying like, I'm feeling great. It's a great morning and everything's totally normal with me when she's fucking plastering herself still in the morning. And so Margot was like, so what happened last night? And he's like, well, basically, and then she just looks at Laura, who's preening. She's like, I feel great.
Starting point is 00:17:13 And she's like, do you mind if I talk to Margot by myself? You can start with Cabin. And so she sends her away. And meanwhile, Jason calls Culver and tells him to take over for the morning and he'll tell him what happened later. Then, Serena comes with Margo and Aisha to talk in the cabin about. Aisha is like, okay, so basically last night, I had a feeling about Luke and off feeling and that's why I wanted to stay with you. Then I go make noodles for one minute
Starting point is 00:17:43 and next thing I know, the producers are knocking on your door going, no, no, no, and Luke is in your bed naked. And so next thing I know, he's like coming out of their naked. And she's, Margot is like, shit, you just see the look on her face like, how long was he in there? Like, what happened in there, you know? And the fear, the fear of like knowing, like how close it could have been to such a worse situation of like what could have happened.
Starting point is 00:18:08 If there have been no producers, if there hadn't been a TV show, like, you can just sort of see all the things running through her mind of like the other time she's gotten drunk and like, wow, like you just, you just sort of see her world changing in that moment and it's like it's, you're sort of getting chills watching it. So she's like, yeah, I woke up feeling weird
Starting point is 00:18:30 and I knew whatever happened was okay, but then I'm like, oh, God, he's still here so I have to act cool. So I'm glad he's not here, you know, because that would have been hard. And she's like, I feel so stupid. And Serena's like, you shouldn't feel stupid. He feels stupid. And she's like, yeah, but I was drunk. And she's like, yeah feel so stupid and Serena's like, you shouldn't feel stupid, he feels
Starting point is 00:18:45 stupid. And she's like, yeah, but I was drunk and she's like, yeah, well, women should be able to be fucking blackout drunk. Like, a woman should be able to stand up naked, blackout drunk and not be afraid someone was going to do something to her. Like, you're allowed to be drunk. That's the other person's problem. And I chaired to try to get that.
Starting point is 00:19:01 That was like a little. Yeah. And then they, the three of them hug, it was so powerful, it was like a really wonderful moment. And I was so glad that was articulated, not only just to Margot, because I think it was important for Margot to hear that, but I was glad that it was put on the air,
Starting point is 00:19:17 not that it wouldn't be put on the air, but I'm glad it was spoken on this show. That was such such a powerful moment and the three of them hugging together. And I really like, you know, it just I don't know, like it gave me chills. So, so now Margo, Margo goes to the bathroom and she's, she's going, I think this is when she's calling her, her speaking to her mom and her sister. And she's saying to us that she's feeling disappointed in herself, she's embarrassed, she's sad, and she's shocked, and she's saying to us that she's feeling disappointed in herself. She's embarrassed. She's sad and she's shocked.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And she's like processing. She also feels loved. But then when she's talking to her sister and her mom, she's talking about how she's just so grossed out and she feels really stupid. And she's like, I probably was being too flirty. Which is like the shame that that's what that's the emotional toll that she has to take on.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And like as so many people do in these situations. And her mom and sister are like outraged and they're like it's not your fault. But it's like it's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking to watch her feel these things when she did nothing wrong. Yeah. So the decades are still looking for Luke and so there's a crew meeting called in the main salon. So they all gather and Laura still is walking up and trying to fucking cuddle with Adam. I'm so fucking sick of this.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I would just fire her on the spot. She just gets more disgusting with every fucking shot of her. I can't. It's disgusting. And there's like, I was like laughing uncomfortably while I was watching it. I can't believe this woman is continuing to sexually harass Adam at a consent meeting. And she doesn't know it's a consent meeting, but only Brava would serve us in this fucked up situation.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So she's all up on him. And so he's like, get off of me. I'm sorry, I'm just feeling really good. I'm working on it and she pats his upper thigh, fucking disgusting. So then the captain is like, listen, we're bringing Luke on, he's going to collect his fucking Harry Styles pearl necklaces, which by the way, when you see a fucking guy wearing one of those, stay away from him.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Have we ever seen a good one? The last one on Bravo was Corey fucking keyfer. That piece of shit, okay? So when you see that and it's not on Harry Styles, walk away, just walk away. Okay, consider that your warning sign. Okay, Pearl necklacescklace says, just go. So Jason's like, basically, I've told Luke,
Starting point is 00:21:52 he's gonna be gathering his items. We're going to terminate his employment. We had an incident last night, and I wanna stress that this is a place where we respect each other. Our cabin is our safety zone. The door is our boundary. That door is not to be opened unless it's consensual to walk into someone else's room without consent, that
Starting point is 00:22:09 is my limit. And Culver is like, holy shit, that's insane, I have a little sister, I would kill somebody if she was in that situation. And I mean, I appreciate a sentiment, I think that we've learned that like you should, whether or not you have a little sister, you should still want to kill someone in that situation metaphorically. So I know. He's just identifying with the protective feeling, you know. And so Laura's like, are we allowed to stick with my, like, oh my God, really? To your career.
