Watch What Crappens - BelowDeck: Let's Make A Veal!

Episode Date: October 17, 2018

Things are already spinning out of control on "Below Deck." Caroline is crying, Adrian is manifesting veal, and Rhylee is losing her mind in the face of her condescending superiors. Plus,'s a squall! We recap it all on this episode. See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few, follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors! Christy Wowardy-Dowardy! Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go high-low.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger! Just saying, okay. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Back in the Slayer Taylor. Anna, God, I love that banana Anderson. Susie, going to the Tobin. Hava Nagila Webber. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Hot dang, it's Jessica Dang. And our super premium Patreon subscribers, Kelly Grant, the Grant Master. Shannon out of a Canon Anthony, give them a whole, Miss Noel, the incredible edible Matthews sisters, and Lizzie Drucker, a fun Happens when there's so much that happens Happens Happens I have come, I have come I've been looking for happiness I've come, I've come
Starting point is 00:01:35 Kids want happiness when there's so much that happens I've come, I've come Kids want happiness when there's so much that happens Hey everyone, welcome to Watch For Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker, and joining me on the high seas of Tahiti is my favorite skipper. It's Ronnie Carram from the Rose Pricks Bachelor podcast. What's going on? Whoa, hello, Bane.
Starting point is 00:02:07 How are you doing today? Good. I've got some fresh popovers in the oven. Oh, you know, I'm going to make some popovers. Well, I mean, I tried doing it earlier this week, and I think I may make some more, because I want to, have you ever been to the restaurant BLT? It's, there's like no. It's like a chain the way I go. I feel like that have you ever been to the restaurant BLT? It's, there's like, it's a, it's like a chain the way.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I feel like that's an unfair thing to name a restaurant BLT. Like who doesn't like a BLT? Except for me, because I'm a temporary vegetarian. I actually don't like BLT's very much. I feel like it's a sandwich made of toppings with nothing. Like there's no, there's no there there, as they would say. But it's actually the answer to B. Stroll, Laurent, Torrentel, and they have these famous pop, and they give everyone, they serve them to everyone, and they give you the like the little recipe.
Starting point is 00:02:51 So I want to make the BLT popovers. I've got the popover bug, and thanks to our friend, Alicia, she gave us popover pans, and that poor Alicia broke her legs virtually in France. So get well soon, Alicia. I'm excited to finally put your popover pan to use. I'm using that popover pan. As we speak, I don't know why the hell we're talking about popovers. Someone said the word popover.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I think because I used to talk about them on the show all the time, because I get obsessed with one food product a month, and I get obsessed until I learn how to make it. And then I'm like, I will never eat another pop over again. I've had nine million pop overs. It's like 50 pounds, a 90 pop overs later. And then this week someone said, Oh, I made the pop overs. You know, when you talked about them, they're so good. And then boom, we talked about pop overs and you had them at a restaurant. And then today I was like, that's it. It's popovers, okay? I can't hold it anymore.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I've had popovers like five times this week. No, I'm very excited. I think it was my friend Katie who actually told you about, we were talking about popovers and biscuits backstage in New York. So, speaking about popovers and biscuits, come see Arab popovers and biscuits in Seattle next month. It's only a few weeks away.
Starting point is 00:04:03 November 9th, Love Seattle. Love Everything Seattle has seafood the rain the coffee shops Nintendo Amazon. We love it all. It's where I came out of the closet with the Seattle true story. So everyone come out of the closet with me again That makes no sense. It makes no sense. Just come go to to get tickets And then we have a show in Nashville that'll be super fun. Y'all, our shows are so fun. I really, if you haven't been to our show, we really hope you take advantage of these opportunities to come see it because like it's so fun for us to meet all the crapens listeners, but really for just a bunch of us fellow Bravo fans to be in one room together, laughing and juring
Starting point is 00:04:46 at our favorites. So good. So go to to do that. And be sure to buy a King of Snarkasum T-shirt that Ronnie made, because those are divine. They're out now for the rest of the month, kids. Yeah. And now look what we have coming up below, Dick below day. I love this show. I am so
Starting point is 00:05:08 into this season. It's only been like two episodes, three episodes maybe. I don't know, but you know when a cast is like, when a cast is right, a cast is right, and you know it from the jump, and below deck has been, it's been so good. I don't know why. I just like it. I like it. Okay. Sorry. Sorry Cast is right cast is right this cast is right. Okay. This cast is already so fucking crazy I'm loving every bit of it. I'm loving watching the slow breakdown of Caroline who is getting crazier by the second Yeah, and people like Caroline, you know, if you don't give them any attention They will start literally having fits on their own. own, which is what starts happening in this episode. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And also, I mean, obviously our love of Kate Chastain, we have not, we've never shied away from it. We love her. And this season has really given her her chance to be totally Kate-like. You know, last season, she had to really be, she was like hurting cats, like all these noobies, and she was just getting frustrated. This season Kate just gets to be a spectator. Well, I mean, she's active, but she gets to just really launch all these like past,
Starting point is 00:06:13 progressive, you know, comments all the time. She's just at like peak cateness and that's just makes for great television. Yeah, so we really need Kate and the day. Yeah. So we start off the episode. We are still in the midst of the fight between Riley and Chandler, where Chandler told her to like basically like you're being crazy you know the cruising wake up at 6 a.m. the deck the deck cruising on wake up at 6 a.m. to wash the boat as a punishment for Ashton and then later Riley and you know they're sitting around the crew mess and Ross is telling
Starting point is 00:06:46 Riley, like, you know, don't forget, Chandler is fully abuls, you know. And something we did not mention last week, which I had wanted to mention, I forgot, and then a few of our listeners were like, you have to mention this, the over abundance of core water bottles on this yacht. It's out of control. Oh, I didn't even notice. Everywhere. We just noticed the hungry dogs waiting at the entrance of the boat. Like they're just waiting for the one that's too drunk. They're going to eat them, you know, like to eat
Starting point is 00:07:11 in dogs, just waiting outside. I haven't even noticed the water. Yeah. Before a new sponsor, hi, core. I think so. They actually are in the credits. So it's like everything they do. They're like, well, let's get some core water for that. Like we're serving Ahi Tuna on a bed of core water bottles. Well, listen, he jingles your boss and you have you got to listen to what he say. And she goes, you weren't there when he said I could speak freely. And she's so mad and she is such an Alaskan bush woman right now. Like she's still wearing her shirt with her nipples being grayed out. And she's got her feet up on the bench.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So she's basically like a womb, wombing everybody, you know, at the same time. And I was like, I love this crazy girl's anger. Yeah. Like I love her just raw Alaskan Bush person anger. What is an Alaskan Bush person? I don't know, but Alaskan Bush people are on that reality show. And they just look really scary. They're like, we're Alaskan Bush people. Oh, okay. They just, they're Alaskans. You voted for George Bush.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Well, I'm sure a lot of them did. Let me see here. Alaskan Bush people. Well, it's a documentary, adventure, reality, special interest. And if you look it up, they look like. Yeah, well, you didn't hear when he said he's my boss and I hate to talk to me freely. They basically extras from Game of Thrones. Yeah. So Kiko's, Kiko's. So what happened in the van because I'm team Chandler and she goes, excuse me, I'm team Peshmina, I'm team Peshmina.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Did I say Chandler?'m team Peshmeena. I'm team Peshmeena. Did I say Chandler? I meant Peshmeena. So Rally tries to tell the story. And she's like, he said I could speak freely. And then he got mad. Then he stormed out of the man. And Chandler comes out with his eyes popping out of his sockets, you know, like a backgrounding character.
