Watch What Crappens - GBBS: This One Takes The Cake

Episode Date: December 1, 2020

We're down to the final three bakers on The Great British Baking Show, and one thing is very clear from the outset: Laura will be sticking her head in a freezer. Come join us as we recap a ve...ry merry showdown.Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who's the crap is Who's the crap is Who's the crap is Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who's the crap is Who cares what happens Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch, or sometimes even Netflix.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I'm Ben Madelker of the Real House Rowsing Kitchen Island and also the Game Brain podcast. Joining me is a man, a man who would win the bake off many, many times over if I had any saying it. It's Ronnie Carrham. Well, hello. Hi. How's it going? How's it going? It's going so well.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I'm glad Great British Bake shows over because it has really made me want eat a lot of things While it was on and now it's over. We are releasing the our recap of the final episode today a day early normally This is below deck day But we our roster is so full these days That we are just we were burning the candle up both ends and we were basically You know we were burning the candle up both ends and we were basically, you know, we were dead. So we are going to for the time being, below deck is going to be, we're going to attach that sort of like we'll do check ins on below deck, usually attached to other recaps.
Starting point is 00:01:59 So for right now, it's not going to be on the schedule because we have real housewives of Atlanta coming back this week. We have because we have real housewives of Atlanta coming back this week. We just have a lot of shows. Yeah, we've got five shows a week. So we had to choose one. And below deck, you've got some work to do, buddy. Okay, you've been moving the back burner.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Move it to the back deck. That's what we've done. Back deck. This isn't the first time it's happened. We've had to put below deck on the back burner a few times before in the past, but there's just too much for it. It's just, it's a lot. And below deck is a very, very rigorous show for us
Starting point is 00:02:34 to recap because taking notes on it is like the hardest thing in the entire world. So just for our own sanity, we're just temporarily, for the time being, we're going to just amend it to other recaps. Yeah. So yeah, that's that. So that means we get to do great British baking show early. Yeah. Yeah. Stay early. Yes. Huge thank you to everyone who did not spoil it for me. I was really worried that I was going to get spoiled and we started getting some messages and everything. And
Starting point is 00:03:02 I got scared to read messages all for the past like three or four days because I was afraid some almost gonna just come out with it and they didn't and thank you so much for respecting our spoiling wishes. Now, someone did spoil the undoing for me and it was really easy. And it wasn't one of our people, it was on another Facebook page
Starting point is 00:03:20 and some lady was like, wow, the undoing, well, here's how it ended in the book. I'm like, well, that's still a spoiler, the book. I'm like well that's still a spoiler You ask like what's so noxious? Like on the day of the finale, you know, I was so mad. But guess what what no one was murdered You know, I don't want to say what paid what yeah, I don't want to like diss anyone's page because it's not the page Just fault. It's that a holes fault, but
Starting point is 00:03:43 Yeah, I hope you just heard that U-A-hole. And I hope you're crying in your car right now. I imagine you in the car of a chick in your car in the line at Chick-fil-A crying because someone just told you off on a podcast. Yeah, talk about undoing. I was furious. But guess what? Nobody died in this episode of baking show. So that's good. Nobody has murdered horribly. Yeah. No one seemed to have CGI on their face, they'd look a little younger during all their scenes,
Starting point is 00:04:11 so that was nice too. Hey, why does everybody so mean to Nicole Kidman's face? By the way, leave Nicole Kidman's face a little bit. I just merely stated something about the great British baking show. I wasn't saying anything about Nicole Kidman. You're the one who took it to that place. Everyone online is like, hey, anything about Nicole Kidman. You're the one who's stuck into that place. Everyone online is like,
Starting point is 00:04:25 Hey, what about Nicole Kidman's face? How about you guys back the fuck off of Nicole Kidman and her face? She's gorgeous. And everything she's done to her face has been done for you. Okay? I think that she wants to do all that stuff to her face.
Starting point is 00:04:38 No, she does it so you won't call her old and then she does it and you're like, Oh my God, her face. That's exactly right. That is the plate. That is the plate. That is the plate. I mean, luckily we're a podcast that focuses mainly on people who do those things to their
Starting point is 00:04:51 faces professionally, like for like their job. Yeah, maybe that's why it didn't look any different to me. Like we've been through Vicky Gumbelson so we can deal with Nicole Kidman. Yeah, how many different ways can you change a potato? That's a Vicki Gumbelson face. Listen, I, listen, I, if she wanted to get plastic surgery, if she wanted to do something to her face, God bless, go for it.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I just think that maybe it seemed like it was like that season of Real Housewives where Vicki came back to shooting a little too early, you know? I just felt like that a little bit, but it's nothing wrong with it. It's just one of those things like, oh, okay, so okay, so that's what we're dealing with for this series. That's it. Well, today on the finale of Great British Baking Show, we're going to make Nicole Kidman's face out of Sue Pastry and Macaron. And Babka.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Macaron and Babka. Redemption Babka. It's a big Astorji. Astorji. By the way, someone did post a very damning photo of exoneration for Paul Hollywood, his feet, not on a ramp or a platform, his feet firmly on the ground. So, and it was a tight difference between him pru. Is he standing next to anybody? They were they were next to each other. So he is now he is exonerated from any
Starting point is 00:06:11 boxes or ramp conspiracy theories. Is he the same height as pru? I just want to get the straight before I apologize. It looked like they were pretty much the same height. Okay, in that case, and I would like to formally apologize to Paul Hollywood for suggesting that he was pulling a Tom Cruise speaking on Nicole Kidman and standing on boxes and seeing so he wouldn't look sort of the Nicole Kidman and by Nicole Kidman, I mean, prove. Okay. I'd like to apologize. I mean it. My family
Starting point is 00:06:39 apologize. My dog just apologized. Sorry. That was far in a way one of your best apologies and you said it with no malice and it must have taken you hours, hours, the hours to do. I'm just trying to name Nicole Kidman movies in case you couldn't tell. I couldn't. God, she's in a lot of movies. It just sound like normal things. They just flow. It's like, yeah, left, left you dinner on the counter.
