Watch What Crappens - Dancing Queens: YAAASS Queens!

Episode Date: July 3, 2023

The season finale of Dancing Queens (S01E08) brings the cast together in Texas for the ultimate showdown. Will Leonie channel Cleopatra? Will Donnie defy stereotypes? And will Sabrina tast...e an espresso martini?? All questions answered on the podcast.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens Add a podcast about all that crap on Brava that we just love to talk about I'm Ben Mandelker dancing to a little pre-show theme song that we have on crap is on demand joining me is the one and only mr. Ronnie caram hi Ronnie how are you hi I'll say how I am BORNCH DANS! I'm here to win I'm bringing out Cleopatra for this episode, okay? Yeah, my mother never thought I could do it, but here I am, deep-seeing anyway. Every time I podcast, I'll just hear my father's voice that says, if you don't win, don't come home. So here we are. It's a Dancing Queen's,
Starting point is 00:01:22 Dancing Queen's Finale episode. It's very exciting. It's so exciting I put up a disco ball on Crap is on demand. I'm gonna take it down soon, but enjoy it for right now. It's this so, hold on, here it is. I'm trying to present it. There it is.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Speaking of Crap is on demand. Come watch it. Come watch it. Come subscribe. LoycanSubscribe on YouTube. Okay, a real winner with LoycanSubscribe who to watch it and subscribe. Lawy can subscribe on YouTube, okay? A real winner with like and subscribe, who to watch it.
Starting point is 00:01:48 These videos all around YouTube, but before they go on YouTube, they have a pit stop over at Krapazundaman, where people who support on Krapazundaman on Patreon, slash watch or Krapazunds, get first looks at the video. They get it for a week before it goes on to YouTube. So if you want early access and you want to see this stuff as it goes right up on the air,
Starting point is 00:02:09 then go to slash watch what crap ends and you get to see things like a little disco ball between me and Ronnie right now. Very exciting stuff. So that's been really fun and fun. We hope you're all having fun on the break. Now dancing queens is a show. Man, I wish we had recapped the whole show because it was so good, but there is just too much going on to recap it. There's literally too much stuff. And I think 20 of you were watching this because I looked at the ratings and I think it was like in the 200,000s which can, can't damn it. You know, I feel like partly it's our responsibility to be like, guys, watch this show.
Starting point is 00:02:49 But then the other side of me was like, hmm, I can't quit Atlanta, I can't quit Summer House, can't quit Summer House, can't quit below that, can't quit below that, can't quit. Well, there's such a lot of things we couldn't quit. There were so many high profile shows and I feel like when it came out there were two newbies. It was Dancing Queens and Summer House Martha's Vineyard and honestly like
Starting point is 00:03:13 Summer House Martha's Vineyard was both like great and it also I think we both got this feeling like this is gonna be a show that's gonna be with us for a few seasons so It was tough because we want to support the new shows. We want to support the new young shows. I think that it just got lost in the fray. I think that maybe Bravo was thinking if we have Dan St. Queens on right now, maybe they'll get a boost from all these other shows. But I think it actually just, it got trampled.
Starting point is 00:03:38 There was so much going on with Scandal with New Jersey. Everything was going on. And I think this is a show that should maybe be gone, come on alongside Rony this summer instead. Well, we did do the first recap. So this is our bookend recap to end the season to celebrate it, because it does deserve some celebration.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Now our first recap was on the Patreon feed, which is our bonuses, all our bonus episodes. We did re-release that today. It's before this one. Go listen to that if you haven't already. If you want more of this, just be a member of Patreon because that's where we do a lot of extra episodes over there. We did have an episode where we top-level talked about another episode of Dancing Queens, but it was not as in
Starting point is 00:04:25 depth as a proper recap, but yeah, it's a shame. So let's go ahead and start. So previously, this season on Dancing Queens, and we get kind of one little line from on the ladies, kind of their taglines from the season, because this is not housewives, they don't have taglines, but they get previously taglines, which I like. Previously this season, and we cut to Leoni with a Cleopatra haircut, and she says, more dad would say, don't talk to me unless you're first. And this cast is very big on leaning into childhood dramas. Yes. Like they're all still mad at their mothers. They're all still fucking resentful of their fathers.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And, you know, you go for it. But we just did a Orange County recap today, which aired last week for you guys. But where we were like, we need fresh trauma. And I will say that is something that this show suffers from every episode. The ladies are not together as much on this show. They only see each other at these dance competitions. Otherwise, they all live in
Starting point is 00:05:28 different states. So they don't, they have a lot of a long time. And since they have a lot of airtime to fill, they're literally the same trauma over and over. It's like, my parents loved a winner. I was like, well, I've heard of worse thing. Like, honestly, I've heard of worst things, a, like, it sounded like a terrible trauma at the beginning, but it's episode eight, and you've not shut the fuck up about how your parents wanted you to win. Okay, shut up. Shut up. Get a fresh trauma. Sorry to repeat it. Two recaps in a row, but I need fresh trauma now. Okay. Yeah. Leoni literally says every episode where they rolled his clip of her saying,
Starting point is 00:06:09 my dad said, don't talk to me unless you're first. And every time she does something, she goes to Starbucks and she goes, as I alter that venti frappuccino, I think is it good enough for my father? I hear his voice in my head saying, do it better, do it harder, win, win that venti frappuccino.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I'm like, okay, how you get it? Your dad was overbearing. God, yeah. My daughter has taken your mother to work day, and I just think, what if I'm not good enough for those children the same way I wasn't good enough for my father? I know it's like literally everything. I want to show my daughter she doesn't have to be perfect. So therefore, when she makes her little slime on the floor, I say that's beautiful slime, even though it's bad slime. Meanwhile, Lani, listen, I'm not going to take away anybody's traumatic past or whatever. Oh, and I'm not saying it's not true, but I am saying she does have a lot of pro humility.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You know, she does show a lot of like, I'm just so insecure, and then she walks in and wins the whole thing. Or she's like, oh my God, I'm just so insecure, but my idol is Cleopatra. And I'm model, everything I do after Cleopatra, my hair, my costumes, everything about me. I'm like, lady, that's not an insecure person. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:21 It's also not someone who really like, she didn't really, like, you know what happened to Cleopatra right? But I also like how I don't actually what did happen to Cleopatra? Well She got killed by an ass, but it was she was young like a mark Anthony like a snake She guys like poisoned but it was part of a larger scheme I've if I remember correctly the point is The point is she didn't live to old age. She was great, but she also was not like, they took her down.
Starting point is 00:07:52 There's a reason that people aren't like, oh my god, my goal is to be like James Dean. James Dean went over the side of a fucking cliff when he was in his 20s, okay? Like, let's not idolize people that died too young. You know, just because you like their haircut. I think she only really idolizes Cleopatra because she loves the girl's hair
Starting point is 00:08:10 because you know Leoni is not getting rid of that haircut any time soon. She has found a haircut that works for her and she's gonna keep it for the rest of her fucking life. And you know what, you're right, it does work for you. And it really works for dancing because it's just like slaps around. You know, it's like a tuna turner dress, but on our head. And the thing is that like, she, I was going to
Starting point is 00:08:30 talk about her hair because it's so funny that she's like, I want to show my daughter that like life is full of imperfections and you don't have to be perfect. I'm like, you have the most precision based hairstyle right now. Like, your hair is like, it has to be like absolutely perfect, otherwise it looks ridiculous. It is the perfect length of Bob. It's the same exact, it never grows, it never gets caught. Like it looks the same literally every moment she's on screen from the beginning to the end. So then we move on to Pooja. Now Pooja came on a little bit later. I think my opinion was that they were kind of cobbling this cast together as they went. They were like, we need more people.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Let's add Pooja and Sabina, not Sabina, Gaia later. And Leoni was shooting, but not with the other women for half the season. So we weren't really sure what was going on. So anyway, we get Pooja. Pooja is next up. She's like, her storyline was, I want to make my mom proud, but there are just moments where I feel like, am I enough? Because again, the show is about leaning into your parents, not being good enough for your parents, which I think is really funny because parents generally enroll kids in dance class
Starting point is 00:09:44 in the first place. So it's a funny thing to be acting out in your life later on to try and get their approval. Like you just never got their approval from dance class and you never let it go. Yeah, I mean, Pooch's whole thing is that like her mom and her sisters all do Latin dancing, but she does like American rhythm. So she's already been like the black sheep of the family for doing like different kind of dance. And now she's like trying to be in with the rest of her family and she's like, you know, she's like,
Starting point is 00:10:12 am I good enough? And it's like the answer is no, you're not. Like you can see it all over your mom's face, your mom is mortified. She's like, you know, you stay out of our dancing. You're like, we're talking out of our dancing. We were hard to be like the family that's good at Latin dancing. She's like the third manning brother.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Like there's Peyton, there's Eli, and then there's that other brother who doesn't like play football very well. Like if you like, yeah, Tim Manning, like if Tim Manning was like, hey, I want to play football now in the Manning Brothers, like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you do go back to working out like a Mara home or wherever you work, you know. But also what goes unsaid in this is that she was already,
Starting point is 00:10:49 well, it doesn't go and said that she was already a winner at American rhythm because that is said. But the only reason she switched to this style of dancing is to be on this TV show, obviously, right? Because she only did it for the season to be on the TV show. So she's thinking she can come in, start doing their kind of dance, since that's their kind of dance, since that's the kind of dance that's everyone's competing in this year. And she does. And then
Starting point is 00:11:11 immediately, spoiler alert, when the show's over, she goes back to American rhythm. So, you know, you can make this about how your mother does not love you. Your mother and your sister both hate you. That's clear. I've seen the footage. But now you can say to both of them, fuck you. I went first place all the time. In my dance, you're both third and fourth. You suck. Also, I'm on a national TV show as a star at the moment. And neither of you, neither of you bags of bones are sick. Get the fuck out of here and go feel insecure about yourself. You're fucking losers. Yeah. So. Oh, also her plot. Let's, oh, well, we can get to her plot.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah, let's say it. Let's say it. Well, her other plot was her mom and sister share the same dance pro for Latin. And so she wanted to use their dance pro for Latin. But unfortunately, that dance pro was assigned to collect for Latin. And so he had to dump this lady named Collette. And Collette's whole season was having a breakdown that she lost her partner to this lady.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Collette, I felt bad for Collette in the being of the season, but by the end of this episode, when we see that several of them have moved on from their partners, I'm like, you know what? People get dumped and people leave their partners all the time, you have to get over it. And I honestly, partners. I'm like, you know what? People get dumped and people leave their partners all the time. You have to get over it. And I honestly, at first I was like,
Starting point is 00:12:28 oh, fuck Christian for doing that to Collette. But then I'm like, he is going to choose Collette over an entire family of income that he gets. Those are like, that's like four clients. And you know that mom was like, if you do not take my daughter, you lose all of us. So, you do that. Of course, he's gonna follow the money.
