Watch What Crappens - Project Runway: Free for All

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

Project Runway (S20E10) loosens up the reigns and lets the designers make whatever they want — but not without some scandal.Watch the recap here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What happens What happens What happens Watch what What happens
Starting point is 00:00:21 What happens when there's so much that crap is Who cares what What happens Kids, what happens when they're so wild and rapin' So, you're a crap Oh, but you don't really know how to rapin' Kids, what happens when they're so much that's rapin' Hello and welcome to Watch Your Crappins A podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about on Ben Mandelker
Starting point is 00:00:39 Joining me today is the ever fashionable and stylish Mr. Ronnie Caron Hi Ronnie, how are you? Well, hello, Ben, there were no rules today, so I came in an old, maybe yellow shirt. Yes, you're just gonna be you. You're free to be you, Ronnie. We're talking about Project Runway today,
Starting point is 00:00:59 and before we dive into that, please come join us on video for crap. It's on demand, go to slash watch for crap and you can watch us recording this episode, not just listen to it, you can watch us and those videos are available exclusively on crap and send them on Patreon for a week and then they go to YouTube. So if you want to get early access to that,
Starting point is 00:01:22 go to Patreon, you'll also get access to our bonus episodes. This week we're going to do a trailer breakdown of the new Salt Lake City trailer. Salt Lake City is coming back in about two weeks to three weeks, September 5th, I believe. So come join for that. That should be up. I don't know, I don't know when that's going to be up. It's going to be up this week. And also next Monday at 5.30 p.m. on the West Coast, 8.30 p.m. on the East Coast on Instagram live. We are doing crappy hour succumb join us for an hour of talking about Bravo, talking about gossip, talking about whatever's on the show, talking about these trailers, whatever it is, we talk, we bring you guys up, you guys talk, it's super fun. We had a great first crappy hour last week. We do it every two weeks, first and a third Mondays of the month. So come join us for that. We're at Watch
Starting point is 00:02:09 For Crappens. So follow along there, turn your notifications on and you'll find out when the show starts. It goes live. So that's all the big news. And today we dive into an episode of Project Runway that honestly seems like it wasn't even meant to be. And they decided the last minute, let's do an episode. Let's throw an episode onto our schedule because it was like no judge, no rules. It seemed like they just barely had a location. It seemed like we're, were they supposed to do this episode? I don't, I was a little confused about how they planned this one.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Like, was New York, was it Parks and Rec division of New York City, like guys, we really wanna bring attention to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Park. So can we find a way to work that in? Like yes. Let's do something at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Park. And they're like guys, welcome to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Park. Today's episode is sponsored by the Franklin D Roosevelt Park
Starting point is 00:03:06 I was like the fuck is going on with this park who cares fucking park how do you try are you selling tickets to the park where are we branding the park please welcome my dear friend Franklin Donor Roosevelt as you may know Franklin Roosevelt gave us the new deal we needed a new deal because my dear friend, Gail Simmons, ate the old deal. Bless her heart. He also saying, one of the most iconic songs in Annie, we've got Annie. Hey, we've got Annie. Actually, did he sing that song? What part was he in?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Wasn't he in? Oh no, he was in the end, right? Didn't you? I think he came at the end. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. Sorry, that was just Daddy Warbacks.
Starting point is 00:03:48 And our next time, we're going to be judged at the Daddy Warbacks. The Daddy Warbacks Memorial Park of Passion. Tom Coleakius, an honorary member, just because he also looks like a thumb. Yeah, this episode definitely felt like it was never intended or they felt rushed or something. Brands and Spent Half the time talking about how he had to like pull himself out of bed to come into the city. Brands was so mad about having to get out of bed. I've never heard a judge say that before. I know. Y'all so glad I got out of bed for this. I was like, are you busy? I'm sorry, are you too busy to do your national
Starting point is 00:04:30 television show that you were hired to do? I'm sorry Brandon, Max, well, maybe you have some coffee from your house that's branded. You see what I'm saying there. I did, I did. I'm saying, I did, I did, I did. I'm saying, I did, I did. I'm saying, I did, I did, I did. I'm saying, I did, I did, I did. I'm saying, I did, I did, I did. I'm saying, I did, I did, I did. I'm saying, I I think he rose without coffee. Anyway, so we're in the project runway version of the stew room, because the last episode
Starting point is 00:04:52 just ended. Everyone just sort of sitting there and they're having that moment with like, wow, it's getting real now, which is funny because they say that like literally after every competition, like after every elimination, it's really getting real. It's really getting real now. It's real now. it's really real now. So Christian comes in and he's like, um, hi, all right, I'll keep it brief
Starting point is 00:05:11 because Brandon had to get out of bed for this. So I guess we need to wrap this up by the, the Stephanie or the best of the, what's left, basically. And for your next challenge, it's a PR first, you've earned the right to just do whatever you want. Okay, we were gonna make it a Zip Lock bag challenge, but honestly, we're out of budget.
Starting point is 00:05:28 So, do whatever you want. Yeah, we don't care. Unfortunately, Sue, who designs these challenges? Yeah, she got hit by a cab. So we just are gonna say, make whatever you want and just like hope for the best for Sue. Okay, great, good luck guys. It's about freedom, because now you have the total freedom
Starting point is 00:05:46 to make what you want and you get one step closer to the finale, which is gonna take place in a country where there's freedom. I'm just gonna say freedom a lot in this episode and then we can all be proud of America and just keep moving it along. Okay, freedom, Dave, freedom. It's like freedom's just another word for nothing left to sow.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Okay. Ah. Oh, good. So guess what? It's a 2D challenge. Oh, I'm sorry, you guys. It's gonna be quite a challenge. Lots of freedom.
Starting point is 00:06:19 And Brittany goes, double-edged sword for sure. For sure. No, we would prefer you don't access rise with a sword Thanks for it me five Brittany got something in there double-edge sword for sure You could do sportswear Or you could do some kind of sportswear Double-edge kill you other way other way you're dead and
Starting point is 00:06:43 They're all like excited. And Christians are like, okay, can you all sit down please? Thanks. Because literally my time does mean money because I have emitherman waiting for me. So you have total freedom and you can make whatever you want to get you one step closer to the finale or one step closer to, as I like to call it, Rami's circle of looking in on a finale and not being part of it. So in honor of Freedom, which is your challenge, you are free dummies to
Starting point is 00:07:19 show one of the most beautiful sought after locations in the city, Franklin, the Roosevelt Park. Okay? There you can have a variety of models. You can have extra models there. They're all free. Don't worry. None of them are being forced to be here.
Starting point is 00:07:33 They're all free models, which is great. Bishop, you get the first pick as the last winner. Please move faster. You're moving too slow. Bishop, could you please come up faster? Bishop, you're very slow. Bishmin, I need you up here right now. Because Bishmin is just like,
Starting point is 00:07:48 Okay. Well, I'll go slow, pick a model. Okay, Bishmin, we're gonna need you to, okay, free. Free also means fast, okay? Because the slower you are, the less freedom that you have. Okay, so go free. So everyone picks models, they all choose. It's all very nice and civilized.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And now it's the next morning. And this week's still a plant, which is the second time that's happened on Bravo this week. Whatever. Within a notice that, I didn't see it. Yeah, he stole a plant and they're like, why are you stealing the plant? And he's like, cause I really like plants. I mean, you take your time.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Who else the other show someone stole a plant this week? That fucker Luke on below deck down under took a plant from the club before he tried to sexually assault his cast member. So plant stealing week. Yeah. Let's hope that some similarities in there. Okay. Yeah, that would be.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Let's not have that story letting you know. No, we don't need to repeat that one. Okay, so 6.30 a.m. and Kato comes out, that he's ready to be free. And Karisnaan's like, yeah, you know to be here is to do a challenge with the three of us, his sisters is dope. And Kato is like, yeah, it's definitely the sister circle.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Quad is like, am I allowed to be part of this? Yeah. Quad is like this is literally based on my television show, the sister circle. I'm a jack. What you're not gonna do is keep me out of this new credit circle. So, sister circle.
Starting point is 00:09:19 So then, yeah, and then they're just talking about freedom. And, toes, like, yeah, freedom is being, it's free to being who I am and like to do what I want to do. And go where I want to go. I believe that Richard Marx put it best in his seminal song. I do whatever I want, whatever I want with no expectations. Thank you, those sea reels. I'll credit those the O.C.
Starting point is 00:09:45 reals. So we go over to Rami, Bishmi and Prajee and Britt me and Rami is like, what do you guys think of the challenge? How do you feel about this challenge being about freedom?