Starting point is 00:08:59 The land rage. And she's like, I was disrespected. And he said, you lost your shit, dude. Like, what am I even supposed to do right now? She's like, sir to speak while you're in a rocking bag! And I still take, I still take issue with him as her like pixelated nipples go like balancing nothing, right? I still take issue with him saying you fucking lost your shit
Starting point is 00:09:22 because she- She nipples her shit! Only like after he like gas lit her honestly like when she was in the van and she says the death crew is gonna be pissed if you make us wake up at 6 a.m. She said a few times she was not screaming or anything and he's like whoa whoa whoa and then finally she loses her shit because he's kept on being like you're being crazy you're being crazy so then she actually did become crazy and what bothers me about Riley is like There have been there are a few times in this episode where like I can really understand her frustration And then there are a few times this episode where I'm like she's fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:09:56 And it's like I hate what I can't get fully behind someone. I'm like I'm trying to look for you Riley It sucks because we argued about this last week, right? And it was your argument of like, men treat women like this in the workplace. I say, if they say anything, they're fucking crazy women. And I was saying, yeah, but she is acting crazy. And you don't get to act like that, whether you're a woman or a man, you don't get to talk like,
Starting point is 00:10:15 you know, that was like the basic gist of the argument. But then this week, I'm like, oh my God, Ben's right. Like, they're total show venous pigs. Well, it's, it's, I mean, it's, I know we talked about last week, but it's an. Like, they're total sovenous pigs. Well, it's, I mean, I know we talked about it last week, but it's an interesting thing to discuss because she doesn't get taken seriously. So she sort of has to like, she kind of has to like,
Starting point is 00:10:35 be really assertive to be heard, and then people like, oh, she just comes so hard, she's so aggressive. And then the, but and sometimes she really is, you're like, Riley, that's really not how to get your point across, but then I'm like, am I saying that because she's so aggressive and then this but and sometimes she really is you're like Riley that's really not how to get your point across but then I'm like am I saying that because she's a woman like if we're a man doing that like the entire time I'm thinking if I'm if she were a man how would they be reacting how would I be reacting and I thought it was actually like fascinating it was passing to
Starting point is 00:10:58 see I like still don't have an answer for it but I did have some introspection and that that was nice well I guess I mean we'll get it to it as it comes up in the episode. But there are definitely points for these guys, just our show of anist priggs. They really are. And that is the tradition of below deck. And Ed and regular flavor. They really are.
Starting point is 00:11:16 But there are some moments where she is like, now see, Rally, that's an opportunity where you could, like, you could have said that in a different way, whether you're a man or a woman, and it would have been a better way to ingratiate yourself with your co-workers, you know? Well, as I said, yeah. Alright, go ahead. So anyway, yeah, so they're talking and everything, and I'm sorry to speak, while you're fucking interrupting, and so then I love that this maybe laugh out loud. She's like, I mean
Starting point is 00:11:49 Like he goes back inside and she's like I don't know like he's like he's such a fucking prick or whatever like maybe I'm just like Missing the whole and she wants to say missing the whole way to approach him and Kate just goes point Missing the whole point and then Riley look and Kate just goes point missing the other points. And then Riley look, change like does the circle with her head like, oh, bitch, really? Like she's like, I'm going to take on Kate now, which anybody who's never watched your show, which I'm sure they all have. You don't take on Kate until at least mid season, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:18 yeah, right now. Kate hasn't done anything. You got to wait for Kate to be bitchy in some way. And then you can jump on that train, but she hasn't even done anything yet. And then Kate's like, look, I understand you, but right now, you're the only person yelling, and maybe she didn't yell.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And Riley's like, how are you? I'm gonna go to sleep. Stop, I wanna do, all right? Just, oh, so now it's okay to speak to people disrespectfully. I'm confused. I'm confused. I'm gonna work out my Kate boys, do you like it?
Starting point is 00:12:44 I like it. And they cut to I've been working on my Kate voice, do you like it? I like it. And they cut to Josiah, and he's just staring at, like, Riley, then a Kate with this look that's like, don't worry, Kate, I will destroy her. And that cheap Alaskan polyblin, she calls a dress. Josiah. And then Ross is like, I'm leaving. Like he gets so scared of the confrontation. He runs down the hallway, which kills me. and then Kate is like full on going for Riley now
Starting point is 00:13:08 and she's like uh oh well I'm confused and I'm really like are you or you just being condescending she's just such a gold deeper okay I would just stop I was just stop okay and it was like a very calm version of Taylor Armstrong and Beverly Hills when she's like stop stop because Kate even did the hand motions of stop. I would just stop. Yay. Stop. I was surprised that when Riley said, are you really concerned? Are you really confused? Are you just being condescending? I was surprised Kate didn't say, thank you. Thank you. I was going for that. Thank you so much. Yeah, but then Kate has, she's like, well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:44 She has no yawning experience and she needs to respect everyone else above her and everyone else is above her. So literally, Josie and I are on a different level than we look down on her in the crew mess, yes. And she just saunters down the hallway. Well, she does want to, here's how you can tell Kate now hates someone, but she is also just shut it down. She picks up a bowl and flares her elbow out to the left and exits like that. Like I am exiting with the bowl, but my elbow is also out, which shows that I've had a recent
Starting point is 00:14:16 victory in the personnel department. Thank you. And then Adrian's next to Riley doing the wave with his hand. He's like, yeah, calm. Energy, calm baby, yeah, calm energy, calm baby. Yeah, I'm a stage like I'm good. Okay. I don't give up. But shut up Riley. So so now it's the shut up chef. Who does that? I hate when you're like fighting with someone and then there's the yogi who's like, come on man. It's all about like loving your heart.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Shut the fuck up. Okay, no, it's not. I'm getting due to a street fight. Yeah, and how about you make her a dessert already? Because that's all she really wants. You know, that's what we've got. She has her chocolate 20 times. That's all, you know, that's like that would have, it would have all been saved if you just gone her like a ho-ho or something, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So, now it's 5.45 in the morning. And this poor darkrew has to wake up because, because honestly, I keep on wanna say Brian Chandler. He's a dick, you know, so they're all waking you up and guess who's the first one out there, by the way, it's Riley. Yeah, she gets out there and let's see, Riley hates him. Yeah, so Caroline goes to Riley. She's like, how are we feeling this morning? How are we feeling? Are we feeling a sand and on crazy way? And then Riley goes, some boasts and rights. And then like she is so pissed.