Starting point is 00:07:04 That was a great apology. She, I mean, her movies are to die for. See, you didn't even hear it. I have one right in there, you know, like she's just bewitching and I don't know. I, uh, I can't remember any of her other movies. She has so many other things. Well, I'd like to say that that apology was real and it was not some big little lie. Okay. True apology. I can call them only come up with very recent things. I don't remember. Okay, so let's get to the finale.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Yeah. So great British Bake Off. So in the beginning, there were 12. Now, ready? Yeah, 3D. Baaaay! We got a little Hermine in the beginning. Yeah, Hermine.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So, we're seeing like our final three and they're all in the tent, staring at their batters very intensely and you just see Peter and he's just like staring. And then all of a sudden we hear him say, jeep is creep is and then Laura is crying in the freezer, which is like her new go-to thing, which I love. I love that she's like a crying box Yeah, this whole thing. It's it's been 12 weeks We basically just see Laura drop 90,000 things And then Peter staring at intricate desserts like he's about to poop out a beaver
Starting point is 00:08:17 I mean the poor kid is like red in the face his face is shaking. He just looks terrified bless his heart Blesses sweet little Christmas loving heart, you know? So, um, so now is the first day, um, and they're walking into the tent and Dave's like, good luck, everybody. Good luck, everybody. All those days saying in Mexico, when was luck? Oh, Taco Tuesday, everybody.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Good luck. Good luck. And Laura's like, well, I do feel like I'm going into the finale as an underdog mate. Yes, you're going into the finale as the lady who drops things. That's what I'm reading for you, lady who drops things. I think I relate the most to Laura. Yeah, and we get like a little recap of her journey. Laura's baking show began with Chaos,
Starting point is 00:09:05 and we see her Freddie Mercury, which I'm like, I'm tired to believe that when we saw that Freddie Mercury bust, that that baker would wind up in the finals. Well, I think that if she just told everybody, this is supposed to be the guy from the Dunkin' Donuts commercials, like Hamlet, the Donuts, she would have won easily, Hamlet.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah, or like the Micro Machines guy, you know. So, I'm a Luigi. Really, really anybody. Just name it something else. Someone who works in the local pizza rhea, then will be like, oh, okay, yeah, that's sort of a celebrity. Yeah. So, but more than any other baker, she's proved she's a survivor
Starting point is 00:09:41 and a star and someone who loves feeling chocolate everywhere. Let's be honest. Can we roll that chocolate footage again? Let's look at Dave. Dave has loved tacos. Boy, this Dave loved tacos. Let's see the first challenge where Dave made a giant talking taco. Let's look at the second challenge where Dave literally went into a corner and made out with the taco shell while everybody else was baking. And then Dave suddenly has this new accent. He's like, I never thought I'd make it to the
Starting point is 00:10:10 finals. For some weeks, I thought, I was going to go home week free. I'm like, what happened to your TH sounds? Yeah, he's like in the secret garden now. Yeah. From week one, Dave has been listening and learning. He's become one of the most improved in the competitions. Why are you being so mean to Dave? I mean, look, Ben is mean to Dave, but you're making Dave sound like some fuck up over here. He was always good. Yeah, I think Dave's done a good job. Yeah, he's always been very good.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I always thought he was a front runner from the beginning. And then we have Peter, who's like, I've always wanted to get here. I think I've always wanted to get here since I was 12 or 13, you know? Just, you know, just it's crazy. Yeah. He's marrying ambitious Bakes with flawless flavors. The show's youngest ever finalist secured his second star bake last week and didn't even blink when he was sexually harassed by me. No. Bakers, this is your last ever signature challenge. We need you to bake eight beautifully decorated custard slices. I love custard. I was very upset when I learned general custard died at the Battle of Greenhorn. And all the judges just stay silent.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Still, it's fair to him. Proo is like, did I get to 80 years old looking this cool to hear something so lame? That tells me, just leave. Just go. Mike. So they have to make these custard slices.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So Proo tells us a custard slice. Oh, that sounds very homey, doesn't it, but actually a custard slice is a really difficult thing to get right. We want laminated pastry and we mean to have those layers. It's all about the butter, the precision, lamb, bitch. What you don't want is dry or stodgy So then the judges go visit Lawrence who what she's doing and she's like well It's an easy cast it on the side, mate. All right. I'm serving it on the side because you know how you when you cut into a Custer slice a squeeze is down. Well, I don't want that. I want it to be on the side
Starting point is 00:12:21 So it's not gonna squeeze down. Well, I was like So the resistance is in the custard. Did you get the you are stupid tone that I have there? Is that what I'm saying? So what you're saying is rather than have a custard slice normally, you're putting it outside. It's almost as if you're letting it fall over on its own without your help, right? So you're making a vertical use you.
Starting point is 00:12:48 No, do you have anything to say to that? New him in high school. Thank you. You're done. Leave now. All the finalists are making a rough puff pastry. It's one of my favorite pastures whole time. It's like all right, Peter, relax over there. Peter was super excited about everything today. Yeah. So they have to use job. They're making a silky smooth set Yeah, Peter was super excited about everything today. Yeah. Uh-oh. So they have to use gel. They're making a silky smooth set feeling. They're going to use gelatin and Dave doesn't want his to be rubbery.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And Laura is going to use 10 sheets of gelatin and she tells us the reason why she goes, I can't afford to have it not set. Okay, I can't have, there's like, Laura, your Laura, it's never going to set. You just, that's just the way it is. Anything that needs to be sawed comes out melty and spilly. That's just Laura's touch. Yeah, so then the judges go over the Dave and he's like I'm making a comalote custard with hazelnuts sparks and little bowls of salt on the side. And Paul just goes Camel again. And Pager says, Camel again. You stupid point break loving Mexico fanatic.
Starting point is 00:13:50 And I was like, well, I can kind of see you as the winner. You know, look at you dancing at lesser bakers, bringing me my favorite baking cake. Then you've got a little bombino on the way. You know, you really should name that baby after a chunky little podcast, do you like spaking things, even though it's part of H.O.G. got so much as you were dead?
Starting point is 00:14:09 Keep that in mind. What you should do, Dave, since people are keep saying that you look like that podcast, who's partner, what you should do is you should name your new little baby after the podcast partner of the person that you look like. That's what you should do. That's a really difficult instruction to follow. For this game. For this. So then we see him face timing with his wife and their dog and she's like, we are missing you so much.
