Watch What Crappens - Bonus Ep! Talking Bravo Crimes with Sinisterhood

Episode Date: October 10, 2021

This week we teamed up with true crime podcast Sinisterhood to talk about Bravo crimes — new and forgotten — over the past several years.  What is your favorite Bravo crime?  And whic...h one do you think needs more attention?This episode was originally released as a bonus ep on Patreon, but we decided we'd put it on our main feed too!  Enjoy!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What What Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crapins, a podcast about all that crap we just love to talk about on ye old bravo television. So this is actually not a regular episode. This is actually going to be our bonus episode, but normally our bonus episodes live on Patreon,
Starting point is 00:01:09 and are exclusive to our Patreon supporters, as a way of saying thank you for supporting us. But we just thought we would release this one on the main feed because it was really cool to talk about some of this stuff. Plus, we want you guys to know about Sinisterhood, which is the podcast we collabed with for this episode. So, let's just get into it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Here we go. Hello, and welcome to the WatcherCrapids bonus episode. I'm Ben, that's Ronnie, and not only is that Ronnie, but we also have Heather and Kristi from the Sinisterhood podcast here. Hi, everyone. How's it going? Hello. Hey. Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi. Hi everyone, how's it going? Hello. Hey. Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Hi, thank you so much for having us. Oh my goodness. It's great to talk to you. Yeah, there's guys for coming. Oh, we just did your podcast. So everybody go listen to that Sinisterhood wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Talked about Gen Shaw, mostly Gen Shaw. It was a really good deep dive because well, it's really cool because it wasn't just us saying, oh, we think this or that, you guys are very, very informed and can speak with authority, especially, Heather, you're a lawyer. I am. You bring that lawyer authority to it, which is always good.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Sure, we're not charged for the hour, so. Yeah, and Christie has all the details. It was a really good deep dive. So. Yeah. And like, Christie has like all the details. So it was a really good deep dive. So if you want a good Gen Shaw deep dive, go check out that episode on sinister hood. And you know, today we just are, we're just gonna shoot the shit here. Talk some crimes in this demeanors, bravo style.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And maybe ask you guys some questions about your podcast and everything. I guess I'll start with a question. Guys, I'm gonna start. Okay. Okay. What has been your favorite Bravo crime? Oh, I think, I mean, the Gen Chas has been interesting. Kids, it's the most recent, but we have really, and I've looked into PK and Deread and Teddy Malin Camp and Nally Serena is getting sued. But I think, Erica and Tom, there's so much, so many years of what's happened and then so many layers, especially now with the
Starting point is 00:03:10 involuntary bankruptcy and our versus Ronald Richards, which is such a great rivalry. Yeah. God, he's like the real housewife of lawyers. He is so ridiculous. And I'm, you know, I've been a big proponent or anti-proponent. But how would you say that? Anyway, I'm against Erica. Yeah, I mean, anti-Jane. But that Ronald Richards, I mean, he is really like constantly he's thirsty basically.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Like now he's doing tweets where he's like, guys, hold on, there's about to be some tea. guys hold on there is about to be some tea. Please stop talking about tea. But I think he's at least doing a really good job of trying to get assets back for the victims. And now I mean now she's getting sued directly by Edelsen, which is the law firm in the Boeing crash. They've asked for a relief from the automatic state. So when there's a bankruptcy, like with Tom and then Gerardi Keese, the firm, nobody's allowed to sue them. No one's allowed to go after their money. They all have to go through the bankruptcy trustee. Well, Edelsen, which is the lion air Boeing plane crash orphans and widows that they repeatedly say on the show. Now they've asked the court and been granted relief from the automatic
Starting point is 00:04:22 state, basically saying the Eric is not filed for bankruptcy. Her husband has, she's filed for divorce from her husband. She didn't work at Gerardi Keese. We should be allowed to sue her directly. So outside of the bankruptcy process. So that's, you know, she's like, every day I wake up and it's bullshit. Just a little bit more shit for a little more shit. Now I gotta ask you guys because everyone asked us this. Now I want to ask you guys. Okay. Um, what do you think Erica's role, if any, is in this whole mess? At first, I was very team Erica and I thought she didn't know, but she had to have known at least, I don't know if she knew all of the details, but she was deposed in what was it, Heather 2014
Starting point is 00:05:09 with the Boeing stuff. So like she knew that money was coming in somehow from an unsavory way, and you know, people weren't getting paid out. So I think she's playing the dumb card well. Like I don't even know how to open a bank account. I don't even know where I'm at. I'm like, the vendor will buy.
