Watch What Crappens - Family Karma Catch Up

Episode Date: November 23, 2022

Family Karma has come back into our lives and we're here to catch up on the first three episodes. Join Patreon at Privacy Policy at ...and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, but people are laughing around me. Who can't swap? Have things like this so much that's happened? Well, hello, and welcome to Watch Wreck Rapids. The podcast for, ooh, that crap we love to talk about on you, your broth.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I'm Ronnie. Welcome to the show, everybody. Today, I'm with the gorgeous, talented, hot, still making it a damn turkey. OK, Ben. Ben Madelker. Hi, Ben. Hi. How are you? Good of the never ending turkey
Starting point is 00:01:11 creation of Ben Mandelker coming soon to a sub-stack need I know I am making my second turkey of the week currently Actually, it's not really being made at this moment. The oven is preheating during this recap. I am timing my turkey schedule on our recording schedule. So right now, I am preheating and there will be a turkey, my second turkey of the week going... Yeah. Well, everybody, this is our last day before break.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So we're a little loopy over here and so glad that you joined us because you've been asking for it. And here we are to deliver it. Family Karma update. Now family karma is a show on Bravo. We both love and we do not cover regularly because we love it so much in a way because it is the sweetest show and everybody's like so sweet and innocent on it. And you know, we prefer more fighting, drink throwing, stuff like that. And also it's got so much humor built into it
Starting point is 00:02:11 that we like when a show, we think it's funny, but the show doesn't necessarily think it's funny that makes sense. Or more like the characters don't realize, you know, my thing lately is that I really am into delusion and privilege. And I guess you could say these people have privilege because they're wealthy and everything, but I still think that like, you know, give me a real girlfriend's in Paris where you have these girls who just really,
Starting point is 00:02:39 they just, they just think they're like amazing and they're just like, worldwide, or give me a real housewives with some good, strong delusion. I feel like we play off that the best. This show gives us wonderful characters, like a warm sense of community, funny moments, great, a huge, great cast of older people. It's just like a wonderful, wonderful show.
Starting point is 00:03:04 But like, you know, outside of Loppa, there's not a huge amount for us to be like, they're not a lot of ways in, you know, it's like, ooh, look, like, look, Omrits mom was unbearably supportive to him just now. Oh, fuck Monica's grandmother being, supporting her and being aggressive, fuck her. You know, it's like it's kind of hard. And then on top of that, it's all these characters. So it's a difficult recap for us. And but we do, and love it.
Starting point is 00:03:38 You know, we love to watch it for sure. So we're caught up. So we just thought we would do a family karma episode to kind of see what you guys are feeling about it. See how each other are feeling about it. Okay. There are things. Yes, sorry. I got excited. I was just kind of saying, go ahead. Yours was better. I was just, you know, droning on and on. I hyped myself up. There's not to say there aren't things to make fun of. I mean, I think that V-Shall has really moved into the Tom Schwartz space, unfortunately. And so, like, I feel really comfortable making fun of V-Shall these
Starting point is 00:04:12 days. He kind of annoys me. I'm really over his man boy thing. And that's very frustrating for me. So, he definitely could be a target of my wrath. Well, we'll see time will tell But it was huge. So the first couple of episodes were wedding, okay? It's all wedding the big Bollywood wedding for Ritja and Vishal and of course Vishal's huge fuck up Okay, huge huge alcoholic Got some alcohol. It's just funny, okay? It's like funny games when you're you're wedding day Not as much especially when you've got your mother-in-law Running around on your ass like don't drink do not drink. Oh another thing
Starting point is 00:04:55 Our accents are horrible. Okay. Yeah, listen we do horrible accents literally for every show that we cover The we do terrible impersonations horrible accents literally for every show that we cover, that we do terrible impersonations. We know they're terrible. We mean no offense to any community, okay? We're trying over here. Not we're trying to really get it accurate. We're just making cartoons in our heads
Starting point is 00:05:15 and we know we're terrible, okay? And yet at the same time, we're actually trying to be specifically accurate, which like I am always trying to sound exactly like that person, I'm not trying to say, oh, this is what, this is what a South Asian person sounds. Like I'm just trying to sound exactly like that person. I'm not trying to say oh this is what this is what a South Asian person sounds like I'm just trying to sound like that person But what happens unfortunately I will then go all over the map
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's actually a very international show for us because my accent will start Sort of quasi Sounding like something and then goes up to like Moldova and then lines up at the end I'm gonna be like and and they ain't lo, but then, then hi, hi V-Shall, this is your grandmother speaking. Yeah, we know. We know we're gonna disaster, okay, we mean no harm. Okay, so anyway, this wedding is going on,
Starting point is 00:05:57 you know, fuck this, okay, because there is so much in this wedding, like I don't wanna be friends with these people. Normally, I watch this show and I'm like I don't want to be friends with these people normally I watch this show and I'm like oh my god Kind of reminds me my big leppin used family in a lot of ways I would love to be friends with some of these people
Starting point is 00:06:12 But then I watch this and I was like no, I don't want to be fucking friends with these people who wants to go to a Seven-day wedding where every day everything is planned out for you And you have to show up and celebrate these two fuckers and you know these fuckers don't even send you cookies on Christmas. You know what I mean? Vishal's not the type who's gonna be like, oh my god, is it your anniversary? Just sent you some special cheeses. No, these are gonna do that, but I have to go to your fucking everyday five-day event wedding in a destination. No. Yeah. It's too much. Like that wedding, it was two episodes. It needed to be only one episode. And the thing, here's the other thing. We definitely, if we, even if we were going to recap this show, those first two episodes would have been
Starting point is 00:06:54 a nightmare for us because it was essentially like montage. It was like two episodes of pure montage with, they would take a break for a second to have a kind of a dumb scene or night. It was actually, it was a very nice scene usually, but it paused for a little bit but then I was like now we're here, now we're there, now we're dancing here, now there's the ceremony, that's the ceremony, I was cool to watch but after honestly after two episodes of it I felt as exhausted as the people probably were at the wedding. I'm sure it was like a very cool wedding to go to but at the same time if I'm supposed to have sympathy for Vichal
Starting point is 00:07:26 because he's annoyed that Anisha needed to figure out her schedule and she still made her way to this party. She still went down to this wedding and probably spent a fortune because you know, and by the way, good luck, carry on. That's the thing that makes me most angry. Good luck with your carry on suitcase for this wedding where you have to go to 15 events and have all these different outfits, you know, so I actually and not easy outfits either These are in these are traditional Indian outfits. I mean and act three and it's not like jewels
Starting point is 00:07:57 Shiny shits sewn all over them, you know what I mean, and I'm not opposed to this as a wedding I'm just saying like and I think it's it's actually fantastic You know what I mean? And I'm not opposed to this as a wedding. I'm just saying, like, and I think it's actually fantastic, but I'm opposed to them giving Anisha a shit that she may need to like shave off a day or two from like a five day wedding. That's what I'm annoyed at.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah, because the whole thing is their mad because Anisha was saying, well, I don't know if I'm coming, okay, well, maybe, I don't know when I can come, maybe I can come these days, maybe I can come those days. She ended up coming for three dates and they got mad maybe I don't know when I can come, maybe I can come these days, maybe I can come those days. She ended up coming for three dates, and they got mad because they didn't know
Starting point is 00:08:27 to the last minute what days she was come. What do you care? You have 9,000 people at your fucking wedding. Like, literally hundreds of people came. Well, I'm in wedding. And you're gonna concentrate on this one person. She didn't say fuck you and fuck your wedding and fuck your 90,000 defense.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm not coming. She flew her ass there. If this was something like in your hometown and someone never RSVPed, okay, I can see how it was rude. But you made everybody fly to freaking Mexico. Okay, she gave. She made sure she had her passport. Yeah. Yeah. She packed SPF, I'm sure. Yeah. She probably had, she she packed SPF I'm sure yeah, she probably she she probably had she double checked her travel bag Unlike jicklin on Potomac. She probably made sure her headphones were charged that's effort by the way And that's only a hat I'm saying this stuff out loud. It's actually what I have to do later today Because I'm going to New York she preheated him up in
Starting point is 00:09:21 She preheated an oven so I don't know. I mean, I guess I'm I'm assuming that at the core of it, Vishal probably just wanted Anisha to be like more present with the planning whatever because it's like the big day or whatever. I think that's more probably what it comes down to not that she wasn't like being forthright about her travel plans. I don't think he's being honest about that necessarily. But at the end of the day, she showed up to a big wedding that's expensive. And I just can't draw up a lot of sympathy for Vushal. And then he gets wasted. So he blacks out on his wedding night, which is bad enough. But also, let's not let Omrite and Nicholas off the hook here because especially on Rick, as Vishal's best friend, he should have said, you are not passing out here,
Starting point is 00:10:10 I'm getting you, I'm bringing you to Rich's room, right? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, he was being a friend by keeping him away from Richa. Oh my God. What? He's that way, Sid, he's barfing all my probably pooping out of every hole like poop's probably coming out of his ears. Like you don't want her to have to have that as her first might with Vishal. Yeah, but well her first night with Vishal was that she went to bed. I honestly
Starting point is 00:10:37 I think I would rather have my new spouse wasted and throwing up, but with me on my wedding night and be like oh man You've heard hard and then I took care of you or something like that, you know, but richa Yeah, right you want to sleep alone in her bed on her wedding night. I was happy to do it She's with fish all and she's richa, okay? Like she was probably like keep him the fuck away from me Well, but she's well, I mean, but that's going to be her life. That's going to be her life taking care of me. Exactly. So why start it like that?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Listen, there are going to be a couple who wins up in separate rooms and eventually separate condos, okay, and eventually divorced. So why started off smelling him, barfing and pooping everywhere? That's not the way to do it. She knows what she married. You know, it's like if you know you have a squeaky door, just make sure you sleep in a different room. That's what I say. Get the hell away from him.