Starting point is 00:22:38 To your career. I think that will be happening. Wow. He just amounts to the entire room that Luke violated consent and is getting fired and you're pouting about it in front of the fucking captain, especially like what the fuck dude? And he goes, no. And she goes, copy, copy. So now the minivan shows up and Luke gets out and Jason just takes Luke down to the crew mess He doesn't even like let him come into the salon. He doesn't give Jason
Starting point is 00:23:09 I mean doesn't give Luke a moment to like apologize or really say anything and Luke is like Luke is then doing this bullshit thing was like well, I don't really know what happened which is eating me up a little bit No, you don't get to be eaten up a little bit by this So the captain's like well last night boundaries were crossed and you went into someone else's cabin and he goes, and I was naked. Yeah, Luke. Shocker, isn't it? Yeah. Shocker. It's in the Luke. You can't remember, huh? And he goes, yeah, and I have nothing to do but terminate your employment. And he goes, okay, well, I can understand that. And he goes, so get your stuff. So, to his credit, he just keeps his fucking mouth shut.
Starting point is 00:23:50 He does, you know. He knows, he keeps his mouth shut, he just does what he has to do. He doesn't protest, he doesn't push back. And Zarina's up there being like, why don't they just shove his stuff in bin bags, leave it on the dock, which I agree. I don't even think you should, I throw it down there, give it to the more a yield.
Starting point is 00:24:04 So, then Laura, everyone's just sitting there awkwardly, but Laura's like really sad. She's continuing to pout over this fucking, you know, attempted rapist basically. And Harry's like, I feel really bad for Morgah. We've got a KFR the next few days. I'm like, yeah, you should, but also like you two get out of her face
Starting point is 00:24:23 a little bit, give her some space. Well, Laura's, yeah,'m like, yeah, you should, but also like you two get out of her face a little bit. Give her some space. Well, Laura's, yeah, I like that though, because she goes, I'm saddening us. You're sad that he's leaving. I feel bad for Margot, not him, you know? And so the Luke, the Luke, Lucas tells the captain, I'm so sorry, I'm just so disappointed in myself. And they all watch him leave. Jason Adams. and they all watch him leave. Just because, yeah. Yeah, what do you want? And so Adam's like, fuck that kid.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And he goes, you do something like that, you lose respect. Your pizza shit to me now, all right? Even more than goofy. It's with the fucking weird language. So then the captain's like, okay guys, you know, boundaries, it's very simple, don't cross them. Male or female is like, we need this place cleaned up. Now, Kulva, you know, boundaries, it's very simple, don't cross them, mail or female.
Starting point is 00:25:05 He's like, we need this place cleaned up. Now, Kulva, you step in and we'll get someone in. And so he's like, we should be able to do this, right? So, okay, we're already one employee down. So let's see how much worse we can make this. Yeah. So now Laura, so now Laura, this is after the meeting, Laura is like crying. Okay, and she's like, I am so sad.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I can't believe Luke is gone. And Marco is like, you're sad? I'm not, because you're not. She's like, no, I'm bummed about everything that happened. And Laura's like, oh, I don't even understand what happened. Hansenman wants to make women bright. What is wrong with that? happened and Laura's like oh I don't even understand what happened handsome man wants to make women bright what is wrong with that and Laura's like do you want me to tell you just if you're okay with that she was okay he came into my room
Starting point is 00:25:54 naked he got into my bed while I was passed out like I was just sleeping like what would have happened if no one had been there you know like I don't know I'm still kind of processing it and Laura goes, oh, poor look, I should just have kept him happy. Because if he comes in my cabin, I would be like, hello, yes! I mean, oh my god, poor look. Also, by the way, in your theoretical fucked up situation, Laura, you were, if you say hello, yes. Yeah, that's called consent, but Marga wasn't saying hello yes and that's the big difference okay oh my god crazy you've been said poor Luke poor Luke what's even what what's even
Starting point is 00:26:37 crazier okay even if you don't pick up on the social queue let's just say okay maybe this girl has some trouble picking up on social queues. They just had a meeting and literally said, what happened and consent was violated. And then Margot tells you in her own words, and you still say that, like you're still dumb enough to say that, what the fuck is wrong with this person?
