Watch What Crappens - House of the Dragon: Plan Tea

Episode Date: September 13, 2022

Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* Well, it's finally here. The Flowers in the Attic episode of House of the Dragon. RayRay has her full Euphoria moment on... this episode, and we're here to break it all down. This week's premium Patreon bonus is a talk about Big Brother. Join Patreon at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I have cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cr. I'm Ronnie, that's Ben over there, hop in. Hi Ronnie, how are you?
Starting point is 00:00:48 Well, welcome, welcome to the show. Thank you so much, thanks for having me on our show. Thanks for joining us everybody. This has been Ronnie from the Watch What Crafts podcast, okay? So, go listen to us on that. And if you're on the Watch What Crafts feed, go sign up for this feed. Don't you want two episodes a week?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Deliver the same episode, deliver to your podcast app every week. We love numbers. So go do that. We do. Okay. This is true. This is very true. Welcome to House of the Dragon.
Starting point is 00:01:17 This is episode four of House of the Dragon, Dragons and the attic. Girl, finally. I thought they were gonna play this for like seasons and seasons. of the dragon, dragons and the attic girl. Finally, I thought they were gonna play this for like seasons and seasons. Like, does the uncle want to bang the niece? Like, what's gonna happen? Oh my god, is the season she would like finally gonna bang for like, not episode four, but just give her right to him.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yeah, they, they move things along pretty quickly on this show. It turns out, like they already killed, they already killed the crab feeder. Not only is he dead, it's like almost like it, did it matter that he was ever alive? I don't know, like, it didn't seem like there was any, it was just like, okay, cool. And now they've already, you know, like Damon and Vrnir have already had like, sort of sex.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I don't know if they really even, I couldn't, I assumed they were having sex at first, but then I was like are they having sex? No, he leave where they just didn't close. He went limp because he can't had a little woman like having the power like the second she got into it. He was like and lost my boner like the first time when he was with Missouri or whatever and the who a house. Oh, that's right, he did do that. Okay, so yeah, well, okay. You know, maybe a lot and like played with each other's private parts about,
Starting point is 00:02:31 kind of like technically sex. He's like, the fact that you're my underage niece of seven and 10 years, that gives me a boner. But the actual doing of the deed, lose the boner. Yeah, but yeah, they're moving quite quickly with the plot and stuff. I mean, Damon showed up with season two hair already. I was like, yes, I'm gonna explain that.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yes, posh spice. He's got like the angular, you know, David Beckham's wife hair. It's like, you go, Damon. I mean, there is nothing that says a confident man, like showing up with posh spice hair. Love it. I know, I wish the short hair were explained. like showing up with posh spice air. Love it. I know, I wish the short hair were explained. Like, they didn't give us like a scene of Miserie
Starting point is 00:03:09 of being like, I shall cut your hair now, my king, because you are a true warrior. He just showed up like, hey, I hit up Fantastic Sam's on the way over to Kings Landing. And this is my new look, sort of like a bleached blonde posh spice meets Katie Lang a little bit, you know. Yeah, it's like fantastic sounds, but it spelled S-A-E-M-S. Fantastic Sam Tawaz.
Starting point is 00:03:36 So we start, we know that this is going to be heavy on the incest hints at least at the very beginning because we start with the close-up of the necklace that he gave Ray Ray in episode one, the incest necklace. She's just like fingering it. She's like, look at me thinking about my uncle. She still wears it every day. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:58 And she's to my uncle, but I wish I had a hot uncle. I mean, this show makes it look so sexy. You know, I saw a tweet that was saying, by the way, House of the Dragon Twitter is whole-area. The tweets are so funny. And someone had one that said, everybody when Jamie and Cersei were fucking, I'm like the grossed out face.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But everybody when Ray Ray and Damon are fucking, everyone's like cheering. And that's kind of true. But they were twins. Sir, I mean, that is a slight different grade on the incest tree. Right, at least now there's like a little bit of generational distance, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:36 and like, they're like, they're a little bit, they're not from the same, Cersei and Jamie were like, two twigs off the same branch. These are just like two different branches, but very close branches. Right, like they're two different trees in the same garden. You know, I think they're, no, they're on this, I think they're pretty much on the same tree.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I just think they're a little farther away on the tree than Jamie and Cersei were, you know. But I'll go ahead and give that to you. I'll give the tree branch fucking your uncle. But thank you for letting my analogy go forward. So anyway, so Renera is just like sitting on like a throne type thing. I mean, it's a throne. It's not the throne.
Starting point is 00:05:21 It's just a non-sorted throne. It's a non-infected throne, okay? Yeah, she's basically the non-sorted throne. It's been an infected throne, okay? Yeah, she's basically the non-tentonist throne or whatever. Non-tentonist throne. She's basically having, you know, Westeros, Bachelorette right now. Like, basically, like a bunch of guys have lined up to have her hand and she has to give out final roses.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And- I'm sorry, but you do not get this human-fed crab Just giving out crabs to people So there's like there's like some like stuffy old guy who's like trying to make his case for why he'd be just like a great husband And he's like oh the, the views across the mall, she's all inspiring. So said Queen Elizabeth, when she honored my father and I, and she's like, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Did you see that? She's like, did you think my great grandmother's as beautiful as they say? Because you're old. So you would have seen her. Old, I don't know. Yeah. And everyone's laughing. Because they're like, oh my God, she's ages.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I love it. And the guy she's with, I forgot his name. But yeah, I don't think. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. I mean, that was naughty, hilarious, but naughty, you shady little bitch. And she's like, well, what's unseemly?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Some hairy, moob toothless fuck wanting to marry me because he has a few of trees. All right, we barely have windows or everyone sees trees. I like this guy saying that was unseemly. Okay, now here's a little boy for you to date. I think you got your unseemly priorities incorrect. He's like, all right, go away old man. We've got a child for you, Ness. And let me tell you, Princess, this is going to be the most dramatic season ever.
Starting point is 00:07:16 So, um, so the advice is like, okay, so this kid comes up. He's like, hello. And the advisors like, well, you know, the blackwoods are an ancient house with formidable army and the riverlands. They once ruled as kings, the blood of the first men, flows in their veins. In other words, I think you should marry a little boy. I think that's what you should do. So the little kid comes up, the blackwood.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And he's like, my princess, Arthur Zabond has long endured since Lucas Blackwood ate it the dragon in his war of conquest and then some smart-ass guy with the bowl haircut thinks he's all great it's like the Justin Bieber haircut over their time is like yeah oh the blackwood short turned the tide on that one a square it was like whoa like a sick blackwoods burn.
Starting point is 00:08:05 The kids like, no, our history is deeply rooted in this land, which your house has made its home. And it's chosen as a match, princess, your day shall be easy and your night shall be safe under my protection. And then the dick is like, your protection, the princess has a dragon, you dumb, got fitness. And it was like maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa So she leaves and then we hear sword fighting and she's like, oh god. So she turns back and a little kids like, you want a piece of me beber? You want a piece of me?
Starting point is 00:08:50 And she's like gross. So she turns to leave and then we hear, blah, blah. So she turns around and someone is dead on the floor and it's a smart ass with beber hair. You made a second and a little bit. You fucked with blackwood for the wrong time bitch. Now I want snack. Is it snack time? So now. For blackwood. Do we have Fignutans in the kingdom? So now, Ray's on a ship. So basically, she's supposed to be out there doing, you know, the bachelor at for a few more like if that's a few more seasons left in it and she's like no
Starting point is 00:09:29 We're canceling the show get me a ship take me back to King's Landing. So now she's on a ship and She's on there with Christian with Kristen Coral it. Well, not not corley. Well, yeah, Coralyn wait. Why am I black and Kristen's last name? What's his last name again? Doesn't matter Either way, Kristen. Here's an update about Kristen, Ronnie, that I think is very important. Someone on Twitter sent this, and I'm sorry, I forgot your name. I knew this was going to happen. I was going to write your name down, and then I didn't, and now I forgot your name, so I apologize. So this person did some research into the actor who plays Kristen. And they discovered that Kristen's father, leaked father was the guy who played Simon Bolt
Starting point is 00:10:12 on Sisters, the British guy that Seal Award has a intense romance with. So the fact that Kristen is connected to the show Sisters that has father played an iconic role on that show. I think It's a pretty big deal. It's a full circle moment full of honest never watch sisters Wow after all of this never even I was a kid and I just remember it being on what was it Friday nights? Or was it on like a Saturday's after goal Saturday's at 10 o'clock? Yeah, and my mom would be like you can't watch that that he's called sinsters
Starting point is 00:10:48 Okay, that is pure sin and so I wasn't allowed to watch that I just know all the actors from it from their other stuff see the wars who's he curts So I those that's how I know sisters, and I know you love it So I've been trying to like kind of You know get in on the sister's thing, but I gotta be on some of don't know fucking sisters, okay? And, you know, people started asking us about sisters. And I'm like, I don't know, like I literally don't know how to answer this, except to say it's in. It's in. So I have to say, this is like a bombshell moment right here in the middle of Winterscrap. I know. Like some real revelations. Well, that's fine,
Starting point is 00:11:22 Ronnie. I'm glad you're, I'm glad you're out of the sister's closet or the or the Uncister's closet and it's hurt my soul lying about it so much. You didn't lie about it. You just never you just let us all make assumptions and you didn't chat. You're basically like Evan Hansen. Okay, you were like it's like dear Ronnie Carrham. The fact of this show it still is kind of like the bachelor, because you know, on the previous for the bachelor, there's like, they're like, here's 30 guys lined up. And then one guy gets like stabbed in the stomach with the sword.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And then they cut to like the glamorous trips on boats and steps. And now we're on the boat part of the trip. And, um, yeah, Kristen Cole, Kristen Cole is his name, I apologize. Kristen Cole. Yes. Yeah, Kristen Cole. It Cole is his name, I apologize. Kristen Cole, yes, yeah, Kristen Cole. It's a very soap opera name. And Ray Ray is like, oh, how do you think Daddy's gonna take it that I didn't pick a man?
