Watch What Crappens - Below Deck: Queens and (Turkey) Clubs

Episode Date: February 22, 2023

Karma catches up to Alissa on this week's Below Deck and a new motley crew of pageant queens comes aboard to wipe their hoohaws on towels and demand turkey clubs. This week's bonus Patreon ep...isode is our first foray into ChaptGPT. Join Patreon at Tour Dates: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, but people don't understand. Kids, what happens when there's so much that's happened? Well, hello everybody and welcome to Watch What Corruptance! The podcast for all that crap we love to talk about on Yule Bros. Guess what my name is, it's Ronnie, and I'm with my little friend, Benjamin, Ben, how are you, babe?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, I am fabulous, how are you? Oh good, we're just knocking these out today, man. This is a podcast day boom. Oh my goodness. We are on a podcast marathon. We are in the thick of it because after we're done doing recording all these episodes, we pivot right back into preparations for the crappies. Time is running out. By the way, if you haven't voted yet, definitely go vote. Go to to get your, to find a ballot, to vote, to get your tickets, to either be there in person, be there virtually.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So excited for the show. We have so many really cool guests that are coming. It's gonna be huge. I think this may be the most guests we've ever had for the crappies, I think, actually. I think so. I think so. And this Friday it will be at the Wiltern in LA.
Starting point is 00:01:47 So come out and see us also the night before Thursday. We are going to be in Phoenix, which we're super excited about. I don't think we went to Phoenix last round. So it'll be great to see you guys again over there. Get your tickets to watch what OK. And today, we have a very special episode. It's another firing episode on below dick. Everybody. No. There, there, the editors are tricky, tricky editors, because I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:15 well, with Camille, they, well, earlier in the season, Captain Lee, when he said he was going to leave the boat, he said he left the, he was going to leave the boat, and then that said to be continued. And then when Camille was fired, he said he was going to leave the boat, he said he left the, he was going to leave the boat and then that said to be continued. And then when Camille was fired, Sandy was like, I'm going to have to let you go dumb dumb. And it was like to be continued. But this time it was like, listen, listen, you have to have respect for the higher arki. And then I was like to be continued. So I was like, oh, so she won't be fired because everyone who's been fired has been fired right before that she'd be continued, but I was fooled. Well, the trick should have been this word.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Your lack of respect is insurmountable. I know. I'm the first day to give away John Kardashian or was that guy's name? The dressie-undated. John Medesian. It's like a first date with John Medesian. Insurmountable. So when you say, I just remember a visual that we used to make about that guy with Dorenda climbing on top of him with footflops. I don't know why that has stuck in my head
Starting point is 00:03:17 for all these years, but there you go. So what we get these dinosaur, and now it's like a horror movie like that. And we come back to candy and she goes, when you said yes, Sandy, I mean Captain, that was a fuck you in my face. Now you know what, if that was a fuck you in my elbow, I got a forgive in it, but a fuck you in my face. No matter what job you work in, you have to respect the higher arki, not the hierarchy, but the higher arki. Because there's a low arki and there's an medium arki, but there's a higher arki.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And that's the one you got to pay attention to. If you ever win a job, you're going to need to be hired, arki, okay? So you got to respect it. So guess what? I you gotta respect it. So guess what? I'm letting you go, okay? Ross escorted her off to boat.
Starting point is 00:04:10 It was like, jeez, I don't know that that's necessary. My goodness. She's like, bye. A lot of people were like, wow, she should have had Fraser in that meeting or whatever. Do you think she should have had Fraser there? Yes, yes, I don't think you should have had Fraser there? Yes, yes. I don't think you should call the head of the other department.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I think she's doing some sneaky stuff this captain. Yeah, I think that she should have given a heads up to her. She should have had them both and they're at the very least. I agree. Yeah, she should have, and she also has first officers and first mates and all that shit that she could have had in there
Starting point is 00:04:46 You know, I like how Captain Lee does that the other captains will bring in one of the people not Connected in some way to the actual cast. I think that that's a little City, but that's what she's doing. She's playing people against each other. That's the whole point of it You know, so and also I think she didn't bring Frazier because she doesn't want Frazier Standing up for a Lisa and she doesn't want any more disrespect because it's gonna make her look weak, you know, so. And by the way, yeah, and by the way, there are people who are saying online about regarding the crappies, they're like, I can't believe you have Camille as, as like biggest villain
Starting point is 00:05:19 and not Alyssa. Well, Camille, Alyssa wasn't a villain when the bell was made. Things changed very quickly. So that's what that's all about. Also, this started during January. So that was that year, Alyssa was not available for a villain, because, yeah, she was in a villain yet. But Alyssa has become steadily more obnoxious and as evidence here, when she gets fired, she's, thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And then as she walks away, she's like, that is so funny. Like, oh my God, that's so funny. Like, real hilarious that your terrible work ethic is on display for future jobs. Did you see her the clip of her on Whatcher Happens Live? No. Andy basically asked her, I forgot the question was it was kind of like why, what was up with
Starting point is 00:06:09 the attitude or something like that. And she was like, well, so I don't think I should have been on this show because I was under the understanding that this is a show about working and it's actually a show about drama and creating drama. And I was there to work. And there's just like, it gets in the audience. And Andy is staring at her like, you're in grateful piece of shit. Like, you know, Andy hates that as justifiably. When someone is like, acts like,
Starting point is 00:06:36 oh, this show is stupid. I shouldn't have been on it. And it's always the blow deck people who get fired who are like that, you know. And it was just like this moment where, I think she thought the audience would be like, ooh, or like clap or applause and no one said anything and she was on with Kyle from below deck med. And Kyle, to his credit, saved her ass
Starting point is 00:06:57 because there was this awkward pause and he's staring at her like, should I just kick her off the set right now? And Kyle was like, well, actually babe, I thought that you brought a lot of drama. you know, you say it's about drama. And that's what you brought. And you brought the drama. And actually, you were perfect on the show. I thought you were really wonderful. And then she was able to like, pivot because what at that little spiel that she had planned had fallen so flat that like, you know, Kyle gave her a life vest
Starting point is 00:07:24 or a life ring or whatever, to kind of just like pivot and then like reframe it as like, no, that's like really good, I could be on the show, it was like really fun, I got to learn about myself. Oh, God, well the blood deck people, they get the least out of it, they get publicly humiliated, they get dragged on watch what happens to get told off.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And what do they get? They don't get paid anything, they get paid hardly anything for being on this show and then they're just fired back to security. You know, I think this is one of the hardest shows to be on because like you really, there's a lot of downside. There's not a whole lot of upside. Yeah. So, uh, phrase, she's on her way on. She passes Fraser and Haley and she's like, bye, I mean, I can't believe it. And Haley's like, what?
