Watch What Crappens - Below Deck Under: Raining Prats and Dogs

Episode Date: August 2, 2023

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* Below Deck Down Under starts their new charter with ignored preference sheets, lots of rain, and really messy hookups. ...This week's premium bonus is a two part breakdown of Big Brother's season 25 cast. Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've been so much fun! I've been so much fun! I've been so much fun! I've been so much fun! Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Happens! A podcast for all that crap. We'd love to talk about on you, O'Brobs. Hi, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I'm Ronnie. That's been over there. How's it going, Venuans? Great. Thanks. How are you? Saga. I'm doing great.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Thank you. Good. Um, nice to see you on video. Lovely sunset background. You've got there today. I know. Sorry. It's actually my, um, my orange county backdrop. There we go.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Back. Now I'm suddenly in Sydney. Oh, thank much, much better now. He's back. I'm in Australia. And so, yep, we're on demand as usual. If you guys want to watch us instead of just listen, slash watch or crap ends, crap is on demand level. That's also where you get our bonus episodes. This week, super funine Big Brother is coming back tonight. Wednesday, August 2nd, season 25. And we did a cast breakdown. And it's how we always do cast breakdowns of every show. We just look at their picture and a log line
Starting point is 00:01:17 and just judge the fuck out of them, knowing nothing about them. SuperFine really mean, which is, you know, my hobby. So go over and check that out on our Patreon. It's a two-parter. And thanks for everybody who's with us on there. And thanks for everybody who's not. Who's just with us here? Who don't care? We love you either way. Okay. Yeah, this is true. Facts, all facts. Also, we took a couple of weeks off from Real Housewives of Atlanta to cover some project runway
Starting point is 00:01:45 because, you know, switched it up a little bit. So check that out. Project runway is a newer recap this week, and the next week is a below deck themed project runway with Kate and Countess Lohan for some reason, which nobody really understands. But she'll be there too. How Countess Lohan went from client to judge? How amazing. I heard journey on Project Runway from in front of the judge to sitting at a judge's table, which is nice for her. Also, we are going to be starting our live show again.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It used to be called Take a Seat this time. We think we don't know what it's going to be called yet. We're going to pull up this week on our social for you guys to vote and give suggestions. Used to be called take a seat. It's going to be the same style call and show, but this time we're going to be doing it on Instagram live. We're going to be doing it on the first and third Mondays of every month. Now, we are going to reserve the right to change that day because maybe days work better for you guys. We don't know. Maybe they work better for us. We don't know exactly. We're we're in full control of this thing.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So we have the ability to change the time around. So we're going to try. We're going to try our best to come to you guys. So we're going to start off by doing them. I think at five 30s on Monday. Five thirty Pacific, eight thirty Pacific. Eastern. Seventh thirty. How that works.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Central, okay? Yeah. And we're going to see how that is. It's an hour on Instagram live with you guys. So that's going to be fun. Next Monday, this coming Monday will be our first one. No, that's not true. It's going to the first and third.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Wait, this will be the first Monday that, right? Coming up. Technically, oh yeah, this is the first. There we go. So this Monday is going to, I guess, going to be our first one. Or should we do it on the fourth Monday of the month? What do you think? Should we give ourselves some more leads? I don't, you know, I don't think we need lead time. I think we can just jump in. Okay, we're coming. It's Instagram, you know, we've done this before. We
Starting point is 00:03:43 know what we're doing. Famous last words. Yeah, we didn't know what we were doing when we got paid for it. So we're gonna be doing it this Monday then coming up August. I don't know what that is. Six, fifth, something. Let's say that it is Monday, August 7th. We're gonna give it a whirl whirl we'll see how it goes. Sox, hi everybody, Monday, August 7th, take a seat, whatever it's gonna be called, we'll tell you then, 530 Pacific 830 Eastern Instagram live at Watch What Crapins. Follow both of us, Ronnie Caram and Ben Madelker on Instagram. And guess what, now it's time to recap a little bit. Blow dick down on door.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Wow, wow, what a deranged episode. This, you know, I have to say the first four episodes below deck down under. I've quite enjoyed. It's a really good franchise. It's funny. I'm into it. And then this episode, I was like, this show is off the rails. Like, this is, they are going to give selling yacht or run for their money. And then I went on to below deck down under Twitter. and I have to, or should I say X? I went to that app now called X and I have to say, these are some of the funniest tweets I've read.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I've read a lot of below deck tweets in my time but the below deck Twitter commentary about below deck down under is like at A plus level. Let me find this one tweet that I read that I personally thought was so, so, so funny. I like really laughed. I'm pulling it up right now. I'm like a little delayed because I was not planning on
Starting point is 00:05:15 reading this on the air, but I really have to share it with you guys because I just found it to be deeply music. Okay, so this, we have a user here. Her name is Tanisha. Go follow her. Tantau Tantauks shit. At Tantauks shit. Tanisha, she goes,
Starting point is 00:05:32 my current ranking of BDDU cast members. Number one, Aisha. Number two, Captain Jason. Number three, Zaryda. Number four, Harry. Five, Margot, Six, Culver, Seven, Broken Glass, Eight, Adam, Nine, Helmet, Ten, Rita number four Harry five Margot six Culver seven broken glass eight Adam nine helmet ten bottled lime juice
Starting point is 00:05:49 11 Laura 12 the naughty boy 13 the ramen 12th or I get 14 Luke I love that I love that the bottled lime juice ranked higher than Luke Intanetias run down this perfect God got to cover yourself on some bottle of lime juice just to get that dick off of you, that guy so disgusting. He's vial. He is such a pig, my God. All right, so let's get on with it. We start with dramatic music and we're back at the restaurant with Luke and Laura
Starting point is 00:06:22 making out via Lindramatic music. And it's just like, Morgor, are you feeling any challenge, Morgor? Cause they're making out. And she's like, no, no, I'm so happy about it. I can't wait to force, uh, force some chemistry with that Tal Goofy Flailey guy over there. Make myself feel better about all of this. And Harry's like, well, all right, Luke's added the picture because he's been lower so now I can spend more time with Margot. He gives me a bit of confidence, maybe.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I'm like, what part? I like, I have a lot of confidence now. Maybe. Yeah. Also, it shouldn't give you more confidence that you have to wait for somebody else to literally crash and burn out of the race or quit the race. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:09 Well, there was a lot of competition. And I'm just waiting for all those other podcasters to die. And every time they do, I just feel a little bit more confident. I'm like, no, you can't. Come on, Harry. You should have tall guy confidence. But I guess he pointed out in the first episode that he's not just tall, he's too tall.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, so I guess he passed that confidence level. If he was six four, he could have been confident, but he's six five. So now he's just like gangly and, you know, flally kind of like Kristen from Vanderpump rules, like one of the blow up air things in front of the pet boys, you know? Yeah, he needs to have tall person confidence, but he has slinky confidence, which is he's just sort of as like confident that he can be sort of gangling, get tangled up,
Starting point is 00:07:55 but like throw him down a staircase and he could really shine. So then we have Culver crowning Serena with that gross crown that came off of what's her butt says Lucy Laura's head no Laura's head yes, Laura's head yeah and he's flirting with her and he's like wow You want to watch some video my mom making Dutch babies Thank you chef Kim Yeah, I want to see chef mama making some Dutch babies get over here. Let's watch some porn together. Yeah, look at my mom work that dough.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You got to put the cast iron into a hot oven, but the cast iron's got to be cold. Yeah, Chef Kim. The best thing, he doesn't really know anything about cooking. He just likes his mom's cooking because yesterday She was making a ex-bendidect and he went I don't like holiday home holiday sauce Yeah, no he said holiday sauce holiday sauce. Yeah, I don't like holiday sauce Yeah, cuz I guess holiday probably would be an accepted
Starting point is 00:09:00 Promethiation, so yeah, Holly. I don't like holiday. I would think that he would like holiday sauce Because I feel like Culver's the sort of person talks a lot about Christmas as if it's like a novel thing. You know, those people was like, I love Christmas. Oh, it's my favorite time of the year. Candy canes, hot cocoa, sleigh rides. I just love Christmas. People, when people say that is if like not like 95% of Americans go nuts for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I always want to be used by that. Yeah, it's like a home-marked movie guy. He's like, I just love my little town. Christmas in my mama. But unfortunately, someone's trying to take down my mama's bakery to build up a tire factory. And then he falls in love with the daughter who's there just to close down all the businesses to get that tire factory started. Hays Christmas.
