Watch What Crappens - BelowDeck: ‘Below Deck’ Reunion Has a Host of Issues

Episode Date: February 12, 2020

The much anticipated Below Deck reunion commenced last night with Andy Cohen serving as captain, and needless to say, this boat veered way off course. Chief stew Kate wound up in the hot seat... most of the night while the men faced mostly softball questions over the hour. Here's to hoping Andy redeems himself in part two next week... Get tix to our live shows: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens
Starting point is 00:00:35 What Guess what happens when they're so happy? Kids what happens when they're so happy? Oh, when they're so happy? Kids what happens when they're so much that happens? Hello and welcome to WatcherCrap It. It's a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Madelker of the Real House Wares of Kitchen Island.
Starting point is 00:01:01 It's on YouTube. Go check it out. And joining me is the hilarious and wonderful. And just all timetime greatest Ronnie Karam from the Rose Pricks Batch Rose podcast. What's up, Ronnie? Hey, Bane. How you doing today? Good, Sup, bra. Sup, bra. We have a big episode today. We are, we are covering the below deck reunion part one. And then after that, we we're gonna touch on below deck sailing We have a very busy slate these days, so while the below deck reunions going on this week and next We're just gonna attach below deck sailing to that sort of do an overview and then we'll it'll start
Starting point is 00:01:37 It will take over the below deck slot with proper recaps after that but today yeah everyone get to put on your anchor pants because we're talking the reunion and I know I was fired up. I'm assuming you were fired up. I could see that all of Twitter was fired up. So we're gonna have a pretty fiery recap, I feel like. So that's something to look forward to. And speaking of fiery things, you know what's fire you know the most fiery place in the world is Hawaii close Toronto guess what guys we're going to Toronto a lot of people have said When you get to come to Toronto while we are doing it we're going on June 5th Which is the night before our big Boston show at the Wilbur so
Starting point is 00:02:23 If you want to come see us it's gonna be at the opera house where we we're not scheduled to sing any opera, but we can do it if the crowd wants it. Okay, we will do anything for a crowd, but we will be at the opera house in Toronto. Kai, I love Toronto, have fun memories of him there several times. It's so wonderful. Maybe we'll, maybe we'll climb on the outside of the CN Tower. Ronnie, what do you think about that? Sounds good to me. I love climbing. Left towers. Actually, there are like two or three really, really impressive board game shops in Toronto. So you know where I will be before our show. So the Patreon pre-sale is happening right now. If you want to get tickets to Toronto, those tickets go on sale on Friday. But if you are on Patreon, you get access to them right now. If you want to get tickets to Toronto, those tickets go on sale on Friday,
Starting point is 00:03:05 but if you are on Patreon, you get access to them right now. So keep an eye out for that. Also, next week, we're going to Lawrence fucking Kansas and we're going to Omaha, Nebraska. In Kansas, we are going to be recapping real housewives of New Jersey. And in Omaha, we will be recapping some house. That'll be two really fun back to back shows tickets are still available. Go to watch crap is calm to get yours now. You only have about a week left. So don't miss out because who knows when we'll be back. And that's basically that's all the touring news. That's the big touring. Those are the bombshells. bombshell Toronto news for everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Anything you need to add Ronnie anything you need to chill and he needs to talk. I'm ready to talk shit about this reunion. Oh, yeah. I was in a roseprick. So we just recorded that today. It was super fun. Yeah. Um, that season is God.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It's only midway through even though it seems like it's almost over and geez, it was fun. So go check that out. But otherwise, no, I'm ready to rip this shit apart. I was infuriated watching this. Okay. Why were you infuriated? Tell us. Andy, what are you even doing? Okay. You've had such a great, great couple of reunions, few of the reunions I would say, even like you've been doing so well this year. Listen, if you don't watch the show and you don't know what the fuck is going on, get somebody else to do it.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Right. I mean, anybody else, but to not watch the show, and you don't know what the fuck is going on. Get somebody else to do it. Right. I mean, anybody else, but to not watch the show, and I don't know that he does or he doesn't, but it seems like he does not watch the show because he would be a little bit more mortified. I would think and not let these idiots get away with such shitty answers. Man. Yeah. Obviously, you know, I mean, you know, admittedly, there is a part two.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And I think our fingers are crossed that in part two He's gonna really give it to the guys But we saw with Dallas for instance, you know, Leanne I mean the biggest the big the you know, Leanne just steps in it in in over the course of Dallas right over the course The last season towards the last few episodes She just like tears down, you know several years of goodwill that the audience had built towards her and Andy goes after her and in all episodes like everything she says Andy pushes back so we know he's capable of doing it but here he doesn't really go after the guys there is maybe a few moments but he really is just
Starting point is 00:05:23 it's not so much even that he's going, quote unquote, after Kate, but he's like, it's question after question after question after question. Kate even posted on Twitter last night, like, I like how I am drilled for every single, like for every single decision I made is questioned repeatedly, but then there's not even a question about why Kevin didn't kick sand in my face. Like where's that question?
Starting point is 00:05:48 I mean, shouldn't that have come up in the cap? Maybe it was still to come, but it was just. Yeah, I think it's still, I think that part is still to come, but it seemed obvious that he was, look, and I say go after everybody. I say go for Kate, you know, go for her. She's on the show, go for Captain, like go for everybody on the show. But to just, it seems like he came in with the mindset of like, well, Kate's a bitch, she's a bit of a bitch, she's a bitch on, you know, that's her role on the show is to be like, Kate's being a bitch again. And he came in with kind of that mindset without
Starting point is 00:06:18 really knowing what was going on. And it was frustrating just as an audience member to have to sit through this shit and be like, really, like, do you know what, what year this is? How are we still letting the guys get away with every single fucking thing? They got away with every single thing. And then Ashton coming in and trying to question Kate and the captain Lee about their yacht experience in his little smug way. It is smug little way. And Andy sticking smug way. Oh my God. It is smug little way and Andy sticking up for him. Oh my God. I almost I almost I almost lost a TV. Yeah, and the hand.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I mean, I mean, I am just I'm holding out a glimmer of hope that the that the idea is that in the first episode, Andy's going to really focus on Kate and the interior and then in the second episode he's gonna pivot towards the men. But it still felt like the men were giving, it felt like the men were getting softball questions where they could give like an easy apology and make themselves look good. Whereas the women were getting question after question, follow up question, follow up question.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It just felt like it was always when talking about Courtney and Brian, it was Courtney being asked all the questions, which is kind of funny because in certain ways it's like, why don't the women ever get to speak? Why don't the women ever get to speak? And here we're saying that like, oh, doesn't even grill the men. But it felt like it felt like the women had to do much more explaining and the men were just given a lot of softball questions to just sort of where they could apologize and and and say their rehearsed answers. Yeah, I just it felt like he didn't know what the fuck was going on to me It felt like he would ask the questions and the men would give whatever answer he wanted to hear and he was like, okay
Starting point is 00:08:02 I can be found from that next without really being as mortified as he should have been had he actually watch the show. And the guy is does every reunion. I know that he's busy. He does his watch. Like the guy's busy. It's not like he doesn't have anything else to do. But then give that give the reunion to somebody else. Like, I get it. You're busy, but you don't have to be so fucking controlling about every little thing. Let somebody else do it It's not gonna ruin your life if somebody else that well, maybe it will who knows yeah, but I mean They just felt like it felt like he wasn't even she wasn't even making an effort And if you're not gonna make an effort then get the fuck off my TV like this isn't charity, okay? Yeah, I mean sometimes he would make a reference to a scene that made me think okay
Starting point is 00:08:41 Maybe he did watch this but then pardon me would wonder or is that just a producer in his earpiece saying, opening up the scene? You know, I couldn't tell. Yeah, well, okay. So those are the main overarching notes, right? But let's go into the show. He's like, hey, let go, my captain Andy Cohen with a bandaid on my head, because Ron is already throwing a shoe at me. We haven't even started the show.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So yeah, everybody. Yeah, and he wasn't normally for the blow deck reunions. I feel like he wears something sort of yachty. There was a yacht-esque thing, but this time he is not doing that. So it shows also how non-dedicated he is. Undeadicated he is to this show anymore. So Andy's like, hi, hi, Kathleen Lee, hi, hi, Kate, kind of looking like a New York housewife tonight.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Just kind of feeling like one. Hi, hi, hi. Yeah, then he starts his old school. Hi, hi, I have to. Hi, other guy, hi, other guy, hi, hi, hi. Just fucking get through it. My God, you have nothing to say to anybody to just start the show. I know. And then there was this light. So before the first montage that we saw
