Watch What Crappens - Family Karma: Sorry Screams to Be the Bloodiest Word

Episode Date: June 28, 2021

Family Karma has a Halloween party with no ice, but will Monica make up for it for her chilly resistance to a halfhearted apology? Will Vishal jump off a roof? And how bout that Q4? This week...'s bonus is a quick dive into HBO Max' Mare of Easttown. Find all of our premium bonus episodes at Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I've got a cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker Well, hello and welcome to watch what happens. The podcast for all that crap. We just love to talk about on you. O'Brobs. I'm Ronnie Kerim and I'm with the gold just been mandal cut a day. Hello, pin.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Hey Ronnie, what's going on? Not much. How's it going over there? Um, it's going great. It's going great. It's a wonderful day. Wonderful in the neighborhood. Well, everybody this this week, for this week and next week, our bonus is mayor of East hair. We did a big two-parter. We also did it as a crap and it's on demand video. So if you like the videos, go to be on the crap and it's on demand level on patreon slash watch what
Starting point is 00:01:16 crap and if you just want the audio, it's there as well on the regular, um, patreon, like the bottom, the one dollar level. So go check it out everybody. That was super fun. And today we are on to a little bit of family comma. Family comma, Italian. Yes. So it opens up a little funny moment, Umrit is wearing pants, is not wearing pants the confessional, so there's that. And then we go over to the Capai household, where, which is Umrit's household. And the Vina, his mom is, is like fleshing around in the kitchen and being like, should I get a towel? Who said that says, his and his and his and Umrit's like, that's really cheesy. No. Of course, Nicholas is like, that sounds great.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yes, but actually, can you say it? His and his Talapia. I would love that. Can we, can we get one that says Talapia and Talapia? I would love that. That'd be great. Protein and protein. That would be the best.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Well, I'm coming home. It's a world to me because when they moved back, I held back tears. And he's like, mom, it was 10 miles. Geez. So she's like, should we do one packet of chicken or both packets? And Nicholas is like, um, both. That'll do two six out servings.
Starting point is 00:02:37 A dirt. One in doubt up the protein with this, with this, this couple. So, um, I, I, when that, when he said that, when she asked that and he said that, I was like, oh my God, Ron, I can hear your reaction all the way here in Los Angeles. I don't know if it was love. I love guys like that. Like, their whole personality is protein. Like, we all know these guys. Yes. So they are going to be doing, the two guys are going to be doing a housewarming Halloween. This could be a devil's and angels party. And so they are gonna be doing the two guys are gonna be doing a housewarming Halloween. This could be a devil's and angels party and so they are cutting back their carbs because they're gonna be going half naked to this thing and Um, it's like, you know Halloween is like gay Christmas and I'd rather do a housewarming and rather than doing a housewarming
Starting point is 00:03:19 Let's just combine them also Oh, we are in a studio. So it's not, we really can't, like it's naturally warm just from the body heat of the two of us. So we'll do a Halloween party instead down the patio. Yeah, this is that couple, you know, when you are looking at apartments and they're like, oh, we have this wonderful community center. And you go in and it's like a couple of really bad plentercouches from IKEA and a TV with a crack down the middle and like the sound of a broken ice machine. That's basically the, and you're like, who the hell is gonna
Starting point is 00:03:48 use this? I would never. And these are the guys who use it, okay? These are, these are, these are common space people. They, well, they, if they see a common space, they're actually gonna use it. It's just, that's like the kind of gay that's the furthest away from me. Common, common space gay. I'm not a common space gay. Well, common space gays are a little... Actually, I'm gonna say also just like common space people are a little annoying because they are like really always trying to sell you on the common space. Or it's like, oh, you gotta come over. There's this great common space and we can just like set up drinks in there. I'm like, I don't want to have a party in your common space. I don't want to be judged by your neighbors just because, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:30 you didn't want to spend money on a two-bedroom. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then like your neighbors were going to come. And then, and then I have to make small talk with someone that's like not really part of the party, but because you're in the common space, I have to talk with them. Yeah. Uh, so they're talking about this Halloween party and he's telling his mom he's going to be half naked so we can't eat carbs. And she's like, will I be invited? He's like, no, mother.
Starting point is 00:04:53 She's good because I can't go out and make it everywhere. Okay, that's just not me in a common space. Oh, common space. A common space. I mean, this is bravo for crying out loud. I think I'm still traumatized from my mom having my birthday parties at the park when I was growing up. My sister would get like the rolling, the roller skating rink.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And she's like, oh, for Ronnie, we're going to the park. And I think it's just because I really didn't like eating on plates, you know, it's like very against plates. So it made sense, like put him in a park, but I'm still traumatized. I also, well, you know, I know what I don't like also about common space people. They always rearrange the furniture and then they leave it there. And it drives me nuts, even if I don't even use the common space. I'm like, why do you leave it in this terrible figure, like this terrible way you do it?
