Watch What Crappens - Here Comes Orange County!

Episode Date: February 8, 2012

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. This episode of Watch What Crappens is brought to you by Gamefly. Go to forward haha for your free 15-day trial. Hey everyone, this is Watch What Crappens, a podcast devoted solely to Bravo. I'm Ben Mandelker from
Starting point is 00:00:49 And joining me is Matt Woodfield, features editor for Yes, thank you. We don't have Ronnie with us tonight. Yeah, normally we have Ronnie Caron, but he can't join us tonight. Which is too bad, because we just finished watching the season premiere of The Real Housewives of Orange County. What season is this? Season 6, the OGs, the original gangstas. OGs from the
Starting point is 00:01:12 OC. Wow. So, like, we are kind of a little bit high right now. Not literally on anything, but high on The Real Housewives. I'll tell you, at least I am. No, definitely. I mean, this has been a landmark week for Real Housewives. I'll tell you, at least I am. No, definitely. I mean, this has been, you know, a landmark week for Real Housewives.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Oh, yeah. We had Reunion Episode 2 for Beverly Hills, and now we're kicking off Season 6 with OC. It doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a banner week. Okay, so...
Starting point is 00:01:35 This is the real Super Bowl. Let's get real. Oh, I mean, this is... Forget Tom Brady. Well, I mean, one of these days, Andy Cohen's going to get the good idea of having
Starting point is 00:01:42 these women actually play football against each other, and if not football, some sort of powder puff or catch the flag. Oh, my God. Battle of the Housewives would be amazing. Something mud pit. So today, or this week, we are going to be talking about the Real Housewives of Orange County premiere. We're going to talk about part two of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion.
Starting point is 00:02:00 We'll touch on Top Chef. And if we have time, we may even talk about the Shaws of Sunset. What about my girl Bethany? She's coming back. Bethany, who knows? Is she dead to you? A little bit. Because of that fake boat situation?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Listen, the boat situation really irked me. It really irked me. But you know what will get you back on board? No pun intended. Get it on board. Get it? What? Her white sangria.
Starting point is 00:02:20 It's amazing. Oh, congratulations. She created white sangria. That's been around for a while. Okay, guess what? I made white sangria last week. amazing. Oh, congratulations. She created white sangria. That's been around for a while. Guess what? I made white sangria last week. Yeah, but pre-mixed in a bottle at Ralph's. I mean, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Ugh. I'm saying ugh. I'm sure it tastes lovely. But the real issue, the real thing we have to talk about today is not Bethany and her latest spirits. We have to talk about the real housewives of the OC. I mean, they, season premiere, quick flash impression.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Well, without, well, I was supposed to give you a one-word answer right there? You can give me two words. I'll give you two words. Okay, you go first. Awesome. Just one word? Okay, fine. I only need one word. You're the one who needs two words. I'm gonna go with, I need three words.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Okay. Gretchen Christine Butte. Oh, that sums it up perfectly. Classy. Classy. Innovative. Innovative. Pretty. Pretty. Um, no, I should, I, can I change my word? Uh, your words. I just want one now. Wait, are you going to keep the other two then? No, I'm dropping them all and I just need one. I need one new one. Okay. Veneers. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We had some veneers and I think they belonged to Miss Gretchen Rossi, right?
Starting point is 00:03:30 They did. Miley Cyrus was in the building and... Her mouth. Well, initially I thought it was like a fresh set of lips. Like maybe she had gone to see Paul Nassif or whatever. Yeah, or maybe there was like some Invisalign going on that was making her lips do strange things. But, no. New season, new face. New, uh, no. Actually.
Starting point is 00:03:45 New season, new face. New grill. New grill. Why not? You know? Um, you know, I have to say, uh, Gretchen, it was like a little bizarre looking. But you know what? Despite Gretchen's new face, I have to say three cheers for the season premiere.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Because last season was a huge dud. Really? Oh, what, you didn't think it was a dud? You know what? I think that I give it way too much credit because of the one amazing dinner party. There were two good episodes last season, okay? Two dinner parties. There was a dinner party in the middle, Peggy's
Starting point is 00:04:11 dinner party. Right, which was the best episode. Yeah. And then the final party, which had involved the pushing and the wine and the, you know. Right, Gina getting sloshed. And then everything else was just very flat. It was a very flat season. But you know what? This opening episode was, it was funny, like, unintentional humor, at least for the women, intentional for the producers.
Starting point is 00:04:31 There was drama. I cared about what was going on. It's been a while since I've been this excited about The Real Housewives of Orange County. Before we dive in and, like, break this down, let me ask you this, though. So, Orange County has the smallest cast out of any of the Housewives franchises. Is that something that works well for it, or do you think that there needs to be a few additional women, or does it just own it and it does its thing? It needs to be small right now because it's not working. And, like, I think the cast can grow bigger if it works, if they just add on.
Starting point is 00:04:59 But they need to focus on a few good characters. Okay. Plus, Peggy's still in the mix, apparently. I mean, she's not an official cast member, but man, she is, like, her presence is felt. She is a playa this season, so we can't ignore that. Alright, so let's, before we get to Peggy, okay, first of all, we have
Starting point is 00:05:13 some new opening titles that we saw. Did you like them? I was really nervous. I was amused. I was amused, first of all, Tamara. First of all, I think this is the first time Tamara's ever done it. Tamara leads, because Vicky is the original gangster. I know, and not only did Tamara lead, but she didn't mention how hot she is, which is normally what she does. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That really is her signature. And initially, when we were watching this and Tamara delivered her line, I kind of rolled my eyes. And then two seconds later, I'm like, that was kind of awesome. Well, I believe the line was... There was something with an arrow and a target. Yeah, something like... For being like a sassy archer.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I thought it was more in terms of hunting. It's like, I have aim. Oh, no, it's like, I have things in my target and I have great aim. I don't know. It was something really bizarre. It was good. I bought into it. I was down.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And then Vicky said something along the lines of, my tank is full and I'm driving forward. Or something like that. Oh, Vicky and the love tank. You gotta love the fact that there's sort of like a vague allusion to her vagina that's gonna happen at the top of every single show. Ah! I'm screaming because Vicky can't say the word vagina. It's just too much for her. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And then the other people's opening lines were generic. Whatever. Who cares? Who cares about Gretchen? I really wish I could remember the Tamara one. Oh well. That shows how good of a podcaster I am that I don't even bother taking notes. Just trust us. It's good.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So then we had the opening titles, and then we had Gretchen. We saw her new face. Gosh. Gosh. She didn't need to do that. Well, she doesn't have a lot of money, so I really think that she didn't, you know, buy the best faux teeth that were available. Can we talk about how much we hate her house?
