Watch What Crappens - HOTD: One-Eyed Monsters

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

On the latest very, very dark episode of House of the Dragon, there's a funeral, some incest, eye gouging, and a dragon violation. And shockingly, this was actually heartwarming.  Go figure....  What we could see we loved!Watch with Crappens on Demand here: here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello, and welcome to Winter is Crapin'ing a Game of Thrones podcast. A House of the dragon podcast. I still haven't, after seven episodes, still have not pivoted to sing house of the dragons
Starting point is 00:01:10 that a game of thrones. I'm Ben Mandelker, joining me today is a man who may have stolen a dragon last night. It's Ronnie Caram, hi Ronnie, how are you? You can't steal a dragon, it's like they say. You can't steal a husband, he has to wanna go, okay? You can't steal a dragon. It's like they say you can't steal a husband. He has to want to go, okay? You can't steal a dragon. They have to want it.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We should put some blame on that dragon. I feel like everyone's like that kids stole the dragon, but like How about that dragon is single for a moment? Okay, it doesn't have to How about Vagar plays the field. Okay. How about Vagar has a say in her own Dragon destiny fuckers. Okay? Yeah. How about Vagar finds out what it's like to be single and her own dragon and like finds out things about herself because honestly I think she's hiding in these relationships. Yes. How about playing some Katy Perry for Vagar? Yeah. How about...
Starting point is 00:02:02 She's a firework in her life. Vega puts on a crop top. Does her hair find some girlfriends and then goes out to the bar, get some shots, has a good, has a one night stand, you know? But the thing is, is all her friends would be annoyed. They're like, oh, well, Vega only calls us when she's single, but then she's in relationship whenever you're in Vega. But what's it called when you're in a relationship and you break up and then you just date somebody just because they call that like your
Starting point is 00:02:28 Rebound your rebound. Yes. This was kind of a rebound episode I'm like the kid just happened to be there at the right time when she was sad and she's like, okay Well, at least someone woke me up. Yeah, I think Vega actually has low self esteem. She's sort of one of those people That's like well, he loves me. It's like, what do you want, Vega? I just want to be loved. And if it's AIM and that's who it's gonna be, it's like Vega.
Starting point is 00:02:52 You have to find what you want, who you want to ride on your back. Well, I just toasted her. I just made her into a very fancy California toast. So right now, too sad to fix, so I'll choose this bitter child. You know? I sabotage my relationships.
Starting point is 00:03:07 What can I say? I literally burned my best friend to death. So, you know, and I think she would have, like she could have broken up with them. She could have been like, yes, I know I gave you that ride, but you know, I was just so like sensitive in that time, but you're just not that interesting, I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:23 and then he gets his eye out. And then she's like, oh, can't break up with them right now. She can. Now she feels guilty. And on top of that, she's now going to start telling your friends, saying, you know what, I made a commitment. And I'm going to make this work, okay, because I believe in this relationship.
Starting point is 00:03:38 It's like, what in the media? Oh my God, Fagar, you're such a fixer. Well, in this case, I did sort of contribute to his damage. So I feel, I just feel like, I just, Aamond, he just shows me a side that, like, he doesn't show, you don't get to see the side of him. He's like, so funny, and he's so charming, and he brings me flowers. I just wish you guys could see that side of Aamond. Leo.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Well, so that's how it's the dragon. Thanks everybody for being here. Have a happy Monday. Yeah. Actually, how's the dragon is brought to you by darkness this episode? Oh my god, the day-to-night filter. I mean, come on with that. Okay, we can tell it's really day time. Just making the day time. Why do you have to shoot this at night? What 23 year old did you guys grab out of NYU to shoot this episode? Cause like, like, babies first day to night scene for crying out loud. Good.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Like people. Are you suddenly too cheap to get the proper lights to shoot it at night? What is happening here? And I'm so glad to, I'm so glad for the internet, cause it's one of those things where I'm like, am I just really old? Like, are my floaters that bad? You know, I'm like, am I just really old? Like, are my floaters that bad? You know, I'm like blinking my eyes really hard and trying to shake out my floaters.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And then I go on the internet and they're like, what the hell? What is this a grab box of shit I'm just supposed to pull out without knowing what it is? And it is like that. Geez. Between the quiet mumbling and now, like the terrible day for night filters,
Starting point is 00:05:04 it's like, I'm just kind of like sensing what I'm watching at this point. Like I feel like I'm in the big brother competition with this put them in a dark house make them crawl through goo, you know. Well, it's kind of a snotty thing, you know, I feel like the director is like, oh, it's dark because you know, he's gotten that note from HBO. HBO's probably been like, this shit is dark and he's like, you just don't get it. You know, and then they make you feel stupid because it's dark to you. You know, it's like only enlightened people can see it.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yeah, and you know what really actually bothered me because like again, the first 25 minutes of the show is felt like someone to expose around the camera and turned it way down and you can barely see anything and there's like a scene which we will get to of Ranera and Damon talking on a beach. And I'm like, I was watching on my laptop. I have it up to my nose.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I'm like trying to figure it out. I've got their brightness all the way up. And then I can sort of see their silhouettes. And I'm not even exaggerating. Like I literally can sort of see their silhouettes. And I see the way they're standing. I was like, wait a second. This is where that publicity still is, that've been for the past several weeks. There's
Starting point is 00:06:07 this one publicity still of Renera and Damon standing on a beach talking. I was like, this is it. But in that picture, it's bright, it's daytime, which makes me wonder was this actually originally supposed to be just a daytime funeral and the and the someone in HBO said, okay, you know, this thing is, it's a funeral, but it feels like it should just be darker. It feels like it should be a night. Yeah, it should be a night. So, I think it's happening night, guys.
Starting point is 00:06:33 But it's always like about to be night. It's not night night. It's like, it's almost night. You know, it's like that 10 minutes where it gets to be that color. I was watching it and I was like, is this supposed to be about cold people? Because everybody's blue. By the time I get the colors to work
Starting point is 00:06:47 and the brightness and somebody left us a really nice comment on another podcast, which I don't know what it was. So sorry, I'm not dissing them by not mentioning it, but they apparently told you all these settings to play with. I was trying. Okay, I didn't even have all those settings on my TV. But if you need to change 10 settings, someone over there needs to change this shit up. Okay, not me. This is not a me problem. This is a you problem.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Now, see, Vegard, that's what you should have said when Aime and Cried after you broke up with him after rebounding with him. This is not a me problem. It's a you problem baseball face and go over there. That's a baseball face. Just start calling him Mr. Met. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. Go over there. go to slash watch or crap and you can watch us do this recap instead of just listening and of course if you came here for for house the dragon and but you are also secretly someone who loves below deck and real housewives and southern charm go listen to all the rest of our content on our main watch or crap and speed available on wherever you're listening to this one right now. So that's all the stuff and then also take a seat is our live show on Spotify Live on Monday night.
Starting point is 00:08:09 So go join us tonight at seven o'clock on the West Coast and 10 o'clock on the East Coast. So now let's dive into this very dark, poorly lit episode. But great episode, great episode. I love this show. I love that it's really not afraid of just being a Spanish telenovela. You know, like I want to watch this
Starting point is 00:08:31 dubbed in Spanish, because this whole first section is very telenovela. It's everybody in the soap opera gathered in one place. You know, it's like, oh, a few, and also everybody in the cast has to show. Marlene in the back all pissed that she has to be here for a day of shooting when she has like two lines You know what I mean? So it's like that. It's very dramatic. I just love the whole thing
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah, everyone like it's They also you could see the show runners didn't know what to do with this many cast members in one place So they just had everyone giving each other furtive glances like I'm looking at you And now I'm not looking at you and And then someone's like, oh, they were looking at me, so they're not, so I have to look somewhere else. So, now I'm looking at you. Oh, no, I'm being looked at. I was just about to look at the other person.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Now I've got to hold. I've got to look a little bit longer. Now I should- They literally did like a rainier looking at Damien, looking at the king, looking at Rainier, looking at the queen, looking at Rainier, looking at this. Like, this is so up my alley, I love it. And then I watched like about two minutes of the behind the
Starting point is 00:09:30 episode thing that happened at the end. And of course, like there's the show runner in his little leather jacket, because that's like apparently you can't do an HBO behind the scenes without wearing a leather jacket. That's it. My told you, he's like a cool nerd. He's like a nerdness wife. It's like you're wearing this motorcycle jacket, okay? Okay. She's like saving his ears and putting him in a motorcycle jacket and being like, done. My work here is done.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Is it, but what can I wear my model train hat from Lionel? No, leather jacket, no engineer cap. Do you hear me? His wife is busy with the queen. You're not wearing the Lord of the Rings shirt on an HBO behind the scenes of that game of thrance. Okay. So he was saying, so this was actually our very first day
Starting point is 00:10:10 of shooting, so this all the actors they'd never worked with each other. They didn't really know really all the motivations and so they're just trying to figure that. And it was like perfect for the scene. I'm like, no, no, that was not what was happening. What happened was you guys had to remember like we have way too many characters for this
Starting point is 00:10:25 See like we can't we can't we just can't write all this overlapping dialogue. Let's just put them in there And they'll improv but they're not allowed to say anything Yeah, I loved it and I love when I'm taking notes on a show and it sounds like poetry. So here's my notes Waves crashing somber music rope and hole cliff People watching guys do the rope thing. I don't get it. Okay, so I kind of ruined it. I got to ruin it, but I was going there. Mine was very similar. Mine was more of a high coup. It said someone tying rope through a hole funeral. It was a question mark. Like it looks like that's the gasket. So yeah, it is lady leaners. We miss the highcook got to tell you have anyone counting syllables out there. I know it was
Starting point is 00:11:07 Five Seven five guys. I know I don't know how many syllables that was but I'm pretty sure it was not a proper high-cook and I apologize For all the high-cook lovers. So um rope into a hole somber music playing Waves crashing. Harder. Oh, so long. That was good. That was good. I felt it.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So we're at this funeral. We see Reneese in a black veil and I was like, she's killing it. We don't have to really have the rest of the scene. Just like, give me Reneese and a black veil being just like grieving, but also angry. I mean, I feel like the gays are set. I think actually the whole episode, we don't need anything else, right? Yeah, you've best. Perfect name for her too. Best. Love her. And she's working that veil even though you know she hates wearing it. She's like, she's getting a little look behind
Starting point is 00:11:59 the veil. And out to, by the way, they're like, okay, let's give a veil from 1956 and this show that said in some other time in universe and it's a soap opera so we have the twins crying and you're like who one of them is evil one of them is gonna pretend to be the other ones they can sleep with the guy that they're sleeping with eventually and then a guy you know the guy is giving this the funeral speech. He's like, to everyone gathered here, this woman was very important to us. Rainier is a whole. We all knew that. Wattowen fire. Rainier is a whole. Thank you for coming.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Yeah, the uncle, I don't love the uncle's speech. I feel like the kids are right there. And his speech is very much like, though the mother will not return from an avoidance because she's dead, she's a dead person, so you'll never see her again, ever, anyone. They'll all be bound together by blood and our blood is thick and our blood is true even though we have a little bit less blood because your mom died.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, yeah, basically. And he's like, oh, it's rotten, it's true. And our blood must never thin. And David's like, oh, it's rotten, it's true. And all black must never thin. And David's like, I know, David laughs. Oh, he depends. And I'm only last, but he's like, titter is, he's like,
Starting point is 00:13:13 D, D, and he never has that moment where he's like, oh, I'm laughing at a funeral. Like, maybe I should stop. He just laughs more and more. I'm like, sir, that's your wife. Those are your mother's kids. I mean, your, I mean, your, your wife. Those are your mother's kids. I mean, your, I mean, your, your kid's mother. Maybe your mother's kids.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I'm like, how pockets? Inappropriate. Stop in focus. Stop the about hot pockets. Also, by the way, notably, Otto is back and he's back as the hand. We don't see why. Why would this? What a whuss.