Starting point is 00:27:04 My God. And then Laura goes, well, it's his fault because he rejected me. And then you go, yeah, she was, if he'd not done that, I would still be with him. And I said, I wouldn't make him regret. And it came true. Very big time. It's his karma. It's not the victim.
Starting point is 00:27:19 It's, it's not his karma. It's, he's not the victim. He didn't get fired for rejecting you. You fucking idiot. God. Literally, like, Margot is the victim here and all she's concerned about is Luke's feelings and that this wouldn't have happened if Luke had done this
Starting point is 00:27:35 and if Luke had done that, Luke would have been happier. So she goes, oh God. And then he wants to come back for his bags and we come to be there, we can't say goodbye. We can't say goodbye. You know Margot's like, yeah, I don't really need to say goodbye to him. And then she cries.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And Margot's like, what the fuck? How are you the one-pounding right now? And Lord's like, well, we all feel bad, but he feels the worst right now. I'm a Sasha, I'm a Sasha. Margot tells us she goes, she's fucked up, I think. I think she just, she fucked tells us she's she's fucked up. I think I think she's Just some ways she delivered that she's she's you know, what up? I think she's fucked up
Starting point is 00:28:12 I actually loved that response cuz I like that Margot was not like Maybe Laura's right she was like no actually Laura's really fucked up like yeah, she's her like literally has problems. I think you know, Laura's really fucked up. Like that's like, the girl literally has problems, I think. Laura, I mean, Laura is fucked up. Like it makes me very concerned about what her childhood was. So, Asha is now talking to Adam. And Asha, who's ironing by the way, you know, and not Laura.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Well, Laura's over there crying and pouting that she didn't get to like a massage somebody goodbye. Asha is ironing a shirt. So Adam comes in and she's like, so how did you feel about that chat? And he's like, it shouldn't even come close to that, you know? And she's like, well, exactly. And on the flip side, I've noticed Laura's been pretty intense with you. And I want to make sure that you're feeling okay, too.
Starting point is 00:29:01 And he's like, yeah, I mean, she thinks I'm playing around, but I guess I need to be more serious when I tell her to leave me alone, which he doesn't have to be more serious. He's like, he has made it abundantly clear. So, Asha's like, yeah, I saw him, I have you back. So, I was like, wow, Asha is just like,
Starting point is 00:29:22 she's killing it. She's killing it with like, being a leader right now. So, now Margot's wearing a tinfoil hat, because you know, naturally. And so she's wearing a tinfoil hat and culvert's like, hey, you rock that hat. And Harry's like, it's Margot, told Blonde a beautiful, I just like, oh, stop it, no, literally stop it.
Starting point is 00:29:42 This had a really rough day. I don't need you, but battling onto it, thanks. So then we see Culver trying to be lead that camp, and it, no literary stop it. This had a really rough day. I don't need you piling onto it, thanks. So then we see Colbert trying to be lead that camp and it's so funny. So Adam's like, so Colbert, what you want to do, man? You're the boasting baby. Might as suggest, listen, I don't want to boss anybody around. But I suggest your first order of business is going,
Starting point is 00:30:00 Hawk, Hawk, Hawk. Hawk. And Colbert's like, all right, well, Hawk. And color is like, all right, well, here's what we're gonna do. If y'all need me thing, you know, I'm open, baby. Okay, so you got a question, you know what? You got concerns, then you just do what you do. That's what you need to do. Guys, you know what you should do?