Starting point is 00:12:46 He followed the money. Yeah, he followed the money. Like a detective, he followed the money, okay. And he did a good job, I mean, pretty much, I think with everybody, but, Collette will get to. So next up is Donnie. So, Donnie, I really like Donnie's dad died.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And when her dad died, she gained a lot of weight. And so she feels like that's holding her back in dance because people judge Latin. Latin's a very sexy dance. And she feels like she's being judged on her weight instead of how she dances. And that she should be winning despite her weight. And she even has a pillow stitched in her home
Starting point is 00:13:23 that says Nothing tastes as good as thin feels and I was like oh hell no like I got so mad when I saw that because I love Donnie and Donnie's my kind of girl cuz she'll sit down and be like I'm so fat and I'm not No one loves me because of my weight and then she orders a pizza while she talks about it I mean I love her and then I love that she says, I'm gonna change my whole look for this, but then her look gets worse and worse because she gets uglier and uglier dresses and then. She just, she changes her Susan powder hair
Starting point is 00:13:56 into like shorter Susan powder hair. I'm not really sure, but the same. It felt like it was going from like Robin in 2011 to Robin in 2012. She's like, I'm a whole new person. So yeah, so she's like really, she's kind of spiraling over the course of season to the point where she's like a guy from Dance of the Stars comes in
Starting point is 00:14:18 and is like trying to give her a pep talk. She's like, I never failed at something. The first of the first thing I've never not been super good. She's like ugly crying in front of him. He's like, okay. And at something. The first time I've never, I've never not been super good. She's like, ugly crying in front of him. He's like, okay. And then we go to Collette. Well, it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:30 I feel like when people hire hookers, they're not always hiring a hooker to have sex. A lot of times they just want to talk to the hooker. And shit. And I feel like that's what she's doing with Val. Because these pros are basically human traffic tookers. Can we just also say that while we're here? Because a lot of them, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:14:46 they're just brought here. They're paid a lot of money to escort these women around of varying ages, generally older, at least on this show. And they're kind of their surrogate boyfriends or husbands. They've got weird things. I don't know that they're all fucking, but I think some of them might be, oh, I'm Sabrina.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And there's definitely Collette. Collette has a very weird thing with her, a weird connection and the way she got dumped and she has a real weird connection with her new coach. So I felt like Donnie, this was like Donnie crying to her male hooker. She gets Val who's this fucking gorgeous piece of ass and she just sees him and immediately
Starting point is 00:15:25 starts crying and then she just leaves and drops to 20 on the ground. I mean, I just thought it was so, it was so sweet. Yeah. Um, then, uh, you just mentioned Sabrina and her whole thing is Sabrina is like, she wins. She's always winning. She's really good. She lives in Toronto. She has a husband named Ronnie and, um. She's always winning. She's really good. She lives in Toronto. She has a husband named Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And she's always leaving Passover to go dancing. I feel like all season long it was like, guess what? I have to leave Passover again. Sorry. How long is this Passover going on for? This is like the six month Passover. I'm gonna have to miss Passover, Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I'm sorry, but dancing is my life. I have to win. She just keeps choosing everything. She keeps choosing dance over everything in her life because these competitions are literally, I mean anyone who has a kid in any kind of competition sport knows what it's like to have to travel, you know, two weekends out of the month, you're always spending all your money on traveling and doing it, but it's like that, but your mom is doing it for herself. And Sabrina has been told by her own mother and her own sisters.
Starting point is 00:16:31 They're like, no one does more for themselves than you do is a mother. This isn't right. You should be doing it. Fuck that. My mother left us home with like, you know, a cleaning lady and went and lived her damn life. And I say good for her. I was raised by a cleaning lady and an empty box of fronzea, you know, I was reading my lessons
Starting point is 00:16:53 from the ingredients list. Look at me, I turned out great. So then we are seeing more of them talking throughout the season and Donnie is like, this isn't who was the best dancer. I dance as well or better as some of the women who beat me, there is a tradition of a Latin look, she's basically doing the same thing, she's like crying because she's getting weight and she doesn't have, she doesn't
Starting point is 00:17:15 have a long black beard, not beard, braid. Or like, by the way, we literally just did the entire season because all of those issues we just said are every episode It's like my mom and my sister both do this better than me. I'm not over my My pro leaving me for a poo job. I just feel like people are judging me on my way My dates not gonna love me if I don't win and then they're like, okay now do it in Tennessee I love me if I don't win. And then they're like, okay, now I'll do it in Tennessee. I'm like, all right. Here we go again.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Totally true, because I'm just looking at the rest of these previouslys, and it's literally everything we've just said. So the big, the only two pieces of information that are new is A, Ronnie has told Sabrina that if she doesn't win, then she has to quit dancing, which is like, oh, no pressure. Oh, I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And then, no pressure, and also, she's quitting you before she quits dancing, fuck her. Don't think for a quit dancing, which is like, oh, no pressure. Choir, yes. And then, no pressure. And also, she's quitting you before she quits dancing, you know. Don't think for one second she's not leaving your ass before she leaves dance. Yes. And the other big thing is, Millennium is the big giant competition
Starting point is 00:18:20 that we're supposed to care about the most. They're like, well, it's time for season finale. So let's make this one the one that matters the most. We're like, okay, well, it's time for season finale. So let's make this one the one that matters the most. We're like, okay, sure. So Millennium is the big thing. It's in Dallas. This is the final dance competition of the series. Although I kind of feel like these dance competitions
Starting point is 00:18:32 are just like every weekend, you know, across the country. But they said, this is the big one. This is the one that matters the most. And everyone's excited. Everyone's amped up. Well, this one is definitely the biggest one we've seen because I feel like this show is mostly made up. I feel like they're really dancers, but that to make this show, they couldn't just film the whole competitions, because
Starting point is 00:18:53 some of them, it's like, okay, it's only you six in this whole competition. Like, how does this work? You know, so you do have to kind of suspend your disbelief. Well, now we see Lindsey in this one. They add a couple extras and they describe them as being very important. So we know. Yeah, this, this woman named Lindsey, who's not a cast member in order, she talked to them ever, but she sort of like floats in from time to time like, there's Lindsey.
Starting point is 00:19:17 She won't try to stay like, oh my God, what a big, the stakes are higher than ever. This is the biggest competition and Lindsay's here. And Lindsay's one of those people that's always a threat because first of all, you're in Dallas, okay? You know what's in Dallas? Blond, then ladies with big hair. And that's what Lindsay is. So I think when people see her come in,
Starting point is 00:19:38 they're like, oh my God, Lindsay's automatically gonna win this. We're in Texas, we're in Dallas specifically. She's totally taking this. And Lindsay also does not, she's one of those like blonde ladies. And by the Texas, we're in Dallas specifically, she's totally taking this. Lindsey also does not, she's one of those like blonde ladies and by the way, no offense to blonde ladies, but even blonde ladies know what I mean. There's like a certain kind of blonde lady who's just like, fuck you, or like she's bull, she'll bully you. Like she don't, she don't care. She's like the most terrifying kind of blonde lady. I feel like
Starting point is 00:20:01 that's how Lindsey is because Lindsey has this big long ponytail and every time she whips her head around she hits her partner in the eye with it. It doesn't even care. That's who Lindsay is. I need more of Lindsay. So we know Millennium is the biggest dance competition because Lindsay's there and on top of that, So we know Millennium is the biggest dance competition because Lindsay's there and on top of that, on top of that, on top of that, there's like 45 people sitting in the seats surrounding the ballroom floor as opposed to the typical 20 people.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Cause there's like, there's always so many empty chairs. Like they're like, this is the biggest dance competition in all of America. And it has a pretty strong 33% attendance rate. It's like, when is there ever watching these competitions? And they're like, Leoni, you're the lead this year because we love Cleopatra. Who doesn't write? So Leoni, you say the line that everybody else has been fighting over. She's like, all right, are we ready?
Starting point is 00:21:01 Millennium is the Super Bowl of dance. Oh, okay. All right. And then Donnie is like, it's one of the most over the top competitions you could ever go to. Okay, Lindsay's there. Okay, would I say more?
Starting point is 00:21:17 Everyone needs to bring the A-game. There's no A in Lindsay. And Sabrina's like, I'm ready to win. So then we cut to glitter dresses. Okay, so Leoni is in her white Cleopatra dress that we're finally seeing. I love that she was so literal because we saw an earlier scene a few episodes ago with Leoni. I think we talked about this at some other time with Leoni and her gay. And she's like Cleopatra's what I model everything after
Starting point is 00:21:46 And it was a literal picture of a link Cleopatra costume with like the gold Thing around her neck and the hair and the white dress. She literally had that made from millennium Yeah, also by the way Cleopatra is like one of the most famous box office bombs of all time So again, maybe not the best Best inspiration. So she's like six months ago. I never thought I'd be ready for a competition like this, but the only person who can beat me today is... wait for it. Wait for it. Myself, this is never even for self-doubt. She sort of speaks in cliches, like the entire time, like everything she says, you just sort of know
Starting point is 00:22:27 where her sentence is going. She does it with so much confidence that everything she says is like, Fierce, some of your thoughts are so fierce. She'll be like, two birds in a bullshaw worst in one bird in your hand. You're like, yes, yes, yes, Leonie, yes, girl. Which is funny,
Starting point is 00:22:45 because that's actually the exact opposite of what it should be. She's like, I like to speculate. And then I messed it up. I don't really mess it up, sorry. The amount of metaphors I mess up on a regular basis on this podcast. But listen, I did it with confidence, and that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:23:00 You know, six months ago, I would never have believed in myself. And now I've realized the only can, the only person that can fuck up a metaphor is me So Don and me while Donnie says I've reset my focus and you know a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I just want to have fun So watch out the old Donnie's back my yet my blonde bangs are no longer to the left. They're now to the right Well her confidence has come back because Val a fucker with his eyes I mean my god I had to take a bath after that one. I was like good Lord that man sexy But he was like you know what I want to see you He's not French at all, but he's like you know what I want to see who you having fun out there
Starting point is 00:23:46 And she's like oh my god. I'm gonna have fun again So it's like changed her life like how fun you're paying to do that you're paying $100,000 a year to do this have fun with it So then we go to call that a colette who's posing fiercely on an elevator in the in the Marriott The Marriott Marquis lobby, and then someone comes up and goes, I loved you in strangers with candy.