Starting point is 00:08:07 You literally got fired. Did you fuck yourself with the toothbrush? That's a big no-no apparently. And that one. You know, it never feels good to fire a crew member unless, you know, it's Hannah. God, I laugh for hours after that. You're ending their income and as captain, I have to make the hard decisions. And I have to live with them like This is one less person I get to hug every single day one less person I get to inspire
Starting point is 00:08:32 Child and about brain Zeno one less person who I can show the banana I love the banana. Oh This is like I mean I got fired like for literally nothing like I mean I can't even be upset about it because like, I literally didn't do anything. And she's like, yeah, this is quite a dictatorship here. Yeah, dummy. What do you think? This is not, this is not a democracy. So she, yeah, this is a job where there is a bossy dumb dumb.
Starting point is 00:09:03 There's a hierarchy you dumb dumb. There's a higher arki. Higher arki. Okay. Um, so the captain is like, okay, uh, deck team. Otherwise known as dumb dumb faces, you dumb poopies. Okay, I'm a seat. Now listen, I let a list of go. Okay, she was a weak wind.
Starting point is 00:09:21 All right. So I just opened a sliding glass door and let her like, wafed out. Now listen, your opinion is your personal opinion, but you have to have respect. Guess what? For lower arki? No!
Starting point is 00:09:36 For higher arki. Okay? And every one of you that I haven't fired yet, which is about half of you, has always done that. So I don't like malicious gossip, okay? Fun gossip, sure. You know, did someone fuck Sandy right in the elbow? Sure, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:09:53 But the gossip about fucking Sandy right in the face, not fun, okay? You know what? You know what? It's like a, you know, after you have a little visit to the Jan, you know what I'm saying? I guarantee you're gonna have lighter steps. You're not gonna have that chatter. And you know, I think you're gonna, together, you're gonna kill this charter, okay? So let's smash this out.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And we got it. Come on, team light steps. You know why there's lighter steps? Because there's less employees. Yeah, me. I did it. Okay. Bye everybody. I'm gonna go fuck myself in the face. So Fraser is like, oh, can we have a two minute meeting together? Or everybody gather around. We're fucked. All right, Tyler. Just do whatever you can. Haley God bless you to show you tips to whoever won't, you know, we have a complaint. Let's go. We're all going to die. Go. But actually Fraser handles it pretty well. I mean, maybe he doesn't know yet that Ross was the one to be in that meeting. But he's don't think I'm proud of him. Proud of you, kid. Yeah. He's like, yeah, he's basically like, look, I've got a second chance. I've got a second chance to do this.
Starting point is 00:11:05 He's going to turn it around. He's like, I'm better than this. I can do better. I can be better. I can, oh god, look how fat I am disgusting. It's all for nothing. I can't fat any better than this. That's something.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I'm hideous. Then Sandy, text Norma. She's like, bloop. Guess what, damn, damn, sorry. She's like bloop. Guess what dumb dumb sorry Put your bra back on green actually have to do some work today. I need a new stew. All right Hey at this point you know be easier sandy. Why don't you come to the shore and I just ride the ship Okay, with all my staffing people because at this point no one who goes under your on your boat less staffing people because at this point no one who goes under your on your boat less. Bloop! Wow, you know what? You being in charge of this boat would be about as successful
Starting point is 00:11:51 as you being in charge of hiring people. Not successful at all, you dumbass. Higher! Ah, ah, key! Okay, now why don't you go fuck yourself in the elbow, you dumb dumb. Hey, just want to remind you you're saying hierarchy, ball, seeing as a shitty arki. Okay, good luck with that. Okay, just wanted to let you know I before E except after C unless your name is Norma because you're a dumb dumb. Okay, bye, dummy. Good luck never moving forward from the HR of everybody in the world wherever I am on boats. Hey, guess what? You can't spell HR without adding a W and O and an E on all sides of them to make horror, which is what you are.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Guess what? Two of the last three letters of hierarchy are C and Y and just add a next Tuesday. Okay, you dummy. Hey, at least I know how to read a calendar. So I know when that is dying of fire. Drown and see getting by a sharp bitch. It's love ya. Love you too. Okay, I'll send someone your way. The deck is Tony, the biggest gossip of the deck is he's like, she was fired. Can believe it and band is like good ridden's
Starting point is 00:13:06 Ownest lay like flexes hair Yeah, it was like a panting flip and then um Less is like okay my work here is done You know, I do feel like I'm a scapegoat like I'm the only person who had the boss to speak up and defend our team besides Fraser has impossible to place Fraser so she had to get the next best thing and that's me. No, you don't have to, this is the fact that you thought you had like you had the balls to speak up that you're phrasing this in some sort of like admirable way like you did something heroic. Yeah, you're a real, you're a normal ray of it there, all right?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Ridiculous. So she's like, guys, don't cry. I'm not dying. I'm just leaving. And so Captain calls Rachel to the bridge and tells her the news. And then Alyssa gets to the doc and she radiates. She's like, Alyssa, Alyssa, Hayley Hayley, Fraser, Fraser, Alyssa, Alyssa, I'm out, guys. And Tyler goes, Fraser, Fraser, Alyssa, Alyssa, I'm out guys. And Tyler goes, oh my God, what did she just say? Think she just said, good job guys. What does that mean? I grew up in a very religious family. That could mean anything.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I'm so scared. Yeah, this is Tyler's episode to wedge in the fact that he grew up in a religious family everywhere. Like, he doesn't every episode, like we get it. Okay. Guess where religion is, literally everywhere. Okay. It's a trip over the streets, sir. So Fraser pulls a coyote and he's like, oh, Frank, listen.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I love you, listen. Me hug, sir. It was really hard to say goodbye to Fraser mainly mainly because he's basically the size of a toothpick now. God, he really needs to have a better self image of himself. Anyway, I'm going to miss you. I'm going to be so hard not being someone's fat friend. So then Sandy is telling Rachel, she's like, you know, I had to like go with Alyssa,
Starting point is 00:15:04 because you know, it was the insubordination and the fucking in the face. I do not appreciate that, okay? That is what you call fucking a hierarchy right there. You know what? The lack of respect for my position, it was like a Donkianna surfboard, insurmountable, okay. It's like it's like
Starting point is 00:15:26 how Norma looks at the start of her workload every day. Insurmountable. Honestly, I don't even know how she breathes. She's very. He's like trying to. It's like trying to doggy style with a porcupine. Insurmountable. Also a little illegal. So then, uh, Fraser's like, um, Fraser's saying, you know, but Paul's captain said he talked to captain, captain said, and he's like, Fraser is saying, you know, Paul's captain said, he talked to captain, captain said, and he's like, I just want you to know, I respect your decision entirely, and I'm going to work my hideous ass off because I want to impress you, because it's about time I impress someone in this life, definitely not myself.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So I'm going to be the best stew I can be. Well, first, let me say, Fraser, Fraser, you have a great team. And it's a lot to hear the chatter and carry that. But you have reset, which I appreciate. So congratulations on not being great but having a great team. Okay. So in other words, I'm congratulating casting. Okay. Do you feel better? Are you feeling better? Okay. Hey congrats on being a Dustin Intender cartridge okay you press reset the game rebooted you lost your progress but now nothing goes wrong okay there you go kiddo. She tells us you know I know somewhere in phrasier in between the doughnuts and the and the pizza slices that he really wants to be the best and everyone deserves a chance.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I know he can be the best he can be in the Navy. He can be all he can be in the army too. So then now the worst part about a list of getting fired is this very next little scene here because now Ben of course face times Camille And he's like guess what at least to go let go and she's like she did and he's like yeah They let go the wrong chick at the start like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Camille was a disaster regardless of a list that there was a complete right choice So this is not an exoneration moment for Camille.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And Camille's like, yeah, I'm vindicated. I've seen her be awful. Hashtag just for Camille. No, there's no justice for Camille. Do not, that will not trend. So she will never trend. See and, well, Sandy tried to make it trend with her girlfriend. They went on on because I guess
