Watch What Crappens - Dancing Queens: Strictly Ballroom

Episode Date: July 3, 2023

We're revisiting the series premiere of Dancing Queens. This recap originally aired as a Patreon bonus episode, but we've decided to release it on the main feed to celebrate the triumphant s...eason finale (recap to come). Access our other bonus episodes by visiting See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is the one, the only, the wonderful Ronnie Karim, except he's not really joining me here. He's joining me in the past, but the past will be here in a moment. What I'm trying to say is that today we are recapping the season premiere of Dancing Queens, but this is actually something we recapped when it premiered on our Patreon bonus episode. This was a bonus episode. There were like a million shows on at the same time.
Starting point is 00:01:14 We put this on our bonus episode exclusive to our Patreon peeps, but we really enjoyed Dancing Queens and the season just wrapped up. So we didn't get to recap the whole season, but we did a recap of the premiere, and we also did a recap of the finale, which will be posted on the crap and speed shortly after this episode is getting posted. So what you're about to listen to here is our recap that was on the bonus episode. It also gives you a little bit of a flavor of maybe something you might find on the bonus episodes if you are interested in Supporting on patreon you can support on patreon. We have a bunch of different tiers
Starting point is 00:01:52 The most basic tier is the bonus episode and then after that There's also the crap is on demand where you get early access to our videos, etc But we have so much fun with our bonus episodes We sometimes we just are just gabbling. Sometimes we're recapping shows. Sometimes we're, you know, in an airport. Just talking about the things that we see. So anyway, enough about that. Let's talk Dancing Queens. This aired, again, this recap aired in May on in on Patreon. So obviously so much just happened. We hope you enjoy this. And again, stay tuned for
Starting point is 00:02:26 our recap of the finale. We do have, by the way, on Patreon, there was one other bonus episode where we kind of talked generally about the show, but it wasn't like a full specific recap. But anyway, I should stop talking. And here is the recap. Hi everybody, welcome to the Watch What Crappens bonus episode. I'm Ronnie, that's been over there. Hello, Ben. Hi Ronnie. How are you doing, my sweet little munchkin?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Oh my god, I'm doing so well. How are you doing? So well, as well. Everybody welcome to the show. This is our Dancing Queen's bonus. Now, there are a lot of shows on Bravo right now, literally eight or nine or something that we wanna cover. And obviously we can't do that.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Sal, Dancing Queen's is the newest, I mean, look, I've, this is a rough one for us because I've been saying over and over, we have to find a way to make this a main feed show and recap every single episode of it. But unfortunately, we just don't have time. So we're gonna bonus it up this week to just give everybody a taste of what this show is because I did love the show.
Starting point is 00:03:36 What did you think, Ben? What were your macro thoughts on this Sucka? I liked it, I liked it. I felt like I feel like it has a lot of potential to be great. It felt I thought the pilot was like, you know, we met some interesting characters and stuff, which was really funny. I was definitely chuckling, but it kind of felt like a big sizzle reel. It felt like I was watching the thing that they used to sell this show to the network. And I kind of wanted to get into like the the meat of the show more.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So but I feel like in the second episode, we're going to get into it more. Because I was sort of like a little surprised that they didn't actually have the dancing competition in the first episode. I mean, I guess they're just like, it was the cliffhanger. Maybe they just couldn't fit it all in in that first episode. But I feel like it has a lot of upside. Like, I feel good about it. I do too.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I mean, I was cracking up during this whole, and it's funny because it's kind of like what my nieces go through, you know, because they do volleyball and cheer, and especially with the cheer stuff, because you pay all this money, you have to go to all these classes, you have to have special coaches, you have to have special outfits,
Starting point is 00:04:40 you have to have hair and makeup, and you have to fly to all these different places, like at least every month, you have to have hair and makeup and you have to fly to all these different places, like at least every month, you know, and then just the money spent and how serious everybody gets and how serious all the moms get. But this is like ladies are age doing it and it is really funny. It's like, it's a life I've never really seen before and had no idea existed. I didn't know this was a thing. Yeah. And I like the casting. I like that we have like the rich one, the rich, the rich stern one, then we have like the bossy one, who's like very self-involved. And then we
Starting point is 00:05:18 have like the nice one, and then we have the one who's sort of like the underdog, you know, which in the ones that would be Leoni and Sabrina and Collette and Donnie. That's what I was talking about there with that. So I think like the characters things like really good and then there's another woman we haven't even met yet. Well, I guess I'll come in episode two. But yeah, I think it's like it's got a lot of potential. You know, I love these sort of, these scrappy shows
Starting point is 00:05:46 about that kind of, go under the radar with Bravo, some of them are just so fun. But like you've said many times, like I've said, this definitely has one season wonder written all over it. Yeah, I don't see this getting picked up. I don't see this being something that people jump on, but I, so far, I have high hopes that it will and that it'll go great. But let's see. Let's just get into it. Yeah, let's see. Maybe it will.
Starting point is 00:06:11 So the episode opens up. We see kind of like a trailer for the season. I'm not going to get into that, but one thing that I thought was really funny was that towards the end of the trailer, they're like, every weekend is a different competition and a different city and it says, New Orleans, Stanford, Atlanta, Dallas. And I'm like, how did Stanford Connecticut, and the next day,
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'm like, Stanford Connecticut where there's like a Benagons and the World Wrestling Federation, you know? It was just was like very funny to me that they just like put up Stanford a big letters like it was a metropolis. And they basically, this is all like, boroom is all addiction. This new narcotic locket.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And then someone's like dancing is like the best sex. It's like, if you win, it's the biggest orgasm. And then someone else is like, I scheduled my life around dancing. That's all I care enough. And then someone else is like, it's just where I dance to win. And they're all just like odd, odd people talking about
Starting point is 00:07:11 like spending all this money. And then when you have a coach, you have to have a coach. And these are all like dance proceeds. They're all ski-v-dance coach guys, right? Who are like, I make my money buttoning my shirt on down to my belly button and the making dance with all the ladies, all the ladies, you know, they're all like slick-haired
Starting point is 00:07:30 and spray-tanned and they just travel around town to town, being taken care of by these wealthier ladies who pay everything for them. They pay their fees, they pay their hotel, they pay their food and they are kind of like their escorts, you know, yeah, they're like sparky polystery escorts, you know so We start with Leonie Leonie, right? Yeah, she's really she's in New York City and we know she's a lead because they start off with a ripoff of Beyonce's crazy in love It's like, dun dun dun dun dun. I was like, wow, you changed one note. You changed one note. Got me expressing that I'm in a fury of affection.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Got me feeling a fury of affection. You're dancing. Got me looking like drugs right now, you're dancing, got me looking like a drugie right now. Oh, yeah Diction drug addiction So Leonie, you know she works she's in the XCity 2 because she's very serious and she's in New Yorker So she has a severe bob. She has a bob and she walks very certainly she walks through the short-sounds sidewalks Very fast and very hard. She's like, oh, to get some place, cause I'm in New York, huh? Even though she loves New Jersey. Yes, and she's also got lady who started in Chicago and never left Chicago.