Starting point is 00:24:08 She's like, I am not, Gimis Adaris. She literally is played by Gimis Adaris. And I love how they try to make these glamour shots in every episode. It's like, all right, Leone, walk through the room in your Cleopatra dress and she's like, don't, don't, don't, don't pass the camera. And they get to call that, and they're like, call hatchery dress. And she's like, don't, don't, don't, don't, pass the camera. And they get to call that, and they're like,
Starting point is 00:24:26 call that strike a pose. And she's like, all the way over there. She's like, I'll be right back with the snicker bars that they sell in the lobby. You see the like, buy one, get one, and pin it in an M, so on her way up.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Someone's like, now, can I charge us to buy a room? She's like, ah, ah, ah. So, she's like, I've started this season, not in a great place emotionally, but since I've placed above people who are very good, I am coming into this confident as ever. Yeah, you really seem like it. And then Pooja now says, switching to Latin has been tough,
Starting point is 00:25:01 but I'm going out there today to prove to my mom and my sister that I can do it. You can't do it. I'm sorry mother. I'm never gonna be good enough. She has worn a dress that looks like it's made out of red hair. I don't really understand. It's like a flapper dress, but yeah, to me it looked like it looked like hair. It looked like it looked too much like hair. Yeah, so then we went on that, made a dress out of hair, actual hair. I'm sure. I'm sure that's good for us.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah, right. So Sabrina is like, I really need to win Millennium and to do that, I need to beat Leone and to do that, I need to not fight with Stas. Because, you know, she's always always fighting with sauce and 48 hours earlier though Oh, well now we go to 48 hours earlier Because it's the question is Ken Sabrina and sauce not fight for one episode of this show so now Now it's 48 hours leading up to the big competition And we see Collette having breakfast with with her pro
Starting point is 00:26:01 Who's like eating a million like five different plates of food at the airport because he's not paying. Okay, Colette's new pro because she's the one who got dumped because he left her for Puta. So she's got this new guy, Puta Alex, this guy is... This is not her name.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I thought you said Puta. I was like, no, Puta. In El Paso, there would be a Puta. She'd be like, you know what? My name is Benelope, but everybody calls me Poota. Okay? I'm on the steak. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I heard that wrong. I'm a speech from Tatumet. No, Pooja. So, Kaleh is we're on Kaleh Cam, and she's with Alex, her new pro, who is literally, if I'm comparing all these guys to like hookers, she just like literally went and found this guy downtown, put him in the car, and was like, you'll do, you'll do, okay? This guy is horrible.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Like the first time he's like, I'm going to a straight club, and then this time he literally orders 10 things off the menu because he doesn't have to pay. Come on, Alex, this is why you're getting fired after this. He's my guarantee at Alex. Seriously. So Sabrina, then we cut to Sabrina and Stas getting along at the airport and she's like, we are friends.
Starting point is 00:27:17 We are getting along. We are excited. Yeah, everything's great. We're very happy. We're happy. We are two people and he is someone who is not annoyed at me right now, not whatsoever. And he's like, yes, very happy. I'm so happy right now.
Starting point is 00:27:31 We have like a super weird, emotionally abusive relationship where at first it's like, are they fucking, like everybody on the show has said, are they fucking? Because they have, they're two intents together. He's not one of like the hot whores. He's like kind of like an almost put out to pastor. He's like, he's about to start running the mailboard LL. You know what I mean? He's almost
Starting point is 00:27:52 like a legacy whore. He was probably like, maybe he was one of the hot horse like about 20 years ago, but he's like a see, he's like a see. Yeah, he's like a see. And right now he's back with it. But now it's legacy, he's legacy. Oh yeah, he's legacy. And right now he's doing things like wearing steam punk glasses and like slicking his hair the wrong way. And it's just awkward, you know, but Sabrina still wants to do him. So that's all the counts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And then Donnie's on a plane, location, un like, indeterminate. And her mom is just, her mom is just like jamming out to gay pride classics that are playing from the seat. Like, she does not have a, she does not, she's not listening to music on her own device. She is, she is, we wonder like, why do they still have music? It's nice that they still have music on.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Who listens to that? I was just thinking about the other day. Who listens to that? Who listens to music anymore? I remember I used to, when you didn't have any other option, you just plug in and be like, well, I guess this is what I'm listening to It's like it's Rita Rita is listening to the music selection on the airplane So she's like dancing in her seat to like I'm coming out and then we go to Dallas So poo just with her son and they're hugging and then Gail and now Gail I love
Starting point is 00:29:05 son and they're hugging and then Gail and now Gail I love. Gail is Russian right? She's funny. I think she's French or Dutch actually. She's hilarious. She's the best. She hates Sabrina okay and she's constantly coming for Sabrina and she's so mean there. And listen Sabrina's a lot. She's like a big personality who's purposely being obnoxious for TV or whatever,
Starting point is 00:29:26 but this lady does not take it. And she actually hurts Sabrina's feelings all the time on purpose. And it's the funniest thing to watch. I love it. Yeah, I think that if this show does match, you get a second season. I think that they really do need to have more guy L
Starting point is 00:29:40 because she does bring some of that, like some of the, some of the, some of the viciousness, I'll be honest that I really would like to see. She, I just, and I love how snooty she is, and I love how she's just so condescended Sabrina at all times. So I was like, I was really happy to see her.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Her partner is also a good gorgeous. I mean, he is so cute. His name is Nino, and they're checking into the hotel. This is how hot she is. Okay. They have a joining rooms her and Nino, right? And the lady who's working at the hotel goes, well, she goes, is this quite room? And she goes, I'm well, it's supposed to be quiet, but you are next door to this guy. So he might be a little noisy. My right tiger and droid at room. Also, um, Guy L has like the best name. Her name is Guy L Benetret. Or actually on Instagram though it's like some hyphen it. I'm sorry, I should not have even I should have had all my ducks
Starting point is 00:30:36 in a row before it started mentioning this. The point is I love her name. I love her attitude and I just want more guy L on this show. Guyael for life. So then Colleen is hanging on her pro check-in. It's like kind of sad. And then she said, oh my god, he ate five meals today, guys. It was intense. It was intense. So then we go to Pooja and Donnie meeting at a restaurant. Guy, all the girls are gonna meet up, right? This restaurant. And when Sabrina comes, the music's like, ming! Because Sabrina's the villain of the show. Also, it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:31:13 When it's hilarious seeing a new show on Bravo that doesn't have a budget and that Bravo doesn't care about, because if we were the real housewives, they would have a backroom and a long table and lots of chairs and beautiful arrangements. Here they have three little circle high tops that they have to jam together
Starting point is 00:31:31 and there's nothing on them. And they're sitting in the bar area of the restaurant and you could just see, like, no, we're not gonna pay for the backroom. Yeah, they don't have some high tops. You know they're doing that, this whole thing is guerrilla style where they're like, let's just shoot and see if anybody asks us for a license. Yes. You know. So, yeah, so Donnie and Pooja and Guy L are at dinner and then Sabrina and
Starting point is 00:31:56 Collette joined everyone sort of joining and at one. So Collette comes in sort of later. Well, not later, but she's at the last the group and she comes in and greets Pooja. And Pooja goes in to sort of like kiss her on the cheek and basically Collette just sort of like turns away and sort of kisses the air instead. And so Donnie is like, I agree, my Gona call just with more warmth than Pooja and Collette. And they hate Sabrina so everything they do, they try and make it sound like Sabrina's
Starting point is 00:32:28 being really mean. But really all Sabrina does is she's like, oh my God, hi girls, it's so hot in here. You don't even want to know where I'm fitting. And she says, I'm going to have a mosquito. What are you going to have? And the lady's like, I'll have an espresso martini. She's like, oh my God, that looks good too. So I'm going to have a little heater.
Starting point is 00:32:44 But then I'll do the espresso by TV. Yes, you're going to have a often espresso martini just, oh my God, that looks good too. So I'm gonna have a little heated up, but then I'll do the espresso martini. And I'll taste it. I'll call that espresso martini. Call that goes, oh, that is very Sabrina. I want what you have. Yep, sounds like her. I was like, oh my God. That's not it.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Listen, Sabrina's not my favorite, but this is really, this is not an indictment on her personality, okay. She just wants to say that. But what does Sabrina do? Lieber alo, I think she was being supportive by being like, oh my god, what a good choice. I want to have that next to support your choice in drinks.
Starting point is 00:33:12 It's like also one of the most common things you do with people with a bar. Like, ooh, how's your heart rate? So I know if I want to get it next, it's like literally so normal and glad is like, ah, wow, she wants to steal my cocktail. How, she has no morals. So Sabrina's like, wow, she wants to steal my cocktail. How she has numerals.
Starting point is 00:33:27 So Sabrina's like, okay, the Texas, everybody, the Texas. So there's a fly in the espresso martini and it's colette's drink, right? So she's like, oh my God, there's a fly in here. I'm gonna take the fly out and take it outside. And Sabrina's like, oh my God, let him live. Let him just have his drink. He just wants to have a drink.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And so Colette takes a fly out and puts it out on the curb. A very drunk and caffeinated fly. Good luck, other flies. Donnie's like, there's a saying I wouldn't harm a fly and I thought it was just a saying, but Colette really won't harm a fly. Yeah. So Sabrina's like, well, I'm so happy that we did this. This is nice. This is really nice. And Gael is like, you know, it's passion that we have. You know, we have to enjoy the maximum that we can, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:18 because it's always good to have good relationships with your pro. It's really important that you and your pro get along and don't fight. And Don is like, well, I know I've never had a fight with my pro. And guy else like, yes, I'll visit this one over here. And Sabrina's like, oh, sweet, very sweet of you. You know, she's like, oh, I would be so ashamed if I was fighting with pro like Sabrina fight with pro the way you fight with him. That's crazy. It's like most pros, you say dance and you say fight. Oh, yes, I would like to order this taco. And the fight for that one over there with our Pro, please, because that's all she'll do is fight with our Pro, right?