Starting point is 00:15:30 She is pissed. And then Ashton is talking with Chandler, he's like, say bro, what happened? He's not. I don't, I totally blacked out. And I don't have any memory of what. And Chandler's like, um, it was basically 90 minutes of everyone waiting for you.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I'm like, you know what? Stop this. Because we saw the timestamps. It was basically 90 minutes of everyone waiting for you. I'm like, you know what? Stop this. Because we saw the timestamps. It was 40 minutes, and then you started telling people it was an hour, and now you're up to an hour and a half. Okay, you have to stop this, Chandler. That's like me. Like if I'm on hold too long with the cable company
Starting point is 00:15:57 or whatever when I'm complaining, which is like once a month, and they finally get on the phone. I'm like, I have been on the phone for three hours. It's like they have a timer, you idiot. Yeah, so yeah, so Ashton says that. Like it was basically like 90 minutes of everyone waiting for you and then she got out of hand.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I'm like, no, you, like she, you gas it, you, you may or get out of hand. I'm sorry, and yes, we all should control our emotions, but like he acts like she got like out of nowhere She became a problem like you you did that Ashton he's like I am or Chandler. He's like I'm glad she got up and did her job But she dug a hole and we're gonna have a serious Conversation and his eyes are like so fucking wide. It's like he's getting an eye exam
Starting point is 00:16:43 You know it's there's nothing more dangerous than digging a hole on a yacht. We could sink. We're all dying. We're all going to die. God damn it. So the boat cleaning commences and everyone's like passively aggressively cleaning this boat or passive aggressively cleaning this boat. And then Caroline is downstairs downstairs texting to really sad music. And I was like, okay, it's either a dying parent or someone who just broke up with them. How does that happen every season on this show?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah, it's kind of amazing. Like whenever you see someone texting quietly alone, you're like, okay, someone just broke up or died or is dying. Yeah, it's a weird trope. Like how do they do that every single time? Just goes to show that we're all going through a lot of shit. Doesn't matter, you are.
Starting point is 00:17:31 You're going through shit on a bit. I don't know why. Yeah, so unfortunately no one's breaking up with her. Her mother has early onset to mention. It's really sad. And she's like, I struggled with it. I'm like, well, yeah. And then she's like, I've struggled with it,
Starting point is 00:17:43 especially since she's in denial. I'm like, well, yeah, that's kind of like, I've struggled with it, especially since she's in denial. I'm like, well, yeah, that's kind of part of it. Yeah. So now it's really sad. And it makes you feel for Caroline, because really, she's done nothing yet to make anybody hate her. She's just really high-strung, right?
Starting point is 00:17:57 And everyone's being actually exceptionally patient with her, like, Kaden Josiah, at this point, they should have just been relentlessly mocking her, but they'd been really friendly to her in support of, um, but that we clearly is not going to last long. So now it's 9 a.m. And, uh, Jiziah and Kate are doing what I call the morning show, which is that they're like in their room, just like talking about the night before. And he's like, I love that he made them all work at 6 a.m. How to have to have him? She's like, I'll never punish anyone that way.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Which is true. She doesn't punish. She punishes you by literally falling you around and like hurting your feelings. Which I think is way more acceptable way they do. I think it's probably more effective. Yeah. It's a Carolina idea.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Need me to show you how to use a can opener? I just wasn't sure. It doesn't do you pretty maladept at everything. Is that a word? I'm not sure. So then, Sorrailly is like, she's like, you know what? I regret pissing Kate off, but not Chandler. Not Chandler.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah, what a dick. She keeps going, he's a prick. Yeah. So then we get Captain and Kate having breakfast together. And she's like They started working six. He's like who fucked up Riley, uh, Riley, Riley ranked doesn't have a lot of value to her and he goes it will Okay, it's like my work here is done. I'm gonna leave the bowl here and I'm going to exit without holding it to show I'm in a happy place
Starting point is 00:19:28 So So Gryly is upstairs on the deck and she's around the jacuzzi, she's like doing some of the jacuzzi with Chandler and he's like So let me know if the jacuzzi is fine or if you want me to put more elbow grease into it and he's like it's fine She's fucking prick. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, know, they talk about, I don't know. I can't think of any examples, but like, you know, going to the bridge is like, go bridge, go bridge, go bridge, go bridge, but like, preference sheet meeting is so many syllables. Come up with a nickname for it, please. That's my request.
Starting point is 00:20:15 That's a prefsheet. That's a prefsheet. Prefsheet. So today's guests are Alan and Daniel. The lovely is charred to guess ever. They have to wear a sock ever. Me and her chef quit. then we get that chef who like The young chef's name. Brian. Oh Leon. Yeah, terrible chef Leon. Yeah, and then she's like our stewardess put grenadine in our oysters
Starting point is 00:20:36 And then we see Rocky like yeah Dancing around the kitchen. Yeah, oh man, that was probably the best episode of below deck of all time. That was just the craziest thing we've ever seen. So, okay, it's like, she's just like, I just wanna have the perfect charter, which means that it's like immediately cursed. So, downstairs in the, in the room,
Starting point is 00:20:59 as people are eating with Adrian, and they're like, so like Adrian, like how do you come up with like what you're gonna feed everyone? How do you stock? How do you choose how you're gonna provision your food? And he's like, I meditate on it. Yeah, I use my third eye and I just sort of think like,
Starting point is 00:21:14 what do they want to eat? And I just sort of choose that. I'm like, you better not meditate on whatever I want to eat. Cause when I go on a yacht, I'm gonna put my impression to you. I'm like, this is what I want. Don't third eye blind me, okay? Yeah, like I'll know if they're allergic to fish. when I go on a yacht, I'm gonna put my pressure sheet I'm gonna say this is what I want. Don't throw the eye blind me, okay? Yeah, like I'll love their allergic to fish so I make lots of fruit. It always works out perfectly Wow
Starting point is 00:21:33 Gosh it's time to go to a commercial Celebrity beef you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasive and I'm Sydney Battle and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Disantel. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud from the build up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserve session with these feuds say about us?
Starting point is 00:22:05 We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:22:38 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder App. So then Ashley or Ashton and Caroline, no, just Caroline's making bed. I'm Carolina making. Sorry guys, this cast changes every season takes me there at least like half a year to figure out everyone's names. So Caroline's making beds with Josiah and she Josiah and she's like, And she's like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah super stoke and just break down in tears a second later. And she like starts throwing down her arms at her thighs.