Starting point is 00:14:36 All three of us. We all can't wait to see you again. It's been so long but so worth it to have some peace and quiet from you prattling on about Patrick's Swayazion Point Break every single day, David. David, I'm so proud of you. I hope you win something that's bigger than a studio apartment because I'm currently pregnant with a dog hanging from the ceiling, a dog on the bed, a dog under the bed, a dog coming out of the keyboard cover on the computer.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Please save, get me out of here, David. board cover on the computer. Please save, get me out of here, Dave. So, um, uh, so like Dave's saying, some how he wants to win for his family, which is, you know, so cliche. No, it's a game. You should want to win to like get enough money to leave your family. I mean, what they don't have to show is this. Mm-hmm. I agree. So I just took a sip of coffee, which is a great segue to say that Dave is more that his coffee flavor will be overpowering, just as overpowering as the delicious flavors
Starting point is 00:15:31 of salsa in Mexico. So then Peter is like 75 mes whiskey going in McCream Pat. He's so excited. And so they all start adding liquids to their cream and Will they add too much liquid because that gives it too much that gives it less of a chance to set and then Laura is just you know dropping a whole Container of lime juice in there. Yeah, you just like she just like has like a full-on like gallon job Just like pouring. Yeah, She just has a garden hose. I just bring it into your custard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So, um, so then, um, uh, Peter is making his life twice as odd. He's doing two custards. A raspberry crampant, a whiskey crampant. Yes. And Paul's like, how do you feel, Peter? He's like, hey, that's something I'm going to leave here and realize how awesome it is. And then he gets to call his parents and, um, he's like, hey, that's something. I'm gonna leave here and realize how awesome it is. And then he gets to call his parents and he's like, hello, brother. There's no brother here. I see him. It's right next to you, mom.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Nope. There's no brother here. Your brother has gone, Peter. He's gone. He's been gone for 10 years now, Peter. Anyway, great gluten accident, Peter. That's you, Carl's, Peter. When, great gluten accident, Peter. That you caused, Peter, when you left the door open and you went out and was hit by a gluten track. And you never even showed a moss. So, oh my god. So many congratulations on making it through to the big off final. Just you and yourself and no brother.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And then his mom is like reading, like I guess she written down what she was going to say on this little call. And she has a super Scottish accent. So she's like, it's amazing to see how far you come on those preny afternoons when you are just four years old making cupcakes for your brother who is not here as we left clearly bedshed and I must say I couldn't have lost my oven to a better person and of course there was only one person for it to be lost to since when everything that we previously just got discussed. I'd like to congratulate both of your personalities for coming through so strong
Starting point is 00:17:46 people So it's like this is shaped me one of the beautiful things being at uni and not traveling the world I haven't experienced much, but there's a hundred people locked in here and we're the only hundred to experience this right here My Peter your ten years old, okay? experience this rock here. Like Peter, you're 10 years old, okay? You have time. Finish school. You'll be fine. Yeah. So then, uh, so then Matt comes up to pastor him and he's like, are you prepared for every student to be pointing at you? They're just gonna be coming up and filming you with the phones. Are you prepared for that? And Peter's like,
Starting point is 00:18:21 well, I'm a wee bit scared, but I'll just pretend there are a whole bunch of Christmas trees and it's Christmas time all year round. I'll just leave plates of cookies out for Santa wherever I am. Hopefully people will like me. And he blushes because Matt tells him he's going to be famous. He turns bright red. He also blushes because when there was a couple of years's like, it washes the lot. Yeah. So by adding butter,
Starting point is 00:18:46 Dave and Peter hope to increase their chances of a thick custard, but while their custard's chill, they need to prep their pastry. And now Laura's pastry is too cold. What the hell, poor Laura and Freezers? Freezers don't work very well with Laura. She's a pizza oven girl, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:03 She needs like soaring temperatures, like blazing hot temperatures. She does not do well with Laura. She's a pizza oven girl, okay? She needs like soaring temperatures, like blazing hot temperatures. She does not do well with freezers, okay? If she were a freezer girl, that would be her personality instead. She'd be like, well, my name's Laura, I'll live with my boyfriend and we have a freezer. That would be her story, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:18 Not her story. Yeah. So snow icing sugar weighed down between two sheets. Okay, so they're making their rough puff and they have to put sheet pans over it to flatten it out before they put it in the oven. And Dave has a very fancy way because he puts weights on top of his pan.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Little rocks. Little rocks in the pan. And then Peter, yeah, he is, Peter's the one who's putting on a snow of sugar onto the rough puff, you know, in between the layers. Yeah, this show is the show of writing notes it. It's like, rough puff, sugar, icing, white down, between sheets, between sheets. Like, you can't tell if it's like, is this like referring to something that happened or is this
Starting point is 00:20:00 weird British slang? Like, rough puff, between the streets and the snow. Yeah, you're like, get that rough puff between the sheets. Which means like Yeah. You're like, could that rough puff between the sheets? Which means, like, have you gone to the bank today in England? Have you got that rough puff between the sheets yet? So I've been painted. I've been painted. What would you like to do a little rough puff
Starting point is 00:20:15 between the sheets? So then Noel goes up to Laura and he is like, someone's in the finals. If you can just nail it for three pakes, it could change your life. And she's like, yes, but I do quite like my life. And thanks for getting in my head. I guess I'm her mean this week, aren't I? Yeah, she's like, I quite like my life. Have you heard about my pizza, Evan? And we get, we see her boyfriend or husband or whoever call. And he's like, you've been gone six weeks,
Starting point is 00:20:45 which is probably just as well because the kitchen stayed clean. Wow. How romantic. And then we see her dad is so sweet. He's like, Laura, how clever are you in the final of the great British bake off? Have you pulled it off? I'll tell you how. You put your very big heart and so on and all you do believe in yourself
Starting point is 00:21:05 because we all do, come on Laura, you can do this and you probably just spilled a sheet pan full of chocolate, didn't you? Didn't you? Laura, I hope you've taken what this family has taught you, went in doubt, stick your head in the freezer. I know you'll do great, honey. She's like part of me soon for them because they're just so proud. I mean, you don't really want to let them down really well. Let's see how this goes. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parents life.
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Starting point is 00:22:36 So Noah, he has resurrected Mr. Spoon again this week, and he is now with Laura, and he's addressing Mr. Spoon. And he's like, Mr. Spoon think that Laura's not enough to win. So it makes the spoon like not. And he goes, oh my god, he just said yes. You just said yes. Now you have to kiss him. You have to kiss him.
Starting point is 00:22:54 You kiss him, Laura. Yeah, this kissing the spoon thing. I mean, it is COVID time. And it is COVID like locked away in your bubble as you call it. But this is basically a spoon super spreader event, okay? Yeah, has that spoon been tested? Has that spoon been tested? I don't see any safety protocols there.
Starting point is 00:23:13 So it's time to uncover the page. Page three, Peter's looks great. Laura's is too thick, and I don't know about Dave. Yeah, I forgot. Basically, Dave and Peter's pastry looks fine and Laura's just too thick. And so now they have to add their decorative elements. So Peter, he has some sort of sugary caramel confection
Starting point is 00:23:36 that he pours into a tin and it bubbles up in froths. Was that honeycomb? Yeah. Well, he had it going and it was like frothing and then it looked like a monster and so Noel was like laughing and he's like, he's like, oh, it's like a creature. He's like, it's like, it's trying to speak to me. It's telling me who the winner is and Peter's like, go on. He's telling me, it's Dave.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Anyway, see you later. Yeah, yeah. Sorry, have fun. Yeah, bye. Oh, moment of truth. Oh, have fun. Bye. Oh, moment of truth. Oh, the custard set, Dave's is set, Peter's is set, Laura's is not sad, because this look, come on guys, so you're getting