Starting point is 00:09:52 God, I love those films. We don't need tires. We have instead, keems, Dutch babies, put them on your cars, people, we don't need the tires. Our cars run on Dutch baby flower. That's baby dough. So Luke is now hugging Margot. Okay so Margot's like what the f just with her eyes because she doesn't really say anything but he's like hugging her now and he's like auto won't confusion you know I don't want that shit so I need to really
Starting point is 00:10:24 figure out how to approach this situation and she's like me too don't want confusion. You know, I don't want that shit. So I need to really figure out how to approach this situation. And she's like, me too. That's what I want to. You know, I just want to start over. Starting right now. Margot, you're in a pie store and there are fingers in all of the pies. You don't just get to remake the pies, okay?
Starting point is 00:10:40 The fingers have been in the pies already. Sorry, no starting over in this pie shop. The batter is in the cast iron skillet and it did not rise around the edges. Your Dutch baby is just a pancake, okay? It's recap. I don't know why, but God, I just want some carbs. So it looks like, yeah, well, we're just too trawled as in, so whatever happens, happens. So I was like, was that a, was this? He's hate pins. So I was like, was that a, was this, so, okay, there's a lot to discuss. I'm not even gonna harp on this stupid point.
Starting point is 00:11:10 So Adam, then it turns to Culver, and he's like, so who do you think you're gonna hook up with? Take your pick, Mago and Laura. And by the way, Zarina is sitting right there. I'm like, just insulting to Zarina that she's like not in contention for bro hook up saddest. When obviously, by the way, anyone can see that Culver and Zarina that she's like not in contention for bro hookup status went obviously by the way Anyone can see that Culver ends Arina have some sort of
Starting point is 00:11:28 Weird feeder energy to between each other so Culver's like oh, I got sheffy. You know that she's so good at cooking Okay, I'll be the stay at home dad. I'll run the mini band. Of course. I'm talking about my mother not use Arina I want to marry her So Laura I'm Harry Harry, Harry's like, oh, the crown is stuck in your hair. Oh, I'm so sorry. It took so long to get ready now, look at you. And Laura's like, get this out of my head.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I cannot get off of my head. And her hair is like all birds mess now. She's perfect karma. And her hair. And he has this look on his face like, ooh, he looks like he's extracting an intestine at that moment. So Luke walks with his arm around Margot. We cut back to them.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And he's like, oh I'm really sorry to put you in that situation. No, you're not. You just told her, I don't want confusion. I don't want to figure this out. I just need time to figure out how to approach a situation. Because we're only two charters in, so whatever happens happens. So no, you're not sorry
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, you just said I barely know you I can fuck whoever I want or make out with whoever I want So stick with that, you know pick a lane and stay if you're gonna be an asshole stay in the asshole lane Exactly and just notice the wording that he uses I'm sorry you're put in that situation How about I'm sorry? I put you in that situation. How about I'm sorry I put you in that situation like he totally takes himself out of that. No, I went back because I was like did he say You're instead of I and he did say you're he said I'm sorry. You're put in that situation So Marcos like you know, and I love Harry. I love him But like I know I felt like you like when we sat down at dinner,
Starting point is 00:13:05 like I'm always with him. You know, you know when you're driving along and a piece of plastic, a newspaper gets onto your windshield and you think, okay, it's gonna blow off now, but then just stays there. That's why I feel about Harry. I thought this wasn't cool of Margot. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Even if she really feels like that, you're talking to the guy who you know is competing for your love. You know what I mean? That's not nice, Margot, okay? I mean, at least be a nice friend to Harry. Like, don't be team Luke. I can understand like wanting to sex,
Starting point is 00:13:37 Luke up over Harry, but don't be shit talking Harry to Luke. Luke is already treating Harry like shit and you and now you're shit talking The nice person to the main person come on Margot you come from the land of a hot dish I would expect more from you. Yeah, so Luke's like so that's that's for you to voice you a opinion about whatever you want to do No one else is if you don't want Harry around you. You just have to say it So then but then you cut to Harry.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I'm like, because I'm like, yeah, like, you know what, stick it like, I'm like, that's not nice for Mark or to say about Harry. Like, I'm rooting for Harry. And that cuts to head drunk Harry. And there's my way, it's my old gay. I feel like I haven't been a vote of Mark. I'm like, okay, you are also a disaster.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Well, they're all so wasted now, right? And he's like, wait, it's my old gay, I haven't been forwarding over I need to be more forward with it. She knows, okay, everybody knows you like her You do not need to be more forward with it getting the back seat no more forward back back So she's like, so let me get this straight Harry likes Margot. I think my like Harry but also like I like smog, I think my likeery, but also like slug, and rural like sadom, but also was slug, and liquid smog, but I think it really meant anything.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's love, bitter gourd, droppin' gourd. I feel like it's more like a love starburst, As in, there's all these different points of it, but there's only one or two people in the center. So, but I appreciate the geometry reference, Good job Aisha. So Margot and Luke are now walking the bathroom together. And Harry is talking to Aisha and asking if Margot is into Luke at all, or if she's into him.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And Aisha's like, well, she'sgo is into Luke at all or if she's into him and he's just like, well, she's definitely not into Luke and she's not with Luke right now, even though in reality she actually is sort of with into Luke and is literally with Luke right now. So I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm an unreliable narrator. And of course Margo and Luke are doing that. Oh my God, I have to go to the bathroom. Oh my God, I have to go to the bathroom too. And they're making out the hallway by the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:15:50 And Harry's like, I don't know where she is, but I'm worried. Oh, I just don't want to hook up with her at the club. I need to make it romantic. Pete, Margo's like, blah, blah, blah, blah. Making out with Luke and Luke's ass of beer. He's like, all the love of makeup. She says I do too But wait a minute. What's happening? I thought you and Laura were making out. Oh god am I getting in the middle of something? Oh
Starting point is 00:16:13 Guys That's just playing dumb now. So look at to be care You know, I want to shut it down and just have like a like like let's just have like a straight threesome instead She's like oh no shoot no go get out of here, puk let's just have like a straight threesome instead. She was like, oh, no, shoot, no, get out of here, poop. No, you're a player, poop. Not where people can see. So then everybody's yelling and parting and going back to the boat. And he's trying to reach from Argo, but he has no game. I mean, this poor guy. And Luke carries the drunk Laura
Starting point is 00:16:46 to the van and he puts her in a van and then runs to the other van. Laura's like, Laura's like, all mean to me. Well, because she's like, Oh, look, can you help me? Can you help me? I'm defenseless. Laura, I don't know how to get out of there. She's basically like asking him to hold her, right? So she's doing all the heavy like, she's coming on hard. So he runs to the other van Rican cuddle with Margot in the back seat of that one.
Starting point is 00:17:13 So then we're back to the boat and Harry gives Margot that crown and Harry's like, so you want some rosé and I love that poor Margot is now even getting the sloppy second crown, you know is now even getting the sloppy second crown, you know, like literally getting the sloppy second crown because Laura made out with that dude first and now she's got the crown. She had the crown first.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Crown of sloppy seconds. Enjoy that crown, Marg. Marg. Loppy thirds really because it started with Culver. So Laura's asking Luke. She's like, do you want to go to Jacuzzi? We can go to Jacuzzi. He's like, all right, I'll get it warm.
Starting point is 00:17:53 She goes, yes. And then she sort of like opens her robe and then closes it, sort of like flashes in it and she goes, I make you have Jacuzzi warm. I cannot find the rope, rope, rope of rope. Where is it? I don't know. To say then, they start making out. I cannot find a rope rope rope rope what you said I don't mind to say then they start making out. And then and he's doing that weird like keeping his eye
Starting point is 00:18:12 kind of open looking at her face while they make Oh, yeah, I weirdo. It was so weird. I saw someone on Twitter took a screen shot of that so because I didn't see it the first time. But then when I saw the screen shot, it is really weird. It's really, really strange. The only thing I think that I do that with is when I eat like a block of monster cheese, I know I do that because there's just something like so.