Starting point is 00:11:33 He's pooping and barfing. Get out of my room. I think that Richa would have enjoyed telling people you were barfing. She was barfing all night long. I think that actually, I'm right, deprived, Richard, of being able to have this thing. The specifics to complain about? Yeah. I mean, she still has something to complain. She had something to complain about no matter what.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And I'm not saying that Richard is a big complainer. I'm saying that. Of course she is. I think that's why she's with Tishal. Why else would you be with Tishal if your natural state wasn't disdain? No, disdain, disdain's different than complaining because she's not like a nag. She's not like, oh my god, she's just more like, she likes to just basically put them on blast in front of all his friends at all times.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And so she definitely was given ammo. That's different than complaining. You don't think so? No. And I think she's right to complain. Which, you know, listen, I love to complain. If I'm ever with anybody, it will be a very annoying person. So I can say, then, would you,
Starting point is 00:12:34 let me tell you what Tom did today. Let me tell you, because that's my hobby, that's my love language is complaining. I see, I don't see it as complaining. I guess you're, I guess, to me I see that as like, I don't see it as complaining. I guess to me I see that as like, I don't know what the right word is. Complaining to me is saying like, D-Shall, I can't, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:12:53 Like you couldn't, why are you not here right now? Like that's to me more, I guess that's maybe more whining than complaining. That is what I'm saying it is too. And I'm saying she is like that. And that's why she's with Fischal. I feel like she just likes to, I feel like she likes to publicly humiliate him a little
Starting point is 00:13:09 bit more, which feels not like complaining, it feels more like, hey guys, look at what this, look at the stupid thing that Vischal did, and I married this, like that's... Yeah. Well, it seems like you're trying to avoid the like stereotype of like, oh, what a naggy woman or whatever. But I'm not saying that. I'm saying she enjoys finding fault and she's married to the fault machine. A cave, you know, like what has a lot of faults.
Starting point is 00:13:37 The San Andreas. She almost married a crack. She likes finding faults and she married California. That's what I'm saying. Yes. I mean, you're right. I am trying to avoid that stereotype, but I also don't feel like I get that either. Yeah, I don't think she's that.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I don't think it's that stereotype. I think she's either way. Either way, she likes to find faults. Either way, I think she would have had. Listen, you know what? She got a single tear cake in the sense of faults, in the sense that she gets to complain about, see, now I just said complain, but she gets to complain about that he wasn't there the wedding night. But if
Starting point is 00:14:16 Omratt had brought him there, then she would have had, she could have gone through a whole list of all the things that he did. And then she would have had a full three-tier cake Yeah, well she still got the rest of the wedding because he really fucked up and their life together So yeah, so that was the one big thing was initially not showing up and him getting black out What's another thing so bride and Monica? Their thing is because you know they're like the kids who everybody thinks they're going to get together just because they're the same age. And when you're in a family who's like traditional and, um, kind of about marriage in the bloodline, which I get because I'm from that, it is like that.
Starting point is 00:14:58 It's like, well, you're the same age. So you guys should get married. Yeah. That's all you really need to have in common. So they're fighting it while also maybe having maybe they have like some chemistry there for that or maybe they're trying to talk themselves into it or maybe they're trying, we don't really know, trying to talk themselves out of it. We don't really know, but there is still some chemistry there because whenever she talks to her boyfriend, Rishi, Brian's like, oh, yeah, real tight with Rishi. Brian's still winking every other line. Like, yeah, I'm still with Rishi. Huh? Yeah. You're my bro. So he's got that. But then she's always
Starting point is 00:15:34 kind of like looking at Brian whenever he's talking. I don't know. There is still some energy there. Well, because they're the last two, 30 year olds on this cast that act like they're still 14. So I mean, they've only got a few more months before they're the last to 30 year olds on this cast that act like there's 14. So I mean, they've only got a few more months before they're without the pasture. I mean, I feel like if you I don't feel like you make it to 31, unmarried. I feel like somebody comes by with one of those staple guns or shotguns that they use on cows before they turn them into ground weave. And they just they're like, oh my God, is that the I fell tower?
Starting point is 00:16:05 And they're like, no, we're in Mexico, and then they just shock you in the brain and you fall to the ground and next thing you know, you're on a juicy Lucy burger, you know? It's like the thing that, what's his face, how beer bar jam uses a no country-for-old man, isn't that like a cattle killer, you know? Yeah, the cat that I would like,
Starting point is 00:16:22 I want the beer bar jam for no country from no country world meant to walk up to these symbiotech. So you can flip a coin. Old single people have no place. Yeah, just drop them. This is a serial killer coming with crazy air. It comes in attacks them. That's why they're all that with that's new, the the new the new cast member that they have What's her name off me? I think it's off me. So that's why she looks so terrified You know because she's Indian Lindsay basically she's like She looks like terrified and they're like hey Brian. This is off me. He's like hey babe you and me right she's like
Starting point is 00:17:00 But like you know how lame I'm old literally like I like, I'm almost dead right now. Like I'm 36 or whatever she is. And he's like, that's not too well for me, baby. But she has, she looks like she's looking around like they're coming for her with that fucking stun gun. How many sandwiches of you made me? So, so yeah, so, so then he tried to kiss her on the dance floor and she was like no, no, no, so then they're like you got swerved, you got swerved and where some of them are like you got curved, you got curved, I don't know what the right slang is but they don't. I thought it was curved. Curved. I thought that's what they were saying but I don't know. But yeah, she, but also it's not like she wouldn't make out
Starting point is 00:17:45 with some young hot-ish guy, but it's all the aunties around. I think that's what it is. Anybody can be cool with it, but you've got his mother who's standing right there like, I don't like this girl. Yeah, Darma doesn't like it. Yeah, she's like she's old. Yeah. The other thing, by the way, so is that Rishi has shown some hesitancy. He mentioned last week, he was like, whoa, Monica really wants to get married, but like, I'm only 28. So red flag. And then the other thing is speaking marriages. 30 yet. I'm like, really? So you're going to wait right until they put you down. 30 yet. I'm like really? So you're gonna wait right until they put you down. Do it. Do it early.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And then one of the issues going back to Anisha is that one of the reasons why she has this falling out with the shawl is that she started dating a guy in Scottsdale and she's moved to Scottsdale and you know this because every scene I literally just moved to Scottsdale five days ago. Like I literally just moved to Scottsdale. Like and no matter what you say to her it's like hey Anisha, could you pick me up some Starbucks? I can't because I literally just moved to Scottsdale. Like what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? Put it on the plane? I'm like I can't do that. I'm in Scottsdale now. I like living in Scottsdale. They have Starbucks in Scottsdale.
