Watch What Crappens - Derbies and Des-tiny

Episode Date: April 16, 2021

It's Derby Day on Summer House, and Hannah gets defensive when she finds out no one likes her boyfriend. Not to be left out of the bad decisions competition, Lindsay announces that she's done... with condoms. Find all of our premium bonus episodes at**We designed lots of face masks for Bravo lovers available at A portion of sales go to MedShare!Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I've got a cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Corappans. The podcast for all that crap we just love to talk about. On Yale Brawves, I'm Ronnie and that's been over there.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Hi, Bane. What's up, Ronnie? What's going on? Nothing. How you doing, baby? Oh, you know, just living that summer house high. What's going on with you? I guess I already asked that.
Starting point is 00:01:01 A couple of little plugs, everybody. We have a live show coming up for the season premiere of Real Housewives of New York City. It's gonna be May 6th. If you want tickets for that, go to and buy some tickets. There's a ticket link there. Also, we did a couple on demand videos this week.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You can find those videos at Just go to the watchoc crap is on demand section. And we're going to be doing a Peloton waffle ton. Where Ben is going to be on his Peloton with some of you. And then some of you are going to be making waffles with me. OK, we're going to do that on Instagram this Saturday at 11 a.m. So just join up with us there. If you want to have some good old, good old fashioned fun.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Yeah, and I'm going to post again on our social media what class we're gonna be doing for Peloton It's not a live ride. It's just gonna be an on-demand class with Emma lovewell. It's a 90s ride If you it's like a 30-minute 90s pop ride and the first song I believe is by John Secada So like use that to help you find out on the app and I'll also put a link on our social media. But the real key here is that I just want to remind everyone that we will be we will be spinning to John Sacada. That's really the most important takeaway here. And we'll be making waffle codas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We'll be spinning to sweet sounds of waffle. He's going to be listening to that and you're going to just hear this on my hand. Hand blender blending stuff. I think you should play John Sakata in the background while you make the waffles. I think that will really unite us. We won't have to waffle people. Waffle people don't mean gimmicks. Okay. Waffle people may not need gimmicks,
Starting point is 00:02:45 but they do need John Sakata. Also probably someone who makes better waffles. You know this is just gonna be a huge cluster factor, aren't you? Well, he probably had to like, glorious defon probably like force him to make waffles to get into the Miami Sound Machine. He was like, okay, if you want to be part of this band, you have to make a waffle first.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Everybody, here we are with some summer first. Oh my god. Just before we start with the derby, I just want everyone to know, I've really grown like so much this summer. Yeah. Okay, I've grown. I've really been moderating my drink, okay? And I've just like grown. I've declared to myself that I've grown. So, I've grown a lot, guys.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I've grown. I've grown. I've grown. I've grown. I've grown. I've grown. I've grown. I've grown. declared to myself that I've grown. So I've grown a lot guys. I've grown.
Starting point is 00:03:30 So when we come back into this episode, we're still on the hot tub where Desan Hannah have just told Bage and Sierra that they fucked in Kyle and Amanda's bathroom. Yeah. And um, and Paige, she promises she would never, she would never tell anyone about this, which I just assumed then like in the next scene, she would tell everyone, but it actually has not come out yet, which is surprising. And so the hand is like, well, we didn't really have the
Starting point is 00:03:57 so much. And disappointing. I have to be disappointing Paige. I don't know where the hell you think you are, but you better get in there right now and tell Amanda. And then later you can say, well, I said I wouldn't talk to you. Yeah, you only have one episode left to do this, okay? So Hannah's like, well, we didn't really have sex.
Starting point is 00:04:12 We just messed around a little bit. I mean, he put his penis in my vagina. I guess we did have sex. So, so then, yeah, so Hannah, they're just talking about the sex in the bathroom. Hannah's like, look, there's been grosser stuff than me sitting on the sink for a socket. Like Kyle misses the toilet all the time. And like, that's grosser than like a jacket. I'm like, well, the difference is that like, it's not really.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's not because like at least where the pee pee is is like, no one is going to like that section behind the toilet to like wash their face and their hands and brush their teeth. Well, pee is definitely grosser than sperm. I mean, sperm is definitely grosser than pee, pardon me. I think everybody can agree. Pea is what you drink that day. Spirm is like thousands of millions of possibilities of children, you know? It's like, if you want to get super Catholic, sperm is like tons of unused souls that you're just like washing away.
Starting point is 00:05:11 All right. Let's listen. One thing is just like, that is just the body expunging water from, you know, the cells doing activity. And the other is like the opening credits to look who's talking. And you know, I'll tell you which one is more offensive to me. One of them involves the beach boys and one of them is just pee. So. Um, so page is like, um, I will not tell anybody just kidding. I'm going to tell them that you have sex. And I don't do it. And they're like, yeah, Kyle's really going to flip his shit. But guess what? It's time to change and you know Kyle's already drinking because you just hear him go yeah
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, and you know what I think that we saw maybe an ununcredited Cameo of Amanda's guacamole because he like dips his he dips a chip into some bowl that Amanda's making stuff and he's like Yeah, and then she's like all happy so I have to assume that's Amanda's favorite famous guacamole making its first appearance. Wow. It's about Tom guac. I know. On such a taco heavy season, you think the guac would make an earlier arrival. Did you notice some page with an interior bedroom and laid on her bed? It said pages, Quasit. Yeah. Well, also did you notice that like Lindsay had to carry her out of the hot top. She's like, okay, this is something I learned in R on T.C. Put your arm around my neck.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Okay, put your arm around my neck. Okay. Now tell me you're my boyfriend. Okay. Now have a baby with me. Okay. And then page just the false asleep and snores on top of first and L purse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And then we see like a montage of everyone dancing. And they're just sort of, and you just like Carl is doing some weird jig. And I kind of felt like they were all dancing to like, oh, a r something like that. Like I kind of just got that feeling based on their dance moves. And now Hannah, everyone's just like having
Starting point is 00:06:59 the time of their lives. Everyone's partying and having fun. And then Hannah and Des are just like, in Hannah's room, just away from everyone else. And Des, he's like, whoa, you're out of control. Show me your tits, yeah, show me your tits like what the phone, come on, yeah, show me your tits, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And she lifts up her shirt and then she comes in for him to motorboat. I was like, why do we have to watch this? Why? That was terrible. Why is this so gross with this couple? It's like, it's not really gross with everybody else, but this one, it's like, I think it's him. I think it's him. It's just him, right? It's like, yeah, show me your boobs. Show me your boobs like on the phone. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And he's just sort of like lying on the, on the bed, like, it dried out peep-odd, like, oh yeah, show it to me. So then later that night, Sierra. He's the same color as a chickpea stick. Have you ever had those? They're like these chips, they're like healthy chips, and they're safe like those fake French fry chips, but they're like kind of a greenish chick.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Oh, you know what I mean? He's the same color of how I felt after my second vaccine dose. That's the color of him. So, if second, mom during a vaccine dose had a color, it would be des. So, now later in that night, everyone's in their rooms. And Sierra's walking around her rooms and she's like, Where the fuck are my sweatpants? I don't know, maybe it's under like the 10-foot tall pile of shit on your bed, Sierra. And Carlson is in his room, he's like, I love these candies, how they're so stale, babe.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And then back to Desi and Hannah, he's like, it doesn't feel real, right? I hope it can be this cute for as long as possible. Show me your titties, put your titties in my mouth. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, well, I'm always gonna be cute. So then Kyle knocks over something and Amanda's like, Kyle. It's like super, I guess super Kyle. Yeah, because Kyle's drunk.