Starting point is 00:34:55 Like whenever she starts coming for a sibling, she just keeps going and going and going and going. But they all love it, right? Because no one else is willing to do it. They all love that she right? Cause no one else is willing to do it. They all love it. They all love that she's doing at the Sabrina. And it doesn't really bug Sabrina anyway. She's like, oh, stop, don't try and make me look bad guys.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And she's like, oh, you do, oh, let me ask questions. Pooja, do you fight with your partner? No, you don't. Oh, let me ask you, collette. Do you fight with your partner? No, collette, you don't either. Waiter, do you fight with your partner? They worst off the lie. Okay, the bus boy is your partner. Do you fight with bus boy? No, collect, you don't either. Waiter, do you fight with your partner? They were, that's life.
Starting point is 00:35:25 The bus boy is your partner. Do you fight with the bus boy? No, not even the waiter fights with the bus boy. Does that fly fight with his partner? No, the fly doesn't even fight with the partner. No, that's amazing. You're only partner fighter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:36 So then, Donnie, she says, she's like, you know, I noticed that, that Missy and Lindsay are gonna be at the competition. You know, and Lindsay, she brings us up because Lindsay beats Sabrina in Tri-State, which is I think the first episode. And Sabrina is like, well, yeah, no, I'm happy to meet her again. Like, that's fine. I'm not like bothered whatsoever. You know, yes, I came in second to Lindsay at Tri-State, but like, that's better than Miss third place, Gael, or Miss sixth place, Donnie, or Miss, I didn't even make the finals, Collette.
Starting point is 00:36:05 So do the math ladies, you're all losers. And then she gets so triple, Uts, Uts, Uts, Uts, because she just all three ladies. I say good for her because they are coming for her and she's like, what are you making fun of me for? I beat you every single time you fucking losers. And so she's like, wankly ugly, she's supposed to wear my dress. I don't even know if it fits me. Not wear it. Bring it to me. She's supposed to bring my dress to me. I don't even know how it fits me. So I hope she's here soon.
Starting point is 00:36:34 So Sabrina's whole thing is that she's really mad that Leone didn't tell her that she's going to become beating in the last thing. And she's like, you know, she didn't tell anyone she was coming. And I felt it was a bit underhanded. And, and this is why I was upset. It was kind of like a battle, which I didn't feel like it should have been. And Gayle was like, hmm, but DC's competition, no. You used to fight, oh, you fight with your partner right now. You're fighting. Is that what's happening?
Starting point is 00:36:55 You fight, you fight. And Sabrina's like, oh, yeah, but I'm not like that until we hit the floor. I'd be a friend, which is such bullshit, you know, because then we say, call it's like, oh, yeah, right, don't make it a battle, right? And then we see clips of Sabrina from the whole season being like, oh, Colette, you look really rusty with Alex, your duke pro, right? God, I suppose it's a hard watching pooja,
Starting point is 00:37:15 do you so well with him with the wedgiest off from you? Yeah, yeah, he said you were dancing and now you're dancing, huh? That's strange, huh? Yeah, so Colette's like, well, I don't know what her definition of friends in dancing is, but apparently it means as long as you don't beat her, your friends. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So, guys, like, no, I'm close friend, but I'm close friend, but she doesn't tell me like how she's doing, like, Leoni doesn't tell me how she's doing, and Sabrina's like, oh, I didn't know you guys were close, I had no idea, and she's like, oh I didn't know you guys were close I had no idea and can I say yeah very close we don't do how you say you know that thing that you and stars do all the time fight We don't fight, you know we don't fight no and Sabrina's like wow, okay great cheers. We're all gonna kill it and millennium losers and everybody just kind of stairs at her like
Starting point is 00:38:01 We hate you die So now it's 24 hours until the competition and Leonie has arrived and Donia is trying on a yellow dress somewhere. Girl, Donnie, no. This yellow dress is terrible. It's like Tweety Bird went to gay pride and then decided to try and do like some flap.
Starting point is 00:38:20 It's terrible, it's terrible, it's a terrible dress. And she's with the lady who I guess owns the store that she got it from. And I don't know if this lady is selling like last minute dresses in front of the, doesn't it seem like that? Like come get your last minute dress before competition. Like she's just standing out in front of the competition convention center.
Starting point is 00:38:41 And Donnie's like, what is this goldstone called? And Don, owner of door designs says that's the metallic crystal sunshine and Donnie says that's also my stripper name and Don just doesn't laugh. The lady's like, what? You break it, you buy it bitch. I don't sell the strippers. Are you a stripper? Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:39:03 So now, by the way, I looked up Gael as French. She is French. Oh, she is French. She's French. She's not French. I'm going to say, well, my name is Gael Pére à Benetit. And she says she's a Frenchie New Yorker. And she also is the founder of the first French medical spa in New York City.
Starting point is 00:39:19 So there you go. So now Sabrina and Marisol Spa are rehearsing. How do you know that you're the first French medical spa? How do you even come up with that stat? That's the sort of stat you just sort of proclaim if you are on Bravo TV and you're also a ballroom dancer. Yeah, you're like, okay, well, if there's someone else who made first French spa, they can try to argue with me, but nobody here knows French. So good luck stupid.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah, fake it, you'll make it. So Stas and Sabrina are rehearsing, and Sabrina's like, Stas and I are really on the same page. I feel strong, I feel fast. I feel like I'm going to win. And then Leoni is FaceTime-ing her husband, and Charlotte, daughter Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And she's like, so how are you guys doing? Just remember, you do not have to have a perfect response. Cause I hear my dad's voice in my head saying, make sure to answer perfectly. And I say, no, no answer how you want. Every competition I go to makes me miss Charlotte. I like winning, but I want my kids now. I love her unconditionally. And she needs to love me unconditionally, even if I don't win. Unlock my father, who I'm very upset about. Still, this episode. So, Donnie, Donnie comes by the only room with some coffee and now they're gonna talk shit, you know. So, Donnie is like, oh, wait, she's here about last night, okay?
Starting point is 00:40:49 Because Sabrina? Sabrina was like, oh, you had a contactor to say, I have your dress. And I thought that was bizarre that you had to contact her. And then we see a flashback of Sabrina saying, where's Leoni because she's bringing my dress? And, Gayle goes, you didn't contact her? She didn't contact her and she's like, well, she didn't contact me either. It's a contact. And that's such a weird setup too, because we saw a clip earlier in the episode of the
Starting point is 00:41:13 dress lady being like, oh, I didn't get to get the dress to Sabrina. Could you take it to her to this very important dance competition? It's like, okay. So, Leonie's like, oh, really? Have fucking entitled. That sounds a little like, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, and then you know what? She puts on top of that. A little bit more me. All over who contacted, who about the dress. So then Gail comes over to join. She's like, I hear you're talking shit about Sabrina. here. May I join? So Leonie is like, oh look at this, it's the glam queen. The glamour pulse.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Come on in here, Gail. Own of the first French medical spot in all of the land. Because Gail has like a really nice Louis Vuitton purse. So like, oh look at you, glamour pulse. And she's like, so here you guys had sort of a cum ball your last night. Or as this glamour push would call it, a cum ball for torn, am I right?
Starting point is 00:42:13 And cum ball for peachy. So stupid. And girl is like, all did you tell her? She's complaining about her. You didn't tell her. And Leon is like, why would I tell her? I didn't even tell you guys that I wasn't coming that I was going to come to that competition after all. I mean, if I have to tell her, then I have to tell everybody. Why would I have to tell her?
Starting point is 00:42:37 If I want to keep it a secret, I'll keep it a secret because that's my prerogative. Thank you, Janet Jackson Jackson for 4 3 2 1 That's what you just got clear Patrick bitch Everybody's talking all this shit about me. I don't that's my Why don't they just let me live? Why can they just let me live? I don't need okay? I'm gonna stop this mission. I'll make my own decisions even when my father doesn't approve of them Which really still crushes me inside you know what it was my prerogative but now it's my daddy issues my daddy issues hurt
Starting point is 00:43:11 much more than Janet than Janet not getting a prerogative well I believe it was called man who truly did not got his prerogative on that song because every little step is true why would you bring up that song my prerogative yeah because that's the name of bring up that song? My prerogative. Yeah. Because that's the name of the song. And you said my prerogative. And it's my prerogative by Bob Brown. So I thought that's why you were referring to it. So we're talking about G.
Starting point is 00:43:32 and G. And why would you take it to Bobbi Brown? Well, I mixed the metaphor first, did I? So what's the one where she goes? Don't, don't, don't. She like can't stand with the numbers in front of her face. I don't remember, but I thought you were referencing my prerogative, because you said it's my prerogative.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I was thinking, Janet Jackson, you know what, nothing makes sense? This is our 19-3 cap in two weeks, or I only haven't had the day off. Here's what I have to say to Bobby Brown. I miss you March, and I miss you March. I really miss you March and Oh yes, miss you March I really miss you March If anyone's down for a little wardrobe malfunctioned, it's gonna be Sabrina. She fucks with me one more time. I'll tell you that much Love will never do with that Sabrina and then we get another good iconic lay-on-line. She goes I've never really had anything against Sabrina before but what the fuck do I really know you the answer to that is no
Starting point is 00:44:31 It's like oh T-shirt I smell it T-shirt That entire that entire line is the T-shirt several So that entire line is the t-shirt, so that's several. So Don is like, she's just upset that you beat her. So then we go to Sabrina and she's not excited right now and Stas tells Sabrina that she doesn't listen. He's like, you know, you don't have to piss off all your friends all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:56 You know, I don't know if you realize this, but sometimes you say things that they don't like. And she's like, me, but I'm the nicest person here. Stasi, look ugly today. I'm sorry to say. Yeah, your guys have everybody hit you. So then we go to the only, and she's still going on. She's like, she's delusional to think I'm calling her
Starting point is 00:45:15 for permission before I enter a competition. Did Cleopatra take permission to take over Egypt? She did not. She just went right in and said, this is my period. And she kept it until an ask came in later. But you know what, let's leave my Anthony She didn't take over Egypt, she did not, she just went right and then said this is my period. And she kept it until an ASP came in later. But you know what, let's leave Mark Anthony out of this right now. All right, Mark Anthony is very supportive of Cleopatra's not being perfect.