Starting point is 00:05:36 You know, I mean, in college, there were, you know, in the dorms, there were common spaces. And there's always like groups of people that would have things in the have things in the common space and then they would also be territorial about a tooth like, hey, I'm sorry we're doing an event here. This is that we're doing a meeting students against, you know, pebbles. So we're going to have to reserve this common space for the next two hours is like, congratulations. I'm walking through. I'm not using the common common space but thanks for flexing on me common space people. So let's see what are they talking about over here. Oh they're talking about the grandma. They're talking about the grandma. So they're talking about how the grandma's worried Nani and she says she's worried because she moved in with your friend and she doesn't think that you're gonna eat now because you're not at home. I'm like, yeah, kids just totally forget to eat
Starting point is 00:06:32 if you don't tell them to. God, I wish I had that problem. Yeah, she had to like tell, Levina had to tell her mom that Nicholas Cook, so it'll be okay, it'll be safe. So, you know, so basically they're saying how Levina, I'm sorry, Nani, safe. So, you know, so basically they're saying how LaVena, I'm sorry, Nani, she's like, you know, old school and she just think that Nicholas is a roommate.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And I'm, I'm, it's like, you know, you're not tongue to someone who's living in this generation. This is someone doesn't even know what being gay means. I'm like, I'm sorry, and then the dad ultimately is like, she's not stupid. I think she knows she's figured it out. And I'm like, I'm sorry, and then the dad ultimately is like, uh, she's not stupid. I think she knows she's figured it out. And I'm with the dad. This woman has been around the block. She's old. She's just, she knows exactly what's going on. Yeah, probably. And he's like, but how do I even tell her and living this like, I'll tell her. He's like
Starting point is 00:07:20 perfect. I think you should do it. The best way to come out of the closet just have your mom do it. Yeah, so yeah, and then the dads, the dads take on how it should be broached was. He's like, you should say, I can't live with a girl. So, uh, I'm basically, there's something very clunky like that. The dad's just like, get her drunk. Okay, just put some, just give her less of cloniac. She'll be fine. So then we go to a store with crazy costumes and we know.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Crazy about costumes. No, we know because it's called crazy about costumes. Oh, yeah. Sorry. It means it's definitely labeling. Perfect labeling. Because I'm crazy about costumes. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Madonna's big hit in the 80s. So Brian and Vishal are there and they're like trying on costumes. They're being crazy. And Brian's really hoping the group can refocus from all their drama. You know, like for instance, Monica and Anisha being like, hey, or the other drama, Abishal saying to Dylan, I'm gonna push your face in the ground
Starting point is 00:08:31 if you say something mean about me. And don't be like, that was mean. So like, really this group is totally dysfunctional. This so cracks me up. So Anisha comes in and, you know, she's gonna come start some shit. Because Anisha is really good at it. Anisha, as we've said before, is the most Bravo train.
Starting point is 00:08:48 She's got her frozen egg storyline and she's gonna start shit in every scene, which I really like. So she comes in and she's like, okay, got the frozen egg storyline sealed up. So now I just need to drink in a guy, okay? Let's do it. And then Anisha starts doing this thing
Starting point is 00:09:05 where she's kind of doing like super gay talk now, I think because she's been with Dylan, did you notice this? The producer goes, so Anisha, what costumes have you worn in the past? And she's, oh my god, only couples costumes, honey. Like first, he was a chic, and then I was money, and then he was a groom, and then I was the bride honey Okay, you need to stop whacking your finger and rolling your head at me, ma'am. Okay, because you're friends with one gay person
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah, I guess So then Dr Monica Del Monica will not be going to the party about Richard will be at the party and It comes into the party about Richard will be at the party. And Vichal says that they've upgraded from basically being a lost cause to complicated. And Anisha thinks that Vichal and Richard are soulmates. So that's at least, you know, that's exciting. And then Anisha starts asking, like, by the way, what's the deal with you and Dylan? Like, where are you guys at and Vichal's like oh, yeah, I was over it after basketball because well you didn't really look like you were over it
Starting point is 00:10:11 And and in this case, I'm actually on Dylan's side He's like, but what about when he was running his mouth about me She's like he apologized because yeah, and then I was over it. So Brian says I mean look It's not like he's really gonna hit me one. She's like, yeah, but I saw rage in your eyes that night. It's called alcohol, okay? Also just joking aside, I wonder if he does, if he is like flirting with some kind of disaster
Starting point is 00:10:36 because his eyes during the interviews are really bloodshot too. Like something's going on with this guy. So Vishal's like, well, she wants to talk about drama. I mean, why don't you ask Monica about that? It's like this big cuts for the episode. Yeah. Exactly. Oh, God. I mean, he was so rageful at that party when he was like, please don't yell at me. I said what I said. It's like, wow, she's so unhinged. So Brian's like, oh my god, this group drama is so cute for you guys.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I could tell a lot to deal with. So what about like with you and Vswani? What if you said sorry? And she's like, um, our thing is a little bit deeper than sorry. Remember, because I said she's going to share a room with Brian. Yeah, that shit is deep, okay? Sorry, remember because I said she's gonna share a room with Brian. Yeah, that shit is deep, okay? That's just deep.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So she's like, this all started because I made a stupid joke about her staying in Brian's room. And then she made it very clear that she does not like me. And then we see a clip of Monica going, I kind of really don't like you right now. And she's like, look, I'm not a saint. She's I should come as a saint, okay? And you can be a priest and for sure can just be a god. He's like, I'm the devil. Yeah. I'm the devil who punishes people by pushing faces in the ground. Yeah. Super devilish. So now we go to Monica and Rishi who are doing their little interview and the producers like, so are you guys like a Goo Goo Gaga type of couple and Rishi is like, no, like maybe the most affection word I say like babe and Monica is like, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Monica, don't tell me that you're not a googoo gargat type of couple. You still call your mom, mommy, you call, you still call your dad, dad, you still refer to yourself as a kid, and you're gonna say like you guys have just like a totally chill, like very non-affectionate and emotionally. Yeah, like you're calming his air right now. You're like calming his air in this diary room session.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Like please stop. She's always like touching him and patting him down. The stuff she's like, what? Yeah, he's totally right. I mean sometimes we say sweetie pie or honey or Brat you calling me back? Where the hell are you? Or I mean like sometimes it's not Google Gaga, but we call it R2D chewing when we go To each other, but that's not Google Gaga, right? And then we cut to them sharing a hoverboard and the living room.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yes, thank you. Thank you. Floating together on a stupid ass hoverboard. Okay, I'm starting to worry about this couple now. Not because of them, particularly, but because of Richie's family, okay? Because now we meet the family. And the brothers seem like kind of douchebags there.