Starting point is 00:17:45 Camille's family owns like a big boat or their boat owners or something. And there was an Instagram of them hanging out and Captain Sandy, hashtag it team Camille something like that. Oh great, great move. You're just constantly making great moves over there. Got to give you a grand end. I don't love that. So Ben's like, I'm feeling it for Camille, hair flick, hair flick, on head over heels for this girl, whether I'm going to admit it or not,
Starting point is 00:18:15 you did just admit it. Okay, you're not in the painting. Just in the original. Can we get rid of Ben to you? I'm sick of Ben too. I know. He's like, she's got me hooked lawn in synch a god. I love a big blonde idiot. I Am smitten So then they have to take showers and Ross is like creep shower creep shower Again thinking he's being like sexy and fun when he's just like About to be signed up to a sex registry. It's like now within your very, very near future sir. Hey, pre-chartor meeting. Okay, everyone gather
Starting point is 00:18:54 in the in the big room. Okay, God, it's really warm in here, isn't it? That's my subtle way to say Fraser. I thought we were hit the reset button on the thermostat too. Okay, so charter number seven, we're almost there. Seven is a prime number, it's divisible by nothing, but the number one, and that's what I want to be. I want to work together as one, but with light feet because we all took a poop. I met a four-o-koo poop, and it's name was a list, uh, God, let's move forward. This is part of gating. Okay, we're gonna shoulder this and I'm gonna support you freezer If you need me to take a little squeeze bottle of water and pour it into your mouth and you get thirsty. I will do that for you Now everybody go go now that all this is gone go walk later in your steps. Not you freezer Okay, I don't want you floating out of those loafers. Okay. All right everybody get to work
Starting point is 00:19:44 So Ross is like whistling at Katie like yeah Okay, I don't want you floating out of those loafers. Okay. All right, everybody, get to work. So Ross is like whistling at Katie, like, yeah, Katie, they just, why do they keep showing this? I can't with the, with the crusty ass, dusty ass, crumpled up Ross, it's actually Rossing from the work. I can't, I can't. And probably to stop making this a fourth storyline
Starting point is 00:20:02 every single season where a boss is fucking their subordinate. Come on. I know. So now the charter is arriving and it's basically a bunch of beauty queens and a gay guy. And this gay guy, it's like as soon as you see him, you know, oh, this is gonna be the stereotypical gay guy, the stereotypical gay guy who's the only gay guy amongst a bunch of women. And it's exactly what he is the whole episode.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Well, it's a crew of adult beauty pageant people. These are like game of crowns people. They are in the classic misuniverse, which means it's at the Foxwoods Casino, and they all have rich husbands who pay. And I have a feeling this was like, whoever wins the raffle gets to go on below deck with me girls. Seems like one of those because these girls do not seem to know each other and it's hilarious. No, they definitely don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And when I say about the guy being stereotypical, it's more like he just sort of does all the gay, greatest hits and they just, they tee he at everything. He's like, y'all they're all excited. Yeah, I just very like Draco Mouth Boy. He's very Draco Mouth Boy, I've grown up in a speedo in his guacamole chair. Yeah, and yeah, Gaco Mouth Boy, yeah. And he's just like Botox and Philard and you know, the whole the whole bit.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And the ladies are just exactly what you think they are too you know they come down the dock and they're fucking ballgowns and sashes and he thinks oh my god and Tony goes is this really necessary I mean it's the circus it's not a loose show or what it's like wow even Tony is judging you he's like the nicest person here I know seriously Cindy's like wow the confidence am I right I mean, seriously. Cindy's like, wow, the confidence, am I right? I mean, like, there's not a single polo shirt amongst any of them. Wow, I've never seen anything like this.
Starting point is 00:21:52 It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and scum. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the hosts of Wonder Woman's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud. From the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions.
Starting point is 00:22:16 What does our obsession with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selina Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown, alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You can listen, add free on the Amazon music or wonder where you're at. Marshall. Then Laura is the primary. She gets on board. She's like, the queen is on board. And then John, and then this is the most obvious. John gets on board. And he says, cheers to the queen.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And then I paused it right there to write that down. And I was like, let me guess, he's then going to say, and not me. And I press plenty goes, and not me. Yeah. And then phrase just like, Oh, look at you. You all look Amazing and John's like oh so do you huh? Yeah, look at him sweating a bit ladies Like oh god now John's gonna be inappropriate with Fraser come on
Starting point is 00:23:39 So kill me So um, yeah, so now Fraser, oh, she starts giving a tour and he goes, he's like, so this is our Sunday and John's like, ooh, do you get to go in there with us? And Frazier's like, sadly not, unfortunately, apparently I will display it too much of the water on Hades. So then Haley is down on the galley with Rachel and Rachel's, I'm sorry, I'm not talking to you, but I have multiple food restrictions to deal with here. And then he's like, I mean, it's all right. I've got multiple breasts trying to burst from my top. You do you all do me get back in there You It's our two parkabuns Parking those so Fraser's like Fraser's talk because this guy John is like hitting on a Fraser So he's like I've been single for a while, three years or so.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I'm not gonna say I'll say never to a guest, but in this scenario, I'm gonna want you to have to, it's going to have to be a no. But thank you, you're lovely, which is so funny compared to a lassies and with Kyle who was like, Keep at, you can take away everything, but as long as you have that small,
Starting point is 00:24:41 oh, take it, the most amazing small I ever seen on you. Well, they're very different guys too. I mean, Frank was adorable, you know. That's so awesome too. This guy's like Kuku. So they depart and, um, Hey, these like, so you've got to have been in beauty patterns, have you? And one of the ladies like, these ladies are queens.
Starting point is 00:25:03 All right. I won in Vegas. It was a 20 year-over competition. Kidding, 40 year-over. Ah! And then, like, John's taking photos of the girls. And he's like, y'all. And they're like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And he said, yes, he did it. He's just a TV. He did it just like TV. Oh my god. Meanwhile, I'm acting like I don't turn into that person when I'm in the exact same circle. I'm just projecting guys. I don't know if listening, I'm just projecting. So, Fatt, are you turning into that
Starting point is 00:25:32 when you see Countess Luiwan in the store? I know, I'm like, y'all squin, y'all. I just code switch. So then Haley and Tyler at the bar, and Haley's like, which glass is he looking for? Because this is where Liss is put them. I mean, this is her bar area. You know, I'm quite freaking out.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Liss was on service. I don't have to consume alcohol and I've mad, mad fucking sessions with the bottle afterwards, which by the way, leave the lid on. Otherwise, you've got a suction thing. It's such embarrassing. It's absolutely embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:26:03 But putting it together, I'm feeling concerned to say the least. You know what's great about Haley? I'm trying to suspect she's like a terrible stew. If you really think about it, like all the little clips they have of her cleaning, she's either like flopping over or she's like messing up something, she doesn't know her how to pour drinks. She like, Lily doesn't know how to do anything, but she's just like so great. I'm like, oh, hailey. Yeah, hailey. And you know her hair is
Starting point is 00:26:30 all over all the sheets and everything. Like her hair is like kind of out all the time. And so then we go to everyone in their swimsuits, which is, God I can't. It's like literary and meony and what do you call the thing on your neck? Warbly. A Wattly. A Wattly. Yeah. It's all those things. It's like a disco ball made out of waddles, basically, on that deck.
