Watch What Crappens - BelowDeckMed: Crossing the Lines

Episode Date: September 14, 2021

Matt once again puts the ewww in menu as he relentlessly badgers Lexi on this week's Below Deck Mediterranean. The whole thing culminates in a gross argument, but not before some dramatic lin...e-tossing by Delaney!Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who's what happens
Starting point is 00:00:31 Who's what happens Who's what happens Watch what happens Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much Who's what happens Who's what happens Who cares what happens Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. On Ben Mandelker, you can also find me on the Game Brain podcast every now and then.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Right, where I talk about board games, which is fun. And joining me is the one and only Aronik, how are you, Ronnie? Well, hello, you little bitch. I mean, how are you? How are you? I'm great, you know,, just we've had such a, we're just like in the middle of so many exciting things here on crap ends. We had our green room thing, take a seat on green room. As a reminder, it's our weekly show
Starting point is 00:01:39 that's on at seven o'clock on the west coast, 10 o'clock on the east coast. It's on the Spotify Green Room app. So download that and follow me in Ronnie, at Ben Mandelker, at Ronnie Caram, because we're like talking pop culture and stuff and then you guys can talk also. So we launched that this week.
Starting point is 00:01:58 We got like some big regrams from like Kyle. Oh yeah, Ben. Your video killed it. I couldn't believe it. I was shocked. I was like, this will be fine. man. Oh yeah, man. Your video killed it. I couldn't believe it. I was shocked. I was like, this will be fine. This is like a funny thing. It's just some content to put up.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And like I can't believe it. So good. It's a real housewives of Beverly Hills video done to the Beetlejuice. And it's really good. And that went crazy. It's our most viral thing that we've ever done. And by we, I mean you, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:26 You know what? I was inspired by you, Ronnie. I would never have done it if I weren't inspired by you. And the only reason why I'm really mentioning that is because Kelly Ripo liked it. So, not on our account, of course. No, but Lisa Jenner-Jemisin. Jenna Jameson did?
Starting point is 00:02:41 I did not do that. You got some serious porn cred, K-Ben. Wow, well, it's about time. Well, Jenna Jameson did, but did not do that. You got some serious porn cred, K-Ben. Wow, well, it's about time. Well, Jenna Jameson did, but Kelly Ripa wrote like, like three laugh emojis or three hearts on Rina's because Rina re-grammed it, so I was like, oh my God. This is like the most, this is the coolest thing that's happened since the time that Kelly Ripa
Starting point is 00:03:00 accidentally added us on her story because she thought she was adding what happens live and she added what her crap and said. So like this is very, very exciting and then Kathy Hilton re-grammed it. So we're just like, we're a wash in excitement. So it's been really fun to be in the crap in the world this week. All right. Sure.
Starting point is 00:03:23 A self-congratulatory victory lap, huh? That's what that was. Yeah, I'm lopin' with a little masturbation and then we're on to... Oh, that's too. ...Below Dick masturbation Aryan. ...Masturbation Materian. Well, masturbatorian. Yeah, below Dick Mad is SuperSized episode.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I was troubled by this episode because I wound up on Lexi's side. I don't like that. Like Lexi is a disaster and Matt, but Matt is so awful that he made me. Matt's worse. Yeah, Matt's worse. Matt made me take up for Lexi instead. Matt's disgusting. I mean, look, Lexi went way way too far, which we'll get to. And of course she does because she's Lexi. But Matt started it. Like he was doing everything he could to push her into that.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Now she fell into it, didn't fall into it. But yeah, he's, you know, you know, you, but it sucks because now like, well, it's such, it was such a loaded situation too, right? Like, there's, he has, he's higher rank. He's, he's like taunting her and he's higher has he's higher rank. He's like taunting her and he's higher. He's higher rank than she is. He's a man. She's a woman. He's white. She's black. There's so many things going on in that moment and they were all disgusting on his part. I'm sorry. I'm going to say yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Truly. And it's still going to go worse for her.
Starting point is 00:04:40 That's the thing. Yeah. It's going to go worse in the end. It's like she's the crazy one. And like, that's just so not fair. Even though she is, even though she is separately, the crazy one, but not in this instance. Oh, man. Yeah. All right. Well, let's get into it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Because that doesn't happen till the end. So we have some time to work up to that anchor. Sure. For right now, we're starting with the last day of charter. And it's with all these ladies, pardon, wait, is it pardoning ladies? Yeah, it is. Yeah, pardoning ladies, but they're asleep right now because the cliffhanger was, is Katie going to fire Delaney. At the end of last episode, we were being so cocky. We're like, um, hello, we see Delaney in the previews for next week. So I think we know how this is going to go. Okay, trying to act like you're gonna fire her and then of course we were the ones where Jack asks us because we fell right into the Bravo trap.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Oh, yes, we sure did. So Katie is going up to the Laney and she's like, would you just wanted to touch base? We obviously brought you on this trip to see how it would go and listen you've been doing great ring hands ring hands Obviously you've never been astute which would have been nice to know I mean look kind of things won't be perfect But you know the cabins are gonna have to move six people from camping to kebbing I don't know if I really want to know that's gonna really upsetting people So and so but why can't we just get people to move those sheets to another bed? I don't get it. It gonna say because there's so many different
Starting point is 00:06:05 sizes of sheets. Alright, there's a... there's a... there's a... I mean, Matt sleeps on a triangle. Okay, caught in the sleep center circle. You just can't put sheets on different types of beds. It's, I'm sorry, it's locked in. It's part of maritime law. Can't put sheets from one bed on another. I think we're just stuck with this situation, unfortunately. Oh my God, all these different, I mean, I know that there's one that's longer, right? Cause they moved the tall dude into it last year or on some show. There was one cabin that was longer, remember? And they were like, but he needs, he needs the longer cabin. Also just like wash the sheets.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Watch the sheets. And that's what Delaney says. She's like, um, but don't we just send stuff off anyway? So can we send that stuff off with the other stuff that we're sending? And she's like, no, because I don't have spare crew stuff. In the meantime, while we wait for that, I'm just telling you, for me, it's causing more stress than good. I mean, do you know how difficult it is for six people whose job it is to clean rooms and move things to clean their rooms and move things okay I feel terrible.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Ask a bunch of bed makers to make beds. I thought what was that? What is that mixture can ask them to hose themselves Dan it's just not done. I mean now Z has to move his entire entertainment system and the grand piano he has in his room. It's just too difficult to change cabins. Yeah. So that's kind of, she's kind of full of it.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I mean, I can guess, I mean, I can get why you wouldn't want to have an extra stew, but this is not the wrong one. This is Kelly. This is Joe Silly, And I also blame Max. I think that Matt really got him to adhere a lot. They all were kind of a Matt was like, you can a fire, you can a fire, you can a fire.