Starting point is 00:12:12 And he's like, well, you rejected everyone and you're ending your tour with two months remaining. So probably it's not gonna be great. Ah! It's a dragon, they look up and there's a dragon. And it comes and kind of dives, dives bombs there. Like it sort of hits the ship a little bit,
Starting point is 00:12:29 which is a little rude. And Ray Ray falls over and Chris is like, oh my god, are you okay? Where's, where's, I'll get the myster. I'll get the myster. He'll put a leach on your head. It'll fix everything. And she's like, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:12:43 That guy's getting hometown. Oh. Yeah, she's just like, I'm fine. That guy's getting hometown. Oh. Yeah, she's just like, I fucking the dragon. Like, oh, yeah, let's get back to King's Landing. Yeah. So now what is the King's time to go to work? So he's got people there. Like we all do, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:58 He's like, I'm going to do the brown, handing you your sword, delenting you, you know, making sure your swords aren't showing, you know. They're like, they're like, yes, love this look that we're going for right now, King, it says, Royal, but also not fingers falling off. Love this for you, yes, Queen, I mean King. So he's got like a big, you know, meeting with the crowd, like a city council type thing and
Starting point is 00:13:31 Ray Ray walks in and it's like giving her a snotty little look and he sees her and he's like, I'm so annoyed with you How dare you I set up a television show for you and you didn't even show up What will K. R. A. I. S. Harris and think about this? So then like the the crowd there's like a path in the crowd and then in walks Damon and he's got a hatchet and short hair that's unexplained but his hair got short somewhere between killing you know creepy Shelley Deval and arriving he also decided you know what let's refresh the look. So he comes in and he's like walking up very solemnly to the king and he gets close. So then there's that, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:08 there's always that stupid guard that's like, don't walk any further. I'm gonna put my sword on your chest as if you did not just kill someone that everyone's been trying to kill for four years and I'm gonna be the one that's gonna stop you right now. But okay, I'll do this anyway. I'm putting my sword on your chest.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And Damon walks into the sword like, ooh, sword on your chest and Damon walks into the sword like and Damon hands his sword over and he's like add it to that chair mark drop Just cross the sword and it's like clank clank clank and The King's like oh and you well crowned you already also called yourself King and he's like well Listen after we smashed the triarchy I was named the king of the sea but I know it's only one king your grace my crown and my stepstones are all yours By the way that that triarchy crown was an embarrassment like I was shit like it was like
Starting point is 00:15:02 What's my carcass? It was that yeah, that was some twiggy shit from Home Goods. We've all seen it. It was like one of those twiggy centerpiece things you put a camp in the middle of, and he just took out the glass part. You just wears it as a crown. It was like, who from Triarchy went off to sleep with a camp in the middle of the war
Starting point is 00:15:21 and came back and I was like, look, they have all sorts of really cool classes. Like you could camp, but you can also take classes. I made a crown, do you want it? It's like, all right, I guess this will be our crown if we don't have anything else, but if anyone wants to make a better crown, they're like, no, we don't want to, we'll use that one.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So the king asks him who holds the stepsstones now and he's like, well, crabs and 2000 dummies, stick to the sand to warn those who might follow them. and 2000 dummies stick to the sand to warn those who might follow them. Like, so we basically spent three episodes hearing about triarchy and the stepstones, and now like just no one's there. Like, you just killed it, now no one wants even own it, it's just gonna be there. Okay fine. So, he's like rise, rise, Damon, rise. And we're I'm like oh my god is he gonna kill Damon what's he gonna do to Damon? But no the Kings are worse. So he's like
Starting point is 00:16:09 great job brother. Let's hug. So everyone's like oh my god hugs. I love wanted and then hugs and not people stick to the ground. I mean I kind of did end with people stick to the ground. It's not sticking up our air. So that's good. Yeah hugs. Yeah it was very much like at the end of like a real house was reunion when Andy can make two people who've been fighting all season, just hug at the end. You're like, oh, that was a great way to end the reunion. Good job.
Starting point is 00:16:33 By the way, you're already fighting again before credits roll. Yeah, exactly. Also, Damon, I'm sorry, like it was cool that you brought a sword to add to the throne, but I personally know what I was what I wanted Crabbs. I mean hello like can we not get some revenge on those crabs? Can we not have a big crab feast like we could all get out of our mallets put on some bibs I think it would have been like a great occasion at the castle, but this crab is delicious. It tastes like at Jocelyn Anyone else? I want to eat your human fed crab at Jocelyn, she wasn't eating my crab.
Starting point is 00:17:05 She was sent to a pillow house in the free cities. How could you say that? So we go to a party or whatever, like the after party, the meeting after party, if you will. And Ray Ray is eating a cookie. I'm so bored with cookies. I'm boring. Hey, what's the name of this?
Starting point is 00:17:25 Boring Flaming. Where are the pigs at a blanket? No, I want actual pigs in blankets to be here, please. Thank you. So now, like the Serious and Dame and they're like old friends again, joking. And the King is like, oh oh I would not revisit this debate you're always mothers favorite haha isn't it good that we have friends again nothing could possibly go wrong yeah and he's drunk like the king yeah the king is just drunk again
Starting point is 00:17:58 get it together king okay yeah you can't be scaly and a drunk you have to like pick one or the other so Ray Ray is like congrats Uncle D would you like a boring cookie man or a boring juice? And he's like oh I'm going to give you some sexy look. And Allison's like do you want to see some tapestries? We've got new tapestries over there. That's the Game of Thrones wave saying I got the capture covered. You want to see it? He's like tapestries gross No, these are great tapestries. They're actually in floral HD It's amazing and they also come with their own apps So you can find out what the schools are on the various different chefs going on around the kingdom
Starting point is 00:18:38 He's like mmm. I think he's like And knows what to do if they can't type on this scroll. All right, stop trying to make tapestries happen. Yeah, and so when you're like, well, I'd like to see them. And then the king said, well, then you should not deprive yourself. Enjoy the tapestry, Skull. So she, well, I, you assume that she goes off to look at the tapestries, but then she just sits on a bench. I'm like, well, you're not going to see the tapestries from the bench.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Right, right. Oh, that's what I thought the tapestries were. I thought she was saying, my click, we've gotten new tapestries I recovered the couch with. But she just goes to a bench outside and she just sits on this Atlas bench. Like, I guess she's waiting for the tour. God, look at that sexy walk to the tapestries or wherever.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And Allison goes to join her and I write in my notes sort of names, you know, and I wrote Alan Ray. Like, what is this a bowling team? Alan Ray goes sit on the bench waiting for their turn. Yeah, so they have like, girl time. Because Allison's like, well, I surmised, the tour didn't go so well. And she's like, Ray's, no, I should've gone and told her to do as long as I could. And I was like, well, having every night forning over you, what misery? She has raffer girls in this ramp to get a choice between two suitors, last two score suitors, you just got queen burned, queen burned. She's like, well, they just want to use my offspring for blood.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And she's like, but that's just want to use my offspring for blood. And she's like, but that's kind of romantic, isn't it? Romantic to be imprisoned in a castle to squeeze out airs for an ugly, smelly, scaly person. She's like, okay, that was a bit harsh. I'm just like, sorry, what I meant to say is, how pathetic it must be to give up all your morals and standards just to sleep with some old fuck whose fingers just fell off. Am I right? Oh, oh, sorry I didn't realize you're really quite right there. Sorry. Oh, sorry. What I'm trying to say is I mean they line up with stupid gifts like little Model dragons. I mean what fucking losers? Is somebody supposed to be turned on by that? Why are you crying?
Starting point is 00:20:43 I guess I guess what I'm trying to say is one of the joys about being young and hot is you can really experiment with so much hot, long, hard, D. Am I right? Oh, are you quite all right, Heleson? You seem to be sobbing. She's like, says Daddy Mad. And Alicin says, the king went through great effort to arrange your tour and he's frustrated.