Starting point is 00:09:57 And Bishmi is like, it's dope because to be gay, especially where I'm from, you know, like that was really hard. So I like being a fashion designer because it's like celebrating freedom. And proje is like,
Starting point is 00:10:10 well, not to bring anything down, but kind of like doing it. So, you know, I grew up seeing like dead bodies in the street and like I had a gun held to my head. So freedom is I guess not having those things. So I just want to say it's everyone that like, I know everyone's gone through a lot of shit, but my shit's just a little worse, so just putting that out there.
Starting point is 00:10:29 And Britt means like, for me, freedom is being on a bicycle and going really fast, but not ever going anywhere, except in your mind, and with whatever instructor you've chosen for that day. Freedom. Freedom is the ability to stay in your saddle even when Emma Lovelall is up in position two. That's freedom. I'm Romney Psych. These are really sobering moments that we're having
Starting point is 00:10:57 because we get to be more open with each other and we get to understand who we are and how we became who we are today. Mike, oh, but you just go so fucking grass. Like, can we all just like for one day not roll around in just the pain of it all? Just go so something for fuck's sake, man, it's project runway. Well, I like that Britney is like so over this. She comes over with a bunch of pants.
Starting point is 00:11:22 She goes, well, here are some pants to sketch. You have the freedom to choose whichever color you want, you fuckers. By the way, I feel like I can't believe I forgot to mention this. Did I mention this on the show? But I took my first sewing class this week. I don't think you did say on the show, how did it go? Well, it's very exciting.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I'm in a four week program. It's like just four classes. It's every Tuesday night And it's at this it's a place here in Los Angeles and over the course the four weeks I am going to learn how to sew some pajama bottoms and I'm like really excited so on the on the first class At first I was like what am I really doing? Did I really sign up for sewing class? Like what, this is crazy. That's weird, what took you to that?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Because I went to this place with my friends, Sylvia is really into knitting and she's got into sewing. And so, okay. So my friend Judy and I went with Sylvia to this place because Sylvia wanted to pick up some fabric and then we're just all gonna go to lunch. And when we were walking around, there's all these cute prints,
Starting point is 00:12:27 and I started, you know, Judy and I were talking about, like, wouldn't it be fun just to be able to, like, sew something for yourself? You know, like at all these cool fabrics, it'd be fun to have a shirt in some of these fabrics, and then we saw they were offering sewing classes, and we said, let's throw caution to the wind, let's take a sewing class.
Starting point is 00:12:42 So, in the first class, we learned about like, you know, like things like cutting on the bias and things like that. And then we were given forms, pajama pant forms, and we had to cut out, it's like tissue paper, and we had to cut out the forms, and we learned about making adjustments. But we haven't actually sewn anything, but I did learn about my Bobbin. I got my thread in my Bobbin, which is the thing on the sewing machine. And so yeah, so the next step,
Starting point is 00:13:14 I think is we're cutting fabric in the next class. I'm like really excited. Nice. And the entire time I was like, as I put this thread on this Bobbin, I am feeling the freedom of making my own choices with my hobbies. Yeah. I used to recap this over at TV Gapsum, and then Trash Talk TV later I used to do really long written recaps of Project Runway.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And every season I was so. I got a sewing machine, I would whip up a sewing machine, I sewed my duvetes, all my pillows and my home. Did you know me during that period? Yeah, I did it so close, but I sewed curtains and all sorts of shit like that. This is the first time we've talked about it that like doing it on this show, I haven't been like that. But I used to do it during written recount. It's like whenever top chefs on, I just cook every day.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah, it's in my head. My hope is that after I do pajama pants, I know that the people who so are like, I can't believe it's taking you for a week to do pajama pants, but literally it's gonna take me for a week's hard. There's stuff. There's stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:15 But then hopefully the next class, the next level class is making your own shirt. And I'm excited for that because I just wanna be able to tailor my shit, like do my own stuff. Yeah, so It's a journey. I mean, I could be the next ramy like god Like freedom, you know what I mean? I'm just gonna drape stuff
Starting point is 00:14:34 Okay, so they go to moon and Christians like hi guys did you get sleep Brandon sleeping right now? He's at home. He doesn't want to get out of bed So don't ask Okay, but today's challenge is about freedom Okay, some of you are free to just be as mediocre as you are and some of us are free to open stores and connect to it, which I just did. So just don't lose who you are unless who you are is loser,
Starting point is 00:14:53 which you should probably try to lose. No offense, Ramy, but I am talking to you. Yeah, don't know who you are. So in the case of Ramy, that's someone who just never won Precipone win or any other show. Okay, you guys have a $750 budget, which is just a fraction of the amount of money I earn having won this show. So congratulations, go shopping, bye.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So Rami's like, I think I want to do an evening, you don't say, really? I'm shocked. I'm the world shot, Rami. And he's like, as a Palestinian, freedom is big for me, because it's something we're deprived of. So I want to do a light silky fabric, and I'm envisioning Oscar worthy, because of freedom. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:35 My Palestinian struggle is being represented in this beautiful gown for the Oscars. So a question's like, okay, well, I think you should make the most insane thing you've ever made. Just like, fuck them up. Got it. A very, very elegant evening dress.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I think they're fine. I think they're understated gown. Yes, I'm a fucking reality show staple, right? Especially on cooking shows, you know, where they're like, you can't just cook. I mean, I used to love covering Food Network star because they would always get on them like, but what's your story about the grilled cheese? You're making the grilled cheese because I like the grilled cheese. No, we thought you had to make grilled cheese.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Mama, why did your mom teach you? It was easy to make. She can make it with healthy it and old bread. It would have mold all over. Okay, you're getting closer, but we need more of a dramatic story. I think Project Runway just takes it to this crazy level where everything just has to be literal trauma or you can't make your evening gown.
Starting point is 00:16:38 It's like, why are you making this evening gown? I have to set it really positive and come to that. Yeah, I need more than a sad child that I lost my leg and then had to get it sewn back on. That's sad, but we've heard that before actually Palestine. I love it. I love it. Okay, Palestine. You can make it. You can make it. So Christian goes up to Kara Saun just, huh, baby blue feathers? Where do they go? And pink, my brain is about to explode with disgust at this sound spending my afternoon.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And carous, she's like, well, I just, you know, I wanna be whimsical, I wanna do fairy tale. Great, great, this is Project Runway though, not Project Golden, like Yellowbrick Road. So, yeah, good luck with that. He's like, so this is gonna be very easter. It's like a very easter. We're gonna hide eggs. Hopefully, Rami can find some of those
Starting point is 00:17:30 because it's probably all he's gonna win in this season. So that'll be good. But she's like, no, I'm just gonna go know Holds Party. He's like, okay, so you're just not gonna listen to me as usual, huh? She's like, nope, sure not. He's like, okay, I don't know what's happening. So then he goes over to Vishmi and Vishmi is like, you said we could do anything, right?
Starting point is 00:17:51 And he goes, yeah, but what is this? And he said, you said we could do anything. Keep popping. He goes, okay, so I'm just going to get zero respect. So I'm going to make her down. And I want him to do like a ruffle bottom and like a jagged with a heart that has a free flowing fuel to it. Okay, and so does that the free flow is that like is that a reference that 2004 tsunami?
Starting point is 00:18:13 I'm gonna need something really heartbreaking and like terrible to associate this with please. So then he goes to LaRontz and he goes he's like La, LaRont's on me too, and LaRont's, because I know you're down here. Black again, LaRont's. Could you do us a color, maybe do a cool color? Do something cool. Come on, LaRont. She's like, die, die, yeah, die. But she pulls a purple leather and she's like,
Starting point is 00:18:37 it's so soft, I have to have it. I go, she goes, okay, so who are we missing? It's time to check out who we missing, Rami, okay. I mean, obviously when I say missing, I'm clearly not referencing a list of winners of this show. Like he's definitely not missing there. So back to the workroom. I love that everything that Kato wears has words on it.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I don't know why that cracks me up. I just love that that's everything. She's like, I will not wear a shirt. That doesn't say something. Literally. Yeah, and then Brittany's like, I will not wear a shirt, that's not saying something. Literally. Yeah, and then Brittany is like, this challenge is exciting, but it's extremely terrifying. It's like getting your foot stuck on a peloton,
Starting point is 00:19:12 you fall off and hit your head, the by-falls on your leg to terrifying, okay? Or just watching Cody Riggs be tried to do a second to see if he's in the Vallal Code. He don't want to see that one again. It was not good. So, oh, sorry, guys. I was just gonna say that freedom without guys can be your downfall
Starting point is 00:19:29 So probably is like This time I want to focus on one of the voodoo spirits God I'm bought I was like yes Now that yes now there is something I can get behind bring some voodoo sitting here hell yes Well based on a snake goddess. Yes. I'm down this. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, I mean, I think it's cool. I love the idea of like a big, sneaky, inspired, green dress. That's fun. Yeah, me too. What we got was maybe not that sneaky, but that's fine. We'll get there.