Starting point is 00:05:30 What's in De La Bille? I don't like it to my house. Yeah. When do I get to choose to sperm? I'm taking out no air. Because of money goes in here. I wanted to drink it. I wanted to drink it.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I'm a man. I don't know how to turn that. I was Starbucks. I don't even know what a bank is. I don't know how to even walk sometimes. Yeah, I think she definitely knew something was up. I mean, she started selling up all of her stuff, you know, 30 days before she files for divorce. That was on the show. So now knowing what we know and going back and seeing those episodes, you start to piece everything together and you're like, you can't hide and play inside Erica. Like it's all recorded. Everything you've said.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And yeah, I think she knows. If so on the show, one thing that Sutton said was that, you know, if you have an LLC, you are responsible for the money that's in that. So given that Erica did go through this deposition, let's say she is playing dumb, she doesn't really know what's going on. She goes to this deposition. So there's some red flags raised. What do you think someone in that situation should do
Starting point is 00:06:34 if it's like, hmm, there may be some ill gotten money in my bank account. What does someone do? What would you guys do in that situation? Well, I mean, from a legal perspective, call your lawyer and say, hi, I'm very concerned. My, if you've ever watched Breaking Bad, you know, Skylar, she goes to a lawyer. It's like, I think my husband is doing crimes. What should I do? And the lawyer kind of walks her through that. And you can, especially if she
Starting point is 00:06:58 was thinking about filing for divorce or whatever, then she could have gotten advice on what she could have done to, I mean, essentially, save herself, right? And also stop the stem, the bleeding, stem the amount of money, because he wasn't just stealing from widows and orphans. He was basically mismanaging all these loan proceeds. He was double triple quadruple putting his cases up for collateral with all these loan companies that he was ripping off as well, who I think sadly are going to have superior claims in some instances to the assets over and above what the victims are going to get. Okay, so the Erica stuff as fascinating as it is, I'm so fucking tired of it. We just talked about it on your show, and we're gonna be talking about it for another month because the reunion start. So I would like
Starting point is 00:07:50 to, if we could jump to some other cases that I feel have not had, well, they're not really even cases, some of them, but they really haven't gotten that much traction amongst the Bravo fans. But I've always been screaming about them on my own. And I just would love to hear if they piss you off too. Let's go. The first one is, well, P. Canter reader obvious, but we'll get to them in a minute. I would love to talk about Teddy Melanchamp because Teddy got in all this trouble at the end of last season and ended up not coming back because that blogger went after her, her company because it's basically a starvation diet and all this and they're saying it's kind of like an MLM
Starting point is 00:08:27 where they're screwing people. Give us a background on what you guys have pulled on all this stuff. For sure. So she created this all in with Teddy Mellon camp and she says, be the best of yourself. Go all in and she has these accountability coaches, which she says on the page, our coaches do not carry any fitness medical or health certifications, But they've all been coaches and they've all gone through my program, which is what I think what the MLM kind of thing of it is is that
Starting point is 00:08:53 you can't become a coach unless you've been coached by them and gone through this. What literally one of the nutritionists that looked at it said a recipe for eating disorders and basically they would take money. Initially, I think they've changed some of their billing practices, but where some of the issues came out was that they would take money from participants via PayPal. And they would tell you, mark this friend's and family gift because that helps us skew the PayPal refund process. So it's not a business dispute. You can't go back for the money afterwards because she literally says on there, you must respond to my text, send me pictures of your scale
Starting point is 00:09:30 and your food. And if you don't, I will just block you and stop talking to you and keep your money. And that's what you're getting, your money kept, yeah. You get your money kept. And nowadays, they're saying they will consider medical-based refunds, but you have to send them your medical documents and they still keep some $15. Wow. That's something I want to picture of my scale is my living nightmare. I can't imagine. And one former customer said she was texting with her and said, okay, I'm going out
Starting point is 00:09:58 of town for my father's birthday and Teddy's like, well, make sure you pack your scale. I mean, people said it was just like, such bullying and that they, you know, it's just like that shaming and total recipe for an eating disorder. Yeah. I'm laughing because it's so Teddy. It's like, the packer scale, I'm getting. This giant scale.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And then, wasn't it like the caloric intake they said was like 700 calories, and then you had to do an hour of cardio each day. That's nothing. I mean, if you most people, you have like 2500 calories a day. It reminds of like that documentary on on HBO last year about Nexium,
Starting point is 00:10:35 where they have to like have extreme starvation. Tate, don't you watch any of these documentaries that people get excited about. It's like every week, it's another cult or another MLM or another thing where people have to like are like being badgered by someone above them and have to lose weight. Like why do you think you're not gonna fall into this trap?