Starting point is 00:09:02 So he's in the kitchen like scavenging for food. And he's like, babe, there's some frosted and many of these suck in this plastic thing. We're trapped. And then Danielle and Robert are like, I mean, their chemistry is off the charts. She's like, you ate a featuring, didn't you? I can snob on your breath.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You didn't even give one to me. Now I'm gonna watch my face and then we're going to cuddle. And he's like, all right. So then over to Lindsay, she's on top of Steven and their bed. And she's like, how much do you want me? Well, I liked right before that, she was trying to get her Apple TV to work. And she was like trying to talk into the remote, you know, because you can do that with Apple TV,
Starting point is 00:09:43 because play that, play that movie, play that movie, play that. Like that poor Apple TV is like, I can't deal with this woman anymore. I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna brick myself. Yeah, I'm gonna feel on me. To infinity. And beyond, I feel like you're buzzing here right now.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Oh. Oh. And he's like, will you be my girlfriend? She's calling on me. I'm calling on me. I'm bullying him again. And he goes, we're gonna make sweet love. I'm like, you're running toy story.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Sex toy story. The JoJudai story. So then we get, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m- your arms out like full like you make across. Yeah, it's like the most curl. And then you bring them down like a sunburst. You know who else doesn't mean? Like a cartoon. Yeah, they both wake up like cartoon characters. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah. It was like bugs bunny or like one of the the the seven dwarves waking up like it's like a guy with both hands and then bring them down. Pay attention. You know, I just did it right now because we're talking about it. I don't think I've lifted my arms up like that. Literally in years, like I feel things that I've never felt in my arms.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Like, it's weird. Sunburst. I actually can't do it with my right arm. My right arm still is sore from my shot. So I actually can't be raised it so high. But like, yeah, Carl is just like so Carl in the morning is like, oh, oh, oh, oh, I've grown. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Well, I've grown so much since last night. Oh, yeah. Good morning, good morning everyone. Oh, I'm just how I demotorated my dreams a little bit. Oh. So with that, Savannah, that's like, you want to pump up my leg length, night, and you sleep. She's like, oh, it's cuz I like you. So now that now there is in the kitchen making breakfast and
Starting point is 00:11:51 des goes up to Carl's like, oh, so you hung over and he goes, oh, well, I've been moderating my alcohol and so, you know, I'm just on a little bit more of a sober trajectory, you know, hey, you're wearing matching shirts, I like it. I guess. introductory, you know, hey, you're wearing matching shirts. I like it. Cause I guess some of them. Lindsay's telling us a strawberry as I'm showing up in this relationship. I'm like the top love main him realize he needed to stab up. And when he brought a candle operated, I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:21 battery op it operated. I knew I'm he's gonna be the father of my children. Like, finally, what I need from a boyfriend are some votive candles that are better operated and that are brought to the city via Uber. Like, that's all I wanted. Like, how is that better than the painting see commissioned for you? I don't get her. Also, like, how is how are those motives and the most cliché thing, which is to do a say anything tribute? How is that,
Starting point is 00:12:52 like a substitute for the hollowness of your relationship? Just answer me that one as well. So then Sierra is talking to Amanda and Kyle, I guess. And she's making some merch. And so they're talking about what Sierra is going to do. Yeah, who did I say? Sierra was making merch. She's just like, she's just brushing merch off of her. Sierra's just taking merch. She's probably just throwing it on her bed.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I'm not bad, yeah. She's gathering merch. Yeah. Yeah, so they talk about what Sierra is gonna do. And she's like, wow, I really can't believe, but I can't wait to get back to work. Like, I got an email from the board of nursing and they like need more hot nurses.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Like, it's crazy. People are like, you know what, my nurses ugly. And they're like, Sierra, you're a model. And I'm like, you're right, I'm coming back. Yeah. Like, Sierra, our patient in room 403 has requested you. He says, could you please remove the piles of magazines and clothing and laptops you've left on his bed? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So she's had fun chilling, you know, this summer, but she's like, wow, I'm going to lose my skills. I mean, how am I going to save someone from a heart attack? Or like, hook up a cup or get some blood pressure or like a bladder tank or like, I miss the hospital. That's what I'm saying. By the way, what's going to happen with I was like getting excited for Carl and Sierra to have some sort of terrible romance. Is that just not going to happen this season? Is that that is that is that it? Because well, that's over. So I'll be about all of this. And she said that the reason that Sierra is so over
Starting point is 00:14:41 Luke right in the beginning is because she's having an affair with one of the producers of the show. So she was like putting up with one of the producers, which I don't know if that's true or not. That's what I heard. And then she's in the winter house apparently dating Austin. So it's really hard to not bring. It's really hard to not bring that here
Starting point is 00:15:02 and dislike her because she's dating Austin. But you know what, it's starting to happen, not gonna lie. You know, we haven't really talked about Winterhouse. How do you feel about this Winterhouse concept? It's basically, it's like a mashup of Southern charm in Summerhouse, which by the way, it's so sad for Vanderpromp rules,
Starting point is 00:15:20 Vanderpromp rules like gave us Summerhouse, and now Summerhouse has jumped ship to a different franchise. Ha ha ha ha, emerged with it. Vanta Prum rules, like gave us Summer House. And now Summer House has jumped ship to a different franchise. I merged with it. But I think we have Craig, Austin, Sierra, Page. There's rumors that Page and Craig are dating. And I'm sure there's some others.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I just don't know. I can't remember who else is in it. What do you think? I'm excited for it. I mean, they can't do Southern charm, I guess, right now, because, you know, that show's still a mess. I don't even know what's happening with that show if it's coming back or not. Oh, I think it will come back. Yeah, I mean, I can't do Southern charm, I guess, right now because, you know, that show's still the mess. I don't even know what's happening with that show if it's coming back or not. Oh, I think it will come back.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah, I mean, I'm all for it. Yeah, I mean, I just, I'm, I'm, I'm really all for it to see Craig's lawyer commercials because if you see those going on. Yes. So good. He's like, have you been injured? If you've been injured, call 1-800. My butt is hurt.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Call 1-800. my butt is hurt. Call 1-800, my butt is hurt. I'm an injury, personal injury attorney now. Has your pillow been hurt in an accident? Hi, I'm Craig Connover, leading pillow attorney for all of South Carolina and honestly, the globe. Isn't that a horrifying thought? Just Craig is your actual personal injury attorney. I mean, if something's not gonna make you step over
Starting point is 00:16:32 the cracks in the sidewalk, that will, you know. I'm a little nervous about Winter House. I think Winter House will be really fun as a show, but I'm a little worried about Winter House. I'm also a little worried that there's this gonna be this like real housewives, vacation house thing that's happening, where it's like the best of the housewives. And I'm just worried that we're gonna have something
Starting point is 00:16:52 like the real world, world rules challenge also is the challenge, which I know people love the challenge. I was a huge fan of it for so long, but what happened was that franchise kind of sucked a life out of the real world. Suddenly the real world just became an audition to get onto the challenge. And I just don't want that to happen with these other shows to like, you know, but separately, I am excited to see Winterhouse.