Starting point is 00:20:03 So he's like, when God created Heaven and earth, he actually uses Don Bala's bones as a snake to create their cosmos, and I'm going to make a dress. So I was like, I mean, I was just cracking up. That would be representing a dress that looks like it's from an old saloon. Yes, I mean, just that story is like, yes, please say that whole story to Nina like this is what happened God made heaven earth Took the bones of the dead people and created Saturn and this is where you get a crop top like yeah is commercials
Starting point is 00:20:39 Here comes one right now Here comes one right now. Christian walks and he's like, Hey, everybody, the producer said I have to come in to rub because you all are talking with lots of bullshit in here. So has everyone doing? Has the feel to be free as in everything you've made has found up basically free in the bargain bin somewhere, especially Rami. Hey, Rami, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:21:00 Non-winner. So he's checking with care. So he's checking with Cara, so he goes over to Cara's son and he's like, so is that an actual drape on the form? Wow, you've actually got something to show me today. What a concept, that is amazing. Okay, what are you lying for? And she's like, well, I'm going for like fashion fairy
Starting point is 00:21:20 godmother because I have a nonprofit that helps foster kids and teaches them to write and perform in their short films. And he's like, um, I'm really conflicted because this outfit is giving me horrible and awful, but your story is giving me best you've ever given. So not really sure what to tell you with this one. I mean, I don't understand how fashion fairy godmother connects the teaching children how to make short films, unless the short films are about fashion, but then like, are we celebrating their fashion department,
Starting point is 00:21:53 their costume department in their films? Don't really understand your charity, like that you have one, and I don't understand how this East from S plays into it. So good luck. Yeah, he's not really affected by that at all, but I am because it's actually nice. So she had a really good life growing up. She tells us that her parents basically built a cocoon
Starting point is 00:22:12 for them. Like growing up in the time she grew up, it shouldn't have been as sunny as it was, but that her parents built this like cocoon for the family. It didn't like, they shielded them from a lot of the shit going on in the world. And so she grew up with a lot of self-confidence and she's had a really happy life. So she's spreading that to foster kids. I thought that was really... Of course, sweet. It's nice. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:22:35 So then he goes... So he's telling her, listen, you're making something really soft and romantic, but you're using all these feathers. And are you sure this isn't going to be a pride's made stress? You wouldn't want to make your friend wear. And she's like, but it's supposed to be huge and sculptural. He's like, okay. And she's like, but you asked us to do ourselves.
Starting point is 00:22:56 And there is a market for what I do. And this is what I'm doing with my freedom. And he's like, okay, you convinced me. You didn't convince me at all. You're going to come, stupid. Okay, you convinced me you didn't convince me at all you're gonna You convinced me that you never should have been on the show got it Bye, so then he goes over to Lawrence and he's like oh well This is a very tailored piece. What are you gonna do? Let me guess leather jacket with a leather bottom right and she's like Yes, Taylor jacket into a skirt. Okay great, all right. So she's gonna do like a leather jacket with strong shoulders
Starting point is 00:23:29 and the bottom is gonna be purple and the top is gonna be black and she wants to create a leather panty of some sort. So then he goes to proje and proje think, do you have an appointment? a surprise, and I probably say, do you have an appointment? No, then you cannot talk to Godless, to Godless, the snake. So he's like, okay, so you picked green because of a snake, so it's a garden snake. Okay, so it's a snake, but then it's a big,
Starting point is 00:23:59 fitted, dropped, waste. I'm not really sure what's happening here. You're supposed to finish the sentence because I'm confused. So does this mean that the mom from Titanic was referencing a voodoo goddess all this time because I'm sort of getting like turn of the century look from this? No, no, no, okay. And projects like look, the whole sweat and puffer thing I've done it. I've done it on projects one way. I don't need to do it every time. So this is going to be a moment for me. And projects like look, they'll hold a switch and put for a thing I've done it. I've done it on Project Oneway. I don't need to do it every time. So this is gonna be a moment for me. And he's like, well, they're definitely gonna be shocked.
Starting point is 00:24:31 They're gonna definitely be shocked. And he goes, yeah, it's like my reintroduction to the judges. And yeah, he basically is saying like, you know, he's done like, doesn't, like, doesn't, whatever you're always gonna get, like, you're always gonna get fashioned with whatever he does, you know, whether it's street wear doesn't, like, doesn't, whatever you're always gonna get, like, you're always gonna get fashioned with whatever he does, you know, whether it's streetwear or a high couture,
Starting point is 00:24:49 and like, he started his business by making gowns, and like, this is the most me thing he's ever done. And he's like, okay, Bishmi, what are you making? And Bishmi is making. I'm making a big volume skirt, like a cool jacket, I'm into a jacket, and like a cool Jack I'm gonna do a jacket and like a visor With like flowing fabric. Okay, Bishm is gonna need you to sort of perk up some of that energy a little bit Okay, but uh, it's gonna be sister act. I'm gonna do sister act. He's like, oh god it love that movie
Starting point is 00:25:17 What be golberg? Amazing. I'm a second only the ghost to my right. Okay great He's doing a baseball cap, but with like a habit train on it, which in sketch form looks insane and hilarious. And I just kept thinking of choreographing sister acting to your high. Sorry, I just had to drop that in there. Let me let everybody be impressed with that for a moment.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Let's see if we can move on to Kato. So now yeah, check something likeankato and Coutau. She's gonna make the most amazing grow she's ever made. And the challenge means a lot to her because she's as an African, as an immigrant, as a new found American, fighting for freedom in regular lives. It's very emotional for her. And so she wants to incorporate leather into sleeves because that's going to represent shackles. And the shackles are going to get bigger and bigger as the hand grows stronger, but they're not going to be connected.
Starting point is 00:26:10 They're going to be completely free. And Christians like, Oh, okay, cool. Former hours. Former hours, everyone. Bye. So then, um, proje is looking at Brittany. You know, he's just giving Brittany this kind of look as he works. And then he goes over to Kato and he's like, I'm coming to visit the East Coast. And she's like, this is the Midwest here. So he goes over and he starts writing her a note on a notebook. And she tells us that he was writing very eagerly. And basically it says there's a lot of plagiarism going on and he tells us yeah it's he britney and I instantly see my top from the 90s challenge and yeah they put it up there and she's making the exact same thing it's not like it's not my god close it's like okay well it's maybe like a similar top but she's also doing active words or maybe well, it's maybe like a similar top, but she's also doing active wear.
Starting point is 00:27:05 So maybe it's literally the same exact thing. Yeah, it's the same. And I don't know if fashionable enough to know if that's just like a common look, that's like a standard thing that people do. But even if it's the same. It's literally exactly the same. It's exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And it's also the high-waisted pants. So it's like, huh, huh. So now it's three hours until the end of the day. And Prajai is like not happy. He's definitely grumbling. He's like, I feel like I'm on an episode of Bitch Store. My look. This got got us to ball. I was like, how do you think I feel? Okay. And then you're turning me into a dressing? Hello, I'm a goddess. And then he's like, you're turning me into a dressing? Hello, I'm a goddess. So then, and then he's like, I do think Brittany is living in her own world, like not being aware that these looks might be very similar to looks like that.