Starting point is 00:23:33 You're like, slapping her. And he sees it, but he's just ignoring it because that's what you have to do. You know what I mean? Like if you look it up, if you, if you're walking down the street and there's someone on the sidewalk like hunched over and they're looking you the second you look and smile is when they're like can I $5? Okay, you just keep walking. Okay, so he just keeps making that bed so Kate enters and she's like, hmm, hello, bed. And uh, Carefully. Oh, so sorry. Wait, who's calling?
Starting point is 00:24:00 I'm like, my ringer's on, but it's, um, hey, babe, my ringer. Oh. Oh. Wow. It's Caroline calling to say, I'm fine, I'm fine. So yeah, Kate just walks in and Caroline just runs out crying. And Kate just, there's a Josiah like, wow, you are truly the best stew I've ever had. You made her cry so effortlessly.
Starting point is 00:24:23 She goes, you go talk to her so then Caroline is like saw like in the hallway or in the stairwell crying and he's like Caroline Caroline, oh you're cleaning the walls well that shows initiative. Are you okay? Look at my enthusiasm about asking about your emotional state. Are you okay? She's like? Just give me a second. Let's go. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Uh-huh, uh-huh. I'll meet you in the master. Okay, okay. Kate's like, um, what happened? He's like, he knows. So then Kate sees Caroline. She's like, um, are you OK? Yeah, because Caroline comes back in. You OK?
Starting point is 00:25:12 She's like, oh, I just had a run pass. It's tough at home. It's just tough with my mouth a little bit. And she tells her the thing. And Kate's like, oh my god, are you OK? I'm so sorry for you. So sorry. You know what, Mike, do you feel better? Yeah. I'm making sorry for you. So sorry. You know what my back to feel better? Yeah, I'm making that bed.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah, the Moscow corners. Yeah, mom's like when beds are made. Yeah, so mom's mom, she'll remember that. So yeah, so then Josiah's like, being on a yacht is like being in a weird family. If someone is upset about something, you just have to be there for them. They just cut to Caroline crying alone.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I'm like, why you just locked them out of your room? Unfortunately, I don't have much of a family life. Cry alone, Caroline, cry alone. For Caroline. So then the chef is on the phone and he's like, baby, it's so nice to hear your voice, baby, I wish I could go to water with you, baby. And then he tells us, I'm in an open relationship with my girlfriend because I'm young and I love the pleasures of the flesh. She's like me so calm and stress-free. Like, I can't take all the hecticness and all the stressivity. And the aggressivity. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Shut up. She needs to meet Quad. So now, Riley and Chandler are going to have their talk. And Chandler does not want to talk with her. And he just doesn't want to deal with her and he goes, I just physically do not have the mental capacity to deal with her. I'm like, I don't think that, physically don't have the mental capacity or you mentally don't have the physical capacity.
Starting point is 00:26:58 It doesn't quite work. It doesn't quite work. That's where she got that right. Chandler. He always looks like he's going to kill somebody on lifetime. He's like, last night, things were probably said that we both regret. And she's like, just like giving him that book. He's like, I did not handle it as good as I could have.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And we're good. But the way it happened, would you talk to Captain like that? And she's like, because like, you're not a captain. Yeah, exactly. And he's like, and then she's like, because you're not a captain. Yeah, exactly. And then she's like, when you told me to shut up, I shut up. He's like, then we went off-troll. Yeah, he's like, then you went off for an hour and a half
Starting point is 00:27:37 in the mess, which is right in my bedroom. Yeah. And then she's like, I'm not sure where I spoke to you disrespectfully. And now I'm like, now Riley, I've been on your side, but don't start acting like you don't know what you said was just what was disrespectful. They said, like,
Starting point is 00:27:52 you were pretty out of control. Like, you were disrespectful on the boat. Once you finally get back to the boat, like he bound you up, but you were disrespectful. Yeah, he's like, I don't have time for this shit. You respect me, right? And she's like, yes, sir. And then she's like, she tells us, you want respect? And you give me respect. You don't just get respect from me. You earn it.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And I was like, well, there's your first mistake. Yeah. I mean, look, as a person who's worked in Kitchens my whole life, if I ever talk like that, I'd have a knife throwing at my head. And you know how I know that? Do you know how many pans have hit me in the head? Many, many, many, many. I'm sure, tons. So then meanwhile, so Ross is hanging out with Chandler later on. And Ross is just so good for setting up a gay porn
Starting point is 00:28:35 a moment. He's like, so getting tired, dude, brother. And Chandler's like, yeah, should we call it a night? And Chandler's like, ready to get horizontal. I'm like, it's like a full on Sean Cody movie in here. And they're both waxed too. Yeah. And then Kate and Josiah are making their own porn movie
Starting point is 00:28:53 in the laundry room. Like, look at you doing laundry. It's like, I love laundry. She's like, me too. Bam, bam, bam. Can I do these pants? They don't receive an iron well. He's like, I just ironed two sets of them.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Oh my god, get from the guy. I'm in love with you. It's like the notebook. I know. Hello, Doug. He's like, the weirdest thing happened earlier today. The mop was crying on the staircase. I didn't understand what was happening.
Starting point is 00:29:17 He's like, the oddest thing happened. I was doing the captain's pants, and I prayed this, I pressed this little button with a poof on it and it started talking to me. It's like that was Caroline I was trying to it turns out that if you squeeze Caroline the captain's pants will actually Well actually flattened out that was an iron god damn it. I can't forget them out So then then we see a shot of Kate texting someone and just goes, Hi, just wanted to confirm that you could, Hi, just wanted to confirm that you could layly play her for tonight.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Thanks. And I'm just imagining in my head that she just sends that to random people just to freak them out. Like, what? Oh, it's like her version of a game on the yacht. I feel like it's just to everybody who's been fired before her, you know? Rocky is somewhere in like a musical review in the corner of Nebraska. Oh my God, they need me. Yeah, Rocky's like some cappuccino machine in the Swiss Alps.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Like god damn it. So now it's more cleaning. Okay, so now's where I start. I'm like, okay, these guys really are being douchebags, okay? Because it's Riley comes into the mess and Ross is like, Riley, have we got Smiley Riley today? She's like, um, so far. And then Chandler just drinks his coffee really slowly.
Starting point is 00:30:40 He's like, Michael God, now they're going to start giving Riley giving Riley like are we smartly today, Rowley? Saddy baddy, you know, and then Adrian's upstairs in the kitchen talking about how he wants to make up for what Alan went through He's like, I just hope my food will give Alan that spark of craziness. Then no one else has I'm like He had oysters with grenadine in them. I think he's had enough sparks of Creatinist. I just do not see the rocky clip they just played. Exactly. So then Kate is like, hmm, it's me, Kate. Just making sure that ukulele is coming. Nope. She's like texting her local representative. They're like, oh, what's this? Fear of president Eftahedi.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Just about to confirm the ukulele player. Great, thank you so much. It's like, hey, stop trolling everyone. Hi, local manager of a Dunkin' Donuts in the middle of North Carolina. Just want to confirm the ukulele player that will you'll be sending later today. Like, what the?