Starting point is 00:13:42 What kind of job is this? You know, nobody else, like seriously, there's no HR in that entire town. Come on. What about Lannister Kid? He's there. I mean, he's ski-y. The Lannister Kid.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Call on the one who gave me the poking stick. Ha-ha. The one, you know, the stick where I killed that very large elk in one shot, right? Everyone, right? Yes, you're honest. And fuckface, Egorid is there and Egon is there and he's like, Funeral's a ball ring.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I was like, sorry, why don't you just stand on the edge of that ledge and just jerk off on everybody. Yeah. Well, it's going on, so it can be fun for you, sir. Sorry, this funeral was not part of the Marvel Extended Universe, that way you could actually enjoy it, sir, because you know that's what it does. You only talk to all the talk about the Avengers. They're like, what's this thing you're talking about? It's this great movie.
Starting point is 00:14:40 He's great movies, okay? So then the speech ends, thank God, because it was like, poorly written, I'm just gonna say. Yeah, and then they dumped the coffin, this is not called a coffin, what do you call it? It's a coffin, or something. So when it's like carved to look like something, yeah, it's our coffin guess.
Starting point is 00:14:58 When they dumped that in the water, and it falls into the sea, and they're in the shallow end, like could you at least go on a boat and take it out there? Why are you putting it on the porch? What about those? That's like the sea porch, you know? It's like at low tide that is so awkward, right? Yeah, because you know of the Amazon of their time
Starting point is 00:15:18 comes to deliver packages to that porch and there's like, you know, they miss the porch and then people have to dive down. They're like, oh know, they missed the porch and then, you know, people have to dive down. They're like, I was getting your package from our song mom again. Wow, I miss Odds incredibly adept and like, an app over there. They're like, well, I was like, I wasn't sure if I should put the box at your doorstep or throw it over the side of a cliff. So I want them to live. But by the way, that is so nice. They're back porch. So they're, you know, sometimes they'll just throw
Starting point is 00:15:43 the package like they're, they're very busy. And you know sometimes they'll just throw the package like they're they're very busy and you know We all know this from ring cams when some people are like here's your package and kind of wave at the camera and some people like here's your fucking Packaging and you just see a package fling like the ring notification goes off and you just see They kind of miss it. That's what I mean Be great if that Lord of the Ring show is actually just about ring cameras, right? Lord of the Rings. What's it called? Then he came to all world with all gone oil from my pores.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Rings of power. So, um, then the drags are like flying around overhead, making all sorts of noise. Like I actually don't believe they're grieving. They're probably just like really happy for, this is when big-hards girlfriends are like, oh my God, you're single again. Let's go out, let's party, we can't wait. Oh my God, while they're down there crying,
Starting point is 00:16:34 let's just go and let's do all the things. No, that's terrible. I think they're like, I'm sad, I'm sad to you, I'm sadder. Did you post it on Instagram? I'm talking to you, you shut up. I just haven't yet, okay? You're just needy with your sorrow. I'm not to you, I'm sadder. Did you post it on Instagram? I'm talking to you, you shut up, I just haven't yet, okay? You're just needy with your sorrow. I'm not needy, I really liked her.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Well, I loved her. Hey, they painted some angel wings on the side of the castle. You want to take a photo in front of it? Like, yeah, but it's kind of redundant because we already have wings. Oh yeah, that's true. They're on face scroll. They're on face scroll. They're on face scroll.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Like, hashtag, mark safe from getting tested alive by PIGAR. Okay. There's one of them that's like, does like a thirst trap photo, that's like, funerals are so sad, am I right? And like, why would you post that photo? Yeah, side your bikini picture for the funeral. What the fuck was that?
Starting point is 00:17:29 I was sad. That's what I do when I'm sad. I was feeling myself like I feel like it's important to feel yourself in these sad moments. It's like my mom said, never look on the outside how you feel on the inside. Oh, it's good advice. I don't think I can follow her on Instagram anymore. So, um, so now we're at like, we're basically at the ship, the Lena Shiva. And so, this is also a house where they hate everybody there. No one's like, hey, let's go to the living room. They're like, no, let's just stand out on this balcony all day.
Starting point is 00:18:00 All day. All day. And the sun, that's really moonlight. But then so Ray, Ray Ray, like walks up to her kids and's like, have you seen your father? Oh, it's one, am I right? Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Well, we get one of those look things. Ray comes out and she sees Damon and they look at each other. And then the queen, Al, is watching them look at each other. And then she sees the queen looking at her and then the queen walks away and so she's like where's your dad you know your cousins have lost their mother they could use a kind word you know go over there and talk to the twins and little jace is like I'm an equal length of sympathy we should be in heaven or morning load line and
Starting point is 00:18:40 it's a hard win they were my daddy and granddaddy maybe possibly must likely I mean look at my hair look at my hair really yeah it's about the drapes all right and she's like well that would not be appropriate the valerians are a king and the strong are not the rapport I mean they're a wealthy but the poor compared to us so do you understand we only hang out with wealthy wealthy people, not poor wealthy people? Yeah, we're in the top 0 1% not just that 1% right? You need to put 0 in front of the one. And then Ray just straightens up and passes right by her. All Ray likes. And then it cuts to the king watching them, watching each other.
Starting point is 00:19:30 And he's like watching Queen, the watching his daughter, the watch. And then he's like, when do I tell them that my finger just fell off? Again. And then Damon is like leaning on a banister or whatever. And he's behind the king just staring at the back of the king's head Literally for an hour, okay. He's just standing behind the king staring right at the back of his head
Starting point is 00:19:51 So he looks over at Damon and Damon's like smuck By the way, do you know I watched a video last week of someone who made a There's a near times video actually video last week of someone who made a, there's a New York Times video actually, a cooking video of someone who used made a black forest cake out of a hot pocket. Wow. That sink in. Yeah, it was crazy. Yeah, just look at that sink in, you know, gross.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah, I'm only, I'll eat, but gross. That's, that's not okay. So then we go over to Helena talking to daddy long legs, making a poem. Like, your legs are long. Is that so wrong? I love song. Don't talk to thong thong thong.
Starting point is 00:20:37 She just turns into the thong song. Let me see that thong. That thong thong thong thong. They're like, what is a thong? What are you talking about, Crazy Girl? It is a fashion, a fashion, a fashion from the future. Just because we're not assholes enough, one of the listeners told us this week that Helena is probably autistic
Starting point is 00:20:58 and that's why she's like odd or whatever. So sorry, we didn't know that. Well, we're not coming for that. I mean, I don't know. I think we have to, I think we have to wait to see what it is because they're very frequently characters in these shows that just speak in a monotone way because they have magic inside them and we have yet to see it. Like she's probably someone who sees something. So let's like, let's hold our horses before we start diagnosing Helena and her spider friend, okay? So...
Starting point is 00:21:28 I'm the dumb dumb dumb dumb. I'm the issues. Here comes one right now. Celebrity Beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellaside. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the hosts of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity view.
Starting point is 00:21:53 From the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown, alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can lace an ad free on the Amazon Music or Wonder Yeah. So she's playing with a spider and the egg on is like watching her. Her brother, her older brother, the one who the fuck face. Fuck face, that the tall like masterbater, the window masterbater. And he was like, we have nothing in common. And then Aiman, Aiman who I was sort of like rooting for
Starting point is 00:22:56 as a little like rag-a-muffin who like has no dragon and is like overlooked by his shitty brother. At this point, I'm like, I'm like down for Amid at this point. And he's basically like, Well, yeah, because you're like, he was bullied, but then I had to remind myself, you were bullied and look what you turned into. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Don't feel bad for him. It's a cycle. Don't feel bad for him. It is. So yeah, I call him Better Kid and Fuck Faces. When I don't, because I never remember names at the beginning of the episode. It's not till later. So this whole scene is between fuck face and better kid. So fuck face is like
Starting point is 00:23:29 nothing in common with that. It's a dog anyway. It doesn't even make any sense. There are plenty of rhymes of song. I mean, it could be Bong Kong. Don't yeah. Okay. No, stop talking about your BONG CONG RONG Yeah, okay, no, stop talking about your dog, you know, fuck face, okay? So he doesn't like her and him and Egan is like, but like, oh no, I'm sorry, Emon is like, but she's our sister You should like her because he's our sister, you have to be nice, he's a nice, he's a nice, he look at this kid He's bullied but he stands up for what's right and then Egan's like, well you marry her then Non-drag and stupid face, what's stupid face, what do we call you again? Fuck face, is that what we're calling you?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Or my fuck face? So fuck faces, the fuck face is marrying Helena, come on guys, that's a little too close, okay? I mean, geez, you got your uncle, the niece, which I guess they didn't do on purpose, but now the brother and the sister, come on! Come on, widen your circle, widen your circle circle the show is just done being coy about incess It is just like okay. We've given you five episodes to like get used to it
Starting point is 00:24:33 And now we're just like gonna throw it at you from all sides. Okay, so just get used to it All right, they're not like planning a fish. They're just fish Yeah, the website Three fish. You know, I think this one fish. That's that's what you get to choose from. I think this is why we had to have that scene a few episodes ago where the hand was like, so what if you marry, like that was someone proposed like marrying, um, Jof Oh, it was. The baby, remember the, when they were like, well, yeah, when they Jof, oh, it was. To the baby, remember?