Starting point is 00:17:17 On its own terms, I'm excited to see Winterhouse. Yeah, me too. And Andy said in an interview once, they said, why don't you do these housewives shows where you mix the housewives and do vacations and stuff? And he said, well, we won't really do that until, like, we're desperate and the ratings really start falling. And so I guess that's what's happening now.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So I'm like, you know, save it. I always do whatever you have to do to save the ship. I always said that what it should be was that there should be kind of like an amazing race with the different housewives where it's just like a competition for charity or something like that and just watch this way you could like authentically mix the housewives together, right? Because like a vacation house, it's the whole, you know, the whole thing with the housewives is that it's ostensibly about people who are like friends with each other. So like if there's suddenly like a vacation and all of a sudden these people are just mashed together,
Starting point is 00:18:08 it kind of betrays a little bit of a... Now they're all friends. Now they all know each other from all the different cities and stuff. They're like an assisted headband. Because it's the assisted head. Summer house. Okay, so Amanda is excited because she found a great wedding venue in Jersey City, which is exciting for people who are still interested in this
Starting point is 00:18:30 storyline of their wedding after two years. And then- Also, people who live in Jersey City, because I'm telling you the Manhattan people aren't going to want to go to that. Amanda, people are going to be like, why I got to go to a wedding in Jersey City as bullshit. Yeah, well, I think everyone's happy to not go to it. Even Amanda, she's just like, why gotta go to a wedding in Jersey City as bullshit? Yeah. Well, I think I think everyone's happy to not go to it. Even Amanda. She's just like, she's realized that she doesn't want to have a big party anymore. So that's that. Meanwhile, outside Luke and Luke and Robert are like walking over to the tennis court to play tennis and they pass by Hannah and Des were sitting
Starting point is 00:19:02 on Shazlanges and Luke is like, oh, oh, he, maybe we'll do a little double smash, huh? The four of us, huh? How about we do that? And I was like, yeah, maybe one day. And it's just like awkward and cold. Luke just sort of shuffles away. Yeah, and Desz was first to her.
Starting point is 00:19:20 At least you know I'm good at the net. Put me in, I'll kill those motherfuckers. Show me your titties. Show me. Yeah, put in my mouth. Yeah, fucking me. You know what? At least you know I'm good at the net put me in I'll kill those motherfuckers show me your titties show to me Yeah, put my mouth here fucking you. You know what fuck me on the phone right now even though I'm right next to you Yeah, I'll go here. I just thought it was such a cold moment like why it was like a cold dismissal like You can't come on this show for three years and talk about how much you love tennis then someone asked you to play doubles And you finally have the first time a legitimate chance to play a solid doubles match.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And you're like, maybe someday I'm like, I can't. I'm just shocked that she didn't end it with he wants me. So you told you told me. Maybe that maybe that was cut out by the way. So Luke, yeah, you said. Because like, you know, I'm Hannah's biggest fan. I just went the best for I want a rat a graph Okay, but I'm wondering if does is just using her cuz you know she's successful and he's a washed up comedian sorry
Starting point is 00:20:18 That was me cool dish Oh, yeah, oh yeah, that was a big cold dish Oh, yeah, that was a big cold dish. Luke, Luke who has a new haircut for his interviews and looks so cute with a new haircut, I'm a big fan. Also, I love Luke's shade, because it just comes out of nowhere. It's just nice. Like, oh, yeah, you know what? Hannah, maybe later we should go to Minnesota
Starting point is 00:20:40 and I can, you know, my mom can make her famous Juno cast the role and you can bring your washed up I can, you know, my mom can make her famous tuna casserole and you can bring your washed up comedian boyfriend. You know, it's like, well, Luke, where did that come from? I don't know if you can. So then Carl is talking to Sierra because they're doing food for Derby Day. And they're doing devil eggs, cupcakes, jalapeno bites. He was like, he all love Derby Day.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's gonna be fun, you know, like, especially, we've got steak in the game. Yeah. I kind of get the feeling like this was a tradition at Carl's Fratt, and then he just like, is keeping the spirit of this one. Like, you know, this thing that they would do at Syracuse, he's just like, no, I'm keeping a lot of it, Summer House.
Starting point is 00:21:20 We're all gonna do my, we're all gonna live my frat youth. Y'all, I mean I know The saddest derby day, durby day, durby day, guys, durby stuff is... So they're all like, there's like a lot of like talk about devil eggs and we see the devil eggs and see ours making or derves and then Carl's like, okay boys, I'm just working on it, boys, oh Saturday and derbies are for the boys, I mean, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:22:01 So Dan go and Lindsay you are talking and Lindsay's like, okay, now you're getting advice on dresses for the derby. Okay. Oh my, how amazing. And so that's, which is, that's basically Danielle's job. I feel so sorry for Danielle. It's like she's just there for Lindsay to be like, how fabulous is this outfit, how amazing is my relationship and how shitty is my boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:22:26 What I'm mad at him? And she kind of changes it up this episode. Yeah. Which, you know, I was proud of Daniel for kind of changing it up. Yeah. You know, Lindsey's like, um, so late.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Did you have a sandwich? Or armor last night? Like, please tell me, you haven't become one of those boring couples that just sits and talks about petring Zill night long. And then it cuts to Robert going, so what about plastic wrap? Does that exist here? And then back to Lindsay and Danielle and she's like, did you have sex? And it's like, no, like he wanted to wait until he felt like comfortable in the house, you know? And I was like, I mean, I've made out with Lindsay more than I made out with you.
Starting point is 00:23:04 So I just, I feel like it's okay for someone to not necessarily want to have sex on camera. I think that I may, that makes sense to me. Well, that's true. It's the camera thing because I was coming from the place of, no, you, like, if you're with with somebody you haven't had sex It's like you want a bone. Yeah, bone like you see them of course Like especially in a new relationship. They could have gone into the bathroom or something Yeah, I don't know. I think like in my mind I'd be thinking My mom could be watching this
Starting point is 00:23:40 You know, like my mom like oh my son is on TV. I'm going to what Oh dear, Oh dear. Oh, well, that's true. When you're Jewish, you think about what your mother's thinking of you at all times. That's that's just sort of part of the deal. I don't know if Robert. You have to be thinking about what you're sitting thinking of you up in heaven. Okay. It's like, is everybody can see us at all times, according to, you know, heaven rules. It's like they're watching you. You know, like, they're watching me, like, blend a shake. They're not watching me bone somebody. I don't want people watching me bone from up there.
Starting point is 00:24:10 It's gross because you know that they're just like, criticized me the same way they did when you tried to play soccer. And it's like, why are you just sitting there picking the grass? Get up. Picking the grass. So um, Lindsey's like, um, so I drunk and I got back with Stephen last night and Danielle's like, really? But you were drunk. Does that count? She goes, yeah, because I remember it this morning. And she's like, he really showed up and
Starting point is 00:24:39 he surprised me and that's someone who's willing to put in the effort. The work. Okay, you know how hard it is to make a PowerPoint and the source vote of candles. That's impressive. And Danielle says, well, I mean, if that's how you're feeling, then okay, but, you know, just know that it's like a high because he did a romantic thing this weekend. I mean, I hope things have changed, but I still feel the same. And I don't think he's the right guy for you. And Lindsay is just like completely gobsmacked.