Starting point is 00:19:10 But I can't just send it to you. I'll be there. I'm like, they're weak. But I'm like, mom, mom, I can't send you Starbucks. And she calls me up. She literally thinks I own Starbucks. Yeah, so she has gone through. We'll get back to reaching the second because.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Well, I'll be mainly part of the recap. That know, that's why I kind of, but, um, Anisha, yeah, you know, season one, Nish was like, I don't know, like, I'm home. I have my fashion company like, I hate everything. I hate everyone. I don't want to be in a couple because like whatever, and I kind of like that. Like her hair was always messy. She was,, I think, jogging pants all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:47 They didn't know if the show was gonna get picked up or whatever and she's like, whatever. Then the second season, she got that second season glow up where she's like, I've taken my hair now and like, I buy clothes that fit. Take that. You know, and then she started like doing the online dating and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:03 So she changed a little there. And I was kind of okay with that too. Because in my opinion, that's like the online dating and stuff. So she changed a little there. And I was kind of okay with that too, because in my opinion, that's like the start of the show. Right, I mean, she's definitely, she's like the best in the circle of that show, I think. She is the best part of the show, I think. And then the third year, she made the biggest mistake to me. Like I'm at her, not for Vishal, but for my, not mad,
Starting point is 00:20:24 but she's just one of those people. We all have that friend who's like, I don't need to be in a couple, whatever, and the second they're in a couple, they're like, I cook every day now, whatever he likes, like I learned his best foods. And you know what, I don't know if he, I would like to spend time with you guys,
Starting point is 00:20:39 but I don't know if he does. So let me see what he wants. And they turn into that total couple person right in front of your face face and you're like, why did I waste so many fucking years on you? If this is what you were gonna turn into Well, they wasted all my years on the single version of you thinking that was a real you when that's not the real you at all The real you is this co-dependent fucking asshole who's too good for everything and everybody at all times And I don't want to hear about your trauma of, oh my God, well, I was with somebody and then I wasn't with somebody and now I'm traumatized.
Starting point is 00:21:12 That's called life and dating. Okay. You don't get to use that as your trauma to be an asshole to me in the future. And now I'm out of you. So there. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and- Celebrity Beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter
Starting point is 00:21:30 or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserve session with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:21:59 It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder App. Let's come here, show.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Well you know what, my view of it is, this is going to sound tough, but Anisha has pulled a stasi, a season three stasi, because stasi-shroder, I mean, season one, season two stasi-shroder was like the star of Vanderpump rules She was the the chief villain season three she'd left to go off with that douchebag Patrick was awful the We're full and she did a sex tape of her or like took a sex Yeah blackmailed her with it. That's right and It's the same thing and we see this happen on reality shows, we're just in life many times where people suddenly just drop everything for, I think they think for
Starting point is 00:23:10 like a relationship that's going to fix everything. And they become so determined that this is going to fix everything. They make all the concessions for that person because they don't want them to go away. But what they do is they lose themselves in it. And unfortunately, Anisha is kind of doing the same thing in that it's like season three. It seems like she has left flown the coop. Although not really, she's still been on the show and everything, but I'm just saying, Anisha,
Starting point is 00:23:38 don't do this, don't do this, you are star. We want to go through. Kind of the complaint from all of the friends about her is that she just kind of cuts everybody off, you know. It's like she got too big for bridges, basically, is what they're all hinting at. And I can see that, especially like at first with the fame stuff, but then with like, oh, I have a boyfriend, and now none of you get to meet him or none of you get to have a say, you have a say in literally everybody's relationship on this show.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Everything everybody ever does on this show, there's fucking Amisha to say something snarky about it, which by the way is why I love her. Okay? Like I get it. I get it. I simplify. I am that with her. But when it's your turn, you need to let your friends judge the fuck out of your boyfriend
Starting point is 00:24:22 too. Like you don't just get off scot free, bring them around and he doesn't like being in public and he just doesn't like it, he's a private person. Then he wouldn't be dating you, that's a bunch of bullshit. He's dating up the reality television star. So fuck that guy. And what is, why is this? Why have we seen this? I feel like the three examples that I've seen the most of, there's a fourth one that doesn't really fit my theory, but I'll just start with this three and then I'll- It's okay, we can mold it. Okay, let's like workshop this theory.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Okay, so we talk about Stasi. We see this with Cameron U-Banks on Southern Charm. She and she has her husband who barely even showed himself. In all three cases, Anisha, Stasi, Cameron U-Banks, they're kind of like the star females of their cast. And in the case of Anisha and in the case of Cameron, they're sort of like our narrators or our guide,
Starting point is 00:25:15 or our ways in. And yet they are drawn to these guys that pull them away from that. And I was gonna say the fourth example that I could think of off the top of my head, which is not a great one. We saw that, oh, here's one, sorry, before I get to that fourth example, here's 3a. Page, when she was dating Perry, Page was sort of one of these sort of sharp, funny women who then receded, receded from the show for this guy. You see it happen there.
Starting point is 00:25:46 The other one that I was gonna bring up, which breaks my theory, Asa from Shazasonset with Germain Jackson, Jr. Whatever. So she also receded away, but she's not like the funny way into the show. But let's forget about Asa. Why is it there this,
Starting point is 00:26:02 why does it seem like there's a correlation between these sort of stridance women? Because I think part of what makes them so funny on the shows is that they come in with this attitude like this is all stupid. I can't believe I'm even doing a reality show and I can't believe I'm doing it with these idiots and that's what makes them funny because I don't take it seriously, and they just make fun of everybody. And that's why they're fun, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Because I feel like on these shows, if there's not one person who really understands that it's stupid, it doesn't work. It always has to have one person who's like, what am I even doing here? This is the dumbest thing ever. I should have a real job. And so I think they're all those kinds of people. And so they're with somebody who naturally also thinks it's stupid.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And even if part of them is like, no, like I'm really becoming a snar now. And this is actually kind of my thing. They're attracted to the person who's like, no, that's stupid. And I don't respect it. Even though I respect that you're doing it, and I'll be kind enough to still be with you
Starting point is 00:27:02 even though you're doing this stupid thing. And then they feel like to keep that person. They also have to truly think it's stupid. And then they start thinking it's too stupid and they're above it. It's like, no, you're not above it. You're the center of it. Do you understand? Well, I don't like this trend. So if you're a strident woman on Bravo and you're being a guy, make sure he comes comes to you you don't go to them. But they just don't do they? Are there? Like that? I mean, I just don't know. There are guys like that. Life is not a hallmark movie.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'll tell you that much because I am a troubled girl who goes to a town to ruin the town so I can make more money. Nobody has switched me off my feet makes no angels. Of course course mine. Okay. Listen, at least you're not a great American country movie. I'll say that. So sorry, Candace Cameron, beret.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Just take off the removie and I'm there, but the rest of it. Yeah, the whole thing together. No. Okay, so Anisha, so what else is going on? I'm really mad about it. It's this relationship. Bali is still working it. You know, she's still there who's like, am I got the reason I really wanted to do this wedding is because like,
Starting point is 00:28:15 I love clothes and I love getting dressed and she's my daughter. She's like so hot now. So like, hey babe, like you're about to show off. You know, I used to be hot too, Nishki. So like, hey babe, like your body is gone. I used to be hot to Nishki. So like, let's go wake up. Oh, wake up, Nishka. Wake up, Nishka. Nishka. Wake up, Nishka. She's like, I can't even. She's like so hot. She's, but she's like a sleep. She's Nishki. You know, wake up, Nishki. That's her, that's her, that's her season so far. Um, I say, let's get into the latest episode, because I think all the other things are going to filter in through this recap or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:51 So the episode actually opens up. It says one day after the wedding and we're back in Miami and Vishal and Ritia are in their kitchen lies. This is a lie production. Why are you lying to us? You know there was like five brunches afterward. This is not a family that packs up and leaves the day after the big wedding day. There was a bagel brunch at the very least, okay?