Starting point is 00:08:55 And I mean, the new cast of Chicago, like she started. How long has that show been on now? 20 years? I mean, 30 years almost. Yeah, like she started right at the beginning and she's just still in it holding onto that Yeah. Like she started right at the beginning and she's just still in it holding onto that Bob. And she's not gonna fucking let it go. She's got that Fossy Bob. And so, yeah, she's, so she, we see her, she's like stomping
Starting point is 00:09:14 into her. So like, now it's time for me to go to a hit. So it's on the professional, but she's not a professional. She's an amateur. Because the whole thing with this, by the way, is that all the women are amateur dancers and all their partners are professional dancers. It's like an amateur professional combo, like an actual, like, officially professional. So it's nine days until competition and she's got a dance with, she's got to go to rehearsal with Costa.
Starting point is 00:09:37 He's there, pro. Costa. It's like an oyster. But with a cane. Costa. So, she, Costa is like, Saturday's start. One,. So she, of course, says like, salary start one, two, three, cha, cha, one, two, three, cha, cha, one, two, three, cha, cha. I was like, I love this show. I was
Starting point is 00:09:53 obsessed. So she's like, ballroom dancing is an alcoholic. It's a high, not that I'm a drugly Jesus Christ becomes almost like an added body experience. When I walk onto the dance floor, I transform into clear patra, clear patra with a bob. And that's my alter ego, clear patra who is a force to be reckoned with. She didn't go into battle to lose and I don't either. She was everything I wanted to be, but she wasn't a wife for a mother and a new to arm clear patra
Starting point is 00:10:22 with a one, two chop chop that's right my alter ego's clear patra and unfortunately clear patra has reached synergies because that's where I also live by the way so then we see her like we see her New Jersey town we see geese crossing the road very clear patra battle cha cha cha and she is she's like doing like a dance thing through a kitchen. She's like sidling through a kitchen like, I do, I have my dance knockout to get all time, especially in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:10:53 So, cha cha cha. And her husband, Nate all comes out. It's kind of nerdy guy with glasses. And you know, he's a very patient husband. And he's just like, aren't high honey, hello honey. And she's like, well, I started because I'm impatient. So, you know, this morning I had a very important call
Starting point is 00:11:12 with you at NARJULE and I was like, did you darling? So, yes, I work in investment banking for a very large investment firm. My role is risk management. We invest the goal of making rich people more money. And then we see footage of her like stomping into, I was just like, we're in our way, like stomping into an office building, like I work in finance, I work for financial institution.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I had a call with Europe. And so then we see her on the phone. She's like, and I hate to point out the obvious, but clearly I need to hashtag finance. There's a lot on the line here and not the chorus line right and so she's like people could lose their life savings if we do something wrong. I like having that sense of adrenaline because it keeps me shape and on my toes and addicted to drugs. So I said that again, gotta stop saying that. I'm addicted to drugs, the twin drug cocktail of dance and finance and they rhyme.
Starting point is 00:12:08 So then she's telling me to like, how crazy her life has been this morning. And she's like, No, Joel, I managed to knock out yoga, I did a quick jog and I managed to get the much skin off to school. And then we see a shot of the nanny taking the kid to school. I was like, wow,
Starting point is 00:12:25 so you exercised twice. You have to say. And then she says, my daughter Charlotte is six years old and Charlotte has some very, very, very good traits and they're all her dad and all the shitty bits that's from me. That's from me. I'm all the shitty bits. It's like Dr. Evil and many, me, if many of me were small and didn't work in finance Yeah, I thought her name was Charlotte and I really love that name for a kid. I'm a daughter of Charlotte I want to pickle her So then we see a kid Making like a little house and the kid goes shit
Starting point is 00:13:00 It's looking old. What is that? Charlotte is freaking cold. Oh, it's freaking gorgeous. What is that sh- This is freaking cold. Oh, it's freaking gorgeous. What is that sh- You have to whisper those kind of things. You can't say that. Just why? You do it. She goes, yeah, but I don't want people
Starting point is 00:13:15 to think I'm a bed mom. And sure I say the F words, but I don't say that out loud. Do I? I whisper it. And she goes, shit, sh- She just said it. She goes, I whispered it. No. I whispered it. Listen, once you start working in finance, you can say the answer to it, but until you do, go play with
Starting point is 00:13:34 your castle without your spirit. So Nigel's like, so I now, I asked you to take up a hobby, but like, do you think that maybe you've taken it a bit too far? Like I sort of miss when you didn't have a bob. And she was like, where would you rather me doing horse riding, doing something stupid, working in non-finance? And it's like, well I look at the bills, it's just sort of, she's well I don't get into that to do the dancing to I, just spend what I've got, and what you've got as well. That's my point. She's like, would you rather pay for therapy?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Because I could easily go back to Taekwondo or do some senior competitions, but I never lost it that. So it's not appealing to me. She's just like quietly a Taekwondo master, I guess. We just see like people limping down the street like trying to exercise with like, oh my god. That's just that lady who beat me in Taekwondo again Risk management here's a way to manage your risk. Don't get in the ring with me, bitch
Starting point is 00:14:33 Because I want to be extra ordinary. I don't want participation awards You want you want the best today then suck that shit up and use it to make it make yourself better Get a severe bob and work in finance and get on that dance floor where it's a draw. Then we hear her plot. Her plot is that Troy State comps are coming up and I've so much stout because I've got a new partner. Now listen, I've no doubt this kid is ready but I want to stupid to be ready because I'm
Starting point is 00:15:00 a perfectionist and I know I'm not an easy person to partner with but boy star like always still with the cake, and I mentioned that already, has handled my idiosyncrasies trop not. I mean, if this was Tyco One, don't he be at least second? I is even taken on a bob, just for me, with the bobsy twins, quite literally, and he's starting to study for finance. He just has taken on all my idiosyncrasies. So I don't do half-est.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Failure is not a part of my vocabulary. Backing out of something, because I'm too scared. Perhaps that is in my vocabulary, but failure is not. I know, I loved all of her vernacular. It's like, oh, Lou says that, Lou says, no, it's gonna give him a pros anyway. And then she's like, I quit. I quit, I'm not gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I don't believe in participation, trophies. Trophies, you know, you suck it up and you just do what you have to do high I don't really do it. Yeah, I'm not gonna do this. I'm not gonna do it. I'm scared of the rumble Rumble scary Now listen one thing I'm not scared of knock on it. That other thing Talk on the masters Not called X. The other thing, talk on their masters. The hip-hop.
Starting point is 00:16:05 The hip-hop. The hip-hop. The hip-hop. My guys. The finance. The one thing I'm scared of. The rumber. You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:15 My client at the financial institution. I hate to point out the obvious, but clearly I need to. There, that was me doing finance. So then we get some more horn, some upbeat horn music, and we got a Sabrina, and to Ranto, Sabrina's 44, and she lives in a mansion.
Starting point is 00:16:33 And she's got a bookshelf in her kitchen with all of her trophies. I'm like, okay, A, why you have a bookshelf in your kitchen? And B, no one wants to look at your trophies while we're trying to eat. Like, get a room. Get a room. Get a room forshelf in your kitchen? And be, no one wants to look at your trophies while we're trying to eat. Like, get a room.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Get a room. Get a room for yourself in your trophies. Get a room. Get a room. Get a room. Yeah, so she's cooking something and she's like, she's like, you know, I try to be the perfect mom and wife. And you know, there's a Jewish word.