Starting point is 00:10:53 I don't get it, but she, I think she set herself up is because she, I'm watching season eight right now, I went back in time to rewatch some of this and then watch some of it for the first time. And she says, oh, why used to be almost 200 pounds. And so if I could do it, she thinks that makes her, I guess, an authority on this matter. She also has an online credential that she got for 700 bucks that says she's a nutrition and wellness consultant.
Starting point is 00:11:16 She certified, I'm like, okay, I'm a preacher from the internet to $720 of the universal history. So I should run my own church. Like you bought and left the internet. That doesn't make you an expert. Now what about even better than all of this because this stuff it's like okay, you know, we kind of get that it's shady. It's diet stuff. It's manipulative in that way, which is gross. What do you think about the husband security company stuff? Because this stuff started ringing bells for me
Starting point is 00:11:46 husband security company staff because this stuff started ringing bells for me because he runs a security company. Then the security company was Kyle security company, but then Kyle got robbed. Like from apps and go raw bad PR bad. And then they think they said it's like, oh, is before they had sort of like ramped up, what they were going to be doing. That was weird. And then they've got that terrible bus. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Well, and they also, I mean, it's a crime. Some of the, that's a crime. Well, and they were doing a lot of like shady business practices as far as like asking people to sign up for stuff and saying, Oh, there's no obligation. Don't worry about it. And then you essentially get charged, like $2,500 for something that you, you were to greed initially to like a monthly charge. And they were going ahead and charging you up front. This is a scam that I saw in my previous career as a, I basically was a,
Starting point is 00:12:31 I defended people who were over 60 who had been financially taking advantage of scam debused, exploited. And this door to door security company scam was a, it was a common one where they tell you, hey, I notice you have an 80 T sign out front I'm I would love to like upgrade you and what they're doing is really just switching you to a different service That's usually not as well run that's run through a
Starting point is 00:12:57 Independent contractor who basically means anybody that can go to the government and pay 25 bucks for a DBO like doing business as a DBA. So I think he was running kind of a general, like a well-known old scam. I mean, people on the comments said, straight garbage. Don't believe a word they say. They're scammer. Yeah. No integrity. Yeah. Very, and at the cost of the read the contract before given that it most likely includes some provisions that are violations
Starting point is 00:13:26 of business consumer acts. They charge prohibitive penalties and continue, continue charging even after the end of a term, which doesn't that sound familiar? Yeah. Prohibitive penalties. This company is very shady and ethical and unreliable, buyer beware. Look at the number of one star reviews they gave somehow managed to get categorized in the reviews that are not recommended section. This tells you everything. Yeah, like 1600 to 2500 dollar termination fee just to cancel the contract, which that happened to one of my clients and I just sent a really nasty letter that said, you're violating the deceptive trade practices act, which is a Texas law that keeps people and you get trouble, damages and they it was shocking.
Starting point is 00:14:05 They immediately wave the termination fee, but my client had to get a lawyer involved. You shouldn't have to do that. That's yeah. And to me, I'm like, you're a company that knows you're being scammy because you'll back down as soon as you get challenged. Yeah. He's a piece of me. He's a lot of me shady, but how come nothing comes of this stuff?