Starting point is 00:07:52 So, and also Sandy with her. Guess what? Guess who's not job it is to worry about cabins? The captain suddenly, whose job is suddenly now, not anything to do with this. Okay. You do what you do. So everyone's kind of full of it,
Starting point is 00:08:07 but Katie means some better leadership here. Yeah, so the Lin is like, she's like, well, is it working with, is it like the, is it worth asking the other stewardesses because they seem really happy with me. And Katie's like, so this is what I feel like is best for the boat as a whole. Okay, because we just can't deal with the cabins cabins.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Because okay, well, you're the queen. You in charge. You call the shots for your department. Because I did feel like you did a good job, though, you know, or no, I'm sorry. Delaney says, I feel like I did a good job. You did. You did do a good job. I hope you understand.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And I hope you understand. You know, I just hope you come out with us tonight because it leaks you deserve that. You deserve it. It's gonna be great. You deserve the Disney Land that is meant, giving trunk and being disgusting. It's gonna be great.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's gonna be great payment for everything you've done. And Katie then tells us, she basically says, like, you know what, I fucked up, I made a mistake. I said I needed help and then like here's handy gave me help and I was like oh, I turned it away So this was a big like embarrassment for me, but then she goes but She also did say she was a dick see when she's not so she has to take a little responsibility for that I'm like that's fine, but that's not what you fired her for you fired her because you said you didn't want to move all the Capins around and that's a different issue
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yeah agree so then till Laney goes to Matt and she's like, I need a hug I feel bad. He's like, it's Katie. Oh, no, it was Katie. Sorry. Yeah, and he's like, well, yeah, you feel bad Cuz you're a nice person. It feel like me Lexi would have been fired and she would have been kept It's like I can't do that. Whatever. I'm done. It's like she just did what you wanted her to do Yeah, and now you're telling her she still did the wrong thing Yeah, so So then yeah, so Katie tells Lexi that the landing will be leaving et cetera And now we start like the guests are starting to wake up because they're still we're still on a charter and
Starting point is 00:09:58 There's just some sort of like morning stuff Lloyd is pulling a tender around and Katie's setting up breakfast and Lexi goes up to Delaney and is like, oh, I'm going to miss you. You were a big help. And Delaney is like, well, the only reason I know is that, you know, she just doesn't want to change cabins. And Lexi says, well, I would change cabins. It's only two weeks. It's only two weeks, which is funny because Lexi spends so much of this episode being like 16 days, 16 days, I said, if it's like so long away. Yeah, she's also spent this whole chart of eating chips and bossing to win me around.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Well, Lexi's off course you would have. Yeah, and Lexi's entire like MO here is, she's really trying hard to kind of glom onto Delaney and make her her like cohort in this against the rest like you can just sort of see what Lexie is trying to do Like she's being super sympathetic to anything Delaney says and you know like I would change caps It's not me I would and and you just sort of see the way she's trying to attach herself to Delaney and That was just my observation about social psychology everyone. Thank you very much Yeah That was just my observation about social psychology everyone. Thank you very much. Yeah, so then Katie goes to the captain. She's like I spoke to Delaney. She'll be departing. I said I'm sorry for my approach
Starting point is 00:11:13 But it all comes down to funky cabin sheet sizes, you know, I mean they really should take care of that at the sheet factory I mean they're having a 30 different cons of sheets for six bays. It really is something. And the captain's like, wow, what a great attitude. You know what a great attitude she has. I hope that tonight you celebrate Delaney. Celebrator, not with the cake. I don't want man to quit, okay?
Starting point is 00:11:39 But some other way. Hey, but you know what though? Before we celebrate her, let's put her into a position where she can humiliate herself on TV one more time. And then you can scold her about it afterwards, even though she's already been fired. Okay. So when it comes to dacking, have to lean again out there. Okay. She really wants that and I want to give her that. Okay. Yeah. I'm so sorry to interrupt this recap, but I have a question. I'm just sitting here, you know, normal day,
Starting point is 00:12:05 just sitting here, and my leg buzzed, like my phone was in my pocket, like, and my phone is not in my pocket. What does that mean? You just had a spat in the wrong leg. It was just my leg. So I was like, a buzz from the phone. Well, it could have been a phantom buzz
Starting point is 00:12:21 because I've definitely get those all the time. I can have my, I could be holding my phone in my hand, and I feel like I'll go off like in my pocket, and I'm like, oh, I literally will check my pocket, and I'm like, wait, I'm holding it in my hand. So, I've definitely had phantom vibrations, or you could have had just a leg spasm. I mean, that happens a little muscle spasm.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Geez, well, if I end up dead later, tell the doctor, or the more tissue, the more tissue, that I had legs spanned on first, okay? Okay, we have a little... This terrified. Everyone, have you ever had a legs spas in before? Not like that, not where it feels like a buzz. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Okay, I don't need to go on for an hour, but you know, just put in the warning out there, if I don't tell you guys who's gonna know, okay? My life could end with this fucking Lexi recap. That's the What a way to go Ronnie? I believe the proper answer was for you to say that your mental health has taken a beating over the past year And just need a moment to reset Okay, I guess so it's been very difficult having the time of my life with you I'm on and doing whatever the fuck I wanted Maybe your leg is having me buddy. Maybe your leg is just like nervous for the part when we talk about David falling out
Starting point is 00:13:28 of the hot tub. Oh God, maybe it's an anticipation, an excited anticipation. So then we do the ladies eating, getting ready for breakfast, and one of the ladies is like, I'm sitting somewhere different today because I like to play musical chairs, somewhere different every day. She, I, it sounded to me like that was crystal, uh, who at this point sounds like she's just trying to find any sort of amusement on this trip because she's already having such a terrible time. Maybe the person sitting at this seat will get their fish. So, um, Malia is like David is on the wheel. He's, because, you know, he's, he
Starting point is 00:14:09 gets to be the big boy who, uh, who gets to steer the boat coming into the docking. And, um, Mollia is telling him like what to do, uh, on the deck for later. And Sandy goes, don't you love it when you're driving? How people, how people can be so distracting? Don't you love that? Oh, yeah. High five, David. That was you love that oh yeah high five David that was a Malia Zing that was big family right there so listen Malia when it comes to docking I want you to take Delaney out there she really wants that that would be important to her okay David's gonna feel like a big boy up here when he finishes his word jumble he's gonna get to drive and then the leanie is going to get to help with the rope.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Okay, big, big boy, big girl day. So then Katie, someone Katie asks the chef if the craps are gluten and dairy free, which Jesus Christ, I don't want to live in a world where craps are gluten and dairy free. Okay, if they are, just like spasm, take me out. You know what you want to gluten free, you want to gluten free crepe, you know what that's called? An actual piece of paper, okay? Enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Oh, so Lloyd is asking where the beans are. Cause I have to have my beans, I have to have my beans, it's been a very traumatic year for me. I need my beans at breakfast. Yeah. And yeah, they're just sort of like, it's we're going into like a docking phase. Delaney Delaney Malia. Can you come out to the dock, please? Delaney Delaney Malia. And the Delaney is just like very excited to be outside. She's like, I'm very comfortable being out on deck and just like there's a lot of docking