Starting point is 00:13:22 They just put it out there right now. This seems like a very douchey group of brothers. Yeah, but I was glad that we got to meet more people because I don't think that this show has a large enough cast. So, by the way, did you notice? Are you related to them, Ronnie? Are you related? Did you know that's their last name? The Carroms.
Starting point is 00:13:41 The Carroms. It was the Carrom household. I was like, please let Ronnie's mom show up please we've got to love the Karen caram okay love that name love that name for the brother I know I know that Karen Karen I was named after my mom ronda so I'm rondole and now we get a Karen caram so I was like okay you know there's something about Karen families who just want to torture their sins. Well, it's like those people who are named Bill Williams, you know, because that happens every now and then, anything. Huh, interesting. So Richard, Richard Richards. Yeah, so we
Starting point is 00:14:19 meet this family. Another household where everything is just like stark white with like strange gray accents and it's just like stark white with like strange gray accents and it's just like cold and antiseptic. And so we meet everyone and apparently this is like the party, these are the party people because every Friday night they have like a full on you know, rager and you know, except after they'd like pray first and then it's like shot, shot, shot, shot, shots. So which is funny that that's the family that Monica's with. I feel like Monica would hate all that normally, but I guess there's a lot of dancing and she loves dancing.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yeah, she likes because it's a big family and she had a very small family and so she loves being part of such a big family and she even loves the mother-in-law. She's like, you know what, Indians have this like current theme in her soap operas where the mother-in-laws don't like the daughter-in-laws, and it's like not here. And guess where else has that? Every soap opera ever. What? Every show ever.
Starting point is 00:15:14 So the dad's like, come on, honey, let's chill and give these crazy kids time alone. So now the brothers are like, oh my God, did you guys like know you were gonna be in love right away? Like, there's one, I think it's Karen Karen. I don't know how you pronounce it But I'm just gonna keep saying Karen because I think it's funny but Karen Karam is wearing this like quilted jacket with a big like fur collar
Starting point is 00:15:35 For and yeah, he's the most excited to be on TV. He's like guys. Let's talk about your relationship Like did you like know you were gonna be be together or like, come on guys, tell me more. And then Monica starts giving us the sort of like the lay of the land with these brothers. She goes, yeah, Karen, Karen is the most laid back. I'm like laid back. He's wearing like a crazy jacket with fur trim. What are you talking about? That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And so neat is the trouble maker and Rich is the business man. He actually owns a restaurant, et cetera. And yeah, and then Monica says how, how she gets along with the mother-in-law. And you know, I'm gonna even go back to that when she acts as if this is a big theme in, in Indian Telenevellas. This is just like a big theme in life.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Like, it's a thing that mother-in-laws are difficult to deal with. It's like a thing. Um, but yeah, but this mom's like, please get me away from the guys. They're all guys. Please raise your spags. Get me away from them. So then we go over to naked taco and Dylan and Almyrind are having lunch together. And Omrind's like, hey, nice outfit. I've got my sheer sky blue on, because we're at Make It Taco. So come on Dylan, get Make It, get Make It Dylan naughty names and I'm like, oh my god, these names look There's something called make it a make it a threesome. Make it a threesome. Make it a three way. Oh my god. Look at that. It's this one says
Starting point is 00:17:14 Dirty, dirty penis taco. Oh my god penis taco Those are funny places that place in West Hollywood, that's the yogurt shop that they have, like scandalous names for their yogurt. It's like, but fucking banana. You know what place I'm talking about? Yes, I do. Sorry, I just got to try to buy a text. I'm like trying to arrange a group dinner
Starting point is 00:17:38 and then one of my friends has just announced that she's vegan and I'm like, really just trying to focus on the podcast right now, but I'm like, oh gosh, planning group dinner when someone's a vegan is just like, you might as well just like run me over with a Mac truck right now, like this is just, I'm so sorry, make sure you make sure you pick a place that has a potato and a vegetable, little be fine. I thought I did, I thought I did. Anyway, well, just send a suggestion like, look, you know, you can have this and this and this. Like we're not changing all our plan. That's what new vegans have.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Listen, I was vegan for what two months and then I was like, fuck this. Okay. I'm having better because it becomes such a pain in the button restaurants to just be like, Oh, can I have some steamed lettuce and a potato with nothing on it, please? Thanks. Well, it's just a knowing because it's like it's a friends 40th birthday and and this is the restaurant that he chose and and now I mean like and these are all like really close friends. It's like it's just like yeah, someone's gonna tell her it's one of those things where it's like yeah, I'm just like Oh, well just look into the restaurant. Just call them and say, we have a vegan. Is there anything you can do?