Starting point is 00:06:42 Okay, she is poor. It's full of knickknacks, paddywhacks, dogs that need a bone. The wine rack on the wall with the upside down wine. Yeah, I mean, this is like the best of World Market or something like that. It's World Market. Pure One Rejects. Right, or like the sale rack at Marshall's, you know, like when you're walking up by the register and it's like, here's some jelly bellies, a crystal goblet, maybe some, like,
Starting point is 00:07:08 rooster chicken type thing. It's that one aisle in Marshalls or TJ Maxx or Ross where it's like, you know, there's always an aisle where there's like kitchenware, where there's like pots and pans. That's cool. And then you go to the next aisle and you're like, oh, shoot, no more kitchenware. It's like big clocks with like ornate hands. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Or like used. Fake wood. There's no like yellow. Or like big clocks with like ornate hands right or like you fake wood there's no like yellow or like a used like like discounted bed head products yeah and there's like wrought iron like tchotchkes you know and like her house has all of them she's the one who buys it they're all there they're all on the wall she has like a case of like china in the middle of like her kitchen it just is she has cheap bookcases filled with glassware. Yeah, but not like... It's very Midwest old lady. Maybe she inherited it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Maybe she did. I don't know. So Gretchen... The big news at the top of the show is that Gretchen and Tamara had a ceasefire. And Tamara... I was sort of amused
Starting point is 00:08:01 by the way Tamara handled it. She kept on saying, you know, things got so crazy. I was saying things. You were saying things. She was not She kept on saying, you know, things got so crazy. I was saying things. You were saying things. She was not taking the full blame. She would never take the full blame. Gretchen wasn't saying anything.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Gretchen was just reacting. She was like, you know, we both were just saying things. Like, no, you were saying things. You were saying things. And you can't admit that you were being a big, nasty bitch. But to be fair, Tamara finally said, I'm sorry. She finally apologized. It was real quick though
Starting point is 00:08:25 it was quick but you know considering it took three years to get there that's true I mean Gretchen should take what she can get and then she gave Gretchen
Starting point is 00:08:32 some hard piece of costume jewelry it was like some pink and white pearl thing with a key but there was a key on it to open the door
Starting point is 00:08:38 to their future and to lock their past away which is by the way the healthiest way to handle a friendship that is true let's just sweep that under the rug
Starting point is 00:08:44 let's literally just lock it away and never talk about that. Do you think that this bedazzled cuff was from the Lynn Curtin line of accessories? Well, if it wasn't, I'm sure Lynn Curtin will come banging on the door being very angry and she'll have her two daughters in tow. Oh, Lynn.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I miss Lynn and Tammy Knickerbocker and all the good vets. You'll know they'll be in the background at some party eventually. Oh, they will be good vets. I don't miss Tammy. You'll know they'll be in the background at some party. Oh, they will be. The finale. I don't miss Tammy, but Lynn. What about Quinn and her wigs? Well, Quinn, I mean.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Well, what's Quinn's alter ego name? It's something like Lady Susan or something. Yeah, something favorite. Some bizarre thing that doesn't believe in dinosaurs, I'll tell you that much. Do you think that Gretchen and Tamara are going to be able to keep this facade? Or is this like two episodes and then they are going to be able to keep up this facade, or is this like two episodes and then they're going to be pulling each other's hair? I think this time, yes, based purely
Starting point is 00:09:30 on the previews. Because if they couldn't, you'd see it in the previews for the season. You know, they sort of do this every season, they sort of attempt to bury the hatchet. Yeah, but it always goes off the rails. It goes off the rails usually because Tamra never fully apologizes, but she apologized this time. Right so and i think that i also do believe that because tamra and simon have
Starting point is 00:09:52 been separated for a while she's not leaning on vicky as much and yeah vicky is the one who really pushes her into these fights yeah and i think also tamra probably realized what hypocrite she was for calling out Gretchen when Tamara was mad at Gina for doing the same thing to her. Exactly. And I think that, in fact, when Gretchen brought that up to Tamara at the reunion, she was a little surprised by it
Starting point is 00:10:14 and she's probably thought about it a little bit more. Yeah, I actually think, unlike so many of the other dumb housewives on all these franchises, I think that Tamara is actually a student of the real housewives. And before she joined that cast, she did her homework. She knew what she was getting into.
Starting point is 00:10:28 She knew she had to play up her character to remain on the show. And now she's opening the credits. She is the star of the show. Do you think this is going to be the season where she truly becomes likeable? Because last season she did great, and then she fell apart at reunion. She was a horrific bitch at the reunion. Oh, she was the worst she's ever been. And you remember why we all
Starting point is 00:10:46 hated her for so many years. Do you think this is going to be the year that she had some funny lines? I actually think it's very similar to Camille where they're going to try to create a new facade for a new season. We'll see how that goes. Didn't work so well for Camille. We'll get there in a little bit. I thought it worked quite well for Camille. No, it worked for Camille
Starting point is 00:11:02 but she's going to find herself off the show because she's boring now. I don't know, but people, it worked for Camille, but she's going to find herself off the show because she's boring now. So I just think... I don't know, but people love her, though. They do, but I just think Tamara is... She's not able to keep her mouth shut. She's always going to keep it spicy and raw and raunchy. She had some funny lines. I mean, so can we jump ahead for one second here to Heather?
Starting point is 00:11:18 We'll get into Heather later, but just in terms of Tamara. Okay. You know, when Tamara first met this new girl Heather this classic Tamra, she's like she's wealthy, she seems smart, she seems lovely she's probably a bitch that's like classic Tamra right there you know well let's just get into Heather, let's just go there
Starting point is 00:11:37 sure, okay, and then we'll double back we'll double back so Heather actually, you know, I did my research. Yes. And, you know, in all the previews it was hilarious to me because Gretchen's like, um, you call yourself an actress, but what the hell have you ever been on? You're nobody, right?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Right. So, I looked at her IMDb resume. As opposed to Fashionista Luminary, Gretchen Christine. Right. The Gretchen Christine Beauté handbag line. That is true. That is true. So, I looked at her IMDb pageDB page and surprisingly she was on shows that lasted.
Starting point is 00:12:08 She actually has a legitimate resume. I mean none of her stuff really made it into the pop culture awareness but she was on legitimate shows and it wasn't. What I'm getting at though is she got paychecks. She got paid. Yeah. She was the Kyle Richards of her time. She was.
Starting point is 00:12:23 That is saying a lot. But clearly she stopped to have kids maybe seven, eight years ago. She married paid. Yeah, yeah. She was the Kyle Richards of her time. She was. That is saying a lot. But clearly she stopped to have kids maybe seven, eight years ago. She married wealthy. Married wealthy. Smart move. Good girl. But now... So what do you think of her?
Starting point is 00:12:33 What do you think of Heather... Whatever her last name is. So here's the deal. I want to say Bandicamp, but that's not correct. She is wearing all of these classy dresses. She dresses way classier than the OC hookers. She has the face of a Cheshire Cat meets Bethany Frankel. She does.