Starting point is 00:09:54 was of the guests and Andy teed it up by saying, the guests came from all over, but they were totally fluent in nuttiness. I'm like, oh, this is... You look crazy, guess what I'm saying? It's like, oh god, this guy is like so bored, okay? Just give him a lollipop. This is what happens when you hand over the reunion questions or the reunion production to watch what happens live you get these terrible, terrible cyclists. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So the first question. So Captain Lee just ate Facebook. And she said after some bone was sexually harassed by that loser on the boat, does your industry have any rules in the place to protect women? Cause it seems lollies. It seems lollies. He says that on every episode of what happens where they have somebody from below deck on. He's like, Sam's flawless. I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:47 Lollys. I just think it's funny that he's asking his questions when's the same TV show where he like sits down, you know, like Hillary Clinton and says, okay, who's crouched you like the most? Tander from below deck or hell, but cool. Yeah, Lollys, like the the West. Hey, guess what? Your human resources, Bravo. Okay. So we're your fucking rules. Yeah. Exactly. So then the captain's like, well, you got to know something to do about it. You got to know what's happening to do something about it and keep me what happened. And she moved her off of service. And that was the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And some months like, yeah, money talks, you know, she's like normally you don't talk to the person involved, but Kate made the right move. Gee. She made the right move them. Gee. Move M G. Yeah, I wasn't sure. At first, I thought Simone was going to be was like attacking like Kate and Captain Lee. And then it turns out that she was supporting them. I was very confused. So Andy is like, so did you consider saying anything to that pervy dude? Did you and
Starting point is 00:11:50 he's like, no, I've seen worse. I mean, I'm not saying she should be subjected to it, but I know I could handle it. Just another douchebag from Florida, if you know what I'm saying. Right everyone? Right. I mean, but at the end of the day at least he didn't kick Santa in a row. So that was nice. I'm an ideal with worse my own crew So this cup is nothing He didn't try to jam his tongue down my throat two times than punch a window. Oh, yeah no shit So then and the way that the chef spoke to the other chef chef to chef chef to chef justine
Starting point is 00:12:21 Kevin and the captain says you know, he could have pulled it better Jeff Justin, Kevin. And the captain says, you know, he could have ruled it better. Obviously, and the chef just standing up for himself. He's like, well, yeah, Justin comes into the kitchen to waste. Just think comes into the kitchen the way she did. And it was, you know, it was the intro.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And she said she'd keep her eye on me right at the beginning Andy. And I'm not going to put up with that. Yeah, he's a, I'm not going to sit there and take it, to be honest. And Riley, Riley by the way, should have hosted this reunion because she was the only one who was coming up with that. Yeah, he's not gonna sit there and take it to be honest. And Riley, Riley by the way should have hosted this reunion because she was the only one who's coming up with good follow-up questions. Okay, she goes, well, shouldn't all guests be pleased? And he's like,
Starting point is 00:12:54 she was telling me to step up my game, which I don't really need. I'm employed by the boat, and I know what I can do, and I'm going to be comforted in what I can put out. And so if Kate's like, oh yeah, it's annoying when someone tells you to step up their game, that's really not their place to do so, huh? Huh? Huh? And then Andy, he goes, why is that what he was doing to you? That's, yeah, that's where it's like, are you watching this show Andy? I'm watching this show. It's so obvious he doesn't watch it. And she's like, um, yeah, all season he did that to me. And Andy goes, well, moving on. So it's the job of stews to keep tidy, but boy, where are they, Matthews?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Oh my god, Andy. Okay, there's your first fail. Yeah, No, they does not press Kevin on why it was so obnoxious for him to treat Justine that way. No, that he never talked about how Kevin would say that like the worst things about people behind their back and then was always nice to them to their face. That does not get approached, not in this segment or later on in the Kevin segments or going to Taddle Tail on Kate first when that whole thing started and coming on the boat and
Starting point is 00:13:58 having it out for her from the very beginning. Now I'm not saying Kate's perfect. It never does anything wrong, but she hadn't to him at the beginning. He came on the boat like she's, she's miserable. She sucks in everything. Yeah. But of course, Andy's just like, whatever. Let's tell you about messiness. Yeah. So then we get a montage. I just want to say by the way, this is, this is kind of jumping ahead. But I also want to say that as of right now, the only grilling we really seem to have gotten about, we seem to get about Kevin is about the fucking dickcake, which is one incident that happened at the end of the season, and that's really all that Andy goes in on Kevin about probably because there's a giant dildo on a, you know, edible dildo involved. That's the only reason why Andy's involved.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Well, he's not even, he's not even grilling him. He's grilling cake. Yeah. That's theited. Well, he's not even, he's not even grilling him. He's grilling Kate. Yeah. That's a thing. Oh, good. So, okay, so we get a montage of some of not knowing how to do shit, not knowing how to do shit.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Okay, not even able to open a fucking bottle of wine for me. Ice coffee. I lied to get my first job waiting tables when I was 18 in New York. I don't know what the fuck I was doing. I lied. Okay, and I look like a goddamn idiot in front of a table of queens trying to pretend I
Starting point is 00:15:08 knew how to open a bottle of wine. Like I get it. But I got fired because it's not their job to fucking train me. You know, so I lied and I got into another job until I learned how to do it. So I get the, I get the theory of lying and faking it till you make it because eventually you do learn. But to come in and start yelling at somebody for not teaching you, well you're the seconds to and supposed to know all this shit is hilarious. You know, that's like one of the pillars of anti-millennial criticism is that millennials are always just like, but I need to learn or they need to like, what about me and my feeling in this?
Starting point is 00:15:44 I feel like I wasn't being heard, not like, there was a job to be done. And I actually don't really subscribe to that because I feel like a lot of like anti-millennial stuff is just people who are bitter about their own state in life. But in this case, you know, Simone was doing a pretty good job of making a bunch of anti-millennials, really feel confident about their views
Starting point is 00:16:03 because she was acting like this stereotypical millennial like but what about me I felt like it wasn't a place I you know I did I came here to learn and you weren't teaching me it's like Simone that's not what this is about it's about like servicing the guests yes and she's like coming out swinging ready to fight you know and Simone like Simone's such a goof I like'm like, you'd like Simone. Like, how can you not like I really like Simone actually, but she was this whole section with so obnoxious, but I'm glad that she at least said it so well, like exactly what she was feeling so that they could all shoot her down. I'm really like, no, because he said, well, this isn't a training camp, Andy. And when you sign on, we trust that you got the
Starting point is 00:16:43 skills that you say you had. And she's like, um, actually, no, I don't agree with that because, you know, in yawning, they don't say it's not a training boat. They treat you, they teach you because a lot of instances people come on green. And also, they're, you know, these two are even on Twitter saying that I lied on my CV.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And I explained it very clearly that I had experience in laundry, cooking, and like cleaning. And that's it. It's like, well then why are you mad that you were cooking, you were cleaning. I know, that's what we've been saying. And to be laundry, you fucking twit. Come on.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And I think the other thing is that like, there's nothing wrong with being green. Everyone's gonna start somewhere with whatever job that they do. But where people get annoyed is that you are Seconds to and second stew is you're supposed to have a certain degree of experience. I mean even on below deck Yawding or something below deck yawding blood exhaling basically that then
Starting point is 00:17:39 What's the name of the middle girl the second stew on that one? She essentially says, you know Being second stew is that you have all the responsibilities of the middle girl the second stew on that one she essentially says you know being second stew is that you have all the Responsibilities of the first two you got to train the girl below you but you have to do all the bitch work, you know, and that's you know And if so if you don't have that if you don't if I kind of feel like me as a non-yati if you can't do service and you're a second stew I feel like It would be understandable for my boss to be angry about that Yes, yeah, like if you can't open up a bottle if you can't make this kind of bottle you can't cut a lime like it would be understandable for my boss to be angry about that. Yes. Yeah. Like if you can't open up a bottle, if you can't make a bottle, you can't cut a
Starting point is 00:18:09 lime. You know what I mean? I can't get a lot. Come on. So they kind of get into it. And Kate's like, yeah, but dinner service is not laundry, which is on your CV and what you did was amazing. No, Kate comes in about high voice. Like it's a reunion.
Starting point is 00:18:26 So I'm just going to get myself out of this everything by just being nice. And she's like, it's amazing. It's moments like I understand that. But if what I do is amazing, why do I have to do turn downs and kids like, because it's a job that needs to be done. But why don't you treat me as an equal? Well, because her service skills were stronger than yours.
Starting point is 00:18:44 So how am I supposed to get stronger if you don't give me an opportunity to improve then it's like it is not Kate's Responsibility to make you stronger. She probably would like it But you know there's like the there are more pressing demands and so then Andy So then the question then gets turned to Courtney like this Courtney feel like Kate was tougher on Simone basically was their preferential treatment and the Courtney finally has the clear answer she says I understand why Simone feels the way she does But she has to accommodate the guests before Kate has to accommodate the guests before she accommodates what we want
Starting point is 00:19:16 Like duh. Hello. Yeah, and then the captain goes everyone who gets on this boat has to check their God damn me go on the God damn doc. And asked him, like, Oh, interesting points, interesting points. Oh, really? What are they? Would you, do you have anything to fucking say, Ashton? And then Riley's like, you got a problem with that. And he goes, well, why did you say that? And he goes, Oh, no, I'm just agreeing that it's an interesting point. Now fuck you, you little fucking pussy. If you got something to say, then say what you're gonna say. You know, don't just sit over there like clearing your throat. What are you implying, right?