Starting point is 00:18:47 And then they do. I mean, it's like, I'm sure it's LA. Yeah, they'll be like, well, give her a side of nuts and some lettuce. She'll be fine. That's how it is. I mean, vegan basically when you're vegan, you binge at home.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I learned about the hard way. So let's see. So they start talking about this Halloween party and the producer asks Omratt if he's ready to propose yet. And he's like, I have no answer for that. So then they talk about Halloween some more. And Dylan's like, like, any last time that we saw each other was like, when I was leaving Brian's house, visibly upset, visibly. And he like does his hands in front of his face like sobbing with five fingers on each hand, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:29 Like visibly upset. Remember how visibly upset I was where I was smiling broadly, but then for about two seconds, I sort of like looked down at the ground but then looked up again, started smiling again. I was visibly upset. And I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Like I don't even know if you know how I'm feeling,
Starting point is 00:19:47 but like I just want the show to like take it back and apologize. He's like, yeah, but come on, you said hurtful things too, Dylan. I mean, what if someone's struggling with their sexuality issues and then you just out them? You know, you don't feel a little disappointed in yourself for like, he's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:02 and that's why I apologize. And he has some apologize, so. Oh my God, suck my dick guacamole. I want that. I want that. I want that. That's hilarious. So, yeah, so V. Shaw's like, well, look, he needed to stand up for himself, which he's never done before in his life.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And so, you know, that's what happened. He's like, yeah, but I don't want to be the one that, like, I'm glad he's standing up for himself, which he's never done before in his life. And so, you know, that's what happened. He's like, yeah, but I don't want to be the one that, like, I'm glad he's standing up for himself, you know, but I don't want to be the target of that, you know? And it was just so vicious, so vicious. And I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm reached like, well, just make sure you don't say anything, don't like talk shit anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And I was like, well, I still think he should take back his threat and apologize. I mean, we fuck up, we apologize, we move on. And he's still on step number one. Ooh, ooh, ooh, could I have the bleach my asshole, Burrito, please? Thank you so much. So Dylan talks about how he's kind of triggered
Starting point is 00:20:53 by violence because he got beat up in North Carolina because he was making up with his boyfriend. He was making out with his boyfriend. And some girl came up behind a guy and pinched his butt and then ran away to make it look like the gay guys did it. And so they got beat up. And then he got, he was in a club in South Carolina and all the gays were kicked out of the club. And he's like, so, you know, like I, I don't like when somebody's like, I mean, to kick your ass, like sorry, but just don't really like it.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah. So, you know, so basically basically, Dylan thought that, uh, I'm right, was going to be the one to tell, be sure to apologize and, you know, based, you know, that apologize, apologize. So someone needs to just apologize. Like, stupid. Yeah. So, um, then we go to Brian and his parents and their and his mom is asking him about his relationship, like they're having a very private moment. But before that, his bedroom is like a mess, and they're gonna have this like laundry moment, and she's like, what's going on with your bed?
Starting point is 00:21:58 And he goes, well, my pillow covers fall off in the middle of the night. So for me, I just don't even have pillow covers. I'm like, wait, how do your pillow, how do your pillow, how do your pillow, how do your pillow cases fall off your pillow in the middle of the night? I've literally never heard of that happening. How does how much of rash? Wait, oh, yes, yes, I have five pillows. I had to get a body pillow with a zipper at the end, okay? So yes, I know, because you know, if you move the pillows around or if you're very How does that happen? How does that happen? I had to get a body pillow with a zipper at the end. Okay? So yes, I know, because, you know, if you
Starting point is 00:22:27 move the pillows around, or if you're very squirmy and bad or whatever, oh yeah, that come off all the time. Have a very violent sleep, I guess. I don't know, I thought it was totally normal. Wow. Well, you know, you do have a violent sleep. You've never slept with me. Yes, I have.
Starting point is 00:22:43 We had to share that crazy Airbnb in Mexico once with the crab, the dead crabs on the floor. And you like every time the lights came on, your everything was all over the place. I'm a very still sleeper. I'm not saying any judgements. I'm just saying like your pillow was on one end, your sheets were like everything was like all like tangled up, right? Like it was all tangled up in you. And for me, I'm just saying like your pillow isn't one end, your sheets, everything was all tangled up, right? Like it was all tangled up in you. And for me, I'm very, very still. Like my favorite thing is when I sleep so still
Starting point is 00:23:10 that when I get out of bed, I just have to move one little corner and my bed is made. That's like my favorite. Are you like that even before you were in a couple? Yeah, I've always been, I mean, I'll roll, I'll roll left and roll right. But what I don't do is I don't take all the sheets
Starting point is 00:23:24 and take them with me Necessarily, I sort of like roll, yeah under the shoe. Yeah. Well, I'm a fetal sleeper and so I sleep You know, I sleep on my side and then I turn to the other side But the other is always sleeping right like behind my knee, you know, whatever you call that your leg bend or whatever So that's where he sleeps and so when I can't crush him so whenever I move over I have to like grab things Like you're swimming in water, you know, I have to like pivot in one little space I can't just roll over you know I have to stay in the same space and so I've got like pillows on my side pillows behind me pillows to like rest my hand on
Starting point is 00:24:00 You know on both sides when I'm reading my phone so my arm doesn't get tired. Yeah, that's a whole thing. So I can, I wouldn't see how those cases go. So I have pillowcases right now that they actually drive me nuts because they're really annoying to put on, but it would actually be really good for people who have pillowcase issues, which is that. It's not like an open on one end.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It's more like it has, in the middle. It sort of has that thing where you tuck one. It's sort of, yeah, you know, it's like a, it's in the middle, you chuck one on the pillow, and then you squeeze the other end of the pillow and you put it in the other end. And then it sort of looks like your pillow
Starting point is 00:24:31 has a vagina on the side. So you, there are the decorative, or like the ones that are kind of the big square pillows or whatever. Right, right, but I have some pillowcases that are like that. I don't, if I had known, I probably wouldn't have done that because it's sort of annoying because if you flipped your pillow over, then you have like a crease where your cheek would be. But sometimes if you're like me every
Starting point is 00:24:54 moment, then I'll like last night, I'll like I overheat really easily at night. So then I often will have to do like a pillow flip. And so it is annoying to have a crease on one side, but pillow case issues play you. I would look into those. Guys, here's the point. Frank doesn't know how to do laundry. Okay, he just doesn't know how to do it, doesn't know how to put the dirt in the laundry. And the mom, you know, Turkredic Dharma says,
Starting point is 00:25:19 this is my fault, which is true. You know, I really love when a parent can take some responsibility. It's nice. So then they start talking about his relationship and he's like, well, I love Monica, but you know, like here's what I do. Like I have a lucrative job, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:34 I'm an IT. Okay, you might know because it's on my chiron because this show for whatever reason has to put everybody's job on their chiron every single time that come on screen. It's the weirdest thing. So he's like, so yeah, you know what I do. And it's sort of...