Starting point is 00:12:48 She loves a sparkly bobble necklace. She loves a statement necklace. Here's the thing. I just don't really know her yet. I think that she's kind of fake. I think that she's just doing anything she can to get on this program. Clearly that works. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I vacillated wildly over the course of the hour. When I first met her, I was like, oh, she's a bitch. You that worked. I vacillated wildly over the course of the hour. When I first met her, I was like, oh, she's a bitch. You were hating. There was something about her. She wasn't really being bitchy, but there was some sort of haughtiness. She was over this
Starting point is 00:13:17 lot of land. It wasn't a haughtiness. She was quietly bragging about a lot of different things. She's sort of like... She's no know, she's sort of like, um... She's no Countess Luanne de Lesseps. No, but she is the Countess Luanne de Lesseps of this cast. Of Orange County, yes. Which is like, which then made me kind of love her. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Okay, I'll give you that. But then I sort of started to hate her again when she pretended like she didn't know who was in Tamara's crew. I mean, of course she didn't know who was in Tamara's crew. Okay, that was aggravating. I'm sorry, like, you're not gonna join this cast and not know all the backstories. Yeah, but then I started to like her because she clearly seemed to be on Team Tamara Peggy later on in the episode.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I like Team Peggy, but I don't like Team Vicky, and I don't want her to be Team Vicky. I think they're going to clash, don't you? Here's the most important part. I said this as we were watching. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They are setting this up that Alexis is going to be so
Starting point is 00:14:05 jealous of Heather. Alexis will be threatened by Heather. Alexis will hate everything that Heather's about. So, who the fuck cares what Heather does? Because if Alexis hates her, I'm going to love her. That's true. That's true. But Vicky, I feel like, is also going to be threatened because she is the first original housewife.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And when you bring in new blood, it doesn't always work well. But Vicky is happy now, which was a perfect segue into Vicky. So Vicky is, she's, are they divorced? Or they never got married?
Starting point is 00:14:32 Did they get married? I don't remember. They were, I don't know if they were married. They're separated. Either way, they're separated. They're separated, but John is still living in the house.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yeah, and there's a, and she has a boyfriend named Brooks from Mississippi, and she's selling her house, her big old house, fluffing up those pillows. She apparently has a glow about her. How do you feel about, how do you feel about Vicky in this transition?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Well, I hate Vicky. I hated her last season. I think she's awful. I'm still team Gina through and through. And speaking of Gina, my big problem is here, like, she and Tamra used to give Gina so much shit for Gina's, like, abusive husband still living in that house. Which, yes, huge mistake, big issue. But Don is living in
Starting point is 00:15:10 Vicky's house now and they're separated and she's screwing some dude from Mississippi. I agree, although I will say the difference is that it seems like they actually have a game plan. Like, it seems like he's in the house because they need she needs him in the house until they sell it. Right, and then once they sell it, he's gonna start asking for support,
Starting point is 00:15:25 which I love. Team Don, take Vicky's money. That's true. Although, you know, the thing is, every time I think
Starting point is 00:15:29 I'm hating on Vicky, I don't know, there's something about her that makes me sort of love her. Well, I have to love her because she's the original. She's the original,
Starting point is 00:15:35 but there's something about her that's just, I don't know, she's Vicky, you know? She is Vicky. You hate her, but you love her.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I don't know, in a strange way. It's going to be a crazy season for her though because I think the divorce is going to screw with her and, you know, the new guy, who knows what's going to happen and I know her, but you love her. I don't know. In a strange way. It's going to be a crazy season for her, though, because I think the divorce is going to screw with her. And, you know, the new guy. Who knows what's going to happen?
Starting point is 00:15:49 And I know that her daughter, Brianna, is still very upset with her for the divorce with Don. I mean, there's a lot still going on in her life. Let's focus on the positive, that she's getting rid of that house, which maybe it's a nice big layout. But honestly, it's the same problem with Gretchen in a certain way, which is just that brown. Everything's brown. It looks like, honestly, it looks like a showroom for Ashley Furniture.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And if you've ever been in a showroom for Ashley Furniture, it's the worst place on earth. I think it looks very, like, cheap, Vegas, like, not like the Bellagio, like the Monte Carlo, $59.99. Yeah, it's like trying to be classy, but it's just disgusting. Yeah. And everything that Tamara has, has, like, fleur-de-lis and crosses. Like, here's just disgusting. Yeah. And everything that Tamara has has like fleur-de-lis and crosses. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Like here's the thing. All the crap in their houses have fleur-de-lis and crosses on them and so do their tacky husbands and boyfriends jeans and bedazzled snap up shirts. This is the land of affliction and Ed Hardy bedazzled things.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I mean this is where leopard skin prints this is where style goes to die. It's true. Everyone thinks it's New Jersey. No, it's Orange County. They really aren't that far off from the Jersey cast. It really just is a SoCal setting. Yeah, it really, I mean, it's just, honestly, I mean, the Orange County, people in Orange
Starting point is 00:16:59 County in general, maybe I shouldn't say this because I'll get in trouble. You go there. It's basically like rednecks with money I mean this is like they're a motorcycle new money yeah it's like the Harley Davidson circles
Starting point is 00:17:10 you know not all of them but you know Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards played by HBO's Industries Myhala Harold a brilliant scholarship student
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Starting point is 00:19:06 Or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. out. Our favorite. My favorite. And by favorite we mean our least favorite. She's honestly one of the worst housewives in all the housewives. Ever. Ever. She's worse than people on DC and Miami. She is one of the worst of all time and yet it's so essential that they have her on here because she's so awful we have to revel in it. She's TV gold. We are talking about the one the only Alexis Bellino.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Oh my god. She is just pure gold. She is TV gold and she may not have even been as much TV gold As she was on this season premiere So the big news is that According to her Alexis Couture is doing great It's flying off the shelves
Starting point is 00:19:56 Even though it's not on any shelves But Jim likes it and that's probably enough to make it a blockbuster success It's true But the big story is that Fox 5 in San Diego has hired Alexis to be like their beauty and style reporter. And at first. On Friday mornings only. On Friday mornings only, which makes it so stressful for her.
Starting point is 00:20:12 It's true. It's so hard to juggle a career. She's an entrepreneur. A career and a family. You know, a one day a week career, but you know, still as a juggler. And she still has an assistant. She has so many things to do. She's got to set Jim's alarm clock because God knows he can't do it himself.
Starting point is 00:20:24 No, I mean, I was really fearing that we were going to have a Russell Taylor moment right there. Alexis might have to put her jaw back on. Over a toilet. Over a toilet because she didn't set Jim's alarm clock. What a failure of a housewife she is. Truly. Truly a failure. So when we were watching this,
Starting point is 00:20:39 we were shocked at first because we thought, how could NBC allow Alexis to do reporting on, or Bravo do reporting on Fox 5? I mean, wouldn't they keep it within the NBC family? Yeah, there was no synergy there. It made no sense until we came to the realization that Fox is trash. Well, until we came to the realization that, sure, this might have brought some attention to NBC, but it would have been the embarrassing, terrible attention. So the segment that Alexis
Starting point is 00:21:06 did, it was bewildering. It was bewildering. So first, she shows up. On many levels. Okay, so she drives down there in this outfit like what? It's like, it looks like loungewear. It was like a fake knockoff Juicy Couture, like blur tracksuit pajama. I was like, okay, she's just wearing this and she's going to change at the studio.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Well, she brought a trolley with her. You'd think there was like a glamorous ball gown. No, she doesn't change at all. She just wears this stupid outfit on the air. She barely has any prep. So the segment that she's doing has to do with, she's doing something with Dr. Booty. Yes, for those of you who don't know, he is a real doctor. Well, at least, well, he wears a white lab suit.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Well, that means he's a real doctor. A lab jacket, I should say. Yeah, he's a doctor. I love Alexis actually questions him. I don't know if he has a PhD, and she really meant MD, but that's okay. At least she knows what an advanced degree. This is a stretch. Good for her for knowing some things. And so this segment,
Starting point is 00:21:58 first of all, there's this... We were laughing already that Alexis looked ridiculous with her big boobs in this outfit, and then this producer comes out. The hooker producer. Hooker producer with boobs that make Alexis look this outfit. And then this producer comes out. The hooker producer. The hooker producer with boobs that make Alexis look demure. And she's got like the... The cinched waist. It's like an A-line skirt that goes right up to her
Starting point is 00:22:14 you know, really high up. The mini skirt. And then boobs right on top of the waist. And like huge boobs. And hooker heels. And so we're like, what is going on? And then Dr. Booty comes out. It's this big old black guy with a lab lab jacket and shorts okay and he's like this big overweight guy who apparently knows how to make you lose weight which is strange and then this like chorus line of women come out and then they
Starting point is 00:22:34 have a wheel of asses like literally like different type of asses profiled asses yeah and uh so this is already crazy and then on top of everything else it's it's live TV and Alexis isn't even on camera. She's off to the side drinking water. So she gets on camera. Okay, look. Here's the crazy thing. She's convinced that she was born to be a star. And her idol is Katie Couric, apparently.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Katie Couric. Katie Couric. However, she is determined to be a star. But the problem is that she can't get words out of her mouth. I mean, I can't get words out of my mouth. Was there a teleprompter or was there cue cards? What was going on? It wouldn't have mattered because I'm not even convinced she can read, okay?