Starting point is 00:29:12 This is not, this is a week after. Yeah, like how did they fly home? How did they get all this done after a crazy night like this? Yeah. And we also stopped lying to us about really everything because part of the fun of this show is that it was so honest, but with not knowing like, are we going to get picked up? Are we like, is this even a thing like they probably don't know, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:31 And so they get a new condo like, I'm right, gets a new condo for the show. Like the fan, then they're not living there anymore. These two get a place for the show, but then they don't know if the show's going on. So they're not living there anymore, you know? It's like what, we're seeing what happens when people find out they've been picked up a day before the pickup started. Yeah, because by the way, I think that this kitchen is a definite down great from the kitchen that they had in their apartment. It was like all brown and like late 90s or early 2000s. So they're like, so Vishal and Richa are having like, thorning banter, you know, like talking about walking the dog and stuff
Starting point is 00:30:10 and Vishal's like, I'll make you an, I'll make you a breakfast, I'll cut avocado, but you have to tell me which one of these avocados is right, which again, trust me, that's like, just hold them, and kill them. Like that's it. And said he throws the avocados or Ritja and she just stands there and lets them bounce off or just.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah, it's like he threw things at me. I'm not catching that shit. Falling to the ground. And you don't do that to avocados. Avocados are very gentle creatures. Yeah. The worst thing you could have done to the avocados in a testants' rightness, the very worst thing.
Starting point is 00:30:43 So he's doing his favorite thing where he's pretending that he's doing a huge service by making the easiest meal of the day. He's like, oh, let me do this for you, baby. It's like, wow, you're going to make an egg. Wow. And then she's doing her favorite thing, which is just calling him an idiot. She's basically like, so you missed your whole wedding. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You don't remember your wedding, idiot. Good job. I love wedding, good for you. You don't remember your wedding, any itch, good job. They're like, I love you, I love you. Yeah, she's like, did you do anything on your wedding? Did you, anything right on your wedding night? And he's like, can we not start the morning like this? And she's like, it has to be dealt with. Okay, it has to be dealt with. I know I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And she's like, well, you're never getting your wedding night back yet, ever. You spent it with Omrits. So he'll have another one. So then we go to Omrits and Nicholas's apartment and they're also, like we said, in a new apartment. And this one is also a huge downgrade, but there's more space because that other one was like a trendy downtown Miami.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Like, wow, where they had to do Zoom calls in the same room as each other. And you've got Omratt making lawyerly calls and then you've got Nicholas talking in 10 languages as a teacher or whatever and those just were never gonna, they were gonna mesh. It was not, it was, there was a reason why Omratt probably did not make partner until he got into a new house because, because what's his face, his boss is probably like, I can't, I'm trying to tell you your partner, but I can't focus. There's too many languages happening in the background.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It's called. So we find out that Nicholas has quit his job as a teacher. And he puts it as, well, the next two months, I'm not going to be working as a teacher because I'm tasked with all things domestic so I can prove to myself, but mostly, Humbert's mother, that I can be a good wife. So that's what I'm doing. But Humbert phrases it as, well, he just quit his career. He's not doing that anymore. Now he's gonna be at home and I'm gonna be the man
Starting point is 00:32:40 who brings home the bacon. Yeah, now Nicholas is at home fixating over the China set that he has, because he's like very, he's like looking at these plates that have like a very kind of Midwestern pattern on them of like, I was like carrots or like coracopias or just like little flowers or something and he's like, this pattern is not attractive. I just don't know. I am so attached to it. This is my life now staring at these plates.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So the parents are coming over. Olivia and dad's name. I haven't written here. I don't remember what his name is. Is it Suresh? Is it Suresh? Yes. Yes. So they're coming over and Amrits like, okay, just remember she's gonna get for opinion because that's what Indian parents do. Okay, she does it. Snow offense to you. He's like, got it, got it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 You know what I really hope she hates this pattern, but ask me to keep it anyway. And then we see Levina, but they're walking up, they're approaching like their apartment or their condo and she's like, well, they need to clean up the garbage here. Yeah, they need to clean up the garbage here. Yeah, they need to clean up the garbage. I was like, you know what? Now, I, I'm just gonna say, I, this may be an overstatement and generalization. I think that Indian culture may share a lot
Starting point is 00:33:56 with Jewish culture based on the fact that living this is the exact same thing as my mom would say, walking up to a building, they need to clean up the garbage here. Yeah, they just need to clean that up here. Yeah. My mom is more saddled. She says things like this.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Wow, well, this is definitely your taste. What the fuck does that mean? You know, oh, there's trash in the front yard. Well, but you like that. So that's good. Good for you. Good for you. Well, my mom would that. So that's good. Good for you. Good for you. Well, my, my, my mom would actually say they need to clean up the garbage.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And then for the next five days at random times, we'll be talking about something. And she'll, but you know, the garbage in the front, you have to clean that up. You have to clean that up because out of nowhere, like, did you hear what's happening with Twitter? Well, you have to clean up up. Because out of nowhere. Like did you hear what's happening with Twitter? Well, you have to clean up your garbage, though. So sweet. She's like, oh, I like the trees. That will give them lots of oxygen. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:55 She's even like, doesn't it sound like she's negging the trees to? I know. Wow, trees that'll give them oxygen and bird shit everywhere. But you know, she forms everything in such a positive way. They'll need the oxygen to counteract all the garbage smells. Yes. So they come over everything's in boxes and she's like oh my god I love this. Let me see the upstairs. Oh Nicholas the upstairs you did a great job. He threw a throw on the bed.
Starting point is 00:35:25 It's apparently made a bed, but she's so nice. She's like, Nicholas, here's this, you did this. It is wonderful. Two pillows on the bed. Nicholas. He's on a great job and she gives them a ganache and she's like, this is a ganache. Everything is symbolic and I'm really into the bottom of it
Starting point is 00:35:44 and he's like, made in China and his dad goes, well all the gods are made in China. Okay. So they start talking about the next wedding, the gay wedding, I'm so glad we get to talk about another wedding. Really doesn't trigger me at all. So they start talking about that
Starting point is 00:36:05 and the guest list and you know he's acting like oh this is going to be so much less than the other wedding and it's not really because he's saying things like well round one of invites of RSVP. Oh fuck what's this audition? Where you have rounds of invite people do that? I just people do that they have their a list and there be less and Well, if anyone out there is inviting me to your goddamn wedding and I'm fun on anything other than the a list don't invite me because I'm not gonna go to fucking Seat filler weddings. Yeah, so I'm not that how dare you and I get a plus one even though I'm single, okay? I don't care if I'm taking both of those seats up by my god damn self-eating two plates of a faith Don't you dare make me ask you to bring I can't with weddings I can't okay, but it's the gay one now So I guess we like it more
Starting point is 00:37:01 Well either way now I'm with you. I mean, there was a time when I would get really offended if I didn't get invited to a wedding. And I'd be like, oh my god, I'm on the B list. Now I'm like, please put me on the D list that way. I like don't, don't invite me, don't invite me. Just don't invite me. I'm a fucking, I'm on a list like a third round. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:37:22 Maybe I'm going to a wedding in two weeks. So. Were you in round A? Did you know anybody who got an invitation before you? You know, I don't know if I was in round A or not. I decided I wasn't gonna question it, but I'm excited. I'm going to Minneapolis, Minneapolis in December. With this, this actually, I'm like oddly very excited
Starting point is 00:37:41 to see Minneapolis around Christmas time. I just, I have this, I have this strange, like stereotype of Minnesota that like at Christmas time, everything is like super Swedish and cutesy and like, oh, welcome to Minnesota. Look at this, Chris, I just feel like there'll be Christmas decorations in the airport. Everything will be like twinkling lights.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I know I may be wrong, but I'm never excited for this experience. I think it's gonna be correct. It seems like a Christmasy place. I feel like it's just gonna be all Luke. It's gonna be people like Luke. It's just skating. It's gonna be like a hallmark movie,
Starting point is 00:38:14 so I'm really excited for it, even though I'm Jewish. So let's see. So they start talking about the wedding and who they're inviting and... They talk about non-anything. Yeah, I'm gonna have a bloody Mary bar. So I thought that would be fun And his mom's like oh Nani would love that and sure I says I thought she loved Jim and Tonic She's like that too. She loved that too. Just bars really really just bars. She loved getting wasted Oh god your bongs. Oh God, we had to we had to hide every fun we had in the house. So they give like a little memorial like a, you
Starting point is 00:38:51 know, they talk about Nani and you know, she passed away not long after Umar had his famous conversation with her. So they give like a they put her up on screen and do like a RIP, which is very nice. And then they talk about they're going to be going to Atlanta to look at the venue for this wedding. I don't know why they're doing it in Atlanta, but they're doing it in Atlanta. So clearly, this can be a little cash trip coming up. And then this segues into Nicholas talking about his parents who are evangelical and whether or not they're going to be looking at the venue as well and chances are they won't be, because