Starting point is 00:24:17 come on. You put it in the pizza oven again, didn't you, Laura? I did. Second one, the freezer. Roni. Well, time to go back to the freezer. I don't think you have enough time for that to set. No, not for the custom for my head. All right. See you in a moment. Oh, so everyone else was cutting and plating and getting everything looking gorgeous. And Laura's freaking out. And she's trying to like pipe onto her thin little custard things that are falling over. And I felt so bad for Laura, because I felt bad.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I was really hoping Laura was going to to pull it out like just be brilliant all of a sudden, you know. Same. I was hoping that too, but it was just like it was it was really not good and everyone and the end I will make it worse for her is that the other two looked really great. And so then you just have Laura and her custard slices. And so naturally, she went over to the freezer and cried. Yeah, I feel bad laughing at her crying. But there was something like kind of like hilarious about just seeing or just sticking your head in a freezer. And that's the first time. Yeah, it's so funny. It's like there she is. That's someone who lives in the studio apartment. And you just like, you just need to be alone to cry. Like I'll be the for my
Starting point is 00:25:28 head will be in the freezer. Leave me. Leave the kitchen. Um, so they're watching her and Matt and Noelle are both like a poor thing. And then Dave's like, well, unfortunately, I don't have time to leave my put on my gigantic carmoled towers. But his still look really perfect. And so Dave goes to comfort Laura, basically. And this is really being nice. He's like, oh, you're right, Laura. Oh, you're right. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Failing's okay. Failing can taste good with a nice set custard. Oh, sorry. Was that the wrong thing to say, Laura? Sorry. She didn't have said that. She didn't have said that. And then, no, it was like, Laura, do you was that the wrong thing to say Laura? Sorry. She said that she said that and then no, it's like Lord, you know that beyond ball. You know why he was such a good winner because you just forget the past point if you lost I just move forward are you are you okay? She's like god damn it my head's in a freezer. Stop talking to me about beyond
Starting point is 00:26:19 Listen whenever I feel down I do it neon York did. And I just concentrate on balls, Laura. Does that help? Look, no. I'm so embarrassed. No, go, come on now. You've come back from way worse. And then he starts laughing and walks off. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:26:38 I mean, you're here, aren't you? So now it's time for the judging. And so they're judges go up to Peters. And they love the way his look and Prue is like lovely flaky Pastries and she's not stored yet all in the oats are really delicious on top and they can see all the layers And she's like oh the oats that delicious They're crunchy that caramelize their
Starting point is 00:27:08 their crunchy, their caramelized, their oats on a custard. So thank you for this little yogurt breakfast and camp thing that you've made. Thank you for channeling Colcanon here and to this pastry. I'm only sad that you weren't so literal to put haggis in here too. Thank you. So Dave's karma latte. Dave's like, well, I want you to know, I intended those wobbly lines. That's why the lines are wobbly. I thought, shall I pour like a Dave or pour like a Laura? So you'll notice the lines are wobbly.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I chose Laura, and they continue on to the floor into a pedal of tears under a freezer. So enjoy that. It looks delicious. And gorgeous coffee flavor. Although it's a little bit starchy, the coffee. But it's still delicious. It's not starchy, starchy.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Just Dave's starchy. I intended that. I did that on purpose. It's called starchyy Stoshy To. So Laura's usicustered looks, you know, like trash, basically delicious trash. It's delicious. It's a lot of yellow and has a bunch of, you know, whipped cream and stuff on it. So she's like, she goes, she goes, I'm so embarrassed. And you'd expect Prudah to say, well, you know, these things happen, you know, it's good days and bad days.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Prudus goes, it's so sad. How much jealousy did you put in here? A mil? Oh, it should set like concrete, Laura, like concrete. No, what Laura? The craziest thing. I just went over to the freezer and your tears have not frozen yet either. There really must be something about you. I know. I wonder if they're just fucking with Laura's freezer.
Starting point is 00:28:53 It's maybe. So, um, but like, well, you've got a lot of blood on color. It's like a cracker rather than a rough puff. It's like, oh, kicker, while she's down, kicker, just kicker. Apparently she put in too much flavoring, which caused, which made it harder for her filling the set, which was all the problem. But the good news is all of the flavor.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Oh, that's a lot of fun, dammit. Yeah, exactly. But because that line Paul did love the flavor, even though the puff pastry was not good and prugos, well Laura, you've had a bad morning, but it tastes delicious and you can have a good afternoon theoretically. I mean, on paper you could, but of course, it's you Laura. So anyway, we'll have the cleaning staff ready to wipe up all your spills.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Um, Nol's like, just forget about it. Remember the bowls. And she's like, well, they could have been rude, it's you mean. So it was actually kind of kind. So now for the last kingdom wrapped mystery. The technical challenge and Peru gives her advice. Keep your cool and keep everything else cool. Use your fridges and you just know Laura's like, oh fuck me. How many challenges this season that we're going to involve setting things in the fridge?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Laura's fridge is probably just like oh my god After this this is hazard fair over here So maps like make eight little walnut worlds Yes, your walnut worlds must feature a biscuit base a ganache filling surrounded by marshmallow, and coated with timpored chocolate. Like that tennis player, beyond, I'm sorry, I got what I was gonna say, I was thinking about bowls. And Peter's like, I like a bowl not well. Of course you do, Peter, of course. And poor Laura, she's like, I hate coffee. I hate the smell of it. I hate everything about it. And she just sort of stares down her coffee beans, like fuck you little beans.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Um, and uh, Brut Prune Paul talk over little tiny things and she's like, it used very tiny as did Paul. And he's like, mmm, the marshmallow is just set and it melts in the mouth and that soft marshmallow, delicious. Do you know what I want to say? Stodgy, I do, but I can't. Well done, Paul. Well done. Well, the Marshmallow is a bit tricky. I mean, if it's too sloppy, it will lose those characteristic WERLY WERLY is. That was for you, Peter, because I know you're gonna want to turn that into some sort of animated character that you'll express to me, okay? Mr. WERLY WERLY. Oh, so... By the way, those looked so delicious.
Starting point is 00:31:26 They looked like little malamars, but even better. I wanted one so badly and I contemplated looking up how to actually make those and then I was like, there's why do I think I would be able to make something that is featured in the finale of the Great British Bake Off. This is I'm not making marshmallows and all that. Really, Kirsten, I'm making shoe paste street with some Kremel glaze. Thank you. Wow, making marshmallows and all that. Really? Because it's not I'm making shoe paste street with some cremunk lace. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Wow. Okay. Delicious. That's your brag. Right out. Try it out. Okay. Nothing is too hard. Even if it doesn't work and it all globs together, it's still marshmallow ganache and a biscuit. You know, that's true. Yeah. That's true. It looks delicious. So Peter is doing that thing, you know, that food network
Starting point is 00:32:04 thing where you have to talk to the camera about what you're making You know like this show to you He's like well right now Things are hot and I'm just trying to keep things cold and these walnuts if you make toasty walnuts they smell Toasty and wall many It's giving all the important information while Susie focuses and watches and because much not feeling it, not feeling it.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I'm sorry. I don't know if you're right for this network. Yeah. And Ted Fogelson, well, that's a name right? Ted, no, no, not Ted. It was Ted. Susie Fogelson and Ted, whatever Ted name is. We love you so much.
Starting point is 00:32:40 We think you're so wonderful, but we're not getting from you what we really need. So I'm sorry, we have to let you go. I see what you can put on on the outside, but what I need to see is this coming from the inside. Do you understand what I'm saying? You're just not very good. Suzy Fogelson, people don't know, like when Suzy Fogelson, when they minimize Suzy Fogelson's role on Food Never Start, that is exactly the moment that the food network went downhill. Well, it's definitely when we stopped watching. That's for sure. Yeah, well that's no at least.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Actually, most all of them, okay, who cares? Okay, so I'm most chopping walnuts, because we can start a food network talk for about 10 hours. So, especially with Fuzi Fogalson. Yeah, so they're chopping walnuts, and then Peter has never made the biscuit and Laura is, they're all trying to figure out this biscuit, right? And he's like, never heard of it, but all right.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah, there's some sort of, yeah, this biscuit's called like a sublay or something like that. I couldn't understand that. I'm sublay, yeah. They've never heard of what a sublay is, but you know what, me sublay Espanol, so. I'm gonna go with that. Habla Espisablay.
Starting point is 00:33:47 So, they have to make a coffee, Grinache. I'm not Grinache. Grinache and Laura is just so grossed out. She's like, I literally don't even know how to rest coffee. Like, what am I supposed to do? She just dares at the beans. She's like, what do I do with them? You hear them?