Starting point is 00:15:48 and now it's time for Delaney to throw the line, the moment that we all wait for and Delaney picks up the rope, the line, and she grabs it. And it's time to throw it to the man on the dock and what happens? Oh no, it fell short in the water. I'm sorry, I manipulated your line to fall into the water. Yeah, and when he's like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:16:11 the hope boat is in trouble now. Don't, don't, don't. And then they all die in the season ends. Cast the lady in through the rope. To the dock. I know, not that we've watched the person trying to throw the rope and not being able to do it for 97 times, probably this season. But now that Delaney does it, it's the worst thing to ever happen in my life.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Every season, they always talk about how, like, if you don't get the rope to the dock in the first time, it's just like so embarrassing. So the worst possible thing that could happen, as if this show is not full of embarrassing professional moments for everyone involved, but like they're, oh God forbid, the rope doesn't make it, the line doesn't make it. But actually, this is the first episode where we actually understood why it matters to be fair. You can't have, but also if it's that bad of a docking situation and it's not easy squeeze, why would you have this be the first time that you have someone do something that's important? You know, it makes me crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And it makes me crazy with Malia because Malia recovers. She kind of pisses you off in one season. But then the next season, she's on it's like, oh, well, what did Malia ever do? It's like, because she's nice and she's doing a good job and it's like, girl in power doing great. So you kind of forget. And then she does shit like this where it's like nice and she's doing a good job and it's like, you know, girl in power doing great, you know, so you kind of forget. And then she does shit like this where it's like,
Starting point is 00:17:29 oh, now you just hate Delaney because it started in the last episode where she's like, well, her CV said that she was astute, you know, it all started where somebody irritates her and then you start seeing the little evil inside Malia, like that little gnome just itching to get out. Yeah, I, I mean, I don't hate Malia as much as you do, but it did seem odd to me that like, just why did you have, if this is such an important thing, like if there was so many implications to this,
Starting point is 00:17:59 then why are you just gonna give this person totally untested on your on board? And then she's like, well, this is why I treat everyone like a green deck person is totally untested on your onboard. And then she's like, well, this is why I treat everyone like a green deck can until I see them throw a line. That was awesome. And me, while so Delaney is under full pressure of like television cameras and the guy at the dock
Starting point is 00:18:16 and then hot Martin probably standing overhead. So she's just trying to throw it across, et cetera. And they're like, oh my god, I just got fired. You know, it's like the girl just got fired. So you need to drag her some more on national television, just leave her alone. They act as if like, Moby Dick is about to destroy this boat. And like if she doesn't get the rope on time,
Starting point is 00:18:37 then they are going to have to. For real, they're acting like Delaney is like Captain A have like, poking at the whale with her crutch, you know? Like, leave it alone They are acting like Delaney is like no, and there's still two animals left that he didn't get okay For real you forgot the gazelles So and then there's like this like weird shot from inside engine room, and I was like, what's happening here?
Starting point is 00:19:05 But then it turns out, like once they finally, of course, like her second throw, it's fine, right? So then, but Martin, hot Martin registered in alarm. There's a lot, there's a rudder alarm. And so now the big question is, did the rudder catch a ground line? So now we're like finding out a little bit more context of why they always freak the fuck out every time it's time to throw a
Starting point is 00:19:26 Line up to the dock and the reason is Right, I think it's the stopping and starting right I think it's the stopping and starting and like when you're not tied in the boat can drift And it's like in those precious moments when when the boat's drifting that a rope can get like tangled up in a rudder or you know Whatever else is down there. So that's why. And so now we have this alarm going off which indicates that perhaps something got tied up down there. Right. So Moli is like, Delaney, do you know the stopper nod, the stopper nod, the stopper nod?
Starting point is 00:19:57 I don't know. Just do it. Do it right. No, you're doing it wrong. You do it Moli. You do it Moli. Yeah. Why are you having all of a sudden Del you do everything when it's like hers?
Starting point is 00:20:05 It's like our ceremonial symbolic, like farewell deck moment and you're not here. Like, it's like they're having or like literally erect a sale or something like that. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, some days parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest
Starting point is 00:20:31 and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown aller, we will be your resident not so expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking, oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong, what would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app.
Starting point is 00:21:11 That. So then the ladies are packing and leaving and we see Lexi talking to herself while she cleans the table and she's like, these flower arrangements are gorgeous. I did that. I did that. And the ladies are like, bye. And then Andrea for some reason is the one to give a speech and you can tell they all had a meeting about it.
Starting point is 00:21:38 They're like, oh my god, who's going to give the speech? Andrea, you do it. No, I don't mind. What about me? I'm going to be the mayor. No, Andrea is gonna do I vote Andrea Hi second that there's only like one person who didn't vote for Andrea and now there's all this tension crystal You just know what happened because yeah, crystal wasn't backed up on her bad yelp review of the boat so she's pissed
Starting point is 00:21:57 But we can tell because Andrea gives a very speechy speech. She's like a few days ago You'd let eight crazy ladies with different preferences, different walks of life, art your yachts, and we would like to thank you for the bottom of our hearts, for meeting us where we were. Gleeping free, dairy free. You're all the same to me, said the tiny tidy lady or whatever this person is called. You appreciated us. We felt seen it. Not me. Quiet, Crystal, this is my speech. I give it about four out of five. I give it about four out of ten.
Starting point is 00:22:36 That's not even how they vote on you, Crystal. You're for moron now. I'd like to thank you all by giving you this envelope full of trust pride and good old fashioned American gumps and get off Andrea go Right wow what an odd sensation something served not family style on this boat So after that the captain's like add a fair white soon to our reds and then his time for don't don't don't don't don't tip meeting. Well not before Delaney goes and thanks captain Sandy for this wonderful experience and he's like you know what you never had an attitude you're just a team player I appreciate that about you.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I don't actually really know who you are because we've never really talked until this moment but I can tell you have no attitude. Okay. Now let's go down to that tip meeting so I can say this on a bigger scale. Okay, everyone welcome to tip meeting. I want to start with Delaney. Your attitude was beyond. You're an asset to any boat. If I had to call you a wind, you would be the kind of fun wind that you get when you have a fan and you talk to the fan and it sounds like your Darth Vader. That's you. Oh, the lady.
Starting point is 00:23:51 You did a good job. That kind of wind. Yeah. Unfortunately, you're done on this boat, which means we're passing wind. Okay. You get off. Get off. You know what?