Starting point is 00:31:42 What the? It's Captain Lee. Ha ha ha ha. Hey, why are you calling me at work? Like what the? What's that? It's Captain Lee. Hey, why are you calling me a work? Oh, well hello, president of EDI. I guess we've learned a lot of things about each other right now. So, so now it's time to get that all of a sudden this like tribal music comes on and the guests are arriving. And so they all have to line up and Chandler is like, all right, everyone like line up on the same piece of wood.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It's so, he's so blandly annoying. Like why? Yeah, and it seems like he's just doing stuff like that because the captain's there. The captain's a signal is him. And for Caroline, did you notice? Caroline got like some of her hair in her mouth, but she like wants to keep her hands behind her back.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You know what, to be proper. So she's like, I'll just suffer, I'll just choke on my hair. And then Riley's like, fucking brick again. Uh, Kate's like, could someone hit the vacuum cleaner? It seems to be stuck. Oh, that's just Caroline with hair in her mouth. So everybody comes, they get the massage, everything's being set up. And Riley's like, what's like, what section are these bars going to? Do they go here? Do they go into the closet?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Or do they just go into the closet? Or do they go into the bar? Sorry, sorry. But where do they go? I'm just trying to get this right. Let's just ask questions, questions, questions. And then so they keep asking about the guys are getting frustrated.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And Ash is like, it's OK. Just take it easy, Riley. It's like, I am taking it easy. I just said, sorry. It's like, just stay calm, Riley. It's like,'s okay. Just take it easy Riley. It's like I am taking it easy. I just said sorry It's like just take home Riley. It's like I am calm They are really learning and she's about to throw them all over board Yeah, she's going nuts well because she was because she was like okay Um, we're sure I put this because the captain said one thing and then someone's up the other thing and like she
Starting point is 00:33:20 I put this is like we have to go Riley we have to get the pass a rail up the pass a real the pass a real the pass a real and she's like take it easy Royal take it easy. I'm like she's just asking where to put the bags, you know. Oh God. And then Ross. Oh my God. Ross is not ever going to recover from some of these lines. He's giving on this show. What a dick. He's like she's trying to prove that she's a work in women and I see she is, but we have to come up with a plan to keep her in line. This attitude she has is unacceptable. It's unacceptable. Oh my god. Well, Ross knows the reality that honestly, the most targeted people in this country are men, really.
Starting point is 00:34:00 So, and then Captain Leeds like, and of course the fucking wind picks up. Of course, God damn it! Wind. Kates like, don't worry, I've got colored stones to throw on a table. And a wooden fish to put right in the middle. I totally knows that too. Kates was like, keep calm, put the pebbles down, try to ignore the can of pringles in the corner that's crying. Oh, I'm sorry Caroline. Kates should have one of those t-shirts.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Keep calm and put stones on a table. Keep calm and make a table skip. So it's getting windier and windier. The guests are sitting down for lunch. And Ashen is now gossiping to Chandler about Riley. And he's like, I'm trying to be nice to him and say it's not a problem. And she just fucking runs a mouth. I'm just trying to fucking Camadine.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I'm like, she wasn't running her mouth. She was asking questions and you're ignoring her. So she's like, gonna keep asking until you give her an answer, you know? Yeah. So is this where they're having lunch? This is where it seems start going so fast that I've got 20 pages of news. I know. I'm like, are we talking about Pearl Kuskusnex? Who's that? She sounds lovely. So let's see. Yeah. So Ashton and Taddle Tales to Chandler. Chandler's like, all have a talk with her. So then the weather starts acting up. Yeah, Chandler and Ross. And he's like, look, we're going to have a meeting, but I don't want to make this about
Starting point is 00:35:26 one person even though it is. But we're going to have a meeting with all of us, okay? Yeah. And I'm sure Riley won't be able to tell at all that it's about one person because she's just a simple little girl. So especially when I look right after you have anything to say for yourself, Missy. Especially when I say some gingers on this yacht have a lot of questions and act up a lot
Starting point is 00:35:49 and have to keep calm. And put down a table scape. Caroline's like, are they talking about me? So the deck hands all gather for this little meeting. And Chandler, he does the same thing. He's's like well, I guess you said it never mind. So Basically, he's like, okay guys. I just this bickering has to stop and as she goes Yeah, you know Riley every time we say something we get this attitude I'm not enjoying myself. Okay. This is my job not enjoying myself trying to help you and you shut me down
Starting point is 00:36:22 How about just listening? And then he can ask and tells us, who is this girl on this boat? She's a flipping junior deck hand. I would never give attitude to my superiors. Yeah. She, any, any is like, he's like, I'm trying to tell you what we have to do with the passer-eals. And I'm trying to help you. And you're shutting me down by telling me what you're feeling inside your head. I'm like, what? That's called talking to people. That's what that's like that's called interacting. Yeah. So then Kate's like, um, Kate, Kate, Kate, losers, losers, Kate,
Starting point is 00:36:53 losers, Kate, Kate, Kate, there's anybody there. Anyone, we still have a buggy. I'm not you, Caroline, outdoor losers, outdoor losers. Hi, everyone in this special meeting downstairs. You are all the losers. Yeah. OK. Hi everyone in this special meeting downstairs you are all the losers. Yeah okay. Hi. Does anyone want to move the luggage out of the main gallery? Because there's it's actually still here and not in their rooms and we've actually been on C for about six hours. Anyone want to do that? Anyone? And Chandler's like main loser to K stand by
Starting point is 00:37:20 K stand by. Oh hell no. I was like taking off my earrings and putting Vaseline in my ponytail. I was like, Oh, hell no. And then Chandler keeps like, she's like, I said no pecking order, but that changes now. Ross, lead deck, ashton. Second, you third, this is not a democracy. Would you like to chime in? Well, part of it's not a democracy. Do you like to chime in? What part of it's not a democracy? Do you want to chime in? I'm like, hmm. Do you want to vote now, bitch?
Starting point is 00:37:50 And so Kate's like, um, hi. Kate, you losers. The three dumpy dumps, down stands. Dumbledie, Dumbledum, and Dumbledie, yellow pants. This is me. Are you all super busy? Because there is like a jump here.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And Riley's like, are you guys going to answer Kate? Yeah, like Jesus. Yeah, she goes with, yeah, exactly, which is like, again, that's one of those moments where it's like, now Riley, what you should be saying is, hey, I know we're in the minute, little meeting, but should we answer Kate instead of like, would one of you like to answer Kate? One of you, you know, and then of course, Chandler does it totally wrong. He's like, we're
Starting point is 00:38:24 in a team meeting Kate. And she's like, oh of you, you know? And then of course Chandler does it totally wrong. He's like, we're in a team meeting, Kate. And she's like, oh, okay, after a team meeting, you might want to get the luggage. And I'll tell my guests they can't change because they want to feel better because you guys have feelings, okay? Yeah, enjoy your team meeting, whatever that means. That's cute of you, that's really cute.