Starting point is 00:18:35 There's something so visually appealing about like when you're looking at the monster, like the orange part of the monster cheese while you're eating the white part. I just love it. Yeah, you know, when you're in the white and you're just trying to get to orange, yeah. So it's like a sunset of a cheese, you know? No, Margo and Harry are in the mess and she's like, I'm so drunk. I'm just so drunk and she's eating food kind of like, slapily putting in her mouth and he's like, move over.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Let me sit down please and she's like, all right, hey, Iodooing in her mouth. And he's like, move over. Let me sit down please. And she's like, all right, hey, I need to give this drink the Lord. Oh, I'll be right back. So she runs basically to see if Lord is making out with Luke, which she is. And now she's turned Luke around. And she's like, massaging his back,
Starting point is 00:19:19 like, taking off his shirt. And she's like, massaging his back. And she says, am I interrupting something? And looks like, no, no, not at all. And Laura tells us, Marko, I've been chosen. Go away. Yeah. I don't know if you've been chosen.
Starting point is 00:19:34 It's more like you crammed the ballot box. I think that's basically what happened there. It's time for commercial. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap-in's commercial. So, um, the Culver, meanwhile now Culver calls, has real late that hookup. Chef Kim! And so she's like, oh my god Culver, you look so sunburned. Yeah, but my face in the oven trying to get it close for a look at a Dutch baby turns out it was a steak. Doesn't matter, we're still so good, but not as good as your chef Kim.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Honey, you're just so sunburned. House the chef over there. And he's like, oh, she's good. She crashes it, Mama, you love her. And it's her name. It's like, it's just your mom. And she goes, oh, I heard that your food is fabulous. And that's always important to my boy.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Now, I'm not saying that you're ever gonna replace me, but I want you to look at me and be like, you could be like this one day, okay? Now get out of our relationship. And it's serenity. It's like, well, it's thing you sent to me before I fall in love with him. How about that?
Starting point is 00:20:35 It's like, I've just died already. Hey, how about this? Here's my recipe for Dutch babies. Poison, poison, poison, suck it bitch. Call me back when you're free cover So now that you who's the jacuzzi is going wild things are spraying all over the place. I don't know what's happening And Margot full enough and they're turning on the jets the jets That's what there's always that what that is you're being disrespectful to the Tick I know for considering all the discussion about teak and teak
Starting point is 00:21:07 cleaning on this episode, and really any episode, this was very disrespectful, knowing now that it was done intentionally. I thought that it was just malfunctioning, which is surprising that it would malfunction considering that this is a 1977 Japanese fishing boat. There was recently refair fish to top-grade levels of culture in design. Just spraying the jets without the waterfall.
Starting point is 00:21:31 That is such one-prob behavior. All right. That's a QZ only has one prop, which explains a lot. So people gather in the hot tub. There are parading. And Serena's like, let's play a game. Let's play a game like Truth Today. Oh, just fucking make out with whoever you want to.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Okay. Everybody on this show has to play Truth or they're like they're in junior high. Just go fucking make out with somebody already. No one's gonna dare you to make out with co-over, okay. Serena, just do it. But I will say this show to me, like really, I really breathe a very large sigh of relief in like three seconds because,
Starting point is 00:22:08 so, you know, Luke is like, all right, we'll do you to die. Colver, what do you want? Truth of the day, he's like, there, dare me to call up my mom and have her show me some Dutch babies. All right, maybe not that, but okay, here comes the day. And before they can even dare Colver to do anything, Laura just like emerges and I say oh
Starting point is 00:22:26 Look, I'm so sorry. I cannot find phone. Please help me defense this Laura I find phone somewhere on both Where's the phone and covers like well no one even dared me though and Laura's like please One second of your attention. It is kind, kind girl here. One time you'd phone phone. Please help me. And this is Serena's like, you might as well just say, come on, I need your dick.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Oh. But truthfully, yes. As in Harry's like, hey, babe, these guys, do you guys know never have I ever? It's basically like two truths in a while. It makes for truth today, but you never have I ever anything am I right everyone and everyone's like Okay, but he's like really excited. He's like okay, so here's the thing like here's how you do it It could be like never have I ever been to pick up never have I ever been to Cambodia never have I ever done something
Starting point is 00:23:22 It's like something you haven't done. You know that that's how you do it, which by the way, is not the rule you're supposed to say the thing that you have done, but like he doesn't get it. So he's going on and on, and they're all staring at them. And Asia, finally the first person on Bravo just looks at them and goes, maybe we should just all chat instead. I was like, thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Asia, hero, hero to the people. So meanwhile, Luke and Laura go downstairs. Please, phone, please find me, phone. And it's on the bed. It's on the bed. They were just down. Oh, wait a minute. Is it here in my bed?
Starting point is 00:23:56 This bed right here. And it's like, ding, arrow. It's on her bed. And she's like, oh, now we make out now. And it goes to getting the shower. So then they fucking the shower. They just come in. Like, just jump right into the shower and fuck.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And Asta comes down and sees the robe on the ground and listens at the door. And it's like, oh my God. If I was just, if I was just, yes, I seen red wine. Oh my God. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Yes, I sin red line. Oh my God. Whoa. She all gassams and can, can. And they say, oh, I hate showins things.
Starting point is 00:24:47 She can't get the proper friction going. Why am I even more with that? Now I understand why she lives in a converted ambulance. She's really drawn to converted vehicles apparently. Yeah. So first of all, hair conditioner, okay? okay or so there's plenty of ways, okay Yeah, just don't deal with bear water like what do I have to come teach you guys everything? Maybe like not a youth hostel shower. I don't know but like
Starting point is 00:25:20 Sorry, so Culver is like, give me a kiss. I love you. And the producer is like, um, could you get off the phone with your mom? You're actually in a diary room session. And he's like, so do you think there's a spark between me?
Starting point is 00:25:37 You and your mom? Yes, definitely. No, me and the Sheffi. Your mom? Your mom. You're a Sheffi? Yeah. Sorry, I've been posting on a very specific part of 4chan that's all about Dutch baby porn. It's not child porn, it's just about antiques. Um, it's not about literal Dutch babies. It's just a torch land. I did almost
Starting point is 00:26:02 get in trouble with the FBI when I the FBI with some of my search terms, but I had to explain it was literally just a type of pancake you make a scale anyway. Anyway, just keep. My mom just kept sending me the pictures. I said, Mom, can we call them Dutch barely leagals? Please.
Starting point is 00:26:17 At least. They actually do have another name. Dutch babies are, I think they also are known as German pancakes. And I look for that and it was a whole other different kind of porn. It's just really hard to find good photos of the things I like.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Cool. So, Luke is trying to brush his teeth and Laura won't get off of him, you know? She's like, licking his neck and he's like, let me brush my teeth. My God. I taste like two opposite sides of the world right now. Please.
Starting point is 00:26:47 She's giving him like a heiki, she's like marking her territory. I mean, here's the thing. I do not like to ever subscribe to this bullshit narrative that women are schemers, that women use their sexuality to get what they want. Yada, yada, yada. That being said, I do kind of feel like
Starting point is 00:27:04 Laura's just trying to find a place to live after the start of season's over. She's like, I think I will live with Luke. I will start process now. But why would anybody assume that Luke has a decent apartment? I wouldn't. True. But I only come say, I only come on the yacht to fund more vacations.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Like that guy's not going to do anything for you. The guy who's just made out with both with two people in the same night is not the couch you want to stay on. You know what I mean? That's like a very coming couch. It's a very stained crunchy couch. It's like the edges of a Dutch baby. So then in the mess, Harry, by the way, talking about sexy, Harry is in the mess eating ramen. Have you ever seen a praying mantis eat the head off of another bug on the nature channel? That's what he's doing. A hummingbird.
Starting point is 00:27:56 What? No, praying mantis is eat hummingbirds, yeah. What? For just a little. Yeah, because the praying mantis will just basically sit there by the hummingbird feeder or wherever, and the hummingbird comes in and being like, oh, wow, this looks like a beautiful little snack, little refreshing and low calorie and nothing could possibly go wrong. David!
Starting point is 00:28:16 Because the hummingbird will, I mean, the praying mantis will grab the hummingbird and then just eat it. It's crazy. Wow. Um, those are strong, tough little guy. Prank mantises this. I love the prank mantises. That's where strength comes from.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Power prayer. Power prayer is real, okay. Power Lipton, I'm Power Prank. Now give me your little hummingbird head. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch, I bitch, get over here.