Starting point is 00:25:05 The baby. When they were like, well, yeah. When they were like, King, why don't you just marry the baby? It's like, uh. They did that. I think they had a few like shocking like extreme, like incest pedophilia moments.
Starting point is 00:25:16 So that way now, like just casual incest amongst adults is like more palatable for us. Like, oh, this is fine. Like she's not 13. Now it's not even weird that their brother and sister is just like, they have such incompatible interests. She likes daddy long legs. He likes jerking off under people's heads.
Starting point is 00:25:37 But they do call me daddy long legs too. So and I've got three of them. Get it. So the so how long they're sitting there? So, how am I sitting there? Talking to her spider, doing the thongsong. And then she's like, dragons of flesh weaving dragons of threat. And then she just, she scooped the spider up into a shell and then kills the spider. I'm like, you know it.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Helena. Did she kill she was like putting it in a towel or something? She did do it kind of hard though. She was like, did it pretty hard? It's a pretty hard shutting of the door, shutting the spider house door. Yeah, we'll watch out for her. You know what they say about children
Starting point is 00:26:14 who miss with daddy long legs, all right? So, Amen is like, well, I would at least before my duty, if mother had only betrothed us, I would keep off the labyrinth blood, peel all of us. Like, ah, shut up with your pure blood. I know, seriously. I'm reading, we're trying to root for you here, okay? We don't need you getting all pure blooded on us.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I know. He's all giving the okay sign, the okay sign. No, it's like enough with your like, area and tendencies, okay? So then, so then we go to Kristen, this fuckface, talk about the real fuckface, this is the fuckboy fuckface, he walks up to the queen and he's like,
Starting point is 00:26:52 I'm like, can you please, okay, can you speak up, sir? I know whatever you're saying is gonna make me mad, but can you at least speak up or speak into the microphone? I cannot hear you. Oh, Leris, I love Leris. Leris is like my new favorite shady queen on these shows. He doesn't pretend that he's not evil. He literally like kinda limp so long like and looks, gives this look all the time.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I was like, is anybody looking? He's like, I'm going to whisper now. We shot, we see you lyris, okay? Nobody cares. I feel like he's like a lady who works at a natural food store like you're at the in the aisle just trying to shop and she's like staring down the aisle just ready to give you recommendation like do you like faxied like no I know what I'm I came in here for something very specific I don't need faxied because faxied is really great like please stop staring at me let me
Starting point is 00:27:40 be in the store and peace well that's her casual her casual mode, but then her Leris mode is like, don't need to quenola. That's so damn meeting the quenola with their fingers. No sampling. The bulk bins are not sample bins. So then, um, Queen Owl is talking to Christ and a whole Christ and Red Pill over there. So he's like, well, Leris strong has been staring at you all day. Do you want me to call him game?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Batch a stupid face, then. And then they cut to him. So this is when they cut him and you see Larris staring. And when they say he's been staring all day, he's like literally like staring with like a smile like. His eyebrows are raised. He's like sucking his bottom lip like, hmm, see me.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Yes, Larris, I see you. The little on the see you a little on the nose a little on like they're like okay So actor playing laryse we need you to stare at the queen and in your mind you're thinking of things that you two schemes You guys can hash together. He's like okay got it So I was like it's only a look of pride. He's the new Lord of Heron Hall It's what happens when people inherit things. They look very, very happy. And he's just like, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Behind her, she tries to ignore him. That's like, oh God, it was like, he was posing for headshots or something like that. I was like surprised. He didn't have like a surprise opening, right? Like his hand on, he needs to have his hand on his hip being like There is in this town That crown is heavy unless you poison the person wearing it. I
Starting point is 00:29:16 May not be the hottest, but my enemies are So then we see Jaseris with his cousins He finally goes over to his poor cousins. We're crying about their mom and he holds one of their hands, which is very sweet. He just stands there all awkwardly and she's like, okay, I guess I'll show you how to do it since it's my mother that they died. She takes his hand. She's like, I guess I'll mourn for you and your father. I mean, not father. So, but I guess father. I mean, not father. So, but I guess they are faded for each other because Coralus is watching and he's basically, he says, he says, talk about basically how like, high tide
Starting point is 00:29:55 and like his seat at Driftwood are going to be just services and, and he's, right, is he saying that something like that? Yeah, he's saying, he's saying, listen here boy, both my seat and the high tide will be yours one day, Lucy, Little Luceris, and your brother will be the king of course, and he'll sit in councils, but the Lord of Tide rules the sea. And his Lucy's like, I don't want that. And he's like, it's your birthright. Just my like fish all day. Do I really think I want that? Don I want that? Don't want that. Right? Nobody wants that.
Starting point is 00:30:27 You're the only person walking around town bragging about fishing all day. It's literally disgusting. What point of this little horse toy says, I want to be king of fish town? No. Otherwise, I would have a fish toy. I want to be king of horse town. What don't you get? And he's like, how could you not want it?
Starting point is 00:30:44 And he's like, well, if I'm Lord of Driftmark, it means that everyone else is dead. And Coralys is like, well, he has a point. And get over it. He's basically saying like, your place Driftwood is so shitty that the only way I wind up here is if just everyone dies. There's no other options. I'm just not the a line of succession right. So his grandpa will be dead, his dad will be dead. He's like, sound real fun.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I'm like, well, you haven't known about inheritance yet. Look over there at Larus. All right. And there it's still like. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Larus is also standing there like Karen Yuger in her house
Starting point is 00:31:23 while I was saying. So, um, so now Reneese is walking around. There are some sort of standing there like Karen Yuger and her else's wife thing. So now Reneese is walking around. She sees, oh, Reneese walks. Here's a big Reneese moment. She walks. She sees Ray Ray. She stops and then she keeps walking. Yeah, it's because Ray is standing over by like the water cooler full of wine as they did
Starting point is 00:31:40 back then. Like with no one to talk to him, Rene says like, just give her a smiley look and walk away. So she goes to the twins and Jase is like, uh-oh, and he just like kind of turns his back to give them privacy. And then one of the girls, Bayla, I think, and she's like, I don't want mother to be gone. So they cry. And then we get some more faces like she's talking to the children. She's ring nearest looking at Damon. Damon's looking at the back of the king's head. I'm gonna say something, but now I won't. And then, and meanwhile, A-Gon's getting wasted
Starting point is 00:32:16 because he sees like a girl that he's into. And then, now Ray, Ray Ray, she now, she's looking at Damon. But Damon is the bad hot pockets, let's be honest. And basically, by the way, no one's even like consoling Damon that his wife is dead. And no one's coming up to be like, hey, I'm so sorry, if you need to talk, you know, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I think it's because he's like laughing. And then he's spending the rest of the time like leaning on the fence, just smirking it everybody. And he gives this look between him and Ray. And it's like, here we are. I suppose spouse is both dead in the week. Wanna have a kongi kidink bang? Kongi kidink bang.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Uh-uh. But also this like Shiva is like kind of, it's shitty. It's a shitty Shiva. Of course, death and a funeral. Shitting Shiva. It is shitting Shiva. Like death and a funeral is always gonna be sad But there's you know where is that one relative who's just trying to make people feel better who says oh, you know
Starting point is 00:33:14 But you guys it's a celebration of life more than anything else and what hey, let's go around Let's tell our favorite stories About you know what ending you know what we call endings in my family? Well, you know, because you're my family. Out beginnings. We call them beginnings. Endings to beginnings. Where's Miriam to come by with like here? I got some deli for everyone. Okay, it will make sandwiches, make sandwiches. Like just no one's even trying to find them. You know what? You can't get a new library book until you've returned the last one that you've read.
Starting point is 00:33:47 New beginnings. That's what I'm saying. It's a new chapter. New book. All right. So Ray, Ray, tell me about yourself. I haven't seen you since you were a little girl. You know, I've been off on strong islands.