Starting point is 00:16:59 We call it, bella boost. Okay, that means we do everything and we're great mothers and no one, no one even respects us. I mean, for crying out loud, do I get any respect? I we do everything in regretmothers and no one no one even respects us I mean for crying out loud. Do I get any respect? Yeah, I'm doing everything in this household. Okay, that's Bella boost It's like a job. We do everything in the household We cook we clean we manage To help work with the kids dancing keeps me sane. I was like you're not saying I've known you for five seconds and I can tell you this You ma' you're not saying. I've known you for five seconds and I can tell you this. You, ma'am, are not saying.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You're not saying. No, you are not a sane person. You are a very scary person. So her friend, Alyssa, comes over and then her husband, Ronnie, comes over and he's like, Shabbat Shalom, because it's Shabbat. And Sabrina is like, I was 19 when I met Ronnie. He was 36.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And then we see pictures of him in of them in 2007 She was not 19 in 2007 Right she's 44 now She was not 19 now she looks 44 in that picture Then when she does be let's If she was let's so 45 so that would be 25 years ago So those pictures don't reflect when they first met. Okay, because I bought this whole theory,
Starting point is 00:18:08 like if they met in 2007 and she's claiming that she was 19 in 2007, and now she said, I was gonna do this whole thing about how she's like totally like lying about her age. But I just think those pictures were taken like way after they met. So I rescinds. Maybe, but he looks completely different.
Starting point is 00:18:23 He looks totally different. He looks he has You know people age at different rates and he aged at a different rate than his life. He became a different person He doesn't even look like a the older like looks like he was recap Matt Dean my actor like yeah, he was like he went from like Matt Damon to John Tattaro Yeah, I really did so Matt Damon's a John Tattaro. Yeah, he really did. So she's like, yeah, I was 19 when I met Ronnie, he was 36 and I used to work for his company.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I was like, uh, uh, uh, this sounds like a Whitney situation, but I think this was a Whitney situation. So she like, Whitney Rose, yes. Uh, he was the president and I knew either we were getting married or we're just having sex and I got both. I always get what I want up wrong hand I always get what I want Yeah, I'm like, ooh yeah, you go got Ronnie just look at him
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah, I'm tired just like there She's like cheers cheers to a new season of dance and he Ronnie goes new season win win win Ronnie talks like Martin Scorsese. That's what his voice is. He's like, wait, no season. Win-win-win. When I was working with De Niro, I always say, win that Oscar. And then of course, we did ranging both together with Kathy. Kathy was great. She was wonderful. She's like, did soap dish. Love to work there. Wanted to come back for the party. She never, okay, Ronnie, you know what? It's not a show about your movies. It's a show about my dancing. So Sabrina's like, we're going to Connecticut for Tri-State. I always, A, and I was like, we're going to Connecticut for tri-state. I always, A, I was always in A, but now I just switched to B.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And she explained, dancing competitions are divided into age groups. Group A is 16 to 35. Group B is 36 to 50. Group C is 51 to 60. I was like, so you've been staying in A. Her on your seat. We all know your a seamam, okay? And she goes, she goes,
Starting point is 00:20:08 you know what, I never wanted to get old, or you know, and even when I was older, I stayed in A, you know, what you can do? What you could do, I'm like, cut to like the president of the A group receiving his like 10th petition in a row. Hi, this is from Sabrina, and I am petitioning to stay in A, you cannot kick me out.
Starting point is 00:20:26 I refuse to be kicked out. You must make me stay. Looks like a fruit basket. Come here shoes. Here comes one right now. So she's like, but you know, now I'm moving into B, which is like my age group, and these women are strong, you know, and running us, hey, you want to smoke my age group, and these women are strong, you know?
Starting point is 00:20:45 And Ronnie goes, hey, you want to smoke them? Is that what you're going to do? You're going to smoke them? Yeah, that's what she should do. Dineiro would do it. Dineiro would smoke a baby. Yes, like when I was making my movie Hugo, he was a big clock.
Starting point is 00:20:56 We said, let's smoke this clock. Okay, Ronnie enough, I'm talking about my dancing. So now she's starting all over with her pro, Stas, and she's starting all over with her pro, Stas. And she's like, she and Stas worked together for a while, but they pick her and they fight and they don't like each other. Yeah. And she's like, Stas promised me he would make me a champion. And to this day, I've won every major competition at least once,
Starting point is 00:21:23 2016, 2018, 2017, which, you know, we went forward and then we went back again. I don't really know why we did that, but it's what my age does as well. It's just crazy. So, you know, it's just come to the point where we had to stop dancing before I stabbed him in the eye with the heel of my shoe. If you're just like, would you really get to do that? She's like, oh, I'm many occasions.
Starting point is 00:21:45 So she's like, you know, so even though we're comfortable with each other, I have to read her in everything. And so does he. So now we see them in rehearsal. And so she's with Stas and there's a coach named Mariam. And she's like, okay, so go make beautiful line. But let him do it.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Let him do. Let him make beautiful line. She's like, no like no, no, no, I'm gonna do line I'm gonna do the line. I'm gonna do the line You're making pretzel not the line. It's a line. It's a line. It's a line. And Stas is just like oh You you're doing it for me. Okay, could we not do it for me because I make the line and The instructor's like not a good idea. You know what? Let him play with your weight. And she's like, what?
Starting point is 00:22:26 What? So I don't do anything? No, you don't do anything. Oh my gosh, playing with my weight. I hate when he plays with my weight. Stas, it's like, I play with your weight. You're like my weight. Can I lead you? Can I lead you? And she's like, well, I feel like you're holding me from going.
Starting point is 00:22:41 He's like, oh, but this is a will it? Okay, action, action, reaction, as I'm action, your reaction, I'm man, your woman, you follow me. And the instructor's like, I think you guys deserve each other, is what you deserve. And so she's like, this is like a marriage,
Starting point is 00:22:57 no offense, Ronnie, no offense. He's like, yeah, you know what? I think every relationship boils down to trust. You know what's the Pacino? Do you trust the hero? Yes, and listen, I trust you as a white. I trust you as a person. Otherwise, I couldn't stand another man
Starting point is 00:23:10 grabbing your rest and your boobs every day. I'll tell you that much. Am I right? Am I right, everyone? Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, it's my scene. Okay, so listen, he doesn't do that. He doesn't touch my boobs. Okay, yes, he does.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Of course he touches your boobs. What are you talking about? It's like when I was directing Fife and Rida and I each of his own sense. I was like, that course he touches your boobs. What are you talking about? It's like when I was directing Fife and writer and I, he's a bit of a sense. I was like, that's not touching each other's boobs. He gets to touch your boobs more than I do. I'll tell you that much. And she's like, Ronnie, I'm tired at the end of the night.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Can we stop? Okay, I need more wine if we're gonna talk about this. So then we go to Scottsdale to meet Crazy Face Collette. Yes. Amy said, she's very Amy Sederis. She's played by Amy Sederis. Yeah, it was like the first thing we said when we saw her She also looks like Sabrina sister. They look just like sisters. I think they look alike
Starting point is 00:23:51 So she's like she's got this really intense kind of smile where you I think she's acting nice She does not look nice. She looks like she could rip the head off of a baby check with her face like her mat. Yeah, I thought she was gonna be the craziest one, but I actually thought she seemed actually like the nicest one. She seems so nice. She came across that way, but I've got a sense. Got a sense. Well, she has too many animals to be that nice, right? It's like a cover. So she has, she's like, I have all these animals. I live almost in a zoo. Like currently I've got three dogs, Prince Bow and butters, and then I've got six cats, Ovi, Kuzya, Luna, Snow, my favorite thing, the whole world, Toby. And then there's like random mean bitchy cat named Piscetti who just showed up my door and just like never left.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And I'm also that two tortoises named Hercules and Tank. Sell. At least my bed is warm. I don't know. That might have set it a little bit freaky. That's not what I meant. We should also mention that Colette is in Scottsdale, Arizona. And I was like, of course, like you could not have a show like this with that one cast member