Starting point is 00:23:10 That is true. She does not read. So she gets up there. She's stuttering. I mean, admittedly, she is caught off guard. But even when she gets her... It was a hot disaster. It was a disaster.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And then on top of that, she spins this wheel of asses. And we're just looking at this segment of this guy lording over these women, doing these strange ass exercises. It was creepy. This hooker producer off to the side. And you're just thinking to yourself, what is this? Now I see why NBC wanted nothing to do with this. And then the best part is when the producers, I'm talking about the
Starting point is 00:23:37 producers of Real Housewives, at the very end, cut back to the studio, and the two anchors are sitting at their desks, and they're just shaking their heads and rolling their eyes. Yeah, I mean, I think you said before that this made Los Angeles local news look like Pulitzer Prize winning
Starting point is 00:23:53 hard-hitting journalism. It did. I mean, look, I love a trip down to San Diego, but this was just tragic. This was tragic, and yet one of the funniest segments that has probably ever aired and it was and we're just in the premiere just just imagine where this is gonna go we better see her back doing another segment oh please i mean she could be like the second coming of
Starting point is 00:24:13 nicole kidman into die for you know i'm on board i'm on board except i think nicole kidman's character had more talent that's true um okay so we have we met we met all our characters and then the big news of this episode was that... What's her face? Vicky was going to have a dinner party. Because before you sell your house, you should dirty it up with a clam bake. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:34 It was a Cajun bake in honor of Brooks. This was smart of the producers because I think the producers realized that any time these women get together for a dinner party... Dinner parties are gold, man. Dinner parties are gold. You know, last season, last year,
Starting point is 00:24:46 when the season premiered, they had some sort of, like, afternoon party. Not the same. No, we need it at night. We need Vicky to turn on the lights on the volcano swimming pool.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, we need people to be in their fancy clothes. We need Gina to be nearby in case she needs to get an eyeful of wine. And we need her, and Gina's gay around nearby so he can slam a glass
Starting point is 00:25:03 on his arm. That is true. We need Vicky in her finest furry vest. Oh, my God. That outfit was just not flattering. Look, it's the OC. Lots of butt.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Lots of butt. You know, you've got to grade on a curve with the OC. That is true. That is true. So the good news is that we had the return of Peggy. We did. And now, are you sad that she's gone? Because I feel like she's an integral part of the show.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah, I mean, I was shocked. I thought that, honestly, after Reunion, they set up this Alexis-Peggy rivalry so much. I assumed it would be the cornerstone of the season. And the fact that Peggy is not, like, more prominently featured in the season, I mean, who knows? Travesty. I mean, she had a big role tonight. Looks like, I mean, she'll have a role next week, but I don't know how long we'll see her again. After episode two or three, she might disappear, which would be really unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah, that's honestly... But maybe she's going to get locked up because she's still stalking Jim Bellino. Yeah, well, that's... According to Alexis, Peggy is still hung up on him. Yeah, well, my favorite part about all that, by the way, was when Tamara asked Peggy why she dated Jim back in the day. And she's like, well, you know, Jim, he dated all the hot girls. I was like, okay, Peggy, you just pat yourself
Starting point is 00:26:05 on the back. You're allowed. You're allowed. And then she also said, though, that everybody liked him because of his toys. Now, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:12 you immediately went to, oh, clearly he's a coke head. Yeah. I mean, what else? I mean, what? I thought boats, motorcycles, fast cars,
Starting point is 00:26:21 but then when I started to think about it, I was like... And what do you do on boats, motorcycles, and in fast cars? You snort cocaine off of about it I was like and what do you do on boats motorcycles and in fast cars you snort cocaine
Starting point is 00:26:26 off of hooker butts yeah exactly clearly because we would know so much about that yeah naturally I mean I just snorted like five lines already
Starting point is 00:26:33 during this podcast that's why I'm talking so fast wow okay so where is this gonna go where is this dinner party gonna go
Starting point is 00:26:40 because we saw five minutes of it and obviously episode two it was all a build up the fireworks are going to explode. It was all a buildup for Peggy and Alexis' big hug. I'm sure the hug will probably be very civil and be like, oh, hi. It'll be a big nothing.
Starting point is 00:26:52 But I'm sure there'll be some. Where is Heather going to end up at this dinner party? What side? I mean, in Atlanta, we have the talls versus the smalls right now. Beverly Hills, there's a clear divide. Where is Heather going to fall into this? I think she's going to observe from afar. She's going to do the Luann thing.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I don't know that she's going to commit ever this season. She's not going to commit right off the bat, but she will commit eventually, I think. Okay. I don't know. We'll see what happens. I just want to see Alexis get jealous. That's what I'm looking forward to the most. And now we also have Gretchen brought her friend Sarah, who's sort of like a long-lost Kardashian, maybe
Starting point is 00:27:26 not as talented. She was wearing a black tank top and jeans to a party at Vicky's house. That's a big no-no. If you're underdressed in the OC, that means you're really underdressed. Exactly. That means you look like a slob. She did look like a slob. She was throwing back the champers en route to Vicky's party.
Starting point is 00:27:41 You know, you can always tell when people look like they're trying to audition to be on the show, and this girl Sarah had that all over her. She really had that energy like, ah, it's me, it's the cameras, I'm Sarah, I've got a hat, you know. She's gonna be, well, we know she's gonna be awful because something happens with her later in the season at Heather's house. But she's no
Starting point is 00:27:59 Laurie, she's no Tammy Knickerbocker. Clearly she has no, if she's friends with Gretchen, she's poor. That's a given. Yeah. So I don't see this really, I mean, she's no Tammy Knickerbocker. Clearly she has no money. If she's friends with Gretchen, she's poor. That's a given. Yeah. So I don't see this really... I mean, she might be on the show. We don't want the poor. But we don't want poor people as main cast members. We already have Tamara and Gretchen who have no money.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Doesn't Gretchen have other friends? Why is this the first time we're seeing Sarah, by the way? I don't know. I guess they probably had to audition her. Maybe that's her secret lover, because Slade can't give it up. So either way, I'm very excited about this season
Starting point is 00:28:26 of OC. Honestly, I thought the premiere was really fun. It had that good mixture of being funny and intriguing. I cared about what was happening. And honestly, the previews for the season looked phenomenal. Okay, what were some standouts for you? Vicky in 80s clothing yelling at Gretchen. Okay, well
Starting point is 00:28:42 that's been airing for weeks and I need that episode immediately. Yeah. I think there are about four or five different shots of Vicky yelling at people and as you mentioned before when we watched,
Starting point is 00:28:51 different outfits because last season all the fighting and the tension came from basically two scenes. Right, so we had our eyes peeled for that.