Starting point is 00:38:40 You guys put the um and team. Yeah, thanks for that. So have a fun powell. Yeah, I'll just tell them that they can't change because you're having a powell and Talk about how you feel too much and worked a little sure. Yeah, enjoy that So the captain here is and he's like get the goddamn luggage losers Get the goddamn luggage out the goddamn means salon right now before this goddamn wind picks up any longer and while you're at it Find out where that goddamn ukulele player is
Starting point is 00:39:09 On it so Kate's like I got lucky because the majority of the drama is on the Dracquoo is on the deck crew. I mean Caroline's definitely gonna have a few breakdowns, but she bounces back And then it cuts to Caroline with a guess. And she's like pouring water and she goes, oh, if I was a cartoon, I'd be going, oh, Riga! Keeps like, well, I guess balancing back is a, it's all in perspective, right? You see her eyes popped out, but she can still see.
Starting point is 00:39:39 It's like, you know, the other day I stepped on a rake, and it came swinging right back at my face so I took my foot off and it went back down and saved myself from getting hit in the face of the rake. Oh, I just remembered it was on a rake and it came swinging right back at my face so I took my foot off and it went back down and saved myself from getting hit in the face of the rake. Oh, I just remembered it was not a rake. That was actually Caroline. So everybody gets their massage. The massages are set up outside and they brought all these misuses, misuses, misuses on. And one of the guys is like, like yeah this is why I didn't wear underwear They're like I'm to do below deck you just turn into the biggest douche. I know the misuses are like and this is why I wrote my last
Starting point is 00:40:14 Well, and testament and I'm gonna jump off this yacht right now. Thank you So during massages and God is like no sir and like all of a sudden there's like a squall And so like everything's blowing around the ladies like getting her towel like all of a sudden there's like a squall and so like everything's blowing around the lady is like getting her towel blown off like the massage therapist are like thank God so they all have they're all like running around scampering they go inside. Drop anchor get that ukulele down and see right this minute thanks shaggles. Did we ever see the ukulele? Yes. Oh I never even saw it. At one point I wrote down where's the ukulele? No he can't. I appreciate it. I have thoughts on the ukulele. Yes. Oh, I never even saw it. At one point I wrote down, where's the ukulele?
Starting point is 00:40:46 No, he can't. I appreciate it. I have thoughts on the ukulele player when it comes time. Oh, so they are doing this party in the beach has this pajama party later. So they have to move everything out of there, all the toys and stuff. And Tyler's like, we have to move everything. It's hours and hours just to clear out that beach club. Yeah, I just wrote that down because he's such a wuss. You know, this guy really is and Kate's upstairs with Captain Lee and she's like, I love looking at the weather Doppler. Makes me feel psychic. Like that cloud right there. That's Caroline's next breakdown.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I also have to point out the Adrian from season one of the show is fighting with captain will she's trying to start a fight with captain Leon twitter i don't think he's responding uh... you see any of that i feel like i saw like that yeah i feel like i saw one screenshot where she said he wasn't a real captain yes she's like listen here captain crunch uh... i'm like wow please call me a delicious breakfast cereal. What a horrible.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Like, listen, here, fruity pebbles. I'm like, I know that's homophobic, but also delicious. So I'm not sure how to feel. But she's like, don't know what fudge is my little bro. You're not even a real shit. You're not even a real captain. You just check social media of the time. That hashtag little bro. So I don't know if they're like, though family or if they're really related. Who? Adrian and this Chandler guy. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah, I'm not really sure what's going on there, but just an update for everybody. I have no idea what's happening. Aren't you glad I brought it up? But I don't think Captain Lee was even fucking with Adrian. I mean, or Chandler, right? No, I guess it comes later in the season.
Starting point is 00:42:26 So that's why I was asking you. Because I'm a little confused about what it all is. But she did say, like, listen here, Captain Crunch. And then she was hashtagging like, little bro. hashtag, little bro. She's a big fan. Shut up, Chandler. Yeah, Adrian, all these years later, still shut up.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Keep the same shut up on, OK? Exactly. So Captain Lee sees Josiah chopping pillows and he's like, I've never understood the purpose of that. It's not like a weather doppler that let's see it at the future. It's like, it's like when we look at the rain and we know we're not going to get off the boats. We have to chop. It's also what I plan to do to Caroline tonight. And it does start raining really, really, really bad. Yeah, as we said.
Starting point is 00:43:08 So it's still raining out there. Let's see, Chandler is still complaining. It's like another scene of Chandler complaining. Yeah. I know. And then Josiah is making drinks. They're getting ready. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Kate's like, you have ukulele arriving. But are you making? And he's the chef's like, feel wrapped in aparagus. It's a great dish. And I know they're gonna be blown away. And Kate's like, wow, I love this an hour and a half before and you're just like,
Starting point is 00:43:34 whatever, just you would have her. It's like, yeah, dealings. Breaking news, the Eucalyly player is ready to be picked up. The Eucalyly player. The Eucalyly player shows up. He's hot. Did you notice that? No, I didn't even remember he came on the boat He was hot. I remember she said he's ready to be picked up But I never wrote anything down about the ukulele player again. Well, that's too bad. He was a hot ukulele player
Starting point is 00:43:57 Sorry Yuki. Yeah, that's okay after all that so We then it's time like it's a cooking time so Adrian makes some sort of black bean cake. That's like a tower of cakes and Toastata or tortilla. I don't know who's food food. Get him out And all the ladies are freak everyone all the customers are like, oh my god, cuz kids like well Should we pair some wine with the food? I think you're gonna have field tonight. And the lady's like, ah, feel. Oh, no. Do you guys like feel?
Starting point is 00:44:29 I don't eat baby animals. Isn't that baby lamb? I'm like, no stupid. It's not making lamb and be wise and okay to eat adult animals. Exactly. I've never understood that. You're eating animals either way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:41 You're a murderer either way. It, it, there may be an argument that it might be better to eat a baby animal so that we don't have to endure a lifetime of like misery and those pens. Yeah, at least it didn't have time to have dreams. Yeah, and so no one requested the veal and one guy was like, well, I requested bacon and steak and I was like, we're screwed. So they're all being like crazy about the veal. And it's like if you didn't want Veele, put it on your sheet,
Starting point is 00:45:07 that you don't need Veele. Well, apparently this one's backwards and they put what they do want instead of what they don't want. Hmm. So I guess that's what a preference sheet is, your preference is. But apparently, like the rule in this episode is, you have to say you don't want it. Well, I like the way Agent Del with it,
Starting point is 00:45:26 because Agent brings up his, his, his Vial wrapped asparagus, which by the way, he said asparagus wrapped Vial, but it was Vial wrapped asparagus, big difference, because I was thinking to myself, how do you wrap a Vial in an asparagus? So, so he comes, he delivers it, it looks beautiful, and Alan's like, how did you come up with this?