Starting point is 00:27:02 So everybody's going crazy. And then John does the thing where he goes to the bar. He's like, he's like, hi, can I have one of those? Oh, that's a perfect drink. Thanks, man. Thanks, bro. Yeah. And he's like in like a teeny tiny thong. Well, because Rachel comes out to ask about like, he's just like saying how she's prepared a menu because there's a lot of dietary restrictions and then like while she's doing that John comes out he's like hey girl and he's like in this tiny tiny little tongue and she's like oh whoa she's like okay well okay I can see that the fatiness of that fucking sausage whoa okay don't
Starting point is 00:27:41 think I'm not gonna say that so one so okay so this lady what's this lady's name I don't think I'm not gonna say that. So one, okay, so this lady, what's this lady's name? I don't write it, lickies. Oh my God, lickies. Huh? Okay, so this lady's a total diva, of course, right? So she's like, so I want food. I want food. I want just a turkey club sandwich, okay, that's all,
Starting point is 00:28:03 but I want food. Where's my food? Yeah, she is on a power trip, okay, which, you know, like I think if your name sort of sounds like it's like the quiche, because that's in French, that's the quiche, then, you know, like I get it, like I come from Keesh privilege, so I want this stuff, you know? But she is, she wants everything. She was ready to flex her power. So Haley's like, all right, well, listen Rachel, sorry about this, but is it possible to have a turkey
Starting point is 00:28:36 cup sandwich? And Rachel goes, I need to know who it is. She goes, ah, look, he's, well, this is just going to ruin your meal, which is fine. I hope you choke on that. May or may not be my labia. So she makes a turkey sandwich. And then some girls says to John,
Starting point is 00:28:56 get your nuts out of my face. He goes, girl, you love my nuts in your face. They go, oh! So then Tyler comes up with, he serves the turkey club and then LaKeesh only has like one bite because she's like, Oh, well lunch is coming up. So I don't want to ruin my appetite. It's like, what? Yeah. And then someone's like, well, is lunch coming? And she goes, Yeah, I mean, I would love to eat because it's taking so long. I mean, what time is it? They were supposed to have our lunch up here. Yeah, because you fucking
Starting point is 00:29:23 stopped her from making your lunch to make your fucking club sandwich. You dumb dumb. And now you're not even in the club sandwich and you're gonna complain about being hungry, but you have a club sandwich to eat, which you ordered because you already were hungry. You're not eating it. And it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Laura's like, Laura the primary is like, you have your turkey sandwich come down over there. Like here, let me bring you out of the sun. Let's, here's the rest of your sandwich and she's like, no, no, we're supposed to eat and it's taking forever. Oh my God. And then she gets worse. Like, right, when you think, okay,
Starting point is 00:29:54 maybe she's just trying to like be a little extra for TV, you know, and be like fabulous. Like, I'm just gonna order a turkey cloud. That's gonna be my thing. It gets 10 times worse. She takes her silverware and starts banging it together and digging and going, lunch, lunch, I want lunch, feed me.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Oh my God, it is so obnoxious, especially because you have a flagrant waste of food right next to her. Throw her overboard. Oh my God. So then the ladies start talking, one is like calling is her name. She's like, I'm competing next year and someone's having surgery in Brazil. And she's like, Oh, whoever's having surgery in Brazil, all come get a bot life throughout the
Starting point is 00:30:33 air. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh's a bit crazy, but I have to do everything in my power to impress the Captain.
Starting point is 00:30:46 So they finally get their lunch. And even though they all really love it, they all think it's delicious, even though it's a completely low sodium meal, John's like, the vinaigrette is so good. I love the vinaigrette. Hey, Fraser, Fraser, I keep thinking your name is David, since it's on your shirt.
Starting point is 00:31:02 He's like, well, I'd rather you call me Saint than David. Oh, I'll call you whatever you want me to call you so then water toys water toys everybody's partying and the captain tells Frazier I can help with turning down and he's like, oh, thank you so then we it just cuts to Rachel sniffing a cutting board, but you always fills me with confidence Yeah, also and we just cut spiritual sniffing a cutting board, which always fills me with confidence. Yeah. Also, the bunch didn't pile onto the banana, and then they just ride that banana.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And the banana, the banana finally rises up and says, no, this time I draw a line in the sand and just falls over on its side and they all kick them all off and capsizes. It was great. God, I love that banana. I love that banana. John announces to God, I love that. Dana. I love that. John announces to Fraser that he's going to do a drag show for everyone.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Y'all. And then Ben, Ben gets a text from Camille that says she booked her flight to the DR where they're going to go after this. And Ben's like, Katie, you want to come and she goes, no, you guys go ahead and do that, you know. And he's like, what about you and what's his buns, the paper bag? And she's like, well, you guys have like a, this is like, this would be a relationship across the world. Like, I mean, how do you do
Starting point is 00:32:13 that? He has more respectful to me. So that's good. Like, we'll see how it worked. He handed me an napkin after he like climaxed on me in the little tiny bone, the storage shed. So that was, that was sweet. Yeah. When she goes, you know, little tiny boat in the storage shed. So that was, that was sweet. Yeah, when she goes, you know, wear a cross in the world from each other, you can't have relationship with someone who's across the world. I'm like, also you're not in a relationship. There's that too. Yeah. He's just horny. Yeah. So, um, everyone's getting spray-tanned and spray-canned and made up and
Starting point is 00:32:43 glammed up for dinner and Rachel is wrapping up chicken and she's like this is a lot of sodium and gluten free and I'm gonna have to get really mentally applied here because they all have dietary restrictions and they're all different from each other. And it cuts to a lady named Susan eating bread going yeah bread is really hard to come by because I don't eat cane sugar and corn and all that. Oh fuck off. Seriously fuck off with that. I had to have inflammatory. So yeah, so they're all enjoying. They're making have your own diet, but please do not come around me and start going off about how you're not going to eat cane sugar and corn.