Starting point is 00:28:42 There's a nectar, fool Jeff. So Harry's like come here And Marga's like great look what I want yummy and Laura goes to Luke's bunk. He's trying to go to bed and He's like oh my god. It was just a hook up and now you want to stay over And she's like I'm going through sleep sleep with you this is okay. Yes. Where your husband must roll. I'm signing. I sign into my on Netflix. Yes. You have for my free. Yes. I put two strush in bathroom. Now I move over to husband. Also, by the way,
Starting point is 00:29:21 an amusing part was when Culver is talking to the producers and he's like, he's like, yeah, you know, I had a nice little friendly kiss with Zarina. I think it's friendly, but maybe there's more there. And they're like, are you asking us? I think, yeah, is it allowed? I don't know, mom says I always have to ask for permission before I kiss a girl.
Starting point is 00:29:40 So just wanna make sure it's okay. I kind of feel like you guys are my moms right here. Aisha, techs her boyfriend Scott, and said, what are you doing? He's like sitting in a toilet. How about, I mean, sitting in a bucket. How about you? And she's like, oh, for nine. I think my second and the babysitter is smashing love you. And then meanwhile, Margot does something revolutionary, which is that for the first time I'm below deck, her drunken snack of choice is a giant floret of broccoli. That was surprising.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I personally have, have you ever binge broccoli when you've been drunk? That's not my, my go to. Broccoli salad from Whole Foods I have, because that's just covered in mayonnaise and like raisins and nuts, you know, it's like. Yeah. Sweet, fat, you know, the broccoli's just there to, I'm gonna make you feel better about whatever
Starting point is 00:30:29 the fuck you're doing right now in the middle of the night. Yeah, many times. Many, many times. It was a revolutionary moment like so many firsts on this episode, but between like someone disavowing a stupid game on Bravo and then someone just cram in a giant stock of broccoli in their mouth.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Well, we have seen Katie on Vanderpump rules binge with ice very lettuce and ranch. Remember that? I will never forget that. So Margot is doing this thing. Harry just really cannot read signs. Margot is doing this thing. All she wants is to not be made out with and she just wants him to leave her alone because she's wasted and she's eating in the grossest way she can. You know, she's like eating the broccoli like, I don't know. And they're also they're also kind of lady in tramping the ramen noodles too. So it's like a lot of like sort of intense eating behavior happening. And then he decides that now is a good time for a relation top. So a talk, a relationship talk.
Starting point is 00:31:26 So he's like, how long does small go take to get ready? I don't look at a lady and say, has it has not done properly? You know what's important? Who's new? Fl'm already thinking, yeah, I'll do it. It's like deep-throening a broccoli of broccoli manny sticking out of her nose. It's like, do you feel that way? Because you know, you've got someone right now, Luke, that feels like, hey, come on, beat around the bush and let's fuck off and then just like, work for the next five weeks. Or you you got someone like me who's like, let's have a conversation. Oh, I'm just a tall gangly used car blowup thing standing in front of a girl,
Starting point is 00:32:11 asking her to re-inflate him. Don't you want to have a connection? And then he comes in for a post binge kiss. And then she kisses him. Yeah. She looks bored. She looks bored. She looks bored. She's like, I guess I'll do this. And unfortunately for you, Ronnie, despite I was like, this is like, drunken talk and there's
Starting point is 00:32:32 like it. There is sort of like these layers of like that man's plenty of thing of like, you don't need to put on all that makeup, yada yada. And then they kiss it, but I was kind of like, oh, I kind of like it to be honest. I thought it was kind of cute. I was like, two dorks. I was dork love. I love, you know, I always fall for your love. You know, I do like it because she's obviously not into him and she's doing it to like,
Starting point is 00:32:53 it's like play Kate him or because she's not just doing it to make Luke jealous, right? Because Luke's asleep. So I think she's just like, well, I could be with someone too and this guy likes me. So I guess I'll just go with this. And so it makes me feel bad for her, but it also makes me feel bad for Harry, because Harry is nice. He doesn't deserve to be stomped all over. And she just has the most bored eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:16 You know what I mean? And I think that's part of her personality. It's part of her Felicity personality, because that lady, everyone's like, oh my God, that lady has such sorrow in her eyes that actress You know what she has in her eyes pure fucking boredom, okay that woman it looks like she's looking like she's watching a knitting How to knitting video on YouTube by the way? I've done that before that's why I recognize the eyes Margo just has bored eyes and they're just not lit up with Harry
Starting point is 00:33:43 They aren't but you, Margo is also, she's at the Faye Trier, like, you know, you've been behind her at the Faye line where she goes, oh, what's that right over there? And it's like, that's salmon with mushrooms. Huh, I'll try that. You know, that's kind of her vibe. So I could go quarter piece.
Starting point is 00:34:00 You know, I'll just, yeah, just a little bit. And if I like it, I'll come back. And I kind of think she's just doing that. I can't even get in the hurry. She's fluffy white I like it, I'll come back. And I kind of think, she's just doing that. I think you need to hurry. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that.
Starting point is 00:34:09 So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So I'm not gonna get into that. So. You know what, are these potato wedges?
Starting point is 00:34:26 No, those are yucca fries. Oh, no, I don't think I'm gonna try that. You know what, I'll try, I'll try one. I'll try one yucca fry please. She's got a Brazilian, all you can eat, I forgot to mention. A fried carbs, a fried carb. You know what I'm saying, but then you bite into it
Starting point is 00:34:41 and you're like, nope, not the same. You just get four dyes and stare back at the French fry on the golden corral. Yeah, so I think she's just trying to hurry up. I don't see, and he did have like a nice little pitch. He did when he said like, you know, where it's like isn't it about connection, isn't it about, isn't about being gangly?
Starting point is 00:34:59 No, it's not about just like being nice to each other. You have to have some kind of chemistry and they just don't, and she's like trying to force it. I don't know. Oh, I say trying to force it. She's doubly. She's trying to see if maybe there is something there and I was okay with that.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I think it's gonna work out. I think she knows for sure there is not and she is just doing it because she doesn't want to not hook up when Lucas is hooking up after Luke pretended to like her. I think they're all playing games, you know? This is like, this is like the homely, this is like the homely, no one's homely like ugly. I guess, what am I trying to say?
Starting point is 00:35:33 This is like non-model shell games where you're just like moving around the shell, just trying to think it's like a lazy season of semi-hotness. You're just waiting for something to stop in front of you that's good enough. You know what I could, right now, I might be summering. This could be my Seth. So I'm going gonna do this. I mean, look, we're eating out of a bowl of ramen that's undressed and we have broccoli.
Starting point is 00:36:10 This kind of feels like it could be something. So she's, give it a try. Give it a try. I feel like I'm gonna give it a try level. I was in support of it. Yeah, she looks like she's giving no effort to me. Now I feel bad. Because Harry is like, oh, we're gonna get married.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Well, that's gonna be on Harry if he has bad expectations. So they go they have a kiss and Margot I wrote down Margot looks bored and accepts it and then Margot goes, okay, so I guess we have a crush on each other Which I did not realize that part on her. So he looks like we do so And they go to bed. I give it awkward kiss. He's like, good night. Kiss. And she's like, okay. He blows the kiss. And he smiles. He laughs at the camera man. He looks right at the camera. He's like, oh, we can't believe that. I can't believe that. No, no, no. It goes off.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And then the next day, Laura is in Luke's bed. Margot is like Laura. And don't, don't, don't. And Laura's like, don't tell anyone here. Don't tell anyone I'm sleeping here. Just joking. Tell everybody about it. Hold it all out.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Tell all the fish down below, tell the scallop. Tell the five head down below. Tell that sea turtle that keeps on paddling along. Doesn't it realize that this is yacht territory it's going to get killed? So Laura leaves loose room and then Marco finds her and she's like, so who's bad did you sleep in last night?
Starting point is 00:37:43 And she's like, oh, what's his name? Trying to be like, oh, I'm not fully obsessed with this press. I forgot his name. Let me look at my butt cheek where I had it tattooed last night. Let me look at our wedding invitations. Oh, you know what? They do television special about those Luke and Laura. Margot's like, over.