Starting point is 00:21:04 But I'm glad you're home. I found out a few friends lately. I like to believe Lady Allison is still there, but now all anyone sees is an extremely rich lady with a giant house and fresh tapestry. So sue me. I like the dad's all mad about this. Like when in history of dating mad about this. Like when in history of dating has it ever been like, Hey, I know you want to go on to Tinder to find a match, but I found some people and here you can date them. And this is the only ones you can date. Like that's not going to work out. It's always going to be, it's always going to be the, the, the, the mist connections on Craigslist or whatever, not what dad picks. Or at least Raya, like you've got to give her another influencer dating app. You can't just have her go on Tinder, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah, she needs to know the important people, see all their picks, be able to see how many followers they have, etc. She needs to get onto Dragon, spell DRGN, RN, or something like that. You know, there's like some hook up app called Dragon. You will pump your scroll and you like click, you know, there's like some hookup app called dragon you up up your scroll and you like click It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life But come on Someday's parenting is unbearable. I love my kid
Starting point is 00:22:20 But is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares of our freshly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert-expert. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently?
Starting point is 00:22:47 And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on Amazon music or Wondery app. Let's come here, show. So then we go outside and Damon is staring up at the stage,
Starting point is 00:23:12 got his eyes closed, like tilted up to the sun. OK, Paley. Paley, apologies. You're going to need a little sunscreen there, OK? You're going to walk back inside as a liver spot. He's warning spot. Yeah. So, so Ray Ray is like, you seem so content on Dragonstone, why did you come back? There's surely more to your return than simply taunting my father. And he's like, no, I, I want the comforts of home, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:42 sitting on a throne of all sorts, comforts like that and such. I just wanted to come home to sleep drunk on the throne room floor, really. Didn't you blame me? And they're talking about what I'm saying. I heard those motages. And so it's like very romantic, because every time they see each other, they're like, oh, she better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, I better get up, Jagara Baga, Jagara Baga. Oh, Jagara Baga, Jagara Baga, Rubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrubrub French shows and of course I don't. But just from listening to this conversation, it sounds like they're talking about like the greatest spice shit of all time. They're like, whoa. She go put it with it with a wall. Oh yeah, jeet, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:34 They're like, hey, do you like bread? I love bread. Do you eat pickles on your bread? Not really. I don't like pickles. I like pickles. They definitely sound like the Sims. I don't know if you ever played that video again,
Starting point is 00:24:44 but like in the Sims everyone talks like Terima, Havishapatava, Havishapatava, Havishapatava, Havishapatava, Havishapatava. And you're like, I don't, it's just like a couple to go, you know? Sisters. Yeah. It was something some word. So, uh, yeah, so basically, she's complaining about like, oh well, my father seems happy to sell me off to like whichever Lord has the biggest castle. And he's like, there are worse things to be sold for marriage
Starting point is 00:25:08 as only a political arrangement. Because once you're married, you can do whatever you want. Everyone's pretty much kind of like, stop complaining, Ray Ray. Like, like, Allison is like, some of us don't even get a choice between two guys. And you have like 45 guys. And he's like, um, all you have to do is just get married and then you can just like cheat on whoever like get with it Ray Ray. She and he goes, I'm married to that bronze bitch. So that's funny.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And he's like, she's fortunate you haven't put a child in her and he says, oh, a child can't grow in such a hostile environment. And yet here I am. I mean, it's crazy, isn't it? You did it, Ronnie. So, my mother, my mother died trying to produce errors, and I'm not going to do that. And he's like, listen, this was a tragedy. Life sucks.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Or you can't live in fear. Live it in the test. Yeah, and yeah, she's, I have no desire to live in fear. Only solitude and tapestry, I would like to live in tapestries. I hear there's some new ones that are quite good. So now the king is listening, he's in a small council, or whatever, yeah. So by the way, I think Franera is in small council or whatever. Yeah, so by the way, I think
Starting point is 00:26:25 Frey Nara is in small council now. Like she's not the cool-ade carrier anymore. Anyway, that's not the correct answer. I can't tell. Shik, well, because sometimes they put her in like a prominent place, because it's like she is the heir and she's the princess, but then sometimes she'll just be like in a generic location
Starting point is 00:26:39 like when Damon walked in, when he came back from the stepstones, she was just like in the crowd. I was like, hmm, feels weird. So there's the small council and they're talking about the stepstones again for crying and loud. They're just not seeing anything else going on. So you're like we've traded a crab for you, for a sea snake.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Mike. I worked on that one all night. I worked on that one on the land, the joke land. He's like, God, a call is still pissed. I didn't marry the girl in the Elsa costume, seriously. And Mr. Roper is like, well, he does have fries. I mean, what man named C. Snake wouldn't. I mean, if that name doesn't give you over confidence, I don't know what will. Hey, everyone. So then there's a half-yield man, and he's like, well, I fear that Lord Corners is proud, it's the least of our worries. Okay,
Starting point is 00:27:31 turns out we have a virus from the New Tabestries. Yes, we got them on the Jeep, and now we've exposed ourselves to some malware, I apologize. And artists like, well, sorry for the bad news, but my brother just scroll texted me. And Corleis is going to marry his daughter to the sea lord of Bravo's son. And if House Valerian entered him to alliance with the free cities, then we would have to seek our own marriage pact. Oh my God! My God!
Starting point is 00:28:00 Marriage! Marriage! Jesus Christ! You can't fuck without being married. Do these people know that? And so now it's like at night and there's a baby crying. And basically, Alice is in her room trying to get her baby to go to sleep. And but then while she's doing that, Ray is walking to her room.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I think there's a lot of parallels in this episode about like, ooh, Allison is trapped and bored. She's stuck with a baby having sex with a, with a old man who's falling apart, literally old falling apart. Like, she's every night they have sex. She's afraid that he's going to pull out and the penis is going to stay in her, okay? So like, that's what she's doing, but Ray Ray is like young and free and has opportunities. So she goes into her room where, you know, Kristen is like, good night, my lady. And, you know, there's like that sort of, there's like a, you know, she's a little bit of sexual chemistry there, but she also has sexual chemistry with her uncle. So the point is that there's like opportunities that are exciting for Ray that are not there for Allison.
Starting point is 00:29:02 So she goes into her room and she's doing that like, well, the days of, she takes off her earrings and her eyelashes and her wig. It's like her viola Davis moment. Yeah. And she sees a scroll. It's like, and there's a scroll on the table. And so she does her like little pattern on the scroll so it'll open up and then it opens. It looked like a hidden immunietal from survivor.
Starting point is 00:29:28 It's like Jeff Probs is gonna show up. Yeah, and she reads it, and it's a map of her, it's like a drawing of her room. And then there's a bag of clothes there, and she smells them and rifles through them, and she's like, that's it, I'm emo now. So she puts on the clothes, and the map leads her to a secret doorway behind the couch.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yes. By the way, I Really appreciate that someone made like a treasure map of the room Probably would have been just as easy to say. Hey the panel that's by your by your bed. Just tap the I don't know why I needed to be so cryptic. Dam's like, well, it's not often I get to show my art. At the bottom, there's like a drawing of a little baby bird. I told you. I've been working on Canary's for a while. He's like, this one's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And she's like, I'm like, oh, this is awesome. There's a hidden doorway. That's awesome. I would be so pissed if I found out I was put in a room with a hidden doorway and nobody told me. Me what the- All these years. All these years.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Also a huge security lapse, by the way. And I thought the doorway was gonna go to somewhere cool like the Batcave. Like it's like, you know, Westero's Batman is down there. There's like, they don't really have Batma Beals, but they have like Batcheri, it's for something like that.
Starting point is 00:30:44 But it just leads like to outside. I was like, at least to the dragon skull room first, where the big dragon skull is, which by the way has a nice. That is kind of an evil. You guys, we just saw fucking hundreds of maids carrying candles throughout the castle,
Starting point is 00:30:56 the second it started getting dark. You don't have one person to dust the damn dragon skull with mice inside of it. Okay, put some little mice traps in there. That was an adorable mouse though. I feel like if there's anywhere for there to be a mouse, like that's a cute mouse because you know that mouse has a children's book, right?
Starting point is 00:31:11 Like you know there's a story about like, Herman, the dragon mouse, and it's like every day Herman goes out and cleans the dragon skull and then he goes back to his hole and he watches people pray the dragon skull and that's what he does and it's very special. Like it's like it's so cute, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:23 It's like a huge bestseller in a Westeros. So, Damon is meeting her, of course. Okay, and he's like, I'm in a black hood and you're in a little school cap. Mmm, sexy, isn't it? So, they go out and he takes sort of the CD part of the city, which I guess is just known as the whole city. I was gonna say, the whole city.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Yeah, it's not the castle, so it's total shit. Yeah, and they're like, they're like very all about being CD. And there's a lot of misgendering of Ray Ray. Like everywhere she walks, we'd be like, out of the way, boy, quiet, boy, watch out, boy. And she's like, wow, this is thrilling. She's some like skinny jeans. I just needed her to grunge out on something, you know. So, Ray's like,
Starting point is 00:32:08 Maddie got like, he's like the city baby. And so we hear like that. Casino, Marango. Music playing as they like walks through the town. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duhuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, so a lady in like a skin mask or something offers, she's like, what's your lack of reading? No, I wouldn't Buffalo Bill. What the fuck do you get customers like this? Yeah, like, like, if you don't try to see, it's called upkeep,
Starting point is 00:32:45 like you are an outwardly facing business. So like you can't just, you have to, if you're gonna compete with like, you know, Sean Tall, the fortune teller down the street, you've gotta put some effort into it. They'll give us a skin mask. Moisturize your skin mask. Moisturize.