Starting point is 00:19:50 Check your ego with the goddamn. I think he was, I'm assuming the action was, was directing his passive aggression towards Riley, perhaps I'm not sure, but when Riley says, oh, you're gonna stop with that. You're gonna stop with that, meaning like you're not gonna elaborate. I was, I started to laugh because it just reminded me of Game of Thrones when the
Starting point is 00:20:06 little baby dragons first appear and they're like, maybe little little fireballs like a you know and you're like, ooh someday that dragon is going to grow up and just destroy cities and that's what I feel like Riley's going to be by the end of this reunion a big grown-up dragon mowing down cities. Yeah, so, that shouldn't just like, what's he's out there? He's like, Oh, well, I agree. You know, I'm just think it's an interesting point in the captain's like, uh, yeah, it needs to be checked at the dock. You didn't get hired to talk back to the guest or make them feel bad. You get hired to make this the most memorable experience of their lives. Hold on, I'm
Starting point is 00:20:40 gonna show you how to do it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Hold on, I'm going to show you how to do it. Wait for it. Wait for it. I'm going to make every time. Come on, shoes. Here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on.
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Starting point is 00:21:57 Kristy Wavardy-Dowardy! Nobody sucks it to us like Amy Sokcarellis. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Let's run some errands with Emily Aron. You're the Wyndham beneath our wings. Joe Wyndham.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan letters. Aaron McNickalus, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go high-low. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the bird! Ain't no thing like Allison King. He makes us squee-y, Ritchie-D. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Hannah, God, I love that banana. Anderson! Higher than Iris, it's Lauren Perez. Avonigilo Weber! One day your Rachel's in. And the next day, you're out. The Bay Area Betches, Betches, and our super premium Patreon subscribers. Let's take off with Tamala Plane!
Starting point is 00:22:51 Oops, she did it again, it's Brittany Montana. Lisa Wallint. Now that's what I call Wall Entertainment. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Always ready for Nicole Passa Ready. Better than Tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Lordus, the Lordus of the Rings. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. We like her more than a smidge, it's Annie and Julie Lordus the Lordus of the Rings we're taking the gold with Brenda Silva We like her more than a smidge its Kelly cartlids. She's not just a she-la she's a Daniella etch old
Starting point is 00:23:12 She ain't no shrinking violet kuchar. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender Yes, we can with howley Carolyn and Anne. Yes, we should with Carrie Bridgewood Nancy Cic C. C. C. C. Sto. Simple as rocket science. It's Dana Ease. How they grant the grant master? Somebody get us 10 C. C. C.s. of Betsy MD. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Incredible, edible Matthews sisters. And... Mina Kuchi Kuchi Kuchi. So meanwhile I just want to point out that we're now going on to like these six follow-up question about this Caitin Simone thing and the Caitin Simone issues I feel like we're actually not a major through line for the season. There was sort of Simone story but it was not a major point of drama. It was not they never had any major fights. It was a thing. But then it's like Andy goes on and on and we go into this for like pretty much a whole other segment. And this is where we get
Starting point is 00:24:11 action coming in to ask questions. So just want to just I'm mentioning this because I think it's important to see how much time is put on to this situation versus Kevin, for instance, versus blatant assault. Yeah. Okay. So then Andy's like, well, okay, if someone's here and willing is a manager, shouldn't you capitalize on them wanting to learn? She's like, I did. You know, to pretend like she didn't teach her anything this whole time.
Starting point is 00:24:38 She's like, look, I tried to do as much as I could. You know, here's some follow up questions. Can you open wine now? Yes, you can. Do you know what a lime is? Yes, you do. Okay, you're welcome, you know? I work for tips.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Feel free to send me anything. She's like, you know, she's like, you know, there's just like a lot of laundry and someone has to do it and she loves doing it and she's great at it. So there's that. And then Andy asks Kate, do you feel, do you feel it but critical for
Starting point is 00:25:05 admonishing Simone for speaking to someone outside your department yet you did the same with Riley when you told her what a action said. And she basically is like, well, I, I think that what Ashenship was, was, uh, he was at fault and perhaps it was hypocritical, but I could already tell there's a lot of animosity coming from the deck crew and I felt like I had you down there portraying the interior so I guess Kate's answer is that with Riley she was giving Riley a heads up that everyone was working against her and in the case of Simone Yes, it's hypocritical, but it was that there was already
Starting point is 00:25:40 K was already dealing with these toxic men and Simone was just contributing to it. So which is why she said that I'm assuming that was the takeaway from that. Yeah, I didn't know that I would necessarily agree with that. She shouldn't have gone to repeat shit that she heard. Ashton talking to the captain about I don't think I don't think she was really right on. Yeah, I think great. She's definitely sticking to her guns on that one. And she's like, well, look, you know what, Simone, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:26:06 but anytime you thought I was being mean to you, I was just stressed out and it wasn't intentional. I was just further good at the boat. And Riley's like, oh my god, do you really think she was evil? And some months like, well, some of the stuff was said in the heat of the moment because it was based, it was based on stuff not that you said, but stuff that you would do. And he's like, yeah, I was given the stripes and the stripes to Courtney right in front of Simone
Starting point is 00:26:28 Cool. Right. Well, and that's like, that was a moment where I thought, well, maybe he does watch it because that was a sort of a specific moment that he brought up, you know, I think they showed the clips on the, yeah, or maybe a lot of it. He knows it happened. Yeah, or a lot, he knows it happened because he does the interviews on what happens live too, you know. Yeah. Um, so someone's like, yeah, and telling the guys I was crying because I wasn't on service, uh, you were crying because you were not
Starting point is 00:26:54 so you were. That was actually what happened. And then she says on the stripes, like she's trying to get a reaction out of me. Yeah, that was bitchy too. Kate. That was a bitchy tone. Obviously. And Kate was, Kate tries to spin it. I love when Kate tries to spin things because again that high voice comes actually. No, no, I was just trying to show that like, you know, I mean, first of all, whatever decisions I made were, were good for the boat, good for the boat and not personal at all. And that was a show that you're equally deserving to be doing service. So you both have stripes.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So that way there's two people who could possibly do service. And you could be on laundry because you don't know how to open up a bottle. Did I mention that Andy? She doesn't know how to open up a bottle, but she expects to be treated like a second stew. Yeah. And so most like, well, then, you know, we're not equal because if she's on service, but then we both have to do turn turns and Kate's like, turn down to have to be done and Courtney is stronger serving the end. And she's like, but down, have to be done and Courtney is stronger serving the end. And she's like, but then you know, giving me the same opportunities because you don't have
Starting point is 00:27:49 the same skill set. Dolly. Yeah. So this is where Kate gives the answer. I think very clearly that needed to be said. She's like, go work on a private boat. I think you should take a class and for it, Lauderdale to learn where they have time to teach you. Practice opening a bottle of wine.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It was sarcastic, but it's also literally true. Go get trained. Everybody else who has to work on this boat. Everybody goes through the training in Fort Lauderdale to get on this boat. Pretty much everybody goes through it. Seriously, we're talking about opportunities. stop talking about all this opportunity nonsense. Okay, you don't come on the boat. You don't come on the boat to learn service as a second's due. As a second due, you should pretty much know pretty much all service. I feel like, and then you start, this is what you start to like refine your skills, but she like didn't know how to, she improved, she for sure improved over the season, and she seems
Starting point is 00:28:44 very smart for real, very smart. But you know improved over the season and she seems very smart for real very smart but you know in the beginning she was like messing up she had she was flustered didn't know how to open a bottle didn't know how to slice a line didn't know how to serve ice make ice coffee among no how to carry a tray did not know how to carry a tray yeah so yeah it's not Kate it's not Kate's application Or maybe what you should do is on your day off, and maybe we didn't see this on your day off, pull Kate aside and say, hey, we have a little bit of time off. Can you can, can we go over some fundamentals, but it looked like we saw Kate trying to teach Simone things, right? And at first, Kate seemed pretty upbeat about it and then she started to get exhausted by it.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah, Simone would have a better argument if she left all that shit out of it. Like I deserved to be moved up or I deserved to just automatically be on service just because I wanted to be even though I didn't know what I was doing. If she had just stuck to like, you were a bitch to me. You were like, obviously trying to upset me
Starting point is 00:29:43 by giving this other girl stripes. You were a bitch about the Tanner. All that stuff she would have an argument. But relying on like you didn't advance me in a job. I have no idea how to do and I should know how to do it because of you makes no sense. Yeah. I agree. So next tip oriented. Next up is another. It's just a small turn. And he's like, so Captain Lee, do you think it's fair that Kate picks one cast member every season to bully the tears? Yeah, Captain Lee's like, I don't know who she bullied to tears. And I think we're talking about Simone. Kegos classic.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah. Audrey is not bullying. I mean, when I was a child, I felt like it was bullying, but yeah. No. Not just not bullying. Oh, God. And someone's like, no, it's just like the little things you said at me, like the little comments you make, you know, like why are you, why are you tired?