Starting point is 00:34:04 There's var little deer droppings. She's like, what do I do with them? You hear them? Those vod little deer droppings? What am I supposed to do? And Peter's like, well, I've got this part down because it's basically like uni when you just do your homework and study baking all season instead of dating. You end with no lumps or bumps. I've got this. So then they're rolling out their biscuits
Starting point is 00:34:22 and Peter May have rolled his out too thin, who knows knows and now it's time to like make the marshmallow and so now So then Noel comes around again with Mr. Spoon and now he's coming up to Peter and and guess what Mr. Spoon thinks that Peter is not enough to win Yeah, and He's like come on There hasn't ever been a winner who hasn't kissed a spoon and Peter turns bright red Because you know He's being sexually harassed by a spoon now. I mean he's like oh no thanks. He's like go on do it do it Peter And so Peter tries to kiss the bottom of the spoon. He's like no nothing. He's got a kiss of face up the spoon
Starting point is 00:34:58 So Peter does it and turns bright red and then all goes that's a memory and keeping my bank the rest of my life and then all goes, that's a memory, keeping my bank the rest of my life. Pee-dors like, how awkward did I have my first kiss on television and it was with a spoon? So then Dave's like, I've not actually made Marshmallow before, well I think it's just an attempt in a language, you know, and I don't know why I wrote that down. It like annoyed me, like how do you have you not made
Starting point is 00:35:23 Marshmallow's Dave on Great British Beach? I don't know, I was pissed. I don't know, I don't know why I wrote that down. It annoyed me. How do you not mid Marshmallows, Dave, on Great British Beach? I don't know. I don't know what to say. I got nothing else to say. Laura was like, yes, it's an Italian meringue, basically. And Peter's like, I do Swiss meringue. Like, of course, you do, Peter. Of course, you fucking do.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Okay. And of course, Laura. That's a little perfect meringue. And of course, Laura messes up her Marshmallows.'re like not coming together. They're messing up because she started she basically started Starting adding the syrupy in before the egg whites were ready. So she has a startover, which is classic Laura Classic Laura. It's like well, that's the first Are you being sarcastic? Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:03 So Dave and Pete are both way ahead because they're piping their chocolate already and poor Laura's, you know, so behind. And then we get to the marshmallow piping. And then the chocolate melting. Well, the chocolate melting is where Peter starts to have issues because it's so hot in the in the tent that the chocolate is he can't get the chocolate down to the right temperature for it to be tempered. And he's like, I can't do it. he can't get the chocolate down to the right temperature for it to be tempered. And he's like, I can't do it. I can't get the temperature down. And then we cut to Dave.
Starting point is 00:36:28 He's like, I've got an always bath here, like bragging about having an ice bath. So he like figured it out. I was like, okay Dave, you figured it out, an ice bath. Okay, congratulations. I know, poor Peter's like, how am I going to do it? How am I going to do it?
Starting point is 00:36:41 Oh, ice bath. Look at that. The temperature's really coming down in here. Really coming down. Sometimes when I'm putting my chocolate in the ice bath, I like to pretend it's building, surfing in the waves and point break. And Peter is quite satisfied with how this whole thing is coming out. And Dave is getting good coverage because he decides to dip his instead of pouring
Starting point is 00:37:06 everything on top. It looks amazing. I mean, it looks just so good. It's just like his coils of chocolate, I was really losing my mind. I mean, kind of, but they also look like the poop emoji. They did. That's the other thing I was going to say. It looked like a delicious version of the poop emoji.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah, we just need that smile. If we ever get to do the crappy awards live again, we have got to serve those. Yeah, a lot of more poop emoji. Yeah, we just need that smile. If we ever get to do the crappy awards live again, we have got to serve those. Yeah, well not really. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, uh, so of course, Laura's isn't quite set. Um, oh, so it's not, I guess I'm sorry, now is the time when they start to judge. So they look at Laura's first and it's not quite set. Must have been a timing issue. I mean, at that point, they must have been like, well, this is an anonymous judging right now, but we are saying timing issue and, oh, look, there's lore in the freezer again.
Starting point is 00:37:50 So, I guess we sort of know who did these. Ha-ha-ha. Oh, so blind testing, here we go. So hers are melty, and then Peter is next, and Peter's like, looks as if the marshmallow was soft. It's like maybe longer on the biscuit, but the ganache is good. Perfect. And Dave's is perfect. It's great. It has a lovely crack for the biscuit and it has like really good
Starting point is 00:38:15 ripples or not ripples, but that spiral or whatever. So, you know, unsurprisingly, Laura comes in through Peter's second and Dave has the best poop emojis in first place. Yeah, so Dave's like, I can't believe it. I proved to myself and to them that I can't do technicals. Yeah, but do you have a pizza oven? I didn't think so, mate. So you have zero pools from having your head and freezer so often. No, you don't. So now they go into the discussion, like the judges are discussing what could happen. And it's like, can Laura win this and pause like, well, we've seen Stranger Things the 10th before.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I mean, we've seen people where it's all there to lose. And then when it came to the final challenge, they've lost it, I think of last week her mean when we got into her head for an entire episode and then she lost. Things happen like that. You know me secretly ruining people's lives with manipulation and brainwashing. That could happen. And I was like can I just say something? I'd like to say something about the wonderful tennis player. Oh enough enough with the tennis player, alright. Laura's got a huge mountain to climb and then it thunders.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And all this, like, God is very angry with what you said. Like, oh! Yeah, I'm pretty much like God's agreeing with me. God does not like Stodgy pastries. Mm-hmm. I was like, well, of course he is. He would dare not do. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Starting point is 00:39:43 No, because yeah, he doesn't want to get snubbed for your next pillow party. He knows it'll be a key party. She doesn't deny it. So now it's time for the showstopper challenge and the bakers have to make a colossal tower reflecting your personal experience. It has to have a large cake at the base and then the rest of it must show off three different baking disciplines. BEEK! Um, so, Bruce, like, is the exhibition at the end of term where you show off what you've learned?
Starting point is 00:40:16 I want them to go out thinking I did my best and I was bloody good! And Paul's like, well, it's the final challenge, so it's their own personal showstopper, really. I'm like, yes Paul, obviously, that's what it is every week. All I want is the perfect, is all I want is it to be perfect of whatever they choose to do. Yeah, and you said every week, it's like every week when you say, what do we want is precision. It's like you always want precision. Yeah, so the judges go over to Laura first and she's like, mind is based off my favorite quote, when it rains on your parade, look up, not down because up it's a rainbow, down
Starting point is 00:40:51 is all the chocolate you spilled, and the other only place to put your head is inside the freezer, which... No, my head is in a freezer. That's a long quote, Laura, to very, very long quote. Laura, are you sure the quote isn't when it rains in your parade, look up and not down because when you look up you get rain in your eyes and you can't see where you're going and you drop everything on your counter and make it messy, is that the quote?