Starting point is 00:28:58 They're wearing different outfits so that means they're fighting throughout the entire season. I really enjoyed Slade telling his mother that he was going to ask Gretchen to marry him. Excuse me, what about Slade doing stand-up comedy?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Well, that looks... I'm excited for that because it looks so... I was cringing. I was cringing more for that than I was watching Alexis do the morning show segment. Oh, I know. Well, the thing is this. Slade thinks he's a cut-up.
Starting point is 00:29:20 He thinks he's hilarious. He, you know... That's like the new Slade, you know, because the old Slade from, like, the first season you know, that's like the new Slade, you know, because the old Slade from like the first season was a total asshole so the new Slade is, oh, I'm funny,
Starting point is 00:29:28 I'm on, da-da-da-da-da, give me a show. No one's buying that. No one's buying it. He is not funny. Just stick to the artwork. And the final thing,
Starting point is 00:29:35 though, that my big takeaway is Vicky's new man Brooks, they said, had been arrested for not paying child support. So that is gonna flip this whole thing on its lid.
Starting point is 00:29:46 It looks like there's a lot of tension, a lot of screaming. I just am hoping that there is a coherent sort of through line this season that we care about. Last season just felt very flat to me. It just felt like they were grasping. It seemed like no one was really hanging out with each other. No, it's true. I mean, the stakes were raised when we had that the last season of Jersey where you had the fight that started the season and then people were addicted to that entire story arc.
Starting point is 00:30:09 It was even before that. I mean, like, the good seasons have good through lines. Right, Bethany versus Kelly. You're right. And last season was just flat. There was nothing intriguing. You know, the problem is these women are all kind of dumb. Kind of dumb.
Starting point is 00:30:22 They're all kind of dumb, so they're not inherently interesting on their own. That's true. But if there's a good conflict that we can get behind, I'm all for it. And speaking of conflicts I can get behind, episode two,
Starting point is 00:30:34 reunion part two, Beverly Hills, the tension between Lisa and Adrian is still so palpable and it's so awkward. And to me, it sort of came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I thought it was fabricated over the season that they were trying to make it something like that. Some tension. I was like, no, no, no. But at the reunion, Adrian was opening her mouth. Adrian was trying to step towards Lisa. Not a good idea. That entire couch was... Adrian's couch was the losing couch.
Starting point is 00:31:01 By far. But who really stirred the pot in episode two? Brandy. Brandy, this was the Brandy episode. This was the Brandy episode. And everyone is loving Brandy for it. All the readers on my blog that have been commenting have been saying they're team Brandy all the way. Everybody's team Brandy, and Bravo Andy better be listening up
Starting point is 00:31:17 because she is an essential part for the following season. She actually needs to be elevated to full-on housewife. Full-time. Keep Dana in a wicker chair in the back corner. And make sure to keep Dana because I think she's this goofy, funny side character.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Of course she is. I mean, there's more sunglasses. You know where that came from. Yeah. But Brandy, you know, she's rough around the edges. She's not always in the right. I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:31:37 she's not always in the right. She did say something that she shouldn't have said last night, but the truth is this. People try to call her on her shit like when Taylor tried to call her on her shit about slashing Eddie Cibrian's tires
Starting point is 00:31:48 and Brandi's like, yeah, I slashed them. They're my tires. Yeah. Good for Brandi. Good for Brandi. I mean, you know, they didn't really even have her walk out. We just jumped right in. Brandi was on the couch and it was go time and again, she is really, really uncouth. I don't think she has a ton of money. She is
Starting point is 00:32:04 not in the same league as a Vanderpump or a Maloofpump. But she's got Vanderpump in her corner. She does, and that says so much. I mean, Lisa hated her at the get-go, but now, they're a really fun tag team. I was a little surprised that Brandi actually went after Adrian, because Adrian
Starting point is 00:32:19 was the one who allegedly brought them into the group, and they were friends, so it was sort of bizarre that she kind of stirred the pot with adrian but i guess it sounds like she was bitter because adrian didn't text her back over something okay but did you not think that adrian was kind of goading her last night when they got into this and they were talking you know the awkwardness still between lisa and adrian adrian point blank asked brandy she was like oh well then who was talking behind lisa's back and brandy just goes uh uh, you? Yeah. It was genius.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah, although Brandy, to be fair, we gave Adrienne a lot of shit about the fact that, like, everything she heard, she really heard very secondhand. And Brandy heard that secondhand, too. Like, Brandy should not have, like... No! Brandy shouldn't have brought that up if she didn't hear it directly. Like, she should have...
Starting point is 00:32:59 She said, oh, people told me, like... I feel like... You can't say that on these shows. You can't say, well, I heard this. It's so stupid. You know, it's so gossip. But here's the problem, Ben. People believe Brandy and people don't believe Adrian.
Starting point is 00:33:11 That's the difference. That's true. Well, the reason why they don't believe Adrian is because Lisa shot down Adrian. So Lisa invalidated Adrian. But Brandy has yet to be invalidated. That's, I will give you that 100%. And while we're talking about this couch divide, I used to love Kyle Richards.
Starting point is 00:33:28 She was my favorite. Season one, Team Kyle. Everyone loved her. Everyone loved her. She could do no wrong. She got commercials, even. She got commercials. She was the one who used to tell it like it is,
Starting point is 00:33:39 and she was hilarious in her confessionals. But with these past two reunion episodes, with her teaming up, or not teaming up with, but with her siding with Adrian, I think she's doing herself a major, major disservice. She and Lisa clearly have a lot of tension themselves. And by not jumping on the Vanderpump bandwagon here, Kyle is really screwing herself. Well, Kyle sort of screwed herself this entire season because her mean girl side really took over. And, you know, good for her for when Andy asked about Game Night if she was a mean girl, and she said absolutely.
Starting point is 00:34:11 She took full credit. But then, even then, she still backpedaled her spell, but I was still like, I was just concerned with my sister and yada, yada, yada, yada. I mean, she did take credit for it, which I was afraid she was not going to take credit. Here is the difference, though. Kim was a pill pop, potentially apopping, but 100% alcoholic. Yes. She had an excuse to be a crazy, off-her-rocker, psychotic bitch. Kyle didn't. Kyle, if you are going to admit that you don't do drugs and that you are not an alcoholic,
Starting point is 00:34:36 you have no excuse except for the fact that you are a mean bitch. And her excuse for not giving Brandy that crutch was... Oh! It didn't hold water or hold air or whatever it is. And so Brandy just... She was in the other room. I was like, where's my crutch? Brandy walked away from last night's episode looking like a saint,
Starting point is 00:34:53 and Kyle just dug herself a deeper grave. Yeah, I don't think Kyle did herself any favors whatsoever. And Taylor also did herself no favors. She never does herself any favors, but she continued to not do herself any favors. What was it? There was something she did that... She did five horrible things. Okay, let's go through.