Starting point is 00:45:43 And he's like, well, you liked bacon. He bacon he's like yeah but none of us have a meal on our preference sheet and Adrian goes well you said surprise us so which is kind of right and Alan's like a surprise is something on the preference sheet Adrian just like laughs and goes back into the kitchen yeah he's like I trust me hi and then it's like I trust me. Hi, and then it's like the no music and they all eat it and they're like fast as Even the non-baby animal eater Even she's like I can't wait to eat a baby of every kind. Yeah, she's like I'm a convert. I hate babies now So now it's so now you know dinner is winding and they're going to be having their party thing and Ash is tired and he wants to go to sleep because he hasn't had a break all day.
Starting point is 00:46:33 So Chandler is like, ah, sorry bro, but there's going to be a pajama party and Ross is like, well hey, did you let Asian go to sleep and look it up early and then all TV is in there whatever. And Chandler is finally like okay fine so Chandler's gonna be on late there's one of the abbreviation late instead of late shift late late safe so many syllables so the chef is getting his cake ready for dessert and he's like it is life I was risky on the main so I'm playing it safe for dessert he said he peaches, so I'm giving him a piglet named Peach. It's bacon, but from a baby pig.
Starting point is 00:47:13 So, yeah, he brings out this birthday cake and sets some peaches on fire. They're all excited. And meanwhile, they start setting up this pajama party and basically the garage of the yacht. So, it looks kind of sad, but I guess that's what everyone wanted. Yeah, it was kind of weird. It's like, okay, you're a party in a closet with a whale state on the ground. Yeah, enjoy. Yeah. So it's 12, 38 a.m. and Kate tells Caroline's on Leads and she's like, okay, I'm going to go to sleep now.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Well, I mean, first I'm going to talk with Josiah about you and then I'll go to sleep And I'm gonna go tell Josiah a nighttime story about what an idiot the mop is. Okay. Oh, I'm so sorry. That's you All right, I'm just gonna go go to go into bed and just take a few people about the ukulele player and then that'll be it So she says she bases listen, just have whoever, whoever from the deck crew is gonna be up with you, just have them take out the trash, you know, and usually the, you know, usually the late stew and the late deck guy is gonna go sleep at the same time.
Starting point is 00:48:15 So, you know, it kind of is a great, sounds wonderful, won't be a problem, why not see any problems? Ha! This sucks, and I always feel so bad for the people who are stuck on this late shift after a huge party I mean it is piles and piles of dishes and crap. It's terrible and more
Starting point is 00:48:30 Caroline's like did anybody notice me crying? Yeah, so she's got to clean all the shit up herself and she caught she calls down to Chandler and She's like um, hi Chandler. It's Caroline. I'm not crying and she's like, um, hi Chandler, it's Caroline, I'm not crying, I'm not crying. She might be taking up the upper back trash and he's like, um, I have an hour left of this work and like, it's gonna take forever. I'm just like, I just need the poor bed. He goes, the trash is the last thing on my mind right now. It's like, fucking dick. You have an hour left'll have to work,
Starting point is 00:49:05 love to do, and she's gonna be up for actually three more hours than you. Okay. Yeah, and she's like, thanks dick. And Riley, it's like, yeah, fucking prick. Fucking her sleep upstairs. Exactly. She's like, had a warm sensation in her dream. So, yeah, so basically we watch, he goes to sleep at 2.30 and she is up cleaning this and that because she has to restore the yacht to like five star level and he just has to put boats back in the room, you know, which is a pain. I, that is a pain in the ass. I'm not taking that away.
Starting point is 00:49:36 But like help, help your friend out. Don't talk about team and they don't help out Caroline up there in the gallery. Well, then Caroline pulls a total Caroline. She like whips out her journal from the sales section of Barnes and Noble, you know? Yeah, which I love. And she's like, dear diary, and date was not an easy one. But it was a date that began and ended. Here's the side. Here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:50:00 So she went to this big letter and leaves it on the door, because I have to leave a letter saying like what the morning group has to do the next day. Yeah, so she goes to sleep and now it's 6.40 in the morning, Ashen wakes up, he starts cleaning whatever and now it's like okay, so now it's around 8 or so, 8 or 10 and it's time to start breakfast and the guest want to go see, they want to go see a cave off the coast. So Chandler's gonna send Ross and Riley because he does not want to deal with Riley on deck. Yeah, which is sad.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And then Ross is just kind of a dick on this whole boat ride, right? I never know who's signed the date. I'm confused. So before the boat though, so Kate and Josiah are getting things up and running and Okay, it's like um did Caroline happen to leave a note about what she did last night? Or was she just totally useless as usual? Oh useless. Okay. Oh, there is a note
Starting point is 00:50:54 So she finds the note and and I wrote down what the note said Because there's a screen there's I saw it on screen so it took a screenshot and it says I was hoping Chandler would help out But I think she was too exhausted from drying off some surfaces and returning the jetski to the garage because he went to bed immediately upon finishing up and couldn't be bothered to come find me or take out the trash. Anyway, can I?