Starting point is 00:24:02 It's so tough to step into a tight group, you know, and you did it with Grace. You did it. You did it with Grace. And now we're blowing your way like the wind that you are. Goodbye. I know that Melia doesn't seem to like you very much, but she didn't rifle through your things and take pictures of it for me. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:20 That's saying something. Okay. And Katie's like, well, we all know what it's like moving in bed season and you did a great job to Laney and math like Especially on a work day Wow, everyone's so busy It's like really turning on his like I'm a good day charm. Yeah, I hate it It's like the best little boy and now we get to have fun now. It's like shut up Mac away So they get their tip which is not quite as big as it could have been if Delaney weren't there and
Starting point is 00:24:53 Tomorrow you guys get the day off. It's gonna be water toys and waterfalls. Okay. Hey Delaney I know we just fired you for some bullshit reason, but we are on TV I know you want that. So you want to join them for their day off? She's like, well, I guess I could do that. Okay. Well, now just to remind everyone that I'm a fun lighthearted boss. It also supports everybody.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Teach me the twerk. That'll be fine. I don't know that we need a Twerking less, but thanks. From Courtney and all people, when you have Lexi who's actually from the Caribbean. Yes. Courtney who looks like an older lady rubbing her itchy butt on an electric bowl outside. Literally like a Charmin commercial. It was like the Charmin Bears going up against the tree.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's so funny. like a Charmin commercial. It was like the Charmin Bears going up against the tree, you know. So funny. And then Courtney Emily had just keep going, yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh God, so much basic energy right here. So then Z is talking about, he's talking about Courtney because he still has this crush on Courtney. And he's like, well, when I look at someone, I was surprised with some of chocolates and flowers and I know if it's
Starting point is 00:26:09 going really well, I'll be sure to just follow my face on some cement and ride around and give myself a bloody nose, sort of old fashioned like that. I don't think Z's had a girlfriend. When I have a girlfriend, I bring flowers or chocolates. Wow, really? What a bold. That's quite some game, buddy. I mean, just to cement this romance into all of our minds,
Starting point is 00:26:31 she comes out with a bag of trash. She's like, here you go. All right, I've got it. So Delaney and Lex, you're talking, and she's asking, like, they're just asking about people getting together, which is actually kind of what spurred this entire scene and Lani says so Sheffi wouldn't get with anyone unless he goes oh, oh, I wouldn't get with him
Starting point is 00:26:51 He's fucking weird. I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole If he was the last man on earth that rather just die without dick. He's socially awkward and polyamorous I said well, I did nothing wrong with that. She's like Lex is like nothing wrong with it. What, you're into orgies? She's, listen, your mind has to be open to the world and they start laughing. And Lexi's like, so okay then, how many people do you bang in a day?
Starting point is 00:27:13 That's all I wanna know. She's probably one, maybe two. And then Delaney laughs and looks right in the camera. She's like, what the hell? So then the caption is talking to Malia. And she's like, Malia, Malia, Captain Captain. I know you're right in front of me, but I'm suddenly talking to you like we're on a radio
Starting point is 00:27:29 because it's fun. But Captain Captain Malia, Malia, Malia, Malia, Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain. Okay, listen, I think I had a redder, we had a redder pump alarm, okay? So I think what happened is I got a ground line and you're gonna have to swim under it. Now listen, this is even more dangerous than changing beds, bed sheets on six different beds. Okay, so I need you to be careful.
Starting point is 00:27:51 This is why I don't like to walk the boat at the dock because of the ground lines. You know what I'm saying? God, whoever decided to put Delini out there on the deck for one last little mission is a real idiot. And it wasn't me, okay? I bet that kind of person doesn't even pay attention to bungles. So, yeah, so now Malia is, she's like, she's gonna go scuba diving and everything. And the music's like,
Starting point is 00:28:17 dun dun dun dun dun, they're treating like it's literally like Armageddon, like they're seeing an Armageddon with their own, they're space seats. Walkin' to the spaceship, it's like Malia with her tank. Like, dun dun dun dun dun. Hey David, keep an eye on Malia. No, don't masturbate to Malia. Just keep an eye on her David.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Okay, great. So then the guys are laughing at Z. Ho's drama. Wow, the guys are like, Oh, that's hilarious. So much different from my last job, where I was a scientist on a tour of the Adirondacks.
Starting point is 00:28:51 With alligators. When no one respected me, they're gloid. Calm down, okay. It's just a little Hose joke. Being an engineer, I fix problems. So if I was your Hose that is spitting water, what I do is I turn it off. It's just being an engineer.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So then Malia gives us some boring backstory. I love to dive and what I love about yachting is that I can dive, so she dives. And there's nothing there. So they just have a faulty alarm. No reason to panic, everyone. Just a faulty alarm and the boat's gonna sink, okay? Yeah, I don't know, That's got to come back later because that's weird. You just have a faulty alarm.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Check it out. These systems, these systems were kept in the, uh, Captain Glenn, well, you know, it's a system, and you know, it's like sometimes the system acts that way into being crashed. Yeah, it's not a faulty alarm in that case. It's like, and boom, right into the dock. So, uh, time to get ready to go case. It's like, and boom, right into the dock. So time to get ready to go out. So David sees Delaney, who's like looking all hot and ready to power our day. He's like, I feel so underdressed. And basically, he's just making a looks at her like,
Starting point is 00:29:58 blah, blah, boom, and he's gonna try and get on it. Because, you know, he's David. So he has to try and fuck everything that walks through. Yeah so then they all get into the vans and Delaney is like you know I haven't I haven't really talked to you guys so what's going on what's your story and David's like well I'm four years deep in yawning but I'm just here to smell the good ha ha ha ha and they all laugh because yeah they're laughing because that's what I said to him. His only good thing is that he smells good. Katie's like, I was at what we said. I mean, I just mucked off to that point.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So now they show up at dinner and they're taking pictures and there's cocktails and they're cheering, cheers to being fabulous together And Delaney's asking Matt if he's single. He's like, well, I'm not monogamous, no. It's just, we should chat because 100%. Like, I've been to sex parties. Oh yeah. I'm like, she goes, orgy, she's been that orgy. And David's like, oh, gross. And Delaney goes, well, it's not how I identify.
Starting point is 00:31:05 So then Courtney and Zee are talking, and Zee saying, well, you know, it seems like Lexi's behaving. She's like, honestly, daddy, I don't give a shit how she behaves. Oh, she works for fuck off. And me and Katie are literally doing everything. I mean, we could do a trip together easily,
Starting point is 00:31:22 who'd be easier than the four of us together. Yeah. And meanwhile, he's just getting drunker and drunker and drunker and saying things like, David, I fucking love you. I love you. And Lexi, meanwhile, is babbling about how she doesn't want to be locked down in a job. She only wants to be locked down in a relationship. And Dueling is like, I think I want to be locked down in a job and not a relationship. And Dullin is like, I think I want to be locked down in a job and not a relationship. I'm just like, no, you got a backwards. I mean, while Z is wasted, like he looks like his head is just about to like, oh, rent on the table. So Matt is telling Katie, you're my favorite person in
Starting point is 00:32:00 the world, Katie. She's like, well, you are my favorite. Chef, that's quick three times. You know, right? He's like, well, you don't have to see it back, Katie. But you know what? You filled it up things. Like how the plates always face the same way. It'll have to tell you which way to turn them, you know?
Starting point is 00:32:18 And then Katie, Courtney is like, yes, I agree. You've done an amazing job. Everything to it's see, I couldn't have dealt with the shit you've dealt with that's for sure It's like oh my god stop kissing ass so hard Courtney. I've never seen anybody beg this hard to eat a table in my life Yeah, they are they're all kissing ass and then they're like hugging and everything and now David's making a toast and David's like I want to tell us a delay me you've been a diamond since when you started from whenever and your heart and I'm single and what I'm trying to say is would you like to
Starting point is 00:32:51 go steady with me oh no I'm twirling I'm twirling in a circle again oh no and also I'd like to say Katie incredible you know and then there's Malia who's proving a girl can kill it in a man's world. And you know, Matt and I had a rough start, you know, from the start when he had a bad knee. And Lexi's like, oh yeah, he quit, he quit. She goes, he did, he quit. She goes, yeah, he said he was injured, which is a bullshit. Yeah, he loved the boat. He loved to put the first night in the magic. You shouldn't talk shit about me me doing David speech. David's got the floor. So then it's just like more,
Starting point is 00:33:28 just like David's saying how Matt is killed. It's like doing such a good job. And Lexi's just scowling. She just thinks it's all fake and stupid. And then so then, Malia, after all this ridiculousness, Malia turns to Delaney and because they're all just we're talking.