Starting point is 00:33:01 You know what I mean? Making that. Yeah, so the props department worked really hard your skin mass. We sure I was. You know what I mean? Spulgate. Yeah. So the props department worked really hard on this dragon statue thing that blows out fire because they showed every two seconds. And now, cut to the dragon statue blowing out fire again. We've already done that. They want to remember it.
Starting point is 00:33:18 They would again. It's great. Maybe that's like the traffic light. Like they were just different track. Like it's time to walk. Like it's just all the traffic light. Like they were just different track. Like it's time to walk. Like it's just all pedestrian traffic lights. And so it's like everybody crashes all the time because the light is always the same.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It's like, okay, fire light. Go, fire light stop. Fire light go. Fire light slow. Fire light slow. Am I allowed to walk to the right on red? No? Yes, I never know.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I never know. Right on fire. Oh God, I can just never get it down how did I get a ticket for J walking because we're all walking you run a red light and you burn to death okay that's no self-fulding here so right that he takes her to the theater and of course it's like some city improv show about her family. Yeah, and like while that's happening by the way, the king is taking a bath. And Allison just like, let me take over Sponge duties just to once again parallel the fact
Starting point is 00:34:19 that while Ray is doing something incredibly fun, she's going to the theater, I am scrubbing this old man's skin. Oh, and he's got like, sores all over him, and it looks like he's missing a finger or two. Like I couldn't really even count. His fingers turned black or something. Oh yeah. And so he's like, you have a much softer touch than they do.
Starting point is 00:34:38 She's like, well, I'll inherit more. So, so then back with Ray Ray at the play, it's about her, and they're like oh little girls come in Harry thing So woman and everyone's like boo and they cut all these women booing the woman who might get into power I'm like you don't support other women. Okay, no you don't support other women. Yeah Yeah, it just shows Hillary probably would have lost here too, you know. It's like creating the comments on a Meghan Markle post. Yeah. So yeah, they're all booed.
Starting point is 00:35:13 They all love the baby. They love the baby. They love the idea of the, at one point, they're like, you know, loved by all her people, but she would make a powerful queen or would she be feeble? And everyone's like She's like no not feeble strong strong I like her attitude about it. She's just like wooing. She's like getting a burner account, you know so They're like a brother asked you think she doesn't a conquerors name and a coke and they pull out like one
Starting point is 00:35:45 of those dog rope toys but it's twisted to look like a penis. Yeah. That was porn back then. Yeah. That was like the most uncut. That's why I know when masturbated is meant, it's like you get splinters. It's like rope splinters. It's like hey, did you see the latest issue of rope shaped like a dick? It's so hot. Clay rope. Clay rope. It's like kids like looking at a rope. So this one shaped like boobs.
Starting point is 00:36:18 So Damien's like, see, they want to penis. I told you, she's like, but that wants to have no consequence. They're poor. And then she like, then she's like, then, then she really reveals her true colors, because as much as we like, here's the thing, every time we start liking someone on TV, the turns out that they are their problematic. And here's Ray Ray. She goes up to a vendor who has like various, I don't know, berries or treats or whatever, and she just starts eating them. And Damon's like, uh, you have to pay for that, okay? And she's like, and she like spits it back out
Starting point is 00:36:51 or throws it back at the vendor. And then runs away without paying it. The vendor's like, stop boy, and I'm like, the fucking privilege. I love it. It's just, it's so, it's like she's so pretty. I love her, I don't care what she does wrong. I am team rate rate.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I love every bit of it. She's like, you want to boom me that that fucking vendor probably booed her You know the puppet version of her. She's like fuck you then I'm not paying for your little you know Good little heart or whatever the fuck that thing was and he's like stop boy Stop boy. That was most certainly a boy And then we see back it outicense room, she's like, well, I guess I'll drink in the dark with one candle. Well, I know, she's like, let me pour some tea.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Another hot crazy night. I wonder if diagnosis murdereth is on. Get another book that I've gotten through that little bitch has ripped the last page out of, so I guess I won't find out how that ends tonight. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I, I, this is fun. I like this. I'm, I'm out how that ends tonight. This is fun. I like this.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I'm glad I'm home tonight. I think I'll go downstairs and rearrange things. How about I rearrange those swords? Does Oxford have a sword solution for all those swords down on the throne? I can do that. It blows out the single candle and goes to bed. And then it goes back to Ray Ray, like on Damon's bike handles, like going down the street, like,
Starting point is 00:38:10 whoa, living! Yeah, but then she's like running, and then she crashes into a guard. The guard's like, hey there, boy. And she's like, she's like, Haasher Hobb, and then like, he recognizes her, she recognizes him, and he's like, a princess, and she's like, and then like, and then Damon starts coming and she's like, just this thing.
Starting point is 00:38:30 He's like, princess. Because everyone wants to bang Ray Ray, okay? Even the fucking guard. Wasn't that the night at the, I think he was like that picnic thing last week, that family barbecue, that family killed the white guy. Thailand party. I don't know. There were a lot of there were a lot of bearded men at that thing. So it's perfectly possible. So he catches her and he's like, princess, you better be careful boy, next time you
Starting point is 00:38:56 won't be so lucky. What will you be lucky? Talk to you later. Yeah, so she goes. So she leaves. And now there's a knock on Alison's door. And there's this like a lady attendant comes in and she's like, hot in me, you're grace. The king has requested a presence and then out busy a booty call and the king is an Alison's like, what the hour is quite late. I'm like, you're telling the lady who's up, who's like professionally up right now.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Don't tell her that it's late. She's the one who's up. Yeah, you think this is any better for her? You have to fuck the guy. She has to tell you to go fuck the guy. That can't be a good position. She has to be someone to the king's room while he's standing there with a boner through his nightcloth saying like, could you get me my wife, please? And she's like, you shouldn't be so good with the sponge bath. Yeah, you started so well. The sponge bath. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:49 You're more brave. She really likes me. I'm calling her over. She's like gross. So then Damon takes Ray Ray to the den of pleasure. A regular pillow house. So they're there, like, so they're walking through and Ray is just like making, like making love, but they're doing that thing.
Starting point is 00:40:11 They only do, I feel like on Game of Thrones, where it's like you walk into all these orgy's and Game of Thrones and everyone's like modern dance. I know. Doing like slow heart wheels on the ground. Guys, it's like a weird 90s video, music video, right? Everyone's like, it's like shadows and there's like curtains blowing and like fornate fixtures and it feels,
Starting point is 00:40:32 I feel like reality is more like, Oh, not there, okay there, there, okay, not there, okay there, there. Is it, are you, are you Hillary's mom? Yeah. Yeah. It's just like all like it's like sensual and it's like some weird like soft core thing whatever so she's walking through that.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Like Bob Fossy like. It's like, it's an orgy. And it's like cut between that like this like very beautiful but what? It's sexual freedom to like Allison having sex with a king and all his like the king skin on his back on she's like Yeah, I hate this. I'm then back to the orgy everyone's like modern dancing I'm like where's the Ronnie here the person with the towel just walking around trying to find things to clean up And I like they've been walking around forever and then Ray finally turns the day and then goes, what is this place? Oh, it's the cafeteria.
Starting point is 00:41:29 What else is there? Target. It's fucking target. What do you think? What do you think? I don't have a sex. And she's like, and everyone's watching them walk in because he's taken off their disguises. I think you already said that.
Starting point is 00:41:42 But he's like, oh, here's our disguises, everybody. Hello, it's me, Damon. I'm a bad fuck Ray Ray. Anyone want to walk? Surely no one will tell. Yeah, I felt like that was an intentional act on his part. I think he wanted Ray to get discovered personally. I think this was part of his plan.
Starting point is 00:41:59 He's trying to damage the good so he can get a discount on that shit. That's exactly right. So they're walking around and it's like, wow, what a fascinating sexual place where women's breasts are on display, but nothing else, no penises. So we've almost saw a pin. We got close.