Starting point is 00:38:04 She's not Luke. And Margot just starts laughing. And Laura tells us, look has Kiss Margot already, but there's no relationship, so no rules. But I am Paris. If I want something, I don't stop till I get it
Starting point is 00:38:20 and possibly can go to 150,000 miles if you give me regular oil change. I am very good as police car also. So then she just pops open a beer. It's like seven in the morning or something nine in the morning. So she pops open a beer and starts to drink it. And now in my mind when she starts doing that, I'm like, well, this is very bad.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I did not realize at this point of the episode that it was the same day as the guests coming on. So I was like, oh, this is in retrospect, really bad. It's so, because Jason really hates, I mean, Jason, that's his first rule, no drinks on the boat at all, ever. Yeah. Dun dun dun.
Starting point is 00:39:00 So speak of which he calls Aisha to the bridge to help him with his contacts. And then Laura goes back to Luke's room and she's like, Hey, baby. And he's like, oh, there she is. Great. She goes, honey, how are you? Hi, baby honey.
Starting point is 00:39:13 So, she's already calling him baby and honey. And he goes, headed, we end up in the shower last night. Oh, really, Luke. Luke is going to do that thing now where he's like, okay, a factor. So now she's crazy. Which she is crazy, but Luke also forgets somehow that he was like, let's get in the shower. You knew she was crazy when you pulled her in the shower. Why are you pretending like you didn't know?
Starting point is 00:39:36 Okay, everybody know. And so he's gonna do that thing where she's crazy now. So he's like, how did we end up in the shower last night? And she goes, you pulled me in, he goes, I did not. You pulled the all-off smartphone trick. You had it planned from the beginning. You got me good. And she's like, did I walk right?
Starting point is 00:39:53 Let me clean your room. I just show you how to fold underwear so that when we were in studio together, we can share underwear drawer. Yeah, I can't stand the fuck boy thing of like, how did that happen? Like, how did we end up in the shower when like, he was the one who literally elevated it to that point and then acts all defenseless. And then later on, he'll go, hey, do I always form myself into these love triangles? It always happens to me. So then he's like, by the way,
Starting point is 00:40:24 do you know my hair, he's like, can't fall in my hair, you know? And he pulls up a photo of the hat to show her and he goes, oh, you look like cool with Gil Friend from the dresser party in this. And she goes, but I'm your girlfriend. And he's like, no, do you not go? I'm only joking, joking, joking, joking, joking,
Starting point is 00:40:41 joking, joking, joking, joking. No, I'm not your boyfriend. Oh, you know, so that joke you have between boyfriend and girlfriend. That was joke too, but seriously, a boyfriend and girlfriend joke. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. So cleaning cleaning cleaning cleaning cleaning. Laura, Laura, can you make me the up on the floor? Laura is 15 minutes like first because she's
Starting point is 00:41:11 getting ready. Yes. And so she comes up and Aisha's asked her what she's done so far and Laura goes everything down there. She goes what's is there in there being just so I know what you're talking about and she goes And then she doesn't say anything else. So it's just like oh god, she's annoying So them Laura passes margo eating Laura passes margo No, look walk eating ginger is eating ginger and he feeds it.
Starting point is 00:41:47 He's like, he's like, all his ginger, it's delicious. Feel this ginger, zang, it's like zang. So he gives it to Margot a taste. It's like he eats like a piece of wine. He's been eating, yeah. And he's like, with Laura, I'm starting to see the stage five, Klinga coming through. He's, you already knew this.
Starting point is 00:42:04 But now Margot might be done with me, so I've got to repair things with Margot. What a disaster. age five, Klinga coming through. He's, you already knew this, but now Morgah might be done with me, so I've got to repair things with Morgah, what a disaster, but some people thrive and desist as. Not you, sir, because if you are the disaster, you can't thrive and the disaster, you can't thrive in yourself. So, meanwhile, Luke is looking at a table out on the deck,
Starting point is 00:42:23 and it's like a disaster because once again Adam is fucked up He did not wash anything down or wipe everything. He just didn't do whatever he's supposed to do. He didn't mop up and Harry's basically saying that Adam thinks he's too good to mop which Adam does think that because he's also apparently too good to learn how to swim Not about Which yeah, and he's like yeah, I'm not going to throw him onto the bus, but at the same time, it's not cool for the rest of the team.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah, I'm going to. So then it's preference sheet meeting time and it's charter number three. René in Sandra. Romirez. René is the owner and CEO of a rapid growing company and they want to celebrate with their high-frolicing friend. Oh, they're high rolling friends, which I spell. I started with an F I don't know why because it's not IE spell rolling Folland, fallen down the river. Rollin
Starting point is 00:43:16 Rollin Yeah, they have a solar company, which means there are like solar is the new MLM solar companies I think so we give solar companies are like what Teddy's has been, I'm Teddy from real house why does it Beverly Hills have? And go read his, if you guys haven't treated yourself to his Yelp reviews on his company. Ha, ha, ha, do it.
Starting point is 00:43:37 It's good. Yeah. So they want like surf and turf, they want lamb lollipops, they want Chippany sushi as opposed to you know British sushi. And then they also want some Cuban theme cuisine which Sarmine has never done but there's also a bunch of dietary restrictions. Like one girl eats no red meat, one girl does no pork and dislikes red meat, one girl
Starting point is 00:43:59 jane doesn't like wheat, dairy or red meat. So there's some landmines for her. And Sarmine is like,, Miss Fossy pumps there. Just not anything. Does she? And she tells us, for this charter, we have this one guest and she's quite limited. And as much as I love getting sparkly guests from Chase, and I don't want that helmet in this charter. So I have to get more creative, make a plan. My plan is to set everybody meet their include.
Starting point is 00:44:24 of make a plan. My plan is to so that everybody meet their include. I have to be dipped to me. I'm going to do products, and maybe they'll forgive me. So then Adam is talking to Harry about Teak Cleaner and he's like, he's like, yeah, do you know how yeah, just use it on commercial. And he's like, fuck no. I'm like, okay. And Adam just keeps spraying, he's like spraying really long sprays on the dots. And he's like, you don't need that much, actually. You just do it.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And Adam goes, well, as soon as you put it on, and leave it on for three to four seconds. And he goes, well, I just sprayed this much. And then I leave it on. And he goes, yeah, but I was just telling you that whatever. Yeah, I guess I'm just trying to tell you that. I'm like, you're the one who says you never used this stuff before. I can really say three to four.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Three to four seconds is very different from like two quick spritzes. Okay, that's a, like a lifetime. And on the, in the world of spritzes, three to four seconds is a lifetime, a lifetime. So Laura's like, come on, that's a margots like come on, Laura, let's go clean cabin six. And Laura's like, okay, all kind, is this wine still good? Good. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:38 yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you still goods. She chugs old wine before going to clean it. So, Laura's like, so what? Wine is good for you. They ask me why my skin's so good. I say, I just drink wine. Am I too they ask you why your skin's so good? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:00 No one has ever asked that. Here's what I have seen people ask on the internet. If Laura takes two hours to get ready, No one has ever asked that. Here's what I have seen people ask on the internet. If Laura takes two hours to get ready, why does she come out so basic every single time? That's why you're the masking. And that's my question too. Like what are you doing in there?