Starting point is 00:30:37 What are you tired from the third stew roll? Oh, like, okay. But Kate, sometimes I mean, again, Kate has one of these bullshit answers. She's like, no, I just, I thought you weren't engaging with the rest of the group. That's all. No. And then I love that Andy is like here to call people on the, um, the roles of the patriarchy and it's like here to call everybody out, but it's the opposite way
Starting point is 00:31:05 that you think it's going to go. So, asking gotten trouble for how he spoke to Riley, if that was flipped around, do you think you would get away with more Kate because you're a woman? I know. You're fucking idiot. Really? Well, she didn't try to fuck some own. So already she's doing better than Mashed and did yeah, seriously trying to fuck everybody that works for him. That's exactly right like with Abby, etc So kids like well, you know if you look at the boasts, you know because their males they get away with saying curse words like You guys have to suck or you need to get together or things I would never say I you know, I get I get I get called a belief for saying, I'm going to need you in Laundry yet or you're not the greatest seconds, too. I never use curse words.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I need them to get their work done. And to that end, when they've had deck hands, you don't know what the fuck they're doing, they're fired immediately. They're not given, so it's not really the same. Yeah, I mean, I agree. I don't really remember Ashton cursing at his crew, but I do agree that I think that a boasting who comes down harder on his death crew, there's a male, I tend to think that in terms of language, he would be able to get away with more than Kate saying
Starting point is 00:32:24 to Simone, you're just not the greatest seconds to, you know. It's just ridiculous to me that he can say, do you think you get away with more because you're a woman when you're really talking about this guy who's like been trying to fuck Abby, his underling the whole time she was on the show. It's like the level of sense that's even going into these questions. Yeah. It's ridiculous. So the man is like, so Abby, how well that's even going into these questions. Yeah, that's ridiculous. So the man is like, so happy, how was that?
Starting point is 00:32:48 The man is a boss and she's like, oh, we had a call to me there as far as I mean, I don't really know. I mean, I can't speak about the stuff that happened after because I wasn't there yet. So I don't know, leave me out of it, right? And it comes to Riley and her face is like, I will eat you. I will tear you apart and eat you for brunch and lunch and dinner at a midnight snack. So you better shut the fuck up bitch. The last thing how do you feel about how you treat your employees versus that kid?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Trees, hairs. And he's like, well, I don't think that anyone on my team feels that I'll swore with them Andy. And Riley's like, I was on your team. Remember, I was there, but you like it or not. And I do feel that he spoke to me very condescendingly. He's like, well, I would never blame you think it's someone's tool trying to get them off the yacht. Andy. Yeah. Before you fucked them, before you tried to fuck them at first. And also Caroline wasn't an employee at that point. She
Starting point is 00:33:40 had already quit and then just decided she was going gonna stay on the fucking boat as long as she wanted to so yeah don't forget that Caroline day of well she gave she put in her she put in her her like two-day warning or whatever and then she decided that she was not gonna come to work and then they're like okay well then you have to leave and then she wouldn't leave and then she was there for a long time and they're like you gotta leave you gotta leave and finally like fuck this bitch we're gonna blast music and then she starts to cry because she's fragile. Yeah, maybe not the most professional moment in Kate's career, but also not really like, I don't think it's a Nadia like, you know, maybe trying to make out,
Starting point is 00:34:16 like being a boasting and trying to make out with the chiefs to a second time after she told you no. You know? Well, also, and all our opinions are on record from that last season, but that was last season. Like, you're having to, like, go to an entirely different season to get something asked in.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Okay. Also, when Andy says to ask, what do you think about the way you treat your employees versus the way Kate treats hers? There is, it feels to me like an inherent bias in that question. It's almost giving at like to say that versus what he said to Kate, which is, well, Ashton got a lot of shit, but if you turn it around the other way, do you think that maybe this growth area is for you? It's sort of the same question,
Starting point is 00:34:57 but Kate's question is critical of Kate, whereas Ashton's is not critical of asthian, and it's almost, it opens the door for being critical of Kate, if you know what I'm saying. So they're just like an inherent, the framing of two very, very similar questions with one being much more critical or, or, or, I don't know the words, I'm not being articulate because I watched too much brawl though. But you know what I'm saying? To me, there was like an inherent bias
Starting point is 00:35:29 in those two questions. Sexism straight up. Yeah. No. Okay. I'll make it shorter. It's just blatant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 And Andy's ashes, like, well, you know, I don't, my watch is going crazy. Is there an ampere alert? There was ashes. It was like, boom, boom, boom. So this is like, oh gee, is that I don't my watch is going crazy. Is there an amper alert? Uh, as she was like, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. Like, oh, gee, that means there's an amper alert. Is this max? Is this max? Is this max? Is this max?
Starting point is 00:35:52 I'm having a heart attack or something. Okay. So ashton's like, uh, blah, blah, blah. He has a thing with with Riley. And then he's like, well, okay, the way that you treated me was I'm very professional. And she's like, oh, are you serious? You don't think I treat you very professionally? Oh, okay. And he's like, well, I'm not going to go to Fetac with you.
Starting point is 00:36:13 That's my opinion. And I'll relieve it at that. And she's like, oh, I'll take that into consideration. I know. Thanks. I know. So then, Catherine, it's like, Ashton, Do you really think that in your limited experience? You're in a position to judge somebody that has much more experience and he's like I asked them to I asked them to
Starting point is 00:36:31 Which is exactly the thing we knew was gonna happen with Andy on this reunion We said it called it we called it because we said in every reunion Andy always defends like the straight dude whether it's whether it's Michael on Potomac or the husbands on maritim Medicine whatever Andy's always like no, I I asked him to I asked him to Yep every single time So let him speak he hasn't got a chance to speak yet Okay, it's like well here's the answer when you reach I rating in a speedo I had already earned my way of chiefs to and this was before the show and he's like oh and we ended you last week on a yacht in the real world
Starting point is 00:37:07 And she's like four years ago and he goes and she you captain Lee and then everyone's jaws just dropped like wow You're gonna question the captain now and he doesn't flinched all he's like for the for the last 35 years He's between last when last um last um, last year, so last year you did food charges and it's no, not full charters. I did Alaska two years ago. And kids like, and you and you, Ashton, and you. Well, what's the, what's the allegation here? You're just TV people like you're not even, you don't even really work on boats. You're just TV people. I think they actually had their jobs before they got on TV, unlike you who was fucking handed your job
Starting point is 00:37:47 because you got in an accident and you got the goodwill of having an accident last year. That is why you fucking got your job on TV. So who the fuck are you throwing stones at? Well, I think the reason why he's saying that is because Captain Lisa, Ash and do you really think that in your limited experience, you're in a position to judge somebody?
Starting point is 00:38:04 That's why. And he's basically trying to say like Experience, by the way years 35 years of experience. Wow Wind last oh What if it was six years ago would that make it any less? Experience he's still older and more experienced than you you fucking jackass I know and you know by the way and when captain Lee said do you think in your. I know. And, you know, by the way, and when Captain Lee said,
Starting point is 00:38:26 do you think in your limited experience, you're in a position to judge somebody? And then Andy's like, I asked him to, I think that Captain Lee's point was that Ash should have said, you know what, I'm really not in a position to judge because I handle my, the way, I said, it's a department that I don't handle.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So I do my thing my way, she does think her way, and you know what, as long as we got our tips, that's what he probably should have said, right? Yeah. So that's why when Andy says I asked him to, but I asked him to, it's like, it doesn't matter what you asked him to, it's just how he responded. The question though was, how do you feel about how you treat your employees versus Kate? It was it, how did Kate treat you? Which is, his answer is the, I don't think that she treated me very professionally. Well, yeah, that's not the answer to the question anyway, you jackass. So no, you weren't just asking him that question. He's just taking it wherever he wants to.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Exactly. And like he could have very easily said, I don't think I curse at my employees and I don't whatever. And, you know, and the way he handles hers is not in my business. And the way K handles hers is not in my business. Yeah, so a stripper going after a captain, pretty funny, pretty funny stuff. Yeah. So, so, so what about you? What about you, Ashton? What's the last book you worked on? And he's like, I've done four seasons and check, oh, really? Well, who's about are you working on right now, Ashton?