Starting point is 00:14:21 That's what makes me crazy. I mean, reading these reviews is just nuts. They are the biggest rep crazy. I mean, reading these reviews is just nuts. They are the biggest rep off. I mean, there's so many of these. I like this lady even uploaded a picture of the like contract. It's like handwritten agreement in all caps. I mean, it's just so shady. I can't read the security company agreement. Nobody should sign that. Well, I mean, the good, I mean, Yelp is good because hopefully you protect other consumers, but instead of or in addition to a Yelp review, you should contact a attorney general of your state, because attorney generals are the ones that are charged with basically enforcing consumer
Starting point is 00:14:57 protection laws, as well as private attorneys, you can sue, although a lot of times like it's not worth you paying the lawyer more versus what you're going to get back. And then also if you complain to the attorney general, sometimes they go to the FTC and then the FTC are the type of people that sue. Oh, I don't know, like the company Gen Shaw work for, for instance, where they notice, okay, this is going on on a massive scale. We're going to go in and shut this down. So everybody that left a Yelp review and anybody else should just report him to the California
Starting point is 00:15:23 attorney general. So he can get shut down. Wow. Wow, really makes you nostalgic for the days of Teresa Duda is going through her trial. I felt like that was a simpler time, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Come on, Shooz. Here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brownleur, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing,
Starting point is 00:16:11 nodding, and thinking, oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts, you can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Is there a Bravo crime that you feel like is sort of,
Starting point is 00:16:44 it's not gone the attention that it deserves? Like, hey, everyone why is no one paying attention to the fact that this is happening here? Well, it's funny to me, and when we said we were gonna get to them, is PK has been very open about how disgusting Tom Gerardi is, and then as soon as I started looking to PK, I was like, I had to make a timeline of all of the things
Starting point is 00:17:03 of the, he's just bad. Breach is, I mean, make a timeline of all of the things of the. He's just bad. Breach is, I mean, he's stealing from the Bellagio hotel. That's. I guess that's less bad. He's stealing from widows and or. He's a robin. Basically, he's like, I'm doing it. They don't need that much water in the fountains.
Starting point is 00:17:18 This. But yeah, he's, I mean, in private parties, he's he's breached contracts and not paid back and filed bankruptcy and left this trail of basically unpaid tabs like between sports bookies and casinos. And yet he's on there going, I'll go to the idea, babe. You know, he puts himself as some business genius. When in fact, he's just massively effed up since like 2011, less than 10 years. Yeah, like he moved here to get away from, I think, was it $20 million? I mean, these are amounts or so.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You can't even imagine. He said something like, yeah, he had, he was in debt from somewhere between 10 to $50 million and like, that's a really big discrepancies. I said big number and he says things like, well, mind with victimless crimes. No, they're not. No, we all pay that. It calls them victimless crimes. Like you don't have the face of a
Starting point is 00:18:09 burn victim on Ulu about you, I guess. Yeah. Not about you, but that doesn't make it victimless in 2012. Paul 53 filed for bankruptcy with debts estimated to be as big as 50 million after making a series of investments in the tech music and sports worlds.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Through though his financial downfall came years before he would tie the knot with Duret, his money was followed him into his second marriage. The Bellagio, that debt was three point. Where is that? Like three point six. Six million. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah, he really, and then yeah, I think it was another, and then the Bellagio eventually sued him like 3.6. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He really, and then yeah, I think it was another, and then the Volaggio eventually sued him and was able to get around the bankruptcy filing that he done in the UK and the same with Kurtzis, Nico's, Kurtzis, who is someone that made a $1.2 million loan. Both of them were able to go after them and essentially attach judgments to perfect their judgments, which means they can go in your bank account and start taking shit and freeze your assets. And the really big one, I think he should worry about PK has stolen from us all because
Starting point is 00:19:12 he and Dorito is shitloaded in back taxes. And I have to pay my taxes and it's annoying as hell. He should have to pay his taxes. It's painful. It's freaking painful. I thought it's so, it's so rude to have to try to check. It really is. It I saw it sucks. It's so rude to have to write a check. I already saw it. It really is.