Starting point is 00:39:20 they're probably not going to show up until the actual wedding. And Nicholas is basically in a position where he's just happy those parents were coming to the wedding, even though they clearly don't accept that he's gay or that he's getting married to another man. At least they're they're putting in some amount of presence during this experience. Yeah, because he says that in the Evangelical life, normally this is the I'm actually evangelical life, normally this is the point where they would say you're rejected, you're done. But at least you're going to come to my wedding and, um, you know, fuck them. Also, I'd like to point out who are you to judge? You're probably the lady that gave him those fugly plates and you're going to sit here and
Starting point is 00:40:02 judge somebody else. How dare you. Yeah. So then we didn't get with it. And so then we go to Kalpna and Chitra having a part like a little get together. And they're talking about how cold it is and blah, blah. So are they with Kalpna now? Yeah, so they're with Kalpna.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yes, so now it's Dharma and Chitra are at Kalpna's house. So Kalpna is Kaupna Patel. We were wondering, we were talking about the show on Dekasid and we were wondering what happened to Sean and Dylan. They weren't anywhere at the wedding. We thought, are they not on the show anymore? But apparently the Patels are still part of the show. And so, the Patels didn't actually go to the wedding. And so the hotel didn't actually go to the wedding.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And so the women were there talking about the wedding and she was like, oh, I don't have formal. I never get formal. I'm never whatsoever. I don't even have formal about my daughter being in Scotia. Yeah, I just came in. I moved to Scotia five days ago. All right, you know what, Anisha?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Anisha, you don't need to face Tommy right now. Did he tell me that? And with Gautnus, like, well, how was Kankun? It looked like a Bollywood movie. And Darma was like, I was shredding balls on the beach. Sweat and fucking mother fucking seaworth balls. That's what. It was so fucking hot on that fucking beach. And then this slut sitting on my son, stupid old age slut. He might as well be an anti at this point. Fucking bitch, I was sweating out to my vagina
Starting point is 00:41:28 the entire time. It's lovely time, lovely wedding. Yeah, so we find out that Kalpner was invited, but Sean and Dylan were not. They're like really? And the producer keeps asking her, but she's not gonna sit there and gossip. But then we see clips to show us why.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And it's like, you threatened violence against my brother, Vishal, and now you're pushing me. Now you are physically pushing me. Vishal's like, whatever. I'll fucking knock your teeth out on the grass. Oh, yeah. That was Vishal's tough ass season. Yeah, forgot.
Starting point is 00:42:00 So basically since Sean didn't invite them, then Vishal didn't bite Sean. So there's that. I don't think no one seems to really care invite them, then be shot in by Sean. So there's that. I don't think no one seems to really care that much, to be honest. A cop in the scene is relatively unbothered and she had another wedding to go to anyway, so it's fine. So they start talking about Anisha and Chitra's saying,
Starting point is 00:42:19 like, oh, I don't plan anymore. I plan 10 to 15 years, and now I've stopped I've stopped planning. Anisha is like, I need Shaza Boyfriend. I'm not gonna hold my breath. You know, she wounds everything. You know, she says, take a pill, chill all that. And they're like, it's chill, chill. Chill, chill.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh, whatever it's called, chill, the pill, you know, chill, chill. Oh, keep quiet, Kappa. So they're like, yeah, you know, we shouldn't have expectations of our kids. You know, we just need to be chill, which really, because all of your children are running around terrifying. Or suck in some strange adolescence. Yeah, they're all fucking terrified. So you can keep it with your chill bullshit, because no one is buying that, ladies.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah, pretty much. And then she just basically like, no, I don't really miss my daughter. Like, no, I'm fine. I'm fine with her being at the house. Yeah, she said they said, are it really sad when your kids move out? And she's like, I mean, I miss her,
Starting point is 00:43:18 but can I be honest? I moved out when I was 20 and 21 and no one thought that. No one asked my parents how they are feeling. Like what's the big like children to become adults. Okay. Yeah. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. So then we got a Ronnie's house.
Starting point is 00:43:38 I was so excited Ronnie. Did you see that? It was the Caram household. No, I didn't. Yeah, it was the Caram household spelled exactly like your last name. What the heck? I was like, where's Ronnie? Where's his mom? Where's his sister? Where is Nises? It's fishy and you know, it's not my house because there's workout equipment where they're working out Brian and Rishi You're working out and Brian's doing that. Oh, yeah, he's like my little brother. Yeah, we're just two bros, two bros working out. So of course, this turns into them talking about marriage because does anybody
Starting point is 00:44:14 have a scene on this show that's not about marriage? They sure don't. When are you going to get married? Are you married? How long have you been married? Oh my god. Are you going to get married? What if you don't get married? What is going to happen? So Brian's like, yeah'm married. Oh my God. Are you gonna get married? What if you don't get married? What is gonna happen? So Brian's like, yeah, so they talk about like that, Brian's, the producer asks, says like, oh, so you and Monica are both 30. And he's like, oh, we don't see that number out loud. I mean, Monica and I, I think both of us are like,
Starting point is 00:44:39 in denial about getting older. I'm like, you think? You can still act like you're exchanging notes in high school. And he's like, I also heard that like, you think? You can still act like you're exchanging notes in high school. And he's like, I also heard that like, 30 is the new 20. So I think I'm getting younger personally. Anyway, let me go hop on this horse
Starting point is 00:44:53 that we totally do not put out here in the garage next to the exercise equipment to have a wacky scene. I'm totally going to spontaneously do this and not play this up whatsoever. So then they start talking about, oh yeah, you know, time lines with marriage. That's all bullshit, right, bro? It's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And Rich is like, yeah, you know, but it's all I hear from Monica. It's all I hear about from Monica, you know? And they really don't teach guys how bad girls have it, which I think is true, you know, like that pressure. And also at the wedding, Monica had this scene with Rishi where she's like, oh my God. So like now that we're here at this wedding and we see it, like, doesn't that make you want to do it? Like, aren't you excited? And he's like, no. No. Yeah, but you know, you know, we're going to get married, right?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Or we're going to get married. I mean, what are we going to do? Get married. What do we, I mean, what's the alternative? Not getting married. And he's like, yeah, I'm not really in a rush, babe. That's not him. Monica. Yeah. No, yeah, run. And he's like, yeah, I mean, nowadays, guys, we're getting married in their 30s and their mid 30s. And I'm not even in my 30s yet. I mean, I'm not even in my 30s yet. I mean, I'm barely even 17. Sorry, you're a 28. What? That's crazy. That's crazy. So he says the two-year-age gap is causing a huge strain which It's like hmm. I love that they say Monica for being old. I mean, what the hell this so cracks me up that Yeah, Monica older woman Monica. She's This so cracks me up like yeah Monica older woman Monica. She's real rough being so old like Monica She's two years older than you sir
Starting point is 00:46:30 So he talks about the pressure being so hard and you know, he's like, but it is inconvenient Dating you know living separate. That's pretty inconvenient. So we should move in together Excuse me sir. It's inconvenient because you don't have access to access. Okay. Yeah. Put a ring on it. Okay. Now I'm not a big like put a ring on it kind of a person, but you're dating someone that you know that's all she cares about. And by acting like this, you're clear. Fair enough. You are being clear with her. It's not like he's leading her on. But at the same time, if you're not going to ring it, go away. We've all had it. You need to show, you need to show some commitments, sir. If you're going to be taking Monica away
Starting point is 00:47:14 from Cherkaryoki night with her dad, you need to make sure it's worth it, okay? You can't be a bus and stop with all the seats taken. You know, like if you want people to board, you need to get off the bus if someone else can board the bus. Okay. That being said, I'm totally in favor of people moving in together before they get married. But don't you can't say you can't act like you're not sure about marriage, but then at the same time, like make someone move, move in. But at the same time, he knows that that's all she wants
Starting point is 00:47:45 is to get married. So if you don't want that, you know, stop. Yeah. But she isn't a good situation because it's not like she'd be giving up her own apartment to move in with him. She just would be moving out of her bedroom. And then we'd probably just move back into the bedroom if it didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:48:01 So it's a low, she doesn't have a lot to lose in this situation, but I think in the context of this, yes, like, sir, she wants to get married if you can't give it to her, then it's time to find another lady. Yep. So then we go to Vishal and Omratt, and they're having dinner and Omratt's talking about the first line is, Hey, man, where's your ring? And Michelle's like, Oh, yeah, I'm not wearing it because it was like too tight. So I just, you're already not wearing your wedding ring. I mean, you are the biggest fucking stereotype I can't.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I know. And he's like, Yeah, my fingers expand it because of heat and drinking. Oh, we didn't really talk about this, but at the beginning of the very first scene, the Vichal's punishment from Rucha is that he's not allowed to drink for like two plus weeks. So he's not, you know, now he's like detoxing, et cetera. So then Brian joins up. So it's like a nut with all the bros. And I'm ready to be sure like, God, Brian's so good looking.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Like, why is he so bad with girls, you know? So V-Shall is like, oh, well, he's got college level game, which is probably true. I think that's probably what it is. I think you can only go up to a girl at a bar so many times and say, hey, you want to play some beer pong after this before you have to level up your game a little bit. Well, and also, just to add to your V-shall is the new Tom Schwartz.