Starting point is 00:33:44 And she goes, hey,, started to call you out but you dropped a heaving line today. Like Malia, she's already been fired. Why are you bringing this up? Why are you rubbing this? And she's like, yeah, I didn't yell at you or anything. It's fine, but like, you know, just don't be afraid to be green.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Don't be afraid to be green. And the line is like, yeah, can I give you a little advice because I saw your resume. Don't be afraid to be green because the worst thing is to look at your resume and it says, skipper skipper mate mate boasting. I mean, you know, looking at that, it means that you've never been willing to be a decant. I mean, lots of boats can say you can be a chief officer, but then you don't really learn, you know, shut up, Molina. So that is this. What is the purpose of this? She's already fired.
Starting point is 00:34:25 She's not on the boat anymore. This is useless, right? So. And to Laney's like, but I'm being honest, I mean, you can look on my phone. It's honestly my CV. She goes, yeah, but you said Dex to you. And you have no stew experience.
Starting point is 00:34:36 She's like, um, well, no, I said I put Dex to, but I don't really have that much experience as a stew on the stew part. And she's like, well, look, I get that I have less experience than you do. I mean, I've only been doing this two years. And so Malia's like, well, I don't really think the lady took my advice. I mean, she's one of those people that just nods and smiles and then ignores you. Okay, well, have fun on your temp jobs.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Fuck you! Boo! There's so much. Are you been fired for crying out loud? Just let her have her fun night. Let her have her last episode on TV, right? I was actually comforted that Malia still sucks, because it really bothers me when people change too much.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And I don't know how to deal with the change. So congrats on still sucking. Yeah. So now Z is like, he's dancing. and he starts to give Courtney a lap dance. He's like pulled her chair to the side. He starts to lap dancer. But as we saw from the previous episode, lap dancing is not really his thing. He kind of just like glums on to it. Kind of like takes a seat on her lap and latches on. He kind of looks like a koala. He looks like a koala in a tree. And Courtney was the tree. He just like straps on.
Starting point is 00:35:46 And he's like, well, Courtney can consider that ass karma for all the terrible twerking she subjected everybody else to. Because he basically lap dances her like Courtney twerks the air. So C is like, yeah, I think she wins a dance call, but he's really wasted, right? So then Lexi is over it. So she gets out of there. Everybody basically leaves.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And let's see, Delaney, Hansi with David, Lexi's boot falls out. There's a lot of stuff. There's a lot of stuff. They just all wind up essentially back at the yacht and Sandy's asleep and they're gonna go to the hot tub. But not Lexi, she's like, I'm not doing the hot tub. I'm over it.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I'm hungry. I think I have a taper. So meanwhile, they're all to the hot tub, but not Lexi, she's like, I'm not doing the hot tub, I'm over it, I'm hungry, I think I have a taper. So, meanwhile, they're all at the hot tub, Lloyd is doing some strange dance up there, as usual, and they're just having fun, and they're just like, like some of the girls, like I think Katie and Courtney are kind of like, like on top of each other sort of, and they're making fun of Dan Yel,
Starting point is 00:36:43 the guest who last episode was saying she was mayor. So just like, drunken, drunken craziness and we see David swinging fireball. And again, it keeps cutting to Lexi just like, scouring for food and then like complaining about the food that she does find. It basically cuts between them partying, David trying to get onto Lene and Lexi's chili journey because she found some chilly and it just keeps cutting back to her. It's like first she found the chili, then she's going to eat it. Then she complains that the chef doesn't know what salt is. Then we cut back and she's salting the chili. Yeah. It's like what will happen.
Starting point is 00:37:16 She oversalt it. She learned her lesson. It's a whole mini series about Lexi and her chili. So then David is just like writhing on Delaney in this weird way. Like the typically awkward way. And he's like, guess the cabin is looking pretty good. Rotten out. And he's so gross.
Starting point is 00:37:35 He's so gross to me. So then he to Laney walks off. So then he stamps on the hot tub and tries to jump across to the other section. But he slips and falls Pretty much on his face. Yeah, it was a pretty harsh fall. It was a it was an authoritative fall like he just like Falls, it's like a thwack. It's one of those falls where you actually cringe. It's like not slapsticky It's just like ouch, you know, and then it cuts a lexie in her bed and she's like, oh no, I spilled my cup of chino you know, and then I cast a lexie in her bed and she's like, oh no, I spilled my cup of chino.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah. And Matt's like, D.V. real, did you break your dick? Of course, Matt is like that. That's Matt's stupid thing. Yeah. So then Katie goes to the bathroom to cry to her mom because one of her friends is giving birth and she's missing it. And she's like, you know, it's a love height relationship with Yachtie.
Starting point is 00:38:26 And like, I love it, but these mountains, it's like my best friend is about to give birth. And it's all my behavior falling and all of this being. I mean, there's so much more to life. I had no idea that this was something that Yachtie's had to deal with. I had no idea that Yachties feel like they miss out on birthdays and weddings and milestones. Who would have thought, you know, I bet there's some Yadis out there, Ronnie, that feel like they're missing out on their child, their children growing up in Florida because they have a child. Did you know that Ronnie? I'm so glad it's episode brought this to my attention.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I wonder if anyone here has been a drug runner. I wonder if anyone here had a rough time in school and then yachting sort of saved them. Yeah, I wonder if anyone here has daddy issues of any kind. I'll be super weird. So, Katie, you know, Katie, here's the thing. That girl who's at home having a baby is probably like, fuck this baby, fuck this man I'm hearing, because I got pregnant.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Katie's off this, sailing around the world, traveling all around the world on a boat I'm fucking yacht and here I am pushing out this Lincoln log Exactly the grass is always greener so she calls up her mom and She's like crying to her mom And she was like crying to her mom, I'm sacrificing all this being and all this bullshit everyone's fine. And her mom's like, don't be upset, you're just tired and drunk. You know what?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Everyone has to make decisions, okay? Be quiet. I'm getting back to my wife. You should always say, okay, you're right. Let me give you my motherly advice. When you're feeling upset, the best thing you can do is make a better two. No! Well, you know what I like to do? I like...
Starting point is 00:40:08 If I'm ever feeling upset, the way I distract myself is I say, how bad if I put this sheet on a different bed? So I call the old musical chairs for bedding. But we only have one bed of sheets for every specific unique bed in the house, specifically chairs. Oh, I can't help you don't goodbye So then we go to the crew mass where Delaney is calling Melilla. Oh, no, Melilla's there. She's like Melilla Melilla She's what oh, I was teasing because you say things twice on the radio. She's like, um, yeah, because you have to Oh, yeah, Melilla
Starting point is 00:40:44 Well, but it is kind of funny that Delaney is acting as if this is a novelty one. It seems to be how it goes. Stan Mac goes, She's trying to be fun. She's like, Malia Malia, what? Yeah, I was teasing because you say twice on the radio. Yeah, because you have to, that's how you have to do it. Okay, well sorry for trying to make Mike with you, lady.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Hey, how about Lexi when you sing the Lonnie and her responding to Laney? And she goes, yeah, well, I'm in laundry. I can't hear. It's like, you're clueless. Show us how, show us about how you talk to yourself. It's kind of scary. I'm like, it's like, Lexi was not doing anything to you, Matt.