Starting point is 00:45:36 She's delusional to think that I'm going to crawl up her ass and give her a dress, which by the way, isn't even that much of a dress, stupid dress that goes on on T-shirt too. That dress isn't much of a dress on a T-shirt. So Sabrina is like, maybe they're just jealous. It's not like maybe. Cause everyone says Canadians are so nice, but maybe it's time to nip that in the bud and become more American.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I'm like, well, that doesn't nip the Canadian reputation in the bud, that's just you being more American. You'd have to be mean I'm like, well, that doesn't nip the Canadian reputation in the bud. That's just you being more American. You'd have to be mean and be like, I am a mean Canadian, not like, I'm going to switch to being American, but that's fine. By the way, you are pretty American. Sometimes I feel like American is just a state of mind and you've got it. Grats. So do I, by the way, there's no shame in it. Okay. Yeah. I'm in unless you're in any other country in the world, there's like a lot of shame in it,
Starting point is 00:46:26 because they're like, ew, you're American. Oh my God, I know, I'm so sorry. Sabrina's like, I'm- Let me general, we have a great here, you know? Walmart's, grocery stores, um, Hungards. Okay, Ben, please continue, I'm sorry. I'll say that Sabrina's gonna try to pretend
Starting point is 00:46:38 that she's like, I'm gonna show them all that I'm a mean Canadian. I'm gonna light a bush on fire, cut to, you know, like Chicago is full of brown hair. So, Sabrina's fault. So, Sabrina started the wildfires, everyone, you heard it here first. So, so, so, and it's just basically silly string. You know like when people use that neon colored silly string it sprays out of a cam. That's what it looks
Starting point is 00:47:10 like. Someone just sprayed it onto the bed. It sort of looks like Ariana's dress from the reunion, you know, just like straps. So Leon is like, it's like a brawl. That's all it is. It's very cheats and is. Like saying this like in shock as if what everyone is wearing at the bottom thing is not just like Tits and S. I know like the rest of your wearing Hillary Clinton's white pants suit. I get the fuck out of here. I know. And guys like oh this is very teats on ass. Okay, not classy. And Leonie says well, I think it suits her. Now I call her, oh my God, Leonie, icon. So it's 20 hours till the competition. And we see Pooja's mom dancing in group D. And she's a badass, you know, just say.
Starting point is 00:47:57 And then we see Luna, the sister dancing her dance of whatever her group is, and they're okay. And Pooja's like, my mommy dances three styles, smooth the Latin and rhythm, and both my mom and sister play's top consistently. I just don't want to be the only one. It doesn't do well. It's like, I hold it. Pooja, get a cry outside, okay? Her mom is like, they're there, they're there.
Starting point is 00:48:24 They feel better, Pooja. Mom, why did you put a sheet over me? We don't want people to see you, okay? Her mom is like, they're there, they're feel better, Pooja. Mom, why did you put a sheet over me? We don't want people to see you, okay? You're not part of this family for today. So now Nino and Gayal are practicing and Gullet and Alex are practicing, and Collette's like the new routines are really suiting us as a couple.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I'm like, no one cares. And then we go to back to Leonia's room and she's got some pads under her eyes because she's taking care of her face. You don't have to be perfect, but in this case, I do wanna have perfect skin and Sabrina comes by to pick up her dress. And she's like, surprise, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, well, I have you dressed for you. And she's like, oh, yeah, that's a surprise. And then she tells us, Stas took it upon himself to decide my dress for this competition, because nobody knows my body better than Stas. Well, except for Robbie, of course. Nice to have. Uh, totally not fucking Stas.
Starting point is 00:49:22 So she's let St toss design her dress and stars Basically puts yarn over her nipples and her vagina opening and that's all that's all this dress is you know Thanks a lot, Stas. I don't know how I feel about um Leaving the the fashion stuff up to your dance partner. No, never fucking never are you kidding? Stas Stas is wearing steam-punk glasses. Don't trust Stas. No. So Sabrina is, so Sabrina's like,
Starting point is 00:49:54 I haven't seen it. I know nothing about it. And the only just cringes is like, oh, oh, that's a smile, but I'm gonna smile cringet you because this is really a shame for you. And Sabrina's like, the last time you're meeting someone who's watching last for the first time you just don't want to tell them It doesn't end well
Starting point is 00:50:12 You can be going on a journey for several years. That's gonna be very unfulfilling Indress form so Sabrina's like the last three dresses have been very closed and I'm not used to that So hopefully this one's gonna be a little bit more sexy. And then he's like, oh, yeah. How do you feel about yarn? How do you feel about an unraveled loom all around your nipples? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yeah. And she goes, but while I'm here, I do wanna call out the fact that it's the last competition. I didn't know you were coming, and I didn't know if it was manipulative, but I took it that way. I took it that way and I'm sure that everybody told you. So I just dipped that the ass right now.
Starting point is 00:50:48 And Loon is like, rock and did that compromise or impair your performance at all? She's like, no, but I feel like women have this camaraderie thing, this like girl code, and if like we talk that we're not coming, then we should talk that we are coming. And then it's like, hmm, does she even know what GirlCode means?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Like, come the fuck on. So Leon is like, my interpretation of GirlCode is as it relates to dating. It's like, you don't pursue a fuck your girlfriend, significant other boyfriend, ex-husband, um, stars, you just don't fuck stars. So, uh, that's what I thought girl could meant. What are you talking about? And Sabrina's like, I'm not talking about fucking your husband. We got a piss.
Starting point is 00:51:35 And Sabrina's like, yeah, never am I talking about husband. Listen, my family is number one. So I get it. Well, unless it's like a competition type because my dad is doing gym dance. Or unless it's Passover, you know what I mean dad is doing gym dance exercise or less it's Passover You know what I mean, but you know what one thing is not gonna get passed over a dad's competition Am I right? So the point is like when you got there you didn't even say hi
Starting point is 00:51:54 And I felt like a lot of cold air around you and she was listening I'm a feeling no nonsense person alright and I don't typically seek permission of people Because if I had to tell you I might as well tell every pro-A I'm the dinner. How about that? I mean what if I just called Tom Bergeron and ask him if it's alright if I appear at a dance competition. How about that? What part about this severe bob says I'm a nonsense person. No this isn't no nonsense hairstyle because I work in finance and I'm no nonsense. So Sabrina's like, so you're saying, you don't know me anything. That's what you're saying. That's cool. That's cool. You don't know me anything. And she does that like sideways head bob, uh, bob of her head with her bob, where she's like, I'm
Starting point is 00:52:36 bobbing with a bob. Good fuck yourself. All right. So Leon is like, uh, she's like, she's like, I'm not going to argue with Sabrina. I just want you to get on that dance floor. Be your best. So if I beat you again, you have no excuses. So she's like, well, I wish you the best of luck tomorrow. You're a great dancer. Unfortunately, your personality can't compete. And Sabrina's like, if I'm great,
Starting point is 00:53:02 you were greater that one day in Atlanta. So congrats to you on that. Leonies just keeps nodding, like get um, um, if I'm great, you were greater that one day in Atlanta. So congrats to you on that. And Leonies just keeps nodding like get the fuck out, go. And then we get a song, which we don't often get, but we've got a song because the devil's got you beat. So now we are, it's five hours until the competition, because the devil does have a beat and what does that even mean? The devil's got you be he he for thought more hours. So then Collette is texting Kelvin.
Starting point is 00:53:33 That's her son that she misses him and Leonie is doing very severe yoga. The type of yoga where it's like I'm doing yoga right now everyone and who just waking up her son in the bed and Donnie is this Donnie's visiting boy co boy co is like the hair stylist for ballroom boy call everyone goes to boy co and so Donnie sits down in the chair and he's like so what do you want to do today because I'm thinking kind of like a Mohawk and he just starts laughing. He's so funny sometimes in the morning. No, you are hilarious.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Robin Hercot. You are Hillary Clinton. I'm gonna bring her up 20 times in recap today. So Leonie's like, will you wear it? And Johnny's like, a white and gold. It's amazing. I just bought it out front from the slidie, selling stuff out in front of the,
Starting point is 00:54:21 but the dress is gonna change everything for me. The dress is gonna change everything. And Leonie's like, the dress is going to change everything for me. The dress is going to change everything. And Leon is like, I'm doing white too, just like Cleopatra. I'm actually going to have a dress that has Cleopatra's face on it, so just so people really know how much I love Cleopatra. Yeah, and she's like, Donnie's like, well, what happened with Sabrina? Did she go to your room? She says, I mean, she came to my room and the stuff she said just doesn't make sense. I'm not telling you what I'm coming. And now, if you go missing for some time, I might call her search party and say,
Starting point is 00:54:54 look for a little tiny nasal face lady running around wearing silly string, like she's just been attacked by a group of teenagers. My eye. Imagine Reza Ferrahand with a long ponytail and a little mustache. Go find that. So, Dhani is like, okay, got it. So, you might do that. She's like, I may not.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Cos I'm severe. So, she's like, I'm not someone who makes friends easily, but I'm not the ice-quing people think I am. I'm from the land down under. It's quite warm down there You know, yeah, the saying she just keeps nodding it ask coldly. She's like, are you sensing it? Are you sensing my warmness? Can you feel my warmth coming through the television? My Bob my Bob is filthy Hold on. I just got a text from my father You look cold on television. All right. Well, how can I just keep trying?
Starting point is 00:55:47 All right. Well, they talk about global warming. I don't even need it. I'm already there So Pooja gets in her chair and She Who's asking her is it? Someone's asking her. Oh, this is Leonie. She goes, oh, all right. Look, this Pooja here. So you're all here in your family then. And you will dance with the same teacher. Is that right? Pooja's like, um, yeah, the last four years we've all been with Christian, like he literally has a Mira at 11.05 made 11.15 and then my mom at 11.28 it is great. It's really really fun and I just hope that at 11.05 and 11.28 I'm not being woke down upon the two people I really need a primal from the most. So thank you for asking.