Starting point is 00:41:14 Are you sure the quote isn't? Are you raining on my leg? Are you peeing on my leg and telling it it's raining? Is that it? That's a judge Judy right there. What parade is actually being rained on in your world, Laura? Is it a parade of pizza ovens? So she's going to make a little rainbow for her dessert tower and she's going to do lemon curd filling, keel lime tart, a macaron, an orange cinnamon cheese frosting. She's getting frosting on a cake and Chelsea but I mean they're not fucking around
Starting point is 00:41:48 They're making like 50,000 things each yeah and Paul and she just says that she just wants to do herself proud and pause like Do me one favor Laura try to keep you bench clean for once clean bake clean mind She's like what are that? Oh just spill ganache all over it. I'm not even using ganache I don't know what this game from but it spilled it so then they go over to Peter and he's like my desert towers bonkers baking show bubble cake of course Peter of course featuring the busy the shuttlecock experience bonkers baking show bubble cake I can't believe he didn't say Christmas and then they cut to what he's making and it's like Christmas spiced No, it's like it's literally like a puffed rice Christmas tree with Christmas
Starting point is 00:42:34 Flavors with biscuit presents and shoe buns What happened to you on Christmas? I have to know So it's gonna be a great British Victoria sandwich and he's like, I tried to have a wee brainstorm thinking about what my experience has been and I was thinking about it and I thought my experience has been Christmas, just Christmas. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Yeah, he goes, yes, you know, the other aspect is the joy of it all. I've watched this half my life. And Paul's like, don't say that. Please. So then Dave has Dave's tower is I think it's meant to be inspirational maybe, but I actually find it to be a little hotty.
Starting point is 00:43:26 He's like, I'm calling my dessert, a tower to redemption. It's Bakes where he's done badly and he wants to prove that he has what it takes. So I understand, I feel like it's on one hand, it's like, I'm showing that I am good at this, but I kind of took it as like, I'm really good after all, ha. I just watched a lot of Top it as like, I'm really good after all, ha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I just watched a lot of Top Chef as do you and this is never a good idea. This is never been a good idea. Because it's always what the, like on Top Chef, it's like when chefs do this, it's like, it's very ego-driven, right? It's like they can't deal with the fact that they messed up with something
Starting point is 00:44:04 so like they need to prove that they can do it right. So it's very, very ego-driven, even though It's like they can't deal with the fact that they messed up up something so like they need to prove that they can do it right. So it's very very ego-driven even though it's supposed to be like, oh it's redemptive, it's showing it's like no no, it's because someone got a Misa and Plastat too on their forearm and then they didn't know how to slice an apple and they were embarrassed. Yeah, so he's like the definition of insanity is expecting different results for the same thing. I think that was on start who said that. Dave Einstein. So he goes to do his again, he's doing the Bobka, the chocolate Bobka thing, Profiteroles
Starting point is 00:44:35 and Brownies, which I mean, a phrase of it. And a phrase of it. And your final show stopper thing. I just, Dave, come on, Dave. It's all just odd, the Frazier cake, chocolate bar, the federal, it's a, it's a, it's a mishmash, but like, yes, I'm like, Dave, I know you're trying to redeem yourself, but like, this is, I don't know, I just don't think it's good.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And Laura's talking about her husband and, and she's like, well apparently I'm a nagger. I just, I just say to him, if he didn't, if he just did things I wouldn't have to nag all the time and then I spill the bowl of chocolate the gnash on his head and say, sorry you just got law-rod.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I say, get up, it's strong for work. If you don't get up, you're gonna be late for work. Then I drop a cheesecake on his face. He's just angry because every morning he falls on his butt when he gets out of bed, on account of the butter that I spilled the evening before. So Peter is doing his biscuit dough and he's like, I'm going to do an American style sugar biscuit.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yeah. He said it in a way that I was like, oddly offended. He said Americans tell sugar cookie. I was like, what is wrong with our sugar cookies? Like I got like very defensive about American sugar cookies. Yeah. Yeah, I don't get to defend. I don't get to, I don't get defensive about sugar cookies.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yeah, he wasn't even saying anything offensive. I just was like, I don't even like the American style, you know? Because I feel like they're like, American style. I know. I know because like in America, those are just sugar cookies.
Starting point is 00:46:04 So like the colleague, something American style is like Oh, this is like the other version that is like not Globally accepted Excuse me. Those are our sugar cookies Listen, it's like the family is like I can make fun of our sugar cookies, but you can Yeah, no totally and I mean it's like I'm gonna make a checker to think, just like my Batonberg, and then Thunder! Yeah, Thunder. God says, make British sugar cookies instead.
Starting point is 00:46:32 They're fast superior. I ate American sugar biscuits. I made those biscuits to punish people. On the eighth day I remained British sugar biscuits because I hated the American sugar biscuits so much. When Eve ate the forbidden fruit, she also learned the recipe to American sugar cookies. There I said it. That's why they were kicked out of the garden. The original sin Americans should have escaped. So there's three hours left and no is now approaching Dave with Mr. Spoon, obviously making Dave because Mr. Spoon, which, you know, Mr. Spoon's
Starting point is 00:47:24 been getting around. Yeah, Mr. Spoon's howling. Spoon's been getting around. Yeah, Mr. Spoon's hooded up in this tent. So Peter's listening to his cakes, which I say again, I'm doing that now with everything I pull out of the oven. Yeah, sometimes it hurts you because if you're like making fries in the oven or something like that with oil on them
Starting point is 00:47:41 and you pull those out and you listen to them, oil splatters up in your face. So thanks Peter, thanks for that scar. like that with oil on them and you pull those out and you listen to them. Oil splatters up in your face. So thanks Peter. Thanks for that scar. Yeah, thanks Peter. Thanks for teaching us a hack, a burn, burnt your hack. Yeah, so he, Peter's battenberg biscuits aren't measuring up.
Starting point is 00:47:58 He's like, I should have planned this tonight. Don't, don't, don't. He has like some sort of brain fart where he doesn't remember how to turn his biscuits into a checkerboard because he wants his little biscuit. Christmas presents look like they have checkerboard wrapping. And so he's like, well, they'll just be stripy instead. They'll just be stripy and he puts them in the oven, but he's like obsessed and he's like fully unraveling.