Starting point is 00:34:00 So tell me you look wonderful. How are your kids? There's always someone who's ready for all the gossip of the funeral. You know, don't strong Island today. Okay, we don't have to be on strong Island today. Are you talking about Long Island in New York? No, strong Island, it's actually an island next to Heron Halls where the strongs are from. So now we see down at the ocean, someone is standing in the water sadly in his lane,
Starting point is 00:34:23 or, you know, he's crying for a guy. And people are like, gross, lane was in the water. And cordless he's over, and he marches over to the, he marches over to quarrel. And he's like, retrieve your patron's loot. He's like, God, sorry. Sorry, no longer allowed to do a classic television morning scene of standing in an ocean and crying. Like that's if you're on TV, you are allowed to walk into a body of water and cry. I think we all know that.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah, that's your right. That's your right. And also it started making me think less of Quarrel to be honest, because I was like, what's Carl doing? Like, why is Carl smoothing at the party having drinks while his boyfriend is downstairs crying the ocean. Good point, good point. Good point.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Okay. I'm by the way, I started to think this episode that the ocean is like what they had, like was like TV back then because there's a lot of people who just stare at the ocean and like just for just stare more than like, you know, we, you know, when you go to the ocean, you look at the ocean, but these people are really staring like this is there, this is their DVR is the ocean right well They didn't have mirrors back then so that's what you do you series your reflection like Narcissus What a good guy. So Damien is still leaning on that fucking fence staring at the king and the king is like tapping his cane because it's awkward
Starting point is 00:35:39 And so then Ray Ray slowly walks towards Damien and then the king takes him instead He's like so so Daemon, your girls are the very image of their mother. Stress in English, just I remember. Hating the suburb, they look like two girls who hate the suburbs. That's what they look like. Yeah, two girls with them all of garden and a one, you know, one movie movie house, one screen movie house Two girls who resent the AMC movie pass you got them So they're basically the King's basically like yeah, my wife died and I've been through this
Starting point is 00:36:19 So I'm both one-up in you and consoling you at the same time Yeah, and he's like the gods can can be cruel, and Damon's like, have you seen yourself? He's experienced. Have you been to the ocean lately? I mean, have you really seen what you look like these days? Yeah, Damon's like, it seems like the gods have been especially cruel to you, brother. He-he-he-he-he.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And he's like, all right, you've got a point there. I'm trying to make nice here, all right? So Ray Ray's watching them talk, and then she starts her telling novella, He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, Betty cam shot. You know what I mean? It's so true. That is such a beyond even like telling novellas. That's also a very big thing they do in medieval movies when there's like a bunch of people dancing and there's like a love interest as always someone who's like staring at the dancers.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And walking slowly across it's like a 20 minute walk. Yeah. So the king's like, oh, come on back. Holy Crosses like a 20 minute walk. Yeah So the king's like, oh come on back. Come home come to King's Landing It'll be great. He's like Penthouse is my home now. I love it here. All of garden all the bread sticks You can eat you're never robbing me of that you some of a beast More parking than you could ever imagine and all of it is free. I'm never going back more parking than you could ever imagine and all of it is free. I'm never going back. So King is like, listen, I know we've had our differences, but let them pass. I mean, there's places for you in our court and there's something you should need. If there's anything you should need, we could provide and he's like, I need nothing!
Starting point is 00:37:58 He looks at the hot pocket that would be nice, but we have a fud rocker's here. We have a fud rocker, so I'm pretty set. I need nothing. So he storms off and then I was like, what were you standing there then the whole time for? You're standing, staring behind the back of the king's head and then when he actually talks to you, you're like, how dare you speak to me?
Starting point is 00:38:17 Drama queen, David, drama. So he storms off and then auto, hand again, auto. See, Sam and he's like, sorry if, Otto sees him and he's like, sorry if he lost straw head. And he's like, no matter how fat the leech grows, it always wants for another meal. Look at you. He's like, I thought I've kept quite trim for my age. But thanks.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I'm glad you got that because it was, I could not, it was another like, mumble line. And I was like, you know, I'm not putting on the clothes captions for this one line. I'm not gonna do it. So then, like the, the, the, the, the, the sun sort of like goes behind the building, which in my mind is, oh, great, it's now 245. I don't know, it's 245 pm, but they're like, it's nighttime, we can't see the sun.
Starting point is 00:39:00 So therefore it's nighttime now. So now everyone has to go to bed. She's like, tells the kids to go to, Ray tells her kids to go to bed. And's like, tells the kids to go to, retails her kids to go to bed and the King's like, I'm going to bed. If we can't see the sun anymore. So therefore, it must be very late in the evening, as you can see, because suddenly, even though the lighting on us is the same, the exposure is very dark. It's nighttime. Yeah. And he tells, um, Owl, he's like, Emma, I'm going to bed. I was like, whoop, and ow was like, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:39:27 really, you're calling me, Emma. And he's like, so rich, I'm seeing things, it's dark and sad out here. And he said, me, my scroll, turn on the flashlight on the scroll, please. And then there's like this one little moment that I was like, why is this matter? Because Sir Harold is like, should I look after the queen?
Starting point is 00:39:45 And the king is like, no, you don't have to do it. So then Harold is like, okay, cool. So then he tells Sir Kristen you have Night's Watch. So like, and Kristen's all mad, of course, because he's entitled to everything now. That's like the new thing with Kristen. So he's mad and we should know at this point that she's gonna go down,
Starting point is 00:40:02 because Kristen of course is not gonna do his job. Well, he has actually never done his job well. He let Ray-Ray go running out of the hunt. He Ray-Ray snuck out of the castle while he was looking. Then he sleeps with Ray-Ray. He's actually a completely inept knight. And yet he acts up. But he's hot.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And he's like, oh, I wasn't the battle once. He's like, I was, I played football. I was in the, I won't, state championships once, 20 years ago. I know. Like you were in one battle. Okay, well, I don't know. I haven, 20 years ago. I know, like you were in one battle. Okay, well, I don't know, I haven't seen this resume, but I'm assuming. It's about now.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yeah, it's like one battle. Like, I've fought before. I've been, so, um, indistinct chatter and it's darkish, and fuck face, egg on, is wasted. Because of course, not only is he wasted because he drank too much, he's also wasted on power because he was rude to literally the same waitress 10 times today. Did you notice that?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Every time she's like, what you like, someone was like, give me more, give me more. It's like, oh great, and you don't tip. And on top of jerking off onto people's head, you're also rude to waiters. I can't with you. I know, for real.
Starting point is 00:41:01 So, by the way, why are these kids are such fuckers? And I feel like Allison's her whole vibe, like as growing up, and her whole thing here is like all about duty, duty, duty, she was like a tutor to Rere and yet she has like these really obnoxious kids that I guess were meant to believe that she's spoiled. I feel like is that, do we believe Allison would really be a mom who would spoil her kids like this? Like, I'm down for it, like I'm along for the ride, but when you really think about it,
Starting point is 00:41:30 I feel like Allison would have just very boring children. She does, really. I mean, if you think about it, I don't think any of them are like, wow, I'm shocked that that's Allison's kid, you know? Yeah. Because I feel like every self-righteous person who's always like, well, the bible says is the one who has the Sunday. You know, you're right. You know, whenever you're so right on that, you were so right. That's exactly who Al's and is, and I should have
Starting point is 00:41:54 seen it. So, uh, fuckface Egon is wasted, and so he's like hiding drunk in a stairwell for whatever reason and, um, auto comes and sees him and just starts kicking the shit out of him. And he's like, go to bed, you fucking loser for Christ's sake. Yeah. I feel like in a weird way, Egon is gonna be, is gonna have a redemptive, um, arc because he's such a dick and we think that he's like the biggest dick, but then in terms of aiming is actually the bigger dick this episode. And so I'm going to predict this is all red herring behavior.
Starting point is 00:42:33 He's going to like go off to like the night's watch and he's going to learn what's like to be a real man and to have virtue, etc. But anyway. Yeah. So another reason to be disappointed in a quarrel. So quarrel goes down and gets Lenore out of the ocean and takes him back up the stairs. But is there a back door? Is there no other way? Do you have to drag him through the entire party? Carls.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Seriously. For Christ's sake. And everyone was staring at them like, ew, the gay and crowd disgusting. And now, Agon's just watching them like, it's my turn to watch someone from across the party. So then, and then the dragons are flying. I was like, I think a dragon's flying. It's so dark. I hear dragon noises.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I see vague outlines of wings. I literally could not see what was on my screen. And then we see Aegon looking out at the sea. He's like, that's dragon noises out there on the television. So he's like, you know, of course, entranced by the dragon. Yeah. So then, uh, Rene and Coralus are in like their amazing master bedroom, holy mother. Yeah. Well, you know, she's going to have a good one. She's, you know, she got a guy. That's what I mean, it's not that all these people walk around her perfectly, like, you know, kept interiors. It's I mean it's not just all these people walk around her perfectly like you know kept
Starting point is 00:43:46 interiors. It's not it's not just wallpaper. You know what I mean? It's not like just a paint job. It is like carved columns that I mean it's just beautiful. Yeah. So she spits out. She's like well he she wanted to come home and he denied her the opportunity and And Corlis is like, he just did what's best. He's for him. Damon only does what's best for Damon. Unlike us who married our daughter off to him. So it would be best for us so we can have power. Yeah, she's mad because she really feels like if they hadn't been off in the suburbs of Portus, they then they could have been home where they had much better doctors
Starting point is 00:44:24 to attend to the baby. So for us, it's like, please tell it doctors in peoria are just as good as the surgeons at Cida Sinai. She's like, oh shit, nobody believes that. Come on, let's look at those degrees. I hovered medical school. This is Santa Clarita Community College Medical School. I don't believe so so Basically, she's just so mad and she's just saying how she's like the gods have squandered us for Insatiable pride and Coralists are like well Don't forget the crown was ours until those fools and the great council talked to me ahead Are you angry yet because I'm trying to get you angry again?
Starting point is 00:45:02 It's such a is it such a terrible thing for your husband to wish it back. I'm just like, I know you're trying to rile me up. I know you're trying to have anger sex tonight. It's not happening. Yeah, she's like, it's not my ambition. It's yours, you selfish fuck. Okay, I gave up the idea of the crown years ago. Okay, because guess what I was born as?