Starting point is 00:30:23 Stay tight, show us, go on, break a leg, when it's a maybe, eat a Dutch baby. Okay, that's my advice. All right, guys. All right, Harry, you like clean or something over there or pick up a rope and add them, or you go over there and you like wipe a surface or you move a cushion. I'm going to go into the kitchen, I'm going to eat about five eggs, maybe a Dutch baby,
Starting point is 00:30:51 maybe a different type of baby. I'm sure there's babies all around the world that could be made in the pancakes and when I come out, we'll reassess, okay guys? And he tells us, I'd love to be both in one day. You know, it's a great opportunity for me to really step on if I can do it, because I'm in sports, so I can motivate. It's like, okay, I love that everybody who's played football a couple of times is like,
Starting point is 00:31:14 I could be CEO, I've played football. I'm glad. Congratulations. Congrats, I'm sure those lacrosse skills will work out great in washing the boat. Is that his thing? I think it was, I'm sure it was all of the above work out great in washing the boat. Is that his thing? I think it was, I'm sure it was all of the above. I think, yeah, for some reason I think he was lacrosse player, but I'm sure he played football too.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I know, hot. So Zarina is now, I love this too. This is such a small thing and it was like, I think it like warmed everyone's heart because I saw a lot of people talking about it on Twitter because you know I was like on below to Twitter last night for like an hour. So Zarina's making chicken soup, and also, you know, flapjacks. And she's basically like,
Starting point is 00:31:52 what happened was not normal and it's shocking. So I'm making comfort food to make everyone happy because I know everyone needs it, especially Mark. And I was like, this is like literally like warm, like this is just like, that's what you want. And like there's just, there was something like Zarina was not a major player in all this but like the way she came in to support were just so she was a major player I think I mean she was she was in the van being like no she's right you can't do that you know and she's telling Adam like that's not right you don't have to take this shit
Starting point is 00:32:21 from her and then she's giving her like you're not so you don't have to take this shit from her. And then she's giving her like, you're not so, you don't need to fucking excuse yourself for being drunk. Like, no one has a right to talk, to do anything to you just cause you're drunk. I was like, yes. I mean, I've asked her so many times. I was like, wow, it's, makes up for all the bowls of brown mush. Like, I literally finish the episode
Starting point is 00:32:41 and I was like, I need something brown and brown like, like, you're like, I'm vegetarian, but I'm gonna eat a Tomahawk tonight. But no, what I meant was more like, you know, Aisha and Jason had active roles in this of like reporting and firing, et cetera. And like, Zarina was supporting people. And like, the way she did it was just so perfect,
Starting point is 00:33:04 like pitch perfect and like even just the act of making a warm bowl of soup in like a moment like this is so thoughtful and just also the exact right thing to do I feel. So let's see so Laura and Aisha now okay now let's see if we can make this even worse. I can't imagine this kid getting any worse, right? Surely we're gonna have some chicken noodle soup and everything is gonna be fine. Raise your hand, people in the audience, if you were like hiding your head under a pillow during this next scene,
Starting point is 00:33:37 because honestly, I was like, I could not believe what I was watching. And it also makes me sad to think that there are many people like Laura in this world who say these things. So Laura comes in to Asia. She says, Asia, I don't even understand what happened. We don't get to say buy or nothing. And she makes cry face. And she goes, no, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And she goes, but was it that bad? And she goes, he crossed the line. I'm sorry and she was but was it that bad and she was um He crossed the line and that's what would happen on any boat. You know that right? Laura's like he's dead serious. I mean fuck that's a shock for me because I didn't know it was that bad Yes, I'm issues. Yeah, you can't ever cross that line. You know so Yeah But yes, I guess, yeah, you can't ever cross that line, you know? So yeah. And Laura's like, oh, I'm like Captain Jason should give him a chance, give him a warning, something, but you fire is not fair. It's not deserved.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And I don't agree with it. Well, you're not going to have to finish it. Like the luck date. Yeah, she does. Good luck to the employees of her alleged restaurant that she had in Spain. It's a wonderful apartment. I can end up, I'm starting to understand
Starting point is 00:34:50 the name of that restaurant. Yeah. So Margot comes to Laundry where Laura Irons and Laura's like, Margot, did you hear me? And she goes, what wrong? And she's like, I don't think it's fair anyways. I feel sorry for you, but I just think it could be warning. I don't think it's like I don't know I just I'm sad and I think he just meant this joke like he's funny guy
Starting point is 00:35:14 I don't think he meant bad like he wouldn't rape you or anything You're what do you think fucking somebody while their past out drunk is? fucking somebody while their past out drunk is Like and she's saying this to Margo like now potentially Margo could hear this and it undoes all of the support and bolstering that she's received and now Margo is thinking like it's her fault It's her fault that someone got fired she shouldn't have complained she shouldn't have been flirty all the I like the the Audacity or Dacity of I like the the the audacity or the audacity of of Laura to save this specifically to Margo. It's bad enough just to say it,
Starting point is 00:35:49 but to say it also to the person who was the victim here. And Laura's like, he's sexual person. I'm sexual person. You're a sexual person. We were joking. That thing was public. Ha ha ha ha. We all drunk right now.