Starting point is 00:41:24 You're going out of your way to provoke her right now because you're an asshole, okay? And she's like, you're scary on person. I will say, I will say this though, Matt's an amazing chef. And then she's like, no, Matt's not an amazing chef. He's an amazing human, boom! It's like, see, what?
Starting point is 00:41:41 See, this is the thing that you're gonna die on, the mat, that's covered in semen, no. Yeah, so Lexi's like, what's the attitude with you? I mean, what's that about? And Matt's like, well, we just don't like each other. She goes, yeah, well, I haven't liked you from the beginning. Yes, same! Just, I don't know why Z is coming at me like Captain Sivaho right now,
Starting point is 00:42:00 because like no one's talking to you. And of course he's like, Everyone's shit the fuck up! They're shit the whole couple now! right now because like no one's talking to you and court is like, everyone shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up right now. So then they're kind of like all fighting, but then Delaney puts on like her, she puts on like a treat, she has this Cheetah onesie that she was really excited to wear at some point during the season, but since she's not gonna get chance to wear it, she's like, I'm gonna put on my Cheetah's onesie right now and then we're gonna do planks, we're gonna yoga planks,
Starting point is 00:42:22 because of course Delaney is that girl who does yoga things at the party. Yeah, and she's also that girl who brings a cheetah suit and has two, so someone else can do it with her. So she goes, yeah, I just wanna put it on before I go and Courtney goes, then put them on because they're leaving tomorrow. So God, they really ate this girl who does nothing though. So God, they really ate this girl who does nothing. So mean. Yeah. So then she's,
Starting point is 00:42:49 you know, doing the airplane with Lexi, where she lifts her legs and, you know, lifts Lexi around or whatever. And Lloyd is like, eh, that's gross. And then court is twerking on the booth and it was just crazy and wasted. Yeah. So, Z is talking about how he's going to be sending roses out tomorrow and Maca's. Will you send Lexi some flowers and ask her to quit? I'm like, I don't know why he's just like driving me absolutely nuts. Yeah, because he's trying to start with her for no reason. Like, she's not even doing anything. So then he's like, yeah, she should be fired. And Matt's like, what did she say to you again? He said, yeah, she said to me that I didn't even need to be here because I'm just dead crew.
Starting point is 00:43:35 He's like, dude, you know what's so crazy? I didn't have the worst night that night. So they laugh about that. And Matt is asking David. He's like so, or no, he's talking to Lloyd. He's like, so do you think David's gonna smash tonight? Yeah, I'm like, I'm like, I just cannot deal with Matt. Like, again, Lexi is a terrible employee
Starting point is 00:43:58 and she definitely has, like, she, she has some issues, she has to sort out and deal with for sure. But that being said, this guy's going out of his way to provoke her. Like he, he should know better. They should all know better, you know. So, meanwhile, David is now doing the planking thing. I don't know why, because his leg is all fucked up. He's doing this thing with Delaney. We're on the floor and on the feet and all this stuff. And, um, and then the guys are just like laughing about how he struck out with Malia, and now he's gonna try with the fourths too. So, you know, more drunk and silliness.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah. So then it's time for bed. And so, he's like, David, don't let it go. He's like, I'm not gonna chase it to a room like some psycho file. Yeah. I don't even know that's a word I like it. Like I want to. I know I do too. And he's like, come on to Laney, he hurt his leg, get him an ice pack. And she's like, okay, here's some ice pack. Now I'm going to bed. Bye. See you in the morning. So then Crude Off, Crude Off, Crude Off, and then we just get a shot of Captain Sandy making her coffee and she goes, wow, that first cup is like super special. No, right, thanks, I'm in that paycheck today. So then everybody's getting ready and getting on the bus to go and then we see a close-up,
Starting point is 00:45:15 a spotlight close-up of Dave's brews. Yeah, he has a big wealth. He's like, what would serve him to say to drunk me? Probably don't jump off shit. And also, hey,bamy, you're looking pretty hot right now, I want to go to the guest room. Okay, that sounds great drunk me. Great, see you there. Serbamy. So, they're all ready to go and Lexi doesn't, Delaney says, has anyone seen Lexi? They're like, no.
Starting point is 00:45:39 So she goes to check on her and Lexi doesn't want to go. She's like, I just rather sleep in. So they leave without her. And Dave is assuring everyone he's totally fine. And then they just leave and have some really fun times. Yeah, just like water, water, water, fun stuff. There's like, you know, diving and the classic below deck. Let's both dive off this. Let's do a backflip together off the side of this boat and there's a swimming and there's like a surfboard thing that they're on and people are falling off and falling on and Lloyd's popping some champagne and then Katie is now like her faith in humanities was storage. She's like these I think a lot of them have hope in between. I needed this to cleanse my soul
Starting point is 00:46:18 if I still have one. I honestly don't know but that may have to do more with boeing jack for a few years than yawning, to be honest. Anyway. So, then Courtney is talking to Lloyd. They're just sitting on the swim doc talking and she's like, well, he said, look, there's roses coming. I'm in a predicament. How do I bridge this with Z because he asked her, do you like Z?
Starting point is 00:46:40 And she's like, no, I just think we have a good friendship thing. Why? He's like, um, I just think we have a good friendship thing. Why? He's like, um, because he likes you. She's like, oh no, am I stringing it along? Yeah, she's like, you know, I'm really flirty. And you know, I'm just bored at the time giving off the wrong vibes. I mean, you know, I'll never say never because he's such an ace goal. And look, there's Mavic right now.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And there's like the, just like, wasted standing above them, you know, having no idea that he's about to send roses to a girl who does not want them whatsoever. So then this is all interrupted because we see Sandy just doing laundry, just putting a scoop of detergent in. You know, the first cup of detergent in the morning. Yes, the best feeling. ALL, that's all. That's my motto for life for life okay you got to have all three of those letters you have to all Three of the letters in all That's all so Lloyd Z's nervous about the roses, but Lloyd's like um, you know no on the roses
Starting point is 00:47:37 I think he can go for that. He's like yeah, I'm still gonna go for it So then Delaney and Lexi are talking and to Lany is like, do you want to quit and just go with me and they start laughing? And everyone changes for dinner and Zee is falling down and everyone's cracking up. He just falls over for no reason. He just steps out of a door and just falls over in the hallway. Now that was good slapstick. That's when I went back and left at. He's taking a lot of falls this season. He's like one of those, he's also sort of like shaped like it. He's kind of like those
Starting point is 00:48:09 bouncy, those air things that you punch and that goes all the way down and then comes back up again. That's kind of just like, he's got like a, he's got a nice low center of gravity. So I think when he falls, he truly is the personification of Chumbo Wamba. When he falls, he does just get right back up again. So then they go to the waterfalls and Malia's like, well, I've been at these waterfalls my first season. I definitely won't be kissing the chef this time. And then of course, we have to see if a terrible flashback to Malia. Later skating.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You have to spin a jomlet. That's like it. Hey, how could you treat me like that? I mean, to a spinach omelet. So, and they keep, the funny thing is, they keep showing footage of David, anytime David stumbles or struggles with his leg, they just keep showing it for some reason.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I just like it. They're just like taunting him in his terrible decisions. So it's a wonderful. You have nothing's going on. This show really tries. You have to add it to them. They're like, just keep the spotlight on the brews, guys. Look, he's limping.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Do we have to hold on that shot for a long time. We got to fill 10 more seconds. Okay, he's limping. So now they're hiking and max, max like, six party girls. Let's be six party boys. So then they go to the restaurant finally, Max, Max, Max, like, six party girls. Let's be six party boys.