Starting point is 00:24:59 in like the Phoenix Scottsdale area, right? Like you're clearly had to be someone from Arizona on this show. Ding Dong, so Nicole, the friend with just her like supportive quote unquote friend who I think, I think Nicole is leading her down the wrong road. First of all, I think Nicole is not supportive. I think she's trying to wreck your life. I'm telling you that right now. She brings her a sparkle dress because she's the supportive one, don't forget.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And her self is wearing some odd cotton dress from the 90s. She's in an odd thing. The soul scene is very odd. So, Collette's like, is it too early for a drink, drink, and a cool? And a call's like, come on now, Collette. I can't do a pop. Well, I think maybe she's from like Maine
Starting point is 00:25:48 and referring to soda as pop. I think that's like a Maine or a Massachusetts thing to say like, I'll have some pop. I'll do a pop. She's like, okay, I'm gonna join you for a pop then. So Calvin, the sun comes in. And she's like, oh my God, Calvin is getting so tall. Calvin, you are so tall.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Can you believe how tall Calvin is? Hey, hold on. I'm going to go every time I see him. Yeah, I'm going to go talk to this tortoise. Hey, tortoise and tortoise, isn't Calvin tall? And you're like, God, what's Nicole's deal? And then let's like, my son has a weird gene disorder called tattenbrown ramen syndrome and only 250 people in the world have them and it's an overgrowth syndrome.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I'm like, oh really? Send a call. Your supportive friend just comes in and talk about how tall he is for 10 minutes in a row, really? I know. I was like, what the hell is up with that? Like, I can't believe she was like, you're just getting taller every single day. I'm like, this is probably the kids, one of his biggest insecurities, and you're like bringing that up. I was like, how rude. So yeah, he's also on the spectrum.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah, he's also on the spectrum. And then, you know, Klet's saying that he's just like really funny and laid back and all these wonderful things and then he's a light of her life. But I can't believe how tall he is. It's called Tatton Brown, Rom and Nicole, fucking, ain't, just drink your pie. Would you? things and he's a light of her life. But I can't believe how tallie is called tatten brown ramen Nicole fucking a just drink your palm.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Would you? For crying out loud. What? How many times is collette? I have to tell you about tatten brown ramen, okay? So so then she gets like she says again like I can't believe how tall he is and then a cut away into your favorite golden retriever with a tennis ball on his mouth. He's fucking dogs. I'm telling you no matter when you your favorite golden retriever with the tennis ball on its mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:25 He's fucking dogs. I'm telling you no matter when you see a golden retriever, these dogs are fucking addicts. I've never seen a dog that addicted to something. These dogs love their balls. They cannot and it's always a tennis ball and they cannot stop staring at it. This one, isn't this one, he has it in the pool and he's staring at it in the pool under the water and holding it down? It was all of it.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He like drops it at one point. So then, Collette is the owner of a physical therapy business. She's like, yeah, so I was doing physical therapy and it was just like, it was so much work, I thought, well why don't I just, why don't I just like buy a company because that won't be as much work? I'm like, um, Collette, so I want to just explain some principles about working. If you buy the company, it's going to be more work. So, uh, but she's doing caretaking for people with
Starting point is 00:28:13 developmental delays and disabilities, which is really lovely. And she also has a really hot employee. So she's doing all the right things I have to say. She does have a hot employee. Yeah. Jake, I was like, I'd like to know more about Jake. Can we have Jake come on next time instead of Nicole? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And she's like, it's emotionally training to be the mom of the kid with special needs, also being the sole owner of a business, being a mother to all these pets. But I can't carry the weight with me everywhere. I have to have an outlet for it. And that's murdering people in my, dance. It's dance. Dance is the outlet that I've chosen.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Cut to dancing. Oh, sorry. Go ahead, Dan. Sorry. I was gonna say, yeah, if I didn't have dance in my life, I think I would have a lot of Xanax, but you know what's funny? I actually do have a lot of Xanax, so I guess. And then we cut to her dancing was Alex, her professional guy. He's like, Ja one, Ja two, Ja three and stop. And she lost her old partner. Yeah, she's like saying to Nicole, it's like sad music, sad music, she's like, well, I suddenly lost my partner, Kristen. And Nicole was like, I thought everything was going well with Christian.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Was he getting taller? And let's like, no, it was going really well. But then he thought he could do better with someone else. So she just, he dumped you. Well, I did. I got partner, don't Nicole. I got partner, don't okay? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:29:41 What's it because of your personality? Oh, he didn't like your personality either. Gosh, that happens to you a lot, doesn't it? God, your son is just getting taller. It's like, thanks, okay. Thanks. What's it because of your personality? Oh, he didn't like your personality either. Gosh, that happens to you a lot, doesn't it? God, and your son is just getting taller. It's like, thanks, Nicole. Thanks for everything, Nicole. And let's like, so Christian was my partner for a couple of years, and then he decided to go a separate way.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And I thought he cared a little bit about me, and so it broke my heart. It did. But then the sky Alex was asking me about Christian, and I started crying, and he was like, sorry I asked, but then he says, so I guess I'm going to be doing competitions with you now. And then he just put his bag in my trunk and got it on his knees and lifted up my skirt and rolled around to his head. I'm like, what is going on? What kind of...
Starting point is 00:30:22 He said something about his friend Ratso Rzo, saying that he should come talk to me and that if this didn't work out, he'd have to go down to Florida. I don't know. Do you hear anything about that? Is that sound familiar? So then we see that Nicole. So Nicole is seeing that her friend is kind of taking this like dancer relationship a little too seriously, right? Because she is like, it was like being broken up, I thought he cared about me, right? So Nicole is making it worse.
Starting point is 00:30:53 That's what I'm saying, she's not a good friend. So she's, oh my God. So you're saying that this guy Alex asked you out? I mean, that's a dance partner, but still. And she just knows, let's do this for the hotness. And so we see the coals of disaster. No, sorry, you know what? Nicole is that friend that like overprograms you is like, hey, so in three weekends, I have
Starting point is 00:31:18 an idea. Let's go up the coast. There's this great little playhouse. We're going to walk around. We're going to shop. We'll have lunch at this place. I love it so much. We're going to have seafood in this, little playhouse. We're gonna walk around, we're gonna shop. We'll have lunch at this place. I love it so much. We're gonna have seafood by the dock.
Starting point is 00:31:29 And then we're gonna go to the playhouse. And we're gonna watch our town. Let's just do it. We're gonna do that on Saturday. Is everyone in? Is everyone in it? You're like, God, Nicole. I think she's just pushing our friend into bad situations
Starting point is 00:31:40 like for her own amusement. You know, she's like, oh, Collette, that guy's cute. He's, he's single. He's not single. He's married. He's like the married father of one of my clients. I can't, oh, well, who cares? Who wasn't married once? Am I right? Just go for it, Collette. I think he likes you. He's looking at you, Collette. Married is just another way of saying future single. So, Collette is, she's just pushing her into bad, bad ideas. You could just see us. So we see she's like, let's just like, Hey, Collette, you want to get a tortoise?