Starting point is 00:33:25 You know, I just, I can't listen to that from anybody. Go away. So they're just like chitchatting and one lady goes, I'm a boy, mom. And then John goes, I come from a boy, mom, I'm like, I guess I actually had a daughter. I was married. We had a daughter. And in 2016, my wife came home one day and told me that she wasn't my biological daughter
Starting point is 00:33:47 and she'd had an affair with my boss. And I don't blame her for anything because everything happens for a reason. I wouldn't be sitting here and I'd gown with you guys if this didn't happen in my life. I was like, uh, That was quite a story. They call me Papa John now because I deliver the goods
Starting point is 00:34:03 and the flavor. It's like, no no your wife having a baby with somebody else did not turn you into this Papa John within seven years I just refused to believe it. She's like my husband's gay. I'm horny Let's get it on that was quite a story and it's funny because they obviously don't know each other Nobody knows each other and it just it's so funny how it jumps from. I'm a boy, mom. Guys. He's like, yeah, I come from a boy, mom.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Let me tell you. It's like the cheese. He loves it a lot. You could tell he loves to drop that story. He loves to drop that story, mom, on groups of people all the time. Oh, so soup comes out and Colleen gets her own sauteed vegetable salad. Okay. And then we cut it. Oh, go ahead. Sorry to say that. I was just saying the same thing. That's we see Sandy doing turn downs with Tyler. She's like, okay, so you just put your, so you'll
Starting point is 00:34:57 put your hand on the sheets and you pull them this way. Oh, oh, now, oh, that's why they call it turn down. I thought it, because you're actually taking sheets and turning them down on the bed. Oh, I thought it was, you play with the lights and make it a little dim in here. Okay, now I see why it takes so much longer. I would just always start playing my Tiffany Yabobs a little bit lower at night, but good to know,
Starting point is 00:35:20 let's rock on when I say he's standing there. And so Tyler's like, well, she's definitely not the greatest Steve But I grew up in a very religious country, so Well, you're not allowed to be great to do even if you want to be so there so do we clean this up because there's just shit all over the floor Because they're really really dirty. They just like walk on the boat throw things everywhere And so she's like, should we clean some of these clothes up? And we don't like to just stoop. And she's like, Oh, God, I hope they're not all like this. Look at all these towels. And it goes, good for you,
Starting point is 00:35:54 Sandy. And she picks them all up. And then she walks through the boat and everybody she passes goes, look at all these towels. This is from just the guest, just from today. Look at all of them. This is from just the gas just from today. Look at all of them. And then like now after dinner, John's changing because he's going to his drag performance. So everyone else is hanging up by the bar and they're having the crew gets into like little wigs because this can be a drag performance. So Ross is wearing like a little white wig. I don't know, Lady goes, look, you look like lady Gaga. Like, you literally, like, it looks like Brian Transon playing Andy Warhol at the best. But no, I know that we're recapping a lot of below dexies days. We really, I mean, it feels like it's never ending for years,
Starting point is 00:36:39 you know? And I'm not even being negative about it. But we see, the storylines have got it. I can't watch more people thinking, it's like, all areas putting on wigs and pretending they're drag queens. It's not cute, it's not funny. I don't need to see straight guys like being like, oh my god, look at how gay I am tonight. It's not funny, do something else you guys,
Starting point is 00:36:56 and also this fucking Olympics thing around the boat with the... That's what I'm more offended by that. I'm offended. The wigs I don't care about. The Olympic, the competitions against the, the low deck, uh, cruise. This has to end, and it has to end right now.
Starting point is 00:37:13 It is one of my least favorite things. It is so uninteresting. And now it's happening every single season. And every season, these stories, every single season. Where are they getting this feed, where are they getting the feedback that people want to see this where is this happening? Are there focus groups? Are there people is is is mod from like suburban Des Moines saying like, God, I love those Olympic Games
Starting point is 00:37:34 They have below deck all season long. I wait for that time when they they mix it up with the crew And I was wondering who's gonna win. Is that really happening, Bravo? Yeah, I don't know the crew when I was wondering who's gonna win. Is that really happening, Bravo? Yeah, I don't know. But while I'm bitching about things, John goes, okay, I'm ready to be a drag cream, Fraser, would you introduce me as Trossy Twats? What am I not getting with that name?
Starting point is 00:37:56 What does that mean? I didn't get it either. I didn't get it, Don. Don didn't get it, you didn't get it. Don't didn't get it either, okay. There's like, because I feel like you have to work on that pulse more than that, you know, I Just feel like there was no word play
Starting point is 00:38:09 Yeah, like you said Tots well now I looked up trotsy twats and I got a very I got a very Not safe for work a lot of things like trashy pussy and Google thing a lot of things like trashy pussy and trashy cream pie and trashy hairy porn Tracy fuck as a man what do you think of women with tattoos trashy or trailer trash BBW hairy sluts pussy search is terrible okay I found what it is you have to look in urban dictionary. Okay. It's Tossi spelled T-R-O-H-S-S-Y and it's a combination of tramp, ho and Hussi. Girl, I slept
Starting point is 00:38:54 with Daniel, Scott Levi, Adam, Alex, Tyrese, and Lequand, friend, Erg, you Tossi. You Tossi. Tossi. I guess what I'm trying so gonna say I don't see the word play. There's a iteration at best. Yeah. But there's a reason they're saying it. Like, shouldn't it be called like... Let me get for you. Trosy shouldn't be a play on the word trace...
Starting point is 00:39:15 on the name Tracy. Like, like, Dick Trosy. There you go. Yes. Or Dickless Trosy. Or like, I don't know, Trossy Storms. Trossy, I like that. Dick Trossy works. But you just like Trossy and Dick.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah. Yeah, he's terrible. So he comes out and dances and he's bad. And then, he's like, oh my god, I'm into it. And Tyler's like, every queer person has been through something. I went to a private Methodist school and the environment was very intolerant to seeing how so seeing how unapologetically he is gives me confidence, confidence to come out to my parents. No matter what you have, no matter what you have to like yourself, I try to convince
Starting point is 00:39:58 myself of that every day. I was like, you're very sweet. Now please go downstairs and finish the beds, okay? Those beds aren't gonna make themselves Yeah Move away from the trossi okay, you knew I was still looking at trossi Well, I was looking at trossi because it's a combination of trampo and hussy But the hoe is backwards. It shouldn't be Trosy, Trosy, Trosy,
Starting point is 00:40:27 shouldn't be Trosy. I thought you should be called Trosy. But, Trosy. T-R-O-H SSY, at some point someone has to realize that the H and the O are in the wrong order. Yeah, it should just be a tramp in the Hasey, right? Trosy. Trosy.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Oh, okay. I just feel like, I just feel like those, I feel like across the board, we all could have done better as a gay community. They're slang. As a gay community and also just a community at large because urban dictionary isn't that easy to get into. Like you have to, so because remember a long time ago, we tried to get cut fitness into urban dictionary. RIP. Where did a ton of people submit it? And you can't just get it in there. I mean, it has to get a ton of votes.
Starting point is 00:41:10 So this is like a big thing, Trossy, that people are saying, you know, and I feel like we need to start having some standards, guys, okay? Also for our drag queens. Like everybody's not just a drag queen. I can't. I think when you see, I'm true. When I went to see RuPaul's drag race tour here in Austin, I guess like last year or two years ago,
Starting point is 00:41:31 I was so fucking impressed, because I don't really watch that show, but I was so impressed with how artistic it is, and like how hard they work. I mean, they're flipping, they're doing the splits, they're jumping backwards on the table. Time in the looks thinking.