Starting point is 00:45:20 Oh, one man, okay. And she's like, and now you're still going after this, even though it's like killing our kids. And he's all shocked. He's like, what? And so he's like, but what is this brief mortal life if not the pursuit of legacy? She's like, She's like,
Starting point is 00:45:42 Legacy may be why you want to live your life your life call list, but I want Driftmark to pass through Lane's Line to Baylor and to Truvellarian Blood, declare it now and we will say that is how we honor Lane's memory. He's like, you know, you are supposed to be sort of Lady McBethian. I mean, you can't bring that face onto the show and then actually be virtuous. This is really problematic for me. Yeah, she's not Lady McBethian at all, which I'm surprised at because I thought that's what she was going to be virtuous. This is really problematic for me. Yeah, she's not Lady McBething at all, which I'm surprised at,
Starting point is 00:46:07 because I thought that's what she was gonna be to. Yeah. So he's like, but that means disinheriting our son, okay? And I mean, I know he just watched six hours of TV the day during the funeral in front of everybody, but still. And she's like,
Starting point is 00:46:21 well, he can still be the King console. And his son will one day sit on the iron throne, bloody, bloody, bloody, and he's like, well, he can still read the King console and his son will one day sit on the iron throne, bloody, bloody, bloody, and he's like, but we're gonna look, our, our kids gonna look dumb. We're some here he does, basically, he's already gay. Are you gonna make him gay, anti-dollist? I mean, come on. I mean, if I have to sit there and watch him go down to the ocean one more time and say the category is fashion. I swear to God, I'm just going to throw myself into that one of myself. So isn't bad enough he's publicly dating someone named Carl with a cue. Not even a cue you a car with a cue. It's like an acronym. He's dating an acronym
Starting point is 00:47:00 essentially. So Rene is like, well, you can speak the plain truth as we both know it. Renee has children on not so view blood, but Laina is, ah, and he's like, yeah, and he's like history doesn't remember blood. It remembers names. And then he drops, he's like, finally pissed. He's like, how dare you not want all name to go on. So he leaves a piss. Like, oh no, someone might not get drift mark. Does anyone want drift mark? I feel like he really overestimates how important drift markers to other people. It's like, hey, here's the, here's the old Buick I drove in high school. And it's my honor son now that you're an adult to give you this Buick. And he's like, thanks dad. I'm gonna park it on the street. I mean, they control the sea and the ports and everything, which is cool,
Starting point is 00:47:45 but you've got drift in your name. You know what I mean? Like no one's gonna be fighting over that. And so driftwood and the high tide, like the high tide, it's just bad naming. I don't know, I'm embarrassed. It really is, bad branding.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yeah, bad branding. So now Damon and Ray Ray are walking on the beach and she's like in the dark filter. Yeah. And she's like in the dark filter. Yeah, in the dark filter. And she's like putting on SPF. She's not planning it all for the filter. I've got a moon bun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:14 She's holding one of those tin foil things under her neck, reflecting up the sun. Ask me the moon screen please. So she's like, oh god, Lano's already been restless for years, but now it's gonna be useless. I mean god I know you know I know better than anyone that our marriage is like fake, but at least I fake it You know look at him. What's he do? He's fucking a guy named quarrel of standing in the sea. I mean come on
Starting point is 00:48:40 Demons like well you have more to lose and she's like well That's been my lot in life ever since my father Need me air and we did try to conceive a child and we performed I'll do to you as best we could we even had Quarrel or stand in the corner naked, but no avail there was no joy in it. I found that elsewhere and it felt good to be desired He's like glad I taught you one thing How to cheat you know if I could impart anything to you, it would be to have a sham marriage and fuck whoever you want. I was like, oh my god, this is such a nice moment.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And he's like, well, I understand that Horwin was quite large. I mean, devoted. Oh, he was both. And also, I trusted him. And I never thought I'd had hair better than Christians. But God did I find it. I mean it was luscious those curls. I mean you think as he gets stuck in there for days beautiful and I'm not talking about the ones on his head. Anyway so then basically you know she sort of
Starting point is 00:49:39 imply like she's talking about like I should never have let him go back to to Harren Hall. And then Damon is like, yeah, well, you know, because she says, oh, well now, because like that curse is strong. Apparently, Harren Hall is really cursed. And Damon's like, well, that's just a ghost story. And Alex exploited that shit to kill Beckham with the good hair. All right, we all know she did it. Yeah, and she's like, no, I, she's like, even though,
Starting point is 00:50:03 I mean, she is, she is a full on bitch with terrible children, but I don't believe she would commit murder and he's like, anyone can do it, anyone. And so, well, I believe you could do it for sure. You're creepy. You laughed at your wife's funeral and talked about hot pockets, but I don't think Allison. Yeah, and she's, he's like, well, if you're accusing me of depravity, could you be more specific?
Starting point is 00:50:27 She's like, and she's like, yeah, you abandoned me in a fucking brothel, okay? What the fuck? The pillow house for crying out loud. Pillow house. Yeah, and he's like, you were a child. I was trying to help. And she's like, oh, thanks. I love that you realized I was a child in a whorehouse with my pants off. Go like, oh, maybe we shouldn't be doing this. Okay. You took me to see Beverly Hills cop before we even went there.
Starting point is 00:50:53 She's like, then look, look at what happened to my life. Okay. I married like my gay cousin. Okay. And we have had a sham marriage for crying out loud. And, um, and so then she asked him if he him if he loved Lena and he was like, well, we're happy enough. I mean, we just bought a really cute place in the burbs, which was nice. I was looking forward to a quiet life. So it was okay. We were excited that we got the penthouse of Pentos.
Starting point is 00:51:20 You know, that was a big moment for us. Mostly really she was really into Sudoku still don't get it I don't think she liked all the faux Tuscan touches and our new McMansion, but you know, I thought she would get used to them Yeah, she brought in a metal rooster, you know, I could it's a kitchen underneath like just couldn't get into that I mean for the most part I told Lena look If we went back to Driftwood would you have a little faucet that you can make fill up your pasta pot with over the stove? No, I don't think so. So they're like, oh, you're, you know, your spouse is dead, you know, sorry, sorry, you're
Starting point is 00:51:59 like that, sorry, sorry, sorry. And then they're like, one of that. They just do that really long look like one of now. And so she like takes his chest and feels his neck. And he's like, we can't do this. And she's like, oh, no longer a child. And then my.
Starting point is 00:52:16 My. Sex under the moonlight. Sex in that quote unquote moonlight. Yes, they just have sex in the beach and everything. Well, it's like some weird beach structure that they find. I was like, were these supposed to be like public restrooms? Like, where are you right now? Was that the same place that Lanoor used to have sex with, um, job, the OG Drafrey? That's what I thought too. I was like, this seems like a tricky gay place to have sex. It's like tied to the market, but not really.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah. It's kind of cool. I appreciate that progress this side of them. They're like, let's have sex with the gay people that have sex. So they have sex and we see her face because he's on top. She doesn't look like she's particularly loving it. She's like giving that bored look, like staring at the sky. So I didn't really get that. So then we see bitter kid Aement on the beach and he's looking
Starting point is 00:53:09 at something we can't tell because it's so dark. You see his hair and that's pretty much it. It's like a bitter little q-tip. A q-tip bouncing around the screen. It was like it's like when it's like a sing along. It was like a sing along ball in search of its lyrics. It's just a ball. Right. Yeah. So when give this ball a lyric to sing along too. So he's running and then he's running
Starting point is 00:53:32 and then he's running and he's running closer to something that he stops, but you can't see, because we can't see what's going on around him. We just see his hair. And then it's like, at first I thought he was spying on them having sex. And then, but then we hear lots of dragon noises
Starting point is 00:53:47 So he's getting closer to a dragon But we don't know how close because we can't really see the dragon We just sort of sense movement and he's getting closer and closer and closer and closer The big hill of Vegar's like this mountain. I mean that thing is humongous, okay? So it's huge and it's like this little tiny Q-tip kid walking over to the dragon and you don't want to fuck with the dragon. I mean it's a blowing his hair just breathing, you know. That's just scary. Yeah. But he does. He doesn't give a shit. That kid doesn't give a shit. So what they say when they say it doesn't matter, you've got to go for it. Grab it by the balls.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Fake our tank fleek doesn't have balls, but littlein just, he does not carry. He's like, I'm gonna ride this bitch. Well, he's just, he's just feeling so inadequate as this dragonless blonde child. And you know, he's like, I'm blonde. I live in a castle, I deserve a dragon. So he basically walks up to it and the dragon wakes up and it's like, excuse me, like sleeping here. And it like opens its mouth and then, well, like wake, its eyes open. And then Aimein's like, I'm sleeping here. And then it opens its mouth, and then,
Starting point is 00:54:45 well, it's eyes open, and then, Aiman's like, huh? And then it goes back to sleep. And then Aiman gets closer to touch it, and it opens up its mouth and everything. And Aiman's like, yo, this is the other way, I'm Valyrie. And he's like, dohaeras.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And he's like, really? He's like, dohaeras right now. Le Query, Le Query. And the track is like, uh, and then it kind of perns, which is cute. And then we are like, is he going to kill this kid? You know, that would be fun. And then Amy's like, no, I'm going to have confidence. So he crawls up the ladder, the rope ladder, and they, they're just watching him like, really? And I was like, this bitter little fuck is doing it. And it goes to prove what I've
Starting point is 00:55:34 always said, you do not need a positive attitude to do anything. You can be very negative and make it very far in life. Thank you for coming to my negative TED Talk. Thank you. Yes. And by the way, we're over like the dragon, are there like dragon guards or people who are like, shoo, get away, you know, apparently not. So he basically, I think doesn't need a guardie kidding. It's as big as a mall. But they need to make sure that the wrong writer doesn't get on board. Okay. So it's true. I thought it was kind of cute that Vigor is just like sleeping on the ground. It's just kind of outside just chilling wherever she wants. And honestly, at this point, I still was like, well, this is sort of obnoxious, but you know, this kid is bullied all the time.
Starting point is 00:56:18 And it's like, this is he's going to be, he's going to be great. He got a dragon like he's, you know, he's proving to the big kid that he can. You're, you don't give a bullied person immediate power. Okay. This is what happens. I know. So he gets on, he's like totally inept at flying, which makes sense. He's never done it before, but he's really bad at it. And he's like, I'm flopped all around. And it's the best thing. The best thing. I was like, you're doing it. You're doing it. I'm so bitter today talking about it. But when I was watching it, it was like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:56:50 One of my favorites is how to train your dragon. I love that movie. And this was very much like that. He's just like hanging off it. But then he figures it out. He's like, no, I'm gonna run this fucking dragon. Yeah. And then there's like people watching in the window. And then he like Yeah, and they like go through a flock of birds which are five of those birds have never been more more startled in their life They're just like all right. Well, we're just gonna fly just a nice little evening flight. Okay guys You know, we have to be there in the morning and the dragon You only think that would have made it more carefree was a figure likear like opened her mouth and just like took him all the birds It's like the equivalent of like look mono hands you know that bird Pam the bird is gonna get home to
Starting point is 00:57:32 Whatever she's like you will never believe what happened we were just flying a dragon came and flew right between us Oh Pam come on now So dramatic Pam so dramatic oh it's always you're a bird. There are no dragons. Pals like, no, whenever I believe in me. The Pam who cried dragon. She's known for relevance in her life. So the twins see this. They see the dragon flying and they're like, wait a second, so much flying are fucking dragon. So they go wake up, Jace.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And they're like, someone stole the g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g- do it. So it's like Jason Luke and or Lucy. So I'd like to call him Jason Lucy and Bayla and Rayna and Remy's and Rana and so they're all running towards the beach. And so on the beach, Ray hears the dragon and she wakes up and she's alone again and she just has that look in her eye of like, it's like her first year in West Hollywood where she's like, well, another one just left without even telling me their name, you know. But Damien's there. He's just standing on the beach. She's like, oh, that's a nice surprise, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Now what do I do with him? I'll do it with him. Exactly. So then the dragon elsewhere, the dragon lands with like a thud, the boom. And Aiman gets off and Aiman's like all excited. And then the kids are there. And we're having like now it's a whole big like angry kid on kid scene. Okay, but these kid, kid, kid scenes are always fun.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Like I love these scenes. It's like, you stole my dragon. You're a seedbed. You're a seedbed too. I hate math. So then, so basically, they're like, that was my mother's dragon. It was ours to claim.