Starting point is 00:48:20 He has like two minutes of unraveling about this checkerboard pattern. And I think he pulls them out and he's like, I know how to do it. and he's like I call it I know how to do it and he like fixes it and then he makes them all to like like a pretty checkerboard pattern But I was like dude stripes would have been totally fine. Yeah So no and then he goes and he goes. Sorry. He goes when he puts them back in he's like I don't know what was wrong. I think I was being a bit of a silly Billy
Starting point is 00:48:43 It's mildly concerning. So then everything's going into chaos. And Dave is like, these professionals will redeem me for those professionals I've made in that challenge. And now he's putting red all over the professionals, which is ruining it for me. Yeah. And it says, the judges said, my brownies are more like a trayback. So no trayback today.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I'm calling these brownie enchiladas. So Peter is doing his rice cone, his rice crispy scone or whatever he's making. But then it starts spilling out of the side of his funnel bowl thing. And he's like, Teeppers, Crapers! Silly Billy Alert. And so, the pressure wasn't enough. A bunch of stage hands who will eat literally anything of the ground started to drive. Stage hands who have been fed nothing but American Cheetos and pizza pies have started driving. Outside the tent we're recreating a pivoted scene from Gimuth Thrones with the Wadling, it's approached the wall. So that is the whole crew and staff of the hotel and everybody
Starting point is 00:49:58 starts gathering because they're going to be the audience this year. Yeah. And then we get to the portion of the showstopper that involves Newgitine. Apparently, there's a big Newgitine mandate because they basically need to make a structure to go atop their cake to hold these other desserts. So they're all working on their Newgitine and they needed to support things. And of course, like, like, Laura's Newgitine is not working at all. And you don't know what's going to happen with Peter, because he does look like he's going to sob again. He's freaking out.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And the word just keeps saying, I need more time, I need more time, I need more time. And Dave, of course, is like, well, I'm pleased with how it came out. And starts just eating while he watches everybody else. Okay, just sitting there. So now there's five minutes left and Laura's, I can eat more time, I need more time. And I want you to want me to help you, Laura. I've got time, I've got tempo if you need it.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Like no. No. And then, Peter is decorating his Christmas tree thing. And he's like, well, unfortunately, slap dashes our friend today. And he's like, I guess upset because he was gonna have a very specific pattern to how he was going to stick his little biscuits on the side. And he's like, oh, it's so slap-dash.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And meanwhile, it looks like amazing. And oh, no, it's so slap-dash, silly video over here. And now it's time to prove, and Laura's up first. Her looks kind of sad. It's only like two tears. It looks like a bunch of desserts that fell on top of each other. It's like, she literally made a key line pie
Starting point is 00:51:32 and just put it on top of a bobcat. Oh. It's like if you had to bring a bunch of desserts into the house and your hands are full, so you just sort of stack them and then you carry them against your chest under your chin as you walk in the door. That's sort of like what it was like. It wasn't really a tower, just like a stack.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, and Paul loves her cake, because it's very moist and not dry. Yeah, they think the cake is amazing, and of course, we'll Paul loves it, because there's Keyline Pie. I mean, see, Laura knows, she's like, I know I'm a long shot, so I'm just gonna put some key line pie in this to win some extra points with ball Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:10 Love the thing and then she's made chocolate Chelsea bands and pre is like well nothing is wrong with your baking Laura I love stretchy. I love squashy Yeah, and pre is like you're such a good baker and you're so good with flavor oh and I think you just spilled some of that marshmallow from yesterday on your shoes so and they love her bobcat and basically she gets a well done yeah she gets a well done Laura son of Dave, just be quiet. I know he's been doing that the past three episodes where he sits on a stool and smiles like,
Starting point is 00:52:48 good job Laura. It's like very patronizing. Yes. By the way, I also liked Paul the way he addressed Laura's cake. He's like, it's interesting because each one of those components on their own, I just pass on them on their own plate. I say, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:53:01 But then together I'm like, yeah. Ah! Just rip them. That's nice. But then together I'm like, no. So now it's time for pizza. So Paul, the cake arrives and Paul does this thing when Paul, you can never tell. He does this when he's either really impressed by something or he hates it where he puts his hand behind his head and he sort of scratches the back of his head as it just say, well, this is fucking amazing in my career. So he's going to take over my life and kill me and become the new star of this show. I know it right now. Or are you saying? I'm going to show up my biceps right now. Well, this young little whippest nap I tried to take my life over still sexy on behind
Starting point is 00:53:42 head. So Paul, Paul likes that there's a Christmas theme and he's like, oh I think it's lovely. I think it's lovely. And Peter looks like he's literally about to just like faint on the floor of the tent. Yeah. And the middle layer is shoe bums and he's like, didn't, didn't,
Starting point is 00:53:58 so I was, I was like, sharp, syrukey smooth. And the Battenberg biscuits are softening now because they've been on like wet surfaces or whatever, but they're still delicious, and then they get to the top, and proves like, well, that's disappointing, very, very dewy texture. Stagie, if you will. But overall, like I'm very good job, I Peter. So now it's time for James.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Tower of redemption. Original enticing, well designed and dangerous because you picked things. You could have done better at. So now you're saying these are perfect. Prusa, just say yes, Dave. Just say yes. Or whatever they say in Mexico. The tower just say yes, Dave. Just say yes or what have they say in Mexico? The Tower of Stupidity by Dave. Let's dig in, Sally. First we have the Frasier Crane Cake.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Well, it tunders anything. It's delicious. It's good. I just don't know what to do with these tall salads and scrambled eggs. I'll say it again. Why and I like that you dressed your babka up in a grey suit with a put back hair. That's a great touch. And falls like beautifully light summary cake now onto the brownie. Yes, last time we the problem with him is that they were all cake like rather than gooey. She's like goo, our taste goo here. Better, better. And then onto the barb car and and and they're saying like last time you didn't have this with that right and dead. Like, well and also I think I took it a little too early. So I think you'll be your fan that I didn't take it out too early this time.
Starting point is 00:55:45 You took it out too late. C'mon! Flavor's good, but the dough is tough, and now for the shoe. Straight away, the two flat. Two flat, two flat. They look like bow pastries. They did not look great. Yeah, his whole presentation was a little weird, because he had all those red things that
Starting point is 00:56:04 look like the tops of Mario mushrooms. Yeah. Yeah, just the kind of like with brownies on it. I was like, who, wow, brown and red. That's really cool. Come on, Dave. Pretty much his only really strong thing was the Frazier cake.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I mean, the brownie was good, but like they don't really care about the brownies. But the Frazier cake, Prue said it was one of the nicest things she's eaten. Just thought it was heaven. That was heaven. Everything else was shit, but that was heaven Yeah, I'm also like well the brownies check, but the profiterals and Bob cuz need work I was like, oh that's sad you got the brownie's room. The only thing you got Best man. Yeah, or great. So yeah, so Peter is worried. I
Starting point is 00:56:42 Was I wasn't sure I thought he might win, but I thought Peter was gonna win. I was, I wasn't sure. I thought he might win, but I thought Peter was gonna win at that point. I sort of started thinking. I thought the whole season was gonna be Peter, but for some reason I thought, oh man, Dave's really been killing it at the other two challenges today. So maybe he took it.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Yeah, I thought Dave was gonna, I thought Dave was gonna win the whole thing. So Peter is like, he's like, I just didn't know if I've done enough. I don't know. I mean, Prue wasn't so big on my, my frial being so stodgy, so what I, but I do like a bit of stodge. I do like a bit of stodge. And Laura's like, well, look, I mean, I did better than I expected. I'm good at I didn't do better yesterday, but I think David's just gonna know bit. He's gonna know bit. Yeah, I did just like I'm bricking it. I'm bricking it. So, um, so now, um, the, the, while the finalists go out to like the crowd, the bubbles, the bubbles, uh, now it's time to do the great. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:57:37 Paul says actually the base cakes for all of them were some of the best examples of those cakes he's ever seen. And you said that Laura would have to be amazing, Jesus Christ up, you know, down from heaven if she were to excels. So how did she do? And I was like, well, the flavors were delicious, but she's not the running because that's what you're saying, Paul. Yeah, basically. So if someone sent this freezer out to Laura outside, so she can just put her head in
Starting point is 00:58:04 it right now, just ahead of time. Okay, great. Thank you So the guys are making back and they're like how do we decide? So yeah, he's it's it's about as close as a draw as Paul has ever seen so then now we go to the award ceremony and Matt gives a really lovely thank you to everyone in the bubble especially the medics and the cleaning team and the staff at the hotel. And this is the closest final they've ever had. And the winner is... it's not a little shuttlecock. It's not a fantasy brother. It's Peter! Peter! So Peter wins and I guess he wins like a pie tray?