Starting point is 00:36:01 And like, she was like, Margo's like, I don't know about no, I don't know about that And Laura's like well, it's not as if you said no to him the whole night and he didn't welcome coming to you He felt welcome coming there. Oh, okay Just get her off. So Margot let her on. That's what she's basically saying. Yes So Margot's like I don't think so though because Asia said she don't go in there and don't go in there over and over and I she said I'm really drunk and passed out so I'm not really sure So she just leaves like what the fuck and thankfully Asia passes her and
Starting point is 00:36:39 She's like so she's mad at me now like what, what the hell? And she's like, I just told her what happened and she didn't know and the first thing she said was like, oh, well, he should have hooked up with me and come into my bed because I would have welcomed that. And then she said he's just a sexual person and was just joking and that none of this was fair. Like, I don't even know what to say to that. Asia's like, this is so inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:37:04 It's a par of fights. Asia's like this is so inappropriate. It's racist. It's racist. It's racist face. She's like, oh! Her jaw was completely on the ground. Like are you fucking kidding me? Seriously. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:37:21 So then we go back to Culver trying to figure out the deck. He's like, well, we could put a chamois there or maybe not there. Should we put a chamois mop there? And Adam and Harry are like, uh, Adam's like, uh, Optonala was looking to Culver's most experienced person on deck, but looking like a little bit, look a bit like, twiddle D and twiddle dumb, okay,
Starting point is 00:37:43 it doesn't put me at ease. I'm like, okay, Adam, you're not putting me at ease. So let's not forget, you still can't swim, okay. This is a good episode for you, okay. But, generous speaking, you're a turbo-tax end. So let's come down. So then, Marge goes into the galley and sees leftover wine and drinks it.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Which is also a sign of things to come, you know. It's because we're like this. Uh-oh. So she's like, I don't know if this is gonna make me more emotional, probably, who cares? And she drinks it. So then Aisha goes to the captain and she's like, yeah, now I think you should have a personal chat
Starting point is 00:38:17 with Laura because Margot just came to me upset and instead of asking if she's okay, she had the audacity to say, I wish she'd come to my bed. And now she's making Margot feel like shit about having a problem with it. And Jason's like, after what I just said, yeah. My, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:38:36 What about me says, no, am I wearing a kimono jump suit? What the fuck? So, he's just like, and she's like, and by the way, Laura with that, I'm like, he's not comfortable with her and she was very inappropriate with him. And we're a line sexual harassment. I'm like, I think it was not borderline.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I think it was full on. And he's like, I feel like I've told her no when she's not listening. So Jason is not happy. It may be while cut to culvert eating Zorino's ribs. Like getting back to business down in the kitchen. He's concentrating on getting the protein and while the guys are working, you know, so he's already like slacking off because he has people under him. And so Zorino's like, you've been a person before, have you? Big strong ribita.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And he's like, yeah, I have basically, well basically a lead deck can, which is the kind of the same thing on different sized boats, but you know what no matter the situation, I'm gonna Mom will be a leader Just got a ball just got a ball is coming towards me. I'm a little mad actually You know, I learned how to play lacrosse because my mom would attach a Dutch baby to a stick and I'd just go run around the woods catching pine cones. So Jason, now Jason's called at Margot and asks if Margot's upset and she's saying that she felt like what Laura said was really insensitive
Starting point is 00:39:55 and Jason's like to actually come back and say that to you of all people, they had near-bades for it. You heard what I said down there, it was wrong. We're at time. We're moving forward. All taking of the rest. So at this point, I'm thinking, oh, he's going to chew out Laura. That's where I think I think he's like, Laura's going to get like a pretty bad rubber band.
Starting point is 00:40:14 All right, because it sounds insane. It sounds insane to like, like you can't fire two people. Right. You have to do a charter right. So now Adam is called to the bridge and he asks about Laura and he's like yeah you know she's in my space like hanging on me and I don't want to be rude and make her feel embarrassed so I say no in a playful manner but she won't stop and he's like right, we're gonna make it good. So now you're like, okay, she's really gonna get you all that. Yeah. So, and then meanwhile, we just have another check in on Culver doing more like quasi-boasting
Starting point is 00:40:57 stuff. And he's like, so you guys gonna do this thing? Moth? Yeah. Mop thing. Do it for the, what do you call the floor, the teak? Yeah, but you're whopped, the floor with the lacrosse dick, but the lacrosse dick sort of has like a wig on. The mop.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, you're just, why are you cleaning the window with a rib bone? Harry goes, Colville likes the one pot, key pot of being a leader, which is initiative. I'm like, yes, because we definitely saw Lassie's and Kovalex got really lazy, but that being said, he's also been a person
Starting point is 00:41:31 for about 25 minutes right now. So I think we could get like, give him a little grace period to step into the role. Yeah, but at the same time, he's been boasting for 25 minutes and already had ribs. You know what I mean? That's true, too. So Jason now calls Laura to the bridge.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I was like, oh, she's gonna get a real talk into, you know? And Jason's like, a couple of things I need to talk to you about Adam feels uncomfortable with some moments out and about, and he's tried to say now, and you've not listened to him and his boundaries to be set. And the second thing is, he have to have my multiple speeches with the crew about boundaries and respect. Did you not go into Margo and say, Paul Luke?