Starting point is 00:39:40 And then she starts kind of laughing with Riley. Yeah. And Ashton's like, I gave my opinion, I said, you can treat people better. And that was my observation. And if you think I'm not qualified enough to make that opinion, that's fine. Like, okay, then I'm, I'm, I'm sure think you're not. Yeah, you're not. I stopped quoting like Tamara Barney shit to get out of stupid housewise fights. You dumbass. Right. So she's like, well, you got to ask us
Starting point is 00:40:03 questions. And now we're asking you. And Asht she's like, well, you got to ask us a question. So now we're asking you and Asked him. Like, well, I got to question and I answered it. Just and then you asked us questions because He's just gonna try and make up his own fucking truth like he does every time. Like he didn't just ask two questions Like you did yeah, just ask like Sever not just to he asked like two or three questions that were very fresh and now all of a sudden He's like you can't ask me a question. I was just saying my opinion. I was like, no, you ask questions. And now we're asking you a question.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Yeah. So she's like, where do you work? And he goes, well, are you referring to Riley Street about me working on my girlfriend's yacht? And Bradley goes, actually, it's his girlfriend's best friend. Well, ex-best friend's boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:40:42 So, and Ashley goes, okay. So, and Kate goes, yeah, I wouldn't call that a real industry job there. His ties are that he's fucking someone, Andy. Then Andy, of course, goes, well, he's still working on the yacht. That's the point, guys. Well, why don't you, Andy, why don't you pipe up? Why don't you pipe up with that? When Asher said that to Captain Lee, on on decay? Where were you? Where were you five seconds go Andy? Yeah, and how is that count as an industry job? You're not even paying attention to the questions. You have totally lost control of this entire fucking thing dude
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, no and so much enough the problem And he has a crush on Ashen. I'm not working on my girlfriend. Oh my girlfriend's best friends yacht So that's what and so what they're saying is untrue If they're going to carry on with this defamation of character, there's going to be an issue unless they could bring me all the evidence that I'm working my girlfriend's yacht. And I'm like defamation of character like, oh did you hear about Ashton? He's a great guy. I don't know. I heard he works on his girlfriend or possibly his ex-girlfriends yacht. Oh never mind.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh yeah, you're about to be a millionaire-ashton. And Andy goes, well, the point guys, is that Ashton's working on a yacht. It's like, what the fuck are you even taking sides in this for? Yeah, this is of all the things that take sides and not this stupid argument. Yes, if you had taken no sides, then it would be okay. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:02 If it's like you're just like playing devil's advocate, but you're just actually taking sides now and you're an idiot. You don't even know what you're talking about. Yeah, he's taking sides for a guy who's barely spoken all over Union. Meanwhile, Kate has been in the hot seat since the show began and like there's not even like an assist on his part. You know, like if his mindset was, well, you know, he's got three people coming at him, you know, If his mindset was, well, you know, he's got three people coming at him, you know, then that's why I stepped in. Well, then that's bullshit because Kate has been on the hot. And this is not even me saying this as a Kate Apologist or anything.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I'm just saying it's like, she's been on the hot seat all reunion so far. And you didn't feel any sort of empathy enough to jump in and sort of clarify something when she was getting into hot water. Yeah, he's a jackass. So he moved onto the chef next, right? Well, he left a bad taste in somebody's mouth. And then it's Kevin just being like, with Kate, this is like his first episode. How fucking embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Like where is she? And then we get him forgetting the captain's dish. And then you want to sit with that in this in this crackery. Yeah, we do. I mean, I mean, are we circling back? Because next week because there was so much in that Kevin montage, that whole moment where he was pissed at the captain because captain Lee rubbermaned him for being a cocky asshole and not serving like all that shit.
Starting point is 00:43:22 You know, none of it was really, none of it was really broached, except for the penis cake. The penis cake. Oh, God. Of course, it comes down to a big dick. That's like what we come down to. So I love that this, that this is how it that ended. And we didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And he's like, Well, we had the primary on what it happens. And she said that had you explained what the cake was all about? It would have gone over really well. I just didn't know what you were doing. So it's so funny that he brings out this cake and says where the fuck is the primary, which is from his own mouth. And then he stomps off mad and stays furious. Like, yes, really? Are you
Starting point is 00:43:57 that inept at your fucking job? Just stay in the kitchen. I know. I mean, even Adam would come out there. I think actually even Chef Mila. Well, Chef Mila would have been like, you want penis cake? These is penis cake. You want a penis cake. You like penis cake. Of course, her penis cake would just be a stack of Fritos. But you know, I will only make penis cake.
Starting point is 00:44:17 If I'm short, it will never touch other penis. So it's just a big picture. It's just a big, you know, statue of Putin. Well, that still counts as a penis cake. So Kevin is like, to be honest, all I didn't think I needed to explain the cake. It was a pretty bold thing. And everyone sort of laughs politely. And then Riley, this is like the, the, the sweetest Riley has been all season. She goes, I loved the cake. She's like, I really love the cake.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I could not have enough for that cake. I got to love the cake. I love the fake. I want more cake. I want more cake now. I want more penis cake now. Got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And even Kate was like, no, it was just an amazing cake. Props to you. That was a fantastic cake. Great work. So he's like, uh, so Kevin, you know, some people are saying that you could have worked with the crew instead of against them. Do you think you're above them? And he's like, no, no, I don't think that.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And I just want to share with people, indeed. It's all I've ever said. I just want to share with people. He's like, good. And man, is there any follow-up question from Andy Cohen? Be like, well, you say that, but then you said this and this and this. And what about this time that you did that?
Starting point is 00:45:25 How could you say you want to deal with people, but then you go into how to look captainly? How about the time that you took over Kate's job and micromanaged dinner and made the whole crew come in there and went to the beach picnic? Did Andy ask any of those questions? No. Yeah. And so then Andy asked the captain to rate him on a scale of one to ten and he's like, I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 00:45:44 You know, when he's good, he's good. And if he did that every time, he'd be great, but he'd let his emotions get the better of him and get a case of the f**k it. And then he asked Kate, what she thinks and Kate says, it gives a nice answer. She's like, actually, I think you're a wonderful chef. You have the best crew meals, you have the best guest meals. You're one of the best chefs I've worked with actually. And Kevin's just like, that thing worries that kind of smiling and just looking around stupidly. Like, yeah. He keeps thinking that Kate's going to give him something to actually work with and fight about,
Starting point is 00:46:15 but she doesn't. Does that mean I get to toy, Dutty? Does that mean I get to toy, Dutty? So Andy's like, all right, chef, do you see patterns that you maybe set up that led to you and Kate not getting along? And he's like, well, again, what a softball way of asking that question. What a softball way. He's like, well, I came in hall Andy. And I, you know, I didn't have time to see how that would all go. You just say, I'm going to be on TV. I'm doing it in that set. I came in hall. That's it. And again, no real thought. He just sort of says something generic.
Starting point is 00:46:45 No, no major follow up. Yeah. So what's next? So Andy goes, well, what's the core of the, what was the core of the issue? And Kate is the one who actually bailed out of Kevin. She goes, you know, he came off a private boat and you know, I'm used to this program. And you know, it's just hard for him because, you know, he's an asshole who has daddy issues and I'm just excellent at what I do. So that's hard.
Starting point is 00:47:07 So then the captain asked Kate. He's like, so Kate, we're giving you about five minutes off. So what is it about Kevin that pushed you to sabotage his penis cake the crew. No one sabotaged his dick cake. Okay. I still do not get what the big drama over this is. Yeah. Who cares? It was no big deal. And we just found out from Andy's own mouth that if Kevin had just said what the cake even was, explained what it was, everybody would have loved it and been fine with it.
Starting point is 00:47:41 So why are you asking get like that? Yeah. And she goes, well, in my experience, peanut shaped items have gone over very well. He goes, yeah, but you always make him to get back at guests. And she goes, oh, yeah, always. I did it once, always Andy, right, once.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And honestly, I didn't know they were even talking about charity and children. You know, he were just so proud of a glorious masterpiece and it was magnificent. And he's like, but you did say on the show You did it to get it back and say well, he was fishy and he called me dick and so I did it, you know Go ahead. I was annoyed. That's why yeah She basically is like and by the way again, no, there's like three-fault questions pressing Kate on this and she's
Starting point is 00:48:19 She basically says you know what whenever we're in the kitchen He's always like is a time is a time is a time is now good time is now a good time now a bad time now a good time And she said that my revenge was asking be like you know what fuck it sure go out to it now like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna check them just see what see what happens, you know I mean it's like so you went to bed No, you went you knew that the you knew that the Client had gone to bed and you knew the timing was bad. She goes no, no I didn't know the client was going to bed, but I didn't know the timing was bad. So she's like
Starting point is 00:48:47 copying the half of it, but she's like, no, it's not trying to make it worse. But I was also like, but it's like what she said on the show and we said, well, they just not, well, they're just not concerned with the cake because Jamel went to bed. Yeah, you're just not going to serve dessert. Yeah. Uh, so Andy goes, but then you serve the cake without you served the cake knowing that the guests have gone to bed. Why'd you do that? Okay, are you even here? Are you even here? You've already asked that asked an answer an objection. Yeah. Hi. And then she finds like, you know what? I was mad. And he called me a dick earlier. And he wasn't respected. My role are
Starting point is 00:49:20 importance. And then he doesn't, Andy doesn't say, well, why did you call her a dick? Or was it right you call her a dick? Or was it right to call her a dick? Because she picked up a piece of crockery, a Pyrex. Like he doesn't ask that question. He then turns to Kevin and goes, so how pissed were you at her, huh? Oh God.