Starting point is 00:46:15 I expect her to be doing one of those contouring tutorials, you know, like you see on the internet, where they're like, boom, boom, like lining their whole face, like to start and I mean, I don't know, they look like Pinocchio, they all look fucking crazy and then like do the full thing. But it's like, it's like eyeliner.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Yeah, she comes out with like lip gloss. I also'm expecting a whole different face, you know? Cause I, you know, I'd like on Love Island, they always show all the girls get together and they do makeup for like, it looks like an hour and they have all those lines, all that shit and then they come out and their faces, it's like different, it's like different humans. But like Laura, where, I don't know, we're, it's like a, it's like a little patchy concealer.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I don't get it. So Lucas talking to Zarina and he's like, we've been running a round like zombies. And so I quit some of us for later than ever. And then others won't they? He's like, not me. She's well, you were with someone else though. So not much sleep when that's happening. I mean, you want to play some truth to Dan.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Let's play it. Dan, me to go fuck all of us brains out right now. Dan, me to you. Do you dare you to dare me? Do it. Just do it right now. Do it or I'm giving everyone on this boat gluten. So Aisha over here is Zarina saying that Luke was in bed with Laura
Starting point is 00:47:30 and Aisha goes, Where are you? Oh, you hear everything on a ship. I'm like, yeah, I think specifically everyone here is everything Aisha says on a ship because you could be like three floors down here. Oh, are you sleeping with Laura? It's like three floors down here. Oh, you're sleeping with Laura! It's like, oh my God, the captors are,
Starting point is 00:47:50 you know what, it's amazing. I've been doing this for years, but for some reason, every time I work with Aisha, we always get to see Wales jumping. That's crazy. It's amazing, you know, if it took me the longest time to realize we weren't doing military drills, That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:07 That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:15 That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:23 That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. do don't moments, you know, it's like I'm damned if I stick my penis in it, I've got my penis in it and I'm still damning my penis inside of it while I dam it. You know what I'm saying, nature's like, oh, she went for it then. Yeah, you weren't into it. And goes, no, I, we go, I'm sorry, she goes, so you were into it and she goes, no, no, I wasn't into it. And then she's, no, but she knows she's coming on so hot and then he's like yeah But I'm putting out push flies at the moment They pun intended and there was a lot like a lot was going on last night Then Laura just walks in. I think if anyone's gonna be putting out bushfires. It's gonna be Laura this morning
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah, that's exactly right But I also like really resent him saying like last night was a damn if I do damn if I don't situation. How was the damn if I don't? Like where was the damn if I don't? Damn if you don't like kiss two girls at you know back to back. Damn if you don't make sort of lead them both on. I don't understand why he's putting himself as like a victim of circumstance. So Laura comes in and she's like, I think you're all thinking things and she tells us what the fuck them them just talking about it not cool. And looks like, oh, she's angry with me now.
Starting point is 00:49:39 But the thing is, you're thinking being a secret but everyone knows. Sorry, don't we work on a bear. So then Luke just starts hugging Laura. He's like, he's busy, he's like, cut so his response is just to hug and smile a lot. And he's like, you know, it's a little bit of a weird situation because there's been a lot of everything going on like, you know, I did not like, I don't want to lead on the wrong parties, and I'm not getting involved in all that. You don't want to go to Margot, or Margot walks in and say that.
Starting point is 00:50:12 You don't want to say that, yeah. So Margot just laughs, and he goes, oh, God, you guys are in the same cave, and all right. And Margot's like, what's wrong in here? And she goes, you're weird. And he goes, she's upset with me. And then he goes, okay upset with me and there goes okay Let's just make it complicated now. This is how he likes it. I guess
Starting point is 00:50:31 Yeah, so he just walks away and Mark was like that was weird wish I didn't walk in on that He's setting up this fight over him that's not happening. No one is fighting over you Yeah, he's he's trying to make it like I'm not getting in the middle of you too fighting over me. No one is fighting for you. Okay. Fried yaka. You're literally the fried yaka. And this yeah. Yeah. In this 24 hour, all you can eat barbecue, whatever. I don't know what I'm saying. But let me tell you something. When he's like, you know what, I just don't want to lead on the wrong people. I'm like, you literally had sex with Laura in a shower. It wasn't like you were flirting with her, sir. So I stopped like trying to act like, oh, whoops.
Starting point is 00:51:12 I don't want to lead you on when I'm interested in Margot. Like, you had sex with her. So the deck team has a meeting and looks like, all right, this is child of three. The first two were good, but we can improve. So there's been an issue of not cleaning the take, map, fletch, member fletch everybody, cut its foot on the glass, that wacky detective. So we're gonna have to pick it up, all right everybody.
Starting point is 00:51:33 And everyone's like, okay. So he basically changes the schedule so that Adam is no longer on overnight because Adam's a disaster who refuses to do his work. And he says, yeah, I can't trust Adam. So, just sucks. He's like, I have to keep my eye on it. That sucks. I'm like, oh my god, you have to do your job. Let's see if you can do that. On the third charter. So Margot and Laura are cleaning up a bunk and Margot's like, or a room, and Margot's like, hey, so, do you feel like you're still a little bit drunk a little bit from last night, or maybe from this morning
Starting point is 00:52:10 when I said you're drinking a beer because I can't really smell it on your breath. And she's like, um, yeah, am I the only one? She goes, no, no, no, just making sure. Just making sure, no, you're not the only one. I mean, you're the only one on this boat, but I'm sure in the world, there are people who still feel drunk right now. Yeah, for sure
Starting point is 00:52:26 I'm been galleanly asa and serena are talking in the gallean and um serena goes oh my god I think I should have gotten a bigger thong This one really digs into my flaps and he's just like there's nothing worse than vagina pork I hate that. So this one really digs into my flaps. Good. Get into the flaps. This flap was real. You gotta make sure you got to cap the coverage there. So as arenas, like, gonna make some sushi rolls for lunch in everything. Cause she knows that it's gonna be the thing that everyone will like and it's gonna work for everyone's diets, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Meanwhile, it's like thundering outside. It's raining. This is gonna be a disaster because, hello, these people work in solar and it's raining. It's not good for their brand. So we're already bracing for a disaster charter. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm coming.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Everybody get ready, get ready. And the camera loves Culver shirtless. I mean the camera just like stays on Culver looking him up and down. I was like is Culver's mom chef Kim running this camera? I think so. Culver works out. The camera. Yeah. It's not a complaint. I'm not registering a complaint. I'm just like damn that camera person's horny. So Margot only has one bar left on her radio and Harry's like, I've got full balls
Starting point is 00:53:51 and she's must be nice for you. Then I should just get this charged or should I take it with me? And he's like, just that charge. Just be not near someone with the radio. Like me. Would you rather be someone who's just gonna fuck a radio and throw it in the bush? Would you rather be with someone who wants a connection with the radio. Like me. Would you rather be someone who's just gonna fuck a radio and throw it in the bush? Would you rather be with someone who wants a connection with the radio?
Starting point is 00:54:11 Well, I would stand by you, but you keep flacking me in the forehead with your arms. Oh, sorry. So the gear come to gas, the gas arrive. It's just like down poor umbrellas. They've got umbrella. They're rushing out to get them out of the rain. They come on board and captain Jason's like, well Come on board. I can't apologize for the weather because that's not my doing but I can't apologize ahead of time for crashing this boat into a cafe That might happen anyway. We're gonna have a hell of a lot of fun except of course the crashing parts of my mic get killed But enjoy and remains like we're gonna fuck shit up. It's like, okay, okay Single prop, single prop. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:47 It's been refurbished, okay? So let's try to keep the furt, let's not try to undo the furbish because we just redid the furbish. And to look, we're from Cali. Shocker. What a shocker. Reading your preference sheet,
Starting point is 00:54:59 I am shocked to your Californians. Wow. I like lamb but not beef, but not pork, but love duck, but hate fish, but like flowers, but like hate cucumbers, love chickpeas. Mm. California. California.
Starting point is 00:55:15 California. Yep, like Azusa. So they're all getting on board. So now they're, I was actually surprised because they leave, they leave the dock to go out into the water. And I feel like my memory seems to be of most low decks that went at rains.