Starting point is 00:49:27 They didn't get married. They technically are still not married. That's what we find out. That's what we find out. Oh my God, you two. You look at that. Oh, I didn't realize. Tom and Katie.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Not a good mom of the follow people. Yeah, yeah, he's like, yeah, well, I didn't realize. I didn't know we were supposed to do that before we got married. That's on that's on. So another talking about armaments wedding because it's another scene on the show has to be about a wedding. So they're talking about marriage. Have you guys RSVPed your first round, boss? You are first round.
Starting point is 00:50:03 They're going to have a joint bachelor party and they're going to have case strippers of course. And then they start talking about these Charles bachelor at party. And they're like, no, no strippers. Oh, no, there was no strippers involved. Yeah, they're like, wow, we partied so hard in New Orleans. Oh my god. So then I'm going to ask him why Anisha showed up late to the wedding. And Brian's basically standing up for her who says that he thinks that Anisha is like really misunderstood. And if it's all this. And so he's like, Vishal, I was like, you know, I want the best for Anisha and like get the dick.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Be happy. But you're supposed to be my best friend and you're not treating me like a best friend right now. Like she probably spent $2,000 on your wedding right? Maybe like last month. Yeah. You treated her like shit at your wedding. So fuck you. You lose the best friend.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Yeah. War. So um, um, it's like, well, listen, she did RSVP. So I'm asking for flight reservations and hotel reservations a month before. And I'm gonna see if she does to me what she did to you. Shut up. Just see if she shows up at your wedding. You people are so weird.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I've never had arguments about like, Travallo with anybody. You know what I mean? Like get off my orbits. Right. So, meanwhile, Nisha arrives in from Scottstsdale because I just moved there five days ago and She chose picture up and she's like I feel like I haven't seen you even though it's like been forever I feel like it's been like forever even though it's only been like a week and a half which is exactly
Starting point is 00:51:39 Twice as long as five days, which is how long ago I moved to Scottsdale Yeah, so she says she's got a lot of business on the east coast so she's gonna keep coming to stay with her parents twice as long as five days, which is how long ago I went to Scottsdale. Yeah. So she says she's got a lot of business on the East Coast. So she's going to keep coming to stay with her. You're coming to film the show. Okay. Who we get it? So she's like, do you miss me?
Starting point is 00:51:56 She's like, not really. And she goes, so are you cooking now in East. And she's like, Oh, yes. Now I cook all the time. You know, he needs good, erotic dishes because that's, uh, you know, it's good. You. So I'm doing that cook all the time, you know, he needs goodgerati dishes because that's you know, it's good You so I'm doing that like all the time and it's wonderful every day breakfast lunch dinner. It's great We love it. She's like does it taste like shit. She's like no, we like it. He really likes it No, well now your favorite food is pizza. So why aren't you making him pizza? So mom
Starting point is 00:52:22 That's his favorite food. It's not my favorite food, unless it's gluten-free. Mom, are you trying to do to me? I just moved to Scottsdale. It's going to be on a new favorite food because if you like someone who's gonna take on their food she's, no, I just took a photo with it. I'm not eating it. It's like a gluten-free pizza.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I'll eat it. I'm not eating it. For crying out loud, Mom, I only moved to Scottsdale five days ago. I haven't just suddenly become a pizza person that quickly. Oh, the mom who's not going to miss her at all, of course, takes one look at an Instagram. She's like, oh, I guess she loves pizza now. That's interesting. So what about pizza? I guess so just leave our culture behind. Fine, enjoy that pizza. She's just like stockpiling Instagram photos. She is a gastrodaughter. I love it.
Starting point is 00:53:01 like stockpiling Instagram photos, she is a gastrodaughter, I love it. So, you know, she's talking about the wedding, she's telling her mom about the wedding and everything and she's talking about how Michelle is mad at her for no reason and she's like, you know, we've always had her ups and her downs and we always get past it and like, we've known each other for so long and we're like family
Starting point is 00:53:22 and he needs to understand there are like other things that are a priority for me right now. This is me season. I'm putting myself in. Should I just say it? Okay. What's 10 divided by 2? It's 5.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Need I say more? That day is since I moved to Scottsdale. There. I said it. So then we go to Rishie's apartment. He's making himself a protein shake and Monica Monica's knocking, but he can't hear over the sound of the blender, making his protein shake. And if you ever needed something to represent your relationship, that's it.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Yep. I can't hear you over the sounds of my protein shake. Yeah. So he lets her in, and then she sniffs the blender, and she goes, there's no sardines that there are there. And he's like, no, babe, drink it. And he's like got her elbow in her face. Like, just fucking guys, not the guy.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I don't know. I'm just screaming at my TV. Wrong Monica. She was, what the hell is that? It smells like baby powder. It's plant based. She's like, ew. So, I'm like, oh baby powder.
Starting point is 00:54:23 So that's what I'm saying. Yeah. So they go out on the balcony and she's like, I'm looking for alligators. Can you see alligators at one time? One time I thought I saw a dog and the pools are ran down and we just a brown duck. I was like, well, I think that not only does Monica
Starting point is 00:54:38 have to run from Rishi, Rishi, I think Rishi could also run from Monica too after that brown duck story. Yeah. So the producer asked her, like, are you going to move in? Why haven't you moved in? She's like, I'm told my whole life, get a ring first. I mean, surely it's coming. I mean, yeah, there was an elbow in my face. Yeah, he didn't laugh when I thought the deck was a dog. But, you know, I'm sure it's going to work out. It's going to be great. I told him, you know, we can, if you want, we can take it slowly.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Like we could adopt a dog speaking of which, and I brought him to a pet store. It turns out it was a supermarket. All those dogs, just paper bags, just paper on paper bags. It was so confusing. And she's saying, you know, I've worked my whole life to get the approval of my parents, and I don't want to be disrespectful to my parents. I mean, tradition, your parents are divorced. I mean, there's no middle finger to tradition than that. So just say that any time they give you pressure, just say you're divorced.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Literally. I'm moving in with my boyfriend, okay? Yeah. And especially after she tells the story about her grandmother. It's like, why are you be holding right now tradition it? This is obviously a family that has that has has changed their relationship with tradition. So now we go over to I'm right and Nicholas are doing in the conventional trying to do like a gay gay fan thing. And then basically I'm right in the shower. He's like, yeah, my boss, Harley, he wants to have, he wants to have meat. He wants to meet for lunch.