Starting point is 00:25:06 This girl does not have pom-poms in her hand. She's like, ah! Yeah, she's like, I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't hear you say that and reiterate that I do think he's my person and I think he will continue to put in the effort. And she's like, okay, we'll see. And Lindsay just says like, Blink, blink, blink, blink. She's a cow dare you. So then we get different bra.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Updates. Different bra theories or whatever. Amanda's in her room going, I'm wearing a bra because I want tints today. And then we cut to Lindsay going, um kids are gonna be held together with boob taking tape and prayers and everyone's getting dressed and like arriving up in the living room in your area and cross like a durby day. Durby day. It's durby day. Oh, oh man I hold on let me do a a yawning a shot. Oh, felt good for every day.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Page comes up in her big pink, flowy dress and her big lease of Vanderpump hat. I just imagined lease of Vanderpump sitting at home on the couch next to Pandora just pushing Pandora's face away and going, my daughter, finally, she's come to me, my little pagey pagey. She's like a little pagey pagey. She's just like a little mini-vandor pump. She is, I actually watched, I finally sat and watched
Starting point is 00:26:31 like the first 15 minutes of Overserved. And you know, it was as awful as I expected, but also poor Pandora. Like, what is Lisa doing to her daughter? Pand, she's like, oh, John McHale and show lines. Meet my daughter, Pandora. And Pandora comes out in this like, Victorian dress. She's like, hello, I'm Pandora.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I'm like, can, like, listen, where were you want to wear? But like, do we have to dress Pandora like a little old lady now? Like, please give her, like, take her to the gap. Or something. Pandora is bad. But it's like worse than it ever has. It's like worse than it ever has been. Like like we need Pandora to get a proper makeover Pandora is like would you like me to make my famous wacky margarita?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Like no not really like okay, I will It's like poor pandora get a hobby girl. I know like It's just like oh Pandora why you dress like your insensibility? So anyway. So everybody's dressed for the Derby and Sierra looks all hot, of course. And Luke is like a little fast and Carl's dressed as Orville Karl Bocker. He's like, that man can make white jeans work with anything, anything. And Paige is like, I don't comment on a lot of the house's fashion because I'm a nice person, but I could. Like Stephen right now, he looks like he owns a gondola in Italy.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Like the blue-white stripes, very nautical. The hat, get it out of here, girl. I added the girl. I felt like it was in the spirit of what she was saying. Um, and here's another thing I'll betty overpaid for that. So I bet that was a set. I bet that was a set. But what I'm wearing, not a set. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. Celebrity beef. You never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in
Starting point is 00:28:25 court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the hosts of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin
Starting point is 00:28:47 and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood, how much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums. Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondering Out.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Alright, I would like to thank everybody for gathering for Derby Day. I put everyone's horse in here. We're going to pick a horse and then the winners will take home $400. The last spots race around the house as a horse and then they have to like, they have to like select their chalky and then they have to pass by me and say, you've grown. You've grown calm. You've grown today. In the past, in the past, the jockey would have to whip you, but then also put whip cream in your face,
Starting point is 00:29:50 but we've actually decided not to have the whip cream because I've grown a lot, I've grown a lot. And so it's just a whip. Yeah, we have the whip still. And Hannah's like, we should have sucks without whip. You can whip me. Okay, we can. A, G, Z, stop.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Oh my God. So, um, Dez announces, uh, for some, so I forget I have someone asked him or whatever, but it comes out that Dez is leaving tomorrow and so three day weekend. So he'll be leaving on Sunday. So everyone, Lindsay's like, Oh, Dez, where are you going?
Starting point is 00:30:16 Dez goes home. I'm like, she's like, I'm going to go home. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's turning into the wizards. So then Lindsay is like, I feel like Des is been here
Starting point is 00:30:29 for like three days and this is the first that I've seen him. Yeah, she's like, there's not another people here and he hasn't tried to get to know anybody. Nice, no one. So then Rob is making drinks and he's like, hey, hit that, hit that mint. It gets the oils going and looks like, whoa, wow, I'll take one of those. Lucas just like so like he's just like so enchanted by things.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He really is. He's like, whoa, hit mint. I mean, you know, he's going to be best. He'll be trying to show that trick to people for a while, but kind of messing it up. He'll be like, okay, so here's what you gotta do with him. You gotta clap for the mint. Clap for the mint. It's like, no, no, you put the mint in your palms.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Oh, God, I always forget about that part. So in the hand end, Das are doing like tongue touches and stuff. And then the girls take like a group, Jeremy Fadau, and then Carl and Das are talking. Carl's like, oh, we have to see him. He's like, so, he's like so, Harry holding up on all of this craziness.
Starting point is 00:31:28 He's like, good, you know, I mean, to be honest, I like you very much. And he gives him like a fatherly on the shoulder. Yeah, he's like, yeah, he's like, Hannah said you were a really nice guy and Carl goes, yeah, well, thank you. I've grown a lot this past year. Who says that?
Starting point is 00:31:43 Someone said, well, yeah, I've grown a lot this past year. Who says that? Someone says, well, yeah, I've grown a lot this past year and I haven't been drinking that much this summer, but I have a whole host of issues. And I got a lot of perspectives from COVID and I feel a lot of emotional things. I have a lot of depth to me and right now. And again, just to reiterate, I've grown, I make my bed and I stretch in the morning.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And death is like, yeah, yeah, that's why I connected with Hannah, you know, you step away from everything and then you have a new set of things that you want Like titties in your face in my right of one. Hey get over you So aside the girls are gathered man, Hannah's like guys I have news I'm in a relationship And then I was like oh and then I was like, oh, God, me and me are when you hate your life. I think it was page you said that page that come in one year when you hate your life. Oh, I have a man.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I mean, it works. It works. It actually works for both. Yeah. So then they're talking to des des comes out. And so they're talking about rings. And I'm like, this is my ring, but this is too big for Hannah because like, she still wants to be able to play. Tammy. And then does is like saying how they, they talked for a while about rings, but he wasn't freaked out about it at all. And they've had insane conversations about the future and we had a whole conversation about an engagement rings. And Amanda's like, this doesn't seem normal.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So then Carl's like, oh, guys, the horses are running. The horses are running. Oh, all the sirens for the bros, bros. Oh. So they all go in and Sierra's horse wins. Everybody screaming, she's like, give me my fucking many bitches. And then Carl announces the losers. And last place is Amanda. Yeah. Amanda. Of course, Amanda's horse is like Kyle. May wait for me guys. May.
Starting point is 00:33:38 It just ends. And the last place is hub house. Okay, another big stop there. Amazing how the horses actually correspond to the people who voted on them. Well, yeah, cause you know that the hub house horse was like, may I'm not leaving these gates until I get a sign that you really want me to leave the games. So Lindsay's like, I knew it, Paige is my jockin. And Paige goes, I won't accept that, Rose. And Amanda's like, I'm it. Page is my jock. And page goes, I won't accept that rose. And Amanda's like, I'm actually I was in last playing. So I get the first choice and I choose page.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Um, uh, how about all who do you choose as your drucky? Oh, I've grown up, by the way. So you might not want to use me. And she's like, oh, yeah. So, um, uh, they all change. It's so bad, by the way, oh yeah. So they all change. And Lindsay is so mad by the way, that Amanda has stolen her jockey. Like this is something very real.
Starting point is 00:34:30 This is where Lindsay starts to go downhill. She's like, I'm going to kill that band, shall I? Yeah, and I'm like, I don't know why she's being competitive. Because I don't think there's any stakes around this. They're just going to run around the house, right? There's nothing like the loser has to like, yeah, they just want to show off the funny horse costumes that they got off Amazon. Yeah, that's it. So, um, uh, so now they're like, they start to change into costumes and everything into the
Starting point is 00:34:55 horse costume. Then of course, Hannah and Des go back into the corner to kiss some more. And he's like, Hey, are you worried that we're being to affectionate and it's going to make people uncomfortable? And she's like, no, good. Thank you for making me comfortable PDAs, which I don't even know what that means, comfortable PDAs, but I was just like, I was like, please don't be this couple, please. It is actually annoying.