Starting point is 00:59:08 And he's like, oh, find a pig. It would sit you. Maybe your cousins can find you one. And she pushes him. And he pushes her to the ground. I was like, oh, okay. Well, he just meant for this show. Well, no, he pushes the first one.
Starting point is 00:59:22 And then the other sister come and punches him. And he punches her right back And she falls down and he says come on me again, it'll feed you to my dragon So then Jace goes up and punches him and then little Jace or loose Luke Luke look at Whatever Lucy he he come he tries to do something but the aim and punches that little kid It's like this little tiny kid getting just like punch in the face by this obnoxious Q-tip. And then they're all fighting.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And then all the kids get him down and they're all beating him up. You're like, yeah, kill him, kill the little boy. And- Well, he's got a rock, right? So he gets a rock. He's got a better kid. Aiman has a rock and he's like threatening them. And he's like, do you want to die screaming game?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Vain like your father, Lucy. And Lucy's like, do you wanna die screaming in vain like your father, Lucy? And Lucy's like, my father's still alive. What are you talking about? And he goes, he doesn't know, desi. Lord strong. And they're like, oh, so then, Jace. Gotta love it. Wips out of life.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Very well done, story. I got a lot of, yeah, he's like, da na na na na na na na na na na na. Ah, that guy, boy, dragon's like, da na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na and stuff and at one point, I was just hoping someone would pull out paper. I know they were so close. They were so close to making up. But then, but then like at one point, Aemon looks like he has the upper hand, but then Jase takes in sand and throws it in his eyes. Very resourceful. Love that moment for Jase.
Starting point is 01:00:56 And then, um, and then the Lucy out of nowhere, he, because now Lucy has the knife and he goes and he slices a man right in the face and it's like blood and it's crazy. And then Sir Harold I have a very detailed note for this section so I just want to read it. Please. Yeah. It's my note.
Starting point is 01:01:19 So then Sir Harold comes out a little late. I mean if you hear a little late airing, hello. And and he's like he's still got some shaving cream on his head It's a bonnet and I plan it So then then he's her Harold like like to prince. Let me let me see. Let me see it. He's like see you say he got Spades God be good. I mean God disgusting. I mean, you'll be fine. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. No, you can be fine. Yeah, you're gonna be great. We're gonna find you an opera to haunt. All right. Everything's gonna work out. We'll just have you hang out in day to night filters for the rest of your night. No one will really see it. So then it's like family meeting time. So everybody in the cast is now in the King's room,
Starting point is 01:02:07 wherever he's staying. And so the King's like, how could you allow such a thing to happen, hair rolled and hair rolled? So they were supposed to be in bed. What am I supposed to do? Someone's going to shave my head. Or it's not a fantastic sense, Near. And someone's going to do it.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And so the King is like, well, he's like, well, who is on watch? And then someone's like, well, he's like, well, who is on watch? And then someone's like, what the young prince attacked was attacked by his own cousins you're grace, but wasn't it Kristen who was supposed to be on watch? Wasn't this Kristen's responsibility? Was it? I don't know, but he's yelling at all the nights. And so that's when Kristen's like, well, the king's god has never had to defend princess
Starting point is 01:02:42 from princesses before. I was like, okay, aren't you the guy who murdered someone in public? I think you've been shown enough grace. Stand down, stand down hair. Yeah, I'm sure the one who took advantage of, you know, like the 15 year old renear for crying out loud, please.
Starting point is 01:03:01 So the King's like, that's not an answer. That's not the answer I'm looking for. And the Allison course. And we see the eye and king's like, that's not an answer. That's not the end drum looking for. And then Alice and we see the eye. And it's like a base, you know, when I called him baseball face, it's because the the cut is like circular. It's like a big all the way down his face. And through his eye and that they're sewing up his skin, they're sewing about. But like, especially his eye and Alice and it's like, it'll heal right and they're like um Hi, have you seen how people give birth? Do you think you think we're gonna be able to do this the doctor's like what the flesh will heal
Starting point is 01:03:33 But the eye is gone and she goes over and slaps egg on she's like where were you and he's like oh wow What was that for I didn't do it? Well, that was nothing about the abuse the brother suffered while you would drowning in your cups You fool as now Coralus comes in Coralus is like real angry dad. He's like what is the meaning of this? Who stole my Corvette? You know and so yeah, I'm right needs to say Like her bottom lip is being sucked all the way to the back of her throat. Yeah. Yeah. And then Ray Ray comes in. And then then she's like, who did this? Who did this? So that's all it's like it's the PTA meeting practically. Every all the angry parents are there to try sorted out. And they're yelling
Starting point is 01:04:15 at each other. And it's like, he attacked me and the kids are like, no screw you. You suck. And then the king's like, Taylor, all strong enough. And everyone gets quiet. And king's like, Taylor Armstrong enough. And everyone gets quiet. And he's like, Amen, you tell me the truth. I don't care if you just lost it now. You better be honest. You'll lose the other one. And he's like, um, an Allison's like,
Starting point is 01:04:33 well, what else do you need to hear? Your son is maimed, all right? And her son is to blame. He brought a knife. I want to speak to the manager of knives, please, because Allison is basically turning into that person. I want to speak to the managers. knives, please cuz Allison is basically turning into that person I want to be the manager of the caron. Yeah, so you're so you're gonna be brought to dragon I think they're that kind of wins. I feel like everyone is overlooking this big thing
Starting point is 01:04:56 He stole a fucking dragon. So then Ray raise like what was an accident and doing like an accident Your son tried to kill my son. And so then Ray raised like, well, it was my son, who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. And here I was, in the afterglow of amazing sex with my uncle, and it gets ruined by this. And file insults were being levied against them. And you got a love ray coming in from fucking her uncle. The date like the week that his wife died.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah. I'm getting all high in mighty. She's like rumors. How could these file insults be levied against my family? And the king's like what insults? And then they're silenced. And Ray Ray is like, all right, let's just say it. The legitimacy of my son's birth was called into question. I do not care who tells Ray Darron line. There I said it. So she's all talking around. Renier radar online. So then yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:51 And Jason's like, he called us bastards. And so she's like, my sons are in line and here at the Iron Throne. This is the highest of treason's. Prince Aiman must be sharply questioned. So he might hear, why, why, where he learned such Slanders
Starting point is 01:06:07 Slanders She knows that they've heard this from their mother right so she's looking at Al like go ahead Alison admit to treason And so Alison's like what would you want them formally questioned over in insult? He lost an eye and the king's like, where did you hear it boy? And he's like, Allison's like, oh, just school. He know how people are after a couple line. Couple line. Probably just said the other kid saying it. You know, I told you we need to do something about education. So then she's like, now where is Cileno? I want this, I want the boy's father. Perhaps he might have something to say. I'm like, oh, yeah, where is Lenore?
Starting point is 01:06:44 Is he still down at the ocean? Where are Lainar and Coral, please? So he's like listen here the little catchers mid face you tell me where you heard that lie immediately and Aement just like kind of looks up and he's like Egg on He's like, uh, Egon. And the egg ox like me. So the king turns on egg on now. He's like, you tell me where you heard such mostly truthful bullshit.
Starting point is 01:07:13 You tell me. Such hard to dispute rumors. And he's like, uh, everyone knows. I mean, look at them. Have you, have you seen them? The king's like All right, well new topic new topic new topic this in terminal fight in terminal fighting all of you We are family are
Starting point is 01:07:34 Apologize and show goodwill your father your grand saire your King demands and oh my elbow fell off could someone get that for me Please thank you. Yeah, he's like that He said everybody apologize and Allison's like um that is insufficient Hey, my name's damaged permanently goodwill cannot be restored And he's like listen if I could grow back body parts. I'd be wearing the pinky wing ring right now All right, we won't you have me to you here And you said there's a debt to be paid and and I shall have one of Ragnira's sons eyes in return. And he's like, uh, my dear wife,
Starting point is 01:08:10 it's your son, he's your blood. And the king's like, well, to be fair, a lot of you have my blood at this point. And we're a pretty incestuous bunch, okay? So, uh, he's like, don't let your temper guard your judgment.
Starting point is 01:08:21 And she's like, if the queen shall not seek justice, the queen will. Sir Chris did bring me the eye of Lucera's fallerian. He can choose which eye to keep. A pretty much, he did not grant my son. Damn, Alicent, really. He was really unhinged. No, he was really with there.
Starting point is 01:08:38 She's so awful. Yeah, and he's like, stay your hand. And they're trying to hold back Christian because he's gonna do it He's gonna do it. He's so mad So the king is like this is finished and she's all pissed off and he's like that. This is not I am going to bed With some duct tape. I'm just trying to make that happen. I'm sorry. We have read about it So and anyone who's tongue that questions the birth of Rainier's son shall have it
Starting point is 01:09:06 And anyone who's tongue that questions the birth of Rainier's son shall have it removed. And by that I mean I'll make out with him, they'll get whatever I've gotten. Good luck keeping it in the first place on my way. Or they'll just start looking for Larus. So then, so then it's like, okay, I don't go on to see it, but then Allison grabs the knife off of the king. Like the the the Larian steel knife that has the stuff written on it. And she grabs this knife and she just like lose she goes charging. And she has the knife. We saw this in the trailer actually and she's going nuts.