Starting point is 00:27:54 People have like worked these walls or something like that. He's basically like, she doesn't, she's like totally not realizing that she's. I am just the pants too. Because I'm gonna see the pants. And the pants are at least a little different because I have a bunch of cargo pockets or whatever, but it's basically the same high-waisted, like 90s pant. Right, so they're basically telling, he's getting annoyed,
Starting point is 00:28:19 but he doesn't think she's doing it on purpose. And Kira's on psych, listen, don't even say anything because it's blatantly obvious. So you don't need to say it because everyone else will figure this out. Like it's not something you need to worry about. But they don't. It's really the light. The judges never notice, which is crazy. I mean, they're exactly the same. Yeah. So, models arrive and there's like some, there's like, they're fitting in stuff on everything. And then Rami's talking to Mimi, his model,
Starting point is 00:28:52 and she's like, oh, where are you from? And he's like, really Mimi? Really? Really Mimi? Really? He's like, oh, well, since he was asked, has born in Jerusalem, then lived in Palestine, but I've been here for the past 10 years. And this is a big sentimental challenge for me because it's literally about the Palestinian
Starting point is 00:29:13 dream, which is freedom. And I started sketching when I was seven years old during curfews and lockdowns. I said, as long as I'm stuck in here, God damn, but I'm going to make an Oscar gown. And that's what I did. I'm here so cute, like they show him I'm gonna make an Oscar gown. And that's what I did. And he's so cute. Like they show him as a little kid being all smartly dressed. And I love that he was just like,
Starting point is 00:29:30 fine, you're gonna put me in lockdowns? I will make a gown. I was like, I was like, I'm like, I'm a kind of kid. Yes, that's fabulous. So then he's,
Starting point is 00:29:41 then we got a proj de and he's putting a snake on a model's head. And he's like, it's a risk. I was like, yeah, yeah. So then, Carassan's working with her feather sleeves. And honestly, not trusting Carassan's look, I'm getting a little scared for her. It's pink and purpley and feathery and capy and not looking great.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It's a lot. It's so that I'm not looking good and then model the model asked Laura I was about her accent and Laurent tells us I think I'm a pretty private person. I give a lot of shit in because it's my business from 16 to 20 I went from being a kid to a freaking adult and I did not live with my teenage But did not live my teenage years because I had to kid and I guess that's why part of me fell out of place and I did not live with my teenage years because I had to kid. And I guess that's why part of me fell out of place and I not want to ever share my personal life but I've always walked my head held high in the matter of what I'm carrying. So again, I just want to summarize, I don't share a lot about my personal life and I am proving that by telling you a bit about my personal life that from 60 to 20 I didn't really
Starting point is 00:30:41 have to in your years because I had a child. And did I say that part already? Mm-hmm. Can we stop talking now? Because I really have something to show. I'm like, okay, you did it. Good job. Thank you. We got it out of you.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I feel like every time they ask her, she's like, oh my god, more. I guess more trauma, please. It's like, okay. But it wasn't enough last time. Like, please, just do it already. Just tell us the story again. From 16 to 20, you had Don'tine years.
Starting point is 00:31:08 We want more of it. So then we got to Britme, who's just like, I mean, literally in the middle of all this depth, you know what I mean? Then you've got Britme, who's just over there, like, I'll design for Peloton people. So we got to Britme and she's just you see project behind her watching her. Just like just not pleased right. And so she's completely oblivious.
Starting point is 00:31:32 She's kind of a dodo bird. And her model's like oh my god I love it. This is just like so me. I feel like a so cute mess. And she's like yeah's just so awesome. And the jacket is just like so open. And she's like, gonna be alter. It's gonna be amazing. And she's like, they just kind of approach it like. He's really wanting a Buddha doll at this moment. So Vishne is saying that his dress is representation for him because brown is beautiful
Starting point is 00:32:02 and it doesn't get used in an elegant way. And this is the first time being able to use Brown. Which, thank you. I agree with you. I think Brown has more of a place in this world. I love Brown. It's my favorite color. I have some brown things.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah, love it. Always so brown. So Lerence doesn't like Karasan's looks. She thinks it's too busy. And, and Pradja is just still just like watching Britney, just like disgusted, but he's like, no, I do love Britney's look, I love the colors. You know, I love the freshness of the sportswear,
Starting point is 00:32:35 you know, love the look, but mine was better. Yeah, so now it's time to go and let's see. So, Bishm is like, does everyone have a lot left to do? And they're like, yeah. And Pradesh is like, so, Karassan, do you have enough ostrich or do you need me to kill another one for you?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Okay. So now they go back to the work room and Britain is like, y'all go storm my jacket. And they just basically get to work. So, Yeah. And carousel is all about she just wants to she's like she wants to she's been working on this jacket the entire time she hasn't
Starting point is 00:33:11 even made the dress. She's just like wants she's like I got to finish this jacket so I can just she could make like a very simple little dress to put on. But she's like it doesn't even matter because the jacket is going to be closed the entire time anyway. Oh no, no, it's not. Of they're gonna ask to take off the Jack at the place. Oh, you're on Project Throwin' Way, come on. You're on the first season ever, you know how this works.
Starting point is 00:33:32 This was frustrating to watch. But the project and Bishmiri stuff was so funny. So they start imitating, they start imitating Christian. So they're sitting there sewing together and who starts it, project? He goes, do you love love it? He goes, yeah, I think I do is it cool though? Do you do really think it's cool? He's like, yeah, I mean, I think it's really cool But is it great to really think it's great? Yeah, I think it's great. Do you mean it? Do you really think it's great?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Do you love it? Are you sure? Yeah, I'm like I love it You really think it's great, do you love it? Are you sure? Yeah, I'm so fucking love it. Damn, it's not as good as what he does. Be sure, it's just great. You want this color, you like that color, you like the feathers, you really think the feathers are going well, great.
Starting point is 00:34:13 That's what you want in, okay. So he, Bishmin starts making like a leather jacket and he's like doing something to it to make it look like age leather. And he also says, No more exaggerated shoulders because I want to show the judges That I'm taking in what they're saying and then we see a montage of the Mickey Mouse ears that you're always talking about No big shoulders. I kind of miss them make fun of them a lot that I kind of miss them
Starting point is 00:34:39 You know, especially project brought them along this this week. He did. Yeah, I noticed that. And Bischmi also did use some, he used like a version, you know, it was like an updated model of a car. They're like, oh, the new Nexus NX, it just has a flat grill now. And you're like, wow, it's totally different, I'm gonna get it. It's like that, it's like kind of a big shoulder,
Starting point is 00:35:03 but it's like tone down Mickey Mouse ears. Yeah, who's super fun. So Grisha walks in and he's like, hi everybody. Guess it's show day. All right, who wants a model? Probably the last model Rami will ever need Before he goes back to working at best buy. Okay. All right. Everyone models are in. All right. Let's start with Karrison. Karrison. Wow So there's a Everyone models are in. All right, let's start with Karrison. Karrison, wow. So there's a lot going on there. Okay, what's with that?
Starting point is 00:35:29 Is that a skirt? And she's like, it's just simple beaded. And the cape, do you need the cape? Are you sure about the cape? But she can fly somewhere, is that Superman? She's gonna save somebody, is the kid an epitre, or is she gonna stop a rocket with her bare hand? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:35:42 Superman can do a lot of things, is that what she needs? Kate, are you sure? Are you sure? Yeah, Kate, Kate wins. Do we need that? Uh-huh. And she's like, yeah, I need it. We should have that hot little cape fear. You're going to bite off somebody's cheek. Is that really what we're going for? All right, Kate. Middleton. Good luck with you. It's not going to work out well. Okay. And she doesn't listen to him. It's your hard draft, you're meant because he is absolutely correct. I'm got like, he says a lot, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:10 and he gets kind of, he's much bitier than Tim, you know? Right. But he's right, like he's not wrong all that much, right? He seems to be correct a lot of the time and they just start like, fuck off dude, no. He's like a working fashion designer who is looking at a very high level and they're like, hmm, I don't know. I think I'm an ad. I'm going to keep this cape that someone who is very well salvaged and successful and fashion
Starting point is 00:36:36 tells me I shouldn't keep on. I'm going to keep it because it's yeah, because he's like blatantly mortified. My key to me is he's not just giving you a piece of advice, like you could take it or you could leave it. He's like, I'm warning you, they're gonna hate this. This is terrible. Do something, you know? You don't need a cape if you've got feathers, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:54 The feathers, like you, if you're gonna be flying, or either flying like Superman, or you're flying like a bird, okay? They say it's a bird, is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Superman. They don't say it's a bird and it's Superman, okay? It's not feathers and cape. It's not, it's a bird. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Superman. They don't say it's a bird and it's Superman.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Okay, it's not feathers and cakes. It's not, it's a, sorry, it's not a bird and a plane and Superman. Okay, you choose one. Okay. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a bird and a plane and a superhero.
Starting point is 00:37:18 It's everything included. I mean, he's like, okay, well, I'm just saying it looks like you're adding it to added and that's a lot of luck. And she goes, well, I hope so because that's my signature. He was like, okay, the sleeve is cool. I like the sleeve. Are you going to put tags in the back to say K-S because that would be cool. I would love that.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Okay, bye. I like that there's a button. I'm just trying to find something to be nice about. So Christian then goes up to Prajjay and he goes, are you beating two? And he's like, just the edge of the sleeve. He's like, really? He's like, don't really me, it's cute. Oh, not gonna listen, again.
Starting point is 00:37:55 So then, Christian goes to Bishmi and he's like, what is this? And Bishmi's like, the outfit, you said to what you want. And he's like, um, you're not just showing up here, Vandawear. Like, seriously? Is this, um, you're not just showing a pair of underwear. Like, seriously, is this how you're gonna show? It's a pair of underwear. That's it.
Starting point is 00:38:09 It's just a pair of underwear. I'm a lady, are we sure? Is it a lady? Is it underwear? Is it panties? Are we sure that's what we're gonna do? Could someone help me reboot Krish and I think I broke him? He's like, you're lying.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Where's the rest? The rest is somewhere, and he's like, I didn't have time. I didn't have time. I don't have time. Okay, no, I know you're fucking with me and I don't appreciate it whatsoever. I'm going to find this outfit because I know you have fabric. I saw it yesterday. So Christian Go starts walking around trying to find it. But she's like, you're not going to find anything.