Starting point is 00:35:17 There that couple. So Luke is watching them kind of with his eyes popping and he's eating really slowly. And he tells us, DesiNhanna, wow, super weird that they're not interacting with other people, you know, like, I guess I wouldn't expect anything else. So like, Desi, I mean, I understand you're old and it's hard to get out of the chair and do things, but oh, whoa, whoa, sorry. Oh, you just got looked. You just got looked. Oh, I'm sorry, it is.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I think you're actually a pretty cool guy. Look, you just got looked again, but within a powdery. Okay. Coming up on summer house. He's been coming inside me. I know. Lindsey's always good for a sound bite like that. Carl fingerbag me the other night.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Oh, yeah. So now it's time for the horses So they're gonna the the horses they're out in the driveway I said, okay, where's the deal you have to order out you have to gallop of three laps around This law is gonna be great. Yeah, so they start running around and call you gotta go up You got a gallop you got a go they're like really interested in the the accuracy of the, of the gate. And Amanda can't gallop, right?
Starting point is 00:36:29 And Lindsay's getting mad. She's like, that's not a galloping ride. And so Amanda just starts running and of course wins. And so everybody seems fine, but then Lindsay goes to her room with Steven and she's like, I'm gonna cheat it. Huh?
Starting point is 00:36:43 She said she was galloping about she ran. I'm galloped at the whole lot of time. I just love the idea of Lindsey galloping. I'm like, huh? Huh? But also, like, what was like, how can you cheat if there was nothing on the line, right? Or is it just like the spirit of it, like the, the, the thing? She did cheat, but like who cares? That's he's so competitive. So then Amanda is telling Paige and Kyle. She's like, um, I couldn't yell up right in Kyle. I'm Paige goes, who cares?
Starting point is 00:37:14 We're your biggest fans. Well, I thought, but earlier, didn't Amanda say, all I do is gallop and Paige goes, great, caliper, great, caliper. great Gallop or just pages just giving her like making her feel better about whatever. So yeah, Lindsey's still matching. I don't like cheaters at all. So I was really hoping that this was going to bubble over into like one of the pettiest fights you've ever seen about the galloping in the in the the horses, but unfortunately it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:37:43 So instead we go back to Hannah and Desz, making out again, and then Hannah's like, Hey, Sierra, you wanna hang out downstairs? Desz ordered pizza for us. So I actually got annoyed by this because they got private pizza, and everything is like they're allowed to make out, they're allowed to enjoy their company,
Starting point is 00:38:02 and they're allowed to order pizza. But it is kind of like that annoying Anti-social behavior that couples there. There's always gonna be that couple that does something like that and it's annoying I don't know why it's annoying, but it's just very annoying Yeah, I mean, I don't care, but yeah, I see what I see what everybody don't care about private pizza I don't I get mad if someone got private pizza and I'm not invited to private pizza even as someone who's watching I'm like why was I as a viewer not offered pizza as well I mean I don't know I'm just finding that couple so annoying that it's nice it's like when people decide to self-quarantine you know
Starting point is 00:38:38 it's like hey guys I might I might have something so I'm just gonna stay at home for two weeks you're like wow that was polite yeah um you know It's like Hannah saying, I've come down with the desk, and I'll be keeping him away from all of you. You know what I'm like, you know, that's very polite, thank you. Yeah, I just, you know, I think there's something that I obviously get triggered about with couples who behave like that, who just like,
Starting point is 00:39:00 I guess I get triggered because then what always happens is what happens later in the episode, which is like, you know, they get, like, they, the people who are being anti-social, then get mad at everyone else for being annoyed at them for being anti-social. And it does, it does raise questions. It's like, why should anyone get annoyed? If they're being anti-social, it's truly their loss really in a way. So why should anyone really care? And I don't have a good answer for that. All I know is that I get annoyed in real And I don't have a good answer for that. All I know is that I get annoyed in real life situations
Starting point is 00:39:27 when there's a couple that does that. I think maybe it's because I probably just... So they're on a show, it matters because they're on a show and they're all supposed to be hanging out together and stuff. And it's like they have to share their relationships and everything and then Hannah wants to keep it private. And it's like she doesn't even care what her friends think or like he doesn't care what her friends think.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Like it just makes it seem like she's not even their friend. But I think the reason she's doing it is because she's talked such massive shit that she does, because you know, Dez is being like, Oh, yeah, wait, it's Lundy. I'll tell him something. Yeah, I'll say something. If he's like that, you know, so she's like trying to keep him kind of cordoned off from everybody. Yeah, I can't tell if it's, I can't tell if it's Hannah. Yeah, I can't tell how much of it is that at play,
Starting point is 00:40:05 which I think there is actually a lot of truth to what you just said, and how much is Des sort of being the one who's sort of like quarantining her away, right? Like, I feel like we see this a lot with guys when they, when they, when guys come on strong with like, like, like, oh yeah, I'm in love with you and they, like, like, some of them like pop in the question really quick, they do seem to also like to sort of like isolate someone away from their friends
Starting point is 00:40:28 So I don't we I don't know enough about des to like really say that that's what he's doing But like it's on my radar. It's definitely on my radar Wow, this this this analysis is brought to you by the I who cares foundation analysis is brought to you by the I who cares foundation. So then we go to the kitchen when Robert someone you like, because someone's like, Hey, Robert, we're really glad you're here. And he goes, yeah, I did the dishes and then clog the drain. And they're like, yeah, we heard about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And he also turned on the stove. They're like, Oh, did you hear that Robert turned on the stove? I was like, wait, you guys still still have not used your stove top after it was even fixed? We don't know how to turn it on. So then it's night and Hannah and Deserbrone and she's like, don't forget the spot. It's so fucking good. Oh, and then Stephen is with Lindsay and he's like, I want to marry you and have babies. And then we can make high chairs out of stacks of books for them and then we can all sit on them. hard like she totally got what she wanted and she's like, you know, not my rings
Starting point is 00:41:46 signs. Jesus Christ lives here. So now it's the one. So we get all these hot couples, right? It's like Stephen and Lindsey fucking talking about having babies and Hannah saying hit my cheese spot and then we cut to Robert and Danielle and Robert snoring and Danielle's like, yeah. So now it's the morning and Daniel's like, I'm just going to bed. Yeah. So now it's the morning and Carl's doing push-ups. Oh, oh, oh, and Kyle's doing curls. And then, Dez has ordered private food for him and Hannah again.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So, which is kind of weird. It's like, because he ordered the pizza and he ordered the private. I just, I feel like actually Dez is driving a little bit of the anti-social activity. I think that she, she's doing it as well, but I don't think that Des is, I think Des is, is an active member of the anti-social aspect of this. So they, yeah, they have like private breakfast
Starting point is 00:42:40 and then, and then page FaceTime's parry, this parry, the source of lots of controversy in the crap ones universe and She FaceTime's him and he's like who doesn't care about me. You don't care about me So I'm like she hates him and he's like, um, hey bro look like we're so about to move like did you check out that deck Brock? Do you even deck and it's like yes, I saw it Perry. He's like wow. Yeah, we're gonna have views of the sunset We're gonna be able to see the beach and she's like She's like okay She's like she's so over him. She is she does not want to go to Miami
Starting point is 00:43:21 And she's like Perry wants to whisk me away to Miami for six months. And like, you can come out to dinner for one dinner in the Hamptons, but you want me to spend six months with you in Miami. I'm not. And this is like when a couple are like, we don't love each other anymore. So let's have a baby. Is Miami or baby?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Because I don't think it's gonna fix it. Oh, so then we go to Lindsay and Luke talking. She comes to talking this room and he's like, well, I'm staring to pack up my stuff because you know it's been a crazy long summer. he's like, well, I'm staring to pack up my stuff because you know It's been a crazy long summer. She's like, well, yeah, my last mind. I wasn't like a fun drunk. Oh, my name on All he's like, oh, oh, yeah, okay. Well, I'll go with that. That was fun. Yeah, and me Oh, we got back together and he's been coming inside of me