Starting point is 00:56:09 So we're for dinner. So we're gonna meet for dinner because I've been working really hard. So his whole thing is that he's been working at this law firm for so long. And he needs to work even harder because Nicholas gave up his job. And now he's showering.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Yeah. So then we go to the Viswanis and Monica is doing exercises with her dad and her grandma. And these are the best exercises I've ever seen. So the grandma's like, okay, now we do the laugh. And they all throw their, they're sitting down in chairs and they throw their arms in the air and go It's like laughing go this the thing apparently now so do it again You will feel very happy She's like your sauce by, this grandma is so great. She's so nice. She's so lovely. And she's like, you are so sweet. Soon you'll get married and I'll be happy. And you promise every morning, you'll do meditation for five minutes in the morning. I'm not gonna forget. I can do that.
Starting point is 00:57:18 So she tells us the story. She's like, Dottie is my dad's mom. And she is like the most alpha female I've ever met. I mean, talk about going against conventions. She is a badass. A League of Dottie zone. That's what we call it because she didn't want to get married and she wanted to be a Yokey. But then her dad said, absolutely not. You have five sisters behind you and if and they won't be able to get married if you don't because everyone's going to wonder if something's wrong with the brand. So she got married. I didn't think that's her.
Starting point is 00:57:47 The story was going. I didn't think so either. I mean given that Monica is so all about tradition and like her grandmother is like just barely did the traditional thing, you know. So Monica based the astagram. Like how would you feel? Well, I'm sorry, she has Raj, her dad. She's like, how would you feel about Well, I'm sorry, she asked Raj, her dad. She's like, how would you feel about like theoretically
Starting point is 00:58:07 if Richie and I moved in together and the dad's like, well, I prefer if you guys were, what? In my guest room, no dad to his apartment. Also, I would move to his apartment. No dad, I would move with me, no dad. I would be there, right? So would I be in the apartment next door with the new joining door? No, how are we going to have our keys?
Starting point is 00:58:30 I don't understand this. So are you still going to be using my Metflix, but just his apartment with me there on the couch? No dad. We're moving into a three bedroom, huh? No. We're moving into three bedroom, huh? No. So, but then they ask his mom and she's like, if it makes you happy, why the fuck not?
Starting point is 00:58:53 Go ahead. You don't have five sisters behind you ruining your life, by the way. So is that Lopha yoga? Lopha. Lopha. Lopha. That's the down dog, though. So I guess that lopa yoga Loppa That's the down dog
Starting point is 00:59:16 Yeah, so basically yeah Raj is like what if yeah mom what do you think I don't care? She's like if she's comfortable she can do it and Raj like are you comfortable with that and our and An art and then basically She's grandma's like, I yeah, I'm comfortable with it and then Raj's like, but what if they like leave together like what they live together and then they break up and she's like, is okay, it's fine. Yeah, but what if he breaks up with me, mom? Oh my god. So then we go over to Vishal and they're on their way to date my with her knee shot.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Don't don't don't. And he's like, well, I want to hear what she has to say. And the producer says, are you waiting for an apology? And he's like, I mean, that would be the decent thing to do. I mean, she needs to say, like, I've been a fuck up lately, you know, acknowledge you're wrong and I'll be happy with that. She came to your fucking wedding. You were such a baby, I can't, but you're waiting right now and get married. How about you come at your wedding? Think about that. How about you? Yeah. She actually did come. You didn't. Yeah. So that, meanwhile, simultaneously, Umri meet with his boss Harley who's wearing a beautiful Josh Groban wig. I was like well curated sir weird weird weird get up Harley
Starting point is 01:00:35 He's like I really enjoy Josh Groban's look circa 2008, so I'm gonna I'm gonna source that wig really odd Really and please make sure that the curl of the wig goes into my earlobes. I know. Really? The wig, the wig, the wig, your love curl is really important to me. He's like, I couldn't decide between the 2008 Josh Groban
Starting point is 01:00:58 or the 1983 Allie Shede. So. Yeah. So anyway, they sit down and Haul is like, wow, it's only about 80 degrees colder in Chicago. Hey, okay. I'm gonna sit over this giant light bulb and this set on this table and, hey, wait a, I'm gonna get the wedge-celled and, hey, why don't you get spicy peppers or whatever? Yeah, I get spicy peppers.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I'm like, okay, I think I'm gonna get calamari and say the spicy peppers. Hey, it's your world. It's your world. You do what you want. We're only living in it. Listen, I'm a wed salad visiting spicy pepper world. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:38 So I just wanted to tell you, I have loyalty to you because, you know, I mean, you've been with us 10 years and you know what happens. You're at that age. I'm getting married, sir. I'm getting married. Now, I was going to say, make partner.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Are you sure? Because this is family karma. This needs to be about getting married. All right. You're at that stage where if you don't get married, you're going to die by cattle prod to the head. Okay. You're also your partner.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Also your partner. You're also partner. I'm it's like, wow, oh cool. Well, Thank you for supporting me. I'm really happy right now. Am I giving an Oscar speech? I'm like, wow This this is giving us a lot of luck for it to with this wedding right now. Wow. The overflow of emotion is taking this just Counting and our legus. Yeah, you got so much charisma The world is your oyster kid. The world is your oyster.
Starting point is 01:02:31 So now, so Visha, now back at the other restaurants, so Visha and Richa are arrived and Richa sees any show at the table. And she's like, a long time to see, am I right? I'm like, oh, Lopa, I wish Lopa walked in. I was like, you don't know the author of mine. You make better joke, better joke. Loa-pa!
Starting point is 01:02:50 So Anisha's like, well, I wanted to treat you to dinner because I wanted to congratulate you. And I really thought your wedding was beautiful. So, Anisha was like, ah, so mad. Anisha says, well, we wanted a big fat Indian wedding. It's just, you did it. You did it. It was amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:09 You know what? I have to say, you're being weird. I mean, where are you being weird? It's been six days since I've moved to Scottsdale now. So, can I get something more? How was expecting this kind of resentment till day nine in Scottsdale? But, I mean, here we are.
Starting point is 01:03:26 She would just like get right into it. So V-Shaw's like, well, just like the whole wedding process, like rich and me, we feel the same way. I feel like we were asking you, like did you book your room? Did you book your room? And I felt like we had to chase you down and like you weren't communicating with us. Like you didn't give us any reason.
Starting point is 01:03:42 It's like, why are you concerned about her booking your room? Okay, it's fine. You should be nagging your friend. You're gonna be about their rooms being booked, okay? She wasn't in the wedding. She didn't have to like try on address. So then Richa says, well, I mean, I'm not pissed now. Wait a minute, we both feel this way.
Starting point is 01:03:58 No, shut up for sure. Okay, like, this all acts like everyone has to be afraid of Richa as he is. It's not the case. You don't get to use Richa as a weapon like we both feel this way But anyway Richa's like well, I'm not pissed now, so you're welcome But I'm glad that at the wedding we didn't speak because I really would have been mad at the wedding Yeah, and and he's just like joy. You're fucking $1,900 cappuccino machine or whatever bullshit, dream shit you have on your list
Starting point is 01:04:27 that I had to work out hard earned money for a man. Seriously. So Anisha was like, well, I had a lot going on and I didn't know what was happening and Michelle was like, but I was like a friend. Like you should have been able to tell us. And she's like, no, but my life was like a whirlwind. Like I was moving because I moved six days ago and I didn't want to pile on my life was like a whirlwind. Like I was moving, because I moved six days ago,
Starting point is 01:04:45 and I didn't want to pile on, because it was like your wedding, and I like wanted you to like not worry about me, and like I actually moved like four days before your wedding, so like, I'll just let that hang there in the air because I think the innate power of me saying that is probably enough to just like squashed this whole beef.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Well, I thought her argument of listen, I was having a lot of drama and I didn't want to bug you with my drama because it's your wedding. Good arguments. I think that's great. The then Vishal, of course, is like, okay, but then why did you decide to move like a week before my wedding then?
Starting point is 01:05:19 Is that right? Are you seriously asking me why I decided to move in with my boyfriend the five days, six days ago now, six days, because that's when we signed the lease. And I'm sorry that you know what? I did put my relationship before your wedding, okay? So if you didn't want me there, you should have just told me not to come for a show.