Starting point is 00:25:48 Of course he's... Yeah, but you know, where she's with her family, in our culture, you have to be a doctor, that's it. You're shit if you're not a doctor. Right. And like even though I casually mentioned that it's Q4 and deadlines and revenue, I mean apparently it's just not good enough
Starting point is 00:26:04 because I'm not a doctor. Apparently when a doctor says Q4 and revenue, that's fine. But when it's just me doing IT, if I'm at a restaurant, I say, hey bro, whoa, man, Q4, am I right? Am I right? That's not good enough. Yeah, like there's like a language gap
Starting point is 00:26:18 when you're talking to a doctor or family, because like you go to the doctor's family for dinner, you talk about Q4 all they understand is flu season, you know, it's rough. It's rough on us. So yeah, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, kind your social butterfly and you're gonna make a great life partner and I was like that's sweet I also have never heard social butterfly said as a Nicely, but I think I knew what she meant that she you that she's gregarious It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial Celebrity beef you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court
Starting point is 00:27:06 I'm Matt Bellasife and I'm Sydney battle and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Disantel. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon, despite both Selena and the
Starting point is 00:27:40 Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder Yeah. So anyway, we then go over to other Monica. Other Monica's house. Monica the Fox.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Who is a HR I S software specialist just in case anybody forgot. Thank you. Q4 am I right? So she goes over to her mom's house. This is the first time we've actually met her mom Anita and her mom is also very bubbly and she goes this is my mommy. Most people say mom but I'm old school. I say mommy. I'm like, no, old school is when you use, like if you would sit, call her like mother dearest. That's old school. Mommy is just you being, you know, young and a child. I mean, I would call my mom, mommy.
Starting point is 00:28:36 In fact, you know, I just don't, but no judgment, but I'm just saying, don't call it all. I don't know what's wrong with me, Ronnie. I don't know, like it's like, I've never done a podcast before today restaurant about goddamn cashew cheese just a minute I hid the window but I think I think that thing got into my brain and I'm not been able to focus and make a coherent sentence like the pillowcase talk did a lot to recalibrate me I'm not gonna that really helped but I think I think I got really thrown off by this whole veganism thing. So Monica is within me to her mom and she's like and her mom tells us that she came here when she was 24 and she says that her ex-husband Raj was
Starting point is 00:29:17 living in the United States, but he came back to India to go wife shopping for a bride. And she's like, I met him for 10 minutes and then I'm off to America. And we were like oil and water, which I don't know if you believe belong on Bravo because you actually said that right. I don't think that that's ever happened on Bravo. I was supposed to oil in vinegar, which is what most of the,
Starting point is 00:29:38 I was kind of funny, or the producer saying, so why didn't it work out? I was like, have you seen your own show? Have you met Raj? I have some, I have some ideas of why I might not have worked out. So then because to him going, we probably like oil and water.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And we were in the jewelry business at the time and the pressure of the job, it was just too much of a strain for us. So, um, to mom, it's so funny how she's trying to be so nice on TV because Monica is just acting like a mommy fucking monster, you know. She's like, yeah, here's my mom, who's difficult. And Anita's saying, well, I'm trying to change, you know, I'm learning to be considered to your lovely gifts. So thank you so much for this gift. I'm going to be thankful. And that's what I'm working on. Unwrap unwrap. Oh my God, a picture where I look sleepy. Thanks Monica.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Thanks, my and it was a terrible photo of her, by the way. She really was like, oh, like mid sentence. Like yeah, she totally remonaed her own mom where she like posted the picture where only she looks good at it. Yeah, as and by the way, as if, as if Anita's gonna re-re-gip that picture, I guess I guess she meant the frame.
Starting point is 00:30:45 She's got it. But either way, I was like, where'd he go, Monica, this past, aggressive photo of your mom? So she's like, do you wanna eat? Kamala eats this. She's like, oh yeah, Auntie in the White House. And Anita's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:00 like one thing that I'm working on is I'm learning to put a filter on my mouth, you know? I am a straight shooter and Raj, he's not a straight shooter, either, you know? He's not a straight or a shooter. Okay. And Monica's like, I have a daddy, you know, I have daddy who's like the complete opposite of you.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And like, I'm in the middle of both of you. She goes, oh yeah, you think you're so different from me but you're not which I thought was funny because Monica does have a severe bitchy side like oh yeah she's really getting all my nerves I know what she is she's getting on my nerves this year and last year I was like okay like she's sweet but she's she's not you know I like like she's annoying maybe but I like sugar cookie sweet but boring But now this year, but annoying Okay, she's like that you know how when people bring the sugar cookies and this is not just because of real house
Starting point is 00:31:53 I'm a major see it Just feels rude it feels rude to bring a sugar cookie does and maybe I am trained too much by bravo But I feel like giving someone a sugar cookie is aggressive. It's like, oh, look at my artwork. Not let me feed you something delicious, but like, look what I painted on top of it. Or like, you know what I also was annoying? You know, when I said sugar cookie,
Starting point is 00:32:15 I wasn't thinking that type of sugar cookie. I was thinking, I guess it's a butter cookie. You know those butter cookies that come in the big ass tin and then they're all, it's like this big ass, the big ass. They've got kind of a shell, like a cell, a little deeper shell. Yeah, and every one of them is in their own special thing. And like it's like the most over the top presentation