Starting point is 00:42:10 I wish I wish you would come and say me and Lord I was like, oh, actually, no, I went to her and I said, how are you feeling? Are you okay? I'm very awake right now and I was never tired yesterday. That's what I said. All I've said to people on board is I'm not tired today. I feel so good today. Did you just burp? Not been drinking beer.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So Jason's like, she's not okay and that's not okay and they feel like there's now a big disconnect now and that's not what I want for part of my team. You just respected exactly what I actually said out to do. And she's like, No, I understand what you said. And I respect massage time. You want massage, captain Jason? I'm a sashiel.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And he's like, you will not massage me. And listen, for you to go to Margot, that shows that you have no respect for Margot. And I'm trying to move forward as a team and trying to get behind this, you know, and you've brought it straight back up. So that said, I'm gonna terminate, I'll employ your employment today.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And she's like, wow. And I just wrote, ha ha ha. I was laughing and cheering. This episode really gave so many different emotions. I was like, yeah! I was like, I was like cheering, but I was also oddly choked up, because I think I was really caught up. I was caught up by the strong leadership.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I was caught up by the justice of it all, people doing the right thing, and people having people's backs, and really making sure there's no room for someone to make, someone to feel unsafe. If it made me oddly very emotional. There's also a for someone to make someone feel unsafe. If it like, it made me oddly very emotional. There's also a part of this after watching Below Deck for years, you know, and some hundreds and hundreds of episodes of this show. They've got to be now, right?
Starting point is 00:43:57 To see everything that has been put up with, I think it makes you feel like everything that has been put up with just as a people, like as us, you know what I mean? You're like, yeah. Look at this shit that was just considered normal for so long, it's sad. It's fucking depressing, like it really is. I mean, I've, like there's guilt,
Starting point is 00:44:22 like I felt guilt as a viewer. I was like, look at this shit that has just gone by. Not that like, like we haven't ever said anything about it or anything like that. I'm not trying to make it about us. I just mean as an audience member, it's also a little guilt inducing, I have to say. Yeah, well, I think it's really, I think that Asia and Captain Jason, as has been said a million times on Twitter, if you go look, that they really showed what it's like to be true leaders.
Starting point is 00:45:05 They stepped into action. They recognized situations. They just, they took actions and they did something about it and it made me really happy. I was also, this is a reaction that we similarly had on Bullock Duck adventure when Captain Kerry, there was that asshole on there and Captain Kerry just kicked that guy off. He said, nope. And it was just that clarity of action that was very comforting, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And, you know, but again, it's like, it was a bittersweet moment because for a moment like this, you know, there just are thousands where there is no asha Asia and there is no Captain Jason and there are no producers and there are no cameras and there's just victims. And so I think that made me sad too, to reflect on-
Starting point is 00:45:54 And there are so many loras. And there are so many people who after something like this say things like Laura does, you know. And you hear that all the time. So to hear people strongly saying, no, that's wrong. And shut the fuck up with that. Get the fuck off my boat is extremely refreshing, you know. With no ambiguity about it.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Like there's this is a black and white situation. This is not a gray area. There's no both sides on this one. Right. This is not a, well. You let him on by being drunk. That's not how the world works. And it's mice. It's mice to see it. It is said. So I was cheering. I loved it. And so now they're like, well, we let Laura go. It's an outlaw. Anybody else we should fire, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Now Laura, she doesn't leave in the same swift manner as Luke. She's like, but I don't think I did something wrong that I need to be terminated. I mean, can you give me a warning? Should I do canned canned dance for redemption? And he's like, nope. I can't go on with you as part of the team in this involvement. It's that I'm trying to sit, but I think it's a mistake and he just goes, okay. But you can't let me think it's a mistake. It doesn't really matter what you think.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yeah, I think changing the recipe of Girl Scout peanut butter cookies was a mistake. Guess what? They still sell that shit in front of grocery stores. And for for season. I mean, I have a lot of thoughts on mistakes in this world, and no one gives a shit. No one cares. No one cares about my thoughts on mistakes. By now.