Starting point is 00:49:25 So then they go to the restaurant finally, and Zee's still wasted, and Lexie's talking about how she wants to eat healthy, and Max, like, what were you girls taking a bit in the car? And Delaney says that David was just sleeping. He's really lame and boring. And so, Max, like, everyone like, like 16 days. It's Lexi. Lexi is 16 more days. I don't know why she said it there. Um, it's
Starting point is 00:49:50 like typical Lexi to sort of make a passive aggressive comment. And then Matt goes, Oh, unless you leave in cheese days. And so then Courtney is like, shut the fuck up, Matt. And Lexi says, I'm just gonna ignore him. And the lady is like, well, I would, I would love to stay. And Lexi says, I'm just gonna ignore him. And Lenin's like, well, I would love to stay. And Lexi's what you can't unless you left. She's like, yeah, I'm just gonna stay out of this conversation. You know what? I've never just like someone as much as I do you in my life. I'm just like, same.
Starting point is 00:50:19 And guess what? You don't even matter in the real world, okay? Yeah, because you real world is so phony. And Courtney is like, Ma, shut the fuck up, Ma, Ma. And then Lexi's like, you don't matter. You're a low life, you're a nobody. And so Malia comes over to offer to switch seats with Lexi.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And she's like, no, like, no, I'm not gonna switch seats. And no one puts him in his place. And he's a low, like a low hanging chef or a low life chef or something like that. And no one checks you. So now and he's a low, like a low hanging chef or a low life chef or something like that. And no one checks you. So now you know. So now you know. And then Matthew, you know the worst piece in ever.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Like, well, I don't give a fuck. You're a nobody. You're a nobody. And Courtney's yelling, Matt, just go sit over there. And Lexi says, I don't give a fuck. You're nobody. You don't pay my bank account.
Starting point is 00:51:02 You don't add any money to my life. Literally, you're a low-live. So be Lexi, you're both nasty. And then David comes over and holds a napkin in front of Lexi's face. Like, fuck off, bro. He was like putting the napkin in front of Matt's face. Well, it was actually, I think, between both of them. I think he was trying to put up, like, a little wall between them,
Starting point is 00:51:20 like, a little napkin wall. And she was just like, don't put this in my face, bro, and just like, push this away as she should have. And it's just like, again, Lexi is ridiculous, but this was totally massive. This is like, it's making me be on Lexi's side in this. Because it's so condescending and rude. Yeah, so David gets a mad up.
Starting point is 00:51:41 He's like, come on, come on, bro. And then the cat's like, meow. There's always some hungry cat they're judging everything yeah so we get back from break Courtney's yelling at everybody like come on just put this behind us and that's like you're a horribly human I'm like see guys your mother is yeah which he deserved and she's like I really can't stand to be no I can stand you well my bank account is so fat. And it still says Lexi Wilson.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Now I always think it's funny when she like brags about her bank account. And yet she's like a seconds do on a boat. Not that you can't be wealthy in that position, but she's acting as if she's literally like, like she's the heirest to a tire company or something like that. So Matt is like, Lexi, Lexi is his man,
Starting point is 00:52:25 and me guys that are so rich. And she goes, oh my god, you're jealous because no one wants to join your sex orgies. Yeah, and see laughs and Courtney's like, sit over that mat, you're just fucking disgusting when you like this mat. And he's like, I wish I was in my, I wish I was like rich in Miami.
Starting point is 00:52:44 And Lexi said, oh please, you've lost all your money in brothels. Yeah. And now there's two cats, because clearly the cats have found out there's a fight. They're like, just coming up to just to watch. Everyone thinks they're hungry. They're just like nosy.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Like, there's someone get Mr. Mustafa's, because it's going down over here, the spikning table. They're like, it's a bravo, so filming. Surely someone will throw some food. Let's just be patient, guys. So then Malia's like, I'm hanging out with cats because people suck. And then so Z is like wasted walking
Starting point is 00:53:14 and he can't try his own cheese, so he falls down. And they return to the cars. Is where they return to the cars? Yeah, they return to the cars. He eats so much happens today. It's a lot. It's a lot of stuff. And they're returning to the cars. Is where they return to the cars? Yeah, there are a lot of stuff. It's a lot of stuff. And they're returning to the cars. And to Lani, it's like, well, I definitely came on the boat
Starting point is 00:53:30 and befunded the Boang Pooson, Yikes. So now they're in the Vans. And Lexi's in a van with Z, who's passed out, and David, who's also passed out. They're all three of them are just passed out in the van. And the other van is like, the fun van. And they're changing clothes. And they arrive at the restaurant. And Lexi is just like passed out and does not want to go into the fun van. And they're changing clothes and they arrive at the restaurant
Starting point is 00:53:45 and Lexi is just like pass out and does not want to go into the restaurant yet. She's like, I'll be there in five minutes. I'll be there in five minutes. I'll be there in five minutes. And they're trying to get her to come in, but she doesn't. So then they all go to the restaurant and Delaney reports that Lexi is sleeping in the van
Starting point is 00:54:00 and low, it's like, what do you mean, sleeping in the van? I'm like, she's literally sleeping in the van. Why is that a hard concept? Like literally Z and David were passed out in the van and low it's like what do you mean sleep big in the van I'm like she's literally sleeping in the van why is that a hard concept like literally Z and David were passed out in the van and there you had no problem with that like let let the board girl sleep she's wasted and who cares why do you need her here then she's gonna come here and you guys are gonna complain that she's here so yeah Matt's like dude wake her up don't let her sleep through dinner and because he of course wants to keep out he just wants to keep at it.
Starting point is 00:54:25 He just wants to fight with her, yeah. Yes, because his goal here is to get her off the boat. He, she's already had her final warning. So his goal as well, Delaney's still there, who has expressed his interest in polyamory or orgies or whatever, sex parties or whatever, he's decided that he's gonna get rid of Lexi now and keep Delaney.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Yeah. So he's, I mean, he's kind of obvious what he's going for So he's like maker come maker come and Party I've never been able to do it but you gotta keep on trying So yeah, so um Z is like in a bad mood because he's like now he's in that place I think where he already peaked with his drunkenness and now he's like in that thing where you're like hungover But you haven't you haven't been able to go to sleep, you know, but you're still a problem
Starting point is 00:55:15 You can't just drink all day you have to sleep or take a disco nap or something, but they just have to keep going keep going so Malia's like oh my god, I love when Katie gets her angry face. And, um, Delaney's like, yeah, you can't have Westing bitch face because that's what wrinkles come from. And Katie's like, I'm in yawning. I will get wrinkles. That's not even a worry. So then Lexi finally wakes up, just like, where the fuck am I, which is exactly how I would expect her to wake up. And it says two hours, 15 minutes in the van, which I have to imagine that's not since
Starting point is 00:55:49 they arrived at the restaurant because they haven't even gotten their starters. I think she's just been sleeping for two hours, 15 minutes. But she, so she joins up and then she's like, um, no one woke me up. They're like, we all woke you up, Lexie. So she's like, whatever. So she sits down and then strangely timed, uh, Z's roses arrived for Courtney and Z is just like so wasted. He's like, uh, it was a good idea.