Starting point is 00:55:33 They're like, hey, sorry guys, so it's raining. So we're gonna have to stay at the dock, but don't you worry, we're gonna have a lot of hugs and a lot of rains, you know? So I was sort of surprised that they left the dock in the rain, but I guess maybe the water wasn't chopped. And to be fair, it really is a converted fishing boat and a fishing boat can handle surf, I guess.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I don't know, but they were gonna go and do it. Yeah, they go play. So now Laura is doing lime juice and she's tasting it. And she's like, oh, she thinks this tastes like lime. It does not taste like lime not lime here so Asia comes in and she's like oh long juice and she's you want to taste this so see what I'm saying about it and she's oh my god right did I bust store bought lime juice yes that's so I can serve four margaritas without having to squeeze 50 limes. Sorry, speed is part of
Starting point is 00:56:28 God's service. I don't know, I have to be on lower side on this one. I think that there's there's a big difference between lime juice and fresh squeezed lime on a luxury super yacht. Just get one of those juicers one and done real quick. No, for people who are having tons of margaritas, getting fresh juice out of a lime takes a lot, takes a lot of work. I mean, those little things, sometimes they're like just little pebbles. I say store-bought, well, I'm with Aisha store-bought lime juice for mixed drinks is fine. Well, maybe it is lime juice. It's not like, you know, I'm assuming that it's fresh squeeze lime juice from a whole foods or something and not just like some crappy stuff with
Starting point is 00:57:14 sugar or whatever. I'm team Aish on that. I'm team Limes. I'm team Limes on this. I say batch squeeze a whole bunch of them ahead of time and then like, or just start with the fresh ones And then once they get drunk enough you switch over to the lime juice be a little sneaky Mm-hmm, but then they'll be like what tastes different about this, you know Yeah, we can't let them even if it's in mediocrity No, so um, well, we're not gonna be drinking margaritas together Apparently not
Starting point is 00:57:43 Well, I'm gonna enjoy my fresh squeeze lime margarita. So she tastes and she goes, I guess it's a bit bitter, but mixed in cocktail that saves so much time. And she tells us, sometimes even when Laura's kind of right, I just want to tell her no, because she's so fucking annoying. Hey. So, not a great, actually not great from a supervisor, but since Laura is pretty awful, I will support that. So now it's lunchtime, so cool over, so like, hey, hey, not mom. She's just a starter call. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:18 Like she's right, but Aisha doesn't have to count out of what she wants. It's like, oh, you want fresh lime juice? Don't have to, I'm your boss, squeeze the fucking lime. It doesn't matter if you how to what she wants. Like, oh, you want fresh lime juice? Don't have to. I'm your boss. Squeeze the fucking lime. It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, okay? Do it.
Starting point is 00:58:30 That's what I'm saying. Laura's, Laura's like really terrible. She's really one of those special terrible stews. So, Colors was like, hey, Zarina, how's it going? Ever thought about putting on a wig to look just like Chef Kim? God, it looks good on you. And he tells us that. It's been a really long time since his last relationship
Starting point is 00:58:47 but he usually gets into a summer fling and that's more light-hearted and it's what he wants the only thing his mom will allow him to have so that's where he's at. I'm out when there's no mixed signals even though I did show a Dutch baby porn already. So Susia served and everybody's liking it so far and now they're gonna go snorkeling. So, meanwhile, Luke takes Adam down to the toy closet and he's like, what do I really need from you Adam? Adam, do you want some applesauce?
Starting point is 00:59:18 I've got it on the spoon and it's not a spoon, it's a choo choo. Open up your mouth, your mouth. It's a tunnel. Open your mouth. He's treating him like a total idiot and has him stacking toys in the toy room while he goes up and does the real work with everybody else
Starting point is 00:59:34 because he doesn't want to have to deal with Adam's bullshit. Yeah, I'm like, this is bullshit. This is real bullshit. You know, last chart, it wasn't the smoothest for me, but you don't have to baby me. You know what I mean? Like, that is like the shittiest thing ever. Like, you have, like, you're trying to work hard over here and I'm like doing bullshit. Like, okay, bro, like, thanks. Like, you don't have to baby me. Now, there's someone
Starting point is 00:59:53 have some sumi's for me so I can go out and get that C-Bob. Thanks. So then Margot's talking to the dishwasher and she's like, you know what? I'm gonna run you. No, you know what? No, I'm not gonna. God, should I run you or not? Oh, God, someone else is gonna run you. God, if I don't run you now, someone else is gonna run you. But I don't know if I want to run you yet. Well, God, maybe I should just let them run you. Oh, God. But then, then what am I gonna do? I'm not gonna have a dishwasher to run. What should I do? All right, I'll marry Harry. Glad we had this talk. So the guests go, they snorkel, which is really cool. And then they come back and they're ready to drink some more.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And Luke is blowing up balloons with the stews because there's no helium. So they're using like an air thing to blow up the balloons. And Luke says to Mark, oh, he's like, so, because he's like, so I wasn't 100% down for what happened last night. You know, and he's just, yeah, you know, Laura, she doesn't like to be blown off, you know. And he was like, yeah, like, I didn't expect to be taken out of the hot tub
Starting point is 01:00:50 and taken down to my room either. And I didn't expect the words, you want to go take a shower with me to come out of my mouth. And then as I took a close off, I didn't expect my fingers to actually be able to unzip the back of her bathing suit, bathing suit. So like, I just didn't expect all these things to happen. And she's like, okay, he's a fuck boy for sure. Definitely not
Starting point is 01:01:12 into Luke anymore. I don't think I need to talk to the dishwasher. So, um, Luke's like, yeah, that girl definitely comes on too strong. Oh my God. You did this. You did this, sir. You started this whole thing with your, hey, the second that Harry God, or whoever, who was it, Harry? Harry was talking to, Marco was talking to Harry, and he was like, I'm not getting enough attention.
Starting point is 01:01:37 So he invites, he invites. No, she was talking to Adam, member, because she licked the, she licked the salt off Adam's hand, and then Adam got up, and he's like, oh, come sit over here. Come sit over here because he can't just try and steal one of his subordinates love interest. He has to steal the other subordinates love interest too. It's very Gary.
Starting point is 01:01:56 So he said the reason why was because Margot wasn't giving him enough attention because she was talking to Harry. So it's like all sorts of fucked up. Okay. Well, yeah, so that makes sense too. So either way, he's the one who started it. Yeah. And he's like, oh my God, I can't believe. I got dragged into this whole thing. My pole penis.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Yeah, he's playing this whole card of like, I wasn't expecting last night to happen. As if like, like he was like the victim of this when he was the one who actively told her, let's go into the shower together. Like, he's just playing dumb and lower does come on strong, but he's acting like he was also not coming on strong as well. So now Laura walks right in because everybody just walks right in down each other and every conversation on this show. So she walks in and she goes, oh, what did I miss? Tell me. And she goes, nothing. Oh, yeah, we're talking about you. And we need to, we need you to start cracking other eggs.
Starting point is 01:02:54 She goes, oh, what? What? And he does. Yeah, see how you tell it guys? Just see how far you get around cracking the egg. Oh, so now she's a slut. You're like, please go slut around. So that way you're not only attached to me. She's like, what? He does a bitch, because he doesn't want all of these. What?
Starting point is 01:03:14 This wine fresh skin? I just repeat it, because I know that she is getting a lot of hate on the internet. I love her. I love Laura. I'm 100% team Laura. And fuck this guy. Not only against him, but in a lot of what she's doing.
Starting point is 01:03:31 I'm like, girl, watch your hair. I love it. Go watch your hair for six hours. For whatever reason, I love her. And I like how she's dealing with it. This guy just totally tried to sluts shame her and gaslight her. And instead of crying or anything, she's just like, he doesn't want these. He's fault.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah, I think she's pretty terrible, but I was very impressed with the way she just pivoted. And she just pivoted to Adam. She's like, okay, this was a strikeout. We'll try house number two. Mattens. She's like, I could live under bridge with Adam in Brooklyn. So now we go to Zorvina's like making dinner and Luke is giving Harry instructions for how to do anchor watch and everything.
Starting point is 01:04:16 And the table, the black and gold party looks wonderful, looks great. I mean, Laura is really good at that. And then Margot is like, hey, Aisha, I guess you know, I wake up it's 6.30 in the morning and Laura comes out of Luke's room. Did you know that? And Aisha's like, oh, yes, sorry. I thought you could hear it when I said three stories above. She came out of his room. Margot's like, no, no, it's okay. You know why? Cause I have Harry and I love him. And we made out last night, didn't I tell you?
Starting point is 01:04:49 And then they hug and cheer us. And he's just like, I want it. And she says, well, it was nice. You know, so I think I like him, but I'm not really sure. Cause you know how we were having that talk, me, you and the dishwasher. Well, it might have just been me and the dishwasher.