Starting point is 00:47:35 So she passes by Aisha and says nothing and starts packing her stuff. And Jason calls up Aisha and he's like, let that idiot go, okay? So now what should we do? Should we go, oh, sushi's packing up. Well, that's a rock, Cole. So, I'm sorry, I'm too young. I just wanna say also, let's also put the,
Starting point is 00:47:58 I just wanna also mention the sacrifice that this is that knowing that there are someone down on the deck and now there'll be someone down on the interior and knowing that this could really fuck up their next charter or two, and that this could be hard on everyone, but that sacrifice is still worth it and it still was not even a question
Starting point is 00:48:14 that the safety of one person is worth it for the discomfort and the stress that everyone will have to deal with as a whole. Like that was a deeply reassuring moment too. Sorry, just wanted to put that out there too. So Asha is telling Margot that Laura's out. And she's like, you know, we just want you to feel safe. You've done nothing wrong.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And she's an asshole for making you try and feel like shit. Margot was like, wow, feels like a week's been lifted, like a hundred pounds, you know, just last immediately. And so Ser like a hundred pounds, you know, just last immediately. And so Serena comes up and, you know, they all basically celebrate. And that's Serena. This is like Serena's like, what's up? Yeah, and she goes, so are you getting a new student? She goes, yes, but not yet.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And Serena just starts cracking up. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. She was like, oh, this is great. So Jason then checks out Laura, because she's packing, and she's like, I don't deserve this. And she's like, all right. Can I grab you a bag? She's like, mm-hmm, thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:17 She's like, I don't deserve this, but I will have you still carry out my bag. So Asha now tells the deck hands that Laura's been let go. And Adam is like, well, I feel bad. You know, I would hate to think that I hated her and getting fired. That made my heart drop. But to be honest with you, I thought I was really nice to her. But it's like, that's what sucks the sexual harassment because like, you wind up feeling bad for your harasser when they have no concern about you and how they may be creating a distraction for you.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And now you can't do your job in a safe or focused way. So Adam's like, yeah, even when she said, can I say goodbye to Luke, I was like, wow, that's bad. I know that's bad. And Ace is like, yeah, guys, we're a team and we need to work together as a team. And if there's shit like that happening, it's best that we just nip it in the bed right now. And Culver's like, so you guys are going to go down to Jesus Christ. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:50:15 I wonder if you need some protein for this. I'm really going to need some protein. So Laura gets the van and the good news is that at long last, Laura finally gets some perspective and learns your lesson. Just kidding, of course she doesn't. She's like, I think he's making a big mistake and there's no real reason. Giving me a warning, talk to people, sit down, don't just fire. It's not good leadership, that's zero ship. All right, no, that's your current job, zero ship. Bye, asshole. Bye.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Yes. So then we can set about karma before, let's hope that there isn't any. Yeah, and then she just drives off, and everyone's on the boat, it's like, wait, is that Laura? And they're kind of like waving like, bye, I guess.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Wow, this is, and now we go, this industry is quick This all isn't interesting like this morning. I was like hey good morning and now there she is bang on It's God what an ass. So have so you were looking at Twitter and stuff Did you see how she reacted like did she say anything because I'm sure people I didn't see like crazy I didn't see anything I went her reaction. I went to Luke's Instagram and Luke was I didn't see anything. I went to Luke's Instagram and Luke was, he had posted something two days ago. And the thing, I don't remember what it was, but the thing two days ago, he's like, in Dubai, and he was just like, all his comments are disabled. And the thing he had posted was something sort of like, yeah, it was like, people think they knew,
Starting point is 00:51:40 they don't, something like that. And I was like, wow, you're so fucking tone deaf, because you know what's happened, you know what episode's that. And I was like, wow, you're so fucking tone deaf because you know what's happened about, you know what episodes about to drop on the show? And you're just putting up this defiant thing instead of like being ready with like a, even some sort of bullshit like working on myself, thoughts and you know, like, you know. Totally, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Love and light, like, giving up drinking. Like he doesn't even have some sort of like stupid thing like that up. He just has like a defiant post from two days ago, so I was like, this guy's a piece of trash. But also, so Laura, Laura's just been fired. So you watch some peacock, I watch this on YouTube TV. So this has been incredibly intense and emotional and really going through a lot of stuff watching this. And there are a lot of people who are probably deeply triggered by this entire episode. And so we go to commercial. Laura's gone off. We go to commercial. It's like, hey, let's go with us. Please welcome Alex Newell and Santa Bruno. I
Starting point is 00:52:39 can't totally, I can't totally, I can't totally. And I was like, oh my God, like, if there's any evidence that they're not watching below deck on what happens live is this because it was totally such a lack of like acknowledgement of like the heavy ass shit the audience has just been watching. I was like, oh God, I'm embarrassed. Yeah, oh my God, that's funny though, because that is so that show.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Hey, Sandra Bullock just had a home goods close down a new neighborhood. Something, I saw that. They, of course, Laura's dressed all cute in this little pink thing. She's like, goodbye, like, wait for me out the window. All happy and they're like, wow, it's quick in this industry, A. Harry's like,
Starting point is 00:53:26 I'll just saw this morning and now she's just, Cone, it's crazy. It's like, yep, that's how we know another crew meeting. And Jason's like, okay, well, we've fired somebody else. So, we do we all understand boundaries and empathy? Have we got that down great all right It's like all right, so we have we have a new you know Officer coming in second officer coming in but this could put some stress on the interior and
Starting point is 00:53:57 We're gonna work on a replacement. So covers like well. I think I did a good job Well, I had the well, I had the you know I had to step in, but naturally you feel some sort of way when you don't get that promotion. I'm like, it was an hour call for her. Yeah, it was an hour call, okay. You had ribs.