Starting point is 00:49:41 So then this next question is Kevin on what what happens live? You said you never bring your daughter up like Kate. Well, yeah, you'd have to actually be there In order to do that So then this chef was like well, I was actually pissed in myself because you know Riley and Kate both have attributes that I like and I shouldn't say things like they to She's like um, so like that. What are our good attributes? Yeah, they just knows he's a deep shit. Yeah, he's like crying not to get himself in deeper. Yeah, but it's like they have attributes. So Yeah, he's like, well, I had nothing better to say. I guess I just was it was off the cotton this day and age if we bring a human into the world
Starting point is 00:50:18 We want the best the person can be at this time and I don't know what I'm saying and so He's making it sound worse like he would never bring up Kate because he wants his daughter to be the best that they can be. Yeah. I mean it's like are you apologizing? I'm trying to help him along. He's like yes, so when I met, yes, yes, beautiful stuff, both of you have beautiful stuff. Once funny, the other ones are hard work or I guess. And by the way, typical Andy, there's a whole season of Kevin doing all sorts of fuckery. And the thing that he decides to press Kevin on a little bit
Starting point is 00:50:50 is something that happens on Andy's show. You know, that's so Kevin to do that. Yeah. And now let's talk about both manses. And then we get that montage, Aston trying to fuck up. Wait, can we talk about how Andy introduced the segment. While the deck crew was responsible for tying complicated knots,
Starting point is 00:51:10 the entire crew was quite good at getting naughty. Wow. I've been even right that one down. It was so bad. One of the worst of all time. So we get all the everybody messing around and Tanner and, you know, Tanner and Simone, you know, blah, blah, blah, scenes from the season. So Andy's like, Courtney, the look on your face is you watching. Have you not enjoyed reliving this?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Are you just really craving a seafood tower right now? There's like, no, really didn't like reliving that, Andy. Not at all. And he's like, so the two of you at a Spokane. She's like, no, I actually had to block him because he kept sending me really aggressive messages. And Brian's like, I wouldn't say aggressive. Like, yeah, I would guess that they were pretty aggressive.
Starting point is 00:52:05 You just said I wouldn't say aggressive in a very aggressive way. What an aggressive way to deny being aggressive? I know. By the way, I do have to give Andy just a little bit of credit because he really controlled himself from asking if Brian sent any dick picks or how their sex was or if she ever gave him a handy, I was like, you know, Andy, Andy did control himself a little bit. Yeah, you're right. Actually, I blame the bruise about his eye.
Starting point is 00:52:36 You know, he was self-conscious about that the entire reunion by the way. You know, he was pissed. You know, he was so pissed that they scheduled this reunion while he had a bandaid on. Yeah. Um, so apparently once the show started airing, Brian started getting really mad. And he says that on Twitter, she was bringing him down and she goes, um, well, you know, I've been saying what I'm saying because the issues on the show are very reflective of what's happening in the real world right now. And I'm not going gonna coast on your behavior
Starting point is 00:53:06 by staying silent, which, great way to put it, it was. And she's like, and I don't like the way you spoke to me on the boat or handled me since the boat. Yeah. So, and she's like, what were the messages? And she's like, well, that I'm a cold-hearted woman and like that, like he doesn't even know what he saw on me. Like, it gives me anxiety. Ew. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:25 And he's like, well, were you really liking him on the boat? She's like, yeah, I liked him. I mean, obviously we had chemistry and he's cute and stuff. And Andy goes, but you see so miserable on that date. She's like, hi, we worked 14 hour days. I was exhausted, you know. And Andy goes, well, what did you like about him? You cares. Who fucking cares? what did you like about him? You care?
Starting point is 00:53:45 Who fucking cares? Why are you talking about this? And Kate's like, abs, it's all right here. Let's put you likes. And notice like again, the tenor of the conversation is almost there's like a suggestion of blame towards Courtney, like, but like why weren't you excited to be on the day? Like, then what did you like about him? Isn't this kind of your fault anyway? It's not, it's not, I'm not saying he is blaming her,
Starting point is 00:54:09 but he's asking fair questions, but there still is an underlying vibe. Like, it's still pushing a little bit of a narrative that this is like, this all could have been avoided if she had acted differently, not if he had acted differently. Like, maybe he should have realize that she was tired. Like, maybe she should have seen that she didn't want to go on a day at 5 p.m. after working all day long.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah. And then we move on to this text message where he, where he said we're just friends on text. So Brian's like, well, I'm so glad that came up because I didn't break up with you on text. And I knew that she up with you on text. And I knew that she wasn't comfortable on camera. So I was getting it straight before we went on camera. So I didn't make it awkward.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I just, all I said was, I didn't say we're just having fun. I asked, just having fun. There was a question mark. There was a question mark. And then the girls at the same time were like, yeah, you said, just having fun, right? Question mark. Cornie was like, and that's the exact thing And then the girls at the same time are like yeah, you said just having fun right? Corny is like and that's the exact thing that Tanner said to Simone the night before or wherever earlier
Starting point is 00:55:16 She says I had a normal reaction to it. It's sort of like how I have a very normal reaction to ironing which is really God's chore and honestly if I ever have to take an iron again I really will just like apply it to my face and just die at that moment I'm just gonna kill myself by iron because I hate it so much. Normal reaction. Normal. And Andy's like, well, when you heard him say on the show that, um, wait, who's he asking this back? He goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, do you understand?
Starting point is 00:55:39 Do you understand how a Courtney could take it like that? This is one of those rare moments where Andy actually does seem to be grilling the guy, a guy and like being a pathetic to the woman. So he's like, uh, do you understand how she could take it like that, you know, and she's like, well, all you do is blame me for my reaction. And when you heard Brian say he really love, but didn't you hear Brian say he really liked you? And she's basically says, yeah, but all he did was place the blame on me. Yeah. And he's like, oh, that's very traumatic. Cool. I'm just like, Oh, I'm the dramatic one.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I'm getting all these fucking angry messages from you. Like you're the one who's like always so mad. You can't talk on the boat like I'm the dramatic one. And even Andy is Andy Gus. Yeah, you shouldn't call a woman dramatic. Trust me. He's kind of like, he's not going to be dramatic, which is kind of like not a good yeah, you shouldn't call a woman traumatic trust me. He's kind of like Which is kind of like not a good look, you know, yeah And he's like well, I wouldn't break up with her on text. You know, she just got walls up. She's got walls up Andy's like well glad you've been watching the bachelor. Mm-hmm, but
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah, you're still an asshole and he's like so yeah, and he keeps saying like it's a stupid move on my putt Brew and I promise I didn't mean it like that And Cornie's like it's not that's not my issue. My issue is not that text my issue is that it was in the middle of the work day And it distracted me and I react I didn't get back to you and then you were angry at me for the way I reacted That's what was that was my issue. Oh, and he did that gaslighting thing too where he's like wait, you know I'm sorry if I offended you, but if you wanted to be serious, you know, you should have just said, it's like, no, you fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:57:12 She's not saying she wanted to be your girlfriend. She's saying who breaks up contacts, you asshole. So Riley's like, um, yeah, what's the thing with Kate? Cause Kate's like, have you even seen this show? You know, then she comes up to me upset. And Brian's like, um, yeah, what's the thing with Kate? Because Kate's like, have you even seen this show? You know, then she comes up to me upset. And Brian's like, yeah, but she said, I wanted to break up on text. And that's not what I meant.
Starting point is 00:57:31 She shouldn't have said that. And she's like, no, it's not what you meant. It's what you said that's the problem. And then he's like, yeah, your tone wasn't really clear. All right, here's how to be clear about it. What about your deck? Slap me in the face with that. Take a picture of it. DM me with it.
Starting point is 00:57:46 All right. I think we've pretty much solved all this guys. Well, also the other thing is that something that Riley brings up, which sort of gets lost in the fray, is that Brian now starts talking about how he was angry that he had to hear from Kevin that Courtney was telling everyone. And Riley's like, you know what? Kevin made it sound like Courtney was talking shit, but she said exactly what you said in the text, okay. So, and I feel like Kevin did not get enough shit for that. He gets a little bit of it, but he doesn't get it. Yeah, they come back to him a little while. He doesn't lead us, but, you know, still, like, Kevin does exactly what to show.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Like, why would you say that Kevin, why would you say that she's spreading it to everyone it was on the show what exactly what happened you know yeah so Courtney is like well whenever you saw me cry you just rolled your eyes he's like when did I do that and so she starts listing the times and she's like you just look at me and just date with disdain whenever I cry and he's like wait that's your opinion yeah as I will you get your time re burning up today. Yeah, because apparently it's okay for Ashen to give his opinion and have it be defended by Andy, but now when the girls can be opinion is like, oh, well, that's your opinion like dismiss it. Like it's just nothing. So Riley goes, you give your opinion. You can't tell her how to feel or that it's wrong to talk to a friend. That's our environment. That's our situation. And then so Brian, then he then goes back to the place of, well, I just don't want everyone knowing our personal situation. That was my issue, you know, like God forbid.