Starting point is 00:32:37 for like a very nice but bland cookie. It's like a dry cookie that's got sugar around it. And it's like these these cookies have to literally get the fuck out of here. Okay, you're coming in, like all dressed up as if you're someone special, but you have no personality whatsoever. And that's kind of like, I, that's kind of the vibe I'm getting from Monica this season.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah. So she's telling us that her dad gave her her kind nurturing side. And she's like, and my mom, well, let's just say that when I was in the third grade, a teacher had to tell my mom to back off and stop being so mean to me. So, and then hence, that's the backstory for why she gave her mom such a terrible photo of herself. So, Monica's just saying how she can't remember when her mom and dad were ever happy together. And because of that, she doesn't have a blueprint of how to navigate life. And her mom's like, well, I didn't have a blueprint.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And life is full of uncertainty. I don't understand why people don't understand that. And then it basically gets to the crux of it, which is that she just wants her parents to be able to coexist without acting like crazy people. And Anita, of course, denies that she has any issues. She's like, no, I'm fine. I don't, I don't have any problems. Yes, the used to want to hang up, not me.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I'm fine, I'm fine. Yeah, she's like, he's a drama queen. And she goes, oh my God, drama queen, mom, he's my dad. Don't talk about him, he's my daddy. And she's like, okay, okay okay go ahead and cry pumpkin look at me I'm being very feeling right now cry I've already called you munchkin I'm adding a pumpkin into the mix. I'm like come on off guys. I'm making your cookie way more interesting than it is.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And she's like but I hope even though you and dad couldn't come through for me I'm hoping that you can come through for my future child. Okay you You're old enough now where you're, you're going to get to get this speech. You don't get to blame your parents anymore. Okay. So over. It's fucking over. You just ended it. Yes. I'm ending up. You just ended. You're just ended on parent issues. Now listen, this is coming from somebody who used that shit until they were 40, okay, all the time. So in my years, you would have like another 10 years, but no, I'm taking 10 years off because you're way smarter than me
Starting point is 00:34:56 and way further along the mind. So now we have Dylan getting dressed for the Halloween party. He's like, I look great. It's basically, it's Maleficent, but at the Met Gala. And I'm wearing my DSW heels and my mom's banks. And I'm not wearing them because it looks skinny. It's just, those are my pants. To which I say, I feel like Maleficent would have taken offense to that Maleficent, but
Starting point is 00:35:22 at the Met Gala wasn't Maleficent. Like, I thought I was dressing for the Met Gala You wouldn't have told Well, how do you how do you make it Met Gala by toning down Maleficent like he had a head piece But then you're just wearing black pants at a black t-shirt. That's not Met Ball, sir Okay, I feel like no one so that again that proves his worthiness on the show because no one on Bravo actually understands I feel like the Met Gala. Let's just like do a rule.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah, because we're gonna see them all like city. Yeah, it's all like city. Mary Cosby's, oh, did you, by the way, did you see Mary Cosby's father's day, Od? She did a post on Instagram that was like, Od to my husband, who's also my, basically my father's father. Not well, grandfather.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Anyway, so I'm like, to range day. But so she did this father's day post for her husband. And the post was just her, it was like a montage of her looking at the camera in different outfits. They didn't know Santa. Sounds about real housewives. Yeah. So Dylan, yeah, so he's getting ready. And then we see Bobby getting ready. And so like, get me a cheek bomb. And then we see a
Starting point is 00:36:35 nurse, a nurse, do you want to give me cheekbones? A nurse? No, we see Monica putting on feathers. I don't even know you anymore like the daughter I had with like totally be putting Chinks on me, but like this rooming that I have like doesn't even care And then Monica tells us all about her experience with Halloween because I Love going all out for Halloween one year year I was a bumblebee. Yeah. I My god, that's so met gala. One year I was princess Jasmine. And Oh, one year I was an M and M. Yeah. Yeah. Um, everyone thinks I'm too much of an angel. So I'm not
Starting point is 00:37:23 going to be Satan, but I'm'm gonna be like a darker angel. Like darker, you know, I'm gonna be a dark angel. So then we go to- I bet it's like a honey bee this time, so I'm a bumblebee. Yeah, going all out, Monica Halloween. So then we go to Richard and Lopa, driving over to Vishal's house,
Starting point is 00:37:43 and Lopa's like, oh, what is this the way? I'm Lopa! My Richa says, oh my god, Mom, I've been with him for years. You don't know where he lives yet. She goes, why am I taking you to this house? Why? You know, you know what I need? A GPS, which as we all know stands for Gapussy Sun and Law. I need a GPS which as we all know stands for Gate pussy son and law It's like why are you spending time with him one minute? You're fighting then the next minute you're fine then you're fighting come on. What's happening?
Starting point is 00:38:15 She's like um well if I don't spend time with them then how am I supposed to watch him order? 20 appetizers and soften my heart like that mother and She's like all he's a drama queen And she's holding what are you I'm drama queen? She's you're the fucking Empress of drama mother. She's I am what I am That's what I am I am get out of my car drama queen Lopa I'm like, wait, Lopa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha So then party set up in community space. Yeah. Common area fun times. And yeah. So Laveena is, of course, over there doing everything. I love the show where the where like the mom comes to help set up the sexy Halloween party. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And it makes me feel like I have the lazyest parents in the world too. I'm like, God, do my parents even like me? Like, what the hell? She's like, I'll do your whole part. I'm setting up every little thing for everything. She goes, she goes, so you want me to open up the candy? I mean, you would be drinking a new tin candy. You might get a little bit of a high.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Wow, really living on the edge. Your son is a gay in Miami. He's going to be getting a little high. Okay. So then, um, Omrit and Nick are getting ready in their costumes and it's like, is this okay? Do you like this? Is this all right? You're not mad at me, are you? I'm just like, what about you?