Starting point is 00:44:02 He looks like cool. Oh, K. Okay. Really. Really, remember last week when you went, really? Oh, really? Yeah, he's like, he used to be terrified of getting pregnant. I'm getting pregnant. And like, he's now, he's like, I'm gonna get engaged.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I'm gonna have babies. And I was like, I was like, is this your timeline? Like, are you just gonna come inside of me? Over and over again, just like, come, come, come, and tag my vagina. I like come inside my vagina. Oh, okay, okay, okay. I got the picture, Lindsay. He's like, well, you know, last week,
Starting point is 00:44:34 you dumped him on the beach. It's unsaid, you know? So I guess I'm just wondering how do we go to this extreme? And she's like, There is something different this time and it's called candles in batteries. Candles and batteries and comments.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Side me, please, please stop saying that. Because listen, you know what? I'm a huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, God, say my back, say my boobies. That's how big of a fan I am a stravy. But you know, when I listen to you talk about it, it brings back memories of my prior relationship. Like, okay, real housewives,
Starting point is 00:45:09 this is not about you and your private relationship. But he's like, you know, because I was like, oh, we're back together. So now I'd love you to the point that it's like not healthy or sustainable, okay? And I think you guys should see how the next few months go. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:45:24 She's like, uh-huh. Do you have a ring measure? Can I ring? Can I measure my ring? My ring finger? Clearly she didn't listen to anything he just said. Yeah, also he must be completely in love with her because he's doing the same thing he did to Hannah where he's like, pump to breaks.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Maybe she should just pump to break so little. So he must be completely obsessed with them. Oh, must be. But the thing is this, Luke is not really wrong in either situation, if you ask me. Like, you know, like, Lindsey just had this huge blow out, Stephen, and was like saying it is over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And now all of a sudden, she's like, yeah, now we're back together, we're gonna have a baby. It is kind of like, whoa, maybe you should like slow down, make sure this is gonna stick. And even with Hannah, it's like, met this guy dad who she really really likes But it wasn't that long ago that she was literally in tears over Luke So maybe you know, it is like maybe you see what your emotions are, you know like understand So Luke is not necessarily wrong here, which is crazy
Starting point is 00:46:21 Right and Lindsay's like, um, do you have your measurement thing? And he's like, um, so you know that whole pump the brakes and grab it like now. Can you get it like right now? I need you to pump the brakes in this conversation and bring me my wedding ring. Thank you. She doesn't listen at all. So he measures it. And he's like, wow, you know what? It's like probably every girl has ever said to do to des in his lifetime. You're a five. Okay. Go ahead and write that down.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Look, why are you clapping your hands? Oh, I was trying to make them minty. Oh, but you have to have a mint in order to do that. Oh, shoot. I messed it up again. God, I was trained to get the mint oil going. So they're packing up the car because they're going to go to the beach. And Hannah and Desi, of course, you're taking their own car, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Because Desi is going to be leaving from there. And Paige is saying in her car, she's like, I haven't seen Hannah for like three things. Yeah. And everyone's basically saying that they just wished that they would hang out with the group because I think, yeah, they just wanted it. They want, you know, it actually shows on some level that they actually really like Hannah, I think, and they want to get to know the sky, right?
Starting point is 00:47:33 I think that people, like, if you don't like someone, you don't care if they're not hanging out with the group, right? So they're kind of feeling, I think, rejected right now. And Luke says that he's getting kind of a bad vibe from Des and cause Cause like well, you know, it's a lot to be hanging around if you're you know if you're not drinking It's a lot to be around and Carl Carl goes yeah, well As someone who is moderating his drinking a lot more and growing a lot more I think it's less about the drinking and I think you're just like more about his age like it's just not his speed what we're doing now No, I'm saying no to that.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Don't tell me this is, first of all, he's like only five years older than Kyle, right? Five to six years older than Kyle. So it's not an age thing. He's also dating someone who's like 25. So I'm not gonna give him credibility and say like, oh, he's uncomfortable with the age, like it's a different age.
Starting point is 00:48:20 It's like, well, he's dating a 25 year old. He is, age is not an issue for him. He just doesn't, like, they, he's dating a 25 year old. He is, age is not an issue for him. He just doesn't like there just being isolationists. Yeah. Um, so then we go to, um, good time at the sunshine. Uh, football is sent to end lotion and of course, Hannah and Deserot alone and Carl and Carl are playing some game with balls and Kyle's like, I cannot think of balls in any other way
Starting point is 00:48:47 Then it's like those dangling things where he's on our legs last time I Believe the game is called ladder ball and I know this because for the last fun like the final 10 minutes of the episode All we hear is you all play some ladder ball dude. Let's play some ladder ball. Hey, we're gonna play some ladder ball We guess what hey who's playing some ladder ball ladder ball play some ladder ball? Dude, let's play some ladder ball. Hey, we're gonna play some ladder ball. We're gonna play some ladder ball. Hey, who's gonna play some ladder ball? Ladder ball? Ladder ball? Ladder ball! So Paige and Sierra and Amanda are talking. Amanda.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Amanda. Wow. Amanda, who sort of does speak? It's Amanda, like Lindsay. Yeah. Yeah. So Paige is like, you know, like I'm not Amanda Hannah because like I just know how this she is with guys.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Like, remember last year she was obsessed with Luke and like ignore me. So if Luke came in this summer and said, I want to date you, she wouldn't have even met that. Like she wouldn't have talked about that at all. You know, and then she says that Luke is really jealous, but like I don't really think he is jealous. I don't think Luke is jealous either. Now look, I've actually defended Hannah's timeline. I've been one of the few people to do that. I've defended it. But I agree that I don't think Luke is jealous either. Now look, I've actually defended Hannah's timeline. I've been one of the few people to do that. I've defended it. But I agree that I don't think that Luke is jealous. And I mean, what Peter's saying is not wrong. It's not wrong. I mean, I'm not I'm not defending. I'm not saying that like Hannah is like exonerated by anything. But I'm just my
Starting point is 00:49:56 whole thing has always just been like, people give Hannah so much shit for it, but like Luke kind of did the same thing, right? So it should just sort of be like equal levels of shit. But there is still like, you know, questionable behavior. And basically a long way of me saying, yeah, I don't think that Lucas jealous it all up does. I don't think so. So Lindsay runs over to Hannah and Des and she said, Oh, my, then I mean, you're coming back clean. You're all done. Are you coming inside of her? Are you all? Are you coming to the end of our are you gonna be coming inside of our tomorrow so um uh let's see give them high fives and she's like well guess what I'm officially was even though yes even
Starting point is 00:50:36 though you thought I was asking about you guys it was actually all about me yeah and I was like yeah well you've had ups and downs and you know you don't need to fuck around with the wrong person if you see potential now I think game on Show me your titties. No stop it. Let's just here Okay, so does says bye because it's time for him to leave and looks like oh, no, you're not leaving now are you, dudes? Yeah, I got to. I got to.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Oh, is it they need you back in the old folks home by seven o'clock? Isn't it, is that what it is? Is that what's happening, huh? That was a joke, everyone. It's the magic pool water about to wear off or what? So, girls, we're gonna miss you then. And he's like, oh, yeah, back to FaceTime.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Car goes, yeah, because we're a family. Yeah. Okay. So does is like, okay, well, I hope I'm invited to you, Wedden. And then it's like awkward. It's like a bum bum commercial. And then Kyle, then Kyle's like, which is by the way, also kind of like a weird passive aggression that I did not like. Yeah. It's like, you either are going gonna like, you either like stand up for your girlfriend or don't, but don't be like passive aggressive to someone you sort of don't know and you don't know the whole situation, right? So, but Kyle is like, he demures it pretty well
Starting point is 00:51:55 and he's just like, he's like, yeah, no, he's like, where a family? I said, well, I hope I'm invited to your wedding. And Kyle's like, well, we'll see how he goes. You know, how he has weak goes. And so then he's like, whoa, officially invite me back. So Kyle does. And then does is like, well, you know what, if you need a bishop to officiate, let me know.