Starting point is 00:38:38 But he's like, I love messing with Christian because he low-key stresses me out sometimes. And if you're going to stress me out, I'm going to stress you out too then. So then we go to hair and makeup and the lady's like, okay, here's what we're going to do. We're celebrating freedom today. So we're going to celebrate freedom with white reigns conditioner that frees your curls to be whatever they want to be okay guys. Can we not We are going not only we celebrating freedom. We're gonna brand it with tresse May. Congratulations You have the freedom to use tresse May Freedom
Starting point is 00:39:23 Freedom I I don't want your tresime freedom. I don't want to carry on. She's just like freedom, moose. Right there, yeah. It's like, oh, good on. Okay, so then, Christian is like, Brittany, pressure pants, don't listen to me. What do I know? Just have a store in Connecticut. Okay, I wanna see something on a body,
Starting point is 00:40:00 preferably not on a bicycle. Can we get the model away from the bicycle? Are we really gonna stick with that? We're not sticking with bicycle. Can we get the model away from the bicycle? Are we really gonna stick with that? We're not sticking with bicycle, are we? Okay. Bring us like it's gonna get crumpled up regardless. We say, okay, alright. Sounds like someone had a little bit too long of a power zone endurance ride today. Don't listen to me. I know nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Nothing. Commissions. Here comes one right now. So Lerence's model, the skirt is too tight. She can't even walk on it. And he's like, what are we going to do with this? She can't walk. We're going to cut event in the back. What else are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:40:39 We're going to do this, because she can't walk in it. And she's like, I'm going to add a panel. I'll have time. He's like, I'm your 15 minutes. And so she actually does it. She like runs off and gets it done. She's a badass. I didn't miss from age 16 to 20, 19, eight years to not make a panel. Okay, you, you've told us that story a few times. We got it. So my baby came out and she was in a ball gun already. That's how fast I sewed it. My baby was a panel. So, so Christian goes up to a cateau and say, wow, those pants are cool.
Starting point is 00:41:20 And she goes, oh, I finally got a cool from Christian. I'm going to give myself a clap of hands I'm finally in the cool club. Don't push it, Katel. Mmm So it's like do not put an necklace on that. I'm gonna kill you and she just stops him like so damn my little fucker Let's go to the Franklin D Roosevelt Park for freedom where freedom is freedom and Roosevelt are free Okay, everybody let's go Brittany's like, oh my God, are we gonna do this even if it rains?
Starting point is 00:41:48 It's gonna rain. If you're raining out here, it's gonna be raining. Brittany, like this is one of those people that posts about weather on Instagram. You just fucking know or on Twitter, like, did everybody just feel that? Yeah, don't have her move to Los Angeles, was that an earthquake?
Starting point is 00:42:06 She's a person. She's a raining y'all. She's still raining outside in your part of town. She thinks fireworks are gunfire. She's that person on your ring alert that says, did anyone just hear that? I think I just heard five gunshots and a flash of lot in the sky.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I think it was a gun, I think it was a gun battle. So they get to the park and it is in fact raining and it's 10 minutes till show time and they're going to make them do it. Like, what is the park paying you to do this? Why are you doing this in the fucking rain in the park? This is not cool. This is stupid. It looks terrible and it's windy.
Starting point is 00:42:41 The clothes are blowing everywhere. Grisha goes, wow, you see everything outside, don't you? With the natural light, you really see it all. And makes me wonder why we ever brought these people back. I mean, this shit looks terrible. Get out of my sight. So, Christians like, okay, so if the models have to walk
Starting point is 00:42:58 in an umbrella, like maybe that's like a vibe. Like maybe that like works with it, right? Right? And they're all like, fuck you, Christian. Yeah, this show needs to be a little more flexible. I mean, having people cook in the rain is one thing on top, chef, because that's like an extra challenge.
Starting point is 00:43:14 But we've already seen them so, you wanna see what their clothes look like. You can't tell when they're blowing all over their faces. Well, if Taylor Swift can sing in the rain, then these models can walk in the rain, okay? So, Rami's like, he's like, on the visually now, his rain drops, having the freedom to stay in my silk. So, they all sort of like get under a tent. And then, now it's time for the runway show. And now it's like nighttime.
Starting point is 00:43:38 So, it's like raining, it's nighttime. And they have like two flashlights out, so you can barely see anything as it comes down the runway. I know. So I kind designers, welcome to the Franklin D. Roosevelt for Freedom State Park of Freedom being free. We thought this would be a perfect place to showcase your pain and your trauma. Also, it's nice to have Christian with us.
Starting point is 00:43:58 We're just gonna keep it in the family today because apparently nobody shows up to gigs when it's raining in New York. So our guest judge dropped out. Okay, Kylie Minogue. Suddenly too busy. So here we are. Kylie Minogue said she had to go to the Olive Garden in Times Square,
Starting point is 00:44:13 which we felt was a little bit of a snub. But anyway, we've got Christian, so this is great. How epic is this, guys? Though, look at this rain. How epic is this? I mean, us, you know, judges getting to sit under nice big umbrellas, and you guys all sitting on a bench getting rained on.
Starting point is 00:44:29 How epic is this, right? So Christian, we are honored to have you with us on the Payne Outside Challenge. Christian, do you want to share any of your pain with the people? He's like, I have to drive to Connecticut after this. So, out. It's like, how, Christian, that was traumatic.
Starting point is 00:44:46 All right, let's get it started. So we started off with Kato's, which I thought looked great. I love the robe, I love the pants. I thought it was a very smart looking outfit. I loved it. Yeah. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I don't like it. But you know the thing is, like the regular robe thing, what she says, you know, she's like, you give me freedom, I'm gonna make a rope. Like she loves making her, I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:45:09 But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:45:17 But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But I don't like it. But of. I also felt like I really couldn't see much.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Like I felt like the lighting was not good because it was like not enough lighting. It wasn't like studio lighting. And on top of that, it was like nighttime. And it was raining. So I was like, this looks good. I think I don't know. So then ProJay is next.
Starting point is 00:45:39 And I was like, I feel like there's some things I'd like about it, but it looked very old-type. It looked like Old Western saloon to me. Big, it was like a futuristic take on an old saloon. Because it was like, it was a, kind of a pretty flowy see-through skirt, but then it had this like tighter waist at the top, but didn't look like tight enough.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Like it didn't look like it fit. And then it was a kind of a crop top with big puffy sleeves and this wasn't good. This is another week in a row. This is like the third week in a row that it's been like not good for him. So I was like for sure he's out. Yeah, I thought it was, I didn't get snake.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I didn't get snake goddess whatsoever from her. And then brands like it's very great expectations, as in we have great expectations for these designers and they serve us this bullshit. So then, Brittany's, I mean, Brittany's looks good. I like Brittany's, even though she totally ripped off project, it's like, I told the pockets on the pan, the bright pink.
Starting point is 00:46:42 But yeah, she did steal projects. It's a lot, it looks good, but it's really weird that all the judges are like, wow, and Christian goes, right, am I right? Amazing, seriously? Wow. And I was like, wow,
Starting point is 00:46:56 none of you recognize this. That challenge was just three weeks ago. I wonder if it's because the jacket was sort of zipped up a lot. So like the top was not a signature feature of the look. So if you adept it and took it off, then you just did it. I think she did. Maybe she did, I don't remember. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:14 It is a private and catch it. It's weird that like production didn't even say. Guys, there's some drama about this being completely ripped off. And nobody's, I don't know. Like that's how it was weird. They'll prompt Nina to say to Courtney last week, are you going to do the twerk off, but then they won't prompt her to say,
Starting point is 00:47:34 you know, there's some plagiarism. Right. So then we get carousons. Okay, so she does this purple, I put purple, I put purple Vainey feathery cap lady. I don't know what that means. Because I remember the outfit. I remember.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Okay. Maybe Cape Lady. Yes. Feathery Cape Lady. Okay, that means more things. It's very monsters, Inc. Very monsters, Inc. Like sort of big, I don't know. Like, I didn't, first of all, I didn't like the shoes
Starting point is 00:48:02 that were with it. And then, um, I, my issue was that I was looking at, you have this big feathery jacket, but then the bottom, the skirt that was underneath it from what we could see, sort of looked like a real house on a reunion look. Right, where it sort of has that figure skater mesh with like sparkle, you going up the legs.