Starting point is 00:35:10 First of all, she tried to step to Brandy, and Brandy shut her ass down so hardcore. My favorite quote of the night is when Brandy starts going off, and then she's like, Yeah, so when's that book coming out in, like, five minutes? Like, boom. Pretty much saying, like, you're a horrible person. Yeah. You're a terrible mother because you are writing a book about your husband's suicide four seconds after he's been dead. And the funny thing is that, again, in the season, Taylor and Brandy seem to be okay.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And Taylor actually seemed to stand up for Brandy. There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff that we are not seeing. Because when you get to that reunion, it's like, oh my my god all these different lines have been drawn in the sand exactly and on top of that i'm sure brandy took notice of the fact that taylor was with that initial group of people like like being friendly to her like in one part of the room and going over to the other girls and being a total bitch you know completely what were some of the other favorite taylor moments well i also love that camille who started to attack to to rightfully attack Taylor in the first episode from the reunion, continued to go down that route when she said that, you know, Taylor really was
Starting point is 00:36:10 horrible to Camille. Yeah. I mean, Camille flipped her whole script this season, but Taylor was just straight up awful to Camille. And Camille, again, like Brandi, put her in her place. They all made Taylor look like a fool last night. Yeah. Taylor did one of the things that I hate so much that reality stars love to do. They love to latch on to a phrase, take it very literally, and then act very dramatically about it. Let's go there. Let's discuss this.
Starting point is 00:36:37 It was when they talked about game night and Taylor started talking about how Brandi said, I will kill you. And Taylor's like, she said, I will kill you. She said, said i will kill you twice and i'm supposed to be okay with that or you know it's like really taylor do you really think that brandy was gonna take out a machete and stab you to death and give him a celebrity i had a broken leg i couldn't get up to kill anybody but i'm glad that you took it so literally you yeah it's like it's like i hate people who do that who hide behind semantics like that just so that they can get some sort of higher ground. But how great was it that instead of waiting for Andy to jump in there, Lisa was like, let's get this straight.
Starting point is 00:37:11 That was a joke. Let me explain what a joke is, you dumbass. Yeah, exactly. Oh, stupid Taylor. Yeah, it's sort of shocking that that entire couch, Kyle, Taylor, and Adrian really, I mean, this is the first time that Adrian has really misstepped. I mean, Kyle has misstepped many times before. Right, but she's so lovable in a weird way, except Adrian now, like,
Starting point is 00:37:32 I really think that her fan base is just going to desert her. She just really came off looking clueless, you know? It seemed like she was lashing out at dumb things. It's really unfortunate, too, because we saw her have a little bit of a softer side in the second half of the season. Like, I love Paul. And I think that Paul gets the short end of the stick by being married to her. Yeah, I like Paul a lot, too.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I like Adrian, too. Right, no, me too. And they had some cute moments. And I'm, like, always rooting for them. But I'm, like, done with her. I really hate her. I don't say that I hate her. I just feel like this is the first time
Starting point is 00:38:07 I feel like she has sort of fallen out of favor. She can do so much to get back into good graces. She's too sensitive. Like with the whole jiggy drinking out of the cup, yes, it was tacky and gross, but she never even said anything to Lisa or Ken at the dinner party. You could easily say, put the dog on the floor.
Starting point is 00:38:24 But how she has to take it is like, well well you wouldn't like it if i brought jack over to drink out of your champagne flute it's like you are such an idiot why can't you address her responses to everything i i think you hit it on the head her responses were very immature like you know whether it was also about the the vanderhoof or the i mean the van it rhymes it was a cute rhyming name name. She's too sensitive. Well, she should have just said, look, the reason why I didn't like it is because I'm trying to go for something upmarket, and while the pun is funny, you know, it really
Starting point is 00:38:51 undermines my brand. That's all she needed to say, but instead she wouldn't really come out with it. And then again, with this jackpot thing, she was very tit-for-tat. She can't let it go. And I think the thing that's bad with Adrienne was that people have sensed for a long time that she's always held back, and this is the first time we've really felt like she was opening up and we didn't really love what we were seeing.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It wasn't great. It wasn't great. Okay. Well, let's jump back to Camille for a second because one of the interesting moments was when Andy Cohen point blank was like, hey, I have a viewer's question here. Do you think that because you were playing all nice this season you became boring? Is that a concern? Are you concerned about Camille
Starting point is 00:39:29 being too boring? No, I don't think she's boring because you know what? Camille ascended to the realm of being lovable. And so when someone's lovable, you almost don't care what they do because you just love them. So she shows up and you're like oh, it's Camille. Well, I had no problem with it because I actually adored her this season yeah I think that and I don't
Starting point is 00:39:48 think it was fake either I mean yeah I understand that yes she probably got a bad rap last season she was the villain of last season she was there's no doubt about that but I also don't think that that truly was her she was going to a messed up nasty well I think I think that was her I think that was a side of her I think that Kyle pushed her buttons though of us. Well, I think that was her. I think that was a side of her. Kyle pushed her buttons, though. Kyle pushed her buttons, but I think that, I mean, I think that that was a side of Camille. Because, you know, look, when she started going out with Taylor,
Starting point is 00:40:12 that side came out again. The only difference is that we, you know, our perception of her has changed. We're like, yeah, go, Camille, go. You're right. But it was last year we've been like that fucking bitch, you know? It's true, but now that I'm team Camille, I'm like, you put it to Taylor. Well, she's earned a lot of good capital with us, you know? It's true, but now that I'm team Camille, I'm like, you put it to Taylor.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Well, she's earned a lot of good capital with us, you know? So it's like, she can spend some of it a little bit, you know? She can be a little bit of a bitch
Starting point is 00:40:31 and she's earned it. It's just the way Lisa Vanderpump has earned it and, you know, others haven't. Kyle spent too much of it this season. Kyle has spent way too much of it.