Starting point is 00:40:07 I'm not mad at you. Yeah, I was weird. He's like, why would I be mad at you? You look like a mermaid, that's hot. You probably had all the tilapia. I hate both servings and tilapia. It's just, I couldn't help it. So I'm dressed like a chicken breast.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I hope you look at me. I thought I would dress like Frank Perdue tonight. So, um, Bishal and Risha arrive and, um, that basically, uh, Bishal, uh, after seeing him get into this makeup, he's got like a half devil face with like a one horn on, but then he's just like business casual with wings. Right. It's like a very like, like business casual with wings. Right. It's like a very like a couple of devil.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah. He looks so hot in his red eyes. I think he looks so cute. I want red eyes now. I think we're going to go get some red contacts. I think he looks so cute. So they're getting ready blah, blah, blah helping him with wings. And then Omra tells us, as much as I hate, as much as I love Halloween, Nicholas hates it.
Starting point is 00:41:08 The only scary movie we can watch is Casper and Hocus Pocus. That sounds like me basically. And then Omra, he's trying to be like a devil or some sort of deranged angel. And he's like, mom, someone just asked me if I'm a bird. It's like, it was a girl in an elevator. And I was like, I totally know what that elevator was like.
Starting point is 00:41:31 It was something going, oh my god, I love this costume. Like a bird, like a crow, like an angry crow. I love that, you're a crow. He's like, I'm a devil. I don't know. So there's no ice, which'm a devil. Oh. So there's no ice, which is like the big drama. I would just leave. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Yeah. I'm not going to go. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I don't have a show. I don't have a party in the common area on Bravo and then outsource outsource the ice to someone else.
Starting point is 00:42:02 No. And you know, living is going to get in trouble for that later. It's going to be a mom. Remember when I forgot to get us ice to someone else. No, no. And you know, Levine is gonna get in trouble for that later. It's gonna be, mom, remember when we forgot to get us ice from my party. Well, you know, no, no, not he's gonna yell it. We're like, I don't care if Umritch is gay. You didn't bring ice to his potty. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Um, okay. So Vishal, Vishal's there and Umritch's like, okay, you know, look, I don't want to resurrect this from the dead get it because I said from the day It's a Halloween okay, you're not okay. You're staring off in a spade. Okay, you're just okay now You're just playing with your booker. Could you focus over here for one second? All right, you need to apologize to Dylan He's like, um, what about what he did to me? He's like just saved my bad because it's sort of an apology, but not really apology. So yeah. So then Brian arrives as a priest. Oh wait, guys, Brian is an IT executive.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Okay. I'll see you know, came up on the screen. He's like, guys, for Halloween, I'm dressing as something really scary. Q one, because you never know what the year is going to bring, right? Wow. So let's see, it's party scene. So it's just a lot of lies you're reading through. So Richa is giving somebody shit for, oh Vishal, she's like, oh my God, look at you. What is your half red?
Starting point is 00:43:21 Wow, what is that on your head? A horn. I mean, what are you supposed to be? Devil?. Oh, dumb. Actually, that's rich. So then Bali shows up with a nush. This is the stranger that lives on my house. Her name is a nushka. And she's like, um, you know, I love um, it's passion for hosting Halloween, but solo cups appetizers from Trito Jones and no ice like This is a scary party. Oh So Richie and Monica come and Richie's like well, I haven't even dressed up for Halloween since I was a kid Yeah, you know, he's the only one who came to my 17 year old party without a costume. Like he was wearing our money exchange.
Starting point is 00:44:08 He's like, I don't wear our money exchange. Probably Georgia or our money. I'm like, why is this up for debate? Why do we remember what he was, what the shirt he was wearing at your costume party at 17? Why? This is so close. That's the whole point.
Starting point is 00:44:22 You know, she's like brushing his arms. She's like patting his arm because they know each other forever. So Dylan's like, the only reason I'm at this party is because Anisha said that we have a good time. So, I mean, if Vishal was hosting, I don't know if I would even show up. So then Vishal and Sean, they bury the hatchet. Basically, Vishal's like, hey, dude, can I talk to you? Because you're like a brother and I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know you were trying
Starting point is 00:44:52 to protect your brother and Sean's like, well, yeah, I mean, just, you know, make a good of Dylan. Yeah. Cool. All right. Cool. Let's hug. Hug. You're my brother. You're my brother. You're my brother. You're my brother. So they hug and they're fine. And then, there's still no light. So it's like standing on the edge of the balcony dancing. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:45:12 please don't. No one really knows what's wrong with you yet. Please get away from the tall drop. Thanks. Yeah, please, this is a common area. Please do not, like, please do not like, change it with, trauma, with like tragedy.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Yeah, so Brian is talking to Monica and saying, hey listen, you know, make an effort, just go over there to an agent, say hi. She is, okay, like, what am I supposed to say? Yes, hi. She is, okay, I'm gonna be like, hi. And bye. Hi.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah, so then, I just, it is just like more sort of talk happening and we get the basic we get the standoff right so Monica does go over to her and pulls Anisha aside and she's like, okay, so and she just looks at her like you're the one who dragged me over here You should have something to say it's like Monica dragged her over there and then waited for an apology should have something to say. It's like Monica dragged her over there and then waited for an apology. So she drags her over to your cell and then he just says, so.
Starting point is 00:46:08 So I guess we need to talk. Okay, she's like, you start. Mm-hmm. She's like, she literally interrupted me while I was having a lovely conversation with Richa, which is so rare. And now crickets, like you crazy, twat waffle.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Can I say that on TV? She producer's like, I think so. Oh, okay, good. Cause I just really wanted to say it's wawawful. So Monica's like, look, I mean, I really like your family and it would be odd for me not to like you. Wow. You should write cards. This is fucking touching, okay?