Starting point is 00:52:16 You're a bishop? Yeah, I'm a bishop. It's my last name. I'm like, I still doesn't get it. He's like, uh, so he's gone and Luke's kind of pissy. And one last gross make out and he's out of here. So they're playing cornhole and then he's like, oh my god, he came in my cornhole. Anybody? Anybody?
Starting point is 00:52:42 How do you play this game? Is this the Stravy have to come into that hole right there? So they're splitting on teams and she says, oh my god, Stravy, aware together. In more ways than one. You were so sad. So then Daniel is talking to Stravy about, oh no, Daniel is talking to Stravy and telling him that she still has reservations about them, but that she's happy that Lindsay is happy. And he's just like, neither of them just wanted here. Her very, it's like, thanks. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:53:19 So she's like, I'm a robber and you aren't going down. So if I could even went down on me, I was like, why did she not? I was like, Lindsay, please stop over sharing. So Colin and Amanda are sitting to the side and they're like, we still have an address to significance of this weekend and we get a flashback to their engagement.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I'm like, we did address this like last week or two weeks ago. Like you gave her flowers at Hampton social. It has been addressed and like, we don't have to keep coming back to this. Please spare us. Yeah, he has no regrets. Blah, blah, blah. And he's like, you know, if we just got like married right now, we have to be happy. He's like, yeah, I'm like married right now. No one cares. Truly no one cares about their wedding anymore. No, it's like the anniversary of the anniversary,
Starting point is 00:54:09 the anniversary of the first time she came to the house, the anniversary of the engagement, the anniversary of the anniversary of the engagement, the anniversary of the first time you made guacamole when you were in gates, like enough. Do you have an anniversary of the first time he came inside of you? I knew day one. Happy one day. I never
Starting point is 00:54:25 have seen him. So now Luke is like, Hey, Hannah, can I pull you for a chat? This will probably go well. So maybe you should put some some block on your butt before you know, in your back. I don't want you to get sunburned before you get Luke burned. Know what I'm saying? Hot dish. Yeah, he's still always does that weird flirt thing that I don't like. Like he does still kind of. He does. Oh, you need some black on your butt in your back or like, or you know, um, he has sandalist when passes around. You know, there is something still fish. And he like wipes sand off her face. Like, it's very much like. Yes. Like
Starting point is 00:55:01 he is flirting. You'll get all still got some sand in your face just a male model like me The sandal still needs to be loved by everybody around him. Yeah, so he's like well Just wanted to check they haven't seen him like forever private pizza. Okay, listen You know, you didn't get a lot of sleep. Okay, let me wipe some more stuff off your face Okay, do you want me to put some sunt tan lotion inside your butt crack as a friend? You know, you really missed a good time and then both the other day. She's like, yeah, I know, but I just felt like
Starting point is 00:55:32 this was gonna be the only time that does not would be alone and be able to have sex on God, Amanda Sink. So it was pretty important to us. And he's like, okay, and so she's like, so do you like him? Now, by the way, don't ask questions. You don't want to hear an answer to. Like never ask someone if you'd like them because you never know what you're gonna hear back, right?
Starting point is 00:55:50 And so he goes, but also just say yes. And that too, they agreed. Yeah, I mean, it's like a new boyfriend who knows, just be like, yeah, he seems real nice. Yeah, I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Like she shouldn't have asked the question, but he also could have just like, it's not worth it to just be here on itself on something like this. So he's like, well, I think he's honestly like, I don't think he's the type of person that'd be like, hey, dude, let's go grab a beer and have a hot dish, you know, and like, smack some mint together, you know what I mean? But that's weird. That's my truth. It's just on seed in my come. Well, he's not makeup at T, you know, but then
Starting point is 00:56:28 then again, T's not really makeup at T. Okay, don't really like T. But when you go into a house, you should go above and beyond to impress the friends, you know, and it made me feel like maybe he didn't care, you know, I get to be once just for in time with you. And it's like, oh, before Luke even met does, he was saying that we were moving too fast. Okay. And now like, he isn't cool enough for the guys. Like, that's bullshit. But not what Luke said, though, by the way, Luke didn't say he
Starting point is 00:56:54 wasn't cool enough for the guys. Luke said it was about like, he didn't meet all the friends, but Hannah is hearing it as, Dez was supposed to hang out with the bros, which is actually not what Luke said. Right, Luke is saying your boyfriend doesn't care enough about you to try and impress your friends. He's not saying which cares about hanging out with your boyfriend. He's saying like, this guy obviously isn't really that into you
Starting point is 00:57:15 because he's not even pretending to care what your friends think. And he should if you really liked you. Which I think is actually, maybe that's what I was trying, maybe that's what was sort of like hanging out for me if, you know, when I was trying I was trying to say what was sort of annoying to me. I think actually I've had enough Luke may have kind of you know hit that point. Yeah I thought and he's
Starting point is 00:57:35 like well I want to I want what's the best for you you know let's let's tack in a few months and let's see if I still feel that way. It's funny. It's like I'm waiting for Luke's approval. Yeah and Hannah Hannah's basically like, well, maybe Des just didn't want to hang out with a guy that she has history with, you know, like, which is also kind of fair too, but it wasn't like he was just avoiding Luke. He was avoiding pretty much everyone it seemed like. Yeah, so they go back home and Kyle's like,
Starting point is 00:58:00 let's put on some chill house vibes and play some. What are you calling? Glad to ball. Did you notice that the music when they had at home was the Beverly Hills music, but they added a rap remix to it because the rap music, it was like the, do it was like the least of anurpump walking through Beverly Hills music, but they had a rap remix where a guy goes, cause you want, cause you want, cause you want to be young. I was like, don't do this to our Beverly Hills music.
Starting point is 00:58:25 It's bad enough it's getting played on this, showing the first place. Listen to it. And Sierra goes, where are we gonna send it to? He's like, Mars. All right, I'll send it with you. Okay, weirdo. So, I then a man, a man does outside and she burps.
Starting point is 00:58:43 She has like this little, and then Stravy just starts walking into it. And I was like, and she's like, no, no, no, don't walk here. Don't walk here. I was like, of course, Stravy would walk into a burp cloud and I didn't realize. Because it's not like, she was standing right there. He heard the entire burp and he just like
Starting point is 00:58:57 still walked right into it. Classic Stravy. So that does cause Hannah. And he's like, god, he missed you. I missed you so much every minute. I got a pain in my stomach. Show me your titties. And then let's use outside playing ball.