Starting point is 00:48:19 It did look like a mini leeks. There's like that design here. I thought that part was pretty though. Right, but I'm just saying that I didn't understand how it related to like the feathery jacket. Yeah, the jacket was not good. And then that cape was terrible coming down the back. And I wrote this isn't fair because it was windy
Starting point is 00:48:43 and so it didn't look terrible in the wind because it was windy and so it didn't look, it looked terrible in the wind because it was like literally flying everywhere and I thought that was unfair to make it show in that. It's a jacket so it should be able to deal with the wind. Yeah, but on a runway, I don't know, like the Cape part was like literally, I don't know, it felt like an unfair representation of the outfit, but that said, even the judges did get to see it again during judging and it was still bad.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Yeah. You should have listened to the advice and gotten rid of that. And Elaine's like, yeah, the cut on that jacket's really weird. So then we go to Rommies. I thought Rommies, I'll probably take shit for this. I thought Rommies looked like a fucking mess. I didn't even look like a mess, but I thought it looked kind of boring, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It looked very pretty, but boring. I was like incorrect. He did this like block sewing across the waist. It was like curved, and it looked uneven to me. It looked a little janked up there to me. I don't know. I mean, I didn't notice that, but I was like, this is pretty, it was nice, but I thought, to me, I thought he was gonna get dinged
Starting point is 00:49:48 for being safe or a little stayed, but actually as it was going to the runway, all the judges like this is so beautiful, this is gorgeous. So, you know, I was, you know, one of those, I was like, I know I'm not professional, but I just don't think it looks, so right doesn't look so well,
Starting point is 00:50:07 but then they were like, it's a brilliant thought. What's about Spray? It's only something I've ever said. And I was like, okay, well, it's still like a fashion. Yeah, exactly. And then Mimi, like,
Starting point is 00:50:16 Mimi was walking down with an umbrella, and then she like took the umbrella down. And they're like, she closed the umbrella. They like all lost their mind. Because Mimi's such a drama queen. Every time she does, you know, she stays too long and she's like too extra all the time.
Starting point is 00:50:32 I think at this point, they're just like laughing. Mimi's always so Mimi, you know? Yeah. So now, Laurence is next. And so in this one, I actually did not love the purple bottom. I just, so it was a black leather coat jacket and then there's like a purple dress. And I just, I just didn't love it,
Starting point is 00:50:51 but they loved it, Brandon. It was like, it's gorgeous. She explained that she wanted to make a leather panty, but then she couldn't. So she made the leather panty as part of the dress. So it's like a panty shape sewn on to the top of the waist of the dress and then it turns purple and it looks like a dick. It looks like a big dick sewn on. I didn't notice that. I mean, I was like to be at
Starting point is 00:51:17 look like a panty. What is this? I didn't really understand. I didn't really understand what you're going for there. You sew a panty on top of the dress? I didn't get it. It was part of the dress, but it was just blocked to look like color blocked on the shape of a panty. And I was like, I don't really get the crotch rocket dress, but I loved the jacket part. Well, she always make these amazing jackets.
Starting point is 00:51:40 But it was kind of the same jacket. She made last time without the little spikes or whatever. But whatever. Then we had bishmays, time without the little spikes or whatever. But whatever. And then we had bishmays, and I love the movement on bishmays. It was just like very flowy, like that sheer sort of veil was flowing in the way. It looked wonderful. And I love the way, I love the look of the ruffles
Starting point is 00:51:59 around the ankles. Even though they, to me, they looked a little heavy. It still was like really gorgeous, beautiful ruffles. It reminded me of like a dove chocolate commercial, like, you know, when they show like the chocolate, like, rippling onto the melt, the melted chocolate filling down. And so I thought it was like really, like, very, very pretty. I thought it was very pretty too, as bonkers. It was extremely bonkers. It was like ruffles, but it was only like what? A foot of ruffles at the very bottom and then it was sewn on to shear. And then you saw the models entire
Starting point is 00:52:30 body and then her panties and then it like something else. Yeah, it was really. And then a visor with a nun cape coming down. I mean, it was like, it was in its own e-tunes, but it was really cool to see it. It was really cool. It was out. Yeah, the Ruffles, there's a certain breed of dog. The dog has Ruffles like that. It sort of had like, it sort of was given me some of that too. But it like, I have a... I have a...
Starting point is 00:52:57 Isn't it a short pay? One just reached a few years ago, one like best dog ever. I'll look it up, but I don't know. It was like a whole, it was like a mishmash that like dare actually winner of Best Dog Ever. Bueller the sleeping dog. Behind me. The best dog of all.
Starting point is 00:53:15 You've been voted the best little man of all times, little face dog. Okay, so who's after all of that? Oh God, I just moved my desk top thing on top of my computer keyboard and then I just turned on my tunes and now Adele's singing about how depressed she is. Oh God, do you hear it? Oh, here we go. I do. Oh, actually, this is, I still have faith in you. Abba. Okay, sorry everybody. So, um, Bishmi. Oh, so who was the last one? And I wrote, I love bish me the best. Was you right? Yeah, I think bish me was my favorite.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Um, that was cool. I love the color. I like the color. I love the color choice. I love the raffles. I love the color. Raffles. Yeah, I really liked it a lot. So Elaine's like, designers, incredible, incredible work. I have to say sitting here in this very dry area makes me appreciate your wonderful fashion. Now how are you guys doing over there? They're all just like rain dawn and like wet and rubble. I know they're like, let's go. You guys, that's how we are, okay?
Starting point is 00:54:23 And Brandon's like, well, I continue to be majorly blown away by you guys. I mean, that was work getting out of bed, putting all my stretch jeans and concealer on to come down here, but it was worth it. It was worth it. It was worth it to be able to sit in this very dry seat. I'm sure you guys can relate to that, right?
Starting point is 00:54:45 No, it's a little wet over there. So they go back to the regular runway and get the rain, which is nice. And so they're like, so low designers, everyone get warmed up and dried off. This is just getting more and more difficult. Now, I thought this was just outstanding demonstration of your point of views, okay? Brittany and Kato, you're both in nice job. That was fun. That was sort of funny to me because Kato, like she really gave such a thoughtful backstory
Starting point is 00:55:15 to her look, you know, she was like, this is about being, you know, being African, being an immigrant, looking for freedom. People don't have freedom. I have leather shackles, the shackles get bigger and stronger as their hand, get stronger on this and that, okay, great, you're in, bye.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Oh, okay. Okay, thanks for playing your last story. No, but it was just like a funny thing that she had all this story in her look, and they're like, yeah, okay, go back to it. But that's kind of the thing, that's what bugs me in the reality. It's a reality trying to,
Starting point is 00:55:44 it's not really just this show. But there's like a leaning into it, which I get it. Because you want to humanize people and learn their stories and learn where different people come from and stuff like that. But sometimes it becomes more about you're judging the story than the actual work. You know what I mean? Because you hear some of these stories
Starting point is 00:56:02 and you're like, that is a beautiful, like the one you just said, Katoz, it's like, what a beautiful fucking reason to make pants in a sweater. You know what I mean? I was like, it's right. Because what I saw it, I'm like, I wouldn't, I thought it was boring,
Starting point is 00:56:17 but your story's amazing, but it's like, you don't get judged on the story. You know, you get judged on the clothes. That said, I thought the clothes were, you know, okay, I just kind of boring. But Brandon did say, but a bit safe. And Katoko, that was safe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:33 She said she didn't set herself. Like you ask, yeah, you can't buy the target, but you ask me to make something. I'm gonna make a robe every time. She even said that herself. So I'm like, why would you be shocked that they would call it safe? She is very pissed too. Cause she, I think she thought she had the winning look
Starting point is 00:56:48 clearly because she's like the rest of the episode. She's like, called me safe. She's like, you know, like, you know, I'm designing for professional women who are CEOs, they go to galas. Fine, fine, whatever. But you're also on Project Runway trying to make like the coolest thing on the runway. And if you're just gonna make the same robe style thing every time they're gonna get bored, it's a reality show and it's not your first time here. Brandon's like, okay, so can we start this? Because I like change my hair and I put on a bigger sweater.
Starting point is 00:57:15 It's like more roomier, so can we just do this already? Because I have three episodes of Barefoot Condense that I watch at home, okay? So we start with... Bishmi, who is one of the top looks. have three episodes of Barefoot Condes that are watching home. Okay. So we start with... Bishmi, who is one of the top looks, and Bishmi says he's in a place where he can finally identify with his masculine and his feminine
Starting point is 00:57:35 and his love of baseball with the cap. And Elaine's like, where was this look? When I got married, I mean,, cool future take on bridal. The brown, I mean, it just red so beautifully against your skin. It was so smart to really elevate it all with a baseball cap veil. I just want to say single mother to single mother.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I'm not a single mother. I know I just want it just to remind everyone. I actually didn't say single mother. I met new mother, new mother, new mother. That's what I really meant to say. So then Elaine's like, yeah, she just loves it. And Bishm is like, thank you. And he's like, you deliver fashion. You're on trend. And if you're not, you're making your trends as an editor, this is what I'm looking for. The surprise element. brand is like well
Starting point is 00:58:26 It was really hard for me to go out of my house in the rain But I did it and I'm glad I did I'm like sir are you being paid? You're like are you literally being paid for this? I can't with you call a manager brand Okay, call the fucking manager What show were you binging that we interrupted? Because clearly you're upset right now. Catching up on White Lotus, okay?