Starting point is 00:59:15 God forbid, they're super personal situation, which is like a not real relationship gets advertised to someone else on the boat. Yeah, that's what she says. She's like, hello, you talk to the guys about me all the time. And the chef is like, wait, me telling Brian about it about that text was me trying to deep-sheat in the bud. That's what all I was trying to do. I can't write.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Then they show a clip of it. And he's totally being an asshole after acting like he was going to be totally nice to Courtney. Yeah. So then the captain's like, you're over her to combo between Kate and Courtney, which you had no right to relay on to anyone else. That was none of your business. And he's like, what? You're wrong, Daddy. You're wrong.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Yeah. No, I was none of your goddamn business. And Kate was her superior. She asked what was wrong with her and she told her. And he's like, sorry, put on a disagree with that. He's like, disagree all you want. Your little pipsquake. Goddamn it. You think a Cheerio agrees with going down my throat? No, it's going to be the end of that goddamn Cheerio's life,
Starting point is 01:00:14 but it doesn't anyway. There's a reason why you're only a baker because you disagree with people who are smart. Yeah, I bet you and the candlestick maker have a lot of problems to talk about. I don't get the crap. Do your job. Uh, so, so I was like, well, I'm just telling you a conversation that I'm happy to
Starting point is 01:00:33 invite KG and it's like, what purpose are you serving? Well, I want them to have a conversation and KG goes, say it, forget it, write it, regret it. Yeah, see to read of it. Yeah. So then Andy's like, so could you see how manipulative you were being Brian with Courtney when you got to agree about her talking about her relationship? And he's like, I was angry about her taking the side of the wrong person in the argument and
Starting point is 01:00:58 Kate just starts cracking up. And it's like, that's your opinion. I mean, it's such a ridiculous thing that he, I can't believe that he's, he's double down, he's doubling down on this thing. Like, I'm angry that she took the wrong, the wrong people's side and argument. I mean, that's manipulation right there. Yeah, stupid.
Starting point is 01:01:19 So then Andy's like, all right, so Riley, you said that Brian is hot and you could steal him from the Mousy Courtney. Sorry, I think Captain Lee kind of. And Riley's like, well, I didn't know her. And I've like talked to her since. I mean, I thought she was a leave. So like the way I was looking at it was like,
Starting point is 01:01:37 go jump on that dick before I jump on that dick. I mean, yeah, I'll try say it, Andy. I think would Riley, would you still hit it? Mm-hmm. Maybe. So then we check in with Abby. Why is Abby even here? I know, I'm the one who knows.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I got. Yes, because someone also pouted her, the poor girl. She's got such a shine on her face that we're sitting there for like two hours doing nothing. So she's like, yeah, I've been married I've been married for a year and actually what people don't know is that before I went for below a deck, my visa had expired. And so then he said that he would marry me
Starting point is 01:02:14 so that I could move in with him. And I was like, are you in love? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but totally are, totally. Totally. Yeah, you just really helped the romance of that story along now. But you should spark. Sparks. Who?
Starting point is 01:02:26 So then did Tanner and Simone keep in touch? And Tanner's like, yeah, yeah. You know, we were making friends a little bit, huh? And she's like, um, kind of. And then I saw the show and wanted to kill him. I grabbed the nearest thing to me that I could kill him with. It was pillow, unfortunately. So. So then Andy is like, Tanner,
Starting point is 01:02:46 why do you think it's okay to treat someone, treat someone like that? And Tanner's like, yeah, you know what? Just want to see him. Sorry, because I never meant to hurt you that way. And you know, it's just how it ended and that that's why I ended it early Andy, because I'm a go person. And you know, I just wanted to respect the women's and someone's like, oh, Tana, listen, she's like, the thing is we had certain combos. Maybe you forgot, like when you said, keep it casual and I said as long as it's respect and you said, no, no, you don't want to keep it casual. And then I said, let's keep it put electronic and you said, no, you don't want to do put
Starting point is 01:03:19 electronic. And he's like, yeah, I was an asshole. All right. It's like in Thailand, the emotions of Flaren. I know. He just had all his talking points ready to go. And I thought when he said I ended it before anyone could get seriously hurt. I was like, I don't think that's like, you don't get to be a hero in that situation. And you don't get to say who was seriously hurt and not seriously hurt. Because that was, that's not your experience. Okay. You were a fuck boy and you fucked with you fucked with Simone and her and her mind and her heart. And so when Tanner says I ended it before anyone who gets seriously hurt, Riley goes,
Starting point is 01:03:54 you're an idiot. So then I was just listening to you. Andy goes, Andy goes staring at a big camera. So, Tanner. So, Tanner, what did your mom think? He goes, oh, that's an interesting question. Uh, it wasn't, uh, it was, it was never really discussed. Everyone thinks I'm so close with it just because I would call her every day and say, mom, I'm so close with you, but turns out I'm not that close.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Right. What a weird defense. I know. I was a weirdest defense. Like, I'm not that close. Right. What a weird defense. I know. I'm a weirdo's defense. I'm not even close with my mom. And then Riley's like, well, we thought that because you said you were close.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And we don't think she's so involved because of how you treat women. They're talking over each other now. So they're just, and he's like, Riley, don't do this. And she's like, yeah, she was on Facebook blaming Captain Lee. And he's like, yeah, she was on Facebook blaming Captain Lee and he said yeah, she was on Facebook in the private group. She goes fine, a private group in Facebook and was upset the Captain Lee would attack Tanner's character on a blog and so Riley's
Starting point is 01:04:58 basically basically, basically, basically everything we talked about on the show was it last week that you read about what we read here We read that I think last week. It was so funny. The mom's like, how could you treat my boy like this captain From a concerned mother Which is if it's on a if it's on a private Facebook group that we can't all discuss then why is it like addressed to captain Lee Exactly. So Riley's like, you know what, like Tanner, Tanner says, I want to go and fuck everyone. When Tanner is the epitome of a fuck boy, and then his mom is out there saying, shame on Captain Lee for holding Tanner accountable for his pit bull piss poor judgment of Simone and
Starting point is 01:05:35 the women. Yeah, and she goes, I think Kestren better out. I think color and idiot. I said, hold your son accountable for how he treats women. and because you don't know anything about my family Huh, this shows your character, huh? Yeah, she does know something about your family She knows you and you're a fucking pig from hell and she knows your mother who's going to blame somebody else for her shitty Raising up her son. So yeah, she does know your family. I love that Riley Riley basically calls Tanner's mom and idiot She's I don't you know when she says I don't say that I think she's an idiot. I mean, this on Bravo, it's, you know, when you bring up parents or children, everyone says, do not talk about my kid or do not talk about my parents.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Family is out of bounds. She's like, fuck it. Your mom's an idiot. Yeah. And I have to agree with her. That mom's display was really sub big. It was like, you know, if you're going to go on Facebook and do anything, it should be to apologize for the mess that you've
Starting point is 01:06:29 sent out into the world. Okay, lady, I've never seen a mother on below deck was so little goodwill as this lady. They were obviously trying to do a rip off of Collie's mom and Collie's thing. And man, that that backfire. Yeah. So, you know, Tanner's just doing his politician thing saying, I grew and I'm not being very mature You know and Ryl is like sorry is bullshit. You still treated her like that. You still treat people like that And yes disgusting got it. What the fuck are you anyway stupid face?
Starting point is 01:06:59 So Tanner and Kate, anything you guys ever fucked? Never gave such a huge move move safe zip-cups, is good to stick your dick out while I love workout guys. God, how tone deaf are you? K-Crosses are fingers and goes, not yet. But she does like Tanner's girlfriend. Tanner has a girlfriend now, poor girl. Whoever you are, girl, like,
Starting point is 01:07:22 if you need us to save you, we can do it for you. But yeah, but she does like Tanner's girlfriend. So next is the girl code question. And he's like, Kate, did you break girl code with Simone by going after Tanner? She's like, Simone broke girl code first. And Simone's like, what? What? What?
Starting point is 01:07:41 What? What did I do that? And Kate's answer makes no sense. She's like, you broke it. When that first time you got mad at me about service, not being on service, and he's like, that's not girl code. It's just, okay, then she broke Stu code, with this not really breaking Stu code either.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And so she's like, well, I feel like a trustee respect has been broken. And I didn't have loyalty to you because, you know, you didn't have any to me. So. Yeah, that that got into a little bit but I was like, there you go. There's that there's a good sort of argument. And then finally, while it's like, well, you guys weren't friends. You don't have girl code because you guys weren't friends.
Starting point is 01:08:13 They are Kate. I fix it for you. Yeah. Yeah. And all day was flirt by the way. Yeah. And Simone's like, uh, Riley's like, it's not girl code. It's a respect factor. She just didn't have any for you. It is. Also, why did...
Starting point is 01:08:31 I think it was Kevin, I could be wrong, but wasn't Kevin the one who started telling people, well, did you hear that Kate and Tanner kissed last night when all it was was they were in the van and they had like a such a platonic sort of kiss, even though even though Tanner was working his game, remember they were sitting in the back and they get like it was like such a nothing and I think it was Kevin but I could be wrong or could have even even even Brian who went and told everyone, oh wow they kissed, they kissed. Yeah. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:01 My God. I was infuriating. So next week, I hope there's some questions coming up here. Like, why did you, and I already saw Ashton on watch what happens. I watched that episode and it was just ridiculous. Are you going to therapy? Maybe to work on your stuff, Ashton? And he's like, well, I believe that therapy starts within ourselves.