Starting point is 01:09:32 She's going running and everyone's like trying to stop them and Ray like grabs her arm because then Kristen tries to lurch forward probably to help her. But then then Damon stops Kristen. There's a lot of just blind just binds to being a circle of people and a two women in the middle, metaphorically battling and the queen is like, you know, Rare is like, you've gone too far and the queen is like, well, what have I done?
Starting point is 01:09:55 But what was expected of me forever upon my kingdom, for the family, the law, will you flout your duty? Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? Where is your Virtual you slept married to a gay man there. I said it everyone. I said it I had to say it. I had to get it out And now you take my sons. Well, what do you want your high horse about you married the king? Okay? Yeah, I had to
Starting point is 01:10:20 Like whatever you're the queen now like no one wants to hear it. Okay. Yeah, and Ray Ray is like oh Sting wasn't it hiding under the cloak of your own righteousness, but now they see you as you are an Allyson's like oh shit. I'm a crazy lady Trying to stop my ex friend in the face with the knife. They're gonna lovely boon. We're it mommy. Really? They're gonna be doing flashbacks this moment for many seasons to come on the Real Housewives. I'm gonna, now we've got a four hour reunion to bring it up again, over and over. So she breaks away from Rayway,
Starting point is 01:10:58 but she's still got the knife and she cuts her arm presumably on accident. And then Ray just stands there with her arm bleeding, looking at her with like, squinting, like, and I shall bleed all over the floor. So no one forgets this moment. And by the way, where was this sense of urgency from literally anyone? Because I saw what I saw was blood coming from a wrist. I was like, uh, she sliced her wrist, someone like, we'll get
Starting point is 01:11:25 the, get the ma- get the ma-ster in here. She's gonna die. I thought she was gonna die. And like, no one was doing anything. But apparently it was, it was like the long way down. It's like, bad. And no one's like, oh my god, the queen's gonna- the future queen's gonna die. They're just like, meh. All right, well, she's bleeding too. Let's roll the clip of this again. This is fun. That's roll the outgoing crazy clipping. Damn it, it's already begun. I'll never outlive this clip for 12-15 years. So then Aemon stands up and he's like, do not mourn me, mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon. I was like, Oh, well, now you say it, kid. Maybe you should have said this before your mom went crazy and tried to carve out the kid's eyeball for crying out loud. Yeah. And also, Amy, it's like,
Starting point is 01:12:14 and now I look fucking cool. Are you kidding me? I've got a scar face in a dragon. Who's going to fuck with me? Like literally this morning, you trip me down the stairs. And you're my mother. Okay. I was next to it. Right? So, yeah, so this is, it's just like, it's bad news. Then later afterwards, she's just standing in her room, standing by the fireplace. Another thing that people do is they're not warming themselves by the fireplace.
Starting point is 01:12:42 They just sort of stand by the fireplace and stare at like the mantle as if something were happening on the fireplace. They just sort of stand by the fireplace and stare at like the mantle as if something were happening on the mantle. And so auto walks in. And I love to see you just getting a window into my life. I found myself in the kitchen staring at a bag of pretzels. I was like, how long have I been here?
Starting point is 01:12:57 I couldn't say. I don't know. When I finally came to us, I've been staring at rolled gold pretzels. It could be hours. I don't know. We could put right in on this show. At least you had something to stare at. and staring at rolled gold pretzels, it could be hours. I don't know. I don't know. We could put it right in on this show. At least you had something to stare at.
Starting point is 01:13:09 At least you had a bag of pretzels. She just stares at a piece of wood. So, because she does stand by that fireplace a lot. So, but she's lonely and not radio. She's not radio. Yeah. So she's standing there and auto is like, auto comes in her dad, by the way. And she's like, say your piece. He's like, Otto comes in her dad by the way and she's like say your piece, what piece would that be?
Starting point is 01:13:28 Because I've conducted myself in a matter unbefitting of my station or any other station I lost composure and I pass out at the princess and already the word is spreading on the shade of the room and scroll six and I get it, people are angry at me. Oh, too, hold through my diars. Yes, yes, yes, and now I've disgraced myself and I've ensured my husband's favor will always rest on his daughter and he goes, and yet I've never seen that side of you. I've undoubtedly its existence.
Starting point is 01:13:59 As the kids would say, you go, girl, you ate that up. Oh, I always knew you had that bitch flower inside of you and to me they wanted finely bloomed. I'm so proud of you. And she's like, stop smiling. It was ugly. And he's like, well, we all play an ugly game, don't we? And God, you've got what it takes to win it.
Starting point is 01:14:20 And this is the first time I've ever seen it. Go. Go, go, go, go, go go. Alright, that was amazing. And so he's like, she goes, but Ray and he's like, you see her for what she is and what the King's stubbornness has wrought. The King of Forgive you don't worry about it. I mean, the man can barely hold the hand of cards these days. All right now go to him massage some soles, keep a grip on your passions and I promise you we're gonna win this shit. Oh yeah, we're gonna win this shit.
Starting point is 01:14:52 And your piece of shit son, Aimein, that little turd, we never thought it'd be better than a, more than a footstool. Am I right? And he, look at him, look what he did. Well, won't he do it? I mean, pal how that was I Got a dragon. He got a dragon on our side. I was wrong not a laughter in that whole moment But honestly, it was hilarious was it not you know that kid I've always said him damn said
Starting point is 01:15:17 This is an old show called to gun smoke and just to sit it drowning him in the television. And then he wins a dragon twosuit. Drowning him. Oh, I don't mean that. Oh, I don't mean that. Oh, I don't mean that. So then the maester says, then we see like an extended shot of the maester suturing Ray's arm and they're like, here, let's just watch this needle go in and poke onto the other. I'm like, do we have to watch this?
Starting point is 01:15:43 It's just kind of messed up. Can we get a bigger needle too? I mean, Jesus Christ. He's like taking down a basketball hoop and just like sticking the pole through her skin. I was like, my God. I'm like, are you, I'm starting to get the sense that the only reason why they had Allison
Starting point is 01:15:57 slash Ray Ray's arm was merely so that way they could have a scene to gross people out because as far as I can tell, it has no impact on anything else. They just want to be like, we call it the Kourno Prosthetic to make it look like that's real skin being sewn together. Like do it, we'll write it in somehow.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Yeah. So then Lane Arn comes in and she sends everybody away and they have like the talk and he's like, oh my God, is everyone good? It's like, yeah, they know we're all doing fine. Yeah, sorry I missed it yesterday. Yeah Only like the biggest disaster it this is like when the wind didn't go on scary island You know on real as was in New York like you have to be there. You need to be there for the big scenes lane or
Starting point is 01:16:38 Yeah, and And also isn't that him in every scene. It's like there's a new baby. He's like oh well done Look at that baby. That's adorable. Carl's must, that D is good. It must be real good, because he's missing everything. Yeah, and she's like, he says, well, I should have been there. She's like, there should be our house words.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Am I right? And he says, well, you know, I've been fighting these dreadful demons because I could not defend my sister. I could not defend you. Princess Peach just did to their eyes. I said it. I said it. And she's like, I'll sit down. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Listen, here's what happened. Amen. That little fucker face called our son's bastards. And he's like, wow. I've failed you, Reneer. Fail to marry her. I tried. Our boys. I do love them, Ranera, failed our marriage. I tried our boys. I do love them, but I just failed at everything.
Starting point is 01:17:28 The other day, Carlos said, hey, can you watch this donut for me? I'm just gonna go to the bathroom. And then I looked away when I looked back, a bird had taken a donut. I can't even watch over a donut, okay? But I've decided that, you know what? I'm gonna turn things around.
Starting point is 01:17:44 So, well, I, he's like, and I love the children, because well, I hope you love the children, you know, the few times that we lay it together, I was hoping things might have been different because I mean, especially like he's having like a shame right now, he's like, I wish I wasn't like this. I wish the gods didn't make me like this. Yeah, and she's like, well, listen, you know, I did,
Starting point is 01:18:02 you know, I did try to have your children, you know, we did try it You know, that was awkward. I mean even with porn scroll It was hard and he's like the opposite to my right My right, and it's not the time for your gay humor. All right, go ahead. I continue She's like you're honorable, you're sweet You've got a good heart. That's a rare thing around here. Or have you watched a show? It's been released in your country. It's very depressing. And he's like, well, I know we made an arrangement to do our duty and
Starting point is 01:18:32 explore happiness, but I don't think those things can mutually exist. So Carl with the queue will return to the stepstones. And I'm recommitting to you. That's it. It's Lane or two point out. As a go. We've heard it, Laynor, okay. And also, amusingly in the middle of this,
Starting point is 01:18:52 when they're talking, they're kind of like bonding and Ray Ray laughs. And I was like, what is this strange facial feature that I've been in the show before? Yeah, it is. Yeah, it's like, oh my gosh, he has teeth. He smiles. She smiles and she also can laugh, it's so weird.
Starting point is 01:19:08 So now he's like, I'm gonna be the best husband ever. And she's like, I'm kind of believing that, which sucks, because I'm fucking my uncle now. So I'll just wait till he glosses over and he goes back to fucking Carl and the television. Like what must I say right now? Oh, well the way. So now we see, there's a wagon that's leaving Driftmark.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Like the one that we're looking at wagon. And so the queen is in there with the king and he's just like melting into the wagon. I know, she's like, remember that fight? I'm sorry about that fight. He's like, a shot up, give me a blanket. I don't even care. Oh my God, I can't even pick my nose right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Why did whoever's in charge up there make it to the only finger that fits in your nose? You're pinky. It doesn't work. No, that doesn't work. I need a royal, I need a royal snop picker, please. Now, normally I would say I would call that person the hand, but unfortunately, as we see,
Starting point is 01:20:11 that's already a conflict. We're called in finger, the finger. So anyway, so Coralism and Rainey started just watching this wagon go away, and it releases like so mad. She just hates how all of this has gone down. And then they, and now they're, they're gonna be a gamer.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Yeah, of course. You just got beat. You just got beat. Well, not completely. Right. So now that now the Royal party goes onto their boat and with the dragons following, they're making their crossing. And the Queen just standing on the deck and who should come over good old Laras, he comes comes on, of course, comes on over. Yeah. And then but then at the same time same right when she's trying to feel better he's like oh what a perversion of drusters the prince do you find what an aggrade am I right?