Starting point is 00:58:52 Very upset. So now let's look at a look that was less successful. So here comes ProJay's look. And it's ProJay's like again. And Brandon's like, this was's Prajay's like again. And Brandon's like, um, this was different for you Prajay. And he's like, yeah, well, I needed to introduce myself to you. And I wanted to go back to my season 19 avant-garde challenge.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And you know, I think this season that side of me got lost. So this is goddess Ambala. Half, female half snake. And the idea is to wrap a woman in a snake. And he like goes through this whole thing and Elaine's like, I appreciate you wanting to show a new side, but this doesn't even look like it fits. He's like, it's a snake.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah, it's not a well-fitting snake. I don't like it. Is the snake been through anything? it's a snake. Yeah, it's not a well-fitting snake. I don't like it. Does a snake been through anything? It's a snake. But did the snake lose its job at a young age anymore? Is it a snake anymore? Is the snake anymore? The snake just got married.
Starting point is 00:59:53 The snake just got married. So Brandon's like, listen. Have a snake ever had a flat on a freeway with a baby in the back. You know what I mean? Has a snake seem just like a sad 10 minute video on YouTube recently anything? Come on. So Brandon's like, um, I appreciate that it's a woman dressed in a snake, but I as a man who was formerly dressed in a comforter on his sofa. I have this to say, like the puppy shoulders with the brachade with the boots with the serpent
Starting point is 01:00:20 in the hair, with the taking me away from my Netflix. It's just like too many things together. I just wish the snake maybe could have been on the neck and not on the top. I mean, mostly I think the problem was the proportioning, unfortunately, project. He's like, it's like, it's going to cry. He always feel bad for me, looks like he's going toje. He's like, it looks like he's gonna cry. He always feel bad for me, looks like he's gonna cry. He's like, and he's like, I'm on the bottom, but Brittany who's still my look gets to walk into that back room.
Starting point is 01:00:52 He's like, not happy. Yes, cause still nobody called that out. You know what I mean? Yeah. Cause that's what's going through his head. He's like, if I go home, but Brittany's still my look, there's gonna be hell to pay. Yeah. So next up is Rami, but Britney stole my look, there's going to be hell to pay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:05 So next up is Rami. And Rami is like, hello, I just want to put this out there. That's where I come from. As a Palestinian living under military occupation, we don't have freedom of movement. I'm unable to visit my birthplace, Jerusalem. And there are always obstacles and checkpoints in the way. And in this design, I wanted freedom of flow and freedom of movement. How about freedom to accept that you will never win this show?
Starting point is 01:01:29 Thank you, Christian. Thank you, Christian, for that. So it's Brandon's like, um, this fabric is risky. It highlights the expert craftsmanship. I was like, oh, wow, they really, they love this thing. And Nina's like, did you cut it on the bias? It's driving me insane. I So holy wood glamor I saw wow they were they're really loving it my god Ah the cutting on the bias
Starting point is 01:02:02 Insane in the membrane Ah, the cutting on the bias. Insan in the membrane. Insan got no bread. I love it, I love it so much. So Elaine's like, thank you, Christian Seriano, for bringing this man back, because this is stunning. As stunning as the time that I gave birth.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I have a new mom, just wanna remind everyone here. Timeless, classic. I mean, the story there. I mean, checkpoints, you are definitely gonna win this. I'm telling you right now, you are gonna win this. And then they're like, buy Mimi. And Mimi is like, taking your black walking and slow motion. Goodbye, Mimi.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Get the fucking Mimi hook, please. So then Brandon's like, okay, now we're gonna get another fave worth getting out of bed for, put makeup on for this Lawrence, and then Cara Saun looks really sad because she knows she's fucked. Yeah, so she's like, so, um, Lawrence, where the hell did you learn how to cut a skirt? And if you would like to attach some theory storyary story to it by all means please go ahead such as like well
Starting point is 01:03:08 It's just you know cutting a skirt. It's like a whole bunch of math and body and you know, it's in my head I really like you know, I enrolled in fashion school and that's the year um oh Uh and Elaine's like oh, yeah Oh, yeah, we cracked lorons. Yeah, just give it just put it in my veins. Yes. She's like take your time lorons Please now could you crying to this glass so I can drink your tears? Big grace. Great. Great. So I want you to hold this up to her eyes. Thank you lorons like I got the pregnant when I was 16 and no one knew about it
Starting point is 01:03:40 And I got a letter telling me I was accepted to fashion school So I thought my life was over, but I only missed the weeks of school, but my father just saw me and he never got over it and he died and we never spoke. And that's why I don't open up sometimes. Elaine's like, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh right there. Elaine literally goes, Elaine literally goes lame literally goes well damn
Starting point is 01:04:06 Now that is about that I mean Laurent like I tease people about these stories But Jesus Christ this story is so much. I mean, it's like this moment is a badass Can you imagine for being 16? I was it's like, geez, I love her. I'm blood and war. I know. And also the fact that it's set into Franger Accent, it'll just add like a level of pet to the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:04:34 You're like, yeah, she is just such a bad ass. So Nina's like, thank you for sharing. Cause Nina does not like the drama stories. She's like, why are we talking about that? Every time someone shares, she does that squint thing and she's like, hmm, thank you for sharing that. I know there's been a lot of hardship, you know, but the shape you want to a very talented non-winning project will run away designer, but you have this very strict personality and you're not letting go.
Starting point is 01:05:07 So when I see you move out of that comfort zone and you play with the strict and the soft, that is when the magic comes out. And Brandon's like, I mean, the jacket's not that modern, but the way you did it is great. And listen, this isn't the material you can make mistakes with. So well done. You know what, it's not made out of this material? The comforter on my bed, which is crazy. I don't know why I'm thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Right, because I got out of it to come here. So, yeah. Was it worth pausing the last of us? Not sure, but it's okay. It's okay, I liked it. So, carouselons come out. It's one of their least faves, obviously, and a very madem of the sea, they say, and carouselons, like, well, I love my costume design, but this
Starting point is 01:05:57 was designed because I'm inspired by a very fashion godmother, because that's my nonprofit. And only it's like like nonprofit, do tell. And she's like, we sponsor kids, foster kids, and we put them in the spotlight by letting them create their own film. And Elaine's like, God, I love that. There's a lot of pain there and it feels good, but it's the ugliness outweighs the pain.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. There's a cape on your feathers. So can you take that hideous jacket off? And so they take off the jacket. And so then the model is there in this dress that was almost an afterthought. Like, Harrison's like, oh, I just have to make this thing, you know, and then like when they see the dress, they're all blown away. They're like, oh my God, oh, and lean's like, this is more breathtaking without the jacket. I just love that they just love, I love that they love this thing
Starting point is 01:06:53 that was like barely even mentioned or thought about. And she's like, yeah, way more breathtaking without the jacket. Okay, now without the jacket on, Kerason, safe foster children. She's like, I already said that. Okay, now without the jacket on, Kerason, safe foster children. So I already said that. Okay, well, you know what, if I can't hear that together with this slut,
Starting point is 01:07:11 you're gonna have to go home. South spoiler alert. And Brandon's like, you know, you can live out the film. You know, I think that sometimes you can make things where you can see fashion pop out and come into the real world for movies but not today it didn't work. I mean it's like one thing is for sure you will never be
Starting point is 01:07:33 pouring because you want everything to be spectacular from the shoes to the dress to the dress, to the jacket, to the train, to the faster children. It just means to be harnessed. Brandon's like, I am still stuck in episode two of the Bayerby Cus of you, okay? So I'm really just really disappointed. I literally didn't find out what happened after that guy ran through the kitchen and yelling corner. So I mean, all I know is that a bunch of Dakota orders are coming through that little machine. Are they going to be able to handle it?
Starting point is 01:08:12 I don't know because I had to press pause to see this cape on a feather situation. And Kato's watching this backstage and she's like, but see, that's what I don't like. You want her to change what's working for her. You say BU, but can you also be someone else? Yeah, because they're judging each individual look. Being you doesn't mean that every, you know, bad thing you make is going to be celebrated. Listen, it doesn't for anybody, you know what I mean? Not every part of you is wonderful. You know, like the army had that old slogan, be all
Starting point is 01:08:40 that you can be, which implies that like there's a version of you where you can be all that you can be, and there's a version of you that's sort of like meh. So don't serve the meh version, serve the army version, the all that you can be version. Yeah, don't suck. Serve the you that doesn't suck. So now it's just time. And Brandon's like, well, tonight proved to be particularly challenging when you do everything. When you can do anything, I mean, that can be really hard.