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah. You wouldn't, you he wins like a pie tray. Yeah. I mean, you wouldn't you wouldn't you wouldn't kickstand. Yeah. That's a glass cake stand. Yeah. How much money you win? Who needs money when you have memories? Poor Laura is making pizzas outside. Okay. They need money. That's what they need. They should all get something. You guys got a TV show on it. I think they get endorsements and cooking deals, but yeah, they get a kick, like a kickstand. So fuck that. I'd throw that shit through your sand. We're like, you better shop. I mean,
Starting point is 00:59:15 at least get me a scar for something. No, that's all they get. I think a stand mixer, maybe. No, no, kickstand. That's all you get. It's like dancing with the stars. You only get the Maribol trophy. That's it. Sometimes it's enough just to win. Yeah. So Peter can totally believe he won.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Which is cute. He can be like, he get mystical and it totally works. Because he's so cute and smiles a lot. And Paul's like, well, it all came down to a little bit of crisps and flakes. get mystical and it totally works because he's so cute and smiles a lot and Paul's like well it all came down to a little bit of crisps and flakes and a rough puff for flat shoe idiot but Peter should be the youngest happy that he's the youngest winner and the first Scottish winner so it's quite a quite an embarrassing episode for me personally. Hello first quote
Starting point is 01:00:06 unquote we winner I think you wanted us to say that I think he was demanding it. We just begged him to have a speech that was something other than Jiminy Cripes but unfortunately didn't take our advice Peter do you have anything to say? Jiminy Croyd! Alright, that's a... I'm a silly Billy! Alright, alright Peter. Bring my car around please. Alright, someone given some bubbles and it's run around and... both love bubbles. So, a Bruce like,
Starting point is 01:00:36 well I feel like he's my grandson or something. He's such a nice guy and he's so eager to learn and at my age. You feel like they're either all macho, like Paul Hollywood or Grand Children like Peter or maybe even Rick and Trotters, there's no good options for lovers at the stage. So. So Dave takes it well.
Starting point is 01:00:55 He's like, if I was told I'd be run-rub, I'll be out of taking that this whole time. And Laura's like, I'm just glad I got flowers. Peter really does deserve it. That little stupid fuck. That little. Peter really does deserve it. That little stupid fuck. That little Christmas obsessed fuck does deserve it. Anyway, I'm going to put these flowers in the pizza oven, and see what happens.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And Peter's like, I watched this show a lot. When I was 12 watching the show, got me into baking. And James got into the final in series 3. And I've watched that eight or nine times. Oh, little 12-year-old Peter would be an of me. I mean I think I'd believe. If I told him hey Guess what you're gonna get from your normal man. You're gonna be on baking so and when it of course twelve-year-old Peter would believe that But guess what only because it's Christmas every day One of the greatest things about having this having this period of time while
Starting point is 01:01:47 Peter's been away is that we can actually watch TV again. We don't have to watch season three for the 45th time. So then's the part where I cry. Because they end it. They're like the baking shows dedicated to everyone helping us get through 2020. Since the bubble, the bakers and their families have kept in touch as much as possible. And then I just started crying watching all the people. Oh, that's so sweet. You didn't?
Starting point is 01:02:12 No, I was just like, this is nice. I cried. I was like, oh my God, look, they went to each other's house. Woo! Woo! We definitely, we got a message, a lovely message from someone. Oh my goodness, the doorbell again. Why is this gosh?
Starting point is 01:02:26 Doorbell, you're gonna have to wait. Because this is important, okay? We got a message from someone who was like, I cried so hard, so I know that people were crying. But basically, Lorea is working night shifts at the hospital. Maxson got married, Rowan learned how to make his own waste codes. I mean, not cry that Rowan finally learned how to make his own waste codes I did not cry that Rowan finally learned how to make his own waste codes And then we get a shot of it and he's like he's got waste code stuff laid out and then he's like
Starting point is 01:02:54 I'm breaking some tea now. He drinks some tea You just know it's gonna take like five days of work and it's gonna be worth it in the end And then sweet Linda just headed straight to the beach with a bottle of wine. Fucking love. Yeah. Just had a huge bottle of wine. Sura, Sura, Mark, Ladi, Laura and Dave all hung out and then Sura eats chocolate again. She no longer hates it. And then Ladi, Ladi went to visit Mark and Jasmine and Rosie. It's like, fuck her Jasmine and Rosie. And I was like, oh, it's Mark's daughter. It's never mind.
Starting point is 01:03:27 That's so lovely, very nice. Yeah. And then Laura's even getting better at baking and her clean kitchen. And that was funny. And then Peter calls home and his family cheers. And then he hears his dead brother in his mind, you know. And his back at university and his flatmates had no idea he was on the series, which is really great.
Starting point is 01:03:49 That was really nice of his friends. And then we have the most, then we have the best twist of all. Dave finally had his baby and his baby was named Ronnie. Yeah. And then. His first words are going to be, you'll stay bid. Yeah, stay bid. And then actually very sad we saw Louise who's on a previous season who had passed away recently they gave him a nice little tribute. Yeah, which was that and that brings us to the end of series eight of great British baking show. What a lovely time. What a fun diversion that we've had over the past 10 weeks during this show. It's great fun, great fun, chuffed that we got through it, and now we will move on with our lives. Yes, everybody. Now we have the schedule change. We got a little
Starting point is 01:04:37 bit with Real Housewives of Atlanta coming next week, and then in a little over a month, we've got Real Housewives of Dallas coming back. So we've got plenty to keep us going through the end of the year, the beginning of the next. So stay with us everybody. Yeah, we have full Bravo content coming up yet again. Yeah, everybody, we'll talk to you later. Thanks for being with us this season. Bye.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors! Ain't no thing like Alice and King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney! Dana C, Dana Dew! She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela! Itch-O-Ls! Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryns! Aaron McNick-O-Less, she don't miss no trick-O-Less!
Starting point is 01:05:20 Hava Nagila Weber! Jamie, she has no last name-y! Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Jess saying, okay, higher than Hyras, she's Lauren Perez! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! One day your Rachel's in, the next day you're out! He makes a squee-richy-dee!
Starting point is 01:05:44 There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors? Nancy's Season Desisto! Let's rev our pistons for a Mando and Kristen! Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie! Let's give them a kiss, uh, it's Austin and Marissa! Somebody get us 10 C-C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva
Starting point is 01:06:09 Erica 500 days of summers. We will we will Joanna Rockland you the incredible edible Matthew sisters Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender no one makes us feel well like Megan Capzy well Nina kuchikuchi us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Mina Kutikutikutikutikutikutikutik. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. And have a meal without the Emily sides. Shannon, out of account, in Anthony.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Kutar. We love you guys! .com slash survey.

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