Starting point is 01:20:57 he's like yes trying to get over it Leris all right bad news and Ellie and he's like well if it's an eye, you want an arm, you're servant. I can get you an eye. He's just like, no, no, no, that won't be necessary. I sort of realized like, what do I do with an actual eye bolt? It's kind of disgusting.
Starting point is 01:21:15 But you know what, your devotion has not gone on notice. Do you know what next time we go Starbucks? You're Venti Mocha. It's on me. Thank you for giving him my drink, that's so sweet. Oh, you're welcome. He's like, he's all dangerous time. So it's like, yeah, with you, you fucking burning everybody down. What the hell?
Starting point is 01:21:37 He's like, I'll just wait for you to call my queen, because she's like, yeah, yeah, I'll call you when the time is right. He's like, hmm, I'll call you and the time is right. He's like, hmm, hmm. He's like, I'll always be not bothering you right here. Mm. I'll get out of your way. You're still standing two feet from me. Oh, you saw me.
Starting point is 01:21:56 So, and he just beams like he's like smiling, like he can't believe, like he's official now. You're the official henchman. Yeah, exactly. So meanwhile, Damon and Ray, I got confused before because there was a little bit of cross-cunning here. And so Damon and Ray are standing. And Ray, Ray, Ray is just, she's sort of babbling.
Starting point is 01:22:16 You know what, they do this on the show every now and then they start talking about the elements in a way that's kind of a knowledge. She's like, well, we have the house where a house is fire. And fire is a strange power. And you know, we have the house where house of fire and fires of strange power. You know, we everything we owe is owed to fire. And he's like, well, the laryons they knew the sea of the best allies. Like, what fire is a prison? The sea offers an escape. It's like, I feel like you're trying to get get to something. Can we, can we move this along? I don't really
Starting point is 01:22:39 feel like talking about sea in fire anymore. What a fuck again. Is that what you're trying to say? She's like, I need you. and I cannot face the greens alone. So let us bind our blood just as Aegon the Conqueror did. With you as my husband and Prince Consort, my claim would not be so easily challenged. The valerians are of the sea, but you and I, we're made of... Fire? Fire is fire isn't it?
Starting point is 01:23:04 It's fire! I'm made of fire made a fire not called see pockets and I write so no one goes down to cool down a dinner do they people don't say oh I bit into my hot pocket and all I could taste was the ocean no they say my mouth felt like it was on fire there's a a reason for that. Let's hack. So he's like, well, I don't know. He sits down and she's like, well, we've always been meant to burn together. We're a double wit candle.
Starting point is 01:23:35 And he's like, but we couldn't marry unless Lane or stand. And she's, I know. And I was like, oh no, you two are not gonna kill. You two, I was so mad. Oh, mom. I was like, oh no, you two are not gonna kill you too. I was so mad. Oh, mom. I was like Ray Ray is our only, the only person on the show who is like barely,
Starting point is 01:23:51 like someone you can root for. Everyone is so depraved on the show. And also, I'm like, Ray Ray is the closest thing that we have. Don't have, like don't, Ray Ray, don't kill your admittedly useless closet husband, please. I know, but even if she did, at least it wouldn't be gay bashing like Kristen, because he'd like decided not, it
Starting point is 01:24:12 would be like unbegashing gay bashing because Lane or just promised to be less gay. And she still, I was like still now you're gonna still kill him. And then the writers really up it because they put Damon in his hoodie and you know what that means well they're like hey Damon where you're hoodie in the scene he's like who'd like it to murder the murder hoodie so then Damon goes up to Carl, Carl and he's like you know he basically is like like you know saying I've heard of your talents I've heard of them and Carl just gets right on his knees like Carl That chill
Starting point is 01:24:50 Carl so Damien's like, you know, there are places across the narrow sea where it doesn't matter what the man's name is only how much Gold he possesses and Carl's like Narrow sea a so what do you want? He gets on his knees again. He's like no, no, no, but you pulled out gold this time. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, putting it in your hand. The gold is going in my hand. So what do you want for me? And he goes, I just want to quick death. One with witnesses. I was like, oh my God, now Carl is going to kill later. What the fuck? Oh, what a, like, wow, you cheap whore. You're just like for a little bit of gold,
Starting point is 01:25:26 you're gonna kill your lover. So, yeah. Well, never trust someone who changes their name to be spelled with a Q. Yeah, never. So then while this is all happening, we're doing the thing, they love doing on the show towards the climax where we have like,
Starting point is 01:25:41 the conversation happening now, but the stuff that's happening in the future. So we go back to Ray and Damien, and she's like, well, I would not be a tyrant who rules to terror. And then he's saying, putt of tyrant, but tyrant only rules, but he basically is like, you have to have people need to be afraid of you. So it's okay.
Starting point is 01:25:57 And then we see a clip of him, one of the things under the monologue. He is coming down to these gorgeous stairs, and he sees a guy and he just breaks his neck. I was like, what the hell? So then, Lane or comes into his dad's hall and Carl's waiting for him and there's a servant there. And Lane or it's like, what are you doing here? What are you doing in my father's hall? And Carl's like, you've always looked down on me. Well, I mean, there's really, it's like the only vantage point I really had some of the time.
Starting point is 01:26:28 I remember what am I supposed to do? No, I've offered to get on mine. There's two. I mean, we can make the sequel. So then I've offered to let you sit. You know, unfortunately, it doesn't work when we're best standing. All right. So, uh, so then, but Ray is like like she's like you know she's she's conflicted about this because she's like I actually love him though like you
Starting point is 01:26:51 know he still is great. I mean we have so much fun making fun of like the bad fashions that Sue is always wearing Sue is always trying to make that hat work it never works. We laugh for hours on end like I'm gonna have a hard time killing him and Damon's like who else am I gonna play fashion godwish? You know? And he's like, uh, so they start fighting. They know how to start sword fighting. And they're really going at it.
Starting point is 01:27:14 And it's kind of like a bitch-flat fight of sword fighting, I have to say. I've seen a lot of it on the show. It's very like, Eh! I'm so mad! So they're going at it. And Carl in the middle of it stops and slaps him, which I really liked.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And I was thinking to myself, Carl, I feel like this is not the best way to murder Lainar because Lainar is still like a very accomplished soldier and you're just Carl. So like, I don't know why you think you can beat him right now. But then it cuts to Coralus and Rainey's like walking into the room, because the servant went and got the servant left and went and got Coralus and Rhaenys.
Starting point is 01:27:48 They walk in. And then we cut to Ray and Ray is feeling gutted because she's like, damn, but if we take out Lainar, this is Coralus and Rhaenys' only remaining child. And everyone's going to whisper that I was responsible for this somehow. But Damon's like, but don't you kind of want that a little bit? Like don't you want to see what you will be, what you'll do, right? And she says, yes, because then they will feel what else we might be capable of. He's like, now you got to kid.
Starting point is 01:28:17 And then we see the body being pulled out of the fire. And it's all burnt up and rainy starts sobbing. And then we see we cut to cut lips with cold, like cut lips being cut, blood being put on Damien's forehead, and it's like some blood ceremony for a wedding. I was like, aren't you two, could you give it a couple of weeks?
Starting point is 01:28:42 Like, we're like that down to business quickly. And the kids are all watching. So the kids are sitting there watching and they're getting married. So I guess the word has gotten out that Lina was dead, right? And then not only do they get married, but then they are like fully making out. You know, it's the first like passionate marriage
Starting point is 01:28:59 we've seen and they are making out. And I was like, and we're like cheering. Like I personally like, yes, I'm glad they got together because then they can take down Allison and I was like, wow, I'm like reading for incest over Allison. That's how bad Allison is. I love that that uncle just married his niece to take her down. Well, Allison's gonna have her two children marry each other. So, I mean, there's where Allison stands. So then we think, okay, they said it with kind of a creepy wedding. wedding. They have matching kind of hippie tie-dye robes or whatever.
Starting point is 01:29:28 And the kids are like, awkward. And okay, so we think that's the end. And then we see a kid running on a beach to a small boat. And then we see that it's Lane or, and he's alive, and he's got a shaved head, and Carl with a cue is waiting him a boat for him. I was like, I was like, oh my god, did house the dragon just give me like a very sweet and lovely happy ending to us? Like that's where did that come from? I was like, they're gonna go off across the narrow sea and they'll have lots of money and they'll just, they'll just be, you know, they will
Starting point is 01:30:00 get to have that little goat farm and sell, you know, go antiquing, go antiquing in the mean of seeking, you know? Yeah, the buswaters together and become sweater guys. Now, there is a word of warning here. You did just run off with a man named Carl spelled with a cue. Yeah. So it's not going to work out. It's going to be honest.
Starting point is 01:30:22 I don't, I don't feel like those guys don't ever workout. Yeah. There's was a relationship that was born out of duress and now once they are both free and then they can sort of be who they are, I think they're gonna have some friction. I'm part of it's like, oh my God, isn't the army hot? You know, it's like, I may not be into you but I just saw 20 other guys in the shower.
Starting point is 01:30:40 So let's do this one hard, you know? So. Yeah, and I think that when they go off to wherever they go, So let's do this one hard, you know. So. Yeah, and I think that when they go off to wherever they go now, you know, it's just it's like it's they're going off the Hudson Valley of Westero and it's just going to be like it'll be nice, but but there's they're gonna get bored. How was your shift at Squirrel Mart? Great. Really fun customer service. Feeling way to bad, feeling super confident. Hey, you want to go to the club?
Starting point is 01:31:07 Oh, that's right. There is no club where we are anymore. Anyway, glad we have each other. Yeah. All right. Well, that brings us to the end of Winterscorpany. Yes. Another eventful and dark episode in all definitions of the word dark.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Thanks for being here. We'll be back every Monday for this show and then catch all our other content on regular Watcher Crappens. So thanks everyone for watching and listening. We'll see you next time. Bye. Bye.
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