Starting point is 00:19:26 It hurts every single time. Well, there's that. And then there's her Beverly Beach stuff. Oh, she didn't pay whoever her partner was. What was the name? It was the person actually making the sign. Ryan, Ryan, yeah. You cheap bitch.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Pay Ryan's cheap. What you owe him, you cheap bitch. And then that lady following her around, like you're the story you're talking about when they were at where were they? The homas? Yeah, the homas. Yeah, that lady started chasing her around the pool going, 20 and going to pay my friends. What's your own cheap? You take it. So they they tried to downplay it and said, Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:00 well, he wasn't really a part owner. He was just a vendor. I was like, well, the LLC document say he was one third owner. So I want to rethink that defense. But they settled all of the bathing suits that she was selling. Yeah. But, but was he naming them? We're going to cool this one the top like the more suits. And this is the love box actual suits. Over the boldest shoulder. You know what one thing we we touched on briefly on your show But I kind of want to explore more is you know these people are up to so many crimes Why are they? Why are they drawn to being on camera where their shit can be so
Starting point is 00:20:38 So exposed you guys think there's a correlation between Do you guys think there's a correlation between criminal behavior and wanting to be famous? I was actually thinking about this earlier because of the similarities in the gin and gerardi stuff. I think they're both very vivacious, charming personalities, big personalities. And like Heather with gin, like she's's like she has to spell on me she like brings you in and I think there's used to so many people around them just always telling them yes and never putting up a fighter arguing that they get
Starting point is 00:21:16 these big heads like I can go on national television and nothing's gonna happen like I'm unsolvable yeah but then like everything you say is recorded and you can't lie the The government watches. They can watch on a rich has a court reporter transcribing real housewives of Beverly Hills right now. That's amazing. Yeah, I mean, I think it is and I think it's also a great. I think that's what we do every single day. You can probably get paid by the hour for Ronald Richards. He said he has his legal assistance like transcribing the show, but I'm like, just listen to Watch What Happens. Save yourself to trouble.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Save yourself. But I think you're totally accurate in our description. Yeah, I'm pretty much like at least once a day, think about you all describing Chum Dorotty's car accident about how a short game if he flew away. And I went back and watched that season and she, the Erica really does say, oh, he broke his ankle. That's it. So, yeah, even if you do transcribe it, it's, is it accurate?
Starting point is 00:22:11 Cause half the time they don't match. But I think it's, the reason why is also greed. They want money because they get paid to be on the show. Yeah. They don't get paid to tell Richard's money, but they get paid something to be on the show. So I'm just, I was just trying to think about various crimes on Bravo and scandals or swindling schemes, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And I've been writing a list as we talk. And it's amazing to me the number of crimes that are in Beverly Hills and New Jersey. Like those seem to be the ones with the most crimes and scandals. Which, what do you guys all think of the two shows? Which show is full of more criminals? Beverly Hills or New Jersey?
Starting point is 00:22:53 I think Beverly Hills. Yeah. Beverly Hills is. I think. Yeah. Yeah, just to remind everyone, just to remind everyone, we've talked about, obviously we've talked about Erica, we talked about Doreet and PK, we talked about Teddy. We also have, you know, there was a lot of darkness
Starting point is 00:23:09 and intrigue over Taylor Armstrong, and Los Armstrong. We also have Dana Wilkie, who did go to jail. With her sunglasses. Yeah, her sunglasses. And then on New Jersey, we obviously have Teresa. But then we have Danielle stop who's just sort of like I think she's like her own like series of statutes.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Danielle stops. So Danielle stops was so far beyond everybody else's because everybody else's was like some kind of financial thing or like Taylor and Russell were like they were con men conning people into these scams and then you go to you go to that chick and it's like girlfriend of a drug dealer doing drug runs hit possible murders yeah like crazy stuff yeah hers is like clearly hers is like an actual like three episode arc and the soprano yeah she stepped it up a notch. Yes, she did. But also, let's not forget, there's also a lot of scuttle butt around the manzoes and
Starting point is 00:24:11 the brownstone. And then there was actually this horrific crime that happened to Dina the manzo recently. That was pretty, I feel like New Jersey's are a little bit more violent and scary. Beverly Hills have a larger scale. They're more white collar, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or paparazzi with Lisa Rennanow being sued for posting her own paparazzi pics. Yes. Interesting to me about that is that she was posting those pics so blatantly that they would say it like Getty Images on them. Was she thinking that that made it legal since she was