Starting point is 01:05:36 You should have just told me. It's like done, done, done. Yeah. I mean, I do feel a little bit like she's kind of clinging to that, like realistically, realistically, if like your best friend's getting married and it's like the same weekend that you're moving in somewhere and you've got a partner, you can just say to your partner, you move in first, I'll come after the wedding, let's be honest. But either way, I think that she still showed up at the wedding, she still went, you know
Starting point is 01:06:04 what? At the end of the day, you know what? So still showed up at the wedding. She still went. You know what? At the end of the day, you know what? So, she went to the wedding, okay? So Vishal is like, yeah, he's like, yeah, but you put our wedding on the back burner the whole time and we gave you a plus one. And you didn't even bring your boyfriend. She was like, oh, well, here's your fucking gold award arriving by FedEx for giving me a plus one to a wedding, which I should have materially had anyway.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah, and she's like, well, I'm dating someone who's like very private. Yeah, you ever heard of like the mayor of Scottsdale? There I said it. So I've been alone for like many years and like I don't want to start opening up a world with someone and then it like doesn't work because like I've had drama and like,
Starting point is 01:06:42 so maybe I don't want to go through that again. I feel like they're kind of both coming up with excuses for why they're mad at each other. I think they just probably, I think if you get down to it, he doesn't feel supported by her and she feels like he's leaving her. So it's just like an old fashion friend. Maybe and there's also like the, it's my wedding. The least you could have done was given me that calling me every day and seeing how I was doing energy. But she's probably thinking,
Starting point is 01:07:10 the past decade has been about your fucking wedding and talking about it when it's gonna be and this and that, and then I have a relationship and you don't even give a shit about my relationship because it's still all about your wedding. And then they, by the way, they order food, a niche order a California roll without the crab. Isn't that just a cucumber roll or an avocado roll?
Starting point is 01:07:30 Was I the only one bothered that she just didn't say avocado or cucumber roll? Maybe they don't have that on the menu. You know? Maybe. Sometimes people don't really give you that option. They just assume we're all walking around with cow prods, ready to shock something in a brain and eat it.
Starting point is 01:07:46 So then they go back to small talk, so Rich has our zone out and she goes, I'm very happy. And she's like, well, you know, we want you have all the happiness in the world. She goes, well, I'm very happy. She goes, well, tell him, tell Vichal that, because like, you could have just said,
Starting point is 01:08:00 I stubbed my toe in a herx, which is why I don't know my room. Just give him anything. He just needs the dumbest excuses, honestly. He's a very simple man. He's a simple, stupid man that I've chosen to spend the rest of my life with. You just honestly, knock over a glass, do it right now,
Starting point is 01:08:15 and then just say this happened two weeks ago, and he'll be okay. But she did give you something. She said she's stressed out because she's moving to Scottsdale. And she doesn't know when she's going to be working. She did give you something as well, like she just didn't call you. So then for sure, I was like, well, I just feel like we were chasing and chasing and chasing.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Well, welcome to Rich's life. You know what I'm saying? So then Anisha says, well, okay, maybe I have a lot going on and maybe I was being selfish. And I'm not going to apologize for that. So, there. So of course, she's the most stubborn person of the world, right? So, which is like, okay, I'm gonna go with nothing's gonna be resolved. We're getting dessert, right?
Starting point is 01:08:55 Because I'm still not paying this bill, okay? Yeah. And basically, and he's just like, I don't care, I'm paying. I'm paying to get yelled at today. So then, then Anisha says, I'm not here a lot. So when I'm here, I want to spend it with the people I care about,
Starting point is 01:09:13 which by the way, now I hate this thing. I hate this thing of the person who gives up everything for the guy. And then when they deign to spend some time with you, now you gotta drop everything because they're gonna throw the scarcity thing at you, like the scarcity of my presence. It's like, no, like you could be here more
Starting point is 01:09:32 if you chose, you were the one who chose to leave and I've gotta drop everything for you now. She's like, you made round one of my dinner invites on this trip, so. So it's like, well, you know, just really, you're not gonna tell me anything? Like, really, you're not gonna tell me anything? Like, seriously, you're not gonna tell me anything. Give me something.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I really wanted you at the wedding. She's like, I was at the wedding, dude. So then the waiter comes by and he's like, no, just search, just ice water and Richard goes, oh no, I want bread pudding. Sorry if it's awkward and you guys want this to end, but I'm not paying this bill and I'm getting dessert. Yes. So then a Neisha will trotts out, you know, she's like, you know, this is so like I understand your feelings and I think I would have felt
Starting point is 01:10:13 a similar way, honestly, but like I'm trying to figure out how to handle being in a relationship, you know, and doing a move, which I did six days ago, because I'm so used to being by myself, and I don't want to cry right now, which is why I'm not close to crying at all. But like, it feels like really shitty all the time to feel alone in the group because you guys have each other at the end of the day. And like, now I have someone, so I'm making it my priority. I love pizza now. There, I said it. My mom was right. I love pizza. And Vishal was like, well, I said how I feel and you said how you feel. So I guess that's that's all, you know, he's doing that thing where he's like looking around the room
Starting point is 01:10:50 the whole time. Like I said, what you like little flies around his head. Like I said, what I said, you said what you said. Now we said what we said. So I guess that's it. And which is like, can I have some more jacket sauce for this? I was surprised they didn't do the old standard sweep sweeping under the rug thing and hey, we're family. We're like family and family is tight, you know. So, I already had that once enough on Sunday with me. Oh, that's it. My family is restaurant. Hi, family. My family made this red pudding. But now that Shaz isn't on the air anymore, we don't have our weekly listening. We are a family and even though Mike is a terrible person and even though I have just said the worst things that MJ, family is a fight and the one thing I don't want to do is fight
Starting point is 01:11:41 it for the baby shans So next we go to Nicholas asleep on the couch at 11.30 a.m So I feel like that's what happens when you're like I'm giving up my career and I'm gonna be a homemaker Yeah, well, that's what I would do It was like Nicholas lying on the sofa, but then I'm just lying on the path, just like in the back. I was doing my believe the garbage condition or a machine thing. Yeah, and so they're like gossiping and they're like talking to each other on the phone because they're too tired to actually speak to each other because they went out, they partied so hard last night, like they partied.
Starting point is 01:12:26 They really partied hard because he got, you know, partner and now they're hungover and they did Yeager bombs. But when they were partying, they met up with Nurjah, who's dating, where she's younger brother, Sonny and Nurjah doesn't want to have her face on the show, so her face is blurred out. That's so funny. I cracked up that she wouldn't even have her face on the show. And on reds, she said things that would not have been said if she and Monica were close friends. She is not close with Monica. Don't don't don't don't don't.
Starting point is 01:13:00 No one, Monica can't seem to really get along with a lot of the women on this show. No, right. That is an issue. Yeah, that's a big issue. So, Vishal's like, yeah, well, Amrit texted me saying with that he's with Nairja and it's a lot and this is going to break people we care about, like actually break. And it's going gonna be something like... Monica, returned to dress, said dress for last,
Starting point is 01:13:29 Ross dressed for last. It's gonna be something like Monica is actually older than she said, and she's like six months over being 30 and it's time to put her down for not being married. Monica brought 17 items to self-check out and the sign says bring about 15 and I feel like 17 is more than about 15 Rissichita
Starting point is 01:13:54 So that's that for that that's that for that um Fun show lovely show lovely show fun to check in on it. Thanks everyone for being here Have a have a great evening and we'll be back. Have a great holiday weekend. We will actually be back next week after the holidays to do some fun regular recaps. Until then go check out all the other shows, check out our bonuses or videos.
Starting point is 01:14:20 I'm crap and it's on to band. And we'll talk to you Monday night for take a seat 7 PM Pacific time on Spotify live. Bye everybody! Bye everyone! Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors! Ain't no thing like Allison King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney! Dana C. Dana Duh! She's not just a Sheila, she's a danie. Itch-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Lacey Montellan. Let's give a Kisarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. The Bay Area Betches.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Always the wiser, Alison Weisler. Somebody get us 10 C's of Bet CMD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Better do what she says is Elva Enriquez. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Under your fasteners it's Erin Casner. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. We will, we will, Joanna Rocklandu, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's a good hobby, it's Lauren Hobgad. We wanna hang with Liz Lang, the incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentacisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Couture! We love you guys! You can listen ad-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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