Starting point is 00:54:13 That was your ribs. Okay, so Zarina is giving Margot some flapjack and Harry comes in and he checks on her. And he's like, are you okay? And she said, yeah, you know, it was a hard day and he goes, yeah, it would have been. She's, what does that mean? Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:28 It would have been if I were you. She's, oh, okay. Yeah, I get it. So then the episode comes to an end with Aisha checking with Margot at the end of the day in her room and Margot's like, you know, you guys, I have never felt so much love and support and I'm serious this day has been so terrible but at the same guys, I have never felt so much love and support. And I'm serious this day has been so terrible,
Starting point is 00:54:45 but at the same time, I've never felt so at home and safe. And they hug and it's just like, no one fucks with that girl. And Margot just like, thanks for checking on on her. And like, she just feels like she's had a lot of love in her life. But unlike anything like this ever before. It was really, really good.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And overall, I just have to say bravo, well done. For once on this subject, because there have been so many, there have been so many dropped balls on this subject over the years. I mean, there have just been so many mangled seasons where these guys have gotten away with this shit and it is so great to love Bravo so much and see Bravo do such a good job. I mean, it was well done. We have just lived through so many seasons of misogyny of like, I don't know, for example, like, remember there was that episode word, Jawao called Hannah, you know, the C word, speaking of. Oh, you know what's so funny?
Starting point is 00:55:55 The mid-season trailer came out. So this mid-season trailer, okay, so now look, all of this, all of this stuff that we've just talked about aside. I of course ended the episode like, okay, well this is what, this is below deck, right? So they set it up with terrible people, the terrible people get fired. A lot of times what happens is the terrible people get fired and then the show kind of falters
Starting point is 00:56:21 because there's no villain, right? Now with Luke, it's like, get him off. With Laura, I was like, wow, what are they gonna do without Laura? She's been the villain of this entire thing. Like she's really made the season go, I think, her villainy. And I was worried as a viewer.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I didn't want them to keep Laura, don't anybody get mad at me. I'm not saying like, Laura, I'm disturbing her, or anything like that. But as a viewer, I was like, oh God, I hope it's not boring now, right? It's like everything I'm not saying like Lord, I'm just serving or anything like that. But as a viewer, I was like, oh God, I hope it's not boring now, right? It's like after they get not gonna be boring. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:56:50 The season trailer looks so good. I was like, my God. I was like, how could you do this to me, question mark? Like, we just got to those two hours. I was like, I can exhale. And then I saw that trailer. And I like, I fully tensed up again. I was like, oh my God can exhale. And then I saw that trailer. And I like, I fully tensed up again. I was like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:57:07 And Jowao is back. And Jowao, like, Jowao's second season, he was like, I'm nice Jowao. I'm from Zim. I mean, from Zim, in his first season, I was terrible, but second season, I'm like nice, sensitive Jowao. But he looks like he's back to being a full-on asshole. And I was like, I was like, I actually texted you in the middle of the night. I texted you at like two in the morning and I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:29 I was like, this trailer, it's gonna destroy me. Oh my God, the season. Why are they burning through it so quickly? It is so good. I mean, not that like, it's good to watch what just happened. Although I think it's in, I think in some ways it was good to see it. But overall, as a season, I was like, oh my God, I can't even imagine what the next half is gonna be like. It's gonna be fucking insane. I mean, they really were like, okay, next round. Let's do this and they're going for it. So we'll be here with the rest of the season as it comes.
Starting point is 00:57:59 So keep joining us. Thank you for joining us for this lovely two-parter. I mean, there are all two-parters right now for below deck, aren't they? Yeah. For double episodes a week. Tons of other stuff going on.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Check out our crappy hour if you want that's our new live Instagram show. Every other Monday, you can see that on our Instagram. We'll try to figure out the audio for that to start posting on audio. If you want videos, crap is on demand on Patreon. Our bonus episodes this week was a, this week and last week was two parts of Big Brother Cast preview. So we've got a ton of stuff going on. Well, hello comes out next week. We've moved it to next week. So that's our house hunters recap. So just... just be with us 24 hours a day. We love you. Bye everyone. Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelone. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniel name. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Kristen the Piston Anderson. She's always subliin', it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. You're never alone with Lacey Montellon.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't Salvia. Ruh-ru-lu-ru. The Bay Area Beaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors? The incredible edible Matthewsisters! Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch!
Starting point is 00:59:37 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Erica, 500 days of summer! She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke! We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender! My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall!
Starting point is 00:59:56 Give him hell, Miss Noelle! Can't have a meal without the Emily side! Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil! We want to hang with Liz Lang! Shannon, out of a can in Anthony! Let's take off with Caitlin O'Neil. We want to hang with Liz Lang! Shannon out of a can in Anthony! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to WatcherCrapins
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