Starting point is 00:42:18 We saw the beginnings of a blow job, but that's going to upset some straight men so they didn't show it. Yeah, they did a lot of blending, which I liked. They were like, gay guys, like there was everybody doing it in there, which I don't need to go to a blended orgy, but I appreciate that they exist, I guess. So he's like, this is where people come take what they want and then they look like they're going to make out But then they don't and they look and then she watches people boning and then he's like pounding and putting his face against her face Yeah, they try to wrap up and it's a pleasure. You see and then they almost kiss and then they kiss and now they're making out I'm like yeah
Starting point is 00:43:03 Go really Yeah, I know how that book ended I was at it the king is like says the thing that everyone wants to hear when someone's fucking Marriages of duty, but that doesn't stop us from doing what we want fuck. Oh, actually that's the King doesn't say anything. This is what the king says. This is what this is exactly how it's written in the script. Uh, grunt. Grunt. Is he gonna cough? No, he's not coughing. Sign. Is he sighing? Is he dying? He's losing his breath. He's almost dead. Surely he's done now. No, he's not done. More grunts. More grunts. Oh, God damn it. When he climaxed the old triarchy again. It just takes me out of the moment. Yeah, so then back with Damon. Damon is like marriage is what we must do, but that doesn't stop us from also doing what we want.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And then they have this like this sort of kissing moment where they're like we're being coy with each other, like he goes and, and then the music stops. And then she's like, oh, hell no, I'm into this. So she pulls him back and starts getting aggressive and then he's like, oh, thanks a lot. Now I can't get it up. God damn it! And he like slams the wall and runs off. Yeah, he's like, oh, I forgot about that thing I left on.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I have to go. Bye. Such an asshole. My god, he just runs off and leaves her. Also, it must have been hard back then because I don't think they do that drinking, you know, can make your weaner not work properly sometimes. You know, he's probably thinking like it's some mental thing or maybe it is some mental thing, but wine can't help. You know what I mean? No, it can't. So he
Starting point is 00:45:01 storms off. And so then she's like, okay, well, yes, I'll go to, so she leaves. And then like a small figure goes after her. She's like, oh, now we see a little kid. He's like, girl, so the little kid gets up and starts running after her. He's ready to get on to Twitter. He's like, girl, it's like, I have a blind item.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Okay, certain member of royalty who may or may not be an heir. Seeing at a pleasure house with someone in her family who's not her father, but recently rekindled a relationship with that person. Yeah. He goes out to spread the gas. So then the king is like, oh, yes, go for run. Finish try it. Did I finish? Yes, thank God. So he goes to sleep and Allison's like That was fun. Thank you. This is great for me. Great. Yeah, I don't know if you love that. It was great for me the way I didn't move the entire time and did this a few times It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. Honestly, I think this was the moment that Ray-Ria was living for, was walking back to her
Starting point is 00:46:13 room, but not through the secret edge exit. So she walks up and Kristen's like, oh, wow, he's like, doesn't know how she's snuck out. And so he's like, but now she's all horned up because basically, Damon brought her to the edge, but then didn't fall through. So she's like, okay. She's totally bald. She's totally bald. And she passed his prime.
Starting point is 00:46:34 She's like, oh man. And she's like, are you okay? And she's like, opens the door, grabs his helmet off. And she's like, come on in big boy. And he's like, I don't know. Said you want your hat back? Has the back? Join your hat back.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Kaffa back. He he he he. Join us. None. He's like, why are you dancing like that? She's like doing a slow motion, slow motion cartwheel. The crowd's like, doesn't it still,
Starting point is 00:47:01 doesn't it instill a lot of confidence in his bodyguard? Doodies, if he can't get his home away from her by the way So like yeah, so she's like mmm. I'm like, um, man. I think believe this is a massive, you know, human resource of violation I think you know, he is your employee. This is not what you're supposed to be doing Like whatever bed Where are you doing the cat's dance? You're grace. You're grace.
Starting point is 00:47:29 How is this tyre rising up to the ceiling? It's mid-sexy. He's like, I can't even see you up there. I've got front row seats. Can't see past the lip of the tyre. There's just so much smoke coming out from under that tyre. I know you need to mask the pull underneath it But really I just I want to be able to see the performers
Starting point is 00:47:51 So they play some like you know got you hat and then they start to he's like, I'm gonna get beheaded for this You know he just looks at the door not like he's gonna get fired He's going to lose his damn head over this literally. Okay. Lose your head. Hey, head. Hey, head for some head. Give me a head bit.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Give me a take ahead. Yeah. Give me a take ahead. So, um, so then she starts the pro. First then she starts like taking off his armor. Um, this is a process that takes, this is a very long, uh, seduction process. Like, oh, I'm gonna take off your armor,
Starting point is 00:48:25 one piece at a time. Like, if you're calling out the drill bit, she's like hold on, let me see if we've got this size. Hold on, do you still have the IQ? Do you have an Allen wrench? Cause I don't think I have mine. Hold on one second, I'm looking here. Oh, God, your model is the flur, is the flur.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I thought you were wearing a slunchnitz. Oh shoot, my Allen wrench is a three-quarter, and I think this needs a full, like it needs a half. I don't know, and there a stick around you that we can use to get this thing off. Yeah, she's like crow barring that. Just like, it's like a half. It's like a half. Yeah. What do my splatters like?
Starting point is 00:49:02 Alright, the right arm's done. Let's move on to the left one. Good God. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:49:11 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. my shirt, Jesus Christ, whether you think I made out of blood vessels over here. Get it moving, let's get it moving. Can we add something? Pull up and down that your penis can just come out of it. It's like the day the zippers were invented. It's like, now that I am the queen of this land,
Starting point is 00:49:40 I present Zippez. So, he finally gets all the armor off, and then he still has like two more layers of shirt on. I was like, oh my God, get to it. And actually, without all his armor on, I was able to finally appreciate how much he looks like Jacques, Luanne's ex-boyfriend from Real Housewives of New York City. Did you notice that?
Starting point is 00:49:58 It's hard to want to see that. Yeah, he does have a little like young bulky look to him. Yeah, so finally, she gets a shirt off, so we can finally see him shirtless, which is nice. And in fact, he's actually full on naked. But of course, we only get to see his butt cheeks because it's Game of Thrones. And you're only allowed to show boobs.
Starting point is 00:50:15 So. Game of Thrones showed some dawn. I'm like crazy. Crazy. Crazy strange men. That's like the only time they show it. They're like, so hot dong. Yeah, they only show like homely dong.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Because they don't want men being like, oh my god, what do I have a bone? Or I hate the show. Am I gay? Am I gay? This cancel this show. Yeah, only homely dong. So yeah, so it takes nine years.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And I wrote, they should do a cast change right right now like she starts at one age when they start the Armour and then by the end of her getting off the armor she's the next act that's a new actress. Yeah, I agree that would just be amazing So they have a big long sex scene It's much more sensual than the pleasure house like the pleasure house was very much like, I felt like, remember that band in Nigma? They was like, Hiya! Like, that's what should have been playing in the background, but this is more, look up on Nigma.
Starting point is 00:51:13 You'll remember Nigma from the 90s. This more like, N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N I was thinking more shoday. Like, this is no ordinary love. Anyway, I mean, he doesn't have that ope for sure. Oh, yeah, you're right. You're right. Maybe it's more like a Linda Hans sex scene. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah. He seems like he would have like something kind of cute and bouncy like. Like maybe one of the songs from real girls in Paris is like. Maybe it's like Selena Gomez. Like I love you. Like I love song, baby, like something like that, that's like, I can imagine feeling like that was sexy, but other people would be like, that's not really a sexy song, but Kristen likes it, it's sort of weird. Yeah, and then like down the line, Ray's like, oh my god, my boyfriend listens to Selena
Starting point is 00:52:20 Gomez. So, she's like, can I talk, what later on when she's like on a girl's trip and they're telling secrets, she's like, can I tell what later on when she's like on a girl's trip and they're telling secrets, she's like, can I tell you something the first time, because some of my head's X, we did it to Selena Gomez, because he said no, this song will be really sexy and we did it to Selena Gomez and they're like, and he cried. Momy, oh my god. So then later, Otto comes out of the castle and they're like auto comes to the keys. I guess he has a meeting with the other. No, he is no a night. No, he comes out of
Starting point is 00:52:51 the castle to like the front of the keep and then a soldier comes up to him and the soldiers like apologies for the late hour my lord. The message everyone's getting woken up in the middle of the night tonight. But he's like messenger brings wood from the white worm. I thought he said white worm. I wasn't sure. Is this a call back or a reference in a weird way to gray worm? I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:53:13 It's the white worm. It's like the town gossip or whatever. So it's the little kid who we saw in the alleyway. It's like, hello, sir. I've got some gossip. He's like a spill the tea kid. So he's like, hello, sir. I've got some gossip. He's like a spill the ticket. So he's like, I'm sorry, are you the childhoods here to gossip
Starting point is 00:53:30 or are you gonna have a go with the princess? Which one are you? The gossip, sir. All right, sir. Spill them. So then we don't see what the kid says, but now it's the morning and Damon is waking up next to Missouri.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Now it was a little confused. Not next to her. He's just waking up next to Miss Aria. And I was a little confused about this. Not next to her. He's just waking up in a bed, like in a shitty bed, like in a mattress on the ground. Like on a hay. Not meaning like next to a meeting that like she's standing like at his feet, so like they are in proximity of each other.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah. Well, I just didn't want it to sound like they were bone in her. You're right. I did make it. You're right. I did make it. It's a simple thing. I, you're right. So, um, few questions first and foremost. I thought she was a tracking stone, or was it that at the end of her little monologue to episodes,
Starting point is 00:54:14 did she say she was leaving track and stone? Did I forget something or miss something? She got a little mad. She was like, why, you tried to use me and tell everybody I was gonna be pregnant with your baby? Like, what the fuck? Fuck you, okay? I don't need this shit.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I'm out of here. So I guess so I guess you went back to you know the pleasure house. I guess that's what I'm obviously because she's there and he's like am I a prisoner? Oh sorry. I don't know where they were. I was about to say no she doesn't do that anymore but I don't know she does. Well maybe she I was confused. She's like, well, he says am I your prisoner? She's like, as I was once yours, no, I'm your protector lucky for you. This will lift the fog. And she gives him a drink and he just throws it on the ground, which also he's sleeping on. I mean, they mean doesn't really think that she's not this way. Can't be king. And she's like, he's like, I don't need protection from a common. Oh, and she goes, I'm not so common.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I've left that life behind. I've learned that the skin trade can only take me so far in life. I'm like, well, you clearly have not seen pretty women, but that's fine. Yeah, you just need to wait for your Richard gear girl. And so then the little fucking kid comes in and gives her money and leaves a little
Starting point is 00:55:27 Dan kids get off my lawn So she just looks at David and the looks at him like he's pathetic and she's like by stupid pay fee room on your way out All right, he's like women Yeah, so what do you think she's the white worm? She must be yeah, so I guess so she is the one she pays. Yeah. She's like the she's like almost like a young a a virus in training, right? Cause she's getting she's paying all these little spies. I guess she gets kickbacks.