Starting point is 00:56:37 It's you know I have to say it's so generous of my mother and my sister to put me in the most restricted time slot with With with with what's his face with Christian that was really so kind I mean, you know, I probably need a little bit more time because I never danced like this before But it's great that my mom took the long slot. That's that's great I know she loves me. I know she loves me and lay only goes well I've been told that collect got dumped for you. That's what I've been told so it better be good That's all I'm saying and put just like come okay. Thanks for the heads up
Starting point is 00:57:07 She's allies are on you all right, but I'm not shit stirring But I'm not shit stirring cuz I don't want to lick that spoon. Bye everybody Oh Put that on t-shirt not shit. I don't want to lick that spoon All right put a little bob on the spoon. Put a spoon on it, a little bob, a bob is spoon. I'm putin' this mount like that. She's like, oh, there's always a new winner in the ballroom and no one should feel too cocky
Starting point is 00:57:34 at the top. Don't touch the end. I was like, that's just true, but it will not be you. So now the couples are pregnant. Now it's the real house. You shouldn't get cocky on the bottom either. Don't have cocky boycoast chair. So the couples are pregnant hours. You shouldn't get cocky on the bottom either. Get off cocky boycoast chair. So the couples are practicing and we got three hours until the competition starts and Questa asks Leonie how she feels and she's like, I'm a little nervous.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I'm still hearing my dad's voice in my head. Be the best and the fastest, but my voice has become but louder. Good on you for putting myself out there and knowing that mistakes can happen. And I'm not running from it anymore. I will not run. Put that entire thing on it. He should please. Thank you. But you know what I will do? All wear a bathrobe over my dress for no reason at all while I'm practicing. Like how does that? Isn't that uncomfortable? And are you gonna make your dress sweaty and wrinkled, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:58:28 So then we go to Donnie and her partner's like, just enjoy yourself. And she's like, I have this mindset now where I'm just gonna enjoy myself and be happy. Yolo, love your best life, my right? Huh. Huh. Huh.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Everything's fine, everything's totally fine. So now Collette is telling us that she has a new sense of freedom in knowing that Kelvin is thriving. I know, I don't have to check in. I can focus on dance and that's okay. Like Collette, bad news, your turtles all died. Oh damn it! I forgot about the turtles, I do have to check in. And then Sabrina is doing makeup and Gail's like,
Starting point is 00:59:10 oh look at you, they are beautiful. And she's getting some kind of sculptured piece of glue down to her hair. And she goes, your hair, it looks wet. And she goes, do you like it? She's like, no, I don't like it. I like different style. I have different style. You like wet gooey gel. I like, you know, things that are pretty and classy, you know. You look like disgusting, disgusting person. I look beautiful. This
Starting point is 00:59:41 is what I like. Good luck. Good luck with this. this group. Zebra Poo. I look like beauty. But that's it. I know. What do I know? I just have the first French med spa in all of New York City. But what do I know? Oh, so Sabrina goes, you know, it's not my style losing. Well said again. I like that. All these ladies come for her, but she's constantly winning. So she's like, keep coming for me. You can't wait to beat you again. So then Mira Pugja's sister is dancing with the partner,
Starting point is 01:00:13 Christian, the shared, the town bike, as we call him. And Pugja's like, it's really hard to warm up by yourself, but my mom and sister are really gonna take all of his time. So that's fun. So like also it's not fair because this guy never gets a break. I know. It's constantly moving.
Starting point is 01:00:30 How do you guys expect him to perform at the top of his game, you know? She's like, Donnie may have Robin's haircut, but I'm the one dancing by myself. So then now it's the point. I got a bigger on my nose. I just had an inch and I squeezed my nose and a Bugger came out.
Starting point is 01:00:47 That is disgusting. I'm sorry for anybody who's seen my Bugger in the past four hours that we've been recapping. Jesus. That's okay. I have to go to the bathroom very badly, which is why I'm shifting around in my seat so much. So we all have our challenges at this moment,
Starting point is 01:00:59 but you know, I guess we push through. We push through because it's dance. So it's not pushing through. Pupu. Pupu. Out of bin. Pupu is not pushing out. Pupu is just sitting there ready.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Pupu is always being like this. I don't know. Okay, so, um, okay, so let's get to it, right? So Seb's Sabrina is showing Stas the dress and he's like, oh, yes, show me. Let's see. Yas, ah, ah. And then she gets a call from Monnie and he's like, hey, honey. How you doing? Did you win yet? Are you quitting dance forever? Because I'm not putting up with this shit. I'll tell you that right now
Starting point is 01:01:32 It's like honey. I'm in practice. I can't talk to you when I'm done. I'm overwhelmed, Roddy And he's right behind her and he is. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you want to fuck? Oh my god, Ronnie. Oh, Jesus Christ I'm so so glad you're here. Ronnie, I'm so glad you're here. I'm so, so glad I was saving all this sexual energy for you, for sure. Yes, so Ronnie is like, honey, I'm here for one reason. She goes, okay, all right, I'm going to win. She goes, he's like, yeah, yeah, you better win. And she's like, well, there's more pressure now because Ronnie's watching and he gave me an
Starting point is 01:02:01 ultimatum, and if I don't win here today, I don't know if he'll ever let me go on with this. So, not dancing would just kill me so Yeah, thanks a fucking lot Ronnie for showing up and just getting in my head like thanks so much I really I know Ron is like fucking with her. What the hell dude? I also like millennium ultimatum I think that sounds so good together. You know what I mean, but maybe he is fucking with her on purpose because he wants her to quit You know so maybe yeah, maybe he is fucking with her on purpose because he wants her to quit, you know? So maybe, yeah, maybe he's just showing him not to support, but to get her dead.
Starting point is 01:02:29 But you know what, Ronnie knows, Ronnie's not an idiot. Ronnie just needs a little more attention, but Ronnie knows this woman's gonna be measurable with that dance. And also, if Sabrina was your wife or your mother, or your sister, really anybody in your life, your boss, wouldn't you want her leaving a couple of times a month or two at a time? Well, he's just like, listen, I had to come because it's day 56 of Passover.
Starting point is 01:02:53 And I needed to ask you, uh, come back to Toronto, at least just make some more Montsobal soup. Please say, oh my God, you're bringing Passover here, Ronnie. That means I have to leave here because I'm not going to be there for Passover. So what is wrong with us? The only reason she started this career is because she hates Passover. She hates Passover. She is sick of making a satir plate. She's like, I don't want to make a hard boiled egg anymore.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I don't want a roast, a shank bone. I don't want to put out little bowls of salt, water, and parsley. I'm done. If I have to make one more fucking bread brain, someone's gonna die. If I have to put out more, I could fill the fish one more time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Go on to the next question. All right, so it's 10 minutes before group B. And there's so many people at this competition because they've actually brought in extras this time, which I loved Yeah, they have to have heats. Yeah They have to have heats so heat what the there's heat one is like so what heat you in are you in heat? I would just die. I would be like how dare you can we change the name of this Don't say me put yeah, so poo just like
Starting point is 01:04:02 Don't say me. Yeah, so Pooja's like, they're saying that one of the advantages of heat is that you can watch your competitors and you can know like, and Pooja's like, I think they just know who they want within the first few dances and her mom is like, oh yeah, just like we knew you'd be a failure at this six months ago, you know? So Sabrina, Sabrina and Gail and Pooja are dancing the first heat, and then Collette is spiraling, not spiraling, she's nervous, because there are people in her heat that she's never beaten before. Yes, and production is, so she's like,
Starting point is 01:04:36 yeah, I haven't beat some people. I mean, there's like, Donnie, there's, she names everybody. She's like, there's Lindsay, there's Maddie, there's Jennifer, there's Simon. I don't even know anybody who's Simon, I'm sure he's a threat. And the producer goes, you didn't mention Pooja, she has, um, she's not a contender for my spot, so. Hmm, she's certainly no Lindsay. Tell you that much.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Kola, it's so bitter. My God. You shouldn't just up your money, offering more money, Kola. Pooja's mom is like, would you like to take my place? I need a vacation of being the mom, but you seem to have a really good attitude towards Pooja, so you can just keep... I'm going to pass you the torch, just keep... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Could you stand in and disapprove of Pooja so we can have a vacation? Thank you. So now it's time for the ramba. And Ronnie's just sitting there in the front row and he's asking, there's like a dancer. And he's like, are you a dancer? He's like, yeah, I was like, who's the best? He's like, the woman over there wearing the pipe cleaners.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Oh yeah, that's my wife. Yeah, my wife. Score, I won. Look at that. I didn't even know there was a raffle today. I just won the meat raffle. That's my wife. You go out out of here the hottest piece of air here So Leonie's like Sabrina's style is like a boner. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:05:52 porno oh Sabrina stars like Cuz for light on for long to eye contact it means you're fighting or you're fucking and then it cuts to Sabrina which she totally does every move she makes she's like Like she does that thing when people are playing tennis and they're going oh Yeah Monica Salas saying don't feel bad about miss hearing porno because I wrote down Pro long eye contact means you're either going to fart or fuck and I was like
Starting point is 01:06:28 I was like that seems a little off brand for her I'm gonna stare into you. Oh, I see you don't smell what's about to come you know a bono is how you say polo and Australia I love a good hot cool a bono So next is the El Paso doble. And Sabrina's making her noises. She's like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. And Leonie's like, putra, putra, mazrigal comes out with fans.
Starting point is 01:06:55 And that's a fair dance. Oh, thank you. Oh, my God, I love El Paso. And Leonie's like, I see Pooja. She's got presence. Her Paso doble is unforgettable, she's crushing it, she's like a little baby Cleopatra, but not a real Cleopatra. So then it's time for the jive.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Now the jive sounds, the jive is just such a weird dance to be included in the same competition, right? It's like the pasta doble, the rumba, the jive, the bannet, the bannet. It's like it always ends with the finale of Greece. I'm like, how did we get to the Gived? It was like some PTA board insisted it had to be part of it. It's like, well, my daughter, Nina,
Starting point is 01:07:34 is very good at Gived, and we spend a lot of money at this school, so you better include Gived in the Latin dancing. I didn't realize Gived was a Latin dance. I'm gonna say, where does where does the dance Jive originate? It's a style that originated in the United States from the African Americans in the early 1930s. The name of the dance comes from the name of a form of African American vernacular slang popularized in the 1930. Well, that's what I thought.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Okay. In competition, Barberum dancing, the jive is often grouped with the Latin-inspired Barberum dances, though its roots are based on swing dancing and not Latin dancing. Well, guess what? Guess you called it. His name is Ronnie Carrom.