Starting point is 00:40:39 But back to Camille for a second. Now, if viewers are writing in, I mean, Andy clearly listens to what these viewers are saying. I mean, they're the bread and butter. They're who's tuning in to all these shows and watch what happens live. And so, is Camille in jeopardy? Is she not going to come back next year?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Oh, she will come back. They need her. They like her. And also, quite frankly, she's sort of a tabloid fixture, you know, with Kelsey, this whole thing with Kelsey. She has more money than a lot of them. Yeah. Kelsey's money. And it was kind of hilarious when he mentioned that
Starting point is 00:41:07 their show, I mean, the Housewives, gets better ratings than Kelsey. Well, hello, it's on Starz. Yeah, but then again also Kelsey's doing guest spots on 30 Rock and has 9 million Emmys. Exactly. I think they'll keep Camille. People like her. I think they're also going to like the fact that Camille and Lisa
Starting point is 00:41:23 and Brandy, that's a great alliance. I hope that Brandy is upgraded to Housewives. I don't think they're also going to like the fact that Camille and Lisa and Brandy. Little team right there. That's a great alliance. I hope that Brandy is upgraded to housewife. I don't think they've ever done that. I don't think they've ever upgraded a sidekick to full-on housewife. Well, they need to start with Brandy. Why not? They need to.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And I really just think that another reason to keep Camille. I mean, she has this new man in her life. Who's hot. Who's hot. A lot younger than her. Hotter than Mauricio. And I, ooh, that's saying a lot. But I want to see Camille dating. Like, I want to see, I don't want to see, I kind of also want to see Taylor dating because she's a hot mess.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Well, not too much, not too much the dating. I tend to actually not really enjoy watching housewives go on dates. No. Well, Camille I don't think would allow the cameras, but I'm rooting for Camille. I'll just leave it at that. Everyone's rooting for Camille at this moment. Now, do you think Kim would come back? Because Kyle sort of made it sound like
Starting point is 00:42:06 Kim doesn't even care about being on the show. Kim needs to be on the show. This cast needs to stay exactly how it is with Brandy promoted to full-time. That is my ideal situation. I agree. I think that sounds perfect. So let's talk about some other... Do you have any other things to talk about with this,
Starting point is 00:42:20 or can we move on to... I'm just excited to see Kim you know drunk saying that she's an alcoholic in the part 3 of the reunion next week should be good and plus the Hogsbens are there it'll be good I'm very excited for they love to stretch this shit out they should they should stretch it like a giant
Starting point is 00:42:38 vagina after birth oh no candy coated nights candy coated nights alright so let's switch gears from Housewives for a second because this is a Bravo podcast and there's more China. Oh, no. After birth. Oh, no. Candy-coated nights. Candy-coated nights. All right, so let's switch gears from Housewives for a second, because this is a Bravo podcast, and there's more on Bravo than just Housewives. Although you wouldn't know it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:42:53 But there is more. And one of the other marquee shows is Top Chef. You know, at the beginning of the season... We are coming to the end. At the beginning of the season, I didn't think that... I actually don't think that the cast is necessarily the most talented, but I'm fully invested in the show
Starting point is 00:43:10 and more so I'm invested in Padma's hideous outfits. Well, I don't think they're all hideous. The majority of them are. I have to say, I'm actually really enjoying the challenges this season. I like this past week was the Pee Wee Herman challenge. Of course, by the time this probably airs, there will already be another episode of Top Chef that
Starting point is 00:43:27 airs. Right. But the P.B. Herman challenge was the last one that we saw as of the recording of this. And we all thought that the P.B. Herman, you know, guest spot was going to be ridiculous, but the challenges were both great. It was really cool. They had to find a restaurant. They probably had a list of restaurants that they could go to, and they had to cook in the restaurant. And it was just like a fun, silly challenge. I thought the fat girl was going to pass out on her bicycle. I forget her name. Sarah.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I think her name is Sarah. It is. And she's awful, and I hate her. Yeah, she is awful. I also believe she's probably the most... She's probably one of the top two in terms of talent. She seems very talented. She's talented, but I hate her.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I just have to put that out there. She has a bad attitude. You know what? Because she picked on Beverly too much, and Beverly seemed like a sweetheart. Team Beverly. Team Beverly. She was a mess, but she's a sweetheart. Plus, I love Korean food, so I'm always going to have a Asian fetish. Asian fetish. Yeah, seriously. But moving on to the elimination,
Starting point is 00:44:17 I was actually kind of bummed, because I've been rooting for Grayson a lot this season, and one of the reasons why I do like Grayson is because she's the only other female in that house that had Beverly's back. Yes. When all these other mean bitches were, like, evil to Beverly, Grayson had her back. Yeah. I was shocked.
Starting point is 00:44:33 You know, it sort of, I got the sense that the elimination could go any way last week, but what was really weird to me was that they set it up that, like, Ed, it looked like Ed was going to be going home for, he did something, he salted something or he undersalted something I don't know, this was like a week ago, I can't remember. But they made it seem like it was either going to be Ed or Sarah, right? Yeah. And Grayson was in the mix too, but they really made it seem like Ed. They played up the fact
Starting point is 00:44:56 they played up like Ed and Sarah's mistakes and Grayson, the editing was just like, there's a lot going on on this plate. So you're like, okay, well whatever. And then it's like oh, Grayson, you're going home? It was shocking. And I think that Tom Click, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:07 on Watch What Happens Live, said, you know, if you just watched on the show, you would have no idea why she was kicked off. Okay, let me just tell you my theory. I am not buying this
Starting point is 00:45:16 for a second because I think that Tom is still pissed off from the previous week when Grayson kind of put him in his place when she was like, so you think that my chicken salad is boring
Starting point is 00:45:27 yet you like a meatball? But Tom likes a spunk. But that was one of the best Top Chef sass outs in the history and I just honestly think that Tom was still bitter about that and I think he wanted to put Grayson in her place. I think Tom likes, he always seems to enjoy it when they speak up.
Starting point is 00:45:44 He's a little, you know, I think he likes to get a little chippy. By the way, I have to say this also. I love Tom likes he always seems to enjoy it when they speak up he's a little I think he likes to get a little chippy by the way I have to say this also I love Tom Colicchio but he's been making a lot of really bad jokes this season have you noticed he makes these puns and he sort of giggles and everyone has to smile politely yeah but it's an awkward smile
Starting point is 00:45:58 every single time he made like 5 bad jokes in front of Charlize Theron and then another 3 in front of Pee Wee Herman I know but talk about 2 great episodes back to back. I mean, this season really has had some great guests. Yeah. And it was just renewed for a tenth season. Good. It's a great show.
Starting point is 00:46:12 It is a great show. It's an Emmy Award winner. And by the way, you had to enjoy the fact that during the quickfire, Pee Wee Herman went through every single dish and said, this is the best pancake I ever had. Oh my god. That was actually very funny. Okay, well with only a few weeks left, who are you putting your money behind? It's tough.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I'm going to say Paul. I think it's going to come down to Paul and Sarah. I think that Lindsay? Lindsay and Ed. I think Ed is the next to go. I can see Ed doing an upset making it to three, but I think Lindsay and Ed are going to battle for third place, but I think it's the next to go. I can see Ed doing an upset making it to three,
Starting point is 00:46:45 but I think Lindsay and Ed are going to battle for third place. But I think it's going to be between Sarah and Paul, because I think Paul has been consistently great. Sarah, she has a bad attitude, but I also feel like... I can't help feel like sometimes it's partially some of the editing. I'm sure... And at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:46:59 she actually always makes stuff that looks delicious. And it's always well-received. She makes too many fucking sausages. I know. She sausages and meatballs. And here she was yelling at Beverly. Which reminds me of Jamie who only made scallops. And Jamie's latest restaurant just closed. Oh, sorry. She's at a new one now.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Wolf's Lair. Yeah, but she closed Beachwood. I mean, she shut that shit down. I mean, Jamie has a bad track record. Yeah. I still want to go to Wolf's Lair, though. I totally do, too. We are the most shallow podcasters. We bash people and then we're like, oh yeah a bad track record. Yeah. I still want to go to Wolf's there, though, to be honest. I totally do, too. We are the most shallow podcasters. We bash people, and then we're like, oh yeah, we love them, though. Yeah, and they better put us at the top of the list. Yeah. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:47:31 we both think that Paul is probably the odds-on favorite to win. Oh, what about the... That's what I'm getting at. So who's coming back from Last Chance Kitchen? Have you watched any Last Chance Kitchen, by the way? Of course not. I don't like to watch a video. I don't generally like to do the web extras, but I actually have been watching it. You have. It's good.