Starting point is 00:41:44 They're making all their costumes, which are amazing. I mean, they're so talented to be that good. And I'm sick of them just being like, I'm gay and I have a wig. I'm a drag queen named Trossie. Like no, you're not, okay? Or in your fucking stripes and do it off of my TV.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Go, get out. You know, it's like, you know what? In the, in the Oats, American Idol was huge. And you had everyone who was like, everyone decided that they were a singer now. Everyone was like, ah, doing the melisma. I'm sure I haven't actually,
Starting point is 00:42:13 I can't bring myself to watch Camille's American Idol audition, but I'm sure it was, you know, whatever. But like everyone's like, ah, I'm a singer. Everyone thought they were a singer. Now, RuPaul's Drag Race is a huge, huge show, and it's done amazing things for the LGBTQ plus IA community, huge, wonderful things in terms of acceptance, yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 00:42:37 But the downside is that now we have a lot of people who think that they are drag queens. And like, look, the spirit of drag race and spirit of our And like, look, you know, the spirit of drag race and spirit of our community is listen, you are who you are and you express yourself and like, who is anyone to say that you don't be what you don't let out what's on the inside. That's who that's who you say. Me, I'm to say, you are a terrible drag queen. Get off my TV. There I said it. It was not me. You can be yourself, but choose
Starting point is 00:43:05 the right platform. Okay, like we don't like if you're if you want to be a singer, but you're not there yet, I'm not going to say you should be on SNL as the musical guest. Okay. You go yourself, be yourself, but be better, you know, be a better yourself, but also understand of what yourself sounds like. Be a different self. So, um, Likiesh pulls Frazier aside. She's like, okay, now you know, I'm the greedy guest. So, remember that turkey sandwich? Wrap that up and put it in my room with a And tomorrow I want steak covered in four carrot gold. 24, 24, 24, I wrote two for carrot. At first I thought she asked for 24 carrots. I was like, okay, wow, she likes carrots.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I was like, oh no, she's 24 carrot gold. So for her getting some roughage in with that turkey clover. Heavy metals. For a reason, the problem with this woman is not that she doesn't even want the turkey club. Heavy metals. So, so, Fraser's like, the problem with this woman is not that she, is that she doesn't even want the turkey sandwich. She doesn't even want to eat. She just wants to ask for more. There's always one, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Always one who wants the turkey club and doesn't want to eat it. I wouldn't know because the other day, I ordered a turkey club and I ate a small corn off of it because I'm out of control. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:44:24 So, um, Fraser goes down to Rachel and he's like, darling, I'm sorry to come to you with this, but you know the woman who wanted the turkey sandwich this morning, she wants another tonight. Rachel's like, that's fine, I don't need sleep. And then she makes a quite lovely turkey sandwich and puts it on a dome and I was like, that's nice. Maybe you want a turkey sandwich right away.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah, and it makes me wonder what's going to happen with Rachel in the next few episodes and puts it on a dome. And I was like, that's nice. Maybe we want a turkey sandwich right away. Yeah. And it makes me wonder what's gonna happen with Rachel in the next few episodes because Fraser is writing comments on things like, oh, God, Rachel's horrible. Wait till later in the season. You'll see why. She's a monster.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I'm like, oh, because Rachel's kept her so together this season. I mean, I'm like, now what's gonna happen? I mean, the season, this is a long season. I mean, this is like, we're on episode like, what, 17 or something like that, it is going. But who knows, maybe when Captain Lee comes back, everything gets crazy. So then there's late night cleaning and stuff and Tyler's up on on late. And then like, Quiche comes out of her room and she's like I couldn't sleep in there It was too small. I it was like claustrophobic
Starting point is 00:45:30 So then she decides she's gonna sleep on the sofa in the state room or I'm sorry in the in the main salon And she's like you're gonna find me a sheet and he's like He's so angry, but then I actually felt like a Real venomous side came out of Tyler. Did you notice that? He's like the quesias actinicated rat. She's supposed to be the beauty queen and prune proper employees, and I really thought she'd have more class I'm not true. I'm like, well, I don't know that I've ever heard the stereotype that a beauty queen is all prim and proper, but I guess so I guess it's kind of like That cattion type thing, right? Yeah, well, I don't know, I mean, I, I'm no Laquiche defender by any means, but there
Starting point is 00:46:14 was something about the way and that he like reacted in the way he reacted the whole rest of the episode that was like had like a nasty or tone than just like standard justain. And I was like, oh, see, Tyler's all nice and lovely. And he's so sweet and he's doing his laundry, but there's a dick inside of him. Oh, of course. Yeah, when he walked onto the boat
Starting point is 00:46:33 and he's like, wow, here we are in a boat when nobody really works properly. This should be fun. I was like, oh, so he just gets away with more because he's like real cute and young. He's like, oh, I'm just from a religious place. It's like your monster. I can see it come to me like that adorable square crow kind of look. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:52 So it's the morning and Laquitius snoring from the cat. And so the captain is saying it's windy and they have to check a beach. And she's probably going to be too busy to go to the beach. But at least I want to say we beach and she's probably going to be too busy to go to the beach, but at least I want to say we tried because it's captain you always want to meet the guest requirements, but you have to manage your expectations because they'll ask for the moon or they'll ask for you to bury someone in the desert with only their head showing and then throw rocks at their head until they're dead. Oh, that was a good Saddam one. I said, Saddam,
Starting point is 00:47:23 no more sand toys. Get back on this yacht. We're not going to give you the moon. That's when I, I almost wish that John, the resident gay had a copy of the chat GPT thing that we did last week on the on our bonus episode where we told it to, we told chat GPT to describe the moon in a sassy way and was like girl let me tell you about the moon because that's basically that's what John is he's basically Chad GPG get sassy right and there she's trying to find a beach for them to go to like at the top his John his John John is the gig his, yes. Oh girl, let me tell you about the moon. The moon said, get your nuts out of my face. And I said, girl, moon, you know you want my nuts
Starting point is 00:48:12 in your face, moon. That's okay, Ronnie, because we had that episode of Southern hospitality where I was like, remember when I was like, God, Grace silly, she is wonderful. I love Grace silly and you're like, well anyway, so then we see Grace in the mirror and I go, who's Grace?