Starting point is 00:32:12 I think you should totally get a tortoise. You want to get another cat? Hey, um, hey, there's a cat. You might not just put this like saucer of milk on your front. So you can see what happens. Oh, look, you got this random bitchy cat named Piscetti. Congratulations. She's like, well, you were right about taking Alex because Alex is at the best looking thing to come out of the Ukraine. I can tell you that much. I mean, he's really cute. It's like it's
Starting point is 00:32:34 now the time to be judging people's looks in the Ukraine collect. Keep it together. So Nicole's like, so do you have to be in the same competition as your ex-partner? Because that would be so awkward. I hope that doesn't get into your head. I hope you don't like it out there on the dance floor and see him and then be like, I can't do this. And then you totally choke. I would hate for you to choke when you see your old dance partner who dumped you. But I guess the best thing you can do is shine with your new husband. I mean, dance partner. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:33:08 So the best thing you can do is kick butt each time, assuming you're not feeling too much shame about that whole situation about being dumped. So then we go back to Leonid in NYC and she's meeting a friend, Donnie, all right. And so Donnie is like a bigger, like, voluptuous blonde lady with a really short hair. And I thought Donnie was gonna have an accent. Doesn't she look like it?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Doesn't look like she's probably used to the fake one. Looks like she uses the fake one when she needs it. She's like, hello, my name is Donnie and I work in finance and I need a reservation please. Thank you. Yeah, I was expecting that, but she's not. She's like, oh hi, I'm Tyler the new for once. And then he's like, oh, no, I'm the beanstalk in the group.
Starting point is 00:33:51 But God, I really need to get this pedicure. My feet look like a bucket of smashed crabs. Don is like, huh, I've never heard that before, a bucket of smashed crabs. Is that a thing? She's like, of course, it's a thing in finance. It was just say, close that deal. Otherwise, you'll get a bucket of smashed crabs, never hear that before. Johnny and I have met at a performance, a group performance three years ago. It was so
Starting point is 00:34:17 bad. But the one good thing I got out of it was Johnny's friendship. And now we're in a sorority of foreign sisters. We're as crazy as each other and that's kind of the initiation. You know how crazy can you be for dance? That's how we find out for sisters or not. You know I first said to her, would you throw yourself out in front of traffic for dance? And she said in front of a gold den bus and I said, sisters for life bitch. And I said, here's a hammer and here's a bucket of crabs go at it. So would you get addicted to narcotics for dance? Donnie.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Donnie said part as well. Dance is narcotic and I said fuck yeah sister. All right, how crazy can you be? Have it this can you walk quickly into a financial institution? Get on the phone and say obviously you didn't hear me the first time, do it. So why did you say they're foreign sisters? Where's Donnie? She said, no, she said, bar room sisters.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Oh, I thought she said foreign sisters. All room, but I didn't want to correct you because you know what, I didn't think that would be so crazy as that would be. So Leonie is like, Donnie is one of the best dancers in the category. She's the whole package. She doesn't have a bob. She doesn't work in finance.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I guess she's actually not really a package at all. No, don't think about it. And Donnie's like, yeah, I've been dancing since I was two, three years old, and then we just see a clip of a two year old like raising her leg. Yeah. And she's like, he's like, in high school, I was on the dance team,
Starting point is 00:35:51 and then in college, I was in dance performance, and now I compete in Latin ballroom. Dance is just this like place I can really express myself, and just be me. So I dance five days a week, and the other two days I have my headphones in and I'm thinking of dancing. At Leon he was like, I never thought I'd be taking the whole precomp process as serious
Starting point is 00:36:14 as I do now, but I guess I'm at that point where I call it the precomp process instead of precompetition process. I'm taking it very seriously, luck my bulb and finance. And Donnie's like, oh my God, remember those days, I used to do my own makeup and she's like, yeah, we're drag queens and women's bullies, don't we? I think there's a more tradition. Oh, sorry, this is Donnie. Donnie, let's go back to you all for it.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Donnie's like, I think there's a more traditional Latin body type. They're very stout and petite, but guess what? That's not me. And then we see a clip of 2017 of her doing a back band in Latin dance. Yeah. And the only is like, she's beautiful. She's got those legs. I mean, she's got those bazooks, man. I mean, that would get you real full and full on hands. Too bad she never went into it. So, Don is like, I've been with my partner, Ilia, for eight years. Ilya is not my dance boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:37:08 A lot of people want a girlfriend experience. Let's go out to dinner and let's go see a show before the competition. But I'm not paying for a dance partner, not a jiggle-o. And Leonie is like, what's your sacred girl? She says, I know that no other teacher would let me do what I like or what I want, but he does. So some things I just feel so silly doing and I'm not going to do him and he is like, that's fine, Donnie. And he's like, oh, I know what you mean, the slut drop.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And she goes, yeah, it's a slut drop. She's like, I can't with the slut drop. And they're produced just like, could you show us the slut drop? And she's like, oh, will. First, you do a twirl, and then you squat down and boom, slut drop. And this is called slut drop in a barbed, though. This is called slut drop with smashed crab feet.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I'm functional, there's a little variation. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, um, so she goes, you know, this is one woman. She spends her entire rumba with her legs open and like you could see a kuchi. Like, I can't look. I can't look at that kuchi and Don is like, I mean, she has her whole crotch. I've like on her dress rhinestone. I mean, I just have my nipples rhinestone just for a little bazaz, but I'm like crotch. So then we're back at Collette since she's feeding her turtles. And she's like, oh, I don't have any more turtles.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Sorry. Oh God. Okay. I'll go get you some more. So it's pretty cool. I thought that she's inferring all of those turtles feelings. Like turtles literally barely move. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:42 She's like, oh God, you're upset. All right. I'll go get you some more in third all. I think she was going to get the turtle more apple to eat. I thought she was like, she was having an apple shortage. Yeah. And, uh, okay. So, oh, I see what you're saying. Get you some more comma turtle. I think I meant like get the turtle more turtle companions. Oh, no. Oh, you look sad today. She's a real sick. We found it. Ron is like, I knew something was I knew she was crazy. I could just tell.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Oh, my God, my chest just cramped. I'm sorry. I guess I should have mentioned she's feeding the turtle in Apple. So Sabrina calls. And so we find out that Sabrina and Carlette not only do they look like sisters, but their friends. So, um, co, uh, Carlette, like, I've just been dancing so long. So I don't really have friends. I just have dance friends and turtle friends. They'll eat my other turtle friends and get the opportunity to go to the toilet.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I call it silent green and, you know, turtle green. So the turtles, the silent green is made of turtles. So Sabrina, yeah, so Sabrina's like, we have a bond. Like unless you're in this world, you don't understand it. And so it collects like, Sabrina and I were like never competing against each other in the same age group, but like now we are. Like clearly these two are going to become huge rivals. Yeah, she's like, I've never been be, oh no, Sabrina's like, I've never been be, but
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'm not intimidated to dance against any of the women including turtle time. I mean, Collette, the turtle lake. I mean, you know what I mean. And Collette's like, I think I'm prepared, but I'm a little nervous, it gives me and Alex are so new together, but I think it's going good. But, you know, it was kind of like a divorce. I mean, he's a completely different dancer and different personality, but Nicole said I should fuck him. So I'm going to try that now. Now, who's the call? Stop hanging out with fucking Nicole.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I told you. Listen, I'm just excited to see you, okay, because I'm so sad. Danced you because we've never been on the floor together. I'm so excited for when you eventually choke and I succeed over you. Sorry Nicole was calling me beforehand. She filled me on everything. Oh, so, uh, Colleen's like, honestly, um, I think she should have just stayed in the A group because she's going to be in the C group anyway pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:41:29 So she could just get the B group completely and then I wouldn't have to dance against her. It's like, wow. Colleen's really coming out of you now, huh? And then while she's sitting there, a ball drops like right in front of her face. And she's like, what? And she looks up and the golden retriever has dropped its ball. It's above her on a deck and dropped the ball in front of her. It dropped the ball.