Starting point is 00:46:42 And she tells us, yeah, like I really like her mom. Like I would call her and be like, hey, do you have this recipe or that recipe? Or I'd be like, oh, hey, but now that has to stop because it rubbed a niche of the wrong way. And so a niche is like, well, you like my mother. Well, I come from that family, okay? Like that's how I am, okay? I am that fun loving person. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Yeah, Monica's like, I'm just so sad because all my best friends who are 30 years older than me stopped calling. So she, so, so Nisha says, look, oh, let's just like, look, I don't hold a grudge. I'm not gonna go, Monica goes, oh, cause I do hold a grudge actually, but I want to avoid pasts of aggressiveness.
Starting point is 00:47:24 So Nisha says, okay, well, I'm not going to lie. Have I said anything? Yes. Recently, yes. 10 seconds ago, yes. Am I tweeting something right now? Yes. Am I about to call you a twat waffle?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Just did it right now. I'm not going to lie. But I want to move forward. She's like, well, I wanted to avoid you at Brian's because I wanted to avoid confrontation. She's like, I'm not going to avoid you at Brian's because I wanted to avoid confrontation. She's like, I'm not going to come after you at someone's party. OK? Yeah, but like things have spiraled so much.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And I'm on the defensive. And she goes, OK, look, for me it went downhill when you said you didn't like me. OK, so that wasn't fine. And then I made a joke about you staying in Brian's room. I mean, it was a joke, but it's getting old now. This is all getting old. And she's like, yeah, but like for me, like, we have to understand how we are. Like, I don't understand sarcastic humor. Okay,
Starting point is 00:48:10 shut up, Monica. You're dead to me now. Okay. That's like people who say sarcasm is the lowest form of humor. Those people are not fun people. They're terrible people. And I challenged anybody to name one person who's ever said that. That was a good time. Are you saying Monica's not a good time? She dresses a bumblebee to a party, okay? So Anisha is like, okay, so I want to let you know, your boyfriend, I don't know what he said to you when he went home, but I did call him dollar store Drake, and he took it really well, and you really got the joke, but I'm letting you know I know I did call that and she's like um I don't think it's funny I think she's just I she's like I get the joke I just think that she's a bitch dollar. Yeah she goes it's not that I can't get a joke you're a bitch
Starting point is 00:48:56 she says but like I'm like were you being quick on your feet or were you just being mean? she's like oh my god okay so now I know that you don't like that. So I won't do that with you. Okay. Now I know you're a humorous, twat waffle, and I just won't say fun things around you or engage you in a way that might make you laugh. Got it. And then this should, in this to tell us, yeah, we don't have to be friends. I mean, my safe word is buy buy and then it just cuts for going. Bye. Yeah, Monica.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I'm on a cause like, um, I have a lot of friends and I don't need someone with so much temperament. Okay. Like I was telling my best friend on her 74th birthday. Like, guess what? I don't need this bitch in my life. So, Brian ultimately is happy because they can just be friend of me. And one thing we probably should mention
Starting point is 00:49:53 because it is a big plot point, but what happened before this was that Vichal pulled Dylan aside and he's like, Hey, I'm sorry for all the things that went down at Brian's. I thought we had squash things. I think it's, well, you know, we don't, we don't have a scene. No, we talked about Sean and B-Shal.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Not B-Shalund. Oh, I thought you were skipping ahead of notes, so people are probably very confused. Yeah, so I was doing the, I was like, oh, Benson and Hurrie, okay, well, we'll skip to that scene. So I was doing that. No, I was doing that. And you were doing the other scene.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I was doing it. I guess they were similar. It was pretty much the same thing. It was like, you're my brother. You're my brother. You're my brother. You're my brother. I love you.
Starting point is 00:50:32 You triggered me. Oh, those words hurt. I triggered you. I hate violence. I hate violence too. I set up for myself. You set up for me. I set up for you.
Starting point is 00:50:40 You're my brother. Yeah. Okay, so that brings us to the end of that one. Well, it ends with fish all stripping I mean, he's like, oh, yeah, Richard loves it because like, you know, you want me to be professional and stuff Well, guess what? I just close to 20 million dollar building and I can slide down a stripper pole, okay? So I'm the wacky one and you should love me for my wackiness like I don't think it's a wackiness It's a problem. It's like the constant need for it's like the constant need of like sexual attention from other people, you know, like you're always a guy who
Starting point is 00:51:08 has to be like stripping at a party, you know, or the guy who's like flirting with everybody to the point that you could be gay, just because you need the attention from literally everybody in the room, sir. Yeah, I love the, I love how proud he is about how we can be a stripper poll. Well, let's start calling him Little V-Shal X. So anyway, that is the end of Family Karma. Love this show. It's so good. And it looks like next week is finally,
Starting point is 00:51:33 I'm having to tell his grandmother that he's gay, although it'll probably be a cliffhanger. But either way, thank you all for listening. Remember our bonus episode this week is part two of Mayor of Easttown. And tomorrow we're back with the season premiere of Below Jack Med. Oh wait, is that tomorrow? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:56 It's sometime this week. No, it's not. Yeah, yeah, it is. Yeah, it's somewhere, somewhere we got shots to. Who knows? Just stay tuned. Bye everybody. Bye. Watch what happens ends would like to think it's premium sponsors Ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley Saboney. She don't take no baloney
Starting point is 00:52:14 Dana C Dana do she's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniela itchles. Let's rent some errands with Emily Aaron's Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickle-us. All the Nagila Webber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay, she's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Let's give a Kissarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger.
Starting point is 00:52:41 You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. The Bay Area Betches Betches and our super premium sponsors. Better than tabooly. It's Annie and Julie. Always the wisers Allison Weasler. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We will, we will, Joanna Rocklandu.
Starting point is 00:53:08 My favorite Murto. Karen McMurdo. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. She's on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Mina Kuchikuchi. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Shannon out of a cannon
Starting point is 00:53:29 Anthony. Let's get racing with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Koo Tar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens add free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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