Starting point is 00:48:26 Oh, I remember that. Yeah. Oh, it's good. So they're trying to figure out what beach to go to and she's like, is that a nice beach? And he's like, no, we need to go to the other beach. The other beach that you already know is a fucking disaster.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Why are you doing this? Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you bossing people to an ugly beach with needles and Diet Coke cans littering it? You know, why can't you make a reservation at one of these beach clubs for these people? Why? You're a yacht. How is there no beach in San Lucia? That's crazy. So then it rains and so Fraser is like, okay, listen, we're doing whibos. He takes breakfast orders and of course they don't want the special whibos rancheros. Look, he's once in Omlet and she also wants 24 karat gold on her stakes. She reminds him and he's like, well, listen, you asked for a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:49:20 You got the sandwich. You asked for a sprite. You got the sprite. And now you asked for a stake and you ask what's going to happen. And Sean's like, he's like, girl. So like he's just basically like, you got this. So um, so Fraser tells Rachel all this and Rachel Rachel then explains what the hell I was like, what is Likki's talking about? What did she mean? Cause she's just saying I want 24 karat gold on the side I had no idea what she meant and then Rachel explains that there's a fat where people are basically wrapping their fancy
Starting point is 00:49:52 rib eyes with 24 karat gold which is don't understand it like it doesn't add anything to the flavor but hey if people want to do it, then God bless. You know, and also I think that that should be an upcharge. I know that when you go on these yachts, you're supposed to get whatever you ask for, but not gold. I mean, that's like, you can't just walk on a boat and be like, um, can I have anything I want? Gold, then bring me gold. Can I have a set of diamonds? Thanks. You can't do that. So Then let's see here The ladies are having breakfast and one of them is like oh my god look my daughter's calling me for money. Hello
Starting point is 00:50:39 Mom, I need money for plants. I just had you on speaker and told everybody you were calling me for money Bitch keep it a little bit right Talk about trossy. This one right here. Am I right? What'd you say about nothing on? Trossy Teresa, that's her drag name. Well, that one doesn't make sense either, so glad we're on the same page of their batch. But by the way, she also, she wanted money for plants.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I think that's actually nice. She wasn't like, mom, I want money because I want to go out with, with Joyce to the, to the disco tech. She's actually there for money for weed. I mean, come on, money for playing. I guess I was wondering if that was code. So anyway, Ross is talking to Fraser about games and, and just planning to do these games on board and frasers like well we have a beach that I know is horrific and we got a preference that clearly states the guests want a beach Olympics as Yachty's we don't say no but on a day like today I feel like we can provide more entertainment and luxury on board then off I'm like I don't care he's so ridiculous
Starting point is 00:51:43 to the sky I don't care about these Olympics so ridiculous. The sky. I don't care about these Olympics. So it's like captain, I would like to keep them on board. I can let them know that we can do the beach if they want, but it would be miserable. Which is like, okay, so this is how he pitches it to the guests. Okay. He goes, there's a forecasted rain and forecasted lack of rain or lack of sun. We have one option. The location we have, we've been to numerous times and I'm definitely not the only one thinking, we've seen nicer beaches. We're like, okay, okay, we can set up different levels of the boat, make it fun, because this is your trip and if you still want to do the beach, we can. Even though it's called Needle Beach, because people get out for the heroin needles and And people should be renamed Sid and Nancy Beach because you're all going to die there.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Now, does anyone have any allergies to donkeys? Because they're all stray donkeys on this beach. And also it goes to that saying, donkey feces. Does anyone have a problem with that? Because otherwise, we can totally do the beach. God, he's so sour. Like, dude, try and make this sound like a fun time. He needs work.
Starting point is 00:52:47 This guy needs to pop. Wait, no, I thought he did the right thing because he's like, it's a shitty beach and it's rainy. It would be a disaster. So let me tell them, like, let's, let me tell them as politely as possible, this plan stinks. No, I thought it was terrible. It was like so negative and low energy.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Everybody's just staring at him like kind of like, okay, and then mainly because I don't know about that. And someone says, well, what do you guys want to do? And the key is, because I want to be happy. Okay, you're about that. Well, the key is, that's the answer. Just tell them you're gonna, it's raining, but you're gonna make them happy.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Then do something. Yeah. So of course, Laura is like, hey, can we have the crew be part of our teams? Because of course, like, what do we ever believe that this group of people wants to do Olympics? Okay, this is obviously pretty sure we're like, okay, this is what you're gonna be doing on your chart, right? So of course, like, yes, of course the crew will do the games. No problem.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And then like, he pulls Rachel aside and is like, hey, by the way, did you show me about the stick? Isn't that cool? Isn't that so cool? And Rachel's like, hey, stupid, stupid person. So if you want to, you want glitter shit, I'll give you glitter shit for days. So now they're doing the deck team is playing because the Interior has to clean up the rooms because they're filthy everybody's just being monsters in their rooms So the deck is play the Olympics game with them and then of course they team up It's like one decky and one guest together and Ben gets teams with John and he's like, oh, I've got a perfect speed of for you to wear with John and he's like, oh, I've got a perfect speed of for you to wear, which I feel like anybody else would be at least like, please don't, please, but Ben loves it. He's not liking his hair and like trying to look off sexy in their selfies.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah, and it's a pink speedo. So John's like, we'll be team two in the pink because it's a reference to vaginas and putting fingers into vaginas, right like that right at everyone provocative so then so that was down my trotsy am I right super trotsy so then Haley is down on the cabins she's like oh these guests are reminded me of creature and sesame street who lives in the bin and now as the lead deckhand, what's his name, the bowson? Looks just like him. Please, at least work your way, your wigs. There's just wear, like lying all over everything. So, I refuse to recap Olympics on this show. So take it away. Yeah. Well, they do activities. And it's over.
Starting point is 00:55:25 And it's over. So, Frieza is like, you know what? I think the captain was right. I feel really light. I feel really good today. Maybe the captain is an Oracle 08. I just remembered I had a bowel movement about an hour ago. Well, either way, feels great.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I think that the captain is right about helping weights, that I didn't know I was carrying. I guess the list of was one of those weights. So we have captain to thank for that, don't we? And then the captain gets a bloop. You're going to get a new stew in two days. God, hopefully that's the one I ordered that's actually a captain who knows what she's doing and keep a staff. Okay, bloop.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Hey, uh, Hey, Norma. Um, so excited for the CV. It looks like what you're sending me is just a crate full of poop. So I don't know how this can help the boat, but it seems in line with everyone else you sent my way. Bloop. Well, we actually did a, um, a poll amongst previous guests., and we said who's the better captain, Captain Sandy or a creative poop, and the creative poop one.
Starting point is 00:56:31 So shipping it right over, poop. Well, listen, it's so kind of me to send you one of your children, but I feel like that could be awkward if things go badly. So we had to send this poop child back to you. Bloop. Well, even dead in the water, that child can lead better than you can. Oh, I think I just saw someone jump off your boat and die. JK, it was just a rust trying to flirt with Katie.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Okay, bloop. Bloop is called the Olympics and it's wonderful. And you better shut your mouth right now. Loop. Loop. Say hierarchy again. You're not, you're not talking. Lincoln poop. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:57:14 You know what? I'm sensing you have no respect for hierarchy, but out of respect for the hierarchy, I will say it. Hierarchy. Loop. Okay. Well, here's all I have to say in response. Hierarchy. Well, here's all I have to say in response. I hierarchy. Blu. Here's what I have to say in response.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Stupid, Rocky. That's you. Okay. Not my best work, Blu. Love you. The two bitch. Bye. So then, um, of Fraser Fraser. God damn it. Please stop coming on with weird sounding names when we're American and pronounce things. Fraser it's hurting me to hurt you. I'm not doing it on purpose. So Fraser and Tyler, Tyler needs a break. So Fraser is like get drinks, sit down, take a long shit if you need to. It's like, you know, so then the ladies are at lunch enjoying themselves and look, look we should still be like, hello, I need a drink.