Starting point is 00:24:43 kind of giving credit to Getty Images? She wasn't trying to hide it. I don't have it. I have a lot of people do that. It's so weird that she gets singled out because a lot of people post that it's almost like a badge of honor to be like, look at Mike Getty, Mike Getty photos. I'm sure there are people who actually put that watermark on and it's just like the man he ever put himself. Well, I think they said Kim Kardashian ended up hiring her own paparazzi photographer so she
Starting point is 00:25:05 could get that style of images without having to pay licensing fees to the photographers. Oh, I mean, it's kind of silly because the copyright law is meant to protect art and artistic endeavors and just like standing outside of a restaurant, snapping pictures and screaming at somebody like, is that art? But the courts have said that it is. I think so. Yeah, it is. Yeah, some is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:25 So I mean, some of those pictures are great. So yeah, I mean, I think she can get charged if it's willful, then it's 150,000 bucks, a picture. And she's getting sued for 1.2 million. So that would be eight photos times $150,000. So they're alleging that she willfully infringe on their copyright, which I mean, I think she did. She, you know, I mean, she's saying now in her defense, basically, oh, it's fair use. And I don't think this is right.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And they're just doing me because during COVID, they weren't able to take as many photos of celebrities, or if they did take them, the celebrities were all wearing masks. So they're not making as much money. And they're just now, this is a cash grab. And I'm just a victim. So they're not making as much money and they're just now this is a cash grab and I'm just a victim. I mean, it sucks, but the law is a law. Like, even if it's a picture of you, if it's a paparazzi picture, you didn't take it, you don't own it, you have to pay. And I'm going to say licensing fees a couple of hundred bucks, I don't know. So it's just stop screen shotting it, man. Yeah, you're pretty. It's part of the big getty image, you know, brand
Starting point is 00:26:26 thing on the picture. So, yeah, that's always confused me. Because any blogger knows the fear of getting that letter from somebody, usually with the one that stock or whatever it is, it's like, you know us $80,000 for this
Starting point is 00:26:42 picture you used in a recap. And it's like, whoa. Yeah. But I took it from my phone of my TV. And I'm like, we don't care. It's ours. Yeah. It's still it's the laws that you, if you didn't take it like the original original picture, then you can't use it or you have to pay hundreds of dollars up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if you didn't want it taken of you. It's your worst moment. There usually is like a letter. There usually is a cease and desist.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I imagine, right? That comes first. So I feel like if it's escalated to a lawsuit level, that means there were probably a lot of like, hey, can you either pay us or take that down? And they probably just went totally ignored. Yeah. Lisa Rennas, like, I'm going to use my depends money and I'm going to defend this to the Supreme Court. Like she truly in her like defense, like she sounds like she is making like a moral stand, which is so cute and so nice, but also it is not
Starting point is 00:27:34 supported by the law. It's not going to work. All right. So why don't we do this? Let's make predictions on somebody who's living a life of crime of usually real house. So anywhere in Bravo, who's living a life of crime that has not come out yet. Oh, I love this. So like the new, the next Erica or the next. The next good. You know, the good. It was.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Oh, what all of the tequila bottles of leaf. I was just about to say with water. I feel like we said Barlow or Meredith, like I feel like Seth to be into something. Yeah, I think he's traveling. He's changing states. He's like he moves every six months. No one really knows what his job is. And like she just does retail and jewelry design, but they have these cool, like, red big girls jacket that she was trying to sell,
Starting point is 00:28:27 Mary. Also Mary is like, Mary, we haven't even talked about Mary. Good Lord. Yeah. I always am so amused that like that Mary running a cult and being married to her grandfather still somehow winds up being like less salacious to us than some of these things that we're talking about. Like, oh, yeah, there's Mary as a cult. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. She has a cold
Starting point is 00:28:47 sign. I feel legitimately bad for Mary. I feel like she had probably a really tough childhood and is super brainwashed. And now she's just like, uh, Mary to her grandpa and talking to herself in her house all the time. I went down a rabbit hole of her church website and talked about how her grandmother decided did you guys read that that her grandmother decided to walk across America and set up a church and along the way she was like telling people that she was a prophet of Jesus and that she needed money and she basically convinced people to give her a ride ultimately to Salt Lake City to start this church. It's a bizarre story. I don't say to be like an ad-it movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Mary said some of that on the show. She said that the grandma started it by walking across the country. And Mary says so many things. And she says them like, so fast with so many. Yeah. It causes in there that you're like, what? What if I just hear you?