Starting point is 01:08:19 You're welcome, everybody. And you know what? You know what? Since you have researching, I decided I would research. And here's something I totally forgot about. Cleopatra, she actually died by suicide, allegedly from the fatal bite of a venomous snake. So she wasn't taken out, but she did, so she, she, she died by suicide, which is a very different tale. Again, Leone. Because wasn't it something with Mark Anthony, like she ended up having to screw over Mark Anthony
Starting point is 01:08:46 or something? I thought it was. I feel so bad. I'm not up to data on my Cleopatra. I think she got him killed or something. And then she felt so guilty that she got herself killed. Wasn't she dating Julius Caesar? And then like, wasn't Mark Anthony her lover?
Starting point is 01:08:57 I am so wrong. I, the thing is, this can't just like, what's the point? You can't go on the internet and be like, can you just give me one paragraph about Cleopatra? Everything has to be like 10 million paragraphs. Like, and then this year she went and bought a chariot. So I'm sorry, I'm not gonna say. Cleopatra first began her legendary love
Starting point is 01:09:17 with the Roman general, Mark Antony. Their relationship had a political component. Cleopatra needed Antony to protect her crown and maintain Egypt's independence while Antony needed access to Egypt's riches and resources. But they were also famously fond of each other. So did Julius Caesar and Cleopatra have a relationship? At the time of their meeting, Cleopatra was 21 and Caesar was 52.
Starting point is 01:09:41 They quickly entered into a love affair after their meeting. Their relationship would continue for a few years until his death. The two of them had a son to get. So wait, Mark Antony killed Caesar and then hooked up with Cleopatra after that's cold Mark Antony. Yeah, that's what they make a movie about it, you know. She's never loyal to Antony, even though she claims to kill herself over him. Her constant willingness throughout the play to manipulate him is an indication of the fact that
Starting point is 01:10:10 she'd betray him as soon as it was convenient for her politically or emotionally. Girl, guess what I'm doing over break, I'm renting it. Yeah, she's drama. So the drive. So the drive. Let's go back to the history of the drive. Oh my god. So I can't let you. Sabrina, the drive is happening. And Sabrina is like, she, the gyve is happening.
Starting point is 01:10:45 And Sabrina's like, she's like, I noticed that Donnie is dancing with the biggest smile. She is in her happy place. So we know Donnie's gonna fail ultimately because Sabrina is like saying something nice about Donnie, which means that Donnie is not a competition for her. So she's like, okay, Donnie's not gonna do well here. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:04 And then Pooja's like, I mean, Collette, Collette is technically correct in many movements, but she doesn't really sparkle the way everyone else does. It's like, damn, ow, it's like telling somebody like you're talented, but you have no charisma. I think that's like the coldest thing literally anybody has had on this show. Wow. And Pooja's probably the nicest, but also she's put up with a lot of shit from Collette that she shouldn't have had to put up with. Ouch.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And then they cut to Collette being robotic. But Collette is, like her body is banging. She wears these really sexy dresses. And she's a very good, I mean, I think she's very good. Okay, but she is very good at dance. They're all, I'm surprised they're not pros. So now the heats are done and only six are going to move on to the finals. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:51 So we're all going to find out. And Christian, he hugs Pooja and he's like, I am so proud of you. I'm really, really, really, I am so proud of you. I'm like, oh, even he knows that they're cut. That's what that means. He's like, thanks so much. Your journey ends here. Yeah. Um, so final recalls. Okay. So there's a whiteboard. The finalists are Sabrina and Stass, Collette and Alex, Gail and Nino, Leonie and Coista. And that means Pooja and Donnie are cut. I know, so Pooja is crying and her mom is like,
Starting point is 01:12:29 I am so proud of you for realizing your limited potential. I'm just, you know, it's about time, you know, having a realistic view about your life journey is really the most important thing to have. I'm so proud of you. Me and Mira had a bet. And we both bet that you would lose, but I bet a hundred and she bet 20.
Starting point is 01:12:51 So I ended up winning everything. So I thank you. You lost even harder than I thought. You would originally lose. Yes, I am so proud that you finally understand the true toll of wasting everyone's time. I'm proud of you I'm just like oh my god. That's all I needed was for somebody to say they're proud of me. So actually I'm a winner It reminds me no, no, you're not
Starting point is 01:13:16 You actually lose her you didn't even make it past the past huge huge loser. Huge loser. Big time loser, big time failure. So then, Leoni marches right over to Donnie, and she's like, Donnie, oh, I am so sorry. That was a real bona. And Donnie's like, no, it's fine. Like, really, I'm totally, totally fine. I mean, I would, I can't lie and say I would love,
Starting point is 01:13:41 you know, not to make the final. Not me, of course, I would, but I really did enjoy it. And that's the most important thing. So today was the first time in so long that I just enjoyed being out on the floor again. And it's a real win for me. And my mom said that I looked great out there. But to be fair, she was also listening to Kylie Manogh at the same time. So I guess it just really felt was a very exciting time for her.
Starting point is 01:14:06 She kept on saying, Padam, Padam, and I was like, what are you talking about, Mom? So now it's the division round with six couples, and Leonie tells us, well, I'm not here for a Sunday picnic if I'm away from my child. I want a win. I was like, oh my god, I can iconic, T-shirt, T-shirt. But also be open to a Sunday picnic, because that might be kind of a fun thing to do after the competition.
Starting point is 01:14:31 I know, I don't feel like that's the most, like, T-shirtable thing. Guess what? I'm not here for Sunday picnic. Well, don't wear that to a park on a weekend because you're like, dissing literally everybody else there. Literally a wonderful activity. She's like, if I'm away from my child,
Starting point is 01:14:48 I want to win. Glad she's, I love how she on the one hand is like, you know what, I want to teach my daughter that you don't have to be perfect in life. Imperfections are okay. Not everything has to work out. I'm a wave of my daughter I want to win Yeah, and this is their like pre-competition like everybody gets a line and it has to collect and she's like
Starting point is 01:15:13 It shook my confidence to change partners, but now I'm here to prove something and it has to Sabrina and she's like I sacrifice pass over to get here. I need the win So also by the way, you know who else is also in the finals. Tina. Yeah, Tina made it. Tina made it, but even more so. Lindsay. Yeah, Lindsay thought Lindsay was gonna be taken out. No, Lindsay. I was thinking at this point after this whole season of like who's gonna win. I was like watch Lindsay win this whole thing. And they would have been good actually. And did you notice, maybe it's now that we start noticing
Starting point is 01:15:49 the hair slapping because Lindsay is a hair slapper. She's so cold to her pro. I think that Leoni's hair is so perfect because she so gets all the movement and drama, but without hitting somebody in the face. And I also noticed that I think Sabrina pins her big braid down so it doesn't hit Stas in the face. And I also noticed that I think Sabrina pins her big braid down so it doesn't hit Stas in the face, which I have to say, at least Stas is sticking up for himself.
Starting point is 01:16:10 He probably got a sick of being bruised. Yeah. Because the other thing is that like because Leoni has a short bob, her hair goes back and forth really quickly because there's not as much hair. When you have a long hair, it takes longer to go all the way around and all the way back. But with a short bob, it's like a car wash. You know, the little things that go around on the side of your car.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Yeah. She's sort of doing that. It's like the rear thing. Like this or your mirrors. Yeah. Like you have to bring your mirrors in when you're around. Leonie a little bit, you know? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:36 So the couples are introduced and the first round is the cha-cha. And Leonie is like, well, Stan. Good or custom. Stas is whatever his name is. Well, she probably did say something about someone named Stanley. There's someone named Stanley who's watching and I'd prefer him to leave.
Starting point is 01:16:53 But Stas and Sabrina are doing their thing during the Chacha and then Stas like steps on Leonie while she was like moving past, which I was like, that was intentional. I want to say something that was intentional, that was not a mistake, that was Stas and Sabrina undermining Leonie. We all know it, we all saw it. Well, except it undermines himself too because it's hard to get first place when you're
Starting point is 01:17:17 running into people on the dance floor, right? Yeah, but he knew, I think they knew that it would rattle Leonie. But guess what? It didn't let rattle her because in the past that would have destroyed my confidence but this time it's more bad perseverance, just the way Cleopatra persevered. Well, for one part of her life and so much less about perfection, what can I say, I'm in my zone. And then we get to the Samba and Donnie's like I mean listen I wish I was competing or at least the bar getting shit faced But here I am on this TV show please stop cutting to me and then Ron is like
Starting point is 01:17:54 Hey, what are you? They're not looking at Sabrina why aren't they looking at Sabrina and the lady Max someone's like don't worry They judge us see everything That's so funny Donnie's definitely like okay. I'm eliminated. You don't worry, they judge us see everything. That's so funny, Donnie is definitely like, okay, I'm eliminated, you don't have to have the camera in my face. What are the thoughts of me here? Have I not done enough for you?
Starting point is 01:18:13 My mom's putting money into a go-go to answer strings right now, G-string, I just wanna be with her over there. Instead of watching these fools, I go now. Yeah, so now's the Paso Doble and Collette's guy is like, I mean, they're doing it and he's like, come on. He's like, kind of yelling at her. Like, come on, keep up. And Ronnie's like, yeah, honey, go, baby, yeah,
Starting point is 01:18:36 yeah, baby, yeah, hold a bridge. And then come like, oh my God, that reminds me of a, please stop it, Ronnie. Now it's time for the job. And Collette's like, I just my new jive. It just feels right And this is how Ronnie supports his wife. He all that hey, come on suck it up So Donnie is then Donnie's telling us like you know There's always a discrepancy between who will win and who should win and I'm rooting for
Starting point is 01:19:04 know there's always a discrepancy between who will win and who should win and I'm rooting for Leoni best bob and pooch me well pooch is still like crying in the corner pooch is not stop crying she's still crying in the corner and she's like Sabrina sells it in a way that you just can't argue with it and I was like can anyone say put in some words for gal she's out there too hello there is so much truth to that though. And I think that Donnie knows too, because Donnie's like, well, who should win and he'll win are different, like somehow unfair, because she knows that Sabrina's obviously gonna win.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I mean, there is, I mean, Sabrina's like, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, and she's like overly sexual and like, ooh, but that's what it is. And she's the best at it. And she is the best at it. She is clearly the best at it. But everyone's just discounting Lindsay. Um, hello, Lindsay's here.
Starting point is 01:19:51 So now it's time for- Lindsay, I think everybody is feeling horrible after they've just watched Lindsay fucking eye torture. Some fucking, you know, Tina, a guy who came to this country with a dream, you know? No one's even considering Tina. I'd like to add, Tina's there. Okay, Lindsay and Tina are both in the top six, okay?