Starting point is 00:56:14 This is the roses. The bed. Okay. And they're all laughing at him. Well, he's like, no, wonder he got fucked up before dinner. Yeah. So then Courtney says it's so embarrassing. It happened at the dinner table in front of everyone. And she's like, well, I did it last night, you know, I didn't know how you'd respond. I'm just like, I don't normally respond well to this, but obviously I love you so much. Thank you. I love you so much. I love these. I hope I'm not, I hope I'm not leasing you on, but you are so sexy and I really would love to fuck you after reading, looking at these roses.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I'm not leading you on, am I? So then Matt's like, well, I'm gonna sleep like a baby if someone sleeps with me. And the lady's like, listen, how about this? I'll give you a 15 second hug, because you know what? 15 second hug, lower stress level, dequease his heart blockages, and it uses hemorrhoids. And Courtney's like, did you read a book of facts before you came on here? hug, lowest stress level, dequeases hot packages, and it uses hemorrhoids. And Courtney's like, did you read a book of facts before you came on here? Because you just keep hitting us with facts.
Starting point is 00:57:11 It's just like, you have a fact for everything we say. And then out of nowhere, is he just like falls out of his chair. He like, if he tries to stand up, maybe he's going to say something because he's like, guess what? Coco was gone and Z is here. And he tries to stand up and he just like, guess what? Coco was gone and Z is here and he tries to stand up and he just falls, literally falls off like onto the ground out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:57:30 And so they're all laughing and now it's time to pay. And so they're all taking out their credit cards and Courtney is gonna pay for Z. And then Matt pays out his car and they're like, no, no, no, Matt, you can't pay because you've paid for so much or whatever. And so he goes, well, I'll pay for for everyone but Lexi. I've had enough that bullshit And she goes yeah, he's the R word. He can't help it. Oh
Starting point is 00:57:54 My god Lexi really. I mean geez. This is like such a typical bravo fight It's like you could have had every single person rooting for you and then you whip that shit out Wait, what did we what did she say? She called him the R word The R word Yeah, I didn't hear that. I did not hear that part Yes, well they believed it they believed it out I did not hear that part with stars over it. Yeah, so she calls him the R word
Starting point is 00:58:24 That's what I'm saying. It's like yeah You you want to be on her side and then she pulls this She just like takes the whole thing. It's like okay. Well now you have nobody on your side dumb dumb Well, he is like no one here likes you and then Delaney is like hey Well, we talked about coin this right and then Lloyd starts to shake and so Malia's like Lloyd why are you shaking? He's like oh, it's nothing. It's nothing. She's like, what's going on? And she can't eat. It's very strange. He's like, well, my mental has took a battery in this year
Starting point is 00:58:50 and sometimes I have to take a few moments to reset. So he's like full on shaking, which is, I feel like I've seen that in the movies, but I've never really seen it in real life. Someone having a visceral physical reaction to stress like that. So then- Just doesn't like conflict, that stress like that. So then-
Starting point is 00:59:05 Just doesn't like conflict, that's for sure. So that's like, you know what? My parents are special education teachers, and they would tell you that she is a bad person. She has bad parents. And she's like, my parents are amazing. Your parents should have aborted you. Which is like, oh wow, oh wow.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Wow. It was like, that was a big damn moment. But honestly, I think that Matt was asking for that. I'm sorry. He was prodding and prodding and prodding. And also, let's not forget that her father just died. And he's gonna sit there and say that you have bad parents. And again, I think that this is a very loaded moment.
Starting point is 00:59:41 She, I mean, Lexi has, for the, like, given how hard that Matt was coming for Lexi, she was really trying to hold her tongue. I mean, obviously she failed, you know, in what, by the thing that you just said, but, but like, he was coming so hard for her. And I think, like, at a certain point, like, like she just was gonna snap and she snapped right in that moment and I mean in a very by saying something very cruel and harsh But she snapped and she's like yeah your parents should have fucking avoided you're a dick you're ugly And if this were not a camera would have smacked your ass. I'm a real ass bitch and then Lloyd's like yo, I hate for the girl
Starting point is 01:00:21 I'm like oh, so now she's the hateful girl. When this guy, this guy who's in a position of authority over her has been literally taunting her all day long. And yes, Lexi is a disaster. And yes, she should have been fired a while ago. But in this situation, I'm sorry. I am on Lexi's side. Well, it's just very badly played on her part.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Because everybody saw Matt, like Courtney was calling Matt out for coming for Lexi for no reason, right? So everybody saw that he was doing it. She could have totally used that against him to get rid of him. But instead she fell right into his trap and now she'll probably get axed because of it. It's like she takes you. I mean, while Lexi is unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:01:01 I don't think she's like very bright on these things, but also it sucks that then, like she has to take the higher path, right? Like when actually it should have been him taking the higher path the entire time because he's older and than she's. Well, he started on the lower path. I'm just saying like, he came in baiting her.
Starting point is 01:01:16 It's a shame that she fell for it, but she shouldn't have, she shouldn't have to been under that obligation to fall for anything. Yeah, they're both, they're both for anything. They're both fucking disasters. They are disasters. They are disasters But Matt made me take Lexie's side when I really don't and I'm Please don't confuse me taking her side for me saying that she's a good employee because she's definitely not Geez
Starting point is 01:01:40 I didn't know she had me right until the end there dumbass. I don't know. I still was on her side at the end. I really was. Oh, they're both. They're both that just shows how bad Matt is. Yeah, I'm asked disgusting. Wow. What an episode. We'll see how that you know, this is dealt with my guess is naps nugs. Okay. Naps house will have to find out that first kept the coffee in the morning, huh? Yeah, but I'm guessing that Matt gets his way and get her off the boat. Yeah Well, I guess we'll find out next week everybody Yes, everyone. Thanks so much for listening. We'll be back later this week with some real house
Starting point is 01:02:20 House of Beverly Hills and who knows what else? We will talk to you all later House of Beverly Hills and who knows what else. We will talk to you all later. Bye bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchalls, Danacee, Danadou.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickleess. Hava Nagila Weber! Jamie, she has no last name-y! Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Jess saying, okay! She's always sublying, it's Kelly Ryan! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger!
Starting point is 01:02:59 You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! There ain't no problem that Sarah's Alvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches... Betches! And our super premium sponsors? Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weisler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 01:03:21 She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible, edible Matthewsisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. We're letting the Catlet out of the bag. It's Lily Catlet. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite, Merto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Mina Kutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikwell. Mina Kutikuti Kuuji! Give him hell, Miss Noelle!
Starting point is 01:03:46 Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good! And have a meal without the Emily sides! Shannon, out of a can in Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamla Plan! She ain't no shrinking Violet Kutar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and Violet Couture! We love you guys! at slash survey.

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