Starting point is 00:59:09 And of course, crash is right into a tree. That tree just came inside me. Finally that tree is making an average. So now the girls, all the girls are hanging out on the chezes and they're just and Luke is chopping wood because it's Luke. And Hannah comes and joins the girls, all the girls are hanging out on the shazza's and they're just and Luke is chopping wood because it's Luke and Hannah comes and joins the girls and then This has nothing to do with anything, but I just thought it was funny that Krog is like Luke join us Luke so Hannah's like
Starting point is 00:59:37 She's she's telling the girls. She's like so guess what I spoke with Luke at the beach and Luke did not love like, so guess what? I spoke with Luke at the beach and Luke did not love dance. He goes, I didn't really like him, which actually he didn't, technically he didn't say that. He just said he's not my cup of tea. He was actually, I kind of feel like Hannah was presenting it like Luke pulled to the side and was like, I don't like him. And he was just trying to politely be like, I don't like him.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I don't like him. Yeah, I don't like him. And the girls who totally agree, he just like, well, what didn't he like? And Hannah's like, well, he didn't like the, he didn't make friends with the guys. And then it just cuts to Kyle Pying. And he's like, I'm gonna be everywhere.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I can see him. I'm like a dog. I'm like a dog. And so this is why I pointed out the thing that, by the way, I like that Kyle Pying somewhere is become so normal that it doesn't even phase me. I'm like, yeah, anyway. So, but this is why I got a little annoyed that Hannah was saying before, like,
Starting point is 01:00:34 oh, Luke's mad that he didn't hang out with the boys because now she's telling the girls, like, oh yeah, Luke was mad that he has to hang out with the boys, like, oh, like, why should he have to hang out with the boys? You know, I'm like, but it wasn't about the, it wasn't about the boys, about the whole house. And then she says this, she goes, I mean, you realize it's weird.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Like, you're my ex-boyfriend. I'm like, uh, okay. That's not, that has not been established. That'll be okay. Yeah, that's, that's the or not, man. That's a no. That's like a, no, no. And it's been clearly said, no, multiple times. That's like a no no. It has been clearly said no multiple times.
Starting point is 01:01:07 It's like it's that week on Bravo, you know, when Storylines collide because this is like a below deck selling yacht a little bit. I mean, she did have more with Luke than that girl did on below deck selling yacht. So I'm not taking that away from her, but no, like it was pretty clear. No, you were not boy.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Well, Sydney, I mean, Sydney actually had sex with Gary at the least, but like, no, they have a history for sure. Hannah and Luke have a history about like a not ex boyfriend. Right. So Amanda's like, well, Luke and I don't agree on a lot of things, but the great Bravo symbol. So she's like, but you didn't hang out with anyone because, um, but he was like, here with me. And then he was like, yeah,, but you didn't hang out with anyone. Because um, but he was like here with me. And then he was like, yeah, but like we didn't even have the opportunity to speak with him. I mean, like, look, everybody was there with my boyfriend asked if plastic wrap is the thing here.
Starting point is 01:01:55 You know, and now they like really know him better. So like, I'm sorry. Did your boyfriend turn on the stove? Because I know what my boyfriend did. Turn on the stove. Um, so I starts getting mad. She's like, you guys, I've seen you for like five weeks and like, this is my man we're talking about. I want to hang out with him. I'm like, you, it's like, there's literally going to be like
Starting point is 01:02:17 one more day of shooting. Like the season's over next week. I think she was like really, she really thought she's gonna like everyone's gonna co-sign her on this and she's like shocked that everyone is like not with her on it. So Sierra is like, she's like, I understand. I know, you know, I would want, you know, I would get one to have that alone time. And it seems like Sierra is about to say, but, but she doesn't. So then Amanda is, Amanda, she's got good girl code. Well, Sierra lives by the code. She's really good with her girl code, I think.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Well, but Sierra was also brought into them. Like, like, when they had private pizza, they invited Sierra along. So Sierra was like, you know, Sierra is not as annoyed by the way. She got the pizza. She got private pizza. She got private pizza. So of course she would be like, yeah. So ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:03:12 But you know what's a thing. Everyone knows everyone's been around that couple that gets the private pizza. Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. It's just funny, but she got the private pizza. So then we hear Amanda say something. No one ever thought they would hear Amanda say she goes, but like, it's important. You acknowledge how Luke felt that way because like, maybe you felt that way for a reason. And they're like, what? Amanda is on Luke side. And Daniel's like, yeah, Robert, like, he made a point to integrate, you know, like, I didn't see that with Jess.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And she goes, well, maybe Robert is just more friendly. I'm like, I guess it does. It's. And she was, well, maybe Robert is just more friendly. I'm like, I guess, it does. It's just a huge asshole. Maybe that's a head. Oh my god. Calm down. Everyone's like calm down. And thank you for saying the truth.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I mean, I mean, it does bring up a question. Like, is Des obligated to integrate with everyone? He actually is not. But I am of Luke's camp, which is that I feel like by making an effort to get to know the friends, it shows that you care about the person you're with, their world and the people around them. Maybe people that may have different perspectives on it, but for me and how I operate, that's how I vibe. Yeah, so then Amanda gets defensive and she goes, well, I'm sorry that our feelings are
Starting point is 01:04:26 stupid. And she's like, oh my, if you think about it, and then they start talking over each other. And Amanda's like, can I proc, sit down Amanda? She goes, I'm just trying to get comfortable. Okay. And she's like, listen, I want to be on the same page. Like, I'm annoyed now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Because he likes the girls. It's just like the guys. I mean, I told him everything Kyle said to me, and he's not happy about it. Oh, see, you mean Kyle, he's that's all good. Well, Amanda should be annoyed by that, because it was settled. So if, like, if Hannah didn't mention that part to Des,
Starting point is 01:05:01 then that's sort of not cool, too. You're kind of setting up Kyle, right? So Hannah's like, if you're gonna come at my boyfriend for not hanging with the guys enough, and like that is not the point. It's not about hanging out with the guys. So Amanda's like, I'm not coming at your boyfriend. I'm coming at you for not bringing him around us more.
Starting point is 01:05:19 But there was a reason, and I'm explaining that that's the reason. And he's like, I'm, don't get defensive. Okay. And it's like, I'm don't get defensive. Okay. You're going to end it. I was like, I just wish my friends would get it more because like, it's always something and I'm over at. And she just gets up and walks away. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I, it, it's not a good sign of everyone in the house is like, like, why isn't he had more? It's like, it's so, I don't know. But next week is the season finale where this is all going to shake out and there's going to be some drama, some made of honor drama with Amanda and Hannah. So that should be really fun. I love this show. I love how it gets me so riled up as it does apparently the entire audience because everyone's riled up about this show, but makes me feel things and that makes me happy. Well everybody, thank you so much for being here with us for some hours.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Go get your crap and slide tickets for May 6th at watch what crap and calm. And join us for Peloton, Waffleton Saturday 11 a.m. Pacific time, okay? On Instagram, live and follow the hashtag watch what crap and on your Peloton. And what ride has it been that they're looking for? It's a 90s pop ride with ML love well and I think I think they're I think the pop ride actually was it aired initially earlier this week so it's probably the most recent one by her and
Starting point is 01:06:39 Let's just look for John Sacada and we're gonna have fun where you're gonna be Pelotoning and Waffling It's gonna be it's gonna be great. It's gonna be so much fun, guys. Uh, off-grown a lot. Of grown a lot. Grown, yeah, I've grown. Okay, bye, everybody. Love you. Bye. Watch what crap ends with life to think it's premium sponsors.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itchles. Let's rent some a Sheila. She's a Daniela. Itch-o-o-o. Let's rent some errands with Emily E can't have a burger without the burger. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan Latas. The Bay Area Betches.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Nancy sees him to Cisco. Better than to Boone. It's Annie and Julie. Always the wiser. It's Allison Weisler. Let's give him a kiss.
Starting point is 01:07:44 It's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us 10 C's Allison Weasler. Let's give him a kiss. It's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. We will, we will Joanna Rockland you. Kristen the piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsule. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Mina Kutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikutikut And, Shate No Shrinkin Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! a short survey at slash survey.

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