Starting point is 00:41:51 To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like.
Starting point is 00:41:59 To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To be like. To competition. So Leoni goes to the dance studio. And she look, I've got a private with Karina. Bring it on. It's too early in hour. Guess what? I'm not afraid of prices because I'm in finance. Bring it on. Stop, stop. Karina smear
Starting point is 00:42:18 and off. She was on Dancing with the Stars. Well, guess what? Now she's on Dancing with the Finance. Okay. Guess what? Welcome to your first Bob Karina. You ready to show me how to do the Rumba? Yeah, and Karina's like, hey, are you the big lad? Do I have to do so sexy? She's like, no, don't you stop that Karina. All right, you little silky voice lady. Come on, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Let's dance. I have a massive girl, a crush on Karina. Okay, not the damn guy, that's ridiculous, ridiculous incineration that I'm gay, like this is literally basically just like drag coming in the dancing right now. So yeah. So they're basically dancing. So Karina's just going to get for a coaching session with her partner, right? So they bring in the partner and it's coista. So he comes in and Leon is like, but if we're not ready, we're not going to try state because let listen, I'm not going to
Starting point is 00:43:11 look steep at it, try state. Alright, I've got to show my face on Wall Street Monday. And she's very insecure about her rumba because it goes slowly. And so she's like exposed. And so Karina's watching and she's like, mm-hmm, da, da, da, da. And Leon is trying to do a cake and Karina's like, no, can you extend your foot like the world's piece depends on the extension of your legs. Like, all right, well, do it quickly and stupidly because that's a stupid idea
Starting point is 00:43:39 and I wanna be over with it quick. World piece, it's literally idiotic. Could you compare it to something else? So I can get it. Like, world piece is never gonna happen. Could you make it? All right. I'm gonna lift my leg like I care about finance. Oh, gold, there it goes.
Starting point is 00:43:54 There it goes, fun leg, got it. Good. I'm gonna lift my leg like the way I walk through a revolving door in the financial institution with authority. So then, Korean is like, oh, now arch in because this mood has gooiness and like molasses, it's nothing. It has thickness. My God, maybe I am gay actually. It's crazy. Karina smear off his heart one totally. I'll
Starting point is 00:44:21 tell you that much. As she's saying, I fat call me molasses I don't understand this. And Krynna's like okay she's like this is okay this is what I told Mario Lopez when I dance with him okay I would have it just give it a little bit with angle versus straight be more this is what I told Mario be more extra get it see what I see see what I did have it this why don't you access Hollywood with your leg right now with World Business? So she coaches her and she's telling her like, be confident in yourself. You know, that's the most important thing and being a dancer and Leoni's like, oh, I just wish I could let go. Just let go and dance. Just let go and all that jazz.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Oh, sorry, I got to beat my day job. So then we get all that finance. We go to Sabrina and all that tax. Get better. Come on down. Take 20% right off top. I had it coming. He had it coming. He had risk management coming all along. So then we go back to Sabrina and Toronto. And she's in her studio dancing with her partner. And her partner's the funniest to me because I think he's like the most aging.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Like he's the most ready to be put out to pasture. I think of all of the partners. And he's also the bitchiest. And he's gonna ride the Sabrina train until retirement. But he's like just trying to not murder her, but he's just trying to not murder her. And it's so funny to him. Right, I don't know why. Because he kind of does give an energy
Starting point is 00:45:50 of murder mystery butler. Like he's sort of a murder mystery butler who also is a ballroom professional. Hey, comes across as being that, he's like this guy I waited tables with when I was like 18 in New York and Guillermo. And he was like really nice, but a little too formal and always like,
Starting point is 00:46:08 so how was your day today, Ronnie? Like there was, it was a weirdness about him. And I remember one time he put the espresso thing and the, you know, you fill the espresso thing and smash it and then you put it in the machine and you turn it on, but he hadn't clicked it in all the way. So it kind of exploded on him. And I'm like, oh, haha, like I laughed. And then he went, you laugh at other people's misfortune,
Starting point is 00:46:29 that's the kind of person you are. And then he stormed out of the restaurant. And I was like, whoa, and I just like never saw that coming in. I just, I know that's a long story to say, but this is the same vibe that this guy is giving me. Where it's just like time for him to stop. He doesn't need to be making his press so anymore. You know, it's over it. No, it's over. That being said, I think I'm on Stas's side this entire scene. I'm like, just Stas.
Starting point is 00:46:57 So basically they're dancing and he's like, when you travel, focus on where you're going. Think about where your feet go and where I am. And she's like, I just really love the actor dancing and the feeling it evokes in me, which is the feeling of knowing that I'm doing everything the way I want to do it and I don't want to hear any other input. And it's the only place where I get to be the center of attention. It's all about me.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Only only tells us, everyone knows Sabrina. She's the best of the best. But she's really extra. What can I tell you? She's also an extra big liar about her age, all right, but we'll find out more about that later. Group C. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Serious, serious, silly. So Sabrina's like, okay, so sad. Seriously. Serious, silly. Hold on. Hi, I hope you had a good rest on your C-Lay post-operative. So Sabrina is like, she's like, hey, Sat. So remember we changed the turn.
Starting point is 00:47:54 So now you're doing this, but like I turn much faster than your counts. And he's like, well, so I should not count. Well, can you count faster? It's not about that. Please listen. So I'm trying to listen to bad. But what? You want to count? You want to be the one that counts?
Starting point is 00:48:07 You want to be the one that counts? Oh God, oh God, I'm just so, Ronnie just like, oh God, I'm so used to fighting with Ronnie. That's what I'm calling you Ronnie now. What is wrong with me? And he goes, I don't find your hand. I'm trying to find. And she's like, well, I'm kind of finding your hand.
Starting point is 00:48:20 He's like, well, ask yourself why you know, find my hand. And she's like, I'm'm asking you where is your hand? You don't find it because you are not focused on me She's like sass and I fight like husband and wife and it's like a power struggle all the time And he doesn't think of me as an equal and that causes problems for both of us I'm like because you're not equals. He's a professional. You're literally paying him to be with you You're literally not equals like that is the professional. You're literally paying him to be with you. You're literally not equals. Like that is the entire nature of this entire tournament,
Starting point is 00:48:49 professional and amateur. That is the epitome of not equals. So she's like, I need a second. I need to go get some water. And he's like, no second. There are no seconds with dance. And she's like, when it's the last of my dance in the category, we dominated for years. But Tris try say this my first time being in the B category and people already know us from the past.
Starting point is 00:49:09 This is me, it's my comeback. This is everything to me. And so they start rehearsing more and he's like, come on, Sabi move, move, Sabi. And she's like, she's like, why are you here? Why are you here? Well, I'm here because I'm dancing with you. She's like, I'm done, I'm done. You're here because you want to dance with me. I guess that you wanted to say like I'm here because I'm passionate about this. I want to win.