Starting point is 00:29:40 It's impossible to, yeah. You feel like you're, yeah, it's a fever dream trying to watch her like her interviews with them. Yeah. Well, when grandma when grandma died, the daughter, so Mary's, I guess it's Mary's mom alleged that she there's no way that she could have died. Her heart was perfect. It wasn't natural causes because she allegedly died of heart failure. And there was all this drama that something there should be an autopsy done because there was something more than heart failure at play. Like someone like Mary, yeah, someone
Starting point is 00:30:11 killed her, but they did do an autopsy, right? They did. They did. Yeah. And it was discovered it was possible to be. She died by hospital. I think they did the autopsy and everybody got off. But then Mary was saying that God said that she was supposed to marry her grandpa, but then recently, and of course, I'm reading this in an internet comment, like literally. So that's where I'm at. But someone said that Mary, the grandmother didn't say that at all. She just said whoever marries him will inherit the, you know, will inherit everything. She's going to get everything. And so Mary did. And that's why she and
Starting point is 00:30:50 her mom don't speak. And then she and the mom split up. And the mom took half of the church to her own church. And then Mary has suit all the way up to the Supreme Court of Utah. Because she alleged that there were some forged signatures by Robert in the deeding of some of the property that was that they were signed by Robert or at his direction was the allegations and she that Mary's mom sued basically saying this property shouldn't have been moved out of her estate before she passed so. He has mysterious properties in Florida which I think is always a red flag. Like really like if someone says, oh, yeah, I've got houses in Florida. I got to go check on them again.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm always like, or you're running a some. And he got stuff there during COVID. It was a great supply. Yeah. Yeah, that was weird. My hot take, my hot take on my hot, my prediction on who is surprisingly running a scam. Nothing to back up. It's only prediction. I'm not it's not an accusation.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I just a production because I think it would be so fun because I can totally imagine her being on the stand, crying, explaining herself, Shannon Bedore. How amazing would it be if Shannon Bedore were running a scam with her like frozen salmon? Like, I didn't know what I thought I was doing my things and they told me I couldn't stop they said they would come for me and I have got chills I've got a daughter who's in school she's gonna say radish looks so beautiful I couldn't I'm sorry I
Starting point is 00:32:17 hearted I think she's scam I think she's a Tincture scam yeah I will be happy for any of these to happen because I'm sure. It's a Tincture. A Tincture stamp. That would be my favorite. Yeah. Well, I will be happy for any of these to happen because I'm loving this crime and I feel like we've got two seasons in a row now with all of this crime after a little break from the Teresa stuff and I need more. I mean, what the hell is going to do with that crime? I don't want to just go back to people driving around in the midi van.
Starting point is 00:32:42 No, I don't think Bravo knows what. I think Bravo knows what they're doing. Oh, they're doing. They're doing it. Well, you guys, thank you so much for coming on show. Thank you for having us on your show. We want to encourage everyone listening to go check out Sinisterhood. Thank you. Thank you, Christy.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Thank you, Heather. Thank you. And for like, you're Ronnie. This has just been so fun. Great doing this deep dive. And if people want more deep dives, check out their podcasts. And everyone stay safe and don't fall for scams if you if you can help it. And we'll talk to you all later. Bye, bye everyone.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-oals. Dan-o-c. Dan-o-dew.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Aaron McNickless, she don't miss no trickle-os. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess Sayon, okay. Wee McLevin, Karen McLelin. She's always sublying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen, the piston, Anderson.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Beaches, Beaches. And our super premium sponsors. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. Always the wiser is Allison Weisler.
Starting point is 00:34:09 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Mordo. Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 00:34:26 No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Mina Kuchikuchi Kuchikuchi. Give him help, Miss Noel. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. And have a meal without the Emily's eyes. Shannon, out of account in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy. Let's take off with Tamla Plane!
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