Starting point is 00:55:58 It's like the virus at that time. She gets the kickbacks from like the hand or whatever. I'm assuming. Yeah. She's selling she's selling info. the kickbacks from like the hand or whatever I'm assuming. Yeah, she's selling info. So Otto is wrestling with this information and he wrestles with things in that like I'm trying to put kind of way where he's like, mmm.
Starting point is 00:56:14 A. And so he's wrestling and then he decides to take a deep breath and give it one good push. No, he knocks on the king's door and the King's like, I am making a model train. He's like, will I apologize for the early hour you're grace? This is a big episode for apologizing for hours, so you know, sort of on trend. I have some discomforting news. I thought it best shared just screechly before the council. And the King's like, oh, is it about the seasnake again? He's like, no,
Starting point is 00:56:47 no, no, I'm afraid I can soon. It's a landscape. It's a landscape. Actually, a very blonde, albino, land snake. All right, inside of your daughter. And he's like, there's my daughter been harmed. And he's like, look, it's not easy to tell father of his daughter's exploits but your princess was spied last night beyond the walls of the keep in a plaza house okay. I mean you know how hard it was when she came down to breakfast and I had to say hey you want
Starting point is 00:57:18 some toast or are you happy biting on a pillow yeah little stinker. It's like, well, what's up? It's like, well, she was carrying on with her uncle and they were engaged in behaviors, unbecoming of a maiden, of a princess. And the king's like, car, what's behaviors? He's like, how clearly do I have to say, okay, it was a pleasure house they were engaging in behaviors okay let me give you a hint it wasn't murder it was what they were they overcooking chicken did they overcook some chicken no I was like they were doing the taxes what do you think they were doing go down he's like, you enter my bed chamber, accusing my daughter of, go ahead, say it, speak it, sounds like movie, the restylables, come on.
Starting point is 00:58:14 What I'm trying to say, your grace, is that they were sleeping together and what was side by side on their backs, what was the mattress like, I mean, just say what it was for crying out loud auto Because they were they were Seeing together in the bowels of the pleasure dim. I love when he goes your daughter was seen at the warehouse and they can go so Yeah, what's your point? It's like okay, well they were in the bowels of it. We were on the third level where things get, there's a lot of kink down there, okay? And he's like, and just say it, just say what was going on. It's a couple.
Starting point is 00:58:50 They were watching coupling, that show was terrible. All right? We watch that damn show. No, so fucking, they were fucking. All right, and he's like, oh, oh, oh, oh. This is a lie, you're being lied to. And he's like, I wish it were true. You're my God.
Starting point is 00:59:05 He says, who is responsible for this gossip? Have this room a manga before me? I will take his eyes. I just like, I can't reveal my sources. Unfortunately, it's my code. And honestly, a lot of people saw them. They're really on display. And then afterwards, she was like walking through a gas station
Starting point is 00:59:25 without any shoes on, even cheetos. It was a disaster. I mean, that's basically the truth. But they were just like, hey, wanna fucking the lobby? Hopefully no one will recognize us. The only two albino people in the room. So, the Kings are you six so sick with ambition that you would have my doctor spite upon
Starting point is 00:59:43 while your best chance for her to be ruined. You consider yourself a cunning man. You wish to have your blood on the armthorn so badly that you would destroy my own. Get out. Leave me at once. Choo choo choo choo. Choo choo train downtown. Choo choo train downtown. Otto does his most passive aggressive goodbye, which is going, your grace. Which is like, I love when they do like an angry your grace, your grace walks off. And then Allyson was hiding behind the dressing folder thing, the dressing screen. She's like, no, well, that was something, eh?
Starting point is 01:00:19 Things like, oh, I was wondering why there was some shadow puppets back there. That makes all so much more sense. I thought there was a real crow just flying in place. Anyway. So. Ray Ray's brushing the sim out of her hair in her room and there's some market to door. And Kristen comes in and she's like, mm-hmm. Hello.
Starting point is 01:00:37 A morning session. I'm into it. So, but he's all serious. And she's like, oh, and you put your armor all the way back on. Okay. So I guess we'll have to block out an hour for the deraubing, shall we? So, but he's all serious and she's like, oh, when you put your armor all the way back on, okay. So I guess we'll have to block out an hour for the D-Rabing, shall we? He's like, no princess, I have a message from the queen.
Starting point is 01:00:52 So it's like, so now Ray goes outside. And there's Allison standing under that damn red tree again and she, Alton, she is in what? She's Alton's mad because she had to have crappy sex last night. And she's like, so so what happened last night? Did you have good sex? Well guess what? Good sex is of rated because you know what? Good sex only for sluts because bad sex is for Queens And I'm a queen and guess what I had bad sex is I'm better than you. How do you feel about that? Ray if you think I'm not upset with you, you are sorely mistaken. Oh God that word is triggering shouldn't that word sorely?
Starting point is 01:01:24 So where is like, well, Alison first is like, what happened last night? Because my father has made some worrying allegations. He said you did carbs with your uncle in a pillow house. And she's like, oh, well, I haven't seen my uncle in years. So he took me out to the city for fun. You know, your dad accused me of something. What did I do? I drink a little wine.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Sorry. Have you ever been to Cabo Wabo? I drink a little wine. Sorry. Have you ever been to Cabo Webo? It is an excellent bar. It turns out. Get stopped trying to distract. Okay, you fucked Damon in a pleasure house. And Ray's like, ah, that is a fine accusation.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Actually, technically, she got a vile. And she does it in that totally guilty way. She's like I did not fuck him. I merely made out with him and then fucked my party guard afterwards big difference. Yeah, she's like I did nothing wasn't me Wasn't me. By the blowing curtains, it wasn't me. By the people having an orgy, it wasn't me.
Starting point is 01:02:33 On the floor in the bowels. By a... That's me. Next to that in Promptooth, the other show, it wasn't me. After I saw a rope, he was, it wasn't me. And ate the little thing from the fruit vendor and then spatter that right away So Allison's like oh really well you Targaryens have a queer cousins and your uncle has no oh customs You have queer customs. I was like wow you have queer cousins. Geez
Starting point is 01:03:01 You have queer customs. I was like, wow, you have queer cousins. Geez, really? You have other fun cousins? Yeah, queer cousins? They're like, we know, we know. He's over there tap dancing to the opening song from Katz trying to do some weird things. Really not.
Starting point is 01:03:14 I know, it's like, you and Tiger and Sam have queer cousins, which is why you always have such wonderfully designed homes. But enough about that. And your uncle has no limits. And Ray Ray is like, this did not happen. Okay. Are my sheets a little dirty today, sir? Sure.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It did not happen. You know what? We were there for the free hot dogs. They have free hot dogs there. It turns out that they have an amazing buffet. And the centerpiece of it is really their hot dogs. You know, people don't realize that without pleasure houses, that there's actually really good food there. That's all I'm saying. So, um, raise like, um, who would make
Starting point is 01:03:56 these claims to your father? I am the princess. And to question my virtue is an act of reason. As she goes, well, I don't know who did it specifically, but he did report it to the king. I overheard it. All right. I was just innocently standing behind the dressing screen. I do it every morning. It's where I have a coffee.