Starting point is 00:49:34 She was, she turned and expected him to be in a certain place. So she's like, why are you here? And he is like, because I'm doing the dance with you, stupid. And I like how I watered him to her because when she came off from having a fit he goes, are you okay now? Maybe you need more water. 5, 6, 7, 8. So he's like, you're just nervous before the competition. She's like, I'm not nervous. I just wish I had a partner who
Starting point is 00:50:01 with dance. I'm like, he's the professional lady. Okay. Yeah, you are nervous. Look at you. Look at your nervousness. You're stupid. You look stupid all over the place. Look at their stupid hair, stupid face, stupid nervousness, stupid water drinking. And so she's pissed. She's like, I'm done with this.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Because all you're done in general for, because you're for once. You're done in general, or you're done in for one practice is this breakup or this makeup tell me now she's like I'm leaving but she leaves her back there so you know that she came back eventually. God this is probably so so annoying to work with. So now it's like 24 hours until the big tri states in Stanford Connecticut and and Connecticut. And then there's like, they're packing, people are packing, Sabrina's asking for money from Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And then like, Donnie is calling her mom while she packs and then Leonie is FaceTiming Donnie. And she's like, oh my God, Donnie, are you in bed, right? Now that's so unfinance of you. And she's like, no, I'm in a car. Oh, thank God. Is your driver? Does he have a bob
Starting point is 00:51:05 by any chance? Cause I'll be really awesome. And she's like, well guess what, bad news for you, Johnny? I'm not ready. I'm not psychologically in that zone. And if I do shit, it will mentally fuck me over the next year.
Starting point is 00:51:17 All right, I can't do shit. So I'm hedging my risk, you know how nerdy I can be about risk management. I'm in fornance, but this I've looked tomorrow. Sorry I'm missing out on the poorly but this of look tomorrow, sorry missing out on the poorly depressive episode of my own show that they've made me the lead off. Here's the thing, I don't mind feeling in Atlanta or New Orleans or any major U.S. city, but feeling and stenfic in etiquette, that's just sad. So I'm just going to skip this one.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Troy State is feeling in 3 states, basically. So I'm not doing that. I mean, that's where they feel more pervage. I just can't be in the same place as more provisioned fail. So we see them all traveling to get to Stanford, Connecticut. And Alex, the dancer is with Kauwett, and they're checking into the hotel. They're arriving at the hotel. And Kauw, that's like, what people may not understand is that the partnership is deeper than friendship because it's not a romantic relationship Well, but the level of intensity Can be similar and Alex is like I need help with door
Starting point is 00:52:15 She's like okay, and he's like you check in go you check in okay How do I walk? Move foot move right foot now move left foot So the only is like then you hear you know the one thing with the answers and the partners is you hear the whole Okay, how do I walk? Move foot, move right foot, now move left foot. So the only is like, then you hear, you know, the one thing with the answers and the partners is, you hear the whole dare I say, Cougar dynamic.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm on food. I'm like, okay, honey, hold on a second. Would you like some of my turtle, chow? So, so then Sabrina's saying how like, you have to pay for their fees, their flights, their hotels, their food. I mean, the cost becomes enormous. $6,000. It's anywhere between $3,000 to $6,000 per week, right? Per competition. A hobby competition. Yeah. Crazy. So anything from the competition, do we know we're just an award? I think just like an award, whatever we saw in those bookshelves in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:53:07 So then Alex is like, um, okay, hotel lady, I'm going to have to do his incidental. So I'll just wait for him to check it. And he goes, I'll do an incidental. And he says, oh, really? So why? Because you don't want me to see what you're ordering to the room. I just think you're going to pay for the hooker yourself then. And just why not hooker?
Starting point is 00:53:25 And then meanwhile, Donia saying, when you arrive at the competition, it's like going into this fantasy world of going to be this different type of person. You go from having being a lady with short blonde hair to being a lady with short blonde hair with some feathers on too. It's a huge transformation. So we see this hotel, you know, all the hotel bathrooms are filled with all-room people dancing. Yeah. And they're all telling us how important this is. And Sabrina's like, it's a complete transformation. You get to be princess for a day. And then we see crystals, rhinestones, feathers, and the only stuff it's low up money, girl.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And they're just also excited. It's so, they are cute and funny and weird and creepy. But it's also weird. This felt very much like it was, this is where they inserted the sizzle reel into the pilot. Because I'm like, this is cool and everything, but I want to like get lead to the dancing. Like you don't have to tell me all this. We can just see it and we can,
Starting point is 00:54:25 because like it's pretty obvious that this is what's on it. But I think you're right that this was a sizzle. I think you're right. This was a sizzle real moment. Yeah. Because they're like selling the concept, but it's like we're already like 40 minutes into the show. Like I'm sold, I already understand.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Dancing with the stars has been around for like 20 years. Like we get ballroom, we understand it. So I think you're right that this is just a pilot that they shopped around and they start shooting every because the scenes of the women's single like solo, I mean, are so long. Like, yeah, what would in a housewives episode, most of these scenes would be three or four minutes to five minutes.
Starting point is 00:54:59 And in this, they're like 20 minutes long, you know, for each lay. Yeah. And not a lot of group stuff and everything. Like they barely have a group scene. There's just like three of them sitting on a sofa waiting to get their hair done, but like barely talking to each other. Anyway, but they're talking about all the stuff. It still is very cool.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I also wonder if they added Leoni later. Like I wonder if they did a lot of, I wonder if they did some kind of stuff. They might have added her later and that's why she doesn't go to Tri-State, you know, because they needed more than just what they had. But I loved it. Someone who was so dedicated. I feel like it was some queen who was like, you guys do not understand these fucking dance competitions.
Starting point is 00:55:35 We have to cover these. These are amazing. And everyone's like, man, ass. So we went and did a whole pilot and found all these ladies. And then they were like, you know what, you have something, but we need someone a little more compelling. So they got Leoni. They made the whole thing about her Because they really did make this whole pilot about her and then they added in whoever's new next week to like bring in Yeah, there's another woman. I think that's actually a hundred percent correct I think they started with like a course three and then yep, you're right Ronnie
Starting point is 00:56:03 I'm so guys and our fanfic of pilots. But I like it and I liked it. Someone at Bravo was like, you know what? You're crazy. I don't think getting what's going to watch this, but we'll give you a season. Here's $12. Someone at Bravo was like, I'm not sure if gay people watch our network, but just in case they do, let's give them something.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It's like, right here, we're here, we're queer and we want to watch middle-aged women and feathers, please. Or you know that someone's like, you never know when COVID's coming back, just get it in the can. Here's $13 and we'll just have it as a just in case show. Yeah. So anyway, they're talking about all this stuff, like the men with the spray tans and the hair spray, yada yada yada.