Starting point is 01:20:09 I couldn't pick out Tina from a lineup. That's Tina's lot in life. That's like, if she's on next season, she's like, no one can pick me up. I literally committed a crime so I could be picked out of a literal lineup and I still wasn't there. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I couldn't even get thrown in jail right. So at the awards time, six plays, Collette Malix, and Collette's like, well, everybody's victory is different. And this victory taught me that I don't need Christian or Alex to be mediocre. I can do it with just myself if I want to. This victory taught me that if I don't check in in my household my turtles will die. That they got my children. And my quote unquote friend did not feed them. So aggressive. I didn't appreciate that. She stole my gold
Starting point is 01:20:55 for three or two. Oh, don't worry. So did not forget to give Tina fifth place. Because you're too. Congrats to being on a TV show and fucking sucking. I'm literally trying to remember Tina, and I'll I remember it's like a blurry circle walking by. I don't remember Tina's face. Where'd he go, Tina? And then, oh, here's a huge shock.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Lindsay, Lindsay and Vlad, fourth place. Wow, talk about a fall from grace from the winner of Tri-State. Better luck next time Lindsay, or should I call her? Shaikol. Lindsay. FALSE. Lindsay fail. Listen, then third place, dot, dot, dot.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Sabrina's like, it's against me, Leoni and Gail. The two women who in my ear are like, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. Third place is, God, I hope I don't lose to Sabrina. Third place is, let me tell I don't lose to Sabrina. Third place is, I'll let me tell you this one day you're up the next day you're down. The third day my dad doesn't approve of me. And third place is, I'm not here for a Sunday picnic, I am here for a respectable and light breakfast on a Saturday, followed by dancing The basis Leonie and coista and um,
Starting point is 01:22:09 Tony goes, oh my. Yeah, she's like, well, and Leonie got third and she's like, well, that's disappointing. And the producer says, well, how do you feel about coming in behind Guy L? She's stuck up for you the whole season and she seems super cool. And you guys are like really good friends and you love her purse. And she's like, well, I expected to come in behind Nino and go, uh, why are you saying Nino and not Gael? And she's like, I'm a pitty dear to think Gael. I was like, Oh, the truth comes out. Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no to put all the eggs in the basket of the first French med spot in New York City. Okay, please.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Guy L has to tell you. Yeah. So, Guy L gets so good place, which means Sabrina wins it. She does and she's like, I'm so glad I beat Leoni. She's like, I can't be by store. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni.
Starting point is 01:23:39 I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. I'm so glad I beat Leoni. with his like a total wearing a tiara it's short and precious. Right, her one minor thing is work. She's working.
Starting point is 01:23:54 She's got a lot of confidence. She just needs the actual lines. You know what I mean? And this has all been like most Brava shows. They start as a community theater experiment. And that's what this show was. It was some gay with a camera who just believes in himself. He had like two iPhones that he and his mom went out and shot all of this on.
Starting point is 01:24:12 You know, and they edited it on their eye movie. And I say good for you. Your germ of an idea is very good. So Sabrina's like, I think Ronnie realizes I dance to live. This is my happiness. He loves me for who I am. I'm like, well, that last, that's a bit of a leap there. I don't happiness. He loves me for who I am. I'm like, well, that last, that's a bit of a leap there. I don't know if he loves you for who you are, but he does realize that you like to dance,
Starting point is 01:24:32 you know. Yeah. We leave now. We can get back for a day 67 of passive. Guess what? It's already passive. Very good. Come on, let's go.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Fuck, I don't even care. Let's sell the brain easter at this point, but the fuck do I care? Just come up come on, let's go. Fuck, I don't even care, let's celebrate Easter at this point, but the fuck do I care? Discompile. So, too much fun. I don't care. Pooja is literally still fucking sobbing with her mother and sister.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Could you stop enough? Okay, go feel insecure somewhere else, I can't whip you. It's little, like, I know, it's cool to win this competition and everything, but also, like, this is just too much. Yeah. So the mom's like you did your best and that's all that matters. So your best happens to be a very terrible effort, but still it's your best. And it's not my best obviously because my best win is trophies, but you know, be proud of your efforts. But can I also say the mom and the daughter stop putting them on pedestals. The mom got fifth place and the daughter got third place.
Starting point is 01:25:26 It's not like they're, you know, they don't get a parade either. So you should shame them. So then we see where everybody's at six months later. Pooja has switched right back to rhythm. The second the cameras went down and guess what? She has placed first and three competitions and guess who hasn't. Her mom or sister. Yeah. So good or sister. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:45 So good for her. She's back to being top dog. I think that's why she was really crying the whole time. She's used to being better than these women. And now she had to be worse than them and it hurt. So she's back. So now Collette, she's like, dance was my escape and for a while, dance got stressful. But thank you Christian. but thanks to Christian,
Starting point is 01:26:06 it was stressful, thanks to Christian. Sorry, I'm really struggling to my line right now. But my dance journey this year was successful, even though I finished in six plays in the biggest competition of the year. Yeah. And does it say that she's still working with her partner? Didn't Alex leave her to? It's, I think Alex left her to. I thought so, but she's still working with her partner. Didn't Alex leave her to?
Starting point is 01:26:25 It's, I think Alex left her to. I thought so, but she says, but it actually says that Collette and Alex continue to work on their chemistry and she hopes Calvin will have a place and assisted living soon. So, okay. So then we go to Rita and Donnie and Rita's like, I thought she was beautiful as always.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I mean, you know, did you have fun over there? And I'm like, God, I'm, go on daughter. Did you have fun? Because you know what's always fun? I always have fun with that. Why? You have to see it.
Starting point is 01:26:58 What's your company? I'm coming out. I want the world to know that I'm seeing my daughter dancing, so I'm coming out of the house to go see your dance. And Donnie's like, I hope dad saw me. Thank you for always being there, mom. And six months later, Donnie's like, my dad would always say,
Starting point is 01:27:17 stay true to yourself. Remember, you're a birch. I hated when he would call me a tree. It was so insulting, but it was very motivating. I was when he would call me a tree. It was so insulting. That was very motivating. I was like, can I risk be a pine? He's like, no, you're a birch. So Donnie has lost 10 pounds and found a new partner and boom, she placed first in the last two competition she was in. So she's doing great. She's back. And you know what? It's her partner. She was with that partner for seven years.
Starting point is 01:27:47 He was not serving her. He would not tell her her dresses were stupid. And she got a better partner who was honest about her dresses. That's what I say. Good for you, Donnie. But her. Now we have Leoni. She goes, I dance my best here.
Starting point is 01:27:59 I don't go home with a loss. The only thing I go home with is knowing I didn't win, which I guess is the loss. Anyway, so she's like, hey daughter, guess what Charlotte? I take third place. So guess what? I failed and you should learn a lesson from that. God damn it. I can't get my eyes out. Oh, damn it. My head. So Leon is like, you think you know yourself, but I didn't know that journey of self discovery Would come through dense. It's like okay. All right, heavy hand Jesus Christ So Leonie and Coise to have parted ways and now while she searches for a new pro She's enjoying more time with her perfectly imperfect family and
Starting point is 01:28:44 She's enjoying more time with her perfectly imperfect family. And then which by the way, I don't know why they're imperfect because they're like literally the perfect. They're like so. I was like, oh, her husband and daughter were watching the show were like, oh, what the fuck were they? Perfect. And amazing. So Sabrina started focusing on family. She even took her kids to Times Square Wow, isn't she the mom of the year? So we see her and Ronnie in domestic bliss at home and he's like
Starting point is 01:29:14 Yeah, a star and she goes a doi Yeah, and That's pretty much it And I loved it, loved the show. If you guys have not watched it, guess what? It's a holiday weekend. You can go binge it all on peacock. You will hear a lot about parents being disappointed
Starting point is 01:29:32 in the new but hey, you listen to this show still. So that means you've got a high tolerance for that. Yeah, I think it deserves a second season. I mean, what I would like to see in a second season is I think what you can do is you can, I think you can get rid of like some of the far-flowing people. Yeah, I think Pooja, Collette, I like Collette, but I say focus on like the New York ones,
Starting point is 01:29:54 like Leoni and Donnie, Gael, bring Lindsay into the fold. So that way, like, we not only are rewatching the dancing, but they can all shoot scenes together more frequently. Cause I think the show really does come alive when they're all together. And when we're watching them sort of like separately on their own, you know, like rehearsing whatever, it's like to me not quite as interesting
Starting point is 01:30:15 as when they are all together. And since there's such a powerful cast. I maybe have them go on like dance retreats where they can practice the dances and they all have to be in the same place for a few days practicing and being in each other's faces. Or yeah, it has to be something,
Starting point is 01:30:29 and like you remember that movie Strickly Ballroom, which was like about these competitions, I mean, something like that sounds pretty thrilling, and I'm sure all those people are camera horrors, you know? Something with either more people or more chances for them to be together, which I don't know how you do that I don't really know that world, but yeah, but I think that they could because they already have Global cast cast members who live near each other because we talked about Game of Crowns
Starting point is 01:30:53 which is actually very similar and that show was so good because they would have the competition aspect But they all were doing things together all the time. So I think it should get a second season with some tweaks and I think it would really, you know, I think it should get a second season with some tweaks. And I think it would really, you know, I think the second season, it could really, really like go to the next level. Yeah, I think so too. Well, fun times. Thanks, Bravo. Thanks all the ladies of Dancing Queens. Thank you, audience. Thank you, America. Thank you, Dan. Thank you, Cleopatra. Thank you, Dan. Thank you, Cleopatra. Thank you, Patra.
Starting point is 01:31:27 And I'd like to thank our old friend, Rhythm. Oh, and thank you, boy, Co. He designed my look. Always for Co. Yes, always for Co. Love you guys. We'll talk to you next time. Bye.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelowny. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itch-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- She has no last name me. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Kristen the Piston Anderson. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. You're never alone with Lacey Montellone.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't Salvia. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Beaches. Beaches. And our super premium sponsors? The incredible edible Matthew Sisters! Somebody get us ten C's of Betsy MD? She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch!
Starting point is 01:32:34 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Erica, 500 days of summer! She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke! We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Can't have a meal without the Emily side. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shannon out of a can in Anthony! Let's take off with Tim LePlan. She ain't no shrinking Violet Couture! We love you guys!
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