Starting point is 00:58:10 I want salsa water, but listen, not just regular, salty water. I want strawberry, I want mint, I want all the fun stuff in the water. He's like, mm-hmm, okay. You know what's funny about like weesh is that the 24 carat cat the 24 carat gold leaf on the stake is definitely more extravagant But all of her high demand like she's she's hide She is high maintenance and yet the things that but she has generally a low bar of what you what what she wants maintained Like she's like I want something else.
Starting point is 00:58:48 A turkey sandwich. I want this now. Yeah, a turkey glimpsed in my water. Yeah. I think it'll be a little bit more extra. We see it a lot on these shows where they're trying to pretend that they're rich, but they're obviously not rich. You know, it's just like, this is what I would do if I was rich
Starting point is 00:59:06 I'd have a turkey sandwich whenever I wanted it Yeah, and I think if she actually led with that I would actually be in support of her turkey sandwich She's like, you know what I I Work all day I Have an ex-husband who drives me nuts. I've got kids who don't appreciate me. And at the end of the day, all I want is a turkey sandwich. So you know what, this entire charter, if I feel like I want a turkey sandwich,
Starting point is 00:59:34 and if I change my mind, that's fine. But if I want a turkey sandwich, I'm going to get a turkey sandwich. I'd be like, just like we, she deserved that turkey sandwich. She's fucking a monotidious, whatever's going on inside her head. At this point, I don't even care. I just feel for her, you know, because she has a family and that family is more to fight. Hopefully they've met a lot of sandwiches for.
Starting point is 00:59:55 So, um, Ross is now massaging Katie off on the side of the boat. And he's like, let's arrange to do this with less clothes on and oils. No fire. I'm pleasant. So then John is posing in the hot tub and dancing around the shaking and not surrounding his thong and then it's time to change into blacks for dinner. So yeah, and everyone's like everyone's getting ready for dinner They're going through their towels like they're they're all running out their towels and
Starting point is 01:00:29 Frazier's like they're using too many tatters these people and like we should like Yeah, it's just like I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to clean my hello kitty without a towel I had to air dry it and Bailey's like You know what I used to dry my hello kitty a toothbrush if you know what I mean and nearly is like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh toothbrush for about half an hour. Really felt for the go. So now everyone heads upstairs to get some dinner and some drinks, everything. And Sandeal with someone gets a text from Captain Lee. It's like, hey, kiddo, you mind if I give a minute to talk? Let's go talk. And then we see Tyler and Hayley go down to do cabins. And Tyler's like, well, the queen is at the end.
Starting point is 01:01:27 She's like, oh, bitch. And then we see Susan. Was this the lady who- She's like staying away from cane sugar and corn, I can't. So Sue, I think she's roommates with Lequish, I think. So she's like, I gotta go get something from my room. So Hayley's like, oh, God, watch this then. Look, look, we eat for whatever.
Starting point is 01:01:49 And she throw, look, we eat, and she throws underwear or something on the bed, and it starts like kind of sit jumping on the bed and laughing, and then Susan walks in. She's, oh, yeah, I mean, sorry, I guess there's glitter all over the bed. She's like, oh, yes, we love you. We love you.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Give me an S. Ask me you. You give me an S. I'm sorry. I can't give any more letters because I was raised in a strict method of school where we only were allowed to have three letters in our in our cheers. Oh, I did your best. Well, she's like, oh, my god, let's have Susan. Doesn't have the best of hearing. Oh, we right. I love you. Did your best. Well, she's like, oh my god, let's have Susan.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Doesn't have the best of hearing. Oh, we're going to get fired. Right? Right. So now Sandy is talking to Captain Lee and she's like, Captain Lee, so good to hear from you have only been speaking to that bitch, Norma. Am I right? High five.
Starting point is 01:02:39 High five virtually. He's like, okay, well, how's it going up there on that boat? A lot of people living in the windows dirty and getting in the goddamn way. Well, I got news. My doctor's cleared me to return and I'll be back to take over in a couple of days saying the, I mean, captain.
Starting point is 01:02:58 He's like, whoa, whoa. Well, you know what? I have commitments at home, out, got my face. And I'm happy to turn this back to you. Oh, God, just fuck me in the face with that one. Okay, take it back. I'm happy for you and for me. You know, it has always been cat in these boat.
Starting point is 01:03:17 It's his crew, or at least what's left of it is his crew. And I'm happy to turn it over to him. I know, Captain Sandeys, like 10 little Indians to the crew. There's gonna be nobody left. Listen, now we can step on board and have a sweet, lean, operating machine implication. He had a shitty crew before and I fix it all for him. Uh, hierarchy. Well, that brings us to the end of, uh, below deck, everybody. Wouldn't exciting time. Well, it'll be interesting to see how Captain Lee comes back and deals with all these changes.
Starting point is 01:03:56 I know. I'll be, I'll be really fast enough to see what, what his reaction is going to be. I mean, I think he'll support it. He'll support Sandy. That's the kind of guy he is. But you know what she had a job to do? If you weren't supporting her, she'll support Sandy. That's the kind of guy he is. But you know what, she had a job to do. If you weren't supporting her, she can support you. And that's just the way it is.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I don't know. He said some things on Twitter, because you know, he'd live tweets with the rest of the cast, whoever participates. This shows and he's like, well, I don't disagree with the Camille decision, but I would have appreciated a hands up. And then people are like,
Starting point is 01:04:22 Sandy, oh my God, Captain Lee's coming for you on Twitter. She's like, is that we were all friends here? So who knows? Oh wow. Well, these are gonna be the last few Captain Lee episodes because he won't be coming back for next week. Shut your horn mouth, then shut your horn mouth.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Okay, we can discuss that another time. Okay, sorry, sorry to bring it. Let me deal with that right now. It's too much. It's too much. with that right now. It's too much too much I'm sorry. Hey respect the hierarchy There's a real fuck you in my face, but all right everybody. We love you. We'll talk to you next time Bye Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors
Starting point is 01:05:02 Ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley sub Siboni, she don't take no baloney. Kristi, our de-dourty. Dana C, Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itchels. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen, the piston Anderson. You're never alone with Lacey Montellão. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Can't stop fanning over Tina Manning.
Starting point is 01:05:43 The Bay Area Betaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Better do what she says, it's Elva Enriquez! Can't have O'Neill without the Emily sides!
Starting point is 01:06:04 Under your fasteners, it's Erin Casner. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. We will, we will, Joanna Rocklandu, my favorite Merto. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd-Chadley. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's a good hobby, it's Lauren Hobgay.
Starting point is 01:06:24 We want to hang with Liz Lang! The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Nancy Cicentacisto! Give him hell, Miss Noel! She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke! Shannon, out of a can in Anthony! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-tar!
Starting point is 01:06:44 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens, with Tamela Plane. Bye.

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