Starting point is 00:56:47 So now is the day of the show. It's 7th or 13th of morning. Tri-state. It's tri-state. And it was the first ever competition that Donnie ever did. It was tri-stets. And she's going in for her hair and makeup. And she goes in to see Boyko.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Boyko is like a fourth of nature. Like, Leon is like, oh my God, his boyke, he doesn't hear, he doesn't make up. He's like a grant, he's like a grand central station. Everyone's gotta go through them to their jobs and finance. Did I just say that? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:57:20 So, Freeman's like, yeah, we all bow down to Boyko. He is the God of hair and makeup and power realm. And God, he's like, yeah, some of bow down to Boyco. He is the god of hair and makeup in Paul Brown. And then he's like, yeah, some of us get up at 3 a.m. to get hair and makeup done by Boyco, because that's our only chance. Gullying's like, yeah, I walk in the Boyco like a tired middle aged mom, and I come out in Empress,
Starting point is 00:57:39 ready to go to battle on the dance floor. Do Empress's battle? I don't know, but I like that word. Heaven, let's have Empress has ever owned multiple turtles. Oh, that was in the never ending story. There was an Empress. I don't really know what it means, but I love the sound of that word.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Yeah, I like that earlier, Leoni is like, when I start dancing, I become like Cleopatra rated you battle on the dance floor. I'm like, are they telling these like Cleopatra ready to battle on the dance floor I'm like are they telling these women to talk about going to battle in the dance floor and just giving them strange I come out like Marie Curie ready to battle the dance You cuz they each say something like oh fairin ballroom and war dance I come out like Toriemos ready to battle on the dance floor This isn't Vietnam I'm not giving up was that too far so then
Starting point is 00:58:35 So then we meet boy car is like welcome I am boy car Let's do not mention what I found out recently exists. It's the greatest broken English. Let's do not mention what I found out recently is existing. I thought he was going to say, oh, boy, I was going to start some gossip and they're all going to fight. I was like, what's boy, we're going to say, because he's a grand central station here is everything.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And he goes, opubic wig. You know, he goes, opubic wig. No, he goes, opubic wig. Opubic wig. Opubic wig. And they're like, what? And it's Supreme and he goes,
Starting point is 00:59:11 what opubic? What's that? And Donnie goes, oh, I think he's trying to say opubic wig. That's called a Merkin. And calling it's like, opubic wig and it's a Merkin.
Starting point is 00:59:20 You knew the name of it even. God, right away, she said that's a pubic wig. It's a Merkin. God, right away she said, that's a pubic wig, it's a merchant. God, donnie. Can't believe their name that after a former German prime minister. No, Merkin, not Merkel. Oh, I'm sorry, I was somebody calling for Angela.
Starting point is 00:59:37 She's busy, but I'm standing in for today. So if anybody needs to get a message to Angela. Yes, my dear friend Angela Merkel does not have Peabick Wigs, but she does have a new fashion line called Angela by Angela. I've started my first sneak peek of it. Bye. The sole conversation. Please do not tell me I hear of what I don't hear insists in life. Pubic. We.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Don is like, oh yeah, so it used to be like in the middle ages or like in the Renaissance era that like, you know, if you had like an STD, if you had like skabies, they'd have to shave off all your pubic hair, but you'd be embarrassed to show your man. So you put on like a little wig, that way they wouldn't know that you shaved off your hair from your purse, you know? And that's what a merceness, I've, I mean, I've heard a merceness, but real as, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Check that. Yeah. And I like the story. That's what it goes. Because that's like, I knew Donnie was a great dancer, but I didn't know she was an STD expert, especially from past centuries. So Sabrina's like, it's nice to be here
Starting point is 01:00:48 and bonding with the other women in a boyka land, but I'm still gonna crush them all. Merkern or no, Merkern. So Johnny leaves and she's like, I'll see you soon, ladies and boyka's like, what about me? You'll see me soon. And she's like, you too, boyka.
Starting point is 01:01:05 So let's like, hey, Sab. Sab, are you excited to be in B now? And Sabrina's like, oh, B, to B or not to B. I don't know. I'm a little concerned. I'm way too young to be in the B competition. I mean, I'm probably like seven years ahead of schedule, aren't I? Oh, it's so hard being 31.
Starting point is 01:01:24 And Donnie's like, I'm not shaking in my boots, just because some people are coming back. I only worry about me. And Colleen's or Collette's like, yeah, we're all polite on the dance floor. We're all polite until we get to the dance floor. Because we're on the dance floor. It's like war.
Starting point is 01:01:41 We're no, we're no one's polite, because you're shooting each other, but with still atos Could we shorten this? It's like your Mary Shelley ready to go to war So Leon is like enlightened pro-wam that it daydance the same five dances in the same order at every competition that it daydance the same five dances in the same order at every competition. Cha Cha, sambar, rambar, pasta derby, jive and slot drops. slot drops all the top. The top.
Starting point is 01:02:12 The couple with the top combined school, we crowned the slot drop champion of slot drops. The biggest slot of stamp for Connecticut. And then we see stars are doing his warm up and he's literally jumping up and down like a ballet. I guess it's in the ballet. I don't know what he's doing, but I don't remember his type of dance. It was like a... I don't know, he's just jumping.
Starting point is 01:02:33 He's just jumping up and down. So let's dance with Alex. And she's like, to prep, we've been working on our chemistry. I mean, I'm not sure where her stuff is I want to be, but I hope they see our chemistry because last night I did let him put the hooker on my credit card. Man, I just was there. I just did a little Sudoku while he was with the hooker. And I was like, look at us enjoying our hobbies together. Did you know if you get it down two boxes down to two candidates, you can remove the numbers from all the other boxes? What a great
Starting point is 01:03:01 breakthrough for me. I mean, I definitely had chemistry with the Sedoku. Uh. So, uh, there's more practicing. So, Collette and Alex are practicing on their chemistry and everything. And it's 15 minutes until group middle-aged women. And Don is like, I'm not the typical Latin dancer. I'll say this for the third time now. I don't have long braid down to my butt.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I'm not teeny tiny. I'm also white. So I'm not like covered in rhinestones, but I am the best dancer overall. So that's when I'm going to put forward on the dance floor. So her four is yeah. And he's like, I don't like it when you go it. What does he say? I don't like it when you go it.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I don't know. So then basically they all start getting ready to go in, right? So they're all doing these dancing and then Ilya and Stas run into each other. And Alex is like, you're fine. You're fine. It was good for me. And they're just getting real, this is Sabrina, especially is getting really nervous. She's like, where's your hands? Where's your hands? My hands is here. Why can't you not find my hand? Come on girl, what's going on with you? I am crying. I never cry like this. I never ever cry like this. You cry like this every single day of my life. I go to sleep and when I dream, I see you crying and I wake up and I scream and you're crying again and I realize I woke up in another dream. Oh, and Sabrina's like, we are the returning champions and a new group.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I have a whole new group of women to beat. I feel so much better. And then we hear five minutes until group B. And everyone's getting nervous. And they take position. And group B is about to begin at this season on dance queens. Tantantantantantant I was pissed we didn't get to see it to you But I was excited. I was like oh my god. I can't wait to see this
Starting point is 01:04:50 I want I want to see who's gonna like help who's gonna do well, etc. So It was a fun. Yeah fun premiere. I'm excited. I really was I loved it I think it's gonna be fun to make fun of I hope we you know things will clear up soon Who knows I hope that people watch this I really do because it. I think it's gonna be fun to make fun of. I hope we, you know, things will clear up soon. Who knows? I hope that people watch this. I really do because it was fun. Yeah, same. Just like it's fun to have a different show on Bravo, you know? Yeah. So the good times. Well, thanks everyone for For being here and for supporting us on the bonus episode. Appreciate you. We'll talk to you in the next bonus episode or on the main podcast. Love you guys. Appreciate you, we'll talk to you in the next bonus episode or on the main podcast. Love you guys! Bye!
Starting point is 01:05:26 Watch what crap ends, would like to thank its premium sponsors! Ain't no thing like Allison King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelone! She's not just a Sheila, she has no last name. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Kristen the Piston Anderson. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger.
Starting point is 01:05:56 You're never alone with Lacey Montellon. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't solve you. Ruhu-lu-ru. The Bay Area Beaches, Beaches. And our super premium sponsors, the incredible edible Matthew sisters. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD.
Starting point is 01:06:16 She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva, Erica 500 days of summer. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite, Merto, Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Can't have a meal without the Emily side. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar.
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