Starting point is 01:05:03 But remember how we said we couldn't imagine born in him? I still feel that way I think. Yeah. Well then don't go for Harry. Don't try and make yourself want to bone somebody. Seriously. And he's like, oh, well, they would just keep kissing him for a while until you have a giant that says, oh, I feel excited, you know, until the sprinklers turn on or until the season ends. So Adam and Laura are blowing up balloons now and Adam's like, whoa, what are you blowing this shit up? And she says, yeah, I'm just using opportunity to spend time with you. So I said, yes, I will blow up.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And he's like, really? I ain't even on the night shift no more. She's like, oh, really? That's not good. And he's like, well I ain't even on the night shift no more. She's like oh really? That's no good. And he's like well I like saying up with you. With me really to have extra extra name you can add on your Netflix. What sort of bed do you have in house with mother and six six sibling children? And he's like, she's like, I don't do think it was trashy of me kissing Luke after I couldn't get with you.
Starting point is 01:06:10 And he's like, nah, you do what you want. You know it's like kangaroo jack said, you do what you gotta do to avoid the mob, eh? And Lord was like, oh yes, so that didn't change your feeling of me. He's like, nah, like I told everybody, I just wanna be friends with everybody, okay? I'd rather just say that, just be friends.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Okay, we're friends. Your friends with Netflix, I friends with Kiss You. And he's like, nah, nah, nah, nah. You don't kiss friend. And he's like, no. She doesn't really know kiss friend. And he's like, what is this? 20 questions, come on. You know, friend. And it's like, what is this 20 questions? Come on.
Starting point is 01:06:45 You know, when I see Adam being dick, it makes me kind of like, oh, so she's like actually really until like his extreme rejection of her. Yeah, she's like, he is so hard to read. I'm like, I'll bet it. It's hard for him to read as well. It's funny how that works. Yeah, she's like, you are going to be tough cookie.
Starting point is 01:07:06 And he goes, what do you think I'm easy? Nah, I'm playing. Just kidding. I grew up eating tough cookies. That's all we had to eat. So, uh... Rich cookies, we call them. Just for...
Starting point is 01:07:19 Rich cookies. We just stand there and wait. Whatever reason. Right by house. People would just throw their cookies out of the train. Sometimes you'd find them a week or so later. They were always hard cookies. Turns out I would find that later in life. They were just rocks.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Hey, I mean, not have been to college, but I've been to the school hard cookies, all right? Built different Brooklyn. So Zarina's making dinner and she's like, I'm a bit worried about Miss Fassi Potts so over there, Jenae. You know, she's on meal plans, really plain. I'm really concerned that her meal plan is plain. And so she's made Jenae.
Starting point is 01:07:58 It's actually a nice testata with tartar on it. It's actually probably the most elegant thing at the table and she's like, I'm afraid it looks, well, compared to like that tartar was gigantic chunks of tuna. Awesome. Compared to like deep fried jalapeno popper with like French's mustard that she's squeezed
Starting point is 01:08:15 on top of it. That's true. Yeah, when she squeezed a mustard, I was like, oh no. Cause at least put it in like a different squeeze bottle, so it looks like you made something I know like I'm literally squeezing grocery store mustard all over Hall of Hanoi buffers and serving it with a lamb lollipop. I didn't understand what was going on
Starting point is 01:08:35 So honestly, but in comparison a little tostata with some little piced up fish and those were a bigger than die Those those Like that is not good. Those, those were like a good, I was like, that is not good. Yeah, that were, they were, they were, they were giant. I was like, is this a tuna kabomb? You're putting on to a tostada. What is this?
Starting point is 01:08:52 The tuna fall from the ceiling and land on it. So, yeah, she does, she's gonna do jalapeno poppers, lamb chops, and then the tuna tartar for her. And then for the main, she's doing surf and turf, but she's gonna do red snapper for that lady. So, Aisha's like, well, can you dress it up with anything? And she's like, I'm gonna give a flowers.
Starting point is 01:09:15 So, then the guest set for dinner, and one of the guys is like, oh my God, look at this oil container. This is crazy. What is this perfume? And one of the guys is like, that's like a bong. And so they're like, yeah. Hey, you doing now, you doing now.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Oh, you doing now, it's like a bong. It's like foiled, but it's like a bong deck. Oh. It's like, where did they find these guests? My god, are they just? Riverside, California. Are they just giving this shit away for free at this point on the Craigslist?
Starting point is 01:09:49 I think they've run out of guests. I think so. And I'm also concerned that one of them may have actually inhaled some olive oil. So, so they, they're served their food and everything. And so this girl, Karina's like, I don't eat this. And she's like, oh dude. And she's like, would you't eat this. And she goes, oh, you don't. And she's like, would you like one of those tacos?
Starting point is 01:10:07 Which is funny because it's not a taco. Would you like a taco? And so then the other girl is like, yeah, I don't do red meat either. She's like, so then it cuts this already. And she goes, you don't. She goes, you don't. Because the next course is Tomahawk.
Starting point is 01:10:22 So you don't eat that. Now, she doesn't. Yeah, what? I think, why you asking that question? because the next course is Tomahawk. So you don't eat that. No. She doesn't eat that one. I think why you ask that question? The next is going to be a stack of beef, served with a reduced beef sauce, with a firm of beef. So you won't eat that, correct?
Starting point is 01:10:37 You'll love the sliders, we'll prepare for you. It's like lady. And also, I guess this is Serena's mistake, but it's also Aisha's mistake. She's like lady and also I guess this is a serenna's mistake but it's also Aisha's mistake. She's supposed to know their preferences. She's not supposed to be carrying up meat dishes to the vegetarian lady. She should know. Like I knew I felt like we were all there in that in that preferencey meeting. We heard that there were definitely three people who didn't want to have meat you know. Yeah. So're gonna, the next course is going to be a beef slider, but instead of bread since you're all gluten free, it's just gonna be between two layers of other beef and more
Starting point is 01:11:12 beef. Is that you won't eat that? Nooo. So Serena's like, oh my god, I fucked up. I only focused on today. I put blindess on and concentrated on her and getting married today, and I forgot everyone else. What am I meant to do? Fuck this.
Starting point is 01:11:26 I'm really fucked. Do my pregnant. God, I wish she'd fuck me. So and then she doesn't have enough to make another testata. So everyone's eating and then it's just like, we're just giving the peppers. She's giving the peppers. And so it comes out with the jalapeno peppers. But the girls don't want the jalapeno peppers.
Starting point is 01:11:44 I mean, they want like, they're seeing that there's an option for seafood, like a nice little tartar kind of thing. And they don't want the big ass, like, heavy popper filled with cream cheese. So she's like, well, unfortunately, she's used it all up. And like, there's only one does data. Like, there's a pack, you get a pack of 10, they come and packs the 10, but there's only,
Starting point is 01:12:04 she's like, no, he just give you one does data at the store. Yeah, they're cracking up. Like, you get a pack of 10, they come and packs the 10, but there's only, she's like, no, he just give you one to stata at the store. Yeah, they're cracking up. Like, how do you even buy one to stata? You know? And she's like, oh, I hate telling guests now. It makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. So they're kind of like passing the to stata around
Starting point is 01:12:23 to share it but it's Unpro don't get bad. So this one this is an interesting one because you've got a lot of people who can get fired I mean Serena can get fired because this is some bullshit and it's yeah the third charter and then Laura can obviously get fired for just she seems good at her job when she's there But then she leaves early and she is drinking and being drunk on the job, which he could fire for. Then you've got a salty mix-altered tin over there.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Luke, who looks like he has a fit, it looks like he's gonna be the first one to go, because they show him having a fit and not letting the cameras into his room next week. So, so many fireable people. Yeah, I really don't know who's going to get the axe, because I agree. Like a lot of ineptitude happening on this boat. But fun, fun, fun and funny ineptitude.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Lots of like ridiculous things happening. It's fun attitude. Alright, everybody. Well, thank you so much for being with us. We will talk to you later. Don't forget to follow us on Insta and join us next Wednesday for our first Instagram live, so… Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby
Starting point is 01:13:31 Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby Dabby like Allison King. Ashley Saboni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itch-Ols! Aaron McNickolas, she don't miss no trickle-os. She's never scary, it's the Green Ferry.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Jamie, she has no less namey. Alvin Aguila Weber, Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's a little bit loony. Juni, she's always supply-in, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen, the piston, Anderson. You're never alone with Lacey Montellão. Let's give a kisserino to Lysalino.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. Ruhu, Ruhu. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not
Starting point is 01:14:37 harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. It's Kyle Podd Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentacisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Jait No Shrinkin Violet Coochar! We love you guys! podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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