Starting point is 00:51:15 Which I love. I don't mean a deer diary session about your thoughts and feelings. Just tell me what the fuck to do when I wake up. Okay, thanks. I get that cake, but I feel like Kate, you also should have really, you should really respect the amount of passive aggression in that note, because it was, it filled my soul. Well, both the leader is have the same thought, right? Because she tells Josiah, she's like, we'll get through this charter and we'll have a proper meeting where she doesn't feel singled out, because that's good for morale. Where's my red ball? That's good for morale. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:51:49 Where is my yacht appropriate sweater? That's also good for morale. So the guests get on the little tender or whatever and Riley's like, yeah, well, I'm a Captain in Alaska. So smaller boats, now you're in my world. Yeah, like, wait a minute. Are you the captain of Tenders, or are you the captain of like a big fishing boat? Like, there's a huge difference, and I'm not really sure where Riley works at this point.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I actually get it. She, the point is she's not a captain, I'm like a yacht, you know, but she can go like a little, you know, like a little fishing boat, you know. I feel like T yacht, you know, but she can go like a little, you know, like a little fishing boat, you know. I feel like tender fishing boat, like that's what I trust her expertise on a tender. And so Ross starts to give like a safety talk to like half the guests and the other half
Starting point is 00:52:36 are on the other side of the tender. So he's like, all right everyone, this is what you do, man, this talking right now. This is how you behave on a boat. And Ryan's like, would you like the other guest included? He's like, I just wanna talk man is talking right now. This is how you behave on a boat and right I was like, um, would you like the other guessing? Glidey's like I Just want to talk to these people right here. He's just getting so annoyed at Riley Let me finish now everybody back there
Starting point is 00:52:53 You good he kind of does listen to her because he's only talking half the people right and so Riley's like Are you gonna keep track of time because Kate wants us back at 2 15 on the dot? He's like Yeah, and the guest was trying to get seasick and everything and she's like helping the guests and everything and They're trying to find this cave and and Ross can't find the cave and while I was like, um, I think it's over there I think it's over there. I if you looked over there to the left, he's like, stop it. I don't see a cave I don't think the cave exists so clearly we have to turn around right now. Oh, no, I think it's I think it's right there I think that cave the so clearly we have to turn around right now. Oh no I think it's I think it's right there. I think that cave, the big cave over there. Well I was afraid to be one of the guests. Like if I was afraid for the guests with both of these two. Yeah. Because she's like,
Starting point is 00:53:32 um it's over there and you're not going there and he's like, well I can't go in there because it's too dangerous and the water is really choppy. Yeah. You can see how bad the water is. So it's like I don't know that they should be going in there at all. Like, he doesn't want to crash on the rocks and she doesn't want to miss the game, but these people are going to drown. Okay, you're both wrong. Get them to hell back to the yacht. And she doesn't want them to swim because they get to the cave at one, which means they get to the cave at two, fifteen. So like, can we go swimming? And she's like, um, actually, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:03 with the water and everything and we have to be back soon. I don't think there's going to be any swimming today and I was like no no no you can can swim it's alright I'll let you swim and she's like all right and he's she's like okay well we have snorkeling gear and he's like yeah we have never mind she already sits snorkeling gear yeah he's getting mad that he's even saying that yeah he's not safe I have to deal with that okay she's like I haven't said anything I haven't said a word word he's like can you identify where a step ladder is like Oh, okay, here's a ladder. He's like that woman has been questioning me all day and then so this woman's gonna barf, you know, and then Riley's like, um, I'm a captain and usually what I do is like What does she say? She's like, I, I just barf off the side and rally.
Starting point is 00:54:46 But then Ross is, Robin Rally, she said that's it. Yeah. And and Ross has like, Rally has no faith in my abilities. I'm like, that's because she's a boat captain. That's like actually her occupation. Okay. And you were like basically acting like she's an idiot right now. They're both idiots to me. I can't understand what's going on, but it looks very dangerous.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Even getting back on the boat, the boats go, it's like jerking back. So we see one woman almost lose her damn head, you know, and Riley was like, all comes like, it's okay. Come on up. Come on up. All right. Just it's a hold on a little tight. And we're like, we got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to sink. We're going to sink. We're going to die. We're all going to sink. We're going to sink. We're going to die. We're all going to go. We're going to drop, drop, drop, roll. And it died. So then outside Caroline's smoking, um, she looks like she's going to a punk club. Like she's going to go to CBGB's, you know, she's in this big sweater with sunglasses on and has a cigarette out. I mean, she look at disaster.
Starting point is 00:55:41 The captain's like, uh, cake, cake, cake, cake. Yes, yes, Doppler. Yes, Doppler King. He's like, uh, I'd rather not have her walking around outside on deck without uniform on. Okay. And she's like, honey, hi. Um, you can't walk around without a uniform. Okay. You have any other sweater, uniform sweater? That would be great. Okay. Yeah. Captain Kate, Captain Kate, I think you left a pile of rags up here and they might be catching on fire. Is that Caroline smoking a cigarette?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Oh, you know what? I think you're right. I think you're right. Captain Kate, Captain Kate, somebody is melting red crayons on the every back. Okay. Captain Kate, Captain Kate, I think someone is trying to barbeque a pile of beets up here on the deck.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Someone has left a screen door on the deck. This is a screen door and a goddamn yacht. Or a submarine. Captain Kate, Captain Kate, I think someone left a sign for McDonald's up here. Can we please remove that? Thank you. So they are getting ready for lunch. And I think that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I just want to say that he's making chicken and beef sushi, which is terrifying. I just want to say before we talk about that, that I love the way Kate describes why her sweater is okay. She's like, my sweater is the sort of sweater that goes well with any sort of yacht. It has a nice nice tailoring to it
Starting point is 00:57:08 His light nice blend nice fabric blend Caroline that sweater that Caroline is wearing is a red monstrosity. She looks like I'm up and came out of a cave Um, they're called frackal rocks. I know exactly how there you have some respect, ma'am Yes, so yeah, so now they are making he is making ages making lunch. He's making sushi for everyone, but one guy doesn't do sushi. So he's getting chicken and steak sushi instead. Scary. Yeah. So Ross and Riley have a little talk and he's like, I'm sorry, I wasn't communicating well, but I was using hand signals. Yeah. And he's like, oh, I feel like you're not confident in me. I'm like, well, sometimes I have to step in. So I'm like, OK, well, how about next time I see an unsafe situation,
Starting point is 00:57:48 I'll just keep my mouth shut, then everyone can be dead. OK. Which is again, just help you decapitate. How about that? Which is again, see, that's where Riley, it's like, that's not a helpful response right there, Riley. That's where you need to work a little bit on your responses. So she's just all defensive with him and she's like, I'm a captain, okay, I work on boats for a living.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And he's like, all right, well, if something goes bad, you can tell me she's, I did tell you. And then so she keeps just getting more and more angry. And he's getting mad. Yeah. So he tells us again, he's like, I understand she's a strong, mounted woman. And I respect that she doesn't want to be disrespected, but enough's enough love. Yeah, because then he's like, you know what, you need to fucking, I need to fucking what? I need to fucking what? He's like, never mind. So then we go upstairs
Starting point is 00:58:42 we see Adrian. He's like, I was Japanese in another life. It's like thanks Adrian Yeah, here's some Rod chicken. Yeah, so then Ross and Chandler Ross was like what's in name? Riley she's not listening and You either you need nip it in the butt and Chandler's like oh Jesus Christ. Can we just get through this? Yeah, this decision making rattles me this behavior with Riley can't be told or they did and he marches up to the captain he's like this isn't my position to be up here but here I am I was like oh my god already a tattle tail I know I was liking Ross I felt like Ross was like centered and professional and nice but oh they Oh, they all fall. They all fall.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yep, well that brings us to the end of below day! Yes, um, tomorrow we are back with Real Housewives of Dallas. Oh, isn't that sure? And remember go to to buy your tickets. Get your t-shirts. Do whatever you want to do. Just hang out. Just click around on the side of your lawn. That's what makes you a happy. Um, so, uh, anyway, thank you all for listening. We'll be back tomorrow, Lonnie. What a fine lad you are.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Hello, Ben. I love you. I love you too. We'll talk to everybody. Bye, everyone. Hey, prime members. You can listen to WatcherCrapins, Add Free on Amazon Music.
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