Starting point is 01:09:20 So I'm already doing everything I need to do. It's a piece of shit. But I hope next week we're going to get some, uh, hey, so you tried to kick a woman's ass and moving vehicle. I want to kick you. I want to kick and say you're forcing your tongue down somebody throughout trying to fuck your underlings. Kevin kicking sand, Kevin coming in like spewing hate before you even knew anybody. Ashton trying to turn everybody against Riley before they even knew her.
Starting point is 01:09:47 You know, there's a lot of good things. How about you, Ashton? Do they can't involve, and, you know, destroying a DJ's equipment? That one I think he's gonna ask. That one he's gonna ask is it such a softball. Smash it. Ooh, I splashed somebody.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Well, also, and why is it that smash tin gets a pass, but Kate, when she's drunk, and she throws trousers on the floor, that's like unacceptable and unprofessional when smashins allowed to jump into a pool and destroy DJ equipment that potentially the entire crew was going to have to pay for, things like that. Yeah, that was a good point she brought up to on Twitter a while back when she was like, oh don't worry everybody, I was a drunk mess tonight, but you know if I just had a nickname for when I was drunk it would be okay. Okay. Yeah. Which is also by the way something we saw with Jawa on Blowdeck Med in his first season
Starting point is 01:10:39 and not so much the second season, but still. It's like they're just kind of, they're just lifting, they're just lifting things from below deck med and then making them worse, you know, like you've got Colleen is mom, then you've got these two jokeers. Yeah. Then you've got, yeah, the sexual harassment, like is this possible that they're hiring the most sexist pricks they can on purpose
Starting point is 01:10:59 because it's getting people talking because it's now a lot. It's now gotten to the point where it's. Unfortunately, I don't think that they're hiring a lot of sexist pricks. I think that it's just it's kind of a sad commentary about workplaces and and situations where given the right situation, men, when they come together, will be awful and will be pigs and women have to deal with it. And that's I think that's why so many people are fired up and why so many people are talking about the season right now
Starting point is 01:11:29 because people deal with this exact thing happening in their workplaces and or wherever environments they're in. And they deal with it. You don't have to be on a yacht. You can just be working at a restaurant or working at a law firm. This, this should happens all the time, all the time. Well, it's not a fun to sit and relive it on TV.
Starting point is 01:11:51 That's so great. So the other show that was on, I didn't even take notes on because after this show, I'm below deck sailing out just look like child's play. I actually needed it. It was nice. I was like, okay, like, let's, let's go back to something like light and fluffy and pleasant where there's this super cuddly captain who reminds me of a bald troll doll, you know?
Starting point is 01:12:13 Yeah. It was a pretty good episode. I think that show is gonna be good. We will start recapping that show once we are done with the next reunion of BulloDec. We'll talk about it. I mean, the big thing that happened on BulloDec sailing yacht was that the guests,
Starting point is 01:12:28 we had some awful guests, which we knew that'd be awful because hello, one guy owns a nightclub in Indonesia and the other is a quote unquote model. And whenever you get a nightclub owner and a model on a yacht, I just feel like that's going to be terrible, especially if there's camera crews. And sure enough, they are two terrible people. And essentially, they had missed their, they were supposed to get married the day before. And they missed that. They missed their own wedding because I think they missed a flight or something.
Starting point is 01:12:59 We had this very strange story that we heard last week that didn't really pan out. But then seeing the way they behaved this week, basically they, whatever the situation was, I'm just going to assume they just got wasted and thought and then had sex and missed whatever they needed to do. Or who knows if they were even supposed to have a wedding in the first place, like you're not really sure what's up with these two. They're both weirdos. His name is Guy.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Yeah. And he's got like a little duck tails hair, duck tails hair. And she's with him. So she's got to be in that case. And the family that they're with doesn't really seem to know them that well. Yeah. And so they're going to have a wedding on the boat. But then they get into this like really bad like, uh, what is that? So cops, I guess cops. Yeah, domestic cops. Yeah. So once like, did you hear the domestic downstairs only having a domestic is a domestic because essentially he gets wasted He's drinking to kill her from the bottle which I want to know if it gets drinks Drink something from the bottle
Starting point is 01:13:55 Do they have to replace that for the next charter or at all? I mean what are the rules on that? What do you think what do you mean do they have to replace it? Well, I mean like yeah, I the, they always have to stock the bar. Like, but like, even if there's still to kill a left in there, you know, like, you ditch all that. Oh, does it have to be new? I feel like, oh, because his mouth touched it. Yeah, I'm sure. But I'm sure he polished that thing off. Yeah, I'm sure you know, because I was asked Sierra, who, uh, Sierra of Sierra and Paget, who very, very low in my rankings of this cast right now. She annoys me. I can't describe why, but there's just something about her that I find deeply annoying. Well, she won an Instagram last week and was like a couple of things that went shown on the show.
Starting point is 01:14:37 No, no, no. Number one. Yes, we have, I know that it seemed like we were unprepared, but we didn't know that We did all the teaking on the inside and the cushions were only in the middle of the floor because that's where we had to do It's let's seek dry and that's not where they stay all the time unless there's bad weather in which Kate and she's like going off Like she got so offended by people's reaction and I guess I understand that it's like your first time on reality TV Yeah, and people are monsters. We all know how that goes. We your first time on reality TV. Yeah. And people are monsters. We all know how that goes. We're gonna take notes.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Yeah. There's no explanation for why there's no stick knives. Or in this case, they're making orange juice. And Byron's, Byron's is juicing these oranges. Byron is like, well, I just like to be where the action is. And they cut to him juicing oranges. Yeah. And so, but then what's the name of the first two again?
Starting point is 01:15:27 I want to say Dana, but it's Jenna. Jenna, yeah. Yeah. She's looking for a nice picture for the orange juice out of, and she's like, um, Sierra, do you know where the picture is? And she's like, Sierra's like, um, it's a little frustrating to have a new crew. Come on board and move everything around and then ask me where it is. And I'm like, you know, if you, if these were put in the right place in the first time, It's a little frustrating to have a new crew. Come on board and move everything around and then ask me where it is.
Starting point is 01:15:45 And I'm like, you know, if you, if things were put in the right place in the first time, Sierra, it wouldn't be an issue. Second of all, if you had the things, it also wouldn't be an issue. So of course, Sierra pulls out like a, it was like a, like a giant measuring cup. She's like, well, you can use this.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Jenna's like, um, knock on the board. We are not using a measuring cup. I mean, after everything we've got there, we're not gonna not going to use a lot of that's a lot for you. And so she's talking, Jenna is talking to Adam flirting, flirting, flirting, and I am already wrong. Cause last week I said, not going to happen. Adam only likes like the hottest youngest girl who doesn't like him back. That's just pattern. But they end up hooking up. It looks like at the end of the episode. I know because by the end of the episode, so by the end of the episode, they all wind up after the after the guests all leave. They're all in the hot tub and they're
Starting point is 01:16:31 partying. And Jenna even says at dinner, like, don't give me too much wine. Otherwise, you know, I when I get wind up, I get kind of crazy. And then we then see her in the hot tub later on. And she does this amazing shot where she just takes like a glass of rosé and Just pours it into her mouth and then close her mouth swallows and then just looks to add him with this smile Like I'm gonna fucking eat you tonight. Yeah, she jumps on him and everybody clears a hot tub so fast Yeah, and meanwhile the guests so the guests are gonna do their wedding and they're preparing to have their wedding and then the guy gets wasted. And so the crew, Jenna, arranges for these Greek dancers to come on board. She arranges to have like, like wedding dresses to be brought on, you know, stylist, like a lot of, I imagine a lot of work.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I can't imagine arranging all that stuff in a foreign country is easy They do all this stuff and then the guy gets drunk and they just have this crazy crazy fire We're gonna use the past hour. We're gonna use the past hour We'll never get to see each other and now you know you spend an hour not with me. Oh My god, so they end up still having the party but not Oh my god. So they end up still having the party, but not, but, not getting married. And the chef and the cheese stew hook up, which good luck with that people. Yeah. And meanwhile, I don't know if you caught it. The other thing that I think that was alluded to is that Pajit in Georgia, Georgia is the fake British person who's from South Africa. They start laughing, laughing hardly together at dinner and Sierra is just sitting across
Starting point is 01:18:10 his table, steering daggers at Paget. And then it continues. Yeah. I'm a hot tub. I was like, oh, this is going to end well. This is going to be real well. Yeah. Do you think they're going to stay together?
Starting point is 01:18:20 The couple? I think they will because it's like, can't have you know it's like they kind of seem like two saltines and they saltines need to stick with saltines. Jeez. George is George is more of a water cracker you know. Yeah, saltines belong together for sure. Yeah, they'll be they'll be together. All right, well that brings us to the end of that one,
Starting point is 01:18:45 guys. Yeah. Thanks everyone for listening. Remember our tickets for Toronto go on sale on Friday, but you can get them now on Patreon. And, and then also next week we have a real house house in New Jersey will be recapped in Lawrence, fucking Kansas, and Summer House in Omaha. for all the ticket links that you need and all the things and things like Patreon, et cetera. And we'll be back tomorrow to talk some Vanopump rules. Bye, everybody.
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