Starting point is 00:47:45 It's fun. It's like five minutes. It's actually, as web extras go, I think they do a good job with it. Well, I mean, I obviously think, you know, it's going to be Grayson against Beverly, and I just, the storyline is so good to have Beverly come back into that house
Starting point is 00:48:00 because the way she left, had she won immunity in the quick fire earlier in that episode, she never would have been eliminated. Yeah. And I think it's just like some sweet, sweet justice for her to come back and battle Sarah. And it's not like it's a case of Beverly being, what was that woman's name? Robin from the Las Vegas season, that older woman with the cancer. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Beverly was actually consistently impressing the judges, making very good stuff. And honestly, the only people who had any issues with the fact that she always cooked Asian stuff were just the other, her competitors. Yeah, were jealous people like Lindsay. Yeah, the judges, well, more Heather and Sarah were, really. Well, the three of them were nasty, mean girls. Yeah, and so, honestly, Beverly, it would be fun to see Beverly come back.
Starting point is 00:48:39 That being said, Could Beverly come back and win? Let me ask you that. No, she can't. I don't think she can win. Why? I think Paul is too good. I think she's going to come back and win? Let me ask you that. No. She can't. I don't think she can win. Why? I think Paul is too good. I think she's going to come back and win.
Starting point is 00:48:49 No. Yeah, why not? You're crazy, Matt. I know. You're crazy. I don't... You've got too much Sriracha on the brain. Speaking of Sriracha, let's talk about the Sala...
Starting point is 00:48:57 What is their name? The Sahas? The Shahs of Sunset. Is that their last name? I don't know what their last name is, but I will give you points for making one of the most awkward transitions of all time. It's from Sriracha. It should be the Srirachas of Sunset. That's how it should have been done.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, so this is Ryan Seacrest's take on Jersey Shore. The Shahs of Sunset. What is their nationality? Persian. Okay. It's basically like, look at these crazy Persians in Los Angeles. They're Beverly Hills set. Yeah. I have basically like, look at these crazy Persians in Los Angeles. They're Beverly Hills set. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I have to say, when I heard about it, I was like, you know, I don't know if this will be that good. I don't think people are as curious about Persians as they are about weirdos. But then I saw a promo on Monday night, and I have to say, I was like, I'm ready to watch this. I'm excited. I mean, Ryan Seacrest is turning everything into gold with all these stupid kardashian shows he's really into people from the levant he is he is that's what he wants he wants kardashians he wants persians my whole thing is gonna be a lebanese show i just don't think this fits the bravo brand i don't know why but it just feels a little too, dare I say, VH1. I could definitely see that.
Starting point is 00:50:11 However, the promo actually felt very Real Housewives-ish. So I think they made it. I think they brought it to their brand. Okay, well, we'll see. I think they can make it work. I think Bravo can make it work for sure. Are we committing to it? We're going to commit to it. We're committing.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I'm going to commit to that one. Now, why don't you commit to Tabitha? I've been trying to. I just recorded it tonight. Okay. I'm going to commit to that one. Now, why don't you commit to Tabitha? Because you should. I've been trying to. I just recorded it tonight. Okay. I am teaming with Tabitha. I have these weird DVR habits, which is that I have the shows that I watch, and then I sometimes will be very reluctant to add on to my DVR, but I will add Tabitha on.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Okay, good. Because I like her. I loved season one of Sheer Genius. I loved. And Tabitha, I loved on sheer genius I loved and Tabitha I loved on that I was a Tabitha fan from way back
Starting point is 00:50:49 and now she's doing not just salons tonight is a fro-yo shop NJS not just salons it's true that's the model of my life
Starting point is 00:50:57 I also secretly well not so secretly love Bethany I don't feel like that you share the same passion I don't but you know
Starting point is 00:51:04 as long as we're doing this podcast, I will watch. I mean, it's going to be her final season, so you can commit to like 10 more episodes. It's her final season? She doesn't want her child Bryn to grow up in reality TV or on reality TV, so she said it's the end. Do I believe it's the end? No. No, it's Bethany, let me make a hundred million
Starting point is 00:51:20 dollars, Frankel. Yeah, exactly. So. Yeah, since when does Bethany No, this is Just keep the kid off camera. That's all she has to do. I agree. And then, finally, um It's a Brad Brad world. Do we care? Uh, I don't care. I don't care. I like Brad, but. I like him, but I don't care enough to watch.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah, I'm trying to think of what other shows are on. They've got Love Broker. I don't care about that. Love Broker looks like a broke down Patty Stanger mixed with that baby lady that had that terrible show yeah that
Starting point is 00:51:47 somehow got spoofed on SNL quite well believe it or not and one of Abby Elliot's few good parodies oh snap
Starting point is 00:51:54 snap on the Abby Elliot and then we have Million Dollar Listing New York version yeah I don't really care about those real estate
Starting point is 00:52:02 really look for the sake of the podcast I'll watch some of these shows I know i'm like let's start a bravo podcast but i refuse to watch any shows um and finally i guess you know atlanta we're still we still have plenty of atlanta left yeah we're still in the middle of the africa trip yeah trip to africa so what are your take what's your take on marlo is she a man yes okay we'll just full-on man full-on man okay all right and on that note i think i think we've covered the basis this week um well this on Marlo. Is she a man? Yes. Okay. Full-on man. Full-on man. Okay. All right. And on that note,
Starting point is 00:52:25 I think we've covered the bases for this week. Well, this was lots of fun. It was. Thank you, Matt. We missed Ronnie, but we pulled it together. Yeah, I think we certainly did.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I'm just hoping all three of us can reunite sooner rather than later. It's hard. Everyone has difficult schedules. I know. It's hard for you.
Starting point is 00:52:42 This is award season, so you're very busy. You're a busy lady. Busy and glamorous. Yes, he's pulling out his extensions right now. I know. It's hard for you. This is award season, so you're very busy. You're a busy lady. Busy and glamorous. Yes, he's pulling out his extensions right now. I am. All right, well, thank you, everyone. Remember, you can follow us on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah. At WWCrappins. Why are you laughing? That's the only option we have. I know. I just laugh because it really sounds like an old British man. Like an old British patron. Well, that's our name on the Twitter.
Starting point is 00:53:05 W.W. Crappins. Like you go there to buy a monocle. And then they can also follow us individually on Twitter. I'm at LifeOnTheMList. And I'm just B-SideBlog. B-S-I-D-E-B-L-O-G. Because sometimes people don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:21 They don't, sometimes. B-SideBlog. One word. Anywho, we'll reconvene. And you can follow Ronnie at TVgasm. Yes, you can. And you should. But we'll reconvene and do this again next week. We have, obviously, the true finale for Beverly Hills, part three of the reunion.
Starting point is 00:53:36 We will have another episode of OC. And more Africa. And more Africa with Marla the Man. More Top Chef. I mean, we got a full... Yeah, the next few weeks are big for us. Sounds like we got a four-course meal of Bravo. Put it in Top
Starting point is 00:53:48 Chef channels. Yum. Where's Gail? I wish she was with us. I know. Alright. Well, thanks everyone for listening, and thank you, Matt. And that's about it. Adios. Bye. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Watch What Crappens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at

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