Starting point is 01:09:07 You know what I mean? You could get out of bed. You could go to bed. I got out of bed. It was hard. That's my point. That's really my only point. Am I allowed to go home yet?
Starting point is 01:09:16 Nope. Okay. I will keep sitting here. Also, no spoilers. I just got to the part where that little child on House the Dragon got onto a dragon and flew somewhere. So I have fingers crossed, the season's just about to end. I'm hoping it works out well for that kid.
Starting point is 01:09:30 So no spoilers please Nina. So Nina's like they all three had precise point of view. And Brandon's like well, Rami, wow, can he cut a dress on a bias? No sight seems at all. And Elaine's like it was classic, but he brought something fresh to the archetype, which was that he talked about being in lockdown as a child. That was very fresh. And then Elaine is saying, and Laurence's skill. I mean, this skirt, I mean, I think she stumbled upon her new signature. Something inside needs to break free for her.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Or she's like, oh, there's so much more to break free for her. Or I mean, there's so much more to bring out of her. But in Bishmi, he has an innate sense of what is trending. And then he's like, yeah, when I drive home tonight, I'm going to still be thinking of that skirt. And by skirt, of course, I mean, my baby, because I'm a new mother. So Nina's like, well, I mean, I don't even know how we designed the bottom part. It's like when that child got killed and housed the dragon damn it Nina, I just told you, I just told you no spoilers. So now they move on to Prussia and Karron and they're all bummed about it.
Starting point is 01:10:45 And Prima goes, Kerason, you first meet that. Just, why me first? Scrull and he goes, oh, she almost said screw you. Did you catch that everybody? She's like, no, come on. Now look, for me, Kerason has to learn to edit. And you know, it's just the perfect example of putting everything into one look. It's just fantastic Oh, I don't know how you save that. I mean, there's no gene. There's no short
Starting point is 01:11:13 There's no skirt. There's no traumatic backstory that could ever save that jacket You just can't make it work and you know it's like no if listen if I told you took that jacket out of context and said that's Alessandro Miquele, Miquele for Gucci, you'd be like, maybe. And then you'd probably laugh. And then you'd probably be like, what a stupid thing that Alessandro did. Maybe they shouldn't be a fashion designer. And then probably burn it up.
Starting point is 01:11:38 So. And brand is like, yeah, I mean, that's not really a fair way to judge. You know, I mean, what if I say I could be George Clooney, would you say maybe? I mean, that's not really a fair way to judge, you know? I mean, what if I say I could be George Clooney, would you say maybe? I mean, that's not fair. She was putting the real world designers have fantastical design sometimes. Which I think I get what she's saying, you know? She's like, okay, like it was bonkers, but it's fashion. Like since when is that a bad thing, you know?
Starting point is 01:12:01 Right. And Brandon's like, it was not a fantasy. I'm sorry, Elaine goes, it was circus. So then they talk about projects and Brandon's like, I mean, there were some like nice elements in this, but like in every my mom got married in this and I think you want. And that's like fine. I love that. But he brings it back to his mother. He brings it back to his mother so much. It cracks me up. He's just like such a southern boy, you know. And Elaine's like, it's just hard
Starting point is 01:12:28 because so much of what he's shown us has ended up in the top. What are you talking about? Yes, it has, but he's also had three terrible weeks in a row, like exactly. They have very short memories, these touches. And she's like, I just think he's stuck. And I'm not really confident at this point
Starting point is 01:12:44 that he's gonna be able to fight his way out of it. And she's like, I just think he's stuck, and I'm not really confident at this point that he's gonna be able to fight his way out of it. And he's like, but listen, he wanted to surprise us and Brandon goes, and he did, and gets surprised me more than the alarm clock. I didn't even know I was supposed to be here today. Hehehe. And Brandon's like, well, which of these looks could you see walking down a runway today?
Starting point is 01:13:02 And he goes, none. Okay, well, well, if you had to choose one if they were like Nina you have to put someone on the cover of L magazine Why why are you asking me like why could it be someone else? Because you get the most bothered by this. No, I'm not bother. I'll screw you screw you Yeah, you said it Okay, let's bring them in here. Now listen, the winning look gave us a glimpse into the future and let me tell you, Christian Cereano is in platform shoes and he's completely bald, by the way. Now the
Starting point is 01:13:37 winner is Bishmeme. They're like, oh my god, yeah! And he's like, it feels really good, but I'm trying not to be a bit worried about it. Yeah, I'm trying to get somewhere to show a collection. Thank you. So then they're like, okay, Prajay and Karassan, we appreciate you delivering an impressive runway moments tonight. Impressive as in, wow, I can't believe someone had the balls to drag me away from my television in the rain to make me watch this crap.
Starting point is 01:14:09 That was impressive that you tried that. You tried it. Well, unfortunately, one of you will be going home. Karasan, let's start with project project. This was dated. I didn't really get the snake. I didn't love the snake story. Would have preferred more trauma from the snake.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Kerasan, yours looked a little like a fairy tale, not in a great way. And you gave us a story about foster kids. Unfortunately, the foster kids have a happy ending because you gave them a charity. And for that reason, I'm sending you and your happy kids, your happy ending foster children home. Goodbye, Carisson. Get the fuck out of my face with your happy endings. Bye. Hey, you.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Brandon's like, Carisson, I just want to say one thing before we send you back off to obscurity. Thank you for inspiring my successful career with your much less successful career. I owe so much of my journey to first my mother and then to various character actresses and finally to you a little bit. So I hate to see you go, but I'm glad that we got to see you make terrible things for us today. Okay. So much. I'm super bummed that she is going home. I think this is completely unfair. Her dress was way better, even the craziness and the cape.
Starting point is 01:15:27 I get that part was crazy, but when she took that off and showed just the dress, I thought it was very beautiful comparatively. That just, I was in a rush. I think she's made overall, she's made way so many fewer mistakes. I thought this was bad. I think my project should have gone home last, well no, actually I really just liked last week's. made so many fewer mistakes, I thought this was bad.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I thought projesse of gone home last, well no, actually I really just liked last weeks. And this was really bad, but I thought projesse was really bad, like I would not have been upset with it going in the week before I also thought that he should have gone home. So I, and I thought that his was worse than carousel. Even though the jacket was goofy, I agree.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I thought the thing underneath it was a redemptive enough to edge out the wind there, but they just, I don't know. So she tells a nice story though. I love her. Yeah, it would have also been great. Like, you know, like she was season one if she came back to win season 20 would have been great, but yeah, I know. She does a story for the season one chick, man.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Yeah, and she tells a lovely story about how her mom loved Project Runway, and then she was talking with her mom in the sofa like, she had to do it, I'm going to do the show, and then two weeks later, her mom died. So she felt like this was like her mom's doing. So it was really, really lovely, et cetera. Oh gosh. Well, everybody, thanks for being here for the little project Runway. We did Project project runway this week because we wanted to keep up with it,
Starting point is 01:16:47 but it also means one has to go for the week. So we are sending crappy like to the back of the line this week. We will be doing the season finale next week. I think, didn't we say that? What did we say to the world? That's a season finale. So I'm sure we'll cover it.
Starting point is 01:17:04 So we might not be back for Project Runway next week, but we really do love keeping up with this show. What a great show. And it's so cool that in season 20, it's still so good. Yeah. And we also have Atlanta. We have a recap of Atlanta that we'll be up later. So everyone, thanks so much for listening and for watching
Starting point is 01:17:25 and for Bueller for finally waking up. Hello, I mean, he's only like to start the podcast and he's sleeping and watching. We're like, God, you know, this shows doing so great and then Bueller starts licking his wiener. My great, great timing, dude. That's a sign. So everyone, thanks very much.
Starting point is 01:17:40 We'll catch you the next one. Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors Know your worth with Jason Kurt. Ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley Savoni. She don't take nobel Oni she's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniela itchle Aaron McNickolas. She don't miss no trickleess. She's never scary. It's the green fairy Hava Nagila Weber
Starting point is 01:18:03 Jamie she has no last namey. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Kristen the Piston Anderson. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. You're never alone with Lacey Montellone. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarasovia can't solve you.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Ruh-ru-lu-ru. The Bay Area Beaches. Beaches. And our super premium sponsors. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Erica, 500 days of summers. She's the Queen Bee. It's Sarah Lemke. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Can't have a meal without the Emily side. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. We want a hang with Liz Lang. Shannon out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tim LePlan. She ain't no shrinking Violet Couture. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Your Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music. Download
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