Starting point is 01:04:14 What? I was working on my shadow puppetry. It's perfectly normal. So I just want to help you. She goes, listen, we drank in a tavern, several taverns, actually. You have ever had mead by the yard delicious. Anyway, I was getting late and I asked to go home and Damon was like, no, we should continue. And he was my ass goal.
Starting point is 01:04:35 And I had no other choice. And Allison's like, so you went to a brothel and she goes, well, you know, we just want to a show. It was wonderful. Lin-Manuel Miranda did this amazing impersonation, my father. He was great by the way. And I didn't mean that. Well, it was wonderful.
Starting point is 01:04:50 You know, to see yourself on stage is one thing, but to see yourself wrapping like a white man. I mean, that was something else. Yes, I loved their silent duel at the end. It never happened real life. It was great. Love made me a retargary. It's It never happened real life. It was great. Love that. My name is Ray.
Starting point is 01:05:06 My name is Rattar Garri. It's right. My name is Ray. It's right. My favorite number was in the small council where it happened. Loved that song in my head all morning. Oh, so she's like, I didn't do anything. And then he got wasted and abandoned me for some horror.
Starting point is 01:05:23 And Allison's like, well, I'm gonna buy this because you're the only person that will say tapestry to me. He's like, look, Damon never touched me. I swear this to you, upon the love of my mother. I mean, did we make out a little bit? Yes, did I sort of present as if I'm ready to do it, doggie style?
Starting point is 01:05:43 Perhaps, but honestly, I didn't actually see it with him. He wasn't the one I slept with last night. I mean, I slept with no one. This was so funny that she's like, he never touched me. I sweared in the memory of my mother. And she's like, well, certainly she wouldn't lie about that. I was like, yes, Ray Nero, just fucking lying on your dead mom. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:03 You, so wrong, I love it. So, Alison is like, well, it was foolish to put yourself in a place where you're first, you could come into question. We're trying to find you a good match. And if a lord thought you were so lead, it would ruin everything. She's like, ah, well, she's like, you're grace, I regret it. So now we see Damon, he's like slinking back to the keep. And Sir Harold is like shows up and he's like really pissy. He's like, the king demands no deal. So they sort of like grab and they haul him and they just like throw him down on the ground in the throne room. And drunk is like, get to answer me. I got a push by say now. You're just throwing down on the ground and he just
Starting point is 01:06:45 stays there. So the king comes in and he's like, my daughter. Is that? Oh, it's just mad lips. There he is. Like, what do you want me to say? I'll be playing pure mid. Okay, your daughter. pure mid okay your daughter uh Reneira is that the answer? You defiled her. He's like well I mean that's just was she filed in the first place. That's the question or was she just a paper left out on the desk? I mean come on and the king kicks him and he's like you say nothing because how what does it matter when you we were her age we fucked our ways through the brothels and he's like she's a just a girl it matter? When we were her age, we fucked our ways through the brothels. And he's like, she's just a girl,
Starting point is 01:07:26 and your knees, you ruined her. Who's gonna wet her now? I, he's like, I can't believe the virtue that you've taken from her. Now she'll never be able to marry her two-year-old brother. Oh my God, what 80-year-old is gonna want? My 16-year- old gorgeous daughter now? So, so then Damien's like, well who the fuck is what some Lord thinks?
Starting point is 01:07:52 You are the dragon. Your word is trith and he thinks like, I have spent a lifetime defending you. What your heart is blacker than I thought. And then my finger after a thromnic. All right. And Damon's like, just wear it to me. I'll take the spoiled goods. Here's spoiled the goods.
Starting point is 01:08:14 All right. It's like walking into raw stress for less, breaking a home sign on purpose, and then asking for a discount on it. And then the king is like, well, you're already married. Don't you remember? And Damon's like, well, that didn't stop egg on the con grow from digging a second wife. And the king is like really mad about that. And he's like, of course, you just wanted the throne. You know what? Go back to your wife and get it together. Get together. The
Starting point is 01:08:40 last scrap of dignity you have left. get the fuck out of my house again. I can't wait to meet his wife. I can't tell if they're gonna make her just like a horror or just like someone who's gonna be a gay icon. Like I just wanted to be just like this fabulous. I want her to be like Megan Hilti. Yes. To be someone like that that he hates but they were all like, yes. That's a reading for the block. The blonde chick from 30 lot. Janker.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Oh my god, a drink. Janker Kowski. And she just likes singing. And they actually comes back. And she's like, welcome back. Oh, not the show tunes again. I just saw a show. That's another one.
Starting point is 01:09:22 So, Damon's like, finally, I'll leave. And the king leaves on that and Damon just goes back to sleep on the floor. Yeah. So then the bedroom, the queen's pouring some wine and looking out the balcony with Kingy. And they're talking about like, has he spoken with Rainier? And she's like, well, it's not Rainier's nature to be deceitful. I can't say the same for your brother.
Starting point is 01:09:45 I mean, how often does he speak the pure truth? Yeah, he goes, and he's like, but how does confessing such things serve him? She's like, okay, you're really not getting this, are you? Okay. All right, he's reducing you. Okay, don't you see? He is trying to undermine Rainier's art, right? So the king is like,
Starting point is 01:10:08 he's basically like, well, what's the matter? Damon just told him exactly what his modus were to try and solely her enough so that he'll say fine, just marry my brother because that's all that's going to want you anyway. And then he'll have access to the throne. Like, hello, he literally just told you, sir. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, you know, the king is a little slow in the update. I took him a long time to kind of figure out what, like being caught the whorehouse meant. And now it's like, kind of not understanding what Alex is saying. So, you know, yeah. So he's like, well, whatever transpired raised not easy either,
Starting point is 01:10:41 it's a both both situations wrong. Both the good people on both sides. And she's like, don't you start that shit with me. I tried to corrupt her and he's like, well, they both share the blood of the dragon. I mean, they're restless. Look at me in my passion for model trains. It's unbridled. I just can't stop adding onto this model city. It's great. Thank God I moved into this room that was already large enough to accommodate it. Yeah. So basically, she's like, listen, she's swore to me that she's still made an, and I believe her.
Starting point is 01:11:15 So then we go to Reneira walking to the hallways, like, because that's a big thing that she does. It's like, it's like, you know, mall walkers, she's a keep walker. She walks together. No, it's like the West Wing when when like 90% of the show was in like walking quickly through hallways, but she is like a more leisurely West Wing walk. She's like I will walk through the hallway with gods, but slowly. So everyone understands that I'm pissed. So she does and she's brought to his model train room and she goes to the fire and
Starting point is 01:11:46 there's a dagger in the knife and she almost takes it. But the king is there and he's like, that dagger belonged to someone famous, egg on before that someone else famous, egg on the, you know, pre egg on the small a alright, the pre egg on before it became like a multi-generational name. Before that, I don't know some lady named Patricia, no one really knew her. There's a beard moment in our family history, but we got through it. Anyway, look, look closely, there's writing on this, much like the ring in the Lord of the Rings. And so she's reading a dagger and says, from my blood comes the prince that was promised, and his will be the song of us, you know, father how
Starting point is 01:12:28 Much do we really have to promote the other game of thrones? It already aired. It's already successful The King's like I have been burdened with this knowledge. Okay, I am burnished. Like, I don't really see how it's a burden, but, you know, you do you, whatever makes you feel important father. And he's like, listen, this responsibility is larger than the throat. It's larger than your desires. Just, Jairis would have disinherited you. And she's like, for a lie, you haven't even yet asked me,
Starting point is 01:13:02 what the truth is, it's like, the truth doesn't matter. Only perception. You know, am I missing a finger? Yes. Who cares? I'm playing paddy cake with everyone I see. Faker to your make it, baby. So, uh, she's like, well, if I were a man, I could bet whoever I wanted, I could have a dozen pastings if I wanted to. No one would even blink.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I know that was a good one. Also, she doesn't have to marry a gross guy, right? Because he's cute. I think the guy she has to marry, wouldn't she? Yeah, he has to. He's like, on that one. So he's like, your marriage will unite the naval fleets and the dragons. And no one will dare fuck with us.
Starting point is 01:14:24 And she's like, well, what would you do about the future? Well, okay, fine, then what are you going to do about the vulture who purges on your throne? And he's like, there's a bird on my throne. Do people know this? Hello, can you get someone to get the finger fell off there? You know, it just still smells the rot, right? I'm telling you, the service in this castle has really gone downhill. Can we get some on the line to shoot the birds out of the throat? No, father, it's a metaphor for crying out loud. You know, I heard there were mice in the dragon's school.
Starting point is 01:14:55 I mean, really, this place is going downhill. So she's basically like, you know, hello, auto high tower, your hand, did you not notice that he served like two kings and like, you know, hello, Otto, hi, Tower, your hand. Did you not notice that he's served like two kings and like, you know, what's, and he's like, well, he's served two kings. She's like, yeah, but he wants Aegon to be the heir and he's not going to stop at anything to get it done. And like, that includes spying on me when I'm at a pleasure house allegedly, but I wasn't. I was at the theater, of course.
Starting point is 01:15:23 And you know, you speak of conquerors, visions, but like for the, and the need for unity, but how can that be accomplished when you're most trusted advisor is so self-interested. And if microphones were invented, I would have dropped one right now. He's like, oh, it's an unavoidable. I mean, he knows so many people. He's very connected. He's got a great rollo. Really great. And she's like, get rid of him. And he's like, all right, she goes, I'll do my duties there, but you first do yours as king. And he's like, damn it. I thought I had really had such a good zing when I said, you are my political issue. And now she got me with that one. And I think she really won the scene, didn't she? So now Otto is brought into the council room, but it's just him.
Starting point is 01:16:07 And the king is like, five days. What? It's just madlibs. What are we doing here? We need some context, your grace. He's like, well, you know, my father, he died. My father was in hell and hearty and great body and soul in mind and whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:28 And he was the hand of Jeharris. And they went on a hunt. And then five days later, he died dead of a first belly, bail on the bar, the right of a vagant, dead belly, vagant. And he basically sang his dad died five days after this hunt? And the timing was curious. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:49 And he's like, the girls have a dog wit, which I like that that's also how Cersei took out the first king in Game of Thrones. It's like, wow, people are just like hunting accident. Sorry. It's sorry hunting death. It's his. So, auto's like, oh yes, that was a grim day.
Starting point is 01:17:07 I recall that all too well. He goes, well, it was a good day for you, wasn't it? Because Jairus made you hand in Bailon's stead, didn't he? Didn't he? And he's like, oh, well, I didn't really view it as hitting paid it. Really? Here was the duty. So, I did my duty. I mean, I was much richer. My clothes
Starting point is 01:17:26 were much better. I got my first haircut, but you know, whatever. Blast, hashtag Blast. Is what I was saying, you know. Well, you served my grandsyah, nobly. And then you served my sire. No, you taught me to be the man. You taught me how to be a king. And he's like, you honor me, my grace. Thanks for these free compliments. He's like, no, no, no, no, no, I'm angry. Just five days. Just five days. You went from being another man in your Harris' court to being the second most powerful man in the kingdom. I wonder how long it took you to choose yourself over your king.
Starting point is 01:18:03 I was like, uh, you're grace, he was, I will never recover from Emma's death. But Alison, she took me from the worst of my grief. She was a calculated distraction, and now I realize how calculated she was. Men are so stupid. Men like are literally idiots. Like what did you think before? That she, this 15-year-old or whatever-year or whatever year old girl was like oh my god I'm a totally boning that hot king with his fingers falling off yeah he is not like
Starting point is 01:18:35 only now my realizing you are using me slow on the uptake it's like oh I I thought every 15 year old girl like to commission figurines for a gang. Yeah. The king's model city. Not in the middle of the night. Yeah. The mother of their wife died. Like, hello.
Starting point is 01:18:52 So, the king says, your, oh, the, a lot of it's like, oh, the queen loves you. And I know you love her. And he's like, well, she is good with the wash rag. I'll give her that. But your judgment has been compromised. And he's like, a loyal hand must tell his king to comfort him truth if he doesn't He's failed as a servant. Listen to that. It's not just a job. It's a hand job. She'll like if you want right now It's very much a sentiment. We hear a lot in the real housewives
Starting point is 01:19:22 Which is like I was honestly when I said you'd look like a skank and you would sleep with everyone in town, I was saying that because I'm your friend, okay? Because a real friend tells you things, your real friend is honest with you, tells you things you don't wanna hear. That's a real friend, like we hear that all the time on the housewives.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah, like only had your husband followed around to make sure he wasn't cheating on you because I care about you, okay? Okay. husband followed around to make sure he wasn't cheating on you because I care about you. So the king is like, you were a faithful servant auto. Give me your hand, and he takes off his little hand pin brooch thing. And he's like the crown, the realm both owe you a debt, but I can no longer trust your judgment. Goodbye now. Poor person. Goodbye. Bye now. Poor person. Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:20:05 So then, Reneera's just sitting in her room and then it's like knock, knock, knock. It's like, I'm sorry for the late hour. Am I, did I get one in? I love this doctor, he cracked me up. Apparently no one does things during proper working hours in this castle anymore. so it's late hour. I had a hard time mixing these things together
Starting point is 01:20:29 to put in this vial, which sort of looked like poised into the audience at first, but turns out is actually a very controversial kind of potion in America. If you catch my drift, it looks like a perfume bottle. But I took great care of this preparation. If not, we'd properly, it could be hard on the poop. We'll kill you. And she's like, what is it?
Starting point is 01:20:50 He's like, well, you know, if plan A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, more S, don't work out. We rely on plan T and that's what we call this T. She's like, what? It's morning after T or just pick it. Or I just take it. Why don't I just drink it right now? What do you mean morning after T?
Starting point is 01:21:17 I'm just unwanted consequences. I've what? You're quite like your father, aren't you? Fucking your uncle. Are you saying I'm fucking my uncle? Well, do we have any ice? Do we have any ice here actually? Do we have stevia in the keep? Just drink it and I'll be out in the hallway if you need anything, okay? so a
Starting point is 01:21:42 Good for health services back then. I mean, I don't know if I would trust Plan B from a guy who's like still putting your hands in maggots to get rid of dead skin or whatever. But listen, I think it's a sad state of affairs when West roast is more progressive than the United States right now. But that's another matter. But the question is whether or not she's going to drink it.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Because in my mind, I was thinking, okay, so she was spotted with Damien, and now people say there's rumors that she slept with him, and now she's going to get pregnant from Christin, though. And then the baby's going to come out not looking like Damien, or maybe it will look like Damien. I was like, this is gonna be a disaster, especially because what if she married this new guy, and then she has a baby, and then on top of that,
Starting point is 01:22:30 it's supposed to be a mixed race baby, and then it turns out maybe looking like David Schwimmer. So I was like, I actually kind of hope she doesn't take the potion only because I wanna see the complications that come from it. Yeah, I mean, it's like a soap opera, right? So I'm guessing she's not going to take it. But either way, that baby has to be born with bleach blonde hair.
Starting point is 01:22:51 So she's- Is it have to be? Is that the dominant? Her husband is going to have bleach blonde hair. And Damon is going to have bleach blonde hair. So if it's not born with bleach blonde hair, she's going to be a trouble. I think that you know what? What's going to happen is everyone's going to think of Damon's child, but it's be a trouble. I think that, I think that you know what? It's what's gonna happen is everyone's gonna think of the Damon's child, but it's really a Christian
Starting point is 01:23:07 Cole's child. Well, yeah, that's the typical soap opera thing, but if she has a brown-headed baby, people are gonna be like, I then the new guy, Lane or, Lane or is gonna be like, oh, this is obviously not my baby. Cause it's like a white baby. And then he's gonna try to kill it.
Starting point is 01:23:26 He's probably try to kill it or send it off. And then we're gonna have to find out what happened that baby in like season three. Girl, I don't know if it's in the fan. The preview in the preview sits in the fan. That's for sure. This never really works out. But then, but you know, at the end,
Starting point is 01:23:41 everybody's glad about having the baby usually. Yeah, you know what? I can't- A lot of days of our lives. So I like that this episode leaned into soap opera or things instead of like small council decisions and you know, the king, I think the show's most interesting when it focuses on her and not the king. I think the king is sort of pathetic.
Starting point is 01:23:59 So I'm like, every time he's doing something like, oh, stupid king, you know, but I'm like- I can use other families. Like I like the soap opera thing. And one thing that makes other, what makes soap opera so good are family rivalries, you know? And you've always got the, we need to see the other castles
Starting point is 01:24:14 and what's happening in there and how they're playing and like manipulating to get the spot. It's a game of thrones, it's not just one family, it needs to be. Yeah, like where's her aunt? Her aunt has not been in the past two episodes and she's my favorite character. Like we need to see more of her.
Starting point is 01:24:27 We need to, like, it's a little one-trap. It's not sure if I'll bring, yeah, I think they'll start branching out more in the future. They need to. I would think so, but I'm loving the show so far and I loved Ray Ray's journey. I love her sexual escapades. Yeah, good for her.
Starting point is 01:24:41 I was happy for her. I loved it. All right, everybody. Well, thank you so much for being here. We sure love you. Thanks for being with us on crap and on demand. It's like, you're subscribing. Kay? We will talk to you next week. Thanks, everybody.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itch-Ons. Aaron McNickolas. She don't miss no trickle-os. Avon Aguila Weber.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Jamie, she has no less name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay, she's always sublion, it's Kelly Ryan. Christian the Piston Anderson. Let's give a Kissarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Always the wiser, it's Allison Weasler. Somebody get us 10 Cs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Better do what she says, it's Elva Enriquez. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Hail the cork master, the master of the cork, it's Jennifer Corcoran. We will, we will Joanna Rockland, you.
Starting point is 01:26:03 My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Nancy C. Centicisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Paging Paige Mills, Paging Paige Mills.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke, Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens' ad free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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